Dear Friends of the Catalina Island Medical Center Foundation,
As we come to the end of the Foundation’s fiscal year,
we are drawn to the word “partnership” and how it
defines our roles in the future of healthcare on Catalina
Island. You, the many donors and volunteers, who have
contributed to the success of the Foundation have made
a choice to partner with us to support our only island
hospital. Your support has been overwhelming and it is
nearly impossible to express enough thanks.
Because of your choice to partner with us, our 7th annual An Evening with Oscar was the
biggest success to date and our 3rd annual Avalon Home Tour had more participants than ever.
The Foundation’s Board has held several brainstorming meetings with many of our community
members to determine what events might be successful in the future and we hope to see at
least one of these events on the calendar in 2018.
The Foundation was pleased this year to partner in the funding for a much-needed remodel
of the medical clinic waiting area, which we know many of our island residents and clinic
employees have enjoyed. Most importantly this year, the Foundation underwrote an intensive
study aimed at determining our ability to raise the significant funds necessary to assist in the
building of a new hospital on Catalina Island. Our consulting firm has given us clear direction
and the Board of Directors has already implemented many of the suggestions provided to us.
On April 3, 2018, an important ballot measure will be brought before the residents of Avalon that
will enable a $1.00 transient fee on every passenger coming to and from Catalina Island. The
Foundation will be providing many educational opportunities in the coming months to make
sure our residents know how important this fee is to the future of our hospital. We hope that you,
our partners, help spread the word about the ballot measure as you learn more about it so that
we can ensure its passage.
We appreciate all of the support you provide to the Foundation and we truly look forward to
partnering with you to bring a new hospital to our island.
Shannon Hill, Co-Chair
Maggie Maki, Co-Chair
One of Catalina Island Medical Center’s biggest “ LEAD THE
sources of support has been the Catalina Island WAY WITH
Medical Center Foundation. Formed in 1980 PREVENTION
as the Avalon Hospital Foundation, the overall AND WELLNESS
purpose of the Foundation is the facilitation of
quality healthcare on Santa Catalina Island. To SERVICES
that end, the Foundation shall inform the general TO ENHANCE
public of the goals and guiding principles of the COMMUNITY
Catalina Island Medical Center and shall solicit
donations of funds and property to be used ”HEALTH
principally, but need not be exclusively for capital
improvements and program development.
The Board supports the work of the Catalina
Island Medical Center Foundation and provides
mission-based leadership and strategic
governance. While day-to-day operations
are led by the CIMCF Chair, the Board-
Chair relationship is a partnership, and the
appropriate involvement of the members is
both critical and expected.
We are always open to additional Board
Members who have extensive professional
experience with significant executive leadership
accomplishments in business, government,
philanthropy, or the nonprofit sector.
Thanks to the support of our donors we are able to enhance the medical care available
to the island’s visitors and residents. We appreciate your ongoing dedication to the
health of the Santa Catalina Island community.
ALL DONORS Eagle Electric Construction, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Krasowskis
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Ehret Julian Lacey
Mr. Ziad Abughazaleh Ms. Barbara Erb Mr. & Mrs. Jim Laird
Air Methods - Mercy Air Mr. & Mrs. Gene Eubank Mr. Charles Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alft EZ Tix Evening Ticketing, Inc. Mr. Don Lake
Allstate Foundation Ms. Pauline Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. David Lee
Ms. Linda Altherr Mr. Tim Foley Ms. Susie Lee
Ms. Stacie Amarantos Ms. Bridget Ford Terry Lee
Ms. Nancy Anderson Mr. Mike Foster Mr. Chuck Liddell
Mr. Stephen Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Chris Fox Ms. Christy Lins
Anonymous Donors Mr. Ron Freese Ms. Judith Bray Longyear
Anonymous Trust Mr. Alan Friedenthal Mr. & Mrs. John Lovrich
Ms. Bendee Anzures Dr. Steven E. Gammer Mr. Richard Lowe
Ms. Susan Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gardner Mr. Richard Luebke
Mrs. Nancy L. Arnheim Mr. & Mrs. Dave Gardner Mr. Jim Luttjohann
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Awalt Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gelker Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mahan
Mr. & Mrs. Abbott Ayloush Mr. & Mrs. Bart Glass Ms. Maggie Maki
The Family Bahan Mr. & Mrs. William Gough Ms. Sharon Malandra
Ms. Karen Baker Mr. Stephen Grayer Mr. & Mrs. William Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baranov Mr. & Mrs. David Grear Ms. Elena Maria Markowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Baron Mr. & Mrs. Greg Griffitts Allen Mattson
Ms. Katia Barrett Mr. Jackson Gualco Ms. Jennifer McCreight
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Baze Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gurney Mr. & Mrs. Ray McKewon
Mr. & Mrs. Clint Bell Ms. Blanny Avalon Hagenah Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mello
Mr. Scott Bell Ms. Michelle Haggland Ms. Cheryl Melville
Mr. Peter Berk Mr. Cliff Hague Ms. Marie Millman
Ms. Karen Biery Mr. Robert Ham Mr. Milt Miner
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Boelsems Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hambleton Ms. Yolanda Montano
Mr. David Bowman Hamilton Cove Real Estate & Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Moore
Ms. Mesa Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moritz
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bray Vacation Rentals Mr. David Morris
Ms. Marcia Brewer Mr. David Hamlin Mr. & Mrs. John Morris
Ms. Cassandra Burch Mr. & Mrs. Bob Harker Mr. Ralph Morrow Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Burt Mr. & Mrs. Ritch Haynes Mr. Jerry Motter
Ms. Maggie Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hays Mr. Scott Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cappannelli Mr. Greg Hein Dr. Mark Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cassidy Ms. Lilly Hernandez Ohcal Foods, LLC
Catalina Express Mr. Robert Hetzler Ms. Sandra Ottaway
Catalina Island Company Mr. & Mrs. Rob Hill Mr. & Mrs. George Padgett
Ms. Diana Chavez-Feipel Ms. Shawnene Hill Mr. & Mrs. Bill Paige
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cline Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hinchliffe Mr. & Mrs. Jason Paret
Ms. Maryadele Clougherty Mr. Roland Hoffman Mr. John Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Perea
Ms. Christine Cole Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petersen
Dr. Camilla Collins Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hoffmann Mr. John Peterson
Ms. Christa Costello Dr. & Mrs. William W. Holder Mr. & Mrs. Mark Phelps
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Curtin Ms. Beverly Holt Mr. Rudy Piltch
Mr. & Mrs. Berl Dahlstrom Hotel Metropole Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Piper
Maki Daijogo Ms. Edie Hugo Mr. Michael Ponce
Ms. Lillian Dana Mr. Woodrow Hunt Ms. Wendy Pospichal
Ms. Sandy De Young Dr. Kevin Hutton Mr. Jerry Prather
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Delbert Island Rentals Mr. Walt Puffer
Ms. Lisette Delgiudice Mrs. Terri Jinkens Mr. Ken Putnam
Mr. David Demler Mr. Fletcher Jones Mrs. Caitlin Quintana
Mr. & Mrs. J Paul DeMyer Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Julien R & S Manufacturing and Supply, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Denney Ms. Sheryl Kaitz Terrie Rabbanian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Devericks Ms. Fatima Kaser Mr. Paul Reed
Ms. JoAnn Dikeou Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kellogg Mr. David Renton
Ms. Michelle Dolan Mr. Jonathan King Ms. Carol Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Dominguez Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Kircher Ms. Cheryl Reynolds
Ms. Linda Dozier Mr. & Mrs. Allen Klingensmith
Mr. Mike Rhoutsong Bluewater Grill Redondo Beach Ms. Alison Osinski
Ms. Autumn Reifensnyder Bluewater Grill Tustin Oso Libre Winery
Ms. Tricia Robin Bluewater Grill Newport Beach Pacific Park - Santa Monica Pier
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rousso Ms. Mesa Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Jason Paret
Ms. Holley Russell Ms. Kelly Callaghan-Skoff Mr. & Mrs. Paul Perea
Ms. Trudy Saldana Mr. Eric Campbell Queen of Shiva Jewelry
Ms. Linda Salo Catalina Art Association Ms. Carol Reynolds
Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Schapiro Catalina Coffee & Cookie Co. Ms. Cheryl Reynolds/Origami Owl
Ms. Mary Schickling Catalina Express Richard Ponce Photography
Mr. Dean Scofield Catalina Film Festival Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rivkin
Mr. Eric Seuthe Catalina Island Company Roclord Studio
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Silvers Catalina Island Golf Cart Rentals Mr. Austin O.W. Rusack
Mr. & Mrs. James Simpson Catalina Island Inn Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Rusack
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sork Catalina Island Jetski Rentals Ruth Mayer Gallery
Ms. Cory Sotolov Catalina Island Women’s Forum RUSACK Vineyards
Mr. Winston Spencer Catalina Sea Spa San Diego Zoo Global
Mr. & Mrs. John Staff C.C. Gallagher San Gabriel Country Club
Ms. Mary Stein Chela’s Janitorial Services Santa Ana Zoo
Mr. Peter Stratton Chet’s Hardware Store Scandia Ontario
Ms. Judy Tejeda Chelsea Arts Scott Mead Photography
Mr. Oscar Tejeda Ciao-Baci Fine Gifts Seacrest Inn
Mr. Paul Thetreau Ms. Maryadele Clougherty Sean Paul Insurance Agency
Mr. Drew Timm Coney Island West Steve’s Steakhouse
Ms. Pam Turbeville Mr. & Mrs. J Paul DeMyer Dr. Peter Sharpe
Dr. Laura Ulibarri Descanso Beach Ocean Sports Shots by Session
U.S. Bank Disneyland Resort Six Flags Magic Mountain
Mr. & Mrs. John Van Den Akker Exceptional Children’s Foundation Taste of Catalina Food Tours
Ms. Irene Van Pelt Gebheart International The Aurora Hotel & Spa
Ms. Laura Vandezande Golf N’ Stuff The Avalon Hotel
Ms. Suzanne Vasu Got All Your Marbles? The Huntington
Mr. Hector Villalobos Mr. & Mrs. David Grear The Lobster Trap
Ms. Ashley Villarama Ms. Blanny Avalon Hagenah The Pasadena Playhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wall Mr. Cliff Hague The Xceptional Music Company
Wall and Wall & Peake Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hambleton Ms. Julie Tibbetts
Dr. Aimee Warren Mr. & Mrs. Rob Hill Mr. & Mrs. Jack Tucey
Ms. Kathleen Wesley Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hoffman Two’s Company of Avalon
Mr. & Mrs. Brian White Hollywood Wax Museum Venti Nail Salon
Ms. Gina Willard Hornblower Cruises & Events Mr. & Mrs. John Wall
Mr. Buddy Wilson, Jr. Hotel Metropole Wall and Wall & Peake
Mr. Brian Woolf In-N-Out Burger Dr. Aimee Warren
Mr. Brian Worley Island Spa Catalina Wilhelm Family Vineyards
Ms. Cynthia Worley Mr. & Mrs. Gary Johnson
Mr. Chuck Wright Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Julien IN MEMORIAM
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wright Journey Catalina
Dr. Jared Younger Knott’s Berry Farm Dr. Tom Armstrong
Dr. Karl Zeiler La Hacienda de Sonoita Nils Bjerg
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Zeller LA Phil / Walt Disney Concert Hall Josefina Gonzalez
Laugh Factory Long Beach Mary Lasagna
IN KIND DONORS Ms. Christy Lins Kay Phelps
Lloyd’s of Avalon Margaret Putnam
Adventureplex Long Beach Trolley & Big Red Bus Bert & Emma Reed
Afishinados L’Opera Ristorante Cathy Sweeney
Air Methods - Mercy Air Los Angeles Rams
Anonymous Trust Los Angeles Zoo IN HONOR
Al Brooks Rose Bowl Tours Maggie’s Blue Rose
Balboa Island Walking Tours Mr. & Mrs. Ray McKewon Nancy & Dick Kellogg
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Baron Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament Nancy Watson
Dr. Erik Barton Natural History Museum /
Battleship Iowa ANNUAL REPORT 4
Bluewater Avalon La Brea Tar Pits
Bluewater Boathouse Coronado Mr. & Mrs. Steve Noel
The Catalina Island Medical Center Foundation thanked their
many donors at the home of Gary and Kellie Johnson on
October 22, 2016. The annual Donor Appreciation is a festive
event that gives the Foundation a chance to give back to those
who support it. This year’s event was catered by The Lobster
Trap and wine was provided by the Bluewater Grill. Attendees
had the first chance to hear Jason Paret report on the feasibility
of a new hospital on Catalina Island.
VOLUNTEERS FY 2016 - 2017
Kai Aquinde Tim Foley Madeline Hiniker Andrea Morison Cheryl Reynolds
Linda Baron Bertha Frantz Adrian Hovard Kathy Moritz Israel Robison
Stu Baron Rose Ellen Gardner Judy Johnson Selena Morones Amy Rodriguez
Mesa Bradley Sherrie Gilman Erika Kraus Donna Noel Rosie Rodriguez
Joyce Brown Faith Glass Lidia Krasowskis Steve Noel Linda Salo
Jim Brown Ruby Gorden Makenna Lee Bryce Noll Val Schafer
Haley Campbell Steve Gray Curtis Leo Scout Paret Scott Schmeckpeper
Joanna Cisneros Judy Grear Maria Leyva Beatriz Pedroza Danny Silva
Sloane Clifton Theresa Hambleton David Leyva Elizabeth Pedroza Irene Van Pelt
Yasmin Daza Carol Hernandez Janeece Lowder Katrina Perea Ashley Villarama
Marisol De La Rosa Chela Hernandez Jim Luttjohann Paul Perea Mario Virgen
Trecia Edwards Judy Hibbs Maggie Maki Lucia Perez Gina Willard
Mason Eubank Rob Hill Taryn Minuto Michael Ponce Abigail Zaragoza
Jay Feagle Shannon Hill Yolanda Montano Carol Reynolds Daniela Zendejas
There are myriad reasons to consider a planned gift, but the most important
one for most people is to ensure the legacy they leave behind.
If you have a special place in your heart for Catalina and its people, please
consider a legacy gift. Giving through wills and estate planning helps
provide the resources necessary to sustain excellence and preserve the
future of Catalina Island Medical Center.
Please contact us today to learn more about the Joe Arno Legacy Society.
Visit www.cimcfoundation.org or call (310) 510-5160.
Shannon Hill, Co-Chair
PICTURE (UNAUDITED) Maggie Maki, Co-Chair
Linda Baron, Secretary
INCOME $40,766.61 Ray McKewon, Treasurer
$40,766.61 Mesa Bradley, Member
Non-Event Related Income Gerry Bravo, Member
Total Non-Events $113.65 J. Paul DeMyer, Member
$113.65 John Lovrich, Member
Earned Revenue (Interest) Bryce Noll, Member
Total Earned Revenue $132,436.72 Ashley Villarama, Member
$132,436.72 Jason Paret (CEO), Ex Officio Member
Special Event Related Income
Total Special Events $173,316.98 OFROIGUINNADLATION ASSOCIATES
Sherri Walker Cline
Carol Reynolds
Katrina Perea
Business Expense P.O. Box 524, Avalon CA 90704 O
Donation to CIMC $2,084.66 O(3P1TI0O)N521A0-5160
$8,863.91 www.cimcfoundation.org
Miscellaneous Expenses $13,456.00
Non-Personnel Expenses $50,188.59
Other Personnel Expenses
Special Event Expenses $169,720.79
Thanks to the hard work of many of volunteers and
the support of our sponsors and donors, An Evening
With Oscar continues to be our signature event and
primary fundraiser.
This unique event brings together visitors and locals in
the incomparable surroundings of the Avalon Casino
Ballroom. Attendees enjoy a gourmet dinner, Oscar
voting and the Academy Awards telecast. A silent and
live auction provide the opportunity to bid on an array
of art, jewelry, getaways and collectibles.
We invite you to join us at this unforgettable event on
Sunday, March 4, 2018.
Shannon Hill & Ashley Villarama
MARCH 4, 2018 Linda Baron Sue Hoffman
Mesa Bradley Michelle Jaeger
5PM - 11PM Gerry Bravo Anne Marincovich-Julien
J. Paul DeMyer Lidia Krasowskis
CIMCFoundation.org/Oscar Barbara Ehret Kathy Moritz
310-510-5160 Rose Ellen Gardner Katrina Perea
Lyra Garrido Carol Reynolds
Theresa Hambleton Cheryl Reynolds
Kathy Haynes Linda Salo