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Published by Raja Haida, 2021-01-20 04:58:20

Form 5 English Textbook

Form 5 English KSSM Textbook


1 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• Have you ever done any voluntary work? What sort of volunteering appeals to you?
• Are there groups of people in your area who you think don’t receive enough support?
• Are you a member of any local organisations for young people?
• Do you think there are enough things for young people to do in your area?

2 F ill in the gaps to complete what you might say if you don’t hear (1 and 2) or don’t understand (3 and

4) what someone says.

1 I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. Could you that, please?

2 Could you that again?

3 Can you why you said that, because I don’t quite understand.

4 Sorry, but I’m not sure what you by that.

3 Work with a partner. The local council is threatening to It’s important that you interact with your
partner in this type of task. Therefore, if
close the youth centre because not enough young people you don’t hear or understand something
attend. You think your area needs a youth centre, so you your partner says, ask him or her politely
want to prevent its closure. Here are some ideas that might to repeat, rephrase or explain it.
help to keep it open. First, talk to each other about how
effective you think each idea would be. Then decide which
two ideas you would put into practice. Use the Language
Bank to help you.

encourage your How can we keep the make an
friends to join youth centre open? announcement at

local schools

write a letter to start a Facebook
the council page for the
youth centre

suggest new activities
to attract members

4 Work in pairs to discuss these questions.

• What can be done to help young people who are unemployed?
• Do you think it’s more important for councils to spend money on services for young people than for elderly

people or pre-school children?
• Do you believe young people sometimes turn to crime because there isn’t enough for them to do?
• What can be done to help young people feel more included in society?

Asking for clarification
Sorry, could you repeat that please?
Could you say that again?
I didn’t quite understand what you said.
I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what you mean.
What did you mean by ...?
Can you explain why you said ...?

UNIT 12 155


Letter: Communicating effectively
When you write to someone in authority about a problem, you are hoping
that they will take action on suggestions you make in your letter. If you
want the reader to react positively, you should write in a personal and
polite way, saying how you feel about the problem, suggesting measures
that should be taken and showing how they would help.

1 R ead these extracts from letters to a town’s chief of police. Which one

is written in the right tone and is most likely to get a good reaction?

a Lpehtahonaselopitrcupeewgedehanerirpnekeog’asml?lilscoyPterrbemeeoaeeopdtnflledytt.heowWemecmhooreynntshttdrteeiordrralrentiwfi’ntioheenyadxost!tuwMwtheiamaarskeveee! sure b Ltuothaosfefs.imtcIteowtarhwkesieennokklcni’sfetedhnsuasttrratteeyfweevnrteeedfrsxoyehtrmoftoruiiomrgldndheistn,htearianfarviptyenioogcmsnitsfsoioizbrrmeelnmea,osda.ifnenyyoolifuoredrf einr

2 R ead this extract from a letter to the local mayor. What solution could you suggest? How would it help?

It’s dangerous outside the school at home time. Children run across the street, cars drive past too fast and no one
is in charge of what’s happening.

3 Read this writing task and discuss in class what could be done and why it would help.

The City Times Letter: Write a letter to the mayor
explaining what could be done to
The city council recently published a report which reveals that help the elderly in the nursing home.
many elderly people in the local nursing home are suffering Begin your letter, “Dear Mayor.”
from depression caused by boredom and loneliness. The
council says it would welcome ideas on what could be done by

council officials and local people to help the situation.

4 Read the letter that was written in answer to the task in 3 and answer the questions below it.

Dear Mayor,
I have just read in the local newspaper that many of our vulnerable, elderly citizens in the city’s nursing home are
depressed. I think this is a very sad situation and I am writing to ask that you urgently consider taking the following
First of all, the city council should employ an entertainment organiser at the home. Small music concerts, book-
readings and other events could be organised in order to stimulate the old people and, hopefully, make them smile.
I am sure you agree that laughter is often the best therapy.
Furthermore, the council could organise outings. If coach excursions to famous landmarks or trips to the countryside
were arranged, it would enable the elderly to experience the outside world again instead of sitting inside all day.
Finally, with your agreement, my friends and I intend to arrange for volunteers to visit the home perhaps once a week
so that the elderly have regular contact with other people.
I look forward to seeing you put some ideas into action soon.
Yours faithfully,
Mary Clark

1 Is the writer’s tone of voice polite?
2 What words does the writer use to sum up her opinion of the situation?
3 The writer talks directly to the mayor in the letter. Underline four examples of this.
4 The writer suggests three solutions to the problem. Circle the results of these solutions.


5 W hen you write, try to use a broad range of vocabulary. Match these words to their meaning and

use them to complete the texts below.

1 incident a verb: to stop something happening
2 vulnerable b adjective: not enough
3 prevent c adjective: unprotected
4 deter d verb: to discourage people from doing something
5 inadequate e noun: an event that happens

A Boy falls from hotel balcony , police s.aTidhethhaottteahlnemypamrnooatgerecetraivchceaisrdaneinolitwnsg.psraormouisnedd to

After the
the balcony were
improve them in order to

B HTaifnhrorosiotetmeoavlmlelbtisrnuaybgrtirngotphlgkoaeeawrgbyienaaritcfnouk.”ltohlfiegtbhhGetericnahanguodstieneHl.ittohAitesehgldoayatreredsklteseanprtdoatahkryeeeasabmtnaodacnkstosoaflietdhv:ea“blTuuhaiebldlreionsogfmr.oWmweasatrheienvoews Situation
serious incident
6 R ead this writing task and use the plan and the Language Bank shocking
to help you write your letter. Try to use some of the words you dangerous
practised in 5. When you have finished your letter, check your inadequate
work carefully. unprotected
The City Times
Useful verbs
Fear on the streets protect
A woman was slightly injured last night when a thief knocked her deter
down and stole her purse as she walked home. Bystanders said they prevent
would not be able to recognise the mugger again because the street organise/arrange
was very dark. Many citizens have previously complained that there authorise
are not enough late night buses operating in the city. enable
Letter: Write a letter to the mayor explaining what could be done to make
the city safer at night for pedestrians. Begin your letter, “Dear Mayor.” urgent(ly)
Plan if possible
I am sure you agree that ...
Paragraph 1: Say you have read about the mugging. Give your take measures/action
opinion and say why you are writing. put ideas into action

Paragraphs 2-4: Make suggestions to help solve the problem, using Think about your reader’s
examples if appropriate, and showing what the results reaction when you write your
would be. letter. You want them to agree
with your ideas, so talk to them
Paragraph 5: Show you expect the reader to take action. directly and be polite. Showing
the results of your suggestions
will help convince them that
you are right.
When you learn new words,
practise using them in your

UNIT 12 157

12 Reload

Vocabulary Grammar

Choose the correct answers. Choose the correct answers.

1 How can anyone be of important social issues? 1 is known about this mental illness, I’m afraid.
a inspired a Such
b combined b Less
c disabled c Some
d unaware d Little

2 C ould you speak , please? We can’t hear you. 2 It’s high time your brother a job!
a up a finds
b out b to find
c on c is finding
d in d found

3 The volunteers spent their weekend helping out at 3 ‘Did Mr Smith take a retraining course?’
the shelter. They deserve a pat on the . ‘No, he to repair machines.’
a taught by himself
a back b by himself taught
b shoulders c taught himself
c heart d himself taught
d heels

4 One role of the is to get medical help to people 4 Let’s help out at the halfway house, ?
with serious injuries. a shall we
b will we
a ambulance service c won’t we
b fire brigade d should we
c job centre
d coastguard 5 ‘Can here take on extra work at the food bank?’
‘Yes, I could do a few more hours a week.’
5 My aunt was over ninety and couldn’t walk, so we a anyone
had to put her in a . b somewhere
c everybody
a food bank d nothing
b youth hostel
c nursing home 6 ‘I feel terrible about poverty!’
d halfway house ‘Well, you can’t solve the world’s problems
a by itself
6 My job at the charity is to anyone who needs b by themselves .’
help. c by yourself
d by myself
a assist
b inspire 7 ‘Is the shelter only for addicts?’
c represent ‘No. needs a place to stay is welcome.’
d disable a Whoever
b Whatever
7 I f the children while I’m out, call me on my c Whenever
mobile phone. d Wherever

a act out 8 ‘Peter is a kind man.’
b point out ‘I agree. the disabled, but he also works with the
c point to
d act up homeless.’
a Only not does he help
8 If I were a victim of at school, I would tell my b Not only does he help
parents or a teacher. c Does he not only help
d He does help not only
a bullying
b homelessness
c unemployment
d addiction

9 Look at those poor homeless children; my goes 9 You had better now, or your parents will worry.
out to them. a to leave
b leaving
a back c leave
b heart d to leaving
c feet
d ears


6 Progress Review

1 Circle the correct words.

1 The coastguard called off / cut off the search for the missing boat after two days had passed.
2 This information is secret, so we do not have access / process to it.
3 The charity promised to build a shelter, but so far it has dug in its heels / dragged its feet.
4 The 90-year-old actor spent his final years in a youth hostel / nursing home.
5 This hybrid car that parks itself is an example of built-in / cutting-edge technology.
6 Bullying / Addiction by his classmates made the boy unhappy at school.
7 The remote control / wireless network needs new batteries.
8 This group objects to the introduction of GM food / food banks into our kitchens.

2 Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first sentence, using the word in

bold. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1 They won’t buy their son an expensive mobile phone because he often loses things. habit

They won’t buy their son an expensive mobile phone because he things.

2 John spends a lot on technology because he loves the latest gadgets. fondness

Because he the latest gadgets, John spends a lot on technology.

3 The animal charity needs people to give homeless dogs a home. take

The animal charity needs people to homeless dogs.

4 My printer isn’t working properly, so I must get it repaired. playing

My printer , so I must get it repaired.

5 The mayor said he felt sympathy for residents who were homeless after the storm. heart

The mayor said residents who were homeless after the storm.

6 The charity congratulated the class which had donated the most money. pat

The charity gave to the class which had donated the most money.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given.

1 is a big problem in many capital cities. HOME

2 The laptop that I bought ten years ago is now . DATE

3 This popular smartphone user-friendly technology with a low price. COMBINATION

4 The teenager gave a(n) speech about how he had raised the money. INSPIRE

5 Women half the world, so why don’t they share half the power? REPRESENTATIVE

6 You can’t park here; this space is only for drivers! DISABILITY

7 Buying a lot of unnecessary things may be an example of behaviour. ADDICT

4 Complete the text with these words.

access assistance dedication disability inspiration knowledge programs
representative social welfare touch pad unemployment weight

Service with a smile

Yesterday, when I was looking at a laptop in a shop, I needed 1 . A friendly shop assistant

with excellent 2 of the product showed me how to use the 3

with my finger and pointed out the built-in microphone that lets you use voice-activated 4 .

He was very helpful and his 5 to his work was clear. It wasn’t until he nearly walked into a

desk that I noticed he had a(n) 6 . The badge on his shirt said, ‘Gary – visually challenged,

please be patient!’ He said that he was almost blind and getting a job had been a 7 off his

shoulders after a period of 8 . He was glad he had been given 9

to a job because he didn’t want to accept 10 . As a(n) 11 of a

group with few advantages, he was a(n) 12 to both customers and colleagues.

Progress Review 6 159

6 Progress Review

1 Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first sentence, using the word in

bold. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1 The old lady should go into a nursing home. time

It’s into a nursing home.

2 Lee’s printer couldn’t be repaired, so he bought a new one. get

Lee couldn’t , so he bought a new one.

3 I’m annoyed because my computer is really slow! faster

I wish !

4 Sam doesn’t like his children texting their friends during meals. not

Sam wishes their friends during meals.

5 I regret not calling the fire brigade earlier. only

If the fire brigade earlier!

6 You ought to turn off your mobile phone before the film starts. had

You your mobile before the film starts.

7 Not everyone prefers using a tablet to a laptop. rather

Some people a laptop than a tablet.

2 Circle the correct words. 5 T he family couldn’t get Grandpa try out / to try out
the smartphone.
1 Y ou’ve had a satellite dish installed,
haven’t / didn’t you? 6 S ome / Everyone say that we could end poverty in
the world.
2 That text message didn’t get sent, so I’ll send
another / whatever. 7 S he didn’t leave her mobile phone in the taxi,
didn’t / did she?
3 Dennis must stop playing up and learn to behave
him / himself. 8 O ur hybrid vehicle has broken down and we must
have fixed it / have it fixed.
4 The teacher had the pupils stay / stayed
after school.

3 Read the text and complete each gap with one word.

Life won’t be great for Grandma, will it?

There are more old people in Europe than there used to be. Not only 1 people living longer,

but also fewer babies are being born. This is a problem because, as 2 knows, when people

retire and expect to 3 their pensions paid every month, it is the working people who pay for

this. Many European countries are facing this problem and 4 have already found solutions.

People will 5 only have their pensions cut, but they will 6 retire at an older

age. But what happens when people are very old and can no longer look after 7 ? It is true that

most old people 8 rather stay in their own homes and 9 someone take

care of them 10 go into a nursing home. 11 they live, it is going to be very

expensive, so everyone had 12 start planning for the future now!

4 Complete the sentences with these words.

anyone herself himself ourselves some time whatever wherever

1 Did send you a message today?

2 you do, don’t let little Jimmy play with the laptop!

3 the homeless man went, people avoided him.

4 The father blamed for his son’s accident.

5 They bought a lot of groceries and gave to the food bank.

6 The student knows enough to fix her computer .

7 It’s high the ambulance arrived!

8 Is it possible for us to set up our webpage by ?

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