The Everlasting Moments That
Occurred Throughout my Life
By: Jaydy Kristen Duenas
The Story of a Start to a Begging
I woke up to hear my alarm chiming on my phone and decided to wake up. After that I spaced... why
did I put an alarm on my phone? Then I remembered that the night before I was getting ready for the
first day of school. So I woke up my sister so we won’t be late. As we arrived my dad noticed there
was big line in front of all the gates. I was confused neither me or my dad knew what to do. So he
dropped me of at the 8th grade gate and I waited there. There was so many people I recognized and so
many people I didn’t recognize while I was waiting in line. After, they finally let me into the school
but as I was walking I noticed that many of the students were leaving the class. I panicked and hurried
into my class. Thankfully my homeroom teachers noticed me and gave me my class schedule. The rest
of my school day went by fast, I saw my friends that I haven’t seen in a long time and got talk with
them. Getting to all my classes was a struggle but I made it to all of them. After the bell rang we were
all dismissed. It was a struggle but I made it through the first day of school.
The First Road Trip to Arizona
I was about five years old and it was my first trip to Arizona. My mom and dad were planning this trip
for a long time because I’ve never met the other side of my family and my sisters also haven’t. My
mom and dad woke us up round four a.m that morning to get into the car. We met with my cousins,
aunts, and uncles from my dad’s side of the family at Starbucks. After we got breakfast we drove in
the car for three or two hours then stopped again for a bathroom break. I had a fun time singing songs
with my sisters and playing word games like Green Glass door or elephants on top of your head. Also,
in each of our dtops I got to speak with my cousins and make silly faces at each other through the car
window. It was the most memorable Road Trip ever.
My First Time Going On The Incredicoaster
I was at Disneyland with my family and we were deciding where to go when my older
sister asked a question. “Can me, Jaydy, and Elisa go on the Incredicoaster.” Shivers
went right through me because I have never went to a big roller coaster before and I
didn’t want to go on one either because I was scared of heights. But as I was going to
tell my mom she said , “Well then I guess me and Christan will go to to the Guardians
of the Galaxy ride.” I froze, I knew if I told her now my sisters would say if my
younger sister could go on a scary ride than why can’t I? As we were waiting in line
the closer we got the more scared I was getting. Finally, it was our turn to get on, my
heart was beating out of my chest as I tried to stay quiet. As the ride took of it was like
I was riding through air and overcoming my fear as it dropped. It was so memorable to
me because I overcame my fear of heights.
The Culminating Class of 2018
My fifth grade Culmination was one of the most memorable days of my
life. In the mourning my mom bought me a dress to wear to my
Culmination so the first thing I did was put it on. I was so excited my heart
was beating out of my chest. After I put it on my mom took pictures of me.
As I got there I saw everyone waiting outside and I started jumping with
excitement! I ran towards where I neede dto be then headed inside. The
auditorium was filled with people. I gasped then remembered it was going
to be my last time here. We all sang a song and gave speeches, then said
our goodbyes, I will never forget that day.
About The Author
Jaydy K. Duenas was born on July 11, 2008,
her pronouns are she/her. She grew up in
Carson, California in a household that
consists of seven members of her family.
She has four sisters and a mother and
father. On weekdays she takes care of her
ill grandma and during the week she
attends Stephen White middle school. Her
favorite word is achieve because she
believes in anything she sets in mind. Her
interests are ice skating, tennis, and
spending time with her family. Her favorite
sweet treat are mochi donuts.