Annually Halalan Thayyiban Research Centre Newsletter
Lawatan akademik Rabiulakhir 1440H | December 2018M
Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Spg 347, Jln Pasar Baharu Gadong, BE 1310 Negara Brunei +673 2462000 Ext 313 [email protected]
SIDANG Tinta Sidang
PENAUNG ﺑﺴﻢ اﷲ اﻟﺮﺟﻤﻦ اﻟﺮﺟﻴﻢ
Dr Haji Norarfan bin Haji اﻟﺴﻼم ﻋﻠﻴﻜﻢ ورﺟﻤﺔ اﷲ وﺑﺮﻛﺎﺗﻪ
وﺑﻪ ﻧﺴﺘﻌﻴﻦ ﻋﻠﻰ٬اﻟﺤﻤﺪ ﷲ رب اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻤﻴﻦ
Rektor UNISSA ٬أﻣﻮر اﻟﺪﻧﻴﺎ واﻟﺪﻳﻦ
واﻟﺼﻼة واﻟﺴﻼم ﻋﻠﻰ أﺷﺮف اﻷﻧﺒﻴﺎء
PENASIHAT واﻟﻤﺮﺳﻠﻴﻦ ﺳﻴﺪﻧﺎ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ وﻋﻠﻰ آﻟﻪ وﺻﺤﺒﻪ
Dr Haji Mohammed
Hussain bin Pehin Penyurat .أﺟﻤﻌﻴﻦ
Haji Ahmad Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat
Timbalan Rektor UNISSA Allah Subhanahu wa Taala kerana
dengan izin dan limpah kurniaNya
PENOLONG PENASIHAT jua, Al-Miftah: Annually HTRC
Dr Arman bin Haji Asmad Newsletter Issue 2, keluaran
Penolong Rektor UNISSA Disember 2018 ini dapat diterbit-
Profesor Madya Dr Penerbitan Al-Miftah ini merupa-
Nurdeng Deuraseh kan liputan aktiviti-aktiviti Pusat
Penyelidikan Halalan Thayyiban
Pengarah sepanjang tahun 2018.
Pusat Penyelidikan Halalan
Kami berharap keluaran pada kali
Thayyiban ini akan memberi banyak info dan
maklumat kepada para pembaca.
Nor Surilawana binti Haji
Felo Penyelidikan
Pusat Penyeldikan Halalan
ISSUE 2 | 2018 PAGE 2
3 Scopus Database Training ¨ PERANCANGAN MASA DEPAN
3 Bengkel Pengurusan Jurnal dalam OJS ¨ BERITA STAF PPHT
4 Bengkel Penerbitan Buku Teks
4 Good Manufacturing Practices Workshop
5 Halal Index Management for Commercialised
5 How to Romanize Hadith on Halal and Haram
for Academic Purpose?
5 Halal Awareness on Harmonizing of Halal
6 Halal Industry Sustainability through Business
6 Halal and Kosher Dietary Management and
7 Joint Symposium of Osaka University with
Higher Educational Institutions of Brunei
Darussalam 2018
7 Halal Talk UPM
9 SAPLI ke-5
9 KAIB ke-11
9 6th AICIF
10 3rd Kuwait International Conference on Life
10 World Halal Summit 2018
11 Lawatan dari Halal Industry Development
(HDC), Malaysia
11 Lawatan dari Princess of Naradhiwas
University, Thailand
Scopus Database Training
Scopus Database
Training organised by
Centre for Research
and Publication which
held on 17 January
2018M correspond-
ence with 30
Rabiulakhir 1439H at
Computer Lab, Centre
of Technology and
Multimedia, Universiti
Islam Sultan Sharif Ali.
Two (2) of Halalan
Thayyiban Research
Centre staffs had at-
tended the training in
order to know about
Scopus, how to access
Scopus database, and
the benefits of Scopus
Bengkel Pengurusan Jurnal dalam OJS
Seorang staf Pusat
Penyelidikan Halalan Thayyiban
(PPHT), Universiti Islam Sultan
Sharif Ali telah ikut serta dalam
Bengkel Pengurusan Jurnal
dalam Online Journal System
yang dianjur oleh Pusat
Penyelidikan dan Penerbitan
(PPP), UNISSA yang
berlangsung di Banquet,
UNISSA. selama dua hari iaitu
pada 28—29hb Mei 2018H
bersamaan dengan 12— 13
Ramadahan 1439H.
Tujuannya adalah untuk
mempelajari pengurusan jurnal
secara atas talian dengan cara
yang mudah. Semasa bengkel
juga, ada melakukan praktikal
memuatnaik artikel ke dalam
jurnal di atas talian.
Bengkel Penerbitan Buku Teks
Seorang staf Pusat
Penyelidikan Halalan
Thayyiban (PPHT), Universiti
Islam Sultan Sharif Ali
(UNISSA) telah ikut serta
dalam Bengkel Penerbitan
Buku Teks yang dianjur oleh
Pusat Penyelidikan dan
Penerbitan (PPP), UNISSA
yang berlangsung di
Auditorium dan Banquet,
UNISSA. selama dua hari iaitu
pada 24—25 Oktober 2018H
bersamaan dengan 15 –16
Safar Ramadahan 1440H.
Tujuannya adalah untuk
mempelajari teknik penulisan
buku teks secara mudah.
Semasa sesi juga ada
melakukan praktikal menulis
buku teks.
Good Manufacturing Practices Workshop
One of Halalan Thayyiban Re-
search Centre, UNISSA staff, Nor
Surilawana binti Haji Sulaiman,
had attend Good Manufacturing
Practices (GMP) Workshop by Mil-
lenniya Management Company
which organised by Darussalam
Enterprise (DARe). The workshop
was held at D & T Building, Ang-
gerek Desa on 6th December
2018 correspondence with 28
Rabiulawal 1440.
GMPs are systems to ensure that
finished products include food &
beverage, cosmetics and pharma-
ceutical are effective and safe for
market distribution. Through this
workshop, could increase aware-
ness of the advantage of GMP for
companies. Other outcome for the
workshop would be for MSMEs to
understand the methods and re-
quirements to be certified GMP.
In addition, it could helps relay the
knowledge to HTRC students.
Halal Index Management for Commercialised Purpose
Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali
(UNISSA), through Halalan
Thayyiban Research Centre held a
knowledge sharing session titled
‘Halal Index Management for
Commercialised Purpose’ at
Computer Lab 1, UNISSA for public
and students on 27 Jamadilawal
1439 corresponding to 13
February 2018. A total of 58
people attend the programme.
The programme was held in order
to facilitates participants to use
the index in their writing. The pro-
gramme also carried out the prac-
tical activity with the help of indus-
trial training students from UiTM in
order for participants know the
use of index easily. The pro-
gramme hopes that this program
will encourage participants to
practice index use in the future.
How to Romanize Hadith on Halal Halal Awareness on Harmonizing
and Haram for Academic Purpose? of Halal Standard
Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), through Halalan Halalan Thayyiban Research Centre held a knowledge sharing
Thayyiban Research Centre held a knowledge sharing session session that took place in Room L1.2, UNISSA on 9 April 2018
titled ‘How to Romanize Hadith on Halal and Haram for Aca- correspondence to 22 Rejab 1439. This session entitled "Halal
demic Purpose?’ at M1.8 Lecture Room, UNISSA for UNISSA Awareness on Harmonizing of Halal Standard" which presented by
students on 3 Jamadilakhir 1439 corresponding to 19 Febru- Associate Prof. Dr Nurdeng Deuraseh and Raihana bte Mohd Raf-
ary 2018. A total 27 participants attend the programme. fi. The session discusses the harmonization of halal standards in
MABIMS countries.
The programme was held in order to explain to participants the
use of transliteration in academic writing. Practical session During the session, practical activity also carried out to determine
also conducted with the help of industrial training students whether participants understand or not what Associate Professor
from UiTM to help participants in romanize Arabic easily. It was Dr Nrdeng Deuraseh and Raihana bte Mohd Raffi have explained.
hope that this program will help participants apply the translit- 21 people were present during this sharing session.
eration in their academic writing.
Halal Industry Sustainability through Business Excellence
On 1st May 2018 equivalent Halal Business”. Meanwhile, presenter
of 15 Syaaban 1439H, PPHT from USIM consists of Dr Norailis Ab Wahab
held a knowledge-sharing with paper entitled “Matching Industry and
session between Universiti Halal Market Needs” and Dr Rosnia
Islam Sultan Sharif Ali and Masruki presents paper titled “Challenges
Universiti Sains Islam Malay- and Hopes for Halal Business Excellence
sia at L1.3 Training Room, towards Sustainability”.
UNISSA with the theme
"Halal Industry Sustainability
through Business Excel-
lence". This knowledge-
sharing session is one of
UNISSA-USIM's matching
grant research activities.
The presenter are from UNIS-
consists of Prof. Madya Dr
Nurdeng Deuraseh, from
UNISSA which present paper
entitled “Halal Slaughtering
Business for Global Reach”
and Nor Surilawana bte Haji
Sulaiman which discusses
“Striving for Excellence in
Halal and Kosher: Dietary Management and Laws
PPHT held a
session held at the
L1.3 Training Room,
UNISSA on May 15,
2018 equivalent to
29 Syaaban 1439.
The session was
titled "Halal and Ko-
sher Dietary Manage-
ment and Laws" pre-
sented by Dr Zeiad
Amjad Abdulrazzak.
The session talks
about halal and ko-
sher foods, similari-
ties and differences
between the two,
dietary laws between
them and the halal
and kosher slaugh-
tering process.
Joint Symposium of Osaka University with Higher Educational
Institutions of Brunei Darussalam 2018
Group Photo Session during at OSAKA
Assoc. Prof. Dr Nurdeng during presentation at HIS, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Joint Symposium of Osaka Universi- Methods" which talked about halal Assoc. Prof. Dr Nurdeng during visit to Osaka
ty with Higher Educational Institu- and haram from Shariah and scien- University
tions of Brunei Darussalam 2018 is tific perspectives.
a collaboration between Osaka
University and the Institute of High- Once again on 6 till 9 August 2018
er Education of Brunei Darussalam correspondence with 24—27
in an effort to spread knowledge on Zulkaedah 1439, Associate Profes-
halal and technology between the sor Dr Nurdeng Deuraseh had gone
Higher Educational Institutions of to Osaka as representative from
Brunei and Osaka University. UNISSA for 2nd Joint Symposium of
Osaka University with Higher Educa-
The symposium was held at IHS tional Institutions of Brunei Darus-
Harvard Style Lecture Theatre 2, salam 2018 which held at Osaka
Institute of Health Science, Univer- University.
siti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) on 5
Jamadilakhir 1439H corresponding Halal Talk UPM
to 21 February 2018M.
On 2 March 2018 correspond-
The theme was 'Innovation in Sci- ence with 14 Jamadilakhir
ence and Technology' has given 1439, Associate Professor Dr
scholars an opportunity to share Nurdeng Deuraseh, had pre-
knowledge, ideas and experiences sented a paper which entitled
with experts in various fields. The Traditional Foundational
symposium is also a forum of Method on Determining of
knowledge that creates a network Halal and Haram according to
of cooperation between universi- Islamic Law at Conference
ties, nations and scholars to uphold Room, Institut Penyelidikan
halal knowledge not only as a guide Produk Halal, Universiti Putra
to life but also to build a healthy Malaysia.
Associate Professor Dr Nurdeng
Deuraseh as representative from
Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali
(UNISSA) which entrusted with de-
livering a presentation titled
"Determination of Halal and Haram
through Shariah and Scientific
For the third time, this semi- Dr Zeiad Amjad Abdulrazzak Aghwan presented his paper
nar, through the combination Nor Surilawana bte Hj Sulaiman presented her paper
of ideas and energy, was
jointly organized by the Facul- Raihana bte Mohd Raffi during presented Assoc. Prof. Dr Nurdeng Deuraseh paper
ty of Shariah and Law, and
Halalan Thayyiban Research
Centre, Universiti Islam Sul-
tan Sharif Ali, and Halal In-
dustry Development Division,
Ministry of Energy (Energy
and Manpower) and Industry,
Brunei Darussalam with
theme of “Strengthening Hal-
alan Thayyiban Industry in
Safeguarding National In-
3rd Seminar Antarabangsa
Produk dan Perkhidmatan
Halalan Thayyiban (SAPPHAT
III) 2018 was held at Dewan
Persidangan Utama, Interna-
tional Convention Centre
(ICC), Berakas from 8 till 9
August 2018 correspondence
to 26—27 Zulkaedah 1439.
Three of Halalan Thayyiban
Research Centre had been
participate and present paper
during this seminar.
Dr Zeiad Amjad Abdulrazzak
Aghwan had present paper
which entitled Awareness and
Demand for Halal and Tayyib
Meat Products Supply Chain.
While Nor Surilawana binti
Haji Sulaiman, had presented
paper which entitiled Striving
for Excellence in Halal Busi-
ness: A Case Study of PSSD
Meanwhile, Raihana bte
Mohd Raffi had presented
Associate Professor Dr
Nurdeng Deuraseh paper
which entitled Perservation
and Protection of Environ-
ment and Health as New
Essential Value of Maqasid
SAPLI Ke-5 2018
Seminar Antara Universiti Kontemporari antara Teori Nurdeng Deuraseh telah
Pengajian Lepasan Ijazah dan Aplikasi'' itu adalah menyampaikan dua (2)
(SAPLI) 2018 Kali Kelima untuk memberikan kerta kerja yang bertajuk
anjuran Universiti Islam pendedahan kepada ma- “Isu Halal dan Potensi Ma-
Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) hasiswa akan kepel- kanan yang Mengandungi
melalui Pusat Pengajian bagaian aktiviti dan projek Sumber Haiwan” dan
Lepas Ijazah (PPLI) dan penyelidikan untuk mem- Ruqyah for healing in Is-
Kolej Universiti Islam An- perkaya pengalaman akad- lam: a Study of the Percep-
tarabangsa Selangor emik mereka juga menjadi tion of Malay-Muslims in
(KUIS) diadakan selama platform kepada maha- Kelantan and Terengganu,
dua hari bermula hari ini di siswa membentangkan Malaysia.
Auditorium UNISSA. hasil penyelidikan masing-
masing. Manakala, Dr Zeiad Amjad
Tujuan seminar yang berte- Abdulrazzak Aghwan mem-
makan ''Pengajian Islam Di kesempatan ini juga bentangkan kertas kerjan-
Profesor Madya Dr ya yang bertajuk Halal
Nurdeng Deuraseh dan Dr Slaughter from Scientific
Zeiad Amjad Abdulrazzak and Islamic Law Perspec-
Aghwan tidak ketinggalan tives.
dalam menyertai seminar
ini sekaligus memben-
tangkan kertas kerja.
Profesor Madya Dr
KAIB ke-11 Pada 24 hingga 26 Septem- Pada seminar yang sama
ber 2018, Profesor Madya juga, Profesor Madya Dr
Dr Nurdeng Deuraseh telah Nurdeng Deuraseh telah
menyertai Koferensi An- membentangkan kertas
tarabangsa Islam Borneo kerja yang bertajuk Brunei
kali ke– 11 (KAIB 11) yang Darussalam Standard Halal
diadakan di Insititut Agama Food PBD24: 2007 towards
Islam, Pontianak. the Local and Global Need
and Challenge in Halal In-
Profesor Madya Dr Nurdeng dustry.
Deuraseh telah menyam-
paikan kertas ucaptama Di kesempatan yang sama,
bersama dengan Rektor, Dr Professor Madya Dr
Haji Norarfan bin Haji Zainal Nurdeng Deuraseh juga
yang bertajuk Piawaian menjadi ahli panel bagi
Halal antara Negara MA- perbincangan yang bertajuk
BIMS ke arah Penanda Produk Halal untuk Pasaran
Aras Global. Dunia.
On 14—15 November 2018 correspondence to 6—7 Rabiula-
wal 1440, Dr Zeiad Amjad Abdulrazzak had participate and
present his paper in 6th ASEAN Universities International Con-
ference on Islamic Finance (6th AICIF) at Manila, Philippines.
He had presented paper which entitled “Islamic Banking in
Iraq: an Overview”.
SeIPTI ke-5
On 25—26 November 2018 correspondence with 17—18 Rabiula-
wal 1440, Dr Zeiad Amjad Abdulrazzak had participate the 5th
Seminar Serantau Pendiidikan Tinggi Islam (SeIPTI ke-5) which
held at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Nilai, Malaysia.
Dr Zeiad Amjad Abdulrazzak had presented a paper which entitled
“Ritual and Traditional Slaughter Practices for Meat Production”.
Group Photo of UNISSA academic staff during 5th SeIPTI.
3rd Kuwait International Conference on Life Sciences
On 27 –29 November 2018 corre-
spondence with 19 -21 Rabiulawal
1440, Associate Professor Dr
Nurdeng Deuraseh had attended
the 3rd Kuwait International Confer-
ence on Life Sciences (KICLS’ 2018)
which held at Movenpick Hotel,
Associate Professor Dr Nurdeng
Deuraseh had presented paper with
entitled “Halal Food Standards in
Brunei and Malaysia towards Global
AP Dr Nurdeng Deuraseh point out poster of his
presentation during KICLS’ 2018
World Halal Summit 2018
On 29 November till 2 December 2018 corre-
spondence with 21 -23 Rabiulawal 1440,
Associate Professor Dr Nurdeng Deuraseh
had attended the World Halal Summit 2018
which held at Eurasia Show and Art Center,
Associate Professor Dr Nurdeng Deuraseh
had presented paper with entitled “Bleeding
Efficiency Meat Drip Loss of Broiler Chicken
Slaughtered with Traditional; Halal, Non-Halal
and Decapitation Methods”.
Presenter Group Photo with Token of Appreciation
Rombongan Lawatan dari Halal Industry Development (HDC), Malaysia
Pusat Penyelidikan Halalan Dato’ Mohd Shukri
Thayyiban, UNISSA telah Abdullah, Ketua Pegawai
menerima rombongan dari Eksekutif Halfest, dan
Halal Industry seorang pegawai lagi dari
Development (HDC) dan HDC.
Halal Festival (Halfest) Antara objektif rombongan
pada 6 Jamadilawal
1439H bersamaan dengan adalah membicarakan
23 Januari 2018M fungsi kedua-dua institusi
bertempat di Bilik sekaligus membicarakan
Mesyuarat Pentadbiran, kolaborasi atau peluang
UNISSA. kerjasama yang dapat
Rombongan ini diketuai dijalinkan di antara dua
oleh Yang Berbahagia
Datuk Seri Haji Rizuan bin institusi dalam
Abd Hamid, Pengerusi
HDC, diikuti dengan Yang meningkatkan
Berbahagia Dato’ Seri
Jamil bin Bidin, Ketua perkembangan industri
Pegawai Eksekutif HDC,
halal di Negara Brunei
Darussalam dan Malaysia.
Pengarah PPHT bersama Y. Bhg. Datuk Seri Haji Rizuan bin Abd Hamid
Visit from Princess of Naradhiwas University, Thailand
Group photo
14 July 2018 | 1 and PNU on 28 March Finance.
Zulkaedah 1439— Universi- 2017.
ti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali Associate Professor Dr
(UNISSA) has received The purpose of the PNU Nurdeng Deuraseh and
visits from Princess Of students visit was to pro- Dr Zeiad Amjad Abdulraz-
Naradhiwas University vide exposure to the aca- zak had represent HTRC.
(PNU), Thailand's 50 stu- demic courses offered at
dents. UNISSA. Among the sub- Associate Professor Dr
missions presented at the Nurdeng Deuraseh had
This visit was the continua- briefing session were the presented courses that
tion of a strategic link after presentation of the Halalan had been offer by the
the signing of the Memo- Thayyiban Research Center HTRC. While Dr Zeaid
randum of Understanding (HTRC) and the Faculty of Amjad Abdulrazzak pre-
(MoU) between UNISSA Economics and Islamic sent about Halal Supply
Research Visit from Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
College of Islamic Studies Sharif Ali (UNISSA) through ics, Universiti Brunei Darus- A Token of Appreciation from PSU
(CIS), Prince of Songkla Halalan Thayyiban Re- salam.
University (PSU), Thailand search Center (HTRC) had
was conducting a research help and give assistance in PSU also conducted focus
entitled “Guidelines for linking PSU with the re- group interview with UNIS-
import law and halal prod- spondents and some or- SA academic and staffs,
ucts development for ex- ganizations in Brunei Da- and businessmen.
port to Asian Countries: a russalam.
case study of the export of On 15 November 2018,
Thai curry paste to Brunei During their visit in Brunei, PSU had conducted Thai
Darussalam” which lead by PSU had visited Thai res- curry paste which held at
Dr Asman Taeli followed by taurants, Food Safety & UNISSA café from 9am till
four (4) other members. Quality Control Division, 4pm.
Ministry of Health, Royal
Their research was sched- Thai Embassy, Internation-
uled on the 9 till 18 No- al Trade Division, Ministry
vember 2018 correspond- of Finance and Economy,
ence with 1—10 Rabiulawal Majlis Ugama Islam Brunei,
1440. Bahagian Kawalan Ma-
kanan Halal, and Schools
Universiti Islam Sultan of Business and Econom-
Food Tasting of Thai Curry Paste
A Visit to
Focus Group Session with UNISSA Academics
Lawatan dari Insititut Agama Islam Negeri,
Pekalongan, Indonesia
8 December 2018 corre- sor Dr Nurdeng Deuraseh,
spondence to 30 Rabiula- Director of Halalan
wal 1440 - Three (3) lectur- Thayyiban Research Center.
ers from Institut Agama
Islam Negeri, Pekalongan, The meeting was to ask the
Indonesia had visit Univer- Director more details about
siti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali halal matter.
(UNISSA) for their research
regarding halal matter in
One of the their activity
was meet Associate Profes-
HTRC is Choice of Student Mobility
You can also research arti-
cles or find “filler” articles by
accessing the World Wide
Web. You can write about a
variety of topics but try to
keep your articles short.
Much of the content you put
in your newsletter can also
be used for your Web site.
Microsoft Publisher offers a
simple way to convert your
newsletter to a Web publica-
tion. So, when you’re fin-
ished writing your newslet-
ter, convert it to a Web site
and post it.
This story can fit 150-200
One benefit of using your
newsletter as a promotional
tool is that you can reuse
content from other market-
ing materials, such as press
releases, market studies,
and reports.
While your main goal of dis-
tributing a newsletter might
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A great way to add useful
content to your newsletter is
to develop and write your
own articles, or include a
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motes a new product.
Lawatan ke BKMH
This story can fit 150-200 While your main goal of dis- You can write about a variety
words. tributing a newsletter might of topics but try to keep your
be to sell your product or articles short.
One benefit of using your service, the key to a success-
newsletter as a promotional ful newsletter is making it Much of the content you put
tool is that you can reuse useful to your readers. in your newsletter can also
content from other market- be used for your Web site.
ing materials, such as press A great way to add useful Microsoft Publisher offers a
releases, market studies, content to your newsletter is simple way to convert your
and reports. to develop and write your newsletter to a Web publica-
tion. So, when you’re fin-
own articles, or ished writing your newslet-
include a calen- ter, convert it to a Web site
dar of upcoming and post it.
events or a spe-
cial offer that
promotes a new
Caption describing picture or graphic. You can also
research articles
or find “filler”
articles by ac-
cessing the
World Wide Web.
Lawatan ke HIDD
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words. from which you can choose
and import into your
Selecting pictures or newsletter. There are
graphics is an important part
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Think about your article and shapes and symbols.
ask yourself if the picture
supports or enhances the Once you have cho- Caption describing
message you’re trying to sen an image, place picture or graphic.
convey. Avoid selecting imag- it close to the article.
es that appear to be out of Be sure to place the
context. caption of the image
Microsoft Publisher includes near the image.
Inside Story Headline
This story can fit 150-200 tributing a newsletter might keep your articles short.
words. be to sell your product or
service, the key to a success- Much of the content you put
One benefit of using your ful newsletter is making it in your newsletter can also
newsletter as a promotional useful to your readers. be used for your Web site.
tool is that you can reuse Microsoft Publisher offers a
content from other market- A great way to add useful simple way to convert your
ing materials, such as press content to your newsletter is newsletter to a Web publica-
releases, market studies, to develop and write your tion. So, when you’re fin-
and reports. own articles, or include a ished writing your newslet-
calendar of upcoming events ter, convert it to a Web site
While your main goal of dis- and post it.
or a special offer
that promotes a
new product.
Caption describing picture or graphic. You can also
research articles
or find “filler”
articles by ac-
cessing the
World Wide Web.
You can write
about a variety of
topics but try to
Inside Story Headline
“To catch the reader's This story can fit 100-150 for your customers or clients. column, a book review, a
attention, place an words. letter from the president, or
If the newsletter is distribut- an editorial. You can also
interesting sentence or The subject matter that ap- ed internally, you might com- profile new employees or top
quote from the story pears in newsletters is virtu- ment upon new procedures
ally endless. You can include or improvements to the busi- customers or vendors.
here.” stories that focus on current ness. Sales figures or earn-
technologies or innovations ings will show how your busi-
in your field. ness is growing.
You may also want to note Some newsletters include a
business or economic column that is updated every
trends, or make predictions issue, for instance, an advice
Inside Story Headline
This story can fit 75-125 thousands of clip art images of the image near the image.
words. from which you can choose
and import into
Selecting pictures or your newsletter.
graphics is an important part
of adding content to your There are also
newsletter. several tools you
can use to draw
Think about your article and shapes and sym-
ask yourself if the picture
supports or enhances the bols.
message you’re trying to
convey. Avoid selecting imag- Once you have
es that appear to be out of
context. chosen an image,
Microsoft Publisher includes place it close to the Caption describing
article. Be sure to picture or graphic.
place the caption
Inside Story Headline
This story can fit 150-200 While your main goal of dis- You can write about a variety
words. tributing a newsletter might of topics but try to keep your
be to sell your product or articles short.
One benefit of using your service, the key to a success-
newsletter as a promotional ful newsletter is making it Much of the content you put
tool is that you can reuse useful to your readers. in your newsletter can also
content from other market- be used for your Web site.
ing materials, such as press A great way to add useful Microsoft Publisher offers a
releases, market studies, content to your newsletter is simple way to convert your
and reports. to develop and write your newsletter to a Web publica-
tion. So, when you’re fin-
own articles, or ished writing your newslet-
include a calen- ter, convert it to a Web site
dar of upcoming and post it.
events or a spe-
cial offer that
promotes a new
Caption describing picture or graphic. You can also
research articles
or find “filler”
articles by ac-
cessing the
World Wide Web.
Inside Story Headline
This story can fit 100-150 for your customers or clients. column, a book review, a “To catch the reader's
words. letter from the president, or attention, place an
If the newsletter is distribut- an editorial. You can also
The subject matter that ap- ed internally, you might com- profile new employees or top interesting sentence or
pears in newsletters is virtu- ment upon new procedures quote from the story
ally endless. You can include or improvements to the busi- customers or vendors.
stories that focus on current ness. Sales figures or earn- here.”
technologies or innovations ings will show how your busi-
in your field. ness is growing.
You may also want to note Some newsletters include a
business or economic column that is updated every
trends, or make predictions issue, for instance, an advice
Inside Story Headline
This story can fit 75-125 thousands of clip art images
words. from which you can choose
and import into your
Selecting pictures or newsletter. There are
graphics is an important part
of adding content to your also several tools you
newsletter. can use to draw
Think about your article and shapes and symbols.
ask yourself if the picture
supports or enhances the Once you have cho- Caption describing
message you’re trying to sen an image, place picture or graphic.
convey. Avoid selecting imag- it close to the article.
es that appear to be out of Be sure to place the
context. caption of the image
Microsoft Publisher includes near the image.
Hewlett-Packard Company This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph about your
organization. It might include the purpose of the organization, its
Primary Business Address mission, founding date, and a brief history. You could also include a
Address Line 2 brief list of the types of products, services, or programs your organi-
Address Line 3 zation offers, the geographic area covered (for example, western U.S.
Address Line 4 or European markets), and a profile of the types of customers or
members served.
Phone: 555-555-5555 It would also be useful to include a contact name for readers who
Fax: 555-555-5555 want more information about the organization.
Email: [email protected]
We’re on the Web!
Organization Business Tagline or Motto
Back Page Story Headline
This story can fit 175-225 give your newsletter a per- vices, you can include a
words. sonal touch. If your organiza- listing of those here. You
tion is small, you may want may want to refer your read-
If your newsletter is folded to list the names of all em- ers to any other forms of
and mailed, this story will ployees. communication that you’ve
appear on the back. So, it’s created for your organiza-
a good idea to make it easy If you have any prices of tion.
to read at a glance. standard products or ser-
You can also use this space
A question and an- to remind readers to mark
swer session is a their calendars for a regular
good way to quickly event, such as a breakfast
meeting for vendors every
capture the attention third Tuesday of the month,
of readers. You can or a biannual charity auction.
either compile ques-
tions that you’ve If space is available, this is a
received since the good place to insert a clip art
last edition or you image or some other graph-
can summarize some
generic questions
that are frequently
asked about your
A listing of names Caption describing picture or graphic.
and titles of manag-
ers in your organiza-
tion is a good way to