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Published by elena-top77, 2021-11-20 15:16:30

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Reader 4 (1)




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H. H. Bepeuiaruaa, O. B. A<lJaHacbeBa

I :2-e lU:l;lHIW


Eve ry day Cla ra d rank sweet goa t milk. There was a lwa ys Find and read aloud the sentences to illustrate the pictures.
a si lver Clip full of milk for her on the kitchen ta ble. "This is good,"
Clara said. "And [ feel so hung ry. At home [ neve r eat like th is."
"Perhaps it is the healthy mou nta in air," sm iled grand fa ther.
"Besides the milk is ver y ta st y."

Ver y soon Cla ra began to run fa st a nd da nce with Heidi a nd
Pe ter. Wherever Heidi wen t Clara went too. S he sa ng song s. She
ha d a beau tiful voice and her au dience thoug ht she coul d have
g rea t s ucces s. So when Clar a 's fathe r cam e to ta ke his littl e girl
back to F ra nk furt instead of a poor inva lid ['Illvdlid j he found
a la ll, healt hy, s milin g Clara . " I was born to live in the moun ­
tains, "she sa id. An d ind eed she was. Her cheeks were rosy and her
eyes wer e shining. "How is it pos sible?!" cried Clar a 's fathe r.
"How is this possible?! "

And Heidi laughed and danced arou nd them. She was ha ppy.
"Th e mou nta ins hav e made her well. The mountai ns ha ve ma de
Cla ra well!" s he sang. "Th e moun ta ins have cured Clar a."


LESSON America . In the US A there are five nat iona l holidays that peop le
celebrate in every Amer ica n state. These are:
You already know some holidays which people ce lebrate in Eng land.
Would yo u like to kno w what holidays American people celebrate? I) New Yea r's Day,
Then read the text about some wint e r and s pring holidays in 2) Independence Day,
America . 3) Labour Day ,
4) T ha n ksgi ving Day,
THE AME RICAN YEAR 5) Christmas Da y.
O n these days offices a n d banks do not work. But oth e:
(After Terry Tomsha) holi da ys are not national in the USA and not all the stales
ce lebrate them.
Part I Thu s in Ame r ica people celebrate:
Ja n u a r y 1st - New Year's Day.
New words: On this day, fam ilies and friends meet for a meal. People
us ua lly make promises for the New Year. People say: "I will work
common holidays ['kJm~ln 'halrderz.] - oounre npa3,L1.HI1KI1
har der" or "I won 't tell lies th is yea r." But they often forget these
a state [ steit] - WTaT
pr om ises by J a nua r y 2nd!
In de pen de nce Da y [mdrpendansdei] - 1J.eHb He3aBl1Cl1MOCTl1
On New Yea r's Day there are big football games and parades .
Labou r Da y [leib» 'del] - 1J.eHb TpY,LI.a
Not everyone can go to see them, so many people watch them on
thus [i'ii\s] - TaKI1M o6pa30M
television. There is usually a parade in the morning and th e
to make promises ['pfJmlslz] - ,LI.aBaTb o6ew.aHI1H
football game is in the afternoon.
equal r igh t s ['i:kwdl 'r ai ts] - p astrue np aaa
Third Monday of January - Martin ['m0;1In] Luther ['lu:8a]
to kill [krl ] - y611BaTb
King's B irth day .
publ ic ['pi\bllk] - o6w.ecTBeHHbIH, rocynapcr seauun
Ma rtin Luther King was an important black leader [Ti.d»] who
a s a int (st., s n t.) [seint ] - CBHTOH
wa n ted equal rights for black people. His work was, very
ho nest ['Jnlst] - 4eCTHblH
important. He was killed in 1968 and his birthday has becom e
to go to the movies (aMep.) = to go to the cinema
a public hoiiday since 1968.
Irish ['aldflS] - I1pJlaH,LI.CKI1H February 14th - St. Valentine's Day.
Ireland ['aldldnd] - YIpJlaH,LI. I1 H
Nobody knows much about S1. Valentine. People call him the
to p inch [p: ntj ] - uinnars
saint of love. On this da y children write their names on cards
[ ] with hea rts [ho.ts ] on th em and give them to th eir
If you compare the En g lish year with the Amer ican yea r you'l l cl a ss ma tes . Schoolchildren and older people give cards, presents
find that both the count ries ha ve so me common holidays . But a nd flowers to their boyfr iends, g irlfriends, husbands and wives.
people celebrate so me hol idays only in Eng la nd , a nd other s on ly in Sorne peo ple do not put their names at the end of their cards
beca use they wa nt the ir na me to be a secret.

and s he sa id, "Oh, let's buy so me popcorn before we sta rt." And so George went and took Ma ria's thi ng s. As he t urned to leave,
the fath e r boug ht four big boxes. some popcorn fell out of t he box. A sma ll lamb saw the popcorn on
the gr ou nd a nd s ta rted a fter Geor ge.
Then the fami ly wa lked a long eati ng popcorn a nd looked at
everyt hing a long the wa y. Soon they found the Ba by Anima l Far m. Ma r ia ga ve a Iitt! cry, ,. Look all l!"
As they wat ched the a nima Is , a la dy carne over to Ma ria. She was George sa w the la mb coming a fter him. As he st ar ted to run, he
a lady who worked at the zoo and she sa id, "The la mbs a re going to let the ba lloon s go. Up went Geor ge 's ba lloon a nd it la nded high in
have some mille Would you like me to tea ch you how to feed them? " a tre e! Up went Maria 's ball oon. a nd it landed even highe r!
"Oh, yes ! cried Ma ria . Geo rge ran fa ste r. Suddenly he fell and the popcorn flew a ll
ove r the g ro und. Geo rge ca ught hi' breath a nd looke d back. Ther e
Ma ria fo llowed the woma n t hrough the g a te a nd when she got was the lamb quietly eating the popcorn . Mar ia la ug hed and sa id,
into the fa rm ya rd, Maria sto pped an d cal led, "Geor ge! You'd "Boys a r n't a fra id of big an ima ls . They a re on ly af raid of little
bette r come an d get my po pcorn a nd my ba lloon. I'll need two ba by lambs."
hands to feed the lam bs."
Answer the qu estions:
1. Where did George' s fa mily go one day?
2. Why didn 't Maria want to go a nd see the bea rs and the

3. Wha t did Geo rge's fa ther te ll his chi ldre n when he was

giving them nuts to feed the a nimals?
4. Why didn ' t Maria giv e an y nu ts to the ele phan ts ?
5. Who wa nted to teach Ma ria t feed little lambs?
6. Why did a smal l lamb ru n af ter George?
7. Is it kind to laugh at sm al l childr en who are af ra id of

anim a ls?

Read the s tory and say why Tom couldn 't do the shoppi ng a ll by
himse lf.

I Know! I Know !

T OI11 was pla ying in the gard en when his mothe r went to the

doorw ay a nd s houted, "Tom, will you do the s hopping fo r me?

I need a pound of butter , a dozen o f eggs , a nd a box of cookies. Oh,

a nd I a lmost fo rgo t, br ing twelve rolls a nd a s ma ll a kc too. I' ll

ma ke a list for yo u. Put the shopping list in your swe at er so you

won' t lose it. " 79

"I know! I kn ow ! " said Tom. " I don' t want the shopping list. I'm ever y thing wi thou t it. My mothe r wa n ts twel ve po un ds o f butter ,

cle v er eno ugh to r emem ber fi ve thin g s." An d dow n the st reet he some sma l l eggs, and a box of cook ies. An d she want s a pound of
ran . rolls and twe lve cakes ."

As he t u rn ed the corner , he met his a unt ta lk in g w i th some The shop assistant began to laugh, "I can't give you that ," he
ladies. H is aun t asked, "Wh ere ar e you in such a hurry to get to , said . "You had bette r go horne and get your shop ping list. "
Tom? " " I'm goi ng to the shop ," sai d To m . " W here is you r shoppi ng
lis t ?" she as ke d, " an d wh at are you goin g to buy?" T orn d idn' t kn o w what to th ink . He went slo w ly out of the shop .

" I kn o w! I k now !" said Tom. " N o shoppi n g list fo r me , As Torn was leav in g the shop , he met hi s lather w ho wa s on his way
I remembe r wh at I have to buy all by m yself. I' l l buy a pound of
butter , a dozen of eggs, and a box of cook ies. A nd I 'l l buy a srna II home fr om wor k. When he sa w Torn 's f ace, h " ask ed, " W ha t is
ro l l an d twel ve cake s." wro n g, Torn? " " I don't know," said Tom, "I we n t to t he shop for
mother . But the sho p assistant won ' t give me t he th i n gs I aske d fo r .
Befo re his aun t cou l d say a wo r d, Tom r ail off do w n the street. He jus t laughed and to ld me to get my shopp ing li st." " W ha t we re

He di dn 't see her shake her head an d l au g h. you ask ing for? " said his fa the r and Tom an swered , "I aske d for
twelve poun d s of butter. and a pou nd of eggs an d I didn't for get the
Tom ran to the shop as quic k ly as he could . When he got th er e,
the shop assista n t asked, "What can I do for you, Tom? W here is do zen boxes o f coo ki es, the sma l l ro ll. an d t wel ve cake s."
the shoppi n g li st ?" " I don't need one ," said Tom . " I reme mber
His Ia ther began to smi le. " I think I can help yo u, but nex t time
bri ng you r sho pping Iist."

Put the sentence s into a logical order, th en use them a s a plan to
retell the story.

I. Torn didn' t want t o take a shopping l ist with hi m .
2. The shop ass istant cou ldn 't g ive Torn t he thi ng s he asked

3 . Torn' s fat her hel ped hi s son.
4. Mothe r asked Torn to go shopp i ng.
5. Torn met his aunt.
6. Tom exp lai ned to his father wha t wa s w r on g .


Read the story and say why little Jacoble told old Jacob the truth "Jacob, oh Ja cob," sa id J acoble . "Tha t big, green ra bbit I saw
a bout the hare. yes te rda y, wel l I ha d some thing in my eye a nd so I couldn 't see tha t
we ll. It wa sn't a very big rabb it but it wa s green . Ye s , that 's wha t i1
Jacoble Tells the Truth wa s - all green!"

(A fter S ara and S tephen Corrin) Old Jacob didn 't sa y a word. He jus t wa lked over the bridge.
But Jacoble didn't go a fter him becau se he wa s a fra id and he knew
Old Jacob a nd litt le Ja coble had seven littl e sheep to ta ke ca re why he wa s a fra id. He stood a t the bridge and sa id, "Oh, Ja cob !
o f. One day they we re walk ing home a nd the s un s till shon e You know that rab bit I saw yesterda y. It was n' t g reen . No, no. It
br ig htly. The seve n little sheep though t of the wonde rfu l g reen wa s jus t a littl e, brown ra bbit."
g rass , old J acob was thi nking o f his house a nd little J acoble ... he
didn 't know ... wha t to thin k. Then he thoug ht a wonde rfu l idea , Then he wa s not a fra id of a nything a ny mo re a nd he ra n hap pily
an d he cried, "J acob, oh, Ja co b! Do you know wha t I saw over the bridge .

yesterd ay ? I sa w a g reen rabb it. It was flying Rea d out all the sentences which are not true to life.
in the a ir a nd it was so big, even bigge r tha n Do you like parties? Have you ever been to any parties? If you want
an eleph an t!" to know some facts about Shirley' s party read the text and say why
Shirley was angry.
"O f cour se you saw tha t with you r own
eyes," sa id old Ja cob. "Of cours e I did," said The Costume Party
Jacoble who was ver y proud. "It 's a good
t hing that you rea lly saw tha t big, flyin g , ( A fter W. B. Park)
g reen rabbit, beca use if you didn 't," sa id old
J ac ob, "tha t old bridge we a re going to wa lk It was the nig ht of the pa rty. Shirley, the ca t, wa nted to see al l
ove r is a very st range one. As soon as a nyone her friends a t the pa rt y. "They are all go ing 10 ha ve cos tumes on,"
who has n't told the tr ut h comes on it, the she thought. "Wha t will they be like?"
bridge br eaks in two un dernea th him ." They
continu ed wa Iking . Soo n the ducks ca me wea ring pirates ' ['pa ldr8ts ] cos t umes.
The sheep came dressed like a ma gicia n, and the pig was wearing
"J a-cob," sa id littl e Jacoble a littl e late r, the cos tume of a chef. Shi rley's bes t friend the fox was dre ssed like
"yo u know that big, g reen, flying ra bbit I saw a ballet da nce r a nd the dogs were wearing clown cost umes . Sh ir­
yest er da y... Well, it was n' t really flying , ley was ha ppy. "Let's pla y some games !" she cried.
and ... it was n't qu ite a s big as n elephan t.. .
but it was ver y big, about the s ize of a horse, J ust then the doorbe ll rang. Shirl ey ope ned the door an d saw
well of a youn g horse !" "Big as a horse?" a huge bear . "Ohhh !" said al l the gues ts, but S hirley sa w that the
as ked Ja cob, as they got closer to the bridge bear had a big zip down his fron t.
a nd littl e J acoble bega n not to feel so well.

Howe ver her ot he r friends moved the ir arms up. So th bea r

won aga in.

Leap-frog wa s fun , but soon it wa s the bear's tu rn to ju mp. He

was so heavy! Then the dog sa id, " 1 don' t wan t to pla y it a ny

more ."

They tried hopscotch but the bear was bigger tha n everyone a nd

it wa s eas y for him to win and he did. .,

Next ca me the ga me the pig liked the best. It was the pie ea ting

oritest . The pig wa s us ua lly the winner. He could ea t so mu ch bitt

this time the bear a te ten pies and the pig ate on ly five pies. The

bear va n ted more an d the pig got an gr y. "It 's my game!" he cried.

Shirley ha d to do someth ing as the bea r was ruining her pa rt )'.

"Time to take off our mas ks !" she cr ied.

Eve ryone quick ly took their rna ks o ff. Who was inside the b a r

costume then? They a ll wa tched him. "O h, no!" the gu es ts cr ied. " It

really is a bear!"

They a ll ra n away but Shirley cou ld n't run aw ay a s it wa s he r

home and she w as very angr y, "You ha ve ruined my party," sh

sa id to the bea r.

"I' m sor ry," said the bear, "I 've neve r been to a pa rty before

an d I'm new here so I don 't ha ve an friends ."

Shirle y felt ba d. "Wel l," she said, " I think you can stay , but you

" Don't be a fra id!" s he said to her frien ds , "It 's on ly a costu me. have to be good ."
Who could be insid e?" "I' ll try," said the hea r and all the guests

No one cou Id gues s . Shirl y looked a t the be a r. "Co me in!" she ca me back and the bea r was good .
sa id. "Wha t a good costum e!" and the bea r just smiled. He said "Please" and "Thank you" and he

Firs t they pla yed hide-a nd-seek. The bea r was it ' an d in no time almos t alwa ys remembered to hav e his
he found everyone as he was very quick. tu rn.

'S imon sa ys" wa s the next ga me. "Touch the sky!" sa id Shi rley. Everyone began to Iii e the bear. They g ave
" Yo u didn't s ay 'S imon sa ys, " sai d the bea r. him firs t prize for the best costume! When the
pa rt y wa s over every one was ha ppy except

1 Th e bear w as it - M e ,ll.Be ,ll.b BO,ll.HJI
the pig. He was busy pract ising for nex t yea r's

pie eating con test.
2 ' Simon says' - an enuucsasi uepa . Heptuotuue oosoaiu eu nos nstro onp eo e­

nennue iieucreu« nuiuo 8 TOM cnq -uie, ecnu 8eoY Ulru U2080 P UT CJtOBa ' Sim on says'.

84 85

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