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Published by soedito, 2017-08-12 03:41:29



Fuzzy Logic Controller

See Also

See Also

Fuzzy Logic Controller with Ruleviewer
Fuzzy Logic Designer | Neuro-Fuzzy Designer
evalfis | newfis | readfis


“Fuzzy Inference Process” on page 2-22
“Simulate Fuzzy Inference Systems in Simulink” on page 2-81
“Build Your Own Fuzzy Simulink Models” on page 2-88
Introduced before R2006a


8 Blocks — Alphabetical List

Fuzzy Logic Controller with Ruleviewer

Evaluate fuzzy inference system and view rules

Library: Fuzzy Logic Toolbox


The Fuzzy Logic Controller with Ruleviewer block implements a fuzzy inference system
(FIS) in Simulink and displays the fuzzy inference process in the Rule Viewer during the
simulation. You specify the FIS to evaluate using the FIS matrix parameter. To change
the time between Rule Viewer updates, specify the Refresh rate in seconds.

For more information on fuzzy inference, see “Fuzzy Inference Process” on page 2-22.

To evaluate a fuzzy inference system without displaying the Rule Viewer, use the Fuzzy
Logic Controller block.



Port_1(In1) — Input signal
scalar | vector

For a single-input fuzzy inference system, the input is a scalar. For a multi-input fuzzy
system, combine the inputs into a vector signal using blocks such as:
• Mux
• Vector Concatenate
• Bus Creator


Fuzzy Logic Controller with Ruleviewer


Port_1(Out1) — Defuzzified output signal
scalar | vector
For a single-output fuzzy inference system, the output is a scalar. For a multi-output
fuzzy system, the output is a vector. To split system outputs into scalar signals, use the
Demux block.


FIS matrix — Fuzzy inference system
Fuzzy inference system to evaluate, specified as an FIS structure in the MATLAB
To create a fuzzy inference system, you can:
• Use the Fuzzy Logic Designer app. For an example, see “Build Mamdani Systems

Using Fuzzy Logic Designer” on page 2-31.
• Automatically generate the FIS structure using the genfis command.
• Build the system at the command line. For an example, see “Build Mamdani Systems

at the Command Line” on page 2-69.
Refresh rate — Time between rule viewer updates
Time between rule viewer updates in seconds, specified as a scalar. During simulation,
the Rule Viewer display updates at the specified rate to show the inference process for
the latest input signal values.


8 Blocks — Alphabetical List

Model Examples

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation

Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also

See Also

Fuzzy Logic Controller
Fuzzy Logic Designer | Neuro-Fuzzy Designer
evalfis | newfis | readfis


“Fuzzy Inference Process” on page 2-22
“Simulate Fuzzy Inference Systems in Simulink” on page 2-81
“Build Your Own Fuzzy Simulink Models” on page 2-88
Introduced before R2006a


Gaussian MF

Gaussian MF

Gaussian membership function in Simulink software


The Gaussian MF block implements a membership function in Simulink based on a
symmetric Gaussian. The Gaussian curve is given by

f ( x ) = exp Ê -0.5(x - c)2 ˆ
ËÁÁ s2 ˜¯˜

where c is the mean and σ is the variance.

See Also

See Also


Introduced before R2006a


8 Blocks — Alphabetical List

Gaussian2 MF

Combination of two Gaussian membership functions in Simulink software


The Gaussian2 MF block implements a membership function based on a combination of
two Gaussian functions. The two Gaussian functions are given by

fk ( x) = Ê -0.5(x - ck )2 ˆ
exp ÁËÁ sk2 ˜¯˜

where k=1,2. The parameters c1 and σ1 are the mean and variance defining the left-
most curve. The parameters c2 and σ2 are the mean and variance defining the right-most

See Also

See Also


Introduced before R2006a


Generalized Bell MF

Generalized Bell MF

Generalized bell membership function in Simulink software


The Generalized Bell MF block implements a membership function in Simulink based on
a generalized bell-shaped curve. The generalized bell-shaped curve is given by

f (x) = 1
x - c 2b

where the parameters a and b vary the width of the curve and the parameter c locates
the center of the curve. The parameter b should be positive.

See Also

See Also


Introduced before R2006a


8 Blocks — Alphabetical List

Pi-shaped MF

Pi-shaped membership function in Simulink software


The Pi-shaped MF block implements a membership function in Simulink based on a
spline-based curve, so named because of its Π shape. The parameters a and d locate the
left and right base points or “feet” of the curve. The parameters b and c set the left and
right top point or “shoulders” of the curve.

See Also

See Also

Introduced before R2006a


Probabilistic OR

Probabilistic OR

Probabilistic OR function in Simulink software


The Probabilistic OR block outputs the probabilistic OR value for the vector signal input,
based on

y = 1 - prod(1 - x)

See Also

See Also

Probabilistic Rule Agg

Introduced before R2006a


8 Blocks — Alphabetical List

Probabilistic Rule Agg

Probabilistic OR function, rule aggregation method


The Probabilistic Rule Agg block outputs the element-wise(.*) probabilistic OR value of
the two inputs based on

y = 1 - prod(1 - [a;b])

The two inputs, a and b, are row vectors.

See Also

See Also

Probabilistic OR
Introduced before R2006a


Prod. Sigmoidal MF

Prod. Sigmoidal MF

Product of two sigmoid membership functions in Simulink software


The Prod. Sigmoidal MF block implements a membership function based on the product
of two sigmoidal curves. The two sigmoidal curves are given by

fk ( x ) = 1 + exp ( 1 ( x - ck ))

where k=1,2 The parameters a1 and a2 control the slopes of the left and right curves.
The parameters c1 and c2 control the points of inflection for the left and right curves.
Parameters a1 and a2 should be positive and negative respectively.

See Also

See Also


Introduced before R2006a


8 Blocks — Alphabetical List

S-shaped MF

S-shaped membership function in Simulink software


The S-shaped MF block implements an S-shaped membership function in Simulink.
Going from left to right the function increases from 0 to 1. The parameters a and b locate
the left and right extremes of the sloped portion of the curve.

See Also

See Also

Introduced before R2006a


Sigmoidal MF

Sigmoidal MF

Sigmoidal membership function in Simulink software


The Sigmoidal MF block implements a sigmoidal membership function given by

f (x) = 1

1 + exp(-a(x - c))

When the sign of a is positive the curve increases from left to right. Conversely, when the
sign of a is negative the curve decreases from left to right. The parameter c sets the point
of inflection of the curve.

See Also

See Also


Introduced before R2006a


8 Blocks — Alphabetical List

Trapezoidal MF

Trapezoidal membership function in Simulink software


The Trapezoidal MF block implements a trapezoidal-shaped membership function. The
parameters a and d set the left and right “feet,” or base points, of the trapezoid. The
parameters b and c set the “shoulders,” or top of the trapezoid.

See Also

See Also

Introduced before R2006a


Triangular MF

Triangular MF

Triangular membership function in Simulink software


The Triangular MF block implements a triangular-shaped membership function. The
parameters a and c set the left and right “feet,” or base points, of the triangle. The
parameter b sets the location of the triangle peak.

See Also

See Also


Introduced before R2006a


8 Blocks — Alphabetical List

Z-shaped MF

Z-shaped membership function in Simulink software


The Z-shaped MF block implements a Z-shaped membership function. Going from left to
right the function decreases from 1 to 0. The parameters a and b locate the left and right
extremes of the sloped portion of the curve.

See Also

See Also

Introduced before R2006a




A Bibliography

[1] Bezdec, J.C., Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Objective Function Algorithms, Plenum
Press, New York, 1981.

[2] Chiu, S., “Fuzzy Model Identification Based on Cluster Estimation,” Journal of
Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 2, No. 3, Sept. 1994.

[3] Dubois, D. and H. Prade, Fuzzy Sets and Systems: Theory and Applications, Academic
Press, New York, 1980.

[4] Jang, J.-S. R., “Fuzzy Modeling Using Generalized Neural Networks and Kalman
Filter Algorithm,” Proc. of the Ninth National Conf. on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI-91), pp. 762-767, July 1991.

[5] Jang, J.-S. R., “ANFIS: Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference Systems,” IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 665-685, May

[6] Jang, J.-S. R. and N. Gulley, “Gain scheduling based fuzzy controller design,” Proc.
of the International Joint Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information
Processing Society Biannual Conference, the Industrial Fuzzy Control and
Intelligent Systems Conference, and the NASA Joint Technology Workshop on
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, San Antonio, Texas, Dec. 1994.

[7] Jang, J.-S. R. and C.-T. Sun, “Neuro-fuzzy modeling and control, Proceedings of the
IEEE, March 1995.

[8] Jang, J.-S. R. and C.-T. Sun, Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing: A Computational
Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence, Prentice Hall, 1997.

[9] Kaufmann, A. and M.M. Gupta, Introduction to Fuzzy Arithmetic, V.N. Reinhold,

[10] Lee, C.-C., “Fuzzy logic in control systems: fuzzy logic controller-parts 1 and 2,”
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp 404-435,

[11] Mamdani, E.H. and S. Assilian, "An experiment in linguistic synthesis with a fuzzy
logic controller," International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.
1-13, 1975.

[12] Mamdani, E.H., “Advances in the linguistic synthesis of fuzzy controllers,”
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 8, pp. 669-678, 1976.



[13] Mamdani, E.H., “Applications of fuzzy logic to approximate reasoning using
linguistic synthesis,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 26, No. 12, pp.
1182-1191, 1977.

[14] Schweizer, B. and A. Sklar, “Associative functions and abstract semi-groups,” Publ.
Math Debrecen, 10:69-81, 1963.

[15] Sugeno, M., “Fuzzy measures and fuzzy integrals: a survey,” (M.M. Gupta, G. N.
Saridis, and B.R. Gaines, editors) Fuzzy Automata and Decision Processes, pp.
89-102, North-Holland, NY, 1977.

[16] Sugeno, M., Industrial applications of fuzzy control, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1985.
[17] Wang, L.-X., Adaptive fuzzy systems and control: design and stability analysis,

Prentice Hall, 1994.
[18] Widrow, B. and D. Stearns, Adaptive Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1985.
[19] Yager, R., “On a general class of fuzzy connectives,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems,

4:235-242, 1980.
[20] Yager, R. and D. Filev, “Generation of Fuzzy Rules by Mountain Clustering,”

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 209-219, 1994.
[21] Zadeh, L.A., “Fuzzy sets,” Information and Control, Vol. 8, pp. 338-353, 1965.
[22] Zadeh, L.A., “Outline of a new approach to the analysis of complex systems and

decision processes,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 3,
No. 1, pp. 28-44, Jan. 1973.
[23] Zadeh, L.A., “The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate
reasoning, Parts 1, 2, and 3,” Information Sciences, 1975, 8:199-249, 8:301-357,
[24] Zadeh, L.A., “Fuzzy Logic,” Computer, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 83-93, 1988.
[25] Zadeh, L.A., “Knowledge representation in fuzzy logic,” IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 89-100, 1989.



Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy (ANFIS) A technique for automatically tuning Sugeno-
Inference System type inference systems based on training data.
The combination of the consequents of each rule in a
antecedent Mamdani fuzzy inference system in preparation for
consequent defuzzification.
degree of fulfillment The initial (or “if”) part of a fuzzy rule.
degree of membership
The final (or “then”) part of a fuzzy rule.
firing strength
The process of transforming a fuzzy output of a fuzzy
fuzzification inference system into a crisp output.
fuzzy c-means clustering
See firing strength
fuzzy inference system (FIS)
fuzzy operators The output of a membership function, this value is always
fuzzy set limited to between 0 and 1. Also known as a membership
value or membership grade.

The degree to which the antecedent part of a fuzzy rule is
satisfied. The firing strength may be the result of an AND
or an OR operation, and it shapes the output function for
the rule. Also known as degree of fulfillment.

The process of generating membership values for a fuzzy
variable using membership functions.

A data clustering technique wherein each data point
belongs to a cluster to a degree specified by a membership

The overall name for a system that uses fuzzy reasoning
to map an input space to an output space.

AND, OR, and NOT operators. These are also known as
logical connectives.

A set that can contain elements with only a partial degree
of membership.



fuzzy singleton A fuzzy set with a membership function that is unity at a
implication one particular point and zero everywhere else.
Mamdani-type inference
The process of shaping the fuzzy set in the consequent
membership function (MF) based on the results of the antecedent in a Mamdani-type
singleton output function FIS.

subtractive clustering A type of fuzzy inference in which the fuzzy sets from
Sugeno-type inference the consequent of each rule are combined through the
T-conorm aggregation operator and the resulting fuzzy set is
defuzzified to yield the output of the system.
A function that specifies the degree to which a given input
belongs to a set or is related to a concept.

An output function that is given by a spike at a single
number rather than a continuous curve. In the Fuzzy
Logic Toolbox software, it is only supported as part of a
zero-order Sugeno model.

A technique for automatically generating fuzzy inference
systems by detecting clusters in input-output training

A type of fuzzy inference in which the consequent of each
rule is a linear combination of the inputs. The output is a
weighted linear combination of the consequents.

A two-input function that describes a superset of fuzzy
union (OR) operators, including maximum, algebraic sum,
and any of several parameterized T-conorms Also known
as S-norm.

A two-input function that describes a superset of fuzzy
intersection (AND) operators, including minimum,
algebraic product, and any of several parameterized T-


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