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Published by Leo Club of Gampaha Metro, 2023-04-30 10:35:09

Voice of Leos - Volume 04 - Issue 07

Let's Rise to Raise the Voice of Leos


Welcome to Sri Lanka!


Greetings Leos, It’s my greatest pleasure to address my fellow Leos as the Director of Media, PR and Publicity of Leo District 306 B2. “Voice of Leos” is one of the leading Newsletter brands in our Sri Lankan Leoism. Since the Leoistic year 2019- 20, Voice of Leos has initiated the magazine works by Leos of Gampaha Metro. Under the supervision and guidance of Leo Nimasha Jayakody FLM, the team is doing well. As the Chief Editor and Designer, she has performed her best to keep the public relationships and publicity through the newsletter in a proper way. That’s the most important thing I have seen in the Voice of Leos team. While people do and initiate things to get appreciation and awards, Leos of Gampaha Metro has focused on the core fact of publishing a magazine by a non-profit organisation or a voluntary movement. The team has used their magazines to showcase their success stories together with a proven record of initiatives. They have shared the newsletter with the movement and used it as a marketing tool to get sponsorships. Specially Voice of Leos magazine has helped the entire club to keep the collaboration with the outside community. Leoism is a movement to get experiences through opportunities by developing leadership qualities. I’m unlucky to say that currently people get engaged in movements to showcase their backgrounds, to use their political strategies to rule the positions, to get appreciation and awards and many more. Appreciation and awards are to encourage your service excellence and commitment towards the betterment of movement. But many Leos do things targeting awards and appreciation. Most of Leos compete to get the awards. Is that the reason to be a volunteer? No my dear Leos. You have chosen the wrong movement. Leoism is something very pure in service and appreciation. This competition has made volunteers into competitors. Do we serve to compete? I kindly request all the Leos and prospects to understand the real colours of a Leo. As Leos of Gampaha Metro, they do lead people to make a better future in our world. According to Lord Buddha’s sayings, we have to do our best for ourselves and people. If we do something with a bad intention, definitely we will get a bad return. But do something right and get the rewards. Last but not least, I wish my heartiest luck to my dear leaders to do their best to showcase their dedication. All the very best to the young generation and may the Triple Gem bless you for the New year 2023. Be responsible. Be a good person. Be a worthy person. Best Wishes, Leo Sandun Weerasinghe PFLM Director of Media, PR and Publicity Leo District 306 B2 DIRECTOR OF DISTRICT NOTE BY MEDIA, PR & PUBLICITY 04

As the Media and Publicity director of our club, I am thrilled to add my thoughts to this newsletter. It has been an incredible journey so far, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve our community and work with such a dedicated and passionate group of young people. I started my journey with the Leo Club of Gampaha Metro as a prospect in 2019, and I must say that it has been an amazing experience ever since. From the very beginning, I was struck by the dedication and commitment of our members towards community service and making a positive impact in our local community. As a prospect, I was given the opportunity to participate in a variety of projects, including blood donation campaigns, tree planting initiatives, leadership programs and health camps. Through these projects, I was able to develop my leadership skills, meet new people, and make a real difference in the lives of those around me. Since becoming a full-fledged member of the club, I have continued to be involved in a variety of initiatives which has been an incredibly rewarding experience to work alongside my fellow Leos and make a real and lasting difference in the lives of those around us. In 2022, I had the chance of launching the Voice of Leos PR project which won the best PR project award at B2 district conference which was one of the huge milestones in my Leo journey. It was an incredible experience to lead this project and work with such a talented and dedicated team of Leos. Looking ahead, I am excited about the many opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for our club. As Media and Publicity director, I am committed to sharing our club's stories and achievements with the wider community, and to promoting the importance of community service and volunteerism. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our members for their hard work and dedication, and for making the Leo Club of Gampaha Metro such an incredible organisation to be a part of. I am proud to be a member of this club, and I am excited about what the future holds for us. Thank you for your continued support and interest in our club. Let's continue to work together to make a positive impact in our community and create a better future for all. Have a great future. Leo Dewmini Pieris Director of Media and Publicity Leo Club of Gampaha Metro NOTE BY CLUB MEDIA & PUBLICITY DIRECTOR 05

NATURE It was designed as a huge stone lion whose feet have survived until today, but the upper parts of the body were destroyed. Thanks to this lion, the palace was named Sigiriya. The term Sigiriya originates from the word Sihagri, i.e Lion Rock. The western wall of Sigiriya was almost entirely covered by frescoes created during the reign of Kasyapa. Eighteen frescoes have survived to this day. The frescoes depict nude females and are considered to be either portraits of Kadapa’s wives and concubines or priestesses performing religious rituals. Despite the unknown identity of the females depicted in the frescoes, these unique ancient paintings celebrate the female beauty and have incredible historical significance. One of the most striking features of Sigiriya is its Mirror wall. In the old days, it was polished so thoroughly that the king could see his reflection. The Mirror wall is painted with inscriptions and poems written by the visitors of Sigiriya. The most ancient inscriptions are dated from the 8th century. These inscriptions prove that Sigiriya was a tourist destination more than a thousand years ago. Today, painting on the wall is strictly prohibited. Sigiriya is one of the most valuable historical monuments of Sri Lanka. Referred by locals as the Eighth Wonder of the World, this ancient palace and fortress complex has significant archaeological importance and attracts thousands of tourists every year. It is probably the most visited tourist destination in Sri Lanka. The palace is located in the heart of the island between the towns of Dambulla and Habarana on a massive rocky plateau 370 metres above sea level. Sigiriya rock plateau, formed from the magma of an extinct volcano, is 200 metres higher than the surrounding jungles. Its view astonishes the visitors with the unique harmony between nature and human imagination. The fortress complex includes remnants of a ruined palace, surrounded by an extensive network of fortifications, vast gardens, ponds, canals, alleys, and fountains. The surrounding territories of Sigiriya were inhabited for several thousand years. Since the 3rd century BC, the rocky plateau of Sigiriya has served as a monastery. In the second half of the 5th-century king, Kasyapa decided to construct a royal residence here. After his death, Sigiriya again became a Buddhist monastery until the 14th century, when it was abandoned The main entrance is located on the northern side of the rock. SIGIRIYA 06

SPORTS Angampora is one of the most advanced arts of combat in the world. And it’s a uniquely Sri Lankan art of fighting, created thousands of years ago by the island’s early inhabitants to protect their communities and eventually the sovereignty of the nation. ANGAMPORA-TRADITIONALARTOFCOMBAT From its supposed inception 5,000 years ago during the reign of King Ravana, Angampora was heavily incorporated into military tactics, and used in various battles that determined the fate of the nation, even as late as the 19th century. Throughout its use as a primary martial art in the days of old, many families who were adept in the technique were given special distinction by the ancient kings of Lanka. Warriors who used techniques of Angam played a key role in many historic battles. The Ten Great Giants (called the Dasa Maha Yodayo), are considered to be the best practitioners of all forms of Angampora during the 2nd century BC. Harking back to the days of yore, Sri Lanka has been a paradise island rich in natural resources, fertile land, as well as tradable commodities. The natural splendour of the island is what drew many from far and wide to its shores throughout history. As the nation began to attract the attention of outsiders who recognized the potential of the land, the natives found themselves having to defend their territories and communities from foreign aggressors, in addition to fighting internal squabbles and disputes. Naturally, the need arose for a local form of tactical combat which would give the islanders the upper hand. The art of Angampora persisted even through the turbulent colonial times of the Portuguese and the Dutch, with native warriors who fought the Europeans using Angampora techniques in guerrilla warfare. The Sinhalese famously defeated the Portuguese at the Battle of Mulleriyawa during the mid-16th century, where many Angam fighters succeeded in decimating the Portuguese army. 07

It was during the British colonial era that Angampora almost went extinct in Sri Lanka. The colonials realised that the natives were using the art of Angam, coupled with guerrilla tactics to overcome British forces. Although it eventually failed, the Uva-Wellassa uprising of 1817-18 put fear into the hearts of the Brits, and they took steps to curb the threats they were facing from the natives. The Governor of Ceylon at the time, Robert Brownrigg, banned the practice and teaching of Angampora, set fire to Angam training centres and ordered soldiers to shoot in the knee and cripple the masters of Angam so that they couldn’t pass it down to younger generations. A few masters escaped the persecution of the colonisers and went into hiding, practising and teaching Angampora to their sons and other youngsters in secret. The ban on Angampora in Sri Lanka was only lifted in 2019. What has survived in secret today is but a fraction of the glorious art of Angampora that once protected the people of this land. HEALTH f,dalh mqrd oejeka; f,i jHdma; jk frda. w;r ms<sld frda.h uq,a ;ekla .kshs' jd¾Islj ñ,shk 10la muK w¿;ska frda.Ska njg m;a jk" bka ñ,shk 6lg wêl m%udKhlg urKfha fodrgq újr lrk ms<sldj f,dalhu ìh .kajk frda.hla njg m;a ù yudrh' Bðma;=fõ isg jd¾;d fjk w;S; YsIaGdpdr j, uóys wiaÓ j, iy ifï fuu frda.h ms,sn| idlaIs yuq ù we;' wo jk úg f,dalh mqrd me;sÍ we;s ms<sld frda.h" ñksiqkag muKla fkdj .DydY%s; fldá" j,ia" f.dak" uqj wd§ i;=ka w;r;a we;eï Ydl j,;a oel.kakg yelshdj we;' ms<sldj 08

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l,amj;sk WK fld;rï T!IO m%;sldr ,nd .;a; o WK iqj fkdùu' jid .eá;s bÈuqu' uqyqfKa iqÿue,s nj úÿre uiska fyda ifï f,a hdfï jeäùu isrerg oefkk fõokdj fujeks fya;= iy jerÈ Ôjk rgdjlg yqre ùu ;=<ska Tfí orejd o ms<sld frda.S ;;a;ajhlg f.dÿre úh yelsh' tfukau Tn ;ju;a m%udo ke;' ms<sld frda.h udrdka;sl jqj;a th uq,ska u y÷kd.; fyd;a th iqj lr .; yels nj Tn okakjd o@ ta fjkqfjka wms frda. ,laIK oek .; hq;= h' fuu frda. ,laIK l,ska u y÷kd.eksu ;=<ska Tfí orejdf.;a ms<sld frda.S ;;a;ajh l,ska u y÷kdf.k th ksÜgdjg u iqj lr .; yelsh' Tõæ Tng oeka mekhla kef.kjd ksielh' <ud ms<sld frda.h iïmQ¾Kfhka iqj l< yels o@ T!IO ,nd §u úlsrK m%;sldr ,nd §u Y,Hl¾u lsÍu flfiauq;a ksis m%;sldr ,nd .ekSu yryd 100] idudkH ðú;h .; lsÍug yelshdj mj;s' ta i|yd m%;sldr l%u ;=kla mj;sk w;r tkï" fuu m%;sldr ;=<ska hï hï w;=re wdndO we;s úh yels w;r <uhdg iqÿiq m%;sldr l%uh f;dard m%;sldr l< hq;= h' Tfí orejdg;a ksis m%;sldr ,nd §ug lghq;= lsÍfuka ms<sld ;;a;ajh iïmQ¾Kfhka u uÕyrjd .; yelsh' Ôú;fha mK .efyk wjika u iamkaok /l .kak fjr orK" mqxÑ u,a lel=¿ fjkqfjka Tn;a fuh m%pdrh lr Tnf.a j.lSu bgq lrkak' igyk" —wfmalaIdjg w;aje,la˜ jHdmD;s lKavdhu .ïmy kd.ßl ,sfhda iudch <ud ms<sld frda.h 70]la ú;r uq,sl wjÈh ;=< y÷kd.ekSu yryd jeäysá mqoa.,hl=g we;sjk ms<sld frda.hg jvd <ud ld,fha § we;sjk ms<sld ;;a;ajh iqj lsßfï yelshdj jeäh' kuq;a ms<sld ;;a;ajh isrer mqrd me;sß,d ;sîu ;= < frda.h iqj lsßfï m%;sY;h wvqùug yelshdjla mj;S' 10

SERVE THE WORLD " Success is No Accident.It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing. - Pele TRAIN THETRAINER 11 From our ancestors, we always follow many ethics and good behaviours. We do obey and practise many religious beliefs in order to make our world a better place than it was yesterday. That's why they are the leaders to guide you and show you the correct pathway. . Leos of Gampaha Metro have identified that when the code of controlling techniques is not properly built and supervised, by the leaders there can be many mistakes. When the faults are made from the leaders’ hands, the impact of that would cause more severe damage. Team “Train the Trainer” has initiated a series of workshops to educate Leo members to route their personality and guide the world to a better place. If you are a Leo, that means you have chosen to be a leader. So Team “Train the Trainer”, has targeted active club members to assist them on reporting procedures to maintain the club administration in a smooth and streamline movement. As always Leos of Gampaha Metro, focused on being a leader instead of being just a volunteer. For the betterment of all the fellow leaders, Team “Train the Trainer” has conducted the sessions through an online platform. First session was conducted with the participation of Leo Hashan Thilakarathna; The Director of Leadership of Leo Club of Gampaha Metro. Hereby, the team “Train the Trainer” would share their special thanks to the speaker and participants for despite the busy schedules. We welcome all the Leos of the Leo Club of Gampaha Metro to grab this wonderful opportunity to learn how to skill up your reporting.

LUMIÈRE DO YOU LIKE TO LEARN FRENCH? HERE IS THE OPPORTUNITY. Language learning is a valuable skill that can open up new opportunities for personal and professional development. Team Lumière has initiated a project to educate our fellow Leos on a foreign language providing high-quality learning materials.The project can help more people learn French and gain these benefits. French is the official language in 29 countries, making it the fifth most widely spoken language in the world. Specially French is one of the six official languages of the United Nations and is also an official language of many international organisations, such as the European Union, NATO, and the International Red Cross. It is the second most studied language in the world, after English. It is taught as a foreign language in schools in over 100 countries.There are over 300 million French speakers worldwide, including native speakers and those who speak it as a second language. Learning French can increase job prospects and career opportunities, as it is a language that is widely used in many fields, such as diplomacy, international relations, business, and tourism. We have focused on sharing valuable videos in our Youtube channel as online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the convenience and flexibility it offers. By creating learning materials specifically designed for online use, the project can make it easier for people to learn French from anywhere at any time. And the project can potentially reach thousands or even millions of people, making it easier for them to learn French and achieve their goals. The project has contributed to the Leo community by creating innovative and effective materials that can serve as a model for future language learning projects. Get in touch with our social media to learn more. 12

IGNITE ARE YOU READY TO BE THE FLAME OF SRI LANKAN LEOISM? \As the team Ignite, they have arranged workshops which are highly beneficial for upcoming Leo leaders and new leos to get engaged with the Leo movement.Learning the basics in administration like email etiquettes, agenda preparation will improve the Club standards in performing.And in your corporate world as well, you will be highlighted because of the professionalism. Knowing the constitution will help everyone to do things with proper standards within the frame.Through the project planning session Leos will be encouraged to plan and execute sustainable projects with high quality and value. Leos of Gampaha Metro are always ready to groom real leaders for the future. If you are ready to unleash yourself, Team Ignite is ready to groom yourself. Get in touch with us and be the flame of Sri Lankan Leoism. Leos of Gampaha Metro have started Project Ignite for the betterment of our fellow Leos focusing on grooming Leo Leaders with a perfect knowledge on Leoism. LEO means Leadership Experience and Opportunity. We have seen many volunteers in the movement. But we need to questionize ourselves to figure out whether they are Leos or just youth volunteers. If you have decided to be a Leo, you have already become a volunteer. But are you a real Leo? After analysing through the community, we have found the lack of knowledge among Leos about meeting procedures, constitutions, protocols, project planning etc.That’s why Leoism is different from volunteerism. We make leaders. Due to this issue, Leos experience many difficulties engaging and performing in chairing events with good standards. We need to highlight the difference between various youth organisations and the Leo movement. 13

DO YOU KNOW JULIAN ANDGREGORIAN CALENDARS January is the first month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars and the first of seven months to have a length of 31 days. It is a winter month in the northern half of the world and a summer month in the southern half. January is, on average, the coldest month of the year within most of the Northern Hemisphere (where it is the second month of winter) and the warmest month of the year within most of the Southern Hemisphere (where it is the second month of summer). January 1 is New Year’s Day in the Gregorian calendar that is used around the world. Many other cultures and calendars, however, celebrate their new year on other dates. The Christian Orthodox New Year is celebrated on January 14, because the Orthodox Church still follows the Julian calendar. The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, following the Moon and the Sun. The Chinese New Year is celebrated some time between January 21 and February 21. The old Roman calendar had only ten months. January and February did not exist—the year started in March. Around the year 700 BC, the Roman king Numa Pompilius is said to have added the two winter months. January initially had 29 days and came after December, but the Roman year still started in March. In 154 BC, a rebellion forced the Roman senate to change the beginning of the civil year from March to January 1. With this reform, January officially became the first month in the year 153 BC. January is named after Janus, the god of beginnings and transitions in Roman mythology. The gates of a building in Rome named after him (not a temple, as it is often called, but an open enclosure with gates at each end) were opened in time of war, and closed to mark the arrival of peace. As a god of transitions, he had functions pertaining to birth and to journeys and exchange, and in his association with Portunus, a similar harbour and gateway god, he was concerned with travelling, trading and shipping. January is not only a month, but also part of the name of Brazil’s second biggest city: When the Portuguese expedition under Gaspar de Lemos landed at Guanabara Bay on the coast of South America in 1502, the calendar showed January 1. This is why the Portuguese named the place Rio de Janeiro (River of January). 14

Conduct an analysis of your district and develop goals to best serve its needs. LIONSAREAGLOBALFORCEFORGOOD. LEO ENCYCLOPEDIA Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organisation in the world, with more than 1.4 million members in 48,000 clubs serving 200 countries and geographic areas worldwide. Since our founding in 1917, we have been proving that where there’s a need, there’s a Lion. How does the GMT approach Global Membership effectively? The Global Membership Approach equips districts to develop membership through a strategic process focused on: • Rejuvenating districts with new clubs • Revitalising clubs with new members • Re-motivating existing members with fellowship and exciting service The approach has universal applicability, allowing for customization based on regional needs and circumstances. A 4-STEP PROCESS STEP 1 BUILD A TEAM Build a team to support the Global Membership Approach. STEP 2 BUILD A VISION STEP 3 BUILD A PLAN Build a plan as a team to achieve the established vision. STEP 4 BUILD SUCCESS Execute your plan, maintain accountability and adjust as necessary. 15



EDITOR’S NOTE LEOSANARAGNEGODA I'm happy to deliver the seventh issue of our club's official newsletter "Voice of Leos" successfully. I'm always grateful to Leo Nimasha Jayakody and Leo Sandun Weerasinghe for trusting me as a new Leo to be a part of this and recruiting me as an editor. This opportunity is a precious milestone in my Leo career. Being an introverted person, I was attracted to the Leo Club because of my desire for volunteering since childhood and the need to improve my leadership qualities. In my journey to find myself as a young girl , I always try to light up my way through leadership, experiences and opportunities by following in the footsteps of Leo leaders who demonstrate their abilities at various levels. Our team always strives to create innovations while maintaining high standards and qualities. It is another extension of "Voices of Leos" which continues to shine up day by day, and is available as a printed copy today. By encouraging each other, giving opportunities, and with brotherly bonds, Leo Club of Gampaha Metro always tries to focus on vision. Last but not the least I would like to invite you to stay in touch with us for more glories of Leoism. We always embrace your valuable feedback and appreciation. Thank you Leo family..... “ Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. " - Steve Jobs Leo Sanara Ganegoda Editor- Voice of Leos 18

EDITOR’S PANEL Leo Nimasha Jayakody FLM Head of Voice of Leos Newsletter Team Chief Editor and Designer Leo Dakshana Salinda Senior Editor Leo Sandavie Dilanya Senior Editor Leo Lakshan Jayawardena Editor Leo Sanara Ganegoda Editor Leo Dinara Junali Editor Leo Rochelle Shahali Editor 19

[email protected] Leo Club of Gampaha Metro leos_of_gampaha Voice of Leos LeoGampahaMetro leosofgampahametro Leo Club of Gampaha Metro REACH US REACH US 20


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