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Published by , 2015-10-26 14:57:13

TheFox (1)

TheFox (1)



Lauren Marshall

Once upon a time... There was a little girl and her dog. The girl
was named Katy and her dog’s name was Max. Max was a normal

dog. He was an akita mixed with a husky. Katy would walk Max
everyday in the woods at exactly 4:00P.M and come home at

6:00P.M exactly, which was just in time for dinner. One day when
she was about to walk her dog, the woods was filled with

mosquitoes and there was nowhere she could walk Max. The next
day the woods looked fine so they went walking but little did
they know there was a fox lurking the wood.

The dog smelled it and tried to run off but Katy would
not let him do that. 5 minutes later the fox popped out of
nowhere and tried to attack them, but just before the fox
could they ran as fast as they could all the way home the fox
did not leave the woods. "Maybe it's trapped around a force field
and can't leave" said Katy "nonsense I think you should get to
bed" said mom. So the little girl did what her mom told her. The
next day she brought her other dog named Old Yeller he was very

nice and protective he was up to 7 feet tall. When they got to
the woods the fox was there and it brought some

friends. When they got half way through the woods the fox and
his friends popped out and Old Yeller did a power bark and made
the fox and his friends lose their hearing and ever since then the
fox has bee nice and stayed away from Katy and Max and the
fox and his friends were never to be seen again.

The End

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