November/December 2022
The Monthly Newsletter for Clinton, El Reno,
and Watonga Indian Health Centers
The Clinton Service Unit gives WHAT’S INSIDE:
Thanks all the Veterans!
Veteran’s Day cele-
The Clinton Service Unit is privileged to have Veterans bration
on staff at each of the three facilities. On November 11th,
2022, each Veteran was honored at a reception and IHS Director’s Awards
showered with appreciation from fellow colleagues and Recipients
community members.
“On Veterans Day, we take the opportunity to thank Veterans for their New Employee
sacrifice and service to our country. We are honored to call these he-
roes our co-workers and friends.” - CAPT Joe Bryant POP Awards
Sitting with Santa
RSV awareness
What the IHS Mission
means to me...
Cory Williamson, RN, BSN INDIAN HEALTH
Outpatient Department Clinic Manager MISSION
Clinton Indian Health Center To raise the physical,
mental, social, and
“We look at our patients as whole
individuals that are much more spiritual health of
than the diagnosis or chief com- American Indians and
plaint that they present with. We Alaska Natives to the
will be available to our patients
however they need us.” highest level.
To provide quality health
care services focusing on
prevention, restoration
and collaborative
relationships that are
valued and exceeds the
needs of our patients,
community, and tribal
Brennan Vandehey
Pharmacy Intern | Clinton
The new kid on the block: Brennan Vandehey.
Brennan is a current student at Southwestern Oklahoma
State University and is looking to help his community in any
way he can.
Lacien Wilson
Dental | El Reno
Hi! I’m Lacien. I’ll be working in the Dental clinic in El Re-
no as an MSA. I love spending my time with my family and
our puppy. In my down time I like doing puzzles, watching
TV, and playing games. I love traveling and can’t wait to ex-
plore more of the world. I look forward to working with eve-
rybody on the CSU team!
Valerie Leeper
Optometry| El Reno
Valerie was born and raised in Oklahoma City, OK, but has lived
in Tennessee, Colorado and New York. She is a member of the
Kaw Nation, “People of the Southwind” Tribe of Kaw City, Okla-
homa. She has worked in the healthcare filed for quite some time
and found an interest in Optometry after having LASIK surgery.
Valerie lives in Yukon with her 16 month old twins Logan (boy)
and Madison (girl) that is a carbon copy of her mama. Valerie is
a former ballet dancer who has a deep passion for music, dance
and art, but also loves riding motorcycles, fast cars, camping, hik-
ing and boating. Valerie is very excited to join the El Reno Health
Service Center
Dinaye Spottedwolf
Outpatient Clinic | El Reno
Hello everyone! My name is Dinaye, I’ll be working in El
Reno as an MSA in the clinic area. A little bit about me…
I love to travel, spend time with my close friends and family,
and meeting new people! Very excited and happy to be work-
ing with such a great team and look forward to working with
Indian Health Services! :)
Victoria Kesler
Security | El Reno
My name is Victoria Kesler. I have been in Security for over 6
months. I hope to obtain my PI license soon. I am born and
raised in Oklahoma. I am also engaged. I look forward to
providing security for the Cheyenne and Arapaho Nation
Carre Dawson
Ultrasound Technician | Clinton
I enjoy traveling and I prefer vacations where I can hike and
explore. I have been in the field of radiology and ultrasound for
more than 20 years. I am married and we have a 13 year old
yorkie named Sammy. I am not fast but I do enjoy running and
trail races. I am enjoying having access to the trail here. Every-
one has been so welcoming and helpful. I am very happy to be
Justine Samples
Dental | El Reno
I have been an active chairside dental assistant for the last 4
years. I am a mother of 3 teenagers. When I am not working I
enjoy cooking, reading, crafting and decorating for holidays.
Nicole Galindo, RN
Outpatient Department | Clinton
Oklahoma resident for 10 years and proud grandmother of 2
Ryan Longhorn
Medical Coder | El Reno
My name is Ryan Longhorn. I am Absentee Shawnee and I live in
Little Axe, OK. I go to powwows all over the United States. I like
to stay active and exercise. Big Fan of the Texas Longhorns! I am
extremely excited to be a fellow co-worker of each and every one
of y’all. I look forward to meeting and making new friends here
at this wonderful facility.
The POP Award recognizes Clinton Service Unit employees who
exhibit Personal Outstanding Performance. It is designed to en-
courage and acknowledge employees for their everyday ef-
forts and customer service.
Congratulations to all of our POP Stars!
Torrie Henderson
“Torrie has been a huge help any time I call her,” says Aiyanna Tahbonemah. “She always answers her phone every
time I call. Torrie was able to help me with a specific patient who was having a hard time getting answers about a refer-
ral. The patient called radiology and sound so frustrated. Once I determined what the patient was needing I was able to
call Torrie to see if she could schedule the patient fro an appointment. Torrie informed me that a nurse was working on
the referral for the patient. Torrie asked me to transfer the call to her so that she could help the patient and inform her of
what was going on with the referral.”
Leslie Panana and Alexis Arriaga
Supervisor, Tracy George, wants to recognize two employees for their demonstration of the service unit standard. It is the
small acts of kindness that are large thoughts of kindness to others that influence lasting opinions of our dedication to serve
our customers. Thank you ladies!
“ A patient came up to the front desk pointing to the parking lot and asking if we could help keep an eye on him in case he
falls,” states Leslie Panana. “By this time the snow is falling pretty good. Alexis happened to stop to say hi when he came up
to the front desk. Without hesitation, she asked him if she could just walk him out to the car to make sure he didn’t fall. He
refused at first saying it was too cold out. She stated she would grab her jacket and it would be no problem at all. I asked the
patient if using a wheelchair would be easier and he agreed. Patient stated that he had been in the hospital the week before
with COVID and was still very weak. He told me that he really appreciated our help. Alexis wheeled him out to the patient
parking lot making sure he got in his vehicle safely. She did this without hesitation or having to be asked to do it.”
Kelley Yoder
“A patient called the laboratory on 11/09/22 asking if she could have her Dr. Gaddy labs drawn at El Reno instead of Ana-
darko,” says Ryan Thrasher. “Kelley Yoder was able to track down the orders at the Anadarko Clinic and ordered them to be
collected at the El Reno Clinic. Her whatever is necessary approach to help a patient shows her pride in the work she does.
The patient was very appreciative of her going above and beyond helping her get the lab work completed.
Randee Dunlap
“I would like to recognize Randee Dunlap and her willingness to cover and provide laboratory services at the Watonga Clinic
while a tech was on leave,” states Ryan Thrasher. “This enabled the laboratory to continue services without delaying patient
care and displayed exceptional laboratory teamwork.”
Continued on next page...
Continued from previous page
Congratulations to all of our POP Stars!
Valerie Pekah
“For the past two months, I have leaned on Valerie to help me with all of my timekeeping and especially when I have
made mistakes or had any questions concerning time,” states Outpatient Clinic Manager, Cory Williamson. “She is al-
ways very responsive and very helpful even if she isn’t always sure what we do next. Yesterday I brought another time-
keeping problem to her and she immediately got back to me with the solution. I want to recognize her upbeat positive
attitude and willingness to help.”
Corey Rodgers
“When I was at Clinton last, I left my lunch bag,” says Johnelle Lamar. “ I knew I wouldn’t be returning for another month
and was worried about it having contents that would go bad and cause odors. I called Corey and he took care of it. I am
sure this was not the most pleasant favor and I really appreciate Corey doing this.”
Robin Bolar
“Robin continually helps with dental needs for my family and me,” says Johnelle Lamar. “This most recent occurrence dealt
with one of my children. She is needing oral surgery, but cannot be referred out by Clinton PRC due to us no longer living in
the coverage area. Lawton PRC will hardly ever cover dental referrals. Due to another family member having just had the
same procedure, I knew of an office where my insurance would cover most of the cost. Robin worked with me to get the
needed referral and Xrays to that office. This let me be able to quickly schedule a consultation and be able to go forward with
what needed to be done.”
Kristina Rhoades
“I would like to recognize Kristina Rhoades and her willingness to cover and provide laboratory services at the El Reno clinic
on 11/2522,” states Ryan Thrasher. This enabled the laboratory to continue services without delaying patient care and dis-
played exceptional laboratory teamwork.”
Amber Kenrick, Teresa Lynch, Kaylee Horn, Annette Choate
“These nurses need to be recognized for their kind heart and going above and beyond to make sure our mammo patients
receive a gift for completing their annual check,” says Radiology supervisor, Stevi Brown. “Supplies were purchased, put
together and delivered to mammo clinic by 8:00 am on mammo day!!”
Amber Kenrick
Barbara Garrison has this to say about Amber Kenrick, “ Always willing to go above for patients and coworkers! Amber gets
it all done with a smile on her face! She is the role model for teamwork by action and attitude. Thank you, Amber!”
Delana Cowan
Upon receiving education from Becky Johnson during blitz on 11/17/22, Delana piloted use of the new Adult Nurse Screen-
ing form for the Clinton Service Unit. On this day, Delana provided necessary feedback to CSU CAC’s prior to implementing
throughout each division. The CSU CAC’s would like to thank Delana for her efforts and assistance.
Continued from previous page
Congratulations to all of our POP Stars!
Jamie PrairieChief
“Jamie has assisted me multiple times with reports that have been needed while I
have been out,” says Johnelle Lamar. “She is willing to lend a hand any time it is
needed. I appreciate her very much and want to recognize her for her hard work.”
Beverly Garrison
“Shout out to Beverly Garrison for filling in when needed while maintaining her home RN duties,” says Cathy
Pendergraft. “She always does extra duties when we are short staffed or when anyone may need help. Beverly has
been very helpful to me in my role as program manager.”
Teresa Lynch
“On this day, Teresa agreed to provide necessary feedback regarding the launch of the Internet Explorer to Microsoft
Edge in EHR update,” says CAC Whitney Moseley. “ She was able to identify specific issues that required further trou-
bleshooting. This was a great help. Her willingness to assist and provide detailed feedback is greatly appreciated.”
The new
booster is
at CSU!
Contact your clinic to schedule
an appointment.
Clinton -580-331-3300
El Reno - 405-295-1500
Watonga 580-623-4991
PRC Information Card
A Purchased/Referred Care Information Card is now available for patients to present at medical visits outside
of the service unit. This card was approved on April 28, 2022 by the Office of General Counsel, Office of Re-
source Access and Partnership, and IHS Headquarters Public Affairs. The intent on implementation of this card
is to improve communication for patients and vendors with referral processing and payment for services. In the
coming months, patients 18 years and older will receive a PRC Information Card upon verification of eligibility.
We encourage all patients to come into our facilities and receive a PRC information card if eligible.
We invite you to tell us how we’re doing
and take our short online patient survey.
For a paper copy, please stop by registra-
For when the unexpected happens...
Clinton’s Saturday Convenient Care Clinic
9 am to 1 pm
Walk-ins Only
No appointment needed
Clinton’s Saturday Convenient Care Clinic provides treatment for minor medical needs:
Sore Throat Eye and Skin Infections Earaches
Minor Cuts
Insect Bites and Rashes Sinus Congestion Fever
Cough Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea
Pregnancy Tests Bladder Infections
Clinton Service Unit
Department Directory
10321 N. 2274 Road ~ Clinton, OK ~ 73601
Request to establish chart: 580.331.3369
Cedar Medical Home SweetGrass Medical Home Willow Medical Home
Ginger Woodall Julieta Pina Dr. Egan, Dr. Middleton, &
& Michelle Beshaw Apts. 580. 331.3412 Dr. Skelly
Apts: 580.331.3424 Nurse: 580.331.3412 Apts: 580.331.3466
Nurse: 580.331.3424 PRC: 580.331.3513 Nurse: 580.331.3466
PRC: 580.331.3363 PRC: 580.331.3307
Audiology: 580.331-3482 DEPARTMENTS Chiropractic: 580.331.3439
Dental: 580.331.3423 Optometry: 580.331.3413
Pharmacy: 580.331.3351 Behavioral Health: 580.331.3485 Podiatry: 580.331.3439
PHN: 580.331.3471 Nutrition: 580.331.3458 Radiology: 580.331.3415
Release of Info: 580.331.3377 Physical Therapy: 580.331.3439
PRC: 580.331.3590
Wound Care: 580.331.3439
1801 Parkview Drive ~ El Reno, OK ~ 73036
Request to establish chart: 405.295.1467
Eagle Medical Home Otter Medical Home Pediatrics
Dr. Garcia, Monica Holcomb Dr. Renshaw, Dr. Dickerson Dr. Mejias
& Michelle Tippeconnic & Fayth-An Hope Gray 405.295.1527
405.295.1580 405. 295.1577
Pharmacy: 405.295.1500, option 3 DEPARTMENTS PHN: 405.295.1508
Behavioral Health: 405.295.1496 Medical Records: 405.295.1542
Benefits Coordinator: 405.295.1540 Pharmacy Refill: 405.295.1545 Physical Therapy: 405.295.1446
Optometry: 405.295.1447 PRC: 405.295.1538 Radiology: 405.295.1476
Laboratory: 405.295.1516
Dental: 405.295.1582
1305 S. Clarence Nash Boulevard ~ Watonga, OK ~ 73772
Request to establish chart: (580) 623-4991 ext. 3000
Turtle Medical Home Pediatrics
Dr. Ali & Fayth-An Hope Gray Dr. Mejias
Apts: 580.623-4991 Apts: 580.623.4991
Nurse: 580.623.4991 Nurse: 580.623.4991
PRC: 580.331.3336 PRC: 580.331.3307
Pharmacy: 580.623.4991 DEPARTMENTS
PHN: 580.623.4991 PRC: 580.331.3590
Dental: 580.623.4991 ext. 3007 Release of Info: 580.623.4991