From the life of
My Birth Story
I was born the youngest of 3 siblings on September 14, 2006. I
was born at a hospital near Fresno, California,which about 3-4
hours from Carson, California. I was born with a big sister(17) and a
big brother(19). I was premature because I was born 1.5 weeks
earlier than I should have.
Event #1
One event that shaped me happened in 3rd grade. I was getting ready to get back in
class from lunch when i witnessed a kid accidently throw a ball over the fence. I
could tell he was scared and didn’t want to get in trouble. So he went to the teacher
and instead of confessing he blamed i on the boy next to him. I was very surprised and
at that time I realized how far people will go to avoid consequences.
Event #2
An experience that I have and i am still having is people mistaking me of being white,
the race that is. When I was younger almost everyone mistaked me for a white
person which ,at the time, was pretty frustrating. I would correct them very rudely
which thinking about it now was super disrespectful. But now I learned how to accept
the fact that this will be a very common mistake done by people around me. I now only
correct them politely. But due to my experiences I now know that asking is way better
than just assuming right away.
The last event that shaped was the first time that I felt an earthquake. I was around 7
years old in my house and it was around 3pm. I was on the bed and i felt everything
shaking; it was really an unforgettable experience. It was scary but at the same time
eye-opening that the world can end for you in an instant and that you cherish
everyone and everything around you.
About the Author
Andrew was born on September 14, 2006 into a five piece family. He was born
premature at 7.5 weeks. He has a big brother(19) and a big sister(17). He now lives in
Torrance, California and goes to Stephen White middle School. He loves video games ,
music, friends, school and especially his family. Andrew loathes many things such as
his annoyingness and his dumb jokes. He also dislikes some vegetables such squash
broccoli and cauliflower. His friends are Tristan, Julian, Timothy, Jason, Angela, Tyler,
Tania,Miguel, Christian, Sab, and Angel.