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620 Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes


Mammalian and insect defensins form channels in microbial, mamma-
lian, and artificial lipid membranes, increasing membrane permeability in a
charge- or voltage-dependent manner. Mammalian defensins can permea-
bilize membranes of target mammalian cells and increase permeability of
the target cell to the dye trypan blue (Lichtenstein et al.,1988). In an artifi-
cial phospholipid membrane study, Kagan et al. (1990) suggesed that the
cationic defensin molecule is inserted into the bilayer. The insect defensins
act on Micrococcus luteus with an analogous mechanism, forming mem-
brane channels that leak potassium and induce limited membrane depolar-
ization (Cociancich et al., 1993).

Unlike mammalian and insect defensins, plant defensins have not been
demonstrated to induce ion-permeable pores in artificial membrane, nor al-
ter the electrical properties of the lipid bilayer of plasma membrane (The-
vissen et al., 1996; Caaveiro et al., 1997). The exact mode of action of plant
defensins has not yet been resolved. For the majority of plant defensins, the
molecular components implicated in signaling and putative intracellular
targets remain to be elucidated. Only for defensins from alfalfa (Medicago
sativa) MsDef1, dahlia plant (Dahlia merckii) DmAMP1, and radish
(Raphanus sativus) RsAFP2 is the molecular basis of their inhibitory activ-
ity partly understood.


The IPT1 gene regulates the sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to
DmAMP1 (Thevissen, Cammue, et al., 2000). The gene encodes inositol
phosphotransferase (Ipt1p), which catalyzes the final step of the pathway of
mannose-(inositol-phosphate)2-ceramide [M(IP)2C] synthesis (Dickson et
al., 1997). S. cerevisiae strains with a nonfunctional IPT1 allele are devoid
of M(IP)2C in plasma membrane. They have an attenuated DmAMP1 bind-
ing capacity, and are recalcitrant to DmAMP1-induced membrane permea-
bilization and growth suppression (Thevissen, Cammue, et al., 2000). The
aforementioned phenotypic abnormalities can be rectified by reinsertion of
a functional IPT1 gene. Under conditions of nutrient shortage, an ipt1-null
mutant of S. cerevisiae (ipt1) does not differ in sensitivity toward DmAMP1
from the corresponding wild-type yeast strain (Im et al., 2003). This mutant
is capable of producing meager quantities of M(IP)2C via an alternative
biosynthetic pathway. It appears that the presence of M(IP)2C, rather than
that of a functional IPTI gene, determines DmAMP1-sensitivity. Thus

Defensins in Legumes 621

M(IP)2C, rather than Ipt1p, is a component of the DmAMP1 binding site on
the fungal plasma membrane. Furthermore, DmAMP1 interacts directly
with S. cerevisiae sphingolipids and this interaction is facilitated by equi-
molar concentrations of ergosterol (Thevissen et al., 2003).

The highly homologous defensins Ah-AMP1 and Ct-AMP1 (Thevissen,
Osborn, et al., 2000), from Aesculus hippocastanum and Clitoria ternatea,
respectively, compete for the binding site of DmAMP1 (Osborn et al.,
1995; Thomma et al., 2002). Elimination of IPT1 brings about resistance to
DmAMP1, Ah-AMP1, and Ct-AMP1. A remotely related plant defensin,
such as Heuchera sanguinea HsAFP1, fails to compete for the DmAMP1
binding site (Thevissen, Osborn, et al., 2000). Although it is active on wild-
type S. cerevisiae, ablation of IPT1 from S. cerevisiae does not result in en-
hanced resistance to HsAFP1. Apparently, HsAFP1 binding sites on the
plasma membrane are separate from those of DmAMP1, Ah-AMP1, and


The GCS gene determines the sensitivity of the yeasts P. pastoris and C.
albicans to RsAFP2. It encodes glucosyl ceramide (GlcCer) synthase,
which regulates glucosyl ceramide synthesis. P. pastoris and C. albicans
gcs null mutants without the RsAFP2 sensitivity gene are much more resis-
tant to RsAFP2 and the plant defensin-like insect antifungal peptide helio-
micin than the corresponding wild-type strains. Defensin peptides may
have evolved from a single precursor and are conserved across the euka-
roytes. Plant and insect antifungal peptides alike target similar structures
in the fungal plasma membrane, lending credence to evolutionary con-
servation of defensins as defense peptides in the plant and animal king-
doms. RsAFP2 interacts with fungal GlcCer, but not with human GlcCer,
soybean GlcCer, or structurally different complex lipid components such as
soybean MGDG, due to structural variations in ceramide among fungal,
plant, and human GlcCer. Various fungal and yeast species share the same
GlcCer (N-2'-hydroxyoctadecanoyl-1-O-β-d-glucopyranosyl-(4E, 8E)-9-
methyl-sphingadienine). Fungal GlcCer displays some structural character-
istics that differentiate it from plant GlcCer such as the 9-methyl group
branching of the sphingoid base and variable levels of unsaturation and
fatty acid chain length. These structural features of fungal GlcCer might be
essential for determining the interaction with antifungal defensins and en-
suing growth inhibition (Thevissen et al., 2003).

622 Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes


Spelbrink et al. (2004) first demonstrated that alfalfa defensin MsDef1
could block the L-type Ca2+ channel in mammalian cells, and Jackson and
Heath (1993) reported that interference with fungal Ca2+ gradients would
result in hyperbranching (Jackson and Heath, 1993).

Both MsDef1 and the Ca2+ channel blocker, 1,2-bis [(2-aminophenoxy)
ethane-N, N, N', N'-tetra acetate] EGTA, suppressed the growth of fungal
hyphae and induced hyperbranching of fungal hyphae (Spelbrink et al.,
2004). Another experiment also showed that growth in U. maydis was in-
hibited by EGTA. These findings indicate that defensins retard hyphal
growth by adversely affecting Ca2+ transport.

The Ca2+ ion is a common signaling molecule with crucial roles in fungi
and controls hyphal tip elongation during fungal growth (Jackson and
Heath, 1993), which is a dynamic and complex process entailing control of
localized synthesis and expansion of the growing tip and is under the con-
trol of a cytosolic Ca2+ gradient generated by Ca2+ channels located at the
tip (Tsien and Tsien, 1990). Disruption of this tip gradient induces hyper-
branching in growing hyphae like that noted in the case of MsDef1.

MsDef1 and Rs-AFP2 resemble each other in three-dimensional struc-
ture (Lay et al., 2003) and yet are distinct in primary amino acid sequence
(Fant et al., 1998). Rs-AFP2 appears to act without blocking effects on any
of the three Ca2+ channels (Spelbrink et al., 2004). Both of them possess
antifungal activity. This indicates dissimilar modes of action for these two
structurally related defensins.


Legumes can be used as bioreactors for producing antibodies used in
cancer diagnosis and therapy (Perrin et al., 2000). We could also easily farm
the defensins, the antifungal agents in the field just by transforming and
overexpressing the defensin gene in legumes.


Defensins are small peptides with antimicrobial activity. Obviously, they
can be employed in transgenic crops to increase protection against patho-
gens. Terras et al. (1995) produced the first transgenic plants expressing an-

Defensins in Legumes 623

other plant defensin. They transferred radish defensin Rs-AFP2 to tobacco
plants, which as a result acquired reinforced antifungal activity against the
tobacco foliar pathogen A. longipes. Gao et al. (2000) showed that constitu-
tive expression of alfalfa antifungal peptide MsAFP conferred in potato a
resistance against the agronomically important fungus Verticillium dahliae
under field conditions. This was the first demonstration that agronomically
useful levels of fungal control can be accomplished by expressing a single
transgene in agricultural crops.

Transgenic plants carrying foreign genes of pathogen resistance have
many advantageous features such as reduced pesticide usage, environmen-
tally friendly nature, decreased input costs to farmers, and season-long pro-
tection independent of weather conditions.

A limited number of antifungal drugs are currently available for the
treatment of an expanding range of pathogenic fungi. They can be grouped
into three classes based on their targets, namely azoles (Walsh et al., 2000),
polyenes (Bolard, 1986), and fluorinated pyrimidines (Waldorf and Polak,
1983). However, owing to the development of resistance, it is imperative to
develop new chemical classes of antifungal therapeutics directed toward
new fungal targets. Antifungal agents should target molecules that are ubiq-
uitous in fungal cells but absent in mammalian cells such as components of
the cell membrane or cell wall, and virulence factors. In microbes, develop-
ing drug resistance would mean that they have to change fundamental ele-
ments of their cells like membrane components. Sphingolipids are essential
membrane components in eukaryotic cells that are structurally different in
mammalian and fungal cells. Sphingolipid M(IP)2C on fungal plasma
membrane is involved in the binding site for DmAMP1. Binding with the
sphingolipid is the first step of killing. That means DmAMP1 is a natural
antifungal agent, and this needs to be confirmed. The structure of
DmAMP1 should be analyzed to elucidate the mechanism of the specific
binding, which could pave the way for generating new antifungal agents.

Since the mode of action of only a small number of plant defensins has
been examined extensively, they might form a family of promising mem-
brane-targeting compounds for development into antifungal drugs.


The methodology used in the isolation of legume defensins from legume
seeds is straightforward. Commonly, the first step involves homogenization
and extraction of the beans. The homogenization step physically breaks up
the beans into small pieces. To continue the extraction, extraction buffer is
added to the homogenized slurry. The buffer contains chemicals to maintain

624 Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes

pH and ion strength. Sometimes protease inhibitors are added. The mixture
is then centrifuged. The supernatant containing the defensin is collected. In
the next step, the supernatant is subjected to different types of column chro-
matography to purify the defensin, including ion exchange chromatogra-
phy on DEAE-cellulose, CM- or Q-Sepharose, Mono S and Mono Q, size
exclusion chromatography on Superdex 75, Sephadex G-75 and Superdex
Peptide, reversed-phase chromatography on an analytical C8 column, or af-
finity chromatography on an Affi-gel blue gel column. Gel electrophoresis
such as tricine gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry are used to assess
the homogeneity and molecular mass of defensins (Perrin et al., 2000;
Almeida et al., 2000; Wong and Ng, 2005a,b).


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(‘i’ indicates an illustration; ‘n’ indicates a note; ‘t’ indicates a table)

2,4-D (dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) Agrobacterium-mediated

medium, 30, 32, 94, 95, 104 transformation (continued)

Lotus species, 303-310

low-ODAP grass pea, 181-183

Abiotic stresses, 577-578, 579t, 585 Medicago truncatula, 21-24
compatible solutes, 580, 581t-584t, meristematic cell regeneration,
tolerance strategies, 579-580 91-94, 97
organogenesis, 55-57, 92
AdhI (alcohol dehydrogenase) marker pea, 190-194, 191t
gene, 205 peanut, 233, 235t-236t, 237-239,

Adventitious root nodulation, 439, 254
440t-442t phaseolus acutifolius, 161
pigeon pea, 135-139
Agricultural Biotechnology Center root endosymbiosis, 58-63
(ABC), Hungary, 207 somatic embryogenesis, 46-54,

Agrobacterium rhizogenes, 57-58, 94-96
161-162 sonication-assisted (SAAT), 103,

L. japonicus, 310 113-119
strains, 58, 59t, 153-154 soybean, 91-94, 111-112
Agrobacterium tumefaciens, 29, 33-34, transgene copies, 389-390
white clover, 25-26
45, 111, 336, 343 Agronomic characters, DNA marker
A209 wild-type strain, 181-182
EHA101 strain, 259, 333 use, 525
LBA4404 strain, 135, 190 Agronomic field performance, 84
MP90 C58, 320 Agronomic limitations, 241
overgrowth control, 95 Albatross, faba bean cultivar, 290, 297
strains, 49, 50t, 51t, 52, 73, 189-190, Alcohol dehydrogenase selection agent.

235t-236t, 258t, 291, 309, See AdhI
333t Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), 12n-13n,
T-DNA instability, 83
Agrobacterium-mediated 559
transformation Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated
alfalfa, 31-37
Arabidopsis, 275-277 transformation, 57-63
azuki bean, 171-173 Agrobacterium tumefaciens-
chickpea, 149-152
faba bean, 288, 297-298 mediated transformation,
29-30, 34-37, 45-57
digestibility improvement, 8-11


630 Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) (continued) Arabidopsis thaliana (continued)
as forage,1, 3, 29 root infection, 608
genetic maps, 565-566 vitamin E production, 79, 80, 82
HCT levels, 12n-13n
lignin synthesis, 9, 10-11 Arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR), 479
Met protein increase, 6 Array technology, 472. See also DNA
nutritional improvement, 3-8
protein utilization improvement, Microarray analysis,
11-12 Macroarray analysis,
Microarray analysis
Alfalfa callus, embryos, 36i Ascochyta blight, 287
Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), 20 resistance, 525, 526
Allele-specific associated primers Aseptic seedlings, 134
Aspartate (Asp), alfalfa, 6, 8
(ASAP), 491 Aspergillus flavus, peanut disease, 228,
Alpha tocopherol, 78i, 78 242
Amino acids, 70-71, 141 Autotetraploidy, 565
Auxin (2,4-D) induction, 30, 32, 94, 95,
alfalfa, 3 104
defensins sequence, 619t Auxins, 133
legumes, 163 Avena sativa, electroporation, 218
Lotus spp., 307 Axillary meristem
soybean, 71 legumes, 148
Amplified fragment length soybean, 92
Azuki bean (Vigna angularis)
polymorphism (AFLP), 459, Agrobacterium transformation,
171-173, 173i
480-481, 498, 533, 561t epicotyl explants, 170-171
Analysis techniques, transgenic plants, features, 169-170
genetic diversity analysis, 502
387t traditional crop, 169
Angular leaf spot (ALS) resistance weevils, 195

common bean, 515 Baby Boom gene, 164
SCAR marker, 522t Bacillus thuringiensis, 139, 141, 149,
Annual species, Medicago, 559
Anthracnose resistance 154, 155i
lentils, 525 Bacterial suspension, SAAT, 117
SCAR marker, 522t Bacterial wilt, peanut, 243
Anthranilate synthase (AS), soybean, Bar (phosphinothricin acetyl

73 transferase) marker gene, 389
Antibiotic selection agents, 34, 53, 94 alfalfa, 53, 56, 61, 94
pea, 193, 194, 195
rooting, 138 Barrel medic. See Medicago truncatula
Antioxidant treatment, SAAT BASTA solution, 293-294
Bath sonicators, 114
coculture, 116-117, 117t BC1 transgenes, 396, 396t, 397
Antisense technology, 75, 178, 391 Bean bruchid, 163
Aphids, cowpea, 162 Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV)
AphII marker gene, soybean, 94
Arabidopsis CγS (AtCγS), 6, 7, 8 resistance, SCAR marker,
Arabidopsis thaliana, xxi, 340 522t

Agrobacterium in planta
transformation, 274, 276-277

in planta transformation, 276-277
Met synthesis, 6, 71, 72
napin promotion, 83-84
PA synthesis, 12
RNAi-induced silencing, 357

Index 631

Bean curly top virus (BCTV) Chickpea (Cicer arietinum)

resistance, SCAR marker, abiotic stresses, 579t

522t cotyledonary node explant

Benzyl aminopurine (BAP) growth procedure, 148-152, 150i

regulator, 92, 128, 129, 131, cotyledonary node explant results,

132 152-155

β-N-oxalyl L-amino alanine (BOAA), cultivated/wild species relationship,

grass pea toxicity, 177 503-504

β-N-oxalyl-L-α, β-diamino propionic embryo axes, 260, 261t

acid (ODAP) genetic diversity analysis, 498

degradation plasmids, 181 linkage map, 510t, 513

grass pea toxicity, 177, 178 pulse crop, 147

Binary vectors, chickpea Pusa 362 genotype, 152t

transformation,149, 151i, 155i QTL analysis, 526, 528t

Biofortification, peanut, 243-244 trait tagging, 517t-518t

Bioinformatics tools, 346, 534 Chimeras, 56, 61, 108, 357

Biolistic transformation Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,

pea, 203-204 electroporation, 218

pigeon pea, 139-140 Chloroplasts, abiotic stress sensitivity,
Black-eyed pea. See Cowpea
Black gram bean (Phaseolus mungo) 588-589
Chocolate spot disease, 287
abiotic stresses, 579t Cis elements, trans-acting protein
cotyledonary nodes, 263
genetic diversity, 502 recognition, 404, 410
Boisson-Dernier protocol, 61 Class I transposable elements, 360,


Class II transposable elements,

359-360, 363t

Caenorhabditis elegans, RNAi Cleaved amplified polymorphic

technology, 353 sequences (CAPS), 490,
Caffeic acid 3-O-methyl transferase
(COMT), alfalfa, 9, 10, 10i, “Clip ‘n’ squirt” transformation, 276

39n Clone recovery, particle bombardment,
Caffeoyl CoA 3-O-methyl transferase
(CCOMT), alfalfa, 9, 10, 10i Clover yellow vein virus (CYVV), 20
Cocultivation, 52, 91
Callogenesis, 47i, 50t, 51t, 52
azuki bean transformation, 172
CaMV 35S promoter, 2, 4, 7, 84, 205,
404 chickpea transformation, 149-152

Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S faba bean transformation, 290

promoter, 2, 4, 7, 84, 151i, SAAT, 116

182 temperature, 61-62

cDNA-AFLP (amplified fragment thiol, 93

length polymorphism), 413, timing, 154

415i, 423-424, 429, 491 Color

protocols, 419-423 pigeon pea shoots, 137

systems, 416-419 soybean tissue, 106

technique, 414 Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Cell selection, 53 abiotic stresses, 593

Center for Medicago Genomics comparative mapping analysis,

Research, Nobel Foundation, 532-533

345 cultivar identification, 509

632 Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Cowpea leaf beetle, 162
(continued) Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV), 525
Cowpea weevils, 195
cultivated/wild species relationship, CP4 marker gene, soybean, 94
504 Cultivar protection, DNA marker use,

food use, 159 508
genetic diversity analysis, 499-500 Cultivated and wild species
insect resistance, 163
linkage map, 510t, 511 relationship, 503-507
methionine increase, 163-164 Culture media. See also Media
parasitic plants, 163
QTL analysis, 529t, 531 alfalfa regeneration, 32-33, 50t, 51t,
trait tagging, 519t 52-53, 60
virus resistance, 163
Comparative mapping analysis, 531-533 embryogenic soybean, 106-107
Composite plant, 47i, 57-58, 162 peanut regeneration, 229, 230t-232t
Compression technology, 75-76 Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 343
Condensed tannins (CT), 9, 11, 20 Cysteine (Cys)
synthesis, 10i legumes, 141
Conserved orthologue set (COS), 485 Met synthesis, 6, 8, 71
Container, soybean sonication, pea, 187, 203
soybean, 71
114-115, 115t Cystathionine γ-synthase (CγS), 6, 38
Copy number, QC-PCR, 462 Cytokinins, shoot induction, 130
Copy number, transgenic plants, 389-392
Cornstalk borer, 239 D20 cultures, soybean, 109, 110t, 113
DDBJ sequence database, 477, 483
resistance in peanut, 240 De novo regeneration protocol
Cotyledonary node (CN)
faba bean, 288, 291-292
efficient transformation, 275 preparation methodology, 289-291
protocol, 91 results, 294-296
regenerative cells, 148 Dedifferentiation, 52
Cotyledonary node (CN) explants, 23, Defensins, xxiii, 618
amino acid sequence, 619t
25, 27 application in legumes, 622
chickpea, 148-149, 155-156 expression in transgenic plants,
peanut, 254-257, 258t
peanut preparation method, 264-266 622-623
pigeon pea, 137 isolation in legumes, 623-624
soybean, 92-93 mechanisms of action, 620
tree legume, 319 structure, 618-619
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Differential display (DD) technique,
comparative mapping, 533
cultivated/wild species relationship, 429, 439
Diploid alfalfa mapping, 565-566
505-506 Direct amplification of length
drought tolerance, 159
genetic diversity analysis, 501 polymorphism (DALP), 480
insect resistance, 162 Directed amplification of minisatellite
linkage map, 510t, 514
methionine increase, 163-164 DNA PCR (DAMD-PCR),
parasitic plants, 163 489
QTL analysis, 529t, 531 Disease resistance
trait tagging, 520t, 524-525 DNA marker use, 515
virus resistance, 163 SCAR markers, 522t
Distal promoter region, 404

Index 633

Diversity array technology (DArT), Embryonal axes, pigeon pea, 137
492, 533 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein

DNA amplification fingerprinting retention, 3
(DAF), 479 Ensiling, protein loss, 12
Environmental stresses, xxii, 159, 287
DNA-based markers, 477, 533-534 Epicotyl explants, azuki bean,
comparative mapping analysis,
531-533 170-171
cultivar/wild species relationship, Erucic acid, 76
503-507 Escapes, 56
diversity assessment, 498-503 Exon retrotransposon amplification
genome analysis, 507-508
introgression characterization, polymorphism (ERAP), 487
507-508 Explants
linkage map construction, 508,
510t-511t, 511-515 cotyledonary node (CN), 23, 25, 27,
map-based cloning, 531-533 92-93, 148-149, 155-156,
quantitative trait loci (QTL) 254-257, 258t, 264-266
analysis, 525, 527t-529t,
526-531 embryo axis, 257-259, 260,
trait tagging, 515, 523-525 261t-262t, 263
uses, 497-498
high-cytokinin medium, 91
DNA microarray analysis, 413-414, pea, 191t
468 peanut, 230t-232t
pigeon pea, 128, 137
DNA uptake, electric charge, 217 tumefaciens-mediated
Dneasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen), 294
Dot blot hybridization, 391-392, 392i transformation, 50t-51t
Drosophila system, 346 Expressed sequence tag (EST) libraries
DsRed fluorescent marker, 61
Dual-target PCR, 462 legumes, 428, 468-469
M. truncatula, 471
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 77 Expressed sequence tag (EST)-based
ELAK Ltd., Hungary, 207
Electrical discharge particle markers, 344, 483-485
Expressed sequence tag nucleotide
bombardment device, 107-
108 polymorphism (ESTP),
Electron transport activity, abiotic 484-485
stress reduction, 590-591, Expressed sequence tag-simple
591t nucleotide polymorphism
Electropermeability, plant cells, 218 (EST-SNP), 484
Electroporation Expressed sequence tag-simple
pea, 219-223 sequence repeat (EST-SSR),
peanut, 235t-236t, 241 483-484
technique, 217-219 Expression-based markers, 533
ELISA techniques, 387t, 394 Expression pattern analysis, 413
EMBL sequence database, 477, 483
Embryo axis explants, 257-259, 260, Faba bean (Vicia faba)
261t-262t, 263 cultivars, 290, 297
Embryo origin, soybean, 105 cultivated/wild species relationship,
Embryogenesis, 46, 275. See also 506-507
Somatic embryogenesis de novo regeneration protocol, 288,
disease and stresses, 287
embryo axes transformation system,
289, 292-294
genetic diversity analysis, 503

634 Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes

Faba bean (Vicia faba) (continued) Genetic analysis, transgenic plants,
genome size, 531 395-397
linkage map, 511t, 514
preparation methodology, 289-291 Genetic diversity
QTL analysis, 529t, 530 alfalfa, 570
regeneration results, 294-296 azuki bean, 502
trait tagging, 521t, 525 black gram, 502
transformation difficulties, 288 chickpea, 498
common bean, 499-500
Fast neutron technology, 359 cowpea, 501
Fatty acid desaturase gene expression, faba bean, 503
lentil, 503
77 markers, 498
Field trials, soybean, 70, 84 pea, 499
Finer Laboratory web site, 109 peanut, 500-501
Flavonoid pathway, CT manipulation, soybean, 499

11-12 Genetic engineering, alfalfa, 1
Floral branches, 49 Genetic transformation, alfalfa, 30,
Floral dip method, 277
Fluorescence in situ hybridization 37-39
(FISH), 387t, 394
DNA sequences, 371 history, 340-342
maps, 343
hybridization and probe detection, molecular tools, 343
378-381 Genome analysis, DNA marker use,

imaging and analysis, 381-382 507-508
labeling probes, 378 Genome sequencing, 344
M. truncatula, 372-375 Geranylgeranyldiphosphate (GGDP),
preparations, 375-378
two-color detection, 381t 78i, 79, 80, 81, 82
Fluorescent markers, 61 Ghent University, Department of
Flux control, 83
Folioles, 48, 50t-51t Molecular Genetics, 161
Food fortification, 142 Gibberellic acid (GA), 131
Forages Giza 2, faba bean cultivar, 290, 297
ensiling, 12 Global vegetable oil production, 76
Lotus spp. as, 301, 302 Glucuronidase selection agent. See
ruminant diet, 8-9
traits, 19 Gus, uidA
Fusarium wilt resistance, chickpea, Glycinin, soybean, 75
Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus)
GenBank databases, 483 transformation, 181-183
Gene expression studies, transgenic
leaf explants, 179-180
plants, 394-395 low-ODAP clones, 181
Gene-silencing technologies, 178, 188, low-toxin somaclones, 184
somatic embryogenesis, 183-184
357-358 toxicity, 177-178
GENEBOOSTER, 204, 207 winter pulse crop, 177
Green fluorescent protein (GFP)
cost, 211
optimal nitrogen pressure, 210t, 212 marker, 62, 115, 388
shooting distance, 210-211, 212 Groundnut rosette assistor virus

(GRAV), 243

Index 635

Growth regulators, 2,4-D, 30, 32, 94, In planta transformation
95, 104 alfalfa, 20, 39n
Arabidopsis, 276
BAP, 92, 128, 129, 150, 325 electroporation, 218-219
NAA, 32, 130, 131 large seed legume embryo, 278-282
peanut transformation, 230t-232t methods, 20, 356
TDZ, 130, 132, 189
Gus (glucuronidase) marker gene, 149, In silico identification, 471
In situ hybridization, xxiii, 387t, 395
153, 154, 155, 356, 405, 406
pea, 195, 205, 208 L. japonicus, 469-470, 470i
peanut, 257, 258t, 388 In vitro regeneration
tree legume, 320, 321
Gus:nptII-based promoter tagging approaches, 128, 275. See also
system, 407 transformation,
Hairy root fragment regeneration, 62, Organogenesis
avoiding, 45
Hairy root transformation difficulties of, xxii
Lotus spp., 304 tree legume, 317-319
T-DNA, 355 In vivo tagging systems, 405-407
Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), 91
Heliothis armigera resistance, Indole acetic acid (IAA), 130, 131, 132,
chickpea, 260
133, 134
Herbicide markers, soybean, 94 Infrequent restriction site-PCR
HN (hemagglutinin neuraminidase)
(IRS-PCR), 481
gene, 135, 141 Insertional mutagenesis, 276
Homogentisate geranylgeranyl Integration, transgenic plants, 389-392
Integration site, transgenic plants,
transferase (HGGT), 78i, 79,
80, 81, 82 393-394
Homogentisic acid (HGA), 78i, 79, 80, Inter-MITE polymorphism (IMP), 487
81, 82 Inter-retrotransposon amplified
Hormone-free media, 134
House dust mite, 308 polymorphism (IRAP), 486
Hpt marker gene Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR),
alfalfa transformation, 53
pea transformation, 193, 195 482C
Hybridization and probe detection, M. Introgression characterization, DNA
truncatula for FISH, 377-381,
381t marker use, 507-508
Hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HCT), Intron-exon splice junction markers,
alfalfa, 12n-13n
Hygromycin, 34, 53, 94, 193 489
Robinia pseudoacacia, 335-336 Isogenic transformation, white clover,

Imaging and analysis, M. truncatula for 25-26, 26i
FISH, 381-382 Isozyme markers, 477, 560, 561t

Imbibition time, 93 Jack, soybean cultivar, 106
Jemalong A 17, 372, 373i
Jemalong 2HA, M. truncatula

genotype, 46-47, 47i, 50t
Jemalong, M. truncatula genotype, 46,

48, 59t

636 Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes

Kanamycin, 34, 53, 94, 135, 193, 324, Leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase
(ANS), 11, 12
407, 408
Khesari. See Grass pea Leucoanthocyanidin reductase (LAR),
Kinetin, 129 11, 12

Labelling probes, M. truncatula for Lignin
methylation, 9, 10i
FISH, 378
Lathyrism, 177 Linkage map construction, DNA
Lauric oils, 76 marker use, 508, 510t-511t,
LB (Luria-Bertani) medium 511-515

alfalfa, 21 Liquid medium protocols, 95
azuki bean, 172 Long chain saturated fatty acids
faba bean, 291
peanut, 264 (LSFAs), peanut, 244
pigeon pea, 136 Long terminal repeats (LTRs), 486
Leaf spot, peanut disease, 228, 267n Lotus corniculatus, 302, 304, 306,
Legume-rhizobium interaction, xxiv,
19, 273, 427, 606 Lotus glaber, 302, 304, 309
Legumes (Fabaceae) Lotus japonicus, 302, 303, 305,

abiotic stresses, 577-578, 579t, 585 309-310, 406
amino acid composition, 70-71, 141, comparative mapping, 531
features/tools, 607i
163 legume-rhizobia symbiosis, 606,
defensin, 617, 623-624
divergence, 467 611-612
DNA-based markers, 497-498 linkage map, 511t, 515
EST libraries, 428 as model, 273, 354, 468
high-quality protein, 19 parasitic nematode resistance,
importance of, xxi, 605
large-seed embryo in planta 609-610, 610i
root infection, 608
transformation, 278-282 Lotus species
low productivity, 162 Agrobacterium-mediated
nodulation capacity, 427
parasitic nematodes, 605-606 transformation, 303-308
plant-nematode interaction, 606, agronomic use, 302
in vitro manipulation, 302-303
611-612 as model system, 302, 310
SSH novel gene identification, protocols, 308-310
tannins, 302, 306-307
legumes, 449-450 Lucerne. See Medicago truncatula
storage fractions, 141 Lysine (Lys), soybean, 71
transformation difficulties, 274-275
“tropical tribe,” 159 Macroarray analysis, 469-472
Lentil bean (Lens culinaris) Macroprojectiles, 207
abiotic stresses, 579t Map-based cloning, 531-533
cultivated/wild species relationship, MAP markers employing sequence-

507 specific primers, 483
genetic diversity, 503 Marker-free alfalfa transgenic plants,
linkage map, 511t, 512
QTL analysis, 529t, 531 39n
trait tagging, 521t Markers, 343

Index 637

Media. See also LB medium, MS Metabolomics, 345-346

medium, RIM medium, SIM Methionine (Met) protein

medium, YEB medium alfalfa sink source model, 7i

chickpea coculture, 149-152 legumes, 141, 164

embryonic soybean, 110t pea, 187, 203

faba bean transformation, 289-290 peanut, 243

high-quality factors, 106 soybean, 71-73

protocols, 95-96 synthesis, 4, 6, 71-72

regeneration, 32-33, 50t, 51t, 52-53, Microarray analysis, 469-472

60 Microprojectile delivery

Medicago Inc., 39 pea, 204-212

Medicago species, 559 pigeon pea, 140-141

mapping populations, 563i Microprojectiles, size, 209-210, 210t,

markers, 560, 561t, 562 212

Medicago truncatula (lucerne, barrel Microsatellite-based markers, 482-483,
medic), xxi, 3, 275
Microsatellite-primed PCR (MP-PCR),
transformation, 21-24
chromosome mapping, 372, 373i, 482
Microwounding, sonication, 113
374i Minisatellite-based markers, 488
comparative mapping, 531-532 Mitotic chromosome preparations, M.
EST libraries, 428, 471
explants, 48-49, 50t-51t truncatula for FISH, 375-376
features/tools, 607i Model system
fluorescence in situ hybridization
Cajanus cajan as, 142
(FISH), 372-375 definition, 339
genetic diversity, 570 Lotus species, as, 302, 310
genetic maps, 562, 564, 564i, 563i, Medicago truncatula as, 19, 273,

565 339-340
genome, 343, 344, 372 Phaseolus acutifolius as for
genotypes, 46-48, 59t
legume-rhizobia symbiosis, 606-609 common bean, 161
linkage map, 511t, 515, 567 Molecular biology, alfalfa, 1
as model system, 19, 273, 339-346, Molecular Biology of the Gene, 339
Monsanto and Forge Genetics

468, 560 International, 38

morphological and molecular Morphological markers, 477

markers, 341i MS (Murashige and Skoog) medium

references in literature, 347i, 347-348 alfalfa, 21, 37
chickpea, 151
researchers, 346-348
faba bean, 289
reverse genetics, 359-362, 363t
grass pea, 180
root infection, 608
pea, 219
Tnt1 transposition, 361, 362, 364
peanut, 230t-232t
transformation methods, 20, 46
pigeon pea, 131, 136, 347
Robinia, 331
Meiotic pachytene chromosome
preparations, M. truncatula Multiple amplicon profiling (MAP)
markers, 480
for FISH, 376-377
Multiple arbitrary amplicon profiling
Mendel, Gregor, 340, 354

Meristematic cell proliferation, 96-97 (MAAP) markers, 478-479

faba bean, 289 Multiple transgene control, 83-84

638 Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes

Mung bean (Vigna radiata) Parasitic nematodes, 605-606

abiotic stresses, 579t, 588-589, 590, Particle bombardment transformation,
comparative mapping, 533 103, 107-109
Mythos, faba bean cultivar, 290, 297 peanut, 235t-236t, 239-241
transgene integration, 390

Pasture bloat, 11, 20

PCR (polymerase chain reaction)

Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) analysis, 135, 138, 140, 220,

medium, 32, 130, 131, 132, 133, 359, 362, 387t, 388, 409,

134 459-460
Napin promoter, 83 multiplex, 393i
NCBI sequence database, 477, 483 PCR-based markers, 478-481
Neomycin phosphotransferase. See PCR restriction fragment length

NptII polymorphism (PCR-RFLP),
Nicotiana tabacum, electroporation,
218 Pea (Pisum sativum)
Nitrogen fixation
abiotic stresses, 579t, 593
legumes, 187, 427, 467 Agrobacterium-mediated
pea, 203
research, xxi-xxii transformation, 190-195
Nitrogen gas pressure, microprojectile biolistic transformation, 203-240
cultivated/wild species relationship,
bombardment pea, 209, 210t,
212 504
Nitrogen seed sink, 196 electroporation, 219-223
Nodal explants, 49 embryo axes, 261t, 263
Nodule-specific promoters, 2 genetic diversity analysis, 499
Nodulin genes, 427 genome organization, 532
Non-PCR-based markers, 478 genome size, 531
Nonstorage fraction, legume seed, 141 genotypes/cultivars, 189, 190, 191t
linkage map, 510t, 512

Northern hybridization, 387t, 394 pest resistance, 195-196

NptII (neomycin phosphotransferase) protein content, 187, 203

marker gene QTL analysis, 526, 527t, 530

alfalfa transformation, 53, 61 trait tagging, 516t-517t, 523-524

chickpea transformation, 151i Pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV), 220,

grass pea transformation, 182 222

pea, 205, 389 Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)

pigeon pea transformation, 135, 138, Agrobacterium-mediated

140, 405, 406, 407 transformation, 233,

235t-236t, 237-239

agronomic limitations, 241

O-methyltransferase (OMT), 326 bacterial disease resistance, 242-243

Oil crops, 76, 77 biofortification, 243-244

Optical density CN preparation method, 264-266

chickpea transformation, 151 cotyledonary node explants,

SAAT bacterial suspension, 254-257, 258t

117-119, 118t cultivated/wild species relationship,

Organogenesis, 46, 275 505

direct-shoot faba bean, 289 cultivation area, 227

pigeon pea 128-134 efficient transformation, 233-234

Orobanche, 163 electroporation, 235t-236t, 239

Index 639

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) (continued) Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) (continued)
embryo axes, 257-259, 260, microprojectile delivery, 140-141
261t-262t, 263 as model system, 142
embryo in planta transformation, organogenesis, 128-134
278-282 protein content, 125, 141
explants, 230t-232t, 235t-236t somatic embryogenesis, 134
genetic diversity analysis, 500-501
genotypes/cultivars, 230t-232t, Plant-nematode interaction, 606,
linkage map, 510t, 513-514 611-612
oil quality, 244 Plantlet conversion, 47i, 52
particle bombardment, 235t-236t, Pleiotropic effects, 84
239-241 Plumules, pea, 206
pest resistance, 242, 267n Pod borer, cowpea, 162
stresses, 228 Pod-sucking insect, cowpea, 162
tissue culture methods, 229, Polygalacturonase inhibiting protein
trait tagging, 520t, 523 (PGIP), 196
value-added traits, 242 Polyphenol oxidase (PPO), alfalfa, 12,
virus resistance, 243
Peanut allergenicity reduction, 266n Pot-grown plants, 48
Peanut bud necrosis virus (IPCV), 243 Primary transgenics (T0), 395, 396t
Peanut mottle virus (PMV), 243 Proanthocyanidins (PA), 11, 20
Peanut root knot nematode resistance, Probe sonicators, 114
Progenetor electroporation system, 219
523 Proline, compatible solute, 581t, 586,
Peanut stripe virus (PStV), 240, 243
Perennial species, Medicago, 559 587, 589, 590, 592i
Peste des petits ruminant virus (PPRV), Promoters, xxiii, 404-405

139 alfalfa, 2-3
Petiolar leaf region explant, 139 analysis, 408-409
Petioles, 48, 49 CaMV 35S 2, 4, 7, 84, 205
Phaseolus acutifolius, as model for choice, 83
napin, 83-84
common bean, 161 tagging systems, 405-408
Phaseomics program, 160 Proteomics, 345
Phosphinothricin selection agent. See Protocols
Phytol kinase, 82 transformation, 21-24
Phytyldiphosphate (PDP), 78i, 79, 80, Agrobacterium-mediated

81, 82 transformation pea immature
Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) cotyledons, 198
abiotic stresses, 579t, 593 transformation pea lateral
Agrobacterium tumefaciens- buds, 199
cDNA-AFLP (amplified fragment
mediated transformation, length polymorphism),
135-139 419-423
biolistic transformation, 139-140 cotyledonary node, 91, 97, 112
crop constraints, 125-126 de novo regeneration faba bean, 288,
crop improvement, 126-128 291-296
cultivated/wild species relationship, fluorescence in situ hybridization
507 (FISH), 375-382
embryo axes, 259-260, 262t

640 Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes

Protocols (continued) Red clover (Trifolium pratense)
in vitro regeneration pea immature ensiling, 12
cotyledons, 197 PPO, 38
liquid vs. solid medium, 95-96 transformation protocols, 21
microprojective bombardment pea,
206-208 Regen S, alfalfa genotype, 30, 31
particle bombardment, 103, 109-111 Regen SY alfalfa genotype, 34, 39n
somatic embryogenesis, 94-96 Regen Y, alfalfa genotype, 30, 31
sonication-assisted Agrobacterium- Regeneration, alfalfa, 31
mediated transformation RepA gene, cell cycle regulators, 164
(SAAT), 103, 113-119 Reporter genes, 405
tree legume transformation, 319-323 Resistance genes (R genes), 490, 524
Restriction enzymes, 390
Proximal core promoter, 403 Restriction fragment length
Pusa 362, chickpea genotype, 152t
polymorphism (RFLP), 391,
Quantitative competitive PCR
(QC-PCR) analysis, 461i, 462 394, 478, 498, 533, 561t
Restriction landmark genomic scanning
Quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) analysis,
459, 464i (RLGS), 478
Retrotransposon based insertion
copy number, 462-463
procedures, 460-461 polymorphism (RBIP), 487
transcript levels, 463-464 Retrotransposon microsatellite
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis
DNA marker use, 525-526, amplified polymorphism

527t-529t, 530-531 (REMAP), 486
M. sativa, 569-570 Retrotransposon/miniature-inverted

R108 M. truncatula genotype, 46, 48, repeat transposable element
50t, 51t, 59t, 372
(MITE)-based markers,
R(everse)T(ranscription)-PCR analysis,
xxiii, 138, 140, 387t, 389, 485-487, 534
394, 414, 459-460, 463-464 Retrotransposons, reverse genetics,

Radicles, pea, 206 360-362, 363t
Random amplified microsatellite Reverse genetics

polymorphism (RAMPO), in legumes, 354-358
482 Medicago truncatula, 341-342,
Random amplified microsatellite
polymorphisms (RAMPs), 361-362, 363t
482 in plants, 353-354
Random amplified polymorphic DNA Reverse northern blot, cDNA-AFLP
(RAPD), 479, 498, 533, 561t
Randomly amplified fingerprinting analysis, 422-423
(RAF), 479-480 Rhizobia bacteria
Recombinant inbred line (RIL)
populations, M. truncatula, and legumes, 19, 467
562, 563i, 564i, 570 and plants, 355
Rhizobium meliloti, 20, 48, 341
Rhizobium-legume symbiosis, 273, 606
RIM (root induction medium), peanut,

Rinderpest virus, 136, 141
RNAi (interfering RNA) technology,

Robinia pseudoacacia

assays, 335-336
honey production, 331
plantlet regeneration, 334-335
selection markers, 333

Index 641

Robinia pseudoacacia (continued) Selective subtractive hybridization

transformation procedure, 331-332, (SSH) (continued)

336 clone small-scale analysis, 447-449
Rol gene expression, 62
legumes, 449-450
Root induction, media, 133-134
Root-knot nematodes (RKN), 606, setup, 439, 443-444
technique, 429-433, 431i
607-608, 608i Sequence characterized amplified
model legume resistance, 609-610,
regions (SCARs), 490-491
611-612 Sequence-related amplification
Root selection, 61
Root-specific promoters, 2 polymorphism (SRAP), 481
Roundup Ready alfalfa, 38, 275 Sequence-specific amplified
Roundup Ready soybean, 108
RPH (rinderpest hemagglutinin) gene, polymorphism (SSAP), 486
Sequence tagged microsatellite
Rubisco, abiotic stress reduction, 586, profiling (STMP), 488
Sequence tagged microsatellite sites
587, 588i, 591
Rust resistance, 515 (STMS), 489
Sequence-tagged sites (STS), 491, 561t
faba bean, 525 Serial analysis of gene expression
SCAR marker, 522t
(SAGE), 344-345, 413, 414
Shoot culture, Robinia pseudoacacia,


Shoot induction

S-adenosyl methionine (SAM), 71 media, 131-133

S(ulfur)-amino acid deficiency, alfalfa, 3 pigeon pea, 128-134

S-methyl methionine (SMM), 7, 8, 71 Shoot regeneration, pigeon pea,

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, reverse 128-129
genetics, 353 Shooting distance, gene delivery, 210,

Salt-stress suppression, 586, 587t 211t, 212
Sclerotinia minor resistance, peanut, 259 SIM (shoot induction) medium, peanut,
Secondary embryogenesis, 47i, 51t, 52
Seed specific promoters, 84 264
Selection agents Simple sequence length polymorphism

alfalfa, 34, 53 (SSLP), 459
chickpea, 149, 153, 153i Simple sequence repeats (SSRs), 488,
peanut, 235t-236t, 237
Robinia pseudoacacia, 333 561t
soybean, 94 Single copy T1 transgenics, 396, 396t
Selective amplification Sinorhizobium meliloti, 20, 48, 354
Slot blot hybridization, 391-392, 392i
biotin/restriction-mediated Soil organisms, ODAP utilization, 177
enrichment (SABRE) Solid medium proliferation culture
technique, 429
Selective amplification of system, 95-96
microsatellite polymorphic Somatic embryo production, soybean,
loci (SAMPL), 483
Somatic embryogenesis, 46, 273-274,

Selective genic/intergenic amplification 356

markers, 489-490 difficulty of, 275

Selective subtractive hybridization low-ODAP grass pea, 183-184

(SSH) pigeon pea, 134

applications, 433, 434t-438t, 439 protocols, 94-96

clone large-scale analysis, 444-447 soybean, 104-105

642 Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes

Sonication-assisted Agrobacterium- Superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD), 395
Suspension cultures, soybean, 109
mediated transformation Synteny, xxiii, 568

(SAAT), 103, 113-119 T(ransferred)-DNA
Sonication duration, 115-116 Agrobacterium, 111, 112, 148
Sonicator, SAAT, 114 binary vectors, 149, 151i
Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV), instability, 83
M. truncatula, 364
525 technology, 355-358
Southern blot hybridization, 135, 140, transkingdom, 33

221i, 322-323, 387t, 389-391, T-DNA-based promoter tagging
system, 407-408
Soybean (Glycine max) Tannins, 9, 11, 20
Lotus spp., 302, 306-307
abiotic stresses, 590
Agrobacterium interaction, 90-91 Target region amplification
Agrobacterium-mediated polymorphism (TRAP), 485

transformation, 91-94, TATA box, 404
111-112 Tetraploid species mapping, 566-568
color, 106 Thidiazuron (TDZ), 130, 132, 189
composition, 74-75
cultivated/wild species relationship, faba bean de novo regeneration,
504 288, 289, 294
embryo explants, 261t
embryogenic cultures, 104-107 Thiol use, soybean cotyledonary node
field trials, 70, 84 transformation, 93
genetic diversity analysis, 499
genome organization, 532 Threonine (Thr), soybean, 71
genome size, 531 Thrips, cowpea, 162
linkage map, 510t, 511-512 TILLING (targeting induced local
Met increase, 71-73
nematode infection, 605-606, 613n lesions in genomes)
as oil crop, 69, 76-77 EMS, 355
QTL analysis, 528t-529t, 530 model legumes, 607t, 613
SAAT, 103, 113-119 technology, 358-359
somatic embryo production, 94-95 Tissue culture, 395
trait tagging, 518t, 524 Tissue culture independent
Trp increase, 73-76
uses, 69 transformation, 276
vitamin E enhancement, 77-82 Tnt1 transposition, Medicago
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN),
truncatula, 361, 362, 364
605-606, 613n Tobacco streak virus (TSV), 243
Soybean sudden death syndrome Tocopherols, 77, 78i

(SDS), 472 biosynthesis, 78i, 79-80
Spodoptera resistance, peanut, 267n R1 soybean seeds, 81t
Stacking multiple transgenes, 83 Toxicity, and antisense technology, 178
Stilbene synthase, 242 Trait tagging, DNA marker use, 515,
Storage fraction, legume seed, 141
Streptomycin, chickpea culture, 150 523-525
Striga, 163 Transcript-derived fragments (TDFs)
Striga gesnerioides resistance, cowpea,
analysis, 422
524-525 cDNA-AFLP, 415i, 418
Subepidermal embryo origin, 105 isolation, 421-422
Transcriptional regulation, 83
Transcriptomics, 344

Index 643

Transformation, 343 Vaccine, rinderpest, 136
Transformation efficiency Vaccines, plant-derived, 142
Vacuum infiltration transformation, 20
plantlets, 54 Value-added traits, 242
transgenic roots, 61-62 Variation, transgenic plants, 385-386
Transformation occurrence analysis, Vigna vexillata, pod borer resistance,

transgenic plants, 387t, 162
387-389 Vir genes, T-DNA transfer, 112
Transformed roots, 58, 61 Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS),
Transgene silencing, 83
Transgenic plants 188
gene expression studies, 394-395 Vitamin E enhancement
genetic analysis, 395-397
integration and copy number, oil crops, 80-82
389-392 soybean, 77-79
integration site, 393-394
transformation occurrence analysis, Western blot analysis, 138, 387t, 394
387t, 387-389 White clover (Trifolium repens), 19
variation, 385-386
Transkingdom DNA transfer, 33-34 Agrobacterium-mediated
Transposon display (TD), 487 transformation, 21-24
Transposons, 485
Tree legume (Leucaena leucocephala) isogenic transformation, 25-26, 26i
explants, 318t transformation protocol, 20-21
forestry uses, 319 virus resistance, 20
in vitro regeneration, 319-317 White clover mosaic virus (WCMV),
protocol, 319-323
results, 323-326 20
Tryptophan (Trp), soybean, 71, 73-76 Winter hardiness
Tungsten microcarriers, 207
optimal size, 210t, 212 alfalfa, 569
lentil, 531
Wushel gene, 164

U. S. Animal and Plant Health Yeast extract broth (YEB) medium, 34,
37, 150, 291
Inspection Service (APHIS), 70
UidA (glucuronidase) marker gene, 389

chickpea transformation, 151i

grass pea transformation, 182

pigeon pea transformation, 135, 140,

406 Zein protein

Universally primed PCR (UP-PCR), accumulation, 4-6, 5i, 8

479 as Met sink, 7i

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