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additive principal components 377, 214, 219, 233–236, 242–245,
378 254, 258, 259, 354, 358-359
children 233–236
agriculture 9, 353, 376 criminals 68
carrots 210, 323, 346 reflexes 57-58
see also designed experiments students 64–68, 81–83, 214,
242–245, 254, 258, 259,
algebraic derivations of PCs 4–6, 358-359
10, 11, 13, 21, 30, 39 Andrews’ curves 107–110, 242, 253
approximations to PCs 269,
algebraic properties of PCs 10–21, 292–296
25, 26, 29–34, 86, 139, 158, see also discrete PC coefficients,
170, 174, 266, 328, 342, 361, rounded PC coefficients,
362, 375, 392, 394, 400, 404 truncation of PC coefficients
archaeology 349, 388
statistical implications 10, 11, artistic qualities 83–85, 97, 98,
13, 25, 26, 31 254-258, 276, 277
asymptotic probability
allometry 344, 345, 374 distributions, see
allometric extension 356 probability distributions
alternating least squares (ALS) Olympic track records 42
375, 377 road running 98-101, 298, 316,
320–323, 349, 350
analysis of variance (ANOVA) 122, atmospheric science 70–74, 80, 112,
351–354, 390
blocks and treatments 351, 352
two-way models 351, 352, 390
see also multivariate analysis of
anatomical measurements 22, 57,
58, 64–68, 81–83, 145–147,
116, 127-130, 133, 270, 274, Index 459
284, 289, 294–297, 302–317,
332, 354, 362, 364, 385 binary variables 68, 88, 339, 340,
see also meteorology and 343, 346
autocorrelation/autocovariance presence/absence data 105, 107,
129, 149, 298, 335, 336 390
autoregressive processes
ARMA models 336, 337 biological applications 9, 57, 64,
first order 301, 327, 334, 335 90, 390
multivariate first order 302, 308
auxiliaries 399 aphids 122, 145-147, 214, 219
Bartlett’s test see hypothesis
testing for equality of PC Irish wetland birds 105–106
variances seabird communities 214
diving seals 316, 323
basis functions 318–320, 325, 327 see also ecology, size and shape
Fourier basis 319
spline basis 320, 322, 325, 331 PCs
biplots 79, 90–103, 132, 230, 342,
Bayesian inference 222, 395
in factor analysis 155 353, 408
in regression 177, 179 bimodel 91
posterior distribution 56, 126 classical 90, 101
prior distribution 60, 126, 179 coefficient of variation 102, 389
using PCs 56, 60 computation 413
correspondence analysis 95, 96
Behrens-Fisher problem, generalized 102
multivariate 356 interpolation and prediction 102,
best-fitting 382
lines, planes and hyperplanes 7, non-linear 102, 381, 382
36, 189, 389 robust 102, 265
subspaces 34–36, 78, 80, 87, 342 symmetric 96
bisection method 411
best linear approximation to PCs Bonferroni bound 248
using subset of variables bootstrap estimation 49, 112, 117,
125, 126, 261, 267, 314, 394
best linear predictors 16, 17, 392 confidence intervals 52, 118, 126,
between–group variation 202, 203,
209, 220, 399 in quality control 368
between–treatment (and –block) non-parametric 52
of residuals 125, 377
PCs 352 parametric 52
biased regression methods 167, resampling in blocks 360
boxplots 295
168, 171, 172, 177–179, of PC scores 125, 235
183–185, 230, 286 branch-and-bound algorithm 284
see also PC regression, ridge broken stick model 115, 130, 132,
regression, shrinkage
methods 143
Burt matrix 343
calibration 190
460 Index
canonical correlation analysis 157, potentially predictable variation
183, 199, 200, 222–229, 267, 354
309, 362, 392, 399
climatology, see atmospheric
canonical correlations 139, 157, science, meteorology and
224–225 climatology
canonical covariance analysis cluster analysis
see maximum covariance complete linkage 217, 218
analysis for observations 71, 84, 108–110,
199, 200, 210–222, 299, 381,
canonical (factor) analysis 157 387, 408
canonical variate (discriminant) for variables 138, 200, 213, 214
fuzzy clustering 212
analysis 102, 199, 209, 210, see also dissection, minimum
220, 223, 401 spanning tree
centering by medians or modes 389
Central Limit Theorem 236 clusters 80, 147, 241, 294, 298
centroid method 154, 157 coefficient of determination,
see also point estimation for
factor loadings see multiple correlation
chaos theory 303 coefficient
chemistry 9, 90, 384, 389 coefficient of variation 102, 384,
blood chemistry 40, 41, 116, 389
133–134, 292, 346 combined PCA 228
chemical engineering 380 common PCs 206, 209, 224, 338,
chemometrics 184, 231, 398 354–362, 368
gas chromatography 134–137 estimation and hypothesis
properties of chemical testing 355, 357, 360
compounds 74–76, 346 for dependent groups 357
properties of sand/mud/rock partial common PC models 355
samples 224, 248, 390 comparisons
quantitative structure–activity between clusters 217
relationships (QSAR) 74 between covariance structures 92
spectrophotometry 190 between data configurations 125,
spectroscopy 184, 185, 253, 316, 140, 141, 261
413 between PCs 22, 24, 201, 257,
Chernoff’s faces 107 259–263, 339, 349, 354–362
children between subspaces 140, 141, 252
heights and weights 233–236, complex PCA 302, 309–314, 328,
316, 330 329, 346, 369, 370
intelligence tests 161–165, 271 complex eigenval-
chi-squared distance 105 ues/eigenvectors
Cholesky factorization 182, 186 309, 310, 369, 370
classification, see cluster analysis compositional data 25, 39, 338,
climate change/variation 73, 129, 340, 346–350, 374, 388
183, 305 independence 347, 348
fingerprint techniques 328, 332, non-linear structure 346, 348
333, 388
Index 461
computation 296
in (PC) regression 46, 168, 170, soft constraints 401
173, 182, 412, 413 contingency tables 79, 103, 106,
of factors 154, 364
of PCs 7, 8, 29, 46, 90, 364 107, 340–343, 375, 385
efficient calculation 407–414 see also interactions, principal
in computer packages 407, 408
parallel processing 413, 414 axes
using neural networks 400, 413, continuum regression 184
414 contours of constant probability
see also biplots, correspondence 16, 18, 23, 33, 39, 54, 367,
analysis, principal co- 368
ordinate analysis, singular enclosing maximum volume 16
value decomposition contrasts between variables 42, 57,
58, 67, 76, 81, 99, 162, 217,
computationally intensive methods 244, 245, 294, 297, 344, 347,
112, 120-127 349
convex hulls 81, 82, 214
see also bootstrap, correlation between PCs and
cross-validation, jackknife variables 25, 141, 214, 404
correlation vs. covariance
computer languages 407-412 for influence functions 250–251
computer pack- in discriminant analysis 204
in factor analysis 156
ages/libraries/software 25, in PCA 7, 10, 14, 21–26, 40, 42,
66, 150, 153, 162, 271, 407, 65, 74, 76, 83, 98, 134
408 see also conditional
BMDP 407 covariance/correlation
EISPACK 411 matrices, influence
IMSL 411 functions, maximum
MATLAB 407 likelihood estimation,
NAG 411 partial correlation, robust
PRINCALS 375 estimation
R/S-PLUS 407-412 correspondence analysis 46, 79,
SAS 407 102, 104–107, 338, 341–343,
SPSS 375, 407 353, 372, 373, 375, 385, 386,
computer science 79 391
concentration ellipses 97, 102 multiple correspondence analysis
concurvities 378 102, 343, 375, 376
conditional covariance or Cram´er–von Mises statistic 402
correlation matrix 15, 139 decomposition into ‘PCs’ 402
confidence intervals, see interval crime rates 147–149, 300
estimation cross-correlation asymmetric PCA
congruence coefficient 357 401
consensus components 356 cross-validation 112, 120–127, 131,
constraints on PCs 393, 401 132, 175, 177, 185, 187, 239,
constrained PCA 401 253
contrast, homogeneous and
sparsity constraints 295,
462 Index
cumulative percentage of total dimensionality reduction 1–4, 46,
variation 55, 112–114, 126, 74, 78, 107, 108, 111–150,
130–137, 147, 166, 201, 211, 160
preprocessing using PCA 167,
see also rules for selecting PCs 199, 200, 211, 221, 223, 396,
curve alignment/registration 316, 401
323, 324 redundant variables 27
cyclic subspace regression 184 dimensionless quantity 24
cyclo-stationary EOFs and POPs directional data 339, 369, 370
discrete PC coefficients 269,
DASCO (discriminant analysis see also rounded PC coefficients,
with shrunken covariances)
207, 208 simplified PC coefficients
discrete variables 69, 88, 103, 145,
data given as intervals 339, 370,
371 201, 339–343, 371, 388
categorical variables 79, 156,
data mining 200
definitions of PCs 1–6, 18, 30, 36, 375, 376
measures of association and
377, 394
demography 9, 68–71, 108–110, dispersion 340
see also binary variables,
195–198, 215–219, 245–247
density estimation 316, 327, 368 contingency tables,
derivation of PCs, see algebraic discriminant analysis, Gini’s
measure of dispersion,
derivations, geometric ranked data
derivations discriminant analysis 73, 111, 129,
descriptive use of PCs 19, 24, 49, 137, 199–210, 212, 223, 335,
55, 59, 63–77, 130, 132, 159, 351, 354, 357, 386, 408
263, 299, 338, 339 assumptions 200, 201, 206
see also first few PCs for discrete data 201
designed experiments 336, 338, for functional data 327
351–354, 365 linear discriminant function 201,
optimal design 354 203
see also analysis of variance, non-linear 206
between-treatment PCs, non-parametric 201
multivariate analysis of probability/cost of
variance, optimal design, misclassification 199, 201,
PCs of residuals 203, 209
detection of outliers 13, 168, 207, quadratic discrimination 206
211, 233–248, 263, 268, 352 training set 200, 201
masking or camouflage 235 see also between-group
tests and test statistics 236–241, variation, canonical
245, 251, 268 variate (discriminant)
see also influential observations, analysis, regularized
outliers discriminant analysis,
SIMCA, within–groups PCs
Index 463
discriminant principal component 297, 303, 320
analysis 209 space-time EOFs 333
see also cyclostationary EOFs,
dissection 84, 210, 212, 214, 215,
217, 219 extended EOFs, Hilbert
distance/dissimilarity measures empirical orthogonal telecon-
between observations 79, 86, nections 284, 289, 290,
89, 90, 92, 93, 106, 200, 390
210-212, 215, 348 entropy 20, 219, 396
between variables 391 equal-variance PCs 10, 27, 28, 43,
geodesic distance 382 44, 252, 410, 412
see also Euclidean distance, nearly equal variances, see
Mahalanobis distance, nearly equal eigenvalues
similarity measures see also hypothesis testing for
equality of PC variances
dominant PCs 22, 40, 42, 113, 131, error covariance matrix 59, 387,
134, 135, 263, 271, 276, 389 400
errors-in-variables models 188
doubly-centred PCA 42, 344, 372, estimation, see bootstrap
374, 389-391 estimation, interval
estimation, least
duality between PCA and principal squares (LS) estimation,
coordinate analysis 86-90 maximum likelihood
estimation, method of
duality diagram 386 moments estimation,
point estimation, robust
ecology 9, 117, 118, 130, 131, 224, estimation
261, 343, 371, 389 Euclidean norm 17, 37, 46, 113,
380, 387, 392
habitat suitability 239 exact linear relationships between
see also biological applications variables, see zero-variance
economics and finance 9, 300, 329 PCs
econometrics 188, 330, 393 extended components 404
financial portfolio 404 extended EOF analysis (EEOF
stock market 76, 77, 300 analysis) 307, 308, 333, 398,
eigenzeit 323 399
elderly at home 68–71, 110 multivariate EEOF analysis 307,
ellipsoids, see concentration 308
ellipses, contours of factor analysis 7, 8, 60, 115, 116,
constant probability, 122, 123, 126, 127, 130–132,
interval estimation, 150–166, 269, 270, 272–274,
principal axes of ellipsoids 296, 336, 357, 364, 396, 408
elliptical distributions 20, 264, 379,
394 comparisons with PCA 158–161
El Nin˜o-Southern Oscillation factor rotation, see rotation
(ENSO) 73, 305, 306, 311
EM algorithm 60, 222, 363, 364,
regularized EM algorithm 364
empirical orthogonal functions
(EOFs) 72, 74, 274, 296,
464 Index
first few (high variance) PCs 320–323, 331, 384, 387
computation 408–411, 413 functional PCA (FPCA) 274,
dominated by single variables
22, 24, 41, 56 316-327, 384, 402
in canonical correlation analysis bivariate FPCA 324
223, 224, 362 estimating functional PCs 316,
in climate change detection 332,
333 318–320, 327
in cluster analysis 211–219 prediction of time series 316,
in discriminant analysis 200–202,
207, 208 326, 327
in factor analysis 157–162 robust FPCA 266, 316, 327
in independent component see also rotation
analysis 396
in outlier detection 234–236, gamma distribution
238, 239, 263, 367 probability plots 237, 239, 245
in projection pursuit 221
in regression 171–174, 186–188, gas chromatography, see chemistry
191 Gaussian distribution, see normal
in variable selection 138,
186-188, 191, 197 distribution
see also cumulative percentage of generalizations of PCA 60, 189,
total variation, descriptive
use of PCs, dimensionality 210, 220, 342, 360, 361,
reduction, dominant PCs, 373–401
interpretation of PCs, generalized linear models 61, 185
residuals after fitting first bilinear models 61
few PCs, rotation, rules generalized SVD, see singular
for selecting PCs, size and value decomposition
shape PCs, two-dimensional generalized variance 16, 20
PC plots genetics 9, 336, 413
gene shaving 213
fixed effects model for PCA 59–61, geology 9, 42, 346, 389, 390
86, 96, 124, 125, 131, 158, trace element concentrations 248
220, 267, 330, 376, 386 geometric derivation of PCs 7, 8,
10, 36, 59, 87, 189
Fourier analysis/transforms 311, geometric properties of PCs 7, 8,
329, 370 10, 18–21, 27, 29, 33–40, 46,
53, 78, 80, 87, 113, 189, 212,
frequency domain PCs 299, 310, 320, 340, 347, 372
328-330, 370 statistical implications 18, 33
Gini’s measure of dispersion 340
multitaper frequency Givens transformation 410
domain singular value goodness-of-fit tests 317, 373, 401,
decomposition (MTM-SVD) 402
303, 311, 314 lack-of-fit test 379
graphical representation
functional and structural comparing covariance matrices
relationships 168, 188–190 360
dynamic graphics 79
functional data 61, 266, 302,
Index 465
of correlations between variables for normality 402
and components 404 for outliers 236, 238, 239, 241,
of data 63, 78–110, 130, 200, 367, 368
201, 212, 214, 215, 217–219, for periodicities 304, 314
235–236, 242, 244–247, 338, for specified PC coefficients 53,
341, 353, 367
293, 394
of intrinsically high-dimensional for specified PC variances 53,
data 107–110
114, 394
group structure 80, 145, 299, 387, see also likelihood ratio test,
minimum χ2 test
see also cluster analysis,
discriminant analysis ill-conditioning 390
see also multicollinearity
growing scale PCA 334
growth curves 328, 330, 331 image processing 56, 346, 395, 401
eigenimages 346
Hilbert EOF analysis see complex
PCA Imbrie’s Q-mode method 390
imputation of missing values 363,
Hilbert transforms 310, 329, 369
history of PCs 6–9 366
Hotelling’s T 2 205, 356, 367, 368 independent component analysis
household formation 195–198,
(ICA) 373, 395, 396
245–247 indicator matrices 343
Householder transformation 410, inference for PCs see estimation,
412 hypothesis testing, interval
how many factors? 116, 126, 130, estimation
influence function
131, 159, 162 additivity 251
how many PCs? 43, 53, 54, 63, 78, deleted empirical influence
function 251
111–137, 159, 222, 230, 238, empirical influence function 251
253, 261, 271, 327, 332, 333, for PC coefficients and
338, 385, 387, 395 variances 253–259
see also parallel analysis, rules local 262
for selecting PCs sample influence function 249,
hypothesis testing 250, 252
for common PCs 356–360 for PC coefficients and
for cumulative proportion of variances 253–259
total variance 55 for regression coefficients 249
for equality of multivariate standardized influence matrix
means 205 240
for equality of PC variances theoretical influence function
53–55, 118, 119, 128, 131, for correlation coefficients 250
132, 136, 276, 394 for PC coefficients and
for equivalence of subspaces 360 variances 249–251, 253, 263
for Hilbert EOFs 311 for robust PCA 267
for linear trend in PC variances for subspaces 252–254
120, 356