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Published by Vthere, 2021-04-26 22:12:45

The Rafflesian 1936 Aug Vol 12 No 2

The Open Championship Tournament began immediately
after the Scliool Sports ancl we were fully occupiecl wit11 it for the
rest of the term. Tilere were .?A entries. The conlpetitors
showed great enthusiasm in the game. The t o u r ~ l a n ~ eenntclecl
with Lee Chew Kuen ancl Wong Alt Choy, cltanlpion and runner-up
respectively. Yeo Soon J i n and \Yong Fook Tim 1i7011tliircl ancl
fourth places.

During the seconcl tern1 two matches were playecl against
tlie Loke's Badminton I'arty ancl the Mercantile Institntion. \Ye
won both matches by 7-0 ancl 4-1 respectively.

We hope to Ila17e many matches witit other scllools and clubs
next term.




Hozrse M n s f e ~ . . . . Nr. C. A. Sinnathamby.
House Cnfitain . . . . Pref. R. I. Barker.

At the beginning of the seconcl term our House Secretary,
Tan Song Yam, left school and Hector Seah succeeded him.
IVe wish him every success in his after-school life.

The House has done well in the Annual Scllool Sports. \Ye
hope to do better in future. Our House Football teaill is quite
strong and defeated Buclrley House, last year's champion I-Iouse,
in the Tournament.

'Tile nttenclance at House i\leetings has been satisfactory.

.E-r'ozrsr i L l n s f e ~ .
. . 31r. V. Xmbiavagar.

House Captaiir . . . . 1,im Joo Guan.

The beginning of the second t e r ~ l isaw the election of several
new office-bearers. Chua 1111 Tee, Loll Seow I<ee and Loll Tiang
Siew left us. They all llacl playecl a prominent part in the activi-
ties oF tlie House. \T7e wish them every success. Lila J00 Gllan
took the place of Chua A11 Tee as H o t ~ s eCaptain, and I-Iowc Soo

I<ee succeecled Joo Guan as House Secretary.

]Ire were rather unfort~ulateto be beaten by Hullett I-Iousc in
the Bacl~nintontournament.

Owing to lack of athletes, wc werc o u t of tlte pict11r~in the

In the Iilter-house Football Tourrlalilertt we gainecl a victory
over Moor House but lost to Lim Boo11 Keng House by one goal.
We must admire the pluck of our Captain, Joo Guan, who playecl
with a clainaged ankle and yet scored two goalsill the second match.

.!Ittendance at EIo11sc Meetings throughout the terin was
sntisfart ory.

I-IOTl'E S O 0 II;I<E.

Ilo2lci' Sl'rrt'tllYj~.


House lkfustev . . . . Mr. T. E. I<. Retnan~.
. . Pref. 130 I<een.
FIoftse Cnp/criil . .

We are-glad to say that house ineetings this terill were well
at tcnclecl.

\TTe were very ut~successful in games this term. In the
.Annual Sports, we dicl not have representati.i~es. Tire lost in the
Football, Badminton, and Ping-pong Tourtlaments.

EIo~vevcr,we hope to do well in Hockey nest tenn.


------ Horrse Sccreinrjl.


House iWaster . . . . Mr. M. N. Campos.
. . Pref. Lo11 Guan I<heng.
Horrse Captnill . .

TVe co~lgratulateour former House Captain Abclul Halllid 011
his being appointecl Senior Prefect. His place is now heing filled
by Loll Guail Icheng of the Special Class, who like our former

prefect is reilclering valuable service to the House.

A fairly large number of inembes of our House entered for
the Annual Sports but most of them were beaten i11 the heats.
Nor did we do well oil the Sports Day.

The house attendance for the secoild term has been satisfac-
tory ancl we hope this will be kept up.

Hoilse Secretary.


Holcse il.lasfer . . . . Mr. Muttusainy.
Hozlse Captain .. .. Ales. Watts.

The Second Term was a very successful one. House meetiilgs
were well attended. Roys showed an unusually keen intcresf in
sports and other Iiouse act ivit its.

We were the rul~ners-upin the Annual Sports Meeting. We
won the Hockey Shield, Individual Class 11 Championship and
the Tug-of-war.

Alexander Watts, Isnlail Marican, Bardhan, Noor, Ah Guan
and Varma represented the house in athletics.

We were knockecl out in the Badminton srmi-final l>y
I'l~illips House.


Holrsc Secrclar?~.


H O ~ L SiCklaste~ . . . . Mr. K. G. Sabapathy.
Hoitse Captaitz . . . . See Gim Siang.

We were u~lfortunatein losing the valuable services of our
captain Abdul Hamicl b. Jmnat, and secretary Seah Peng Soi.

We wish them every success in the future careers. 011s congratu-
lations are due to I,im Kian Soo, and See Gin1 Siang 011 being

promoted to Senior Prefect and Prefect respectively.

We have set up a brilliant record in the sports fielcl, co~nitig
out champions in Badminton, Cricket, Ping-pong, Volley Ball
and Athletics. We heartily congratulate Sundram 011 retaining
his title as the school's Chanlpion Athlete.

The fact that mauy boys in our house received prizes on
Speech Day proves that we are just as good in the class room as we
are in the field.

Holm Secret~yy.


House Plaster .. . . Mr. T. A. Chunchie.

House Ca$tai91 . . . . Pref. Tharn Kam Cheong.

At the close of the last term our Secretary, P. Suppiah, left
School. C' Ve wish hinl every success in his future career. His
post was filled by Leorlg Hoi Seng.

Our house was successful in the Annual School Sports. For
the second year in succession we won the Class I11 Challenge Cup.
For this we must thank Henry Yapp, the Class I11 Individual
Champion. Our boys showed great enthusiasm in the Sports
and we hope to repeat the performa~~cneext year.

We were rather unfortu~latein being eliminated in the Tenilis
Cricliet aiid Volley-ball Tournaments. This sl~ouldnot discour-
age us and we should do better next year judging from the interest
shown by our boys.

In the first round of the Inter-House Football Tournament we
clefeated Johnston House. Our next opponent is Bishop House
ancl a victory over them would put us in the final.

1,EONG 1-101 SENG,
Hoztse Secretary.


House Master .. . . Mr. G a l Hock Hye.
. . Chan Weng Sung.
House Captai~z . .

The meetings have been well attendecl tl~rouglioutthe term.
In spite of that not nzucll interest is shown by the boys in tlie
various activities.

In cricket, the House went as far as the quarter-finals before
we were beaten. We have a strong volley-ball team, and might
have gone far if the boys had co-operated more. We are all
looking forward to the Hockey House matches, though the absence
of P. Hoalin~,the House Captain, and Kartar Singh, the Hockey
Captain will weaken the teain coilsiderably.

hi. 13. MENON,



Hot,sc ;i/fnstcr . . .. Ms. Thong Sing Cliing.

House Captaiit . . . . Soh Yew Leong.

We are sorry to lose the services of Kanagalingam, our I-Iouse

Prefect and Captain. Soh Yew Leong fills his position. Mr. C.
I<ohllioff is now the House Secretary.

Pliillips House is at last awakening. Now tlie boys are taking
a little nzore interest in games. \ITe are rrtnners-up in the Bacl-
illinton Tournament. We have done well in Volley-ball, Ping-
pong and Cricket, and have been quite successful at tlie School

Swinln~illgCarnival. \Ve must congratulate Loll Cheng Fook on
\vinning the Swinlnling Championship and M. C. ICohllloff on
being runner-up in the School Sports.

The younger boys of the house are interested in games. If

their enthusiasm does not wane we should do very well in the near

future. M. c. ICOHLHOFF,



House rl/fastev . . . . Mr. Isinail.
House Cnptaift .. .. Suratta.

At the end of the first term, Yeo Hock Seilg, o m House
Secretary, left School. We wish him every success.

Attendance at House meetings was good. Members of the

House showed great enthusiasm in the School Sports but were not
successful. We hope to do better next year. We won the Inter-
House Teil~lisfor the 3rd time in successioll and the swimming
trophy for the second time in succession. We were runners-up in

the House Volley-ball competition.


------ House Secretary.


JVe welcorue as Scouters Messrs. Tail Sill Peag, Hooi Cheng
Looil and E. H. Sheares as A. S. Ms. of the 211d, 16th and 32ncl
Troops respectively. At the same time we are sorry to lose the
services of one of our most enthusiastic Scouters in the person of
A. S. M. YueYit Yang of the 1GthTroop. He has done two years
of harcl work with the 16th ancl was virtually in charge of the
Troop in the absence of its Scoutn~aster. IE-Ie goes to further his
studies in China and we wish him the best of luck.

Our three Troops are filled to capacity and the 2nd Troop
is burdened with a fifth patrol clue to a lack of suitable officers.
This drawback, lio\vever, we hope to remedy, ill allotl~eryear
when the liover Squires of our newly forillecl Rover Crew will
hecome full-blown Rover Scouts.

Parades are held every Friday and atte~lclailceat all paradcs
is very good. The three l'roops co~nbiileon the last Friday of
every month, 011 which day we close our parade with a very enjoy-
able time arouilcl the Camp Fire Circle.

On April 23rcl all Scouts and Scouters re-affirmed tlieir Pro-
lnise at a St. George's Day Associatioll Parade held at Scout H. Q.
A very enjoyable Cainp Fire brought the progra~~li-t~oleits close.

All three Troops have carllped at Purdy once this year a1lc1a
First Class Training Camp for all Scouts e~lteri~lfgor the First
Class Badge was also held.

On Sports Day the Tiger Patrol of the 16th Troop won the
Inter-Patrol Competition (Flagstaff Relay Race) and was awardecl
a felling axe.

66 Scouts and Scouters attended the I<ing's Birthday Parade
on June 23rd.

The Pioileering Team of the 32nd Troop won the SandsXup
this year. The 2nd and 16th Troops came third and fourtll
respectively. A raft had to be built and rowed to carry six Scouts
and a tent across a lake. On reaching the other end, the team had
to pitch the tent they carried. Seven teams from different
Schools competed and the winning team was co~lgratulatedby the
judges on its excellent discipline.


The Signalling Team of the 32nd Troop won the Sir Arthur
Young's Cup this year. The 16th and 2nd Troops came second
ancl third respectively. Two messages ill code had to be sent by
torch at night and the Raffles Signalling teams were congratulated
011 their speedy work. MTe were, however less fortunate i11 the
An~bulanceCup Competition but I an1 quite sure that the trailling
put in by the Scouters has not been wasted.

Six Scouts assisted at the Children's Concert held at the
Victoria Theatre on July 2211d. 20 Scouts assisted in the First
Chinese Inter-School Sports on July 30th and 31st.

Proficiency Badges gainecl i11 1036 to date of publicatioii-

Name of Badge. 2nd Troop. 16th Troop. 32iicl Troop.

1. Athlete . . . . 4 5 8
.. 3-
2. Entertainer 3
3. Reader . . .. -
4. Rescuer . . .. .. - I

5. Signaller . . 3 11
6. Swimmes . . . . -- 1 --

1 9 :I

7. Healthyinan . . - - -
.. .. -
8. Cook -- --
9. I>atllfiiicter . . - - -.

1 should like to inform all Scouts that Malaya11 Ja~nborec.
will be held in Kelanta11 nest year during tlie Easter Holidays.
The inclusive cost of transport and inessing is $15 per head. A
world jamboree is to be held in Holland in August nest year. No
detailed arrangements have yet been made but it is hoped that
Malaya will be represented. Here are excellent opportunities
to travel abroad at very low cost, so save all you can from now.

Disfrict Scoufnzaster.


Extracts from the District Commissioner's Speech on Rover-
ing at the inaugural meeting of the newly formed Rover Crew at
Raffles Institution, on June 22nd, 1936.

At the inaugural meeting of the newly formed Rover Crew at
Raffles Institution, on June 22nd, the District Co~nmissioner
outlined the part played by the Rover Branch in the General
Scout Movement.

Rover Scouts, he said, contiilued the ideas taught in the
Cubs and Scouts, that persolla1 happiness is to be found in con-
sideration for others. Rover Scouts were assisted towards their
ideal o.f " Service " by the adoption of nnnies of famous men-e.g.
Raffles-in tlie manner of the Scouts who adopt birds and beasts
as their pa.tro1 emblems. By studying the life of their adopted
hero Rover Scouts find help in living their ow11 lives. To young

nlen who had outgrown the age of Scouts Rovering offerecl a
variety of interests and pursuits and the opportunity of doing
good wllich made it well worth their while to participate in the

The District Comlnissioner saicl that if a Rover Crew were
Eorrned in Raffles Institution he was sure it woulcl be a source of
strength to all those who were striving to show an esample of
good citizensliip through the training which the Scout Movement


l3istric.t Scozifwz~sfer . . . . Mr. M. Menahem.


Scoutii~nstei . . .. . . Mr. Seow Cheng Jooil.
Assista~ct Scol~fmc.?sfr.r. . . &Is.Tan Sin Peng.
Seagzall Patrol . . . . . . P.L. Teo Kah Bock.
Dove ,, . . . . . . P.L. Choo Wai Leong.

Hnze~lz ,, . . . . . . P.L. Quek Clleng Iciat.

Eagle ,, . . . . . . P.L. Fong Fook Cheong.
ITol~llrl ,, . . . .
. . P.L. Gabriel Davicl.


Novev Scot~tLeader . . . . Mr. E. Nathan.
A s s i s t a ~ ~Rto v ~ rScoztf Lender . . Mr. M. Menahem.
Rover Mate . . . . . . Mr. R. Ferroa.


Scoz~t?nczster . . . . . . Dr. P. N. Bardhan ((1~1 Irptrv~).
A s s i s f r r ~ t tS c o z ~ t ~ ~ z a s f.e.r . . Mr. Hooi Cheng Loon.
Cat Patrol . . . . . . P.L. Cheong Jit Hee.
Tiger ,, . . . . . . P.L. Wong Hin Kong.
Sqztirrel ,, . . . . . . P.L. Nambiar, P. M.

Fox ,, . . .. . . P.L. Seow Peng Yin.


Scozktmaster . . . . . . Mr. R. Ferroa.
Assistant Scoutwcnster . . . . Mr. E. Sheares.
. . . . P.L. How Soo Kee.
Alligator Pnfrol
Elepliant ,, . . . . . . P.L. Mak Ah Chan.
Buflalo ,, . . . .. . . P.L. Koh Poh Seng.
Ki+tgfislte~,, . . . DhafEr.
. . P.L. Ahmacl b. H.

. . Fridays . . 4.30 p.m. . . School Ground.
2nd Troop . . Mondays . . 5.30 p.m. . . School Ground.
2nd Crew . . Fsidays .. ..
16th Troop . . Friclays .. 4.30 p.m. School Ground.
32nd Troop 4.45 p.m. .. School Groimcl.


Sports Clubs.

Preside~ft . . .. . . The Principal.
Dy. Clzair+nn~an~d Ilo?z. SPC.. Mr. A. I;. H~unter.


Football . . Mr. I<. Sabapathy . . Capf. Clloiig Lian Sin.

Dr. J. Moncur. Capt b1. C. I~ohlhoff.
Ca$t. Prej. A. Waits.
Hockey . . Mr. E. W. Reeve . . Sec. Pref. I. B. Suratta.
Crirkef . . Mr. H. N. Balhetchet . Capt. & Pref. i/r. Lim
Tewzis . . Mr. Ting Siew Choon .
Hang Bee.
Bnsk~f-Ball Mr. K . M . R. Menon. . Sec. Pref. Ho Iceen.
I/olley-Call Mr. IC. M.R. Menon. . Pref. i/c.Tham I<umCheong
Pref. i/c.Thanz Iiurn Cheong

Capt. Plloo~i Fook Lum.

Pir~g-Poq. Mr. Lim \l.'ah An11 . . Pref. i/c. See Gin Siang.

Cnpt. Lee Chew I<uen.
Sec. Chew Charm IChuan.

Iind+tzi~fo?zMr. Lirn Wall Ann . . Capf. & Pref. i/c. Lirn I<ian

Sec. Prej. H. Seah.

Swimnziu~g& Mr.ITee Seong I<ang . Pref. i/c. Chan \I'eng Sung.

TVnfe~polo Mr. Chua Leong I-Iean.


Presidertt . . . . . . The Principal.

Scientific and Photographic Society.

Clzairmnn . . . . . . Mr. Ting Siew Choon.
Secretavy . . . . . . Prej. I. B. Suratta.

Geographical Society.

Chairnzan . . . . . . Mr. H. N. Balhetchet.
Secretary . . . . . . SI,. Pref. Linl ICian Soo.

Literary and Debating Society.

chair mar^ . . . . . . Mr. A. C. Rajah.
Secretnr:~ , . . . . . Pref. Ho Iceen (Sr. Section).

Chan Voon ICuan ( J r . Secfiox).

Librarintzs The Library.

. . . . . . Mr. C. A. Peterson.

Mr. H. N. Ballretchct.

Chnirvrn?z The Dramatic and Musical Society.

. . . . . . S Y . Puef. 1,im TGnn Soo.

fir n}ztrgc*rs The Rafttesian.
.. .. .. Dl.. J. Moncnr.

Mr. Lim Wall AUII.

. . .. . . Lirn Hong Bee.

Emily Sadka.



IIead P ~ e f e c l111111 Scl~oolCa$lizirt T i n f4011g Bee.
S e ~ i o rPrefect . . .. .. .
.. Lirn Kian Soo.
.. . Abdul Hainicl.
~ c 1 z o o i ' ~ r t f e cat7td House C a p f. R. Baker.
(10. . . Lim Joo Guan.
do. I3[o Keen.
do. .. Loll Guan I<l~ei~g.
do. . . Alex. Watts.
do. . . See Gin1 Siang.
do. . . Tham I<um Cheong.
do. . . Chan Weng Sung.
do. . . Soh Yew Leong.

do. . . I . B. Suratta.


Pri?zci$nl : D. W . McLeod, M.A. (Ab'dh.).

G. L. Bayliss, M.A. (Oxon.) (opt leave).
E. I;. Pearsoi~,M.A., B.Sc. (T.C.D.).
E. S. Tidcleman, B.A. (Oxort.) (on lecrve).
E. W. Reeve, B.A. (Bristol.).
J. McConigley, B.Com. (U.C.D.).
A. F. Hunter, B.Sc. (St. Ancl.).
Dr. J. Moncur, M.A., Ph.D. (St. Ailcl.).
Low Ngiong Ing, B.A. (Hongkong).
K. M. R. Menon, B.A., LT,.B. (Madras).
M. N. Campos.
T. E. I<. Retnam.
I<. Muttusamy.
I<. G. Sabapathy.
T. A. Chunchie.
Ting Siew Choon, B.A. (Hongkorlg).
C. A. Peterson, B.A. (Hongltong).

H. N. Balhetchet, B.A. (Hongliong).

C. Si~lnathamby.
Gall Hock Hye.
V. Ambiavagar.

Ismail b. Abdul Aziz.
Chua Leong Hean.
Wee Seong Kang.

T. Selvadurai.

M. Menahem.

ITappThean Chye.

Seow Cheng Jooil.
Boey Chen Kee.
Chua Yew Cheng.

Lim Wah Aun.
J. Thong Sing Ching.
A. Rahim.
A. C. Rajah.


The Editors acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the
Following Magazines, and apologise for ally inadvertent ornissio~ls.

" The Pellang Free School Magazine ", Penang.
" The Pegasus ", Geelong College, Australia.
" 'The Edwarctia~l", Taiping.
" The Victoria11 ", ICuala Lumpur.
" The Serangooll English School Magazine ", Singapore.
" The Raub English School Magazine ", Raub.
" The Geylatlg English School Magazine ", Singapore.
" The I<ingswoodian ", I<ingswoocl College, Grahamstown,

'' The Chindra Mata ", Magazine of Sultan Idris Training



Third Term.

,5ugust7th .. . . School closes.

September 7th . . School re-opens.
. . Holiday.
November 1l t h . .

(Armistice Day).

November 13th. . . . Holiday.
. . School closes.
December l l t h

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