summer book series
The Book of Philippians
A Message from Pastor New to Galilee?
Dear Friend, Let us know you’re here by filling out
Have you been doing your a Connection Card in worship.
summer reading with us?
We’ve already tackled two New We’d love to know you better and tell
Testament letters in our Summer you about ministries and groups that
Book Series and this month we
are reading Philippians. may interest you.
You can read Philippians on the
beach or at the pool, but its not
your typical “beach book.” Paul’s
epistles are meant to be read
spiritually. They are a way of
experiencing God. Like all
devotional reading, it’s about
inspiration—a word that literally
means “breathing in.” Reading
the Bible, reading spiritually, we
breathe in God’s Spirit.
I hope you enjoy Philippians and
profit from breathing in this most
joyous book.
In Christ,
Jason Duley, Pastor
[email protected]
The Chapel at Lansdowne Woods
A Message from Pastor Matt Everyone Is Welcome!
Dear Friend,
The Book of Philippians is Paul’s joy Chapel Worship Service:
letter. “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Sundays at 10am
Paul writes. “Again I will say, rejoice!”
(Phil. 4:4) 19375 Magnolia Grove Square
Would it surprise you to know that Lansdowne, VA 20176
Paul wrote these words from prison?
He could have chosen to be bitter,
negative, pessimistic. He could have
lashed out at his enemies.
But that wasn’t likely for Paul,
who had a deep personal sense of
living in Christ. It was his secret of
contentment in all situations.
Secret? It’s explained openly in
Philippians. Paul found strength in
faith to handle any situation, and so
can you!
Matt Sergent, Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Registration is now open for the
2016 - 2017 School Year!
At Galilee Christian School, we believe every student is a precious
child of God who deserves an education delivered in a safe and
loving environment.
We provide half day preschool for children ages 3 to 5 years old and
a toddler class for children from 16 months up to preschool age.
We are excited to announce our addition of
a full-day Kindergarten class for the
2016-2017 school year.
Kindergarten Enrichment is available for AM Kindergarten students
at Countryside and Algonkian Elementary.
GCS offers after school care for K-5 students at Countryside and
Algonkian Elementary Schools.
Contact Amy Utterback for more information or to schedule a tour.
Register for classes at
Amy Utterback, Director | [email protected]
Galilee Christian School
Family Ministry
Sunday School
Studying the Explore the Bible: Kids Curriculum ·
10:15am - 10:55am · Children’s Wing
Discipleship Hour: Every Sunday at 10:15
10:15am — 10:55am We’ll be studying the biblical concept of hope; don’t miss it.
Location: Youth Center
[email protected]
Do you have a student or students heading off or returning to a Virginia college,
community college or university this fall? The Virginia Conference would like their names
and addresses so the campus ministers and chaplains can connect with them. The
schools can’t give our ministries student names, so we rely on you to help us make these
connections. It would be helpful for Galilee as well so that we can communicate with
them throughout the school year.
Please send the office ([email protected]) the following information. We will send it
on to the Conference.
Student’s Name
Student’s Home Address
Student’s Email Address
Student’s Home Number
Student’s Cell Phone Number
Name of College Attending
Year in School, i.e. freshman, sophomore, etc.
Student’s College Address (if known)
Student’s College Email Address (if known)
Men’s and Women’s Ministry
Son-Rise Thursday Morning Study
6:30am We meet every Thursday morning at 6:30am on Route 28.
Newcomers are encouraged. We are continuing a study entitled
“Ten Men of the Bible” by Max Lucado .
Contact: [email protected].
Location: The Holiday Inn: 45425 Holiday Drive, Sterling, VA 20166
Men’s Night Out: August 18
@ Galilee Catered by RESQ BBQ
August 18 August’s Men’s Night Out will be at Galilee
6:30pm but catered by RESQ BBQ
Location: Back patio and/or Adult Flex Room at Galilee UMC
Women’s Wednesday Morning Study
9:30am - 11:00am New members to the class are always welcome!
Taking August off Here is what we will be doing in the Fall & Winter:
Sept. 7 - Nov. 2 - What’s Your God Language by Dr. Myra Perrine
Nov. 9 - Dec. 7, and Jan. 4 - While We Wait by Mary Lou Redding
Jan. 11 - Feb. 7 - The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
Feb. 15 thru end of year - The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis
Women’s Monday Evening Study
6:30pm Aug. 1 - Crafts and review/discuss Fall study
Aug. 8 - Lesson - TBD
Aug. 15 - DVD
SUNDAY, August 21 - 1PM - Aylesbury Tea Room, Leesburg, VA
$31.50/person RSVP to Tessa Selvey by Aug. 14
Aug. 29 - Bring a donation for Backpack Buddies
Contact Tessa Selvey for more information: 571-277-5981 or
[email protected]
Location: Adult Flex Room
Women’s Thursday Morning Study
10:00am - 11:30am New members to the class are always welcome!
Taking August off Here is what we will be doing in the Fall & Winter:
Sept. 8 - Oct. 27 God at your Wits’ End – Hope for Wherever You Are by Marilyn Meberg
Nov. 3 - Dec. 8 The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem by Adam Hamilton
Dec. 17 Holiday Brunch
Contact: [email protected]
The After People - Stephen Ministers
People often ask, “What exactly is a Stephen Minister?” One way to put it is that
Stephen Ministers are the After People.
Stephen Ministers are there:
...after the phone call you hoped you’d never get.
...after the funeral, when everyone has left and the
emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you.
....after the relationship falls apart and the bottom falls out of your life.
...after the doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.”
...after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says,
“Welcome to your new home.”
...after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away
—and the house suddenly seems empty.
...after the gavel comes down, the handcuffs go on,
and your loved one is led away.
...after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever
dreamed possible.
...after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck.
...after your family and friends have heard your story one too many
times, but you still need to talk it out.
Stephen Ministers are the After People. They are ready to come alongside you—or
your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives—and provide comfort and support
for as long after as needed.
Are you a good listener...can you empathize with people in difficult situations...are you will-
ing to learn? Galilee will be having a training class for Stephen Ministers beginning in
January - but now is the time to start looking for people that want to learn principles &
skills that equip you to provide Christ-centered emotional and spiritual care to others.
Stephen Ministers develop relational and caring skills that you can apply to all aspects of
your life. If you are interested in becoming trained as a Stephen Minister or if you know
someone that could possible need to have a Stephen Minister in their life - please email
us at [email protected] or call the church office, 703-430-2203.
Copyright © 2016 by Stephen Ministries St. Louis. All rights reserved. Representatives of a congregation have permission to photocopy this document for use within their
congregation to build support for Stephen Ministry.
Contact: [email protected]
NLI (Next Level Innovations)
You have been selected...
Congratulations, your church is one of four area congregations
chosen to participate in Next Level Innovations. Galilee has been
identified as a church with unique potential to move from “good”
to “great.”
This is a three year program that will help train and coach clergy,
staff, and laity in ministry innovation, reach, and impact.
More details coming soon.
5 in 5
Where are we headed as a church? There probably isn’t a Sunday
in the year when someone at Galilee isn’t wondering about that.
What is God calling us to accomplish? After a period of prayerful
consideration, your church leadership is discerning a five year plan
for Galilee that targets five goals.
We call it 5-in-5*
1. 500 people in worship
2. 5 stepping stones to full engagement:
Worship, Grow, Serve, Connect, Give
3. Galilee Christian School fully enrolled, fully funded
IN4. $500,000 reduction in debt
5f i v e5. Galilee Foundation funded with $500,000
Ministry Council will discern a detailed timeline and specific
strategies to attain these 5-in-5 goals during the Fall. May God
guide us as we move forward together.
*5 goals in 5 years
Ministry Highlights
In response to the recent Financial Town Hall and the Financial Survey, Galilee will now
include financial information in the monthly bulletin. The following table shows financial
results for the first 6 months of 2016.
YTD 6/30/16 Variance 2016 Annual
Actual Forecast $ % Forecast
Donations $545,288 $530,988 $14,300 2.7%
Other Income 40,081 42,098 (2,017) (4.8)%
Total Income 585,369 573,086 12,283 2.1% 1,187,582
Staff 302,516 302,305 (211) (0.1)% 610,633
All Other Operating 137,849 141,758 3,909 2.8% 236,904
Sub-Total 440,365 444,063 3,698 0.8% 847,537
Apportionments 39,656 39,679 23 0.1% 93,926
Mortgage 120,075 120,075 0 0% 240,537
Sub Total 159,731 159,754 23 0% 334,463
Total Expenses 600,096 603,817 3,721 0.6% 1,182,000
Total Net Income $(14,727) $(30,731) $16,004 52.1% $5,582
Thank you, Galilee! With your support Backpack Buddies fed
340 students at four schools six meals per week for 34 weeks—
totaling 69,360 meals during the 2015-16 school year.
We are ramping up for an even bigger and better year in 2016-
17! Please help us STUFF THE PANTRY with a food drive that
runs August 21 - September 11. We need you to help us restock
the pantry for this school year. We are especially in need of milk, mac & cheese, canned black
beans, chili and Chef Boyaredee items, but all wish list items are appreciated. We also take
monetary donations that we will use to buy what ever is needed.
Items on the Wish List include: Breakfasts: oatmeal, grits, small cereal boxes, cream of wheat;
Lunches: peanut butter/cheese crackers, cup/canned soups, etc.; Dinners: canned chicken,
spaghetti/ravioli/beefaroni, black/pinto/refried beans, easy mac & cheese; Snacks: protein
bars, granola bars, applesauce fruit cups, raisins, etc; Shelf-stable milk such as Horizon or
Hersheys and juice such as juice boxes, V-8, etc.
Heather Cox, Backpack Buddies Chair | [email protected]
Ministry Highlights
Celebrate Recovery
We welcome all adults, 18 years and older, for recovery from hurts, habits
and hang-ups. For more information: [email protected]
Mondays · Co-ed
Worship & General Meeting
7pm · Youth Center
Wednesdays · Men’s Step Group
7pm · Adult Flex
Women’s Group · Coming Soon!
Fridays - 6PM @ Galilee
Memory Cafe Memory Cafe is a supportive place
for people with mild to mid-stage
August 13 memory loss and their caregivers.
2nd Saturdays
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Bring your own lunch. Soft
drinks and dessert will be
provided. Resources will be
available for you to take home.
Meet new friends, socialize, and
For more information, contact
[email protected].
Location: Youth Center
The Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group
August 8 The Alzheimer’s Caregivers
2nd Mondays Support Group is specifically for
7:00pm - 8:30pm caregivers and family of people
experiencing dementia. It is
not intended for those afflicted
with dementia (see Memory Cafe
Location: Room 204
Contact: [email protected]
Small Groups
Fridays: Small Group for Women
6PM - Friday: Celebrate Recovery Women’s Group
Healing from hurts, habits, and hang-ups
A new women’s group is forming to meet on Fridays at
6pm. This group will go through the literature of
Celebrate Recovery in a process that offers spiritual
transformation and healing from addictions and anxiety.
Newcomers welcome.
Email [email protected] for information.
Sundays: Parents of Young Children
10:15am · Room 203 · Led by Kristen & Ryan Jenkins
August 7 - The Gospel in Disney Movies then off until Sept.
“This discussion group for parents of young children will
look at some popular Disney movies and talk about their
Christian themes. Even when you’re watching happily ever
after in Disney fashion, you can guide the conversation with
your kids about lessons of faith found in Disney movies.”
Sundays: Friends in Faith
10:15am · Adult Flex · Led by Brad Reck
Studying The Essential Bible Truth Treasury
Wednesdays: PrimeTimers
11:30am - 1:30pm · Multi-Purpose Room
Led by Ferd Wagner
PrimeTimers is a fellowship & Bible study group that Prime
meets throughout the year. It will continue in July with Timers
a study on the “Holy Spirit”. The meeting begins with a
small provided lunch at 11:30 a.m. and continues with the
study. For more information see Ferd Wagner or David or Laura Leroy or
email the church office, [email protected]
Backpack Buddies
benefiting backpack buddies and
junior woman's club of Loudoun
Crop for a
a fun filled day to get caught up on
your scrapbooking or crafting projects!
SEPTEMBER 24, 2016
galilee church gymnasium
45425 winding road, sterling, virginia
6' tables, meals, snacks, & door prizes included
$50 per person // register by august 24
$60 per person // register august 24-September 17
registration/information available at:
Prayer Shawl Ministry
1st & 3rd Sundays The Prayer Shawl Ministry makes shawls for those in the
10:15am - 11:00am hospital or in need of comfort. Knitters or crocheters are
welcome, as is anyone interested in learning.
Location: New people of all skill levels welcome as well as any yarn dona-
Conference Room
Line Dancing Welcome to all who are interested in exercise and fun!
Intermediate Class: Mondays 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Weekdays Beginner Class: Fridays 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Intermediate Review: Fridays 8:00pm
Aug. 1, 5, 8, 26 , Sept. 5
Location: Multi-Purpose Room
Ladies Bunco Open to All Women
Off until September
2nd Sundays
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Location: Adult Flex Room
Pickleball Looking for a new way to get light exercise? We play Pickleball
every Wednesday in the gymnasium. Active adults welcome.
12:00pm - 2:00pm Galilee Gym
Contact: [email protected]
Stay Connected
Galilee Church App for iOS or Android
Shop with Amazon Smile and choose Galilee
United Methodist Church as your charitable
organization. Amazon will donate a percentage of
your total purchase to Galilee. Find out more at
Watch our livestream on
Sundays and archived sermons at
any time online!
Learn names, welcome newcomers, and make friends by being a
Galilee greeter. You choose the weekends you want to serve.
To volunteer, email Julia at [email protected]
Is hospitality one of your gifts? Do you love to welcome others
into your home? How about welcoming other’s in God’s home?
Volunteer to help organize Galilee’s Fellowship Time between
services. Email Mickie Stalcup for information:
[email protected]
This Week at Galilee
Morning Worship // 9:00am & 11:00am
Grow Hour // 10:15am
Packing Meals in the Backpack Buddies Pantry // 10:00am (1st & 3rd Sundays) (Off
for the summer)
Youth Group // 7:00pm - Off for the summer
Women’s Evening Study // 6:30pm
Celebrate Recovery // 7:00pm
Alzheimer Support Group (2nd Mondays) // 7:00pm
Backpack Buddies Leadership Meeting (2nd Tuesdays) // 7:00pm
Women’s Morning Study // 9:00am - Off for the summer
PrimeTimers Luncheon // 11:30am
Celebrate Recovery Men’s Step Group // 7:00pm
Chancel Choir Rehearsal // 7:15pm
Men’s Son-Rise Study // 6:30am
Women’s Morning Study // 10:00am - Off for the summer
Galilee United Methodist Church The deadline to submit information
for the September monthly bulletin is
45425 Winding Road, Sterling VA 20165
703.430.2203 | August 12. Please email your
information to the church office:
[email protected]