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Published by Ramandeep Kaur, 2019-09-13 04:58:11





U3174759 Im



man Yousef

Refugees didn’t just
had to escape a thou

they’d put enough
between them and t

to a bet


escape a place. They
usand memories until

time and distance
their misery to wake
tter day.

SHIMI، 2019

with no pants
As much as countries prioritise peace,
and religion still cause violence and w
around the world. The United Nations
refugee as any person “who has been
persecution, war or violence.” (UNHCR
around the world, over a half of them
Sudan and Syria (UNHCR, 2019). Local
refugees in 2017 (Doherty, 2018).
The recent Syrian crisis made Australi
delivering support and aid to Syrian re
it is a “no-brainer” taking in refugees a
to live in, the issue of refugees remain
home conditions, where conflict and v
refugees in may disrupt the harmony
(Spinks, 2009).
This report attempts to examine these
in Australia, in relation to their needs
by government and non-government

, unfortunately, war, conflicts due to ethnicity, tribes
war leading to the displacement of millions of people
s High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) defines a

forced to flee his or her country because of
R, n.d.). As of 2019, There is almost 26 million refugees

come from three countries Afghanistan, South
lly, Australia has welcomed more than 20,000

a step up in taking more refugees in and in
efugees in neighbouring countries. Although to some
and providing them a safe and peaceful environment
ns divisive issue in migration debates. Due to their
violence prevails, there are concerns that allowing
and social cohesion in the hosting community

e arguments, by discussing statistics about refugees
and the effectiveness of settlement services provided



Migration has been an essential part of Australia’s pop
migrants have come to Australia so far. Initially the bu
and Northern European countries. However, from the
include people from South Europe, East Asia and the
however, has always had a quota system. Currently, th
there were 13,750 refugee places, but it has been scale
however, this same source records that between 2009
0.89% of the total of more than 20 million refugees w
(2019) reported that Australia has accepted the third h
program, as well as having accepted more than 900,0
Australia’s resettlement program for refugees is organ
multicultural and Indigenous Affairs through the Hum
commission, 2005). There have however, been consta
circumstances. Currently there is the possibility of ons
arrived in Australia with a valid visa. Once in Australia,
protection status can only be guaranteed once refuge
(Australian Human Rights Commission, 2005).

pulation growth. Spinks (2009) reports 6.5 million
ulk of these migrants came from the United Kingdom

1960s onwards, the demographics have shifted to
Middle East. The proportion of refugees to migrants
he Refugee Council (2019) records that in 2015-2016,
ed to 18,750 places in 2018-2019. In a global context
9-2018 Australia accepted 180,790 refugees, which was
ho were resettled, worldwide. Additionally, Shelton
highest number of refugees in the UN settlement
000 refugees since 1947.
nised by the Department of Immigration and
manitarian Program (Australian Human Rights
ant changes to this program depending on the political
shore protection, which is available to anyone who
, the Australian Human Rights Commission verifies that
ees and asylum seekers apply for a Protection Visa

Holsom Valley Ranch | 2020


Recent research from the Kaldor Centre has stipulated
have been resettled via an offshore program (Kaldor C
policy, the Kaldor Centre’s research divides applicants
and Community Support Program (or CSP)’ (Kaldor Ce
The major challenges for Australia’s refugees stem from
sought asylum, between 13 August 2012 and 1 January
Moreover, Edward Santow of the Australian Human Ri
50,000 people ‘arrived in Australia by boat to seek asy
have faced increasingly limited legal and social suppo
family who are still overseas. Such factors prevent them
line.  According to the Department of Home Affairs, be
processed were from Iran (4,639), Afghanistan (3,892),
either Victoria or New South Wales (2019).

d though, that refugees who arrived without a valid visa
Centre ,2019). In explaining this aspect of government
s into ‘three categories: Refugee, Special Humanitarian,
entre 2019).
m the cases of approximately 30,000 refugees who
y 2014 (Kaldor Centre, 2019).
ights Commission notes that in 2009-2013, more than
ylum’ (Santow, 2019). People within these two brackets
ort, as well as little to no prospect of reunion with their
m from attaining a standard of living above the poverty
etween 2018-2019 a significant number of those

as well as Sri Lanka (2,014) and the majority settled in

Holsom Valley Ranch | 2020



A notable exception is Syrian refugees, whose settlem
result of the devastating Syrian Civil War. Many Syrian
civil war was sparked by military intervention of protes
The escalation of protests against the regime transform
that continues to destabilise the Middle East until this
Home Affairs (2018), in 2014, there were 2,230 humanit
dramatically increased in 2017, with 6,261 in addition t
issued. In 2018, however, this number had dropped sig
Social Services (2018) these refugees have four forms o
Community Hubs, Cultural Orientation as well as Spec

Syrian Refugees

ment numbers have exponentially expanded as a
refugees have fled their homes since 2011, when the
sts against the al-Assad regime (Oweis, 2011).
med into an insurgency and subsequently, a civil war
s present time. According to the Department of
tarian visas granted to Syrians. These numbers
to 12,000 emergency humanitarian visas being
gnificantly to 3,227.  According to the Department of
of support services available: Humanitarian Programs,
cialised and Intensive Services.


One major issue in the current refugee intake is the pr
been noticeable in the Morrison’s re-election campaig
(2018), the proportion of Syrian refugees who identify a
2015-2018. That being said, Evason (2016) has also indi
retained its priority of resettling the ‘most vulnerable’.
families with little prospect of ever returning safely’. Th
settlement scheme gives preferential treatment to tho
majority of these resettlements are also sent to Sydne
communities (Evason, 2016).
As Syrian refugees integrate in the Australian society, t
Many customs in Syrian culture are focussed on perso
retained their languages in their own communities or
Department of Social Services (2014) found that the m
neo-Aramaic (10%) or Armenian (9%).

rioritisation of Christian refugees over Muslims. This has
gn that took place in early 2019. According to Le Grand
as Muslim has reduced from 40.5% to 19%, between
icated that the Department of Home Affairs has

These categories are defined as ‘women, children and
herefore, the Coalition’s government refugee
ose who it deems will best integrate in Australia. The
ey and Melbourne, rather than dispersed into rural

they bring in some beautiful morals from their culture.
nal dignity and respect. Refugees from this region have
family settings in Australia. A survey conducted by the
majority speak Arabic (71%), while a minority speak


Likewise, Syrian families have retained much of their t
migrating. The notion of accepting money from others
considered degrading, as it takes away from someone
respect. As such, Syrians who are unemployed and sup
find their situation undignified and aim to find a job t
support themselves with. This sentiment is compound
traditionally in the Syrian culture they provide financia
families. This pattern extends to Syrian homes: if a gue
anything in hospitality,
Evason (2016) notes that it is more polite to initially de
immediately accept, because it exhibits humility and
confidence, rather than desperation. One solution to t
the welfare and social supports offered in Australia, an
of Syrians to accept them, was developed by the Refu
Support Program. Although it is specific to New South
program is designed to facilitate 6,000 refugees and 1
seekers find employment in an industry they can cont
an assessment of their qualifications and skills (RESP,

traditions after
s, for example, is
e’s self-esteem and
pported by welfare
hat they can
ded for men, as
ally for their
est is offered

ecline rather than
calm self-
this disparity with
nd the willingness
ugee Employment
h Wales, the
1,000 asylum
tribute to, based on

Refugee Employment Support Program


One barrier to cohesive integration with Australian soc
survey conducted by the Department of Social Service
only 5.5% of Syrian refugees spoke English at home wh
result of this linguistic barrier is that unless refugees fr
with those of different demographics,
their language skills will require increased support to
of society. In an attempt to combat this issue, program
Migrant English Program (AMEP) provide tuition and i
Syrians can access essential services, particularly healt
interpreters and
accommodation. This approach attempts to help Syria
agency within their respective situations and develop
with their local community. Other programs, such as t
Interpreting Services (TIS) provides interpretation serv
well as via a phone call (Millbank, Phillips, Bohm, 2006

ciety is language. A
es (2014) found that
hen they arrived. The
rom Syria engaged

engage with the rest
ms such as the Adult
information on how
th support,

an refugees to build
their engagement
the Translation and
vices in-person as

Adult Migrant English Program at
CQUniversity's TAFE section in Rockhampton.


Thirdly, Syrian customs at times lie in contrast to Aust
Christian Syrians do not have food customs that preve
engagement with food from Australia’s multicultural c
Evason (2016) notes that observant Muslims from Syria
restrictions, in that they will prefer halal food (animals
certain way) and abstain from dishes that have any tra
pork. Evason (2016) goes on to note that smoking ciga
acceptable and widely practiced in public and indoor
limited locations will hold the red Non-smoking area s
barrier that such refugees will need to adjust to theref
smoking laws that Grace (2017) highlights in relation t
transport, shopping centres, schools and other indoor
regarding these laws has attempted to cater for non-E
cultures more generally, by accompanying a visual of a
green; showing that smoking is allowed at this area.

ralian laws. While NON-SMOKING
ent their AREAS SIGN IN
a face certain SYRIA
s slaughtered in a
aces of alcohol or SMOKING PERMITTED IN
r spaces in Syria
signage. One U3174759_Iman_Yousef
fore, is the non-
to public

areas. Signage
English speaking
a cigarette with

Some aspects of Australian society conflict with Syrian
misunderstanding and frustration. Looking closer at th
homosexuality carries heavy penalties in Syria.
Additionally, public displays of affection or any form o
Crossing, 2017), as are rude behaviours stemming from
It follows that, due to the legalisation of gay marriage,
being a central part of Australian culture, there is a po
ones. That being said, there are positive aspects of Syr
Additionally, part of Syrian culture is to offer hospitalit
new bonds (whether as part of socialising, or business

n customs, which have the potential to generate
he Syrian taboos, in 2018 Landinfo’s reports that
of nudity are unacceptable for Syrians (Culture
m alcohol consumption or drunkenness Evason (2016).
, as well as drinking as part of social gatherings
otential for Syrian values to conflict with Australian
ian culture such as socialising and building
ty and help to anyone in need, as a way of forming



With regard to ceremonies and symbols, colours havin
instance, Al-Adaileh (2012) concluded that black is nea
evil’. Green on the other hand, is linked with ‘growth, h
dissimilar to other Middle Eastern cultures. Thus, this c
with ancestry from this region. More broadly, red is lin
Syrian refugees will have the potential to decode the i
understandings match the current use of red in warni
and other forms of public notices. This conclusion can
Star and the crescent represent Islam and is used in A
pervasive is the Crucifix, which will appeal to the Syria
Christian refugees belong to.

ng distinct meanings across various contexts. For
arly always associated with ‘mischievous, soiled and
harmony, health and safety’. Such symbolism is not
colouring creates a form of kinship with other people
nked with danger. These meanings indicate that
intention of signage in Australia, since their
ing signage such as smoking signs, traffic lights
n be extended to religious symbols, importantly the
Australia as part of the Halal food labelling. More
an Christian and Armenian Churches that Syrian


Visual S

Most of the symbols share the same meaning for S
distinct ones on either side. Below som

Free from any component The Star and Cresent
that Muslims are prohibited represents Islam
from consuming according

to Islamic law.


Syrians and Australians alike, while there are some
me of the religious symbols used in Syria.

"Allah" in Arabic Christian Cross
name of God

Flag Co

The national flag of the Syrian Arab Republic has
population on

The horizontal striped symbolic of Hasemite w
background red, black dynasty and the
and white، centred with
struggle for independence
two stars


s four colours: red, white, black and green (World
n review, n.d.).

Fatimid dynasty Abbasid dynasty representative
bright future
with one star standing and oppression

for Egypt and of the nation

the other for Syria


Syrian clothin

Female Thobe
(usually long dress with
multiple colours used.

ng & costumes

Men Sherwal
traditional clothes



This report has demonstrated that the main challenge
from the fact that they are dislocated from their home
linguistic, legal and cultural differences. These are par
homosexual marriage in Australia, and by the drinking
country. Thus, in considering design schemes that will
the symbols that they could easily relate to, which wo
the language barriers and secondly allow them to pre
For instance, the locations for services could be accom
highlight the name of the organisation.

es that confront Syrian refugees are derived not only
e and due to trauma from war, but also from
rticularly pronounced by the legalisation of
g culture that is an integral part of socialising in this
l appeal to Syrian refugees, I would want to tap into
ould firstly make it easier to understand considering
eserve their pride by self-regulating their behaviour.
mpanied by a green background, with white text to

HUol3s1o7m47V5 9a_llIemy aRna_nYcohus| e2f020

Following Al-Aldaileh’s research (2012) suggestions,
such design strategies will be easily digested by both
Australians and Syrians alike because of its shared
symbolic meaning associated with colours. This
positive symbolism will hopefully lead to their having
constructive reactions and being readily able to find
their way around. Moreover, it will create the building
blocks for Syrian refugees to better comprehend the
vicissitudes of Australian society. Along with the
colours, I would accompany each design with visuals
to overcome the limitations of written text possibly
being in English, a language that they may not
understand well also considering adding the Arabic
language which makes it easier to understand. At a
macro-level, these common facets between
Australian and Syrian would relate a sense of safety
and welcome to Syrian refugees.

Refugee kids play at camp
HUol3s1o7m47V5 9a_llIemy aRna_nYcohus| e2f020

After looking in to researched information, my plan
would be to integrate all the needs that the Syrian
refugees might need, from important signs that they
might not be familiar with, locations for services they
might need and phone numbers along with some
culture brief how to meet and great Australians,
highlighting some frequently used vocabularies and
The design will use both English and Arabic as get a
general understanding by Syrian refugees.
Colour scheme utilises green and white as it is
associated with positivity and energy. This will help lift
up these refugees who are starting to settle in their
new homes.
To overcome the language barriers, the designs use
simple graphics and descriptions in both Arabic and
English to ensure the meaning is conveyed.


Kids with flag print on face .

Hols omU3V1 7a4ll7e5y9R_Iamnachn_|Y2o0u2s0ef


Al-Adaileh, B. (2012). The connotations of Arabic colour terms. Linguistica. Retrieved from: h
Australian Human Rights Commission (2005). Questions and Answers About Refugees & Asyl
Culture crossing guide. (2017). SYRIA. Retrieved from:
Doherty, B. (2019). Australia takes the most refugees since start of humanitarian program. R
Department of Home Affairs. (2018). Australia’s offshore Humanitarian Program: 2017–18. R
Department of Home Affairs (2019). IMA Legacy Caseload. Retrieved from: https://www.hom
Department of Social Services (2014):
Evason, N. (2016). Syrian Culture. Retrieved from:
Grace, C (2017). Legislation to ban smoking in public spaces. Retrieved from:
Kaldor Centre. (2019). Australia's refugee policy: An overview. Retrieved from: https://www.k
Landinfo. (2018). Syria: Marriage legislation and traditions. Retrieved from: https://landinfo.
lum Seekers. Retrieved from Australian Human Rights Commission website:
Retrieved from:

Retrieved from:



Le Grand, C. (2018). Muslim intake expected to fall as Christians rise. Retrieved from:  https

Millbank, Phillips, Bohm, (2006). Australia s settlement services for refugees and migrants.

Oweis, K. (2011). Syria death toll hits 5,000 as insurgency spreads. Retrieved from:  https://in

Refugee Council (2019). Refugees in Australia: a quick guide. Retrieved from refugee counc

RESP. (2017).  Refugee Employment Support Program. Retrieved from:

Santow, E. (2019). Lives on hold: Refugees and asylum seekers in the 'Legacy caseload' (201

Shelton, T. (2019). Refugee week: The number of globally displaced people reaches record

Spinks, H. (2009). Australia's settlement services for migrants and refugees. Retrieved from:

UNHCR. (n.d.). What is a Refugee?. Retrieved from The United Nations High Commissioner f

UNHCR. (2019). Figures at a Glance. Retrieved from The United Nations High Commissione


Retrieved from:

cil website:
19). Retrieved from:

high of 70.8 million. Retrieved from:

for Refugees website:
r for Refugees website:



Cover Retrieved from:
Introduction. Refugee kid with no pants. Retrieved from: https://www.senseandsustainability
Syrian Refugees. Retrieved from:
Refugee Employment Support Program (RESP). Retrieved from:
Adult Migrant English Program at CQUniversity's TAFE section in Rockhampton. Retrieved fr
Non-smoking areas sign in Syria. Retrieved from:
SMOKING PERMITTED IN THIS AREA (Australia). Retrieved from:
Visual Symbols
The Star and Cresent & Allah. Retrieved from:
Christian Cross. Retrieved from:
Halal Symbol. Retrieved from:
Flag Colours
Syria Flag. Retrieved from:
Syrian clothing & costumes
Female Thobe. Retrieved from:
Men Sherwal. Retrieved from:
Refugee kids play at camp. Retrieved from:
Kids with flag print on face. Retrieved from:






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