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or back pain? If you have Corporations, Department of Petitioner and JAMES HENSEN, Respondent
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Wheelchair - $50. Call 321-202- business enterprise as follows: TO: Oladimeji Didi Memofoyi, Last action for Divorce has been filed
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Push Seated Walker - Drive written defenses, if any, to it on
Brand, hand brakes & basket, FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action Rebecca Hensen, whose address
brand new, never used, $65 To Whom it may concern: for dissolution of marriage has is 149 Dempsey Way, Orlando,
OBO. 407-963-0521 Notice is hereby given that been filed against you and that you FL 32835 on or before August 9,
the undersigned pursuant to are required to serve a copy of your 2021, and file the original with the
DO YOU suffer from the “Fictitious Name Statute”, written defenses, if any, to it on clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange
Erectile Dysfunction? Chapter 865.09, Florida Yamanica St Marc, whose address Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801,
Painless medical device Statutes, will register with is 1101 Kimball Drive, Ocoee, FL before service on Petitioner or
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Developed by Medical Department of State, State of 2021, and file the original with the fail to do so, a default may be
Doctors. Less than the cost Florida upon receipt of proof of clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange entered against you for the relief
of in-clinic treatments. Easy the publication of this notice, the Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801, demanded in the petition.
Financing. Customer satis- fictitious name, to-wit: Your CBD before service on Petitioner or
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faction guarantee. are) engaged in business at 400 fail to do so, a default may be in this case, including orders,
Call 833-477-4376 now. North Orlando Avenue, Suite entered against you for the relief are available at the Clerk of
104, Maitland, FL, 32751. That demanded in the petition. the Circuit Court’s office. You
vascuwave.com the (party) (parties) interested may review these documents
in said business enterprise as The action is asking the court upon request.
Portable Oxygen Unit - AirSep follows: Florida Health Brands to decide how the following real
Focus, deluxe shoulder/ LLC, Orange County, FL. or personal property should be You must keep the Clerk
waist carry bag, weighs divided: NONE. of the Circuit Court’s office
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ly serviced, like new, $600. Notice is hereby given that in this case, including orders, of Current Mailing and E-Mail
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the “Fictitious Name Statute”, the Circuit Court’s office. You Court Approved Family Law
Home Oxygen Unit - DeVilbiss Chapter 865.09, Florida may review these documents Form 12.915). Future papers in
5-liter oxygen concentra- Statutes, will register with upon request. this lawsuit will be mailed or
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ly cleaned, serviced, all new Department of State, State of You must keep the Clerk record at the clerk’s office.
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the Division or Corporations, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT $99 / month
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resort amenities. Monthly lot water, sewer, and trash Single garage. Private fenced
rent approx.. $495 includes removal. Wheelchair accessi- back yard with large deck. 25 Acres NORTH FLORIDA.
sewer/water, routine lawn ble. Equal Housing Opportunity. Screened porch. Quiet resi- For home or investment.
care, trash/recycling. Call dential street. $1900 month. Subdividing OK. ONLY $74,900.
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Brenda at Exit Realty 352- House share with an old hippy. stay $125 per night with 3 www.FloridaLand123.com
973-1308. Merry Christmas & $300/month 407-282-4580 night min. Call 321-258-7466
Feliz Navidad. [email protected] *** CASH *** QUICK ***
We buy Mortgages and Trust
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October 1, 2021
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14 Tell them you saw it in the Orlando Pennysaver October 1, 2021
’04 Chrysler 300 M – Platinum
24v/V6 high performance
engine. Excellent condition.
Asking $3,500 obo. Call 386-
’06 Dodge Ram 1500, 4.7 WE BUY CARS, trucks, vans, ’08 Honda VTX 1300 - MAGIC TILT Boat Trailer
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one who can repair!!! $2500/ 19’ Model (2005) ALS1931. Call
obo or will trade for nice reliable, Got an older car, boat or RV? 14’ Tracker Guide Boat - Boat, 407-300-1758
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it to the Humane Society. Call many extras, $6,500. Call 407- DONATE YOUR CAR TO
’66 Chevy Corvair Corsa - Good 1-800-831-6309 620-3582 CHARITY. Receive maximum
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Don 352-973-9447 Does your auto club offer no 1911 model, 2 seater, new Running or not! All conditions
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miles, 6cyl, new tires and & Get $200 in ACA Rewards! 802-4995
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’13 Toyota Tacoma Access
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Orlando Auto Auction Got an older car, boat or RV?
BUYING CARS & TRUCKS will be holding the GSA Do the humane thing. Donate
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obo. 407-466-8379 Thurs, Oct 7th, 11am
’10 Toyota Corolla Black 4-door 4636 W Colonial Drive
54k orig miles. Excellent body Orlando, FL 32808
and runs great. $8,000 neg.
Call 516-382-3198 https://autoauctions.gsa.gov
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capitalclassiccars.com 865-242-8021
To Place Your Ad, Call 407.730.3321 OR visit OrlandoPennysaver.com 15
PERMIT #1979
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