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Published by CAR155A, 2019-04-18 14:00:17

RRS Parent Info Letter

RRS Parent Info Letter

Lawthorn Primary School

Rights Respecting School
Information for


What is the Rights Respecting School

The Rights Respecting Schools Award is a Unicef UK
programme that aims to put children’s rights at the
heart of schools in the UK. The Award recognises a
school’s achievement in putting the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC or UNCRC)

into practice within the school and beyond.

The award is based on principles of equality, dignity,
respect, non-discrimination and participation. The
initiative started in 2006 and schools involved in the
award have reported a positive impact on relationships
and wellbeing, leading to better learning and behaviour

improved academic standards and less bullying.

What are we doing?

In Lawthorn Primary School we aim to practise and
respect children’s rights in an environment where
everyone is treated the same. We want our children to
be confident individuals who feel safe, nurtured and

protected from harm.

By embedding children’s rights in the ethos and culture
of the school we strive to improve well-being and develop
every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.

Within our school we are working towards achieving our
Silver Award by:
• Including the Rights Respecting School Award in our

vision for school improvement.
• Linking the convention to teaching and learning

throughout the school.
• Promoting a rights respecting culture throughout the

school (staff and pupil focus groups have been set up to
promote the values and principles of the convention).
• Teaching children about their rights and encouraging
the use of the language of the convention to help them
become rights respecting global citizens.
• Promoting global citizenship and sustainable

What does the Award Involve?

At Lawthorn Primary school, we have achieved out Bronze
Award: Rights Committed and are working towards

achieving our Silver Award: Rights Award for embedding
children’s rights throughout the school.

There are three levels to the Award:
• Bronze: Rights Committed
• Silver: Rights Aware
• Gold: Rights Respecting

Article 42
All adults and children should

know about this convention.

What is the UNCRC?

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
(OR UNCRC) sets out the human rights of every person
under the age of 18. The Convention is an international
human rights treaty which was adopted by the UN
General Assembly in 1989 and ratified by the UK in 1991.

Why is the UNCRC important?

The Convention is a very important document because it
recognises that all children have the right to be treated
with dignity and fairness, to be protected, to develop to

their full potential and to participate. It also lays out
what countries must do to ensure that all children can
enjoy their rights, regardless of who they are, or where

they are from.

How can I find out more about the

More information on the UNCRC can be found at:

How you can help?

Parents /carers can help by:
• Taking some time to look at the UNCRC
• Talking to you child/ren about what they have learned

about children’s rights
• Becoming involved in our focus groups.

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