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Published by Ng Sai Zheng, 2021-06-30 06:28:40

Endangered Animals - Giant Panda

Giant Panda

Endangered Animals

- Giant Panda

Hi everyone!
I‟m Panda

Giant Panda

A bear native to Southwest China
Characteristics :

a) Bold black and white coat and rotund body.

b) Black fur around their eyes and on their ears,

muzzle, legs and shoulders.

c) Adult pandas are about 4 feet.

d) 10cm to 15cm tail.

Good MI’mornBieniigBeevie!ryone,

Hello !I’m Bao Bao!


Panda Population Grows Nearly 17 Percent

(February 27, 2015)

It‟s good news for the furry black and white bear that has come to
symbolize wildlife conservation. China announced the results of its
Fourth National Giant Panda Survey, which WWF supported with
financial and technical expertise.

Wild Pandas Get a Boost (WWF Magazine

Spring 2017)

Wild panda numbers are finally rebounding after years of decline. In
September, the International Union for Conservation of Nature
announced that pandas have been upgraded from “endangered” to

Lifestyle of Giant Panda

i. Pandas live in bamboo forest, temperature broadleaf
and mixed forest of southwest China.

ii. Pandas is a carnivore but they usually eat bamboo and
other various plants.

iii. Pandas travel in small groups.
iv. Pandas communicate through scent markings, squeaks,

barks, huffs and growls.

Status of Giant Panda

• Giant panda is vulnerable.
• Back in 1980, there were as few as 1114 pandas in

China. In the recent survey in 2014, there were 1864

giant pandas in the wild. The number of pandas

increased due to the hard work of the Chinese

government, local communities, nature reserve staff

and WWF.


Habitat Loss - China‟s Yangtze Basin region holds the

panda‟s primary habitat. Infrastructure development

(construction) have destroyed panda populations,

preventing pandas from finding new bamboo forests.
Hunting - Some hunters hunt for pandas fur because

they believe sleeping on panda fur could ward off

ghosts. Some hunters set up some traps catching

deers or other wild animals but it will kill panda by


What WWF Do To Save Giant Pandas

• Increasing the area of panda habitat under
legal protection.

• Building local capacities for nature reserve.
• Patrolling against poaching, illegal logging,

and encroachment.
• Creating green corridors to link isolated


How we can help

1. Take Action
• Educate others
• Protect wildlife habitats
• Contact appropriate agencies when we see endangered

animals threatened

2. Adopt A Panda

• Make a symbolic panda adoption to help save pandas
• Support WWF‟s conservation efforts
• Donate to WWF in support of their global

conservation work.


Giant Panda is saved from endangered state to vulnerable
with the help of WWF, countries government and others
society. It‟s a good sign because we got giant panda back
from the road to extinction. Although it‟s not endangered
anymore, but we still need to protect giant pandas and
their habitats to ensure they live in good health and

Extinction of Wildlife Animals

There are numerous uncommon creatures found in Pakistan for instance Markhor, Mountain Weasel,
Black Bear, Forest Dormouse and snow Leopard. Our National creature is Markhor and it’s extremely
tragic to state that it is likewise in the rundown of jeopardized species. There are a few explanations for
the annihilation of untamed life and our country is absolutely unconscious about it. I need to locate the
valid and real purposes behind which there is colossal addition in the jeopardized creature species in
the ongoing years and this number is getting bigger on the consistent schedule. It is an ideal opportunity
to make individuals mindful about the jeopardized creatures in Pakistan and guide them about the
significance of untamed life and what measures ought to be taken for their shield. We can not just rely
upon government for this reason ;we ought to comprehend our very own job and begin accomplishing
something all alone
Wildlife-Pakistan, extinction, endangered-animals, poachers, save wild-life wildlife-species.
Literature Review
Untamed life termination is the issue of all around the globe including Pakistan however the thing that
matters is that no significant advances are being taken by Pakistani experts in the support of natural life.
Most importantly, government ought to quickly stop the issuance of the licenses since when you issue a
permit you can’t confine the quantities of creatures or winged creature a permit holder can chase.
Shahid (2012) stated, ‘The licenses don’t confine the quantity of creatures or fowls that can be chased.’
If licenses would be issued, no moves would be made against the seekers since this would enable them
to do chase lawfully.

We ought to likewise quit purchasing various things produced using the various pieces of
creatures. On the off chance that we would quit purchasing things which are produced using the
pieces of creatures, similar to creature skins which is generally utilized over the globe, this
would stop individuals who chase creatures to make various things and procure cash by offering
them. On the off chance that we wouldn’t, it would urge them to chase them and make more
things from their parts and they would make this their lasting wellspring of salary.
At the point when creatures travel towards human settlements, individuals are not left with some
other alternative in such a case that they’ll not slaughter the creature, without a doubt creature
would execute them or their animals. Individuals can’t bear the cost of the loss of their animals
in light of the fact that generally of them are poor and this is the main wellspring of their pay.
Domesticated animals likewise become the prey due to their shortcoming. They are feeble and
don’t have the power and capacity to safe themselves. Kabir, Ghoddousi, Awan, Awan (2013)
discovered, ‘Domesticated animals, because of their diminished enemy of savage abilities when
contrasted with wild herbivores, become particularly powerless against predation.’ As individuals
get more offices, they get simple access to untamed life creatures. They have most recent
weapons to chase creatures while creatures can just utilize their legs to run and to shield
themselves from the seekers. Not just this, increment in vehicles is legitimately identified with
the contamination. More vehicles mean more contamination. Contamination influences creature
environment and make their natural surroundings undesirable. They wouldn’t breath clean, they
wouldn’t eat clean and they wouldn’t drink clean.
Another fundamental reason is absence of instruction. Dominant part of individuals don’t know
about the insights and the reports, they continue chasing them for their childish wants, for

chasing for entertainment only. They should be taught on this issue. What’s more, there ought to
be appropriate association whom reason for existing is to just make mindfulness and stop the
elimination of natural life.
It is extremely important to make severe laws against unlawful chasing and chasing of
jeopardized creatures ought to be totally restricted. Just making laws isn’t an answer, the
primary concern is to placed law vigorously. Severe moves ought to be made against the
individuals who overstep laws and no support ought to be given, regardless of who ever the
individual is. This is the primary advance that we should take for the shield of untamed life.
Annihilation is the issue of all around the globe including Pakistan yet the thing that matters is
that no significant advances are being taken by Pakistani experts in the support of natural life.
As a matter of first importance, government ought to quickly stop the issuance of the licenses
since when you issue a permit you can’t limit the quantities of creatures or flying creature a
permit holder can chase. Shahid (2012) stated, ‘The licenses don’t confine the quantity of
creatures or feathered creatures that can be chased.’ If licenses would be issued, no moves
would be made against the seekers since this would enable them to do chase legitimately. We
ought to likewise quit purchasing various things produced using the various pieces of creatures.
In the event that we would quit purchasing things which are produced using the pieces of
creatures, similar to creature skins which is generally utilized over the globe, this would stop
individuals who chase creatures to make various things and gain cash by offering them. On the
off chance that we wouldn’t, it would urge them to chase them and make more things from their
parts and they would make this their lasting wellspring of salary.

At the point when creatures travel towards human settlements, individuals are not left with some
other alternative supposing that they’ll not execute the creature, without a doubt creature would
slaughter them or their animals. Individuals can’t bear the cost of the loss of their domesticated
animals in light of the fact that for the most part of them are poor and this is the main wellspring of
their pay. Animals likewise become the prey due to their shortcoming. They are frail and don’t have
the power and capacity to safe themselves. Kabir, Ghoddousi, Awan, Awan (2013) discovered,
‘Domesticated animals, because of their decreased enemy of ruthless abilities when contrasted with
wild herbivores, become particularly defenseless against predation.’ As individuals get more offices,
they get simple access to untamed life creatures. They have most recent weapons to chase
creatures while creatures can just utilize their legs to run and to shield themselves from the seekers.
Not just this, increment in vehicles is straightforwardly identified with the contamination. More
vehicles mean more contamination. Contamination influences creature living space and make their
natural surroundings unfortunate. They wouldn’t breath clean, they wouldn’t eat clean and they
wouldn’t drink clean.
Another primary reason is absence of training. Dominant part of individuals don’t know about the
measurements and the reports, they continue chasing them for their narrow minded wants, for
example, chasing for the sake of entertainment. They should be instructed on this issue. Also, there
ought to be legitimate association whom intention is to just make mindfulness and stop the
eradication of natural life.
It is important to make exacting laws against unlawful chasing and chasing of jeopardized creatures
ought to be totally restricted. Just making laws isn’t an answer, the primary concern is to placed law
energetically. Exacting moves ought to be made against the individuals who infringe upon laws and
no support ought to be given, regardless of who ever the individual is. This is the fundamental
advance that we should take for the defend of natural life. by selling IntroThis will stop the people
who are hunting animals .


Speeches are talks delivered by the presenter during formal or social occasions.

It is usually a speech on a topic to pass on information or advice to the audience.

Guidelines in Writing a Speech

• Start your speech with an opening line.
• In your opening line, greet your audience.
• You should greet them in order of importance. For example, you must greet your

principal first before your teacher and fellow students…
• After greeting, mention the topic of your speech.
• Then, write your speech in paragraphs.
• Organise the given points in sequence.
• You can add your own points.
• Support your points with details and examples.
• As it is a speech, you can use phrases like, „I‟m sure you will agree with me ...‟ or

„Do you have any questions?‟ to the audience.
• End your speech with a closing statement.
• You can thank your audience.

Do’s and Don’ts in a Speech Writing


 Start your speech with an opening line.
 Greet your audience in order of importance. Greet your principal first before

your teachers and fellow students.
 Write short paragraphs for the body of your speech
 End your speech with a closing statement. You can thank your audience.


 Don‟t plunge right into what you want to say without an opening line.
 Don‟t greet your audience in any way you wish. For instance, do not greet

your teachers and fellow students before your principal.
 Do not write long paragraphs for the body of your speech.
 Don‟t end your speech abruptly without a closing line. Don‟t forget to thank

your audience.

You attended a leadership workshop during the school
holidays.You have been asked to give a speech offering
tips on how to be a successful leader.

Use the notes below to write your speech.

• the right attitude - constructive, trustworthy
• good role model - inspire people, lead by example
• well-organised - plan well, set achievable goals
• speaks and thinks clearly - practise thinking skills, tackling problems

When writing the speech, you should remember to:

• greet the audience
• state the purpose of the speech
• use all the notes given
• give your own ideas when needed
• end your speech appropriately

Note: For your speech, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and
content points, and up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.

Model Answer

Good morning, our principal, teachers and friends. The title of my speech is “How To be a
Successful Leader . Being a successful leader is an achievable goal. This is because
successful leaders have several traits which can be identified and emulated.

Having the right attitude is the first step to help you be a successful leader. A good
leader possesses the right attitude. This means thinking of others in your team. You should
also be constructive and not negative all the time. A good leader must be trustworthy too.
The people around you should know that they can trust you enough to confide in you. As a
good leader, you should gain the confidence and trust of the people around you.

A successful leader is also a good role model. You should inspire people to do the
right thing and act well. Do not criticise others if they fail or do things differently. Instead,
lead by example. Do the right thing and act well so the people around you will be inspired
and determined to be a good leader too.

Next, a successful leader is a well-organised person. Therefore you should learn to
plan well. You should set goals which are achievable. Your team members will gain
confidence when they are able to achieve the goals you set. A well-made plan is easily
understood, so, being a good planner is a vital asset you need to help your team achieve
their goals.

Lastly, a successful leader speaks and thinks clearly. You must be clear on the
goals that you want to achieve and plan well so your team can achieve them. Practise your
thinking skills by tackling problems. When you think clearly in a tough situation, you will
be able to plan correctly and express yourself accurately so there is no room for

I hope with these tips, you will be able to foster and hone the skills required to be a
successful leader.

You’ve served WWF as a volunteer involved in helping conserve the
animal ‘chosen to be presented in your flip book.
As the president of WWF of you school, your teacher advisor has asked
you to give a speech to your club members on the conservation of the
animal chosen.
Using the notes you’ve gathered in your flipbook write a speech

A very good morning, our principal, teachers and my fellow friends. The title of my speech today
is “Rescue the Endangered Animals – Giant Panda”. I bet this animal is acknowledged by a lot of
people because this animal has been on the headline of many news.

First, let me introduce the fact of giant panda to you all. Giant Panda is a bear native to
southwest China. It’s body is covered with bold black and white coat and a rotund body shape.
Most of the time, it’s black fur is around their eyes and on their ears, muzzle, legs and shoulders.
Besides, an adult panda are about 4 feet tall and their tail can grow between 10cm to 15cm. It live
in the bamboo forest, broadleaf and mixed forest of southwest China.

How adorable panda is, why we still causing them endangered and going to the road of
extinction. The main cause of the number of pandas decreasing is habitat loss. China’s Yangtze
Basin region holds the panda’s primary habitat. Due to the infrastructure development at Yangtze,
it have destroyed panda populations, preventing pandas from finding new bamboo forests.
Besides, some hunters hunt for pandas fur. In the forest, some hunters set up traps to catch deers
or other wild animals. Pandas will accidentally walk on it and suffer to death.

Many operations made by World Wide Fund (WWF) and other society. They assemble and
work together to help giant panda. They communicated the Chinese government and gave some

suggestions increasing the area of panda habitat under legal protection. They also advise to build
local capacities for nature reserve to protect pandas’ habitat. Patrolling against poaching, illegal
logging, and encroachment should be strengthen. The patroller must stand by to pursuit the
illegal hunters. Besides, they also suggest creating green corridors to link isolated pandas. When
pandas live together, they will start breeding their next generations and increase the number of
pandas to prevent from extinction.

Everyone can lend a helping hand to protect these endangered animals from extinction. For
example, we can educate others by having a talk. We also need to take actions to protect their
habitats. We should contact appropriate agencies when we see giant panda is threatened or their
habitats is destroyed. If their habitats are not influenced, pandas will not extinct. Supporting
WWF is another good method. WWF is on a global conservation work to protect pandas. We
must support their effort and help them. Making a symbolic panda adoption can help WWF and
share to more peoples to let them notice about giant panda.

WWF has helped these endangered animals from past many of years. From 1974 to 1988,
numbers of panda had decreased about 1,300. With the help of WWF and the Chinese
government, numbers of pandas is increased and it’s starting to acknowledge the importance. I
hope this speech can help to save these endangered animals from extinction. Thank you.

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