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Published by soedito, 2017-08-28 03:26:29



Table 4.1 Selected clinical syndromes with known genetic mutations that may cause or feature

Syndrome OMIM Gene Location Location (cattle) Gene name
(syndrome) (human)

Aarskog 100050 FGD1 Xp11.21 X (59,725K–59,813K) FYVE, RhoGEF, and PH
Amelogenesis / MSX2 5q34-q35 20 (6,569K–6,645K) domain containing 1
renal disease—cl/p msh homeobox 2
101200 FGFR2 10q26 26 (42,064K–42,116K) Fibroblast growth factor
acrocephalosyndactyly receptor 2
type 1
Cardiofaciocutaneous 115150 BRAF 7q34 4 (107,677K–107,870K) v-raf murine sarcoma
/ viral oncogene homolog
Cardiofaciocutaneous KRAS 12p12.1 5 (89,959K–90,084K) B1
Noonan 218040 MAP2K1 15q22.1-q22.33 10 (13,089K–13,277K)
193700 MAP2K2 19p13.3 7 (18,493K–18,545K) v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat
Costello 601680 HRAS 11p15.5 / sarcoma viral oncogene
Distal arthrogryposis 227650 MYH3 17p13.1 19 (30,149K–30,201K) Mitogen-activated
type 2A protein kinase kinase 1
Distal arthrogryposis 305620 TNNI2 11p15.5 29 (51,474K–51,526K) Mitogen-activated
type 2B 308700 TNNT3 11p15.5 29 (51,421K–51,459K) protein kinase kinase 2
163950 FANCE 6p22-p21 23 (9,662K–9,715K)
Fanconi anemia 176270 FANCED2 3p26 / v-Ha-ras Harvey rat
117550 sarcoma viral oncogene
Gorlin— 277590 FLNA Xq28 X (23,656K–23,718K) homolog
fronto-metaphyseal 130650
dysplasia KAL1 Xp22.3 / Myosin, heavy chain 3,
Kallman syndrome SOS1 2p22-p21 11 (22,475K–22,585K) skeletal muscle,
Noonan SNRPN 15q11.2 / embryonic
NSD1 5q35.2-q35.3 7 (37,932K–38,044K) Troponin I type 2
Sotos (skeletal, fast)
Weaver Troponin T type 3
Beckwith–Wiedemann (skeletal, fast)

Fanconi anemia,
group E
Fanconi anemia,
group D

Filamin A, alpha
(actin-binding protein

Kallmann syndrome 1

Son of sevenless
homolog 1

Small nuclear
polypeptide N

Nuclear receptor binding
SET domain protein 1


Genetics and Genomics of Reproductive Disorders 83

Table 4.2 Transgenic and knockout murine models related to cryptorchidism.

Gene Chromosome Location Location Gene name

EPHA4 1 43 cM 2q36.1 Eph receptor A4

GLI2 1 63 cM 2q14 GLI-Kruppel family member GLI2

LBR 1 97.3 cM 1q42.1 Lamin B receptor

DNAJC5I 2 106 cM / DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C,

member 5

LRP2 2 40 cM 2q24-q31 Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related

protein 2

SCG5 2 64 cM 15q13-q14 Secretogranin V

NHLH2 3 01814078-101818429 bp 1p12-p11 Nescient helix loop helix 2

RXFP1 3 79448638-79541716 bp 4q32.1 Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 1

CRSP 5 84 cM / Cryptorchidism with white spotting, deletion


GNRHR 5 44 cM 4q21.2 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor

RXFP2 5 84 cM 13q13.1 Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 2

FKBP4 6 128379753-128388695 bp 12p13.33 FK506 binding protein 4

HOXA10 6 26.33 cM 7p15-p14 Homeo box A10

HOXA11 6 26.33 cM 7p15-p14 Homeo box A11

RET 6 53.2 cM 10q11.2 Ret proto-oncogene

HMGB2 8 31 cM 4q31 High mobility group box 2

INSL3 8 33 cM 19p13.2-p12 Insulin-like 3

ARID5B 10 10 cM 10q21.2 AT rich interactive domain 5B (Mrf1 like)

GLI1 10 69 cM 12q13.2-q13.3 GLI-Kruppel family member GLI1

GNRH1 14 30.5 cM 8p21-p11.2 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1

DHH 15 57.4 cM 12q12-q13.1 Desert hedgehog

PARL 16 14 cM 3q27.1 Presenilin associated, rhomboid-like

LHCGR 17 46.5 cM 2p21 Luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin


SOX8 17 8 cM 16p13.3 SRY-box containing gene 8

AMH 33 10 cM 19p13.3 Anti-Müllerian hormone

BMP5 42 9 cM 6p12.1 Bone morphogenetic protein 5

AR X 36 cM Xq11.2-q12 Androgen receptor

FOXP3 X 2.1 cM Xp11.23 Forkhead box P3

MECP2 X 29.6 cM Xq28 Methyl CpG binding protein 2

WW1 UN UN / Small papilla 1

determined using the bovine–human synteny 2006; Wada et al. 2006; and Wang et al.
map (Razpet 2007). 2008), as well as INSL3 in sheep (Williams
et al. 2007) and dogs (Cassata et al. 2008)
The search in the MGI database revealed (Table 4.3). Ferlin et al. (2005) found no dif-
30 mouse gene knockout models that result ference between the numbers of CAG and
in phenotypes associated with cryptorchi- GGC repeats, resulting in variable lengths of
dism (Table 4.2). PolyGln/PolyGly in the androgen receptor
(AR) gene and cryptorchidism; however, it
Five genes showed positive association has been proposed that a particular combina-
between sequence variation/mutation screen- tion of the PolyGln/PolyGly polymorphisms
ing and cryptorchidism in humans: ESR1, may be linked to cryptorchidism. Studies of
NR5A1, RXFP2, INSL3, and AR (Gorlov
et al. 2002; Yoshida et al. 2005; Ferlin et al.

84 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

Table 4.3 Genes tested for association with cryptorchidism.

Gene Species Chromosome Gene name Reference

LHCGR Human 2p21 Luteinizing hormone/ (–) Simoni et al. (2008)
6q25.1 choriogonadotropin receptor
ESR1 Human 9q33 Estrogen receptor 1 (+) Wang et al. (2008); (+) Yoshida
13q13.1 et al. (2005); (–) Galan et al. (2007)
NR5A1 (SF-1) Human 19p13.2-p12 Nuclear receptor subfamily (+) Wada et al. (2006)
5, group A, member 1
RXFP2 Human Xq11.2-q12 Relaxin/insulin-like family (+) Gorlov et al. (2002); (+) Bogatcheva
(LGR8/GREAT) Human ND peptide receptor 2 et al. (2007); (–) Nuti et al. (2008)
INSL3 20 Insulin-like 3 (Leydig cell) (+) Canto et al. (2003); (+) Ferlin et al.
(2006); (+) El Houate et al. (2007); (+)
AR Human Androgen receptor Yamazawa et al. (2007); (–) Krausz
et al. (2000); (–) Baker et al. (2002);
INSL3 Sheep Insulin-like 3 (Leydig cell) (–) Takahashi et al. (2001)
INSL3 Dog Insulin-like 3 (Leydig cell) (+) Ferlin et al. (2005); (+) Silva-Ramos
et al. (2006)
(+) Williams et al. (2007)
(+) Cassata et al. (2008)1

1 Association was found but not statistically evaluated; mutation screening (case report).
ND, not defined; +, statistically significant association; –, no association.

insulin-like 3 (INSL3), relaxin/insulin-like testis is a common feature of the goat polled/
family peptide receptor 2 (RXFP2) and estro- intersex syndrome (Soller et al. 1969).
gen receptor 1 (ESR1) showed opposing results;
for instance. Galan et al. (2007) found no asso- Recently, transcriptomic analysis has been
ciation, while Yoshida et al. (2005) and Wang applied for the detection of candidate genes
et al. (2008) reported association between associated with cryptorchidism in humans
ESR1 sequence polymorphisms and cryptor- (Nguyen et al. 2009) and in rats (Barthold
chidism. In addition, no association between et al. 2008). Comparison of cryptorchid and
luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin re- normal samples revealed a number of genes
ceptor (Lhcgr) and cryptorchidism could be differentially expressed in both groups, where
shown (Simoni et al. 2008). the majority of identified genes were under-
expressed in cryptorchid samples, which is
Due to the complex character of cryptor- most likely the reason for impaired germ cell
chidism, the phenotype has been observed maturation and sperm tail formation in
together with different types of chromosomal cryptorchid testis. On the other hand, an
abnormalities. In rams, cryptorchidism has antiapoptotic gene (TNFAIP3) was highly
been associated with an autosomal recessive overexpressed in cryptorchid samples. The
or possibly autosomal dominant gene with transcriptomic approach revealed a number
incomplete penetrance, and an increased of differentially expressed genes, which can
prevalence of cryptorchidism has been found at least in part explain the cryptorchid phe-
in polled animals (Claxton and Yeates 1972). notype, but the reason for differences in
Similarly, in goats, the gene causing polled- expression profile might be very complex
ness has been shown to be associated with a including genetic and nongenetic factors.
number of abnormalities during the develop-
ment of the reproductive tract, including also Our literature search revealed 140 gene
cryptorchidism. The maldescent of the right loci associated with cryptorchidism (asso-
ciations based on gene mutations and

Genetics and Genomics of Reproductive Disorders 85

polymorphisms or specific expression pro- secreted by the male fetus to inhibit the
files), showing that the most common strat- development of the female reproductive
egies for identification of candidate genes for tract. In about 92% of cases, the females
cryptorchidism are expression studies and from mixed-sex twin pregnancies are sterile.
knockout experiments identifying 53 and 30 The females (in similar proportion, this is
loci, respectively. true for male calves too) from mixed-sex
twin pregnancies are also erytrocytic chime-
However, the most reliable candidate ras and can be diagnosed as freemartin based
genes seem to be those that were identified on blood group typing. The XX/XY mosa-
using different approaches. Among 140 can- icism can also be diagnosed by cytogenetic
didate loci, 11 loci were identified by two techniques due to the fact that, probably as
different approaches and therefore seem to a consequence of exchange of blood stem
be strong candidates for association with cells, individuals from mixed-sex pregnan-
cryptorchidism: LHCGR, RXFP2, INSL3, cies produce white cells with XY as well as
MSX1, CYP19A1, ESR1, AR, WT1, HRAS, cells with XX chromosomes. In freemartin
TNNI2, and TNNT3. females, the structural changes of the female
reproductive system are diagnostic but
4.6 Reproductive disorders inconsistent. The tubular genital organs in
associated with embryos affected animals range from cord-like bands
and fetuses to near-normal uterine horns. Freemartins
have a short blind end vagina without com-
4.6.1 Freemartin syndrome munication with the uterus. The cervix is
absent, and the ovaries usually fail to develop
The fact that most female calves born cotwin and remain hypoplastic. Normal and free-
to a male calf are sterile belongs for centu- martin cattle can be differentiated on the
ries to the traditional knowledge of cattle basis of length of the vagina and on the pres-
breeders. Such females have, in the vast ence or absence of a cervix. In 1- to 4-week-
majority of cases, an underdeveloped female old normal heifers, the vagina is 13–15 cm
genital system and show signs of masculin- long, while in freemartin heifers, the length
ization. Due to this characteristic pheno- of the vagina does not exceed 5–8 cm in
type, they are called freemartins. The same length. However, some freemartins are quite
condition has also been recognized in other normal clinically, but they are nearly all
species, although in much lower frequen- sterile.
cies. The term freemartin is now used to
describe sterile females born cotwin to a Due to the exposure of the female fetus
male in any species. As already mentioned, to male hormones as well as hypoplastic
the cases of freemartin are much more fre- ovaries in freemartins, the hormonal profile
quent in cattle than in sheep, goats, or pigs. in freemartin heifers differs significantly
from normal females. The estradiol produc-
The reason for masculinization of the tion in freemartin ovarian tissue is lower
female calf in utero is the formation of than in normal heifers (Shore and Shemesh
the chorionic placental blood vessels that 1981), and the response to intravenous injec-
enable common circulation between the feti tion of hCG has not been detected (Cavalieri
prior to sexual differentiation, allowing anti- and Farin 1999), whereas plasma concentra-
Müllerian duct hormone and testosterone tion of testosterone was not different from

86 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

normal heifers (Saba et al. 1975). Freemartins occurs. The evidence for this comes from
were also detected using H-Y antigen detec- experiments where transfer of more than
tion technique (Wachtel et al. 1980). MIS one embryo in a recipient cow resulted in a
plays a special role in the development of single birth of a female calf, which was char-
freemartin heifers and is produced by the acterized as an XX/XY chimera and pheno-
fetal Sertoli cells during mammalian male typically almost a normal freemartin. The
sexual differentiation, also known as anti- incidence of single-born freemartins in cattle
Müllerian hormone. The newborn males is not known, but is likely to be relatively
and freemartins have similar levels of MIS rare due to the fact that the percentage of
in plasma (>700 ng/mL), whereas normal twins in cattle that survive to full term
females have much lower levels (<120 ng/ when one twin dies is very low. According
mL) (Rota et al. 2002). to some studies, about 5% of all singleton
births in cattle are calves that survived in
Karyotyping, Y chromosome-specific PCR, utero death of their cotwins. However, free-
and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) martin syndrome will remain a limiting
are commonly used methods for the detec- factor for the introduction of strategies
tion of freemartinism. In cases where XX/XY aiming to increase the frequency of twins
chimerism has occurred with low frequency, either through genetic selection or through
a relatively high number of analyzed mitoses multiple ovulation and embryo transfer.
is required (26 and 168 for 95% and 99%
confidence, respectively) for cytogenetic The freemartin syndrome is also present
analysis (Dunn et al. 1981). The same is true in other species such as sheep, goats, camels,
for the number of mitoses examined by pigs, and horses. However, in no other
FISH. There are some other chromosomal species than cattle and sheep, abnormalities
abnormalities that occasionally coincide of the female sexual tract are so common
with XX/XY chimerism: 1/29 Robertsonian and deleterious for normal reproduction. In
translocation (Zhang et al. 1994), 4/21 sheep, freemartins normally have a higher
tandem fusion (Pinheiro et al. 1995), and 61, degree of masculinization of the reproduc-
XXY trisomy (Zhang et al. 1994). Different tive tract than in cattle, which might be the
types of tissue (spleen bone marrow, lung, result of the formation of anastomoses
connective tissue, gonad interstitial tissue, during the early developmental stages com-
lymphoid tissue, and liver) have been used pared with the situation in cattle (Parkinson
in addition to lymphocytes for the detection et al. 2001). In sheep, the discovery and
of chimerism in freemartins; however, the introduction of alleles at the high fecundity
percentage of XY cells in these tissues in locus (booroola) led to significantly increased
freemartins was normally lower and more rate of twins, triplets, and even quadruplets.
variable than in leukocytes (Marcum 1974). This consequently also increased the risk
Due to its higher sensitivity, PCR is the for multiple pregnancies with mixed-sex
most commonly used technique for the iden- fetuses. In the case of intersexuality in a
tification of Y chromosome-specific DNA in Dorset horn ewe, the animal had female
freemartins. external genitalia but had a male internal
reproductive tract with inguinal testes, epi-
In addition to mixed-sex twins, there are didymides, vasa deferentia, and seminal
also freemartins born as singletons. They vesicles; no cervix; no uterus; and only
can result from mixed-sex pregnancies the caudal part of the vagina. In peripheral
where in utero death of the male cotwin

Genetics and Genomics of Reproductive Disorders 87

leukocytes, chimerism of the type 54, XX/ other hand, the presence of MIS in circula-
XY was found, while other tissues revealed tion offers the production of MIS as a thera-
the normal female karyotype 54, XX. The peutic tool for tumors with expressed MIS
ewe was born in a set of triplets with one receptors in humans such as ovarian cancers
dead male fetus and one living male, sup- (Teixeira et al. 2001).
porting the evidence that the animal was a
freemartin (Wilkes et al. 1978) Although the genetic background of free-
martnism seems to be complex and at least
In other species like goats and pigs, the in cattle to a large extent caused by the
freemartins seem to be relatively rare, architecture and developmental pace of the
whereas in horses, twins of different sex in placenta, there is some evidence that cyto-
approximately 50% of cases show vascular genetic abnormalities, referred to as fragile
anastomoses and consequently XX/XY lym- Xq chromosome, might be associated with
phocyte mosaicism. In horses, clinical signs the incidence of freemartin syndrome in
of abnormal female sexual tract are very cattle (Llambi and Postiglioni 1994).
rare, due to the late establishment of anas-
tomoses during embryonal development. In 4.6.2 Embryonic and fetal death
the literature, there are only a few reports of
masculinization of the female genital tract Embryonic death occurs most frequently
as in an example of a hermaphrodite Welsh very early during embryonic development,
pony with an XX/XY karyotype and bilateral quite often in the preimplantation phase. In
ovotestes (Bouters and Vandeplassche 1972). cattle, the majority of embryo losses occur
Similar to horses, in marmoset monkeys, within the first 2 weeks of development.
the exchange of cells between embryos is This is also one of the most important
common, but the resultant chimerism does reasons for low success rates of modern
not lead to infertility. Interestingly, in birds, reproductive techniques (in vitro fertiliza-
anastomoses within double-yolked eggs are tion, embryo transfer). It is often overlooked
common, but they lead to the feminization that less than half of inseminated bovine
of the male reproductive tract, which is the and human oocytes reach the blastocyst
situation opposite that of mammals but in stage (Betts and King 2001). The term fetal
agreement with the basic mechanisms of sex death is a common name for different defects
differentiation in birds. of prenatal development, which then lead to
resorption, fetal maceration, mummifica-
Based on findings in humans, where the tion, or abortion. In the case of abortion and
fetus releases cell-free DNA through the fetal maceration, the hormonal support of
fetoplacental unit into maternal circulation pregnancy is lost, and the animal will show
in sufficient number of copies, the concen- signs of terminated pregnancy. Sometimes,
tration remains high enough that the pres- the aborted fetus can be found, the dam may
ence of Y chromosome-specific DNA in show an abnormal vaginal discharge, and
maternal circulation can be detected by she may return to estrus. In the case of fetal
PCR. This is in spite of the rush to turn over mummification, the fetal death is not appar-
fetal DNA with an average half-life time of ent immediately, corpus luteum persists in
16 min in maternal circulation. In farm the ovary, and there is no vaginal discharge.
animals, the detectable amounts of fetal Y Such abnormal pregnancy can persist for an
chromosome-specific DNA remains to be indefinite period of time.
confirmed in maternal circulation. On the

88 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

In vitro as well as in vivo studies convinc- (Dnmt1), chorioallantoic fusion (Mrj, Vcam1,
ingly showed that chromosomal aberrations Integrin α4, Fgfr2), villous morphogenesis
are frequently a cause for embryonic death. (Gcm1, Hsp90β), placental vascularization
In some species, cell death in the early (Esx1, JunB, Arnt), regulation of maternal
developing embryo is first observed during blood flow (Gata2, Gata3), vascular develop-
blastocyst formation, predominantly in the ment (Vegf, Flk1, Flt1), and cardiac develop-
inner cell mass (Betts and King 2001). ment (Nkx2-5, Hand1). In addition, a search
of the MGI database revealed two additional
Embryonic and fetal death is an important loci involved in fetal death: prostaglandin F
cause of economic losses in animal produc- receptor (Ptgfr) and steroid 5 alpha reductase
tion; therefore, a number of studies were 1 (Srd5a1).
performed to identify QTL regions or candi-
date genes causing embryonic and fetal 4.6.3 Stillbirth
death. Holl et al. (2004) identified one
Mendelian QTL for the number of mummi- Stillbirth is often observed in cattle and pigs
fied piglets and four additional QTL in a and may be a consequence of late fetal death
multi-QTL model. The QTL for the number or fetus injury during birth. Kühn et al.
of mummified piglets was identified at SSC6 (2003) analyzed maternal and direct effects
at position 81 with a significant logarithm on stillbirth in the German Holstein cattle.
of the odds (LOD) score of 4.03. These QTL They identified suggestive QTL for maternal
could also be confirmed in the two and three effect on BTA8 and in the telomeric region
QTL models and are characterized by the of the BTA18. In addition, the indication of
presence of genetic imprinting. QTL for direct effects on stillbirth was found
on BTA6. In Swedish dairy cattle, two QTL
The mouse model has tremendous poten- for maternal effect on stillbirth were found
tial for the detection of developmental disor- on BTA7 and 11 (Holmberg and Andersson-
ders due to the large number of mutations Eklund 2006). When they included cofactors
and knockout models that identify candidate in the analysis, two additional QTL were
genes regulating different important devel- detected on BTA4 and 19. Five QTL for still-
opmental stages. It is surprising that rela- birth were identified on chromosomes BTA3,
tively few developmental disturbances lead 7, 12, 18, and 26 in Danish Holstein cattle
to death of the embryo and early fetus. It (Thomasen et al. 2008). In the Norwegian
seems that crucial disturbances are failure to red cattle, Heringstad et al. (2007) reported
establish and to maintain vascular circular- 3% of stillbirth at first calving and about
ization and failure to make the transition 1.5% at second and subsequent calvings.
from yolk sac-based to liver-based hemato- Posterior means for direct and maternal her-
poiesis (Copp 1995). Conversely, it seems itabilities were 0.07 and 0.08, respectively.
that other embryonic and organ systems They also found that genetic correlations
have little effect on survival in utero. Cross between direct and maternal effects within
(2001) reported the selection of genes that are trait were close to zero.
critical for major developmental events in
mice. Candidate genes were grouped into Using a three generation resource popula-
nine functional groups governing different tion developed by crossing low and high
developmental stages: implantation (Lif, indexing pigs for ovulation rate and embry-
Ets2), trophoblast differentiation (Hand1, onic survival, Cassady et al. (2001) identified
Mash2, Gcm1), allantoic differentiation

Genetics and Genomics of Reproductive Disorders 89

two QTL for the number of stillborn pigs on cal, or developmental causes for the disease
SSC5 and SSC13. Holl et al. (2004) confirmed phenotype, but requires the establishment
both QTL for the number of stillborn piglets of expensive biological resources (reference
on SSC5 (P < 0.10) and SSC13 (P < 0.05) populations). The typical output of genome-
and identified an additional QTL on SSC12 wide scanning experiments is the identifica-
(P < 0.10). For the QTL on SSC5, the tion of QTL regions at cM level, which can
overdominance expression was observed, harbor dozens or even hundreds of genes but
whereas dominant and additive expression allow further search for candidate genes in
modes were proposed for the QTL on SSC13 the targeted regions. In contrast to genome-
and SSC12, respectively. However, Wilkie et wide scanning strategy, the candidate gene
al. (1999) found suggestive linkage at a 5% approach requires profound physiological,
genome-wide level for the number of still- biochemical, and developmental knowledge
born piglets on SSC4. In a recent study, per- for the identification of promising candidate
formed by Tribout et al. (2008), additional genes. However, the lack of profound knowl-
QTL for the number of stillborn pigs at a edge about the factors involved in pathogen-
chromosome-wide significance level of 5% esis represent the major obstacle for further
were found on SSC6, SSC11, and SSC14. The use of candidate gene approach. Especially
involvement of SSC14 was already suggested in cases of very complex, rare diseases, the
based on cytogenetical abnormalities in the poor knowledge about factors involved in
offspring of a boar carrying a translocation: pathogenesis seriously hampers the dissec-
rcp(14;15)(q29;q24), which developed from tion of molecular anatomy of the disease. It
zygotes partly monosomic for chromosome will be necessary to solve this information
14 (14q29-qter) and partly trisomic for chro- bottleneck in order to make a faster progress
mosome 15 (15q24→qter) (Gustavsson and in the identification of causal mutations
Jönsson 1992). In stillborn piglets with these for inherited reproductive disorders in the
cytogenetic abnormalities, cleft palate and future.
cardiac septal defect were frequently found.
Recently, several strategies have been
4.7 Future research directions developed in order to overcome information
bottleneck in the classical candidate gene
The classical way to identify candidate approach. One of the most commonly used
genes for disease phenotypes is based on two strategies combines genome scans with
strategies, that is, genome-wide scanning candidate gene approach leading to position-
and candidate gene approach. Each of both dependent strategy, where search for candi-
approaches has specific advantages and dis- date genes is focused on genomic regions,
advantages; however, the successful exam- already identified by the QTL approach.
ples of finding causal genes for complex This combined strategy already showed
phenotypes in the past do not provide a reli- good results in some quantitative traits;
able strategy for a systematic exploration of however, in a number of situations, no can-
genetic network causing phenotypic varia- didate gene could be found in the highly
tion in complex diseases. Genome-wide significant QTL interval. This is typical for
scanning typically does not require any the cases where multiple genes with low
assumption about physiological, biochemi- penetrance contribute to the phenotype.
Another strategy that can help to resolve
the information bottleneck is comparative

90 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

genomics approach. Especially in the situa- mation traits and calving ease in Holstein-
tion when fully sequenced genomes from Friesian cattle. Journal of Dairy Science
more or less related species appear in public 88(11): 4111–4119.
databases, the use of functional genomics Baker, L.A., Nef, S., Nguyen, M.T., Stapleton,
data across species could be very helpful. R., Pohl, H., and Parada, L.F. 2002. The
However, we have to be aware that very insulin-3 gene: Lack of a genetic basis
similar phenotypes might have quite differ- for human cryptorchidism. Journal of
ent genetic background in different species, Urology 167: 2534–2537.
and this represents the major obstacle for Barthold, J.S. 2008. Undescended testis:
wider use of comparative genomics strategy. Current theories of etiology. Current
Further development of function-dependent Opinion in Urology 18(4): 395–400.
strategy, including study of signaling path- Barthold, J.S., McCahan, S.M., Singh, A.V.,
ways, regulatory networks, transcriptional Knudsen, T.B., Si, X., Campion, L., Akins,
profiles, and knockout and transgenic R.E. 2008. Altered expression of muscle-
animal models, is an additional strategy to and cytoskeleton-related genes in a rat
integrate different pieces of information strain with inherited cryptorchidism.
in order to elucidate molecular architecture Journal of Andrology 29: 352–366.
of hereditary reproductive disorders. These Beck, J., Bornemann-Kolatzki, K., Knorr, C.,
approaches, combined with high-throughput Taeubert, H., and Brenig, B. 2006.
genomic technologies, could significantly Molecular characterization and exclusion
contribute to efficient widening of the infor- of porcine GUSB as a candidate gene for
mation bottlenecks. One of the most prom- congenital hernia inguinalis/scrotalis.
ising strategies proposed just recently is the BMC Veterinary Research 2: 14.
so-called digital candidate gene approach Betts, D.H. and King, W.A. 2001. Genetic
(DigiCGA) (Zhu and Zhao 2007), a combina- regulation of embryo death and senes-
tion of the above-mentioned approaches cence. Theriogenology 55(1): 171–191.
with bioinformatics tools, which allow effi- Blood, D.C., Studdert, V.P., and Gay, C.C.
cient data mining and comprehensive inte- 2007. Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary
gration of different types of evidence. Using Dictionary, 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO:
this approach and its further development Saunders Elsevier.
will shed new light in the complex genetic Bogatcheva, N.V., Ferlin, A., Feng, S.,
architecture of hereditary reproductive dis- Truong, A., Gianesello, L., Foresta, C.,
orders in domestic animals. and Agoulnik, A.I. 2007. T222P mutation
of the insulin-like 3 hormone receptor
References LGR8 is associated with testicular mal-
descent and hinders receptor expression
Amann, R.P. and Veeramachaneni, D.N. on the cell surface membrane. American
2007. Cryptorchidism in common euthe- Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and
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Schook, L.B. 1999. A genomic scan of Biological Science 3(7): 420–427.


Genomics of Reproductive Diseases in Cattle
and Swine

Holly Neibergs and Ricardo Zanella

5.1 Introduction (Lundeheim 1979, 1988; Muggli-Cockett
et al. 1992; Halbur et al. 1998; Petry et al.
Differences in host response to reproductive 2005; Snowder et al. 2005, 2006; Gonda
diseases have not been extensively studied, et al. 2006; Vincent et al. 2006). Many factors
although the economic loss attributed to influence animal health and thus compli-
these diseases is large (Bishop et al. 2002; cate the study of the role of the host’s genet-
Morris 2007). Vaccination for many of these ics in the infection process. In addition,
diseases is either not effective or interferes defining the phenotype for a disease may be
with the determination of disease status. challenging, as most ill animals will present
Many of these diseases also do not respond with an assortment of clinical signs that
well to available treatments, and so new may actually represent one or more diseases.
approaches or alternatives to addressing Not all ill animals will have clinical symp-
reproductive diseases are needed. toms, and not all animals are exposed to the
same level of pathogen. Therefore, the iden-
It is common to observe a population of tification of loci associated with disease
animals that have been exposed to an infec- traits is complex. The selection of animals
tious disease and detect a spectrum of sus- for disease resistance or tolerance offers a
ceptibility and severity of disease. Cattle new approach to understanding and reduc-
and pigs show considerable variability in ing the prevalence of reproductive diseases
their responses to disease challenges. Breed in domestic animals. Although there are
or line differences have been noted for bovine challenges in the identification of loci asso-
respiratory disease (BRD), bovine paratuber- ciated with reproductive diseases, there has
culosis, and Aujeszky’s disease, providing been some initial progress in understanding
evidence for a role for genetics in the the role of genetics in bovine brucellosis,
infection of animals with these diseases


100 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

BRD, bovine paratuberculosis, porcine lep- (Chiodini 1989; Autschbach et al. 2005).
tospirosis, porcine respiratory and repro- Both bovine paratuberculosis and Crohn’s
ductive syndrome (PRRS), and Aujeszky’s disease are increasing worldwide in industri-
disease in pigs. alized countries (Food Standards Australia
New Zealand 2004). It is not known if the
5.2 Bovine paratuberculosis association of Crohn’s and MAP is the same
as the association of MAP and paratubercu-
5.2.1 Causative agent losis in cattle. However, there is a concern
that virtually all known mycobacterial
Bovine paratuberculosis, also known as pathogens are transmissible to humans and
Johne’s disease, was first described in the have the ability to cause disease. If MAP
late 19th century. The name Johne’s disease could be transferred from cattle to humans,
comes from the work of H.A. Johne and L. milk or meat might be the vehicle (Millar
Frothingham, who demonstrated a connec- et al. 1996; Food Standards Agency, Advisory
tion between cattle enteritis and the pres- Committee on the Microbiological Safety of
ence of acid-fast microorganisms in sections Food 2000). Conflicting studies have been
of the intestinal mucosa (Cocito et al. 1994). reported as to the efficacy of pasteurization
In 1906, Bang distinguished between tuber- in killing the bacteria (Stabel et al. 1997).
culosis and non-tuberculosis enteritis and
proposed the name pseudotuberculosis 5.2.2 Prevalence
enteritis. The identification of the etiologic
agent is attributed to F.W. Twort, who suc- Bovine paratuberculosis has been recognized
ceeded in cultivating and characterizing as a major disease concern in many coun-
a mycobacterium, which, in 1914, was tries, including the United States, because
shown to produce experimental enteritis in there is no known cure and it is easily
cattle (Cocito et al. 1994). After the full char- transmitted to other animals (Chiodini et al.
acterization of Mycobacterium avium sub- 1984). In spite of efforts to decrease the prev-
species paratuberculosis (MAP) as a distinct alence of paratuberculosis, U.S. dairy herds
species within the genus Mycobacterium, with infected animals have increased from
the disease was renamed paratuberculosis 22% in 1997 to 67% in 2007 (Animal and
(Chiodini et al. 1984; Kreeger 1991; Hermon- Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA
Taylor et al. 2000). 2008). In England, an epidemiological study
demonstrated that approximately 17.4%
Bovine paratuberculosis is a bacterial of cattle presented with clinical paratu-
infectious disease that is estimated to cost berculosis (Lilenbaum et al. 2007). Enzyme-
U.S. Agriculture $1.5 billion annually linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing
(Sweeney 1996). These losses are primarily identified that 6% of dairy cattle in Belgium
a result of reduced milk yield, reduced were seropositive for paratuberculosis. In
slaughter values, increased premature and the Netherlands, 31–71% of dairy herds are
involuntary culling, decreased fertility, infected (Lilenbaum et al. 2007). Of the
increased mortality rate, and increased sus- infected herds, 2.7–6.9% of the animals are
ceptibility to other diseases (Whittington affected with paratuberculosis. A 2-year epi-
and Sergeant 2001). MAP has been found in demiological study in Slovenia indicated a
25–75% of Crohn’s disease patients but in prevalence of paratuberculosis in 11.59%
less than 5% of individuals without Crohn’s

Reproductive Diseases in Cattle and Swine 101

among national cattle (Sockett et al. 1992). deer have been implicated as potential
Seventy percent of herds in Denmark tested carriers that may influence incidence and
positive for paratuberculosis as determined spread among wild and domestic ruminants
by a serological study of bulk-tanked milk (Libke and Walton 1975; Chiodini and Van
from 900 dairy herds (Juárez et al. 2001). Kruiningen 1983). Monogastric animals and
birds can become infected experimentally;
5.2.3 Transmission however, clinical disease usually does not
develop (Amand 1974; Libke and Walton
Infection of calves can take place by oral 1975; Williams and Spraker 1979; Jessup et
ingestion of MAP from contaminated al. 1981; Chiodini and Van Kruiningen 1983).
manure, colostrum or milk, pasture, water,
or other feed (Chiodini et al. 1984; Sweeney 5.2.4 Clinical presentation
1996). Contamination of the environment
occurs from the shedding of MAP primarily Paratuberculosis is a chronic, progressive
in the feces of infected animals. It is gener- granulomatous enteric disease of primarily
ally assumed that animals start shedding the ruminants. Clinical disease is characterized
bacteria at about 2 years of age, and therefore by diarrhea, weight loss, debilitation, and
do not become infectious before that age eventual death. Paratuberculosis is a disease
(Chiodini et al. 1984). However, this is most that typically exhibits a latent period after
likely a dose-dependent observation, as fecal the animals have been infected and before
shedding of MAP has been shown shortly there are clinical signs, fecal shedding, or
after oral inoculation with highly infectious antibody production. By the time a single
doses (Crossley et al. 2005). Cattle infected infected animal is identified, 38–42% of the
with MAP will commonly exhibit a delay in herd may be infected (Larsen et al. 1963;
fecal shedding for a few months to years, and Delisle et al. 1980). Annual death losses
the concentration of MAP in the feces may within a herd may be as high as 3–l0%.
extend from a few colony-forming units to Clinical disease is usually associated
millions of colony-forming units per gram of with adult (>2-year-old) animals; however,
feces (R. Whitlock, pers. comm.). In addition animals as young as 4 months old may occa-
to calves, adult cows may also become sionally develop clinical signs (Smyth and
infected through oral exposure or through Christie 1950). Generally, macroscopic
MAP-infected semen (Ayele et al. 2004). and histological lesions are restricted to
MAP infection in adult cattle is not well the intestines, associated lymph nodes, and,
understood, but animals exposed for the first occasionally, the liver (Buergelt et al. 1978).
time as adults may develop clinical disease
while others may become carriers of the 5.2.5 Genetics
organism without manifesting clinical signs
(Larsen et al. 1975). Resistance or susceptibility to MAP has
been shown to have a hereditary component
The eradication of this disease is exacer- in cattle and mice. Resistance to MAP has
bated by the hardiness of MAP. It survives been shown in mice to be associated with
for 11 months in bovine feces and black soil the Bcg gene or nramp1, which encodes the
and can exist in temperatures as low as 14°C natural resistance-associated macrophage
for at least a year (Chiodini et al. 1984). protein (Skamene et al. 1982; Skamene 1989;
American bison, tule elk, and white-tailed

102 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

Frelier et al. 1990). C57/B6 and BALB/c mice markers ranged from 151 to 176 within the
have the susceptible allele of Bcg and are three families. Genotypes of “positive” and
susceptible to MAP infections, while the “negative” animals were pooled, and allele
C3H/HeJ strain is resistant to MAP (Chandler frequencies were estimated. Eight chromo-
1962; Chiodini and Buergelt 1993; Tanaka somal regions were associated with the
et al. 1994; Veazey et al. 1995a,b). In cattle, pooled samples (bovine chromosomes 7, 10,
MAP-susceptible Holstein sire lines have 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, and 25). The eight chro-
been found to be infected twice as often as mosomal regions associated with MAP
resistant lines (Gonda et al. 2006). Heritability infection in pooled genotypes were further
studies have been conducted on the presence tested. Individual genotypes of the daughters
or absence of disease based on postmortem were determined for three to five microsatel-
tissue, ELISA and combined ELISA–fecal lites within 15 cM of the markers identified
culture tests. In a Dutch study, the heritabil- in the pooled samples. Subsequently, only
ity of paratuberculosis infection was evalu- BTA 20 was found to be linked (P = 0.0319)
ated among vaccinated and unvaccinated in a chromosome-wide analysis in one of the
animals based on diagnoses of postmortem sire families. Taylor and coworkers (2006)
examinations (Koets et al. 2000). A heritabil- evaluated the allele frequencies of CARD15
ity of 0.09, 0.01, and 0.06 was found for in 30 unrelated unaffected animals and 11
vaccinated, unvaccinated, and all cows, affected animals without finding evidence
respectively. A second study estimated the for an association. Settles and coworkers
heritability of antibody response using a (2009) demonstrated evidence of genetic
bivariate model with daily milk yield and association of loci to infection of paratuber-
optical density values from milk ELISAs culosis based on tissue culture for disease
(Mortensen et al. 2004). Mortensen and diagnosis and the use of the Illumina
coworkers (2004) estimated the heritability BovineSNP50 BeadChip.
to be 0.102 with the bivariate model and
0.091 when a sire model was used. Gonda 5.3 BRD
and colleagues (2006) estimated the herita-
bility of paratuberculosis as 0.153 based on 5.3.1 Causative agent
fecal culture diagnostic testing, 0.159 based
on ELISA, and 0.102 from the combined BRD, also known as shipping fever, is a
antibody and fecal culture tests. general term that describes infectious pneu-
monia resulting in pulmonary lesions. It is
Consistent with the number of herita- a complex of diseases with many types of
bility studies conducted, limited investiga- infection, each having its own causes, clini-
tions have been conducted to identify loci cal signs, and genetic factors. The viruses
associated with bovine paratuberculosis. associated with BRD include bovine herpes-
Two groups have reported searches for virus 1, bovine respiratory syncytial virus,
loci responsible for susceptibility of cattle bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), bovine
to paratuberculosis. Gonda and coworkers respiratory coronaviruses, and parainfluenza
(2006) undertook a genome-wide linkage 3 virus. Bacteria also play a prominent role
study using ELISA, fecal culture, or both to in this disease and include Mannheimia
diagnose infected animals. In this study, haemolytica, Mycoplasma bovis, Pasteurella
microsatellites were used to genotype three
half-sib families. The number of informative

Reproductive Diseases in Cattle and Swine 103

multocida, and Haemophilus somni. Often, in feedlot cattle and dairy calves (Gourlay
severe BRD is associated with concurrent et al. 1976; Caswell and Archambault 2007).
infections of more than one of these patho- M. bovis is a gram-positive facultative
gens. The more common pathogens of BRD, anaerobic bacterium that lacks the ability to
M. haemolytica, P. multocida, M. bovis, H. form a cell wall resulting in its characteris-
somni, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, tic pleomorphic shapes.
bovine herpesvirus type 1, and BVDV, are
briefly described below. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus is an
important viral pathogen of the BRD
The major agent of BRD is M. haemolyt- complex. It has been estimated that more
ica (Rice et al. 2008). It is the primary bac- than 60% of epizootic respiratory diseases in
terium isolated from feedlot cattle with dairy herds and 70% in beef herds may be
respiratory disease and also plays a promi- due to bovine respiratory syncytial virus
nent role in pneumonia in neonatal calves (Meyer et al. 2008). Bovine respiratory syn-
(Kiorpes et al. 1988; Van Donkersgoed et al. cytial virus is closely related to human
1993; Ames 1997). This bacterium is most respiratory syncytial virus. This pathogen is
effective as a pathogen when host defenses a single negative-strand enveloped RNA
are burdened by stress or infection with virus. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus has
other pathogens. This is consistent with been associated with concurrent infections
studies demonstrating that M. haemolyti- with M. haemolytica, P. multocida, and H.
ca’s greatest effect is on recently weaned somni (Gershwin 2008).
beef calves shortly after entry into feedlots
(Mosier et al. 1989; Wilson 1989). Bovine herpesvirus type 1 can be catego-
rized into three subtypes (Metzler et al.
Another primary bacterial pathogen asso- 1985). Subtype 1 virus isolates are respon-
ciated with BRD is P. multocida. It is a gram- sible for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
negative bacterium that results in pneumonia and are often found in the respiratory tract
of young dairy calves and recently weaned as well as in aborted fetuses. Subtype 2b is
beef calves (Lillie 1974; Watts et al. 1994; associated with BRD but not abortions,
Fulton et al. 2004; Welsh et al. 2004). whereas subtype 2a is responsible for a wide
Infection with P. multocida is associated range of clinical presentations, including
with the combination of stress or other viral abortions. Subtype 1 strains are found in
or bacterial infections (Dabo et al. 2008). Europe, North America, and South America
and are more pathogenic than type 2 strains
Histophilus somni is a gram-negative bac- (Edwards et al. 1990; Jones and Chowdhury
terium that causes BRD in cattle and respi- 2007). Subtype 2a is found in Brazil (Van
ratory disease in sheep, bison, and bighorn Oirschot 1995). In feedlot cattle, subtype 1
sheep (Corbeil 2008). It frequently exists in strains are the most common with an incu-
an asymptomatic state in the reproductive bation period of 2–6 days (Yates 1982; Jones
and respiratory mucosa (Humphrey et al. and Chowdhury 2007).
1982; Humphrey and Stephens 1983). This
pathogen is most problematic in the feedlot, BVDV is a common virus among cattle.
although it sometimes manifests as BRD in BVDV is a small positive-sense RNA single-
young calves (Humphrey and Stephens 1983; stranded, enveloped, pestivirus that is prone
Harris and Janzen 1989). to high mutation rates (Ridpath 2003). BVDV
occurs in domestic, wild ruminants and
M. bovis, first associated with BRD in swine (Becher et al. 1997). Pestiviruses rarely
1976, is increasingly linked with pneumonia

104 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

survive in the environment for more than 2 Snowder and colleagues (2005) found that
weeks and are readily inactivated by disin- the highest incidence rates of BRD were for
fectants (Kelling 2007). Isolates of BVDV are Braunvieh (19%), and a quarter-Braunvieh
divided into biogroups (cytopathic and non- composite (17%) among nine pure breeds
cytopathic) based on their ability to cause (Angus, Braunvieh, Charolais, Gelbvieh,
vacuolization and lysis of host cells in vitro. Hereford, Limousin, Pinzgauer, Red Poll,
Only non-cytopathic isolates result in per- and Simmental) and three composite breeds.
sistently infected animals, although both These results may be due to a higher inci-
biogroups cause acute disease. The geno- dence of calving difficulty, as calves result-
type, determined by comparison of genetic ing from births requiring assistance were
sequences, divides BVDV into at least four shown to be more susceptible to BRD
groups: BVD1, BVDV2, BDV, and CSFV (Snowder et al. 2005). Although Braunvieh
(Pellerin et al. 1994; Ridpath et al. 1994; calves were more likely to suffer from BRD,
Ridpath and Bolin 1995, 1997). It is esti- they had a lower mortality rate from the
mated that up to 4% of herds in the United disease (9%) than all other breeds with the
States have persistently infected calves, and exception of Limousin (7%). The overall
that 0.1–0.3% of all cattle are persistently average mortality rate of BRD was 13%
infected (Wittum et al. 2001; Loneragan across all breeds (Snowder et al. 2005).
et al. 2005; O’Connor et al. 2007).
5.3.3 Transmission
5.3.2 Prevalence
Most of the pathogens associated with
BRD contributes significantly to beef cattle BRD are commensal organisms present on
mortality in the United States. Of all beef mucosal surfaces, including the mammary
calves that were born alive that did not gland, respiratory, intestinal, and genital
survive to weaning, 29.6% were associated tracts. When animals are exposed to envi-
with BRD (National Agricultural Statistics ronmental stressors, such as weaning, feed
Service, Agricultural Statistics Board, United changes, comingling of animals from other
States Department of Agriculture 2006). sources, adverse weather, presence of other
This represents an association of 28.7% of pathogenic organisms, or transport over long
all cattle deaths with respiratory disease distances, a disease state may result (Farley
accounting for over 1.1 million animal 1932). Transmission may occur through
deaths. In a study of over 10,000 beef calves direct contact of infected animals or through
in Nebraska, 24% experienced at least one infected body fluids. Transplacental trans-
episode of respiratory disease during the first mission of BVDV may occur when a preg-
year of life with frequencies of BRD varying nant cow is acutely infected during pregnancy
from 14% to 38% over a 6-year study or if the dam is chronically infected herself
(Muggli-Cockett et al. 1992). In a larger study (Stokstad et al. 2003; Bielefeldt-Ohmann
of 110,412 calves born from 1993 to 2001, et al. 2008). Persistently infected cattle will
the incidence of BRD ranged from 3.3% to shed large amounts of virus, which will
almost 23.6% with an average annual inci- serve to further infect the herd (Moerman et
dence of 10.5% (Snowder et al. 2005). al. 1993). Transmission of BVDV for acute
cases primarily occurs by inhalation or
The incidence rates of BRD have been ingestion of material contaminated with
shown to differ among beef cattle breeds.

Reproductive Diseases in Cattle and Swine 105

infected body fluids from infected animals salivation, nasal discharge, conjunctivitis
(Houe 1995; Grooms 2004). with lacrimal discharge, inflamed nares,
and, occasionally, dyspnea. Without the
5.3.4 Clinical presentation concurrence of bacterial pneumonia, recov-
ery may occur in 4–5 days after the onset of
Adams and coworkers (1959) defined BRD as symptoms. Abortion may occur during the
an acute infection of cattle that was charac- respiratory phase of the disease or up to 100
terized by dyspnea, fever, and fibrinous days after infection (Jones and Chowdhury
pneumonia and was of unknown cause. It is 2007). The clinical presentation of genital
now known that BRD may be caused by infections in cows includes frequent urina-
many pathogens. M. haemolytica infections tion, swollen vulva, and ulcers on the
present as respiratory infections with nasal mucosal surface. In bulls, ulcers may occur
discharge, loss of appetite, cough, respira- on the penis and prepuce. Without the con-
tory distress, fibrinous pleuropneumonia, currence of bacterial infections, animals
and weight loss (Friend et al. 1977). Clinical usually recover within 2 weeks.
symptoms of BRD associated with P. multo-
cida include depression, loss of appetite, BVDV infections may result in acute
cough, nasal discharge, and fever (Dabo et al. illness (bovine viral diarrhea) or chronic
2008). Lung lesions may result in an acute disease (mucosal disease). Acute disease
to subacute bronchopneumonia that may occurs postnatally in immunocompetent
be associated with pleuritis. Cattle with animals. The severity of the disease varies
bovine respiratory syncytial virus demon- from mild forms having low mortality,
strate pyrexia, anorexia, depression, cough, minimal mucosal lesions, pyrexia, nasal
increased respiratory rate, and dyspnea with discharge, and transient leucopenia, to
open-mouthed breathing and wheezing in more severe forms with thrombocytopenia,
severe cases. H. somni infection is charac- hemorrhages, and high mortality rates.
terized by septicemia, thrombotic meningo- Immunosuppression and enteritis are char-
encephalitis, myocarditis, arthritis, abortion, acteristic of this disease, which provides
and infertility (Corbeil 2008). commensal pathogens an opportunity to
develop into a disease state (Ellis et al. 1988;
Clinical signs of infection with M. bovis Welsh et al. 1995; Brodersen and Kelling
are pneumonia, arthritis, tenosynovitis, 1998; Liu et al. 1999). Viremia lasts for
mastitis, otitis media in calves, keratocon- 3–10 days on average. Chronic disease may
junctivitis, decubital abscesses, metritis, result when susceptible pregnant cattle are
abortion, infertility, seminal vesiculitis, and exposed to the virus when the developing
meningitis. These symptoms occur in 8–10 fetus is immunologically naive (Coria and
days in experimentally infected animals McClunkin 1978). This typically occurs
(Stipkovits et al. 2000). during the third or fourth month of gestation
(Moennig and Liess 1995; Bielefeldt-Ohmann
Cattle infected with bovine herpesvirus et al. 2008). Transplacental infections may
type 1 can present with upper respiratory lead to embryonic or fetal death, abortion,
tract disorders, conjunctivitis, genital disor- congenital malformations, or development
ders, and immune suppression, which can of immunotolerance (Moennig and Liess
lead to BRD (Jones and Chowdhury 2007). 1995). Fetuses that develop immunotoler-
The upper respiratory disease may include ance will be chronically infected throughout
high fever, anorexia, coughing, excessive

106 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

their lifetimes and serve as reservoirs for rate of mortality (9%) compared with the
transmission of the disease (McClurkin other breeds (4%) studied in the feedlot
et al. 1984; Brock et al. 1991; Wittum et al. (Snowder et al. 2006). Pinzgauers had a
2001). These animals are referred to as per- higher frequency of postweaning BRD than
sistently infected or BVD-PI cattle. Mucosal did the other eight purebred breeds or three
disease is associated with high mortality composite breeds (Muggli-Cockett et al.
rates in cattle between 6 months and 2 years 1992).
of age (Kelling 2007). Clinical manifesta-
tions include anorexia; enteritis; thymus Heritability estimates for the incidence of
atrophy; enlarged lymph nodes; pyrexia; BRD range from 0.00 to 0.26 (Muggli-Cockett
diarrhea; ulcerations of the muzzle, lips, et al. 1992; Snowder et al. 2005, 2006, 2007;
buccal mucosa, esophagus, and tongue; and Heringstad et al. 2008). Snowder and col-
death. leagues (2006) estimated heritability for
resistance to BRD as 0.04–0.09 in 18,112
The rate of morbidity due to BRD ranges feedlot cattle representing nine breeds and
widely (4–89%) with an estimated average of three composite types. Using the same pure-
14% (National Animal Health Monitoring bred and composite breeds in 110,412 pre-
System 1997; Storz et al. 2000a,b; Snowder weaned calves from records obtained from
et al. 2006). Mortality estimates range 1983 to 2002, overall heritability estimates
from 1% to 13% in cattle (National Animal of BRD incidence were 0.07 and 0.19
Health Monitoring Service 1997; Storz et al. (Snowder et al. 2005). Records obtained from
2000a,b; Snowder et al. 2006). Deaths from 1983 to 1988 on 10,142 calves from the same
BRD may be seen shortly after the initiation herd resulted in heritability estimates of
of the disease, with peak death loss at 16–35 BRD incidence of 0.10 for preweaning and
days postinfection (Van Donkersgoed et al. 0.06 for postweaning periods (Muggli-
1990; Ribble et al. 1995). Cockett et al. 1992). Correlations of BRD
with carcass traits were low or near zero
5.3.5 Genetics suggesting that selection for animals resis-
tant to BRD would not have appreciable
Differences have been identified in the negative effects on carcass traits (Muggli-
apparent susceptibility of preweaned and Cockett et al. 1992; Snowder et al. 2007).
feedlot cattle to BRD. The average age in Currently, loci have not been identified that
days at which BRD was diagnosed differed are associated with resistance or susceptibil-
among breeds of cattle (Snowder et al. 2005). ity to BRD.
Angus, Hereford, and Gelbvieh had the
highest average number of days to disease 5.4 Brucellosis in cattle
with Simmental having the shortest average
number of days before onset of the disease 5.4.1 Causative agent
in preweaned calves among nine pure breeds
(Angus, Braunvieh, Charolais, Gelbvieh, Brucellosis is caused by gram-negative,
Hereford, Limousin, Pinzgauer, Red Poll, facultative bacteria of the Brucella genus.
and Simmental) and three composite breeds. There is a debate concerning Brucella’s
Herefords were reported to be more suscep- taxonomy. DNA hybridization analysis of
tible to BRD infection than composite Brucella has characterized the genus as
breeds, but Red Poll calves had the highest

Reproductive Diseases in Cattle and Swine 107

containing Brucella melitensis with Brucella which a cow becomes infected. Abortions
abortus, Brucella ovis, Brucella suis, and stillbirths usually occur 2 weeks to 5
Brucella canis, and Brucella neotomae as months after infection.
biovarieties of B. melitensis (Verger et al.
1985). It has been proposed that only one 5.4.4 Clinical presentation
species, B. melitensis, is recognized in the
genus Brucella and that the remaining clas- The cardinal clinical signs of brucellosis
sical species should be considered biovars infection in cattle are abortion in the second
(Corbel 1988). However, this has not been half of the pregnancy and epididymitis in
widely adopted. B. abortus is the primary bulls (Hill 1983; Enright et al. 1984; American
brucellae found in cattle, with B. suis or B. Veterinary Medical Association 2007). Other
melitensis occasionally causing brucellosis symptoms in the cow may include a retained
in cattle. placenta, reduced milk production, and loss
of weight (Nicoletti 1980; Corner et al. 1987).
5.4.2 Prevalence After the first abortion, subsequent pregnan-
cies are generally normal, but the cows may
Brucellosis is present in all continents but is continue to shed the organism in milk
well controlled in most developed countries. and uterine or vaginal discharges. In bulls,
The prevalence of brucellosis is highest in seminal vesiculitis, ampullitis, decreased
the Middle East, Asia, Africa, South and libido, orchitis, and testicular abscesses may
Central America, the Mediterranean Basin, be seen (Rankin 1965; Plant et al. 1976).
and the Caribbean (Roth et al. 2003). Infertility may result in both sexes. Arthritis
Brucellosis is present in land and marine may develop in chronic infections.
animal populations as well as humans.
Brucellosis remains an important zoonotic 5.4.5 Genetics
disease worldwide.
Several studies have investigated the role of
5.4.3 Transmission the natural resistance-associated macrophage
protein 1 (NRAMP1), also known as solute
The herd prevalence of brucellosis is esti- carrier family 11 member 1 gene (Slc11A1),
mated to be 0.014% in a typical state in the with brucellosis. This gene plays a critical
United States down from 11.5% in 1934 role in promoting intracellular pathogen
(Ragan 2002; Ebel et al. 2008). Wild animals, killing by macrophages. It has been described
such as bison and elk, may serve as reser- that naturally resistant macrophages of cows
voirs of infection for livestock. Most often, have a greater ability to inhibit the in vitro
brucellosis is introduced into herds by intracellular replication of B. abortus after
infected animals through shedding of the challenge exposure (Price et al. 1990). Others
bacteria in milk, aborted fetuses, semen, (Paixao et al. 2007) did not find differences
vaginal discharges, placental membranes, in bacterial intracellular survival in macro-
and birth fluids. Animals may become phages from resistant or susceptible cattle.
infected by ingestion of contaminated food Slc11A1 has been associated with resistance
or water or sexual contact. The incubation against B. abortus infection in cattle in
period varies by the stage of gestation in some studies (Feng et al. 1996; Adams and

108 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

Templeton 1998; Horin et al. 1999; Barthel where the organism has longer survival rates
et al. 2001) but not in others (Kumar et al. (Everard and Everard 1993). In the United
2005; Paixao et al. 2007). Polymorphisms States, significantly higher prevalence of
within the 3′ untranslated region (GT)n mic- disease was found in the southeastern, south
rosatellite have been identified. Repeats of central, and Pacific coastal regions than in
13 to 16 (GT) have been reported with the other regions (Miller et al. 1990). Typically,
(GT)13 allele associated with natural resis- only a small number of serovars is endemic
tance to brucellosis in vivo (Adams and in a specific region (Geistfeld 1975;
Templeton 1998). Five variants within the Mazzonelli et al. 1979; Hathaway et al. 1982;
coding regions of the Slc11A1 have also been Ellis et al. 1986; Chappel et al. 1998). The
found, three of which are missense muta- Leptospira subspecies serovars most fre-
tions, as well as one single nucleotide poly- quently isolated from swine are pomona,
morphism in the promoter region and five tarassovi, bratislava, grippothyphosa, and,
in introns (Martinez et al. 2008). These vari- with less frequency, icterohaemorrhagiae
ants have not yet been studied for their asso- and canicola (Faine et al. 1999). Therefore,
ciation with resistance or susceptibility to in any region, pigs will be infected by
brucellosis. serovars maintained by pigs or by other
animal species present in the area. The rela-
5.5 Leptospirosis in swine tive importance of these incidental infec-
tions is determined by the opportunity that
5.5.1 Causative agent prevailing social, management, and environ-
mental factors provide for the contact and
Leptospirosis is caused by small, motile transmission of leptospires from other
aerobic spirochete bacteria of the genus species to pigs (Ellis 1999). A study of 1264
Leptospira. Two groups are recognized animals from 55 herds in Iowa over a 3-year
within the genus: interrogan and biflexa. period demonstrated that 38% of the animals
About 23 serogroups are recognized contain- had antibodies to one or more of 12
ing 212 serovars (Ellis 1995). Leptospira has Leptospira antigens (Miller et al. 1990). Of
been classified into genome species based on those animals with antibodies, 42% were
their genetic sequences. Currently, there are seropositive to bratislava, 8% to copenha-
more than 15 genome species of Leptospira, geni, 6% to ballun, 4% autumnalis, 3% to
many of which contain organisms patho- hardjo, and 2% to pomona. In the same
genic to pigs. There have also been over 200 study, leptospires were isolated from 1.6%
different serovars of pathogenic Leptospira of animals with reproductive failure.
identified worldwide (Levett 2001).
5.5.3 Transmission
5.5.2 Prevalence
Leptospirosis infection is commonly
Leptospirosis is arguably the most wide- acquired by skin or mucous membrane
spread zoonosis worldwide (World Health contact with the urine of an infected animal
Organization 1999). The incidence of lepto- or by the intake of contaminated feed or
spirosis is highest in warm humid regions water (Sawhney and Saxena 1967). Large
outbreaks of leptospirosis have occurred
following excess rainfall. Transmission

Reproductive Diseases in Cattle and Swine 109

of the disease can also occur through the tion with the serovar bratislava (Hathaway
ingestion of infected animals and sexual and Little 1998). Abortions are often
contact. Infections are readily established restricted to periods of declining immunity
via the conjunctiva, vaginal mucosa, or in the sow population (Ellis 1999). Hathaway
skin lesions (Fennestad and Borg-Petersen (1985) demonstrated that the serovars hardjo
1966). However, the development of disease and canicola are associated with reproduc-
depends on multiple factors. Leptospires tive disorders in swine. In endemically
spread rapidly via the lymphatics to the infected areas, it is expected that Leptospira
bloodstream where they are transported to infections will cause fewer obvious symp-
all tissues. In the immunologically naive toms of reproductive failure due to immu-
animal, initial replication occurs in the nity acquired earlier in life. It is not
lungs, followed by the liver and spleen, and uncommon for pigs to become infected by
then multiple organs. If the animal develops several leptospiral serovars, due to exposure
an immune response and survives, lepto- of reservoir–hosts, environment, and climate
spires will be cleared from most organs as in the particular area (Faine et al. 1999).
well as the bloodstream. However, infection Leptospira interrogans serovar bratislava
persists in sites hidden from the immune has also been associated with subfertility
system, such as the proximal renal tubules, and a reduced number of piglets born per
brain, anterior chamber of the eyes, and litter (Frantz et al. 1989; Van Til and Dohoo
genital tract (Hanson and Tripathy 1986). 1991; Mousing et al. 1995; Hathaway and
Persistence in the kidneys results in a Little 1998). Subfertility, as measured by
carrier state where the animal may shed nonproductive sow days per parity, has also
leptospires in the urine for over 1 year. If been associated with serovar pomona (Van
shedder animals are introduced into a herd Til and Dohoo 1991).
previously free of the disease, leptospires
are rapidly disseminated (Mitchell et al. 5.5.5 Genetics
The major histocompatibility gene complex
5.5.4 Clinical presentation (MHC) plays both a role in immune respon-
siveness and disease resistance in animals.
After infection, a 1- to 2-day acute or septi- Przytulski and Porzeczkowska (1980) exam-
cemic phase is followed by antibody produc- ined resistance to leptospirosis and esti-
tion and excretion of the leptospires in the mated the heritability of resistance to be
urine (Edwards and Domm 1960; Turner 0.20. Smith and coworkers (1962) estimated
1967; Kelley 1998). Animals will present the heritability of lung lesions to be 0.14.
with anorexia and pyrexia. Many animals Reports of disease resistance in the pig have
will have a spontaneous recovery within a generally consisted of breed differences or
week (Morse et al. 1958; Hanson and of heritability estimates of specific resis-
Tripathy 1986). Chronic infection in swine tance. Przytulski and Porzeczkowska (1979)
with serovar pomona can result in fetal showed a relationship among various trans-
death and abortion, whereas the birth of ferrin receptors in swine associated with
weak piglets is associated with icterohaem- resistance or susceptibility to leptospirosis
orrhagiae (Burnstein and Baker 1954; Neto mapping to pig chromosome 13q41 (Jørgensen
et al. 1997). Infertility is a feature of infec- et al. 2003; Python et al. 2005).

110 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

5.6 Aujeszky’s disease of pseudorabies virus (Marsh and Leafstedt
(pseudorabies) 2001). However, Aujeszky’s disease is well
established in feral swine populations in the
5.6.1 Causative agent United States, and feral swine represent a
potential reservoir of this virus for the infec-
Aujeszky’s disease, also known as pseudora- tion of domestic swine and native wildlife
bies virus, is considered an important cause (Corn et al. 2004).
of economic losses in the pig industry world-
wide. It is caused by Suid herpesvirus 1 that 5.6.3 Transmission
belongs to the genus Varicellovirus family
of Herpesviridae. It is a neuroinvasive alpha The pseudorabies virus is primarily trans-
herpesvirus with a wide host range, but it mitted between swine through nose to nose
does not include primates (Mettenleiter contact, but venereal, semen, and transpla-
2000; Zuckermann 2000). The pseudorabies cental transmission during pregnancy has
virus is a double-stranded, linear DNA virus been known to occur (Romero et al. 2001).
composed of 150 kilobase pairs that produces Infections in adult feral swine commonly
approximately 100 proteins (Cheung and occur by pseudorabies virus strains that
Smith 1999; Mettenleiter 2000). Pseudorabies appear to be attenuated, resulting in latent
virus is closely related to bovine herpesvirus disease that does not cause morbidity or
1, equine herpesvirus 1, and varicella zoster mortality (Romero et al. 2001). Once a popu-
virus (McGeoch and Cook 1994). Several lation has become infected, it is possible
strains of pseudorabies virus have been that the virus can persist indefinitely (Pirtle
described. The strain of the virus influences et al. 1989; Van Der Leek et al. 1993).
the severity of the disease and the duration
of viral shedding (Maes et al. 1983). For 5.6.4 Clinical presentation
example, strains with deletions of the thy-
midine kinase gene are less virulent than The clinical presentation and severity of
those without the deletion (Kit 1999; Kluge Aujeszky’s disease depends on the age of the
and Truszcy’nski 2006). host and the virulence of the virus strain
involved (Kluge and Truszcy’nski 2006;
5.6.2 Prevalence Ciacci-Zanella et al. 2008). Symptoms may
range from respiratory distress, nervous and
Aujeszky’s disease is found throughout the genital disorders, to death (Figure 5.1). The
world, particularly in regions with high con- incubation of the virus ranges from 1 to 11
centrations of swine (Schaefer et al. 2006). days, with young animals having a shorter
Norway, Finland, and Malta have never incubation period in comparison with older
had a reported case of Aujeszky’s disease, pigs (Wittmann et al. 1980). The pseudora-
whereas in Germany, Sweden, and the bies virus is highly neurotropic. It first
United Kingdom, the disease has been eradi- replicates in the nasopharyngeal mucosa,
cated (Kluge and Truszcy’nski 2006). The tonsils, and the olfactory epithelia prior to
U.S. Department of Agriculture began a the invasion of the central nervous system
national pseudorabies eradication program through the nerve ends of the tonsils and the
in 1989, and as of 2001, domestic swine in upper respiratory tract (Wittman et al. 1980;
41 states and territories were considered free Kit 1999). Highly virulent strains are able to

Reproductive Diseases in Cattle and Swine 111

pregnant females resulting in death to the
fetus. Sows infected in the first trimester
will reabsorb the fetus, and the sow will
return to estrus. Infection of the sow during
the second trimester may result in abortion,
or stillborn or weak fetuses (Kluge and
Truszcy’nski 2006). Mortality in adult
animals is less than <2% (Baskerville 1981).

Figure 5.1 One-day-old piglet exhibiting clinical 5.6.5 Genetics
signs of ataxia, lateral recumbence, and paddling
movements characteristic of Aujeszky’s disease. There are indications of genetic differences
Photograph courtesy of Professor David Barcellos, in serum neutralization titers of pigs after
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto vaccination with pseudorabies vaccine
Alegre, RS, Brazil. (Reiner et al. 2002). Individual differences in
cell-mediated and humoral immunity and in
extend to the rest of the central nervous susceptibility to pseudorabies virus in pigs
system where they produce a non-suppura- have also been observed (Rothschild et al.
tive meningoencephalitis that can be fatal 1984; Meeker et al. 1987a,b; Hessing et al.
(Card and Enquist 1995). Because pigs are 1994, 1995). In 2002, Reiner and coworkers
the only species that are able to survive a reported loci associated with Aujeszky’s
pseudorabies virus infection, they may be disease on chromosomes 9, 5, 6, and 13. Loci
considered to be a reservoir for the disease associated with rectal temperature after
(Enquist et al. 1998). Mortality in infected pseudorabies virus infection were found on
pigs is dependent on the age of the animals. chromosomes 2, 4, 8, 10, 11, and 16. The
Infection in the first 2 weeks of life results IL-12 gene, located on chromosome 2, is a
in 100% mortality but decreases to 50% possible candidate gene for Aujeszky’s
when pigs are infected after the third and disease, as IL-12 is located near the marker
fourth week of life (Baskerville 1981; Kritas Swr349 that was associated with elevated
et al. 1999). Piglets born with the disease can rectal temperature after infection. Grob and
become ataxic and convulsive within 24 h colleagues (1999) presented that specific
after birth (Lawhorn et al. 1994). Clinical antibodies against herpesviruses seems to be
manifestation of Aujeszky’s disease in sustained by the IL-12/IFN-γ pathway.
piglets results in fever, hypersalivation,
ataxia, and nystagmus to opisthotonos 5.7 PRRS
(Kluge and Truszcy’nski 2006). Infected
animals may assume a sitting position 5.7.1 Causative agent
because of their respiratory distress. Sows
and boars primarily develop respiratory signs. PRRS is caused by a virus referred to as
Transplacental transmission may occur in ATCC VR2332-like strain of PRRS virus
(PRRSV) in North America and as the
Lelystad-like virus in Europe (Wensvoort
et al. 1991; Collins et al. 1992). The etiologic

112 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

agent of PRRS is a small, enveloped, single- vectors, or ingestion of contaminated meat
strand RNA virus with morphological, phys- originating from infected pigs (Van der
iochemical, and genetic properties similar Linden et al. 2003). Airborne transmission
to those of the floating genus Arterivirus, may also occur (Tomorremorell et al. 1997;
which includes lactate dehydrogenase- Kristensen et al. 2004). PRRS may be trans-
elevating virus, equine arteritis virus, and mitted from viremic dams through the pla-
simian hemorrhagic fever virus (Benfield centa to the fetus, resulting in fetal death or
et al. 1992) birth of weak animals (Christianson et al.
1992). Some pigs in affected litters may
5.7.2 Prevalence escape from infection with PRRS. PRRS can
replicate in the fetus after day 14 of gesta-
PRRS was first recognized in the United tion. However, infection during the first
States in 1987. It peaked in prevalence in two-thirds of gestation is not common
1989–1990 and stabilized in 1991–1992 because most strains of PRRS are not trans-
(Keffaber 1989; Bautista et al. 1993; Dee and mitted efficiently across the placenta
Joo 1997). Bautista and coworkers (1993) pre- until the last trimester (Christianson et al.
sented data from 412 herds in the United 1993).
States, indicating that 36% of herds from 17
states were identified as seropositive for 5.7.4 Clinical presentation
PRRS. PRRS has become endemic and is an
important cause of pneumonia in 3- to The clinical presentation of PRRS varies
24-week-old pigs in swine-producing coun- greatly among herds, ranging from asymp-
tries around the world (Thanawongnuwech tomatic to devastating clinical disease. This
et al. 2000). Recent data from many labora- is influenced by the virus strain, host
tories indicate that subclinical infections immune status, host susceptibility, concur-
with PRRSV may also be common. Some rent infections, and management practices
regions of Europe remain free from PRRS, (Hopper et al. 1992). The first stage of infec-
such as Sweden and Finland (Elvander et al. tion lasts for 2 or more weeks and is charac-
1997; Garner et al. 1997; Office International terized by anorexia, fever, and lethargy in
des Epizooties 1997; Rautiainen et al. 2001). 5–75% of pigs (Collins et al. 1992). In sows
Australia, South America, Argentina, Cuba, exposed to the virus in the third trimester of
and Brazil are free of PRRS (Perfumo 2001; pregnancy, PRRS causes abortion and poor
Alfonso and Frías-Lepoureau 2003; Ciacci- litter quality. Adult animals may experience
Zanella et al. 2004). a 1–4% mortality rate (Hopper et al. 1992).
In young pigs, PRRS may cause weakness,
5.7.3 Transmission respiratory disease, and interstitial pneumo-
nia and up to 60% mortality rate. Clinical
PRRSV may be introduced to a herd by pur- signs are more severe when the animal is
chasing pigs infected with the virus or pur- coinfected with other pathogens (Thacker et
chasing PRRS-vaccinated pigs, contaminated al. 2001). The PRRSV targets alveolar mac-
semen, or other body fluids, or the use rophages and induces apoptosis, resulting in
of equipment contaminated with PRRSV ineffective elimination of the virus and per-
(Mortensen et al. 2002). Transmission may sistence for several weeks (Murtaugh et al.
also occur through contaminated visitors, 2002; Osorio 2002; Labarque et al. 2003;

Reproductive Diseases in Cattle and Swine 113

Rowland et al. 2003). The morbidity and 5.8 Future research directions
mortality associated with PRRS results in a
cost of $560 million annually to U.S. pork To date, the loci associated with these dis-
producers (Neumann et al. 2005; Lewis et al. eases have not been identified. Resources are
2007). now available for whole genome association
analysis for cattle and swine, which will
5.7.5 Genetics facilitate the identification of loci associated
with complex traits such as disease resis-
Despite substantial research efforts, the tance or susceptibility. The identification
exact components of a protective anti-PRRS and characterization of loci associated with
immune response are still unknown (Petry disease infection or transmission will allow
et al. 2005, 2007; Lewis et al. 2007). Breed for the selection of animals that are less sus-
and lines of pigs (within breeds) have shown ceptible to disease or is less likely to trans-
differences in the prevalence of PRRS mit disease. Once the loci are identified,
(Lundeheim 1979, 1988; Halbur et al. 1998; functional studies will provide an opportu-
Petry et al. 2005; Vincent et al. 2006). Petry nity to identify the causes and consequences
and colleagues (2005) used 100 animals from of coevolution of the host and its pathogens,
a Large White Landrace composite popula- and an understanding of the pathogenesis of
tion (Nebraska Index Line [NEI]) and 100 the disease. Identifying a means to interfere
Hampshire–Duroc (HD) cross animals to with the virulence of the pathogen may lead
determine if there were differences in their to new treatments and disease prevention.
responses to exposure to PRRSV. Uninfected The outcome of this research for farm
HD animals had greater weight gain than animals will be increased productivity,
NEI animals and also had higher basal rectal improved well-being, and healthier animals.
temperatures. After PRRSV exposure, NEI For the livestock industry, selection of
animals had greater weight gain, maintained animals with disease resistance will result
lower rectal temperatures, and exhibited in increased profitability. For consumers,
fewer interstitial lesions than the HD the impact is more affordable and safe food
animals. These results may suggest that NEI products.
animals may be more tolerant to PRRSV
infection than HD animals. Genetic varia- References
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Comparative Genomics of the Y Chromosome and
Male Fertility

Wansheng Liu

6.1 Introduction (MSY) of the human Y chromosome. These
MSY genes (or families) are clustered
In mammals, sex determination is accom- together, are expressed predominantly or
plished by the XY sex chromosome mecha- exclusively in the testis, and play crucial
nism. The X chromosome is large and rich roles in sex determination, differentiation,
in genes, whereas the Y chromosome is and maintenance of male-specific organs,
small and heterochromatic and carried by spermatogenesis, and male fertility. In
males only. Since the initial report of the Y this chapter, we will discuss the genomic
chromosome in 1921 (Painter 1921), there structure and gene content of the Y chromo-
were debates on its biologic role. Until the some. We will review recent studies on
late 1950s when the first XO females and functions and polymorphisms of the Y
XXY males were reported (Ford et al. 1959; chromosome genes with a focus on the can-
Jacobs and Strong 1959), many biologists didate genes for spermatogenesis and male
still considered the Y chromosome as a fertility.
“genetic wasteland” with its only function
for male sex determination. The wasteland 6.2 Characteristics of the
model has been revised during the past two mammalian Y chromosome
decades (Lahn and Page 1997), especially
when the human Y chromosome was com- The Y chromosome is usually the smallest
pletely sequenced (Skaletsky et al. 2003). We chromosome of the genome, comprising
now know that, in addition to the genes 2–3% of the haploid genome (Krausz and
residing on the pseudoautosomal regions Degl’Innocenti 2006). It is an acrocentric
(PARs), there are 78 protein-coding genes in chromosome and contains a short arm (Yp)
27 gene families in the male-specific region


130 Quantitative Genomics of Reproduction

Pseudoautosomal region (PAR1)
Pseudoautosomal boundary 1 (PB1)

Euchromatic region

Male-specific region (MSY)
Heterochromatic region

Pseudoautosomal boundary 2 (PB2)


Pseudoautosomal region (PAR2)


Figure 6.1 The human sex chromosomes. The G-banded ideogram of the X and Y chromosome is shown
on the left. The different regions of the Y are listed on the right.

and long arm (Yq). A small region located in the heterochromatic region contains Y-
the distal part of either the Yp or the Yq (of specific repetitive sequences that give it the
both arms in human) is known as the PAR, special Giemsa-staining feature in C-banding.
and the rest of the Yp and Yq contain Y
chromosome male-specific sequences (MSY), There are several characteristics that
previously known as the “non-recombining make the Y chromosome unique among all
region” (NRY) (Figure 6.1). These two regions other nuclear chromosomes. These include
have contrasting genetic properties. The X (1) the absence of recombination with the X
and Y chromosomes pair and recombine chromosome in the MSY region at meiosis,
at the PAR during male meiosis that medi- (2) the abundance of Y-specific repetitive
ates X and Y segregation; the Y-specific and sequences, (3) the tendency of its genes to
X-specific regions do not. The MSY region, degenerate during evolution, (4) the presence
comprising 95% of the DNA content of the of the massive palindromes (in humans and
Y chromosome, can be further divided into chimpanzees) within which high frequency
two regions: euchromatic and heterochro- of Y–Y gene conversion is evident, and (5)
matic (Figure 6.1). According to the human the accumulation and functional cluster of
Y chromosome sequence, the euchromatic testis genes (gene families) in the MSY (Lahn
region contains at least three different types and Page 1997; Tilford et al. 2001; Rozen
of sequences (for details, see Section 6.3.1) et al. 2003). The absence of recombination
and harbors all genes of the MSY, whereas makes genetic mapping of the MSY virtually
impossible, and the depth, breadth, and

The Y Chromosome and Male Fertility 131

complexity of the repetitive sequences viduals, ranging from undetectable in some
make sequencing extremely difficult (Liu men to over half of the chromosome in some
and Ponce de León 2007). Therefore, mapping others (Krausz and Degl’Innocenti 2006). As
and sequencing strategies applied success- the heterochromatic region is genetically
fully elsewhere in the genome have faltered inert and contains highly repetitive sequence
in the MSY (Tilford et al. 2001), making the families, this review will only focus on the
Y chromosome a difficult target for linkage euchromatic region of the MSY.
mapping and, ultimately, sequencing. These
difficulties led the mammalian genome The euchromatic region contains three
sequencing projects, including humans classes of sequences: X-transposed (3.4 Mb),
(Lander et al. 2001), mice (Waterston et al. X-degenerate (8.6 Mb), and ampliconic
2002), rats (Krzywinski et al. 2004), cows (10.2 Mb) (Skaletsky et al. 2003). The X-
( transposed sequences are 99% identical to
guide/cow/), and dogs (Lindblad-Toh et al. the sequences in the Xq21 region as a result
2005), to choose to sequence DNA from of a massive X to Y transposition, which
female animals. To date, only the human Y happened ∼3–4 million years ago after the
chromosome has been sequenced (Skaletsky divergence of the human and chimpanzee
et al. 2003), and the chimpanzee Y chromo- lineages (Page et al. 1984). These sequence
some has been partially sequenced (Kuroki blocks contain the highest density of inter-
et al. 2006). spersed repeat elements and harbor only two
genes (TGIF2LY and PCDH11Y) homolog to
6.3 Sequence and gene content of the X-copies in Xq21 (Figure 6.2).
the Y chromosome
The X-degenerate sequences are 60–96%
6.3.1 Sequence of the human similar to the sequences on the X. It is
Y chromosome believed that the X-degenerate sequences are
relics of ancient autosomes from which the
The human Y chromosome is roughly 58 modern X and Y chromosomes evolved.
megabases (Mb), within which PAR1 and These sequences contain 16 single-copy
PAR2 together is about 3 Mb. There are a genes that have a homolog on the X. All of
total of 28 genes in the human PAR1 and 6 these genes, except for the SRY, are expressed
in PAR2, which have homologs on the X. ubiquitously. SRY is expressed predomi-
The pseudoautosomal genes are typical of nantly in the testes (Figure 6.2). The dis-
those found elsewhere in the genome, having covery of X-degenerate sequences has been
diverse functions and not being significantly considered the most important fact in
involved in reproduction. So, these genes are support of a theory proposed for the mam-
not discussed in the present review. malian sex chromosome evolution. This
theory states that as the X and Y chromo-
The MSY region is ∼55 Mb (www. somes evolved from an autosomal pair, the X chromosome maintained most of its
cgi?taxid=9606&chr=Y). The euchromatic ancestor’s genes, whereas the Y chromo-
portion of the MSY (Figure 6.1) is roughly some lost them (Ohno 1967; Graves and
24 Mb, whereas the heterochromatic region Schmidt 1992; Graves 1998, 2006; Lahn and
varies in length (polymorphic) among indi- Page 1999; Skaletsky et al. 2003). It explains
why the Y chromosome genes tend to degen-
erate during evolution.

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