January 2017
Clinton Service Unit
Inside this issue: 2017 Strategic Goals
Leadership 2 Clinton Service Unit (CSU) takes pride in the vision to provide quality health care services focusing on
prevention, restoration and collaborative relationships that are valued and “exceeds the needs” of our
Hep C 2 patients, community and tribal partners. CSU’s executive leadership released the Strategic Goals for
Ancillary Director 3
“The strategic goals of CSU are guided by our Vision” said April Wazhaxi, chief executive officer.
Chief of Pharmacy 3 “Contained within our vision is CSU’s motto of exceeding the need in every activity. Our strategic goals
are interwoven and build upon each other. They are consistent with the Indian Health Service (IHS) Mis-
Retirement 4 sion, Priorities, and IHS Quality Framework Goals and Priorities.”
Mailbag 4 2017 Strategic Goals
Popstars 5 Synergize patient centered medical homes and increase access to care.
Utilize quality and data analytics and process improvement strategies to improve health outcomes.
Welcome 6
Increase patient trust and cultivate relationships with stakeholders.
Go Red 7 Recruit, train, engage, retain and utilize great people.
Community Listening Session at Independent Living Center
Providers and representatives of CSU took part in a Community Representatives from CSU’s Purchase and Referred Care
Listening Session held in Clinton at the Cheyenne and Arapaho program and Benefits Coordinators were at the Independent
Tribes’ Independent Living Center on January 27th.
Living Center to assist residents and answer questions.
Over 30 residents and community members of the Independent Liv-
ing Center sought information on the services available within CSU.
Podiatry, Pediatrics, Purchase Referred Care, Dental, Benefits Co-
ordinators, Pharmacy, and Nutrition were onsite to answer questions
and provide health care resources.
Nursing screened 23 attendees to monitor blood pressure and blood
sugar. The flu vaccine and treatments for fluoride varnish were
available to those who were interested.
Five Levels of Leadership
Over the past several months, the leadership team of CSU has taken part in John C.
Maxwell’s Five Levels of Leadership. The workshop introduced theories of successful
leadership and assisted CSU’s team in identifying who they are individually as leaders in
the organization. Each member of the leadership team was designated a specific topic
within the workshop to present to the group through a series of videos, presentations,
and discussion.
The Five Levels of Leadership are: 1) Position—People follow because they have to; 2)
Permission—People follow because they want to; 3) Production—People follow because
of what you have done for the organization; 4) People Development—People follow be-
cause of what you have done for them personally; and 5) Pinnacle—People follow be-
cause of who you are and what you represent.
The workshop encouraged CSU’s leadership to take a look at each of the five levels of
leadership and understand what genuinely motivates them internally and those who sur-
round them. The group discussed taking a deeper look at how values drive decisions;
decisions drive behaviors; and behaviors drive results. True leadership is not based on a
job title. Leadership is accessible to everyone in the organization to build a team to pro-
duce not only results, but future leaders.
Hepatitis C Program Update
Since December of 2015, 28 patients have received treatment HCV is spread primarily by contact with blood and blood prod-
through CSU’s Hepatitis C Program. To date, 14 of these pa- ucts. Blood transfusions prior to 1991, the sharing of used nee-
tients have been cured from Hepatitis C. dles and syringes, home tattoos, and infants born to HCV-
infected mothers between 1945-1965 have been the main caus-
Hepatitis C is a viral infection causing inflammation to the liver, es of the spread of HCV in the United States. Other groups who
sometimes leading to serious liver damage. The hepatitis C virus appear to be at slightly increased risk for HCV are: people with
(HCV) spreads through contaminated blood. Until recently, hepa- high-risk sexual behavior, multiple partners, and sexually trans-
titis C treatment required weekly injections and oral medications mitted diseases and people who have shared toothbrushes, ra-
many HCV-infected people couldn’t take because of other health zors and other personal items with a family member who is HCV-
problems or unacceptable side effects. That’s changing. Today, infected.
chronic HCV is usually curable with oral medications taken every
day for two to six months. For questions about Hepatitis C, please call Cassandra Clark in
the pharmacy at 580.331.3351
“Some people come to CSU from other service units just for the
treatment opportunity,” said Cassandra Clark, CSU pharmacist.
“If someone seeks treatment and is motivated, we can get treat-
ment started relatively quickly. Most people do not know they
have been infected with Hepatitis C, much less how they got it.
Hepatitis C can lead to detrimental clinical effects later in life,
such as cirrhosis of the liver, ascites, esophageal varices, or liver
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Dr. Kala Rodgers Named Ancillary Services Director
Audiologist Dr. Kala Rodgers is the new Ancillary Services Director for CSU.
This position provides senior leadership for Imaging, Laboratory, Pharmacy,
Health Information, Clinical Applications, Health Education and Nutrition. Dr.
Rodgers has provided over 20 years of hearing health services to Native Ameri-
can and Alaska Native populations, and has served as an audiologist to CSU
since 2007.
Dr. Rodgers is a member of the Choctaw Nation and grew up in Eastern Okla-
homa. She received a bachelor’s degree from Oklahoma State University in
1993, Master’s degree in Audiology from the University of Arizona in 1996, and
a Doctorate in Audiology from A.T. Still University in 2007.
Dr. Rodgers has held multiple leadership roles within CSU, including providing
leadership for the Improving Patient Care Team. “I look forward to expanding
my leadership work and helping others learn and grow,” said Dr. Rodgers. “I am
married to Corey Rodgers and together we have three beautiful children.” In Dr.
Rodgers’ spare time she enjoys crafts, quilting, baking, and is an avid reader.
Narcissco Soliz Joins CSU as Chief Pharmacy Officer
CSU welcomes Narcisso Soliz as our new Chief Pharmacy Officer. Soliz, a
member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, comes to CSU from Claremore Indian
Hospital, where he was the clinic manager of the Tobacco Cessation Pro-
gram. He is a board certified pharmacotherapy specialist and has been a
national clinical pharmacy specialist in multiple disease states.
Soliz began his IHS career at CSU as a pharmacy extern in 2006. He gradu-
ated with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree form Southwestern Oklahoma State
University (SWOSU) in 2007, and is currently enrolled in Oklahoma State
University’s Master ‘s degree program in Health Care Administration.
Soliz currently serves as the co-lead for the Public Health Service Tobacco
Cessation Access Workgroup Training Resource Development Subcommit-
tee’s Partnership with Rx for Change®. In 2014, he was awarded SWOSU’s
distinguished preceptor of the year for his accomplishments in training in the
area of smoking cessation. Soliz serves as Chair of the National Pharmacy
Council’s Inventory Management Subcommittee to promote the agency’s
priority of transparency and accountability.
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Happy Retirement!
Carol Ratliff of Clinton Indian Health Center retires from CSU after 30 years of dedicated service. Ratliff worked in the Radiology
Department and served as a diagnostic radiologic technician. Congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy retirement!
A retirement part was held for Carol Ratliff on December 31, 2016 at Clinton Indian Health Center.
Ratliff was presented with a Pendleton blanket for her 30 years of dedicated service.
From the Mailbag...
“My visit was very helpful. I felt and was treated very respectfully.”
~ Watonga Patient
“We love Dr. Egan. He is kind, caring, and listens to us. His nurses are wonderful!
~Clinton Pediatrics Parent
“This was my first time coming to the Watonga Clinic. Everyone is nice and caring.”
~ Watonga Patient
“Best staff ever, love the peds nurses!” ~Clinton Pediatric Parent
“Behavioral Health is EXCELLENT!” ~Clinton Patient
“Dr. Patel did a great job! Thank you. ~Clinton Dental Patient
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CSU “POP” Stars
Personal Outstanding Performance
The “POP” Award recognizes CSU employees who exhibit “Personal Outstanding Performance”. It is designed to
encourage and acknowledge employees for their everyday efforts and customer service.
Congratulations to all of our POP Stars!
Delana Cowan, Pat Gonzales, Janice Guthrie, Annie Frymire, & Caroline Plummer
“A young gentleman from out of state presented to the Watonga Indian Health Center,” said Bonnie Kraft, public health nursing direc-
tor. “The gentleman was in Oklahoma to attend a funeral and had dropped his bottle of insulin, which broke. He came to the clinic for
a possible refill. On the day he came, the clinic was opening at 10 am due to weather delay. Several people were on-site at Watonga
and Clinton Indian Health Center who were able to assist the gentleman. Release of information was completed and faxed to
Wyoming, along with necessary documents. Registration in Clinton was able to complete a new chart application by phone. The
patient was screened, blood glucose tested, and assessed by the provider. Pharmacy was able to dispense insulin to the patient and
he was able to leave the clinic by 10:40 am to attend the funeral of his relative.”
Susan Rose
“Susan assisted a patient who fell in the restroom,” said Deonda Roberson, performance improvement officer. “She stayed with the
patient as emergency medical technicians (EMT) arrived, and until they loaded her onto a stretcher. She held the patient through this
entire time and explained what the EMTs were doing and what she should expect to experience.”
James Swasho
“The standing work stations needed computers to be set up and connected,” said Julie Hoover, purchase and referred care manager.
“James came to set up the computers in our department after normal hours to prevent delays in our workday. When we came in the
next day this project was complete.”
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Welcome to Clinton Service Unit!
Narcisso Soliz Joyce Mauldin
Chief of Pharmacy Medical Support Assistant
Clinton Clinton
Deborah Weaselbear
Accounting Technician
Kim Kidd Stevi Brown
Pharmacy Technician Radiology Supervisor
(converted from contractor to Federal)
Page 6
Support Go Red for Women
by participating in
National Wear Red Day
Friday, February 3, 2017
Heart disease in the United States kills approximately one woman every 80 seconds. The good news is 80 percent of cardiac events
may be prevented with education and lifestyle change. The American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women” advocates for re-
search and swifter action for women’s heart health. Join CSU as we Go Red for Women and wear red on Friday, February 3rd in cele-
bration of National Wear Red Day®.
Go Red for Women starts with you. Lead by example and make time to “know your numbers”. Women know a lot of numbers by
heart… phone numbers, birthdays, and pin numbers. But do you know the most critical numbers for your heart health? This
knowledge could save your life. Schedule a visit with your health care provider to learn your personal health numbers, including:
Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, and Body Mass Index (BMI).
Knowing these numbers will allow women (and men) and your health care provider determine your risk for developing heart disease.
It’s time to learn the most critical numbers in your life. Your heart depends on it!
Purchase Referred Care Update
Provisions within the Indian Health Care Improvement Act Should a patient receive a bill, they are encouraged to bring a
(IHCIA) ensure a patient who receives authorized Purchase Re- copy of the bill to the PRC Department at Clinton Indian Health
ferred Care (PRC) services shall not be liable for the payment of Center, fax a copy of the bill received to 580.331.3565 (Attention:
any charges or costs associated with the provisions of such ser- Finance Division), or call to speak with our Finance Division at
vice. When services are authorized, a letter is generated to docu- 580.331.3590 (option two). Once the bill has been forward to
ment IHS’s responsibility to issue an authorizing purchase order PRC, patients are strongly encouraged to follow-up with PRC to
and payment. This letter provides patients an authorization de- ensure the bill was received by the department and payment will
tailing the language within IHCIA, and may be provided to ven- be taken care of.
dors if the patient is ever asked to pay for their service or are
sent to collections. For questions regarding payment of a referral, contact: Tracy
George at 580.331.3416 or Leslie Panana at 580.331.3417.
CSU strongly recommends for all patients to retain all cop-
ies of the IHCIA letter and turn in every bill received to en-
sure a funding purchase order issued for payment of ser-
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For when the unexpected happens...
Clinton’s Saturday Convenient Care Clinic
9 am to 1 pm
Walk-ins Only
No appointment needed
Clinton’s Saturday Convenient Care Clinic provides treatment for minor medical needs:
Sore Throat Eye and Skin Infections Earaches
Insect Bites and Rashes Sinus Congestion Minor Cuts and Wounds
Cough Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea Fever
Pregnancy Tests Bladder Infections Allergies
Chronic health needs such as diabetes, follow-up appointments, routine prenatal care, pain management, and chronic medication refill renewals
will require an appointment in the primary care clinic, and will not be seen in the Saturday Convenient Care Clinic.
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Have you received your flu shot?
Fight the flu by protecting yourself and those around
you by getting a flu vaccine. Stop by any CSU clinic or
pharmacy to receive a flu shot today!
Appointments are not needed.
Service Unit
CLINTON Tell us how we’re doing...
10321 N. 2274 Road We invite you tell us how we’re doing and take
Clinton, OK 73601 our short online patient survey.
(580) 331.3300
For a paper copy, please stop by registration.
Cedar (580) 331.3424
Sage (580) 331.3389 2017 CSU Patient Survey
SweetGrass (580) 331.3376
Peds (580) 331.3466 https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CSUPatientSurvey
Fax (580) 323.2579
Hours of Operation CSU VISION
Monday—Friday Provide quality health care services focusing on prevention, restoration and
8 am to 5 pm collaborative relationships that are valued and “exceed the needs” of our
Saturday patients, community and tribal partners.
Convenient Care Clinic
9 am to 1 pm
1801 Parkview Drive
El Reno, OK 73036
(405) 234.8400
Eagle, Otter & Peds
(405) 234.8411
Fax (405) 234-8435
Hours of Operation
8 am to 5 pm
1305 S Clarence Nash Blvd.
Watonga, OK 73772
(580) 623-4991
Turtle & Peds
(580) 623-4991
Fax (580) 623-5490
Hours of Operation
Monday — Friday
8 am to 5 pm