Study 5G impact page Board members page
on aircraft bypassed me,
equipment, says ACAB
stakeholders told chairman
ON WEDNESDAY JANUARY 12, 2022 CASH CROWD ... Recipients of the
No. 7945 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) Bantuan Wang Ihsan and Bantuan Selangor
Bangkit flood aid initiatives waiting to receive
their money at Dewan Kenanga in Shah Alam
Worry not attitude
█ BY SHIVANI SUPRAMANI oZeal for Chinese New Year shopping still of the generally positive mood and sentiment
[email protected] strong despite emergence of Omicron that came with the restart of economic activities
in the fourth quarter of last year.
PETALING JAYA: The Omicron variant of Chai agreed that to ensure the momentum is
the Covid-19 coronavirus has cast little not lost, a whole-of-government-and-society
fear or apprehension on consumers, approach is essential to curb the spread of
and this is delightful for businesses. Omicron.
News of the high speed at which the strain risks to the low number of Omicron cases in New Year celebrations (with less restrictions) “That means continued close vigilance,
has spread within the community in many Malaysia, that account for only a fraction of the after the scaled-down affairs of 2020 and 2021. taking booster doses of the vaccine, observing
countries has yet to dampen the zest for festive 2,000 to 3,000 daily new infections. standard operating procedures (SOP) and
shopping in Malaysia. “As long as there are no restrictions on ensuring adequate healthcare to protect the
Chai said this showed the situation in movement, I believe the Chinese New Year community.”
In fact, businesses are even hopeful that sales Malaysia is still under control. shopping (outlook) will be an improvement He added that the government should no
for the coming Chinese New Year will be better over the previous years.” longer resort to a total lockdown, and
than last year. “We know that although the variant is highly financial assistance should be
transmissible, it is also less deadly than the However, he said discretionary spending considered for targeted sectors
“Despite the emergence of Omicron, Delta strain. could also be affected by high inflation, adding such as tourism, retail and Turn to
consumer confidence has not deteriorated,” that a survey had revealed that prices of festive transport as well as individuals
said Associated Chinese Chambers of “However, if the situation goes out of control goods have risen. —
Commerce and Industry Malaysia deputy and the number of infections rises quickly, it and households that may take page 3
secretary-general I, Michael Chai. will dent consumer sentiment,” he added. “This would crimp each household’s real longer to recover.
purchasing power.”
He attributed the blasé attitude towards the He said Malaysians, particularly Chinese
households, are looking forward to the Chinese He said the improvement is from the effects
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2 theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | JANUARY 12, 2022 Social security
NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS survey for M’sians
working abroad
Is 5G technology safe for aircraft?
█ BY RAJVINDER SINGH o Stakeholders should conduct detailed study to the bandwidth of 5G service and Resources Ministry, through the
[email protected] on impact on flight instruments, says expert how close it is to the bandwidth Social Security Organisation (Socso),
PETALING JAYA: All stakeholders airlines operate on.” is conducting a survey on social
have been urged to conduct an it lands to prevent any interference systems of planes and helicopters. security protection for Malaysians
in-depth study into the impact of 5G to on-board electronics.” If a plane is flying into bad He said the closer the frequencies working abroad.
technology on aircraft flight are, the higher the potential
instruments. The US Federal Aviation weather, it might get diverted to for interference with radio The ministry said in a statement
Administration recently warned that another airport, or the flight may get altimeters. yesterday that a preliminary survey,
Frost and Sullivan Aerospace and there is potential that the 5G cancelled. to be carried out in collaboration with
Defence consultant Shantanu frequency could have a broad A radio altimeter is used to safely the Institute of Labour Market
Gangakhedkar said many questions impact on aircraft safety systems. It On Dec 17 last year, the European navigate over varying terrain. It is a Information and Analysis of the
on how 5G would affect an aircraft’s made the observation after a 5G Union Aviation Safety Agency issued device that is used to measure the Statistics Department, would focus
systems remain unanswered. service was rolled out in the United its own safety information bulletin, distance between the aircraft and on Malaysians working in Singapore.
States on Jan 5. warning that there was a potential the ground.
“The technology is still in its interference in the US from 5G It said the survey aims to build a
infancy, and airlines and It issued a safety alert for transmitters. It functions in conjunction profile ecosystem, gather information
telecommunications companies operators, warning them that “a with forward-looking radar and and identify the needs of Malaysians
should work together to see if there wide range” of aircraft safety devices It urged flight crews to be trained other sensors, as part of an aircraft’s working in Singapore to build a more
are problems before the full rollout could malfunction, and laid out the to land in cases of unreliable radio ground proximity warning system, comprehensive social safety net.
of 5G,” he told theSun. process it will follow in coming days altimeters, and called for them to providing an alert when a plane
to potentially issue specific report any problems to aircraft descends below a certain point or is “The target respondents for this
Shantanu said one of the issues restrictions on flights. manufacturers. too close to the ground. questionnaire are individuals who
that should be looked into is the 5G meet the criteria, namely Malaysians
frequency and whether it will have It claimed that 5G transmitters Shantanu said the issue about the Shantanu added there are still a who are in Singapore whether
an impact on aircraft instruments. will adversely affect some radio 5G interference is mainly in the US. lot of unanswered questions about working, not working or for other
altimeters, crucial to navigation the interference. purposes, Malaysians working in
“For instance, we are told that we “Such complaints have not really Singapore but currently in Malaysia,
have to switch off our smartphones been seen elsewhere. It boils down He said there is a need for both and Malaysians who worked in
before the aircraft takes off or before industries to discuss the issue while Singapore from 2020 to 2022.”
analysing available data to
determine if there is any danger. It called for the cooperation of
individuals who meet the above
TECH SAVVY criteria to participate in the survey
... Graduates of conducted online.
IIUM using the
e-Scroll app, About 150,000 Malaysians who
that is designed commuted daily to Singapore to work
to authenticate before the Covid-19 pandemic will be
degrees issued involved in the study. Of this, about
by the varsity. 90,000 Malaysians were still living
– BERNAMAPIX and working in Singapore last year.
Ministry appoints 25 experts to boost home ownership The ministry said the participation
of Malaysians who meet the criteria is
PUTRAJAYA: The Housing and hope that it could lead to a new the housing sector, including government agencies, state important to ensure the information
Local Government Ministry has model towards ownership of availability, quality, accessibility, governments and all stakeholders. gathered will be accurate and can be
chosen 25 individuals, including property. affordability and liveability. used to determine a framework for
industry players with vast and “The PoE members have been The PoE is chaired by Reezal further action.
in-depth experience in the housing chosen for a period of two years Reezal Merican said a new Merican while former Federal
sector to serve on its panel of experts based on their background in the approach needed to be devised to Territories Ministry secretary- The questionnaire for the survey
(PoE). whole housing sector. They include expand access to homeownership, general Tan Sri Ahmad Phesal Talib can be accessed by visiting
economists, academics, industry especially to the younger generation. is alternate chairman.
Its minister Datuk Seri Reezal players, developers, legal experts, And their challenge is to have the my/index.php from Jan 10 to
Merican Naina Merican said the homebuyer association advance or deposit to enable them It also includes Bursa Malaysia Feb 28. – Bernama
selection was the ministry’s strategic representatives, bankers as well as to start owning homes. chairman Tan Sri Abdul Wahid
initiative to combine the knowledge, former senior government officials,” Omar, the ministry’s former Kelantan cops
experience and expertise of various he said after presenting He added the results of the initial secretary-general Tan Sri Arpah to use TMR
parties to help the government appointment letters to the 25 PoE discussions would be presented Abdul Razak, ex-Bank Negara for clearer
implement the best housing policies members yesterday. at the National Affordable Housing deputy governor Datuk Zamani communication
and programmes for the people. He said the PoE was asked to Council meeting to be chaired by Abdul Ghani, Khazanah Research
discuss challenges and issues facing Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Institute research director Dr Suraya TUMPAT: Kelantan police will use
He said the PoE representation is Sabri Yaakob on Jan 31. The meeting Ismail and Malaysian Youth Council five units of transportable mobile
quite comprehensive and expressed will be attended by relevant chief Jufitri Joha. – Bernama radio (TMR) for quicker action when
dealing with emergencies in interior
Focus on reviving economy reflected in Expo 2020 Dubai regions and along state borders.
DUBAI: The involvement of “I hope the country’s This is in line with the spirit of the Artificial Intelligence, Digital Kelantan police chief Datuk
Malaysia in Expo 2020 Dubai is the participation would further expand Malaysian Family,” he said when Economy and Remote Work Shafien Mamat said TMR will be used
manifestation of the government’s our business networking with speaking at a dinner attended by 50 Applications Omar Sultan Al Olama especially in areas without good
commitment to revive the country’s international communities as well as Malaysians here yesterday. as well as embark on a working visit telecommunication coverage for
economy from the pressure of provide opportunities to the to Dubai Media City tomorrow. two-way radios (walkie-talkies).
the post-Covid pandemic, said ministry via the Malaysia Digital Annuar is scheduled to launch
Communications and Multimedia Economy Corporation (MDEC) to the Malaysian Digital Economy MDEC is aiming to attract “We are sometimes faced with
Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa. open the doors of investment and Week in Dubai today. investments worth more than telecommunication difficulties using
business opportunities. RM300 million as well as 50 walkie-talkies, especially in interior
He said the country’s The programme was introduced prospective businesses during the areas and along the Malaysia-Thai
participation in the expo could open “I have also requested the in Budget 2022 with the aim of Malaysia Digital Economy Week border.
up new investment opportunities to Malaysian Business Council here as making Malaysia a Digital Nomad from Jan 9 to 15 at Expo 2020 Dubai.
stimulate the national economy, well as from other countries to Hub of choice in the region, “Therefore, when TMR is used, it
especially in terms of the digital jointly assist our country by MDEC will be leading a will make it easier for parties to
economy. providing their views and support. Annuar is also scheduled to pay a delegation of 20 Malaysian communicate as well as to conduct
courtesy call on United Arab companies to the expo. – Bernama matters such as investigations,
Emirates Minister of State for reports and so on,” he said after a
TMR training programme at the
Immigration, Customs, Quarantine
and Security Complex in Pengkalan
Kubor yesterday.
Shafien said TMR will be
distributed to district police
headquarters in interior regions and
areas where telecommunication
access is difficult, Bernama reported.
“One TMR unit will be provided to
the Gua Musang and Jeli police
headquarters while the rest will be
handed to the Kelantan contingent
police headquarters.
“So far, a total of 15 personnel have
received training on how to operate
Shafien said TMR will also assist
his team to save lives during floods
and landslides.
Retailers stay Health risk of quick fixes
Malaysia Retailers Association deputy o Meals made to be eaten in haste are the transition to bowel movement eaters should avoid the fat and the
president Raymond Teo agreed that sales usually bad for physical well-being and that is bad for the digestive skin.
for the Chinese New Year this time would system,” he said.
be better than last year, but noted that the How the food is cooked also
recent floods had dampened shopping However, he added, this can be determines its value to the body.
enthusiasm over the Christmas and New addressed by eating more fruits Processed food or junk food that
Year holidays. █ BY ASHIQIN ARIFFIN the main culprits are processed and vegetables, which contain a lot has been deep fried will raise the
“Barring a recurrence of the [email protected] food and the lack of physical of fibre. calorie count.
deluge or a surge in Covid PETALING JAYA: Quick-fix meals activity.
infections, I see a positive From are ideal for those constantly on The director of the Quality “Junk food contains a lot of
trend for Chinese New Year.” front the run in the rush to meet “Many of us now opt for pre- Control Centre at Universiti Putra calories (high sugars and fats) and
page deadlines. prepared quick meals because Malaysia, Prof Amin Ismail, noted salt but are short on nutritional
Meanwhile, the Malaysia there are constraints or we just the average Malaysian consumes value,” Amin said.
Retail Chain Association is Unfortunately, they are also don’t feel like cooking,” he told less fruits and vegetables than that
working with the Health Ministry very bad for health. theSun. recommended by the World Hazreen urged Malaysians to
to prevent the virus from spreading by Health Organisation. educate themselves on the types of
advocating SOP compliance. High consumption of such However, he added a word of food they consume to ensure they
Its president Shirley Tay said despite meals combined with late nights at caution: such meals have a high Amin, who is also a nutritionist, do not take in too much sugar and
challenges, retailers have done well during the office and the lack of exercise level of salt and sugar content, said the consumption of food high calories.
the recent year-end festive season. has left about a third of Malaysian which are essential to make them in salt content but low in dietary
“Restaurants even recorded better sales adults suffering from hypertension last on the shelf, but are also fibre has an adverse effect on “Malaysians are adventurous
than in the years before Covid-19. or high blood pressure. detrimental to health. digestion and the absorption of when it comes to dining but they
Malaysians have been taking the nutrients into the body. “It will also should also make the right choices.
opportunity to reconnect with loved ones Worse than that, 38.1% of adults Food is processed to make it last lead to gastrointestinal diseases,” For instance, at the mamak stall,
as restrictions are eased.” have hypercholesterolemia, an longer. There are two types of he told theSun. you may have a choice between
However, she said the supply chain indication of higher-than- processed food – minimally tosai and roti canai. It’s better to
disruption and acute shortage of recommended level of cholesterol processed and ultra-processed. Both experts also agreed that opt for tosai because it is cooked
manpower have made it difficult for some in the blood, according to the 2019 the poor selection of diet could with less oil,” he said.
restaurants to operate at full capacity. National Health and Morbidity “All processed foods contain a raise the prevalence of non-
“The cost of ingredients has also sky- Survey, the latest scrutiny of our lot of sugar and salt. Ultra- communicable diseases such as He urged the government to do
rocketed, and shortages and supply delays physical well-being. processed foods are also high in fat colorectal cancer. more to make healthy food options
are frequent,” she said, adding that the content. Such food should never cheaper and more accessible.
supply chain crisis remains a concern for Added together, it is like a time be a part of the routine diet,” he Amin said nutrients can be
many retailers. bomb for a health crisis. said. acquired from various types of Nonetheless, Hazreen pointed
“The floods have also affected many food, including meat. According to out, it is the responsibility of the
businesses and this may dampen further Dietician Dr Hazreen Abdul Hazreen also pointed out that the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines, individual to take care of his own
Majid, who is an associate most processed foods also have adequate daily intake of meat is well-being. “Consult a doctor,
professor at Universiti Malaya, said low levels of fibre. “Consumption good for health. dietician and nutritionist to find
of low-fibre food causes a delay in out what food is best for you and
However, Hazreen said, meat how much to take,” he added.
sales. But overall, we expect a healthy sales
trend in the weeks leading up to the Lunar
New Year.”
KUALA LUMPUR: Primary school Khairul’s brothers,
pupils will be allowed to conduct Muhammad
Covid-19 self-tests at home beginning Firdaus (right) and
this week, said Senior Education Muhammad
Minister Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin. He said Hafizuddin, packing
students selected to undergo the food for customers.
screening tests would then have to – BERNAMAPIX
submit the results to the school
authorities. “Test kits will be provided Customers flock to nasi dagang stall after video goes viral
by schools. This new approach will be
implemented beginning this week SHAH ALAM: A nasi dagang ikan Perdana, Bandar Puncak Alam to live in the Klang Valley and Penang be run by his brother.
and the ministry will issue a media aya seller did not expect a 10- get the traditional Terengganu dish and our mother from the village The former chef at a five-star
statement to explain this matter,” he minute documentary video that although he starts operating only came here to help me prepare the
said in a video posted on his Facebook went viral on social media a few around 7am. dish,” said the father of three. hotel in Bukit Bintang, Kuala
account yesterday. Radzi said under days ago would get people flocking Lumpur said the difficulty in
this new testing approach, parents to his humble stall. The native of Kampung Muhammad Khairul said he getting authentic nasi dagang was
had to ensure that the self-tests were Tengkawang, Kuala Berang, would apply for a roadside hawker one of the reasons why he
conducted properly and in Muhammad Khairul Nizam Terengganu said he now uses up to licence from the Shah Alam City ventured into the business.
accordance with the standard Mamat, 43, who uses a three- 50kg of rice a day to prepare the Council soon and if his nasi
operating procedure set by the Health wheeled motorcycle to peddle his dish compared with about 5kg to dagang continues to receive “That is one of the reasons I
Ministry. – Bernama nasi dagang, said customers would 8kg when he started the business encouraging response, he plans to chose this dish. The majority of my
start forming a 100m-long queue in November last year. open two more stalls in Selangor customers are from the East Coast,
DEPT TRACKING DOWN as early as 6am at Persiaran Alam including in Puchong which will especially Terengganu,” he said.
TIGERS AT POS BIHAI “My four younger brothers who – Bernama
KOTA BARU: About 15 personnel from
the Wildlife and National Parks
Department and the National Wildlife
Rescue Centre (NWRC) in Sungkai,
Perak, are at Pos Bihai, in Gua Musang,
looking for tigers. This followed an
incident last Friday in which an Orang
Asli man was mauled to death by a
tiger in Kampung Sau near Pos Bihai.
Kelantan Wildlife director Mohamad
Hafid Rohani said he had sought
assistance from the headquarters and
also NWRC for manpower to track
down the animal at the Orang Asli
settlement. “We’ve three tiger traps
and also three camera traps, but no
image of any tiger has been captured,”
he said yesterday. – Bernama
Terengganu plans to hold 22 tourism, cultural events this year
KUALA TERENGGANU: The “It is hoped that these activities Inc and Universiti Teknologi Mara situation stabilises, we will review the by its president and executive
Terengganu government has planned will help us achieve the target of (UiTM) Terengganu branch. target ... let’s see how things pan out director Burhanuddin Hilmi
22 major tourism and culture-related (wooing) three million tourists to in the first six months.” Mohamed @ Harun and UiTM
events for this year despite still facing Terengganu this year. We hope these Ariffin said the state government Terengganu branch was represented
the Covid-19 pandemic. activities can be implemented. Last would review the target of three Earlier, based on the MoU signed by its rector, Prof Dr Mazidah Puteh.
year, we also had a ‘Calendar of million tourist arrivals in 2022 within yesterday, hotels under Terengganu
State Tourism, Culture and Digital Events’ but nothing was held because the first six months as the country Inc will not only be able to provide Terengganu Inc is the parent
Technology Committee chief Ariffin of the pandemic, which resulted in was still tackling the pandemic. training placements to UiTM company of Hotel Primula Beach and
Deraman said they included squid the ban on interstate travel,” he said. students but also have the Hotel Permai in Kuala Terengganu. It
jigging activity, which is very popular “We set the three million (target) opportunity to send their employees also manages two other hotels under
in Terengganu and is held from April He said this after witnessing the previously because the situation was to continue their studies or improve the Tstate government – Duyong
to July every year, Kenyir Festival and signing of a memorandum of still unstable then. their skills at the university. Marina & Resort and Hotel Paya
Terengganu Cultural Carnival. understanding between Terengganu Bunga. – Bernama
“If we can exceed the target, it Terengganu Inc was represented
would be great. Once the Covid-19
Disaster-prone areas to be identified
o Forestry Dept instructed to monitor and compile data recreation forests that had not been installed was well-maintained, managed sustainably and
on debris buildup, landslides and water surges with an early warning system, for immediate used responsibly.
installation of the devices.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Peninsular Malaysia He said the department had been using the “I call on all stakeholders, including state
Forestry Department has been instructed to Forest Monitoring using Remote System Takiyuddin said in terms of forestry governments, as natural resource managers at
immediately identify high-risk areas prone to application, including the use of drones for management, the current practice was based the state level, to work with the ministry to
be affected by natural disasters in the real-time enforcement and monitoring, and on sustainable forest management, which ensure federal government policies are
peninsula. tracking changes in forests, Bernama reported. covers implementation of selective implemented and monitored for sustainable
management system (SMS), annual allowable national development in the interests of future
Energy and Natural Resources Minister “I have also instructed the department to cut and forest management certification based generations,” he added.
Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan said the move submit a report, as well as mitigation measures, on the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for
was taken as an immediate action plan to within a month,” he said in a statement Forest Management Certification. On Monday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri
prevent accumulation of driftwood and debris, yesterday. Ismail Sabri Yaakob was reported to have said
landslides and water surges in several states “Apart from that, the governance of the forest areas in Peninsular Malaysia would be
due to heavy rain and floods. He added that the department was also forestry sector is regulated through the National increased from 43.41% to 50% by 2040, in line
asked to identify forest eco parks and other Forestry Act 1984 and the forestry ordinance or with the Fourth National Physical Plan.
enactment in the states,” he said.
The decision was made at the first meeting of
Takiyuddin said his ministry was committed the National Tiger Conservation Task Force he
in ensuring that the country’s natural resources chaired.
RM1.4b to fix flood-damaged infrastructure
JELEBU: The Works Ministry has allocated time to restore the damaged bridges and slopes. million had been spent on works at 67 of the 75 Totalconfirmed
RM1.4 billion for repairs to critical “We started the repairs immediately after the affected locations involving roads, bridges and cases
infrastructure such as roads, bridges and slopes slopes, with full completion expected by June.
at 987 locations that were affected by the recent floods receded. Some roads were completed 2,792,035
floods. this month but others may take at least six “Ongoing works to erect an 18m Bailey
months. We will complete our task this year,” he bridge across Sungai Bemban is expected to be Totcaalsaecstive Newcases
Its minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said of said yesterday after inspecting a bridge in completed on Jan 21. Once the bridge is in
the number, clean-up works had been Kampung Bemban that was affected by the place, the only road link to this village will be 39,742 3,175
completed at 928 locations and at least one lane floods. restored.”
had been reopened to traffic as of yesterday.
He said the infrastructure repair works also Fadillah also said RM1 million had been
“The expected date of completion depends involved several agencies, state governments allocated for clearing landslide debris at Jalan
on the degree of damage. Our focus is on critical and other ministries, including the Rural Jeram Toi and repairing the damaged road and
roads, as we want to ensure that the cut-off Development Ministry. sewage system, with repair works expected to
roads can be reopened. It may take a longer be fully completed in May. – Bernama
He added that in Negri Sembilan, RM72.9
250 tonnes of aid items from UAE Currentrecovery Totalrecoveries
rate cases
ABU DHABI: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) ceremony held on Jan 3. In late December, the UAE government
government donated 250 tonnes of In Pahang, 10,000 affected families also announced that it would donate various 97.33% 2,717,422
humanitarian aid in the form of various special necessities to 775 families involving
necessities to flood victims in Malaysia in the benefited from the donation. An aid more than 3,000 members and veterans of the Deathtoll Brought-in-Dead
first week of the year. distribution ceremony on Jan 6 was attended Armed Forces as well as civilians from the
by Pahang Regent Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Defence Ministry who were affected by the 31,696 6,392
The donation was part of a first phase of Alam Shah Al-Sultan Abdullah and UAE floods.
humanitarian aid focusing on shelter, food and ambassador to Malaysia Khalid Ghanim Al- PERLIS 12
health needs, reported UAE news portal Al-Ain. Ghaith. The UAE Humanitarian Aid initiative was KEDAH 260
initiated by UAE authorities under the
Selangor was the first state to receive the The UAE was among the first countries to direction of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi PENANG 197
aid, in the form of 9,600 essential items announce solidarity with Malaysia in the face and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE
delivered through the Emirates Red Crescent. of the tragedy, as well being proactive in Armed Forces, Sheikh Mohamed Zayed PERAK 113
providing support and leveraging on its ability al Nahyan. – Bernama SELANGOR 662
Yayasan Raja Muda Selangor chairman Tan to contribute to humanitarian efforts.
Sri Raja Arshad Uda received the aid items in a K. LUMPUR 290
New Covid cluster FESTIVE GOODS ... Traders at Jalan Datuk Keramat in Penang checking their stock of de-husked
detected in Johor coconuts, a staple item for Thaipusam, that will be celebrated on Jan 18. – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN PAHANG 178
JOHOR BARU: Residents in Taman Sri MALACCA 186
Pulai Perdana who have Covid symptoms, N.SEMBILAN 151
are close contacts of positive cases or had
been to the Taman Sri Pulai Perdana JOHOR 318
Mosque between Dec 26 and Jan 4 are KELANTAN 393
urged to undergo screening following
active cases detected in the housing area. TERENGGANU 88
Health and Environment Committee LABUAN 6
chairman R. Vidyananthan said a “Pulai SABAH 253
Perdana Tiga Cluster” had been detected
following targeted screening conducted by SARAWAK 22
the Johor Baru district health office on Jan
6 after a number of people who had gone to PROGRESS STATISTICS FOR THE NATIONAL
the mosque tested positive for Covid-19. COVID-19 IMMUNISATION PROGRAMME
“As of Monday, 47 positive cases were As of January 10
detected among (people who went to) the
mosque and also residents, with 164 Received second dose
contacts still waiting for the results of the
screening conducted on Sunday. 26,027,402 5,653,398
“All the positive cases have been
isolated and the close contacts of the
identified cases are undergoing quarantine
at home.
“Public facilities with potential to
spread the pandemic such as mosques and
schools in the area have also been
identified and closed temporarily for the
purpose of investigation and tracking of
cases,” he said in a statement yesterday.
He urged residents involved to observe
the quarantine order.
On Monday, the Johor Health
Department confirmed that an internal
control action was taken by the Johor Baru
District Covid-19 Disaster Management
Committee at homes and related facilities
in Taman Sri Pulai Perdana following the
discovery of 47 cases linked to the cluster.
– Bernama
Headmaster jailed three months, fined RM20,000 for graft
KUANTAN: A sessions court here co-curriculum teacher at Sekolah The charges were framed under “The offence was committed them because some of them were
yesterday sentenced a headmaster to Kebangsaan Cherating, to propose Section 23 of the Malaysian when I was a senior assistant teacher from poor families, while yachting is
three months’ jail and a fine of his wife’s company, Sueazizi Anti-Corruption Commission Act and during that time, I had never an expensive sport.
RM20,000, in default 12 months’ jail, Enterprise, to the headmaster for 2009 and punishable under Section attended any formal course on
on two counts of using his office for school order payments. 24 of the same Act, which provides managing government finances. As a “Throughout my involvement in
gratification. imprisonment of up to 20 years and a coach with the Pahang School Sports sports since 2010 until now, we
The payments were pertaining to fine of five times the value of the bribe Council, I tried to maximise the value have produced many athletes,
Justice Datuk Ahmad Zamzani allocation for yachts rental for or RM10,000, whichever is higher. of the allocation to ensure yachting including for the Olympics in Japan
Mohd Zain meted out the sentence training involving the Pahang School was on the right track. last year.”
on Khairul Azizi Ab Aziz, 55, after he Sports Council, worth RM1,200 on Khairul Azizi, who was
pleaded guilty to the charges. March 19, 2014 and a payment of unrepresented, told the court in “The students involved were from Khairul Azizi also informed the
RM700 for a yacht programme mitigation that he had been in the various districts such as Rompin, court that his wife was no longer
Khairul Azizi, from Pulau Tioman organised by the Education Ministry education field for 31 years and was Jerantut, Bentong and Kuantan. I working and that they have two
in Rompin, was charged with using on Dec 15 the same year. appointed a headmaster in 2016. sacrificed time and money to help children still studying in institutions
his position as then senior assistant of higher learning. – Bernama
I was bypassed: ACAB chief Damaged Qurans
to be disposed
o Advisory board chairman claims six panel members held meeting and issued KUALA LUMPUR: It is heartbreaking to see
statement on share purchase issue without his knowledge piles of copies of the Quran and religious books
covered in mud and damaged by the recent
█ BY CHARLES RAMENDRAN themselves without my knowledge and issued attempt by ACAB to obstruct an investigation floods when entering the Darul Kalam Quran
[email protected] a media statement. by any government enforcement agency disposal centre in Raudhatul Sakinah, near here.
PUTRAJAYA: The saga involving Malaysian against Azam.
Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) “So, what can I do? I am disappointed that The damaged copies will be disposed in a
chief commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki and they had released the statement following the Abu Zahar said a probe on the allegations proper and respectful manner to safeguard the
Anti-Corruption Advisory Board (ACAB) reactions from certain parties and the of wrongdoing by Azam can be Quran. Each page will be removed and dried on
chairman Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang took public over my statement, which was not undertaken by any agency tasked by the tables or hung under canopies using clothes
another twist yesterday. reported accurately and comprehensively by Attorney-General’s Chambers. pegs by volunteers from the centre, which is
the media.” managed by the Federal Territory Islamic
Abu Zahar said six of his fellow board “I believe my fellow members of ACAB Religious Department.
members – Tan Sri Ismail Omar, Datuk David Abu Zahar said that he is prepared to be have absolutely no intention to obstruct any
Chua Kok Te, Datuk Seri Azman Ujang, Prof investigated by any party or organisation, and further investigations, if there is one. In fact, it The pages will then be burned before the
Datuk Dr Mohammad Agus Yusoff, Datuk Seri is willing to cooperate. is encouraged on the concept of the rule of ashes are deposited in a well behind the centre
Akhbar Satar and Datuk Dr Hamzah Kassim – law so that the good reputation and integrity or disposed into the sea.
had bypassed him when they issued a “I have nothing to hide as I have told of MACC is at the highest level.”
statement last Saturday distancing the truth.” “The disposal of damaged copies of the
themselves from his earlier comments on Abu Zahar said that if his statement on Quran is one of the saddest things, and we
allegations made against Azam. Abu Zahar said the public had been given the matter last week had been misconstrued cannot arbitrarily throw the Quran.
an inaccurate picture regarding his and had tarnished the reputation of MACC,
He said a day earlier, Azman had sent him statement last Wednesday on Azam’s alleged he would leave it to the government and “So, the best way to dispose it is to dry the
a WhatsApp message saying “the issue is wrongdoings, adding that the media had the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to decide his fate pages before burning about 10kg of the copies
getting hotter and hotter”, with Chua failed to report the right perspective. as ACAB chairman, and will accept any (for each session) in a furnace. Each session will
responding to it by saying “ACAB needs to decision made. take about two hours,” volunteer Abdul Mu’az
meet and discuss this matter urgently and He said it was unfortunate that his 13-page Jabai told Bernama yesterday.
come up with a clear statement to state statement was not reported comprehensively He said it was paramount that MACC
ACAB’s position by early next week. Keeping by certain media agencies, adding that this receives the support of the public as its main Abdul Mu’az, 33, was among over 40
silent is not an option.” had led the public to misunderstand him. task is to fight corruption and power abuse volunteers at the centre.
without fear or favour.
Abu Zahar said Ismail was the next to He claimed the media had left out other For Nor Jasliza Akmar Jasmani, 40, she could
respond with a text message that read: “Yes, matters raised in the statement, which were “This has been my firm stand. I will not not hold her tears back looking at the piles of
we’re meeting on Jan 11. Need to address not related to the allegations made against compromise on any act of corruption or Quran covered in mud.
relevant issues”. Azam, and only parts of a video of his press power abuse at all levels,” Abu Zahar said.
conference were shared. “Most of them were probably from mosques
“On their request and views, I agreed to Last week, Azam landed in controversy and tahfiz schools,” she said.
hold a meeting (on Tuesday) at 10am at the Abu Zahar said as ACAB chairman, he was after he admitted that his stock trading
MACC Academy in Kuala Lumpur. aware that in accordance with the law, the account was used by his younger brother to Ahmad Rashidi Yaakob, 40, said the
advisory board was only empowered to give purchase company shares worth millions. volunteers would separate the Quran from
“However, on Saturday, the six board its views and suggestions on how an other books and magazines.
members decided to hold a meeting among investigation ought to be carried out but did Under the Securities Industry (Central
not have the powers to investigate any Depositories) Act 1991, it is unlawful to Meanwhile, Jawi research division senior
criminal wrongdoing of any MACC officer. allow a third party to utilise one’s share assistant director Anisah Musa said one of the
trading account. main challenges faced was to separate books
He said there was no intention or any that were stuck together.
BOUNTIFUL “Before this, the Quran ashes were placed in
BUST... Penang the well at Darul Kalam, but due to a large
police chief Datuk number of Quran that was affected by the floods
Mohd Shuhaily and the limited space at the centre, we decided
Mohd Zain (second to dispose the ashes into the sea.”
from right) showing
items seized after Jawi director Datuk Mohd Ajib Ismail said in
an online gambling a statement that, so far, they had received a total
ring was busted in of 25.28 tonnes of damaged Quran from
the first week of individuals, schools and firms. – Bernama
January, during a
press conference at Report lodged
the state contingent against MACC officer
police headquarters
in George Town KUALA LUMPUR: An immigration officer has
yesterday. – MASRY lodged a police report against a Malaysian
CHE ANI/THESUN Anti-Corruption Commission officer, alleging
that he was threatened and forced to make a
Cops clamping down on sale of fake vaccination certificates guilty plea on a charge he faced in court.
KUALA LUMPUR: Police are on the lookout carrying out similar activities. private clinic in Marang, had made over The immigration officer, who was charged in
for unscrupulous parties or individuals He said to date, only one case involving the RM1 million selling fake vaccination Kelantan, lodged a report on Monday.
offering fake Covid-19 vaccination certificates certificates to almost 2,000 people, by
for sale following the arrest of a 51-year-old doctor from Marang has been identified. charging them between RM400 and RM600 Putrajaya police chief ACP A. Asmadi Abdul
doctor in Marang, Terengganu last Saturday. Kamarudin said the suspect is being held for each certificate. Aziz, who confirmed the report, said the
immigration officer alleged that an MACC
Federal police commercial crime under a remand order. During a raid at the clinic, police investigations officer had told him to plead
investigation department (CCID) director He urged those with information on the seized over 100 fake certificates, among guilty to a case as he was facing other charges as
Comm Datuk Kamarudin Md Din said other items. well. The case was referred to the MACC
yesterday police are carrying out sale of fake vaccination certificates to contact integrity department on the orders of the
investigations to ascertain if there are others the CCID scam response centre at 03-2610 Police said the suspect had also used an federal police special investigations unit.
1559/1599 or the nearest police station. agent to promote his activities to the public.
It was reported that the complainant was
It was reported that a doctor, who ran a facing three charges of bribery under Section
165 of the Penal Code.
The case was postponed from last year to
July this year after the officer’s lawyer passed
away two months ago.
Last month, the officer was summoned by
MACC and was allegedly told to make a guilty
plea on the case and face a RM5,000 fine.
The officer allegedly threatened him
saying that if he failed to do so, he would face
more charges.
After allegedly being badgered again this
month by the MACC officer, the man agreed to
plead guilty. – by Charles Ramendran
BORDER CURBS Ganges despite pandemic
TOKYO: Japan will maintain its tight o One million worshippers expected to attend annual festival plea from doctors, who are worried the festival
entry restrictions to prevent the spread as authorities take steps to prevent ‘super spreader’ event could become a virus “super spreader” event,
of the Omicron variant of the ruled yesterday that all pilgrims must be tested
coronavirus until end of next month, KOLKATA: Nearly one million Hindu ritual on an island in the eastern state of West for Covid-19. It was not immediately clear how
the prime minister said yesterday, worshippers are expected to gather on the Bengal, which is reporting the most number of so many pilgrims could be tested over the next
though some exceptions for banks of the Ganges river this Friday and cases in the country after Maharashtra state in few days or if the ruling would be enforced.
humanitarian reasons may be Saturday for a holy bathe despite galloping the west.
considered. Japan adopted some of the Covid-19 infections across the country, an Doctors had appealed to the court to reverse
strictest border controls in the world official told Reuters yesterday. “The crowd may swell to anywhere between the decision to allow the festival this year.
when the Omicron variant emerged 800,000 to one million. We are trying to
late last year, banning all new entry by India reported 168,063 new Covid-19 implement all Covid protocols,” said Bankim University of Michigan professor of
non-Japanese people, including infections yesterday, a 20-fold rise in a month. Chandra Hazra, a West Bengal minister in epidemiology Bhramar Mukherjee said the
students and foreign family members charge of organising the festival known as the gathering could be “disastrous”.
of Japanese or permanent residents, Most infected people have recovered at Gangasagar Mela.
except in exceptional circumstances. home and the level of hospitalisations has been Every year on Jan 14, on the important Hindu
“Thanks to the toughest border rules in less than half of that seen during the last major “We have also arranged for sprinkling of the day of Makar Sankranti, pilgrims visit
the G7 nations, we’ve been able to keep wave of infections in April and May. holy water from drones so that there is no Gangasagar village for a dip at the confluence of
the spread of Omicron to a minimal crowding, but the sadhus (Hindu holy men) are the Ganges and the Bay of Bengal. They believe
level, giving us time to prepare to deal Many states have announced night curfews, bent on taking the dip. We can’t prevent them.” doing so washes away their sins and those of
with domestic infection,“ Kishida said. while the capital Delhi has also imposed a their ancestors.
The rules mandate up to six days in weekend lockdown, closed private offices as A similar big religious festival in the north of
strict hotel quarantine for most of those well as restaurants and bars in a bid to rein in India last year helped spread the Delta variant India has reported a total of 35.88 million
who are allowed in, mostly Japanese the fast-spreading Omicron variant. that infected millions of people and killed tens infections, the world’s biggest tally after the
and resident foreigners, followed by of thousands. United States. Deaths rose by 277 to 484,213 on
home quarantine. – Reuters But tens of thousands of pilgrims have Monday. India conducted 1.6 million Covid
already reached the site of the annual Ganges The Calcutta High Court, responding to a tests on Monday, while the capacity is more
COVID DEATHS TOP than two million. It has dropped the need for all
100,000 IN POLAND close contacts of confirmed patients to get
WARSAW: Poland’s total number of
coronavirus-related deaths surpassed US sees all-time
100,000 yesterday, the health minister high of 1.35m
said, as the country struggles to daily cases
convince people to get vaccinated
despite persistently high infection SUPERPOWER PRESENCE ... Medical staff dressed as superheroes Captain America and Hulk WASHINGTON: The United States reported
rates. The number of deaths per one comforting children aged six to 11 as they receive the Sinovac vaccine at a school in Yogyakarta, 1.35 million new coronavirus infections on
million inhabitants was last week Indonesia yesterday. – AFPPIX Monday, according to a Reuters tally, the highest
among the highest in the world, daily total for any country in the world as the
according to the Our World in Data spread of the highly contagious Omicron variant
project at the University of Oxford, at showed no signs of slowing.
more than 57 compared to 34 in the
United States and 38 in Russia. “We can The previous record was 1.03 million cases
say it is another sad day because we on Jan 3. A large number of cases are reported
have passed the level of 100,000 Covid each Monday due to many states not reporting
deaths,“ Adam Niedzielski told private over the weekend. The seven-day average for
broadcaster TVN 24. With 55.8% of the new cases has tripled in two weeks to over
population fully vaccinated compared 700,000 new infections a day.
to 68.7% for the European Union as a
whole, the country has one of the The record in new cases came the same day
lowest rates of double-jabbed citizens as the nation saw the number of hospitalised
in the bloc. – Reuters Covid-19 patients also hit an all-time high,
having doubled in three weeks, according to a
Omicron has higher tally. There were more than 136,604 people
‘asymptomatic rate’ hospitalised with Covid-19, surpassing the
record of 132,051 set in January last year.
JOHANNESBURG: Preliminary findings from
two South African clinical trials suggest the While the Omicron variant is potentially less
Omicron coronavirus variant has a much severe, health officials have warned that the
higher rate of “asymptomatic carriage” than sheer number of infections could strain hospital
earlier variants, which could explain why it systems, some of which have already suspended
has spread so rapidly across the globe. elective procedures as they struggle to handle
the increase in patients and staff shortages.
The studies, one of which was carried out
when Omicron infections were surging in The surge in cases has disrupted schools,
South Africa last month, and another which which are struggling with absences of staff,
resampled participants around the same time, teachers and bus drivers.
found a far greater number of people tested
positive for the coronavirus but were not Chicago cancelled classes for a fourth day as
showing symptoms compared to previous the district and teachers failed to agree on how
trials. to deal with increased infections.
In the Ubuntu study evaluating the efficacy New York City suspended service on three
of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine in people subway lines as a large number of workers were
living with HIV, 31% of 230 participants tested out sick, according to its Twitter account.
positive, with all 56 samples available for
sequencing analysis verified to be Omicron. Companies’ plans for workers to return to
office have also been derailed. Deaths are
In a subgroup of the Sisonke trial averaging 1,700 per day, up from about 1,400 in
evaluating the efficacy of Johnson & Johnson’s recent days but within levels seen earlier this
Covid-19 vaccine, the mean asymptomatic winter.
carriage rate rose to 16% during the Omicron
period from 2.6% during the Beta and Delta A redesigned Covid vaccine that specifically
outbreaks. targets the Omicron variant is likely needed,
Pfizer Inc’s CEO said on Monday, adding his
“The Sisonke study included 577 subjects company could have one ready to launch by
previously vaccinated, with results suggesting March. – Reuters
a high carriage rate even in those known to be
vaccinated,” the researchers said.
They added that the “higher asymptomatic
carriage rate is likely a major factor in the rapid
and widespread dissemination of the variant,
even among populations with high prior rates
of coronavirus infection”. – Reuters
China orders suspension of flights from America
WASHINGTON/BEIJING: China’s of China (CAAC) has mandated the Shanghai flights last Friday and for Detroit to Shanghai and another six Most of these cancelled flights are
aviation regulator has ordered the cancellations of 22 total scheduled Jan 14 due to the Chinese rule Delta flights from Seattle to Shanghai operated by China’s three biggest
cancellation of more than 60 US passenger airline flights for requiring “all affected carriers”, whose from next week, bringing total airlines, according to a Reuters tally
scheduled flights from the United Shanghai under its Covid-19 passengers test positive for Covid-19, cancellations to 10 for the airline. of flight suspensions for the new year.
States in recent weeks, after pandemic rules – 10 by Delta Air “to cancel inbound service on certain
numerous passengers tested positive Lines, six from United Airlines and six China flights”. The regulator has also cancelled United said it had been forced to
for Covid-19 after arriving in China. American Airlines. 42 other US bound flights operated by cancel flights from San Francisco to
The CAAC said yesterday it would Chinese carriers after positive Shanghai scheduled for Jan 15, 19, 22
The Civil Aviation Administration Delta said it cancelled Detroit to cancel another two Delta flights from Covid-19 tests. and 26.
BRIEFS ’MORE ADVANCED’ Johnson slammed over
MISSILE FIRED ‘bring your own booze’ party
SEOUL: North Korea
appeared to test fire a
ballistic missile yesterday
that may be more capable
than the “hypersonic
missile”it launched less than
a week earlier, South Korea’s
military said, as Pyongyang
pursues increasingly
advanced weapons. The
launches underscored o British PM among 100 invited by private “After what has been an incredibly official Covid toll after the United
leader Kim Jong Un’s New secretary for gathering at Downing Street busy period, we thought it would be States, Brazil, India, Russia, Mexico
Year’s vow to bolster the during first lockdown nice to make the most of the lovely and Peru.
military with cutting-edge weather and have some socially
technology at a time when distanced drinks in the No.10 garden Johnson’s office declined to
talks with South Korea and this evening, Reynolds said in the comment on the ITV report. A senior
the United States have email. Please join us from 6pm and government official, Sue Gray, is
stalled. Initial estimates bring your own booze!” investigating the allegations of at
found yesterday’s missile LONDON: British Prime Minister Revelations about a series of least five parties held in government
travelled more than 700km Boris Johnson was under fire parties in Downing Street have At the time of the gathering, departments last year during
to a maximum altitude of yesterday after it emerged his private garnered popular derision and drawn schools were shut to most pupils, and lockdown restrictions.
60km at a top speed up to secretary had invited over 100 people criticism from opposition Labour pubs and restaurants were closed,
10 times the speed of sound to a “bring your own booze” party in Party leader Keir Starmer, who said with strict controls on social mixing. Asked about the claims of
(12,348 kmh), South Korea’s the garden of Downing Street during Johnson lacked the moral authority People were prevented from bidding Downing Street parties, Johnson told
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) the first coronavirus lockdown. to lead the country. farewell in person to dying relatives. parliament last month that all Covid
said in a statement. “We guidance had been followed, no rules
assess that this is more Johnson, who won a landslide Johnson and his partner Carrie Police prosecuted people for had been broken and that there had
advanced than the missile victory in a 2019 election, has faced were among those who gathered with having parties, erected random been no party in Downing Street.
North Korea fired on Jan 5, intense scrutiny over the past month about 40 staff in the garden of checkpoints in some areas and in
although South Korean and after a video emerged showing his Downing Street on May 20, 2020, Derbyshire, central England, used Political opponents said if
US intelligence authorities staff laughing and joking about a after the PM’s Principal Private drones to monitor beauty spots. Johnson had attended a party during
are conducting detailed Downing Street party during a 2020 Secretary Martin Reynolds sent an a lockdown, his position would be in
analyses,“ JCS said. Christmas lockdown. invite by email, ITV reported. The United Kingdom’s death toll danger as such revelry would show a
from the Covid-19 pandemic stands pattern of disdain for the rules by
at 150,154, the world’s seventh worst Johnson. – Reuters
– Reuters
RUSSIAN TROOPS FIERY TRAGEDY ... Aerial view of a fire that 5-year-old boy
TO WITHDRAW affected the Laguna Verde camp at the hills of killed, six injured
the city of Iquique in Chile on Monday. About in bus bombing
NUR-SULTAN: A Russian-led 100 houses were consumed by the fire. The lack
military bloc will begin of water due to irregular construction COTABATO: A child was killed
withdrawing its troops from facilitated the spread of the fire. – AFPPIX
Kazakhstan in two days’
time after fulfilling its main and six others wounded after a
mission of stabilising the bomb exploded on a public bus
Central Asian country after in the insurgency-plagued
serious unrest, Kazakh southern Philippines,
President Kassym-Jomart authorities said yesterday. No
Tokayev said yesterday. group has claimed
Tokayev told parliament he responsibility.
was appointing a Police said the explosion
long-serving career public happened as the bus was
servant Alikhan Smailov as travelling along a highway near
prime minister and spoke of Cotabato City on Mindanao
initiatives to narrow the island.
wealth gap, raise taxes on The bomb was “inside the
the mining sector, and bus, at the end part where there
eliminate irregularities in were a lot of people sitting,” said
state procurement. Tokayev, Chief Master Sergeant Randy
68, last week asked the Hampac in Aleosan town.
Moscow-led Collective A five-year-old boy died,
Security Treaty Organisation while six others were wounded
to send in troops at the peak in the blast that shattered the
of what he later said was an back windows, Hampac said.
attempted coup d’etat.
– Reuters
Taiwan passes extra US$8.6b defence budget The wounded included a
five-month-old baby and a
three-year-old child.
A police report said one of the
TAIPEI: Taiwan’s parliament since President Tsai Ing-wen came to naval ships “in the shortest period of much on large conventional victims saw a male passenger
yesterday passed an extra spending power in 2016, as she regards the time” to boost the island’s sea and air platforms at the detriment of smaller, leaving a “baggage” on the bus
bill of nearly US$8.6 billion (RM36 island as a sovereign nation and not capabilities, the government said. more dispersible and less costly when he disembarked and it
billion) in its latest bid to boost part of “one China.” ‘asymmetrical’ capabilities.” later exploded.
defence capabilities against an Last year, Taiwan recorded Taipei-based political and military “It was the first time for this to
increasingly bellicose China. incursions by around 970 Chinese analyst J. Michael Cole called the The budget includes a coastal happen in our town,”
warplanes into its air defence zone, special budget “an encouraging and anti-ship missiles system, a Hampac said.
The government proposed a according to a database compiled by much-needed development” as locally-developed Wan Chien (Ten “There were incidents of
five-year special defence budget of AFP, more than double the roughly Taiwan prioritises “asymmetrical” Thousand Swords) cruise missile as bombing of cell towers in
around TW$237.3 billion (RM36 380 carried out in 2020. capabilities, such as unmanned well as an attack drone system and previous years but this incident
billion) from 2022 as Chinese Yesterday, Taiwanese lawmakers vehicles, anti-ship missiles and installation of combat systems on of an explosion in a bus, it’s the
warplanes breached its air defence agreed unanimously to pass the air-to-ground cruise missiles. coastguard ships. first time.”
zone at unprecedented levels last special budget, after cutting it by Regional military spokesman
year. TW$310 million. “Many of those are ‘counterforce’ Cole also pointed out the benefit Lt-Col John Baldomar said no
The package comes on top of a capabilities, with ranges that are long of ensuring quicker delivery as many group had admitted carrying out
Democratic Taiwan lives under record annual defence budget of enough to hit targets along China’s of the armaments are produced the “presumed attack”.
constant threat of an invasion by TW$471.7 billion set for 2022. coastline” in line with the direction domestically. Attacks on buses, Catholic
China, which claims the self-ruled It aims to acquire various Taiwan’s Defence Ministry has taken churches and public markets
island as part of its territory to be precision missiles and in recent years, said Cole. “The latter is a crucial part, as have been a feature of decades-
seized one day, by force if necessary. mass-manufacture high-efficiency Taiwan needs to make sure it has the long unrest in the region. – AFP
“This move will also be welcomed capabilities to deter, and if needed to
Beijing’s sabre-rattling towards by the United States, which often counter, a Chinese attack now, not
the island has increased considerably complains that Taiwan focuses too five, 10 years from now.” – AFP
Man gets pig’s heart in ‘historic’ transplant procedure
WASHINGTON: US surgeons have it represents a major milestone for transplant. I want to live. I know it’s a authorisation for the surgery on New first-in-the-world surgery will
successfully implanted a heart from a animal to human transplantation. shot in the dark, but it’s my last Year’s Eve, as a last ditch effort for a provide an important new option for
genetically modified pig into a choice,” the Maryland resident said a patient who was unsuitable for patients in the future.”
57-year-old man, a medical first that The patient, David Bennett, had day before the surgery. conventional transplant.
could one day help solve the chronic been deemed ineligible for human Muhammad Mohiuddin, who
shortage of organ donations. transplant, a decision that is often Bennett, who has spent the last “This was a breakthrough surgery co-founded the university’s cardiac
taken when the recipient has very several months bedridden on a and brings us one step closer to xenotransplantation programme,
The “historic” procedure took poor underlying health. heart-lung bypass machine, added: solving the organ shortage crisis,” added the surgery was the
place on Friday, the University of “I look forward to getting out of bed said Bartley Griffith, who surgically culmination of years or research,
Maryland Medical School said in a He is now recovering and being after I recover.” transplanted the pig heart. involving pig-to-baboon transplants,
statement on Monday. While the carefully monitored to determine with survival times that exceeded
patient’s prognosis is far from certain, how the new organ performs. The Food and Drug “We are proceeding cautiously, nine months. – AFP
Administration granted emergency but we are also optimistic that this
“It was either die or do this
COMMENT bySophiaLim Reducing PCR testing could
send us back to square one
Urgent need to manage
human-tiger conflict █ BY DAN POULTER that the more this virus spreads, the
WWF-MALAYSIA is deeply saddened by the BACK at the end of 2020, as the more opportunity it has to mutate
recent tragic incident in Kampung Sau, Gua The Malayan tiger is on the brink of extinction. – BERNAMAPIX nation braced for a winter wave of into new, more transmissible and, in
Musang, where Anek Along, a 59-year-old completely wiped out from the combined threat of Covid-19, a new variant of the virus the case of Delta, more deadly
orang asli villager, was attacked and killed poaching, deforestation, habitat loss, lack of natural prey was taking hold in the southeast variants.
by a tiger. We extend our deepest condolences to the for food, injuries from snares or being hunted, leading to corner of England.
family of the deceased. inability to hunt for food in the case of Awang Rasau, To put it bluntly, with hundreds of
increased incidences of human tiger conflict and the Alpha, as it became known, thousands of new infections daily,
We are also devastated that the tiger had to be shot, threat of disease such as canine distemper. turned out to be more of a tsunami there is now a much greater chance
despite it being a critically endangered species which we than a wave, with mutations that of a new variant emerging in the UK,
as a nation are committed to protect at all cost. When we stop threatening the resources required for made it far more transmissible than and we will look worryingly ill-
a self-sustaining ecosystem, the coexistence between the original strain. prepared if it does.
We share our concern for the safety of the villagers, humans and wildlife can be better managed.
and urge that best practices and necessary steps be taken But thanks to NHS doctors and Reports from last month suggest
to avoid further casualty, be it man or beast. So, as we work towards increasing our wild tiger the UK’s pioneering genomic that only 10% to 20% of positive cases
numbers, we also need to look at effectively managing sequencing consortium, which are being sequenced, and with this
Unfortunately, incidents of human-tiger conflict HTC, for the safety of the communities that live close to allowed us to sequence positive PCR new guidance meaning fewer PCR
(HTC) are not uncommon in tiger range countries. the forest as well as the conservation of the Malayan tiger. results, it was spotted quickly, and we tests, we are now less able to spot and
were able to alert medical limit the spread of another variant,
HTC occurs when a wild tiger interacts with humans, Year 2021 had closed on a hopeful note with the professionals across the globe to the which may be more transmissible,
their animals or their livestock and this results in an announcement of the setup of a Wildlife Crime Unit by new and more dangerous variant. more deadly, or more resistant to the
injury or death to a human, livestock or tiger. the Royal Malaysia Police. vaccine or natural immunity people
Fast forward to November 2021, gain from Omicron.
In Russia, two wild tigers responsible for killing three Energy and Natural Resources Minister Datuk Seri and similar quick action and
dogs on the outskirts of the town Vyazemskoye, were Takiyuddin Hassan had also announced the effective testing from South African Capacity issues remain a
sedated and successfully relocated to the Utyos establishment of a National Tiger Task Force and a Tigers doctors raised warnings about the problem, and not just with
Rehabilitation Centre with the support of WWF-Russia Working Group to look at ways of increasing tiger Omicron variant. sequencing.
and ANO Amur Tiger. population in the wild.
Omicron is now the dominant We have also seen a shortage in
In Bhutan, human-wildlife conflict is a critical issue Together with other non-governmental variant in the UK, but following a lateral flow and PCR tests, as well as
where farming communities reside close to protected organisations, we have advocated several years to see herculean vaccination programme worker shortages in the NHS and our
areas or in reserved forests. this achieved, and now we must quickly and relentlessly and booster rollout, we are in a much supply chains, with the government
move forward with the next phase of implementation - stronger position, with fewer deaths forecasting that up to 25% of
Apart from measures such as the use of sound and the nine strategic actions for the conservation of the and hospitalisations than in previous workforces could have to self-isolate
light repellent and electric fencing, “Safe Systems” is species approved by the Cabinet in June 2021. waves. as cases continue to rise.
being adopted to address this issue holistically with
strategies that ensure the safety of both humans and The Malayan tiger is already standing precariously While we are right to celebrate That means our hospitals and
wildlife. close to the brink of extinction. this accomplishment, it does not give vital services will be less able to cope
us licence to abandon all caution or if the worst does indeed happen.
In Peninsular Malaysia, our forests are home to less We may be losing tigers faster than they can breed. let our guard down. Unfortunately
than 200 tigers, yet in recent months, a few from this With fewer tigers, the chances of breeding will be further this seems to be the direction of So while I am fully aware of the
already dwindling population have ventured out of the reduced, and with so few remaining in the wild, the travel. pressures on the system and the
forest, closer to human settlements. urgency to conserve each and every tiger is so critical. difficult choices facing the prime
This week, the government minister, I worry that allowing our
With increased incidents, there is a real urgency to In a few weeks, as we usher in the Year of the Tiger, my announced a temporary change to world-leading testing and
find a holistic way to address and manage HTC. hope is that every Malaysian will seek to understand the testing requirements, meaning that sequencing regime to slip could
nature and necessary existence of this critically people who test positive on a lateral result in greater pain down the road.
To do this, we must understand the nature of the tiger, endangered species that is our national icon and its flow test without displaying any
the possible causes leading to HTC and expedite connection to our very own survival. symptoms no longer need to go for a While Omicron has so far proved
necessary solutions. follow-up PCR test. less fatal, this may not be the case
Sophia Lim is executive director and chief executive next time around.
Individual tigers require a large territory, and the size officer of WWF-Malaysia. Comments: The change was made in the face
of its territory is determined mostly by the availability of [email protected] of mounting capacity issues and staff Vaccines alone won’t get us out of
prey. shortages from rising infections. this pandemic, and if we miss a new
variant that is more deadly,
Across their range, tigers face unrelenting pressures Yet it is precisely because of these infectious, or vaccine-resistant, it
from poaching, retaliatory killings, and habitat loss. high numbers of infections that we could send us back to square one.
should be doing the opposite.
They are forced to compete for space with dense and Despite making the right call on
often growing human populations. The UK is currently experiencing allowing stranded Brits to return to
around 200,000 new cases daily, with the UK without a PCR when there is
Tigers are by nature solitary, unless they are courting 1.2 million new cases in the last week more than enough Omicron to go
or a mother with young cubs. and as many as one in every 15 around, it is for this reason that the
people in England carrying the virus government must continue to
Preferring to shy away from humans, the tiger hunts — the highest number of infections prioritise PCR testing and genomic
alone, by ambush, waiting for lone, unsuspecting prey. since the pandemic began. sequencing at home, and increase
resources to these vital areas if they
A tiger, when threatened or already injured, may When the first sample of the are struggling to cope.
exhibit more aggression and its natural behaviour is to Alpha variant was taken in Kent back
defend and save itself. in September 2020, daily cases in the All nations have a duty to spot and
UK were between 1% and 5% of their alert the world to future variants of
The solution is to minimise contact between wild current levels. concern so we can limit the damage
tigers and humans, however, as competition for space to health and the economy. The UK
and habitat increases, this becomes a challenge. We know from bitter experience is no different. – The Independent
It is only a matter of time before its numbers are
loIvn e Solid wins at crippled
pawsithta Golden Globes
Cook the classics with our >>> Page 3
easy to follow recipes
>>> Page 4&5
123RF Last 7 years are
hottest on record
>>> Page 7
2 theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | JANUARY 12, 2022 /thesundaily
o Dwayne Johnson offers new look at the
upcoming Black Adam movie
THOUGH details of the a real team effort to get the job done”. Johnson recording his performance in the high-tech visual effects machine for Black Adam. – INSTAGRAM Fans are
upcoming Warner Bros. and It has been years since Johnson the comics; one functions similarly to looking
DC Comics Black Adam film the Shazam family, where by uttering forward to the
are still being kept under a was first revealed to take on the a magic word, the character of live-action
tight lid, promotion has slowly begun mantle of Black Adam, and for a long Timothy Karnes transforms into the debut of
to ramp up, with lead actor Dwayne time, all that was seen was an demon Sabbac, and the recent Sabbac. – DC
Johnson recently sharing pictures illustration of what the character version has Sabbac as a 50-foot COMICS
from the film’s set. would look like. demon under the command of Black
Adam. It is unknown, however, which
Posting on Instagram, Johnson However, an exclusive first-look of version of Sabbac’s backstory will be
revealed how he has been spending the film was released at the DC depicted in the film.
lengthy chunks of his time inside a FanDome event in October last year.
high-tech visual effects machine Since them, details remain scarce, Black Adam is currently
called “the egg” for Black Adam. but a recent listing of the film’s scheduled to be released on July 29
merchandise line has revealed that a this year.
In the caption, the actor said he major DC Comics villain may be
can only move his eyes, head and making a live action debut in Black
shoulders, with each “focusing on Adam.
marks no bigger than a quarter”.
The toy listing from McFarlane
“In the mythology, Teth Adam (his Toys shows that the supervillain
original name before his soul is Sabbac will appear in the film, and
darkened to ‘black’), starts off as a will receive a “megafig” action figure,
slave in his birthplace of Kahndaq,” which is larger than the rest of the
Johnson continued. characters in the action figure
“These slave sequences are super
intricate and complex (and) requires Two versions of Sabbac exists in
Fans and fellow Pussycat Dolls were stunned when Scherzinger (centre) apparently took it upon herself to cancel the group’s tour. – GETTY Lisa proves she is a
fashion icon
Catty dispute within Pussycat Dolls
LOOKS like The Pussycat Dolls reunion tour to her fellow members in the group. they have “created a sisterhood that will live OVER the weekend, BLACKPINK’s Lisa marked
is officially not happening! Leading Doll, The announcement definitely came as a on.” the new year by posting pictures of herself on
Nicole Scherzinger announced the Instagram wearing a cute pink knit hat and a
cancellation of the highly anticipated event surprise to many. However, fans were not the Group founder Robin Antin then chimed light blue sweater with a yellow tulip on the
on her Instagram last Friday. only ones who were left in the dark about the in, sharing: “All of us have made personal & front. The pictures had the caption: “May 2022
cancellation. financial sacrifices, but that’s what it takes to be full of good things.”
Her message read: “Thank you to everyone be a team player in a ‘BAND.’ Let’s not forget
who had tickets to see PCD – we are so It turned out that fellow Dolls Carmit there are 5 other members of this group who I She looked adorable, and unsurprisngly the
appreciative of your support and loyalty. With Bachar and Jessica Sutta were also taken by care for deeply, who deserve to be heard.” Instagram post received more than 8.6 million
the ever-evolving circumstances surrounding surprise. likes. However, sharp-eyed netizens noticed
the pandemic, I understand the decision that She concluded: “There are truths to this something about her outfit.
the tour dates had to be cancelled.” “We want to say how incredibly situation, I just hope one day they see the
disappointed we are to learn of an light.” It turns out that Lisa’s sweater was from a
Scherzinger added that though saddened announcement made on Instagram that the brand called Graffitionmind, which is owned by
by the news, she was proud of the group’s Pussycat Dolls reunion tour is canceled. As of Scherzinger has remained silent about the Jeon Junghyun, the brother of BTS’s Jungkook.
recent achievements despite the Covid-19 now, there has been no official notification of subtle accusations. Other group members –
pandemic. She even gave a special shout out that,” wrote the pair in their joint statement. Ashley Roberts and Kimberly Wyatt – have yet The Tulip Cashmere Knit Sweater in Sky Blue
to publicly chime in on the matter. retails for US$158 (RM663.90). The hat Lisa wore
Despite this, the girls remain hopeful as was identified as the Furry Teddy Pink Hat from
Misu A Barbe, which costs US$138 (RM580).
TXT leads Twitter for Both items have sold out, since Lisa made the
4th gen groups post.
ACCORDING to Twitter, TXT is the most Graffitionmind was launched in 2021 under
popular of the fourth-generation K-pop Junghyun’s company Six6uys. The company
groups. South Korean entertainment news made headlines last September after Jungkook
portal AllKpop took a look at the social media stepped down from his post as the brand’s
stats of the new crop of young stars, and Internal Director amidst claims of partaking in
found that TXT was riding high with 8.7 false advertising by netizens.
million followers on its official Twitter account.
However, the South Korean Fair Trade
Meanwhile, the group’s official hashtag Commission later stated that it was very
“#TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER” returns roughly unlikely that the idol would be found
490,000 results. responsible for under-the-table advertising.
Despite his innocence, it is believed that
In second place were Stray Kids, which Jungkook stepped down to avoid any further
now has 6.9 million followers on its official conflict.
Twitter account, while ITZY has 4.3 million Lisa looking
followers, followed closely by ENHYPEN with adorable in
4.2 million followers. her designer
Meanwhile, aespa still has a long way to go which soon
to win over Twitter, with just 1.9 million sold out
followers currently. online. –
TXT has gained 8.7 million Twitter followers since its 2019 debut. – ALLKPOP
/thesundaily 3theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | JANUARY 12, 2022
The Power of the Dog has a star-studded cast, including lead
man Benedict Cumberbatch. – VENICE FILM FESTIVAL
New Zealand director Campion’s film The
Power of the Dog was awarded three Golden
Globes, including for best director. – AFP
Kidman won the award for best actress for her
Rough year for Golden GlobesroleinBeingtheRicardos.–AFP
oThe usually glamorous event still went ahead after
a year of controversies surrounding diversity issues
THE Power of the Dog and West Side Since the scandal broke, the HFPA has
Story won the top film prizes at an rushed through reforms, admitting its biggest
untelevised Golden Globes that was ever annual intake, including several Black and
largely ignored by Hollywood, with other minority members.
winners unveiled via a live blog without any of It has banned members from accepting
the usual A-list glamour. lavish gifts and hotel stays from studios courting Winners
Jane Campion’s dark Western The Power of their votes, and highlighted its philanthropic were
the Dog became the second film directed by a work. announced
woman to win the best drama prize. The film During the behind-closed-doors ceremony by the
also won for best director and best supporting on Sunday, the HFPA Golden
actor for Kodi Smit- tweeted a pre- Globes this
McPhee. recorded video of year through
Steven Spielberg’s Jamie Lee Curtis a live blog. –
West Side Story remake praising the group’s AFP
claimed best comedy community work.
or musical, as well as “I’m proud to be The Golden
lead and supporting associated with Globes was a
actress prizes for stars them in this quiet affair
Rachel Zegler and venture,” said during the late 1960s in Belfast is considered a this year, due
Ariana DeBose. Curtis, referring to strong award season contender and had jointly to an
Will Smith and Nicole funding by the topped the nominations, won only for best industry
Kidman won the prizes HFPA for screenplay. boycott. –
for best actor and actress community AFP
in film dramas for their programmes. Andrew Garfield won best actor in a comedy Best actress in a TV series, drama: Michaela Ja
turns in King Richard and But celebrities of musical for Tick, tick ... Boom!, which is based Rodriguez, Pose
Being the Ricardos. Jvnaiidmgehioet.Ls–eegAemFCPuenrttisaaspopneeaorefdthine HfeFwPAA’s-lpisrtee-rrseocof trdheed were otherwise on the semi-autobiographical musical of the Best actor in a TV series, drama: Jeremy Strong,
proceedings, conspicuously same name written by Rent composer Jonathan Succession
But none of the stars absent from the Larson. Best TV series, comedy or musical: Hacks (HBO
were present as usual at leaving the Golden Max)
the Beverly Hilton. Succession, HBO’s tale of about a media Best actress in a TV series, comedy or musical:
The awards, which are Globes website’s live blog to inform readers: tycoon’s warring family, topped the television Jean Smart, Hacks
usually closely followed for the immediate “No other awards community shows as much side with three prizes including best drama. – Best actor in a TV series, comedy or musical:
boost to box office tallies and Oscar hopes that a love and generosity to others quite like the AFP Jason Sudeikis, Ted Lasso
Globes win can provide, were hugely HFPA!” Best limited series or TV movie: The
overshadowed by a long-brewing row over None of the top film award-winning actors The full list of winners: Underground Railroad (Amazon)
ethical lapses by the organisers. immediately celebrated their wins via social Best motion picture, drama: The Power of the Best actress in a limited series or TV movie:
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association, a media, though the official Twitter account of Dog Kate Winslet, Mare of Easttown
group of 100-odd entertainment writers with ‘West Side Story’ congratulated the cast and Best actress in a motion picture, drama: Nicole Best actor in a limited series or TV movie:
links to foreign publications, has been accused crew for their three Globes. Kidman, Being the Ricardos Michael Keaton, Dopesick
of a litany of failings from corruption to racism. Best actor in a motion picture, drama: Will Best supporting actress in a TV series: Sarah
The Globes are traditionally billed as Oscar hopefuls Smith, King Richard Snook, Succession
Tinseltown’s biggest party – in past years, the Despite the subdued atmosphere surrounding Best motion picture, comedy or musical: West Best supporting actor in a TV series: O Yeong-
event was watched by TV audiences of millions, the Globes, three wins apiece for The Power of Side Story su, Squid Game
and spawned frenzied debate and memes on the Dog and West Side Story confirm their Best actress in a motion picture, comedy or
social media. credentials as contenders for an award season musical: Rachel Zegler, West Side Story
This year, NBC scrapped its broadcast, and that culminates in March with the Oscars. Best actor in a motion picture, comedy or
the event failed to take off on Twitter, where pop Campion’s Power of the Dog, starring musical: Andrew Garfield, Tick, Tick. . . Boom!
culture fans were more preoccupied with the Benedict Cumberbatch, which tackles toxic Best director, motion picture: Jane Campion,
death of US comedian Bob Saget. masculinity in 1920s Montana and was released The Power of the Dog
by Netflix with a limited theatrical run, has Best supporting actress in a motion picture:
Shrouded in scandal received rave reviews. Ariana DeBose, West Side Story
A Los Angeles Times expose last year found the Spielberg’s West Side Story remake flopped Best supporting actor in a motion picture: Kodi
HFPA had no Black members, opening the at the box office but was also adored by critics. Smit-McPhee, The Power of the Dog
floodgates for criticism from across Hollywood Kenneth Branagh, whose black-and-white Best TV series, drama: Succession (HBO)
including from A-list stars such as Tom Cruise. account of the outbreak of sectarian violence
FOOD pQausitcakr&eceipaesys
o Once you master these simple but hearty recipes,
4 theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | JANUARY 12, 2022 you’ll keep coming back for more!
Vegan Pesto. █ BY MARIETTA MU clean and dry knife before wrapping it up in
saran wrap and storing in an airtight
PASTA is actually one of the easiest container in the fridge.
and quickest dishes to make once How to cook:
you understand the principles of Step 1: Add the freshly ground pepper and
cooking it. Time to get your skills heat on high for about 30 seconds or until
on, and save some bucks for amazing you can smell the pepper.
tasting pasta! Step 2: Add half a ladle of pasta water and
cook on high, stirring constantly for about
Here are some quick and simple pasta 30-45 seconds.
recipes that you can whip up for dinner Step 3: In a small bowl, combine the cheese
even when you’re tired from work. Don’t with half a ladle of pasta water and stir to
mistake simple for bland, because while make a creamy lump-free sauce.
these are quick and easy, they are Step 4: Combine the pasta and the cheese
incredibly scrumptious! cream in the pan, tossing and stirring gently
CACIO E PEPE (CHEESE AND PEPPER) on low heat, adding pasta water if needed.
Ingredients: Step 5: When the creamy sauce has
1 ½ cups finely grated pecorino Romano thickened slightly, dust black pepper and
(plus more for dusting completed dish) cheese on top to finish.
1 cup finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
1 tablespoon ground black pepper Cacio e pepe may seem like an easy dish,
but it is a hard dish to master. However,
The classic way of making cacio e pepe is once you manage to master it, you will end
with tonnarelli, which is a thicker spaghetti up with an exquisite dish base which you
with a rougher surface so that the sauce can
stick to it, but spaghetti works fine too. If
you prefer, you can use just pecorino
cheese, which is cheese made from sheep’s
Meanwhile, Parmigiano-Reggiano is a
hard cheese made from cow’s milk and
aged at least 12 months, which is named
after the place it’s produced, in the
provinces of Reggio Emilia, Parma.
Getting proper hard cheeses and grating
them yourself is the key to making delicious
sauces. After buying a block, cut it with a
Cacio e pepe.
How to cook the perfect al-dente pasta
MALAYSIANS love our noodles, The pasta shouldn’t be hard ing boil is when you see large bub- extra water, just try to push the The reason you’re not
and that also includes pasta. but have a tiny amount of bles on the surface of the water) pasta into the water. supposed to pour it away is that
resistance when you bite into it, Step 2: If your pasta is the long Step 4: Turn off the heat but don’t pasta water is the key ingredient
When you think of pasta, and shouldn’t be so soft that it noodle type, hold them upright drain! Because you boiled it less to smooth, restaurant-level
many associate the dish with get all mushy and loses its 90° from the pot with the bottom than the recommended time, the sauces. Some of the most classic
Italian cuisine which is boiled texture, just like cooking our touching the pot before letting it pasta can continue cooking for a Italian pasta dishes, like cacio e
noodles combined with a type of Maggi mee. go. The noodles will fall evenly bit and soak up some of the water pepe and carbonara, depend on
sauce. Pasta generally refers to a into a circular shape, and you so you won’t end up with dry the starchy, binding power of
mixture of semolina (a flour So how do you get that much- should slowly push the noodles pasta. pasta water to make the sauce.
made from durum wheat), and desired al dente texture? The into the water as they soften with Like the use of tapioca starch in
water or eggs (or both), pressed golden rule is to always cook a pair of tongs, while twirling it in You might think that the pasta Chinese cooking, the principles
or formed by hand into various your pasta for less time than the one direction. water looks gross because it’s just are similar.
shapes and sizes and then either box calls for. Step 3: Set the timer for at least cloudy and salty water, but when
dried or kept fresh and pairing it Ingredients for 4 servings of pasta: three minutes less than the recom- you simmer noodles, they release By tossing the sauce with the
with a sauce. 500g of pasta (one single pack) mended maximum cook time, starch, giving the water that cooked pasta and pasta water,
2.5 litres of water depending on the type of pasta murky appearance. The amount the fats (cheese, butter, olive oil)
When cooking pasta, you’ve ½ tablespoon of salt you have on hand. If you see the of starch in the water depends on in the sauce react with the starch
probably seen the phrase “cook Step 1: Get a pot of water to a roll- water reducing, don’t add any your water-to-pasta ratio, so less in the cooking water, thickening
the pasta to al dente” as part of ing boil and salt the water. (A roll- water will mean starchier water. the sauce and making it stick to
the first steps. In Italian, al dente the pasta strands. – by Marietta
is translated as to the tooth, Mu
which means firm to the bite.
lemon. LEMON
1 lemon (zested)
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
5 large garlic cloves, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon red chilli flakes
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1 cup finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
How to cook:
Step 1: Combine the garlic, olive oil, 1
teaspoon salt, and red pepper flakes in a
pan, cooking over low heat. Stir
occasionally for about 8 minutes until the
garlic softens and almost turns golden.
Step 2: Add cheese, lemon, lemon zest,
parsley, and pasta, and pasta water if
needed. Adjust seasoning to taste and serve
with grated cheese on top.
2 cups fresh basil (large stems removed)
3 tablespoon cashew nuts
3 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoon lemon juice
4 tablespoon nutritional yeast
1/4 teaspoon sea salt (plus more to taste)
3 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
5 tablespoon water (plus more as needed)
can add other ingredients to transform into cooking fatty pieces of meat as the fat in How to cook:
different dishes. By adding guanciale, cheek them should render when simmering. If Step 1: Blend basil, cashew nuts, garlic,
bacon, or just bacon, you get pasta alla you’re looking for a halal version, you can lemon juice, nutritional yeast, and sea salt
gricia. By adding tomatoes to that dish, you just use smoked duck breast instead. in a food processor or small blender on high
will get pasta alla amatriciana. Instead of until loose paste forms.
tomatoes, adding eggs will give you Step 2: Slowly drizzle olive oil a little at a
carbonara. time and scrape down sides as needed.
Step 3: Add 1 tablespoon of water at a time
until the desired consistency is reached.
Look for a thick, but pourable sauce.
Step 4: Taste and adjust flavour as needed
by adding more nutritional yeast for a
cheesy flavour, salt for overall flavour, nuts
for butteriness, or lemon juice for acidity.
Step 5: Serve with pasta and drizzle some
extra nutritional yeast!
200g of guanciale/bacon
4 whole medium eggs
1 ½ cups finely grated pecorino Romano
(plus more for dusting completed dish)
Ground black pepper
How to cook:
Step 1: Cut the guanciale into small pieces
and simmer in a frying pan over medium
heat for about 2 or 3 minutes, while stirring
Step 2: Whisk the Pecorino Romano and
black pepper with the eggs.
Step 3: Place the pasta into the frying pan
with guanciale and cook over high heat
until the fat from the guanciale combines
with it.
Step 4: When they start sizzling, turn off the
heat and add in egg and cheese sauce,
tossing and stirring. Make sure you turn off
the heat so you don’t end up with
scrambled eggs. What you want is a creamy
Note that you don’t need extra oil when
THE skin is the largest can lead to
organ, overflowing with one of the
trillions of diverse most
microorganisms common
collectively known as the skin skin
microbiome. Some people might condition,
get grossed out from the thought of acne.
this, but most of these are harmless
or even beneficial to you.
Without knowing it, many of us
are actually destroying our skin’s
ecosystems by using harsh
cosmetic products on a daily basis,
including soap.
Our skin has its own unique
ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, and
viruses that impact how it
functions. A healthy or balanced
skin microbiome is like a diverse
rainforest. The more strains of
microorganisms coexist on the The bacteria war
skin, the healthier it is.
The modern lifestyle that we live
in has decreased our microbial
diversity, making us more
susceptible to dysbiosis associated
with chronic inflammatory skin
conditions, such as dryness, teenagers are more likely to get
overproduction of sebum, o Find out more about how to get acne. P. acnes is known to thrive in
breakouts, redness, and a robust skin microbiome areas with lots of sebum, as well as
inflammatory condition. a type of fungi called Malassezia,
This lifestyle which causes fungal acne. Fungal
includes the acne appears as small
changes in what Your skin microbiome’s better resident flora presence. pimples/bumps on your skin, often
we eat, being function The microorganisms in your along with itching.
over-hygienic, The skin’s microbiome Atopic dermatitis, also known as
the products we use, helps to fight infection, acts skin also alert your immune system eczema, is characterised by red,
and our reduced to harmful bacteria or viruses, flaky, itchy skin. It has been shown
exposure to nature, as part of your immune which helps you heal and control to present in people with an
which research has system work, heals harmful inflammation. increased amount of a certain type
shown has caused wounds, and controls Skin conditions and the of Staphylococcus aureus on their
the decline of inflammation. microbiome skin, as it is associated with low
bacterial Noninfectious skin diseases such bacterial diversity. A study has also
diversity The skin’s acid as atopic dermatitis, rosacea, found that other species of
compared to that mantle is a very fine, psoriasis, and acne are found to be Staphylococcus on the skin produce
of our ancestors. slightly acidic film on related to the skin’s microbiome, an antimicrobial compound that
the surface of your skin and damaged skin can cause inhibits the growth of S. aureus, and
that acts as a barrier to nonpathogenic bacteria to become that transplanting these bacteria
keep the millions of pathogenic, leading to the could have clinical benefits.
bacteria, viruses, and worsening of the skin condition. Just like all the other skin
environmental pollutants Acne vulgaris is a common skin conditions, the bacteria in the
at bay. condition caused by excessive underarm could also be the cause
Studies have shown that sebum production and of smelly armpits. That’s why some
skin with a pH below 5.0 inflammation of the skin, where people have also started using
showed statistically significant affected areas are typically bacterial treatment to balance out
less scaling, higher hydration colonised by Propionibacterium their microbiomes, such as
levels, and had
acnes. Although P. acnes is a ammonia-oxidising bacteria
normal microbiome found in (AOB), which are usually found in
every human, an excessive soil and water, to metabolise the
amount of it causes acne, bacteria in their armpits.
although only certain If you have an imbalance in your
strains are associated skin microbiome, you may need
with acne, while others extra help from your dermatologist
are with healthy skin. to get it back on track. That might
As puberty include oral drugs, creams, or gels
progresses, hormones to treat any resulting skin
stimulate sebum conditions. Some experts think
glands to make more probiotics may help with certain
sebum, leading to skin conditions and even found
pores clogging, that eczema improves with
which is why exposure to sunlight.
THE last seven years have The last seven years have been the hottest on record globally “by a clear
been the hottest on record margin”, the European Union’s climate monitoring service reported. – AFP
globally “by a clear margin”,
the European Union’s Seven years of fire
climate monitoring service reported
Monday, as it raised the alarm over oTheEUreleasedareportshowingthatthepastsevenyearswerethehottestonrecord,globally
sharp increases in record
concentrations of methane in the pinpoint why there had been such a Monitoring Service, which tracks quickest ways to wrestle down Atmospheric Science at Reading
atmosphere. strong increase in recent years, C3S greenhouse gas increases, said emissions. University.
said. observational evidence was crucial in
Countries around the world have the effort to avoid “climate At the COP26 climate summit last “We should see the record
been blasted by a relentless assault of Methane (CH4) is the gas most catastrophe”. year, around a hundred nations breaking 2021 events, such as the
weather disasters linked to global responsible for global warming after joined an initiative to cut methane heatwave in Canada and floods in
warming in recent years, including CO2. While more short-lived in the Reducing the amount of methane emissions by at least 30% this decade. Germany, as a punch in the face to
record-shattering wildfires across atmosphere, it is many times more seeping into the air would quickly Noticeably absent was China. make politicians and public alike
Australia and Siberia, a once-in- potent than CO2. translate into a slowdown of rising wake up to the urgency of the climate
1000-years heatwave in North temperatures, and help close the so- The oil and gas industry has the emergency,” he told the Science
America and extreme rainfall that Natural sources include wetlands, called emissions gap between the biggest potential for rapid reductions, Media Centre.
caused massive flooding in Asia, while human-induced sources are Paris Agreement target of a 1.5C cap especially through the detection and
Africa, the US and Europe. leaks from natural gas and oil on warming and the 2.7C we are repair of gas leaks during production “Moreover, the continued
production, coal mining and landfills, heading for even if all nations honour and transport. increases in greenhouse gas
In its latest annual assessment, the as well as rice paddies, livestock and their carbon-cutting promises. concentrations in the atmosphere
Copernicus Climate Change Service manure handling. While global warming may seem screams out that the underlying
(C3S) confirmed that 2021 had joined That has spurred interest from gradual, its impact on extreme events causes have yet to be addressed.” –
the unbroken warm streak since Vincent-Henri Peuch, Director of policymakers keen to find the is “dramatic”, said Rowan Sutton, of AFP
2015. the Copernicus Atmosphere Britain’s National Centre for
It found that last year was the fifth
warmest on record globally,
marginally warmer than 2015 and
2018. Accurate measurements go
back to the mid-19th century.
The annual average temperature
was 1.1 °C to 1.2 °C above pre-
industrial levels, measured between
1850 and 1900, C3S said.
That was despite the cooling effect
of the natural La Nina weather
Overall, the monitoring service
found the last seven years “have been
the warmest years on record by a
clear margin”.
“2021 was yet another year of
extreme temperatures with the
hottest summer in Europe, heatwaves
in the Mediterranean, not to mention
the unprecedented high
temperatures in North America,” said
C3S Director Carlo Buontempo.
“These events are a stark reminder
of the need to change our ways, take
decisive and effective steps toward a
sustainable society and work towards
reducing net carbon emissions.”
Methane surge
The C3S also monitored atmospheric
concentrations of the planet-
warming gases carbon dioxide and
methane, finding that both had
increased with no sign of a slowdown.
Methane particularly has gone up
“very substantially”, to an annual
record of about 1,876 parts per billion
Growth rates for 2020 and 2021
were 14.6 ppb per year and 16.3 ppb
per year, respectively. That is more
than double the average annual
growth rate seen over the previous 17
But an array of human-caused and
natural sources made it hard to
Air France-KLM adds biofuel surcharge to plane tickets
AIR France-KLM said Monday it would between €1 (RM4.75) and €4 (RM19) the world’s aircraft fleet.
add a surcharge of up to €12 (RM57.10) more while those in business class will In 2019, sustainable fuel represented
on its tickets to try to offset the cost of pay between €1.5 (RM7.15) and €12,
using more expensive sustainable depending on the distance to their less than 0.1% of the 360 billion litres of
destination, it said in a message to its fuel used by the aviation industry.
aviation fuel clients.
Air France said that the fuel Air France said it was confident that
levy would be added to Air France’s Dutch partner KLM and the cost of SAF would fall as more
tickets beginning from low-cost subsidiary Transavia will also European countries begin mass
Monday. implement the surcharge on flights producing them.
Travellers in departing from France and the
economy Netherlands, the company announced, On Thursday, the airline will start
class will adding that it replaces between 0.5% and offering passengers who are anxious to
pay 1% of the kerosene it uses with the reduce the carbon footprint of their flight
sustainable alternative. the chance to make a donation towards
Air France-KLM announced that it is raising ticket prices to offset the purchase of extra sustainable fuel.
part of the extra cost of using sustainable aviation fuel. – AFP Sustainable aviation fuel or SAF is
chiefly made from used cooking oil or Air France vowed that every euro
from forestry or agricultural waste. donated would be invested in SAF.
It allows airlines to reduce carbon Air traffic accounts for between 2.5%
emissions by 75% compared with and 3% of global carbon emissions. The
kerosene over the lifecycle of the fuel. industry aims to become carbon neutral
by 2050, both by investing in jets that
Jet fuel currently accounts for guzzle less kerosene and by using cleaner
between 20% and 30% of airlines’ costs. fuel.
Take-up of SAF, which is between four Under a new law that took effect in
and eight times more expensive, has been France on Jan 1, airlines refuelling in the
slow. country are required to use at least one
percent of sustainable fuel in their fuel
Current production levels fall far mix – a proportion set to increase to 2% in
below what would be required to power 2025 and 5% in 2030. – AFP
█ BY CELESTINE FOO Wonder-Fu year
at Sunway Malls
THIS Chinese New Year year, Sunway
Malls collectively launched its o 100 Blessings to mark a year filled with blessings
unifying theme of ‘100 blessings’ at
Sunway Velocity Mall. The ceremony Representative of Sunway Malls launching the campaign. – CELESTINE FOO/THESUN aSchcoeppeteePdayatnow
on Jan 7, 2022 kicked off with a welcome 7-Eleven outlets
speech by the Sunway Malls & Theme Parks Festive booths to restock on CNY goodies. Lion dance performance to look out for.
CEO H.C. Chan. – CELESTINE FOO/THESUN – CELESTINE FOO/THESUN 7-ELEVEN, the pioneer 24-hour convenience
store operator in Malaysia, now welcomes the
Sunway Malls representatives then rewarding experience. In lieu of recent times, dining experience worth up to RM500 ShopeePay mobile wallet at all its nationwide
officially launched the campaign by each there are significant safety measures in place, Sunway Carnival Mall (until Feb 20) outlets. The partnership between 7-Eleven
pressing a button to pull up a synchronised from social distancing procedures as well as 0Events and activities on Concourse level Malaysia and ShopeePay provides an added
image of a colourful, 30 foot-tall Chinese mandatory temperature scans and 0Shoppers can participate in the mall’s convenient, contactless and rewarding payment
symbol on the LED screens. Subsequently, a sanitisation in the individual malls. collaboration with PgCare Alliance to help option for patrons who are always on the go.
lion dance and Chinese drum performance Penangites affected by the pandemic by
were put on for members of the media. Below are the activities held at all Sunway purchasing a Reusable Jute Bag worth RM10 “The essence of 7-Eleven is to offer
Malls: Sunway Giza (until Feb 15) convenience to all our patrons. Aligned with the
Besides Chan, other Sunway Malls Sunway Pyramid (until Feb 13) 0God of prosperity photo opportunity increasing use of contactless payment methods
representatives in attendence were Sunway 0Shoppers who donate a minimum of RM10 0Lion dance performances, God of such as mobile wallets, our partnership with
Pyramid general manager Jason Chin, to their CSR partnership with Subang Jaya prosperity walkabout ShopeePay comes timely as we continuously
Sunway Velocity Mall senior general Beacon Community Ambulance will receive 0In collaboration with The Lost Food seek convenient methods for people to use their
manager Phang Sau Lian, Sunway Putra Mall a token of appreciation Project, there will be a hopeful food bank to preferred payment option at our outlets
general manager Danny Lee and Sunway Sunway Velocity Mall (until Feb 15) collect necessities for the underprivileged nationwide,” said 7-Eleven Malaysia’s general
Giza Mall centre manager Albert Cheok. 0Weekly lion dance, God of Fortune around Kota Damansara manager of marketing, Chin Hor Wai.
appearances, weekend performances Sunway Big Box & Sunway Citrine Hub
A number of on-ground activities were 0Instagram and Facebook photo contest (until Feb 20) Alain Yee, Head of ShopeePay said: “The
available for guests to participate in, namely 0Collaboration with The Lost Food Project 0Activities, lion dances, redemptions Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to a
Chinese calligraphy and paper cutting. There to distribute RM30,000 worth of food and 0In partnership with St. John Ambulance, all mindset shift, increasing the adoption of
was also the (Fu) Mari! Digital game for necessities to 100 families. shoppers will be entitled for a donation if contactless payments among Malaysians. With
everyone to play and collect their blessings Sunway Putra Mall (until Feb 20) they redeem an Angpau or a Bohemia Dining different payment options available, ShopeePay
from to be the top scorer on the leaderboard. 0Wonder-Fu room for photo opportunities set. is dedicated to not only providing a secure,
0Instagram contest for participants to win a seamless contactless payment method but at the
“In many ways, the adoption represents same time offer exciting rewards for users to
our collective hope, as well as our well- enjoy as they shop.”
wishes that the year of the Tiger will be filled
with an abundance of blessings for all. And Yee added that this partnership was also built
the deliverance will be amplified collectively on the acceptance of cash payments for Shopee
by our seven Sunway Malls carrying the same purchases at any 7-Eleven outlet, a feature
theme,” said Chan. available for unbanked and underserved users
across Malaysia.
Reflecting on the past, the Covid-19
pandemic and recent floods have caused In celebration of this partnership, from now
disruption to the lives of many families. to Jan 31, users can purchase vouchers for as low
Sunway Malls have decided to come together as 1 sen from the “Deals Near Me” feature, and
at Sunway Velocity Mall to share blessings be rewarded with RM1.50 cashback when they
with the community in light of recent events spend a minimum of RM2 and pay with
as the Chinese character ‘Fu’ is central to this ShopeePay at any 7-Eleven outlets nationwide.
year’s Chinese New Year theme.
Other than the cashback, users are also able
‘Fu’ carries the meaning of good fortune to purchase the 7-Eleven Slurpee and 7-Eleven
or blessing. There are 100 different Fu Anda ICM Mineral Water 600 ML at RM0.50 and
characters that symbolise health, love, RM0.60 respectively. For those interested in
fortune, family, and charity, among others. buying up ShopeePay Vouchers offering great
deals, visit
The ‘100 Blessings’ campaign personifies * Terms and conditions apply.
the essence of celebrating this festive season
with friends and family, filled with plenty of
blessings and giving back to the community
as an ongoing effort to do good. In 2022, we
celebrate the year of the Tiger, which many
correlate with strength and courage, and we
hope everyone embodies this spirit in the
upcoming year.
In an effort to encourage safe
celebrations, Sunway Malls have
incorporated an interactive Augmented
Reality (AR) digital element to the
celebration to bring the festive enjoyment
online to offline. Shoppers can scan the
unique QR code and create their own
customised Chinese New Year greeting to be
shared with loved ones.
The public can show their creativity with
the personalised greetings and are
encouraged to experiment with Sunway’s
Tiger Fun Filter to post on Facebook and
Instagram stores.
With exclusive redemption merchandise
and attractive prizes for all, the events and
activities at all Sunway malls promise to be a
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BELIEF LOYALTY TO KING TO achieve greater unity TO maintain a TO create a just society in which
IN GOD AND COUNTRY among Malaysians democratic way of life the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared
THE SUPREMACY OF THE RULE COURTESY AND TO ensure a liberal approach to her rich TO build a progressive society which shall be
THE CONSTITUTION OF LAW MORALITY and diverse cultural traditions oriented to modern science and technology
Stop illegal logging once and for all
COMMENT areas into human land use, more carbon Halting As the tree planting effort takes time, a Sarawak Forestry Policy – must be
dioxide (CO₂) will be released back into deforestation reduction in tree cover ultimately would launched for the restoration of deforested
by Jason Loh and AmandaYeo the atmosphere. or reducing the increase the likelihood of surface water lands;
rate of natural runoff, soil erosion, and a rise in river and 0 Total protection of the permanent
THE increased frequency of Subsequently, it would lead to forest loss will sea levels – leaving communities staying reserved forests by abolishing the
landslides and floods have had a excessive greenhouse gases (GHG) in the restore and in low-lying areas vulnerable to flooding. establishment of forest or monoculture
devastating toll on lives, atmosphere, contributing to a rise in the rebuild the The loss of trees also would cause the plantations in line with the call made by
livelihoods and the environment. global average temperature of about 1.1°C balance in the sloped lands to be more prone to SAM – going beyond the decision of the
While struggling to recover from the above the pre-industrial average. ecosystem, landslides. 79th National Land Council (Dec 2, 2021)
Covid-19 pandemic, society still has to and minimise to implement a 15-year moratorium;
deal with unexpected losses from Such a phenomenon is not new in the incidence When large amounts of debris from 0 Halting logging together with land and
environmental disasters. Malaysia. The Think City’s land and severity of trees, shrubs and wood waste flows to forest clearing activities in the tanah
temperature study indicated in March floods downstream rivers, it will eventually adat/pusaka (native customary lands) of
During the current northeast 2021 that a rise in temperature in urban destroy natural habitats and biodiversity the Orang Asli and of the bumiputras of
monsoon period, the National Disaster areas is associated with the phenomenon in the years to come. Sabah and Sarawak;
Management Agency (Nadma) revealed of urban heat island (UHI), the lack of
that Malaysia experienced 133 landslide greenery and global warming. EMIR Research would like the propose The Forest Management Certification
incidents in total. the following policy recommendations: under the Malaysian Timber Certification
As a result, five cities in Malaysia such 0 A temporary logging moratorium of Scheme (MTCS) should take into
As of Dec 31 last year Selangor as Ipoh, Johor Baru, Kuala Lumpur, Bayan one to two years (that can be renewed) – to consideration the preservation of the
recorded the most landslides (55 cases) Lepas and George Town recorded higher enable the Forestry Department Tanah Adat – consistent with the Selective
followed by Pahang (42), Negri Sembilan temperatures of between 1.64°C and Peninsular Malaysia and the respective Management System (SMS);
(17), Kuala Lumpur (eight), Sarawak (six) 6.75°C over the last few decades. state forestry departments in 0 Regular cleaning and desilting of rivers
and Terengganu (three). In that same collaboration with environmental NGO and restoration or preservation of natural
period, Malacca and Sabah recorded one Ipoh was among five cities witnessing such as Sahabat Alam Malaysia to embankments through soil rehabilitation
landslide incident respectively. the highest temperature increase of 6.75°C investigate companies involved in large- and planting activities;
within 21 years between November 1998 scale logging enterprises and determine 0 Clamp down on open online
In addition, eight Malaysian states and March 2019. Johor Baru recorded a the scale of exploitation and degradation. advertising of licenses (as recently
such as Kelantan, Terengganu, Selangor, peak temperature increase of 6.7°C in 13 reported in The Vibes, January 10, 2022)
Pahang, Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Johor years between May 2005 and May 2018. The logging moratorium will also allow by the Malaysian Communications and
and Sabah have been facing some of the for a review of the approvals of the Multimedia Commission (MCMC); and
worst flooding in living memory. In addition, Bayan Lepas and environmental impact assessment (EIA) 0 Full engagement with civil society and
Georgetown saw a temperature rise of by the Department of Environment, indigenous settlers that will improve
From the deadly incidents such as that 5.63°C and 6.37°C between February 1988 Environment and Water Ministry. multi-stakeholder participation, including
which occurred in the Tambun landslide, and February 2020. 0 Implementation of security measures – in the process of EIA approvals (logging,
floods in the Yan district and the ongoing under Part VIII of the National Forestry mining).
flooding in various states, the adverse Meanwhile, Kuala Lumpur only Act (1984) – to prevent illegal logging by
effects of climate change – more extreme recorded a peak temperature increase of systematic and regular use of drones, Transparency in decisions about forest
weather patterns than usual – are 1.64°C over 30 years between December remote sensing satellites, helicopters and compartment allocation needs to be
becoming more real and concerning. 1989 and October 2019. ground surveillance which must involve significantly improved and greater
the participation of the Orang Asli; protection accorded to the rights of
Some might wonder: Why have more Under Budget 2022, the aim is to plant indigenous peoples.
thunderstorms, heavy rainfalls, landslides 20 million trees a year under the 100 At the same time, there should be a
and floods, for instance, been happening million Tree Planting Campaign. dedicated command and control centre in During the moratorium period (as
during recent years? Nonetheless, it is arguable that this is still each of the regions or divisions within a proposed above), the government should
not adequate to compensate for the tree state manned by the state forestry engage independent subject matter
Aside from rising temperatures, the cover loss over the past few decades. department (under Part IV of the 1984 experts to study and evaluate the current
frequent occurrence of extreme weather Act) that is supported by and in state of affairs of logging nationwide.
events is associated with the human According to Global Forest Watch, coordination with the federal
activity of illegal logging, which eventually Malaysia has lost 8.39 million hectares enforcement division; The purpose is to come up with the
disrupts the whole ecosystem of how (Mha) of tree cover from 2001 to 2020, 0 Regular inspection and auditing to necessary recommendations and an
nature works. equivalent to a 29% decrease in tree cover ensure logging takes place in compliance action plan on sustainable logging.
since 2000 and 4.82Gt of CO₂e to the Forest Management System,
Illegal logging exists when timber is (equivalents) emissions. including the Tree Harvesting Plan, Forest Halting deforestation or reducing the
harvested, transported, processed, Operation Plan and Forest Engineering rate of natural forest loss will restore and
bought or sold in violation of national or Comparing Malaysian states, Sarawak Plan, and not least the EIA approval rebuild the balance in the ecosystem, and
sub-national laws. had the most tree cover loss at 3.04Mha, guidelines (on forestry); minimise the incidence and severity of
followed by Sabah (1.67Mha) and Pahang 0 Promote the production and use of floods that ultimately cause undesirable
It can also happen when forests are (1.15Mha) between 2001 and 2020. wood alternatives (such as hemp, wood societal disruptions and damage to
converted into agricultural plantations composites, i.e., combining wood with human life and property.
such as oil palm and rubber. While logging companies enjoy high- recycled materials, flax, etc.) as an Jason Loh and Amanda Yeo are part of the
powered support from and privileged alternative to timber;
However, when companies prioritise access to the state governments so as to 0 New reforestation campaigns – under research team of EMIR Research, an
profit over the environment they obtain lucrative earnings from chopping the Malaysian Forestry Policy and by independent think tank focused on
continuously cut down more trees to meet down more trees, this comes at the expense inclusion the Peninsular Malaysia
the increasing demand for timber, paper of disrupting the basic/economic Forestry Policy, Sabah Forestry Policy and strategic policy recommendations based
and derivative products, including livelihoods of the Orang Asli in the interior, on rigorous research. Comment:
packaging. who are highly dependent on the forest for [email protected]
their survival.
When individuals or for-profit
corporations convert more natural forest Furthermore, even fast-growing trees
will take at least three years to mature while
other species require eight years or more.
Hindsight is the new foresight
LETTERS flood waters – simply flowing into the oceans or Moving forward, how will corporate leaders considerable difference in resources required.
seeping back into the soil. address the critical questions in a business No doubt, millions have been spent.
[email protected] ecosystem that has increasingly been defined by
The challenge will be organising the crisis? However, when faced with the wrath of mother
THE current floods that have impacted various information into a meaningful framework. nature exacerbated by climate change, clearly
parts of the country have given rise to an The recent floods have seen an increasingly billions not millions will be required.
extensive commentary on the response cycles of For that penny dropping moment to take important role of the private sector.
various stakeholders. place, there needs to be a reference for the Retained organisational learning is the key to
narrative, a ground zero. Supply chains that deliver food, water, and unlocking the much-discussed resilience. This
It has in turn led to continued crisis essential items, in particular, are all in the hands will be required at the National Disaster
communications and statements in the media For the governments involved, state and of the private sector. Management Agency.
by agencies and ministries alike. This binary federal, this information framework needs to
approach to the discussion has also created a run the width of all ministries and agencies, then Therefore, they need to be recognised as a Imagine a repository of knowledge and talent
perceived “us and them” situation when in a it needs to be multiplied by the depth of an critical stakeholder; to be included at each step better enabled to coordinate and respond with
crisis of this nature there should only be “we”. analysis that includes an understanding of of the process from planning, rollout, all stakeholders – public and private,
litany, the social and systemic causes, the monitoring and review of each crisis. community and international.
Instead of being anxious about the ongoing impact of worldview and the myths that shape
commentary and flood of social media the metaphors that are deeply woven into As the collective conscious of the nation Looking forward, as we begin to wrestle with
comments, the government should now take the culture and history. grabs the preverbal elephant and as one of the 2022, better decisions within the sphere of crisis
opportunity to actively listen and embrace the three blindfolded men, there is a need to take a management will be gleamed at the intersection
process. Pioneered by Professor Sohail Inayatullah, step back and view the overall problem with of data science, applied foresight models,
Causal Layered Analysis is an approach and a open eyes. Each crisis is deeper and wider than deeper stakeholder understanding, behavioural
This is free business intelligence, especially if technique used in foresight to develop possible initially imagined. communications and meaningful resource
the business model is keeping people happy and and desired futures. allocation.
safe. The social media analysis shows, in the mind
While used in future studies, designing a of the public, that the line in the sand has Nordin Abdullah
Don’t let the critical data go the way of the desired future often sees its catalyst in the eye of shifted. It was once enough to “respond to crisis”. Founding Chairman
a crisis. As a way to design a desired future, it is a Now the new baseline is to “resolve a crisis”. Malaysia Global Business Forum
much-needed starting point.
Between responding and resolving is a
JANUARY 12, 2022
197201001092 (12738-U)
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Fax: 03-7785 2624/5
A Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad Email: [email protected]
Advertising Tel: 03-7784 8888
11/01/2022 Fax: 03-7784 4424
Participation Bought Sold Net Email: [email protected]
% RM m RM m RM m
48.5 Institutions 1291.0 1458.7 -167.7
30.0 Retail 850.6 854.9 -3.9
21.5 Foreign 695.5 524.9 171.6 7.48 26.08 256.08 57.00
100.0 2838.1 2838.1 0.0 14.12 19.32 28,222.48 48.83 0.66
KLCI STI 23,739.06 3,567.44 TSEC KOSPI 7,390.10
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 1,564.29 3,246.37 18,288.21 2,927.38
Source: Bursa Malaysia
KL MARKET SUMMARY Malaysia’s GDP projected
January 11, 2022 to expand 6.2% this year
INDICES 11,287.57 CHANGE +56.88
FBMKLCI 1,564.29 +14.12
CONSTRUCTION 153.81 -0.12
FINANCIAL SERVICES 16,177.13 +310.80
ENERGY 728.35 +4.60
HEALTH CARE 2,292.96 -44.23 o Standard Chartered
TRANSPORTATION 864.42 -3.20 economist cites
PROPERTY 710.05 +0.05 impressive vaccination
PLANTATION 6,768.62 +37.73 progress, internaland
FBMSHA 12,036.37 +9.73 external demand factors
FBMACE 6,616.67 -137.22
TECHNOLOGY 90.65 -2.59
4.153 BIL RM2.838 BIL
January 11, 2022 [email protected]
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s gross domestic On the whole, domestic demand should pick up on better job prospects and wage outlook,
AHB 136,047,500 29.0 +3.5 product (GDP) growth is projected at 6.2% says Standard Chartered. – BERNAMAPIX
DNEX 130,393,500 87.5 -1.0 in 2022, buoyed by its vaccination
MQTECH 120,553,700 11.5 -0.5 accomplishments, sustained external
AT 115,239,800 3.0 UNCH demand and a pick-up in domestic
SMTRACK 107,496,300 30.0 UNCH demand, according to Standard Chartered’s
Asean and South Asia chief economist,
5 TOP GAINERS Edward Lee. spurred the quest from alternative supply if there’s a very disruptive variant, the
January 11, 2022 side production sites. message is clear, it still poses the largest
He noted that the country’s growth last downside risk to everyone’s growth outlook.”
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM year was clearly disrupted as Malaysia’s GDP On the flip side, Lee expects domestic
NESTLE 38,800 133.80 1.40 expansion is estimated to be 14% behind the demand to play catch-up to the strong Apart from that, Lee sees persistent
HLFG 1,049,900 18.88 1.04 projected trend in the third quarter. performance demonstrated by external longer-than-expected inflation as another
HLBANK 2,921,700 19.90 0.70 demand in 2021, be it from production or downside risk as central banks would
PETDAG 134,700 19.66 0.60 Lee said the disruption translates into an trade. struggle with a balancing act, particularly in
ALLIANZ-PA 234,200 13.20 0.40 extremely favourable base effect, hence the advanced economies such as the United
6.2% growth projection for 2022. He opines that there is still more to do States, which have to tighten faster due to
5 TOP LOSERS although labour participation and the inflation. which would have implications on
January 11, 2022 Nonetheless, he lauded the country’s unemployment rate have improved, as the global financial conditions even as the
vaccination success that currently exceeds latter remains above the pre-pandemic level. Asean region tries to keep interest rates low.
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM 78% of the population, which translates into
MPI 780,200 46.56 1.34 a sustainable and confident economic “Real wage growth has also been He pointed out that this risk is very much
VITROX 355,000 18.30 0.82 reopening. somewhat slow but probably it’ll play catch- evident at the moment, as his team expects
KESM 33,900 12.22 0.38 up through the years.” two rate increases from the US Federal
GREATEC 8,828,700 5.88 0.33 In regard to external demand, the chief Reserve, a 25-basis point (bps) hike in
UWC 3,797,900 5.42 0.28 economist believes that Malaysia stands On the whole, he said, global reopening March and another in September to tackle
among the economies that have benefited should sustain external demand and the rise in the core price index excluding
EXCHANGE RATES JANUARY 11, 2022 strongly from the supply side disruption, domestic demand should pick up on better food and energy. There is also a risk of more
which will serve as another growth driver in job prospects and wage outlook. rate increases based on the Fed’s messaging.
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy 2022.
However, Lee holds a cautious view on a Goldman Sach recently projected four
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD “FDI interest is really very strong, as you rebound in tourism, noting that it depends 25bps rate increases by the Fed this year on
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.2625 4.1375 4.1275 can see from the numbers particularly in on the reopening of international borders. labour market data and inflation targets.
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.0790 2.9570 2.9410 electric & electronics (E&E) sector,” Lee told
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1440 3.0530 3.0450 the media during Standard Chartered’s H1 Conversely, he conceded the emergence Last month, the Bank of England
1 EURO 3.3610 3.2720 3.2600 2022 Global & Malaysia Outlook “Still of a disruptive Covid-19 variant would be a emerged as the first major central bank to
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.8390 4.6820 4.6620 Battling Headwinds” yesterday. key downside risk to growth for the raise borrowing costs, lifting its key rate by
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.8970 2.7910 2.7750 Malaysian and global economies. 15bps, on inflation concerns.
1 STERLING POUND 3.1440 3.0530 3.0450 He pointed out the domestic supply
1 SWISS FRANC 5.7980 5.6170 5.5970 chain has been highly efficient in the face of “Our key assumption is a smoother year
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.5860 4.4810 4.4660 disruption over the last two to three years, in terms of Covid-19 situation. Quite clearly
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 117.4300 111.3500 111.1500 not only from the pandemic but also from
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.0510 4.7310 4.5310 the US-China geopolitical risk which has
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 66.8000 64.2000
100 INDIAN RUPEE 55.2700 52.5300 N/A BNM appoints Lim Chee Sing as external
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.8500 5.4900 52.3300 member of Monetary Policy Committee
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0308 0.0279 5.2900
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.7050 3.5900 0.0229 PETALING JAYA: Bank Negara Research Institute. Malaysia Act 2009 (CBA), the MPC
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.5000 3.5800 Malaysia (BNM) has appointed Lim, an economist by training, is responsible for formulating
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.4600 N/A Lim Chee Sing (pix) as an external monetary policy and deciding on
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.4500 2.3000 N/A member of the Monetary Policy began his career with the central policies for the conduct of
100 SAUDI RIYAL 118.3900 7.9600 2.1000 Committee (MPC). bank in 1981, where he worked for monetary policy operations. The
100THAI BAHT 114.8400 112.3900 7.7600 close to 11 years. He then joined CBA also sets out the process for
13.2700 109.0200 112.1900 The appointment is for a RHB Research Institute as its appointing members to the MPC.
11.7600 108.8200 two-year term, effective Jan regional economist and was
11.3600 subsequently promoted to head of Members of the MPC include
1, 2022. research. Lim holds an MBA and a BNM governor Tan Sri Nor
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama Lim served as RHB Bachelor’s degree in economics Shamsiah Mohd Yunus, deputy
from the University of Malaya. governor Datuk Abdul Rasheed
Research Institute Sdn Ghaffour, deputy governor Jessica
Bhd executive director BNM also announced that Chew Cheng Lian, deputy
and chairman from 2013 Datuk Dr Gan Wee Beng will step governor Marzunisham Omar,
until 2017. He was also down from his current position as assistant governor Norzila Abdul
RHB Banking Group external member of the MPC on Aziz, assistant governor Dr
chief economist and an April 1, 2022. He has been on the Norhana Endut, Gan (until April 1,
MPC since April 1, 2019. 2022), Nor Zahidi Alias and Lim.
equity market strategist
for the Malaysian Under the Central Bank of
market for RHB
KUALA LUMPIR: Pharmaniaga Bhd’s EPF rakes in RM48b gross
wholly owned subsidiary Pharmaniaga investment income for 9M’21
Logistics Sdn Bhd (PLSB) has received a
letter from the Health Ministry (MOH) o On-going recovery of equities in developed economies Konvensional is generated by a share of both the
dated Jan 6, 2022, giving it an amid heightened volatility has given pension fund a chance to shariah and conventional portfolios.
extension for its services in supplying capitalise additional gains
medicines and medical supplies to On the outlook for the rest of the year, EPF
MoH facilities for a period of 10 years. In PETALING JAYA: The Employees Provident billion for 9M’21 compared to RM38.14 billion said the post-lockdown recovery continues to
a filing with Bursa Malaysia yesterday, Fund (EPF) recorded RM48.02 billion total gross for 9M’20. grow although at a slower pace, despite
the company said that the scope of investment income for the nine months ended continuing concerns on the monetary policy
services to be provided by PLSB was Sept 30, 2021 (9M’21), an increase of 7.7% or Investments in fixed income instruments and inflation outlook. Risks to Malaysia’s
similar to the terms stipulated in the RM3.42 billion compared to the RM44.6 billion contributed RM5 billion, or 36% to Q3’21 gross economic growth outlook remain tilted to the
concession agreement dated March 16, recorded for the same period in 2020. investment income, which was lower than the downside on external and domestic factors
2011. – Bernama RM8.18 billion income generated in Q3’20 due amid lingering Covid-19 concerns.
Total gross investment income for the third to lower trading gains. This is in line with the
GENETEC INKS MOU FOR quarter ended Sept 30, 2021 (Q3’21) amounted higher market yield in Q3’21 compared to the “The emergence of new vaccine-resistant
POSSIBLE JV IN THAILAND to RM13.97 billion, lower than the RM17.33 same period last year. variants of the Covid-19 virus is one of the key
billion recorded in the corresponding quarter in downside risks to economic growth and market
PETALING JAYA: Genetec Technology 2020. “Continued inflationary pressure and recovery. Concerns over inflation and the
Bhd has entered into a memorandum of aggressive shifts from central banks had led tightening of monetary policy will continue to
understanding (MoU) with Asia CEO Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan said yields to increase during the quarter amid rising cause uncertainty and volatility in both the
Precision Public Company Ltd to jointly Q3’21 has been volatile for equities in both the expectations for monetary policy tightening. equity and bond markets.
develop a factory automation for domestic and emerging markets, largely caused The environment of increasing bond yields has
energy storage system business in by the concerns surrounding rising inflation and not just impacted bond markets but created “Despite the challenging and unprecedented
Thailand. According to the group’s Bursa interest rates. unease in equities as well,” said Amir Hamzah. times, the EPF is hopeful of seeing market
filing, the collaboration includes sentiments improving in the near future. As a
research & development, technology “On the other hand, the continued recovery Real estate and infrastructure, as well as long-term fund, we remain committed and
exchange as well as any other business of equities in developed economies amidst the money market instruments, contributed guided by our Strategic Asset Allocation that
activity subject to mutual agreement. heightened volatility has provided EPF the RM1.18 billion and RM290 million respectively. helps us to ride out volatilities while taking
The two have agreed to conduct a opportunity to capitalise additional gains.” advantage of the declines in valuations of
feasibility study in relation to the project As at September 2021, the EPF investment fundamentally strong assets,” said Amir
and the most appropriate structure and Equities continued to be the main income assets stood at RM988.55 billion, of which 36% Hamzah.
details relating to its execution as well as contributor, accounting for 54% of total gross was put into overseas investments. The EPF’s
exchanging any information required to investment income at RM7.5 billion. As part of diversification in different asset classes, markets He added that the reopening of the
do so facilitated by a mutual non- its internal policy and a prudent measure to and currencies continue to provide income Malaysian economy is expected to support
disclosure agreement. ensure a healthy portfolio, RM110 million was stability and add value to EPF’s overall returns. gradual recovery well into 2022, and in tandem,
written down for listed equities during the In Q3’21, the EPF’s overseas investments the EPF would accelerate its efforts to help
FBEV, PERNAS TO CATALYSE quarter compared to RM130 million in the generated RM8.1 billion in income, members rebuild their retirement savings as
F&B, FRANCHISE INDUSTRY corresponding period last year. After taking into representing 58% of the total gross investment well as cast its social safety net wider by
account the cost write down, RM13.86 billion of income recorded. coordinating closely with the government and
PETALING JAYA: Food and beverage net investment income was recorded for Q3’21. relevant agencies.
(F&B) mergers and acquisitions A total of RM1.4 billion out of the RM13.97
company FBE Ventures (FBEV) has inked Cumulatively, RM350 million was written billion gross investment income was generated “One of the big ticket items for the EPF
a partnership with Perbadanan Nasional down for listed equities, down from RM6.46 for Simpanan Shariah, and RM12.57 billion for further into 2022 is to refresh our mandate to
Bhd (Pernas) to further catalyse the billion for the same period in 2020 on the back of Simpanan Konvensional. Simpanan Shariah remain relevant to more Malaysians in the
growth of Malaysia’s F&B and franchise continued recovery in the global equity market, derives its income solely from its portion of the informal sector as well as contract for service
industry to help local brands tap into the resulting in net investment income of RM47.67 shariah portfolio while income for Simpanan workers, which now form the majority of the
Asia Pacific F&B eating-out industry. country’s labour force. This is important as we
FBEV looks to work collaboratively with need to ensure that they have access to at least a
local F&B owners while acquiring a minimum standard of living, even during
majority stake in their brands to unprecedented times.”
institutionalise the operations and grow
their brands organically through a
franchising model as well as via FBEV’s
own multi-brand virtual food hall and
delivery kitchens.
HSBC sees Malaysian economy
posting ‘quite strong’ recovery
The new 260,000 sq ft warehouse is fitted with a range of innovative technological equipment that is KUALA LUMPUR: HSBC expects the remain expansionary in 2022 with a budget
capable of processing over 400,000 parcels daily from all over the country. economic recovery in Malaysia to be quite deficit target of 6% of GDP, compared with a
strong this year, with the gross domestic targeted deficit of 6.5% in 2021.
Ninja Van M’sia unveils its largest warehouse product (GDP) set to expand 5.6% despite
the impact of the recent floods in the On the external front, Fan Cheuk Wan,
PETALING JAYA: Express logistics company compared to 2020 due to the accelerated rise in country. the bank’s managing director and chief
Ninja Van Malaysia has unveiled its biggest e-commerce by both shippers and customers. investment officer, expects global economic
warehouse located in Shah Alam. James Cheo, chief investment officer for growth and earnings to moderate but
The new warehouse has a range of innovative Southeast Asia at HSBC Global Private remain respectable in the mid-cycle phase
Spanning across 260,000 sq ft, this new technological equipment that is capable of Banking and Wealth, said key drivers to the this year.
warehouse is in line with the company’s processing over 400,000 parcels daily from all nation’s growth would be a higher
expansion plan to future-proof its volume over the country. This figure more than doubles consumption level, an influx of She said global interest rates should
growth trajectory and better support the growth during peak periods. infrastructure spending that has been on remain well below normal despite faster
of local SME and businesses. hold for the last two years, as well as buoyant tapering and rate hikes by the US Federal
To keep up with the demands of e- foreign direct investment. Reserve (US Fed), extending the “low but
“At Ninja Van Malaysia, we are constantly commerce, Ninja Van Malaysia has invested in volatile” rate environment.
innovating and developing better infrastructure technological equipment such as the DWS He also believes that many companies
for increased speed and efficiency. Equipped (Dimension Weighing and Scanning) machines would resume their expansion activities this “We expect that inflation will come down
with the latest sorting technology and used for inbound scanning and taking accurate year as their plans had been held back the some time in 2022 and the five rate hikes
equipment, our new warehouse is in line with measurements of the weight and dimensions of last two years due to the pandemic. that we expect from the US Fed between
our plans to deliver delight and speed to parcels, as well as automated rollers and March 2022 and September 2023 are still
customers. This is why we’ve also recently conveyors. For the sorting process, warehouse “It’s very likely that this year will be the slower than what we have seen in the
started our seven-day operations schedule employees utilise a multipurpose mobile year in which companies will start to invest previous US tightening cycles,” she said.
across the country,” said Ninja Van Malaysia scanner. and grow their operations, especially with “This should remain supportive of our risk-
CEO Adzim Halim in a statement yesterday. the huge long term prospects for Southeast on strategy with overweight allocation to
“Our warehouse currently operates in a Asia,” he said yesterday during a virtual global equities and preference for US,
Ninja Van Malaysia continues to see a hybrid manual-automated mode, which is media briefing on HSBC’s Investment European and Asian equities.”
healthy growth in the number of parcel volumes reflective of the National 4IR Policy and the Outlook 2022. “I think the pillar of growth for
since its inception in 2015. In 2021, the company Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint,” said Malaysia is going to be largely consumption, Meanwhile, Cheo said Southeast Asia
observed a 98% increase in parcel volume as Adzim. investment, and support from the (SEA) is expected to experience a growth
manufacturing sector which will still be very spurt, growing by 5.2% this year compared
robust.” with a mere 3.6% last year and this would
boost company earnings growth to 12.3%.
Cheo expects the inflationary pressure to
be a little bit lower this year, at around 2.1%, “The game changer for SEA is the
and that would lead to Bank Negara Malaysia implementation of the Regional
being very gradual in its tightening monetary Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the
stance in the second half of the year. world‘s largest free trade agreement, which
will bring deeper trade and investment
“Perhaps they are looking at 50 basis integration for the region.
points increase (in the overnight policy rate)
this year,” he said, adding that the central “With the reopening of borders,
bank could have policy buffer in light of consumption for SEA is expected to recover
Omicron. strongly this year with tourism the wild card.
Investors should not ignore Southeast Asia
He said the fiscal policy would likely in 2022,“ he said. – Bernama
Indonesia considers coal levy as easing of export ban calms markets
JAKARTA: Chinese thermal coal the Philippines called for the measure Indonesian coal from Chinese power scraps the ban, it will do so gradually market prices.
futures fell yesterday after Indonesia, to be eased. plants,” said one China-based trader, as it considers how the resumption Under one possible scenario,
the world’s biggest thermal coal adding that some may turn to affects compliance with so-called
exporter, eased a ban on overseas Late on Monday, Indonesia Russian coal as an alternative. Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) miners would pay a levy based on
shipments that surprised buyers at agreed for 14 coal vessels to depart as rules, Coordinating Minister of output that would be evaluated
the start of the year, alleviating soon as they got permits from The transport ministry had not Maritime and Investment Affairs periodically depending on the gap
concerns about supply disruptions. authorities. To ensure PLN does not allowed any export-bound ship with Luhut Pandjaitan said on Monday. between market prices and the US$70
run low on coal again, the coal to leave ports as of yesterday threshold, according to an official
The export ban was introduced government is discussing new morning as it awaited a directive from Under the DMO, miners are document reviewed by Reuters.
after state power utility Perusahaan procurement policies, including a the energy ministry, Mugen Suprihatin required to sell 25% of output to the
Listrik Negara (PLN) reported levy system for miners. Sartoto, the director of sea transport at local market at a maximum price of The document puts the potential
critically low coal stockpiles amid the transport ministry told Reuters. US$70 (RM293) a tonne for domestic levy at US$3.87 a tonne, which could
complaints miners were not fulfilling The ban, which came into force on power plants. provide an estimated US$2.5 billion
their responsibilities to supply fuel to Jan 1, triggered a rally in Australian and There are currently around 120 to help PLN procure coal over a year.
the company. Driven by concerns Chinese coal prices last week. However, vessels either loading or waiting to Luhut said the government is
about the impact to their economies Chinese thermal coal futures fell more load off Indonesian’s coal ports in mulling a formula that would make The government also planned to
which depend on coal-fired power than 3% to 685 yuan (RM450.87) Kalimantan, Refinitiv data shows. miners pay a levy to a government dissolve PLN’s coal procurement
generation, Japan, South Korea and yesteday in reaction to the relaxation. agency, which will use the revenue to unit, PLN Batubara, so PLN can deal
The Indonesian government will help PLN pay for its coal needs at directly with miners and not go
“There is still demand for conduct a review today and if it fully through traders, Luhut said. – Reuters
Tokyo bourse to keep most BRIEFS GLOOMY OUTLOOK FOR
companies in ‘prime’ market GLOBAL RECOVERY,
o Exchange to toughen
listing criteria for the top tier LONDON: Only one in 10 World
in overhaul Economic Forum (WEF) members
surveyed expects the global recovery to
TOKYO: Nearly 85% of the companies listed on The TSE will reshuffle its four existing markets into three, designated as ‘prime’, ‘standard’ and ‘growth’. accelerate over the next three years, a
the top section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange - REUTERSPIX poll of nearly 1,000 business,
(TSE) will be permitted on its new “prime” government and academic leaders
market in an April rebranding, the bourse said meet the criteria was “higher than we The bourse’s overhaul is part of a long policy found, with only one in six optimistic
yesterday, potentially diluting its goal of expected,” said Keiichi Ito, SMBC Nikko drive begun under former prime minister Shinzo about the world outlook. Climate
creating a more prestigious main board. Securities’ chief quants analyst. Abe to win foreign investors back to Tokyo’s change was seen as the number one
market, which Japan fears is increasingly danger by respondents in the WEF’s
In Japan’s biggest overhaul of its equity But Ito said the reform will prompt overlooked by global institutional asset managers. annual risks report yesterday, while
markets in a decade, the TSE will adopt companies to unwind cross-shareholdings, the erosion of social cohesion, livelihood
tougher listing criteria for its top category, common practice in Japan where companies In the April 4 reorganisation, the exchange crises and mental health deterioration
hoping to highlight companies with strong take stakes in partners to cement relationships. will reshuffle its four existing markets into were identified as risks which had
profitability whose governance meets global three, designated as “prime”, “standard” and increased the most since the start of the
standards, with the aim of luring more foreign “This is positive from corporate governance “growth”. – Reuters Covid-19 pandemic. – Reuters
investors. perspectives,” he said.
Of 2,185 firms now listed on the main STAKE IN DEBT-LADEN
exchange, 1,841 have chosen the prime VODAFONE SUBSIDIARY
market, but 296 firms have not met the criteria,
said the TSE, which is owned by Japan MUMBAI: The Indian government has
Exchange Group Inc. agreed to forgo US$2.1 billion (RM8.8
billion) in interest payments and instead
Companies that fall short of the new rules become the largest shareholder in
can still stay on the prime market in an British telecoms giant Vodafone’s local
unspecified transition period by submitting unit Vi, the company said yesterday. With
improvement plans, a provision some the British parent company refusing to
investors say waters down the reshuffle. inject more money, Vi – which September
data shows is squashed under 1.94 trillion
Stricter rules for liquidity – market rupees (RM110 billion) of debt – found
capitalisation in tradable shares of at least ¥10 itself unable to pay some interest owed
billion (RM363.6 million) with a tradable share on spectrum fees and other dues. New
ratio of 35% or more – are especially tough for Delhi agreed after protracted
small cap firms or those largely owned by negotiations to allow Vi and other
parent companies or business partners. telecom companies to convert what they
owed into equity, in addition to a four-
The number of firms that have failed to year moratorium on payments. – AFP
LG Energy Solution’s IPO attracts around US$80b in bids SHIMAO: NO DEAL YET TO
SYDNEY: South Korean battery maker LG Potential investors were told yesterday batteries to Tesla Inc and General Motors Co TALKS TO SELL SOME ASSETS
Energy Solution’s (LGES) US$10.7 billion there was no price sensitivity in the order book, among others.
(RM44.86 billion) initial public offering (IPO) which was already multiple times HONG KONG: Cash-strapped Chinese
has received bids worth around US$80 billion oversubscribed, said a third source, also with The IPO could take the company’s value to property developer Shimao Group
from institutional investors, two sources with direct knowledge of the deal. as much as 70.2 trillion won (RM246.8 billion), Holdings yesterday denied a media
direct knowledge of the deal said. which would make it South Korea’s third- report that it has entered into a
The sources could not be named as the biggest listed company after Samsung preliminary agreement to sell a
The book for the offering, which is the information was not yet public. Electronics Co Ltd and SK Hynix Inc. Shanghai plaza, but said it was in talks
largest ever in South Korea, will close today with potential buyers to sell some
with deal pricing set for Friday. At US$80 billion, demand is about 13 times Reuters reported in December it was likely properties. In a filing to the stock
more than the US$6 billion on offer to LGES would price its shares at the top of the exchange, Shimao denied a report over
“We are getting the sense that demand has institutions, according to the company’s range. the weekend by financial publication
been good, but we cannot confirm or regulatory filings for the IPO. Caixin saying that it had struck a
comment on the specific figures,” a spokesman The price range was set at 257,000 won to preliminary deal to sell its Shimao
for LGES said in a statement. LGES is LG Chem Ltd’s wholly owned 300,000 won apiece when the deal was International Plaza Shanghai to a state-
battery subsidiary and supplies electric vehicle launched last week. – Reuters owned company for more than 10
billion yuan. But company did say that it
Singapore Airlines hires banks to explore US dollar bond issue “may consider disposing of certain
properties if the terms and conditions
SYDNEY: Singapore Airlines is aiming to raise emailed response to Reuters, that it had the bonds can only be purchased by investors are appropriate in order to reduce the
US$500 million to US$750 million (RM2.09 mandated Citigroup Inc and DBS to lead the outside of the United States. indebtedness of the group”. – Reuters
billion to RM3.14 billion) in a US dollar bond transaction, and BNP Paribas as well as
deal, two sources with direct knowledge of the Standard Chartered to be book runners. If the deal proceeds, it will be the second FED VICE CHAIR TO EXIT
matter told Reuters on condition of anonymity dollar bond that Singapore Airlines has issued BEFORE TERM ENDS
as the information was not yet public. “If we go ahead with the bond issuance, the after its first transaction of the kind raised $500
Singapore Airlines confirmed it had hired proceeds will be used for general purposes million in January last year. NEW YORK: Federal Reserve vice chair
banks to explore a deal, without commenting including capital expenditure and refinancing Richard Clarida announced on Monday
on its potential size. The airline said, in an of existing borrowings,” it said in the statement. Travel-related deals remain popular among he will exit the US central bank early fol-
investors, despite the Covid-19 pandemic still lowing questions over his equity trad-
The deal is classified as Reg S, which means taking a heavy toll on the industry. – Reuters ing activity early in the Covid-19 pan-
demic. Clarida, whose term on the
Board of Governors was set to expire on
Jan 31, will instead resign on Jan 14. He
gave no explanation for the accelerated
departure. Clarida faced heightened
scrutiny after reports last week that he
undertook additional stock fund trades
in February 2020 that appeared to con-
tradict earlier explanations about his
trading activities. – AFP
‘Small step
forward’ PridebackinEngland
296 Others 302 Jobs team, says skipper Root
Your intelligence JOE Root (pix) claimed England’s
WE ARE HIRING dramatic draw in Sydney had restored these five days has done that in a small
in using 4D Timing pride in his team and represented “a way. We never make it easy for ourselves
System make you Manager – Finance and HR small step forward” after their Ashes do we?
really attractive! disappointment.
If you are serious Job Description: “It would have been nice if all the work
had been done by the top order, as you
to win, visit: • To handle full set of accounts following accounting principles, compliance with Root’s side batted for the entire fifth day always want, but it doesn’t seem to fall like applicable standards and regulations. at the SCG, clinging on by the skin of their that.
teeth as they finished on 270 for nine with “We found a way to get it done today
012-673 2867 • Prepare & oversee full spectrum of accounting, month-end closing, year-end last man James Anderson arriving at the and it was very much a team effort.”
012-239 2775 closing, audit schedules, tax, stock control, etc. crease to see off the final over of the match. Root was desperate not to add a 5-0
While the urn was already lost after defeat to his CV as well as a second series
Bay Inspire Enterprise • Responsible for management, statutory and group reporting requirements. three hefty defeats over 12 depressing days loss Down Under, and that is now off the
(Co. No. 001583071-M) • Responsible for finding solutions and resolving daily operational issues if any. of action, this was a much-needed show table, meaning no repeat of the 2006/07
• Responsible for the development of business plans, budget and cash flow of resilience from a side that had been and 2013/14 nadirs.
322 Notices widely tipped to capitulate 5-0. When England were bowled out for a
forecast. “It’s a small step forward. dismal 68 on the third morning of the
322 Notices • Periodically review financial reports and identify opportunities for cost reduction. Coming into the game I spoke a Boxing Day Test, no
• Ensure internal control and accounting control procedures are in place. lot about putting pride back into such salvation
DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI • Administer credit control and debt collection. English cricket and seemed possible.
MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM • Responsible for Finance audit and tax matters. “It’s hugely
• Oversee the recruitment and selection process to attract, recruit and retain important, especially
DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR on the back of the
DARUL EHSAN , MALAYSIA talents. previous Test which was a really
PENGGULUNGAN SYARIKAT-SYARIKAT • To manage payroll system, staff benefit, yearly performance and appraisal. dark day for English Test cricket,” he said.
NO. BA-28NCC-616-12/2021 • Develop, design & implement of HR policies to support the company business “It would have been easy to roll over
Dalam perkara AGRI ASIA REFINERY SDN into and feel sorry for ourselves. The guys were
BHD (No. Syarikat:840634-P) objectives and compliance with law and regulatory. our Test trying to put some pride back in the badge
• To handle disciplinary matter including staffs counselling, grievances handling, performances,” and show how much they care about
Dan Root said. playing for England.
Dalam perkara Seksyen 465 (1) (e) and domestic inquires & termination process & other industrial relation procedures in “I think the “We didn’t win the Test match and were
Seksyen 466 (1) (a) Akta Syarikat 2016 compliances with local Labour Law. fight and the a very long way behind the game, but we
• To handle standard HR letters, documents, memorandums and other desire and the found a way to get a draw and that shows
ANTARA correspondences, such as warning letters, appointment letters, confirmation c h a r a c t e r the character, the pride and the desire the
NASH GARSON RESOURCES (M) SDN.BHD. letters and related correspondence as requested. s h o w n guys feel when they put on an England
(NO. SYARIKAT : 654708-H) • Other administration duties where required and part of the scope. here in shirt.” – The Independent
• Any other duties as assigned by the superior/ management from time to time.
… PEMPETISYEN Taylor bows out in style
DAN Requirements:
AGRI ASIA REFINERY SDN BHD ROSS Taylor called it “a great way to finish” inside three days.
(NO. SYARIKAT : 200801039286 • Candidate must process at least Professional or Degree in Finance / as the New Zealand batting great bowed Kyle Jamieson (4-82) and Neil Wagner
(840634-P)) Accountancy or equivalent. out of Test cricket yesterday as a bowling
hero. (3-77) claimed the bulk of the Bangladesh
… RESPONDEN • At least 5 Year(s) managerial / supervising of working experience in audit, wickets.
IKLAN PETISYEN financial accounting and HR. The 37-year-old took the last
NOTIS ADALAH DENGAN INI DIBERI bahawa Bangladesh wicket to ensure New Zealand With Bangladesh nine down, and the
suatu Petisyen untuk penggulungan • Familiar with Accpac, ERP Accounting & HR software would be an added won the second Test in Christchurch and Hagley Oval crowd roaring for him to have
Syarikat yang dinamakan di atas oleh advantage. drew the series. a bowl, Taylor had Ebadot Hossain caught
Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam telah pada by skipper Tom Latham.
08/12/2021 dikemukakan oleh NASH • Computer literate and knowledgeable of Ms Excel, Word & Power Point. Bangladesh, made to follow on after
GARSON RESOURCES (M) SDN.BHD. (NO. • Good command of written and spoken in English. Proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia being bundled out for 126 in reply to New “It was a great way to finish,“ he said.
SYARIKAT : 654708-H). Zealand’s first innings total of 521-6 “Tim (Southee) kept telling me to chuck
DAN bahawa Petisyen tersebut diarahkan & Mandarin will be an added advantage. declared, managed 278 in their second it up so I chucked it up. Tom said it was the
supaya dibicarakan di hadapan innings to lose by an innings and 117 runs most pressure he felt in the whole game.”
Mahkamah yang bersidang di Shah Alam Senior Executive – Digital Marketing Latham said he was aware of the crowd
pada pukul 9 pagi, pada 07/03/2022. 322 Notices 322 Notices wanting Taylor to bowl but it was the
DAN mana-mana pihak pemiutang atau Job Description: umpires who forced the decision when
penyumbang Syarikat tersebut yang ingin TACA GROUP SDN. BHD. IN THE MATTER OF THE they said the light had faded too much to
menyokong atau menentang sesuatu • Design and develop online marketing strategies, digital roadmap, creative (Company No.: 201901008728 COMPANIES ACT, 2016 allow any more fast bowling.
perintah mengikut Petisyen tersebut campaigns that aligned with the business goals and directions. “I guess the way it worked out couldn’t
boleh hadir dengan tujuan itu secara (1318056-U)) AND have been scripted,“ Latham said.
peribadi atau melalui peguambelanya • Provide creative ideas for content marketing. (In Members’ Voluntary IN THE MATTER OF “To grab (the catch) and sign off a Test
pada masa perbicaraan. Salinan Petisyen • Plan and manage our social media platforms. CITA DIKARI SDN. BHD. like that and for Ross to have another Test
tersebut akan dibekalkan oleh pihak • Able to create content & produce graphics for social media postings. Winding-Up) Registration No: wicket under his belt was pretty special. It
yang bertandatangan di bawah ini • Prepare copywriting for marketing campaign. NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING 200401035152 (673661-P) was a massive Test for Ross, this one.” –
kepada mana-mana pemiutang atau NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN (IN MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY AFP/Reuters
penyumbang Syarikat tersebut yang Requirements: pursuant to Section 459 (1)(a) of
memintanya dengan membuat bayaran the Companies Act, 2016 that a WINDING UP) Billings ‘100%
yang ditetapkan. • Diploma/Degree in Marketing, Digital Marketing or equivalent. Final Meeting of the members of NOTICE OF ready’ if needed
Alamat Pempetisyen ialah di No.23-1, • Excellent understanding of digital marketing concepts and best practices. the above-named Company will
Jalan Delima 18/KS9, Bandar Parklands, • Required Skill(s): Google Adwords, Google Analytics, SEO/SEM, Social media be held at its registered office FINAL GENERAL MEETING WICKETKEEPER-BATSMAN Sam Billings
41200, Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. situated at No. 31-3, Jalan Tasik NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said he is “100% ready” to make his Test
Peguamcara Pempetisyen ialah Tetuan marketing and optimization. Selatan 3, Metro Centre, Bandar in pursuant to Section 459(2) debut if he gets the nod for the final Ashes
Mohan Kumar yang beralamat di Unit 6D Tasik Selatan, 57000 Kuala of the Companies Act, 2016, a Test against Australia in Hobart after being
(3rd Floor), Jalan USJ 10/1J, UEP Subang Office based in Petaling Jaya (5 days a week) Lumpur on Friday, the 11th day Final Meeting of the Company brought into the England squad as cover
Jaya, 47620, Selangor Darul Ehsan . of February, 2022 at 10.30 a.m. will be held at No.29, Tingkat for the injured Jos Buttler and Jonny
Send in your CV with your photo via email to : for the following purposes: Satu, Jalan Pine 1, Taman Bairstow.
-tandatangan- [email protected] 1. To receive and consider Pine, 27000 Jerantut, Pahang
………………………………… the final accounts of the on 14 February 2022, 10.00 Billings, 30, was recently in action for
Peguamcara bagi pihak Pempetisyen Advertise with us & connect to our urban readers. Liquidator. a.m. for the purpose of:- the Sydney Thunder in the Big Bash
2. To resolve under Section 459 1) To lay before the meeting League Twenty20 competition, and is due
Tetuan Mohan Kumar MALACCA KLANG VALLEY JOHOR BAHRU (5) of the Companies Act 2016, to play in England’s T20I series against
PERINGATAN:- MR. Rajah PENANG | KEDAH MS. Anne Lim that the books and papers of the accounts of the West Indies after the Ashes series
Sesiapa yang ingin hadir pada TEL: 012-628 2844 PERAK | PERLIS TEL: 013-770 6699 the Company be destroyed winding-up of the Company concludes.
perbicaraan Petisyen tersebut hendaklah after the expiration of three (3) by the Liquidator for
menyampaikan, atau menghantar dengan FAX: 06-764 2051 PAHANG | FAX: 07-355 5549 months from the date of the adoption and of giving any The fifth and final match will be played
pos, kepada Peguamcara Pempetisyen KELANTAN final meeting. explanation thereof. at the Bellerive Oval in Hobart between
yang dinamakan diatas suatu notis TERENGGANU LEE SHOOK MUN @ 2) To resolve that under Jan. 14-18.
bertulis tentang niatnya sebegitu Notis MS. Shoba LEE YUE YEE (f) Section 518(3) of the
tersebut mestilah menyatakan nama TEL: 03-7784 8888 Liquidator Companies Act, 2016, “I am 100% ready if required, and I will
dan alamat pihak berkenaan, atau jika ia FAX: 03-7784 4424 Dated this all books and papers of give absolutely everything I can,“ Billings
sebuah firma, nama dan alamat firma, dan 12th day of January, 2022 the Company and of the told reporters yesterday.
mestilah ditandatangani oleh pihak atau NOTE: A member entitled to Liquidator be destroyed
firma berkenaan atau peguamcaranya, attend and vote at the above within a period of five (5) “My game is in a good place. It has
jika ada Notis hendaklah disampaikan, meeting is entitled to appoint a years after the dissolution been in the longer format for the last three
atau jika dihantar dengan pos, hendaklah proxy to attend and vote in his of the Company. years for Kent.
dihantar dalam jangkamasa mencukupi, stead. A proxy need not be a Chok Hui San
supaya sampai kepada pihak yang member of the Company. Liquidator “I have been playing consistent cricket
dinamakan diatas sebelum pukul 12 The instrument appointing a Petaling Jaya
tengahari pada 06/03/2022. proxy must be deposited at the Dated this 10 January 2022
Company’s registered office not
less than 48 hours before the
time fixed for the meeting.
TRAMLINES Hamilton’s future still in doubt, demands answers from FIA
Bencic ‘still a bit wobbly’
after Covid LEWIS HAMILTON is reportedly still demanding “As we speak right now, I can tell you it is still investigate what happened at the end of the
answers from the FIA after the controversial end unclear,” he said on Sky Sports News. race, nothing has yet been released or
TOKYO Olympics gold medallist Belinda to the 2021 world championship as the 37-year- published.
Bencic said yesterday she felt“a little bit old was denied an eighth world title in Abu Dhabi “I have heard from senior sources close to
wobbly”in her first match after Covid, in the final moments of the race. Lewis that whether or not he will be on the grid But with Formula One laying dormant in its
warming up for the Australian Open for the first race of the season is still unclear at off-season, speculation is mounting surrounding
with a low-key win. The 24-year-old Hamilton was gracious in his defeat at the this point. Hamilton, with his silence adding fuel to the fire.
Swiss cruised into the second round of track but gave only one interview directly after
the Sydney Tennis Classic with a 6-3, 6-2 he stepped out of the car. “It’s been put to me like this, the longer this “I’ve spoken to various individuals since who
victory over Brazilian qualifier Beatriz drags on, the longer we don’t get a result to that have had some contact with him,” Slater added.
Haddad Maia. But Bencic, who con- The seven-time world champion has been investigation and some findings from the FIA in
tracted the virus in mid-December after silent since and has not posted on social media terms of how F1 is going to conduct itself going “By and large they told me that they
competing at an Abu Dhabi exhibition, since the qualifying session the day before. forward, then the worse the Lewis Hamilton expected Lewis to be back to try and win an
admitted she had not been at her best, situation is. eighth world title in 2022.
with the first Grand Slam of the year According to Sky Sports journalist Craig Slater,
starting on Monday.“I was struggling a there remains some serious question marks as to “And that’s from a senior source close to that “What they explained to me though was that
little bit, getting to practice after Covid if Hamilton will return in 2022, despite another situation.” even if he seemed to take it well on the night, it
because the pulse was getting up and two years remaining on his Mercedes contract. hit him very hard in subsequent days, what went
the fatigue was still there,“ said Bencic, a Despite the FIA insisting they would on.” – Express Newspapers
former world No. 4 but now ranked
23rd.“I think I still have room to feel Torture
better and my fitness has to get better. I Down Under
still feel a little bit wobbly and so I think
there is still potential, but I’m happy that
I can play this tournament.”
Tomic says he’ll ‘test
positive in two days’
AN ailing Bernard Tomic told the chair Djokovic’s emotional
umpire during his Australian Open mother slams
qualifying match yesterday that he
would test positive for Covid-19 within treatment of son
days and later posted on social media by Aussie authorities
that he had been told to isolate. The
mercurial Australian had his Melbourne Serbia’s Novak NOVAK DJOKOVIC’S moments when he didn’t have his
Park hopes dashed after a 6-1, 6-4 defeat Djokovic takes mum was emotional as phone with him – we had no idea
by Russia’s Roman Safiullin. Down 2-1 in part in a training she insisted her son had what was happening, whether he
the second set, Tomic told Brazilian chair session in been subjected to was well, whether he was ill,
umpire Aline Da Rocha Nocinto during Melbourne ahead emotional “torture” and whether everything was alright
the changeover that he was struggling of the Australian “harassment” in his fight for a visa with him.
physically before going on to criticise Open tennis to take place at the Australia Open
Covid-19 testing protocols ahead of the tournament next later this month. “Those are the things that me
Jan. 17-30 Grand Slam.“For sure in the week. – AFPPIX as a mother I can’t explain. I want
next two days I’ll test positive, I’m telling Djokovic’s family held a press to thank everyone in the world
you,“ Tomic told the official.“I’ll buy you conference yesterday and his who stood up and supported him,
dinner if I don’t test positive in three mum, Dijana, insisted that her son that’s what gave him the energy to
days. Otherwise you buy me dinner. I has been subjected to emotional fight inside that hotel. Our people
can’t believe nobody is getting tested. “torture” and has been “harassed”. gave him support, he could heard
They’re allowing players to come onto that, he couldn’t see it.
the court with rapid tests in their room... “Thank you for coming, so
come on. No official PCR testing.” many of you. We’re here to “We all fought to show that
celebrate the victory of our son, injustice was being done. Thank
Warm-up disaster our Novak, a boy who in his family God there is still justice on this
for Sabalenka learned not to put up with lies and planet and he has been freed and
cheating,” she said. released.
WORLD No. 2 Aryna Sabalenka’s
Australian Open preparations were in “He always fought for justice, “I think this is the biggest win of
tatters yesterday when she self- he’s done nothing wrong, he his career, bigger than any of the
destructed for the second week in a row hasn’t broken any of their Grand Slams that he has won.”
and was almost unable to serve at an (Australia’s) laws and he was
Adelaide warm-up event. A week after subjected to torture and It was reported that world No 1
her delivery deserted her at the first of harassment, and we will hear even Djokovic, who will hope to defend
two Adelaide lead-in tournaments, more about what he had to go his Australia Open title, would join
Sabalenka suffered the same fate as she through. the press conference via video link.
was stunned in three sets by world No.
93 Rebecca Peterson 5-7, 6-1, 7-5. “He fought against the system However, his brother, Djordje,
Sabalenka dished up 21 double faults and the government because he revealed that the star was
and was reduced to serving underarm thought he had the right to be practicing on a Melbourne court.
in the second and third sets in a desper- there with the visa that he got, and
ate effort to get the ball into play.“That he went there to win that After the press conference,
was definitely the weirdest match I’ve tournament. Djokovic broke his silence by
ever played,“ Swedish qualifier Peterson tweeting: “I’m pleased and
said.“It was tough staying focused. I “Never before have we faced a grateful that the judge overturned
know she was struggling a lot. I just had situation like this. This was my visa cancellation.
to stay in my own world – it was really extremely difficult for us, and these
difficult.” days we have tried to fight for him, “Despite all that has happened,
to make sure that the voice is I want to stay and try to compete
Kyrgios ‘embarrassed’ heard around the world. @AustralianOpen
by Joker’s visa fiasco
“There has been a spectrum of “I remain focused on that. I
NICK KYRGIOS said he was“embar- emotions: sadness, fear, flew here to play at one of the most
rassed”by the way Novak Djokovic has disappointment, there have been important events we have in front
been treated in Australia after the Serb of the amazing fans.” – Express
won a court challenge to remain in the Newspapers
country for his Australian Open title
defence. Public opinion in Australia has Barca hoping for Clasico upset in Spanish Super Cup semis
been largely against Djokovic, who has
confirmed he was unvaccinated.“I feel IT is traditional to say there are no favourites in the The winner will play either Atletico Madrid or “These days it’s all about money and sponsorships.
quite embarrassed as an Australian ath- Clasico but this time even Real Madrid coach Carlo Athletic Bilbao in Sunday’s final in Riyadh. We’re forgetting about the basics of football.”
lete that’s seen what this guy has done Ancelotti was unable to keep up the pretence.
for us and the sport,“ Kyrgios said in an Airlifting the competition 7,000km, will earn the Real Madrid sit 17 points clear of Barcelona in La
Instagram video yesterday in which he For the past decade, there has been some Spanish football federation around €300 million Liga. They are on course to win the title while Barca
also criticised the media.“I just don’t justification in the usual platitudes, the assertion (RM1.8b) extra but the result has been outrage, not would sign now for the top four.
think it’s right how we’re handling it but that games between Real Madrid and Barcelona least because of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record,
the media loves to do that, loves to have a rhythm unto themselves, that form is no even if the objections grow quieter every year. The gap has widened, not because of Madrid’s
divide and I don’t want this to take away measure and the victor will be the one that holds improvement this season under Ancelotti -
from any of the great results the other firmer in the heat of the battle. In football terms, it adds to the sense of a although that has helped – but because of
Australians are having.” tournament becoming more an exhibition than a Barcelona’s plunge into mediocrity.
Madrid are clear favourites tomorrow (3am serious trophy.
Malaysian time) in the semifinal of the Spanish “In theory, we are favourites,“ Ancelotti said last
Super Cup, staged not in Spain, but Saudi Arabia. “It doesn’t make sense,“ said Raul Garcia, whose week. “But there is the theory and there is what
Athletic Bilbao play Atletico Madrid on Friday. happens in practice.” – AFP
█ BY MIGUEL DELANEY Running out of time squad, though, is that there are
currently no takers for most of these
IT was a comment that was Spurs fringe players unlikely to get many more opportunities players.
almost said in passing, but
clearly had a point to it. “You Many of Tottenham’s players also giving a core of players an It is all the more damning for these The specific issue at a club like
have to be good to try to change should be well aware of the meaning opportunity to prove themselves. players since one thing that can be Spurs is that it means Conte can’t
opinion,” Antonio Conte said, after of his words for their situations. said for certain about the Italian is have this overhaul as quickly as he
his Spurs side laboured to a 3-1 win Many failed the test. Worse was that he is always willing to give likes. It stymies his project, meaning
over Morecambe in the FA Cup . They need to drastically improve the manner of it. Dele was poor. anyone a chance. he only ever has a first XI to compete,
to have another chance to prove Rodon was haphazard. Tanganga and rather than the wider squad that is
The Tottenham Hotspur manager themselves, let alone to get a regular Gollini weren’t up to it. Ndombele It is genuinely a blank slate with now needed.
was addressing a question about how chance of football. wasn’t up for it. Conte – if you are willing to work for
Tanguy Ndombele was booed as he him, he is willing to work with you. If That may change in the next few
trudged off following a second-half All of Ndombele, Dele Alli, Japhet It is known that Spurs were he sees a player will not work, he just weeks, as chairman Daniel Levy
substitution, but it could have been a Tanganga, Joe Rodon and Pierluigi already looking to move many on, all looks to offload them. The chances discusses potential expenditure with
message to most of his starters Gollini need to consider what next. the more so because they currently only go so far. owner Joe Lewis.
against Morecambe. need to sell to buy. This will have
The Spurs manager was giving made up Conte’s mind. The problem for Conte and the Conte will be pushing for it. He
The comments were uttered in a most of his primary starters a rest but will also be pushing some of these
relatively passive manner, but as can players out the door. The Italian
happen with the Italian, there can be didn’t get to say all he wanted. He
much more significance to what he probably, however, said all that was
says than initially comes across. needed. – The Independent
Rashford’s lack of goals no cause for concern RESULTS & STANDINGS
Manchester United 1 (McTominay 8) Aston
RALF Rangnick is not concerned Manchester United’s Villa 0.
by Marcus Rashford’s form despite Marcus Rashford in Serie A
the Manchester United forward’s action with Aston Villa’s Torino 4 (Singo 19, Brekalo 23, 31, Sanabria 59)
goalless streak extending to 11 Matty Cash during Fiorentina 0.
games in the narrow FA Cup third yesterday’s FA Cup 3rd Africa Cup of Nations
round win over Aston Villa. round match at Old Group B
Trafford. – REUTERSPIX Senegal 1 (Mane 90+7-pen) Zimbabwe 0,
Rashford has not found the net Guinea 1 (Sylla 35) Malawi 0.
since scoring in United’s 3-0 win at Group C
Tottenham Hotspur back in Morocco 1 (Boufal 83) Ghana 0, Gabon 1
October, during the final weeks of (Boupendza 16) Comoros 0.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s reign.
Winning starts for
The 24-year-old’s season Senegal, Morocco
started late after undergoing
surgery on a longstanding FORMER Southampton duo Sadio Mane
shoulder problem and, despite and Sofiane Boufal both scored to give Africa
scoring three in his first four Cup of Nations title contenders Senegal and
appearances following his return, Morocco winning starts to their campaigns
he has since struggled for in Cameroon yesterday.
consistency in front of goal.
Mane netted a penalty seven minutes into
When asked for a reason added time to deliver a fortunate 1-0 Group
behind Rashford’s form, Rangnick B victory over Zimbabwe in Bafoussam.
said: “Actually, I don’t know.
A few hours later it was the turn of Boufal,
“I think he’s trying hard in now at French Ligue 1 Angers, to score and
training, he was doing well in earn Morocco a 1-0 Group C win over Ghana
training the last couple of days and in Yaounde.
that’s why he was quite rightly in
the starting XI. Gabon overcame the absence of captain
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang to beat
“I think in the first half we debutants Comoros 1-0 in the other game in
found him quite often and in the the section.
first half he also tried to get into
the box. Aaron Boupendza slammed in from an
acute angle on the quarter-hour to snap a
“In the second half, that was five-game winless run for Gabon at the
not that often the case, that’s why I tournament.
decided to make two changes,
bringing on Anthony Elanga and Guinea edged Malawi 1-0 through a 35th-
Jesse Lingard.” minute goal from Issiaga Sylla and they share
first place in Group B with Senegal.
Rashford was replaced by
Elanga in the 86th minute as Invaluable Coutinho
United held on to reach the fourth
round, having opened the scoring ASTON Villa boss Steven Gerrard says the
through Scott McTominay’s loan signing of Philippe Coutinho “will be
header early on. invaluable” after the Brazilian completed his
After suffering defeat in their
last Old Trafford outing against Villa announced on their official website
Wolverhampton Wanderers, that Coutinho’s medical was successful and
Rangnick hopes that his players he is currently in France obtaining a work
will use their victory over Villa as a permit.
springboard, Rashford included.
Gerrard told “His presence will
“Especially for strikers, it’s be invaluable given injuries and the AFCON
important that they score goals on tournament have reduced our attacking
and off and have their moments of options.
success,” he said.
“He is a player I enjoyed playing with
“Of course it would be good if previously and I know the rest of the squad
Marcus scored a goal but as long here at Aston Villa will benefit from his
as he’s trying, as long as he’s quality and experience.”
playing well I don’t see much of a
problem.” – The Independent Gerrard said that he hoped Coutinho will
join his new teammates today at the club’s
Villans boss Gerrard takes dig at Devils Bodymoor Heath training ground.
ASTON Villa boss Steven Gerrard returned to noisier stadiums than this. but we need to learn and close the gap from a The Premier League club have signed
Old Trafford for the first time in nearly seven “It was a good cup tie – a good atmosphere. performance that was nearly good enough. We Coutinho on loan for the rest of the season
years yesterday as his side were defeated by dominated for large parts but we were not from Barcelona and have the option to buy
Manchester United in the FA Cup. But in terms of what I got, water off a duck’s ruthless enough. the former Liverpool midfielder.
And the former England midfielder has “The officials took three-and-a-half Barcelona confirmed Villa will pay part of
taken a dig at the Red Devils by insisting the Villa had two goals ruled out during the minutes to settle that one (the disallowed Ings Coutinho’s wages as he returns to the EPL
welcome he received was “relatively quiet”. third-round encounter as United battled to a goal). They have looked at two or three things after four years and teams back up with
hard-fought victory, courtesy of Scott in it. When VAR is there and they make a former Liverpool teammate Gerrard.
Gerrard was met with a deluge of boos as he McTominay’s early header. decision you have to accept it. There is nothing
made his way out of the tunnel and into the you can do to change it.
dugout ahead of the match. But he says the “Very tough,” Gerrard admitted after the
noise didn’t faze him at all. match. “We are out of the FA Cup and coming “The easy way out is to blame luck and the
into this job I saw this competition as an officials – we won’t do that.” – Express
“Relatively quiet,” Gerrard told the BBC opportunity to have a good run in it. Newspapers
when asked about his welcome. “I have been to
“The lads gave a lot in terms of performance
We’re here to celebrate the
Did victory of our son, our Novak... he
hasn’t broken any of their (Australia’s)
laws and he was subjected to torture
and harassment.”
Novak Djokovic’s mother Dijana
Novak lie?
Djokovic investigated over bombshell claim he made ‘false declaration’
NOVAK DJOKOVIC’S visa saga is set
to drag on as the Australian medical exemption grounds. the federal government. the 14 days prior to your flight to Australia”,
government revealed they were But on Monday, the Federal Circuit Court The court did not rule on that matter, with and are warned that “giving false or
investigating whether the world No. misleading information is a serious offence.
1 had lied on his travel entry form. ordered that the world No. 1 have his visa the 20-time Major champion’s visa reinstated
reinstated on the grounds of “procedural after the federal government accepted they “You may also be liable to a civil penalty for
fairness” as he was not given enough time to failed to provide him with procedural fairness giving false or misleading information”, with a
Djokovic had his visa cancelled when prove the validity of his exemption. when making the decision to revoke the visa maximum penalty of 12 months
arriving in Melbourne last week with a Immigration Minister Alex Hawke still has and deport him last Thursday. imprisonment.
medical exemption granted by Tennis his personal power under the Migration Act to But Djokovic could still miss the upcoming The 86-time tour title winner has already
Australia, but won an appeal to have the cancel Djokovic’s visa for a second time on the Australian Open, with less than a week to go informed border officials that Tennis Australia
decision overturned. grounds of public health, but yesterday his until the first Grand Slam tournament of the completed the form on his behalf, but it is not
The Immigration Minister is still yet to rule office confirmed that Hawke was still year kicks off, as the federal government has known whether this will work in Djokovic’s
whether the Serb will have his visa revoked for deliberating over decision. revealed they are investigating whether the favour.
a second time and be deported. “In line with due process, Minister Hawke 34-year-old lied on his Australian Travel ATP, the governing body of men’s tennis,
On Monday, Djokovic won an appeal to will thoroughly consider the matter,” a Declaration form. said the dispute over Djokovic’s Covid-19
have his visa cancellation overturned and was spokesperson said on Tuesday afternoon. Sources confirmed the government were vaccine medical exemption and related
freely allowed into Melbourne after spending ”As the issue is ongoing, for legal reasons it looking into a discrepancy on the form, on events were “damaging on all fronts.”
the weekend in a government detention hotel. is inappropriate to comment further.” which Djokovic said he had not travelled in “We welcome the outcome of Monday’s
The nine-time Australian Open champion Although both parties consented to Judge the 14 days prior to arriving in Australia on Jan hearing and look forward to an exciting few
announced last Tuesday that he was travelling Anthony Kelly’s ruling, the federal 6. weeks of tennis ahead,“ the group said in a
to Melbourne with a medical exemption to government stands by its decision to cancel However, the world No. 1 had travelled statement.
compete in the Grand Slam tournament, but Djokovic’s visa as recovery from Covid-19 from his home of Serbia to Spain in this “The series of events leading to Monday’s
had his visa cancelled on Thursday morning infection in the last six months – the grounds period, spending Christmas at home and court hearing have been damaging on all
following overnight interviews with border for the Serb’s medical exemption granted by being seen in Cadiz, Spain on Dec 31. fronts, including for Novak’s well-being and
officials after landing at Tullamarine Airport, Tennis Australia – is not deemed a valid On the form, all travellers are asked preparation for the Australian Open.” –
as he could not provide enough proof for valid reason to be exempt from being vaccinated by whether they have “travelled or will travel in Express Newspapers/Reuters
Ralf says VAR spot on, hails McTominay and De Gea after Villa win
MANCHESTER UNITED boss Ralf Aston Villa’s Ollie Watkins (2nd right) in action before Danny Ings (3rd left) scores a goal that was later disallowed after a VAR review during yesterday’s FA Cup 3rd round
Rangnick has spoken out following match against Manchester United at Old Trafford. – REUTERSPIX
his side’s hard-fought 1-0 win over
Aston Villa yesterday. couple of years he would be the “I think we showed a reaction had more control. more goals. When it was not
captain of this team.” after the Wolves game, that is what “We fought well as a team possible to play higher up the pitch
Scott McTominay scored the only everyone expected from us,“ said we were compact and did not let
goal of the game to propel the On De Gea, he added: “We have the 63-year-old. together when it was important. In them play easily.
home side into the fourth round of to develop the team into a clean the end it was a good win. That was
the FA Cup. However, once again, it sheet team and that was another “We knew it would be very our goal, to proceed to the next “We had to be aggressive and as
was an unconvincing performance one today but still David de Gea was difficult against Villa. In the first half round.” a result it is good. We are happy. We
from the fallen Premier League outstanding again for me today. I thought we did well. It could have need more confidence, we need to
giants. been 3-2 or 4-3 to us at half time. France international Raphael be together and I think we are in a
“I would have wanted him to Varane admitted he was delighted good way.”
United went into the game have less saves in total, I think we “In the second half we were on after his side secured a return to
against Aston Villa looking to had four or five shots on goal but the counter attack and we could winning ways. On Ings’ disallowed goal, he
bounce back after losing 1-0 to again we can still improve even in have made more of those situations. added: “It was a long moment!
Wolves last week. that area.” “It was a difficult match. We had
“We took the wrong decisions at to suffer a lot on the pitch but “I think it is the right decision. It
And while it wasn’t a brilliant Rangnick also feels United still times but when we changed to a together and I liked the spirit of this is just a moment in the game and I
performance, Rangnick’s side did require improvement despite diamond in midfield we had more match,” he said. think the spirit of the team was
just that with McTominay scoring returning to winning ways. control. In the last 20 minutes we good.” – Express Newspapers
the only goal of the game with just “We had the opportunity to score
eight minutes left on the clock in
the first half.
The Scotland international rose
majestically to head home Fred’s
pinpoint delivery, securing all three
points for his team in the process.
They had less possession than
their rivals throughout the game
and, had it not been for some good
goalkeeping from David De Gea,
could have found themselves out of
the competition.
And Rangnick has now spoken
out on the VAR drama after Danny
Ings saw a goal chalked off due to a
foul committed on Edinson Cavani
in the build-up.
He feels the right decision was
made, saying: “We had a look in the
dugout and when I saw the
situation for me it was clear – the
player who blocked Edinson Cavani
was offside in the very moment
when the ball came in.”
Rangnick praised McTominay for
his winning goal, while also hailing
the performance of De Gea in goal.
“He is an academy boy,” he said of
“His energy is amazing. He now
also starts scoring goals and also
with some leadership skills.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if in a
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