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Published by cwgrissom89, 2019-04-24 19:05:07



Cara Windham
Paralegal Studies

What is ACP? 3
Syllabus Snapshot 4
Student Preparation Strategy 5
BOPPPS Lesson Plan 6 - 7
Test Questions 8
Rubric 9
Showcase Presentation 10 - 13
Reflective Essay 14 - 15


Assignment Dates

September 10 2018 Assignment 1 due

September 24 2018 Assignment 2 due

October 8 2018 Quiz 1 Chapters 1-6

October 29 2018 MIDTERM Chapter 1-8

November 5 2018 Assignment 3 due

November 19 2018 Quiz 2 Chapters 7-12

Course Description December 10-16 FINAL EXAM

This course provides an Required Text: West's Paralegal Today, Miller
overview of the law and the and Meinzinger 7th Edition
legal professions. Topics
include legal concepts,
systems, and terminology;
ethical obligations and
regulations; professional
trends and issues with
particular emphasis on the

*Full Syllabus available on D2L*

Student PreParation

StudentS will have been inStructed
to read over the chaPter on

Probate and eState Planning during
the Prior claSS aS well aS look over
the correSPonding PowerPoint in d2l.

StudentS Should come to claSS with
queStionS ready to diScuSS.


COURSE: Intro to Law and Legal Profession’s
Lesson Title: Estate Planning: Why is it important?

Bridge: Students will come in and watch a short video from Tedd-ed on Probate and once the video is complete, we will discuss what occurred in the Court
Blooms Question (Understanding) Who can describe to me what just occurred int his Court room?

Estimated time: 10 min
Course Student Learning Outcome: Students will be able to name and create the documents necessary for Estate planning as well as accurately explain the
Probate process through the Court

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
1. Create a complete Estate planning Package (creating)
2. Accurately describe the process of Probate (remembering)

Pre-Assessment: For this lesson I choose yes/no cards for pre assessment. I would ask the students questions regarding the Probate Court system and
Documents involved to see what they already know.

Estimated time:10 min
Participatory Learning:

 Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials

30 min Introduction to Wills and how Estate Planning and the Interpreted Lecture : Students will help to explain in Law Lecture slides and sample
30 min Documents involved; the information required for terms the meaning of each document and what’s involved in documents
30 min each document creating the documents Fictional Case studies that
15 min Testate v Intestate: What is the difference between The class is split in half and each side is given either a describe both scenarios
the two and how does this change the Probate Testate Probate or an Intestate Probate and must
process accurately describe the Court process. What goes into a Templets of documents
Probate? (remembering) needed to create a
Estate Planning Package: Describe and explain what Take home assignment to make and complete a set of complete Estate Planning
goes into each document needed for a complete fictional documents needed for Estate Planning. What goes package
Estate Planning package into planning an Estate Package? (Creating) Slide and open discussion

Have students describe the steps and differences of Open discussion for students to explain where their
the Probate Court Process thoughts are on how the Court process works for Probate

Post-assessment: At the end of the lesson I will use the CATS Pro and Con Grid based on probating a will Intestate vs Testate. Why is having a Will important?
Estimated time:15 min
Summary: Discuss the Pro and Con board and why each item is important. Open the floor for discussion regarding any questions the students may have.
Estimated time: 15 min


Estate Planning is a requirement under TRCP

Which of the following is NOT required for a complete Estate Planning package?
Last Will and Testimate
Statutory POA
Motion to Probate
Medical POA

Dying Intestate mean passing away WITH a Will

Which of the following documents is begins the Probate Process?
Motion to Probate
Last Will and Testimate
Application for Probate and Letters Testimate
Motion appointing Administration

ACP 4/24/2019

Cara Windham
Intro to Law and Legal Professions


Student Prep. Strategy Table of
Bridge contents
Participatory Lesson
Post Assessment


Student Prep Strategy

Students will have been instructed to read over the
Chapter on Probate and Estate Planning during the
prior class as well as look over the corresponding
Powerpoint in D2L.
Students should come to class with questions


Once class has begun students will Bridge 4/24/2019
watch a video from Ted-ed that 2
discusses the Probate process in

What is Probate and why is it
important? (Understanding)



Course Student Learning Outcome: Learning Objectives: By the 1. Create a complete 2. Accurately describe
Students will be able to name and end of this lesson, students Estate planning Package the process of Probate
create the documents necessary for
will be able to (creating) (remembering)
Estate planning as well as
accurately explain the Probate

process through the Court



• For this lesson I choose yes/no cards for pre
assessment. I would ask the students a yes or no
hypothetical questions regarding the Probate Court
system and the Documents involved to see what they
already know.


Participatory Lesson 4/24/2019
Introduction to Wills and how Estate Planning and the Interpreted Lecture : Students will help to explain in Law
Documents involved; the information required for each terms the meaning of each document and what’s involved
document in creating the documents

Testate v Intestate: What is the difference between the The class is split in half and each side is given either a
two and how does this change the Probate process Testate Probate or an Intestate Probate and must
accurately describe the Court process. What goes into a
Estate Planning Package: Describe and explain what goes Probate? (remembering)
into each document needed for a complete Estate
Planning package Take home assignment to make and complete a set of
fictional documents needed for Estate Planning. What
Have students describe the steps and differences of the goes into planning an Estate Package? (Creating)
Probate Court Process
Open discussion for students to explain where their
thoughts are on how the Court process works for Probate



• At the end of the lesson I will
use the CATS Pro and Con Grid
based on probating a will
Intestate vsTestate.Why is
having a Will important?

• TesTaTe v. InTesTaTe



• Discuss the Pro and Con board and why each item is
important. Open the floor for discussion regarding any
questions the students may have



Personal Reflection

• I am glad I was able to take this class and gain
knowledge I did not have before. Since I do not have a
formal teaching background a lot of the information
presented was new for me. I will be using rubrics.
BOPPS and CATS more effectively in my classrooms
from now on.



This program has been incredibly helpful for me as an educator. As someone who does
not have a formal background in education a lot of the information presented was new for me.
Before this course I would not have known how things such as a lesson plan and weekly
objectives could be used in a college level class room. I can now see how helpful they would
both be. The lesson plan can help us as educators be better prepared for our lecture. The
Blooms, Boppps and CATS were also all items that I had not heard of before. I absolutely fell
like I have a more solid understanding of pedagogy and teaching strategies after this course.

I have implemented the knowledge I have gained within the classroom by using new
methods of Pre and Post Assessment. I find it to be very important to gauge what your students
know before you begin a lesson and then after to see what they have retained and that they have
understand of the subject at hand. I have also implemented the use of CATS within the
classroom to help determine what the students know and also to help them act out Court room
scenarios. I have found it very helpful to bring fictional case scenarios into the class and then
have my students digest the scenario and explain what Court the proceeding would be taking
place in as well as the next steps within the Court process.

The program has made me a better instructor by helping me to understand the
foundations and fundamentals of teaching. While I do have a legal background, I did not have a
formal teaching background or experience in teaching before working as an Adjunct. The ACP
course has helped me feel more prepared for teaching as a whole. With the knowledge I have
gained from the program I now understand how to affectively use a lesson plan and rubric within
my class. Before the program I would not have thought about using a lesson plan with higher
education teaching, but it is something I will be implementing from now on that way I can better
plan out my lecture and class time.

I would love to see tis Course be offered for a longer amount of time. I feel as though
there is still a lot of knowledge and information about teaching that I could gain. I am hoping to
see the ACP 2.0 being offered soon as I would love to continue my education in teaching and
become the best Professor I can be.

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