My Terrible Bad Day
By Jocelyn Bauman
My car broke down. I asked my boss Camryn if she
could come to get me. Camryn said she could pick me
up. Camryn said “Why,”?I said,”because my car broke
down”. She said “How”? and I said “it got to warm and
then Camryn said “ok I'll come to pick you up. I said
thank you”. She came and said “,wow that is bad! I said”,
yes, it is! She said, “Lets go” I said “ok” So we got to
work and then Camryn said”, You not fired because your
car broke down and then I was like thank you and she
said no problem and then Camryn said hope your car
gets better and then I said I hope it gets better.
Then I said”If it doesn't get better than I will have to get a
new car. She said”,Yes,you will. Then I said”I don't know
if I have enough money.Camryn said,If you work extra
time, I will give you more money so then you can get a
new car. I said”,Thank You.She said”,how much money
do you have. I said I don't know.
Camryn said”, I will give you $300 an hour because
normally it would be $150 and she doesn't want me to be
late to work anymore. I said I will ask someone else to
use their car tomorrow to come to work and my boss,
Camryn, said “no it's okay I will pick you up! I said,” Are
you sure I can walk to work?She's like don't walk or use
someone else's car.I said okay.
I asked my boss, Camryn what time do I work and
she said, at 6:00 and I said okay. What time are you
going to get me,She said,”at 5:30” I said “okay”. Were on
her what to get me at 5:30 and then Camryn's car
needed air in her tiers and she asked me do you have
anything I can fill up my tires with and I said no. Camryn
said, “we are going to have to get another ride from
another one from work.” so We asked someone else if
she could pick us up and she said,”yes”so she picked
Camryn and I up.
We got to work and Camryn's boss said,” why are
you late” and Camryn said because I was picking her up
and Camryn's boss said okay have a good day.