TELLING IT AS IT IS Mopeds, Goldsmiths all
e-scooters page smiles as page
banned from shoppers go
2 3
public roads for glitter
ON WEDNESDAY APRIL 27, 2022 IFTAR CROWD ... A good number of
No. 8015 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) people gathering at a huge tent erected on
the road facing Dataran Merdeka in Kuala
Lumpur for the breaking of fast yesterday.
Holistic approach
[email protected] oCurbing mat rempit menace requires
involvement of govt, society and
PETALING JAYA: A holistic parents, say social activists
approach involving the
government, society and parents must first address the psychological spread of awareness on the topic.
is needed to curb the mat rempit make-up of youths today. “Invite these people to explain
menace and overcome the social to their audience what prompted
problems caused by them, said safety and “We need to understand what pushes them to behave the way they did.
social activists. these youngsters to quench their “Psychologists and counsellors
adrenaline thirst, which often places should also study these people to
Alliance for Safe Community their lives in the utmost danger. try and understand their minds.”
chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye called Lee said parents should also be
this a matter of serious concern, noting “At the same time, I can’t help but careful when giving their children
that it has now become a trend among question the parental education that money as they may misuse it.
youngsters. these youngsters are receiving. “Ask your children what they
intend to use the cash for and
“Not only do they pose a risk to road “If this is beyond the control of the monitor them too.
users but dangerous trends such as this parents themselves, it then becomes the “This way, the basikal lajak
also claim young lives. These are children responsibility of the government and phenomenon may be addressed,”
who have yet to experience life,” he told society. he said.
theSun. Agreeing with Lee, Asli Centre for
“Law enforcement (officers) have Public Policy chairman Tan Sri Ramon
He said if not addressed properly, been trying their best to curb this issue Navaratnam said the government
safety – on the road and in general – will with various operations but it has yet to should attempt to understand the root
take a back seat in our society. be tackled effectively,” he added. cause of the issue.
“Why is it so prominent
“The topic of providing space for this “Laws can constantly be passed but in Malaysia? Turn to
group has been discussed before but in education and the spread of awareness
contrast to providing them space, those should be given importance first. “Is this due to a lack —
who perform these dangerous acts of awareness or
prefer to do them on public roads. “The psychology of a mat rempit page 2
needs to be studied thoroughly so that
“They yearn for excitement and want we may understand why they behave unemployment?”
to be in the public eye. It often feels like the way they do,” he said.
this group aims to put on a show of
courage while weaving between larger Lee suggested getting former or
vehicles. It’s sad because it feels like current mat rempit to help with the
these riders do not care for their lives.”
Lee said to address this issue, we
2 theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022 Several classes of MMV
NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS banned on public roads
‘Parents need to be
extra cautious’
He said if left unchecked, the issue
would continue to grow, resulting in youths
taking up such illegal activities.
“I would suggest government leaders
and our nation’s rulers come together to
help spread the word on this issue. Push out
statements to show their dissatisfaction and
condemn these activities,” he
added. o Allowing use of micromobility vehicles would create risks traffic on public roads will only open up risks to
“We do not want this From and lead to tragedies such as the ‘Mat Lajak’ incident in Johor, road users and lead to tragedies such as the Mat
says Transport minister
subculture to reflect badly on front Lajak case in Johor.”
Malaysia. Such cultures would He urged the relevant authorities to monitor
have a negative impact on the the use of MMV in their respective areas of
minds of our youths. jurisdiction.
“Parents need to be extra cautious when Wee said local authorities may choose to
it comes to their children. If they don’t, it develop special lanes such as those for bicycles
will be reflective of a breakdown of █ BY CHARLES RAMENDRAN Road Transport Department would begin for the safe use of MMV, and ensure the vehicles
discipline in our society in every aspect,” [email protected] enforcing the prohibition. do not encroach on public roads.
he said. PUTRAJAYA: The Transport Ministry has He said only electric bicycles that meet the
He suggested that the relevant banned several classes of micromobility He said the three prohibited MMV are specifications for Malaysian Standards MS2514:
authorities should reward whistleblowers vehicles (MMV), namely e-scooters and mopeds, personal mobile scooters, including Electric bicycles (electric
who expose mat rempit or basikal lajak mopeds from using public roads with electric scooters and internal combustion pedal-assisted bicycles), which unlike mopeds
activities. immediate effect. engine-powered or human-powered vehicles, do not come with throttles, are allowed on
“This cannot be fixed if we do not come as well as personal mobility aids. public roads.
together and work as one. Transport Minister Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong Wee said the use of regular bicycles are not
“We need a people’s movement against cited the dangers MMV users pose to other road Wee said the ban is in accordance with the prohibited from public roads but regulations
this issue that is plaguing our youths and users and themselves as well as the accident, Road Traffic (Prohibition of use of certain under the Road Transport Act and 1959 Road
taking their lives away. Moreover, we do not which led to eight teenage cyclists being killed MMV) Rules 2021, which was enacted in Traffic Rules must be complied with.
want to be seen as a country with a in the Mat Lajak case in Johor. December. He advised the public to adhere to the MMV
declining discipline rate,” he said. ban and abide by road traffic laws.
He added that with the ban, police and the He said those caught using the banned MMV
face a RM300 fine.
“Allowing the use of MMV along with regular
Tremors felt on Mount Kinabalu Bigger grants,
RANAU: Tremors from a 3.7-magnitude there were no falling rocks,” he said when everything was fine.” for state govts
earthquake, which struck Kundasang in Sabah contacted via WhatsApp. A Sabah Fire and Rescue Department
at 9.28am yesterday, were not only felt by KUALA LUMPUR: The government has
residents in the district but also climbers on Kinabalu Park’s Panabalan substation head spokesman said no distress calls were received increased allocations and grants provided to
Mount Kinabalu. Julaimin Kamin said the situation at the from villagers following the earthquake. each state this year, said Prime Minister Datuk
Sayat-Sayat checkpoint and the Panabalan Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
Mountain guide Joeythine Musin, 29, said Complex at Mount Kinabalu was under He advised residents and villagers to be
he and a group of climbers were descending control after the quake. vigilant and be prepared to take precautionary He said this includes the provision of
from the mountain summit when they felt the measures for their safety. additional relaxation to state governments to
tremors for a few seconds. Bundle item seller Nordiana Zuhaidi, 34, utilise funds totalling RM5 billion allocated
said she was in her shop when she felt the The quake was detected 14km northwest of under the Malaysian Road Records Information
“I was descending from the summit with tremors, which lasted only a few seconds. Ranau in Sabah at a depth of 10km, according System (Marris).
several climbers and we felt the tremors, but to a statement from the Malaysian
“I was shocked but did not panic as Meteorological Department. – Bernama He added the decision to improve the
allocations and grants for state governments was
PROUD MOMENT ... Lt-Kom Ahmad Shamil Mohd Ezmi (centre) and his staff making preparations for the 88th Navy Day celebrations taken at the National Finance Council meeting,
at KD Sri Pinang naval training centre for the volunteer reserve unit of the Royal Malaysian Navy, in George Town yesterday. – MASRY CHE ANI /THESUN which he chaired yesterday.
Pulau Batu Puteh final report to be tabled soon The meeting was attended by mentris besar
and representatives of chief ministers.
KUALA LUMPUR: The final report on the Committee meeting, said the meeting took Ledge and to propose the best options for the
review of laws on the sovereignty of Pulau Batu note of the interim report tabled by the STF on government over the case within a period of He said the relaxation in the use of
Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge, being Monday and gave its inputs for consideration six months. allocations under the Marris funds was mainly
prepared by a Special Task Force (STF), will be and improvements. to finance all maintenance, repair, replacement
tabled soon. The STF is chaired by former attorney- and modification of roads, bridges, drains,
“So far, the STF has held 12 meetings, which general Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali. Its sewers and slopes along state roads, which were
Minister in the Prime Minister’s involved the Legal Aspects, Tort of members, among others, include former damaged by floods, including in local authority
Department (Parliament and Law) Datuk Seri Misfeasance and Malaysia-Singapore Malaysian ambassador to The Hague Datuk areas.
Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said in a Relations sub-committees.” Ahmad Nazri Yusof and lawyers Datuk Firoz
statement yesterday that the report would be Hussein Ahmad Jamaluddin, Datuk Dr Baljit “The federal government is always
for the Cabinet’s consideration to determine The STF team was appointed by Prime Singh Sidhu, Datuk Abu Bakar As-Sidek Mohd committed to ensuring that its relationship with
the next course of action. Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob to Sidek and Datuk Tengku Ahmad Fuad Tengku state governments is at the best level possible.
review the laws pertaining to the sovereignty of Ahmad Burhanuddin. – Bernama
Junaidi, who chaired the Monitoring Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South “This aspiration is manifested through the
increase in allocations channelled in various
forms of grants to the state governments every
year,” he said in a statement yesterday.
Ismail Sabri said the government agreed to
review the Marris funds and was ready to amend
the relevant guidelines and legislation.
He said this was to ensure that the allocations
could be fully utilised by state governments by
expanding the scope of Marris funds to include
road maintenance under the Agricultural
Development Authority.
He added that the Ecological Fiscal Transfer
allocation would also be increased from RM70
million to RM100 million as a specific incentive
to states that gazette new areas for protection.
“The incentive is to increase preservation
efforts and conservation of terrestrial and
marine biodiversity areas.”
Ismail Sabri said a contribution of RM330
million was made to the State Reserve Fund to
finance the Economic, Infrastructure and
Welfare Development-Based Grants (Tahap), to
further strengthen the momentum of the
Malaysian Family’s economic recovery.
He said a committee chaired by the Treasury
secretary-general will be set up to review the
calculation formula, criteria and distribution
method for Tahap.
“This proves the federal government’s
commitment to give state governments the
opportunity to implement development
projects according to their priorities and needs.”
– Bernama
Aidilfitri prayers in residential areas allowed in Perak 3theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022
IPOH: The Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Annuar Zaini. Maghrib prayer time on Thursday.
Shah, has consented to Aidilfitri prayers “Mosques and surau in the state are also He said the Sultan’s consent was given M’sia, Indonesia
being held in open spaces in residential areas leading in travel
without physical distancing on the first day of allowed to hold Aidilfitri prayers without upon advice by the Perak Fatwa Committee recovery
Hari Raya. physical distancing. Takbir raya activities can as well as the state health department and the
also be held from house to house,” he said in National Security Council (NSC). KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia and Indonesia are
However, Sultan Nazrin advised a statement yesterday. leading the recovery of domestic travel demand
organisers to inform the district religious “All Aidilfitri activities must be held in in Southeast Asia (SEA), achieving 100% growth
administrative officer and nearest police Mohd Annuar added that Aidilfitri buffets compliance with standard operating in March compared with figures in 2019, while
station at least three days in advance, said at mosques and surau, as well as cemetery procedures set by the department and NSC, countries such as the Philippines, Thailand and
Perak Islamic Religion and Malay Custom visits were also allowed. such as wearing face masks and registering Vietnam are following the lead.
Council president Datuk Seri Mohd attendance through MySejahtera,” he said.
Mosques and surau in Perak were also – Bernama Google Asia-Pacific travel lead Hermione Joye
allowed to hold feasts beginning from said staycations and travelling to meet loved ones
have driven travel growth in the region, thanks to
Going for glitter the easing of travel restrictions, reopening of
borders, as well as the relaxation of quarantine
o Goldsmiths enjoying sharp increase in sales of jewellery Malaysians would invest in gold as its value and testing requirements.
as shoppers rush for bling in run-up to Hari Raya will appreciate, adding that gold would help
families during difficult times by being able “Recovery has started to take place across the
█ BY MUHAMMAD YUSRY sisters and even fathers. to convert it to cash, apart from enjoying its region. SEA governments are starting to get
[email protected] “Many are looking forward to seeing their long-term investment benefits. much more comfortable with the idea of people
PETALING JAYA: The upward trend in gold travelling and the need to travel, and what we are
price has not hindered shoppers from loved ones and family members this Raya “At this point, when the price is trending seeing as a result is that demand is picking up,”
continuing to buy new jewellery for Hari and they want to look their best with their higher, many customers are taking the she said during a virtual media roundtable on the
Raya. This is because customers are new clothes and new jewellery.” opportunity to trade in their gold jewellery revival of travel in SEA.
confident that prices are still lower than what for cash and enjoy their investments. Some
it would be in the near future, said Habib Zaruddin said the shopping behaviour for customers exchange their old gold jewellery Joye said fast rebounds were recorded in the
Jewels senior general manager for sales and jewellery this year showed many customers for more modern designs.” Philippines and Indonesia, while Malaysia,
marketing, Mohd Zaruddin Mahmud. selecting matching sets, such as a necklace Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam were making a
and bracelet or a bangle, ring and earrings. Zaruddin said he encourages customers moderate recovery.
He said there was a huge difference to trade in their broken or damaged
between the company’s gold sales this year He added that many were also opting for jewellery that cannot be worn, as many are She added that inbound travel to Malaysia
and the past two years, with a current spike Habib Jewels’ limited edition 999 gold coins unaware his company also provides such from March 27 to April 2 grew by 83% compared
in purchases. as a replacement for cash in the gift packets a service. with the same period in 2019, while outbound
for duit Raya. travel increased by 90% during the same period.
“This year will be a signature Hari Raya Yesterday, the price of gold fell to
for many Malaysians, especially those who “The sale of gold jewellery increased due RM8,269.35 per ounce from RM 8,382.45 on On the broader market, she said Google
have not returned to their hometowns for the to a few contributing factors, one of which is Monday – the lowest in two weeks. This was internal data showed that 40% of inbound
past two years. Also, purchasing jewellery for confidence in its investment value. Another due to the US Federal Reserve (Fed) tourism from the US and Canada went to the
Hari Raya is the gift of choice for mothers, is the recent release of RM10,000 through tightening its monetary policy, which Philippines and Vietnam, 40% of visitors from
the Employees Provident Funds special boosted the dollar and pressured demand Europe went to Indonesia and Thailand, while
withdrawal initiative,” he said. for bullion. 38% from the Middle East visited the Philippines.
Zaruddin expressed hope that more However, Zaruddin said the price of gold Joye also said Malaysia and Singapore
would trend higher soon despite the Fed accounted for 75% of inbound tourism within the
move and global uncertainties. region, adding that Bali was the fastest growing
market in March, not only attracting tourists from
BRISK BUSINESS ... Kelantan textile trader Syed Bazlishah Syed the region but globally, while Bangkok ranked
Muhammad supervising staff at his shop in Pasir Mas yesterday as seventh. – Bernama
they rush to pack orders for customers. – BERNAMAPIX
Input sought on
New source of income for Sabah navy veterans Competition Act
JOHOR BARU: The Malaysian Nuclear Inovasi Malaysia to provide opportunities economic model could also be implemented
Agency (MNA) is launching an integrated for 100 RMN veterans in Sabah to generate in peninsular Malaysia, especially in Johor. KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysia Competition
floating biocomposite anchovy fishery and income. Commission (MyCC) has embarked on an
marine aquaculture platform in Kota Belud On another matter, Adham said MNA amendment exercise for the Competition Act
next month for Sabah Royal Malaysian Navy “This is a start-up project for the would also produce the Samarium 153 2010 and has launched an online consultation
(RMN) veterans. development of sustainable floating radioisotope and the EDTMP kit for to invite the public and stakeholders to provide
structures in the area for marine aquaculture palliative treatment of cancer patients, input.
Science, Technology and Innovation farming and the aqua-tourism sector. adding that the product could help
Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba said the relieve pain. MyCC chief executive officer Iskandar Ismail
project would be executed under the “The spillover from this development said in a statement yesterday the exercise has
Malaysia Social Innovation project in would benefit many people in Sabah,” he “This samarium will reduce dependence been in the works since 2019 but was delayed
collaboration with MNA and Yayasan said in a statement yesterday. on the use of narcotic analgesics and the due to the pandemic.
Samarium 153 is safe to use.” – Bernama
He added that the development of the “We hope this exercise will strengthen
MyCC’s mandate in protecting competition in
the market, with the appropriate investigation
and enforcement tools.
“More significantly, MyCC will be
empowered to review mergers that will
substantially lessen or distort competition in
the market. We are hopeful that the
amendments would be passed in Parliament by
the end of this year.”
He said Malaysia is currently the only
country in Southeast Asia that does not have
merger control provisions.
The amendment exercise was undertaken by
MyCC to make Malaysia’s competition laws
more extensive and in line with international
practices, and for MyCC to effectively perform
its statutory function to promote and protect the
process of competition.
The amendment of the Act includes the
amendment of provisions relating to
investigation and enforcement powers and
procedures as well as appeal provisions, taking
into account developments in the digital
economy, and the introduction of a merger
control regime.
A soft copy of the proposed amendments is
available on the MyCC website at
and the Malaysia Productivity Corporation
Unified Public Consultation (UPC) portal.
Any input may be submitted via email by
May 27 to MyCC at [email protected]
or through the UPC portal.
MyCC will also hold two physical sessions
for the same purpose, tentatively scheduled for
June. – Bernama
Health Ministry to snuff out smoking habit with new law
KUALA LUMPUR: The Health Khairy said the high cost of He said the tobacco endgame smokers hitting five million. Prof Dr Norashidah Mohamed Nor
Ministry’s decision to introduce a new treating diseases associated with strategy is necessary as a survey in He said each year, over 20,000 said the cost of treating diseases caused
legislation to address the smoking smoking was among the factors that 2017 showed that 13.8% of Malaysian by smoking is expected to escalate by
habit, through a strategy termed drove the government to initiate the adolescents aged between 13 and 17 Malaysians succumb to various 40% in the next 10 years if nothing is
Generational Endgame (GEG), is bold move. were smokers. diseases associated with smoking, done to reduce the number of smokers.
seen by experts and activists as a particularly cardiovascular and
timely move. Assoc Prof Dr Mohamad Haniki Mohamad Haniki, who is also respiratory disorders and cancer. It was reported that in 2020
Nik Mohamed, who is the leader of president of the Malaysian Association alone, the treatment costs for
Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin Sustainable Smokefree Campus of Adolescent Health and has been “The cost of treating these three smoking-related illnesses totalled a
is expected to table the proposed law in Community Flagship at the actively involved in advocating disorders alone is estimated at hefty RM6.21 billion.
the Dewan Rakyat in July. On Feb 17, he International Islamic University tobacco control measures, said current RM3 billion (a year). Actually, there are
announced that a new Act will be Malaysia, said GEG has what it takes to anti-smoking strategies have not more than 30 types of Consumers Association of Penang
introduced to, among others, ban mitigate the onset of the smoking habit shown to be effective in reducing the smoking-related illnesses. So, the education officer N. V. Subbarow said
smoking and possession of tobacco and use of tobacco products in a more prevalence of smoking, which now actual treatment costs borne by the the issue of smoking among children
products, including vape, for the comprehensive manner in the long stood at around 20% among adults in government are far higher,” he added. and adolescents is worsening, and he
generation born in and after 2005. run. this country, with the number of hoped there will be no delay in the
Universiti Putra Malaysia school of tabling of the proposed law. – Bernama
business and economics dean Assoc
█ BY IMAN MUTTAQIN Selangor widens 2,478 new Covid
[email protected] rabies surveillance cases on Monday
PETALING JAYA: The Selangor Veterinary
Services Department has expanded its rabies o Vet dept on the lookout for dog showing signs of KUALA LUMPUR: It took three months for
surveillance from a 1km radius to 10km, to aggression and illness following death of man the number of daily Covid-19 cases in the
collect brain samples from stray dogs after two country to drop to about 2,000, with 2,478
cases were detected in the state. The expanded animals is an important task carried out by the and housing areas. cases recorded on Monday, said Health
areas involve the Hulu Langat, Sepang, Kuala authorities. “The department also advised Selangor director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham
Lumpur and Putrajaya districts. Abdullah.
“Early diagnosis, prompt action to eliminate residents not to provoke dogs or cats because
Its director, Dr Hassuzana Khalil said so far, rabid animals and disposal of their carcasses these animals tend to bite to defend The last time the daily cases recorded a
results from the brain samples that were sent to are important measures that can be carried out themselves,” she said. figure of around 2,000 was on Jan 17, which
the Veterinary Research Institute in Ipoh to control the spread of the disease. was 2,342, and the highest number of daily
returned negative. She said investigations Universiti Putra Malaysia Faculty of cases recorded during the three-month
started within a 1km radius following the death “However, the department always follows Veterinary Medicine Prof Dr Siti Suri Arshad period was on March 5, with 33,406 before
of a man who was bitten by a rabid dog in the recommended animal disposal procedures so said the public should be on high alert for rabid going on the downtrend.
Petaling district. that animals can be euthanised humanely.” animals as the fatality rate once bitten is almost
100% in humans and animals. Of the total cases recorded on Monday,
“The victim died two months later after he The department also affirmed that it does 98.71%, or 2,446 cases, were in categories
was bitten. The department is querying his not intend to vaccinate stray dogs because no She said rabies remains a global threat, one and two, while 32 cases, or 1.29%, were
relatives and friends to ascertain if they had dog has been confirmed positive for rabies. killing approximately 59,000 people annually. in categories three, four and five.
seen the dog that had bitten him. However, Hassuzana advised pet owners to
vaccinate their dogs against rabies at any “Rabies is a virus that attacks the central “Of the total 32 cases in categories three,
“We are receiving assistance from the local veterinary clinic. nervous system. An infected person who is not four and five, 16 cases involved patients who
authorities such as the Sepang and Kuala treated before symptoms appear could die from are not vaccinated or had not been fully
Langat Municipal Councils in this operation,” She urged residents not to panic because the the disease,” she said, adding that rabies has the vaccinated, 10 cases involved those who are
she told theSun. reported case is isolated and to date, no other highest mortality rate compared with other fully vaccinated but had not received the
dog-bite cases have been reported. diseases. booster dose, while six others had received
Hassuzana said cooperation from residents the booster dose.
is critical as the information provided can assist “The department will continue to conduct Siti Suri said while people usually get rabies
department personnel to identify dogs that campaigns to increase awareness and from the bite of a rabid animal, non-bite “Eighteen of the 32 cases are aged 60
show signs of aggression or illness. This will understanding among residents about rabies so exposures are also possible when scratches, years and above while 19 have
enable the department to capture the dogs for that they will be more careful and vigilant, abrasions or open wounds are exposed to saliva comorbidities,” he said in his daily statement
immediate diagnosis. especially in plantations, abandoned buildings or the nervous system of a rabid animal. on Covid-19 cases yesterday.
She also cautioned residents who neglected A total of 143 cases were admitted to
their pets. She said such an attitude must hospitals on Monday, with 76 of them in
change as animal faeces in public places categories one and two, while 67 were in
contributes to environmental pollution, categories three, four and five.
nuisance and the spread of diseases. Residents
are advised to spay their pets to control the The new cases recorded on Monday
animal population. brought the total Covid-19 cases to 4,433,551
in the country, with a total of 4,330,037
“Rabies is a zoonotic disease and is fatal recovered cases.
since there is no specific treatment for it,”
Hassuzana said, adding that eliminating rabid Noor Hisham said Malaysia’s infectivity
rate on Monday was 0.73, with Putrajaya
TIPS ON SEED recording the highest rate of 1.07.
SAVING ... – Bernama
Association of 20% of children
Penang education fully vaccinated
officer and
agriculture KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 736,114
coordinator N.V. children aged between five and 11 years, or
Subbarow 20.7% of the population in this age group,
showing various have completed their vaccination under
seeds and a the National Covid-19 Immunisation
guidebook to Programme for Children (PICKids) as of
cultivate seeds at a Monday.
plantation in
George Town in According to the CovidNOW website,
conjunction with 1,497,935 children, or 42.2% of this group,
International Seeds have received at least one dose of the
Day yesterday. vaccine. For teenagers between 12 and 17
– BERNAMAPIX years old, 2,888,431 individuals, or 92.8%,
have completed their vaccination while
Mandatory to fortify wheat flour with iron, folic acid 2,987,570, or 96%, have received at least
one dose.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Cabinet has agreed to milligrammes (mg) of iron and 260mg of folic can cause permanent disability problems in
implement mandatory fortification of iron and acid in every 100g of wheat flour. infants such as neural tube defects and As for the adult population, a total of
folic acid into wheat flour in packs of 25kg and anaemia. 16,014,864 individuals or 68.1% have
below, Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said. “At the moment, iron and folic acid are not received the booster dose, while 22,964,800
added into 25kg packs of wheat flour. Both are “The move is expected to improve the or 97.6% have completed both doses, and
Khairy said the move is to ensure that the only added to the 1kg packs of wheat flour quality of nutrients in products produced by 23,241,481, or 98.8%, have received at least
levels of iron and folic acid in wheat flour are voluntarily, with varying levels and lower than the small and medium food industry, such as one dose of the vaccine.
uniform and in line with the World Health the recommended level,” he said yesterday. bread, wet noodles, roti canai and cakes,” he
Organisation’s recommendation of six added. – Bernama On Monday, 38,691 doses of vaccine were
Khairy said iron and folic acid deficiency administered, comprising 26,489 doses for
second shot, 4,524 booster jabs and 7,678
doses for first shot, bringing the cumulative
number of doses given out under
the National Covid-19 Immunisation
Programme to 70,118,091.
Meanwhile, according to the Health
Ministry’s GitHub portal, eight deaths
related to Covid-19 were reported on
Monday, with Selangor recording the most,
followed by Kedah and Malacca. – Bernama
Being the change in Rawang NEWS WITHOUT BORDERS
May 11 court
date for ‘basikal
lajak’ case
█ BY SURAYA ALI o Doctor keen to do what he can for PKR member, he is ready to run for
[email protected] Hulu Selangor by going for PKR chairman post the Hulu Selangor branch KUALA LUMPUR: The Court of
KUALA LUMPUR: Tired of waiting chairmanship in the upcoming party Appeal in Putrajaya has set May 11
for change, Dr Sathia Prakash “saviour” and the one who can help various types of charity work. election. for case management of an appeal
Nadarajan decided to be the change, plan for a much better future. Hence, “When I meet the community in by the female clerk who was
especially in his hometown of they have put their trust in him to “Being a doctor has given me an sentenced to six years’ jail and
Rawang in Hulu Selangor. bring much-needed change to the and outside rural areas around Hulu advantage of listening to my patients’ fined RM6,000 for reckless driving,
community. Selangor, I find that they are not only medical problems, and treating them which resulted in the death of
Well-known among the going through a difficult phase due to with the most effective medicine to eight teenagers on modified
community there for his willingness Using the facilities at his clinic the pandemic, but are also facing ensure their pain goes away.” . bicycles, commonly known as
to always assist residents, Sathia’s during the movement control order, many other problems that need long- basikal lajak, five years ago.
popularity was boosted during the Sathia and his team knocked on the term solutions,” he said. Sathia feels politics is similar, but
Covid-19 pandemic. doors of every underprivileged home there were a few who warned him Lawyer Muhammad Faizal
to deliver basic food items and Realising that the decision will about how dirty politics can be. Mokhtar, representing the
“I grew up here and went through medicine. have a major impact on his personal appellant Sam Ke Ting, 27,
difficult times. I was plagued by and professional life, Sathia said he “To me, it is merely a perception provided the case management
poverty, but my parents never made During the flood season, his SP was aware that political power was a because politics is not a career but a date when contacted yesterday.
that an excuse for me or my sister. Care Clinic team visited Taman Sri very useful tool when working to form of service to the people. Elected
Instead, they struggled to provide us Muda in Shah Alam and even improve the lives of the people. representatives must ensure that A check found that the case
with a good education,” he said. ventured to the East Coast states to every voice is heard. management would be held
provide victims with food, medicine, “What you see in me today is the before the Court of Appeal deputy
The founder of the SP Care Clinic money and equipment to facilitate fighting spirit that wanted to get out “I want to serve better by registrar Mohd Khairi Haron.
group has recently expressed desire post-flood cleanup work. of the cocoon of poverty. Instead of leveraging on the political platform. I
to enter politics. His decision was living a successful life, oblivious to am confident of doing well because On April 18, the court allowed
prompted by a request from Sathia said he has never regretted the needs of others, I prefer to give my support comes from the people I Sam’s application to stay the
supporters and residents, who becoming a Parti Keadilan Rakyat back to the public.” know,” he said. execution of the jail sentence and
wanted their welfare to continue (PKR) member and carrying out fine imposed by the High Court on
being looked after by him. He added that after five years as a Sathia will face a three-cornered April 13 and also released her on
fight at the polls with PKR three-term bail of RM10,000 in one surety
Locals have dubbed Sathia their incumbent June Leow Hsiad Hui, pending the hearing of her appeal.
who is also Hulu Selangor member of
Parliament, and Azizan Zakaria. High Court Judge Datuk Abu
Bakar Katar, who meted out the
PLEADING FOR LIFE... A group of youths jail sentence and fine on Sam,
participating in a vigil at Speakers Corner in Singapore also ordered the woman to be
yesterday in support of Malaysian Nagaenthran jailed for six months if she failed to
K. Dharmalingam, who was sentenced to death for pay the fine and imposed a three-
trafficking heroin. The authorities denied his appeal. year driving ban upon completion
– AFPPIX of her prison term.
The court handed down the
decision after allowing the
prosecution’s appeal to set aside a
magistrate court’s decision on Oct
10 last year, which acquitted and
discharged the woman.
Sam, who was 22 years old at
the time of the incident, was
charged with committing the
offence at Jalan Lingkaran Dalam,
Johor Baru, Johor at 3.20am on
Feb 18, 2017.
The eight teenagers killed in
the incident were Mohamad
Azrie Danish Zulkefli, 14;
Muhamad Shahrul Izzwan
Azzuraimie, 14; Muhammad
Firdauz Danish Mohd Azhar, 16;
Fauzan Halmijan, 13; Mohamad
Azhar Amir, 16; Muhammad
Harith Iskandar Abdullah, 14;
Muhammad Shahrul Nizam
Marudin, 14 and Haizad Kasrin,
16. – Bernama
Civil servant
arrested for
Trader charged Busy time for Labuan ferry operators accepting bribe
with using
counterfeit notes LABUAN: Two ferry terminals are every hour instead of every two or departure. Do not rush to the ferry
expected to be busier than usual three hours on normal days. line too early, or the terminal will be KUALA LUMPUR: A civil servant
KUANTAN: A chicken trader ahead of the Hari Raya celebrations, congested and impassable, and was arrested by the Malaysian
pleaded not guilty in the sessions coupled with the reopening of “We anticipated a surge in follow the trip schedule. Anti-Corruption Commission
court yesterday to a charge of Malaysia’s international borders demand ahead of the Hari Raya (MACC) last Friday on suspicion
using counterfeit notes, since April 1. celebrations as travellers will be “Expect a delay when travelling of soliciting and accepting a bribe
amounting to RM700. making a beeline for the ferry ticket towards the ferry terminals. If you of about RM100,000.
Ferry operators have reminded counters to return to the mainland give yourself plenty of time, it will According to a source, the man,
Rohamad Mohamad Saaid, 58, those who plan to use the roll-on- Sabah. be smooth sailing,” said Labuan in his 30s, is believed to have
of Taman Tunas Makmur in Bukit roll-off or passenger ferry services Ferry Terminal ticketing agent solicited the bribe as gratification
Setongkol, made the plea before this weekend to book tickets in “We expect the two ferry company Labuan Point Enterprise for giving several companies
judge Mohd Kafli Che Ali. advance, arrive at terminals early operators to submit applications for Sdn Bhd manager Robert Ling Song licences to carry out sanitation
and be prepared for long waits. additional trips due to the high Thieng. work at polling stations in the
He was charged with demand. We will consider their recent Johor state election.
committing the offence, involving The two ferry operators, namely applications for approval.” Binabalu Sdn Bhd manager Lo The source said the suspect is
seven pieces of counterfeit RM100 Labuan Mainland Link Sdn Bhd Pei Ling expressed hope that the believed to have asked for more
notes, which were deposited into a and Juta Bonus Sdn Bhd, have He added that his department is additional trip applied for with the than RM130,000 from an
bank account of a woman, at a confirmed that tickets from April 27 expecting 18,000 passengers and Labuan Marine Department would individual earlier this year, but the
bank in Indera Mahkota at until a day before Hari Raya (May 2) 4,000 vehicles to use the ferry be approved to avoid people getting individual involved was only able
12.15pm on April 1. have been fully booked. services 10 days before Hari Raya, stranded at the ferry terminals. to provide about RM100,000.
adding that the numbers would “The suspect agreed to the
The charge was framed under Labuan Marine Department increase by at least 10% with the Meanwhile, LDA Labuan reduced amount and then
Section 489B of the Penal Code, director Alimuddin Amirudin said addition of one trip. (Holdings) Sdn Bhd executive requested to meet the individual
which provides for imprisonment 12 trips daily has been approved for director Mohammad Ridzuan last Friday to receive the money,”
of up to 20 years and a fine. the two ferry operators plying the Labuan Mainland Link Ibrahim said the Labuan said the source.
Labuan-Menumbok-Labuan route chairman Datuk Chin Hon Vui said International Ferry Terminal, which MACC intelligence division
The court allowed him bail of and two return trips between the coming Hari Raya holidays handles passengers boarding director Datuk Azmi
RM5,000 in one surety and set May Labuan and Muara in Brunei. would see an overwhelming ferries to several destinations in Kamaruzaman confirmed the
26 for mention, submission of number of passengers using the Sabah (Kota Kinabalu, Sipitang, arrest of the man for investigation
documents and appointment of He said Labuan Mainland Link, ferry services, after muted and Menumbok) as well as under Section 17(a) of the MACC
a lawyer. which operates three ferries, will celebrations in the last two years Limbang and Lawas in Sarawak, Act 2009. – Bernama
provide nine trips, while Juta Bonus due to the Covid-19 pandemic had obtained approval for one or
Deputy public prosecutor will make three trips daily ahead of two additional trips based on the
Fathin Nadhirah Kasim appeared Aidilfitri. “Therefore, it is important that destination and date. – Bernama
for the prosecution. – Bernama ferry passengers arrive at the
“The ferries are now operating terminals at least 45 minutes before
Bali expels tourist Beijing launches mass daily tally of 16,000.
over naked dance Covid testing for 20m But Beijing officials are anxious to
at holy site
oNew infections spark fear of sudden recent days. avoid a spiralling outbreak.
DENPASAR: A Canadian actor and Shanghai-like lockdown, where people The capital’s most populous They have urged companies to
self-proclaimed wellness guru is struggled to get food and medical care
facing deportation from Indonesia’s downtown district, Chaoyang, was allow employees to work from home
Bali island after a video of him BEIJING: The Chinese capital beyond everyone’s imagination, the first to order mass testing from and suspended local group tourism
dancing naked at a sacred mountain Beijing yesterday launched mass and many people think it’s absurd Monday, with people waiting in long ahead of the long May 1 national
went viral. coronavirus testing for nearly all its that a modern metropolis has lines to be swabbed by health holiday.
21 million residents, as fears grew handled the situation like that,” said workers in protective gear.
Jeffrey Craigen posted a video of that the Chinese capital may be Beijing resident Ms Zhao, as she did Authorities on Monday urged
himself doing the Haka, a ceremonial placed under a strict lockdown like her regular shopping at a Eleven more districts began Beijing residents not to leave the city
dance in New Zealand’s Maori Shanghai. supermarket. testing yesterday. for these holidays unless necessary.
culture, while nude on top of Mount
Batur, a volcano considered holy by Under its zero-Covid policy, “I believe our situation will not The testing order for Chaoyang Authorities in China are
many Balinese. China has used lockdowns, mass be as bad, but to be honest, we also sparked panic buying from Sunday increasingly struggling with the
testing and severe travel restrictions bought some rice, noodles, grains night, with residents lining up at impact of strict zero-Covid protocols
He was detained and questioned to stamp out infections. and oil. We’ve made preparations supermarkets with full carts and on the economy and business
on Monday following a deluge of for at least one to two weeks,” bulging shopping bags as state morale, especially when outbreaks
complaints from social media users Its biggest city Shanghai has been she said. media tried to reassure the public appear in the country’s most
accusing him of disrespecting almost entirely locked down for that there were plentiful supplies. important cities.
Balinese religious values. weeks, and a mass testing order in Beijing has ordered people in 12
Beijing has sparked worries that the central districts that account for Beijing residents said they feared Concerns have grown around the
Craigen is awaiting deportation capital will be placed under the most of its population to undergo a repeat of the sudden lockdown in world about how the outbreaks in
but authorities say airlines are same restrictions. three rounds of PCR testing after Shanghai, where people have China and its Covid policies could
reluctant to help because he is not dozens of infections were found in struggled to obtain food and impact the global economy,
vaccinated against Covid-19. “Shanghai’s situation has gone medical care for non-Covid especially supply chains.
“Airlines have not agreed (to The city of Baotou in China’s
transport him),” the head of Denpasar Some residential compounds Inner Mongolia region, a major
immigration office Tedy Riyandi said have been sealed off in Chaoyang, supplier of rare earths, said on
yesterday. much like parts of Shanghai. Monday that after the detection of
two virus cases, all residents must
He will be put on a blacklist The capital reported 33 new cases stay home, with each household
preventing him from entering Bali for yesterday, a fraction of Shanghai’s only sending one member out to buy
the foreseeable future, officials said. necessities once a day.
Craigen has been in Indonesia That order came as Shanghai’s
since late 2019 as a tourist and to lockdown dragged on, and the city
study alternative treatments for reported 52 new Covid deaths
osteoporosis, Bali’s immigration office yesterday. Social media users and
head Jamaruli Manihuruk said. local news outlets shared images of
green metal fences put up across
Tourism in Bali had been crippled Shanghai to keep residents confined
by the pandemic over the last two to their buildings. – AFP
years. – AFP
Kim vows to boost North Korea’s nuclear arsenal
BRIEFS SEOUL TO RESUME SEOUL: North Korea will rapidly test-firing a slew of banned weapons founding anniversary of North convincing Kim to give up his
OUTDOOR FESTIVALS accelerate development of its this year while ignoring United Korea’s armed forces, state media nuclear weapons programmes have
nuclear arsenal, leader Kim Jong Un States offers of talks, as analysts reported. come to nothing, and he warned on
SEOUL: The Seoul city said while overseeing a vast military warn of a likely resumption of Monday that he could use his
government said yesterday it will parade showcasing his most nuclear tests. Kim vowed to “strengthen and atomic arsenal if North Korea’s
resume large in-person outdoor powerful intercontinental ballistic develop our nation’s nuclear “fundamental interests” were
festivals across the capital missiles (ICBM), state media Dressed in white military capabilities at the fastest pace”, threatened.
following the recent removal of reported yesterday. uniform trimmed with gold according to a transcript of his
major virus-related social brocade, Kim watched as tanks, speech at the event published by the “The basic mission of our
distancing rules, Yonhap news Despite biting sanctions, North rocket launchers and his largest official Korean Central News nuclear force is to deter war, but our
agency reported. According to Korea has doubled down on Kim’s ICBM were paraded through Agency. nuclear weapons cannot be bound
officials, the 2022 Seoul Jazz Festa military modernisation drive, Pyongyang late Monday for the to only one mission,” he said,
will open on Nodeul Island in Repeated negotiations aimed at according to the KCNA transcript.
central Seoul for a six-day run Planes
until Sunday. The music festival perform an North Korea had paused
was organised to celebrate the aerial display long-range and nuclear tests while
Unesco-designated International during a Kim met then-US president Donald
Jazz Day on Saturday and will also military Trump for a bout of doomed
have on-site food trucks. An arts parade to diplomacy, which collapsed in 2019.
festival featuring abouto 30 mark the 90th
sculpting artworks will also be anniversary of Last month, Pyongyang test-fired
held on the island until June 24. It the founding an ICBM at full range for the first
added that the city will also host of the Korean time since 2017, and satellite
various street arts festivals at the People’s imagery showed signs of activity at a
Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Revolutionary nuclear testing site, which was
Seoul Forest and other popular Army in purportedly demolished in 2018
tourism sites on weekends and Pyongyang. ahead of the first Trump-Kim
holidays until May 22. – Bernama – KCNAPIX summit.
AVAILABILITY OF COVID Kim’s messaging on the purpose
PILLS DOUBLED IN U.S. of his nuclear weapons could be a
response to South Korea’s new
WASHINGTON: President Joe President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol, who
Biden’s administration said takes office on May 10, analysts said.
yesterday it is doubling the
number of outlets where at-risk “It’s noteworthy that Kim is now
Americans can obtain free talking more specifically about the
Covid-19 therapeutic pills. Oral purpose of his nuclear weapons,”
therapeutics such as Pfizer’s said University of North Korean
Paxlovid pill are seen as an Studies professor Yang Moo-jin.
important new weapon in the
struggle to knock out a virus that “South Korea’s president-elect
at its peak a year ago killed more Yoon has threatened a pre-emptive
than 3,000 people a day in the strike on Pyongyang if needed, and
United States alone and Kim seems to be indirectly saying
disrupted economic activity that he may have to respond with
around the globe. While sharply nuclear tactics should Yoon indeed
reduced in lethality, the latest proceed.” – AFP
Omicron variant continues to
spread and the White House Junta court to release verdict on Suu Kyi trial
hopes the growing combination
of vaccinations, natural immunity YANGON: A Myanmar junta court She has since been hit with a raft But the hearings were from attending the special court
and therapeutics will help will hand down a verdict in the of criminal charges, including “adjourned” without a verdict, hearings in the military-built capital
Americans finally turn the corner corruption trial of Aung San Suu Kyi violating the official secrets act, which is now scheduled for Naypyidaw and Suu Kyi’s lawyers
on the pandemic. “One of the today, according to a source with corruption and electoral fraud, and Wednesday, the source added. have been banned from speaking to
most effective available knowledge of the matter, in a case she faces more than 150 years in jail the media.
treatments is Pfizer’s antiviral pill, that could see the Nobel laureate if convicted on all counts. Suu Kyi has already been
Paxlovid, which has been shown jailed for 15 years. sentenced to six years in jail for Suu Kyi is facing a total of 10
to reduce risk of hospitalisation or A verdict in the corruption trial, incitement against the military, corruption charges, each with a
death by about 90%,“ a Suu Kyi, 76, has been detained in which Suu Kyi is accused of breaching Covid-19 rules and possible 15-year jail term. She is also
government official said. – AFP since a military coup ousted her accepting a bribe of US$600,000 breaking a telecommunications law, on trial for breaching the official
civilian government in February last (RM2.6 million) cash and gold bars, although she will remain under secrets act, where she is accused
year, ending the country’s brief was scheduled yesterday, said a house arrest. alongside detained Australian
period of democracy. source close to the case. academic Sean Turnell. – AFP
Journalists have been barred
Risk of nuclear war ‘real’, says Russian minister
LVIV: Moscow accused Nato of ministry’s transcript of the interview. help it fight off Russia’s latest military Dmytro Kuleba said he regarded Armed Services Minister James
engaging in a proxy battle against “I would not want to elevate those assault in the east. Russia’s scaremongering as a sign of Heappey told BBC Television.
Russia by arming Ukraine, saying this risks artificially. Many would like that. “The next several weeks will be weakness. The US State Department on
had created a serious and real risk of The danger is serious, real. And we very, very critical,” US Joint Chiefs of Russia had lost its “last hope to Monday approved the potential sale
nuclear war. must not underestimate it,” Staff chairman Mark Milley said. scare the world off supporting of US$165 million (RM718 million)
In a marked escalation of Russian Lavrov said. “They need continued support in Ukraine”, Kuleba wrote on Twitter. worth of ammunition to Ukraine. The
rhetoric, Foreign Minister Sergei “Nato, in essence, is engaged in a order to be successful on the Britain also played down the Pentagon said the package could
Lavrov was asked on state television war with Russia through a proxy and battlefield. And that’s really the Russian threat. include ammunition for howitzers,
about the importance of avoiding is arming that proxy. War means war.” purpose of this conference.” “Lavrov’s trademark over the tanks and grenade launchers.
World War Three and whether the Lavrov’s remarks came as US The aim is to coordinate aid that course of 15 years or so that he has Moscow’s ambassador to
current situation was comparable to Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin includes heavy weapons such as been the Russian foreign secretary Washington told the United States to
the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. was set to convene a meeting of more howitzer artillery, as well as killer has been that sort of bravado. I don’t halt shipments, warning Western
“The risks now are considerable,” than 40 countries at a German air drones and ammunition, Milley said. think that right now there is an weapons were inflaming the conflict.
Lavrov said, according to the base to discuss arming Ukraine to Ukraine’s Foreign Minister imminent threat of escalation,” – Reuters
US to ‘move heaven and
earth’ to help Ukraine Erdogan critic Kavala
jailed for life
ISTANBUL: A Turkish court on Monday
sentenced leading activist Osman Kavala to life
in prison on controversial charges of trying to
topple the government that had already seen
him jailed without a conviction for more than
four years.
o Allies from 40 nations meet” Kyiv’s needs. with tonnes of humanitarian and military aid The panel of three judges also jailed seven
At the talks, German Defence Minister ready to be packed onto trucks bound for other defendants for 18 years each on the
meet to bolster Kyiv Christine Lambrecht said Berlin has agreed to Ukraine. charge of aiding the attempt to overthrow
defence against Moscow give the go-ahead to the delivery of used Next to the pallets of medical material and then-prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s
Gepard anti-aircraft tanks to Ukraine. government during large-scale protests in 2013.
diapers were hundreds of Russian-made
The move towards heavy weapons shells and rockets provided by countries that The ruling drew swift condemnation from
deliveries marked a turning point from prefer to remain discreet on their some of Turkey’s main allies, as well rights
Germany’s timid backing for Kyiv, which has participation in arming Ukraine. campaigners, some of whom emerged from the
RAMSTEIN AIR BASE: The United States put Chancellor Olaf Scholz under fire at home Outside the warehouse, seven vehicles packed Istanbul courtroom in tears.
vowed yesterday to move “heaven and earth” and abroad. towing howitzers with a range of 30 kilometres Washington said it was “deeply troubled” by
to help Ukraine win its battle against Russia’s Lambrecht admitted that the were awaiting transfer. the “unjust” conviction.
unprovoked invasion, as allies from 40 Bundeswehr’s weapons stocks are limited, France is delivering Caesar cannons with a “The United States is deeply troubled and
nations met to bolster Kyiv’s defence against but said it will turn to the inventory of range of 40 kilometres and Britain has disappointed by the court’s decision,” US State
Moscow. Germany’s armaments manufacturers. provided Starstreak anti-air missiles and Department spokesman Ned Price said in a
The meeting called by the US at its Kyiv has been asking for heavy artillery and tanks. statement.
Ramstein airbase in southwestern Germany tanks to repel Russian forces trying to seize The meeting yesterday is not being held Germany said the 64-year-old intellectual
aims “to help Ukraine win the fight against complete control of its vast southern plains under the auspices of Nato but the alliance’s and campaigner must be “freed immediately”,
Russia’s unjust invasion and to build up and the eastern region of Donbas. members including Washington’s European while two leading European parliamentarians,
Ukraine’s defences for tomorrow’s But the Russian-made equipment which allies are in attendance. who coordinate ties with Ankara, said the
challenges”, said Defense Secretary Lloyd Ukrainians have been trained to use is now Also present are countries further afield “regrettable” ruling showed there was “little to
Austin as he opened the talks. rare. like Japan or Australia, which fear that a no EU perspective for the current Turkey”.
“Ukraine clearly believes that it can win Some countries in eastern Europe, which Russian victory in Ukraine could set a The bloc’s chief diplomat, Josep Borrell,
and so does everyone here,” he added. still had stocks have sent them to Kyiv, precedent and spur on the territorial condemned the sentence for ignoring orders for
The US is already the biggest supplier of sometimes in exchange for newer generation ambitions of China. Finland and Sweden, Kavala’s release from the European Court of
international military aid to Ukraine and US equipment. traditionally neutral countries now looking at Human Rights.
Austin said Washington is “going to keep Austin had held a press conference on joining Nato following Russia’s aggression in “Today, we have witnessed a travesty of
moving heaven and earth so that we can Monday at a Polish warehouse stacked high Ukraine, are likewise participating. – AFP justice of spectacular proportions,” said
Amnesty International’s Europe director Nils
A couple posing in front of a destroyed Russian The Paris-born philanthropist told the court
tank in Rusaniv. – REUTERSPIX
by video link from his high-security prison near
Istanbul that he viewed the entire process as a
“judicial assassination”. – AFP
Sri Lanka to sell ‘golden’ visas in move to get cash
GENEVA: More than eight million Ukrainians
COLOMBO: Cash-strapped Sri Lanka bank account for the duration of the stay, the medicines have triggered widespread could flee as refugees this year, the United
announced yesterday it would sell long-term government said in a statement. protests, with thousands of people camped Nations said yesterday, doubling its aid
visas to attract desperately needed foreign outside President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s appeal for those stuck inside the
currency after the island nation ran out of “This scheme will help Sri Lanka at a time seafront office to demand his resignation. war-ravaged country. More than 5.2 million
dollars to pay for food and fuel. when we are facing the worst financial crisis Ukrainians have already fled the country in
since our independence,” media minister The government has signalled a the two months since Russia launched its
Foreigners who deposit a minimum of Nalaka Godahewa said. willingness to consider constitutional full-fledged invasion on Feb 24, fuelling
US$100,000 (RM435,469) locally will be reforms that could pare back the authority of Europe’s fastest-growing refugee crisis since
granted permission to live and work in Sri The government also approved the the president, who gave himself sweeping World War II. The UN refugee agency, which
Lanka for 10 years under the “Golden granting of five-year visas to any foreigner powers to appoint and sack ministers, judges initially forecast that up to four million
Paradise Visa Program”, the government said. spending a minimum of US$75,000 to buy an and public servants after his 2019 election. people would flee this year, said it would
apartment on the island. – AFP need US$1.85 billion (RM8.05 billion) to
The money should be locked in a local support refugees in neighbouring
Acute shortages of food, fuel and countries. The latest projected number was
reached “in collaboration with the
authorities and neighbouring countries,“
UNHCR spokesman Shabia Mantoo said in
Geneva. – AFP
MADRID: At least one person drowned and
26 were missing after a boat carrying
migrants capsized in the Atlantic Ocean off
Spain’s Canary Islands, the Spanish
coastguard said yesterday. The boat
departed from Cap Boujdour in Western
Sahara with 61 people on board and
rescuers only found 34 alive, a spokesman
for the coastguard said. Two minors and 10
women were among the survivors rescued
off the island of Gran Canaria and
transported to safety, she added. According
to Spanish NGO, Caminando Fronteras, 27
people died in the accident, including 13
women and six babies. The Spanish
archipelago off the coast of West Africa has
become the main destination for migrants
trying to reach Europe. – AFP
8 theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022
COMMENT Future-proofing palm oil
from Western propaganda
by Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin
given such behaviour reanimated the palm oil producers, harbour no intention to towards ensuring compliance with human
THE notoriety of developed exploitative, colonial origins of the industry. make enemies it is high time for the palm oil rights and labour standards.
economies against palm oil – the While the EU biofuel ban is in place, it industry to take a more proactive and
most produced, consumed and simultaneously evokes subtle protectionism aggressive stance to dispel baseless claims by These efforts have been intensified since
traded edible oil – all in favour of by exempting European oilseed products powerful competitors, who are out there to early 2019, especially with our affiliation to
protecting the soybean trade (the second such as rapeseed and sunflower, which champion other types of edible vegetable the Fair Labour Association which is a long-
most-produced edible oil) is well known. require more land, water, and fertiliser than oils. term programme to improve structures and
palm oil, from any economic penalty. It is time for all concerned certification systems for the enhancement of FGV’s labour
The European Union (EU) Parliament has “We in Africa know this too well, the EU’s bodies to come forward to defend palm oil, practices.
voted for palm oil-based biofuels to be Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) provides dispelling all the allegations.
banned entirely by 2021. In contrast, other domestic farmers €42 billion Slim chance or otherwise, Even then, it is worth noticing that FGV
crop-based biofuels will be capped at 7% (RM196.2 bil) in annual Malaysia/Indonesia must was slapped with a US CBP Withhold Release
and enjoy a gradual reduction to 3.8% by subsidies, hence strengthening proactively pursue their legal Order (WRO) on Sept 30 last year on
2030. “I call on alltheir ability to export at recourse filed with the World allegations of forced labour.
Trade Organisation against the
Such a ban is linked to the EU’s belief that artificially low prices to the Nevertheless, FGV has appointed
oil palm cultivation is responsible for Malaysians todeveloping world,” argued EU’s restrictions on palm oil independent auditing firm Elevate Ltd to
deforestation. biodiesel. expedite the auditing process which will
Muhammed Magassy in “Green eventually pave the way to the lifting of the
Another trade ban that has often affected work togetherTrade War on Palm Oil” WRO.
Malaysian palm oil export is the US Customs Truth must be told
and Border Protection (CBP) curtailing palm published by London-based The FGV is not alone in such quandary as
oil import into the world’s largest economy with us toParliament e-magazine. As highlighted by FGV Holdings another palm oil giant Sime Darby Plantation
based on forced labour allegations. “This gives European Bhd’s group CEO Mohd Nazrul Bhd (Sime Plantation), too, is not spared
address theproducers an unfair advantage Izam Mansor at the Future- from the WRO action.
In the EU case, palm oil exports into the Proofed Palm Oil Summit
continent face numerous hurdles even with in markets such as Africa, The world’s largest producer of Certified
Asian palm oil exporters voluntarily abiding anti-palm oilbankrupting local farmers.” (FPPO 2021) in November last Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) is expected to
by the sustainable certification ruling under Imagine such biasness is year, the global agribusiness deliver its impact report submission to the
the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil allowed to prevail even as palm and food producer places a US CBP by end-April which will go towards
(RSPO) scheme. oil also boasts numerous health propaganda by strong commitment to the lifting of the WRO imposed on the
benefits, which has led to the Western environmental, social and company in December 2020.
In fact, putting in place mandatory Malaysian Palm Oil Council countries, governance considerations in
sustainability requirements is not an issue for unveiling the Malaysian Palm all its undertakings. Interestingly, Sime Plantation has recently
exporters, given that sustainable volumes Oil Full of Goodness campaign revealed that it is transforming all its 33
will receive a market price premium. to showcase the Malaysian Palm This is clearly embedded in Malaysian palm oil mills into certified food
which is clearlyOil industry’s sustainable the group’s sustainability policy safety facilities by end-2023, after which the
However, the EU’s failure or hesitance to where FGV has adopted the no same standards will be rolled out across the
recognise the national sustainability initiatives and management. deforestation, no planting on group’s operations in Indonesia, Papua New
standards in Malaysia (the MSPO or aimed at peat and no exploitation Guinea and the Solomon Islands.
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil standard) Dismantling barriers commitment.
and Indonesia (the ISPO or Indonesian bringing downDenial of entry is already In its quest to conserve On my part, I am seeking meetings with
Sustainable Palm Oil standard) is a severe biodiversity and wildlife, the the US CBP and the EU by July this year to set
worry for both the top two global palm oil fuelling deep concerns among the record straight on forced labour
producers. our country’sglobal industry players group has embarked on a new allegations while once and for all, addressing
three-year initiative to protect the fallout from WRO issued by the US CPB to
This is ironic, considering Europe only concerned that such a ruling and enhance high conservation FGV Holdings and Sime Plantation in 2020.
represents 6.4% of the global palm oil palm oilmay influence other major value and high carbon stock
market. areas within the vicinity of its On a similar note, Malaysia will be
export destinations to follow plantations by planting fast- represented at the dispute proceeding on the
Yet, the cartel-like RSPO endeavours to industrysuit. EU’s alleged discrimination against the
apply pressure from consumers in affluent Of late, there has been a growing indigenous or native national palm oil industry from May 8 to 18
Western markets on Asian palm oil resurgence of anti-palm oil for us to provide our side of the story on the
producers. campaigns – even at the school tree species and wild fruit trees. matter.
level – by associating the “Wildlife protection and
To recap, Indonesia was the first to initiate emergence of oil palm human-wildlife conflict I call on all Malaysians to work together
its national certification scheme (the ISPO) plantations with the disappearance of orang management remain a high priority for FGV. with us to address the anti-palm oil
in 2011, with Malaysia following suit four utans. One of our conservation projects involves the propaganda by Western countries which is
years later (with the MSPO). As mentioned earlier, such stigma rescue, rehabilitation and release of injured clearly aimed at bringing down our country’s
surfaces even though there have been or displaced Malayan Sun Bears,” he said in a palm oil industry.
Since then, both countries have been existing legislations to protect and prohibit special address at FPPO 2021.
campaigning globally to win recognition of the expansion of oil palm cultivation under “While this project is ongoing, we have I will ensure we put up an “aggressive”
their standards and the right to define existing conservation programmes. expanded our ‘Protection of Rare, fight against these foreign pressures and
sustainable palm oil on their terms. It just seems that no matter how many Endangered and Threatened Species provide them with all the relevant evidence.
Uneven turf preventive measures are put in place, they Programme’ to include pygmy elephants,
Unfair attacks and new allegations continue are never enough. gibbons and pangolins.” We will show them that Malaysia is not a
to discredit and pursue the industry’s As much as Malaysia and neighbouring On the social component, FGV has been nation to be fooled around with.
downfall amid existing legislation and Indonesia, which are the world’s two largest focusing on efforts in the past several years
certification standards to ensure labour Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin is Plantation
rights are protected or the very fact that oil Industries and Commodities Minister.
palm cultivation occupies only 0.31% of the Comments: [email protected]
global five billion hectares of agricultural
As highlighted by Gambian Centre for
Sustainable Palm Oil Studies member
Muhammed Magassy, it should come as no
surprise if significant palm oil producers
(such as Malaysia and Indonesia) regard the
EU’s anti-palm oil stance as “crop apartheid”
The world can stop capital flight now
COMMENT developing countries. Capital flight is influence, often connected to wealth. But many advocates of opening
by Jomo Kwame Sundaram After all, conventional economic easier from Hence, some illicit activities and capital accounts justify capital flight by
most blaming it on allegedly predatory or
CURBING capital flight from theory insists capital flows from “capital- developing wealth may be unlawful while others incompetent governments.
developing countries is long rich” to “capital-poor” countries. economies that may not be.
overdue. New sanctions against have become The international financial system
Russian oligarchs show this can The reality of capital flowing more open in National legal jurisdictions have been features enabling capital flight often also
be done with the requisite political will. ‘upstream’ – to rich countries – the last four changed to ease cross-border flows. facilitate tax avoidance and evasion by
Recent research also shows how to more underscores how mainstream economic decades with the wealthy.
effectively stop capital flight. textbooks mislead. economic Rules, norms and practices have been
liberalisation, changed to hide wealth transfers from Thus, capital flight doubly
Capital flight Clearly, the real world is very different often national and international authorities, undermines domestic resource
Capital flight is widespread, with from the one that such economists demanded by rules and regulations. Hence, natural mobilisation by leaching both investible
resource-rich countries more vulnerable. believe should exist. structural resource endowments especially enable and government resources.
Enabling illicit outflows adjustment capital flight.
“Mis-invoicing” exports and Unsurprisingly, the wealthy – especially programmes Transborder capital flows avoid or
embezzling export earnings of state- the “crooked” – want to keep their assets Such outflows may even be triply minimise taxes paid, while hiding
owned mineral companies have been abroad, beyond the reach of national illicit, in terms of mode of acquisition, beneficiaries’ identities and wealth in
central to such wealth appropriation. authorities and rivals. concealment from tax authorities, and secretive offshore tax havens.
transfer across borders. But not all illicitly
Capital flight is enabled not only by As such wealth has often been transferred flight capital is illicitly Government finances are also directly
national conditions but also by acquired illicitly, owners want to protect acquired. hit when externally borrowed funds, or
transnational facilitators. themselves from investigation, state-owned enterprises and natural
prosecution and expropriation. Conversely, illicitly obtained wealth – resources are embezzled.
Internationally, capital flight is aided “laundered” before being transferred
by institutions and professional enablers Capital flight is enabled by abroad legally – is not deemed capital Worse, government or public foreign
such as bankers, lawyers, accountants transnational financial networks with flight. debt has often been abused to directly
and consultants. considerable influence. finance capital flight. Meanwhile, illicit
Some capital flight involves legally offshore flight capital goes untaxed.
Capital should flow to investments These involve global banks and acquired wealth illicitly transferred
yielding the most returns. But economic financial institutions, auditors and abroad. This may be reported as trade- This shifts the tax burden to the
theory suggests making more depends accounting firms, tax lawyers and related payments on the current account, middle class and domestic businesses
on appropriating what economists call consulting firms for hire. not involving capital account transfers. unable to sneak their assets abroad, or to
“rents”. otherwise avoid revenue authorities.
Along with corporate executives and They may thus bypass, or even
These rents may be secured by many government officials, they facilitate contravene capital controls and foreign Many developing countries continue
means, legal or otherwise. capital flight, sharing in the spoils. exchange regulations. to suffer significant resource outflows,
largely due to illicit capital flight. On the
Developing countries, especially With both states and markets at their They strive to evade detection, trail of capital flight from Africa: The
resource-rich economies, are generally disposal, transnational financial prosecution, litigation, fines, charges and Takers and the Enablers – edited by
more susceptible to abuse. networks successfully overcome national taxes by various revenue authorities. Leonce Ndikumana and James Boyce –
constraints. studies this blight in sub-Saharan Africa.
Wealth buys power and influence, Illicit foreign exchange outflows The world has much to learn from their
enabling further accumulation. Prerogatives of national sovereignty secretly transferred abroad and not forensic analysis.
are also abused to obscure their recorded in official national accounts
Thus, in the real world, natural transactions and operations from may not be deemed illegal. The volume estimates haemorrhage
resource endowments become a curse, surveillance. from African countries since 1970 at
not a blessing. Hence, the volume and significance of US$2 trillion. Of this, almost 30% has
Capital flight is enabled, even capital flight estimates tend to be been lost in the 21st century.
Since the 1990s, the International incentivised by national environments understated.
Monetary Fund’s sixth Article of allowing the wealthy to surreptitiously Adding interest, cumulative offshore
Association – authorising national sneak financial assets offshore. Instead of Capital flight is easier from most assets were US$2.4 trillion by 2018, more
capital controls – has been “flexibly helping developing countries protect developing economies that have become than thrice Africa’s external debt!
reinterpreted” by management and staff. their meagre assets, international more open in the last four decades with
financial institutions have facilitated, economic liberalisation, often The West’s piecemeal approach to
Instead of protecting national even worsened the haemorrhage. demanded by structural adjustment sanctions targeting individuals is
economies, they have eased transborder programmes. recognized as costly, time-consuming
capital flows and flight. Elites influence the law and its Why stop capital flight? and ineffectual. Instead, the editors
enforcement, typically by employing Transnational corruption – across recommend a pre-emptive, across-the-
To add insult to injury, advocates enabling professionals and friendly national borders – undermines board effort to undermine transnational
falsely claim that more capital will legislators. After all, laws and governance and national resource networks enabling illicit financial flows.
thus flow into, rather than out of governments are neither impartial nor mobilization needed to enhance This should begin with closing financial
efficient, constantly reshaped by productive investments. system loopholes. – IPS
Don’t rush to allow cultivation of plants for drug use
COMMENT any incidents of abuse or mismanagement once import permit under the Control of Drugs and (c) allow any plant, from which raw opium,
by Muzaffar Syah Mallow the green light has been given for cultivation. Cosmetics Regulation, the Poisons Act as well as coca leaves, poppy-straw, or cannabis may be
the Dangerous Drugs Act. obtained either directly or indirectly, planted or
Athorough study needs to be carried out To reduce such concerns, the government cultivated by some other person on land owned
before a final decision regarding the should create a special committee consisting of Similarly, the wholesale trading of products or occupied by him or in any receptacle on such
cultivation of hemp or other drug- not only politicians or MPs, but also experts from containing cannabis must be carried out by land, to remain on such land or in such
related plants in the country. the legal and medical backgrounds who can dealers who have a licence under the same receptacle”.
This is based on the recent news that the provide better input or information on the regulation and Acts.
Cabinet had granted its approval for further government’s proposed plan to allow the Any person who contravenes this section
discussion with the Health Ministry over the cultivation of hemp or other drug-related plants The sale or retail supply of products shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and
cultivation of hemp and ketum for medicinal in the country. containing cannabis for medical treatment of a shall be punished on conviction with
purposes. patient should be performed by a registered imprisonment for life and whipping of not less
The proposed special committee should also medical practitioner under the Medical Act 1971. than six strokes.
According to Deputy Communications and consist of all relevant non–governmental
Multimedia Minister Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin organisations (NGO) in the country as well as Registered pharmacists who have a Type A However Section 6B(2) of the same Act also
the Cabinet had no objections and instructed his academicians from local universities who licence can also sell or supply cannabis products states that “Nothing in this section shall be
ministry to discuss with Health Minister Khairy specialise in drug cultivation, social studies and to certain individuals based on prescriptions construed to prevent the Minister from
Jamaluddin how best to proceed with approving laws. issued by registered medical practitioners. authorising any public officer to plant or cultivate
the planting process. any plant, from which raw opium, coca leaves,
The use of certain kinds of drugs such as Therefore, if there are parties who have poppy-straw or cannabis may be obtained either
Earlier this month, the parliamentary caucus cannabis is not an issue in the country as our sufficient scientific evidence to use cannabis directly or indirectly, in places and on such terms
on medical cannabis chaired by Muar member existing laws allow it for medical purposes. (hemp) for any medicinal purpose by taking into and conditions as may be specified in such
of Parliament Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman account the aspects of quality, safety and authorisation for research, educational,
stated that policy issues on the development of The Health Ministry (MOH) also effectiveness, then the application to register experimental or medical purposes”.
the hemp, cannabis, and ketum industry would acknowledged the use of cannabis for medicinal cannabis products for medicinal purposes can
be raised in Cabinet after it held a meeting. purposes in Malaysia through statements by its be submitted to the DCA to be evaluated and It seems that our existing law already allows
minister through Parliament in November last registered under the Control of Drugs and the use of medical drugs provided we follow all
The meeting, which was attended by Prime year. Cosmetics Regulation 1984 to allow it to be the mentioned rules and regulations stated
Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, marketed in Malaysia. above.
acknowledged the industry was vastly developed According to Khairy, the existing legislation
in many countries and valued at RM60 billion at that regulates cannabis and its by-products in The only obstacle we have now is the Our existing law also already permits the
present. Malaysia, including the Dangerous Drugs Act cultivation process of drug-related plants, cultivation of drug-related plants but under strict
1952, Poisons Act 1952 and the Sale of Drugs Act including cannabis in our country. conditions to prevent any abuse and
Everybody is already aware of the negative 1952, do not prohibit the use of cannabis for mismanagement.
effects that drugs can have on an individual medicinal purposes. According to Section 6B(1) of the Dangerous
when it is subjected to abuse and Drugs Act 1952, “No person shall: As such, we should maintain the existing laws
mismanagement. A product containing cannabis that is used for as it has been proven capable of safeguarding the
human medicinal purposes can be imported (a) either on his behalf or behalf of any other safety of our people from being exposed to any
Due to this, any plan to allow the cultivation of and consumed in Malaysia if that product person, plant or cultivate any plant from which mishandling of drugs and prevent our people
any drug-related plants should be scrutinised in complies with the requirements of the law. raw opium, coca leaves, poppy straw, or from getting close involved in activities related to
detail before a final decision is made. cannabis may be obtained either directly or drug abuse and misuse as much as possible.
According to MOH, cannabis-containing indirectly;
The question that needs to be asked is products should be registered with the Drug Muzaffar Syah Mallow is a senior lecturer in the
whether Malaysia can effectively monitor the Control Authority (DCA) as prescribed by the (b) allow any plant, from which raw opium, Faculty of Syariah and Law at Universiti Sains
cultivation process of such plants and prevent Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulation 1984 coca leaves, poppy-straw, or cannabis may be Islam Malaysia (USIM). Comments:
under the Sale of Drugs Act. obtained either directly or indirectly, to be [email protected]
planted or cultivated by some other person on
The importation of the product should be land owned or occupied by him or in any
carried out by importers who have a licence and receptacle on such land; or
10 theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022
Mazlin Erawati Ab Manan, Chief Executive Officer of Setel and Mohammad Munzir Aminuddin, Group Chief Executive
Officer of Siti Khadijah commemorating the collaboration to support women in the community.
N conjunction with Ramadan,
Setel and Siti Khadijah will be
donating RM100,000 worth of
I A worthy collaborationtelekung through the Setulus
Kasih initiative to support women in
This collaboration marks Setel
and Siti Khadijah’s latest partnership o Setel partners with Siti Khadijah to support women in the community
to launch Setel Pay at 31 Siti
Khadijah outlets nationwide, as well
as the expansion of Setel Express as
a key delivery partner for the local Setel ecosystem. through Setel Express, benefits Siti as well.” delivery solution, further
modest wear brand, offering “Enabling contactless payment Khadijah greatly in service delivery. In addition to the above, Setel maximising their business potential
integrated business solutions from coupled with delivery service for Siti Setel Express’ next day intra-city users can use Setel Pay for purchases in this period of economic recovery.
contactless payment to next day Khadijah signifies our continued delivery proves its commitment with at any participating Siti Khadijah Customers can also easily track their
delivery for seamless business commitment to providing a 100% service record – on time, outlets and from now until May 31, delivery on the Setel application.
operation. customers with a seamless every time. 2022, a portion of the sales will go
Mazlin Erawati Ab Manan, Chief experience and in the spirit of “For Siti Khadijah, we take towards the overall donation drive. Download the latest version of
Executive Officer of Setel said: “This Ramadan, to give back to those in logistics seriously and Setel Express Setel Pay enables businesses to the Setel app for free on iOS and
unique partnership allows Setel to need.” fulfils our concern. offer their customers the Android via the Apple Store, Google
support communities at large, whilst Mohammad Munzir Aminuddin, “Given such a flawless record, we convenience of contactless payment Play Store and Huawei AppGallery.
also providing integrated solutions Group Chief Executive Officer of Siti believe that the same service quality whilst earning Mesra points.
for businesses to elevate their Khadijah said: “The collaboration will transpire through, Setel Pay, a Setel Express offers businesses a For more information on Setel,
digitalisation plans through our opportunity with Setel, one of it seamless payment solution for retail more seamless and affordable please visit
An immersive WebVR career fair eMnicerrogny ainchMieavlaeyssi1a00% renewable
BUSINESSES are racing toward a
future that is very different from the recruiters. It aims to recruit Metaverse is emerging as a natural MICRON Technology, Inc. an industry footprint.
one they were designed to operate technology talent to help clients evolution that reconciles how the leader in innovative memory and As a result, Micron’s manufacturing
in, and the range of technology tools with their digital ambitions, internet is designed today with what storage solutions, today announced
and ways of working we use will especially in the retail and financial we will demand from it going that its manufacturing, offices and and engineering operations in
continue to evolve and expand. In services sector. The event will run for forward. A total of 72% of facilities in Malaysia are now powered Malaysia will use 100% renewable
fact, no discussion around emerging one month from April 22. respondents in Malaysia believe the by 100% renewable energy. The energy and achieve 100% reduction in
technologies is complete without Metaverse will have a positive impact achievement advances the company’s carbon dioxide emissions, equating to
mentioning the Metaverse. In the The career fair is in line with the on their organisation in future. commitment to responsible and approximately 120,000 metric tons of
long term, this impacts all recent launch of the Advanced The Metaverse promises to go sustainable leadership in its global carbon dioxide or more per year.
businesses and industries. At Technology Centre in Malaysia beyond email, videoconferencing, operations across 17 countries.
Accenture, we are actively exploring which aims to hire 2000 tech talent and chat to create a digital centre of The estimated carbon emission is
the Metaverse and how we can tap in the next few years, contributing to gravity for organisations and teams. “Micron established ambitious equivalent to removing 24,000
that for recruitment, employee the MyDIGITAL ambition of In the long run, as the physical and sustainability goals last year to source passenger vehicles from the road in a
training, employee engagement and creating 500,000 jobs in the digital digital worlds converge, we will have renewable energy when and where year. Micron’s achievement aligns with
business application for our clients. economy. the ability to collaborate seamlessly feasible,”said Manish Bhatia, executive and builds on Micron’s sustainability
across extended reality vice president of Global Operations at efforts.
On April 22, Accenture Malaysia According to Accenture research, environments. Micron.
will launch the Accenture the last two years have spurred Technology talent/candidates The company has committed to
Careerverse, a career fair for enterprises to explore new modes of can register for the Accenture “Thanks to our team’s unwavering spending US$1 billion by 2028 to
technology talents hosted in the digital experience and pushed Careerverse here: commitment to reducing our carbon meet its environmental targets:
Metaverse and designed to connect people to live virtually to an extent footprint and impact on the planet, reduce greenhouse gas emission
with the generation that increasingly they never expected. Now the Micron Malaysia is the first location for intensity by 75% between 2018 and
interacts in a parallel world. the company and first business in 2030, achieve 75% water conservation
Developed by Entropia – part of Batu Kawan Industrial Park to reach and 95% waste diversion globally in
Accenture Interactive, this 100% renewable energy.” 2030, and source 100% renewable
immersive experience would not be energy across its US manufacturing
the first time Accenture rolls out To help reach this milestone, operations by the end of 2025.
future technologies to recruit talent. Micron secured a Green Electricity
In the past, the company was the Tariff (GET) for both of its sites in
first to use VR headsets to give Malaysia, Micron Memory Malaysia
university students an experiential Sdn Bhd and Micron Semiconductor
glimpse of life in Accenture. Malaysia Sdn Bhd. GET is a
government initiative to aid the
In the Accenture Careerverse, country’s goal of achieving net-zero
candidates will get to chat with greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
recruiters live, interact with leaders
from global tech giants such as Subscribers to the tariff purchase
Microsoft, Google, AWS and SAP, their electricity from solar or
and score a live interview with hydroelectric generators instead of
fossil fuels to reduce their carbon
APRIL 27, 2022
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
Fax: 03-7785 2624/5
Email: [email protected]
Advertising Tel: 03-7784 8888
Fax: 03-7784 4424
Email: [email protected]
6.70 17.54 65.37 42.09 109.33 23.89 11.18 155.30
1,596.68 3,322.05 26,700.11 16,644.79 2,668.31
19,934.71 2,886.43 7,318.00
KL MARKET SUMMARY SDP submits report to
APRIL 26, 2022
INDICES 11,421.12 CHANGE +55.52
FBMKLCI 1,596.68 +6.70 US CBP over labour claims
CONSTRUCTION 164.75 +0.75
FINANCIAL SERVICES 16,834.49 +91.94
ENERGY 750.86 +5.37
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 633.09 +2.99 o CompanywantstodemonstratefullcompliancewithUSregulations,
HEALTH CARE 2,074.37 +19.63 international standardsandprotectionofworkers’rightsandwell-being
PROPERTY 718.84 -0.06
PLANTATION 8,788.46 -59.13
FBMSHA 11,994.36 +52.29
FBMACE 5,618.41 +35.50 PETALING JAYA: Sime Darby Plantation reports from third party The US CBP issued a
TECHNOLOGY 70.61 +0.71 Bhd (SDP) has submitted a consultants appointed by WRO in December 2020
comprehensive report to the US Customs the group to assess various on the group, based on
TURNOVER VALUE and Border Protection (US CBP) in aspects of its operations. reasonable evidence of
2.250 BIL RM1.922 BIL relation to the Withhold Release Order “The aim of the report is
(WRO) on the company’s products over to demonstrate SDP’s full forced labour in its
allegations of forced labour. compliance with the US operations. SDP then
5 MOST ACTIVES import regulations and cooperated with the
APRIL 26, 2022 According to the group’s Bursa international labour American authorities to
Malaysia filing, the report entails a standards, and that SDP has rectify the issue.
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) detailed assessment of SDP’s Malaysian internal controls and
TECHNAX 112,967,400 11.0 UNCH operations mapped against each of the systems in place to protect However, on Jan 28,
MNC 94,969,700 2.5 International Labour Organisation (ILO) the rights of its workers and 2022, the US agency issued
HSI-HM2 75,224,000 7.0 -0.5 forced labour indicators as well as an in- ensure their well-being a notice of finding against
YONGTAI 66,340,600 10.5 - 12.0 depth description of improved whilst addressing and SDP which determined certain
WIDAD 45,408,700 36.0 UNCH governance structures and management removing the existence of
+0.5 systems. palm oil products were
produced using convict,
It also includes copies of policies, any possible indicators of forced or indentured
guidelines and standard operating forced labour,” SDP said yesterday. labour, based on a
5 TOP GAINERS procedures; details of facilities at SDP The group said it will give its full report by Thompson Hine SmartTrade.
APRIL 26, 2022 operating units; corresponding cooperation and continue to engage with the The notice permits the US authorities to
supporting evidence; and independent US enforcement agency to modify the finding. seize the importer’s goods upon entry into
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM US territory.
F&N 188,300 22.86 1.24
NESTLE 36,800 133.40 0.90 Govt likely to implement targeted fuel subsidy
AEONCR 88,000 15.36 0.28
HLFG 61,300 19.50 0.22 KUALA LUMPUR: The government is
TM 2,221,700 4.99 0.20 likely to introduce a targeted fuel subsidy
mechanism to cushion the impact of the
5 TOP LOSERS rising crude oil prices, especially on the
APRIL 26, 2022 lower income group.
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM Minister in the Prime Minister’s The fuel subsidy
PMBTECH-WA 1,500 15.00 0.20 Department (Economy) Datuk Seri has played an
PMBTECH 296,100 18.18 0.18 Mustapa Mohamed said the government is important role
SOP 1,568,800 6.48 0.18 still working on a suitable structure and in moderating
HSI-HM3 56,000 0.835 0.16 expects it to be completed soon. price increases
HSPLANT 3,164,200 3.19 0.16 in Malaysia. –
He added that the Finance Ministry is BERNAMAPIX
EXCHANGE RATES APRIL 26, 2022 looking at whether the government is able March 2021, surpassing the average
to bear the subsidy, and fuel prices for inflation rate for the January 2011-March
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy RON95 and diesel will remain for the time “However, it will be a big strain on the 2022 period, which stood at 1.9%.
being. budget. When we outlined our budget last “We believe this will be challenging for
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD year, the estimate was about RM5 billion in us moving forward. The impact is mainly
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.4170 4.2840 4.2740 “Those who can afford should pay more subsidies, now the estimate is somewhere on prices. We have not revised our growth
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.1890 3.0640 3.0480 and the people who do not deserve (the around RM30 billion, representing a sixfold projection and we are still sticking to Bank
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.2160 3.1220 3.1140 subsidy) should not be given the subsidy at increase in the amount of subsidies,” he Negara Malaysia’s forecast of 5.3% to 6.3%
1 EURO 3.4630 3.3710 3.3590 all. Subsidies are meant for the poor added. growth this year.
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.7420 4.5900 4.5700 people, particularly the B40. The issue is “We have to be realistic as this is a very
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.9360 2.8280 2.8120 timing, when it is going to be Mustapa said the oil subsidies involved challenging period and there is a need to
1 STERLING POUND 3.2160 3.1220 3.1140 implemented,” he said in The Nation four items – RON95, diesel, liquefied natural revise our growth forecast. The government
1 SWISS FRANC 5.6350 5.4570 5.4370 programme aired at Bernama TV yesterday. gas and cooking oil. will do the necessary,” Mustapa added. –
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.5990 4.4930 4.4780 Bernama
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 121.6300 115.3500 115.1500 Mustapa said fuel subsidy has played an He added that the rise in crude oil prices
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.2130 4.8770 4.6770 important role in moderating price has affected the country’s inflation rate,
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 67.4000 64.8000 increases in Malaysia, whereby the where the Consumer Price Index in March
100 INDIAN RUPEE 56.8700 54.0500 N/A government has been able to maintain 2022 rose by 2.2% to 125.6 against 122.9 in
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.8500 5.4900 53.8500 price increases between 2% and 3% for the
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0316 0.0286 5.2900 last 10 to 20 years.
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.4690 3.3590 0.0236
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.2000 3.3490 OGSE industry – 15 initiatives in the pipeline this year
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.5500 2.2600 N/A KUALA LUMPUR: The Economic Planning work closely with ministries, agencies, Petronas, business practices, while (the government
100 SAUDI RIYAL 122.2200 8.0600 2.0600 Unit (EPU) and Malaysia Petroleum industry players and relevant stakeholders to is) also looking at opportunities to introduce
100THAI BAHT 119.0400 116.0300 7.8600 Resources Corporation (MPRC) plan to kick realise the vision and goals set out in the OGSE low-carbon technologies or solutions to the
13.5500 113.0100 115.8300 off 15 initiatives this year under the National blueprint,” he said at the second steering sector,” Mustapa said.
12.0200 112.8100 Oil & Gas, Services and Equipment (OGSE) committee meeting for the blueprint.
11.6200 Industry Blueprint 2021-2030. In the same statement, MPRC president
In a statement yesterday, the minister and CEO Mohd Yazid Ja’afar said these
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama Minister in the Prime Minister’s was quoted as saying that the government, efforts are being made to support and
Department (Economy) Datuk Sri Mustapa via MPRC, will introduce a sustainability develop a sector that has long contributed to
Mohamed said the 15 initiatives, aimed at plan for the OGSE sector later this year to Malaysia’s economic development.
strengthening and growing the OGSE complement efforts under the blueprint.
industry, will continue to address systemic According to him, the OGSE industry is
issues confronting the sector, specifically in “(It) will serve as a guideline for industry undergoing significant challenges although
the areas of technology, talent, and funding. players, particularly the small and medium oil prices have recovered and economies are
enterprises to get into sustainability moving from pandemic-mode to the
“EPU, alongside MPRC, will continue to reporting and adopting sustainable endemic phase. – Bernama
12 theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022
Seng Fong gets green light from SC for Main Market listing
PETALING JAYA: Seng Fong Holdings Bhd has of the processed block rubbers. comprise 64.87 million IPO shares or 12.5% of the well as persons who have contributed to its
secured approval from the Securities Commission The group’s listing exercise will involve the enlarged issue shares to bumiputra investors success.
Malaysia (SC) for its initial public offering (IPO) on approved by the Ministry of International Trade
the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd. offering of up to 160.87 million shares, made up of and Industry and 53.81 million shares or 10.4% Seng Fong managing director Er Hock Lai
90.81 million public issue shares and an offer sale offered to other institutional and selected remarked that the listing will enhance its
With history tracing back to 1986, Seng Fong is of 70.06 million existing shares. investors. reputation and help it expand its customer base
principally involved in the processing of Standard and gain access to the capital markets to raise
Malaysia Rubber and premium grade block The group stated that the shares for listing The retail portion would entail a 12.97 million funds for future growth opportunities.
rubber as well as trading in block rubber, where its exercise for institutional investors would be up to shares or 2.5% stake offered to bumiputra
customers are mainly tyre manufacturers or 118.68 million shares representing 22.9% of the investors as well as another 12.97 million shares or Proceeds from the listing will go to working
international rubber traders. The company also enlarged issued shares alongside a retail offering 2.5% stake offered to non-bumiputra investors as capital needs, including increasing its production
operates a Malaysian Rubber Board-approved of up to 42.2 million shares representing 8.1% of well as 16.25 million IPO shares or 3.1% stake to capacity and repaying bank borrowings, which
laboratory for the testing, grading and certification the enlarged issued shares. eligible directors and employees of the group as includes a term-loan for the solar systems
It outlined the institutional portion would
Local traditional banks BRIEFS WESTPORTS POSTS LOWER
risk losing SME business EARNINGS OF RM152M IN Q1
o Fico survey finds 57% KUALA LUMPUR: Westports Holdings Bhd
of firms expected to registered a lower net profit of RM151.85
takeup alternative million in the first quarter ended March 31,
financing products in 2022 2022 (Q1’22) from RM208.32 million a year
ago, mainly due to the one-off prosperity
PETALING JAYA: Malaysian banks are at with the typical funding process of market observations. tax. The port operator’s effective tax rate was
risk of losing SME business to non- traditional banks and had identified room “However, the opportunity is there for 39% for the quarter, while the lower profit
traditional competitors, according to for improvement in their Covid-19 response. before tax of RM249 million was mainly
analytics company Fico, on the back of traditional banks to retain borrowers if they attributable to the absence of non-recurrent
insights prepared by RFI Global-based The survey found 70% reported access of understand those key decisioning criteria insurance recoveries in the current quarter
research from the SME Banking Council. credit as a factor of frustration, alongside alongside the challenges and funding and the surge in fuel costs by 52%. Revenue,
financial assistance (69%), information & support sentiments of SME and the themes however, was slightly higher at RM516.36
It highlighted that 57% of local SME are guidance (68%), transparency relating to that have emerged.” million from RM508.16 million, mainly
expected to take up new or alternative decisions and processes (68%) as well as attributed to the growth in container
borrowing products in 2022. speed of response (64%). The senior director said traditional banks revenue, particularly value-added services.
must simplify the application process and In a statement yesterday, Westport said the
Similarly, 70% of SME in the Asia Pacific Consequently, it also found competitive improve transparency, as well as customer container segment contributed 88% to the
are less than satisfied with access to credit interest rates, ease and speed of application experience to see a continued and revenue by handling a throughput volume
from their main bank and have also cited process and flexibility in repayment options sustainable business growth from the SME of 2.39 million twenty-foot equivalent units.
other issues such as lack of transparency, to be the top three drivers for Malaysian SME segment in the region. – Bernama
information, and guidance with traditional in choosing a loan provider.
banks. “From the banks’ risk management KELINGTON TO SUPPLY GASES
Sharma elaborated that alternative perspective, they can support these efforts TO GLOBAL OPTOELECTRONICS
Fico Asia Pacific decision management lenders have the potential to gain with scalable, well-informed decisioning SEMICONDUCTOR PLAYER
solutions senior director, Aashish Sharma, ground based on the challenges tools that can both speed up the process for
voiced out that the pandemic put a sudden, identified by this research and by its own all and minimise risk.” PETALING JAYA: Integrated engineering
massive burden on SME, globally, and solutions provider Kelington Group Bhd via
did not think banks did enough to help its indirect subsidiary, Ace Gases Marketing
them. Sdn Bhd, has received a letter of intent (LOI)
from one of the largest optoelectronics
“Malaysia’s SME have made it clear that semiconductor companies in the world for
they require financial support in 2022 but an onsite industrial gases supply scheme
are less optimistic about getting it from over a period of 10 years . A definitive
their main banks,” he said in a statement. agreement will be executed in due course.
Under the LOI, the group will set up onsite
“This is a potentially worrying trend for generators to produce and supply three
traditional banks, considering there are an types of gases – hydrogen, nitrogen and
estimated 1.15 million SME in Malaysia, oxygen at the client’s semiconductor
employing about 48% of the workforce and manufacturing plant located at Kulim,
contributing just over 38%of the GDP.” Kedah. Subject to the signing of a definitive
agreement, supply of the gases is expected
The data analytics firm stated that banks to commence in the first quarter of 2023.
need to understand what is causing SME to
consider alternative funding sources. BINTAI KINDEN GETS PIPING
According to the survey in the Asia
Pacific region, SME expressed frustrations PETALING JAYA: Bintai Kinden Corp Bhd has
secured a series of sub-contract projects
KPower expanding into hydro assets ownership in Sabah from Petro Flanges & Fittings Sdn Bhd (PFF).
The contracts were awarded to the
PETALING JAYA: KPower Bhd has entered player, primarily involved in the Executive chairman Mustakim Mat Nun company’s subsidiary Bintai Energy Sdn Bhd
into a heads of agreement (HOA) with development of hydro power plants in Sabah. said this acquisition is KPower strengthening to supply piping materials to established oil
Pristine Falcon Sdn Bhd (PFSB) to acquire a ORP is licensed by Sustainable Energy its position in the renewable energy space. and gas (O&G) related companies in
set of mini hydro power plants totaling Development Authority of Malaysia under Malaysia. The job scope encompasses
29.1MW in Kota Marudu, Sabah that is the Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) programme. “With this acquisition, we are not only an supplying pipes, valves, fittings and flanges
expected to be fully completed within 12 EPCC player in this sector but also an assets for onshore and offshore pipeline projects
months. Currently, ORP has secured a total of three owner with dual portfolio with a 50MW solar for RM1.6 million. Bintai Energy is a 51:49
hydro power plants based in Sabah with a power plant and soon-to-be 29.1MW hydro joint venture between Bintai Kinden and PFF.
KPower wholly owned subsidiary KPower combined capacity of 29.1MW. Under the FiT power plant. It is the special purpose vehicle set up to
RE Sdn Bhd intends to acquire up to 100% programme, it has entered into a renewable supply materials and equipment to the local
stake in One River Power Sdn Bhd (ORP) for energy power purchase agreement with “These assets, which will be fully and international O&G industry including
up to RM130 million to be satisfied via a Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd for a concession operational within 12 months, represent a the Middle East via the distributorship
combination of cash and issuance of new period of 21 years commencing from the strategic acquisition for us as it diversifies our channel of PFF.
shares in KPower. The parties will enter into a commercial operation date. assets portfolio. This acquisition is also
definitive agreement for the proposal within consistent with the vision and intention of ZING SECURES TISANA
45 days from the date of the HOA. One of ORP’s hydro power plants in Sabah the group’s asset ownership business model VENTURES AS LEAD INVESTOR
has been in operation since July 9, 2021 while for long-term dividend sustainability. This IN US$10M FUNDING ROUND
The sale of the shares requires the consent the remaining two plants are still under will enable KPower to expand our income
of Inno Hydropower (B) Sdn Bhd as the construction and are expected to be streams and further strengthen our position PETALING JAYA: Digital foodhall operator
beneficial owner of 30% of the sale shares and completed in April 2023, barring any in the sustainable energy and utilities sector,” and food technology company, Zing
holder of the call option’s right to acquire 10% unforeseen circumstances. With the existing he said. Ventures, has secured its US$10 million
of the sale shares from PFSB. The sale shares hydro power plant that is already operational, (RM43 million) Series A funding round’s lead
are also subject to the conversion E&E and the remaining hydro power plants to be The proposed acquisition is expected to investor in Tisana Ventures. The funds will be
Catalyst Sdn Bhd, which holds 10 million completed in less than 12 months, the provide KPower with a profitable recurring utilised to drive the group’s aggressive
preference shares in ORP. prospects of ORP are expected to be positive income stream, improves the group’s regional expansion plan commencing with
over the concession period of 21 years. profitablity and provide better earnings growing its existing footprint in Malaysia,
ORP is an established renewable energy visibility over the long term. entering Singapore by Q4 2022 and
penetrating the Indonesian market in 2023.
Zing’s digital foodhalls are a hybrid of a
foodhall and delivery kitchen that empowers
F&B brands to thrive in today’s increasingly
virtual and digital marketplace. Offering
both a physical and virtual marketplace,
combined with multi-brand delivery
kitchens and catering solutions, F&B brands,
through Zing, can leverage on both the
increasing demand for delivery and multi-
brand dine-in experiences for customers.
Ensure equal weightage in 13theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022
ESG standards: Economist * SUNBIZ
Suspended GIIB
exec director:
Chairman’s son
in investigative
Yew, who has been suspended
o Too heavily tilted from his position as executive
towards climate director of GIIB Holdings Bhd,
change at present, says said the investigative committee
Bank Islam’s Afzanizam set up by the company to assist
its board in overseeing the
investigation into allegations
against him consists of a family
member of the executive
█ BY AMIR IMRAN HUSAIN SAFRI Such a situation appears to be
[email protected] poor governance, said Wong.
PETALING JAYA: Equal emphasis in “Notwithstanding the
environment, social and governance committee members, it is hoped
(ESG) standards will translate into that the committee is able to
greater catalysts towards economic remain impartial,” he said in a
inclusivity, according to Bank Islam statement yesterday, adding that
chief economist Dr Mohd Afzanizam he has yet to receive any update
Abdul Rashid (pix). on the matter of the investigative
committee set up by GIIB.
He observed that, at the moment, According to an anouncement
such standards lean heavily towards by GIIB, the investigative committee
the environmental aspect, particularly consists of independent non-
with climate change. executive director Yong Wei Sang
and businesses. (chairman), independent non-
Afzanizam laid out that conviction “People are so psyched up to technology is the best way to serve explained that online business is vital executive director Tee Jun Shern
among institutional investors at the underserved communities. The for the disabled community, as it (member) and alternate director to
global level is rising exponentially, celebrate Raya after two years, it’s e-commerce platform did a survey of empowers them and allows them to Tai Boon Wee, Tai Qiyao (member).
and those looking to tap into funds going to be more lively, there are a 1,600 of their sellers and found that help generate the country’s economy Qiyao is Boon Wee’s son.
from these big institutions need to number of other factors that will roughly 10% were from the OKU just like everyone else. GIIB has engaged PKF
ensure they are ESG-compliant. contribute to this, such as bonuses, as community. Covenant Sdn Bhd, an
well as the EPF withdrawal schemes “When there’s an opportunity for independent consulting firm, to
“It is a matter of how a business which will make this Ramadan “From there we have taken a few online business like what Shopee is assist the investigative
crafts its ESG strategy. At the moment, livelier,” said Afzanizam. things into consideration, we want to doing, it gives an opportunity to be committee in its investigation
it is focused too much on climate make sure our platform is accessible economically resourceful and see into management and handling
change,” he said during Shopee’s And with that, he said, the second to everyone, all demographics and ourselves just as any other business of the glove business and the
virtual forum “Marketplaces: Towards quarter gross domestic product location regardless of their situation,” person,” she said. group’s accounts by Wong.
a More Inclusive and Participative figures should be better this year. he said. Wong said he lodged a police
Economy” yesterday. On this, Ras praised the report on Monday in respect of
On the subject of inclusivity, the Soh pointed out the app design government’s initiative towards the contentious matters involving
“ESG itself can be a great embracing of e-commerce during the itself strives to be friendly towards all digital inclusion which ensures telco GIIB.
kickstarter for businesses to be more pandemic has been a boon for people segments of the community. “For us providers offer the OKU community Last week, he said he was
inclusive but there needs to be a with disabilities (OKU), providing an to get OKU sellers to join the digital good subscription packages. To suspended after he raised
strong conviction,” he added. opportunity for them to make a living economy, we have to make sure the complement this, she opined that the questions regarding certain
as well as offering a more level listing process works for them.” government should give out grants transactions.
When asked about his playing field. and loans to the disabled so they can
expectations for e-commerce, the OKU Sentral president and Dewan participate in business online.
chief economist said he foresees good Shopee Malaysia head of Negara Senator Datuk Ras Adiba
sales figures coming from the traders marketing Kenneth Soh believes
Nestlé Malaysia’s Q1 net profit rises 17% CHHB: RM250m capex
for omni-channel
PETALING JAYA: Nestlé (Malaysia) increased commodity prices, as even if it sees growth levelling down business venture with
Bhd’s net profit for the first quarter well as the impact of Cukai Makmur from current high levels in the
ended March 31, 2022 rose 17.1% to (Prosperity Tax) on its profit. coming quarters.
RM205.18 million from RM175.16
million a year ago supported by CEO Juan Aranols said as Nestlé The global environment remains
stronger sales coupled with lower marks its 110th year in Malaysia, it challenging, he said, with KUALA LUMPUR: Country Heights which is our physical stores and at
Covid-19-related expenses sees solid consumption widespread inflation gaining Holdings Bhd (CHHB) intends to least 10 times more on the online
compared with the previous momentum, supported by demand traction, aggravated by the war in invest about RM250 million in capital platform,” he added.
corresponding period. generation efforts as well as the solid Ukraine, having a further impact on expenditure (capex) in the next five
Its revenue increased 16.9% to operational execution by its prices and availability of key food years following its partnership with Besides the five mega stores, he
RM1.69 billion from RM1.45 billion factories, logistics and sales teams. commodities such as wheat, barley JD Worldwide’s wholly owned said, the group also intends to expand
in the previous year’s corresponding and sunflower oils. subsidiary, Beijing Wodong Tianjun into the small retail space by
quarter, driven by both higher “We remain focused in delivering Information Technology Co Ltd introducing a different kind of
domestic and export sales, which high-quality, great-tasting and “Overall, 2022 is shaping as a year (, to develop an omni- experience into Malaysia through
grew 14.9% and 25.3% respectively. nutritious products that meet the of solid growth in the top line and channel business model in Malaysia. advanced technologies that JD
The group’s core food and beverage diverse needs of Malaysians, some pressure on the bottom line as Worldwide has developed in China.
(F&B) business and the out-of- alongside ensuring excellence in we do our best to balance the CHHB managing director Datuk
home business under Nestlé consumer communications, digital tensions on our cost value chain Jared Lim said the group has JD Worldwide is the cross-border
Professional benefited from engagement and in-store activities.” with internal efficiencies and allocated RM50 million for initial e-commerce platform for, an
increased mobility and reopening of moderate price increases. expenditure on the first flagship international e-commerce company
hotel, restaurant and café channels On its 2022 outlook, Aranols said physical store spanning 150,000 headquartered in Beijing, which has
it is confident of sustaining growth “Despite the foreseeable hurdles, square feet of retail space on the invested in high-tech and artificial
momentum over the year, we aim to continue leveraging on all ground floor of the Mines intelligence delivery in the world.
possible opportunities to drive International Exhibition and
post-lockdown. another year of solid and resilient Convention Centre (MIECC). CHHB founder and chairman Tan
The improved results Sri Lee Kim Yew said he is hopeful
were achieved results,” said Aranols. “As we grow, we will also that the partnership will transform
potentially do a series of funding for Country Heights and The Mines into
despite the the project,” he said at the official a major import or export hub in the
impact of signing ceremony and media country and become a platform for
conference on the licensing and new products in Malaysia.
New Nestlé products collaboration agreement for an omni
introduced during the quarter. channel e-commerce platform here “We believe this partnership will
yesterday. bring values to Malaysia by
transforming the supply chain using
Lim said that once the pilot project the Internet and digital technologies
is completed in the second half of in line with the ‘low cost, high
2023, the group will go on an efficiency’ motto,” he said.
expansion trail with five more mega
stores nationwide. Under the collaboration, JDMines
Sdn Bhd, a technology incubator, will
“We intend to introduce about be established to manage and
6,000 to 10,000 smart living products, develop this project while CHHB
appliances and lifestyle experiences takes the implementation and
from China to Malaysia via offline, execution role of the omni channel
business model. – Bernama
BRIEFS HITS 2022 HIGH AS CHINA Relief, revival as Singapore
DEMAND REBOUNDS: OAG scraps Covid-related curbs
BEIJING: Global airline capacity has o Banks, malls and tech firms in full swing again, authorities lowered the pandemic alert level
surged to its highest level in 2022 this with swarms of people headed to work and restaurants for the first time.
week because of a rebound in Chinese
domestic demand despite extended SINGAPORE: Office workers queued for The city-state’s high-rise commercial Strict limits on workplaces and gatherings
lockdowns in Asia’s biggest aviation trains, restaurants and elevators, and delivery heart of global banks, malls and tech firms were no more yesterday, with employees
market, travel data firm OAG said riders raced from building to building as the was in full swing again, with swarms of lingering outside workplaces and public
yesterday. Shanghai’s Covid-19 buzz returned to Singapore’s business district people headed to work and queues outside transport teeming with commuters eager for
lockdown has dragged into a fourth yesterday, its first day free of Covid curbs. restaurants and crowded coffee shops after normalcy after two years of containment.
week and mass testing orders in Beijing
have sparked fears that the Chinese Singapore successfully managed initial outbreaks and has maintained stringent policies on group sizes, “Almost full office today, first time in quite
capital could be destined for a similar contact-tracing, testing, travel and office work. – AFPPIX a while,” said Slava Nikitin, 34, a product
fate. But global airlines have added 2.5 manager. “There were queues for elevators
million seats in the week to Monday, this morning, even though we have six
nearly half of which are in China, OAG elevators.”
data showed. Total global domestic and
international airline capacity increased Singapore has been lauded for its speed
by 3.3% this week to 88.6 million seats, and success in its vaccine rollout, with 93% of
about 20% lower than in 2019. – the population inoculated, one of the highest
Reuters rates in the world, helping to limit Covid
fatalities to just 1,331.
CHINA ON REFINANCING DEBT The finance hub of 5.5 million people
successfully managed initial outbreaks and
COLOMBO: Sri Lanka has begun has maintained stringent policies on group
discussions with China about sizes, contact-tracing, testing, travel and
refinancing its debt, a cabinet office work.
spokesman said yesterday, as Colombo
struggles with its worst financial crisis in Though mask-wearing is still required in
decades. China has suggested to indoor settings or on public transport, most
Colombo that it would prefer to other curbs have been removed, to the relief
refinance the debt, said Nalaka of many after two long years.
Godahewa, Sri Lanka’s media minister.
Sri Lanka’s economy was hit hard by the “Everyone was starting to get frustrated, so
pandemic and tax cuts by the populist it’s good that we are getting back to normal
government, leading to dwindling now with more social interactions,” said
foreign currency reserves and Taiwah Lim, 55, a bank employee.
shortages of fuel, food and medicines
that have brought thousands onto the “And even better with the new normal, to
streets in sporadically violent protests. have the flexibility of working from home few
China’s US$3.5 billion (RM15 billion) of days per week.”
loans to Sri Lanka make it the joint-
largest bilateral creditor. – Reuters Also removed was testing requirement for
incoming travelers vaccinated against Covid,
MAERSK: SHIPPING MARKET in an effort to boost the economy, which is
SET TO NORMALISE IN H2 forecast to expand 3% to 5% this year.
COPENHAGEN: Shipping group Maersk , It grew 7.6% in 2021, the fastest in a
often seen as a barometer for global decade, recovering from a pandemic-
trade, yesterday cautioned the induced 4.1% contraction the previous year. –
container market may normalise in the Reuters
second half of the year, even as it raised
full-year guidance driven by high Indonesia may widen refined palm olein export ban
container freight rates. The shipping
industry has seen record profits in JAKARTA: Indonesia is prepared to widen its ban slide, which was presented to palm oil companies scope meant the ban could last longer.
recent quarters as a surge in consumer on exports of refined palm olein if it faces on Monday. “The duration that this will pan out, that’s
demand, pandemic-related bottlenecks domestic shortages of derivatives used in the
in US and Chinese ports and more production of cooking oil, according to details President Joko Widodo announced the ban on going to impact markets too,” she said.
recently an airspace closure following presented at a meeting between government and exports of cooking oil and its raw material on Some analysts expect the ban to be temporary
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine prompted a industry officials. Friday to help control soaring domestic prices,
spike in freight rates. Maersk revised its but provided no details. due to limited domestic palm oil storage capacity.
guidance for the full year upwards, with The world’s biggest palm oil exporter plans to The rupiah rebounded 0.35% by midday
underlying earnings before interest, tax, halt shipments of refined, bleached and Indonesia’s announcement has sent global
depreciation and amortisation deodorised (RBD) palm olein but will allow edible oil prices soaring as supplies were already yesterday, while shares of local palm companies
expected to be about US$30 billion exports of crude palm oil or other derivatives from choked by other factors such as drought and traded higher.
compared to US$24 billion previously tomorrow, senior government official shortages from Russia’s invasion of major crop
expected. The guidance was based on Musdhalifah Machmud, who verified the details producer Ukraine. Harry Su, head of equity markets at
an “assumption of normalization in presented, told Reuters. investment firm Samuel International, however,
ocean shipping early in the second half Markets had previously thought the ban warned the rupiah could see renewed pressure
of 2022”, it said. – Reuters RBD palm olein accounts for around 40% of would cover a wider range of palm oil products, given RBD palm olein represented a significant
Indonesia’s total exports of palm oil products, sending the rupiah as well as shares of portion of exports.
FACEBOOK OWNER META TO according to analysts’ estimates, which means the Indonesian palm oil companies tumbling on
OPEN FIRST PHYSICAL STORE export ban could significantly affect export Monday. The Indonesian government has been
earnings in Southeast Asia’s biggest economy. criticised by some analysts and politicians for
SAN FRANCISCO: Meta Platforms Inc is Indonesia’s economic affairs ministry held a erratic policymaking to contain the rise in
set to open its first physical store where Indonesia typically exports about US$2.5 meeting with cooking oil producers yesterday to cooking oil prices, having already implemented
shoppers can try out and buy virtual billion (RM11 billion) to US$3 billion of palm oil discuss the export ban, according to an industry and revoked an export restriction earlier in the
reality headsets and other gadgets as products per month. source. year.
the company plots a course to take its
highly touted metaverse mainstream. The authorities will strictly monitor domestic Musim Mas, a Singapore-based private palm “These kinds of policy announcements that
The 1,550 sq ft Meta Store at the supply of refined palm oil and crude palm oil, oil company, said the smaller scope of the ban are not well communicated adds to some of the
company’s Burlingame campus in which are used as raw materials to make RBD showed the government was taking into account jitters that are already building,” said Nomura’s
California opens on May 9, and will olein, according to presentation slides. the impact on the industry and smallholder chief Asean economist Euben Paracuelles.
feature demos for its Quest 2 VR farmers.
headset and video calling device Portal, “If there is shortage of refined palm oil, then Malaysian benchmark crude palm futures,
as well as smart glasses it produces with further export bans can be carried out,“ said one However, Carolyn Lim, its senior manager for which had reversed its gains after details of the
Ray-Ban, Meta said on Monday. – corporate communications, also said the smaller ban emerged on Monday, rose 2.8% by 0500
Reuters GMT. – Reuters
ECB has room for two or three rate hikes this year, says policymaker
FRANKFURT: The European Central “A rate rise in July is possible and normalisation, the ECB should reason the central bank should stop rise in July.
Bank (ECB) should raise interest rates reasonable,” Kazaks, who is Latvia’s eventually raise interest rates to the once it gets back to zero, even if that is a “Ending the Asset Purchases
soon and has room for up to three central bank governor, said in an neutral rate, at which the central bank psychological threshold.
hikes this year, ECB policymaker interview. “Markets are pricing two or is neither stimulating nor holding back Programme in early July is
Martins Kazaks told Reuters, joining a three 25 basis point steps by the end of growth. The ECB has so far guided markets appropriate,” Kazaks said. “The APP
chorus of policymakers calling for a the year. I have no reason to object to for a rate rise only “some time” after its has fulfilled its purpose so it’s not
swift exit from stimulus. this, it’s quite a reasonable view to Various estimates put this rate at 1% bond purchase scheme, commonly necessary anymore.”
take.” to 1.5%, Kazaks said, well above the known as quantitative easing, ends in
The ECB has been rolling back current minus 0.5% deposit rate and its the third quarter. Part of the urgency is that inflation
support at a glacial pace for months but “Whether it happens in July or main refinancing rate, stuck at zero. expectations have started to move
a surge in inflation to nearly four times September is not dramatically But this formulation is too vague above the ECB’s target, a warning sign
the ECB’s 2% target is intensifying calls different, but I think July would be a Kazaks added that initially the ECB and a large chunk of the rate-setting that investors and businesses are
to finally end a nearly decade-long better option,” he said. should raise rates by 25 basis points but Governing Council is pushing for an starting to doubt the ECB’s resolve and
foray into ultra-easy monetary policy. this increment is not carved in stone. end to the bond buys at the start of the ability to hit its target further out. –
Kazaks said that as part of He also said there was no particular third quarter, so rates could possibly Reuters
27 APRIL 2022
Lennie (Grace Kaufman) begins to
develop feelings for Joe (Jacques
Colimon). – APPLE TV+
█ BY S. TAMARAI CHELVI Lennie sharing a moment with her late sister’s boyfriend Toby (Pico Alexander). –
THIS is a simple but sweet
story about Lennie Walker Piucpkitnhge pieces
(played by Grace Kaufman), o This touching movie depicts the emotional
who is grieving the loss of turmoil of a teenager who is struggling with Lennie moves in with her grandmother and her Uncle Big (Jason Segel) to cope
her sister, and her journey on the death of her sister with her sister’s passing. – APPLE TV+
road to self-discovery.
let go of Bailey’s stuff. In another dreamy or imaginary fairytale beginning of the movie. the younger generation, who would
In The Sky Is Everywhere, which scene, it is heartbreaking to watch world. In a nutshell, the movie, feel connected with Lennie’s
streams on AppleTV+, Lennie had her cry while speaking about her character, especially what happens
always been by the side of her sister dead sister lying in a coffin. Other scenes appear like a showcases a teenager’s emotions, in the end.
Bailey (Havana Rose Liu) due to whimsical fantasy. For instance, in conflicting thoughts, and finding
their shared passions. The scenery in the movie is one scene, the flowers come alive, herself after a loss in the family. Apart from Lennie, an inspiring
beautiful, especially the blooming and in another, Lennie and Joe float character, the cute love story
Bailey often took the lead while flowers and roses garden, which in the air. There is also a sort of As the movie revolves around between Lennie and Joe makes this
Lennie followed her, however, time can transport your mind to a musical style song and dance at the high school students and depicts a a good movie to watch.
stopped for Lennie after Bailey’s love story, it would be perfect for
sudden death due to arrhythmia
(the same disease that killed their
Bailey’s passing had a big impact
on Lennie’s life, as she found it hard
to live on her own as she had lost
the one person whom she felt
understood her the most.
Lennie, a clarinet player, loses
interest to play music but feels
connected to Bailey’s boyfriend,
Toby (Pico Alexander), who is also
grieving. One day, the two teens
end up kissing each other.
Meanwhile, Lennie meets a new
guy in school, a guitarist named Joe
(Jacques Colimon), and begins
developing feelings for him. She
ends up being caught in the middle
between the two boys.
This movie is adapted from a
2010 book of the same name by
Jandy Nelson, and focuses on the
struggles of young Lennie.
The pretty and sweet-looking
Kaufman showcases a good
performance and moves us with her
acting, especially when her
character struggles with accepting
her sister’s death.
Some scenes are touching,
especially where Lennie refuses to
End of an era as Netflix faces stagnation challenges
HAVING lost subscribers for the “I’m not sure that’s a turning “When we were growing fast, it company has long defended its no- increases and axing of password
first time in more than a decade, point” for Netflix, said Scott Zari of wasn’t the high priority to work on,” ads model, which set it apart from sharing are “peripheral but
Netflix faces the new challenge of S&P Global Ratings. co-founder Reed Hastings competitors such as Disney+, HBO meaningful” short-term solutions,
stagnation from a position of admitted. “And now we’re working Max and Apple. while its long-term strategy
strength. “But I think it is indicative of super hard on it.” remains “investing in local-content
maybe a new phase of slower For Pivotal analyst Jeff creation and establishing its
A drop of just 200,000 users – growth,” he said. Chief operating officer Gregory Wlodarczak, streaming “appears gaming presence.”
less than 0.1% of its total customer Peters said Netflix wasn’t trying to nearly fully penetrated globally
base – was enough to send Wall Bank of America analysts said in shut down sharing, “but we’re post-Covid,“ and the companies With 221 million subscribers,
Street panicking, with shares a note that Netflix “made it clear now must set their sights on “Netflix is by far the market leader
plunging more than 30% last week. that we can going to ask you converting pirates into subscribers, in the streaming space,” Zari said.
expect very low to pay a bit gaining greater market share from
The loss of subscribers and the subscriber more to be able each other and driving up prices.” “They’re very far ahead,
company’s various plans to revive growth in ‘22 to share.” particularly in the global
business “change the historically and ‘23 with no Increasing prices won’t help marketplace,“ said Hardart. “I think
simple story” of Netflix’s solid margin According to Netflix in the short term, though it it will give them a lot of
success, said Wells Fargo analysts, expansion.” Zari, “future raised its fees in January to the advantages.”
who cut its price target in half. growth will be extent that it is now the most
The shift was dependent on expensive among the major The problems Netflix faces are
“The new outlook is clear as felt even in the tone of the how can they monetise those streamers. “not good news” for the company,
mud,” they said. company’s results presentation on households.” he emphasised. But as the global
Tuesday evening. Advertising is coming “I think they’ll have to adjust leader, whatever Netflix goes
If the Q1 loss of subscribers To attract viewers, Netflix is their business,” said Paul Hardart, a through, the other streamers are
might seem a blip at first blush, The affair focused less on the preparing cheaper subscriptions professor at New York University, also likely to face eventually.
Netflix is signaling otherwise: The streamer’s mega hits such as with advertising – which it expects including “on the cost side,
company anticipates a much larger Bridgerton and Ozark and more on to roll out in the next couple years. investing in content.” It’s “probably worse news for the
drop in its second quarter – of combating the 100 million The Los Gatos, California-based other services that are starting to
around two million net households who watch Netflix for For University of Richmond try to build themselves,” he said. –
subscribers. free thanks to shared passwords. professor Joel Mier, Netflix’s price AFP
16 theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022 ME
The all-white three-piece suit worn by the Mr. A /thesuntelegramwhich is titled Bruce, the movie star is seen
Knight persona. – DISNEY+ holding a ‘World’s Best
Father’ mug while cuddling
Dozens of a baby on his left arm. The
costumes created real superhero image also included
for Moon Knight several elements that
recalled some of his most
IN the Disney+ Moon Knight series, the masked o Retired action star Bruce Willis gets famous movies.
superhero’s costume is a pristine white, and for a moving comic book cover tribute According to the
one particular iteration of the costume, a white illustrator, Cassady
three-piece suit for the character’s Mr. Knight Benson, the print was
persona, costume designer Meghan Kasperlik and created with Loot Comics
her team created 47 bespoke variations. ACTOR Bruce Willis’s wife, Emma celebrities have shown to show love for Willis
Heming is extremely grateful for tremendous support for the upon the news of his
Speaking to, Kasperlik said the support her 67-year-old star and his family. diagnosis. “When we
that when Mr. Knight made his appearance in husband heard the news of
episode 2 of the series, several backup suits were And last Saturday, one fan Bruce’s diagnosis, we
on standby in case it got dirty during the action has been took the love to a whole new wanted to make a tribute
scenes which took place in wet alleyways. Even so, receiving. level. that highlights some of his many
visual effects were also a great help to digitally Since his Heming, who has two accomplishments while maintaining focus
erase any flaws in the suit. recent daughters with on him as the hero.
aphasia Willis, shared the “It was hard to pick just a few so as not
The Moon Knight series follows Steven Grant, a diagnosis special comic to overcrowd the piece. In the end, I chose
mild-demeanored gift-shop employee, who and book-style tribute my favourites: Moonlighting, 12 Monkeys,
would lose consciousness and get memories of retirement created by a Look Who’s Talking, Die Hard, Pulp
another life. After Steven discovers that he has were supporter of the Fiction and The Fifth Element.”
dissociative identity disorder and shares a body announced, legendary Die News of Willis’s aphasia diagnosis was
with mercenary Marc Spector, they must navigate fans and Hard actor, along made last month by his family through a
their complex identities while being thrust into a with a thank you joint post on Instagram. The condition
dangerous mystery among the mighty Egyptian message. affects his cognitive abilities, including his
gods. Both Grant and Spector are played by Oscar On the ability to read and remember his lines.
Isaac. c o v e r , Hence, he decided to leave the industry for
In the show, Spector takes on the persona of In her post about the tribute to her
Moon Knight when he wears the Egyptian god husband, Heming wrote: “Empathy,
Khonshu’s magical armour, while Mr. Knight is compassion and appreciation really live on
Grant, Spector’s alternate personality in the best of ways. Thank you for all your
continued love and for sharing your
Mr. Knight’s outfit first appeared in the comic experiences. It is not lost on me or my
book Secret Avengers #19 (2011) written by Warren family.”
Ellis, which was illustrated by artist Michael Lark. She went on to compliment the comic
issue that was dedicated to honouring her
At the time of writing, only four episodes of husband’s work.
Moon Knight have been released, with another “As my husband would say, ‘it’s a
two to go before the limited series ends. The story framed one,” Heming said of the artwork.
is largely independent of the Marvel Cinematic “Out to the frame it goes.”
Universe, but who knows what the future will Aside from Willis’s cartoon figure, the
bring? comic issue also features Bruce’s date of
You can catch new episodes of Moon Knight on Heming also revealed that Willis has
Disney+ every Wednesday. – by Marietta Mu Heming thanked fans for been keeping active at home. According to
supporting Willis following his her, he often spends quality time with his
retirement. – REUTERS young daughters. – by John Tan
Is BTS’ Jimin in trouble?
RECENTLY, BTS fan were shocked to find out premiums has since been fully settled. His Jimin’s luxury apartment was almost seized
that Jimin’s luxury apartment was almost managing company HYBE Label issued an due to missed health insurance premium
seized on Jan 25 this year, reportedly due to official statement clarifying that Jimin was payments. – HYBE LABEL
missed payments for health insurance unaware of the overdue premium due to his
premiums. busy schedule overseas, and that his
company had been managing his mail on
However, it was revealed later that the his behalf, but had failed to convey the letter
entire incident was a misunderstanding, due about the overdue payment due to an
to a mistake committed by his managing oversight.
The matter was finally settled just as BTS
Jimin’s luxury apartment at Nine One finished wrapping up its sold-out Permission
Hannam is one of South Korea’s most To Dance On Stage tour in Las Vegas and
expensive apartments priced at USD4.74 prepared to return to South Korea. – by S.
million (RM20.5 million). Tamarai Chelvi
The overdue payment for health
Potential issues with Stray Kids world tour
TICKETS for Stray Kids’ second world tour were the best seats in the house, for Stray Kids are set
dropped last Friday, and fans (known as “the most passionate fans”. to begin their
Stays) were excited over the chance to see second world
the group perform live. Fans were unhappy over not just the tour this year. –
outrageous mark-up, but also the fact TWITTER
In particular, North American Stays that ‘passion’ was equated to how much
were looking forward to seeing the money one was willing to spend for the
group performing in seven cities across tickets.
the country. The demand was so high
that the tour agency even added on In addition to that, many noticed that
additional dates for the cities of Newark scalpers were reselling large batches of
and Los Angeles. tickets for over ten times their original
Almost all the venues immediately
sold out. However, fans began to notice Fans voiced their anger over how
a disturbing development regarding scalpers had not only prevented real
ticket sales, which were handled by fans from buying tickets for themselves,
Ticketmaster. Initially tickets were priced but also for the fact that since these
between US$49.50 (RM214.10) to tickets would be bound to the original
US$179.50 (RM776.40), with a special purchaser, it could leave venues with
VIP Package priced at US$320 many empty seats.
Though it’s unclear whether the tour
However, fans then noticed that company or Ticketmaster will do about
Ticketmaster was selling another set of these issues, hopefully this situation will
tickets, for what they called Official be resolved, and deserving fans will be
Platinum seats, for over US$3,000 able to see Stray Kids perform. Both
(RM12,976). Ticketmaster said these STAYs and Stray Kids deserve it. – by
Anansa Jacob
17theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022
Big trouble in Gannibal -
a small town Producer
Takamasa Oe.
oCritically acclaimed manga
Gannibal is now a nail-biting live-
action adaptation
WHEN Daigo Agawa first took up the Academy
mantle of a police officer for a Award-winning
sleepy Japanese town, he was Drive My Car and
warmly welcomed by villagers of all Tatsuya Iwakura,
ages. However, when an elderly resident dies producer of
under mysterious circumstances, Daigo several high-
uncovers a shocking series of horrific events that profile Japanese
will leave viewers questioning just how well they titles including
know their neighbours, in the upcoming Star Kakegurui and
Original drama – Gannibal. Yamikin Ushijima-
kun, and directed
The first local Japanese production to be by Shinzo
announced exclusively for Disney+ Hotstar, Katayama (Siblings
Gannibal is based on the wildly popular manga on the Cape) –
series of the same name by Masaaki Ninomiya whose latest film
that has sold 1.7 million copies since it first Missing was
launched in 2018. announced as a
selection for the New Currents category at the Cover art from
Set in the fictional Japanese village of Kuge- 26th Busan International Film Festival – the hit
mura, Gannibal will see police officer Daigo Gannibal was also adapted for the screen by Best manga. –
Agawa (played by award-winning actor Yuya Adapted Screenplay Academy Award-nominee NICHIBUN
Yagira) arrive in the sleepy rural village a broken Takamasa Oe. COMICS
man. Recovering from a traumatic experience Oe wrote the screenplay for Drive My Car, that will far exceed the expectations of fans of
that threatened to break his family apart, Daigo which won the Best Screenplay Award at the the original manga.”
will attempt to rebuild the bond between his Cannes Film Festival, the first ever Japanese film Gannibal screenwriter Takamasa Oe also
wife and daughter while also upholding law and to win this award. He also received prestigious commented on the appeal of the story, saying:
order throughout the village. While things start awards at the National Society of Film Critics “The love to protect someone can sometimes
off promisingly for the new hire, a series of Awards, Los Angeles Film Critics Circle Awards be the spark that creates conflict. The original
shocking events begin to unfold that will lead and Toronto Film Critics Circle Awards. story depicts such universal human
Daigo to the horrifying realisation that Following his return to Japan after attending
something is deeply wrong with the village and the Academy Awards ceremony, producer
those who live there. Thrown into a hostile Teruhisa Yamamoto said of Gannibal: “I’m
environment with suspense around every thrilled that director Shinzo Katayama is contradictions through the unravelling of a
corner, will the latest police officer to roam the adapting this terrifying manga into an original hundred years of history of a small village. I
streets of Kuge-mura be able to bring those drama for Disney+ Hotstar. I also feel incredibly hope you all enjoy the charm of the series as
responsible to justice before it’s too late? lucky to be working alongside such an amazing well.”
cast and crew, who are, without doubt, the next
Featuring a dream team of Japanese creatives generation of the Japanese audio-video industry. Gannibal is the latest Japanese drama series
and actors, Gannibal has drawn together some Together we are working to create something announced to stream on Disney+ Hotstar in
of the country’s hottest talent to bring this the upcoming months.
thrilling horror series to life. Co-produced by
Teruhisa Yamamoto, producer of this year’s
Get a first look at
Thor: Love & Thunder
MARVEL Studios’ Thor: Love and God Butcher (Christian Bale), who
Thunder finds the seeks the
God of Thunder extinction of the
(Chris Hemsworth) Scan the QR gods.
on a journey, unlike code to To combat the
anything he’s ever watch the threat, Thor enlists
faced – a quest for teaser the help of King
inner peace. But Valkyrie (Tessa
Thor’s retirement is interrupted by Thompson), Korg (Taika Waititi)
a galactic killer known as Gorr the and ex-girlfriend Jane Foster
(Natalie Portman),
who – to Thor’s
surprise –
Kongsi Raya. Prebet Sapu. inexplicably wields
his magical
Netflix presents local films for Hari Raya hammer, Mjolnir,
as the Mighty Thor.
Together, they
embark upon a
NETFLIX, the world’s leading age of Malaysian cinema, premiering feuding fathers challenge each other harrowing cosmic
streaming entertainment service, is exclusively on Netflix. to a cook-off. adventure to
treating its viewers to three highly- 0 Prebet Sapu (Hail, Driver!) uncover the
anticipated Malaysian films, released These outstanding films will join a mystery of the
just in time for families and friends to host of beloved made-in-Malaysia Premiering May 1 God Butcher’s
kembali bersama this Raya. classics now streaming on Netflix, Down on his luck, the driver of an vengeance and
including iconic sitcoms Senario and illegal taxi service struggles to make a stop him before
From Today onwards, members Best of Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu, action- living as he forms an unexpected it’s too late.
globally can look forward to more comedy blockbuster Bulan dan Pria bond with a young escort. Directed by Taika
authentic and fascinating Malaysian Terhebat, real-life inspired romantic 0 Showtime 1958 Waititi and
stories with the release of feel-good, film Pulang, and not to forget one for Premiering May 3 produced by Kevin
heartwarming comedy film Kongsi the kids – BoBoiBoy. In this film based on real events, Feige and Brad
Raya, the critically acclaimed black- 0 Kongsi Raya director P. Ramlee organises a variety Winderbaum,
and-white feature Prebet Sapu, which show to raise funds for fellow Thor: Love and
tells of life on the fringes of Kuala Premiering April 27 performers who lost their jobs before Thunder opens in
Lumpur, and Showtime 1958 – a In a match made in culinary Eid. cinemas on July 7,
visually-stunning periodic film that heaven, a chef and a food TV show 2022.
takes audiences back to the golden producer fall in love. But then their
18 theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022
Can we
Save the Soil?
oA movement initiated by Indian yogi
Sadhguru to increase soil organic
matter is catching on around the world
Poor soil leads to poor
nutritional value. –
█ BY S. TAMARAI CHELVI in our gut. (above) Indian integrates with the soil and increases organic
Losing the microbial activity or nourishment yoga guru, matter level, adds nutrients required for the
DID it ever cross your mind that the Sadhguru has growth of plants, helps soil fertility, and
very soil in which we plant fruit trees means the soil has no organic content and been raising increases water holding capacity.
and vegetables can go extinct? A long vegetation. awareness of
time ago, some vegetables and fruits the soil crisis in However, the arrival of machines on farms
could only grow at a particular place and be As soil is a habitat for an abundance of recent years. – may have led to animal-free agriculture.
harvested during a specific season, but microbes – and we can easily find microbes in CONSCIOUS Meanwhile, vegetation helps to prevent soil
technology has helped us. PLANET.ORG degradation by stabilising the soil, reducing
erosion, and preserving the nutrient and water
Now, farmers can grow and harvest most In 20 years, 40% cycle.
fruits and vegetables in almost at any part of the less food is
world. expected to be Meanwhile, spraying pesticides on land has
produced for 9.3 an impact on almost 82% to 86% of biodiversity,
Some farmers use pesticides to prevent billion people. which lives within 12 inches of the topsoil.
insects from destroying the plants, while others –
use chemicals to boost the plants to grow CONSCIOUS When agricultural land is ploughed up to
quickly, but one wonders, where would these PLANET.ORG nine to 12 inches in depth with tractors and
chemicals end up eventually? The soil? just a handful of soil – they play an essential role machines and left open, the biodiversity gets
in nutrient cycling in the soil for the plants, destroyed completely.
What would happen to the soil, if we keep productivity, and decomposition.
using chemicals on it? How would the soil keep For decades, animals were part of farmland, Sadhguru explained that in agricultural soil,
replenishing itself or free itself from chemicals? and animal waste or manure has helped to the minimum organic content is 3% to 6%, but
increase soil organically. Animal manure in some land, the organic content is reduced to
These are some questions to ponder. 0.5%, and it’s on the verge of desertification.
Though we do not have the answers, suffice to
say, it’s time for us to take a moment and think His solution is to bring back at least a
about soil health. minimum of 3% to 6% organic content in the
soil through tree cultivation and animal waste,
There have been many campaigns about and this could benefit farmers as the organically
environmental issues, preserving forests, river rich soil needs less water (soil with organic
pollution and climate change, but one content has water holding capacity).
Sadhguru, a yogi and mystic has been making
everybody turn their head towards a cause He believes that the land has to have
which is one of the most important things in life vegetation such as natural grass, bush or even
that we all take for granted – the soil, in which planted trees, as it serves the ecological activity.
we plant our fresh food. Soil is the basis of life and it’s important to keep
the biodiversity alive and to have a conscious
Sadhguru began a movement 24 years ago approach on how to manage the soil, rejuvenate
about the importance of saving our soil, and and revitalise the soil.
fighting the threat of what he calls Soil
Extinction. There is a dire need to care for our As per Sadhguru, in the last 25 to 30 years, at
soil now, as we won’t be able to find new land least 80% of insect biomass has disappeared
when soil degrades or loses its nutrient. from the planet, and we will be in a food crisis in
45 to 50 years’ time.
Why save soil?
The global movement launched by Sadhguru In other words, if we don’t take action to save
was to raise awareness of the soil crisis and to our soil, we may face a situation where the land
support Soil Health, and to support leaders of cannot be used for farming or planting due to
countries to initiate or institute national policies degradation or lack of nutrients, resulting from
and actions focused on increasing the organic lack of organic content. We may have to
content in cultivable soil. continue by cultivating new land but to what
Recently, Sadhguru embarked on a journey
to save soil by meeting leaders and experts as a What if we come to a situation where there is
solo motorcyclist, riding 30,000km across 25 no more land left to cultivate to grow crops,
nations from the United Kingdom to India in where do we go then? Will we see mass
100 days, beginning on March 21 this year. migrations to another more fertile country, or
spend money to import farm produce from
During his journey, he has been talking and other countries?
giving interviews on TV shows about saving soil.
Sadhguru has opened our eyes to this matter
According to Sadhguru, the soil is losing and he hopes action is taken to save soil right
organic content and vegetation. There are now, and to make people understand that it’s
thousands of microbes in the soil and it our responsibility to care for our soil.
functions in the same way that microbes work
Let us take a minute and think about the very
soil we step on every day!
Natural remedies HEALTH
for gastric problems
19theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022
o Here are some home
remedies for instant relief
from gastric problems
A glass of cool, fat-free, sugar-free milk gives
WHEN we go out to celebrate immediate relief from the burning feeling
anything or create a plan at home associated with acidity or acid reflux. It contains
exclusively, we tend to eat a variety calcium, which not only neutralises acid but
of foods and beverages without also regulates and inhibits its formation.
realising for a second that they might have some
risky and unpleasant consequences. Unhealthy
food not only causes our weight to swing, but it
also has a number of additional drawbacks and
A stomach ailment is one such issue. When
too much gas accumulates in our stomach or
intestines, it can cause indigestion, gas, hiccups,
heartburns, bloating, ulcers, nausea, and
stomach discomfort.
The most common cause of gastric troubles
is an improper diet and lifestyle. It includes
harmful habits such as smoking or drinking
alcohol, as well as eating a lot of junk or oily
food, sleep difficulties, binge eating, stress, and
so on. After eating or drinking, everyone has an
upset stomach and indigestion, also known as
dyspepsia. The ailment is normally not a reason
for serious concern, and the symptoms are
frequently treatable with home treatments.
Gastric pain can vary from a mild, dull ache to a severe, throbbing sensation in the upper stomach area.
– 123RF
Small amounts of
lemon juice mixed
with water can
have an alkalizing
effect when
digested and can
neutralise the acid
in your stomach. –
Ginger is known to relieve gastrointestinal
irritation and lessen gastric contractions. – 123RF
Ginger Tea Lemon Drinks Stomach pain- Fennel
A slice of fresh ginger root is boiled in water to Lemon water or lemon tea is an excellent cure relieving paste. – It’s produced by soaking beautifully green
make it. Gingerol, the primary component for providing immediate relief from WOMEN’S HEALTH fennel seeds, also known as saunf, in a cup of
found in ginger, possesses antioxidant and anti- gastrointestinal troubles. To increase the flavour Stomach Pain-relieving Paste water for 3-4 minutes. It provides immediate
inflammatory effects. It promotes the release of and benefits of lemon water, add a pinch of It is made by combining a few drops of water relief from bloating, indigestion, gas, and loss of
saliva, gastric juices, and bile and neutralises black salt and powdered roasted cumin seeds, with a finely powdered blend of dried ginger, appetite. It also has antimicrobial effects and
stomach acid when used before or after a meal. making it a delightful drink to pleasure the long pepper, lemon, and rock salt. Applying this can help with digestive problems.
Peppermint Oil stomach. A sprinkle of baking soda in a glass of paste to the belly for two hours after slightly
Peppermint oil treats abdominal tract diseases lemon water may also help to reduce acidity warming it may offer relief from gas-related As previously stated, the reasons for stomach
such as bloating, constipation, and stomach and improve digestion. abdominal discomfort. problems are a variety of food and lifestyle
troubles. The menthol in peppermint extracts Chia Seeds decisions. It is as easy as eliminating these
aids digestion, and works well as a home Chia seeds contain anti-inflammatory qualities hazardous things from your life to avoid the
remedy for gastric. and can help cure acid reflux symptoms. Aside anguish and pain of future gastric issues.
from that, they’re high in nutrition, fibre, and
Apple Cider Vinegar omega-3 fatty acids. These may be added to Eliminating or reducing your consumption
Apple cider stimulates the digestive enzymes cold drinks, smoothies, fruit juices, yoghurt, of coffee and soft drinks, alcohol, tobacco and
and is very acidic, therefore it is best to consume oatmeal, puddings, and other foods after smoking, and excessive junk foods will help to
it after mixing with 2 tablespoons of water to soaking in water. reduce your risk of gastric-related health
dilute it; otherwise, it may tear the enamel layer problems. The home treatments listed above
of your teeth. It improves digestion while also may give immediate relief from occasional
relieving discomfort, making it an excellent attacks of gas and other symptoms of stomach
home remedy for gastric problems. problems. However, if these suggestions do not
give significant relief, seek medical attention
Following certain healthy habits, such as
eating frequently, avoiding binge eating,
sleeping regularly, and engaging in some type of
daily physical activity, can all help to reduce
your chances of developing a stomach problem
in the long run. Avoid foods that are difficult to
digest as well as acidic foods such as lime,
baking soda, and so on. You would not have this
problem if you take the preventive actions.
You’ll be totally healthy and fine if you eat
sensibly and exercise on a daily basis.
20 theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022
The PUMA concept store. The interior of the adidas concept store. The footwear collection at the Nike concept store.
A new shopping experience
MFMA Development o MOP KLIA Sepang’s new expansion offers a trendy
Sdn Bhd, a joint sports zone and stylish home & living stores
venture between
Mitsui Fudosan Co. Ltd
(Mitsui Fudosan) and Malaysia
Airports Holdings Berhad
(Malaysia Airports), officially mall.
opened Phase 3 of Mitsui Outlet “MOP KLIA is fast gaining
Park KLIA Sepang (MOP KLIA) to
the public on April 24, 2022. popularity as the shopping
Phase 3 features a trendy sports destination for branded goods and
zone as well as an array of the mall has seen a tremendous
contemporary home and living increase in its in-store traffic over
offerings. The stores will offer the years. MOP KLIA’s footfall
shoppers a new shopping increased during the last holiday
encounter, and a better browsing season, which led to the success of theSun LYFE X
experience, exclusive in-store its year-end sale that lasted from Mitsui Outlet Park
events and services, as well as December 2021 until mid-January KLIA Sepang
innovative displays. this year,” he said. Giveaway Contest
Five new concept stores Another new brand at MOP KLIA Sepang is OBJET. In addition to the introduction WE’RE giving away shopping vouchers
Phase 3, which measures of new large concept stores, MOP worth RM100 each to 5 lucky winners
approximately 82,885 square feet options from electrical, IT, It is a home court that brings KLIA has also increased its car park courtesy of MOP KLIA.
of gross floor area houses two furniture, and bedding products. shoppers closer to sports. capacity to meet the increasing How to enter:
brand new tenants – OBJET and A chance to win traffic into the outlet mall. 1. Scan the QR Code to go to the contest
COURTS as well as new concept The new adidas Factory Outlet In conjunction with the official
stores by adidas, Nike and PUMA. at MOP KLIA is the largest factory opening of Phase 3, MOP KLIA is With the official opening of the page:
outlet in Southeast Asia that boasts giving away a Toyota Rush to one new phase, shoppers can also 2. Answer the 2 simple questions.
OBJET offers a variety of a premium factory outlet concept, lucky winner via a contest. expect good deals and bargains, 3. Fill in your details and submit your
merchandise and products bringing its top tier product Shoppers are entitled to apart from the Hari Raya
designed to furnish every living offerings across various sport participate in the contest with a promotions that will be ongoing entry. Yes, it’s that simple!
space of a home and every categories. minimum spending of RM300 in a from now to May 8, 2022. Entry
imaginable nook and cranny, from maximum of two receipts. submission
the kitchen to the dining room and PUMA Factory Outlet Concept However, at least one of the MOP KLIA is strategically begins on April
the living room to the bedrooms Store is the brand’s first flagship receipts must be from either one of located just eight minutes away 27, 2022 at
and bathrooms. outlet store is another exciting the selected outlets i.e adidas from KLIA and klia2 and 8am, and ends
sports outlet that shoppers can Factory Outlet, COURTS, Nike approximately 45 minutes from the on May 5, 2022
Intricate or simple, lavish or look forward to, which also Unite KLIA, OBJET, or PUMA KL City Centre. The outlet mall is at 11pm.
cozy, opulent or post-modern happens to be the largest store in Factory Outlet Concept Store. easily accessible through various * Remember
minimalism – OBJET has Southeast Asia. highways such as ELITE, LDP, to turn off your
something that suits different TJ Cheah, Deputy Managing KESAS, MAJU Expressway, North AdBlocker
moods, styles and tastes for any Also in Phase 3’s sports zone is Director of MFMA said the launch South Expressway Central Link,
occasion. OBJET at MOP KLIA is Nike’s first-ever concept store Nike of Phase 3 is timely to welcome the and NKVE. Getting to MOP KLIA is
the first outlet store of its kind in Unite KLIA. It reflects the heart increasing footfall traffic at the also convenient as there are ample
Malaysia. and soul of the community – public transportation services
celebrating everything local from available.
Shoppers can also look forward landmarks to hometown athletes.
to the new COURTS offering For more information on
enhanced shopping experience upcoming offers, promotions and
with an experiential retail space
while offering a wide range of happenings at MOP KLIA, visit
302 Jobs 322 Notices 21theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | APRIL 27, 2022
Calling Fury’s bluff
TYSON FURY christened Dillian
WE ARE HIRING PERISYTIHARAN JUALAN Whyte with an uppercut from hell on AJ’s camp says Gypsy
PERINTAH JUALAN ATAS PERMINTAAN PEMEGANG GADAIAN PTTL/PP/PDN/685 Sunday and then announced it would King stringing public along
ASSISTANT MANAGER be the last punch he’ll ever throw in with retirement claim
Dalam Perkara Seksyen 263, Kanun Tanah Negara, 1965 the ring.
ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING ago, Fury outlined his intentions to face
Job Description: PUBLIC BANK BERHAD (No. Syarikat : 6463-H) DAN .....PEMEGANG GADAIAN But Anthony Joshua’s camp manager is not Whyte, Joshua or Usyk and Dereck Chisora as
buying it and believes Fury is “stringing the part of his three-fight plan before retiring and
• Building and sustaining strong working relationships with 1. KOK GUAN HOE (NO. K/P : 681219-07-5311) .....PENGGADAI public along” and could be “waiting” to see Joshua’s camp manager David Ghansa is not
advertising clients. 2. LEW WAN YIN (NO. K/P : 710317-07-5008) who emerges victorious from his rival’s ready to accept his words at face value until
Menurut Perintah Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Timur Laut Pulau Pinang yang diperbuat pada 08 April 2022, adalah heavyweight world title clash with Oleksandr the WBC confirm his belt is vacant.
• Drive to perform and bring in sales revenue for the company on all diisytiharkan bahawa Pentadbir Tanah Timur Laut dengan dibantu oleh Pelelong Berlesen akan menjual secara: Usyk.
media platforms. LELONGAN AWAM “I don’t see him retiring. He’s said it many
PADA HARI RABU 11 MEI 2022, JAM 10.00 PAGI, Fury destroyed Whyte in front of 94,000 times before and until we are told by the WBC
• Plan and executive new, creative, exciting and innovative DI TINGKAT 3, KONKOS, KOMTAR, PULAU PINANG. fans at Wembley with a vicious sixth-round that that belt is vacant, then he isn’t retired,”
marketing campaigns for the company NOTA : Bakal-bakal pembeli adalah dinasihatkan agar membuat carian rasmi hakmilik di Pejabat Tanah dan uppercut to retain his WBC and Ring
memeriksa hartanah tersebut sebelum menyertai jualan lelong. Magazine belts and cement his position as the Ghansa told Express Sport.
• Develop and continuously improve marketing materials, BUTIR-BUTIR HAKMILIK No. 1 heavyweight in the world. “He’s stringing the public along by
product/service presentations and proposals. NO. HAKMILIK: GM 621; NO. LOT: Lot 10059; MUKIM / DAERAH / NEGERI: Mukim 17 / Timor Laut / Pulau
Pinang; PEGANGAN: Selama-lamanya; KELUASAN TANAH: 243.00 meter persegi; CUKAI TANAH: RM 55.00; After the 32nd victory of his telling them it’s his last fight. I think
• Work closely with the respective department to improve revenue KATEGORI KEGUNAAN TANAH: Tiada; PEMILIK BERDAFTAR: 1. KOK GUAN HOE (NO. K/P : 681219-07-5311) – ½ illustrious career, he claimed he he could be waiting to see the
generating platforms. bahagian 2. LEW WAN YIN (NO. K/P : 710317-07-5008) – ½ bahagian; SYARAT-SYARAT NYATA: FIRST GRADE); would be walking away from the outcome of the Joshua and Usyk
SEKATAN KEPENTINGAN: Tiada; BEBANAN: Gadaian menjamin wang pokok kepada Public Bank Berhad melalui sport as a modern-day great.
Requirements: Perserahan No. 0704SC2010001831 didaftarkan pada 28 Julai 2010.; LOKASI DAN PERIHAL HARTANAH: fight. He’s already made his
Hartanah tersebut adalah sebuah rumah berkembar 2 ½ tingkat yang terletak di alamat No. 11, Lengkok The self-styled “Gypsy feelings on a fight with Usyk clear.
• Minimum Diploma/Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, or Sungai Emas 2, Batu Ferringhi, 11100 Pulau Pinang. King” has however got a And we all know that.
any other related field. HARGA RIZAB history of prematurely
Hartanah tersebut akan dijual tertakluk kepada satu harga rizab sebanyak RM 1,300,000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia announcing his retirement, “The undisputed fight in my
• Minimum 5 years of experience in sales and marketing in print : SATU JUTA TIGA RATUS RIBU SAHAJA) dan kepada syarat-syarat jualan yang dicetak di perisytiharan jualan. and wife Paris has already eyes still has to happen. But until
and digital media Bagi penawar-penawar yang berminat adalah dikehendaki mendepositkan 10% daripada harga rizab dalam shrouded it in doubt by that belt is vacant and two other
bentuk Bank Draft diatas nama PUBLIC BANK BERHAD sebelum jam 10.00 pagi pada hari lelongan awam dan admitting he would “come guys in the top spots of the
• Good communication, presentation, problem solving and baki wang belian hendaklah dibayar oleh pembeli dalam tempoh satu ratus dua puluh (120) hari dari tarikh jualan back for a unification fight” rankings are fighting for it, then
organizational skills kepada PUBLIC BANK BERHAD. despite having “nothing left to it’s not true.” – Express
Untuk butir-butir selanjutnya, sila berhubung dengan Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Timur Laut, Pulau Pinang atau prove”. Newspapers
• Possess own transport and willing to travel kepada TETUAN GIBB & CO, Peguamcara bagi Plaintif yang beralamat di Suite 7B, 7th Floor, Wisma MTT, 26,
• Able to start immediately if successfully chosen Weld Quay, 10300 Pulau Pinang. Tel: 04-2611877 Fax: 04-2616877 (Ruj: GC/ALLIANCE/L546/17(LO-DTL)/ Only months
• Successful candidate(s) will be based in the Petaling Jaya office sh), atau Pelelong yang tersebut di bawah:-
Job Description: 13200 KEPALA BATAS, PULAU PINANG. Ruj : MF/PTTL/PBB-KGH&LWY/110522/abs
TEL : 04-5755897 FAX: 04-5755897
• Design and develop online marketing strategies, digital roadmap
and creative campaigns that aligned with the business goals and IN THE MATTER OF 322 Notices
directions. THE COMPANIES ACT 2016
• Provide creative ideas for content marketing. AND DI PULAU PINANG
• Manage all digital marketing channels IN THE MATTER OF
• Plan and manage social media platforms. LONGCHENG SEAFOOD DALAM NEGERI PULAU PINANG,
• Able to create content & produce graphics for social media RESTAURANT SDN. BHD. MALAYSIA
(Company No. 200801040609
• Prepare copywriting for the marketing campaign. (841960-D)) NO.: PA-28NCC-31-04/2022
(In Members’ Voluntary Winding-Up) Dalam perkara di bawah Akta Syarikat,
Requirements: 2016
• Diploma/Degree in Marketing, Digital Marketing or equivalent. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Dan
• Minimum 3 years of experience in implementing digital Section 459 of the Companies Act 2016 Dalam perkara di bawah Seksyen 465 (1)
that a Final General Meeting of the (e) Seksyen 465 (1) (h) dan Seksyen 466
marketing strategies Members of the Company will be held at (1) (a) Akta Syarikat, 2016
• Excellent understanding of digital marketing concepts and 4th Floor, Acctax Corporate Centre, No.
2, Jalan Bawasah, 10050 Georgetown, Dan
best practices. Penang on 27th day of May, 2022 at Dalam perkara di bawah Kaedah-kaedah
• Required Skill(s): Google Adwords, Google Analytics, SEO/SEM, 2.00 p.m. (Penggulungan) Syarikat 1972
social media marketing and optimization. AGENDA ANTARA
• Team player 1. To consider and, if thought fit, adopt PUBLIC BANK BERHAD
• Good time-management skills (No. Syarikat 6463-H)
• Great interpersonal and communication skills the final account of the Liquidator
showing the manner in which the ... Pempetisyen
Office based in Petaling Jaya (5 days a week) winding-up has been conducted and DAN
Closing date - 30 April 2022 the property of the Company has been SAINTY OCEAN LINE SDN BHD
disposed of; and [No. Pendaftaran: 201401004580
Send in your CV with your photo via email to : 2. To resolve under Section 518(3)(b) of (1080654-H)]
[email protected] the Companies Act 2016 that after the
expiration of three (3) months from ... Responden
the date of Final General Meeting, IKLAN PETISYEN Tyson Fury celebrates with the belts after winning his WBC World Heavyweight Title fight
the books, accounts and documents NOTIS ADALAH DENGAN INI DIBERI against Dillian Whyte on Saturday at Wembley Stadium. – REUTERSPIX
of the Company and of the Liquidator bahawa suatu Petisyen untuk
be destroyed. penggulungan Syarikat yang dinamakan Lefty files request for first LIV event
Dated this 27th day of April, 2022 di atas oleh Mahkamah Tinggi, telah
322 Notices 322 Notices Neoh Chin Wah pada 12/04/2022 dikemukakan oleh PHIL MICKELSON has filed a request to play June, according to Loy. The 51-year-old is the
Liquidator Public Bank Berhad (6463-H) yang in the first leg of the LIV Golf Invitational defending champion of the former, and
IN THE MATTER OF IN THE MATTER OF Notes: beralamat di 2nd Floor, No.7320, Series, a Saudi-funded event that has drawn winning the latter would give him the career
THE COMPANIES ACT, 2016 KARIZMA CONNECT SDN. 1. A member entitled to attend and vote 7321 & 7322, Jalan Raja Uda, 12300 scrutiny. grand slam.
at the General Meeting is entitled to Butterworth.
AND BHD. [200901010210 appoint a proxy and vote in his stead. DAN bahawa Petisyen tersebut Mickelson has not committed to play in Meanwhile, LIV Golf announced yesterday
IN THE MATTER OF (853225-H)] The proxy may but need not be a diarahkan supaya dibicarakan di the tournament from June 9-11 in London. it will hold its season-ending Team
member of the Company. Mahkamah Tinggi di Pulau Pinang, pada But his representatives completed the formal Championship at Trump National Doral in
WESTERN (IN MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY 2. The instrument appointing a proxy pukul 9.00 pagi pada 15/06/2022. request ahead of the PGA Tour’s April 25 Miami.
APPROACH SDN. BHD. WINDING-UP) must be deposited at the Liquidator’s DAN mana pihak pemiutang atau deadline for competing in conflicting events.
Office at 3rd Floor, Acctax Corporate penyumbang Syarikat tersebut The Team Championship will feature a
(Company No. NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING Centre, No. 2, Jalan Bawasah, 10050 yang berniat untuk menyokong atau “Phil currently has no concrete plans on US$50 million (RM217m) and conclude an
200101021736 [557494-X]) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Georgetown, Penang, not less than 48 menentang sesuatu perintah mengikut when and where he will play,” said Steve Loy eight-tournament series that kicks off in
pursuant to Section 459(2) of hours before the time for holding the Petisyen tersebut boleh hadir dengan of Sportfive, which represents Mickelson. London in June.
(In Members’ Voluntary the Companies Act, 2016, the meeting or any adjournment thereof. tujuan itu secara peribadi atau
Liquidation) Final Meeting of the members melalui peguambelanya pada masa “Any actions taken are in no way a The Saudi-backed series, previously
of the Company will be held 322 Notices bicaraan dan sesalinan Petisyen reflection of a final decision made, but rather referred to as the Super Golf League, plans to
NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING at the office of the liquidator, IN THE MATTER OF THE tersebut akan dibekalkan oleh pihak to keep all options open.” dole out more than $250m (RM1.08b) in total
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that No.129A, Jalan Genting Klang, COMPANIES ACT, 2016 yang bertandatangan di bawah ini purses.
pursuant to Section 459 of Setapak, 53300 Kuala Lumpur, AND kepada mana-mana pemiutang atau The Telegraph reported that Sergio Garcia
the Companies Act, 2016, the on 30 May 2022 at 11.00 am IN THE MATTER OF penyumbang Syarikat tersebut yang is seeking to play in the first LIV tourney. Lee Doral hosted a PGA Tour stop from 1962
Final Meeting of Members of for the following purposes : MAHALAXMI DENTAL memintanya dengan membuat bayaran Westwood, Ian Poulter and Louis Oosthuizen until 2018. Former US president Donald
the Company will be convened 1. To lay before the meeting SDN. BHD. yang ditetapkan. also have been linked to the event. Trump has owned the property since 2012,
and held at No. 30, Lorong Alamat Pempetisyen adalah di 2nd Floor, when his organization purchased it out of
6A/91, Taman Shamelin the Liquidator’s Statement [201501026273(1151597-K)] No.7320, 7321 & 7322, Jalan Raja Uda, Mickelson also registered for the PGA bankruptcy. – Field Level Media
Perkasa, 56100 Kuala Lumpur of Accounts for adoption and (IN MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY 12300 Butterworth. Championship in May and the US Open in
on Saturday 28 May 2022 at to receive any explanation Peguamcara Pempetisyen ialah
10.00 a.m. for the following thereon ; and WINDING-UP) Tetuan Wong-Chooi & Mohd. Nor yang Punjab prevail in tense IPL finish
purpose: 2. To resolve that under Section NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING beralamat di No. 27, Tingkat 1, Jalan
1) To receive and consider 518(3)(b) of the Companies NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Maju Jaya, Pusat Perniagaan Maju Jaya, SHIKHAR DHAWAN smashed an unbeaten 88 Rayudu smashed three straight sixes and a
Act 2016, the books, pursuant to Section 459(2) of 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang. for Punjab Kings who withstood a batting blitz four off Sandeep Sharma to raise hopes of a
the Liquidator’s Final accounts and documents of the Companies Act, 2016, the from Chennai Super Kings’ Ambati Rayudu to victory in a 23-run 16th over.
Statement of Accounts the Company be destroyed Final Meeting of the members of Peguamcara Pempetisyen seal an 11-run victory in a hard-fought IPL
showing how the winding after the expiration of three the Company will be held at the PERINGATAN – Sesiapa yang ingin match on Monday. Skipper MS Dhoni attempted to repeat his
up has been conducted (3) months from the date of office of the liquidator, No.129A, hadir pada perbicaraan Petisyen pyrotechnics of the previous match when he
and the property of the the final meeting. Jalan Genting Klang, Setapak, tersebut hendaklah menyampaikan, Dhawan, playing his 200th match in the scored 16 off the final four balls but this time
Company disposed of and Dated : 27 April 2022 53300 Kuala Lumpur, on 30 atau menghantar dengan pos, kepada Indian Premier League, smashed nine fours 27 runs from the 20th over proved too big as
to receive any explanation Soo Tong Hui May 2022 at 10.00 am for the Tetuan Wong-Chooi & Mohd. Nor yang and two sixes in his 59-ball knock to guide Chennai closed 11 short.
thereon. Liquidator following purposes : dinamakan di atas suatu notis bertulis Punjab, who were put in to bat first at
2) To determine by ordinary Note: 1. To lay before the meeting tentang niatnya sebegitu. Notis tersebut Mumbai’s Wankhede Stadium, to 187-4. “I think he (Rayudu) was batting brilliantly
resolution in the manner in A member entitled to attend the Liquidator’s Statement mestilah menyatakan nama dan alamat but we could have restricted them under 170-
which the books, accounts and vote at the meeting is of Accounts for adoption and pihak berkenaan, atau jika ia sebuah Holders Chennai slipped to 40-3, but 175,” said Chennai skipper Ravindra Jadeja.
and documents of the entitled to appoint a proxy to receive any explanation firma, nama dan alamat firma, dan Rayudu took on the chase in his 39-ball 78,
Company and the Liquidator to attend and vote in his/her thereon ; and mestilah ditandatangani oleh pihak atau studded with six sixes, before being bowled “I think not getting a good start in the first
thereof shall be disposed of. stead. A proxy need not be a 2. To resolve that under Section firma berkenaan atau peguamcaranya, by Kagiso Rabada who returned figures of six (overs), we’re not putting runs on the
KOON SIEW CHAN member of the Company. 518(3)(b) of the Companies jika ada. Notis hendaklah disampaikan, 2-23. board in the first six. So we need to improve
Liquidator Act 2016, the books, accounts atau jika dihantar dengan pos, on that and come back strong.” – AFP
Kuala Lumpur and documents of the hendaklah dihantar dalam jangkamasa
Date : 27 April 2022 Company be destroyed after mencukupi, supaya sampai kepada
the expiration of three (3) pihak yang dinamakan di atas sebelum
months from the date of the pukul 12 tengah hari pada 14/06/2022.
final meeting.
Dated : 27 April 2022
Soo Tong Hui
A member entitled to attend and
vote at the meeting is entitled to
appoint a proxy to attend and
vote in his/her stead. A proxy
need not be a member of the
SHORTS Real can wait
Wolff protection for Lewis
MERCEDES team boss Toto Wolff has promised to PSG tell Mbappe when he can seal Madrid transfer in lucrative twist
protect Lewis Hamilton after the seven times PSG are arguing Kylian Mbappe can
Formula One world champion struggled through join Real Madrid later in his career preparing for a big summer of change after hoping this summer can be third time lucky.
Sunday’s Emilia Romagna Grand Prix. at the age of 23 as they look to keep yhey’ve endured yet another They first invited him for a trial at the age
him at the Parc des Princes, underwhelming campaign, despite winning
The Briton finished 13th in the fourth round of according to reports. the Ligue 1 title over the weekend. of 12, though Mbappe would later begin his
the season and teammate George Russell’s fourth Their Champions League exit at the career at Monaco instead.
place also put Hamilton’s seeming loss of form into And they failed to land the striker in
question as much as the car’s performance. The France international’s current hands of Madrid was a bitter blow, 2017, missing out to PSG in a bitter blow for
contract is due to expire at the end of the especially given the fact they were leading club president Florentino Perez.
“I have to protect him. It’s not his low,”Wolff, season. But the Ligue 1 giants are still 2-0 on aggregate before Los Blancos
whose team failed to make it to the final stage of hopeful of keeping him as they look to win masterminded a terrific turnaround. Speaking earlier this month, the forward
qualifying for the first time in a decade, told the Champions League next season. insisted he was “cool” as his PSG contract
reporters. “It’s the low of the car performance. Mauricio Pochettino may now lose his ticks down.
Mbappe is yet to decide on his future, job, with reports suggesting Antonio Conte “I haven’t decided about my future yet,”
“The guy is the best driver in the world and he is with Real Madrid hoping to finally sign him could take over as his replacement despite said the 2018 World Cup winner, who has
not having a machine and equipment underneath after missing out twice before. his current commitment to Tottenham. also been linked with Manchester United,
him to be able to execute,” added the Austrian. And The Athletic say PSG are ready to And PSG chief Nasser Al-Khelaifi has Newcastle and Barcelona over the past 12
offer him a “lucrative” two-year or three- invited consultants from Harvard Business months.
“In a way it is even irrelevant whether you come year contract extension in order to protect School to leave no stone unturned as they “I’m cool. I want to take my time because
eighth, 12th, 15th, doesn’t matter, it’s all bad.” the value of their prized asset. eye Europe’s biggest prize.
I don’t want to get it wrong.
Hamilton is now seventh overall, already 58 PSG have argued with Mbappe that, at Pochettino will not be the only casualty “I am thinking about it because there are
points behind Ferrari’s leader Charles Leclerc and the age of 23, he’s still got many years ahead at PSG this summer. new elements – lots of things, new
with his title hopes in tatters. of him to join Madrid at a later date. But whether Mbappe hangs around to parameters.
They’re hellbent on retaining the play under a different boss in Paris is “(There are) a lot of parameters to take in
Wolff said the true greats all had difficult services of the 2018 World Cup winner, who something only time will tell. consideration. I’m trying to figure it out with
moments in their careers and overcame them, and has been in outstanding form this season. Real have missed out on the France my family so I take the right decision.” –
Hamilton, winner of a record 103 races, would do The publication says that PSG are international twice in the past and are Express Newspapers
so too.
Kean strikes late to gives Juve important win
“He’s going to help the team to sort themselves
out and we are sticking together through good and
bad times and today certainly was a very bad day,”
he added.
... as Rosberg hints at trouble MOISE KEAN’S late goal gave Juventus a Sassuolo had done more than enough to Bonucci ended with Kean, a 67th minute
in Mercedes garage hard-fought 2-1 win at Sassuolo in Serie A claim a share of the points when Kean substitute for Alvaro Morata, turning Vlad
yesterday, allowing them to close the gap struck two minutes from full-time. Chiriches and firing the ball between
MERCEDES team principal Toto Wolff was annoyed on third-placed Napoli to one point. goalkeeper Andrea Consigli’s legs at the
at Lewis Hamilton during the Emilia Romagna A long ball out of defence from Leonardo near post.
Grand Prix weekend, according to former driver Juventus’ Moise Kean
Nico Rosberg. (right) celebrates scoring The last-gasp win keeps Juve in fouth
their second goal with place, eight points adrift of leaders AC Milan
Wolff and Hamilton were seen in a heated teammates during the but, perhaps more significantly, eight points
discussion on Friday during qualifying before the Serie A match against clear of Roma, who are chasing them for the
Mercedes boss dismissed speculation about a rift Sassuolo at the Mapei final Champions League spot.
between him and the seven-time champion. Stadium yesterday.
– REUTERSPIX “It was an important victory for the
But Rosberg, who worked with Hamilton and table. Sassuolo played very well, we
Wolff for several years, feels there is more to it than clung in there, although we were a
the Austrian let on. bit too sluggish in the first half and
they were able to pierce through us
“If I have to speculate now, it looked to me that easily,” Juve coach Max Allegri told Sky
Toto was annoyed about something Lewis had Sport Italia.
done, which might be understandable,” Rosberg
told Sky Sports. “We did better after the break and
were missing a few players, there was
“Lewis could have been very frustrated on the
internal Mercedes garage radio or something, fatigue after the Coppa Italia game
complaining to them that they didn’t follow his midweek, so we can only thank the
thoughts on what they should have done with lads.
strategy or complaining about the car or “It’s a good advantage over
something. fifth place, we are a point off
Napoli, so we have to keep
“Lewis also got out of the car before (Q2) was working for the objective,
over and there might be still a 1% chance the track which is fourth place.”
could be in a good shape towards the end of “With four rounds left in
qualifying. Maybe Toto was angry about that. the season, you have to win
the games. The rest does
“It just shows the stress is starting to get to not count for anything.
them because rather than going forward at the “Above all, people need
moment they are actually going backwards. to understand the moment
we are going through. We
“I mean, they were almost two seconds a lap cannot try to do what we
slower in qualifying – their worst qualifying in 10 can’t do right now, we
years – so naturally the tension is going to build have to focus on doing
internally.” what we can do.
“The team played
... and Red Bull bask in Imola glory the game it needed to
play, knowing Sassuolo
MAX VERSTAPPEN’S dominant Imola weekend were fresh, have good
provided a near-perfect bounce back from misery technique. We also lost (Matthijs)
in Melbourne, with Red Bull confident they are fully De Ligt and (Juan) Cuadrado, so
firing again in the Formula One battle with leaders we just had to get the points.” –
Ferrari. AFP
World champion Verstappen, who had to retire Hamilton trolled by Red Bull chief after disastrous Imola GP
in Australia two weeks ago, could not have taken a
bigger haul from the Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix RED BULL chief Helmut Marko has claimed with the cameras showing Christian Horner “I’m afraid this will be a really difficult
with pole and victories in the Saturday sprint and Lewis Hamilton may now be wondering why and then a very straight-faced Toto Wolff on season for Lewis,” the 1998 and 1999 world
Sunday’s race plus fastest lap. he didn’t call time on his F1 career last the respective Red Bull and Mercedes champion said.
season after the Mercedes star endured yet pitwalls.
Mexican teammate Sergio Perez finished third another afternoon to forget at the Emilia “Now start the natural thought process of
on Saturday and second on Sunday to leave Red Romagna Grand Prix. To make matters worse, Red Bull’s Marko drivers. Should I go somewhere else? It’s a
Bull only a point short of the maximum 59 and the has now jokingly suggested that Hamilton fact.”
title battle looking even more two dimensional. The seven-time world champion has had may be regretting his decision to race on.
a rough ride so far this season and his rotten But Hamilton disputes those claims and
“It was just the rebound we needed,” team boss luck continued in Imola as he finished “I mean, he was lapped by us,” Marko told has once again reaffirmed his commitment
Christian Horner told reporters after a result that pointless in 13th place. Craig Slater of Sky Sports News. “Maybe he is to turning things around with Mercedes.
left Verstappen 27 points adrift of Ferrari’s Charles thinking he should have stopped last year!”
Leclerc, who spun and finished sixth. Yet there was further humiliation when “There is nowhere else I want to be. Just
Hamilton was lapped by his rival Max Two-time world champion Mika because we have hit a rough patch, it is not
Verstappen had been 46 behind after his Verstappen. Hakkinen recently suggested that Hamilton in my DNA to back out,” he said.
retirement from second place in Australia due to a may in fact be wishing he was part of
fuel system problem. “Ouch that is going to hurt,” commented another team, though the Mercedes man “We can fix this. It is going to be a painful
Sky Sports’ F1 commentator David Croft, rejected those rumours as “nonsense”. year that we are going to have to ride out
“We attacked the weekend from the word go together.” – Express Newspapers
and both drivers have been unbelievable. Both
Max and Checo (Perez) have driven brilliantly this
weekend,” said Horner.
“After the disappointment of Australia to come
back with a result like that here at Imola was one of
our best ever results.
“You can never say never but I think obviously
its demonstrated that we’ve managed to get on
top of the issue from Australia.”
█ CARL MARKHAM ‘It’s unbelievable’ Considering Origi’s history it would not be a
Liverpool’s Origi won’t take derby goal for granted surprise for him to yet play a crucial part in the
LIVERPOOL striker Divock Origi insists club’s quest for an unprecedented quadruple and
another magical Merseyside derby The Belgium international has made just five will have mixed feelings about his expected he is fully prepared for that.
moment is not something he takes for starts across 16 appearances this season, with just departure.
granted. one since early December and his last inclusion “For me as a player, it’s (about) staying ready:
The 27-year-old had a hand in setting up Andy in a Premier League first XI coming 15 months “It’s unbelievable. Honestly, I don’t take it for try to do extra work to level up what you maybe
Robertson’s crucial opening goal just a couple of ago. granted,” Origi, who was attracting interest from missed in game time and then coming in and
minutes after coming off the bench before scoring Atalanta in January with Lazio, Juventus and AC making plays,” he added.
his sixth goal in nine games against Everton late He has still managed to produce important Milan all now reportedly keeping tabs on him,
on. contributions, with a 90th-minute winner against told “You cannot know what happens before the
Wolves in December followed by the goal which game, you can just get as well prepared as
Despite his lack of pitch time Origi has secured a record six out of six victories in the “It is such a pleasure to be able to play football possible and once you know that you are well
become something of a cult hero for fans as, in Champions League group stage three days later. at the highest level, to win these games – for the prepared you can come in and enjoy the game.
addition to his derby contributions, he played a club it means so much, for me it means so much.
huge part in their 2019 Champions League win His close-range header against Everton, from “That’s what happened (against Everton) and
having scored two in the famous semifinal almost the same place he scored the derby winner “After the game you can look back (and) be obviously the goals help the team, that is the most
comeback against Barcelona before finding the in the sixth minute of added time in December happy, but especially now. Take it, put it in the important thing.”
net against Tottenham in the final. 2018, was another one to endear him to fans, who baggage and take it for the next game, and
hopefully keep the momentum going.” Manager Jurgen Klopp has regularly sung the
However, his days at Anfield appear to be praises of his fringe striker, even joking he could
numbered with his contract set to expire this write a book about the Belgian’s exploits at
summer as he will not have played enough Anfield.
matches to trigger a one-year extension.
“He’s a legend on and off the pitch. He is a
fantastic footballer for me,” said the Reds boss. –
The Independent
RESULTS&STANDINGS Marsch hails ‘really big point’ against Palace
ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE: Crystal LEEDS BOSS Jesse Marsch hailed a hard-fought
Palace 0 Leeds 0. goalless draw at Crystal Palace as a “really big point” in
P W D L F A Pts the battle to avoid Premier League relegation.
Man City 33 25 5 3 80 21 80
Liverpool 33 24 7 2 85 22 79 A forgettable, if sometimes fiery, 90 minutes at
Chelsea 32 19 8 5 67 27 65 Selhurst Park could yet have yielded a pivotal result for
Arsenal 33 19 3 11 52 40 60 Leeds, who sit 16th in the table.
Tottenham 33 18 4 11 56 38 58
Man Utd 34 15 9 10 53 51 54 They are now five points clear of Everton, who
West Ham 34 15 7 12 52 44 52 currently occupy the final relegation berth, but have
Wolves 33 15 4 14 33 29 49 played a game more than the Toffees.
Newcastle 34 11 10 13 40 55 43
Leicester 32 11 9 12 47 51 42 With their next three games coming against top-
Brighton 34 9 14 11 31 42 41 four sides in Manchester City, Arsenal and Chelsea,
Brentford 34 11 7 16 41 49 40 taking a share of the spoils in south London was key
Southampton 34 9 13 12 40 56 40 for Marsch.
Crystal Palace 33 8 14 11 43 41 38
Aston Villa 32 11 4 17 42 46 37 “I think it’s a really big point,” he said.
Leeds 33 8 10 15 38 68 34 “It gets us closer to our ultimate goal. If you’d said
Burnley 33 6 13 14 29 45 31 to me five games ago that in the next five games
Everton 32 8 5 19 34 55 29 you’d pick up 11 points, I’d have signed on the dotted
Watford 33 6 4 23 31 67 22 line. We still have a lot of things to work on.
Norwich 33 5 6 22 22 69 21 “The result is big. Every point is important,
performance not our best but defensively very stable.
CHAMPIONSHIP: Preston 1 Black- Second clean sheet in a row, five games unbeaten.
burn 4 “We just have to take the positives away. It wasn’t
TOP 6 P W D L F A PTS so easy with 16 days to keep match sharpness and
Fulham 43 26 9 8 99 38 87 that showed a little bit but the mentality of the group
Bournemouth 42 22 12 8 66 36 78 and the ability of the team to fight for every inch on
Huddersfield 44 21 13 10 60 46 76 the pitch I think really helped us earn the point.”
Nottm Forest 42 21 10 11 66 37 73 Leeds United’s Luke The point for Palace ends a three-match losing
Luton 44 20 12 12 62 48 72 Ayling (centre) in streak for the Eagles, who still maintain hopes of a top-
Sheff Utd 44 19 12 13 56 44 69 action with Crystal half finish.
Palace’s Christian Patrick Vieira pinpointed a lack of cutting edge in
SERIE A: Sassuolo 1 (Raspadori 39) Benteke (left) and attack as the reason the home side did not take all
Juventus 2 (Dybala 45, Kean 88). James McArthur during three points.
TOP 6 P W D L F A PTS the English Premier “Our decision making,” he replied when asked if it
Inter Milan 33 21 9 3 71 26 72 League match at was a lack of quality that cost his side.
AC Milan 33 21 8 4 58 29 71 Selhurst Park yesterday. “I think we were unlucky at times as well but I think
Napoli 34 20 7 7 61 30 67 – REUTERSPIX we created enough situational chances to score and
Juventus 34 19 9 6 52 30 66 we didn’t today.
Roma 34 17 7 10 55 40 58 “It’s just about taking our chances and we have the
Lazio 33 16 8 9 65 48 56 quality, we know that the front-three can score goals.
“But yes, I will want them to score more regarding
PROMOTED the number of chances that we are creating and today
I think we were unlucky.
“I think the only thing that was missing in our
game was that goal.” – The Independent
Lamps’ referee comments courting trouble TOUCHLINES BARCELONA would be willing JUVENTUS are in talks to sign
to let Netherlands midfielder Argentina forward Angel di
█ RICHARD JOLLY Neither decision was overturned but REAL MADRID are close to Frenkie de Jong, 24, leave for a Maria, 34, on a free transfer
FRANK LAMPARD could be charged by the FA Everton are more aggrieved with the VAR, agreeing a free transfer deal fee of €70m (RM326m), with this summer after Paris St-
after they wrote to him asking to explain his Darren England, who they feel dismissed the for Chelsea’s Antonio Rudiger Manchester United interested. Germain opted not to extend
comments about the officials in Everton’s incident too rapidly and without checking it (pix), with the 29-year-old MANCHESTER UNITED could his contract.
Merseyside derby defeat, when he claimed properly. Germany defender ready to offer Barcelona 24-year-old WEST HAM will open talks with
Anthony Gordon would have been awarded a England forward Marcus Hull City to sign Keane Lewis-
penalty had it been Mohamed Salah at the After the match, Lampard said he move to the Bernabeu on a Rashford and 29-year-old Potter. Hull, who value the 21-
other end of the pitch. believed that Liverpool would have contract worth at least Brazil defender Alex Telles in year-old English forward at £18m
been awarded a penalty in similar £200,000 (RM1.1m) a exchange for Frenkie de Jong. (RM99m), have rejected a £12m
The Everton manager may be accused of circumstances. week. UNITED’S France midfielder (RM66m) offer from Brentford.
bringing the game into disrepute if the FA MANCHESTER CITY Paul Pogba has left the team’s REIMS will let 19-year-old
believe he breached rule E3 if he questioned “You don’t get them here,” he said. are considering a WhatsApp group after receiving French striker Hugo Ekitike
the integrity of the officials “and/or implied “If that was Mo Salah at the other end, move for West offers from Real Madrid and leave for €35m (RM163m) in
bias.” If found guilty, he would probably face a he gets a penalty. I’m not trying to Ham’s England mid- Paris St-Germain. the summer. Newcastle are
fine. create conflict; it’s just the reality of fielder Declan Rice, PARIS ST-GERMAIN will keep expected to revive their inter-
football. It was a penalty. It was a clear 23, who has also Argentina forward Lionel est after talks with the young-
In a separate development, Everton had foul.” been a long-term Messi, 34, for one more ster in January.
already contacted PGMOL to ask why a penalty target for season but are open to letting EKITIKE has also had interest
was not awarded when winger Gordon was It added to Everton’s recent Manchester United Brazil forward Neymar, 30, from Liverpool, Chelsea and
pushed over by Joel Matip, eight minutes frustration with officiating. and Chelsea. leave. Manchester United.
before Andy Robertson opened the scoring in Referees’ chief Mike Riley NORWICH CITY want to AC MILAN, Chelsea and Real ARSENAL are prepared to
Liverpool’s 2-0 win. apologised to Lampard when sign Bristol City’s Madrid are interested in listen to offers for 26-year-old
they were not given a penalty for a English midfielder Alex Manchester City’s 31-year-old Ivory Coast winger Nicolas
The relegation-threatened club believe the handball by Rodri in their 1-0 defeat to Scott, withTottenham Algeria winger Riyad Mahrez. Pepe.
second-half incident should have been looked Manchester City. and Leeds already
at in more detail when referee Stuart Attwell, monitoring the 18-
who had booked Gordon for diving in the first Once again, Everton were irritated year-old.
half, neither awarded the penalty nor gave the more with the VAR, with Lampard
winger a second yellow card. calling Chris Kavanagh “a
professional who cannot do his job
right.” – The Independent
WEDNESDAY • APRIL 27, 2022 I don’t see him (Tyson Fury) retiring.
He’s said it many times before and until we are
told by the WBC that that belt is vacant, then he
isn’t retired. He’s stringing the public along by
telling them it’s his last fight.”
Anthony Joshua
MANCHESTER UNITED Devils’ the market.
have told incoming evolution The new Manchester United boss
manager Erik ten Hag that
he will receive “significant Man Utd to give Ten Hag has reportedly scheduled one-on-one
funds” to begin his rebuild during the ‘significant transfer funds’ meetings with the squad as he gears up
summer transfer window. but reject Rangnick claim for his new adventure in the Premier
However, the club have distanced
themselves from Ralf Rangnick’s claim Ten Hag wants to get to know the
that he could make as many as 10 United squad as quickly as possible,
signings. with the Dutchman eager to hit the
ground running.
Ten Hag will inherit a squad in
disarray amid poor performances and Some squad members think Ten
results on the pitch and uncertain Hag will use the interviews to “give him
futures off it. an idea” over whether or not Harry
Maguire will keep the armband.
But he has been informed of the
budget he will have to work within The England international’s form
when commencing an “evolution has dropped off alarmingly in recent
rather than revolution” at Old Trafford months and was taken out of the firing
in June. line for the 3-1 defeat to Arsenal on
According to ESPN, United’s
recruitment team are planning to Maguire isn’t certain to keep the
provide Ten Hag with three new armband, with the likes of Cristiano
signings in his first transfer window at Ronaldo, Bruno Fernandes and David
the helm. De Gea potential successors in the role.
The Red Devils will back him with A source is quoted as saying: “Erik is
between £100 million and £150 million meticulous in his planning.
(RM555 - RM832m) – a budget that will
be boosted by player sales and freed-up “He wants to know where
room on the wage bill. everyone’s at with their mentality and
situation at the club and has said he
Ten Hag has the freedom to wants to discuss their futures regarding
influence shortlists for positions he who wants to stay and who wants to go.
deems priorities to strengthen, and
he’ll get a veto on any potential “He wants to give everyone a chance
signings. to discuss any issues or problems in
private, before he arrives, so he can get
But United have described a head start on the summer.”
Rangnick’s suggestion that the
Dutchman’s additions could hit double It’s going to be a massive job for Ten
figures as “highly unlikely”. Hag, who has been coy when quizzed
on the task in hand.
Whilst several signings may not be
on the cards, it’s primed to be a busy And whether he can succeed where
summer transfer window in terms of predecessors David Moyes, Louis van
outgoings. Gaal, Jose Mourinho and Ole Gunnar
United are willing to listen to offers Solskjaer have failed ultimately
for five first-team stars on top of the six remains to be seen.
players set to leave on free transfers
upon their contract expiry. United are next in action
against Chelsea on Friday
The report states that Aaron Wan- (2.45am Malaysian time).
Bissaka, Eric Bailly, Phil Jones, Alex
Telles and Anthony Martial are in the United midfielder Scott
shop window. McTominay has called
And they could join Lee Grant, on his teammates to
Nemanja Matic, Paul Pogba, Juan Mata, play for pride in
Jesse Lingard and Edinson Cavani their upcoming
through the exit door.
United are thought to be prioritising “It is pride on
a centreback, defensive midfielder and
striker ahead of the 2022-23 season. the pitch – give
your best,
There is a widespread expectation everyone,” he
that the Ajax boss will splash his initial said. – Express
budget on bolstering those three
positions before using funds Newspapers
accumulated from player sales to Newly appointed
acquire Pogba’s replacement.
Whilst four signings isn’t quite the United manager
total touted by Rangnick, United have Erik ten Hag (left)
learned the hard way in recent years
that quality often trumps quantity in and current
interim manager
Ralf Rangnick.
Liverpool urged to make most of ‘slight edge’ in title race
LIVERPOOL have been told they could take play has bamboozled nearly all in their wake. difference. where Liverpool dropped points were early on
advantage of Manchester City in the Premier The Reds have scored 85 times in the “Then you look at where the goals are, in the season and there has been a change,
League title race which could give them the defensively, in the second half of the season,”
edge over their rivals. Premier League with Mohamed Salah netting they’re spread across the team in Man City, but said Carragher.
23 of them while at the Etihad, the scorers are the numbers show Liverpool have the big
The two titans are separated by just one more balanced with 80 in total and Kevin de advantage in attack. “But, if Liverpool drop points, you feel like it
point in the table and any slip-up could be Bruyne their top scorer on 11. But Carragher wouldn’t be a 0-0, it would be a 2-2.”
costly. believes that gives his former club the “If Man City are to drop points, it would be
advantage. down to the fact they could have games where Former striker Robbie Keane, Carragher’s
Liverpool have been told to utilise their they fail to score. guest on Monday Night Football, said: “It’s
greater firepower in the title race to clinch them “You’re talking about two brilliant teams and incredible, when you look at the whole season,
the Premier League trophy this season. you can’t really split them,” he told Sky Sports. “Man City have failed to score in four games how well Man City have done without having
this season – Liverpool only one – and they an out-and-out striker.
That is the verdict from Jamie Carragher, “I think there will be points dropped, I can have only scored once in seven games too, so
who believes that Manchester CIty’s lack of a see both of them dropping points, I do believe that’s 11 games where they have scored one “If they had a young Sergio Aguero, from
frontman might cost them. that. goal or zero goals. four or five years ago, I think the League would
be over by now.
There is just one point between the two “But you look at the attacking stats, this is “So, you think, if Man City are going to drop
teams at the top of the table with five games to where Liverpool have the slight edge. points, it must be from a 0-0, there’s been “The football they play is incredible to
go in what is one of the tensest battles in years. evidence of that this season in games that watch. They get bodies in the box and they do
Both clubs are in their peaks with Klopp and “Goals scored, Liverpool 85 to Man City 80. we’ve seen.” score a lot of goals.
Pep Guardiola at the helm. Talk about not having a striker, the goals are still
absolutely phenomenal for Man City. While City have often dropped points in low- “But these are the times when you need a
Both sides would be worthy winners but scoring games, Liverpool slip-ups have often No. 9, a fox in the box. I think that’s where they
they have gone about it in different ways. While “The xG per game shows that, yes, Liverpool been more chaotic affairs. could slip up, especially in tight games.” –
Liverpool have a ferocious attack, City delicate have the edge. But you look at top goalscorers, Express Newspapers/Agencies
De Bruyne on 11 and Salah on 23 is a big “We should add that lot of those games
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