A Message from Pastor Jason New to Galilee?
Dear Friend,
Thanksgiving is coming. It’s the Let us know you’re here by filling out
season of gratitude. What are you a Connection Card in worship.
grateful for today?
I am grateful for this church. You We’d love to know you better and tell
are living examples of the first you about ministries and groups that
believers in Acts 2:42-47 who shared
their resources with “glad and may interest you.
generous hearts.”
Twenty years ago, Galilee opened the
main sanctuary. I am so thankful for
the foresight, the commitment, and
the generosity that is in the spirit
of this congregation. I trust that this
season, too, we will be generous in
thinking of the next generation of
believers who will continue to
Worship, Grow, Serve, Connect and
Give at Galilee in order to make
disciples who change the world!
In Christ,
Jason Duley, Pastor
[email protected]
The Chapel at Lansdowne Woods
A Message from Pastor Matt Everyone Is Welcome!
Dear Friend,
This month I will be leading a three Chapel Worship Service:
week study: “Jeremiah’s Grief and Sundays at 10am
Ours.” I designed this study as part
of the process for ordination in the 19375 Magnolia Grove Square
United Methodist Church. Lansdowne, VA 20176
Grief is something that affects all of
us at one time or other. The prophet
Jeremiah knew this well. He is called
the “weeping prophet” because of
his grief at the stubborn nature of
his people toward God, which
portended disaster.
Come learn how Jeremiah dealt with
grief and how we may better deal
with our own emotions—and assist
others in their times of loss. Join me
on Wednesday nights in November
(9, 16 and 30) from 7– 8:30 in the
Adult Flex Room. For more information
contact the church office.
In His Name,
Matt Sergent, Associate Pastor
[email protected]
At Galilee Christian School, we believe every student is a precious
child of God who deserves an education delivered in a safe and
loving environment.
We provide half day preschool for children ages 3 to 5 years old and
a toddler class for children from 16 months up to preschool age.
Registration is now open for the
2016 - 2017 School Year!
Kindergarten Enrichment is available for AM Kindergarten students
at Countryside and Algonkian Elementary Schools.
GCS offers after school care for K-5 students at Countryside and
Algonkian Elementary Schools.
Contact Amy Utterback for more information or to schedule a tour.
Register for classes at galileechristianschool.org
Amy Utterback, Director | [email protected]
Galilee Christian School
Family Ministry
Sunday School
Studying the Explore the Bible: Kids Curriculum ·
10:15am - 10:55am · Children’s Wing
Ages: K - 5th grade
Discipleship Hour: Every Sunday at 10:15
Ages: Middle & High School
10:15am — 10:55am We’ll be studying the biblical concept of hope; don’t miss it.
Location: Youth Center
[email protected]
Mark Your Calendars
A Christmas Medley of Friendship
Women of Galilee Brunch
Saturday, December 3
Rock Ridge Singers
Tickets $5
Invite your friends and enjoy a wonderful brunch with
great women of Galilee.
Youth Ministry
Sunday Nights, 7pm
Youth Center
High School and Middle Schoolers
Fun Games, Real Talk
Good news: reBOOT is on! This is Galilee’s winter youth retreat January 13 - 15, 2017.
Register your middle school and high school students at galileeumc.org/events.
It’s a great weekend of skiing, tubing, and faith-filled fun.
Contact: [email protected]
You are warmly invited
to a Thanksgiving Family Meal
Friday, November 18, 2016
Galilee Church Gymnasium
45425 Winding Road, Sterling, Virginia
Invite your friends along with your family!
Everyone is welcome!
To rsvp, please visit galileeumc.org/events
or call 703.430.2203
Dinner is provided at no charge. Donations gratefully accepted.
We want to welcome
of our celebration
sanctuary on Nov. 13.
in the pews but have
this day is for you. No n
we’ll record you as a m
your desire t
Connection C
e new members as part
n of 20 years in the
3. If you’ve been sitting
en’t “officially” joined,
need to stand up front,
member if you indicate
to join on the
Card that day.
Small Groups
Sundays: Parents of Young Children
10:15am · Room 206 · Led by Kristen & Ryan Jenkins
Through November 20
Spiritual Disciplines for Kids
Spiritual disciplines are the daily practices that help us
grow closer to God. Our remaining topics include Solitude,
Service, and Worship. This group for parents of young
children will read scripture and discuss the ways spiritual
disciplines can be introduced and practiced by our families.
Sundays: Friends in Faith
10:15am · Adult Flex · Led by Brad Reck
Studying The Essential Bible Truth Treasury
Sundays: Life Skills
10:15am · Room 205 · Led by Dorothy Mackay
Sunday, November 6: Boundaries
Are you in control of your life? Do you have trouble saying no? Do
people take advantage of you? Come and learn how to set boundaries
for yourself and with all the people in your life, and bring new health
to your relationships.
Women’s Monday Evening Study
6:30pm Beginning Nov. 14
Location: A 5-week Advent Study
“The Journey - Walking the Road to Bethlehem”
Contact Tessa Selvey for more information:
571-277-5981 or [email protected]
Adult Flex Room
Women’s Wednesday Morning Study
9:30am - 11:00am New members to the class are always welcome!
Meets in the Adult Flex Room
Nov. 9 - Dec. 7, and Jan. 4 - While We Wait by Mary Lou Redding
Jan. 11 - Feb. 7 - The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
Feb. 15 thru end of year - The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis
Small Groups
Wednesdays: Jeremiah Study - Pastor Matt Sergent
7:00pm - 8:30pm · Adult Flex
Nov. 9, 16, 30
Pastor Matt will lead a three week study on Jeremiah called, “Jeremiah’s Grief and Ours.”
He designed this study as part of the process of ordination in the United Methodist
Church. Come explore how Jeremiah, “the Weeping Prophet,” deals with grief and how we
may better understand our own negative emotions, as well as assist others in times of
For more information contact the church office.
Wednesdays: PrimeTimers Prime
11:30am - 1:30pm · Multi-Purpose Room
Led by Ferd Wagner
PrimeTimers is a fellowship and Bible study group that
meets throughout the year. The meeting begins with a
small provided lunch at 11:30 a.m. For more information
see Ferd Wagner or David or Laura Leroy or email the
church office, [email protected]
Son-Rise Thursday Morning Study
6:30am We meet every Thursday morning at 6:30am on Route 28.
Newcomers are encouraged. We are continuing a study
entitled “Before Amen” by Max Lucado .
Contact: [email protected].
Location: The Holiday Inn: 45425 Holiday Drive, Sterling, VA 20166
Thursdays: Sisters in Christ Study Group
10:00am - 11:30am New members to the class are always welcome!
Adult Flex Room
Nov. 8 - Dec. 8 “The Journey - Walking the Road to Bethlehem” by Adam Hamilton
Backpack Buddies
Backpack Buddies is working with Scouting for Food on November 12. Volunteers are
needed in the morning at Hillside Elementary School (43000 Ellzey Dr., Ashburn, VA
20148) and at Galilee that afternoon. You can sign up at: galileeumc.org/events
Volunteers are needed to:
• Count & sort food
• Weigh food
• Stock the pantry with the food gathered
Thanksgiving Bags
Food Needed by
Nov. 14
Backpack Buddies will be packing special Thanksgiving Bags for our students. The bags
will include:
• Cereal • Pasta
• Peanut Butter • Pasta Sauce
• Jelly • Rice
• Fruit • Veggies (corn, peas or mixed veggies)
• Dried Beans • Canned Chicken
We ask that you do NOT send glass jars (jelly & pasta sauce especially), no green beans,
no pasta seasoning packets and no expired items.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED Wednesday, November 16th at 7pm to pack the meals. You
can sign up at Galileeumc.org/Events
Ministry Highlights
In response to the recent Financial Town Hall and the Financial Survey, Galilee will now
include financial information in the monthly bulletin. The following table shows financial
results for the first 9 months of 2016.
September 2016 Variance YTD 9/30/16 Variance
Actual Forecast $ % Actual Forecast $ %
Total Income 102,163 81,870 20,293 24.8% 887,355 827,849 59,506 7.2
Staff 39,052 39,782 730 1.8% 424,389 424,267 (122) (0.0)%
All Other Operating 17,113 19,505 2,392 12.3% 197,287 203,455 6,168 3.0%
Sub-Total 56,165 59,287 3,122 5.3% 621,675 627,722 6,047 1.0%
Apportionments 9,415 7,800 (1,615) (20.7)% 69,556 65,634 (3,922) (6.0)%
Mortgage 20,077 20,077 0 0% 180,304 180,306 2 0.0%
Sub Total 29,492 27,877 (1,615) (5.8)% 249,860 245,940 (3,920) (1.6)%
Total Expenses 85,657 87,164 1,507 1.7% 871,536 873,663 2,127 0.2%
Total Net Income$ 16,506 $(5,294) $21,800 411.8% $15,819 $(45,814) $61,633 134.5%
Are you a good listener...can you empathize with people in difficult
situations...are you willing to learn? Galilee will be having a
training class for Stephen Ministers beginning in January - but
now is the time to start looking for people that want to learn
principles & skills that equip you to provide Christ-centered
emotional and spiritual care to others. Stephen Ministers develop relational and caring
skills that you can apply to all aspects of your life.
Here’s what Stephen Ministers frequently say that about their training:
You gain insight into the thoughts, feelings, and actions of people who are hurting.
You develop relational and caring skills you can apply to all aspects of your life.
You deepen your faith as the Holy Spirit fashions you into a Christ-centered caregiver.
You feel a special bond with those in your class—experiencing real Christian community.
Stephen Minister training is a lot of fun!
If you are interested in becoming trained as a Stephen Minister or if you know someone
that could possibly need to have a Stephen Minister in their life - please email us at
[email protected] or call the church office, 703-430-2203.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
1st & 3rd Sundays The Prayer Shawl Ministry makes shawls for those in the
10:15am - 11:00am hospital or in need of comfort. Knitters or crocheters are
welcome, as is anyone interested in learning.
New people of all skill levels welcome as well as any yarn donations.
Location: Conference Room
Line Dancing Welcome to all who are interested in exercise and fun!
Intermediate Class: Mondays 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Weekdays Beginner Class: Fridays 7:00pm - 8:00pm
No Class Mon. Nov. 21 Intermediate Review: Fridays 8:00pm
or Fri. Nov. 25
Location: Multi-Purpose Room
Ladies Bunco Open to All Women
3rd Sundays
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Location: Adult Flex Room
Pickleball Looking for a new way to get light exercise? We play Pickleball
every Wednesday in the gymnasium. Active adults welcome.
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Galilee Gym
Men’s Night Out: November 17
November 17 Dinner at Galilee and set up for family meal.
Location: Galilee Church - A Sign Up Genius will be active soon!
Quilters Bring your own projects to work on and plan to come for all or
just some of the time available. If you want to learn
2nd & 4th Tuesdays to quilt, come and let us help you get started.
6:30pm - 9:00pm
Room 2, Original Building
Contact: [email protected]
Stay Connected
Galilee Church App for iOS or Android
Shop with Amazon Smile and choose Galilee
United Methodist Church as your charitable
organization. Amazon will donate a percentage of
your total purchase to Galilee. Find out more at
Watch our livestream on
Sundays and archived sermons at
any time online!
Is hospitality one of your gifts? Do you love to welcome others
into your home? How about welcoming other’s in God’s home?
Learn names, welcome newcomers, and make friends by being a
Galilee greeter. You choose the weekends you want to serve.
To volunteer, email Julia at [email protected]
Volunteer to help organize Galilee’s Fellowship Time between
services. Email Mickie Stalcup for information:
[email protected]
This Week at Galilee
Morning Worship // 9:00am & 11:00am
Grow Hour // 10:15am
Packing Meals in the Backpack Buddies Pantry // 10:00am (1st & 3rd Sundays)
Youth Group // 7:00pm
Women’s Evening Study // 6:30pm
Alzheimer Support Group (2nd Mondays) // 7:00pm
Backpack Buddies Leadership Meeting (2nd Tuesdays) // 7:00pm
Galilee Praise Project // 7:00pm
Women’s Morning Study // 9:30am
PrimeTimers Luncheon // 11:30am
Celebrate Recovery Men’s Step Group // 7:00pm
Chancel Choir Rehearsal // 7:15pm
Men’s Son-Rise Study // 6:30am
Women’s Morning Study // 10:00am
Handbells // 7:15pm
Galilee United Methodist Church The deadline to submit information
for the December monthly bulletin is
45425 Winding Road, Sterling VA 20165
703.430.2203 | galileeumc.org November 11. Please email your
information to the church office:
[email protected]