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Published by Mandarin World Tours, 2015-12-10 19:56:26

Japan & Korea Brochure

Japan & Korea Brochure

Korea | Independent


Combination Tours

Combination Tours Wakkanai

Asahikawa Abashiri

Sapporo Obihiro

Japan & Korea Dreams [15 Days]

Seoul, Gongju, Buyeo, Andong, Tokyo, MtH.aFkuodjiat&e Kyoto

Introduction Map Mt. Sorak

This is a fantastic combination tour for visitors Seoul 2N IN Gangneung
who dream to visit Japan and Korea together in
one trip, as it highlights a number of the most Pyeongchang
important and most tempting cities of these
two highly-developed Asian countries, including 1N WAonkjuita
Seoul, Busan, Mt. Sorak, Gyeongju, Tokyo,
Hakone, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto, Nara and Osaka. Surprise Andong
yourself by these two fantastic countries’
unique culture, food, lifestyle, architecture, the Gongju Sendai
natural scenery and much more! Buyeo

Price [Fully Inclusive|Twin Share] Jeonju FukushimGyaeongju 1N

From $5,775 Departing Sydney and Brisbane 1N Gwangju Jinju
Flying Korean Air
per person Busan

Departing Perth, Melbourne and Suncheon
Adelaide 1N Yeosu

From $5,995 Flying Cathay Pacific. Adelaide Jindo 2N Tokyo
passenger may involve additional
per person domestic add on at extra cost Kyoto 2N
Osaka 1N Nara
Mt. Fuji 1N Hakone
Single Room Supplement Land Only Including Tipping N No. of nights
OUT Flight
From $1,250 FHrioromshi$m4a,675 Coach



Day 01: Australia - Seoul Day 07: Wonju - Pyeongchang - ancient capital at your own pace. Gion Conner Combination Tours
Gangneung - Mt.Sorak - Seoul [B] or Philosopher Path is highly recommended to
Depart for your overnight flight to Seoul. visit during your free time.
Breakfast at your hotel.Move to Pyeongchang -
Day 02: Arrive Seoul [B] the venue of 2018 Winter Olympic Games Day 13: Kyoto - Osaka [B]
(Alpensia Resort). Then move to nearby
Welcome to Seoul- the centre of politics, Gangneung, located between the Eastern sea Transfer to Osaka, after hotel check-in at
economy and culture in Korea. Upon arrival, and the mountain ridge, well-known for wide New Hankyu hotel or similar, enjoy your day
meet and transfer to Ramada hotel or similar pine forests, clean sandy beaches and crystal at leisure in Osaka or last minute shopping at
for overnight stay. blue sea. Visit Seongyojang Folklore Materials Shinsaibashi mall.
Pavilion (residence of noble class) as a typical
Day 03: Seoul - Gongju - Buyeo - mansion of the nobility in the late Joseon Day 14: Osaka - Australia [B]
Jeongju - Gwangju [B] dynasty (1392~1910), it is a valuable material
for studying the housing life in those days. After breakfast, free at your leisure until
This morning we depart Seoul for Gongju and Short drive to Sokcho Mt. Seorak National transfer to Kansai International Airport for
visit Gongsanseong Fortress, a 2.5 long Park, the peaks of the Seoraksan Mountains your flight back to Australia.
mountain castle, established during the Baekje break through the clouds while jade-like water
Dynasty Period (AD234-678), then move to flows through the valleys, creating breathtaking Day 15: Arrive Australia
Buyeo, an ancient capital of the Dynasty. Visit views and making this Korea’s most famous
Baekje Cultural Land where you will see a national park. Due to the many rare species Arrive home in the morning
palace, castle, cultural hall, etc. Proceed to found here, UNESCO designated this national
Jeonju to visit Jeonju Hanok Village including park a Biosphere Preservation District in 1982. Inclusions
about 700 traditional Korean houses called You may take a optional ride onCable car to
Hanok. Transfer to Gwangju, the leading city Gwongeumseong fortress, Move to Seoul in ■ Return international economy class airfares
of Honam region and birthplace of a modern the late afternoon and overnight at Ramada ■ Current Airline Fuel levy - Subject to Change
democratic movement in Korea. Stay overnight hotel or similar. ■ Internal flight and taxes
at Gwangju Prado Hotel or similar ■ Deluxe accommodation w/ daily breakfast
Day 08: Seoul - Tokyo [B] ■ All transportation, daily tours and
Day 04: Gwangju - Suncheon -
Yeosu [B] After breakfast, start your have day tour city admission fees
tour including Gyeongbokgung Palace,built in ■ Bullet train tickets in Japan
Breakfast at your hotel. Start your City Tour 1394, the first five royal palaces during Joseon ■ English speaking local guide
and visit Asia Munwha Maru for a Hub City of Dynasty (1392~1910), The Royal Guard ■ A MW Tours travel wallet
Asian Culture and Street of Arts. Move to Changing Ceremony, Blue House photo stop,
Suncheon where you will visit Songgwangsa National Folk Museum, Korean Ginseng Centre, Exclusions
Temple and Suncheon Bay is most famous for Afternoon free until transfer to airport for your
its vast reed fields, the largest of its kind flight to Tokyo. On arrival, you will be met by ■ Travel insurance
within the nation. Later transfer to nearby city our representative and transfer to Grand Prince ■ Tipping for guide and driver
Yeosu, a port city and look around the Fish New Takanawa hotel or similar for 2 nights stay. ■ Meals
Market and sightseeing of Industrial Complex ■ Personal expenditures
night scene. Check into hotel and enjoy your Day 09: Tokyo [B] ■ Shoulder and peak season surcharge
leisure time . Stay the Ocean Resort or similar
After breakfast, start your Tokyo Morning Departure Dates
Day 05: Yeosu - Jinju - Busan - Tour include visit to Meiji Shrine, Tokyo Tower,
Gyeongju [B] Imperial Palace East Garden, visit Ginza district Depart Australia
where our tour disbands for lunch and free Every Friday
Breakfast at your hotel. Move to Jinju and time shopping. Return to your accommodation
see Jinjuseong Castle – Chokseoknu edifice by metro on your own. Moderate Paced
historically linked to Japanese invasion in 1592.
Proceed to Busan. On arrival, start Busan City Day 10: Tokyo - Mt.Fuji - Hakone Moderate Paced tour may include longer
Tour from Jagalchi Fishery Market, Lorea’s [B|L] period tour on foot and climbing stairs
largest seafood market where you will have free as well as longer driving period.
time for lunch and wondering around the market. Your main suitcase will be transferred directly
Later Transfer to Gyeongju Move to Gyeongju, a from Tokyo to Kyoto. You travel with just MWT Suggestions
museum without walls. In 57 BC, around when an overnight bag for your night in Hakone.
Julius Caesar was subduing Gaul, it became the Proceed to Mt.Fuji by train and join our Hakone Why not stop in Hong Kong
capital of the Shilla Dynasty and remained so Tour visiting Owakudani Boiling Valley, take during the transit before or after
for about 1000 years. Gyeongju preserves a vast Hakone Ropeway to the mountain top, Boat your adventure if you are flying
amount of significant and fascinating historical Cruise on Lake Ashi. After the tour, you will be Cathay Pacific? Please contact
heritage. Overnight at Gyeongju Concord Hotel transferred to Hakone Palace hotel or similar. our reservation for details on
or similar Enjoy hot spring facility in your Ryokan resort our Hong Kong packages and
tonight! stopover options.
Day 06: Gyeongju - Andong - Wonju
[B] Day 11: Hakone - Kyoto - Nara - 52
Kyoto [B]
Breakfast at your hotel. Gyeongju City Tour
include Bulguksa Temple (UNESCO world Transfer to Odawara and take bullet train to
heritage) – The beauty of the temple itself and Kyoto in 2.5 hours. On arrival, walk to your
artistic touch of the stone relics are as accommodation next to the station New
awesome and fascinating as to be highly Miyako Kyoto for 2 nights stay. Enjoy Nara
praised by visitors from all over the world. afternoon Tour including Todaiji Temple with
Move to Andong then visit Hahoe Folk Village Great Buddha, Kasuga Shrine and Nara Park
which has preserved the housing architecture
and the village structure of the Joseon Dynasty. Day 12: Kyoto [B]
Move to Wonju decorated with the Chiaksan
Mountain and the Seom River that circles the After breakfast, enjoy Kyoto Morning Tour
area, and as the capital of Gangwon Province including Nijo Castle, Golden Pavilion, Kyoto
for 500 years during the Joseon Dynasty, it Imperial Palace and Kyoto Handicraft Centre.
maintains rich tradition and cultural relics. Stay Afternoon free at your leisure to explore this
Wonju Interborgo Hotelor similar


Combination Tours Asahikawa Abashiri

Sapporo Obihiro

Highlights of Japan and Taiwan

[15 Days] Hakodate

Tokyo, Mt Fuji, Hakone, Kyoto, Osaka, Taipei & Kenting

Introduction Map Taipei 2N

Experience Japan all its glory on a tour allowing N No. of nights Akita
you to view and take part in some of the country’s Flight
most authentic traditions. Japan has so much Coach
to offer, the famous festivals and cultural events Train
throughout the year, the unique, healthy & delicate
Japanese food, the beauty of the changing Taroko Gorge
seasons. Taiwan also offer the tourist with 1N Hualien
natural beauty, rare wildlife, modern cities, Nantou
ethnic diversity, arts and cultures, intriguing folk
traditions and tantalising food. This amazing OUT Sun Moon Lake 1N
cultural and scenic tour combination is the
perfect destination for you. Sendai



Kaohsiung 1N 1N Chihpen

Price [Fully Inclusive|Twin Share]


From $4,985 Departing Sydney, Melbourne, Tokyo 2N
Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth
per person IN
Flying Cathay Pacific. Adelaide
passenger may involve additional Mt. Fuji 1N Hakone
domestic add on at extra cost

Single Room Supplement Land Only Including Tipping Kyoto 2N
Osaka 1N Nara

From $1,085 FHrioromshi$m3a,885

Day 01: Australia - Tokyo Day 03: Tokyo [B] Day 04: Tokyo - Mt.Fuji - Hakone [B]
Enjoy your overnight flighFtutokTuokoyko.a
After breakfast, start your Tokyo Morning Tour Your main suitcase will be transferred directly
Day 02: Arrive Tokyo Saga include visit to Meiji Shrine, Tokyo Tower , from Tokyo to Kyoto. You travel with just
Imperial Palace East Garden, visit Ginza where an overnight bag for your night in Hakone.
Arrive at Tokyo, you will be met by our our tour disbands for free time shopping. Proceed to Mt.Fuji by train and join our Hakone
representative and helped to board an airport Return to your accommodation on your own . Tour visiting Owakudani Boiling Valley, take
bus to Grand Prince New Takanawa hotel or Hakone Ropeway to the mountain top, Boat
similar for 2 nights stay.


Cruise on Lake Ashi. After the tour, you will be find a huge Buddha statue. Continuously, we will Combination Tours
transferred to Hakone Palace hotel or similar drive to Kaohsiung City, which is the second
for overnight stay. Enjoy hot spring facility in largest city of Taiwan. The tour will take you to Inclusions
your Ryokan resort tonight! Former British Consulate, Love River and Lio
Ho Night Market. Overnight stay at 5*Grand ■ Return international economy class airfares
Day 05: Hakone - Kyoto - Nara - Hi-Lai Hotel, Kaohsiung or similar ■ Current Airline Fuel levy - Subject to Change
Kyoto [B] ■ Internal flight and taxes
Day 11: Kaoshiung - Kenting - ■ Deluxe accommodation w/ daily breakfast
Transfer to Odawara and take bullet train to Chihpen Hot Spring [B] ■ All transportation, daily tours and
Kyoto in 2.5 hours. Make your own way to your
accommodation near the station-New Miyako Morning tour to Kenting National Park, located admission fees
Hotel or similar for 2 nights stay. Enjoy Nara at Taiwan’s southern tip and the 37 miles of ■ Bullet train tickets in Japan
afternoon Tour including Todaiji Temple with coral-rimmed shoreline along three sides of ■ Luggage transfer during the train ride
Great Buddha , Kasuga Shrine and Nara Park the park provide its main attractions. Stops ■ English speaking local guide
will be made at Eluanbi light house, Maobitou ■ A MW Tours travel wallet
Day 06: Kyoto [B] coastal scenic area and Longpan Park.
Continuously we will drive to Taitung via Exclusions
Kyoto Morning Tour including Nijo Castle, Southern Link Highway. Enjoy natural hot
Golden Pavilion, Kyoto Imperial Palace and spring at your Hotel. Royal Chihpen Taitung ■ Travel insurance
Kyoto Handicraft Centre. Afternoon free at your (5*) or similar ■ Tipping for guide and driver
leisure to explore this ancient capital at your ■ Meals
own pace. Gion Conner or Philosopher Path is Day 12: Taitung - East Coast Scenic ■ Personal expenditures
highly recommended to visit during your free Area - Hualien [B] ■ Shoulder and peak season surcharge
After breakfast, it will be an exciting East Coast Departure Dates
Day 07: Kyoto - Osaka [B] Tour. The East Coast National Scenic Area,
known as “Taiwan’s last unspoiled land”, Depart Australia
Transfer to Osaka after breakfast and enjoy stretches 170 kilometers down the east Every Sunday
your day at leisure in Osaka. Overnight stay at coast of the island. Weathering, erosion and
New Hankyu hotel or similar accumulation have produced a wide range of Moderate Paced
landforms here. Our tour will stop at Xiaoyeliu,
Day 08: Osaka - Taipei [B] Sanxiantai, Shitiping (Stone Steps), marble Moderate Paced tour may include longer
factory and showroom. Late afternoon, we period tour on foot and climbing stairs
After breakfast, free at your leisure until transfer will proceed to Hualien for overnight stay at 5* as well as longer driving period.
to Kansai International Airport for your flight to Silks Place Taroko or similar
Taipei. Welcome to Taiwan! Upon arrival, meet MWT Suggestions
and transfer to Howard Plaza hotel Taipei hotel Day 13: Hualien - Taroko Gorge -
or similar for overnight stay. Taipei [B] Why not stop in Hong Kong
during the transit before or after
Day 09: Taipei - Nantou - Sun Moon After breakfast, we will make a visit to Taroko your adventure if you are flying
Lake [B] National Park. Taroko Gorge is an exceptionally Cathay Pacific? Please contact
beautiful, narrow raving created by the Liwu our reservation for details on
Welcome to Taiwan. Upon arrival, meet and river which has cut deep into the mountains of our Hong Kong packages and
transfer by our local guide and then start your solid marble. A road carved into sheer walls of stopover options.
journey to the Sun Moon Lake。 The area around rock rewinding its way past forested peaks and
the Sun Moon Lake is home to the Thao tribe, cliffs towering thousands of feet above it,
one of aboriginal tribes in Taiwan. Sun Moon while hundreds of feet below a river roars past
Lake surrounds a tiny island called Lalu. You gigantic marble boulders. Passing by Tunnel
will be on a bus tour to travel around the Lake of Nine Turns, Ci Mu Bridge, stops will be
and visit the Wenwu Temple also known as made at Swallow Grotto, Changchun Temple
Literature-Warrior Temple, dedicated to and Shakadang Trail. We will then drive back
Confucius as Master of Pen and to Kuan Ti as to Taipei with a stop at Qingshui Cliff, drive
Master of Sword, Holy Monk Shrine and Ci En through Syue-Shan Long Tunnel (12.9 Kms)
Pagoda. After touring round Sun Moon Lake, to arrive at around 6 PM. Check in at 5*
check in hotel. Enjoy natural hot spring at the Howard Plaza Hotel for overnight stay.
Fleur de Chine Hotel, Sun Moon Lake. You can
also enjoy the walking trails, biking, hiking or Day 14: Taipei - Australia [B]
boating at the lake. Overnight stay at 5* Fleur De
Chine Sun Moon Lake After breakfast, morning tour of Taipei City,
includes the impressive C.K.S. Memorial Hall,
Day 10: Sun Moon Lake - Kaohsiung National Palace Museum where 5,000 years
[B] of Chinese Imperial arts and jade collections
are exhibited, Martyrs’ Shrine of traditional
Breakfast at hotel, then we will drive to Fo architecture and Taipei Handicraft Centre.
Guang Shan Buddhist Monastery, the most Later afternoon, transfer to airport for your
famous Buddhist sacred place of southern Tai- flight back to Australia
wan. Here you will learn about Buddhism dur-
ing the monastery walking tour, and there will Day 15: Arrive Australia
be chance to taste Buddhist vegetarian lunch
(at your own cost) and communicate with Arrive home in the morning with unforgettable
some of the monks, nuns during the visit to the memory of Japan and Taiwan
Main Shrine, Great Buddha Land where you will


Combination Tours Discover Taiwan & Korea [15 Days]

Taipei, Sun Moon Lake, Kaohsiung, Kenting, Hualien, Seoul,
Yeosu, Gongju, Buyeo, Jeonju, Gyeongju & Busan

Introduction Map 2N Taipei

Fantastic combination with these two distinctive N No. of nights
destinations, your luxury tour start with high Flight
class hotels all the way and incomparable scenery Coach
and culture within Korea and Taiwan. Join us on
this creative tour to see the best of the best that IN
Korea & Taiwan have to offer.

Sun Moon Lake 1N

Kaohsiung 2N

3N Seoul Kenting
Mt. Sorak


1N Wonju

Price [Fully Inclusive|Twin Share]

Departing Sydney, Melbourne, OUT Gongju
Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth Buyeo
From $4,985 Gyeongju 1N
Flying Cathay Pacific. Adelaide Jeonju
per person passenger may involve additional
domestic add on at extra cost

Single Room Supplement Land Only Including Tipping 1N Gwangju Jinju

From $1,085 From $3,885 Busan

1N Yeosu

Day 01: Australia - Taipei Jindo Day 03: Taipei - Sun Moon Lake [B]

Enjoy your overnight flight from Australia to afterwards. You will be driving pass by the Pick up from hotel and coach to Nantou, visit
Taipei. Meal on board. Presidential Office Building Chiang Kai- Shek Puli ( a cultural& artistic heaven) , your Sun
Memorial Hall (Taiwan Democracy Memorial Moon Lake Tour include visit to Wen Wu
Day 02: Arrival Taipei [B] Hall), Martyrs’ Shrine also named War Memorial, Temple, Tehua Village, Tse-En Pagoda and
National Palace Museum, Chinese Temple Holy Monk Shrine. Overnight at Del Lago, Sun
Welcome to Taipei! Upon arrival, meet and and Handicraft Centre. In the late afternoon MoonJLeajuke or similar
transfer to Howard Plaza hotel or similar you can visit Shilin night market and enjoy the
for overnight stay. Enjoy half day city tour night of Taipei at your own pace.


Day 04: Sun Moon Lake - Kaohsiung Combination Tours

Proceed to Lukang historical and cultural town,

Proceed to Kaohsiung for 2 nights stay at

Garden Villa or similar

Day 05: Kaohsiung - Kenting -
Kaohsiung [B]

After breakfast. Move to Maopitou and visit

Oluanpi Light House, Kenting Park, back to

Kaohsiung for overnight stay

Day 06: Kaohsiung - Taipei [B] Day 11: Gyeongju - Andong - Wonju [B] Inclusions

Enjoy your morning city Tour in Kaohsiung Gyeongju City Tour in the morning include ■ Return international economy class airfares
including visit to Cheng Ching Lake,Spring & Bulguksa Temple (UNESCO world heritage) ■ Current Airline Fuel levy - Subject to Change
Autumn Pavilions, Former British Consulate, Move to Andong then visit Hahoe Folk Village ■ Internal flight and taxes
Late afternoon back to Taipei by Bus/Train which has preserved the housing architecture ■ Deluxe accommodation w/ daily breakfast
and the village structure of the Joseon Dynasty. ■ All transportation, daily tours and
Day 07: Taipei - Seoul [B] Move to Wonju decorated with the Chiaksan
Mountain and the Seom River that circles the admission fees
Enjoy your half day tour to Chiufen village area, and as the capital of Gangwon Province ■ Bullet train tickets in Japan
and Northeast coast. After lunch, Free at your for 500 years during the Joseon Dynasty, it ■ Luggage transfer during the train ride
leisure, you can use our complimentary MRT maintains rich tradition and cultural relics. Stay ■ English speaking local guide
ticket to travel around. Later transfer to airport Wonju Interborgo Hotel or similar ■ A MW Tours travel wallet
for your flight to Seoul the centre of politics,
economy and culture in Korea. Upon arrival, Day 12: Wonju - Pyeongchang - Exclusions
meet and transfer to Ramada hotel or similar Gangneung - Mt.Sorak - Seoul [B]
for overnights stay. ■ Travel insurance
This morning move to Pyeongchang - the ■ Tipping for guide and driver
Day 08: Seoul - Gongju - Buyeo - venue of 2018 Winter Olympic Games. Then ■ Meals
Jeongju - Gwangju [B] move to nearby Gangneung, located between ■ Personal expenditures
the Eastern sea and the mountain ridge, ■ Shoulder and peak season surcharge
This morning we depart Seoul for Gongju and well-known for wide pine forests, clean sandy
visit Gongsanseong Fortress, then move to beaches and crystal blue sea. Visit Seongyojang Departure Dates
Buyeo, an ancient capital of Korea. Visit Baekje Folklore Materials Pavilion (residence of
Cultural Land where you will see a palace, castle, noble class) Short drive to Sokcho Mt. Seorak Depart Australia
cultural hall, etc. Proceed to Jeonju to visit National Park listed as UNESCo world heritage. Every Sunday
Jeonju Hanok Village showcases 700 traditional You may take an optional ride on Cable car
Korean houses called Hanok. Transfer to to Gwongeumseong fortress if time permits. Moderate Paced
Gwangju and check in at Gwangju Prado Hotel Move to Seoul in the late afternoon and check
or similar in at Ramada hotel or similar Moderate Paced tour may include longer
period tour on foot and climbing stairs
Day 09: Gwangju - Suncheon - Day 13: DMZ [B|L] as well as longer driving period.
Yeosu [B]
Travel by coach to the DMZ where you will visit MWT Suggestions
Start your City Tour and visit Asia Munwha the 3rd Infiltration Tunnel, Dora Observatory
Maru for a Hub City of Asian Culture and Street and the Unification village. In Imjinkak we Why not stop in Hong Kong
of Arts. Move to Suncheon where you will visit visit Freedom Bridge and the Peace Bell. After during the transit before or after
Songgwangsa Temple and Suncheon Bay. Later lunch, drop you off at Itaewon street where your adventure if you are flying
transfer to nearby city Yeosu and visit local Fish you can have your own time for shopping. Cathay Pacific? Please contact
market and sightseeing of Industrial Complex Overnight in Seoul our reservation for details on
night scene. Check into hotel and enjoy your our Hong Kong packages and
leisure time. Stay Yeosu The Ocean Resort or Day 14: Seoul - Australia [B] stopover options.
After breakfast, start your have day tour city
Day 10: Yeosu - Jinju - Busan - tour including Gyeongbokgung Palace, built in
Gyeongju [B] 1394, the first five royal palaces during Joseon
Dynasty (1392~1910), The Royal Guard
After breakfast, transfer to Jinju and see Jinju- Changing Ceremony, Blue House photo stop,
seong Castle – Chokseoknu edifice historically National Folk Museum, Korean Ginseng Centre,
linked to Japanese invasion in 1592. Proceed Afternoon free until transfer to airport for your
to Busan. On arrival, start Busan City Tour from flight home.
Jagalchi Fishery Market - largest seafood mar-
ket where you will have free time for lunch Day 15: Arrive Australia
and wondering around. Later transfer to
Gyeongju-a museum without walls.Gyeongju Arrive home in the morning.
preserves a vast amount of significant and
fascinating historical heritage. Overnight at
Gyeongju Concord Hotel or similar



Combination Tours Asahikawa Abashiri

Sapporo Obihiro

Essence of Japan, Taiwan &

Hong Kong [18 Days]

Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Osaka, Taipei, Kenting, TaituHnakgod&ateHong Kong

Introduction Map Taipei 2N

Visit the golden route of Japan and experience N No. of nights Akita
Japanese cultural & history, sample the healthy Flight
& delicate Japanese food and enjoy the beauty Coach Taroko Gorge
of the changing seasons. While in Taiwan travel 1N Hualien
around this beautiful Formosa and eat as locals Hong Kong 3N Nantou
in the bustling night markets and be captivated Sun Moon Lake 1N
by the authentic Chinese culture and tradition.
Then treat yourself with a stopover in Hong Sendai
Kong. You can either shop till you drop, enjoy
the variety of local delicacies or simply immerse FukushimaTaitung
yourself on the double decker sightseeing bus.
How can you not be tempted to travel on this Kaohsiung 1N 1N Chihpen
magic tour with so much delights on offer in
each country? OUT Kenting

Price [Fully Inclusive|Twin Share]

From $5,785 Departing Sydney, Melbourne, Tokyo 2N
Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth
per person IN
Flying Cathay Pacific. Adelaide
passenger may involve additional Mt. Fuji 1N Hakone
domestic add on at extra cost

Single Room Supplement Land Only Including Tipping Kyoto 2N
Osaka 1N Nara
From $1,395 FHrioromshi$m4a,685

Day 01: Australia - Tokyo Day 03: Tokyo [B] Day 04: Tokyo - Mt.Fuji - Hakone [B]
Enjoy your overnight fligFhut tkouTookkyoa.
After breakfast, start your Tokyo Morning Tour Your main suitcase will be transferred directly
Day 02: Arrive Tokyo Saga include visit to Meiji Shrine, Tokyo Tower , from Tokyo to Kyoto. You travel with just
Imperial Palace East Garden, visit Ginza where an overnight bag for your night in Hakone.
Arrive at Tokyo, you will be met by our our tour disbands for free time shopping. Proceed to Mt.Fuji by train and join our Hakone
representative and helped to board an airport Return to your accommodation on your own. Tour visiting Owakudani Boiling Valley, take
bus to Grand Prince New Takanawa hotel or Hakone Ropeway to the mountain top, Boat
similar for 2 nights stay. Cruise on Lake Ashi. After the tour, you will be


transferred to Hakone Palace hotel or similar Day 11: Kaoshiung - Kenting - Day 17: Hong Kong - Australia [B] Combination Tours
for overnight stay. Enjoy hot spring facility in Chihpen Hot Spring [B]
your Ryokan resort tonight! After breakfast, free at your leisure until later
Morning tour to Kenting National Park, located afternoon transfer to airport for your flight
Day 05: Hakone - Kyoto - Nara - at Taiwan’s southern tip and the 37 miles of back to Australia.
Kyoto [B] coral-rimmed shoreline along three sides of
the park provide its main attractions. Stops Day 18: Arrive Australia
Transfer to Odawara and take bullet train to will be made at Eluanbi light house, Maobitou
Kyoto in 2.5 hours. Make your own way to your coastal scenic area and Longpan Park. Arrive home in the morning
accommodation near the station-New Miyako Continuously we will drive to Taitung via
Hotel or similar for 2 nights stay. Enjoy Nara Southern Link Highway. Enjoy natural hot
afternoon Tour including Todaiji Temple with spring at your Hotel. Royal Chihpen Taitung
Great Buddha, Kasuga Shrine and Nara Park (5*) or similar

Day 06: Kyoto [B] Day 12: Taitung - East Coast Scenic
Area - Hualien [B]
Kyoto Morning Tour including Nijo Castle,
Golden Pavilion, Kyoto Imperial Palace and After breakfast, it will be an exciting East Coast
Kyoto Handicraft Centre. Afternoon free at your Tour. The East Coast National Scenic Area,
leisure to explore this ancient capital at your known as “Taiwan’s last unspoiled land”,
own pace. Gion Conner or Philosopher Path is stretches 170 kilometers down the east
highly recommended to visit during your free coast of the island. Weathering, erosion and
time. accumulation have produced a wide range of
landforms here. Our tour will stop at Xiaoyeliu,
Day 07: Kyoto - Osaka [B] Sanxiantai, Shitiping (Stone Steps), marble
factory and showroom. Late afternoon, we
Transfer to Osaka after breakfast and enjoy will proceed to Hualien for overnight stay at 5*
your day at leisure in Osaka. Overnight stay at Silks Place Taroko or similar
New Hankyu hotel or similar

Day 08: Osaka - Taipei [B] Day 13: Hualien - Taroko Gorge - Inclusions
Taipei [B]
After breakfast, free at your leisure until transfer ■ Return international economy class airfares
to Kansai International Airport for your flight to After breakfast, we will make a visit to Taroko ■ Current Airline Fuel levy - Subject to Change
Taipei. Welcome to Taiwan! Upon arrival, meet National Park. Taroko Gorge is an exceptionally ■ Internal flight and taxes
and transfer to Howard Plaza hotel Taipei hotel beautiful, narrow raving created by the Liwu ■ Deluxe accommodation w/ daily breakfast
or similar for overnight stay. river which has cut deep into the mountains of ■ All transportation, daily tours and
solid marble. A road carved into sheer walls of
Day 09: Taipei - Nantou - Sun Moon rock rewinding its way past forested peaks and admission fees
Lake [B] cliffs towering thousands of feet above it, ■ Bullet train tickets in Japan
while hundreds of feet below a river roars past ■ English speaking local guide
After breakfast, start your journey to the Sun gigantic marble boulders. Passing by Tunnel ■ A MW Tours travel wallet
Moon Lak. The area around the Sun Moon of Nine Turns, Ci Mu Bridge, stops will be
Lake is home to the Thao tribe, one of aborigi- made at Swallow Grotto, Changchun Temple Exclusions
nal tribes in Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake surrounds and Shakadang Trail. We will then drive back
a tiny island called Lalu. You will be on a bus to Taipei with a stop at Qingshui Cliff, drive ■ Travel insurance
tour to travel around the Lake and visit the through Syue-Shan Long Tunnel (12.9 Kms) ■ Tipping for guide and driver
Wenwu Temple also known as Literature- to arrive at around 6 PM. Check in at 5* ■ Meals
Warrior Temple, dedicated to Confucius as Howard Plaza Hotel for overnight stay. ■ Personal expenditures
Master of Pen and to Kuan Ti as Master of ■ Shoulder and peak season surcharge
Sword, Holy Monk Shrine and Ci En Pagoda. Day 14: Taipei - Hong Kong [B]
After touring round Sun Moon Lake, check in Departure Dates
hotel. Enjoy natural hot spring at the Fleur de After breakfast, morning tour of Taipei City,
Chine Hotel, Sun Moon Lake. You can also includes the impressive C.K.S. Memorial Hall, Depart Australia
enjoy the walking trails, biking, hiking or boating National Palace Museum where 5,000 years Every Sunday
at the lake. Overnight stay at 5* Fleur De Chine of Chinese Imperial arts and jade collections
Sun Moon Lake are exhibited, Martyrs’ Shrine of traditional Moderate Paced
architecture and Taipei Handicraft Centre.
Day 10: Sun Moon Lake - Kaohsiung Later afternoon, transfer to airport for your Moderate Paced tour may include longer
[B] flight to Hong Kong, Meet and greet then period tour on foot and climbing stairs
transfer to your downtown hotel for 3 nights stay as well as longer driving period.
Breakfast at hotel, then we will drive to Fo Guang
Shan Buddhist Monastery, the most famous Day 15: Hong Kong [B]
Buddhist sacred place of southern Taiwan.
Here you will learn about Buddhism during Enjoy your free day in Hongkong. Shop till you
the monastery walking tour, and there will be drop or simply wandering along the Victoria
chance to taste Buddhist vegetarian lunch (at Harbour, take some photos at Golden Bauhinia
your own cost) and communicate with some Square, enjoy a boat ride at Aberdeen fishing
of the monks, nuns during the visit to the Main village, travel by Star ferry to the other side of
Shrine, Great Buddha Land where you will find a the city or simply have a Double Decker bus
huge Buddha statue. Continuously, we will drive ride, enjoy delicious Cantonese yum cha and
to Kaohsiung City, which is the second largest cuisine at your own pace.
city of Taiwan. The tour will take you to Former
British Consulate, Love River and Lio Ho Night Day 16: Hong Kong [B|L]
Market. Overnight stay at 5*Grand Hi-Lai Hotel,
Kaohsiung or similar Full day tour. Visit beautiful Cheung Sha
Beach, Ngong Ping Village, one way Sky Rail to
Lantau Island, see Giant Buddha, tour the Po
Lin Monasery and enjoy Chinese Vegetarian
Lunch. Transfer back to your hotel after tour finish.



Japan, Korea & Taiwan Triple
Combination Tours Indulgence [20 Days] Asahikawa

Seoul, Taipei, Buyeo, Andong, Tokyo, Mt. Fuji & Kyoto

Sapporo Obihiro

Introduction Map

This 20 days creative combination tour takes N No. of nights 2N Taipei
you to visit Asia’s most related and developed Flight
region of Japan, Korea and Taiwan. It is operated Coach IN
as half independenHtatokoudr aoftfeers great value for Train
money and flexibility with guaranteed weekly

departures. You will experience and enjoy the

beauty of Asia by visiting Taipei, Sun moon lake, Sun Moon Lake 1N

Kaoksiung, Kenting, Seoul, Gwangju Busan,

Gyeongju, Andong, Mt. Sorak, Tokyo, Mt.Fuji,

Hakone, Nara, Kyoto and Osaka city!

Akita Kaohsiung 2N

Price [Fully Inclusive|Twin Share]

From $6,895 Departing Sydney, Melbourne, Kenting
Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth Mt. Sorak
per person
Flying Cathay Pacific. Adelaide Gangneung
2N Seoul Pyeongchang
1N Wonju
Single Room Supplement FuLaknudsOhnilmy Inacluding Tipping

From $1,550 From $5,795

Tokyo 2N Gongju
Gyeongju 1N
Mt. Fuji
1N Hakone

Kyoto 2N 1N Gwangju Jinju Busan
Osaka 1N Nara Suncheon

OUT 1N Yeosu

Day 01: Australia - Taipei afterwards. You will be driving pass by thJeindo Day 03: Taipei - Sun Moon Lake [B]
Presidential Office Building Chiang Kai- Shek
Enjoy your overnight flight from Australia to Memorial Hall (Taiwan Democracy Memorial Pick up from hotel and coach to Nantou, visit
Taipei. Meal on board. Hall), Martyrs’ Shrine also named War Memorial, Puli ( a cultural& artistic heaven) , your Sun
National Palace Museum, Chinese Temple Moon Lake Tour include visit to Wen Wu
Day 02: Arrival Taipei [B] and Handicraft Centre. In the late afternoon Temple, Tehua Village, Tse-En Pagoda and
you can visit Shilin night market and enjoy the Holy Monk Shrine. Overnight at Del Lago, Sun
Welcome to Taipei! Upon arrival, meet and night of Taipei at your own pace. Moon Lake or similar
transfer to Howard Plaza hotel or similar
for overnight stay. Enjoy half day city tour Jeju


Day 04: Sun Moon Lake - Kaohsiung Move to Andong then visit Hahoe Folk Village Kyoto Imperial Palace and Kyoto Handicraft Combination Tours
[B] which has preserved the housing architecture Centre. Afternoon free at your leisure to explore
and the village structure of the Joseon Dynasty. this ancient capital at your own pace. Gion
Proceed to Lukang historical and cultural town, Move to Wonju decorated with the Chiaksan Conner or Philosopher Path is highly
Proceed to Kaohsiung for 2 nights stay at Mountain and the Seom River that circles the recommended to visit during your free time.
Garden Villa or similar area, and as the capital of Gangwon Province
for 500 years during the Joseon Dynasty, Day 18: Kyoto - Osaka [B]
Day 05: Kaohsiung - Kenting - it maintains rich tradition and cultural relics.
Kaohsiung [B] Stay Wonju Interborgo Hotel or similar Travel to Osaka by train, after hotel check-in at
New Hankyu hotel or similar, enjoy your day at
After breakfast. Move to Maopitou and visit Day 12: Wonju - Pyeongchang - leisure in Osaka for last minute shopping at
Oluanpi Light House, Kenting Park, back to Gangneung - Mt.Sorak - Seoul [B] famous Shinsaibashi mall.
Kaohsiung for overnight stay at Howard Plaza
hotel or similar. This morning move to Pyeongchang - the Day 19: Osaka - Australia [B]
venue of 2018 winter Olympic Games. Then
Day 06: Kaohsiung - Taipei [B] move to nearby Gangneung, located between After breakfast, free at your leisure until transfer
the Eastern sea and the mountain ridge, to Kansai International Airport by Airport Shuttle
Enjoy your morning city Tour in Kaohsiung well-known for wide pine forests, clear sandy bus for your flight back to Australia.
including visit to Cheng Ching Lake,Spring & beaches and crystal blue sea. Visit Seongyojang
Autumn Pavilions, Former British Consulate, Folklore Materials Pavilion (residence of Day 20: Arrive Australia
Late afternoon back to Taipei by Bus/Train. noble class) Short drive to Sokcho Mt. Seorak
Overnight at Howard Plaza Taipei or similar. National Park listed as UNESCo world heritage. Arrive home in the morning
You may take an optional ride on Cable car
Day 07: Taipei - Seoul [B] to Gwongeumseong fortress if time permits. Inclusions
Move to Seoul in the late afternoon and check
Enjoy your half day tour to Chiufen village in at Ramada hotel or similar ■ Return international economy class airfares
and Northeast coast. After lunch, Free at your ■ Current Airline Fuel levy - Subject to Change
leisure, you can use our complimentary MRT Day 13: Seoul - Tokyo [B] ■ Internal flight and taxes
ticket to travel around. Later transfer to airport ■ Deluxe accommodation w/ daily breakfast
for your flight to Seoul the centre of politics, After breakfast, start your half day tour including ■ All transportation, daily tours and
economy and culture in Korea. Upon arrival, Gyeongbokgung Palace, built in 1394, the
meet and transfer to Ramada hotel or similar first five royal palaces during Joseon Dynasty admission fees
for overnights stay. (1392~1910), The Royal Guard Changing ■ Bullet train tickets in Japan
Ceremony, Blue House photo stop, National ■ English speaking local guide
Day 08: Seoul - Gongju - Buyeo - Folk Museum, Korean Ginseng Centre, Afternoon ■ A MW Tours travel wallet
Jeongju - Gwangju [B] free until transfer to airport for your flight to
Tokyo. On arrival, you will be met by our Exclusions
This morning we depart Seoul for Gongju and representative and helped to board an airport
visit Gongsanseong Fortress, then move to bus to Grand Prince New Takanawa hotel or ■ Travel insurance
Buyeo, an ancient capital of Korea. Visit Baekje similar for 2 nights stay. ■ Tipping for guide and driver
Cultural Land where you will see a palace, castle, ■ Meals
cultural hall, etc. Proceed to Jeonju to visit Day 14: Tokyo [B] ■ Personal expenditures
Jeonju Hanok Village showcases 700 traditional ■ Shoulder and peak season surcharge
Korean houses called Hanok. Transfer to After breakfast, start your Tokyo Morning Tour
Gwangju and check in at Gwangju Prado Hotel include visit to Meiji Shrine, Tokyo Tower , Departure Dates
or similar Imperial Palace East Garden, visit Ginza district
where our tour disbands for free time shopping. Depart Australia
Day 09: Gwangju - Suncheon - Return to your accommodation by metro on Every Sunday
Yeosu [B] your own.
Moderate Paced
Start your City Tour and visit Asia Munwha Day 15: Tokyo - Mt.Fuji - Hakone
Maru for a Hub City of Asian Culture and Street [B|L] Moderate Paced tour may include longer
of Arts. Move to Suncheon where you will visit period tour on foot and climbing stairs
Songgwangsa Temple and Suncheon Bay. Later Your main suitcase will be transferred directly as well as longer driving period.
transfer to nearby city Yeosu and visit local Fish from Tokyo to Kyoto. You travel with just
market and sightseeing of Industrial Complex an overnight bag for your night in Hakone. MWT Suggestions
night scene. Check into hotel and enjoy your Proceed to Mt.Fuji by train and join our Hakone
leisure time. Stay Yeosu The Ocean Resort or Tour visiting Owakudani Boiling Valley, take Why not stop in Hong Kong
similar Hakone Ropeway to the mountain top, Boat during the transit before or after
Cruise on Lake Ashi. After the tour, you will be your adventure if you are flying
Day 10: Yeosu - Jinju - Busan - transferred to Hakone Palace hotel or similar. Cathay Pacific? Please contact
Gyeongju [B] Enjoy hot spring facility in your Ryokan resort our reservation for details on
tonight! our Hong Kong packages and
After breakfast, transfer to Jinju and see stopover options.
Jinjuseong Castle – Chokseoknu edifice Day 16: Hakone - Kyoto - Nara -
historically linked to Japanese invasion in 1592. Kyoto [B]
Proceed to Busan. On arrival, start Busan City
Tour from Jagalchi Fishery Market - largest Transfer to Odawara and take bullet train to
seafood market where you will have free time Kyoto in 2.5 hours. On arrival, walk to New
for lunch and wondering around. Later transfer Miyako hotel or similar next to the station
to Gyeongju-a museum without walls.Gyeongju Enjoy Nara afternoon Tour including Todaiji
preserves a vast amount of significant and Temple with Great Buddha, Kasuga Shrine and
fascinating historical heritage. Overnight at Nara Park
Gyeongju Concord Hotel or similar
Day 17: Kyoto [B]
Day 11: Gyeongju - Andong - Wonju
[B] After breakfast, enjoy Kyoto morning walking
tour including Nijo Castle, Golden Pavilion,
Gyeongju City Tour in the morning include
Bulguksa Temple UNESCO world heritage)


Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions

Bookings Please refer to your Air Ticket copy for the actual luggage allowance
Any excess baggage charges will be at own cost of each and every
By making a reservation with Mandarin World Tours, you will have agreed passenger.
to accept the Terms & Conditions. Please read it carefully before you
make a booking as they incorporate the basis upon which bookings are Travel Insurance
accepted by Mandarin World Tours and it is important to you. Please
note all the bookings are subject to availability at the time of reservation. There is no insurance coverage for all our tours. We strongly recommend
that all participants purchase a comprehensive travel insurance policy
Deposit & Payment no later than when final balance is paid. We offer 20% discount on
insurance policy to all travellers who booked our tour package.
A non refundable $400 per person is required at the time of booking
when you select book the tour and a completed booking form should Health Requirements
accompany your deposit. Receipt of a deposit will be taken as an
understanding by MW Tours that customers has read and agreed to be We accept no responsibility for any disease or infection which you may
bound by the terms and conditions in this brochure. Balance of payment become infected as a result of your tour. Please check with your doctor
must be received no later than 60 days prior to date of departure. Price for the vaccination if required. You must report any disability at the time
shown are for payment by cash. An additional surcharge will be applied of booking so we will assist the special needs of less mobile travellers
to the dollar amount paid by credit card or charge card. We reserve the but is not responsible in the event if unable to do so. We regret we can‘t
right to cancel the booking without receiving full payment on due day provide individual assistance during the tour, a qualified companion
and to apply the appropriate cancellation charges. must accompany with travellers who need such assistance.

Travel Documents Consumer Claims

A passport with minimum of 6 months validity is required for passengers We are doing everything possible to make your trip with us a Perfect
travelling to all countries in our programme. We can assist to apply one. We also ensure that we deal with complaints effectively and
tourist visa upon request and we can not guarantee that any visa will be efficiently. Should you not be satisfied at any time, you hereby agrees to
issued by the relevant authority and accepts no responsibility if a visa inform our local guide or other service provider on the spot
application is refused. If passport are not received by Mandarin world immediately so that they can promptly resolved the problem. If you still
tours 30 days prior to departure, the urgent Visa processing fee is not be satisfied with the results and wish to make a claim, your claim
subject to be charged. Passengers should familiar with any visa should be made in writing with supporting Documents and relevant
requirements that may be applicable in the areas they intend visiting. receipts within 30 days of your return.
Neither Mandarin World Tours nor your travel agent accept no
responsibility for passport and visa requirements and clients should be Tipping & Shopping
responsible for all entries. Exits, health and other documents required
by laws. Tipping is a firm and expected in the travel industry today. The amount
payable for each tour varies and will be shown in the price guide and
Cancellation Policy subject to change at any time.

All Cancellation must be made in Writing to Mandarin World Tours and Shopping can be fun and entertaining experience in Asia in either local
will be subject to the following cancellation charges from the date the markets or government stores. MW Tours and its staff and employees
written notice is received. are not qualified nor permitted to ensure or guarantee the quality or
value of any goods purchased or the suitability of any retail shops
More than 60 days prior to departure, loss of deposit. visited. It is entirely at our customers own risk at all times in all cases.
59-50 days prior to departure: forfeit 25% of total tour cost. The customer must accept responsibility for their decision regarding
49-40 days prior to departure, forfeit 50% of total tour cost. the good’s value, as well as the risk and process of credit card purchase
39-30 days prior to departure, forfeit 80% of total tour cost. and/or shipping.
30 days prior to departure, forfeit 100% total tour cost.
Agent Responsibility
Amendment fee of $50 per transaction may apply if you want to alter or
amend any confirmed bookings. The airline penalties may also apply. It is the travel agent’s responsibility to ensure all the documents such
as invoice, itinerary details that issued by Mandarin World Tours are
We reserve the right to reschedule or cancel the tour due to insufficient correct and that clients are aware of all the details of cancellation and
numbers and full amount of deposit and other payment will be refunded amendment conditions.
to you if the alternative travel dates are not accepted. If a tour is cancelled
due to unforeseeable circumstances such as, but not restricted to, Limitation of Responsibility
severe weather conditions or force majeure, we will refund all monies
except cancellation fees levied by airlines and other third parties. Mandarin World Tours is responsible to you in making arrangement for
the tour services including transportation, sightseeing ,meals and
Baggage Allowance accommodations. We do not accept liability in contract for any injury,
damage, loss, delay, additional expenses or inconvenience caused
The free checked baggage allowance for economy class passengers is directly or indirectly by force or other events which are beyond our
normally 23-30KG per person to Asia in accordance with international control. All bookings made for clients are made on the client’s behalf
airline regulations. Some airlines have increased luggage allowance. with service provider authorized by the tourism authority of that country.


Tour Booking Form

Personal Information YEAR Tour Booking Form


Tour Name: Departure Date:

Departure City: Room Type: Single / Twin / Double / Triple Preferred Airlines:


Client Phone No. Email:

Postal Address: Post Code:

Travel Agent Information
Travel Agent Name/Contact: Email:

Agency Postal Address: License No.

Clients Details [A copy of Passport is required to attach with this booking form]

Title Surname Given name Preferred Name DOB Passport No. Expiry Date Nationality





Title: Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Sir / Dr / Fr / Lady

Dietary/Special requests: Emergency Contact: Name:

Contact No.:

*On behalf of all the persons named above, I have read, understood and accepted the Terms & Conditions of MWT
Do you wish to purchase Travel insurance from us? Yes No (we offer 20% discount off RRP)

Your Travel insurance provider:

Signature: Full Name:

Non Refundable Deposit [$400 per person] Please send your booking form by fax at 07 3123 2110 or email to [email protected]

Enclosed Cheque: $ for persons. *Cheque / Direct deposit to be made to Mandarin World Tours

Bank: CBA BSB: 064 170 Account No. 1049 5063 Account Name: Mandarin World Tours

Enett client No. 301463 Credit card: Visa / Master / Ame Card Holder Name: Total: $
(last 3/4 digits on back)

Card No. Expiry: CVN No.

Card Holder Signature: Full Name (PRINT):

- 2% credit card handling fee will be charged for Visa/Master card payment, 3.5% for AMEX card payment.
- Names shown on this booking form are used for ticketing purposes and therefore MUST appear exactly as per passport.
- Any errors in names will incur ticket reissue fees which are at passenger’s own expense.




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Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, India, Sri Lanka & Nepal

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Mandarin World Tours Pty Ltd
Address: Suite 4. 3368 Pacific Highway, Springwood, QLD 4127 Phone: 07 3808 9918
Fax: 07 3123 2110 Toll Free: 1300 842 688 Email: [email protected]
Web: ABN: 98 142 912 534 Travel Agent License No: 3373035

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