Dear Maple Grove Senior High Students and Families:
You are about to begin the annual registration for your high school course selection, which
involves many decisions. This process is extremely important because the course requests you
make will determine which courses are offered next year at Maple Grove Senior High. We
hope this process will be unique to each individual student’s needs. The high school
experience can be most memorable, enjoyable, and valuable, if thoughtful planning is used.
In order to complete the planning process, all of us - student, families, and staff - must work
closely together. As a school, we will provide courses that will be challenging and begin the
preparation of students for their post high school choices. As students, you must become
familiar with the courses and programs of studies offered at Maple Grove Senior High and
select courses that will help you reach your academic, personal and vocational goals.
Families, we need you to work with your student and the faculty in planning an appropriate
program of study for your son or daughter.
To assist you with this process, I strongly encourage you and your student to sit down and
discuss a four-year plan in each subject area. Over the years, requirements have changed,
new courses have been added and new learning opportunities exist that we want you to be
aware of prior to making your courses selections. If at any time during the program planning
process you have questions about the curriculum, course offerings, etc. please contact any
staff member, especially the ones listed below.
We hope each student is appropriately challenged and successful at Maple Grove Senior High.
Bart Becker, Principal
Jill Knutson, Assistant Principal
Janell Leisen Assistant Principal
Brad Revolinski, Assistant Principal
Penny Newell, Special Education Building Coordinator
Shelly Benusa, Counselor
Jennifer Hamel, Counselor
Heather Hernandez, Counselor
Darwin Kreft, Counselor
Sarah Vander Pol, Counselor
Andrea Keys, Student Assistance Counselor
Mike Vecellio, Career Placement Specialist
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 4
PLANNING FOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION........................................................................................ 5
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS GRADES 9 - 12 ..................................................................................... 6
CAREER & COLLEGE PLANNING.............................................................................................................. 7
CAREER GUIDANCE ............................................................................................................................... 7-8
BUSINESS, MARKETING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (BMIT) .................................................. 10-11
COOPERATIVE EDUCATION ................................................................................................................... 11
ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS............................................................................................................... 12-17
FAMILY & COMSUMER SCIENCE (FACS)…...…….………………………………………………….………..18
HEALTH SCIENCE MAGNET PROGRAM (at Osseo Senior High)....................................................... 19-20
MATHEMATICS.................................................................................................................................... 21-23
MUSIC.................................................................................................................................................. 24-27
PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH ....................................................................................................... 28-29
SCIENCE.............................................................................................................................................. 30-32
SOCIAL STUDIES ................................................................................................................................ 33-36
TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION............................................................................................................... 37-39
VISUAL ARTS ...................................................................................................................................... 40-43
WORLD LANGUAGE............................................................................................................................ 44-45
SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION................................................................. 46-49
Articulation Agreements...................................................................................................................... 46
Career & Technical Education/Special Education ............................................................................... 46
Concurrent Enrollment ....................................................................................................................... 46
English Learners (EL) ......................................................................................................................... 47
International Baccalaureate Programmes ........................................................................................... 47
Online Learning ............................................................................................................................ 47-48
Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) ...................................................................................... 48
Special Education............................................................................................................................... 48
Student Aides ..................................................................................................................................... 49
Study Hall ........................................................................................................................................... 49
Volunteerism....................................................................................................................................... 49
Pathways for College Readiness…………………………………………………………………………….. 50
REGISTRATION WORKSHEET ................................................................................................................ 52
COURSES BY TITLE (Alphabetical Index) ........................................................................................... 52-56
Ninth graders must carry six credits per trimester. Tenth graders may register for 1 study hall for the
year if they have not failed any 9th grade classes. Eleventh and twelfth must carry a minimum of five
credits per trimester.
Repeating a class to improve a grade or remove a failure is usually permitted. It is the student’s
responsibility to inform the registrar’s office, using the procedure outlined in the student
handbook, when the repeated course is completed. When 2 classes with the same course
number appear on the transcript, the best grade will be retained. The other class remains on the
transcript and an “NC” will be given in place of the previous grade. An additional credit is not earned
when repeating a class, with the exception of some “lab” or “studio” classes.
Auditing of classes (taking a class for no credit) is not permitted under normal circumstances.
Course descriptions are grouped together by the department in which the course is offered. There is an
index in the back of the book that is alphabetical by course title, and indicates what page the course
description can be found.
Besides the course description, other information includes:
-the title of the course,
-the course number (which is the number that will be entered when you do your online registration)
-required Prerequisites (what you need to take before you take that course)
-the Graduation Requirement that course would fulfill (for requirements, see chart on pages 6 & 7)
-the target grade level that the course is intended for
The may also be some very important notes regarding the course.
1. Make sure you understand the procedures before you begin.
2. Review requirements for graduation.
3. Read and understand the course descriptions and prerequisites.
4. Decide which courses you want to take, based on your plans for after high school (college, tech school,
5. Discuss plans with your parents/guardians.
6. If necessary, consult with teachers or counselor.
7. Use information you have about yourself, such as test results, interest inventories, and past grades.
8. Check entrance requirements for colleges and other post-secondary programs before you select your
school courses for future endeavors.
Once the registration process is complete, class change requests are discouraged, and in some
cases, not possible. Please refer to the student handbook for additional information.
Required course: A course that every student must pass in order to graduate from all ISD 279 Osseo
Area schools, including Maple Grove Senior High.
Prerequisite: A course that students must pass before registering for a higher level course
Elective: Term used to describe any course that is not a required course
Lab: These courses may be repeated for credit with additional expectations.
Studio: Course that is taken once a student reaches a high proficiency level (i.e. Art). May be
repeated for credit.
Zero Hour: A course that if offered before 1st hour (class usually starts about 6:30 AM) It is
important for all students to have their own transportation for the duration of
the class.
Flex: Flex courses are offered outside of the normal parameters of a school schedule.
These courses allow students to learn online instead of physical attendance
some days of the week.
To graduate from an Osseo Area school you must meet the following requirements:
45 credits in specified areas (as listed below)
19 elective credits
Meet State Graduation Testing Requirements
English Math Science Social Studies
12 credits 9 credits 9 credits 10 credits
(4 years) (3 years including (3 years, must include
Non-Linear Algebra, Science 9, Biology and
Geometry and Algebra 2) Chemistry OR Physics)
Life Fitness Health Fine Arts Electives
1 credit (taken in any 1 credit (taken in any 3 credits (see list below of 19 credits
grade 9 - 12) grade 9 - 12) eligible courses)
The following courses meet the Fine Arts requirements for graduation:
Visual Arts: all courses offered through the ISD 279 - Osseo Area Schools Visual Arts department in
grades 9-12
Music: all courses offered through the ISD 279 - Osseo Area Schools Music department in grades 9-12
Advanced Dramatic Literature Introduction to Engineering Design
Advanced Journalism 1 and 2 Journalism
Architectural Design Journalism Internship
Art of Film Movement Across Cultures
Basic Journalism Photography B: Digital
Computer Gaming and 3-D Modeling Principles of Construction
Digital Photography Radio and Television
Fashion Apparel and Design Specialty Tech Lab Wood Technology
Gateway to Technology 9 Web Design 1
IB Diploma Programme Film Wood Technology
Interactive Multimedia for Business Yearbook Lab
Interior Design
Introduction to CAD
Introduction to Dramatic Literature (A, B)
1. The school year in ISD 279 - Osseo Area Schools is divided into three, 12-week trimesters.
2. As outlined in the Student Handbook, PASS/FAIL grading may be assigned to a student by administrative
actions only. These circumstances would include medical issues, hospitalizations, and other situations
deemed as appropriate by administration.
3. ISD 279 high schools allows for the use of weighted grades for classes that involve a more rigorous
curriculum and course of study. Such classes may include: Advanced Placement (AP); International
Baccalaureate (IB) and Autonomous Learner Program (ALP) classes. District high schools will specifically
designate in registration handbooks all classes which afford weighted grading due to academic rigor. The
weighted grading systems adds a value of .34 to any grade of a “C” or higher earned in identified courses.
Final transcripts will show both weighted and unweighted GPA.
Graduation Requirements Grades 9-12
Trimester 1 Trimester 1 Trimester 1 Trimester 1
1. English 9 or 1. English 10 or 1. English 11 or 1. English 12 or
equivalent equivalent equivalent equivalent
2. Human Geography 9 A 2. U.S. History 10 A 2. World History A 2. Economics
3. Physical Science 9 3 Biology 3. * Science (Chemistry 3. elective
or Physics)
4. * Math 4. * Math 4. * Math 4. elective
5. elective 5. elective
5. elective 5. elective 6. elective 6. elective
6. elective 6. elective
Trimester 2 Trimester 2 Trimester 2 Trimester 2
1. English 9 or 1. English 10 or 1. English 11 or 1. English 12 or
equivalent equivalent equivalent equivalent
2. Human Geography 9 B 2. U.S. History 10 B 2. World History B 2. Government &
3. Physical Science 9 3. Biology 3. * Science (Chemistry 3. elective
or Physics)
4. * Math 4. * Math 4. * Math 4. elective
5. * Health 5. elective 5. elective 5. elective
6. elective 6. elective 6. elective 6. elective
Trimester 3 Trimester 3 Trimester 3 Trimester 3
1. English 9 or 1. English 10 or 1. English 11 or 1. English 12 or
equivalent equivalent equivalent equivalent
2. Physical Science 9 2. U.S. History 10 C 2. World History C 2. elective
3. * Math 3 Biology 3. * Science (Chemistry 3. elective
or Physics)
4. * Life Fitness 4. * Math
5. elective 5. elective 4. * Math 4. elective
6. elective 6. elective
5. elective 5. elective
6. elective 6. elective
Health and Life Fitness can be taken any year in grades 9-12
Chemistry or Physics requirement can be taken in grades 11 or 12
Students must pass Non-Linear Algebra, Geometry and Algebra 2 to graduate
The mission of the Career Resource Center (CRC) is to create and support a career development and/or post-
high school plan for each student. The CRC supports the high school Advisement program with career and
college planning activities in the Ramp Up to Readiness program. The CRC provides guidance, career
planning and college resources, and information about options for life after high school.
The CRC is available to help parents and students with:
Research and Guidance NCAA Clearinghouse (for college athletics)
Small group informational presentations Core course audit
Individual appointments Division I and II eligibility
College representative visits
CRC bulletin Testing
Upcoming ACT and SAT test dates PSAT/NMSQT
College open house information Advanced Placement
Scholarship opportunities
Military representative visits Special Activities
Official transcripts and verification data for Member of North Hennepin Chamber of
college applications/scholarships
Financial Aid Mock Interviews, Star Student Awards and
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Scholarship opportunities Employment Opportunities
Student loan information
Post-High School Training
The following information may be helpful as you think about requirements for entrance into the various kinds of
training after high school. College entrance requirements and high school graduation requirements are not the
same. Each college has its own admission standards, so you should learn about the entrance requirements for
the college(s) of your choice. Ask your counselor or CRC personnel for information on specific college entrance
Most colleges in Minnesota require an entrance exam. It is recommended that you take the ACT with writing or
the SAT in the spring of your junior year.
Some colleges request statements from your high school counselor about your character, personality or class
rank. A high school transcript (grades 9-12) is also necessary. Recommendation letters from counselors and
teachers are available, and need to be arranged in advance with your counselor or teacher(s).
Minnesota Public State Colleges & Universities
It is usually recommended that students have four years of English, three years of math, three years of science,
three years of social studies, two years of a single, second language, and one year of visual and/or performing
arts. The University of Minnesota Twin Cities has additional entrance requirements for most colleges within the
Private Liberal Arts College
Admission requirements for liberal arts colleges in Minnesota vary. Generally, colleges recommend or require
students to have four years of English, three years of math, three years of social studies, three years of science,
and two to three years of world language in 9th through 12th grades.
Community College (2-year transfer or 2-year Associate Degree)
Entrance requirements specify graduation from an accredited high school. Some programs (e.g. nursing) may
have specific entrance requirements.
Technical Colleges
Public Technical Colleges in Minnesota offer more than 100 different types of trades training for students who are
at least 16 years old. Qualified students are accepted for admission at any of the schools. The Technical Colleges
closest to our school district are Hennepin, Anoka, Minneapolis, and St. Paul Area Technical Colleges. Technical
training programs include Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arts Communication and Humanities, Business and
Administration, Engineering, Manufacturing and Technology, Health Services and Human Services. Many of
these training programs either require or recommend a strong background in specific technology education and
math courses.
Military Service and Training
Reserve Officer Training Corps
The ROTC consists of 478 units - Army, Navy, and Air Force - at over 300 public and private colleges throughout
the country. All three branches offer financial aid grants covering the cost of tuition, fees, books, laboratory fees,
and in some cases, living expenses. There are two, three, and four-year subsidized programs.
The Federal Academies
All academies (Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine) offer four years of college education
leading to a Bachelor of Science degree. A candidate's academic qualifications for admission to any one of the
five academies are determined by College Entrance Examination Board tests and a review of the entire scholastic
record. Juniors interested in securing appointments to one of the academies, other than the Coast Guard
Academy, should write to their Senator and District Representative in Congress, or the academy of his/her choice
for an Officer Candidate Kit.
Officer Candidate School
College graduates can earn commissions in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard even if they
have no ROTC or other prior military training. Applications may be made for enlistment from civilian life to attend
officer candidate school during the senior year of college.
Any student wishing to qualify for an officer training program should take college prep courses with emphasis on
advanced math and science. Preliminary steps for application should be taken during the winter trimester of the
junior year.
Students interested in direct military enlistment may see local recruiters during their monthly visits to the school.
Military representative visits are posted under the Military tab on the CRC web page.
For further information about all the above types of post-high school training and
financial aid, students are encouraged to check with the Career Resource Center.
Students who do not plan post-high school training
If you do not intend to continue formal schooling beyond high school, you should
select your courses carefully with input from your counselor, teachers, or other
knowledgeable adults. Employers are demanding more and more specialization. In
some areas, by taking the proper sequence of courses, you can obtain the necessary
skills for entry into certain occupations.
Activities in ISD 279 offer students opportunities for participation and involvement in the school beyond the
classroom. However, it is important that students remember their first responsibility is to be successful in
school. Academic achievement is not to be sacrificed for participation in activity programs.
ISD 279 – Osseo Area Schools is a member of the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) and
Northwest Suburban Conference, and follows and enforces all of their rules and regulations.
In order to participate in high school activities, a The plan for determining academic eligibility for
student must be - MSHSL activities is as follows:
1. registered as a full-time student; Eligibility will be determined at the start of each
2. enrolled in at least five credit-producing classes
school year and after each marking period.
each trimester; and A student is ineligible if the total number of
3. making progress toward accumulation of the 64
credits at the beginning of each trimester is less
credits required for graduation according to the than the number listed in the table at left.
chart below: If a winter or spring sport begins before tri 1 or
tri 2 grades have been posted, students may
REQUIRED CREDITS TO PARTICIPATE IN appear eligible to begin a winter or spring
ACTIVITIES activity, but become ineligible once grades/
credits are posted.
GRADE FALL WINTER SPRING The Activities Coordinator will follow up after
grades and credits are posted to ensure all
90 4 8 students are eligible.
The Activities Coordinator will inform any
10 13 18 23 student who becomes ineligible.
11 28 34 40
12 46 52 58
Note: 64 credits required to graduate
To be certified by the NCAA Clearinghouse, you must accomplish the following:
You should apply for certification before FOR NCAA I II
graduation if you wish to participate in athletics CERTIFICATION
as a freshman at the college to which you will English 4 years 3 years
be admitted. The Clearinghouse will issue a 3 years 2 years
preliminary certification report when you have Math 2 years 2 years
submitted all of your materials. After Science 2 years 2 years
graduation, the Clearinghouse will review your 1 year 3 years
final transcript to make a final certification Social Studies 4 years
decision according to NCAA standards. From English, Math, or 4 years
Science 16 years
2. Earn a grade-point average of at least 2.3 Additional Core: English, 16 years
(for Division I) and 2.2 (Division II) (on a Math, Science, World
4.00 scale) in a core curriculum of at least 16 Language, Philosophy,
courses which were successfully completed Non-doctrinal Religion
during grades nine through 12. The chart
included here shows core courses you must Total Core Units
include at a minimum. Required
3. Earn a minimum SAT/ACT sum score.
For additional information you may go to or
Business and Personal Law Keyboarding and Business Communications
Course Number: 104300 Course Number: 102200
Prerequisite: None Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective articulated college credit. See page 46 for more information.
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite: Computer skills and typing experience
Course Description: This class will cover a basic introduction to law, Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
the Bill of Rights, criminal law, civil law, and contract law. You can Grade Level: 9-12
expect class discussions, guest speakers and group projects as part of Course Description: Upon completion of this class, you will have the
this course. knowledge to use the computer as a tool for your personal, college, and
Effective Study for High School and College career needs. You will use Microsoft Office to create professional and
personal letters, electronic mail, reports, forms, tables, outlines, and job
Course Number: 106100 application documents. This is a great class for college and career prep!
Prerequisite: None Marketing
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Course Number: 105100
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: This class will help you improve your Prerequisite: None
organization, test taking, listening, and note taking skills. What you learn
in this course can be immediately applied to all of your other courses, Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 9-12
both at high school and in your post-secondary studies.
Course Description: In this class, you will explore how marketers
Entrepreneurship persuade and advertise through the principles of marketing. Using a
Course Number: 104400 variety of activities, you will learn about the marketing mix, research
process, and social responsibilities of marketing.
Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for
articulated college credit. See page 47 for more information. Personal Financial Management
Prerequisite: None Course Number: 103300
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Earn college credit in high school: This course qualifies for
Grade Level: 9-12 articulated college credit. See page 46 for more information.
Course Description: Learn how to open your own business and how to Concurrent enrollment options may be available. See the teacher
research and write your own business plan. From finding a location for for more information
your company, learning financial requirements and determining your
Prerequisite: None
competition and target market, you will learn to be your own boss.
Financial and Investment Planning Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Course Number: 103400
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: None
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Course Description: Don’t let your money manage you! Learn skills to
Grade Level: 9-12 manage your finances at all stages of life. Find out how to develop and
live on a budget, and learn about banking, smart credit usage, saving
strategies, and simple tax filing.
Course Description: Learn about building your wealth! In this class you Positive Leadership
will develop skills for investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real
estate, life insurance and play the stock market game. Learn how to Course Number: 104200
grow your own money tree!
Prerequisite: None
Introduction to Business Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Course Number: 104100 Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: In this course, you will discover leadership
Prerequisite: None strengths and develop areas of weaknesses. You will refine your ability
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective to lead others to shared goals, get your life organized, build confidence
Grade Level: 9-12 in yourself and others, and refine your communication skills. Everyone
can be a leader!
Course Description: This course is an introduction to all aspects of
business. You will identify the path to follow for future success in
business, explore the role of business in our global economy, and study
the functional areas of business and business career opportunities.
Principles of Accounting A, B, C Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Course Numbers: 103101 + 103102 + 103103 Course Number: 105200
Prerequisite: A - none, B - Principles of Accounting A, Prerequisite: None
C - Principles of Accounting B Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Grade Level: 9-12
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Description: Learn the basic concepts of economics, marketing and
merchandising in both the sports and the entertainment worlds. This course
Note: Students may sign up to take only Accounting A teaches how marketers use endorsements, sponsorship, and public relations
tools to capture their audience.
for career exploration.
Course Description: Web Design 1
Principles of Accounting A: This class is an introduction to the fundamental Course Number: 102500
concepts needed to run a business. You will learn basic terminology and explore
career opportunities. Note: Prior knowledge of keyboarding is strongly recommended
Principles of Accounting B: This class extends your learning in Accounting A to Prerequisite: None
include accounting principles needed for a merchandising business set up as a Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective, Fine Arts
Grade Level: 9-12
Principles of Accounting C: This class applies what you learned in Accounting
A and B to accounting for a corporation. A simulation will be used to give you Course Description: You will use HTML, CSS and elements and principles of
practical experience using real-life examples. design to create web sites.
College and Career Readiness Off To College continued This course is designed to prepare juniors and
Course Number: 112101; 112102; 112103 seniors for post secondary educations. Specifically focusing on: Researching
post secondary options based on their career goals, how to pay for college
Note: May be taken for one trimester or more; specify trimester by (financial aid options, FAFSA), the college admissions process (college essay
course number and personal statement), College Life 101, College terminology, strategies for
Prerequisite: None success in college, and scheduling/planning.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Volunteer Service
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Number: 113101; 113102; 113103
Course Description: If you want to be inspired about preparing for your future Note: May be taken for one trimester or more; specify trimester by
beyond high school, this course is for you! Topics to be covered are: 21st century course number
employability skills, legal and safety issues, ethics, career planning strategies,
financial literacy communication and interpersonal skills, personal goal setting, Prerequisite: You must be able to provide your own transportation to
the skill of decision making through problem solving and critical thinking, as well volunteer sites.
as the examination of project-based and contextual learning experiences. Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
College and Career Readiness Internship Grade Level: 10-12
Course Number: 112201; 112202; 112203
Course Description: Through service, you will go out in the community and
Note: May be taken for one trimester or more; specify trimester by experience a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer based services. Students will be
course number responsible for securing their own volunteer placement.
Prerequisite: Must be taken with College and Career Readiness Exploring the Teaching Profession A, B, C
concurrently. You must be able to provide your own transportation to Course Number: 004301, 004302, 004303
job sites.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Prerequisite: none
Grade Level: 10-12 Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Course Description: With coordinator assistance, you will participate in Grade Level: 11 - 12
competitive employment, job shadowing, volunteer service, apprenticeship or Course Description: Students explore and respond to the question, “Why
internships. teach?” In doing so, they examine their own interests in teaching while taking a
Off To College close look at the multiple factors (social, historical, political) that shape schools
Course Number: 113300 today. Students will volunteer in area schools in a service-learning capacity,
attend class, make presentations, write reflective papers and blog posts in
Prerequisite: None response to assignments, participate in discussions, and engage in small group
learning activities. Service-learning experiences are central to learning, and along
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
with course readings, provide the basis for discussion and reflection.
Grade Level: 11-12
Is High Performance or Advanced Placement right for you? See chart below and talk to your English teacher.
Program Explanation Advantages Considerations
College-level May receive college credit Must take the AP exam to receive
Advanced curriculum Develop higher level thinking potential college credit
Placement Recognized skills Students must have above
nationally Additional honor points earned average ability in reading, writing
Rigorous with a C or above, for weighted and math
Available to all grade GPA Expect considerable homework in
levels most classes
Students self-select This level of coursework is
expected from highly selective
HP Accelerated More challenge than regular- No college credit
curriculum level course Expect more homework in most
High Rigorous Develop higher level thinking classes
Performance Available to all grade skills This level of coursework is
levels Prepares students for college- expected from highly selective
level curriculum colleges
9th grade graduation requirement
Choose one of the following - See chart above for HP information
English 9 A, B, C HP English 9 A, B, C
Course Number: 032501 + 032502 + 032503 Course Number: 032641 + 032642 + 032643
Must register for all 3 trimesters Must register for all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: None Note: This course includes extensive reading and writing
assignments. Summer reading may be assigned and
Fulfills graduation requirement for: English 9 must be completed by the first day of school.
Grade Level: 9 Prerequisite: None
Course Description: English 9 focuses on developing Fulfills graduation requirement for: English 9
and strengthen skills in writing, reading, speaking,
listening, and thinking. The writing process will be used to Grade Level: 9
complete multi-paragraph expository essays and creative
compositions. A variety of reference materials and media Course Description: HP English 9 is an in-depth study of
skills will be used to conduct research and to write a formal the skills and practices covered in English 9. You will read
paper. Students will continue to practice language skills in complex and advanced contemporary and classes texts,
spelling, vocabulary, and grammar. The study of literature including novels, short stories, poetry, drama, and nonfiction
includes short stories, novels, drama, poetry and that reflect diversity in race, gender, economics, and
nonfiction. Attention is also given to effective reading geography. You will write for a variety of purposes, and will
strategies and independent reading. compose persuasive or argumentative, narrative, and/or critical
papers. You will continue to learn research and inquiry skills,
which will culminate in a research paper. Grammar and usage
review are both explicit and authentic, focusing on applications
of convention in writing. You will also develop and practice
effective speaking skills in individual presentations and
collaborative discussions
9th grade graduation requirement – cont. 10th grade graduation requirement
Choose one of the following - See chart on page 12 Choose one of the following - See chart on page 12
Integrated English 9* and Human Geography ALP 9 HP English 10 A, B, C
Course Numbers: 032551 + 032552 + 032553 Course Number: 033041 + 033042 + 033043
Prerequisites: Subject to application and approval
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: English 9; Human Must register for all 3 trimesters
Geography 9 Note: This course includes extensive reading and writing
Grade Level: 9 assignments. Summer reading may be assigned and must be
Course Description: ALP 9 (Autonomous Learner Program) is completed by the first day of school.
a challenging class that combines the 9th grade English and
Social Studies requirements into a single class. Expect Prerequisite: None
homework most school nights.
This course, based on Betts' Autonomous Learner Program Fulfills graduation requirement for: English 10
Model, is designed for academically gifted and talented
learners in English and social studies. The students commit to Grade Level: 10
the entire course set if they apply and are selected for this Course Description: This course enhances regular English 10
program. The Autonomous Learner Program gives students by emphasizing literary analysis of short stories, novels, drama,
opportunities to discover the notion of giftedness, to develop and poetry. This course requires of independent work done out
their individual talents, to allow enrichment to curricular of class.
matters, to participate in self-directed seminars, and to conduct
in-depth studies. Students will be challenged with rigorous Integrated English 10* and U.S. History ALP 10
content, which will lead to creative, quality products. Students Course Numbers: 033151 + 033152 + 033153
in this course will meet the district objectives and state
standards for both English and social studies. Prerequisites: Subject to application and approval
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: English 10; U.S. History
Upon completion of the course, students will receive 5 credits 10
(3 in English and 2 in Human Geography 9).
Grade Level: 10
*weighted grade course (see pg. 5) Course Description: ALP 10 (Autonomous Learner Program) is
a challenging class that combines the 10th grade English and
10th grade graduation requirement Social Studies requirements into a single class. Expect
homework most school nights.
Choose one of the following - See chart on page 12 This course, based on Betts' Autonomous Learner Program
Model, is designed for academically gifted and talented learners
English 10 A, B, C in English and social studies. The students commit to the entire
Course Number: 032901 + 032902 + 032903 course set if they apply and are selected for this program. The
Must register for all 3 trimesters Autonomous Learner Program gives students opportunities to
Prerequisite: None discover the notion of giftedness, to develop their individual
Fulfills graduation requirement for: English 10 talents, to allow enrichment to curricular matters, to participate in
Grade Level: 10 self-directed seminars, and to conduct in-depth studies. Students
Course Description: In this required course you will study will be challenged with rigorous content, which will lead to
literature, composition and language/communication skills. creative, quality products. Students in this course will meet the
You will read novels, poetry, short fiction and non-fiction; you district objectives and state standards for both English and social
will write narrative, expository, and argumentative papers; studies.
and you will give presentations.
Upon completion of the course, students will receive 6 credits (3
in English and 3 in U. S. History 10).
*weighted grade course (see pg. 5)
11th grade graduation requirement
Choose one of the following - See chart on page 12 for AP and HP information
English 11 A, B, C AP English 11 Flex A, B, C *
Course Number: 033401 + 033402 + 033403 Course Number: 033971 + 033972 + 033973
Must register for all 3 trimesters Must register for all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: None Note: Advanced Placement course. This course includes
extensive reading and writing assignments all year. Summer
Fulfills graduation requirement for: English 11 reading will be assigned and must be completed by the first day
of school. Students are encouraged to take the AP Exam for
Grade Level: 11 this course.
Course Description: In this required course you will study Note: Flex courses are offered outside of the normal
literature, composition and language/communication skills. You parameters of a school schedule. Some days during the
will write informational, persuasive, reflective/technical papers week, the student will learn online instead of physically
with an overall focus on college preparation. attending class.
English 11 Flex A, B, C Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 033501 + 033502 + 033503 Fulfills graduation requirement for: English 11
Note: Flex courses are offered outside of the normal
parameters of a school schedule. Some days during the Grade Level: 11
week, the student will learn online instead of physically Course Description: See AP English 11
attending class.
Must register for all 3 trimesters Integrated English 11* and World History ALP 11
Prerequisite: None Course Numbers: 033551 + 033552 + 033553
Fulfills graduation requirement for: English 11
Grade Offered: 11 Prerequisites: Subject to application and approval or
Course Description: See English 11 continuation after successful completion of ALP 10
Grade Level: 11
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: English 11; World History
AP English 11 A, B, C * Course Description: ALP 11 (Autonomous Learner Program)
Course Number: 033871 + 033872 + 033873 is a challenging class that combines the 11th grade English and
Social Studies requirements into a single class. Expect
Must register for all 3 trimesters homework most school nights. Upon completion of the course,
you will receive six credits.
Note: Advanced Placement course. This course includes This course, based on Betts' Autonomous Learner Program
extensive reading and writing assignments all year. Summer Model, is designed for academically gifted and talented learners
reading will be assigned and must be completed by the first day in English and social studies. The students commit to the entire
of school. Students are encouraged to take the AP Exam for course set if they apply and are selected for this program. The
this course. Autonomous Learner Program gives students opportunities to
discover the notion of giftedness, to develop their individual
Prerequisite: None talents, to allow enrichment to curricular matters, to participate
in self-directed seminars, and to conduct in-depth studies.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: English 11 Students in this course will meet the district objectives and state
standards for both English and social studies.
Grade Level: 11
Upon completion of the course, students will receive six credits
Course Description: This college-level course focuses (3 in English and 3 in World History).
intensely on language and rhetorical analysis, persuasive
techniques and writing, and critical reading both fiction and non- *weighted grade course (see pg. 5)
fiction. You will be responsible for doing reading and writing
projects on your own, outside of class time.
12th grade graduation requirement
Choose one of the following - See chart on page 12 for AP and HP information
English 12 A, B, C Integrated English 12* and Government & Citizenship/
Course Number: 034101 + 034102 + 034103 Economics ALP 12
Must register for all 3 trimesters Course Numbers: 034251 + 034252 + 034253
Prerequisite: None Prerequisites: Subject to application and approval or
Fulfills graduation requirement for: English 12 continuation after successful completion of ALP 11
Grade Level: 12 Grade Level: 12
Course Description: In this required course you will learn to Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: English 12;
read, write, and think critically and independently. Reading Government & Citizenship and Economics
selections will draw from classical, contemporary and Course Description: ALP 12 (Autonomous Learner Program)
multicultural literature. The research and writing processes are is a challenging class that combines the 12th grade English
emphasized. and Social Studies requirements into a single class. Expect
homework most school nights.
AP English 12 A, B, C * This course, based on Betts' Autonomous Learner Program
Course Number: 034371 + 034372 + 034373 Model, is designed for academically gifted and talented
learners in English and social studies. The students commit to
Must register for all 3 trimesters the entire course set if they apply and are selected for this
Note: Advanced Placement course. This course includes program. The Autonomous Learner Program gives students
extensive reading and writing assignments. Summer reading opportunities to discover the notion of giftedness, to develop
will be assigned and must be completed by the first day of their individual talents, to allow enrichment to curricular
school. Students are encouraged to take the AP Exam for this matters, to participate in self-directed seminars, and to conduct
course. in-depth studies. Students will be challenged with rigorous
Prerequisite: None content, which will lead to creative, quality products. Students
Fulfills graduation requirement for: English 12 in this course will meet the district objectives and state
Grade Level: 12 standards for both English and social studies.
Course Description: This college-level course focuses Upon completion of the course, students will receive five
intensely on literary analysis of poetry, drama, and prose. You credits (3 English, 1 in Economics, and 1 in Government and
regularly will write literary analytical assignments, with an Citizenship).
extensive focus on reading poetry and prose. Discussion and
presentation skills are also emphasized. You will be *weighted grade course (see pg. 5)
responsible for independent work, including class projects.
21st Century Media: Seeing the World in the Digital Age Art of Film
Course Number: 037500 Course Number: 036900
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: None
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective, Fine Arts
Course Description: Students will get to encounter a variety Course Description: Art of Film students go beyond writing film
of media-from the classic print, to the newest apps and scripts; they transform their scripts into movies. In their first film
platforms. All the while, students will analyze and learn the project, students learn to practice “show, don’t tell” within both
their scripts and their movies. In their second film project,
role these media play in our world, and examine how these students learn to plant subtext (hidden intentions) beneath their
forms are currently being used in current events. characters’ words within both their scripts and their movies. In
African American Literature both projects, students aim to maximize their audience’s
Course Number: 035700 emotional experiences by writing conflict-based scripts.
Throughout the course, students are encouraged to enter local
Prerequisite: None and national film competitions. At the end of the course, students
Grade Level: 9-12 invite their families and friends to their film premieres on Movie
Night. Art of Film students “learn by doing”—and have fun doing
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective it. If you are ready to put your creative talents to the test within
Course Description: The African American experience in this unique writing/filmmaking experience, Art of Film is for you.
America has been a trial of the human spirit. Brought here in
chains as slaves, forced to work for generations in the fields
of the South, subject to the racism and oppression of an Creative Writing
openly racist society, ignored for decades in their freedom, Course Number: 037200
segregated from opportunity for most of this century, African
Americans have endured, adapted and experienced the Prerequisite: None
gamut of human emotion and travail. We will trace this Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
experience through the stories, thoughts and letters of their Grade Level: 9-12
greatest writers.
Course Description: In a workshop setting, you will have
the opportunity to work independently or with others to
write poetry and prose. You will learn from prewriting to
revision, to create polished writing for a public audience.
The Graphic Novel
Course Number: 037400
Prerequisite: None
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: The Graphic Novel is a course designed
for both long time readers of graphic novels/comics and
those who are new to the medium. Students in the class will
learn about the elements of comic style and read a variety of
shorter and longer graphic texts in many different genres.
Students will study the history of the medium, analyze the
assigned texts, create a graphic story, and enjoy the
marvelous blend of pictures and text.
Mythology Radio & Television (MGTV)
Course Number: 036300 Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify
Prerequisites: None trimester by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Number: 036801 (1st trimester)
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective Course Number: 036802 (2nd trimester)
Course Description: If you find yourself drawn to the movies Course Number: 036803 (3rd trimester)
Thor and The Avengers, this course may be for you. Greek, Prerequisite: None
Roman, and Norse mythologies—among others—tell the
incredible stories of bigger-than-life characters (gods, demi-gods, Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective, Fine Arts
and humans) living in bigger-than-life worlds. This course Grade Level: 9-12
focuses on amazing characters living amazing lives within Course Description: This class provides students with the
amazing worlds. It draws attention to both their incredible unique opportunity to explore the media of radio and television.
Students will experience both the technical and the “ON AIR”
powers as well as their petty and frail weaknesses. aspects of both media. A student considering radio and television
must be highly motivated, work well in groups, and be able to
Our modern world is forever making allusions (indirect handle independent working conditions. This class produces the
references) to these bigger-than-life characters. Recently, the MGTV weekly announcements. Previous experience in
tales of these epic heroes and heroines have become the hot technology or TV production is not necessary.
topics for blockbuster movies.
All of us will continue to cross paths with these incredible gods
and demigods in contemporary art, film, and literature. By taking
this class, you will be better equipped to understand and to Yearbook Lab A, B
appreciate these characters, their worlds, and our society’s Course Number: 037101 + 037102
ongoing allusions to them.
Two trimester course, (1st and 2nd trimesters) must register for
both trimesters/1 credit earned each trimester.
Race and Culture in Literature Prerequisite: Written permission of instructor required to register
Course Number: 037600 for this course.
Prerequisite: None Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective, Fine Arts
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Grade Level: 9-12
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Description: In this course, you will be an active
member of the Yearbook staff, learning copy writing,
Course Description: This course will use literature and historical interviewing, researching, graphic design, online publishing,
context for students to understand the lived experiences of the advertising and marketing, and the production process.
various racialized groups. This will occur through reading the
contrast of dominant and absent narratives. Topics to be covered
in this course may include: Investigating the creation of racial
identity and how it has sustained or challenged beliefs about race
and culture; analyzing the various elements of race and culture in
literature and how they inform or reflect our attitudes, behavior,
and society, in general; interpreting the continuing conflict
between racial, cultural, and gender relationships in literature
Careers, Life & You Fashion, Apparel & Design
Course Number: 022100 Course Number: 023100
Prerequisites: None Prerequisite: None
Grade Level: 9-12 Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: In this course, you will research a variety Course Description: In this course, you will study the elements
of post-secondary options and careers. You will examine career and principles of design as applied to fashion. Topics may
interests, personal abilities, goal setting, and communication; and include fashion history, clothing design, and garment styles and
explore the qualities and transferrable skills that employers are parts. You will explore fashion industry careers. This is not a
seeking. Current information will be presented on job trends and clothing construction class.
the changing world of work.
Note: Students may earn credit for MN Academic Standard for
the Arts.
Exploring Childhood
Course Number: 023500
Prerequisite: None Interior Design
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Course Number: 023200
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite: None
Course Description: This course studies the physical, Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
emotional, and intellectual development of the school-aged child Grade Level: 9-12
(6-12 years old). You will compare and contrast early childhood Course Description: You will study the elements and principles
learning options while investigating industry professionalism and of design as it relates to interior spaces. Topics of study may
ethics related to child development career possibilities. Topics of include floor plans and elevation, furniture, wall coverings,
study may include: special needs, divorce, child abuse, cultural windows, flooring, lighting, and room styles. Industry careers will
norms in parenting, and others.
be explored.
Note: Students may earn credit for MN Academic Standard for
the Arts.
This program is offered only at Osseo Senior High. However, students from other schools are eligible to enroll.
See your counselor for an application.
OPPORTUNITIES IN EMERGENCY CARE (OEC) 122100 + 122200 + 122300
Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for articulated college credit. See page 46 for more information.
Note: Each course is a 2 hour class/2 credits earned per class for a total of 6 credits. An additional class period
per trimester must be used for transportation between MGSH and OSH. Transportation is not provided.
This course is intended to be a full year class, but students may sign up for just Trimester 1 with the understanding that it is not
normally possible to change to a full year after Trimester 1.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective (2 credits per trimester - 6 credits total)
Grade Offered: 11-12
Course Description: In each trimester of OEC, there is a different focus. In Trimester 1, you will learn first aid and CPR, airway
obstruction management and what to do in the first 10 minutes of an emergency. In Trimester 2, the focus is anatomy and the body
system, splinting, bandaging and use of oxygen, water safety and life saving techniques and some of the other things First
Responders do. In Trimester 3 you will train to utilize basic and advanced emergency medical skills and equipment, sometimes in a
hands-on environment by way of simulated emergency scenarios.
First Aid and CPR First Responder/CPR Instructor Emergency Medical Technician
(2 Credits)
(2 Credits) (2 Credits) Course Number: 122300
Course Number: 122100 Course Number: 122200
Prerequisites: None Prerequisites: Successful completion of First Prerequisites: Successful completion of the
Aid/CPR class
Class meets for two periods daily, 1st First Responder/ CPR Instructor class
trimester only. Class meets for two periods daily, 2nd Class meets for 2 periods daily; 3rd
trimester only.
Grade Level: 11-12 trimester only.
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Grade Level: 11-12 Grade Level: 11-12
Elective Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:
Elective Elective
Major Outcomes:
Major Outcomes:
Prepare to perform artificial Learn anatomy and physiology, the Major Outcomes:
ventilation/circulation until health Trained to utilize basic and advanced
care professionals arrive body systems, medical terminology ,
EMS skills and equipment
Airway obstruction management, Cardio patient assessment and more
Splinting, bandaging m use of oxygen, Learn in a hands on environment by
Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), water safety and life saving techniques way of simulated emergency scenarios
unwitnessed cardiac arrest and speakers currently working in the
Instructional Focus: Youwillbe trainedon Instructional Focus: Youwillbe learninghow field
tobethefirst responderatthesceneofa
whattodoforthefirst10 minutes ofan Field study opportunities are available at
medical or trauma emergency and how to area hospitals, clinics, ambulance
emergency. services, police departments and fire
NOTE: Upon successful completion of this managethepatientuntil thearrival of
course, the student is eligible to test for the ambulance personnel.
following certifications: American Red Cross departments
Standard First Aid/ Responding to NOTE: Upon successful completion of this
Emergencies, Community CPR, and the course, students will be eligible to receive Instructional Focus: Youwillbe preparedas
American Heart Associate Health Care these industry certifications: MN Department a student to become a certified Emergency
Provider CPR. of Health First Responder, and American Medical Technician –Basic.
Heart Association CPR Instructor.
NOTE: Upon completion of this course, the
student will be eligible to take the National
Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians:
EMT-Basic exam (student must be 18 years
old to take this exam).
Health Science Magnet Program classes are held at Osseo Senior High. See your counselor.
Health Care Internship Emergency Medical Responder ONLINE Blended
Course Number: 122401 (Tri 1); 122402 (Tri 2); e-Learning
122403 (Tri 3) Course Number: 124200
Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for
articulated college credit. See page 47 for more information. articulated college credit. See page 47 for more information.
May be taken for more than one trimester for credit; specify Note: Student must be 16 years old when class starts. This
trimester by course number course included demonstration of skills in a clinical setting;
transportation to clinicals is not provided. Students must agree
Note: Two hour class/2 credits earned each trimester. (An in writing to complete the face-to-face-clinical sessions.
additional class period per trimester must be used for transportation Prerequisite: None Must have computer and internet
between MGSH and OSH. Transportation is not provided.) access outside of school.
Prerequisite: Admission by application only. See instructor. Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective (2 credits each Grade Level: 11-12
Grade Level: 12 Course Description: The online e-learning modules for this
course takes approximately 30 hours to complete, with an
Course Description: You will have the opportunity to enhance additional 24 hours of direct skill instruction, which is mandated
competency and skill development. There will be advanced to certification testing. You will study anatomy and physiology,
training in such areas as cardiology, intravenous therapy and the body systems, medical terminology, vital signs, and more.
automatic defibrillation. Credit is also awarded for time spent on
ambulances, police or fire ride-alongs, or in the hospital. Medical Terminology ONLINE
Course Number: 124300
Nursing Assistant
Course Number: 123101 or 123102 or 123103 Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for
articulated college credit. See page 47 for more information.
Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for
articulated college credit. See page 47 for more information. Prerequisite: None Must have computer and internet
access outside of school.
Note: This is a 1-trimester course. Please specify preferred Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
trimester by course number, but specified trimester placement Grade Level: 11-12
is not guaranteed. Course Description: You will learn the terminology commonly
used in the health care industry. You will apply the knowledge
Two hour class/2 credits earned. An additional class period to the study of term relations to various body systems.
must be used for transportation between MGSH and OSH.
Transportation is not provided. Pharmacy Technician ONLINE
Course Number: 124101 + 124102
Students must be 16 to take the state test. This course includes Note: Two trimester class, must register for both trimesters/one
demonstration of skills in a clinical setting; transportation to credit earned each trimester. Students must be 18 years old
clinicals is not provided. and have proof of graduation or anticipated graduation to take
the state test.
Prerequisite: None
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective (2 credits)
Grade Level: 11-12
Course Description: In this 1-trimester course, you will learn Prerequisite: None Must have computer and internet
how to care for patients by taking vital signs, transferring access outside of school.
patients, feeding, and personal care. You will develop and
demonstrate the core competencies required by the MN Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Competency Exam.
Grade Level: 12
Course Description: The online e-learning modules for this
course take approximately 90 hours to complete. You will learn
federal laws, medical reviews and aseptic technique as it
relates to practical applications of pharmacy practice.
Is High Performance or Advanced Placement right for you? See chart below and talk to your current Math teacher.
Program Explanation Advantages Considerations
AP College-level May receive college credit Must take the AP exam to receive
curriculum Develop higher level thinking potential college credit
Advanced Recognized nationally skills
Placement Students must have above average
ability in reading, writing and math
Rigorous Additional honor points earned
with a C or above, for weighted Expect considerable homework in
Available to all grade GPA most classes
This level of coursework is expected
Students self-select from highly selective colleges
into the course
HP Accelerated curriculum More challenge than regular-level No college credit
Rigorous course Expect more homework in most
High Available to all grade Develop higher level thinking classes
Performance levels skills This level of coursework is expected
Prepares students for college- from highly selective colleges
level curriculum
Non-Linear Algebra A, B, C HP Geometry A, B, C
Course Number: 082201 + 082202 + 082203 Course Number: 085141 + 085142 + 085143
Must take all 3 trimesters Must take all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: Completion of Linear Algebra Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 or Non-Linear Algebra
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Non-Linear Algebra Fulfills graduation requirement for: Geometry
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: This course introduces you to graphical Course Description: In this course, you will extend and
and algebraic methods used to analyze nonlinear functions, with advance general geometric concepts by further developing logic,
special emphasis on exponential quadratic and radical functions. reasoning and problem solving skills. Topics include the
Additional topics may include simplifying rational expressions, construction of geometric proofs and logical arguments,
congruence and similarity, and properties of lines, triangles,
probability, and statistics. quadrilaterals, and circles. You will solve real-world problems
using two– and three-dimensional measurements and complete
A TI 30 XIIS or TI 34 II calculator is recommended.
Geometry A, B, C geometric constructions.
Course Number: 083201 + 083202 + 083203 A scientific calculator is needed.
Must take all 3 trimesters Non-Linear Algebra/Geometry A, B, C
Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 or Non-Linear Algebra Course Number: 084801 + 084802 + 084803
Must take all 3 trimesters
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Geometry
Prerequisite: Completion of Linear Algebra
Grade Level: 9-12
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Non-Linear Algebra and
Course Description: In this course you will develop logic, Geometry
reasoning and problem solving skills. Topics include construction
of geometric proofs and logical arguments, congruence and Grade Level: 9-12
similarity, area and volume, and properties of lines, triangles, Course Description: This accelerated course introduces you to
quadrilaterals and circles. graphical and algebraic methods used to analyze nonlinear
A scientific calculator is needed (a graphing calculator is not functions, with special emphasis on exponential, quadratic, and
radical functions. You will construct geometric proofs and logical
required). arguments, congruence and similarity, area and volume, and
properties of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals and circles.
Upon completion of this course, students will receive six credits
(3 Non-Linear Algebra, 3 Geometry)
See chart on page 21 for AP and HP information
Algebra 2 A, B, C Pre-Calculus (cont.)
circle, graphing trigonometric functions, and using trigonometric
Course Number: 083501 + 083502 + 083503
Must take all 3 trimesters A graphing calculator is suggested
Prerequisite: Completion of Non-Linear Algebra HP Pre-Calculus A, B, C
Course Number: 085541 + 085542 + 085543
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Algebra 2 or by teacher
Grade Level: 9-12 Must take all 3 trimesters
Course Description: This course is organized around families of
functions including linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, radical Prerequisite: Completion of HP Algebra 2
and rational functions. It also includes the topics of probability, data recommendation at registration
analysis and trigonometry. Fulfills graduation requirement for: Math, Elective
A scientific calculator is needed. Grade Level: 9-12
HP Algebra 2 A, B, C Course Description: This course will deepen your understanding of
Course Number: 085241 + 085242 + 085243 functions, including polynomial, rational, and logarithmic. You will be
introduced to advanced trigonometric properties and applications,
Must take all 3 trimesters including identities, vectors, and polar equations. The content of this
course is delivered at an accelerated pace and includes more
Prerequisite: High Performance Math. Completion of Geometry or challenging applications.
HP Geometry A graphing calculator is suggested
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Algebra 2 Calculus A, B, C
Course Numbers: 084101 + 084102 + 084103
Grade Level: 9-12 This courses extends and advances general
Course Description:
Algebra 2 concepts. The content is organized around families of Must take all 3 trimesters
functions including linear, quadratics, exponential, radical, and Prerequisite: Completion of Pre-Calculus or HP Pre-Calculus
rational, as well as probability, trigonometry, and sequence and
series. Content is delivered at an accelerated pace and includes Fulfills graduation requirement for: Math, Elective
more challenging applications. Grade Level: 9-12
A scientific calculator is needed for this course; a graphing calculator Course Description: This course is similar to the first semester of
college calculus by exploring functions, limits, continuity,
is suggested. differentiation with applications, integration, logarithmic, exponential,
Algebra 3 A, B, C and trigonometric functions. This course moves at a slower pace
Course Number: 083801 + 083802 + 083803 then AP Calculus
Must take all 3 trimesters A graphing calculator is needed
Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 2 or its equivalent AP Calculus (AB) A, B, C *
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Math, Elective Course Number: 085671 + 085672 + 085673
Grade Level: 9-12 Must take all 3 trimesters
Course Description: This course advances and strengthens the Note: Advanced Placement course
understanding of families of function, including linear, quadratic,
polynomial rational, exponential, and logarithms, trigonometry, and Prerequisite: Completion of HP Pre-Calculus or by teacher
matrices. Other advanced algebraic topics may be emphasized. recommendation at registration
A graphing calculator is suggested Fulfills graduation requirement for: Math, Elective
Pre-Calculus A, B, C Grade Level: 9-12
Course Number: 084001 + 084002 + 084003
Course Description: This course is similar to college calculus and
Must take all 3 trimesters includes such topics as analytic geometry, functions, limits,
continuity, differentiation and integration with applications, and
Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 2 exponential and trigonometric functions. The content of this AP
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Math, Elective course is delivered at an accelerated pace and includes more
challenging applications. You will prepare for the AP Calculus AB
Grade Level: 9-12 exam.
Course Description: This course is designed to provide an A graphing calculator is needed
expanded view of functions, including polynomial, rational, and
logarithmic. You will also explore right triangle trigonometry, the unit *weighted grade course (see pg. 5)
See chart on page 21 for AP and HP information
AP Calculus (BC) A, B, C * Statistics A, B, C
Course Number: 085771 + 085772 + 085773 Course Numbers: 084201 + 084202 + 084203
Must take all 3 trimesters Must take all 3 trimesters
Note: Advanced Placement course Prerequisites: Completion of Algebra 2 or HP Algebra 2
Prerequisite: Completion of HP Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus AB, Grade Level: 9-12
or teacher recommendation at the time of registration
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Math, Elective
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Math, Elective
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Description: In this course, you are introduced to the
major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing
Course Description: This course is similar to college calculus conclusions from data at a basic level. You will be exposed to four
and moves at a faster pace then Calculus or AP Calculus AB. broad conceptual themes: Exploring Data, Sampling and
You will explore limits, continuity, differentiation and integration Experimentation, Anticipating Patterns, and Statistical Inference.
with applications, and exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric A similar graphing calculator is needed.
functions. Additional topics unique to AP Calculus BC include
Eulers’ method, improper integrals, methods of integration,
sequences and series, and polar and parametrically-defined AP Statistics A, B, C *
curves. You will prepare for the AP Calculus BC exam.
Course Number: 085871 + 085872 + 085873
A graphing calculator is needed. Must take all 3 trimesters
*weighted grade course (see pg. 5) Note: Advanced Placement course
Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 2
Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis A, B, C Fulfills graduation requirement for: Math, Elective
Course Number: 085801 + 085802 + 085803 Grade Level: 9-12
Must take all 3 trimesters Course Description: This course will introduce students to the
Prerequisites: Completion of AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing
BC. conclusions from data at a more rigorous pace then the standard
Statistics course. You will be exposed to four broad conceptual
Grade Level: 9-12 themes: Exploring Data, Sampling and Experimentation,
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Math, Elective Anticipating Patterns, and Statistical Inference. You will prepare fr
Course Description: This course is similar to a college Calculus the AP Statistics exam.
3 course, beginning with a review and extension of topics in A graphing calculator is needed.
Calculus 2, including methods of integrations, sequence and
series, and polar and parametrically-defined functions. You will
then explore differential and integral calculus of functions of *weighted grade course (see pg. 5)
several variables including the geometry of space, vector
functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, changes of
coordinates, the vector analysis of line and surface integrals, the
theorems of Gauss, Green, and Stokes. You may choose to
prepare for the AP Calculus BC exam.
A graphing calculator is needed.
Band 9 A, B, C Orchestra 9 A, B, C
Course Number: 054001 + 054002 + 054003 Course Number: 054101 + 054102 + 054103
Must take all 3 trimesters Must take all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: Membership is based on successful completion of Prerequisite: Successful completion of Orchestra 8 in District
Band 8 or recommendation from the instructor.
279 or audition with the orchestra director.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
Grade Level: 9 Grade Level: 9
Course Description: You will continue to develop musical skills Course Description: Your musical skills are continuing to
and explore intermediate band music. In daily band rehearsals, develop, and you are ready to explore more challenging
you will gain proficiency on your instrument and expand your orchestral music. In daily orchestra rehearsals, you will be
knowledge of music and music theory. Band 9 performs several learning more advanced playing techniques and expanding your
evening concerts throughout the year, and registration requires a knowledge of music and music theory. Orchestra 9 also performs
several evening concerts throughout the year and your
full year commitment. participation in these concerts is required. Registration for
ALL BAND, ORCHESTRA AND CHOIR PLACEMENT orchestra requires a full year commitment.
Symphonic Band A, B, C FOR GRADES 10-12 WILL BE BY AUDITION.
Course Number: 056201 + 056202 + 056203 Chamber Orchestra A, B, C
Must take all 3 trimesters Course Number: 057101 + 057102 + 057103
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Band 9 or Must take all 3 trimesters
recommendation from instructor. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Orchestra 9 in District
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts 279 or audition with orchestra director.
Grade Level: 10-12 Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
Course Description: In this course, you will continue to develop Grade Level: 10-12
your musical skills and explore intermediate-advanced band Course Description: In this level of orchestra, you will gain
music. In daily band rehearsals, you will gain proficiency on your ensemble experience and reflect upon music and your own
instrument and expand your knowledge of music and music musical performance. Chamber Orchestra is a group that focuses
theory. Symphonic Band performs several evening performances on building and reinforcing playing skills that will be needed to
throughout the year, and registration requires a full year perform in the top ensemble (Symphony Orchestra). The
orchestra performs several evening concerts throughout the year,
commitment. and participation is required. Registration for orchestra requires a
Wind Ensemble A, B, C full year commitment.
Course Numbers: 057201 + 057202 + 057203
Must take all 3 trimesters
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Band 9 or
recommendation from instructor.
Grade Level: 10-12
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Fine Arts
Course Description: This band is the most advanced band in
the school. You will further develop your musical knowledge of
skills, perform at the highest level, and reflect upon music and
musical performances. Wind Ensemble performs several evening
concerts throughout the year, and registration requires a full year
MUSIC continued
ORCHESTRA continued CHOIR continued
Symphony Orchestra A, B, C Crimson Chorale A, B, C
Course Number: 057001 + 057002 + 057003 Course Number: 055501 + 055502 + 055503
Must take all 3 trimesters Must take all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: Must audition for orchestra placement and have Prerequisite: None
successfully completed one year of 9th grade Orchestra in
District 279 or Chamber Orchestra Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts Grade Level: 10-12
Grade Level: 10-12 Course Description: As a member of this higher-level choir,
Course Description: In this top orchestra, you will gain more you, will gain ensemble experience and develop your musical
experience, deepen your skills, and learn to perform in a full knowledge and skills and reflect upon music and musical
orchestra setting, including strings, woodwinds, brass, and performance. Crimson Chorale performs several evening
percussion. You will reflect upon music and your musical concerts throughout the year, and registration requires a full year
performance. Symphony Orchestra performs several required commitment.
concerts throughout the year, and registration requires a full year
commitment. Treble Choir A, B, C
CHOIR Course Number: 055101 + 055102 + 055103
Must take all 3 trimesters
Choir 9 A, B, C Prerequisite: Recommendation from instructor.
Course Number: 054201 + 054202 + 054203 Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
Grade Level: 10-12
Must take all 3 trimesters Course Description: As a member of Treble Choir, you will
continue to be exposed to music from various time periods, styles
Prerequisite: None
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
Grade Level: 9 and cultures, develop performance skills, and expand your
knowledge of music and music theory. The choir performs
Course Description: As a member of this choir, you will be intermediate to advanced music for treble (soprano and alto)
exposed to a music from various time periods, styles and voices at several evening concerts throughout the year, and
cultures, develop performance skills, and expand your knowledge
of music and music theory. The choir performs several evening registration requires a full year commitment.
concerts throughout the year. Registration for choir requires a full
year commitment.
Concert Choir A, B, C
Course Number: 055201 + 055202 + 055203
Must take all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: Must audition for choir placement
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
Grade Level: 10-12
Course Description: As a member of this choir, you will be
exposed to more advanced music from various time periods,
styles and cultures. You will continue to develop performance
skills, expand your knowledge of music theory and the voice, and
reflect on musical performances. Concert Choir performs several
evening concerts throughout the year, and registration requires a
full-year commitment.
MUSIC continued
Beginning Guitar Garage Band
May sign up for one, two, or all in sequential order. May sign up for one, or both in sequential order.
Note: School will provide guitars, however students may also use Note: All students must audition to receive pre-approval
their own. Each class may be taken only one time. from the music department to register for this course. See a
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts teacher in the music department.
Grade Level: 9-12 Pre-approval to register does not guarantee automatic
Beginning Guitar A Course Number 057701 Prerequisite: Must take A before B.
Prerequisite: None Strong interest in music and some performance experience,
vocal or instrumental. Ability to provide own instrument. This
Description: For the student with little or no experience on the class may be taken up to two times for credit.
guitar. You will learn basic playing skills and learn to read Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
standard music notation.
Grade Level: 9-12
IF YOU WILL USE YOUR OWN GUITAR, USE THE Garage Band A Course Number 057301
COURSE NUMBER 057701G Garage Band B Course Number 057302
Course Description: In this course, you will develop your music
Beginning Guitar B Course Number 057702 skills by working on current popular music, studying basic music
elements, and performing in small groups.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Guitar A
Description: You will expand your music reading skills and Music of Social Change
develop intermediate guitar techniques.
Course Number: 058200
IF YOU WILL USE YOUR OWN GUITAR, USE THE Note: May be taken only one time for credit
COURSE NUMBER 057702G Prerequisite: None
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
Beginning Guitar C Course Number 057703 Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Guitar B Course Description: In this course, you will explore various
music styles from throughout history and learn to draw
Description: You will continue to study various styles of music connections between music and the social themes or war,
and will perform as a soloist and as part of a group. The group politics, oppression, and the human condition. This is not a
will have one outside performance. performance class, so performance experience is not required.
COURSE NUMBER 057703G Course Number: 058100
Note: May be taken only one time for credit.
Prerequisite: Recommendation from instructor
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: You will learn fundamental elements of
music analysis and build skills in ear training and sight singing.
MUSIC continued
Jazz Ensemble Zero Hour Solo Performance Lab Zero Hour
Course Numbers: 057501 + 057502 Course Number: 057601, 057602, 057603
Note: This class is offered ZERO HOUR only. Students must
provide their own transportation. Note: This class is offered ZERO HOUR only. Students must
provide their own transportation.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in instrumental ensemble Offered all 3 trimesters. Can register for one or more trimesters.
and/or permission from instructor
Indicate trimester preference by course number.
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in performance ensemble
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Fine Arts and/or recommendation from instructor
Course Description: Jazz Ensemble is an enrichment Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
experience for music students playing saxophone, trombone, Grade Level: 9-12
trumpet, piano, drums and guitar. Students will study and
perform a variety of big band literature. The ensemble will Course Description: In this course, you will develop your solo
perform several times throughout the year and registration and small ensemble performance skills as a musician. You will
requires a two-trimester commitment. receive ongoing and individual coaching to further develop your
practicing, rehearsal, and performance skills.
Choose one. Please read descriptions carefully Required Life Fitness can be taken in any grade 9-12
Required Health can be taken in any grade 9-12
Health Education Abstinence Based Life Fitness
Course Number: 066100 Course Number: 063100
Prerequisite: None
Prerequisite: None Fulfills graduation requirement for: Life Fitness
Grade Level: 9-12
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Health Course Description: In this required course you will learn to select
appropriate physical activities and nutritional practices, and you will
Grade Level: 9-12 demonstrate an understanding of activities to improve your lifestyle.
Course Description: The focus of this course is centered on decision Electives
making, rights, respect and responsibilities of healthy people. The goal
of this Human Sexuality unit is to encourage sexual abstinence as the
best choice for teens. Students are encouraged to seek support and
advice from their family and other community resources. Contraceptive
methods are identified and described and method effectiveness and
risks are defined.
Health Education Abstinence Until Marriage Unified Physical Education Leadership
Course Number: 066200 Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester
Prerequisite: None by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Health Course Number: 065201 (1st trimester)
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Number: 065202 (2nd trimester)
Course Description: The focus of this course is centered on decision Course Number: 065203 (3rd trimester)
making, rights, respect and responsibilities of healthy people. The goal
of this Human Sexuality unit is to guide and empower students to remain Prerequisite: None
abstinent until marriage. Students are encouraged to seek support and Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
advice from their parents/guardians and their faith community, if any, Grade Level: 9-12
rather than friends and community resources. Contraceptive methods
are discussed within the context of their failure rates only. Course Description: This combined General Education and Adapted
Physical Education class will allow students to improve performance of
self and others in recreational and fitness activities. This course
Health Education Zero Hour
combines students of all abilities to participate in developmentally
appropriate activities including lifetime activities, physical fitness, and
Course Number: 066501, or 066502, or 066503
sport. Students will work together to increase competence and
This is a Zero hour class. Students must have their own confidence in a variety of physical activities. Through ongoing leadership
transportation to participate. opportunities, members of this course will be empowered to help create
Note: You can specify trimester preference by course number, and a more inclusive and accepting school environment for all students.
while we will attempt to honor all requests, specific trimester placement
is not guaranteed. Positive Direction
Registration preference given first to 12th grade students, Course Number: 066400
Prerequisite: None
then 11th grade, then 10th grade, then 9th grade.
Prerequisite: None Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Health
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: See course 066100 and 066200
Course Description: This course will focus on learning about the five
areas of wellness: physical, social, emotional, mental, and
environmental. This course allows students to explore the relationship
between self-concept and goal setting and achievement. Students will
develop skills and knowledge around motivation, belief in self, growth
mindset, mindfulness, and finding value in each experience that will help
lead them to success.
Club Fitness Lab Nets and Racquets Lab
Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester
by course number. May not be offered all trimesters. by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Course Number: 064701 (1st trimester) Course Number: 064101 (1st trimester)
Course Number: 064702 (2nd trimester) Course Number: 064103 (3rd trimester)
Course Number: 064703 (3rd trimester) Prerequisite: None
Prerequisite: None Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Grade Level: 9-12
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Description: In this course you will learn basic striking skills for
sports using a racquet and/or net. It will include basic strategies and
Course Description: This course includes activities that are similar to rules.
those in health clubs, such as dance, self defense, Pilates and core
Power Sports for Women
strengthening, like yoga.
Competitive Sports Lab for Grades 9 & 10 Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester
by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester Course Number: 065301 (1st trimester)
by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Course Number: 065302 (2nd trimester)
Course Number: 065101 (1st trimester)
Course Number: 065303 (3rd trimester)
Course Number: 065102 (2nd trimester)
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 065103 (3rd trimester)
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Prerequisite: None
Grade Level: 9-12
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Course Description: This course is designed to empower girls through
Grade Level: 9-10
physical activity and promote positive self behaviors in a competitive
Course Description: This course is for the higher skilled player who environment. Students will develop and improve on physical skills, and
wants to participate at a competitive level. Activities include: football, learn rules, tactics, strategies and terminology in a variety of activities.
basketball, volleyball, soccer, badminton, pickle ball, ultimate Frisbee, Recreational Sports Lab
softball and floor hockey.
Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester
Competitive Sports Lab for Grades 11 & 12 by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester Course Number: 064201 (1st trimester)
by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Course Number: 064202 (2nd trimester)
Course Number: 065001 (1st trimester)
Course Number: 065002 (2nd trimester) Course Number: 064203 (3rd trimester)
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 065003 (3rd trimester)
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Prerequisite: None Grade Level 9-12
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Course Description: The emphasis of this course is on basic skills of
Grade Level: 11-12 sports in a recreational setting. Receiving rules, strategies, techniques,
Course Description: This course is for the higher skilled player who vocabulary and etiquette are covered.
wants to participate at a competitive level. Activities include: football, Strength and Conditioning Lab
basketball, volleyball, soccer, badminton, pickle ball, ultimate Frisbee, Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester
softball and floor hockey.
by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Minnesota Outdoor Connection A, B, C Course Number: 064801 (1st trimester)
Course Numbers: 014101 + 014102 + 014103 Course Number: 064802 (2nd trimester)
Must take all 3 trimesters Course Number: 064803 (3rd trimester)
Prerequisites: None Prerequisite: None
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
NOTE: This is a full year course developed by Phy. Ed. and Technology Ed. Course Description: In this course you will improve your strength for all
Course Description: or full course description, see the Technology major muscle groups. This course is in the weight room and you will lift
department section of this handbook. This course can be found under the both free weight and machine weights. Both males and females are
Technology department on the course card. encouraged to take this course.
Is High Performance or Advanced Placement right for you? See chart below and talk to your current Science teacher.
Program Explanation Advantages Considerations
AP College-level curriculum
Recognized nationally May receive college credit Must take the AP exam to receive
Advanced Rigorous potential college credit
Placement Available to all grade Develop higher level thinking skills Students must have above average
Additional honor points earned with a ability in reading, writing and math
HP levels C or above, for weighted GPA Expect considerable homework in most
High Students self-select classes
This level of coursework is expected
from highly selective colleges
Accelerated curriculum More challenge than regular-level No college credit
course Expect more homework in most classes
Rigorous Develop higher level thinking skills This level of coursework is expected
Prepares students for college-level from highly selective colleges
Available to all grade curriculum
Physical Science 9 A, B, C HP Biology A, B, C
Course Number: 092101 + 092102 + 092103 Course Number: 093441 + 093442 + 093443
Must register for all 3 trimesters Must register for all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: None
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Physical Science Fulfills graduation requirement for: Biology
Grade Level: 9 Grade Level: 10
Course Description: Physical Science explores the following Course Description: High Performance (HP) Biology is a
topics: Nature of Science: engineering, laboratory skills, and rigorous course that covers materials at a faster pace and in
scientific reasoning/method; Chemistry: matter and chemical greater detail than general biology. The experimentation occurs
reactions; and Physics: motion, force, and energy. in greater sophistication and professional detail. This course is
HP Physical Science 9 A, B, C designed to introduce students to the concepts of ecology, cells,
Course Number: 092241 + 092242 + 092243 DNA, genetics, evolution and systems of living organisms.
Must register for all 3 trimesters AP Biology A, B, C *
Prerequisite: None Course Number: 092371 + 092372 + 092373
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Physical Science Must register for all 3 trimesters
Grade Level: 9 Prerequisites: Biology A, B, C or teacher recommendation AND
Course Description: In this faster-paced course, you will study the completion of summer learning.
fundamentals of chemistry and physics with an emphasis on science
reasoning skills, It is taught through lecture, lab activities, Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students
independent research, group work, experimentation engineering/ academically talented and gifted in science.
project based learning, and problem solving. Fulfills graduation requirement for: Biology
Biology A, B, C
Course Description: The two main goals of AP Biology are to
Course Number: 093201 + 093202 + 093203 develop key concepts in contemporary biology through
experimentation, and the process of scientific understanding.
Must register for all 3 trimesters Primary emphasis is on the key biological concepts of evolution,
ecology, systems, and communication. You will prepare for the
Prerequisite: None AP exam.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Biology
Grade Level: 10
Course Description: Biology is the study of how organisms *weighted grade course (see pg. 5)
interrelate with each other and the environment. Topics include
ecology, cells, DNA, genetics, evolution, some human body
systems, and biodiversity. You will participate in lab-based activities.
SCIENCE continued
For HP and AP information, see chart on page 30
Chemistry A, B, C AP Chemistry A, B, C * (cont)
chemical bonds, chemical reactions, molecular shapes, and
Course Numbers: 094101 + 094102 + 094103
molarity. This course differs from prerequisite courses in both
Must register for all 3 trimesters mathematical formulation of principles/required calculations, and the
complexity of the lab work done by students. You will prepare for the
Prerequisites: Must take Geometry either before this course or in AP exam.
concurrence with this course
Grade Level: 11-12 Physics A, B, C
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Chemistry or Physics
Course Description: This course teaches the basics of Chemistry, Course Number: 095101 + 095102 + 095103
including the topics of atoms, periodic trends, chemical bonds, Must register for all 3 trimesters
chemical reactions, molecular shapes, and the mole. Math skills are Prerequisite: Successful completion of Geometry
used in problem solving.
Grade Level: 11-12
Chemistry in the Community A, B, C Fulfills graduation requirement for: Chemistry or Physics
Course Numbers: 095001 + 095002 + 095003 Course Description: Physics is the study of relationships between
energy and matter that occur in the physical world. It includes the
Must register for all 3 trimesters study of optics, mechanics and electricity through lecture,
Prerequisites: None demonstration, discussion, laboratory work, and problem solving. It
Grade Level: 11-12 will provide you with a broad overview of the topics that are
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Chemistry or Physics traditionally introduced in a first-year college physics course.
Course Description: This is a conceptual course with an emphasis HP Physics A, B, C
on applications to everyday situations or issues in society. Topics
include air, matter, energy, resources, and water; and course work Course Number: 095341 + 095342 + 095343
involves some technical reading and relies on basic math skills Must register for all 3 trimesters
while emphasizing concepts.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Geometry
HP Chemistry A, B, C Fulfills graduation requirement for: Chemistry or Physics
Course Numbers: 094441 + 094442 + 094443 Grade Level: 11-12
Must register for all 3 trimesters Course Description: HP Physics is the study of relationships
between energy and matter that occur in the physical world at an
Prerequisites: Must take Algebra 2 either before this course or in accelerated pace and with greater depth than Physics. It includes
the study of optics, mechanics and electricity. Emphasis is placed on
concurrence with this course accelerated pacing, in-depth coverage, interdisciplinary study,
progressional thinking skills, and producing detailed products to
Grade Level: 11-12
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Chemistry or Physics communicate findings.
Course Description: High Performance (HP) Chemistry is an in-
depth, accelerated course whose topics include atoms, periodic
trends, chemical bonds, and chemical reactions. Laboratory work is AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based A, B, C *
emphasized and requires the application of reading, math, and
writing skills. Course Numbers: 095471 + 095472 + 095473
Must register for all 3 trimesters
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Geometry
AP Chemistry A, B, C * Grade Level: 10-12
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Chemistry or Physics
Course Numbers: 094671 + 094672 + 094673
Must register for all 3 trimesters Course Description: This course is an algebra-based, introductory
college-level physics course offered with high school level support.
Prerequisites: Student must complete Chemistry A, B, and C OR You will cultivate your understanding of physics through inquiry-
completion of summer preparatory work. Completion of Algebra based investigations by exploring kinematics, dynamics, circular
2. motion and gravitation, energy, momentum, simple harmonic
motion, torque and rotational motion, electric charge and electric
Grade Level: 9-12
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Chemistry or Physics force, DC circuits and mechanical waves and sound. You will
Course Description: This course is equivalent to an introductory prepare for the AP exam.
college chemistry course but offered with high school level supports.
It is a second year Chemistry course; students taking is as a first
year Chemistry course are assigned required summer learning. *weighted grade course (see pg. 5)
Concepts covered include atoms, periodic principles and trends,
SCIENCE (continued)
AP Physics C: Mechanics A, B, C * Human Anatomy & Physiology: Support & Locomotion
Course Numbers: 095871 + 095872+ 095873 Course Number: 097000
Must register for all 3 trimesters Note: This course includes the dissection of fetal pigs
Prerequisites: Must have completed Calculus Prerequisites: Biology
Grade Level: 9-12
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Chemistry or Physics Grade Level: 11-12
Course Description: This course is equivalent to a one-semester, Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective
calculus based, college-level physics course, but with high school
level support. It is appropriate for students planning to specialize or Course Description: This course provides an introduction for
major in physical science or engineering. You will explore students interested in careers in the fields of medicine, nursing,
kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, work, energy, and power, dentistry, physical therapy, sports medicine, and related fields.
systems of particles and linear momentum, circular motion and You will gain a deep understanding of human anatomy (the
rotation and oscillations and gravitation. Introductory differential and parts), and physiology (how it works) while preparing you for a
integral calculus is used throughout the course. You will prepare for college anatomy class.
the AP exam.
SCIENCE ELECTIVES Human Anatomy & Physiology: Transport &
Animal Behavior Course Number: 097100
Course Number: 096100 Prerequisites: Biology
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: None
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Course Description: This course provides an introduction for
Grade Level: 9-12 students interested in careers in the fields of medicine, nursing,
Course Description: Animal Behavior is the study of animals dentistry, physical therapy, sports medicine, and related fields.
using observation, labs and comparative analysis. You will work You will be involved in extensive memorization and dissections to
prepare you for a college anatomy class, and you will gain a
directly with living animals to reinforce concepts of behavior. deep understanding of human anatomy and physiology. Topics
Astronomy covered include: integementary system, nervous system,
Course Number: 096600 endocrine system, and urinary system.
Prerequisite: None
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Marine/Freshwater Biology
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Number: 096500
Course Description: Astronomy teaches about the night sky and Prerequisite: None
the cosmos. You will explore stars, constellations, planets, the
solar system, and galaxies. Other topics include the possibility of Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective (does NOT fulfill
alien life in the universe, communication with other life forms, and Biology requirement for graduation)
the origin and evolution of the universe. Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: This one-trimester course will focus on the
ecology, chemistry, and diversity of marine and freshwater
Environmental Studies aquatic systems. You will learn about marine/freshwater biology
Course Number: 096700 and the impacts that humans have had on this vast ecosystem
Prerequisites: None through dissections, class discussions, lectures, and projects.
Grade Level: 9-12
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective
Course Description: This course explores the impact of human
activity on the environment. Topics covered include energy use,
population, recycling, and waste. You will examine environmental
issues and will gain information that will help you make personal
decisions regarding your role in the natural world.
Is High Performance or Advanced Placement right for you? See chart below and talk to your current Social Studies teacher.
Program Explanation Advantages Considerations
College-level curriculum May receive college credit Must take the AP exam to receive
Advanced Recognized nationally potential college credit
Placement Rigorous Develop higher level thinking skills Students must have above average
Available to all grade Additional honor points earned with a ability in reading, writing and math
HP C or above, for weighted GPA
High levels Expect considerable homework in most
Performance Students self-select classes
This level of coursework is expected
from highly selective colleges
Accelerated curriculum More challenge than regular-level No college credit
course Expect more homework in most classes
Rigorous Develop higher level thinking skills This level of coursework is expected
from highly selective colleges
Available to all grade Prepares students for college-level
levels curriculum
Human Geography 9 A, B AP Human Geography Flex A, B, C *
Course Number: 072401 + 072402 Course Number: 072571,+ 072572 + 072573
2 trimester course; must register for both trimesters Must register for all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: None Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students
academically talented and gifted in social studies
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Human Geography
Note: Flex courses are offered outside of the normal parameters
Grade Level: 9 of a school schedule. Some days during the week, the student will
learn online instead of physically attending class.
Course Description: In this required course, you will study
humans and how they interact with their surroundings. Through Prerequisite: None
discussion and geographic analysis you will develop various
perspectives with which to view the world and understand Fulfills graduation requirement for: Human Geography
current events. Topics of study will include agriculture, climate
change, migration, urbanization, and culture. Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: See AP Human Geography
AP Human Geography A, B, C * Integrated English 9 * and Human Geography ALP 9
Course Number: 072471 + 072472 + 072473 Course Numbers: 0321551 + 032552 + 032553
Must register for all 3 trimesters Prerequisites: Subject to application and approval
Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: English 9; Human
academically talented and gifted in social studies Geography 9
Prerequisite: None Grade Level: 9
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Human Geography Course Description: ALP 9 (Autonomous Learner Program) is a
challenging class that combines the 9th grade English and
Grade Level: 9-12 Social Studies requirements into a single class. Expect
homework most school nights. Upon completion of the course,
Course Description: This college-level course will introduce you will receive 5 credits (3 English credits and 2 Human
you to the systematic study of Human Geography. Topics of Geography credits).
study include population, movement, culture, language,
religion, industrialization, and land use. You will learn and This course will be found under the English department on the
employ the methods of geographers and will develop a course card
geographic perspective with which you view the landscape and
understand current events.
*weighted grade course (see pg. 5)
U.S. History 10 A, B, C World History A, B, C
Course Number: 073101 + 073102 + 073103 Course Number: 073401 + 073402 + 073403
Must register for all 3 trimesters Must take all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: Human Geography A, B and U. S. History A, B, C
Fulfills graduation requirement for: U.S. History 10 Students should pass this course in sequential order.
Grade Level: 10-12 Fulfills graduation requirement for: World History
Course Description: In this course, you will analyze U.S. Grade Level: 11-12
History from pre-colonization to the present. The focus will be Course Description: The eight themes of world history will be
on social, political, cultural, and economic history of the U.S. used to explore the historical and geographic impacts on the
during this time period in order to better understand how the world cultures and civilizations from ancient and modern times.
past shapes the present and influences the future. You will study various regions of the world and a diverse array of
human events to better understand how the modern world has
AP U.S. History A, B, C * been shaped.
Course Number: 073271 + 073272 + 073273
Must register for all 3 trimesters AP World History A, B, C *
Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students Course Number: 073471 + 073472 + 073473
academically talented and gifted in social studies. Must take all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: None Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students
academically talented and gifted in social studies
Fulfills graduation requirement for: U.S. History 10
Prerequisite: None
Grade Level: 10-12
Fulfills graduation requirement for: World History
Course Description: This is a college-level course that covers
U.S. History from European colonization to the present. It is Grade Level: 11-12
designed to provide you with the analytic skills and factual
knowledge necessary for dealing critically with the problems Course Description: In this college-level course, you will
and materials in U.S. history. You will learn to assess historical examine World History from 8,000 BCE to the present through the
materials for relevance, evidence, and interpretations presented lenses of geography, culture, politics, economics, and society.
in historical scholarship. Thematic learning objectives include:
American and National Identity, Politics and Power, Work, Integrated English 11* and World History ALP 11 or
Exchange and Technology, Culture and Society, Migration and Course Numbers: 033551 + 033552 + 033553
Settlement, Geography and the Environment, and America in (Register under English/Language Arts)
the World.
Prerequisites: Subject to application and approval
continuation after successful completion of ALP 10
Integrated English 10 * and U.S. History ALP 10 Grade Level: 11
Course Numbers: 033151 + 033152 + 033153
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: English 11 + World
Prerequisites: Subject to application and approval History
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: English 10; U.S. History Course Description: ALP 11 (Autonomous Learner Program)
10 is a challenging class that combines the 11th grade English and
Social Studies requirements into a single class. Expect homework
Grade Level: 10 most school nights.
Course Description: ALP 10 (Autonomous Learner Program) is
a challenging class that combines the 10th grade English and Upon completion of the course, you will receive six credits (3 in
Social Studies requirements into a single class. Expect English, and 3 in World History).
homework most school nights. Upon completion of the course, This course will be found under the English department on the
you will receive 6 credits (3 English credits and 3 U. S. History course card.
This course will be found under the English department on the *weighted grade course (see pg. 5)
course card
REQUIRED FOR 12TH GRADE - Must choose one Economics AND one Government & Citizenship
Economics AP Microeconomics Flex *
Course Number : 074770
Course Number: 073800 Note: Flex courses are offered outside of the normal parameters of
Prerequisite: None a school schedule. Some days during the week, the student will
learn online instead of physically attending class.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Economics Prerequisite: Required 9th, 10th and 11th grade Social Studies
Grade Level: 12
Course Description: In this course, you will explore knowledge of Fulfills graduation requirement for: Economics
economic fundamentals, microeconomics, macroeconomics, and Grade Level: 12
personal finance. You will be encouraged to utilize problem solving Course Description: See AP Microeconomics.
and high level thinking while analyzing economic issues.
Government and Citizenship
Economics Flex Course Number: 073900
Course Number: 074800
Prerequisite: None
Note: Flex courses are offered outside of the normal parameters of
a school schedule. Some days during the week, the student will Fulfills graduation requirement for: Government & Citizenship
Grade Level: 12
learn online instead of physically attending class. Course Description: In this course you will study the roles of the
Prerequisite: Required 9th, 10th and 11th grade Social Studies different branches of government at the national, state, and local
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Economics
Grade Level: 12 levels, as well as the foundations of American government. You will
examine the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democracy,
Course Description: See Economics. and apply the fundamental principles of U.S. government to analyze
AP Macroeconomics * elections and public policy.
Course Number: 074070 AP U.S. Government & Politics A, B *
Course Number: 074271 + 074272
Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students
academically talented and gifted in social studies 2 trimester course, must register for both trimesters.
Prerequisites: None Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students
Grade Level: 12 academically talented and gifted in social studies
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Economics
Course Description: In this college-level course, you will explore Prerequisites: None
monetary and fiscal policies as well as International Economics, and Grade Level: 12
examine the determination of economics aggregates, such as total Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Government & Citizenship
output, total employment, and the price level.
Course Description: In this course, you will develop an analytical
perspective on government and politics in the United States. Topics
AP Macroeconomics Flex * to be covered are as follows: Constitutional Underpinnings of the
Course Number : 074670 United States Government, Political Beliefs and Behaviors, Political
Parties, Interest Groups and Mass Media, Institutions of National
Note: Flex courses are offered outside of the normal parameters of
a school schedule. Some days during the week, the student will Government, Public Policy, and Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
learn online instead of physically attending class.
Prerequisite: Required 9th, 10th and 11th grade Social Studies Integrated English 12* and Government & Citizenship/
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Economics Economics ALP 12
Grade Level: 12
Course Description: See AP Macroeconomics. Course Numbers: 034251 + 034252 + 034253
AP Microeconomics * Prerequisites: Subject to application and approval or continuation
Course Number: 074170 after successful completion of ALP 11
Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students Grade Level: 12
academically talented and gifted in social studies
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: English 12, Government &
Prerequisites: None Citizenship and Economics
Grade Level: 12 Course Description: ALP 12 (Autonomous Learner Program) is a
challenging class that combines the 12th grade English and Social
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Economics
Studies requirements into a single class.
Course Description: In this college-level course, you will develop a
thorough understanding of the principles of economics, learning Upon completion of the course, you will receive five credits (3
basic economic concepts, the nature and functions of product English and 1 each for Economics and Government).
markets, factor markets, market failure and the role of the This course will be found under the English department on the
Government. course card.
American Popular Culture immigration. You will learn about the context that helps us understand
Course Numbers: 076300 current issues related to immigration and refugees. This course will use
tools from history and sociology to explore national, historical and local
Prerequisites: None
case studies.
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective Psychology
Course Number: 076900
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: You will explore the impact of mass media on
American Popular Culture, and how its evolution reflects the norms and Prerequisite: None
values of the time. Topics explored include: people and personalities, Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
entertainment, music, sports, movies, changing lifestyles, and the arts. Grade Level: 9-12
Comparative Religions Course Description: In this course you will be introduced to the
Course Number: 076800
scientific study of behavior and the mental processes. You will explore
Prerequisite: None and analyze human behavior by studying methodology, motivation and
emotions, sleep and dreams, personality, and abnormal psychology.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective AP Psychology A, B *
Course Number: 077571 + 077572
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: In this course you will be introduced to the 2 trimester course, must register for both trimesters.
academic and comparative study of the world’s religious traditions. You
will examine the history, diversity, functions and impact of religion. This Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students
course will not promote beliefs.
academically talented and gifted.
Constitutional Law Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 076600 Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Prerequisites: None Grade Level: 9-12
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Description: This college-level course is a comprehensive
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective
introduction to the science of psychology. You will study all of the major
subfields of psychology including neuroscience and the brain, sensation
Course Description: In this course you will learn how the U.S. and perception, motivation and emotion, sleep and consciousness,
Constitution was established, and the purpose for the structure, rights, cognition and intelligence, and abnormal and social psychology.
responsibilities, and powers within. You will also learn about judicial Race and Culture
interpretation, the structure of the courts, and the U.S. Supreme Court
by analyzing the Constitution and applying your learning to court cases, Course Number: 004100
discover the importance of precedence, and the ideological impact of Prerequisite: None
the country’s highest court.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Crime and Justice Grade Level: 9-12
Course Number: 077200 Course Description: This course will develop your critical thinking
Prerequisite: None and analytical skills to understand and evaluate the construction of race
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective in the United State. You will explore subjugated knowledges by
amplifying multidimensional resilience in the presence of racism. Topics
Grade Level: 9-12 covered will include: identifying and investigating personal racial
Course Description: This course will introduce you to the study of identities, introduction to race and culture; Race, Privilege and Power;
Critical Race Theory; and Historical Anthropology.
the American criminal justice system and examine constitutional rights
and responsibilities within the system by looking at law enforcement, the Sociology 077100
court system, and prison life. Course Number:
People on the Move: Immigration and Identity in the Prerequisite: None
United States Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Course Number: 077600 Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: None Course Description: Sociology is the study of society/group structure
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective and how it impacts human behavior. You will utilize tools and methods
Grade Level: 9-12 of scientific study to understand the relationship of group dynamics on
human behavior. Basic sociological principles will be applied to an
Course Description: In this course, you will explore immigration in analysis of social structure.
the United States — both immigration history and contemporary
Project Lead The Way is a program that offers a sequence of
courses, which when combined with higher level math and
science skill acquisition, introduces students to the scope, rigor,
and discipline of engineering technology prior to entering college.
By engaging in hands-on, real-world projects, students
understand how the skills they are learning in the classroom can
be applied in everyday life. The sequence and
comprehensiveness of curriculum makes science, technology and engineering and math (STEM) relevant for students as
they solve problems, participate as part of a team, lead teams, conduct research, analyze data, understand real-world
impacts, speak to a public audience, and learn outside of the classroom. PLTW courses will allow students to explore their
interest in engineering as a career. A college credit examination will earn the student college credit. It is recommended that
the student take two PLTW courses prior to taking the exam.
Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW) A, B, C Civil Engineering and Architecture (PLTW) A, B, C
Course Number: 013401 + 013402 + 013403 Course Number: 014601 + 014602 + 014603
Must register for all 3 trimesters Must register for all 3 trimesters
Students have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits from participating Students have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits from participating
colleges for this course. See page 47 for more information, or see the colleges for this course. See page 47 for more information, or see the
instructor. instructor.
Prerequisite: Recommended concurrent enrollment or successful Prerequisite: Recommended concurrent enrollment or successful
completion of Algebra 1 (Non Linear Algebra). completion of Algebra 1 (Non Linear Algebra).
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective, Fine Arts Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: You will learn the basic concepts of design and Course Description: You will learn about various aspects of civil
sketching. We will use Autodesk Inventor to create 3 dimensional engineering and architecture and apply your knowledge to the virtual
objects that you can print on our 3-D printer. There are many projects design and development of properties and structures using 3D design
and hands-on activities that you will be doing the entire year. software. There are many projects and hands-on activities that you will
be doing the entire year.
Principles of Engineering (PLTW) A, B, C Computer Science Principles (PLTW) A, B, C
Course Number: 013201 + 013202 + 013203
Must register for all 3 trimesters Course Number: 014701 + 014702 + 014703
Students have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits from participating Must register for all 3 trimesters
colleges for this course. See page 47 for more information, or see the Students have the opportunity to earn 3 college credits from participating
instructor. colleges for this course. See page 47 for more information, or see the
Prerequisite: Recommended successful completion of Algebra 1 instructor.
(Non Linear Algebra). Prerequisite: Recommended concurrent enrollment or successful
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective completion of Algebra 1 (Non Linear Algebra).
Grade Level: 9-12 Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Course Description: You will be learning advanced concepts and Grade Level: 9-12
strategies used in engineering-based jobs. Mechanical advantages, Course Description: This course dives into computer related problem
programming, robotics, structural analysis are just a few units that we -solving through projects requiring planning, documentation,
cover. There are many projects and hands-on activities that you will be programming and communication skills. Course projects include: a focus
doing the entire year.
on agile design through scripting of Scratch animations and blocking of
Android applications. Creating and modifying Python® code.
Simulations using big data and projecting results. HTML and CSS
website design.
Computer Gaming & 3-D Modeling Specialty Tech Lab Computer Gaming
May sign up for one, two, or all - in sequential order. Course Numbers: 015101, 015102, 015103
Prerequisite: Must take A before B. Must take B before C Prerequisites: Computer Gaming & 3-D Modeling A & B, C AND
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective and Fine Arts instructor approval.
Grade Level: 9-12 Note: May register for one or more trimesters. Lab may be
Course Description: In this media-rich course sequence, students repeated with higher level objectives written for each specialty
interest. Indicate trimester preference by course number. May not
will gain insight into the gaming industry and how it has become the be offered all trimesters. Registration preference given to 12th
interest of many, many people. Students will be provided opportunities
practice all levels of computer game development and 3D modeling to grade first, then 11th, then 10th, then 9th.
invent. Students will integrate the components of media arts while Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective and Fine Arts
learning/acquiring industry level skills and techniques such as Grade Level: 9-12
unwrapping, texturing, rigging and animating characters and 3D models.
After creating a storyboard, students will use the technical tools to bring Course Description: This course is designed for the student who
their ideas to life. We will learn to manipulate the vertices to make our would like to further develop his or her skills in a given technology
creations run, work, fly, morph and transform. Students will explore course. The student and the instructor will develop a contract which will
careers and post secondary institutions that offer degrees in computer outline in detail the objectives for the term. The student will be expected
game development and digital animation.
to work independently, using the instructor as a guide.
Computer Gaming & 3-D Modeling A
Course Number: 012501
Digital Photography
Computer Gaming & 3-D Modeling B Course Number: 012900
Course Number: 012502
Prerequisites: None
Computer Gaming & 3-D Modeling C
Course Number: 012503 Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective and Fine Arts
Computer Gaming & 3-D Modeling Flex Grade Level: 9-12
May sign up for one, two, or all - in sequential order.
Course Description: This course is an introduction to the
Prerequisite: Must take A before B. Must take B before C
fundamentals of photography for using the camera as a creative tool.
You will explore lighting, color, composition, movement, and digital
manipulation. You will also explore the magic of capturing light and how
to communicate your ideas relating to your photographs with
consideration to audience.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective and Fine Arts Digital Photography Flex
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Number: 014900
Note: Flex courses are offered outside of the normal parameters of Prerequisites: None
a school schedule. Some days during the week, the student will Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective and Fine Arts
learn online instead of physically attending class. Grade Level: 9-12
Computer Gaming & 3-D Modeling A Flex A Course Description: Same as Digital Photography, with the
Course Number : 012701 addition of the Flex parameters.
Computer Gaming & 3-D Modeling B Flex B Note: Flex courses are offered outside of the normal parameters of
Course Number: 012702 a school schedule. Some days during the week, the student will
learn online instead of physically attending class.
Computer Gaming & 3-D Modeling C Flex C
Course Number: 012703 Photography B: Digital Photography
Course Number: 046402
Course Description: See Computer Gaming & 3-D Modeling Photography C: Combining New Media
Course Number: 046403
Photography: Studio
Course Numbers: 046501, 046502, 046503
See Visual Art department section of this handbook.
Introduction to Computer-Aided Drafting Specialty Tech Lab Small Engine Technician
Course Number: 012600 Course Numbers: 016101, 016102, 016103
Prerequisites: None Prerequisites: Small Engine Technician and instructor approval.
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective and Fine Arts Note: May register for one or more trimesters. Lab may be
repeated with higher level objectives written for each specialty
Grade Level: 9-12 interest. Indicate trimester preference by course number. May
not be offered all trimesters. Registration preference given to
Course Description: This course is designed to give students a
fundamental knowledge of how to describe the shape and size of
an object or structure to accepted international standards. 12th grade first, then 11th, then 10th, then 9th.
Students will be introduced to basic concepts in 2D and 3D solid Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective
models, as well as dimensioning techniques and multi-view
drawing. All coursework will be completed through the use of Grade Level: 9-12
CAD software in the CAD lab. Course Description: This course is designed for the student who
would like to further develop his or her skills in a given technology
course. The student and the instructor will develop a contract
Minnesota Outdoor Connection A, B, C which will outline in detail the objectives for the term. The student
Course Numbers: 014101 + 014102 + 014103 will be expected to work independently, using the instructor as a
Must take all 3 trimesters guide.
Prerequisites: None Wood Technology
Course Number: 013700
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 9-12
Note: This is a full year course developed by the Phy. Ed. Prerequisites: None
department and Technology Ed department. It can be repeated Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective, Fine Arts
for credit. Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: Students will be introduced to the Course Description: This course is designed for students to
Minnesota Outdoors and all it offers. Integrated themes create, design, and plan a project to build during the trimester.
surrounding the ideas of activity, habitat, survival and water use Students learn machine operation and shop safety, as well as
would be incorporated in a hands-on, bodies-on curriculum. The
course will focus on physical activity (Physical Education), basic construction techniques.
environmental studies (Ecology), experimentation and design/
production and maintenance of outdoor equipment which relates Specialty Tech Lab Wood Technology
to using and understanding the outdoors. Skills development Course Numbers: 017101, 017102, 017103
should lead to the potential for a whole class participation in an
overnight outdoor culminating activity which demonstrates Prerequisites: Wood Technology and instructor approval.
success in each area of study. Students are required to change Note: May register for one or more trimesters. Lab may be
repeated with higher level objectives written for each specialty
into clothing for active participation, including winter activities. interest. Indicate trimester preference by course number. May
Small Engine Technician not be offered all trimesters. Registration preference given to
Course Number: 013900 12th grade first, then 11th, then 10th, then 9th.
Prerequisites: None Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Elective Grade Level: 9-12
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Description: This course is designed for the student who
would like to further develop his or her skills in a given technology
Course Description: Students will be given the opportunity to course. The student and the instructor will develop a contract
learn the operating principles of 2 and 4 cycle small gas engines. which will outline in detail the objectives for the term. The student
The hands-on coursework will include steps to complete what is will be expected to work independently, using the instructor as a
commonly known as “overhauling an engine.”
Ceramics Computer Art
May sign up for one, two, or all - in sequential order. May sign up for one or two - in sequential order.
Prerequisite: Must take A before B, and B before C Prerequisite: Must take A before B.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Ceramics A Course Number: 043100 Computer Art A:
Course Description: You will learn techniques of hand-built and Course Number 045100
wheel-thrown clay. You will solve problems in the design, Course Description: This course offers an introduction to digital
construction, and aesthetics of clay forms. editing. You will learn basic to intermediate digital imaging
Ceramics B Course Number: 043200 software, working both independently and collaboratively.
Note: Students may be required to purchase some of the Computer Art B:
Course Number: 045200
supplies needed for this course. Course Description: In this course you will learn intermediate to
advanced digital imaging software, working both independently
Course Description: You will expand your skills by and collaboratively.
constructing more complex clay forms such as plates and
covered forms, and working in a series. Computer Art: Studio
Course Number: 045401, 045402, 045403
Ceramics C Course Number: 043300
Note: Students may be required to purchase some of the Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify
supplies needed for this course. trimester by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Course Description: You will choose your area to advance your Prerequisite: Computer Art A & B, OR permission of instructor
skills in wheel throwing, hand building and finishing techniques. at registration.
The plan of study will be student-directed and teacher-guided.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
Ceramics: Studio Grade Level: 9-12
Course Number: 043401, 043402, 043403 Course Description: In this course you will build upon
Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify techniques and concepts gained in Computer Art A & B using
trimester by course number. May not be offered all trimesters. advanced digital imaging to prepare you to be field-ready.
Note: Students may be required to purchase some of the
supplies needed for this course. Design: Graphics, Comics and Street Art
Prerequisite: Ceramics A, B and C, OR permission of instructor Course Number: 044900
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts Prerequisite: Drawing A
Grade Level: 9-12 Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
Course Description: You will work independently and more in- Grade Level: 9-12
depth on Ceramics. You will direct your program of study, guided
by the art instructor. You will display your work and maintain a Course Description: Relying on a resourceful mix of drawing
process/product portfolio. skills, computer illustration techniques, and a firm understanding
of the elements of art and design principles, you will create a
variety of 2- and 3-dimensional art works. You will be responsible
Comic and Manga Art for developing problem solving strategies and skillfully
Course Number: 046700 communicating your processes and intentions. Art problems may
include: product advertising design, comic character
Prerequisite: None
development, and an original graffiti piece.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: This course is for students interested in
Japanese Manga style art and/or comic illustrations. You will be
introduced to drawing figures, movement, facial expressions,
and color techniques using a variety of art media including ink,
marker, airbrush, and Adobe Photoshop for digital editing.
VISUAL ART continued
Drawing Jewelry/Art Metal B: Course Number: 044000
May sign up for one, two, or all - in sequential order.
Note: Students may be required to purchase some of the supplies
Prerequisite: Must take A before B. Must take B before C needed for this course.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts Course Description: You will expand your knowledge of the
Grade Level: 9-12 fabrication techniques used in Jewelry/Metal Arts A and learn metal
Drawing A Course Number: 043500 casting methods. Emphasis will be on the sculptural and textural
qualities of metal, creative solutions, and quality craftsmanship.
Course Description: In this course, you will focus on developing Jewelry/Art Metal: Studio
creative and technical skills with emphasis on the elements of art, Course Number: 044201, 044202, 044203
principles of design, and the development of observational
drawing. You will also develop a process portfolio of your artwork Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester by
course number. May not be offered all trimesters. Students may
Drawing B: Course Number: 043600 be required to purchase some of the supplies needed for this
Course Description: In this course, you will expand your course.
drawing skills with an emphasis on the creative possibilities of Prerequisite: Jewelry/Art Metal A and B or permission of instructor
media. Creativity and refined quality in finished drawings will be
expected. A variety of approaches will be discussed and applied Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
in drawing problems incorporating portraiture and human figure. Grade Level: 9-12
You will also develop a process portfolio of your artwork. Course Description: This course is for those who can work
independently; and with guidance from the instructor, you will be
Drawing C: Course Number: 043700 responsible for setting creative goals, maintaining a process/product
Course Description: You will focus on the exploration and portfolio and displaying your work.
development of a personal style of drawing. An in-depth study of
media and subject matter will allow students to work Painting
independently and/or collaboratively with others. Successful
completion at this level will allow you to pursue drawing May sign up for one, two, or all - in sequential order. of the
independently at the studio level. You will maintain a process/
Note: Students may be required to purchase some
product portfolio. supplies needed for these courses.
Drawing: Studio Prerequisite: Must take A before B. Must take B before C
Course Number: 043801, 043802, 043803
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester Grade Level: 9-12
by course number. May not be offered all trimesters. Painting A Course Number: 044300
Prerequisite: Drawing A, B and C or permission of instructor Course Description: You will use a variety of painting
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts methods and media (tempera, watercolor, acrylic and/or oil) to
apply the elements of art and principles of design in your artwork.
Grade Level: 10-12
You will learn to gain insight and experience with the unique
Course Description: Opportunities for individual, partner and qualities and technical skills involved with each paint media.
small group projects will be available and you will be responsible Painting B: Course Number: 044400
for displaying your artwork. A strong interest and high level of self
-discipline is essential for those wishing to take this course. As Course Description: You will expand upon Painting A
you will be personally responsible for setting goals, gaining skills techniques to further develop your painting skills. Emphasis will
and self-assessing. You will also display your artwork. be on developing individual voice, continuing growth in aesthetic
appreciation, and critiquing skills. You will show your growth
Jewelry/Art Metals through a process portfolio.
May sign up for one or two - in sequential order. Painting C: Course Number: 044500
Prerequisite: Must take A before B. Course Description: You will focus on development and
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts presentation of a personal painting style. An in-depth study of
Grade Level: 9-12 one or more media and subject matter will be student-directed
Jewelry/Art Metal A Course Number: 043900 and teacher-guided and will allow you to work independently and/
or collaboratively with others. Self-expression, problem posing/
Course Description: Craftsmanship, creativity, application of art solving, and critiquing will be encouraged. You will display your
technique and knowledge of design will be encouraged in the artwork and maintain a process/product. portfolio. Successful
construction of objects such as rings, bracelets, pendants, or other completion at this level will allow you to pursue painting problems
metal objects. Also explored is material surface alteration.
independently at the studio level.
VISUAL ART continued
Painting: Studio Digital Photography Flex
Course Numbers: 044601, 044602, 044603 Course Number: 014900
Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester Note: Flex courses are offered outside of the normal parameters of
a school schedule. Some days during the week, the student will
by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Prerequisites: Painting A, B and C, or permission of instructor learn online instead of physically attending class.
Course Description: Same as Digital Photography, with the
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Arts addition of the Flex parameters. You may take one or the
Grade Level: 9-12 other, not both.
Course Description: This course is for students who want to See Technology Education department section of this
work independently and more in-depth. It requires a strong handbook.
interest and high level of self-discipline, as you will be personally
responsible for setting goals, problem posing and solving, gaining Photography: Studio
skills, and self assessing. You will direct your program of study, Course Numbers: 046501, 046502, 046503
guided by the art instructor and will be responsible for displaying
Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester
your artwork and maintaining a process/product portfolio.
by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Photography Prerequisites: Digital Photography, Photography B and
May sign up for one, two, or all in sequential order Photography C.
Digital Photography Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Arts
Course Number: 012900 Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: Same as Digital Photography Flex. You Course Description: In this course you will build upon
techniques and concepts gained in Digital Photography and
may take one of the other, not both. Photography B and C. You will use advanced photographic
processes and techniques to prepare you to be field-ready.
See Technology Education department section of this
Photography B: Digital Photography Sculpture
Course Number: 044700
Course Number: 046402 Prerequisite: None
Prerequisites: Digital Photography Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Fine Arts Grade Offered: 9-12
Grade Level: 9-12 This course will continue to develop your Course Description: In this course, you will explore
Course Description: contemporary and traditional sculptural approaches using a
variety of materials and techniques. Craftsmanship, developing
ability to manipulate and refine digital photographs using various original ideas and understanding the historical significance of
compositional and thematic techniques. You will be introduced to sculpture will be emphasized. You will be expected to creatively
a more in-depth experience in the form of various photographic solve sculpture problems and maintain a process/product
printing techniques while also exploring the mechanics and portfolio.
functionality of the camera.
Sculpture: Studio
Photography C: Combining New Media Course Numbers: 044801, 044802
Course Number: 046403 Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester
Prerequisites: Photography B by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Fine Arts Prerequisites: Sculpture and/or permission of instructor
Grade Level: 9-12 Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Arts
Course Description: You will begin applying advanced Grade Level: 9-12
photographic techniques to your work by applying prior
knowledge from Photography A and B to continuously develop Course Description: This course is for those wanting to work
your creative voice while exploring interests based on your independently and more in-depth in Sculpture. You will direct
personal experience. your program of study, guided by the instructor, and will be
responsible for displaying your artwork and maintaining a
process/product portfolio.
VISUAL ART continued
AP Studio Art: 2-Dimensional A, B, C * AP Studio Art: Drawing *
Course Number: 045071 + 045072, 045073 Course Number: 043871 + 043872, 043873
Note: Must register for at least 2 trimesters; specify trimester by Note: Must register for at least 2 trimesters; specify trimester by
course number. Advanced Placement Course, designed for course number. Advanced Placement Course, designed for
students talented and gifted in painting or photography. students talented and gifted in drawing.
Prerequisite: Digital Photography and Photography B, Painting A Prerequisite: Although there is no prerequisite for AP Studio Art,
prior experiences in studio art courses that address conceptual,
and B, or Drawing A & B technical, and critical thinking skills can support student success
in the AP Studio Art Program.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
Grade Level: 10-12 Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
Grade Level: 11-12
Course Description: This course is designed for students who
are interested in creating an AP Portfolio in 2-Dimensional
Design. This course requires the student to produce a minimum Course Description: This course is designed for students who
of 24 works of art that reflect issues related to 2-D design. These are interested in creating an AP Portfolio in Drawing. The AP
works may include traditional as well as experimental approaches Drawing Portfolio requires the student to produce a minimum of
to 2-D design. Drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, and 24 works of art that reflect issues related to drawing and mark
collage are all appropriate means for expressing design making. This course augments our curriculum by allowing an
principles. This course augments our curriculum by allowing an advanced level of exploration. AP Studio Drawing is for students
advanced level of exploration. AP Studio art is for students who who want to work independently and more in-depth in the field of
want to work independently and more in-depth. A strong interest drawing and drafting. A strong interest and high level of self-
and high level of self-discipline are essential as students will be discipline are essential as students will be personally responsible
personally responsible for setting goals, problem-posing and for setting goals, problem-posing and solving, gaining skills and
solving, gaining skills and self-assessing. Opportunities for self-assessing. Opportunities for individual, partner, and small
individual, partner, and small group projects will be available. group projects will be available. Students will be responsible for
Students will be responsible for keeping a sketchbook, displaying keeping a sketchbook, displaying their artwork and maintaining a
process/product portfolio.
their artwork and maintaining a process/product portfolio.
It is recommended that students taking this course
participate in the AP exam, which consists of a drawing
AP Studio Art: 3-Dimensional A, B, C * portfolio. A qualifying exam, as determined by individual
Course Number: 046671, 046672, 046673 colleges and universities, may allow the student to test out of
some college courses or to receive college course credits.
Note: Must register for at least 2 trimesters; specify trimester by
course number. Advanced Placement Course, designed for
students talented and gifted in painting or photography. *weighted grade course (see pg. 5)
Prerequisite: Ceramics, Jewelry or Sculpture A and B, or
instructor approval.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
Grade Level: 10-12
Course Description: In this course students will pursue the
investigation of the three-dimensional form in ceramics, jewelry
and sculpture. There is no desired or dictated method of
approaching the three dimensional form. It is important that
students learn to express themselves in their own personal style.
Students learn that art making is an ongoing process in which
they create, review, make modifications, and explore variations as
they make critical decisions and develop their art forms.
Homework assignments, journals, and work outside of school day
will take place through the year. Ongoing group critiques with
peers and the teacher, as well as ongoing individual conferences
with the teacher, will take place throughout the course and form
part of the assessment of the course. Other assessments will be
formative and summative as requirements are completed.
FRENCH Grade Level: 9-12
French 1 A, B, C Course Description: You will continue to increase language
Course Number: 133101 + 133102 + 133103 proficiency by taking a virtual tour of the Francophone world.
Explore the people, language, and culture of French speaking
Must register for all 3 trimesters people all over the world. This will be accomplished through
Prerequisite: None reading, writing, speaking and listening activities, projects and
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective assessments.
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: In this course you will explore the French French 5 A, B, C
language as you learn about French-speaking places and cultures. Course Number: 133501 + 133502 + 133503
By the end of the course, you will be able to communicate basic
needs, ask questions, and comprehend familiar words and Must register for all 3 trimesters
phrases. This will be accomplished through reading, writing,
speaking and listening activities, projects and assessments. Prerequisite: Successful completion of French 4 or teacher
French 2 A, B, C
Course Number: 133201 + 133202 + 133203 Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Must register for all 3 trimesters Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French 1 or teacher
recommendation. Course Description: This advanced course will allow students to
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective develop the skills they have already mastered. Students will
Grade Level : 9-12 progress to a high level of proficiency with emphasis being on
Course Description: Through reading, writing, speaking and interpersonal and presentational communication in the target
listening activities, projects and assessments, you will build on language. This course will help students to begin preparing for the
what you learned in level 1 as you work towards proficiency AP level.
through the exploration of various topics, past events, and real life
situations. SPANISH
French 3 A, B, C Spanish 1 A, B, C
Course Number: 133301 + 133302 + 133303 Course Number: 134201 + 134202 + 134203
Must register for all 3 trimesters Must register for all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French 2 or teacher
permission Prerequisite: None
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 9-12 Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Course Description: You will build on the skills learned in levels 1
and 2 and continue working towards proficiency by describing your Grade Level: 9-12
future intentions, saying what you would do in certain situations,
and discussing global challenges. This will be accomplished Course Description: This introductory course is designed to help
through reading, writing, speaking and listening activities, projects you learn to communicate in Spanish and become familiar with
and assessments. Spanish-speaking cultures. The main linguistic goal will be to
achieve some degree of comfort with spoken Spanish. The program
French 4 A, B, C of study also includes an initial familiarization with written materials.
You will also explore the role of culture by learning about yourself
Course Number: 133401 + 133402 + 133403 and others as cultural beings.
Must register for all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French 3 or teacher Spanish 2 A, B, C
permission Course Number: 134301 + 134302 + 134303
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Must register for all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish 1
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: You will improve your level of communication
in Spanish, increase your familiarity with Spanish-speaking cultures,
and become more comfortable with both spoken and written
Spanish. You will also focus on culture as an essential part of
language competency by learning about yourself and others as
cultural beings.
Spanish 3 A, B, C AP Spanish Literature and Culture A, B, C *
Course Number: 134401 + 134402 + 134403 Course Number: 136771 + 136772 + 136773
Must register for all 3 trimesters Must take all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish 2 Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective academically talented and gifted.
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Spanish 3 or teacher recommendation.
Course Description: This course is designed for students Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
wishing to go beyond the basics and work towards confidence in Grade Level: 9-12
Spanish. You will be encouraged to communicate as much as
possible in the second language in both spoken and written Course Description: This course will provide you with a learning
forms. Cross-cultural comparisons of more significant issues will experience equivalent to an introductory college course in
provide further insight into the lives of both home and Spanish- literature written in Spanish. It will introduce you to the formal
speaking cultures. study of a representative body of texts from Peninsular Spanish,
Latin America, and U.S. Hispanic literature. The overarching goal
Spanish 4 A, B, C of this course is to provide you with ongoing and varied
opportunities to further develop proficiency across the full range
of language skills with special attention to critical reading and
Course Number: 134501 + 134502 + 134503 analytical writing; and to encourage you to reflect on the many
cultural voices and cultures included in a rich and diverse body of
Must register for all 3 trimesters literature written in Spanish.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish 3
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 9-12 *weighted grade course (see pg. 5)
Course Description: This course is designed for students who
wish to work towards fluency in Spanish and further extend their
understanding of and competence with cross cultural issues.
Classroom communication will be in Spanish and more emphasis
will be placed on written forms of communication. You will gain a
working understanding of cultural issues and be able to function
appropriately when in contact with Spanish-speaking cultures.
AP Spanish Language and Culture A, B, C *
Course Number: 134771 + 134772 + 134773
Must register for all 3 trimesters
Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students
academically talented and gifted.
Prerequisite: Completion of Spanish 4 or completion of Spanish 3
and teacher recommendation.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: This advanced course emphasizes
communication by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and
presentational skills in real-life situations. This includes
vocabulary usage, language control, communication
strategies, and cultural awareness.
(Offered for courses in the following departments: Business Marketing and Information Technology, Family and Consumer
Science, Health Science and Technology, and Technology Education. See course descriptions)
Articulation is a process for coordinating the linking of two or more educational systems in MN to help learners make a smooth
transition from one level of education to another without experiencing delays, duplication of courses or loss of credit. The goal is
to produce advanced standing credit or credits, for college level coursework completed in high school; (credit transfer) evidenced
by meeting competency requirements as determined by the enrolling college or university. The courses intended for articulation
as advanced standing must be equivalent to college or university courses numbered above 100 and that count toward the credit
requirements of a certificate, diploma, associate degree, or baccalaureate degree. Developmental courses are not eligible for
advanced standing credit.
The articulated courses are identified in this registration catalog and are matched with college courses for
purposes of allowing students to apply high school credits toward college credits.
The student must enroll at one of the participating colleges after high school graduation to receive the credit on the
college transcript for the courses.
Certificates are traditionally accepted at a participating college up to three years past a student’s high school
District 279 students take the identified high school courses at their respective 279 high schools, not on a college
District 279 offers the named high school elective course that has an 80% match or better with curriculum of the
identified college courses; therefore making the credit agreement.
Typically students receiving a grade “B” or better in the high school course (Keyboarding requires an “A”) will receive
a certificate showing successful completion of the high school course.
The student certificate also identifies each postsecondary school that will accept the certificate and apply it toward
elective credit on the college transcript; once the student is enrolled at the college after high school graduation.
The student is responsible for presenting the certificate to College Admissions.
Course names, content and competencies represented in the articulation agreements are reviewed by secondary
and postsecondary partners on an annual or biannual basis; or on a rotation basis for regional agreements.
Talk with Department staff if you have questions.
ISD 279 CBVAT Program/Work Activity Center
(IEP Students only - Contact your Case Manager for Referral/Application Information)
The Community Based Vocational Assessment and Training (CBVAT) program is designed to provide learning opportunities
for students with special needs to develop work skills, attitudes and behaviors that are necessary to succeed in today’s
workplace. In this work-based learning experience, students complete contracted work from community vendors. Students learn
both general employability and specific work skills. Students apply basic math and reading skills while at work. Students use
higher order skills of managing resources, using information, interpersonal skills, systems and technology. They develop positive
work habits which correlate to success in adult life. Students are exposed to the realistic expectations of the workplace and how
to function as a team member. Students should be concurrently enrolled in a transition to Work Seminar class at their
home high school while participating in the CBVAT program. Students receive direct instruction from a licensed work
coordinator, and are monitored closely by experienced job/vocational trainers. Transportation is provided by the school district.
*Please contact your case manager for more information, referral, and application process.
Courses offered in partnership with a college or university through a signed Agreement.
Courses are offered at the high school that are equivalent to a college course and taught by a trained and qualified high school
teacher. Students who successfully complete these courses generate both high school and transcripted college credit from the
partnering postsecondary institution.
The courses eligible for concurrent enrollment are identified in this registration catalog with the course description.
Talk with a staff member in that department if you have questions.
Students whose home language is a language other than English, or who come from a part of the world where the variety of English
is very different from American English, may qualify to receive support from the English Learner (EL) program. For information
about the EL program, or to receive assistance in setting up an appointment for assessment, please contact the District 279
Enrollment Center at 763-585-7357.
This program is offered only at Park Center Senior High. However, students from other schools may apply to become full-time
students in the IB Programme at Park Center, with transportation provided, by submitting an application. The application may be
found on the ISD 279 website at:—scroll down to Magnet School Choice
applications for 2017-2018.
The IB Middle Years Programme (9th and 10th Grade):
All freshman and sophomores participate in the dynamic IB Middle Years Programme (MYP). This is an internationally recognized,
rigorous course of study that incorporates an extensive liberal arts curriculum, including foreign language, math and science.
Designed for every student of every ability level, the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme focuses on a wide range
of material taught from a global perspective. Through integration of subject matter, students gain strong academic skills, a
significant body of knowledge and develop attitudes of acceptance and cooperation. As they prepare for further education, students
will demonstrate a clearer understanding of how they learn best and of the connectedness and application of knowledge.
The IB Diploma Programme (11th and 12th Grade):
The IB Diploma Programme (DP) is a comprehensive two-year curriculum for juniors and seniors which provides a deep, thought-
provoking program of study in six areas during 11th and 12th grade. The IB Diploma Programme is for the motivated student. The
strengths of the IB Programme are its academic rigor and well-rounded traditional liberal arts curriculum enhanced with an extended
essay, inquiry into the theory of knowledge, research, creativity, action and service.
IB students enroll in a core group of IB classes with other IB diploma candidates during their junior and senior years, yet have the
opportunity to interact with students throughout the school in world language, fine arts and after school activities throughout their
high school years. Students wishing to participate in the Diploma Programme without seeking the full IB Diploma may take
individual Diploma Programme classes for credit and earn IB Certificates.
The IB Diploma Programme has earned a reputation for rigorous assessment, giving IB Diploma-holders access to the leading
American and international universities and college credit. For over 45 years, the IB Organization has shown that its students are
well prepared for university work. The rigor of the IB Programme makes its diploma graduates among the top-tier college recruits in
America and the world. It has become a symbol for academic integrity and intellectual promise.
Online learning opportunities are available to all Osseo Area School students through the District’s collaboration with Northern Star
Online (NSO). Online courses offered by District 279 teachers are included in this Registration Catalog. A complete list of all
courses is listed on the Northern Star Online website:
In addition, Minnesota public school students may enroll in supplemental online courses (taken in place of a course period during
the regular school day) through any state-approved programs. For the list of approved programs, please visit MDE’s
You have the option to choose to enroll in an online course as part of your regular 6-period school day or to take more than 6
periods by paying a course registration fee.
Students who choose an online course should consider the following:
Students need to be motivated to succeed and have the ability to work independently.
You will need computer and Internet access outside the school day, unless you can complete your work at school.
Online learning allows flexibility. It is asynchronous, so that students are doing different activities at different times.
NSO courses are approved by the state to meet graduation requirements; however you need to ensure that the courses fit into
your graduation plan by working with your counselor.
Continued on next page
Registration Procedures for Northern Star Online Courses:
Osseo Area Schools require 30 days prior notice before students can begin Online learning.
Make an appointment to see your counselor to discuss the course(s) you are interested in taking online and how they fit in
your graduation plan.
Go online at
Create an account in NSO’s GENIUS registration system
Submit your course request(s) in GENIUS
Parent/guardian must log in to approve course(s)
Counselor will receive emailed notification of course request(s) and will also need to approve course(s)
NSO will notify you once you are ready to begin your online course(s).
Note: If you are taking more than a full load (6 courses per trimester), it is the family’s responsibility to pay tuition for any
courses above the full load. Tuition costs are located on NSO’s website.
Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) is a program that allows 10th-, 11th- and 12th-grade students to earn both high school
and college credit while still in high school, through enrollment in and successful completion of college-level, nonsectarian courses at
eligible participating postsecondary institutions. Most PSEO courses are offered on the campus of the postsecondary institution;
some courses are offered online. Each participating college or university sets its own requirements for enrollment into the PSEO
courses. Eleventh and 12th-grade students may take PSEO courses on a full- or part-time basis; 10th graders may take one career/
technical PSEO course. If they earn at least a grade C in that class, they may take additional PSEO courses.
There is no charge to PSEO students for tuition, books or fees for items that are required to participate in a course. Students must
meet the PSEO residency and eligibility requirements and abide by participation limits specified in Minnesota Statutes, section
124D.09. If a school district determines a pupil is not on track to graduate, she/he may continue to participate in PSEO. Funds are
available to help pay transportation expenses for qualifying students to participate in PSEO courses on college campuses. Schools
must provide information to all students in grades 8-11 and their families by March 1, every year. Students must notify their school
by May 30 if they want to participate in PSEO for the following school year. For current information about the PSEO program, visit
the Minnesota Department of Education’s Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) webpage.
Please see your counselor
Special education services are provided to eligible students with disabilities. The services are based on the results of an evaluation
and implementation of the Individual Education Program (IEP) plan. Students can be eligible in one of 13 disability categories speci-
fied by the State of Minnesota.
The referral process for special education begins with the student’s general education teacher communicating a concern to the par-
ent and development of an intervention plan to help the student be successful in the general education classroom. If this plan is suc-
cessful a referral is not made to special education. If the student continues to struggle then the teacher would develop a second
plan based on the data collected from the first plan to help the student be successful in the general education classroom. If this plan
is successful a referral is not made to special education. If there continues to be concerns about the student’s progress based on the
intervention data a referral to special education will be made and an evaluation plan will be developed.
Parents and students may also discuss concerns with teachers, counselors, or administrators. Parents and students may access
intervention plans and services by contacting their teacher, counselor, or the special education building coordinator in their building.
A parent may also ask that their child be assessed. The special education evaluation team would consider the request and meet
with the parents.
Students wishing to sign up for this option should choose Study Hall as their course selection for the trimesters they wish to be a
student assistant. Application forms are in the main office and will be accepted during the first week of the
trimester only.
Counseling/CRC Assistant
Prerequisite: written permission from counseling/CRC personnel. 11th and 12th grade only.
Students wishing to sign up for this option should choose Study Hall as their course selection for the trimesters they wish to be a
student assistant. Study hall is always entered in a students’ schedule last. Credited classes always have priority over a study hall.
CRC/counseling aides are needed to prepare and deliver passes, file materials, use a computer to generate career and college
information and assist in tasks related to a career day. Typing skills are helpful. Student must have good attendance, have 5 other
credited classes, and be on track for graduation. Application forms are in the main office and will be accepted during
the first week of the trimester only.
Office Assistant
Prerequisite: written permission from the office. 11th and 12th grade only
Students wishing to sign up for this option should choose Study Hall as their course selection for the trimesters they wish to be a
student assistant. Study hall is always entered in a students’ schedule last. Credited classes always have priority over a study hall.
There will be placement available for a limited number of students to aid in the office during the school year. Students must be
reliable and have a desire to work. Student must have good attendance, have 5 other credited classes, and be on track for
graduation. Application forms are in the main office and will be accepted during the first week of the trimester
Teacher Assistant
Prerequisite: written permission from the teacher. 11th and 12th grade only
Students wishing to sign up for this option should choose Study Hall as their course selection for the trimesters they wish to be a
student assistant. Study hall is always entered in a students’ schedule last. Credited classes always have priority over a study hall.
Each teacher may have 1 assistant for each hour, not including their prep hour. Students must have good attendance, have 5 other
credited classes, and be on track to graduate. Application forms are in the main office and will be accepted during the
first week of the trimester only.
Course Number: 902201, 902202, 902203
May be taken for more than one trimester; specify trimester by course number. May not be offered all trimesters.
Prerequisite: sufficient number of credits.
Notes: 11th and 12th grade only. Tenth graders may take 1 study hall during their 10th grade year, IF THEY HAVE NOT FAILED
ANY 9th GRADE CLASSES. May not be offered all hours.
Study hall is always entered in a students’ schedule last. Credited classes always have priority over a study hall.
Quiet study period. Five credited courses must be taken with 1 study hall.
Volunteering is an integral part of life. Approved volunteer hours can appear on your transcript and can be very helpful when
applying for scholarships. The volunteer hours can be earned either during the school year or over summer break. Please see the
Volunteer Coordinator for information and to obtain the forms needed to document your hours. The Volunteer Coordinator also has
information about locations needing volunteers. This transcript recognition is not to be confused with the credited course Volunteer
Service (see Cooperative Education department in this handbook).
BUSINESS Principles of Accounting Articulated College Banker, Loan Officer, Operations Manager,
MANAGEMENT AND Advanced Accounting, Credit Bank Teller, Cashier, Personnel Recruiter,
Personal and Financial Receptionist, Customer Accounting, etc.
FINANCE Management, Business Service Representative,
and Personal Law, Entrepreneur
Introduction to Business,
Positive Leadership
MARKETING Marketing, Sports and Articulated College Sales and Marketing Marketer, Sales
MANAGEMENT Entertainment Marketing, Credit Manager, etc.
Positive Leadership
SUPPORT AND Gateway to Digital Photography, Microsoft Office IT Help Desk Representa- Computer Scientist,
Technology 6, 7, Game IT,PC Maintenance, Specialist tive, Desktop Tech. Network Administrator,
SERVICES & 8, Creative Web Design, Microsoft Support, Intern, etc. etc.
Technology Office, Computer Gaming
and 3D Modeling
ENGINEERING AND Gateway to Engineering 101, Transcripted College Apprenticeship, Machinist Engineering (AII)
MANUFACTURING Technology 6, 7, Introduction to Credit from the
& 8, Creative Engineering, Principles of University of Minnesota Apprentice, Machinist, Civil Engineering
TECHNOLOGY Technology Engineering, Civil and St. Cloud State Drafter, CNC Operator
Engineering and Architec- University and Programmer, Welding
CONSTRUCTION AND Gateway to ture, Computer Integrated Technician
WOODWORKING Technology 6, 7, Manufacturing Transcripted College
(21st Century Skills) & 8, Creative 21st Century Skills in Credit from the IT Help Desk Computer
Technology Trades, Advanced Trades University of Minnesota Representative, Desktop Programmer,
COMPUTER SCIENCE Skills, Trades and St. Cloud State Technical Support, Intern, Computer Scientist,
Gateway to Apprenticeship, Wood University. etc. Software Developer,
Technology 6, 7, Technology, Intro to Pre-Apprenticeship etc.
& 8, Creative Computer Aided Drafting, Certificate
Technology, Civil Engineering and
Computer Architecture (PLTW) Transcripted College
Sciences for Credit from the
Innovators and Computer Science University of Minnesota
Makers Essentials, Computer and St. Cloud State
Science Principles, Cyber University