Summary of the Seminar
( Teaching Methodology and Active Learning)
Guest Speaker Mr. Marut Marc Tasanagorakool
September 30 - October 2, 2019
At Teeratada Phitsanulok School
By: Mr. Jonathan M. Porley
The term teaching method refers to the general principles,
pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom
instruction. Your choice of teaching method depends on what fits
you ā your educational philosophy, classroom demographic, subject
area(s) and school mission statement.
Teaching theories can be organized into four categories based
on two major parameters: a teacher-centered approach versus a
student-centered approach, and high-tech material use versus low-
tech material use.
We enlighten and refreshed our knowledge about Child
Oriented, Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning, Student-Centered
Approach to Learning, Media and Technology Approach to Learning
to be an active learning.
The educational system in Thailand composed of four test
diagnostic test, teacher-made test , achievement test and
competency test.
In the O-NET test have four skills Who, What, How and What
for. That the teacher must concern and focus on teaching students to
get the high score.
The speaker tells about the 5 core competencies such as
communication in language, thinking analysis, computational
thinking, Problem solving problem planning, life skills and
technological skills. In Active Learning the students have to ask
questions, students think and students can write/create plan, mind
mapping. The four factor Skills KPA- first knowledge, second
psychomotor, third attitude or attribute, Experiences, Motivation
and Environment. In the content of KPA 1. Fact 2. Definition 3. Main
Idea 4. Principle 5. Law 6. Theory. In KPA the competency, skills and
We know the real meaning of active learning and how to
execute in our students this opportunity might our students make
more knowledge and active learning.
Active Learning, Standard-based Curriculum Teacher
Competencies and Teaching Concept
Teaching Methodology Constructivism and Cognitivism
Lesson Planning Using High Teaching Competencies ā2W3Pāā
Reflection and Conclusion