My Life In The
13 Colonies
By Chloe Silver
I Dedicate this book to my 4th
grade teacher, Mrs. Spooner Smith,
all the fourth grade teachers, and
my Wonderful Momma. Thank you
for teaching me this year, Helping
me with this Ebook and helping me
I also like to dedicate this book to
all my friends who have helped me
edit and find my mistakes. Thank
you for all the help.
- C.S
1. Welcome to the 13 Colonies! Table of Contents
2. My Colonial Town
3. My Colonial Town pt 2
4. My Colonial Home
5. Colonial Food
6. Life of a Colonial Kid When you see this,
7. Life of a Colonial Kid Pt 2 Watch a Video!
8. Clothes and Shoes
9. Clothes and Shoes pt 2 When you see this,
play a game!
10. Jobs of An Adult
11. Say Goodbye to the 13 Colonies and Hello to America
12. Say Goodbye to the 13 Colonies and Hello to America pt 2
13. Glossary
14. Bibliography
Welcome To The 13 Colonies!
A Colony is a place ruled by another
country. The 13 colonies were owned by
England and ruled by King George.
There were the new England Colonies,
The Middle Colonies and the Southern
Colonies. The New England Colonies
were known for growing crops and
fishing. The Middle Colonies were
Known for the bread and the grains they
grew. The Southern Colonies were
Known for plantations, farming and
African slaves.
There were lots of fun and good things CMoalopnoiefsth! e 13
that happened in the Colonies and some
terrible and bad things that happened in
the colonies. Like the terrible acts and
the great towns. Lets go explore with my
friend Cecilia!
My Colonial Town
Welcome to my Colonial Town: Good Morrow! I am Cecilia.
I will be guiding you through my Colonial life. Let's take a gander at
my Colonial Town! If you look over here you will see the family
houses. This is where families up to 9 people live. Then we have our A few
Meetinghouse. This is basically a church house for you 2000’s kids. houses in a
Oh! One of my favorite part of my village. The land for the animals!! colonial
Next we have the corn mill with waterwheel. Here is the Blacksmith Town!
shop! The blacksmith makes things with a fire. It's interesting. Here's
the boys favorite part. The Outhouse. What this really means is an
outside toilet.. We go to the bathroom here during the day. Next we
have the One-Room Schoolhouse. This is where i go to school. Some Go on a
tours would stop right here if i lived in the 1600’s. But since I live in
hunt in a
the 1700’s, I live in a later town. The apothecary is next. The colonial town!
apothecary sells medicine and candy. Then we have our towns
tavern. This here is a club also where you can get food. Here is the
craftsperson. He makes some crafts. Let's take a gander at my towns
silversmith. He makes our metal pots. Next we have our
marketplace. The marketplace is where me and my family gets
some of our food and supplies. Lastly we have our towns gristmill.
Here people grind corn. Follow me to go to learn about early towns Here is a picture
and later towns!
of an outhouse.
My Colonial Town Pt 2
Early towns and villages: Early towns Here is an example of
some Early and later Towns
and villages had Family houses, a meeting and villages !
house, land for the animals, Gristmill,
Blacksmiths workshop and an outside toilet.
Early villages were in the 1600’s and was
smaller because the village had what it needed.
Also, because less people were in it.
Later Towns and Villages: Later towns
and villages have, family houses, a meeting
house,land for the animals, corn mill with
waterwheel, Blacksmiths workshop ,an outside
toilet, an apothecary, A tavern, a craftsperson, A
silversmith, A marketplace and a gristmill. Later
towns and villages are in the 1700’s and is
bigger because more and more people are here
in our colonies and in that, lots of towns.
Follow my lead into the next Chapter!
My Colonial Home This is my Home!
My Colonial home: Hello! Its Cecelilia again. This time,
i will be taking you through my home. This is the home of
me and my family, i Have a older brother named Colin, a
older sister named Mia, my Mother, my Father, my
Grandma, my Grandpa,My Aunt Niki and My Uncle Jeff.
You first walk in and you see my “living Room” you 2000
kids say. It has our fireplace where my Mother, my sister
Mia, my Aunt and Me cook our dinner/Supper. Next, you
have to walk in another room to go in my kitchen.
Then we walk up stairs to all of our bed rooms. Mia, Colin
and me share a bedroom. My Mother and Father share a
bedroom. My Aunt and Uncle share a bedroom and my
Grandma and Grandpa share a bedroom. We do not have a
bathroom, we have Chamber pots under our bed. A
Chamber pot is basically a toilet that goes under your bed
and children empty it in the morning. You'll learn more
about it in the the kid Chapter. Come on! We must go to the
next chapter! Or else my Mother would say this tour went
Arsy Varsy- or wrong.
Colonial Food A picture of a
Women and Children Cook: Women and Girls cooking
roast meats or make stew in a pot. We also cook things A picture of some
in the fireplace. Children who live near the water, fish colonial food!
and dig for clams and oysters out of the water/sand.
What Men Cook and Hunt: Men hunt for deer,
fish, raccoons,turtles, rabbits, Turkeys and Squirrels.
They raise Cows, Pigs, Sheep and Chickens. The men
hunt with bows,arrows and spears. These weapons
make it easier to find and hunt prey.
What Everyone Does: We Colonist grow fruits,
vegetables, grains and beans. Sense clean water is hard
to find,we Drink juice and Cider instead of drinking
water. The ones who lived by the water, ate seafood. We
colonist commonly eat corn, pumpkins and squash.
Follow my lead to the next chapter. I must get this tour
done post-haste so i can go home and do my daily
Life of a Colonial Kid
The life of a colonial kid is hard because we A painting of a
have to do chores, go to school, do more colonial girl sewing!
work at home after school. My Sister,
Brother and me worked from day to night. Video about kid’s daily lives
in Colonial America!
CHORES: Mia and me do sewing and cooking
while Colin is out with my Father. Colin is
starting to hunt and carry wood more that
he is almost out of school and getting more
stronger. Mia and me also have to go get the
water from our towns water well. Well, lets
go to my school before my parents stop
paying for my dance lessons and my dame
Life of a Colonial Kid Pt 2 A picture of a
colonial school!
SCHOOL: All of Children stay in one room. We have to
bring in logs for our fire, if we don't we have to sit far away Watch how to
from the fire. The younger kids also sit in the front and the make a Whirligig!
older kids also sit in the back. We learn all of our lessons on a
hornbook. We write with a Quill pen. The ink for the quill pen
is very expensive so we have to be very careful. This is my least
favorite part. The dreaded dunce cap. If you be bad, you have
to wear the dunce cap, go over stand in the corner and the
whole class laughs at you. Im talking all grades and ages. Its
bad. Since im 9, i can become an apprentice next year!.Colin
still goes to an apprentice shop because hes 17. Mia still goes
to an apprentice because she's 15.
GAMES: We Colonial Children still have time for play! One A picture of a girl in my
of the games we play is Blind Man's Bluff. We also play town playing with a
Quotient. (I don't really know how to play because my Mother hoop!
and Father never taught me how to play.) But we do play
games that you children play today. Like Leapfrog, hopscotch,
flying kites, spinning tops and lots more! Something in Colonial
times is a whirligig. Let me show you to the next chapter.
Clothes and Shoes Pictures of the clothes
we wear!
Girls And Women: Women and Girls wear
Linen shifts and Stays. We also wear long dresses Dress a
that cover our elbows and ankles. We wear aprons colonist up!
at home so our dresses will not get Arsy Varsy.
Women and Girls also wear hats inside and outside
of our home.
Men and Boys: Men and Boys wear tricorn
hats and buckles on their shoes. They also wear
short pants, vests and jackets. In the winter, Men
and Boys wear woolen socks to keep them warm.
Their pants are called breeches. Instead of zippers,
the pants (breeches) have buttons instead.
Shoes: Some people do not have shoes.But the
people in my town do. The Women and Girls wear
high heels ( for fancy events) and flats. Men and
Boys wear boots.
Let's go take a gander At the jobs of an Adult!
Clothes and Shoes pt 2
Click the Pictures for A diagram of what Women wear and what Men wear!
Jobs Of An Adult A women working
Women's jobs:Women have some complicated jobs.
They can be an apothecary, work at the marketplace, Make
cabinets or even just do the cooking for the family and sew.
They can sew for an important person or even just a neighbor.
The cooking can be for an important meal. My Aunt and
Mother are doing some sewing for our neighbors now. But my
Aunt does a part time job at our apothecary store. My Mother
helps out at the Meetinghouse.
Men’s jobs: Men have some complicated jobs. For
instance, the hunting, the silversmith job, the blacksmith's job, Play a game Play a game
with a
the shoe making, the craftspersons job, Cabinet making and blacksmith! with a
work at the marketplace. My Uncle And my Father hunt. Then
for a part time job, my Father helps out the blacksmiths and
my Uncle helps out with the Silversmiths. My grandpa only
does some hunting sometimes.
( if your wondering why i didn’t mention my Grandma, she A men working
just stays home and do some sewing and cleaning) I need to
go. Mother says i need protection for what's happening right
Say Goodbye To The 13 Colonies And Hello To America
1 year later:The Unfair Things My parents
Had To Pay:Well, since were free from Britain i’ll tell you
about everything that's been happening. My parents were always
saving up money until the King and his Parliament were asking for
taxes. They helped us fight for the war with the French and Indians. REDCOATS!!
My Parents, Aunt and Uncle,my Grandma and my Grandpa love to
drink tea. The King made them pay taxes to drink the tea. It was
called the Tea Act. Me and my Siblings sometimes use paper for
school. If we did my Parents would have to pay for it. It was called the
Stamp Act. The Quartering Act. Redcoats came in our house and
stayed in it for a while. And the Land Act. We had to pay for our land!
I can’t forget the Sugar Act. We had to pay for things with sugar in it.
The American Revolution: The American
Revolution was a war that we just had to Declare Independence
from Great Britain. My Father and My Uncle Jeff went into war while Men fighting in
Mia,Colin, Mother, My Aunt Nikki, my Grandparents And Me stayed at the war!
home praying our Family and our Friends ( in the other Colonies and
in our Colony) were ok.
Say Goodbye To The 13 Colonies And Hello To
America pt 2
We Are Free from The King And Britain!!: After my
Father and Uncle Jeff Came back ( as long as other men in our State came
back) The Marketplace in our town started to sell flags with 13 stars and 13
stripes. Father hung the flag on our porch. Our town had a celebration party
this afternoon to celebrate being free from the King. Colin headed off to
university after the party which was sad.
I forgot to tell you. Im 10 now so i can work as an apprentice! Well thanks for
following me for a year and learning about the 13 Colonies, but now Its the
United States Of America! Its late now so i better go hit the hay or go to bed.
Fare thee well! Or as i say it now, Goodbye.
Speak Like a Colonist
Colonist Speak What it Means
Good Morrow! Good Morning!
Let's Take a Gander Look!
Arsy Varsy Wrong
Post- haste Quickly!
Meetinghouse- A 1700 Church
Blacksmith- A person who Repairs things With a fire And sharp tools.
Outhouse- An outside toilet
One-room Schoolhouse- Where ages 5-17 go to School
Apothecary- A Store that sells Medicine and Candy.
Tavern- A Club that has food and drinks
Craftsperson- A person who makes crafts and sells them
Silversmith- Makes metal pots, lanterns and candle makers
Marketplace- a place where colonists could go to buy many of the things they
needed all in one area.
Gristmill- a place in town that would grind down corn so that it could be used in
baking and cooking.
Chamber Pot- a pot made out of porcelain that colonists would use as a bathroom
in the middle of the night instead of going to the outhouse!
Hornbook- a tool that colonial children would use to study their lessons they
learned at school, at home.
Quill Pen- the writing tool that colonists used. It looks like a feather and the pointy
end would be dipped in ink and then you would write on paper.
Dunce cap- a hat that looked like a giant cone that one would wear if they said, did,
or behaved in the wrong way.
Blind Man’s Bluff- the game of “tag” but the person who is “IT” is blindfolded
Whirligig- a toy that colonial kids used. It was made of paper (or wood) and string
and they would spin it.
Arnéz Lynda. My Life in the American Colonies. Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2016.
Fajardo, Anika. The Dish On Food and Farming In Colonial America. Capstone Press, 2017.
Fisher, Verna. Colonial Jobs. Nomad Press, 2010.
Isaacs, Sally Senzell. Life in a Colonial Town. Heinemann Library, 2001.
Kalman, Bobbie. A Child's Day. Crabtree Pub., 1994.
Kalman, Bobbie. A Visual Dictionary of a Colonial Community. Crabtree Pub. Co., 2008.
Kalman, Bobbie. Colonial Life. Crabtree Pub. Co., 1993.
Kalman, Bobbie. The General Store. Crabtree Pub., 1997.
Kalman, Bobbie. Visiting a Village. Crabtree, 1994.
Machajewski, Sarah. A Kid's Life in Colonial America. PowerKids Press, 2015.
Mara, Wil, and Farré Lluís. If You Were a Kid in the Thirteen Colonies. Children's Press, an Imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2017.
McGovern, Ann, and June Otani. --If You Lived in Colonial Times. Scholastic, 2005.
Rajczak, Kristen. Life in the American Colonies. Gareth Stevens, 2013.
Raum, Elizabeth. Scoop on Clothes, Homes, and Daily Life in Colonial America. Capstone Press, 2017.
Thomas, Mark. Clothes in Colonial America. Children's Press, 2002.
Thomas, Mark. Food in Colonial America. Children's Press, 2002.
Thomas, Mark. Fun and Games in Colonial America. Scholastic, 2002.
Thomas, Mark. School in Colonial America. Children's Press, 2002.
Thomas, Mark. Work in Colonial America. Scholastic, 2002.
Vonne, Mira. Gross Facts about the American Colonies. Capstone Press, 2017.