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The Cotswold Savoyards production of Iolanthe, 2018

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Published by ian, 2019-07-10 10:44:10


The Cotswold Savoyards production of Iolanthe, 2018

PAUL SCOTT On behalf of The best to help you. council, the
MANAGER Playhouse, Whether you are theatre is totally
welcome to our a regular patron self funding and
or this is your first
wonderful time with us, the charity is
intimate theatre could I please ask always looking for
you to respect
here in the heart those around you financial and
by switching off
of Cheltenham. your mobile practical support
2015 marked our phone and not to assist with the
70th anniversary photographic or operation and
as a performing audio equipment maintenance of
during the
venue although performance. one of the town’s

the building has a Aside from a most historic and
fascinating past grant of £5,700 interesting grade-
from the borough
dating back to II listed buildings.
1806. If you If you’d like more

require any information
assistance during about ways you

your visit, please could help us,

do not hesitate to please don’t
ask one of the hesitate to

front of house contact me.
volunteers and
[email protected]
they will do their

The Partners in the Playhouse Scheme offers our valued patrons a chance to help
keep this lovely theatre alive while getting closer to the life of the theatre and the
people who work in it. For more information on becoming a Partner, please
contact us on 01242 522852. We extend our thanks to our current Partners:

Roger Beacham Sue Bennett Simon Bill
Anne Chandler Ian Chandler Mr Geoffrey Cox
Mrs June Cox Mr & Mrs D Elkins Les Godwin
David Hall Veronica Hall Elizabeth Maisey
Tony Maisey Sheila Mander John Morgan
Lyn Morgan Eileen Morrison Jane Moseley
Peter Oddy Carol Oddy Mr D Powell
Mr & Mrs M R Ratcliffe Mr D Williams Mrs E Williams
Regent Windows Peak Hire Signcraft
M R Ratcliffe Consultants Hitwave Thin White
Stageteam Mailadoc

THE other operettas composers. They behalf of charity.
COTSWOLD by Sullivan, stage two They can produce
SAVOYARDS Lehar, Offenbach productions per a short cabaret by
The Cotswold and Strauss. Over year, each a small group of
Savoyards was the past few years running for a singers or a whole
formed in 1962 to they have week; one at evening's
produce the widened their Cheltenham's entertainment
works of Gilbert repertoire to amateur theatre, with full chorus.
and Sullivan. isDnuacclyhusd,aeSs wSshaeoleawndes y The Playhouse, The Society is
They have TInotdodt,hCeaWndoioddes,, and the other at always keen to
presented staged SMcurosiocgael, tThiteanic, the town's attract new
versions of all 13 tuhpetMheusBicaanl,dS, trike professional members,
surviving operas, Follies, Anything theatre, The whether as
a reconstruction GNoigehst, AMLuistitcleand Everyman. They performers or as
of Thespis, and mFaoirstLraedceyn. tly My are always willing helpers in some
Approximately to consider capacity and they
half of their shows requests from are always
are now Gilbert other pleased to see
and Sullivan, and organisations to new faces on (and
half from other stage concerts on off) stage.

SIMON LEWIS It is my very great assignment with now.
CHAIR OF THE pleasure to the Savoyards, New talent
SOCIETY welcome you to PaPthdiereanaBzptaertosanaoctiedfowninaotyfhTehe continues to flow
our 2018 autumn spring of 2017. Her into our ranks;
Iporloadnuthceti.oGnilobfert novel vision for making their
and Sullivan’s this production debuts with us
biting political has put a fresh are several young
satire remains one coat on the peers and fairies,
of the crown original 1882 and it’s our
jewels of the paintwork, and I earnest hope that
Savoy Opera am confident you this will be the
canon, brimming will be enchanted start of a long
with iconic odes, by the finished and fruitful
among them the article. 136 years association with
majestic March of after its world the Savoyards.
the Peers, the pIorleamntihèeres,till offers Thank you, ladies
Lord Chancellor’s considerable and gentlemen,
eternal nightmare scope for for your most
song and the lampooning the valued support
longest Act 1 government once again; the
Finale ever system of this ties of friendship
created by this country, are indeed
unique regardless of the paramount. May I
partnership. era, so stand by wish you a very
We are delighted for a few shafts of pleasant evening
to have director topical humour, in the company of
Diana Dodd at especially with The Cotswold
the helm again, Brexit mere Savoyards who
less than two months away welcome ye to
years after her Fairyland!
first such

season, it is once wonderful Peers’ masterpieces in the
again the turn of chorus, and one of G&S repertoire.
the ageless duo his most touching So, prepare for an
W.S. Gilbert and arias for poor evening of fun and
Arthur Sullivan to Iolanthe herself. fantasy in the
entertain us. Gilbert's amusing capable hands of
cTrheeairtiqonuiIroklyanthe, dialogue between Cotswold
twitilteh TithseaPlteeernr aatnivde Phyllis and Savoyards. And if
Strephon (who is a you feel inspired by
the Peri, is a fairy just down to tonight’s
MARILYN HILL the waist), and the performance to join
SMITH particular favourite pompous rival their illustrious
PRESIDENT of mine - a perfect peers, Mountararat ranks, I am sure
After the triumph mixture of fairies and Tolloller, is they would be
of The Savoyards’ and mortals, pomp splendidly crafted. delighted to
pFaroirdLuactdioynlaosft My and absurdity. The brilliantly welcome you into
Sullivan wrote some written Nightmare their friendly,
of his most stirring Song remains one talented family.
music for the of the great

and we hope that traditional props of world with the
this is what you will fairydom? inevitable
see in this On researching misunderstandings.
pIoelarfnotrhmeaisnbcea.sed on fairies, it emerged By contrast, our
that they have a peers remain firmly
a world of very mixed in the Edwardian
opposites: city life reputation in the period of this
versus country life, UK and were often operetta’s birth but
mortals versus linked to bring a gentlemen’s
immortals and class unfortunate events sporting look to
consciousness versus such as the their
DIANA DODD egalitarianism. disappearance of a characterisations.
These were our baby or a child. We A huge thank you
DIRECTOR early challenges in decided to make to our cast who

staging this piece. our fairy troupe a have embraced
I was delighted to Another key rather rebellious these concepts and
be invited to direct challenge was group who are rehearsed with
my second Gilbert always going to be clearly not “dainty enthusiasm and skill
and Sullivan the fairies. Disney little fairies”. and to our crew
production for the fantasy figures or Brought to life by a who have solved
wonderful Cotswold traditional Swan young girl who finds some interesting
Savoyards. The Lake as with the a trunk full of fairy staging dilemmas.
committee asked D’Oyle Carte dolls, they take this
me to direct a Company? What human into their We hope you will
“creative” version of about wings, wands midst and learn enjoy your trip to
this classic operetta and all the about her mortal Fairyland!

This is, for me, a sense of the word. Arthur. Iolanthe is
piece that seems to The operetta filled with
stand on its own. sparkles with memorable and
The concept of Gilbertian ‘wit and beautiful melodies,
Peers versus Fairies good humour’. It as one might expect
is just about was special to Sir from a tunesmith of
as heart warming Arthur, who Sullivan’s quality.
as it is ‘Topsy Turvy’. perhaps unusually Having enjoyed
The whole idea of scored the overture playing various
the British himself. More often, parts in it over
DAVID establishment and the overtures of the the years, I now find
MANIFOLD its heraldry, in G&S operas were myself in the
MUSICAL immutable conflict scored by one privileged position
DIRECTOR with the fairy Alfred Cellier, a of conducting an
‘Queendom’, is close friend and orchestra for it.
unique in the true associate of Sir

IOLANTHE klWinnaeorawdgeoo.ff PhthhiseymlClisioxiues drat thfaahimmierio.feanWsgiarhsireterstinvhtoeethhPeeeleprs thShhaeas wofon*re. Ctahpattasihne
THE STORY bdptheyoermtyishipaoeonrsees.itIpmnyuseauntnlytwdedith EaedilnitsshecdoweMvrheooerfurtetnhhtTaeaotmrlailforlaletr
aSPebprQmetniaaulrsvolspsereuershlpeteienraealihdnglnmloc,stegt,hhnieanTbotankcihhyonttleaues,pcsetdaushiasntietsnsgirnyg rtotdmttmrehhhteanuahaeeadoynerstttriurhttbibdehint.ooysouecDntoPeyefhe,alhmPtlcmithyikhodueleilyiliyctnyslhehl,giaes, cinh
ACT 1 of Chancery which eonf tPryartloiatmheenHtouse ftrhieenndasmhipe.of
Ialotnoisdkaiandgyaofroukrnngigghirtl, TpmmheeaeramrrLnyiosssrwsidhoitenhcforauontmnot bitRmttttnhhhheeetrieeeaisaernitnirlpPlaflgiiissrcegekitiblnedveaaeagrintslostsseictooe.fagehondlreeoreslaaiosarionntnthfdege, r nLndiMwPhsaoiiehgghoercsyohhandihldttlnlsyimaCeshwp:dsoholahhatnauarihigemlneledausscp,lsteeeameteltdehlnlrhfoapes.dberorleryrneyss
soTfiolnhdmedfsetarwasuhnhnieookrnldeies tdtforuulplnlokaf.y LChSpasfNeutaorehaleielrtstaotpdioturmnwhrieCorcsofoaenPuhanrllslsaleem'yoseaen,redmors.cTlsnietghafhgllerirobesortrirlmaeehgise affaapitrpeieeissa, slbetuaotletthdhe.eir SthtmalRohotabeoriesclPoekfuobuphiannnithygdcgfolhialelinimesrisrsdtcyytoho,ao,tatnhnhuhtfeedteehhnrisyn.fescuegeisls
bfamsipnenuodadrssuitocistnaloidfglmurtlbeoefocyaoosi.rrkdySssh, e tPhaerluiapmpeernht.ouse of dsoeocnidaestpoomssiabrlrey. as
odwolnls., Sjuhset liimkeaghienres ACT 2 TIohlaeyntpheerstuoamdae ke
lwikheaitf itthwe oduolldls be TuSiafnathppriPerpseieeapePtsrahealtoileaobtnrmoos'rseuatesthturnueectr,cneasnsd aLtrdehoonlerueaidsrcptsbCaopehn,ehartaealnylvlcftese,ohalaletolnihnrdegona
came to life. Tthhiengfas itroiens owrmoualdl. sfoecrr2e5t syheearhsa. sAkgeapint,
Magically, the dolls pstlimhkeeeeiytrttseoatnrhoeewbqmliiutgshieetetl(vhaeess) sthhee adgeaaitnh ipnecunraslty
begin to appear as bfsTbahhuuoierttcieitkQthse'uiesdwnetebeofnaiyonkitdlsanhseteess., ainntdheonlalywaccahnasnagvee
real fairies, who htewhveiaterhstnehPlrfeererimvnaaaattmrtekraoiWncugtirileolisdn, htpheeerer.reTthmoahingekhlpftu!blley a
whisk the girl off to to him is similar to
tfahierryelaisnmduwchhere bhahQpiptp*rBOMneheenorleCrufaeaeei1rfrwdgast8eysilfsctnreeoa8pe.illooenielinr2dnftfgorpmgegat.,ehddooeAia.iftatninflnirhuHidlrnteoitdseScptadhctecfhehentrhFetCaewalehByaaoFhnLswseaassifttiidoreersoariyIfnewtdfonitlrdhlotleassahotiotmsontanknt,tt,hhaee
wnoetrew. hTawtetnhteyy-foivnece
cIfFyoaoealvmaaironrymsutQhariitegtute,oeed,featnhtirh'esye, PSwaatchhrtceeyeidpnlnliedhssneohlotrnelvy, ebmsuitshears
sTmceahnapetriertQyanuilcneeogeffnaenhmcaeodrottfahle. cboentwveeresanthioimn and
tTshItttcoeohhhohuleeeemaeslibhnfdQcmfeaoitaemulhnnouiareeddntitaeeehgiltanesgdipeanoactfxoendvoirninneolten.vamhh,eilanteovytcrneer hloios kmsolitkheera(gwirhloof
wpahrodorentuIorlnasnttohe, BuSbsetneevrlfteiearepanivthtyeheoesfendutnhl,i.)ssa,hbtPeehinygllis
introduce her (now odneecidoef stwtoomPaererrys,
grown up) half MEaorul notfararat or
dEaoerlsTnooltlocllaerre, she

fairy/half mortal
son, Strephon.
wsbheheaopuhdteiofruedlsenssoPt hyllis
DSlotesreesppPehhroaynltleics,anlolst to

Tony is very thrilled most of the bass many concerts for
to be playing the and comic baritone the Savoyards and
much-coveted part roles over the other groups
of the Lord years. His including works by
Chancellor favourites include a variety of
again. He was Archibald composers of church
previously the Grosvenor Patience, music, spirituals,
Chancellor in 1992 John Wellington operas and comic
ANTHONY at the Everyman Wells The Sorcerer, songs, but his
JONES Theatre and in Sir Joseph Porter abiding passion
LORD 2008 for Cirencester H.M.S. Pinafore, remains the unique
CHANCELLOR Opera. Pooh-Bah The wit, delightful
Tony joined the Mikado and humour and un-
MICHAEL chorus of the Ludwig in The forgettable tunes of
FERRIS Cotswold Savoyards Grand Duke. the Savoy Operas.
EARL in 1965 and has
TOLLOLLER greatly enjoyed the Tony has appeared
privilege of playing in and introduced

Michael first even a ‘70s cover canon throughout
discovered the rock band in Bristol Worcestershire,
delights of the called Clifton and Gloucestershire,
Savoy Operas when the Suspenders, he Bristol and
he played Nanki- still keeps returning Somerset. This is the
Poo in The Mikado to his vocal roots. first time he’ll
for Worcester He joined the repeat a role for
Gilbert and Sullivan Cotswold Savoyards the same society,
Society in 1992. in 2006, playing which means he
Despite since the Governor of must have stuck
moving in a Montevideo in with one society
number of different Candide, followed long enough to do
musical directions, by Tolloller in the so! He likes to think
including St Peter’s previous production he’s still a little
Winchcombe of Iolanthe. He has young for the part,
church choir, local played almost all of which makes a
barbershop quintet the principal tenor change!
Five in a Bar and roles in the Savoy

From nativity play assumed many A schoolteacher by

shepherd to school principal roles over trade, he also sings

pantomimes and the years, especially with Cheltenham’s

university German villains, and Jubilate Chamber

plays, Simon directed our 2016 Choir and writes for

graduated to production of the Gloucestershire
musicals and the Princess Ida. He
Echo as a theatre

SIMON LEWIS Savoy Operas considers playing and music reviewer.

during the early the Pirate King in

1980s in Newcastle our 2017 production

upon Tyne, before of the Broadway
version of The
joining The
Cotswold Savoyards Pirates of Penzance

in 1990. He has as his finest hour.

Iolanthe is probably Samuel has been so Off stage, Samuel
Samuel’s favourite keen to play whittles away his
of the Savoy Strephon after time playing with
operas. Since first having played the steam engines on
performing as the Lord Chancellor. He the line to
Lord Chancellor in also came second in Broadway, selling
2007 he has the Cheltenham tickets, food and
appeared as the festival singing the drink on the trains.
tenor or comic Nightmare song! As He also enjoys
SAMUEL J baritone in all of well as G&S Samuel getting around the
TAUNTON the operas except has also enjoyed countryside by bike
STREPHON The Grand Duke, appearing as Lord to root out routes of
most recently as Evelyn in Anything dismantled railways
Alexis in The Goes, Field Marshal or on foot on an
Sorcerer. You'll see Haig in Blackadder orienteering course.
from the and the Emperor in
denouement why Aladdin the panto.

Brian did an Rossini's Stabat Willows. Now
Mater. In Opera he divorced yet again
enormous amount sang 'Bass Buffo' he is running a
in the 1980s then
roles such as business as an artist
decided to train at
Birmingham Dulcamara and and framer and

Conservatoire Bartolo. In 1991 he doing an enormous

(between worked with Roy amount of singing
marriages). He
BRIAN CROSBY Castle for BBC for societies.
PRIVATE WILLIS then sang solo bass
in oratorio, such as Children in need as
Messiah, and
Badger in John
Rutter’s Wind in the

This is Alice’s 5th and Sullivan Festival in 2014.

production with operetta; she has She is delighted to
The Cotswold
played Fleta in one have been cast as
Savoyards, after
playing the role of production and Phyllis in this
Anne in A Little
Night Music this directed two production and
time last year.
Iolanthe is Alice’s productions of it, hopes you enjoy this
favourite Gilbert
one of which was absurd political
performed at the satire (quite
PHYLLIS International appropriate at this

Gilbert and Sullivan current time!)


Lord Chancellor Anthony Jones

Earl Tolloller Mike Ferris
Earl Mountararat Simon Lewis

Strephon Samuel J Taunton
Private Willis Brian Crosby

Phyllis Alice Wilman

Fairy Queen Bronwen Carless
Iolanthe Sarah Thompson

Celia Fiona Gordon-Smith
Leila Penny Lewis

Fleta Sheila Ham

Tinkerbell Macie Timms


Sarah Bottomley Molly Masters
Jeanie Flint Maggie Preston

Lesley Hendrie Jo Scriven


Alan Flint Daniel Stewart
Sean Kilty Hugh Tarran
Tom Mullins Philip Wenham
Richard Schofield John Wilman


STRING Maggie Scott WOODWIND Helen Harper
Leader Langley Flute 1 Phoebe Wilson
David Scott Flute 2 Hilary Barry
1st Langley Fiona Stubbs
2nd Liz Shepard Bassoon Margaret
2nd Louise Oldridge Clarinet Hartnell
2nd Ray Tarling Steve Harper
Viola Gill Tomlinson Oboe Phill Storer
Cello Jenny Hood BRASS Chris Sturdy
Bass Ian Hartnell Trumpet Caroline
Percussion Pam Smith Trumpet Chandler
Ian Evans



(Celia, Leila, and Chorus of Fairies)
(Queen, Iolanthe, Celia, Leila,
and Chorus of Fairies)
(Strephon and Chorus of Fairies)
(Queen and Chorus of Fairies)
(Phyllis and Strephon)
(Phyllis and Strephon)
(Chorus of Peers)
(Lord Chancellor and Chorus of Peers)
(Phyllis, Lord Tolloller, and Lord
(Lord Tolloller and Chorus of Peers)
(Phyllis, Lord Tolloller, Lord
Mountararat, Strephon, Lord
Chancellor, and Chorus of Peers)
(Lord Chancellor)


(Private Willis)

(Chorus of Fairies and Peers)
(Lord Mountararat and Chorus)

(Leila, Celia, Chorus of Fairies,
Mountararat, Tolloller, and Peers)
(Queen with Chorus of Fairies)
(Phyllis, Lord Mountararat, Lord
Tolloller, and Private Willis)
(Lord Chancellor)

(Lord Tolloller, Lord Mountararat,
and Lord Chancellor)
(Phyllis and Strephon)
(Lord Chancellor, Iolanthe,
and Chorus of Fairies)

Bronwen had her taking the role of vulnerability and
first introduction to the Duchess of struggling to control
Gilbert and Sullivan Plaza Toro in The her feelings for the
through her father Gondoliers with opposite sex. In
who sang with the Great Witley short, a “proper
Ledbury Choral Operatic Society in Diva”! This is going
and Operatic 2010. The rest as to take some
Society. Having they say is history! acting!!! Some say
watched him in Having joined the it’s a part Bronwen
BRONWEN many productions Cotswold Savoyards was always
CARLESS she finally joined in 2012 she is now destined to play,
FAIRY QUEEN him on stage in the taking on her 6th others are not so
SARAH chorus for The principal Gilbert brave! With the
THOMPSON Pirates of Penzance and Sullivan role - exception of
IOLANTHE in 1972 when he The Queen of the Private Willis of
played Samuel. Fairies!! Haughty, course...
There was then a bossy, demanding,
rather long gap domineering, and
until she ventured powerful. Trying to
back on stage, hide her

Sarah is new to The Cheltenham, she sparkles helping out
Cotswolds has been a vocal with hair and
Savoyards, having coach and makeup back
joined My Fair Lady consultant in the stage. She is
earlier this year local area for over excited for her
both as one of 12 years, working second show with
Higgins’ servants with various music The Cotswold
and as a member companies, Savoyards as
of the ensemble. franchises and Iolanthe, and is
She has performed producers. Other looking forward to
as a soloist, in duos, talents include hopefully many
bands, choirs, making a few more in the future
theatres, concerts costumes for this with this friendly
and festivals both in show. Sarah is also and welcoming
the UK and a qualified theatre group.
internationally, hairdresser and
singing various cosmetician and is
genres of music. probably having
Now settled in fun with glitter and

Fiona enjoys a wide Mozart’s Marriage H.M.S. Pinafore,
range of music and of Figaro and 2nd Anything Goes and
has been a cup Genii in The Magic Princess Ida playing
winner at Worcester Flute. She was part Lady Psyche.
Competitive of the staged Fiona is pleased to
Festival in the premiere of Clive be back performing
Soprano Vocal Nolan’s Alchemy. after the birth of
Class. She has sung Fiona’s previous her daughter and
with the Reading G&S appearances especially in
Phoenix Choir and include Chloe in Iolanthe, as it is one
the Britten Singers Princess Ida and of her favourite
in Hereford. Fiona Phyllis in Iolanthe. G&S shows.
has since progressed Since returning to
to the stage with Cheltenham she has
performances as enjoyed being part
Susannah & of the Savoyards
Cherubino in performing in

Penny first trod the principal roles in enjoys her sport,
boards as a nativity The Gondoliers, especially
play angel, moving Follies, Anything swimming. Beyond
on to pantomimes Goes and most the boards, she
with Leckhampton recently Princess functions as the
Players, before Ida. A primary society’s Welfare
joining The school teacher, she Officer and Arts
Cotswold Savoyards has also appeared Council
PENNY LEWIS in 1990 along with in many shows by Representative, and
LEILA her husband Simon. Promenade also serves on the
She has performed Productions over Executive
several minor the years, and Committee.








Director Diana Dodd
Musical Director David Manifold
Production Secretaries Penny Lewis and Richard Schofield

Choreography Penny Lewis
Stage Manager Adam Bottomley

Assisted by friends and members of the
Set Building Adam Bottomley
Assisted by friends and members of the
Lighting Design Dave Whitelock
Prompt Sarah Eliot
Wardrobe Liz Nixon, Rachel Hadfield and Terry
Make-up Lisa Crowhurst and Brenna Martin
Assisted by friends and members of the
Publicity Sheila Ham
Video Production Paul Avery
Artwork Sheila Ham and Ian Ham
Programme Design and Photography Ian Ham
Rehearsal Accompanists Jaqueline Adams, John Merrick, James
Quinn and Jo Sanderson
Rehearsal Refreshments Rosemary Evans, Alan and Jeanie Flint,
Richard Schofield
Front of House John Cogzell, assisted by friends and
members of the society


Marylin Hill Smith’s Photo Louis Flood Photographers
Rehearsal Spaces Shurdington Primary School
The Richard Pate School

Poster and Programme Printing InstantPrint
Rowing Blade Evesham Rowing Club
Costumes Cotswold Costumes,
Stage Style Costumes, Showcase
The Ladies’ Chorus
Music Stands CODS

Fraser the Sheep House of Fraser

PAST SHOWS 2003 The Mikado 1983 The Yeomen Of The Guard
We perform two shows per 2002 Salad Days 1983 Utopia Limited
year, and below is a full 2002 The Yeomen of the Guard 1982 Ruddigore
listing of all our past 2001 Patience 1982 Trial By Jury/Cox & Box/ The
productions from 1962 to the 2001 The Gondoliers Zoo
present day. 2000 Utopia Limited 1981 Princess Ida
2000 Iolanthe 1981 Patience
2018 My Fair Lady 1999 Die Fledermaus 1980 The Pirates Of Penzance
2017 A Little Night Music 1999 The Sorcerer 1980 The Rose Of Persia
2017 The Pirates of Penzance - 1998 Cox & Box/H.M.S. Pinafore 1979 The Mikado
Broadway Version 1998 Princess Ida 1979 The Sorcerer
2016 Princess Ida 1997 The Merry Widow 1978 Iolanthe
2016 Anything Goes 1997 Trial By Jury/Not In Front 1978 La Belle Helene
2015 Follies Of The Waiter/The Zoo 1977 The Gondoliers
2015 Cox & Box / H.M.S. Pinafore 1996 The Yeomen Of The Guard 1977 H.M.S. Pinafore
2014 Strike Up The Band 1996 The Grand Duke 1976 Utopia Limited
2014 The Mikado 1995 Ruddigore 1976 Orpheus In The Underworld
2013 Jekyll & Hyde 1995 The Pirates Of Penzance 1975 The Yeomen Of The Guard
2013 Ruddygore 1994 Patience 1975 Princess Ida
2012 Patience 1994 The Count Of Luxembourg 1974 Ruddigore
2012 Titanic, the Musical 1993 The Mikado 1974 The Grand Duke
2011 Utopia, Limited 1993 The Gondoliers 1973 Patience
2011 The Pirates of Penzance 1992 Iolanthe 1973 The Mikado
2010 Scrooge, the Musical 1992 The Sorcerer 1972 The Sorcerer
2010 The Yeomen of the Guard 1991 The Yeomen Of The Guard 1972 Iolanthe
2009 Hot Mikado 1991 Cox & Box/H.M.S. Pinafore 1971 Thespis
2009 The Gondoliers 1991 Utopia Limited 1971 Cox & Box/The Pirates Of
2008 The Sorcerer 1990 The Merry Widow Penzance
2008 Into the Woods 1989 Ruddigore 1970 The Emerald Isle
2007 The Beggar's Opera 1989 Princess Ida 1970 The Gondoliers
2007 Iolanthe 1988 The Pirates Of Penzance 1969 Utopia Limited
2006 Candide 1988 Trial By Jury/Cox & Box/ The 1969 Trial By Jury/H.M.S.
2006 Trial by Jury and Pinafore Zoo Pinafore
2005 Orpheus in the 1987 The Mikado 1968 Princess Ida
Underworld 1987 Patience 1968 The Yeomen Of The Guard
2005 Princess Ida 1986 The Gondoliers 1967 Ruddigore
2004 Sweeney Todd 1986 The Grand Duke 1967 The Sorcerer
2004 The Pirates of Penzance 1985 Iolanthe 1966 Patience
2003 Ruddigore 1985 The Sorcerer 1966 The Pirates Of Penzance
1984 The Gipsy Baron 1965 The Mikado
1984 Not In Front Of The Waiter/ 1964 Iolanthe
H.M.S. Pinafore 1963 The Gondoliers

NODA is divided into eleven regions, each headed
by regional councillor who sits on the national
council (ruling body of the Association), and
supported by a network of regional
representatives and officials.

Membership provides theatre groups and
individuals with a wide range of benefits including
The Cotswold Savoyards are affiliated members of access to NODA’s advice service at national and
NODA. The National Operatic and Dramatic regional level, direct access to rights holders
rAespsorecisaetnitoanti(vNeObDodAy),ffooruanmdeadteinur18th9e9a, itsrethien ltehaeding ashnadretihnefomrmeadtiiaon, wonortkhsehobpesstapnrdascetimcein. aNrsOtDoAhelp
UK. The Association has a membership of holds an annual residential Summer School (with
approximately 2400 amateur theatre groups bursaries available) for those under 18.
and over 2000 individual members staging
musicals, operas, plays, concerts and pantomimes NODA also holds an annual national and regional
in a wide variety of venues ranging from the programme and poster competition. Through its
country’s leading professional theatres to trading arm, members have access to a varied
village halls. Covering a broad spectrum of age range of products and services including insurance
ranges NODA member societies meet the needs of for both societies and individuals, libretti and
all levels of both performers, whether dramatic, technical books and a range of NODA branded
dance or musical, and those involved backstage, merchandise. As a rights holder NODA Limited has
front of house or in society administration. 150 pantomimes by leading authors as well as a
growing catalogue of plays and musicals.
NODA aims:
· To give a shared voice to amateur theatre. For further information, please contact:
· To help societies and individuals achieve the highest NODA, 15 The Metro Centre, Peterborough, PE2
standards of best practice and performance. T: 01733 374790, F: 01733 237286
· To provide leadership and advice to enable amateur E: [email protected]
theatre to tackle the challenges and opportunities of
the 21st century.
Registered Charity No. 254640


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To whom we are most grateful for their continued interest and support

Mr & Mrs B. Benson Mrs J. Johnson Mr R. W. Pocock
Mrs M. K. Birkin Mrs M. Kilminster Mr M. Rainbow
Miss P. Bowyer Mr B. Large Mrs J. Roberts
Mr J. M. R. Clarke Mr P. Leppard Mr S. Seaton
Rev & Mrs G. Cox Mrs C. McNaughton Mr K. G. Sherwood
Mr & Mrs G. & M. Craven Mr A. Melville-Smith Sir M. H. Simms
Mr A. Eccles Mr D. J. Mills Mrs M. D. Simms
Mrs S. Edmunds Mrs S. Morgan Mr J. Stevenson
Mr T. Flack Mr J. Norris Mr J. Stubbings
Mr G. F. Gourlay Mrs C. Oddy Mrs J. Whales
Mrs G. Hewlett Mr J. Pannett Mrs J. Wilson
Mrs P. Holland Mr & Mrs K. & M. Pingriff Mrs A. Wynn

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