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Published by Vthere, 2021-04-26 22:12:45

The Rafflesian 1936 Aug Vol 12 No 2

Barratt's Shoes are built
U P to a standard
and not DOWN


'Phone 3725.


STANLEY & CO., 107, North Bridge Road, Singapore.

Suppliers to His Majesty's Army, Navy and Air Force Units.

Vol. XII. No. 2.

Magazine of


AUGUST, 1936.

Singapore :
Printers Limited.


Editorial .. .. .. .. PAGE.

School Notes .. .. .. .. .. 1
.. .. ..
Speech Day. 1936 .. 3
I-Iere and There . . . . . . . . .. 4
.. 8
The Penalty Kicks through the Ages . . ..
. . 12
A Night in the Open .. .. .. . . 13
. . 14
School Notes (Revised Version) .. .. . . 15
. . 17
11 Plea for a Close Shavc . . . . . . . . 18
. . 20
Witchcraft .. .. .. ..
. . 20
A Tale of Gaporesin .. .. ..
. . 22
The Result of Culture . . . . . . . . 23
. . 24
A School Debate . . .. . . . . . . 24
. . 26
A Vision .. .. .. .. . . 27

Keeping Goldfish .. .. .. . . 38

Our Own Bacli . . . . . . . . . . 29
. . 32
Professor Hornby's Lecture on " Clarion Calls "
.. .. .. . . 34
\Yhile Others Sleep
. . 34
Onr Hockey Visit to Kuala Luinpur ..
.. 35
l'lie Iiaffles Institution Soccer XI . . ..
. . 36
Annual Sports. 1936 .. .. ..
.. . . 37
Mathematical Jottings .. ..
. . 37
The Raffles Institution Literary cG Debating Society
.. .. .. . . 39
(Senior Section) . . 39
. . 40
School Literary & Debating Society (Junior Section) . . 41

l'he Scientific & Photographic Society .. 45

The Geographical Society .. .. . . 48
.. .. .. ..
Football .. .. .. .. . . 48
. . 48
Cricket .. .. .. ..
. . 49
Tennis .. .. .. ..
. . 49
Badminton .. .. .. .. . . 50

Ping-Pong . . 50

House Reports . . . . . . . .

Scout Report .. .. .. ..
Parade Days .. .. ..

Office Bearers . . . . . . . .
.. .. .. ..

Prefects .. .. .. ..
Staff . . .. . . . . . .
Acknowledgments . . . . .. . .
School Calendar . . . . . . . .




Vol. XI1 AUGUST, 1936 No. 2.



The greatest wonder in the worlcl to-day is the super-
abundance of wonders. When we were little children we were
taught to number the " wonders of the world ", and we did it
quite well with tltc help of eight fingers. To-day the adding
machine 111ust be procured if any such counting is to be done.

While recognising the merits of the nlocler~l " wonders ",
we cannot lose sight of the ugly truth that we are a hopelessly
credulous age. Our perceptiou has lost its depth and its virtue
of detecting shades of feeling and value. \Ire cannot see a thing
without quivering ecstatically either in praise or in condemnation
of it. Thus a giant ocean liner is a wonder; a towering building
is a wonder; an ugly robot is a woncler. In short everything
that captivates the imagination of the masses is a wonder.

The resultant craze for inventing more " woilders " 113s been
nothi~lgshort of universal and insatiable ; we have shown by our
deeds that we would rather clie than fail to maintain our proud
reputation as " Conquerors of Nature." Indeed, we flatter
ourselves most relentlessly. In our grim struggle for more
inventions, we do not even pause to ask: ourselves why we keep on
inventing things. To save labour ? What, at any rate, is the
use of saving labour when so much labour has been spent in
inventing labour-saving ~nachinesand when the time saved is
wantonly wasted ? Or are the inventions designed to meet large
demands of goods and to facilitate comn~unication? This
sounds reasonable, but then we do not often limit our highly
inventive minds to the bounds of reason. " Inventing " is a
mania with us, and a very I~armfuol ne at that. With its aid we
have contrived to give our wandering, aimless spirits " a local
habitation and a name." Hence the disturbingly ambiguous
label, " Modern Times."

We have said that our age is characterised by releiltless self-
flattery ; we hope we are not wrong in saying so. Too often do
we hear of the words " Progress and Culture " used in perfect
ide~ltificatioilwith " Modernism." With all our aclmiratioil for
our men-like i~zachinesand inachiile-lilte men, we must coilfess
that we clo not see much of this boasted progress. Ilillat actually
gives our age the appearance of progressing is the worlcl-wide
increase of civilised life ; and all our resources are being taxed to
precipitate this spread of popular civilisation. Is it worth while?
Civilisatioil at best is superficial ; it is designed to enhance the
Culture of a race as clothes are desigilecl to enhailce the liuma11
figure. Cis~ilisationthen is necessary as Beauty is necessary,
aild re-acts as disastrously to over-usage as Beauty does. There-
Fore we should 1101.reckon human progress in ternzs of mechanical
aclval~cemeiitany lnore than we should juclge a man by his

We are not worshippers ol: the Dark Ages. ill1 the same we
sefuse to be blindecl by the clazzle of n~oclernspectacular super-
ficialities. Motor-cars lnav roar louclel- , aeroplanes inay bring
Lo~ldolland Singapore witllivl a day of each other ; huildit~gs
may reach the clouds ; man may I~ecomeperfectly nzecl~ax~ise;d
I>utall this is Progression not Progress. ' h e two are so alucll in
conflict that the OIIC has a1111ost cl~ocltedthe otller. I t is just
cause for regret that material perfection has been achieved at
the expense of cultural development. Speed and Meditation
ca~lizotgo well together ; utilitarianistn and poetry are necessarily
antagoilistic ; ancl the necessity for doing things has eliminated
all inspiration for acco~nplishi~lg

(' To thinlt that now our Life is only drest for show!"



81s. E . S. Tirlclema~w~ent on leave 011 April 10th.


Sir. C. Rajah joined tile stafflast trrm.


,I.he second term l~egalion April 27th.


d lectme on Orchids, arrangecl by the Co-operative Society,
was given in the School Hall b y Mr. R. E . FTolttnm, Dircctor

of the Botanical Garclens.

* *:g k:

\Ire regret t o announcr tllr ctcath of hTr. S. 1. Saul, wIlo w:is
attached to the school for several years as I ~ i s t r ~ i ~ itno rtile
IZvening Classes.


hlr. JVillia~nslias joineel the Education Del~artlnantas music-


New prefects have been appointed in place of tllose wllo lcl't

scl~oolthis term. *$$*

I n s t r ~ ~ c t i oinn Malay is now being givcn l o all RlaIaj- pupils.


The ScIlool Concert, organisecl by the Jlusical and Ilrar~iatic

Society, took place last term. TVe co~igratulatethe memhers

and the proclucer Sr. Prefect T-in1 I<ian Soo, on carrying ant a. most

successfnl programme. $ 4: 8


The marriage of hIr. Corcleiro, the School Clerf;, took pl;tcc.
cnrly this term. \Ye wish him tiappiness.


On Empire Day, an address was clelivered Isp the P r i ~ ~ r i p a l

in the Scliool Hall. **X


M'e congratulate the Caclets on their lxaring in tlic TCiug's
Birthclay parade on the Paclang.


The school has 11ce11 ~neclicallyexamined.


We coiigratulate the Debating Society 011 thc introdnction of
many intcrcsting innovations this term.


The Founcler's Day Celebrations were carriecl out on the
morning of Saturday, June 6th. His Excellency the Officer
Aclministering the G o ~ e r n m c n t ,anct Mrs. Small attenclecl. The
Hon. Director of Eclucation ~ i l dthe Insl~ectoio-f Sc!lools were also
on the platform. Speeches were niade by the Principal, the Hon.
Mr. Ismail ancl His Excellency. Mrs. Small distributed tlie prizes.
The Principal's .?\clclressappears elsc\vhere ill this i ~ s n e .

* ** :1:

The :\nnual Sports were l~elclin tlte afternoon. The Colonial

Secretary, hlr. J. .II.-Innter, presiclcil. Mrs. Hlmter gave away

the prizes. ****

\Ye congratulate Choo \\'ai Leong, Soo Sim Beng, N. B.
Jlenon ancl Tan Boon Chin on being awarded the Tan Jink Kim,
Secondary Class ancl Junior Cambridge Scholarships.


The catering arrangements will continue uncler a new cnn-

tractor. * *$: 9

A lecture on Co-operation was given in the School Hall by
Mr. Sivapragasam.


\Ye hear that the various Govern~nentDepartments arc still
unable t o clecicle 011 a suitable site for the long proinisecl neur
school building. Meailwhile carpenters continue to come round,
marking worm-eaten boards in our " pleasant, historic but never-
theless antiquated building ".



The needs of the School are now so well known that repetition
would be wearisome. Suffice it to say that the prospects are now
very bright and that Singapore can expect and does expect soon
to have a school worthy of itself, worthy of its reputation as the
most advanced centre of education in the East and worthy of that
Great Stateslnan who over 100 years ago laid its foundations.
Anel there are other pleasing signs as well. Our public has really
1)ecome alive to the fact of education, still more alive to its iinport-
ance, and anxious about it. Schools are no longer regardecl as
convenient creches wherein to conceal children for the major part
of each day, nor is the simple fact that there are schools placidly
acceptecl as evidence of good education. I t is now rarely possible
to open a newspaper without finding schools and eclucatiori re-
ferred to or discussed and that fact alone is a sign of civic health:

civic health I say because I believe that the salvation of the 111ui11an
race is iiltilnatcly if not utterly clepencleilt oil the ilatme of the
eclucatioil we clecicle to-clay to provide, and a corn~nuility-~vhichis
a~lxiousabout its eclucatioil is a coinn~uilitywisely cleterinined to
take a part in shaping its ow11 destiny. I t may be impossible to
get agreeineilt about many things, about the place of trade and
technical schools, about the relative values of vocational ai1d
liberal studies, about school fees, about the need for Colleges m i l
Universities anel about tulenty other things, but it is essentially
profitable nlerely to think and to talk about tllcse things, leaving
agreement to ciistil horn experiment ancl experience. r\ncl since
multiple vie~v-pointsarc csselltial for comprehcllsive seeing, parts
of the scene as they appear f r o ~ na purely personal standpoint
may parclonably be introclucecl on an occasion like this.

The lirst thing to be realisecl in this new enthusiasm, is that
the sclzools are the merest beginniilgs, that the tern1 eclucation
embraces far e no re tllan t l ~ eSchools and school-boys ol the nation,
ancl that any proper plall~lillgof education must now-a-clays go
far beyond the Schools. IJllfortullately discussions of eclucatioil are
still severely centralisecl around the Schools, although on the con-
tinent of Europe post-school cclucatioll is rising rapiclly to pro-
n~inence,ancl in Englancl thc first stirriilgs are already being felt.
'I'he Scllools of Alalaya need not fear coinparisoil with the Schools
o f the rest of the world, but tlie post-scllool eclucatiorl of Malaya
is non-existent. I clo not mean that there are not Colleges, coil-
tinuation classes, tracle-schools, ancl the rest : there are. I mean
that for t l ~ chundreds of pupils who leave scllool annually, ecluca-
tioil to all intents and purposes curls on the last school clay. Per-
liapstthat is rtobocly's fault : i t inay be just a stage in tlie clevelop-
rnent of any coinmunity ailcl ill any case I have no iiltei1lioil here
of suggesting remcclies. But what I clo wish to einphasise is
that unless the eclucatioll begun i11 school is coiltinued in life no
wise or even well inforrned commui~ity is possible. A school
introcluces its pupils to the machinery required for self-eclucation:
i t practises them a little in a son~ewhaat rtificial illai1ipulation of
that inachinery, ancl it opens a few s~llalwl iildows on to the worlil
of life. But it call neither make its pupils use the nlachiilery they
have been illtroducecl to, nor inake thein looli out, far less walk
out, through the windows, anel yet unless pupils learn to clo these
for themselves and become skillecl in cloing them, the machillcry
of life will inailgle them when a t last, as they must, they fall or
get pushed through the winclows. I t usecl to be regarded as the
busiiless of the scllools so to inspire their pupils with the love of
leariling as to inake the quest perpetual. That was in the clays
when eclucation was an esoteric thing, the sacred privilege of a few
anc1 'hedged about with sailctiinoilious platitude. A few chosen
school-masters have occasionally so inspired a few chosen pupils ;
but the rest, schools, school-masters, and pupils alike, rarely suffer
ill that way. I clo not sajr that it cannot be clone : I merely say
tliat we lulow it is not, ancl that therefore we must do what u7cL

can about it. Ancl what can we clo ? Not we the school-
masters, but we the people ? We can at least think about it,
we call convince ourselves of the gravity of it. As parents we
can try to educate ourselves f~lrtlierand to rouse our chilclren to
the need for prolonged eclucation ; as teachers we can try to
impress our pupils with the grin1 need in life for cleveloped and
well-informet1 intelligence ancl can prove to t l ~ e r ~tilrat scliool
1):lrely opened tlic Iluttering eyelicls of eyes that shall finally see ;
ancl as citizcns we can ensure that lacilities for post-scliool ecluca-
tion exist and that opportunity is pro\~icleclfor exploitiilg them.

Then if we are wise, the nature of the post-school eclucc ~1t0'11
to be provicled will seriously concern us. In the mechanisecl
world ol to-day, man-power is a t a cliscount. Existence is claily
l~econiingless depeiiclellt on an ant-like activity of tlie whole
llu~lianrace and more clepe~lclellton the machine. Unemplok-
nierlt we are told is itlevitably on the increase : I prefer to see it
as an increase in the leisure-time of the iiicliviclual with only a
niore rational clistribution required to ~ilaltei t a happy one. But
leisure-time is "At and unprofitable if all we have learnt to clo with
it is to stanel arouncl with our hands in our pockets or play games.
And as the streets, bars ancl parks of our cities testify, that is
about all we do unless we have been taught or have taught our-
selves something niore definite. Education for leisure must then
figure prominently in any programmes we formulate for post-
school eclucatio11.

Actually in Singapore last year the Eclucation Department
attempted to arouse interest in this direction. Education-for-
leisure was not perhaps primarily stressed, but series of lectures on
such diverse topics as economics, meteorology, biology, public
health ancl so on were conclucted free of charge ancl aliliost
without circurnscribii1g conclitions For those who carecl to attencl.
The course was aba~idonecllargely on account of lack of sustainecl
interest, a sorry testimonial to adnlt enthusiasni for nlore than a
school certificate.

But there are elangers too i~llierentin an enthusiasm for
education, dangers chiefly arising from ~liisconception or inis-
interpretation of the potentialities. Two are outstancling :
First there is a tencleilcy to believe that the correct kine1 of eciuca-
tioil mitigates the evil of uncmploj7meilt. I t cloes not. Educatioil
neither creates nor destroys worlc. I t may, by raisiiig the general
level of informed opiiiioii react upon the social syste~iii11 such a
way as to bring about a more equitable distribution of the worlcl's
goocls, and so i~lclirectlyaffect the labour market, but i t stops
there. Training a litmclred el~gilleersdoes not create the need for
them, neither does a trade school rxiagllify a trade. We ought
therefore to move cautiously, refusing to be staillpecled in to
developing systems and policies which in the end may prove more
expensive than profitable. Education is and is not a panacea.
It is in so far as remedial measures for social ills demand profountl

knowledge and profountl thinking, anel the higher the general
stanclarcl of education the illore likely we are to have the requisite,
lt~lowleclgeand thought to begin with : it is not, if in itself it is
regarded as something sufficient, for it is an instrument not an
end, anel lilrc other instruments can fashion but cannot create.

And the seconcl danger. ildvancing eclucation has tllrougliout
history been accompanied by a rise in the stanclarcl of living, ancl
consequently by a demand for higher wages. The causes of and
the reasons for this arc mnch too co~nplicateclto cliscuss here,
but the fact must be accepted, ancl the elanger is that employers
are inclinecl to accept it only when it is ultimately forced on t h e ~ n .
'That is why well-eclucated boys are still to-clay frequently offerecl
jobs with salaries of fro111 15 to 25 clollars a month, no security
ancl nlean prospects. I know I an1 treacling on very dangerous
grouncl ; I k~lowthat cmploycr~clecry the intelligence ancl ability
of the products of the Schools , I Icnow tliat colnnlercial competi-
tion nlaltes higher wages inlpossible if the same profits are to be
guaranteed, but I also know (even if I ain a little afraicl to say it)
that to offer a ~vell-eclucateclboy a lower rate of wage than is
expected by tlie n ~ c a ~ i e s~tunslrillccllabour is a foolhardy bralring
of the social macliine. I-'ressurc of circumstance may, quite
frequently cloes, co~npela boy to accept it, but his eclucation has
taught him to appreciate the injustice of it ancl niass cliscontent
breecls apace. That is of course ~nerelyscratching a problem of
terrifying proportions, hut in tllesc clays of social upheaval we
should realise that we are ultimately no inore immune than thc
rest of the world, and that sane cliscussion even if it boils over into
I~ittercontroversy, is better than secretly fernlentillg animosity.
The labourer is worthy of his hire : what is wanted is a little
more agreement as to what exactly constitutes " hire ", and a
reasonable appreciation of tlrc fact that " hire "to-clay and
" lrirc " yestcrclay are not necessarily one ancl tlle same.

Ancl one thing 1110rc. The new enthusiasm for education
is opportune, for with returning economic prosperity new schools
are becorning possible. But new schools should not be incrcly
old schools in new builctings of old type, and the architects will
thrust tllese 011 us if we are not very wide-awake. A recent issue
of tlie Tiines Eclucation Supplement clescribed a new School in
Sweden, and an issue of the Spectator a new School in Nottingllam.
These are so nlagnificently ahead of the traclitional scliool of to-
clay, tliat we gape in wonder at them. The Nottinghain School
for instance is built arouncl a 12 acre circular field ; it accommo-
clates 3,000 pupils in six sections, has two halls each to hold 1,000,
. and one with a I'ully equipped stage ancl movable boxiilg-ring ;
two gy~nnasiaone of which is marked out for b a d m i n t o ~;~a
canteen, two clinics, 53 class-rooms, rooms for domestic science
ancl art anel crafts ; worltshops for wood work ancl inetal work
and practical training in engineering and the sciences ; wireless,
cinema and epidaioscope : orchards, green houses, pottery-kilns

and bee hives; playing-grounds perrnailently markecl out for special
games and large additional playing fields, and its class-rooins
f~xmisheclwith tables and chairs instead of clcslis aucl scats.
All of which is in itself suficiently splenclicl , but the greatest idcn
of all is the use to which the school is put. I t has been 11lade a
community centre, used by children in the clay time, anel in tlie
evenings and on Saturdays and S~uldaysancl holidays by adolcs-
cents and adults. Old Boys Associations, Tutorial Classes, Co-
operative G~zilds,Political Associations and so, ailcl its evening,
week-end and holiday activity is greater than its day time. And
perhaps most astonishing of all. The scllool was built for econo-
inic reasons in a district which could not afforcl heavy expenses,
and by its adaptation to conlrrlunal as well as edncationdl neecls is
proving itself a magnificent success. The all-in espellses of thc
colllmunity have decreased, tlle general standard of education is
rising, the urge to further education is increasing, ai~lzlessloafii~g
after work has been supersecled by p~~rposefaucl tivity, and educa-
tion in general, which is still ~ I Inlost places an acaclcnlic accretion
on life, is here rapidly being transformed into essential macllinery.
Naturally one cloes not assume that exactly that type of school is
what we require locally, but one does assume that a little serious
tllinki~lgbefore-halid can devise for us here something equally
good. Ancl if we do not as a conl~llu~litygive really serious
thougl~tto the matter before-hancl we are very lilrely to sadclle
ourselves with further expensive institutions as ill aclaptecl to the
needs of to-morrow as church-spires ancl clocli-towers are to a
world just moving its transport system into the air. Hospitals,
post-ofices and prisons, because of public interest, dare not be
other than the best. I11 actual fact scl~oolsare inorc important
to the life of the c o i n m ~ u ~ itthyan all of these, and the community
woulcl benefit itself were it to concern itself nlucll Illore seriously
about them.

I end by repeating what I consider one of the most vital needs
of education to-day. Most of us are what we are, not because of
~vllatwe learned or omitted to learn in school but because of what
we learned or omitted to learn after school, or even after College
and University. As individuals, as a coxnmunity, as a race our
interests are at stake :-surely sufficient therefore to urge us to
tackle the problem of post-school eclucation seriously


Items from the News.

A householder fro~llSomerset had a ghostly visitant in the
shape of a young girl " with a distinct radiance around her."

He is understood to have conlnlanclecl her boldly never to
lighten his doors again.

An elephant in a circus at Hicksville, ICa., is reported to have
gone ~nacland scattered the bar~cl.

No cloul~t he spectators enjoyed this practical clemonstratioii
of tlie lui~sicgoing rollnd a i d aro~urd.

\Vise came up frequently and scored winners at llle net.
In tlie second set his oppo~lentunsuccessfully acloptcd similar
tactics, ailel was foolish to persist. (Local Paper.)

He was not Wise, in fact.

An Italian widow presented i\lussolini wit11 ? gurgonzola

clicese as lier co~ltributionto the Abyssinian campaign.
i1 case of tlic wiclow's ~ ~ l i t e s .

I t was with such a cheese that the Gorgorl was slain, as
recorclecl by the great l~renchmanZola. (Sclloolboy's essay).

An ~iillericailhas suggestecl that the Capitol shoulcl 1~ equip-
~~ccwd ith a revolving stage.

We uilderstand that at least one local gentlenian has written
to say that it has several.

11 ~nusicianrecently fell from a ~llovi~tlrgam-car. Fortunately
his injuries were slight.

He only suffered fro111 a fractured trombone.

Improbable History.
The Supporters Club of the defeated home teal11 presented an

illu~liinatedaddress to the referee as testimony of his excellent
halidling of the game.

Tlie Berlin Xinateur Dramatic Society has invitecl Herr
I-Iitler to play the part of Shylock.

hliss Bloildie Fairchild of Hollywood covered her face as the
caineras clicked, and murmured, " No ! Xo ! Talrc Gertie
Gladeyes' picture-she's better than me."

" Your London policeinen are t11r-r-ible."

Domestic Tragedy.
(Wife returns home late and sees body at foot of stairs.)
WiEe (liicking body) : Get up, you clrunlien beast !
(\'iTifegoes upstairs and sees figme on bed).
II'ife : Iloi ! Is that you lying at the bott0111 of tllc stairs,

John ?
Jolin (sleepily) : \Vait a minute, Maria : I'll go and scc.


Points of View.
Scene : Golf Links. Dranlatis Personac (one of 'cm) a

Schoolmaster, playing rather well.
1st ltindly old soul : Eli ! I t does hinl goocl to get into the

fresll air away from llis studies.
2nd kindly olcl soul (later) : Ilull ! Not surprising he plays

well : he's nothing else to do.

All-in Wrestling-Old Style.
The Ballad-singer was bitten 11y tlic Slteriff of Nottingl~am

(Schoolboy's Essay).

From the Examinations.
Oenone was slow in curing her lover who afterwards b~~rnecl

liis body by the fire.
Then lie was well cured.

Without Comment.
Oenoile was angry, and told I'aris to go to I-Ielen.

The Great Barrier Reef ?
The English were to have a port in the Nalay Archipelago.

This Port was to be north of the Equator. The reason for this
was tliat the Englsh did not want their ships to cross the Equator
on their way to China.

Arms and the Man.
Prince Dinlitri was relieved of liis arni before entering the


Le Mot Juste.
Also her fleet was outpointed by tliat of Englancl wliicli

prevented her fleet fro111sending provisions to her solcliers. Thus
the Dutch did not expand very much.

A Glimpse of the Obvious.
He offered the stateslllerl poisoned wine, wliicfi they drank.

They all died, and the statesmen were no longer in power.

In the Soup.
He wished to be tlie coinpanion of the Arabs, and so wandered

in the dessert.

Go and eat Coke !
For her safety England must acquire colonies and must have

coaling stations for supplying provisions.

Magic Circle, Please Note.
Oenone was a sorceress, who could bring a clead man to life.

But she conld not do this to herself.

How was it possible for Captain Cook to go to tlie South

Seas and study the stars, thereby unexpectedly founding Australia,
without the aid of ships ?

Answer : As Desdemona replied to Othello when he aslted her
where her handkerchief was, " Search me."

An Impending Apology.

. . . . . .The Reve, a sleilclre colerike man.

The Report Courteous.
Hawker (at Port Said) : Buy some soap, mister ?

Algernon Vere de Vere : My dear man, in the words of Sir
Philip at Zutplien, " Thy need is greater than mine."

Things Men Say.
Bernard Shaw : Nexo ? Never heard of him. Sounds like

polish in an oil-shop.

Lord Donegal : London was clull when I left.

A. S. Neil1 : An educated man is a man who has forgotten
all that he learned in school.

Henry Ford : History is bunk.

And a special paragraph for Mr. Beverley Nichols, all to
llimself :-

"St. Paul was chosen by God as the instrument through which
the message of Christ was to be propagated. To accuse Paul of
misinterpreting the message might therefore be tantamount to
accusing God of choosing a faulty i~lstrurnent. I do not think
such an accusation wouId either be very just or very relevant."

1'111sure God ~ r ~ iblel pleasecl.

Modern-Composite (see local press).

The burly pivot nlanipulatecl the globe in a way redolelli of

Bobby Walker at his best, and had the defence at threes and fours.
Before he could shoot, however, he was clowned from behind.
From the resultant penalty A. B. sent a weak shot straight at the
goalkeeper, who unaccountably allowed the sphere to penetrate
the citadel. For the rest of the game the custodian was a tragic

Note :-An annotated eclition of the above, showing exact
sources of quotation, will be on sale nest week, price % I .


What dire offence from simple causes springs,
IVllat mighty contests rise from trivial things !
The journalistic cub to earn his Bays
Must imitate the strong Homeric lays.
The footling juggling of a bouncing boy
Becomes more epic than the Tale of Troy ;
and Hectors ' and Achilles' meagre shacles
Retire defeated to the field of Hades.

Note :-Hades, pro~lounceclHades, as in the Latin (or is it

Greek ?) Hades. ------

Wordsworth (authentic).

Oh ! What's the matter ? what's the matter ?
What is't that ails young Harry Gill ?
That evermore his teeth they chatter,
Chatter, chatter, chatter still.

Chaucerian (more or less).

(Probably less-Ed.)

Hit so bifel as olde men still saye
The centre-forward armed hinl for foraye :
Of limmes thilike, and rody of colour,
As is the petal of the rose flour ;
His rennynge thondrous, makying rivals quakke-
'Tis said the verray erd for fear did shakke.
Half-backs and backs lie passed without shente
Till that a felwe from behind him hente
By heeles : doun he came with fearsome cresshe
And dirtyed a1 his gamy new y-wesshe.
The crowd they pleyned out of very routhe
And clamoured for his blocle, in good soothe,
This happened ones on a morwe of May ;
But all of hem are deed-there is namoore to say.

Note :-Gansy-part of the uniform worn by football-players,
made from Guernsey wool. The fame of this wool has been
dimmed somewhat in more modern times by the rival product
from Jersey.


The night was warm. The rooln was baking hot. Tlle win-
dows were openect wide, their hangings removed arid the fan was
kept at full speed. I tossed about 011 tlie cmtainless bed ancl
perspired freely in my vain effort to woo sleep. The mosquitos
fed on me ; the crickets tormeilted me ; everything seemecl cruel.
After several more minutes of helpless writhing I could endure it
no more.

Springing out of bed, I pnt 1311 a coat, tooli out 111y c y c l ~anel
pedalled inaclly out and away along the bright, deserted lane.
The breeze soon coolecl my hot clalllmy body and I proceedecl a t a
more lelsurell. pace. The noise of the crickets, the occasional
hoot of an owl, and the 1-hythmical 11~111of my machir~ewcrc thc
only sounds that disturbed tlie c1rows.i-stillness.

It was full moon. Countless bright stars which stnclcled the
dark heavens like so many diamonds, enhanced the glory of the
night. Far away ancl over the distant tree-tops, flecks of fleecy
cloucls sailecl seclately onwards.

A faint breeze stirrecl the leafy boughs of the way-side trees.
Their whispering leaves cast fantastic shacloms on the bright lane.
I drank in great gulps of the intoxicating air. I hummecl a tune.
I startecl to whistle. Then, as I became aware of the dreamy
silence I stopped suddenly, afraicl to clist~irb the peace of the
night. A bat swooped clown over me and disappeared in the
ghostly gloom of the clistant bushes. I shivered.

Graclually the atmosphere seemecl to change. At first in-
clistinct, then clearer and steadily coming nearer, the noises on the
road reachecl my ears. At last I emerged from the lane into the
broad highway. The sudclen glare of the electric lamps made me
blink. I t was in clirect contrast to the peace and solemnity of the
lane-night hawkers shouting their wares, the swelling mtirmei-
of a crowd leaving the theatre ; the harshroar of accelerating cars,
the strident screech of their klaxons ; and the discorclant sho~lts
of the rickshaw-pullers.

I cycled leisurely home, and my room hacl miraculously
become cool ; it was now floodecl with nzoonligl~tand the crickets
were gone. I lay down to sleep anel was soon in clreamlancl.
The moonbeams must have taken me there.


The School Term began at the beginni~~g.


Three masters have developed mumps. We wish then1 a

happy holiday.

* * * I

Six members of the Special Class sat for the Queen's Scholar-
ship Examination. They all did well. M. Lee was separated
from maximum marks (650) by only 650 points. IT'e congratulate

her on her fine effort. * * * *

A new tamby has joined the Staff. We extend him hearty
welcome, and assure him of our earnest support and co-operation.

The Masters' Social Evening took place this term. Those
present played Hide-and-seek and Kiss-in-the-ring. We con-
gratualte the organisers on a most successful evening.

Yow Pot Ee leaves school to take up his new occupation of
sweeping drains. IT'e wish him every success in his future career.


The Bug-culture Society is now extinct. Is this due, we ask,
to lack of enthusiasn~on the part of the boys, or irlefficiency on

the part of the bugs ? * * * *

The School Concert took place this term. B. I. Mg's moving
renderiilg of " L'il Bo Peep, Wailna find her sheep, Down where the
Water-melons grow " was the star turn of the show. We congra-
tulate the members, secretary, producer, director, chairman,
president and scene-shifter on a most successful programme.
We apologise for any inadvertent omissions.


Poulis Pantzoff, our popular prefect, has left school. A

sporting giant, he was Marbles Champion of the School for tllree

years running. None will ever forget his epic match against St.

Jandrews, whe~lhis marble fell into a rut and stayed there. We

hear he is t u n i n g professional. We wish him every success in

his future career. *8**

Our tamby's cat has just had twins. We congratulate it,
ancl wish it many happy returns of the day.


The sun rose this morning. We congratulate it on its superb


This morning I woke up. I congratuate myself on my fine


5 , Sniggersville,

Pouting Lodge,




Dear Madam,

I beg to point out that in your last issue of the Rafflesian

you made a most serious bluilder in inserting the outrageous
article by " Topsy " and in my eyes your prestige has been

As an old and respected citizen I adjure you by all thillgs that
are naice, to refrain from publishi~lgarticles that are calculated
to have a cle~lzoralisiilgeffect on young people.

As a result of reading that article, illy two gra~lcl-claughters
have become rebellious.

Until then they had bee11gladly wearing my beloved mother's

(sweet soul) hobble skirts and crinolines. But last week they

swooped clown on me and said that they were going straight to the

Pally de Vogues and see if they clidn't. And Emily--- she

calls herself Zaza now, the painted hussy said she ~voulclpose in a

fig-leaf suit for the press, see if she didn't. Said I'd beell trying

to hide her feet from the world, but ooh--la--la (which I'm

suire is fiench and something terrible) she was going to go " nu-

disme Parisieilne " (take my advice and do not let your childreil

learn French) and Illark her worcts, she'd do it.

What's the use of education and economics a.11~1 health if

" Topsy " ii~sists on writing such dreadful articles--about
aphroclite and her chiffoil nighty, which is sheer wanton and cal-
culatecl extravagance.

And it's so positively illdecent, posing in a chiffon nighty and
what with " the might wind cloth blow and we shall have snow "
--why, she'd catch her death of cold. There, I told you I

clidn't trust those foreign Gods.

My grand-daughters are coming to be a nuisance and a clanger
to our respectable family reputation, and I hereby renounce then1
to Topsy ik Co.

Yours faithfully,



Alany ycars ago Inen kept their hair long, so mucll so that
their noses alone stood out like bald knolls above tangled forests.
Their other features were completely hidden.

As years went by, light dawned on them-although it still
could not dawn 011 their faces-and they decided that it was quite
a difficulty having to peer through l~eavycurtains of hair in order

to iclentify each other. So one bright fellow suggested that all Inen
out-of-doors should reveal as much of their faces as possible.
This was done by placing both 11ancls on the face, fingers spreacl
and palm turned downwards ancl slowly sliding the outspreacl
hands apart. In this way men's features could be revealed quite
satisfactorily. Of course tlie forest of hair swung bacli and covered
their faces like an at~tomaticscreen, but they cotild not help it.
There were no razors then and tlie only weapon that loolied like
them was the ase.

For years therefore, the practice of " face-parting " \vent
011, and for years men's faces opened and shut merrily. Soon tlie
" face-parting " affair was done to excess, and hairs began to fall
off rapidly. In fifty years all that remained were a moustache.
a beard, side-wl~iskersa,nd the hair on the head. The rnen thought
they had lost enough hair and would not like to lose more, and
they lnacle a resolutioii to that effect. Like most resolutions,
theirs was made only to be broken ancl rather suddenly too. It
happenecl that sorneone had evolvecl a ne~vway OE greeting which,
though almost perfected, could still be improvecl by the complete
removal of all the hair around the cheeks and lips. This was no
difficult task, for the inventor of this form of greeting hacl very
commendably invented the razor as well. And so men shavecl,
and shaved, and shavecl-morning, noon and night, so that
although there were no gramophones and wireless-sets, neighbours
suecl one anotl~eirn the law courtsunder Public Nuisance Ordinance
No. XyZ. Fortunately liowever, the magistrates had also
succulnbed to the shaving craze and not only disn~issecat llcases but
collectively deleted the clause from Ordinance XYZ. This
encouraged shaving, and the people who had been liaulecl up for
creating clisturba~icesreturned to their razors with addecl vigour.
The houses were alive with souncls of feverish scraping. (Iiazors
were rough then, and face skins rougher).

One day a tragedy occurecl. The forelnost philosopher of
the country hacl, like all other men, taken a liking to shaving.
(But he swore that it was not for tlie purpose of greeting in the
new way). During one of his " shaves," he absent-inindedly
scraped off the thick growth oil liis skull. And he went out !
Ladies fainted, dogs barked, Inen sniggered monkeys grinned ancl
the sun hid his face in shame. Some n~iscllief-makerthrew a pea-
nut at the philosopher's bald head. He felt a nibbling-pain ancl
raised a hand to sooth the injured region. He was surprised when
the hand, on landing, slipped down to his side again. He was

Resasperated and indeed des erate ; but even in his despair he had

no hair to tear, as Sir Ralp the Rover had. He rushed holne and
saw the ugly truth. reflected in his huge mirror. Although he
was shocked he was still a philosopher, and realising the futility
of waiting for a second harvest, sat clown to compose first an
excuse, then an exoneration, then finally a plea for a close-slravc.
The follo~vingday, he procured a soap-box, the mob's pulpit,

thundered out his reasons, for this, that and the other, and. . .. ..

Even the ladies, they were won over !

In five days, the Zanora Hair Cream Manufacturing Co., Ltd.,
closed its doors ; in ten days, its satellite companies were gone;
in half-a-month the Permanent-wave salons disappeared per-
manently ; in less than a year, all the barbers in the country were
swinging from their coloured poles. But the sale of combs con-
tinued, for the delectation of those who owned pet-dogs and
insisted on combing their fieas. As an item of economy, it was
decided that some means shoulcl be found to obviate the
necessity of using razors. The pllilosopher was consulted and he
recommendecl the best advertised hair restorers as the best sub-
stitute for razors. He was speaking from experience, ancl lle
was right.

The philosopl~erdied, and was made a rlatiollal hero. He
was buried in the country churchyard of Sha.i~ingston,and his
monument, an artificial skull stuclc on a pole, can be seen to this
day. The poorer peoplc were especially grateful to the hero and
sllowccl their adiniration by inscribing on his tomb :-

' Ere lies the nlan 'oo lost 'is 'air
And nearly lost 'is 'ead.

" I'll make the world Inore brigltt anel fair
By shavin' you," 'e said.

.lh 'e 'oo was the best that lived
Is brigbztesf 'moilg the dead.



Countless stories of the part played by \vitclicraft in curing
diseases ancl evoking evil spirits have been related froln tirne to
time. This indicates that witckcraft was once widely believed in.
1'0my mirlcl the belief in witchcraft is a mental disease.

What exactly is a witch ? I t is generally described as an
old woman, one who is supposed to have made a bargain with
Satan and given her soul in exchange for the power to work evil
upon people. She is rrsually haggard, has an ugly face, a wicked
temper and a mad or muddled wit.

Before the beginning of the fourteenth century it was the
custon~to believe in witchcraft and to consult witches or wizards.
About 1300 A.D., the practice of witchcraft was ~ S O I I O U I I C ~ ~
illegal by the priests, and within one hundred years 30,000
witches and wizards were caught and burnt to death or drowned.
I t is said that in one town alone, not less than 500 witches and
wizards were burr~tevery year.

From the seventeenth century onwards the hunting and
burning of witches was the favourite sport, and it was not until the
eighteenth century that this ferocious mania ceased. The anti-
witchcraft craze was especially prevalent at Salem in Massa-
chusetts. There almost every one in gaol was " guilty " of witch-
craft. The execution of witches went on at a fericious rate ;
Scotland was the last to give up the cruel practice (1752). But
by far the most bloody of these executiolls took place in France-
the burnii~gof the innocent Joan of Arc.

I t is interesting to note that witchcraft was by no means a
madman's game. Kings in England and Scotlallcl not only
dreaded sorcery and punished those wlio used the art to dethrone
them ; they practised sorcery themselves. Great and learned
men like John Wesley, Martin Luther and Sir Thomas Browne
showed their belief in witchfcraft by dreadingits destructive powers.

Witchcraft still prevails in remote parts of the world like the
heart of the Congo. Is there anything in it ? T may be wrong
to call it a mental disease.



1x1 the su~lllyland of Gaporesin
Where many races dwell ;
Where Peace is talked o'er beer and gill
When there's nothing else to tell ;
Where war is hated as public foe
And the Jupps are eyed with fear,
(For Gaporesin is rich, you know,
rZlld the Jupps are frightfully near.)
The Gaporesinners affrighted grew

And met at a Council Board
There gathered Chinese and Turk and Jew,

A cosmopolitai~ horde.
The leading Turk would fight, he said ;

By Allah, he'd do his bit ;
And as for monetary aid,

The Jew would see to it.
But the Chinese leader failed to see

How might alone could win
He wanted a university-
" With culture we must begin."
So loud-voiced men from Lengand caine
To set up guns and forts,
And teach the natives the soldiering game
And march 'em in shirts and shorts.
In gowns and hoods came learned men
With intellect of the best,

And " freshmen" slaved with brush and pen
To ape tlle ways of the West.
Amid the roaring of guns and planes
The books were learned with shout,
And soon with outsize heads and names,
The " fellows " swaggered out.
So thus with knowleclge fortifiecl
The sinners thanked their stars
But they sooil on the brow of Time descried
The threatening shadow of Mars.
" What shall we do to save the land ?
What if the Jupps be here ?

Come, Sinners, lend your purse and hand,
Each man be a volunteer !"
So spake the mighty lorcl of all,
And as he spalte, spat fire ;
And in the youtl-i each trumpet-call
ICiildled a warin desire.
Soon none was for Community,
Soon all were for the State
Soon peons and lords in unity
Were bound by common fate.
A motley lot, the Volunteers,
Heads screwed in different ways ;
But all looked straight ahead with fears
For coining evil days.
" Right wheel ! " rang out the martial cry,
The " solcliers " got it hot ;
" Correct your slope, you Irldia11 guy !
Don't mind your skirt, you Scot ! "
And so tlle land, at peace so long,
Became a training camp
And poets hammered out their song
To the beat of ~narchand tramp ;
The Muse was dragged by hair and heel
Fsom her sweet curtain'cl slumber,
And made to spout for public weal
Dull gems for the " Special Number."
Ancl soon " thou shining orbs " appeared
And " grapnel eyes " dredged deep
And " factory operatives " were reverecl,
" Oh Allah " roused Iron1 sleep.
And logic on mortuary slabs was laic1
And sense on butcher's boards,
Ancl chopped and chippecl ancl carefully lnacle
To serve as food for Gocls.
---And now our lancl is free fro111 fears

It's free from foreign threat,
It's also free from volunteers
And a111 I glacl ? Yon bet !



I wonder people are not perplexecl by life's ~nasqueradesand

Things, now-a-clays, are so perlect in tlleir " make-ups "
that our reasoning and seeing faculties have simply been duped.
Perception certainly for once is unreliable out and out. The cellu-
lose of everything seenis to radiate a glamour of its own. Our eyes
feast on outward beauty, uncollscious of inward tlgliness.

Remarkable is the way things disappear in form and name.
No sign of hypocrisy arouncl, though the very atmosphere you
breathe is steeped in it ! Civilisation would never tolerate such
despicable name as hypocrisy--so it calls it Fashion, a far
better name, surely.

More perplexity arises when you tear off the masks. Shapes
and garments are no longer depeilclable touchstones. Greed dons
the robe of genialty and reasoll and the worlcl approves of it.
Reason slinks away with derisive cries hooted after it.

Surely, such an age with everything in assumed shape with
powers of perceptio~land reason in cliscord, is an age of utter
perplexity. Yet it is our common v a u ~ l tthat ours is a life of
culture. Does Culture, thetl, breecl perplexities ? The worlcl is,
incleed overflowing with parodox !



" . . . .There will be debate in the School Hall on Friday, at
12.15 p.m. The following classes are detailed to attend.. . ."

As the Head makes this announcement, a stir goes ro~uldthe
" detailed classes " who turn ancl grin at each other. Spirited
whispers are heard.

" Bet you anything we give you beans."
" Hang debates, they ~nalreme sicli."
" Dash it, I don't want to listen to a lot of g r i n l ~ i ~as~sges."

The chosen ones (in other words, the principal spealiers)
pretend they haven't heard, gaze patrollisingly upon their form
mates or display embarrassed grins, accordiilg to their scholastic
status. On the whole, all are glad, for few relish the prospect of
lesso~lsinstead of what is, after all, a well-regulated indoor game.
The dissenting remarks are only a rnatter of form, and eventually
the School stampedes from tlle Hall.

I t is Friday. Soon the fifth bell will ring. Usually the master
is blissfully unaware that his boys are to be torn from him. The
bell goes. Immediately there is a rustle. The master is mildly
surprised. Polite voices tell him. I-Ie gives the order to dismiss.
There is a banging of clesk licls, a wave of chatter, and the form-
room empties in a trice.

The Hall gradually fills. Most boys crowcl to tlie back seats
until they are sternly rebuked by authority. A few late comers
shuffle in awkwardly. The hubbub dies down. Let us take a
brief survey ol the meeting. The Chairman and the Secretary are
wearing the air of high priests. The official speakers are trying
to look dignified and important. There is a sprinkling of earnest
seekers after knowledge nervously fingering scraps of paper covered
with mysterious symbols. Behind them are the fun seeliers,
who have brought magazines, Poppy's Paper, and light refresh-
ment. Then finally come those who have lost all interest in the
proceedings and are now asleep.

After some prelilninary humming and hawing, the Debate is
opened. The principal speakers strafe each other in accents that
are not always honeyed. They linger lovingly with their points
making two arguments last out ten minutes of steady spouting.
However there is, mercifully, an end to this. The speakers sit
down, exhausted, and the debate is opened to the Ilorrse, which
awakes with a start. At first minor speakers show a marked dis-
inclination to get up and let rip. After about ten minutes, during
which the boys glare accusingly at each other, some hardy pioneer
springs up with an abruptlless which seems not altogether volun-
tary. The House cheers its saviour somewl~aitronically. Speakers
babble like Tennyson's brook. Finally the Chairman decides that
this nuisance must now stop. The principal speakers are called
upon to give their final coups. The audience is now tl~oroughly
befogged, and perhaps it is just as well that the Chairman sums
things up ; a show o.f hands is aslied for, but nobody pays any
attention to the result, as boys vote solidly for the speaker who
comes from their form. Then, as the Secretary says, " a vote of
thanks to the Chair concludes the ~neeti~lg."



'Twas when tlie moon was rising
Above the distant peaks,
And lonesome pines were sighing,
A plaintive Voice did speak ;
" Ah ! 'twas in such an ev'ning,
Yon whisper'ng brooli. along,
I heard a maiden singing
Some old forgotten song.
" Never a song more haunting
Did lull the clying day,
Ancl as I paused a-list'ning
I t took my soul away.
" All solitary lying,
All robed in garments white,
Her golden locks a-wav'ring,

She sang ali through tllc night,

" But ere the stars were facling,

The magic song was still,

A sudden silence falling,

O'ver brook and vale and hill.

,"l.hNccxitnoiunorlrlninga corpse lay clrifting
strcain along,

While all the pines were sobbing

The Burden of her song,

" T h e i ~ ,the white corpse approaching,

I-Ier golden locks I spied ;

I caught her hand while passing,

And with a smile I clied."



ICeeping golclfisli has becoine a craze in Singapore. Within the
compass of a few months it has taken this city by storm. And yet
the goldfish themselves are not extraorclinary creatures. They
are either of a sicltening scarlet hue or of a black that not even Hell
could produce ; they consume your purse at a rate that has driven
white ants out of the trade ; ancl they use up so much water that
the Municipality is boxsting the hobby for all it is worth.

Fra~lkly,he who keeps golclfish is a poor fish llirnself-a fish
because only silly creatures keep such freaks, and poor because he
keeps the fish. But the human race is an enigma, and the gold-
fish fancier is a greater one, a wallring question-mark, in fact.
He defencls his hobby by saying that the fish are objects of beauty
and grace. Beauty and grace ! Pll~vat(as Murphy would say)
phwat beauty can one see in a lot of wriggling nightmares, colours
a glaring scarlet or a funeral black, with eyes liltc cloorkilobs ?
You cannot consunze them-incleecl, they clo all the consuming.
Ancl if you want to lteep them alive, you've got to have inore pati-
ence, more time and more money than you call spare. I read a
book on the art of Goldfish Rearing solne time ago, and by the
time I had finished it, the population of the hlental Hospital hacl
nearly increased by one.

If you must keep livestoclt, keep something less cxpensivc
ancl Inore manageable than goldfish. A pair of hippos, for
instance. Or a few mael bulls. But not goldfish.

" Alas, shephercl, searching of thy wound,

I have by hard actventure fomncl ~ n yown."

Shakespeare evidently was allother victim of the goldfish
craze. .



One fine Thursday afternoon we asseillbled in school to
watch a function, ostensibly a cricket match but in reality a
heaven-sent opportunity for the boys to give their masters some-
thing to remember.

I11 the classroon~we are helpless. We receive ii~lpotsby the
dozen, homeworlt by the load ; but we can't do anything about
it. In the cricltet field we meet as equals, talting and giving
(usually taking more than we give). For a few hours the gulf is
bridged, and we make the most of it.

I t is amusing to watch a seclate ancl dignifiecl master sprinting
after a small ball slogged all over the field by a grinning infant in
" longs " (schoolboy slang for trousers, badge of manhood). I-Ie
nearly always misses it, and has to pant all the way to the
boundary, to the accompanin~entof ribald ei~couragementsyelled
from the pavilion. Then again, we schoolboys go into convulsio~ls
when we see the proud cricketers stalking majestically to the
wicket and crawling dejectedly back the next mon~ent.

But the best part of it all is listening to the acicl comillents of
the masters in the pavilion on the antics of their colleagues in the
field. These remarks are inethodically stored up for future use.
Nicknames come in especially handy ; and if you didn't hear the
masters using these names, you'd never believe it was possible for
learned pedagogues to have such undignified soubriquets.

Then the Tea. The nlasters were visibly handicapped by
the dignity of their positions which forbade all gorging. The boys
on the other hand, hacl no such restraint ; while the masters
daintily sipped their tea ancl pecked at the cakes in a genteel
fashion, the boys were rapidly piling up a barricade of empty
plates in front of them. Then, like giants refreshecl, they res~uned
play, ancl we settled down to another hour's clean, healthy fun.

But not even the fact that they had had but the shaclow of a
tea could depress the Masters. As is their custom, they won.
And now we shall have to postpone " getting our own back"
till next year.



Good-morning, Gentlemen ! I had intended to deliver a
lecture on " Darwin's Bugs and Huilzbugs " ; but on second
thoughts I decided to choose a subject that woulcl harnzonise with
this beautiful, sunny morning.

On my way here this morning, I saw an unusually large crowd
in Dioxide Parlr. What do you think was going on ? Soap-box
oratory did you say ? Quite right, but this one was most extra-
ordinary. As soon as the crowd was hushed up, Mr. Bumper
Bumpkinson was introduced. He was a most extraordinary
man, hugh, red-faced and possessing a voice like a th~~nder-clap.

The speech he delivered was remarliable ; I shall read you a part

of it but I shall not inflict up011 you the pain of seeing a weak

imitation of NIr. Bumpki~lson's fierce gestures. Here goes :-

" Comracles, list to the Clarioil Call. Tlle plank of progress is
now ripe for plucliing. Soon shall we see the Socialist avalanche
clesceildillg from mountain tops, and with its inailed fist crushing
beneath its iron heel the capitalist snake-in-the grass which is
barring the progress of the flood-gates of den~ocracyfsom walking
hand in hancl wit11 the British. lion over rich fields of prosperity
from which we draw the sweet milk of iron, coal aild cotto11"-
Phew !

I was really aizzused wlleil he roared out " list to the Clarion

Call." The Clarion, as you li~low,produces a clear, shrill note, so

that Mr. Bumpkinson should have beell more honest and said,

" Ho, Comrades, list to the T. N. T. explosion." But of course Mr.

Buinpliinson was an llonourable man and he had come, in dead

earnest, to plead his cause. Let us try to see what it is. "The

plank of progress is now ripe for plucking"; the orator undoubtedly

believes in progress, but he also believes that he can plucli progress

by its plank as easily as sollle of our ladies pluck their eyebrows.

But, hark, the aforesaid plarlli is ar~nouncedas ripe for plucking,

which reminds me that the planks of this our " ancient, historic,

but nevertheless antiquated building " are not only ripe but

decayed. Let us get on. Or, " Soon s we see the socialist
avalanche descendii~gfrom lzzountaiil to p I illust co~lfess

I have never seen an avalanche in my life; a "Socialist Avalanche"

must be something of a grand spectacle. Call you imagine any-

thillg like it ? We are told that it has a " mailed fist crushiilg

beneath its iron heel the capitalist snalie-in-the-grass." 14'hat

an extraordinary creature this Socialist Avalanche must be ;

it certainly has a unique way of crushiizg its enemy. First of all,

it swoops down froin the mouiltai~ltops, then, encountering the

s~laliei,t crushes it by bringing the inailed fist down and applying

on it all the weight of the iron l~eel. I see now ; the process is

exactly like that Inell woulcl use to crack a walnut. Well, coil-

siclering tile terrific weight exerted by " nlailecl fist " and " iron

heel," we shoulcl be quite right to assume that the " capitalist

snake-in-the-grass " is now quite dead. So let us pass on to the
"..... snake-in-the-grass. . . . . .yes,. .
i.~.e. wxsthciecnhei.s .The Capitalist
barring the progress of the flood-gates of democracy."

Oh no, 110, no, the snake was, in iilte~ltiona snalre-ill-tlle-grass,

but at the time of the tragedy it was in the water of some stream

and " barring the flood-gates of Democracy." Sorry, my mistake.

I t is quite clear now, that the snake was killed because it chokecl

the flood-gates of Democracy ; which ren~illdsme of the nest

subject for your essay, " Democracy is a huge balloon invented

in the U.S.A. and filled with gas imported from Soviet Russia."

Wllat were we talking about, er, yes the " flood-gates of denlo-

cracy fro111walking hand in ha~zdwith the British lion over fields

of prosperity from which we draw tlie sweet milk of coal, iron and

This last portio~lneeds no comment ; it reeks with its own

I have somewhat wa~lclerecl away fro111 my subject of
" Clarion-Calls." What I want to submit to you is this : that it is
in your land and noisy " Clarion-Calls " that you get the stra~igest
of mixed metaphors. Why is it so ? My theory is that anger
distorts the imagination so badly that the image of things loses its
natural perspective. Thus, in the eyes of "Mr. Bun~pkinson,a
rapidly moviiig Socialist Orgailisatioil takes, in quick succession
the shapes of an avalanche, a mailecl fist, an iron heel; and, had
he gone on clawing for more fantastic names his head woulcl have
had time to cool down, and the mailed fist, the iron heel, the
avalanche would have united and coilgealecl into just " a rapidly
moving Socialist organisatior~." Most " Clarion-Calls " are
heated ; those you hear ill Dioxide Park are stewed, and often
overflotv with " the sweet inilk of coal, iron and Cotton."

I shall not spencl the rest of the period with you, so I'll
leave you to amuse yourselves.


Unkliown to many residellts there flourish two minor
~iocturl~ainldustries in Singapore. Both are floating ones ; one
depellds inuch on the moonlight, while tlie other can only be
carried on without. They are the cuttle-fishing and the moon-
light-cruising industries. When the inoo~iwaxes, the latter does
a good trade, and when it wanes the activities ol the Eorrner reach
their height.

The cuttle-fishing iiidustry is carriecl on chiefly by the Chinese
and the Malays. The fisliiilg grou~ldis within the harbour. At
sunset the fishermen go out in sampans, each man rowing one, and
their fishing gear consists of a net about one-and-a-quarter feet
in diameter fixed to a rod about six feet long. They also carry
a carbide lamp ancl a tub. Sometimes there are two men in each

After choosiilg liis spot, the fisherman lights the carbide lamp
and its light is thrown on the water. This draws all the cuttle-
fish in the neighbourhood to that spot of light which however,
would not be lioticed 011 a inoonliglit night. The fisherman, with
eyes glued to the spot of light, closely watches tl-te moveinents of
the approaching fish. Then quick as thought, he plunges his
roc1 into the water ancl as quickly withdraws it with ten cattle-fish
in the net. These he ellipties into the tub. One dip of the rod
secmes anything f r o l ~th~ree to twenty fish, sometimes even more.

Tlle fisherman goes on until he has captmed enough to get
a reaso~lableprofit at the ilearest market. The average catch per
night weiglls ten ltattics.

In its attempt to escape after hearing the splash of the net
in the water, the cnttle, instead of speeding ahead sl~ootsback-
ward; and it is ignorance of this trick that brings disappointn~ent
to the amateur who, by plunging his rod in front of the fish,
allows it to escape.

Tlle moonlight-crusing industry is equally fascinating.
Alongside the big twakows and tongkangs, ancl behind stacks of
firewood and granite heaps in Crawford Street, lie the cruising
boats with their Malay owners waiting for clients. They are
peculiar vessels, often callecl the " Gonclolas of the East." Tlle
length of a boat is about ten feet and the broadest part is about
fom feet, tapering towards the curved ends. In the micldle of the
boat is a cushion-seat for two ; over this seat is a hood and the
simple " compartment " is lighted by a carbide lamp.

One of the best ways of spending art eveiling is to charter
one of these vessels and cruise around the ~leighbouringwaters ;
you can enjoy all the privacy and quiet you want. The charge
is only twenty cents an hour, and for that sum, the inan will row
you to Tanjong Rhu, I<atong or ally other place you like. A1lc1
with the cuttle-fish ancl the nloonbeams I will leave you.



A week before the school closect for the Christmas holiclays,
I learnt that the Raffles Institution Hockey XI was going to visit
I<uala 1,umpur to play matches against the Victoria Institution,
Icajang High School and St. John's Institution. Unfortunately,
the ~natcliagainst St. John's was cancelled, and a match against
the Irldiarls was arranged instead. Although we lost all our
matcllcs, we were not disgraced. We gave a good account of
ourselves, and were defeatecl only after hard struggles, by the
sn~allestof margins.

We left Singapore on the 20th of Decernber (Friday) by train.
We had a special 2nd class carriage all to o~~rselvesW. e were
accompailied by Mr. Reeve and Mr. Yapp Thean Chye, who
however, did not occupy the same compartment with us. When
the train left Sillgapore Station, at 10 p.m. we made a hell of a
row. Some boys were crooning, and some were illaking cat-calls.
When the train passed through jungle, some of us loolrii~gfor
tigers began focusing torchliglits on the jungle. We made such
a noise that the guard had to come and tell us to go to sleep. But
we had conle fully deternlined to enjoy ourselves, and sleep wasn't
our idea of eiljoyment just then.

The guard, poor man, repeatedly tried to calm us and was
greeted with cat-calls and lloots which drove him frantic. Finally,
lie went in clespair to summon Mr. Reeve, who, when he came,

found us fast asleep and snoring lolzdly. Some of us overdid i t ,
however, and Mr. Reeve, becorning suspicious, gave us all a ticli-
ing-off and switched off tlle light. When he had gone, we promptly
switcl~edit on again, but b y the time we reached Gemas, a t 3
a.m., we were all tired out and welit to sleep.

We reached ICuala Lumpur a t 7 o'clock on Saturday morning,
and were met by some Victoria Institution boys who took us to
the school, and showed us our quarters. After a bath and change,
we all trooped out to breakfast.

The first ~ i ~ a t cwhe playecl was against Kajailg High School
a t Icajang. We lost 1-0, although ours was perhaps the better
team. Before the game we hacl tea ancl enjoyed ourselves, and
I think this explaii~swhy we lost the match. We returned in
rattling bone-shaker taxis. At night some of us, myself included,
disobeyed orders and went to the cinema. As a result the cul-
prits were gatecl the next clay, whicb the others spent in sight-
seeing. They visited the Hot IYater Springs, the ilfuseum, and
the Batu Caves. The same everlilig we playecl against the
Victoria Institution. I t was drizzli~lgall tlle time, and we found
it dificult to keep our balance. \Ye were defeated 1-0.

After the game, the V. I. students invited us to clinner, when
speeches were ilzade ancl songs sung. At 9-30 that night, we
packed our things and caugllt the 10 o'clock train to Singapore.
We were all tired out and slept so~uldlytill the train depositecl
us at Singapore Station the nest morning.



Tl~roughthe u~ltimelydeath of ,4bu Baker, our centre-forward
of the 2nd X I last year, and the departure of Abdul Razak,
Ismail ICassim, Ibrahiin bin Salleh and Lim Oilg Lye the team has
lost five of its representatives. To fill their places Zaid, Jamil,
Shailr Mohd. and Bardhain have beell brought into the teain.

Our present defence is just as goocl as last year's. Sundram,
hlohd. Zaicl ancl Abdul Hamicl form a very reliable rearguard ;
but if we might veilttzre a worcl of criticism and advice we woulct
suggest that S u ~ i d r a mshould not fly-kick so frequently and that
he shoulcl t r y to fiilcl one of his own side with his clearances instead
of Iiicking out at random. Joo Guan, Jarnil and Heng Tee
arc safe ancl hardworking half-backs. Jainil is unspectacular ;
but he has anticipation, liis defeiice is s o t ~ ~al ndd his forward play
is thoughtfully co~lsiructive: he may develop into a very fine


The forwards are i~ldividuallygood, but have not yet learnt

t,Io.heblefonrdwathrdesir-eisnpdeicviaidlluyal style of play into a corn111011 team-style.
the two inside forwards-must lean1 to

fall back in defence occasio~~alilny order to gather the ball ancl set
an attack in motion. Too often all five forwards are to be founcl
strung out along the centre line when a corner is being taliell
against us ; ancl in this position it is impossible for the defence to
find them with a profitable pass.

What the team needs 111ost are two players-one to leacl the
forward line ancl the other to work out attacks, as Ibrahim, our
former Captain, and Lirn Ong Lye hacl clone.

Bordhail is a clashing player but is handicapped in height,
and he has not been provided with the ground-passes wl~iclz
would bring out the best in him. Ismail Marican, without ally
exaggeration, is the sclzool's best wi~lgerand still plays extremely
well on the left wing. Shailr Mohd. is also a good winger but gets
too easily excited. He will be a very good player if he cuts out
his over-vigorous tactics and cultivates more repose.

We have hacl a successful seasoil where the inter-school
matches are concernecl. We must co~lgratulatethe A. C. C. S.
team for being the only Sillgapore school to beat us so far (4-3 ;
3-2). \Ve might have done better ill these two matches had our
forwards been more self-confident. But whatever faults our for-
wards have, we can haye the collsolation of k~lowi~tlhgat the tea111
will give its best against any opposing school. AII example of this
was the first match against the -4. C. C. S. team. Within the
fifteen minutes of the beginning we were three down. Fighti~lg
for all we were worth we brought the score to 3-3 ; but unfortunate-
ly a goal scored a few minutes from the end cleciclecl the issue of the
match in favour of our oppone~lts. The City High School canlc
to our grouild with an unbeaten recorcl ainong the Singaporc
Schools ancl were leading 2-0 at one time. However, " determina-
tion conquered all circumstances " ailel we emerged \zrinilcrs bjr

The Anilual Clarke Shield will be played sometilne cluring
the third term, and it is time that our wealr~lesscsbe remedied if
we hope to retain the Shield for another year.



Tlie Annual Sports were held on Fou~zcler'sDay, Saturday,
June Gth, in perfect weather. The Hon. Tlie Colonial Secretary

presideel and Mrs. J. A. I-Iunter was lrind enough to present the

prizes at the encl of tllc meeting.

Aided by the glorious weather collditiorzs and by thc willi~lg
co-operation of all the numerous helpers, the Sports proved to be
an undoubted success and spectators and competitors alike
enjoyed themselves to the full.

The selectio~lsby the Police Band, rendered in tile causc of
the afternoon, 111ade the day still more enjoyable.

No records were brolce~lbut some very creditable times were
returned. For the second year in successior~S. I<. Sundram
carried off the Individual Championship, and once again Buckley
House won the Class I and Combined Classes Inter House Cham-
pionships. Mr. Sabapathy is to be congratulated on the well-
deserved run of success which his House is now enjoying.

The results of the ineeting were as follows :-

Class 111.

75 yards . . . . 1st Henry Yapp . . . . 9 515 secs.
211cl Wong Hoong Chong. . . 58 215 secs.

3rd Liin Reng Wall. . . 18 415 secs.
220 yards . . . . 1st Henry Yapp . .
. . 4' 4".
2nd Wong Hoong Chong.
.. 14' 9".
3rd Chan Ah Seng. ..
Hurdles . . . . 1st Teilg Kwan

2nd Henry Yapp.

3rd Ng ICok Kee.
. . 1st Mewa Singh . .
High Jump

2nd Teilg ICwan.

Long Jump 3rd I<eng Wah.

. . 1st Henry Yapp . .
2nd Mewa Singh.

3rd Liin Keng Wah.

Inter House Relay.. 1st Liin Boo11 I<eng.

2nd Morrison.

3rd Bayley.

Individual Championship Class 111.

Winner . . . . Henry Yapp.

Inter House Championship Class 111.

Winner . . . . L i ~ nBoon ICeng House.

Class 11.

100 yards . . . . 1st Isinail Maxican . . . . 11 secs.
220 yards . . .. 35 315 secs.
2nd P. N. Bardan. . . I 6 415 secs.
Hurdles . .
3rd I<oh Chong Pak. . . 18 ' 44".
High Jump
Long Jump . . 1st Isrnail Marican . .

2nd Bardhan.

3rd Sidin. ..
. . 1st Suratta
2nd Isrnail Marican.

3rd Liln Ah Guan.

1st Ting Cheollg . .

1st Ismail Marican . .
3rd Go11 Chong Park.

. . 1st Is~naiMl arican . .

2nd Varma.

3rd Go11 Chong Park.

Inter House Relay.. 1st Hullett.
2nd Johnson.

3rd Buckley.

Individual Championship Class 11.

Winner .. .. I s ~ n a i lMarican.

Inter House Championship Class 11.

Winner . . . . Hullett Housc.

Class I.

100 yards . . . . 1st Cho~lgLian Sin .. .. 10 415 secs.
220 yards . . 2nd S. I<. Sundram. . . 24 415 secs.
440 yards . .
880 yards . . 3rd R. Barker. .. 2 mins. 19

. . 1st Chong Lian Sin 315 secs.

2nd S. I<. Su~ldram. .. 16 secs.
. . 5' 6".
3rd A. Watts.
. . 20 feet.
. . 1st S. I<. Sunclranl. . . 84 yds. 1'

2nd G. Newman. 6".

3rd Lim Guan Yong. .. ..
M. C. ICohlhoff
. . 1st

2nd R. Barker.

3rd G. Newman.
One mile . . . . 1st M. C. I<ohlhoff.
2nd Noor b. Zainal.

Hurdles . . 3rd R. Barker. ..

. . 1st Ong Teili Bee

211d M. C. 1i;ohlhoff.

High Jump 3rd Jamil. ..

. . 1st Jamil

2nd I b r t a r Singh.

3rd R. Barker.

Long Jump . . 1st M. C. Kohll~ofl
211d Chong Lian Sin.

3rd Jamil.

Throwing Cricket

Ball . . . . 1st S. K. Sundaram . .

2nd Kartar Singh.
3rd N. Ghouse Hameed.

Putting The Weight 1st ICartarSingh . .

2nd S. I<. Sundram.
3rd Loh Ghuan Khe~lg.
Inter House Relay.. 1st Buckley.

2nd Mosrison.

3rd Hullett.

Inter House Tug-of-

War . . . . 1st Hullett.
2nd Rforrison .

Individual Championship Class I.

Winner . . . . S. I<. Suildram.

Inter House Championship Class I.

Winner . . . . Bucli-ley I-Iouse,

Inter House Championship-Combined Classes.

Winner . . . . Buckley House.


Solutions for the geo~netricalrider set in the last issue is
given below.

Construct ecluilateral tri- ,x'i E
angles on the sides BC, CA, AB.
,, I1
Let P, Q, R, be their centres
so that P, Q, R, will be the T-
vertices of the triangles forniecl
by malring 30 clegrees wit11 the ',
sicles of ABC as given in the
question. \

Thc circun~scribiilg circles C
of these triaiigles meet in a point
I< such t h a t angle BICC = angle /
C K A = angle AICW = 120".
'\'\\ /
Now QR, RP, PQ; tlie lines 9
of centres of thc circles bisect
iil<, BI<, CII: a t right angles.

Hence it is easily seen that PQIi is cquilatc~ral.
AB = 2R Cos 30" t 3 Ii.
-Therefore .4R = BR iiB



Now RQ" BC

and BP = PC = --


+ +AR2. AQ" -- 2 AR. RQ Cos (GO0 A)

+-- -- --
Cos 60". Cos ;i+Sin 60'. Sin A


\vlrllerc is the area of ;1ARC
- a constant.

Siinilarly \ve find KJ,! = QP = PI<

-+ 2 113 A


Tllereforc PQR is equilateral.

For the following problem put to the members of the Hotlse of
Co~nmonsby Dr. G. A. Morrison, M.P., all liinds of wrong answers
were given. So schoolboys and grown-ups can well have a try at

" A inail went to a shoeinaker to buy a pair ol boots costiilg
16s. kIe proferred a £1 note. The shoe-maker having no silver,
got change froin the butcher ill the next shop. The11 he gave the
customer the boots and his 4s. change.

A little later the butcher rushed in and declarecl that the note
was a bacl one ailcl the shoemaker had to give him a goocl one in
return. Ilow much clid the shoemalcer lose ? "

Some other posers of a like ilature collectecl by the Principal
are give11 below. Solutioils are invited.

(1) Two men separated by 20 miles, walked towards each
other at the rate of 10 miles an hour. At the moment of their
starting a bird alightecl on the head of A a i d at once flew off to
B's head and continued to fly from one to the other at a speed of
43 miles per horn until they met. How many miles did it fly ?

(2) In the micldle of a circular pond a water lily grew. Every
clay it doubled its size, ailcl in 30 days it had covered the whole
of the po~lcl. 011which clay clid it cover half of the pond ?

(3) Four volumes ol one work were placed side by side on a
shelf. The pages of the cornplete set nunibered from 1 to 400.
Each 100 pages measured 1 inch in thicliness and each of the 2

sides of every cover was & inch thick. How far did a worm travel

that ate its way from page 1 to page 400 ?

(4) If a goose weighs 10 lbs, ancl half of its own weight, how
much does it weigh ?


(5) A tired inonltey going across a desert one day comes to
a ft. pole. He realises that if he is to be safe from lions, he must
climb the pole, so up he begins to go at once. But he is very tired
and climbs only two feet a day and while 1~ is asleep slips clowll
1 foot every night. How illany clays does it take hill1 to get to
the top ?

(6) A man with a revolver leans out of the window of his
colllpartinerlt which is half way down the train. He sees the engine
driver leaning out of his cabin on the same side of the train and
fires at him. The train is travelling at 40 miles per hour and so
is the bullet. \\'ill the engine driver be hit ?

------ K. M.R. M.


(Senior Section.)

Our former Chairman, Mr. E. S. Tiddeman, went on leave at
the end of the 1st Term. VlJe wish him a happy vacatioi~. His
place has been filled by Mr. A. C. Rajah.

S. I<anagalingain,our ex-secretary left School at the beginning
of the 2nd Term, as a result of which Head Prefect Lim Hong Bee
had to act as Secretary for the 1st Debate this term.

Five nleetings were held this term. The first debate was on
the 15th of May. The second and third debates were held on
May 29th and June 19th respectively. The next meeting on
July 3rd was not a debate. Instead a series of talks was deliverecl
by six members, after which comments fro111 the House followeci.

The closing debate of the term was the illost interesting.
The Principal, Mr. D. W. PilcLeocl, took the Chair. Dr. Moncur
and F. Sadka proposecl that the \Testernization of the Orient was
inevitable. Mr. Low Ngiong Ing and N. B. Menon opposed the
motion. Mr. Lim Wall Aun, Mr. A. C. Rajah, Mr. Seow Cheng
Joon, Mr. I<. M. K. Menon, Mr. I-I. N. Ballletchet ancl Mr. Wee

Seong Kang, wllo were in the House, also spoke. Both masters
and boys hacl a really enjoyable time and we wish to thank the

princi@e speakers for kindly consenting to take part in the debate.

------ HO KEEN.


(Junior Section.)

Three meetings were helcl during the term. The first meeting
was held on May 13th. Mr. Seow Cherlg Joon was in the chair.
The motion before the House was, " That the present system of
food catering is not as satisfactory as the old." The proposers
were Eng Hock and Chew 0011(VID) and the opposers were
Thamoortharam and Teng Kuan (VI-C). The opposition won
111e clay,

The second meeting took place on June 6th. ~ I SB. oey Chen
Iiee presicled. The subject disctissed was, " Idle boys should not
be punished." Speaking for the propositioll were Teo I<ah Leong
and Linl Chin Aik (VI-E) while the speakers for the oppositioil
were Sham Sunderai and Tan Suan Chuan (VII-E). The proposi-
tion won by a large majority.

The last n-teeting was llelcl on July 1st. Mr. Gail Hock Hye
was in the chair. The subject was, " I t is better to live in a
temperate country t11ai-i in a tropical one." The proposers werc
Tdiill Seck Tiong ancl Chua ICim Seng (VII-B) and the opposers
were Lee I<eoh Yam ancl Chen I<ok ICuang (VTI-A). The olq>osi-
tion ivon by n large majority.


.Clzniv~~znu . .
. Mr. Ting Siew Choon.
. . . . Prefect Suratta.
Secrctn~y . . . . Prefect Abclul FIamicl.

Cofiznziffee . . . . I<oh Joo Pnan.

. . . . Eu I<eng Yuet.

Tlie Society llelcl its first meeting of the term on I'riday,
1st bray, 1936, in Rooill 17. Mr. Ting was in tlle CIiair. The

purpo~eof tl-tc ineeting was :-

(I) To elect a new Secretary.
(2) To elect new coinn-tittee members.

During the nleeting Prefect. Suratta was electecl Secretary
in place of Prefect Chua Ah Tee ivho hacl left the School. We
felt very sorry indeed for losing such an energetic Secretary.
played a great part in the success of the Society.

On behalf of the Society we shoulcl like to offer our thanks
to him and to wish him success ill whatever he u~ldertakes.

Three cornnlittee meinbers were also electecl-Prefect Abdul
I-Iamid, 1Col-tJoo Puan, ELIISeng Yuet. T\TTe offer our congratula-
tioils to them.

At the conlillittee meeting arrangeilzents were i~ladefor the
term's excursions. Four places werc chosen and the clates fixed.
The iollowi~lgare the programnle of activities for 2ncl Ter111 :-

(I) 29th May, Alesanclra Brick Works ; 40 boys present.
(2) 26th June, Singapore Rubber Worlrs ; 30 boys present.
(3) 12th June, 130 Ho Biscuit Factory ; 30 boys present.
(4) 10th July, The Phoenix Aerated Water Works ; 30


Juclgi~lgfrom the attendances, it is quite safe to say that boys
are now taking interest in the Society. We hope that every boy
in the Society will continue to support this Treryitllportant bratlclt
of School activities.

Tlle Pllotographic Section of the Society is doing very good

worlr. hlucli interest has already been shown 11y the I~oysin
171iotograpli~. Thc lollowing now form tllc organi\atioil
c o ~ n m i t t e e:-

Srcvc1ctr.y . . . . S I I I~<wcc Siin.

Co~rtntillcc .. .. Yeo Clliang 1,okc.
.. Henry Yapp.
.. .. Eu I<eng Tnet.
-I boys are divided into four groups, each unclcr tltc clrr\rge

oS a coillmittee member.

Very little has beell done this term for we llave cleciclcd to
liave all activities in full swing next term. \fre are glacl to infonn
tlle illeillbers that a dark-room will be coilstructed and lectures
will be given to the boys to help then1 to be good photographers.

\Ye sincerely hope that every member will give full srtpport
to inake this seeti011 a successful one.

I. B. S.


Cltniu~~tai~ .. . . Mr. Balhetchet.
.. . . Sr. Pref. L i ~ nIiiaii Soo.
Scc~ctav-y . . . Pref. Chan Weng Sung.

Tok I<im Seng.

Bu Keng Yuet.

The Society held three lneetillgs this tern1 ailcl the attendance
was beyoiicl doubt very satisfactory. The boys sllowed very lreen
interest i i ~the Society ancl this Statement is justified by the
regular atteudatlce of the members a t each meeting.

The Geographical Society has in its possessioll 13 Magaziiles,

and these have already been circulated to the members. \Ye hope
to receive more ill t l l ~course of the year.

i\lany articles of geographical interest were written and
read by the boys, such as :--

" Paradise of the Pacific " by Tok Iiiin Seng.
" Canadian Pacific Railwajr " b y Wan Boo San.
" Birth-place of Cycloi~es" by 130 Keen.
" Fornlosa the Beautiful " by Tok Iiim Seng.
" Talking poi~ltson Australia " by I-Iector Seah.
" Janlaica " by Liin Cheng Tew.

Soinetiine in the iniddle of June we paid a visit to the l'hoenis
Aerated Water TITorks. This visit proved very interesting.

J. B.


'I'lie scliool 1st X I was again defeated by the Joliore Englisll
C'ollrgtl. After tlic niatch we entertained tliei~lto tca at: wliicli
t l ~ eI-Ieacl Prefect Linl Hong Bee thanked, the visitors oil I)cllalf
of the scI1ool.

Tlicre is soiile i ~ ~ ~ p r o \ ~ c rinnetnlite tea111 ancl we hoye to finis11
tlie season successfully. i17ebeat the ilngln-Chinese School and the
City High School, two of tlie strongest school teanls in Singapor?.

Tile Inter-House Tourtlament has already begun ; we llopc
t o Ilave it completed helore the close of this season.

\I'c thanlc all nzasters of the school rrrlio refereed our matcllcs.




Tlte Cricltet season of 1936 was on tlic \\illole successful.
Of tile 19 matches, 11 were won, 7 were lost ancl 1 was abanclonecl
owing to rain.

l>uring the earlier part of thc season inter-llouse iiiatcl~esrlrerc
played off. By beating Morrison I-Iouse Buckley House becanlc
tlie champion.

Although the School X I retained the services of nlost of
last year's players, tlie form displayed was below espcctations.
A. Watts, our most successful batsman in 1936, was a failure this
season, tliougll to sonle extent he ~nacteup for it hy bowling better
than before. Perhaps the usual worries and burclen of captaincy
are the cause of his failure at batting. S. I<. S u n d r a ~ nwas tlic
most successfnl bowler, though at tinles he was ratlicr iricliiiecl to
bowl wilclly. As a batsmaii he is a hitter. R. I. Barker, our
opening batsman, clicl pretty well ancl macle ($0runs against thc
C. S. C. " -4 " M. C. I<ohlhoff rvho was one of the opening pair,
was tlie most successful batsman. 011three occasions 11e was not
out, tiis highest score being 65 not out. He was also a good change
bowler especially 011 a wet wicket. Against A. C'. S. he tooli 5

wkts. for only 17 rtuls. R. S.Varma was another good Oowler,

but failed with the bat.

Four inter-school inatches were playecl ancl we won trvo. \I-e
lost the first agaii-ist St. Andre~rr. In the seconcl nlatch we beat
St. Joseph's Iilstitutioii decisively. Two nlatches were player1
against the Anglo-Chinese School. \Ve won one ancl lost the

\Vc shoulcl like to oiler our congratulations to A. \17atts and

S. I<, Sundram who were selected to play For the Conlbinecl

Sclsools of which \Vatts was nzade Captain.

School XI.

A. \Iratts (Capt.),S. I<. Sunclram (\'ice-Capt.) , AI. C. KohlhoH,
R. Barker, 73. S. Varma, E. Barker, M. F. Iiohlhoff, P. N. Barclhan,
-1. Ponnambalam, G. Singh, I. B. Suratta (Sec.).

Batting Average. .I.otal

No. of Timcs Iillll 5

Irlriiilgs not out 214
. . . . 15 3 I .55
. . . . 13 129
. . . . 13 - 71

. . .. 13 -- s1
.. .. ..
11 - -I,4
.. 1'1 :3 33
.. .. 11 31
. . . . 12 - 10


.. .. 14 -
.. .. s

. . . . 11 1

Bowling Averages.

O ~ ~ e r s ;\Paidens lR'LoIItsIa\l\.iclicts .i~rcr;ig~.
2 3 1- I,(j 5.08
Suiiclram . . .. 145.3 1-1
Varnla . . . . 51.1
14 I18 17 (\.9 1
IVatts ..
. . 111 25 262 30 8.73
Ponnambalam . . 29
. . 21.1 S 73 3 51.33
Iiohlhoff . .
3 GO 13 4 .(1i

Result of the Matches.

..1i.I. 71s. 1-.XI.C.t\. (Jr. Dcpt.) .. .. . . \I7on.
vs. S.C.1I.C. . . . . ..
,, 2)s. S.C.C. . . . . .... .. . . ,\l>niitlo~ic~tl
.. .. .. . . T.ost
..,, vs. St. Anclrew's .. . . \Yon.
vs. Ir.M.C.:l. . . .. . . ,,
,, vs. St. Joseph's Iii5t. .. ..
,, us. S.1i.A. . . . . .. ..
.. .. . . Lost
,, vs. Y.M.C.A.(Jr.Dept) .. .. . . Il'on
.. . . Lost
..,, vs. Anglo-Chinese School .. .. . . \Yo11
vs. S.C.R.C. . . . . Lost
.. .. ..
Ii.I.".1"vs.R. A. .. .. .. . . \%"on
R.I. us. C.S.C. .. ..
.. .. .. .. ..
,, its. Masters . . . . .. ..
.. .. . . Lost
,, vs. i\ledical College Union .. ..
,, vs. A.C.A. . . . . . . Won
.. .. ..
,, vs. Y.M.C.A. (Jr. Dept.) .. . . Lost
.,, vs. R.E. ..
,, zfs. .. . .. .. . . Lost
,, 71s. ..
SI~.Kld.Aia.ilAsso.c.iation . .



O m foriiier secretary Prefect Song Kok No left school early
tliis term. \T7e hope to see hiiii in the " tennis lime-light" soon.

For tlle seconcl time in succession the singles champioiis'tiip
c,1.unpil was carried off by Head Prefect 1,iin I-Tong Bee.
was tlie ruiirler-up.

I11 tile Inter-team event, 1,im I-long Bee and I'i'illianl T:ut
representing Bishop House were again the champions. They beat
Philip FIoalim Jr. and L. Goodall of Song Olig Siang Ilouse.

On hIay 9th we played a match against the R.A.F. 011 their

courts. Mr. H. N.Ballietchet and Mr. S. C. Ting playecl in tliis

match anel adclccl coiisiclerably to the strength of the team. IT'e
lost the match by 31 games to 61. A return match with the

R.A.F. has been arrarigecl to be playecl on Jlrly 31st.

Boys sllow a keener interest in the game. Their stanclard of
play isgoocl ancl if they will only practise frequently ancl systemati-
rally, they xvill have every chance of getting into tlie scllool team.


At the beginning of the seconcl term, o m Captain aiicl coni-
mittee ineniber, Cllan Ichek Beiig ancl Yeo Tiang Sie~vl,eft the
School. Their places have been iilled by IAn ICian Soo ancl
I-Tector Seali.

The Indi\riclual Chanipionsliip Tournament co~iclucleclearly
this term. Liiil Iiian Soo hacl much dificuliy in beating his
opponent, See Gin1 Siaiig in tlie final. The standard of play was
quite high. Lini Iiian Soo was almost finished a t the rubber set,
anel although he was made to run from one corner to the other
cornel-, lie beat See Gim Siang by his coolness and steadi'iiess.
His accuracy also helpecl lliin to victory. I t was a game between
a lobber ancl a netter, for See Gim Siang displayed a series of
nlagiiificent net strokes, while Lini ICian Soo, a tricky player but
lacking in smashing power, concentrated niore on the base line.
This worried liis opponent very iiiuch.

In the Inter-House Touriiainent, Buckley House, coilsistiilg
of illany gooel players capturecl tlie Cup. Buckley House beat
Phillip House by 3 games to nil.

After the Tournament, tlie Scl~oolTeain kept fit by playing
practice games. We had two friendly matches with other schools,
Y.M.C.A. and the Victoria School. \Ye won on both occasions.
The results of the two matches are as follows :-

'I'lic Scliool bcat Victoria School by .1 gaiiics t o 1

(R. I. mentioned first.)

Singles :-

Liln Iiiali Soo beat 'ray Keok H e ~ l g(15-9) ; (15-6).
See Gim Siang beat Chua Bian Guan (15-7) ; (15-10).
1,ni I<ah Cheng beat Chan Swee Iiee (10-15) ; (15-1 1) ; (15-4).

Doubles :-
I-Iow Soo I<ee ancl Cho I<l~ekEng beat Chan Swec Iiec nntl
Clian Lye Huat (21-12) ; (21-22).

Tan I<eng Yam and Abu Baker lost to Chua Rian Gttall alitl
Tuai Chua (7-21) ; (8-21).

Referee :-Hector Seah.

Tlze School beat Y.M.C.A. by 3 games to 2.

(R. I. mentionecl first.)

Exhibition :-
How Soo ICee heat Wee Soon Tiolig (15-3) ; (Ifi--1).

Singles :-

Liin I i i a ~ iSoo beat I<. Olixw-o (15-6) ; (15-4).
See Girn Siang lost to Idow I<ee Nvak (13-13) ; (5-1) ; (3-15) ;

Lui I<ah Cheng lost to Tornrny Ngo (5-15) ; (9-15).

Doubles :-

Liin I<ian Soo and See Gim Siang beat Lon- I c e ~Nyak and
Tonnny Ngo (21-15) ; (21-13).

I-Iow Soo I<ee and Chan I<llek Eng beat I(.Olivero ancl Ornar
(14-21) ; (19-19) ; (5-2) ; (21-16).

Referee :-Hector Scah.

The School is competing ill the Inter-School Badminton
Competition, which is being run by the Singapore Rachninton
A'lrrociation. \Ve are conficlent of winning.



Master-i~z-chnvgc . . . . Mr. Lim Wall rlun.
Prefect-iil-chnrqe . . . . See Giln Siang.
Captni?~ .. . . . . Lee Chew ICuen.
Secretnvy . . . . ..
Co))~r)titte~ .. Chew Charm Ichuali.
.. Leong Hoi Seng.
.. . . \I'ong Ah Choy.


Our former Prefect-in-charge, Henry Seah, and our foriller

Secretary, Tall Song Yam, left us a t the beginning of the second
"Lrni. ifre wish them every success.

Their posts are now ocrupiccl by Prefect Sec Gin1 Sinng and
Chew Charai IChuali.

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