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A Notebook about four ancient civilisations:the mississippians, the mayan, the Aztec, and the Inca

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Published by Mary Marallo, 2019-05-07 19:55:23

Mary Marallo's Ancient civ notebook

A Notebook about four ancient civilisations:the mississippians, the mayan, the Aztec, and the Inca

A Lo k he
Mis s i n, M a,

Az e n I ca
Civ at


Mary Marallo

Learning About Time

B.C stands for before Jesus was
born, and some people say is
between 6 and 4 B, used by the

Gregorian calendar
A.D. stands for Anno Domini. It
means the year that Christ was
born, at about 4 to 6 B.C, used by

the Gregorian calendar.
B.C.E stands before common era.
This is the same time period as B.C,
just a different way of saying it.
They both stand for before Christ.
C.E means common era, which also
stands for the same time period as
A.D stands for, which is the time

when Christ was born.
C. and ca. Stands for when scientists
don't know the exact time that the

event happen, so they say that. It
stands for a latin word circa which

means approximate.

Multiple-tier Timelines

You will insert a picture in this space of y

The s i p

The mississippians were a amazing culture that
had very interesting lives that still continue to
amaze and interest people around the world.
The mississippians didn't have the most
advanced farming tools out there. They used
mostly simple tools and grew plants like corn,
beans, squash, goosefoot, sumpweed, etc. They
lived all around mississippi, new orleans and
ohio. This means that they had to deal with
hurricanes and swampy weather. But not all of
the mississippians put their work into farming.
The “great sun”; the leader had a job of looking
over crops and making decisions on the
construction of the mound. The leader was
considered a god on earth and was praised
highly. Like in the picture, the great sun would
live at the highest point. The lower society would
be put to work to make mounds and farm, also
hunting as well. The leader of war; the tattooed
serpent was also greatly respected and
honored. The mississippians were several
groups of people with different resources and
needs. Their solution was trading something
that they have for something that they need or
want. They had trading areas were they set up
booths and traded all of their wanted and
unwanted resources. They traded all sort of
things like food and pottery. This amazing
culture still has many mysteries yet to be
uncovered. bbbb

Where in the World…
Were the Mississippian Located?

What is the approximate latitude
and longitude of the location you
What might the weather be like in
this location based on the latitude
and longitude?

What is the approximate latitude and longitude of the location you colored?
The relative 33 degrees north 80 degrees south. It is around new orleans, louisiana.
What might the climate be like in this location based on the latitude and longitude?
It will be a lot warmer. There might be more natural disasters. They will need a good water
source, protection from the sun, they will need think clothing.
How would this affect the way people live in this area?
They will need a good water source, protection from the sun, they will need think clothing.

What’s This?

What’s This?

This is the great serpent mound in What is
ohio where the mississippians this?

It can ether be an enlarged eye, a What is the
hollow egg, or a frog about to get circle on the
left side of
swallowed, sun the drawing?

It varys from ceremonial centers, Why do you
effigy mounds, were sun temples think it was
and chiefs houses were located, to made? What
was it used for?
tell seasons.
The Mound Builders associated Why do you
great mystical value to the serpent. think they
The Great Serpent represented a chose this
malevolent creature whereas the
Horned Serpent and Feathered shape?

Serpent How do you
Soil clay or stones was carried in think they
made this?
baskets and dumped on the
mound, used hard labor.

The Mounds

Read the Khan Academy article posted in your
Schoology course: Fort Ancient Culture: Great
Serpent Mound. After you read, complete the
page below with your team.

Danielle Knight GO Interactive, 2015

Research the Relationships

Explore the Mississippian links in the Symbaloo posted in your
Schoology course as well as in the books and other resources available
in class to complete this organizer.

What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist

between the people and their

How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders

follow rules?

did the people invent, create, grew corn, beans, squash,
or trade that allowed them to sunflowers, goosefoot, sumpweed, and other
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships plants were cultivated.They grew much of
with? their food in small gardens using simple tools
like stone axes, digging sticks, and fire. They
What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How were almost always outside and only went
indoors when the weather was too cold for
did they grow it? What staying outside. They also hunted animals for
relationships did the people
have with their environment? fur coats and meat.


I learnt that before Christopher Columbus came to
America, there were tons of Native Americans living
in what is now called north America. They had their
own rituals and beliefs. He thought that he had found

India so he named them indians. The native
Americans walked over Bering strait to ge to america.
The bering strait is now gone. The cultures had their
own different beliefs. They had different ways of life,
such as nomatics, who moved were the bison moved

so they didn't have permanent homes. Others
specialised in farming agriculture and had permanent
homes and had a great food sources because of their

farming. Once the Europeans came, they spread
disease to the natives, killing off some of their

Where in the World…
Were the Maya Located?

What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Maya

17 degrees north 86 degrees south.
Relative location: Gautama

What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and

It will be very humid and hot. They will live
in rainforests so there will be frequent
rain. There will be a lot of rainforests as

How would this affect the way people
live in this area?

They will need light clothes for the
humanity. They will need a good source of
water, good protection from the rain. They
will also have to grow exotic fruit.

The Mayan Government/
Social Structure


Kings were the ruler of the cities and
were considered to given rule by the
gods. They lived lives of luxury


Second most powerful people. The people
believed they could talk to the gods


Did not have to pay taxes. Could chose if they wanted to work or
not. They lived easy lifes

Merchants and craftsman

Some were peasants who wanted a better life and some were nobles that wanted a better
job. They made art and ran businesses.


Most Mayan people were peasants. They worked very hard. Most were farmers outside the city. Peasants who worked as
craftsmen were able to live in the city. Peasants who worked as craftsmen were able to live in the city and had a slightly
better life If there was no captured warriors or leaves available, peasants were usually the ones sacrificed by the people.

Warriors A special class man Military leaders were all nobles Some peasants were forced into becoming a warrior.

Some were highly respected but peasants were rarely shown honor unless he was the son of a warrior.

Mayan Religion Mural

So, for our Mural we chose to to three different sections. One
section was for the Commoners,peasants, slaves and merchants
and craftsman so we drew different them doing different task such
as pulling a plow and building temples and other work. Our second
section is for the kings,priests, and nobles. In this section we drew

things such as a kingdom for the king and a symbol
that represents kings. Our final section was for the gods, in this
section we found different glyphs that represent mayan gods.

Mayan Language and
Number Systems

This is my birthday in Mayan number system. My
birthday is 8, 13, 07. The shell means zero, the lines
mean 5, and the dots mean one.

Explore the Mayan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like?
Did powerful relationships exist

between the people and their

How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders

follow rules?

did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships

What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How

did they grow it? What
relationships did the people
have with their environment?

Ancient Maya
Concept Map

At the end of this unit, you will write a
well-developed paragraph in this space explaining
what you learned about the Aztec people. You
might want to include who the Aztec people were,
what they valued, how their society was set up, the
relationship generalizations you uncovered while
learning about the people, etc. *Note: Your pictures
on page 4 should relate to this paragraph!

Where in the World…
Were the Aztec Located?

What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Aztec

19 de s o t 99 eg we .
It' a n ex it , r f a ma. E f e
pa fi ce d e f at t o n.

What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and

Ra n l e m . A lo h i t . T ey l e
f o t h i t d o d h . The v a y
se t a s su r t .

How would this affect the way people
live in this area?

The l av av o ve h e d t e
ra . T ho il d o w to . T wo
ne g c o h r o n ye f n e . Al o,
t e le d i h, h o l ed ve er

The Aztec Government
Social Structure



They had ultimate
power in the land. Whenever he
died, his family got sacrificed too.
He was given the right to rule by the



They were wealthy and lived lives of luxury in their dig places.
They ruled city states and were highly respected. They had
complete rule over their city states as long as they payed
tribute to the ruler


Lived a easy life. They helped rule the city states They helped pick the king. They could wear
things such as feathers and gold.

The pochteca traveled long distances in order to bring back luxury goods that were treasured by the

Aztec Sun Stone

This is an Aztec calendar. The
Aztecs used it to tell which days
are favorable to do certain things
and those that were not.

Explore the Aztec links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like? Tenochtitlan. They had better forms of
Did powerful relationships exist communication than other tribes.

between the people and their

How was their society set up?
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders

follow rules?

did the people invent, create,
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships

What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How

did they grow it? What
relationships did the people
have with their environment?

Ancient Aztec
Concept Map

Where in the World…
Were the Inca Located?

What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Inca

21 degrees south, 67 degrees

What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and

This climate could be very
humid, but be prone to drought

How would this affect the way people
live in this area?

They would have to have roofs
and housing and light clothes for

The Inca Government/
Social Structure

The Inca Government:

Inca Social Structure

Noble classes:The noble class includes the Sapa Inca (which was

literally a god on earth and was sacred), the Villac Umu,(almost as
respected as the sapa and were directly related to gods.) the royal
family, (heir to the throne)the inca class (the noble class), and the
Inca-by-privilege. These people established the city of Cuzco and were
respected. The inca-by-privilege were almost as high in class as the
nobles, but were not considered real inca.

Public administers:Curacas- They were the leaders of Inca tribes that
they conquered. If they reported to the Inca they could keep their
position Tax Collectors- They kept watch over a family to make sure
that they paid their taxes.Record Keepers- They kept track of who
paid their taxes and, they kept track of supplies. they worked in the
Commoners:This class was the lowest rung of the Inca Social Structure. They were
usually Farmers or Craftsman. They had to pay the Taxes the government put out
and had to work on projects such as build temples and bridges. Even though they
were so low in the Social Class the Craftsmen were very skilled and no Mortar was
required to keep objects together. Craftsmen were also paid but not with money but

The Ayllu:The Ayllu The ayllu was made up of a number of families that worked together almost like
one large family. Everyone in the empire was part of an ayllu. The ayllu also had to pay tax. Women
married as young as twelve and were generally married by the age of 16. Men were married by the age
of 20. Every person had a job.

Explore the Incan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like? The inca’’s leader was the Inca in the family meaning they
Did powerful relationships exist had Inca as there middle name. They Inca government was
a functioning Theocracy. This meant that they thought the
between the people and their
leaders? Sapa inca or the leader was both god and man. The Inca
government was in Charge of taking care of people This
How was their society set up? meant for example if there was a drought the government
What were the types of jobs would distribute food. The government also had a imperial
people had? Were the jobs people system which meant every place they conquered had to pay
did purposeful for the civilization? public tax which meant they had to work on bridges and

Describe their religion. Did the building temples.
relationship the people had with
their gods and religious leaders The Inca had a very interesting Society. To start they had four base
positions, The Noble Class, Public administrators, Commoners and the
follow rules? Alyts.. The Noble Class included all the high end afficals and of course
the leader of the Inca the Sapa inca. In the Public Administrators you
did the people invent, create, had the Curacas, who were the leaders of the different tribes. You also
or trade that allowed them to had the Collectors who watched and collected Taxes from the families,
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships there were also the Record Keepers who kept public records of
with? everything that happens in the society. Next, were the commoners who
were either Craftsmen or Farmers. Another part of Society was the Allies
who were a bunch of families who worked together as one large family.

The Inca religion consisted of gods and goddesses and they worshipped
them so much that they would sacrifice themselves for the gods. They
most important deities would include Hanan Pacha were Inti which was
the sun god and Mama Quilla which was the moon god. In some Inca
religions gods and goddesses showed overlapping divine powers. The
upper pantheon consisted of crater sky weather complex with three main
points. This includes Viracocha, the creator;Inti, the sun god and
ancestor of ruling destiny and finally Illipa, the thunder of weather god.
When people died, the morning lasts 8 days. They were black and cut
their hair short.

One thing that the inca invented was their own secret
language Quechua which is pretty smart. They also

invented perfect sculpted building that came out to look
pretty good in those days. The invented miles of roads and
bridges Although they never invented the wheel or a way of

riding it they still lasted 100 years.

What was the agriculture like?
What food did they eat? How

did they grow it? What
relationships did the people
have with their environment?

Ancient Inca
Concept Map

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