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Published by Pusat Sumber KPT, 2022-08-09 02:49:59

The Sun-09.08.22

The Sun-09.08.22



page to expats:

ON TUESDAY AUGUST 9, 2022 17,000 university
No. 8083 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) page dropouts
last year

A boy joins two adults in scaling a
climbing tower at the Outdoor Expo
Malaysia 2022 event held over the
weekend at the Kelana Jaya Sports
Complex in Petaling Jaya.

Death by oSexual
harassment, hate
bullying messages proved
too much for
TikToker with
history of

█ BY CHARLES RAMENDRAN just eight months into posting such content on She used her saree and turned it Khirthika added that although
the video-sharing app TikTok, life took a tragic into a noose. her mother was taunted by many
[email protected] turn. users on TikTok, she was Turn to
ETALING JAYA: “I love you. I am sorry. “She had called me hours particularly disturbed by the
I am not a good mother.” Those were Sashikala was constantly pounded with earlier and asked me to get her a harassment she received from a —
the final words N. Sashikala, 44, said to criticism and hate messages posted by her packet of fried mee hoon for dinner.
her youngest daughter before she detractors. When I got home, she ate the noodles page 3
committed suicide. and I went to my room. Then, she made
The cyberbullying proved too much for her her final call to me and the next thing I man known to her.
Indulging in social media to share her to handle, and at about 11.30pm on Saturday, knew, she was gone. Our family is
thoughts and hobbies, Sashikala was under the she decided to end her life at her home in USJ, devastated,” Khirthika told theSun.
impression it would be entertaining. The Subang Jaya, after making a final phone call to
private tutor was a strong-willed and outspoken her youngest daughter, 18-year-old Khirthika, who is pursuing a degree in
person, despite suffering from long-term K. Khirthika. occupational therapy, said her mother was a
depression. victim of cyberbullying and that it had
After the phone went dead, Khirthika, who aggravated her mental health condition.
The mother of three girls was a dog rescuer was in her room, rushed over to her mother’s
and a huge fan of luxury handbags – both room and forced her way in after finding it She said Sashikala had suffered depression
passions she shared on social media. However, locked. over the past two decades and was on
medication to manage her condition.
“I saw my mother hanging from the ceiling.

2 theSUN ON TUESDAY | AUGUST 9, 2022

Ministry to Expert: New MM2H rules
ensure unappealing to expats
delivery of
combat ships █ BY SIVAA TANGAI RAJU o ‘Consider overall contributions of those who purchase of property,” she said.
[email protected] want to make Malaysia their second home Despite the restriction, most
KUALA LUMPUR: The government will PETALING JAYA: New rules for the rather than focus on income levels’
report the schedule and progress of the Malaysia My Second Home foreigners prefer to live in Malaysia
Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) construction (MM2H) programme are turning programme. If this trend continues, economy. So, their contributions compared with neighbouring
project in stages, said Senior Defence out to be unwelcoming for the economy will be less dynamic are more important than the countries, including Singapore,
Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin prospective applicants, with 1,461 because the country does not have number of days they live in Thailand and Indonesia for various
Hussein. participants withdrawing from the an additional source of growth from Malaysia. reasons.
programme. foreigners who contribute to the
He said his ministry was given six domestic economy.” An industry player who wished An expatriate, Chris Syer, who
months to mobilise efforts to revive the Responding to the state of to remain anonymous said arrived from the United Kingdom
project, and he believed the first ship affairs, Sunway University Yeah said the decline in MM2H requiring expatriates to stay in 62 years ago, said Malaysians’
would be delivered to the Royal economist Dr Yeah Kim Leng said applicants is an indication that the Malaysia for 90 days is impractical friendly and welcoming attitude
Malaysian Navy (RMN) within two years. the government should conduct a programme is not successful in as it would affect their businesses made him sustain himself in the
comprehensive review to make it meeting its objectives and when they are away for too long. country. He said it is easy to
“We will look at how we can ensure more convenient for expatriates to purposes, since the immigration communicate with Malaysians
that the promised ships are delivered to live in Malaysia. department had only received 267 “It is impossible for a wealthy since English is widely spoken.
the RMN, and those who are guilty are new applications following the businessman to spend 90 days in
brought to justice. He said it should consider the amendments imposed in August one country and stay away from Another expatriate, J. Malorey
expatriates’ overall contributions last year. his business. Moreover, these said he prefers to live in Malaysia
“I will inform the public the phased rather than focus on their incomes, expatriates are not allowed to due to the affordable living costs
schedule for the construction of the as further withdrawals will only He said the new MM2H rules are create a company bank account, and lifestyle.
ships,” he said during a question-and- affect the country’s economy, which also too stringent as the so what do these investors or
answer session in the Dewan Negara has not fully recovered from the government requires expatriates to businessmen do during their 90 Malorey said he was amazed by
yesterday. pandemic. stay in Malaysia for at least 90 days days in Malaysia? the multi-racial country that allows
per year, which will not benefit the its people to practise their unique
He was replying to a supplementary “The government should review country’s economy in any way “MM2H participants are not cultures and traditions without
question from Senator Datuk Husain the new MM2H rules and its allowed to apply for permanent restrictions.
Awang, who asked for clarification on criteria, to go beyond income “The motive of MM2H is to residence or citizenship. So if we
the steps taken by the Defence Ministry levels, such as considering welcome foreigners to set up and restrict their movement, we will lose “Firstly, English is a widely
to resolve the issue of the procurement foreigners’ skills, networking and develop their businesses, while their contribution to the country spoken language in Malaysia, so it
of the ships as well as a question from entrepreneurship so that the allowing them to contribute to our such as tourism activities and the helps me to communicate with
Senator Datuk Razali Idris, who wanted programme will be more impactful. others. Secondly, living here is
to know the time frame involved. affordable and much cheaper than
“A total of 1,461 participants in Singapore. Malaysia is also a
Hishammuddin said the government have withdrawn from the country that comes with quality
is also giving its full cooperation to the infrastructure, including roads and
Public Accounts Committee (PAC) in public transport.”
investigating the matter.
Fire and Rescue Department personnel putting up a show after completing a six-month training course at the Fire and Rescue
“Our cooperation with the PAC is department’s academy in Marang yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX Dept ready for
total. We have already faced the PAC challenges, says
more than 15 times. minister

“If there is a violation or abuse of MARANG: The Malaysian Fire and
power, the investigation is ongoing and Rescue Department, with a strength
action will be taken against those of nearly 30,000 personnel
involved.” nationwide, is always prepared for
various tasks and challenges.
On Aug 4, the PAC disclosed that the
committee had held nine proceedings Housing and Local Government
on the LCS issue, starting on Nov 18, Minister Datuk Seri Reezal Merican
2020, and the last one on March 8, by Naina Merican said the department
calling several witnesses. had a strength 13,000 officers and
permanent staff at 327 fire stations,
The results of the proceedings found as well as more than 2,000 auxiliary
that the LCS project contract was fire officers and more than 13,000
awarded to Boustead Naval Shipyard volunteer fire officers nationwide.
Sdn Bhd through direct negotiation. The
government paid RM6.083 billion, and He said such a huge strength is
not even one LCS ship was delivered. necessary, together with modern
– Bernama firefighting assets, to enable the
department to face various
Langkawi initiative operational challenges, especially
to help single to handle more than 150,000
mothers generate emergency calls every year.
“The ministry has placed fire
LANGKAWI: The Langkawi Keluarga and rescue preparedness as one of
Malaysia Science, Technology, its six main focuses for this year, in
Innovation and Economy Design Space support of the aspirations of
will serve as a platform for single mothers Keluarga Malaysia initiated by the
in the district to improve their sewing prime minister, and to achieve the
skills and boost their socioeconomic ministry’s agenda to make Malaysia
status. a liveable country.” – Bernama

Science, Technology and Innovation ‘Exam abolition done to ensure effective school-based assessment’
Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba said
the design space is special as his ministry, KUALA LUMPUR: The abolition of ensure students obtain excellent Education Transformation Forum, not only entail the abolition of
through Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia, has the Primary School Achievement results. themed Satu Pengalaman Kolektif, UPSR and PT3, but also the
prepared an innovation corner for social Test (UPSR) and Form Three “When there was a plan to Tanggungjawab Bersama (One training of teachers to be more
enterprises such as the Single Mum, Assessment (PT3) test in the abolish the exams, people asked Collective Experience, Shared creative by making use of
Recreative and Innovative Association to national education system is being how could we abolish (the exams) Responsibility) yesterday. digitalisation.
train and develop single mothers through carried out to ensure that school- as we are not ready with school-
sewing-based projects. based assessment can be based assessment. Also present was Deputy The one-day forum was
implemented effectively. “This matter has been in the Education Minister Datuk Dr Mah organised by the Education
“What’s unique is we have an system for more than 10 years, and Hang Soon. Ministry’s Education Performance
association developing talent that can Senior Education Minister if after 10 years it cannot be and Delivery Unit, in collaboration
fully utilise the materials in the district to Datuk Dr Mohd Radzi Md Jidin implemented, maybe 30 to 40 years Mohd Radzi said the abolition with the ministry’s strategic
be turned into saleable products like said the implementation of school- later we will still not be ready.” of UPSR and PT3 is to ensure that partners, namely Google For
bags, pants and clothes,” he said after based assessment is not new as it He was speaking at the teachers can implement teaching Education, Apple Malaysia, Digi,
opening the design space at the Langkawi started in 2011. Malaysian Education and learning in a more creative Microsoft Malaysia, the Malaysia
Development Authority yesterday. Development Plan 2013-2025: and innovative way, to ensure an Digital Economy Corp and the
He said teachers, however, still enjoyable learning experience. Health Ministry. – Bernama
He said innovations using recyclables focus too much on examinations to
contributed to the reduction of waste and He said the transformation does
helped the government’s aspirations to
turn Malaysia into a green environment-
friendly country. – Bernama


Initiative to light up
national celebrations

KUALA LUMPUR: To enliven this year’s
National Day and Malaysia Day
celebrations, iconic landmarks, including
bridges at the federal government’s
administrative centre in Putrajaya, will be
lit up in the colours of the Jalur Gemilang
until Sept 16.
Putrajaya Corp corporate
communications director Norzita Abdul
Razak said in a statement the
“Pencahayaan Malam PPj” programme,
which began on Aug 1, is aimed at
brightening up the festive mood of both
She said the decorative lights at
government and commercial buildings will
be switched on from 7pm to midnight
daily, including weekends and public
“The facade lighting in Putrajaya
involves three categories, namely LED,
warm white and interior lighting.”
According to Norzita, LED lights with
the Jalur Gemilang concept can be seen at
the Prime Minister’s Office,
Communications and Multimedia
Ministry, Zenith Hotel, Seri Wawasan
Bridge, Seri Saujana Bridge and the
fountain in Precinct 1.
She added that warm white lighting
would be featured on the facade of
government and commercial buildings
and structures in Putrajaya, while an
interior lighting with the lantern concept
will be used at the Putrajaya International
Convention Centre, Tuanku Mizan Zainal ROYAL INTEREST ... The Tengku Permaisuri of Selangor, Tengku Permaisuri Norashikin, viewing a display during her attendance at the launch of an
Abidin Mosque and the Legal Affairs exhibition on books published by the Selangor Malay Customs and Heritage Corporation at Pustaka Raja Tun Uda yesterday. Also present was Selangor Rural
Division building. Development and Culture permanent committee chairman Borhan Aman Shah (third from right). – BERNAMAPIX
Norzita said Putrajaya Corp has begun
putting up 4,400 Jalur Gemilang since July Let down over failure to fix lifts
15 on lamp posts in public parks as well as
its premises such as food courts, halls and
She said 11,200 Jalur Gemilang were
distributed to six sub zones of the Federal
Territory of Putrajaya Residents
Representative Council, 70 residents’ as soon as possible.
associations and 27 schools in Putrajaya o Low-cost flat residents up in arms as no improvement “We understand that a new lift will be
last month. seen despite RM10m allocation to remedy situation
On July 30, Prime Minister Datuk Seri provided for the residents,” he said when
Ismail Sabri Yaakob launched the 2022 contacted.
National Month and Fly the Jalur Gemilang
programme by joining 15,000 Malaysian █ BY SURAYA ALI experienced faulty elevators at her building. The problem with the elevators at Kempas
Families in a leisurely 2.7km “Berjalan [email protected] She lives on the 15th floor and has five Permai is not an isolated case. Several others
Teguh Bersama” event in Putrajaya. PETALING JAYA: Months after the Housing have been reported in the past few months,
The National Day celebration on Aug 31, and Local Government Ministry announced a young children. including at the Batu Muda flats in Kuala
to be held at Dataran Merdeka in Kuala RM10 million allocation for elevator “My husband and I have to leave home at Lumpur, Seri Sena flats in Perlis, Padang
Lumpur, is expected to be an anticipated maintenance at the Kempas Permai low-cost Hiliran flats in Kuala Terengganu and Kerinchi
public event after the absence of such large flats in Johor Baru, some 4,000 residents have 6.30am with all five children to make sure we flats in Lembah Pantai.
scale celebrations in the past two years due slammed the ministry as the problem has not make it to school and work on time,” she said,
to the Covid-19 pandemic. – Bernama been resolved. adding that the number of things needed to be In February, the ministry approved RM10
carried up and down the flights of stairs was million for maintenance works involving 21
Longer Dewan Some residents complained of having to also too much for children to handle. elevators at Kempas Permai. Its minister Datuk
Negara sessions take the stairs in their apartment building, Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican
proposed which has 17 floors, because none of the “My children often (dread it) when we reach announced the matter when he met residents.
elevators in Block B were working. the apartment building because they know
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Senators they will have to go up to the 15th floor carrying “In addition, allocations have also been
Council president Datuk Seri Khairudin Block B resident Ibrahim Ismail said the their school books and sometimes, groceries made to paint and repair old and damaged
E.S. Abd Samad has suggested the Dewan block has three elevators, including one that with them. pipes. Under the Liveable Malaysia agenda, I
Negara be allowed to convene more than was newly installed. want (flats) to always be seen as fresh and
the current 28 days a year. “I have to carry my baby and my husband cheerful. In the future, (flats) will also be
“However, none of the elevators are takes turns carrying our toddler with my eldest equipped with fibre optics for internet
Khairudin, who is a former senator, said operating and residents on the 17th floor have daughter, who is only 12 years old,” she said. connectivity, last-mile connectivity and other
this would give senators more time to to walk up all the way.” basic facilities,” he said in a post on Facebook.
champion the people’s well-being and A spokesperson for the Kempas Permai
strengthen the Dewan Negara. The situation worsens during rush hour management body said he is aware of the Reezal added that such flats have been a
when residents take their children to school problems with the lifts, adding that the government social housing initiative since
“We would like to ask that the meeting and leave for work in the morning and return responsibility for maintenance of the elevators 2002 under the Barisan Nasional
days be increased by a month, meaning later in the afternoon or evening. was under the contracting company appointed administration, especially for the B40 group.
two months in session,” he said at a by the ministry and not the management body.
senators’ discourse titled “Strategy to Another resident from the Seri Perak flats in “After 14 years, Kempas Permai, which has
Strengthen Dewan Negara” on Sunday. Sentul, Farah Roslan, said she has also “Although it is beyond our responsibility, we seven 17-floor blocks with 2,252 units in total,
also contacted the appointed contractor and needs a little touching up to further improve its
He also called for the tenure of senators were assured that the (lifts) would be repaired habitability,” he said.
to be extended from three years to five,
a proposal supported by Senator ‘I hope my mother’s death creates awareness’
Fadhlina Sidek.
“My mother was very close to me and she “I am frustrated that we have a part of However, he told theSun the victim did not
Meanwhile, Senate deputy president confided in me. This man had not only society that is capable of bringing women show up after investigators called her to
Senator Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Ali harassed her mentally but also pestered her down like this with its curses, swearing and record her statement.
Mohamad said senators should discharge for sex, even though he knew she was sexual harassment.
their duties with the common objective of married. “All I can say to those behind Abd Khalid said the case was handed to
helping to solve the people’s problems. “He would demand sexual favours, cyberbullying is if you do not have Ampang Jaya police for further action as it
and things became worse over the From anything nice to say, please do not say was under their jurisdiction.
“We come from different political past three months. front anything. You do not know what the
parties. But our role and responsibility as “My mother lodged several police page other person is undergoing. I hope my He said police learnt that on Saturday
senators should be the same, that is to have following her suicide attempt, the woman
a positive impact on the people regardless reports but she was neither called up to mother’s death creates some awareness was rushed to hospital in an unconscious
of our political differences,” he added. record her statement nor did she see any among social media users to be courteous state by her family members but died on
– Bernama action taken against the man,” she said. and kind in cyberspace,” Khirthika said. the way.
Khirthika claimed that after her mother Subang Jaya police chief ACP Abd Khalid
admonished him, he retaliated by circulating Othman confirmed the victim had made a A post-mortem was conducted at the
photos and videos of her (Khirthika’s) father report related to sexual harassment about a University Malaya Medical Centre and
and sisters. month ago, but none for cyberbullying. investigations revealed that there was no
foul play. The case has been classified as
sudden death.


17,000 university student 29,000 lighting
dropouts last year units installed
under street
█ BY SHIVANI SUPRAMANI o Financial problems, home responsibilities assistant professor Dr Sharon Wilson light project
[email protected] and health among reasons given for said students who drop out to work
PETALING JAYA: No one ever discontinuation of tertiary education rarely return to continue their PUTRAJAYA: The Rural
dreams of dropping out of school, education as the ups and downs of Development Ministry, with the
especially when you are at your peak. before becoming a full-time “Doctors told me that I could life take over. cooperation of Tenaga Nasional
However, it is sad to note that 17,000 ghostwriter for a foreign company. proceed with life as normal, but this Bhd (TNB), has installed 29,487
students have dropped out of They paid well and it was enough for disease got in the way. I was able to “Finance, home responsibilities, lighting units in the rural areas of
university over the past year, as me to sustain the family while push past the symptoms for a few health and other issues take over. Peninsular Malaysia under the
reported by the government. ensuring my younger siblings can weeks. But after a while, I realised Their needs and priorities tend to 2019/2020 Village Street Light
continue schooling,” she recounted. that it had become too much change. Some may not see the need programme.
Atheana Vasudevan, 23, said to take. for a tertiary qualification.”
after her family lost their only When asked if she would consider Rural Development Ministry
breadwinner to Covid-19, she was continuing her studies someday, “The abdominal pain was She added that some may feel secretary-general Datuk Ramlan
next in line to step up and keep the Atheana said she would, only if the excruciating in the mornings, and they have gained experience and Harun said this included 22,520
family going. family were financially stable and slowly became bearable later in the moved up through promotions, and units of high pressure sodium
she could juggle her tertiary day. But it was so bad in the therefore, choose to continue with vapour lights and 6,967 units of
“I was in my first year when the education with work. mornings that I could not leave my the current path in life. light-emitting diode (LED) lights, for
pandemic struck. Things were good apartment until afternoon. I was a total of RM32.1 million.
up to that point. Then, my father Another affected student, who constantly in the toilet.” “However, there is a need for
caught the virus and the whole wanted to be known only as Tim, said university education today. It is not Ramlan said the project, which
family had to be quarantined. We did he dropped out due to his Eventually, Tim was forced to just a piece of paper but a valuable started on Dec 27, 2019, was fully
not have a vaccine then,” she told autoimmune disorder called Crohn’s drop out because he had missed too document that attests to one’s skills completed on Nov 17, 2021.
theSun. disease – a chronic, inflammatory many classes and could not repeat and ability,” Sharon said.
disease of the gastrointestinal tract. his semesters as it became The lights were installed at
Atheana said her father, who overwhelming. “I work as a waiter at “Of course, there are some who street intersections, cemetery
suffered from several health issues, “I was diagnosed with this a cafe now but I will attempt to return to their studies, but the compounds, surau and houses of
succumbed to the virus after a week problem just before starting continue my studies if it permits me.” numbers are few. But those who worship.
in quarantine. university. I did not gain weight as postpone or defer normally have a
fast as most people and I was Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman clear reason to do so.” “The Village Street Light
“He was the only one keeping the constantly plagued with diarrhoea. Faculty of Creative Industries programme is aimed at illuminating
family afloat. My mother, a She said educationists need to be areas, and to allow economic, social
homemaker, could no longer pay for aware of their students’ plight and and leisure activities to continue
our education. So, I dropped out. sympathise with their predicament. into the night with better security.

“I worked as a teacher for a while “Allowing alternatives is one way “All projects that are completed
to help students complete their will be handed over to TNB in
tertiary education.” Peninsular Malaysia for continuous
operations and maintenance,” he
Food products offered with discounts at agro expo said after the handover of the
projects here yesterday.
KUALA LUMPUR: The National International Trade and Industry Senior Minister
Farmers’ Organisation (Nafas) is Datuk Seri Azmin Ali (left) and Agriculture and Food Ramlan said under the same
offering various promotions on its Industries Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ronald Kiandee programme, the Energy and Natural
Peladang brand in the food product visiting a booth at the Malaysian Agriculture, Resources Ministry also installed an
segment, in conjunction with the Horticulture and Agro-tourism Exhibition in Serdang additional 25,000 LED lighting units
Malaysian Agriculture, Horticulture yesterday. – HAFIZ SOHAIMI/THESUN under a separate allocation.
and Agro-tourism Exhibition
(Maha), which runs until Aug 14. in addition to expanding its brand Maha were very reasonable, packaging of Peladang products and The ministry is currently
network in the market. especially the frozen raw products, the wide range of food, civil servant conducting a pilot study on the use
Visitors can buy Peladang brand adding that she was not going to pass Muhammad Khairi Mustapa said he of solar LED street lightings for areas
products at reasonable prices, in A visitor from Putrajaya, Raudah up the chance to buy them. was keen to snap them all up. without utility pole facilities.
addition to getting promotional Abdul Rahman, said the prices of – Bernama
discounts of up to 30% on selected Peladang brand products available at Impressed with the neat He added that solar LED
items at the Nafas Pavilion located in lightings have been installed in
Hall A of the Malaysia Agro Hulu Perak and Lawas in Sarawak,
Exposition Park Serdang. and were being installed in Orang
Asli villages in Perak, Johor, Perak
Frozen chicken, even bottled and Kelantan by the Public Works
cooking oil and various packaged Department.
food products are among the items
that can be found at the Nafas booth. “Although solar LED lighting
installation involves high costs,
Nafas business management including logistics cost, it can solve
senior manager Baharozaman the problem of the lack of electricity
Mohid said Maha allows the poles in rural areas in the
organisation to highlight its brand, long-term,” he said. – Bernama
and thus introduce products of local
entrepreneurs in the market. Padi farmers
receive medical
“We have two marketing coverage cards
strategies, one to highlight the
Peladang brand in the market, and KUALA LUMPUR: More than 6,000
the other to give entrepreneurs the padi farmers, who are also
opportunity to penetrate the market participants of the Bernas Komuniti
online,” he said during the exhibition Industri Tani Programme, received
at the Nafas Pavilion. their Takaful Kasih Plus Programme
Kita medical coverage cards from
Baharozaman said Nafas is also Agrobank.
targeting 10,000 sales of Peladang
brand products per day throughout Padiberas Nasional Bhd said the
the exhibition, with a focus on efforts takaful card is among the benefits
to promote the brand to consumers, received by padi farmers who
participated in the programme.
Rise in Covid-19 cases, fatalities: Noor Hisham
According to a farmer,
KUALA LUMPUR: The number of is a 22.4% jump. treatment centres per 100,000 compared with ME30. participants also received incentives
new Covid-19 cases has increased “The number of recovered cases population remained at 12 for He said positive cases nationwide, for increasing rice yield, quality of
by 0.8% to 28,554, in the 31st ME31. padi and valuable exposure through
epidemiological week (ME) from decreased by 7.2%, from 30,837 to monitored by the Covid-19 various development and training
July 31 to Aug 6, comprising 28,499 28,604. Noor Hisham said bed occupancy Assessment Centres (CAC), showed programmes.
local cases and 55 imported cases. at intensive care units remained at a slight drop.
“The average number of active 14%; it decreased by 2% at treatment A farmer from Pasir Puteh in
Health Director-General Tan Sri cases per day for ME31 is 45,941, a centres, while non-critical beds “The number of patient arrivals to Kelantan, Che Hassan Delah, 55,
Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said for 2.6% drop compared with the recorded an increase of 2%. CAC fell by 1.7%; new cases said the programme is an
the same period, the number of previous week,” he said in a undergoing monitoring at home initiative to gather all padi farmers
fatalities due to Covid-19 increased statement yesterday. In addition, the percentage of dropped by 1.5% while cases referred to work together under one
to 60 cases, compared with 49 cases Covid-19 patients who require by CAC to treatment centres and programme.
reported in the previous week, which Meanwhile, the number of respiratory support equipment hospitals decreased by 20.9%.”
admissions of Covid-19 patients to increased by 0.1% in ME31 – Bernama Another farmer, Mohd Noor
public hospitals, quarantine and Hashim, 59, from Kuala Perlis said
he was delighted and grateful for the
benefits received through the
takaful card. – Bernama

Couple, 5theSUN ON TUESDAY | AUGUST 9, 2022
charged with
child abuse ‘I paid RM19 million to
middleman under duress’
KUALA PILAH: A married couple
and their daughter were charged in o CompanydirectorinGuanEngtrialsays showed me the messages directly trying to obtain it from another
the sessions court yesterday with he was threatened with charges over his from Gnanaraja’s phone.” investigation officer.
abusing a five-year-old girl. involvement in undersea tunnel project
Zarul agreed with Gobind’s Lim, 61, has been charged with
R. Guna Silan, 42, his wife KUALA LUMPUR: A key witness in Lim’s counsel Gobind Singh Deo, suggestion that CZCSB would be using his position as then Penang
K. Nagamah, 41, and their daughter the trial of Lim Guan Eng admitted the 23rd prosecution witness said impacted if AMLA proceedings chief minister to solicit RM3.3 million
G. Nisha, 21, pleaded not guilty. at the sessions court yesterday that he lodged a complaint with the against him had continued. in bribes as inducement to assist
one of the reasons he paid RM19 Malaysian Anti-Corruption Consortium Zenith BUCG Sdn Bhd
The three of them, as persons million to a middleman named Commission (MACC) over the Earlier, Gobind and deputy public owner, Datuk Zarul Ahmad Mohd
having care of the child, were jointly G. Gnanaraja was because he was threat when he was detained by the prosecutor Datuk Wan Shaharuddin Zulkifli, to secure the project, worth
charged with beating the girl with a threatened with charges under the commission for 11 days in January Wan Ladin got into a heated RM6,341,383,702.
cane, kicking her and splashing her Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018, Bernama reported. argument over the copy of
with hot water, causing her to suffer (AMLA) over his involvement in the “The investigation against Gnanaraja’s statement recorded by Lim allegedly committed the
injuries on the back, chest, both legs, Penang undersea tunnel project. Gnanaraja began after I was MACC during the investigation. offence at the Penang Chief
head and face. Consortium Zenith released from MACC detention. I Minister’s office, Level 28, Komtar,
Construction Sdn Bhd (CZCSB) was immediately questioned by the Gobind requested for the George Town, between January 2011
They were charged with abusing director Datuk Zarul Ahmad Mohd anti-graft body about the report I prosecution to confirm whether the and August 2017.
the girl at a house in Taman Seri Zulkifli, 52, said he received the made against him. WhatsApp messages between Zarul
Mahsan, Bandar Seri Jempol threat from Gnanaraja via “However, I was not shown the and Gnanaraja had been reduced to He is also accused of soliciting a
between July 15 and 19. WhatsApp, which contained Zarul’s printed WhatsApp messages of the a statement, to which Wan bribe of 10% of the profits from the
name and personal details. conversation during the Shaharuddin replied it was not the company as gratification to secure
The charge, framed under During cross-examination by investigation. They (MACC) only prosecution’s burden to assist the the project in March 2011.
Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001 defence with such matters.
and read together with Section 34 of Lim, a former DAP secretary-
the Penal Code, provides a The lawyer further said the general, is facing two other charges of
maximum fine of RM50,000 or prosecution had yet to respond to causing two plots of land worth
imprisonment of up to 20 years, or their request for the copies of RM208.8 million, belonging to the
both. Gnanaraja’s WhatsApp messages, Penang government, to be disposed
which were applied for last week. to two companies linked to the state’s
Judge Norma Ismail allowed bail undersea tunnel project.
of RM5,000 each in one surety and Wan Shaharuddin said he was still
set Aug 23 for mention.

The trio posted bail.
Deputy public prosecutor
Muhammad Amirul Noor Hashimi
appeared for the prosecution, while
lawyers Haresh Mahadevan and
Ramzani Idris represented the three
accused. – Bernama

Probe completed DRUG BUST...
on man allegedly Kelantan acting
slashed over police chief Datuk
MACC report Muhamad Zaki
Harun (right)
KUALA LUMPUR: Police have showing some of
completed investigations on a case the 125 bottles
of a man who claimed to have been containing heroin
slashed by a member of a political that were seized
party for making a complaint to following the
the Malaysian Anti-Corruption arrest of a man in
Commission (MACC). Tumpat on Aug 4.
Sentul district police chief ACP
Beh Eng Lai said the case was being Zahid’s bid for injunction against Muhyiddin dismissed
investigated under Section 324 of the
Penal Code (for voluntarily causing KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court Muhyiddin were defamatory, must delete, edit and stop the publication against him.
hurt by dangerous weapons or yesterday dismissed Datuk Seri Dr be decided at a trial. of part of a video, which contained He claimed that the video of the
means) and the investigation paper Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s application the defamatory statements, in
had been submitted to the deputy for an interim injunction to prevent “The case is now to proceed to online news portals and on social defamatory statement was
public prosecutor (DPP) office Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin from trial. The court fixed Oct 3 for case media, including the Perikatan published on Astro Awani’s
yesterday for further action. issuing any statement on the management.” Nasional Facebook page, Astro YouTube channel, which is
allegation that he had sought help to Awani YouTube channel and managed by Astro Awani, the
He said a 36-year-old suspect in solve or postpone his criminal cases. The court also awarded RM5,000 KiniTV. same day.
the case was in remand. in costs to Muhyiddin and this
Judge Datuk Rozana Ali Yusoff was confirmed by his lawyer According to the statement of Ahmad Zahid added that the
Police nabbed the suspect last made the decision via online Rosli Dahlan. claim, Ahmad Zahid, 69, stated that statement by Muhyiddin implied
Saturday following a report by a proceedings. on Feb 16, during the 15th Johor that he had used shortcuts to settle
42-year-old local man. In the suit filed on April 4, the state election campaign trail at the and postpone his ongoing court
Ahmad Zahid’s counsel Shahrul Bagan Datuk MP was seeking an Learning Centre Sentuhan Kasih cases and that he had asked for
The victim, who sustained a Fazli Kamarulzaman said the judge ex-parte injunction for Muhyiddin Felda Tenggaroh 3 in Mersing, Muhyiddin to intervene in the court
3cm-deep wound on his left wrist, dismissed the application on the or his representative to withdraw the Muhyiddin had made a defamatory cases and the judiciary and to order
claimed to have been stabbed with a grounds that issues raised by parties, defamatory statements against him. statement with ill intent and malice the dissolution of the Johor state
knife by the man at 4pm in Jalan Ipoh such as whether the statements by assembly. – Bernama
on Friday. He was also seeking an interim
injunction for the defendant to
Investigations found there was a
misunderstanding between the
victim and the suspect, who was
dissatisfied with the victim, for
lodging a report with MACC over
alleged misappropriation of money.
– Bernama

Police: Fatal attack on security guard not related to triads

ALOR STAR: The case of a security the suspects before the altercation guarded by the victim. Wan Hassan added that one of the “One of the suspects was charged
guard who was beaten and hacked between them took place. “The victim, who was beaten and suspects has a record for being under Section 302 of the Penal Code
by three individuals armed with involved in crime and drugs. at the Sungai Petani magistrate’s
machetes in Sungai Petani last “Investigations revealed that slashed, suffered serious injuries. He court and has been detained at the
Thursday did not involve triads, said before the incident, the guard had was pronounced dead at 5.30pm (on Investigations into the case were Alor Star Prison, while the other has
Kedah police chief Datuk Wan reprimanded one of the suspects, Sunday) at the Sultan Abdul Halim initially carried out under Section been placed under a court bond as a
Hassan Wan Ahmad. who was riding a motorcycle Hospital in Sungai Petani.” 326 of the Penal Code, then prosecution witness,” he said, adding
dangerously in the area of the Seira reclassified to Section 302 of the that police were still tracking down
He said the incident was caused Housing Project 4 site at Bukit He said tip-offs received from the Penal Code (murder) after the the third suspect. – Bernama
by a warning given by the victim to Banyan in Sungai Petani, which was public led to the arrest of two victim died.
suspects, both locals.

6 theSUN ON TUESDAY | AUGUST 9, 2022


China holds fresh drills around Taiwan

o Experts say exercises reveal emboldened partial drawdown. against simulated enemy attacks on capable of carrying out a gruelling
military capable of blockading island China then said yesterday they Taiwan,” said Eighth Army Corps blockade of the island as well as
spokesman Lou Woei-jye. obstructing US forces from coming
BEIJING: China carried out fresh on climate change and defence. were ongoing, reporting “the eastern to its aid.
military drills around Taiwan It has also deployed fighter jets, theatre of the Chinese People’s To show how close it has got to
yesterday, defying calls for it to end Liberation Army continued to carry Taiwan’s shores, the Chinese military “In some areas, the PLA might
its largest-ever exercises encircling warships and ballistic missiles in out practical joint exercises and released a video of an air force pilot even surpass US capabilities,” said
the island in the wake of a visit by US what analysts have described as training in the sea and airspace filming the island’s coastline and Japan Forum for Strategic Studies
House of Representatives Speaker practice for a blockade and ultimate around Taiwan island”. mountains from his cockpit. researcher and former American
Nancy Pelosi. invasion of the self-ruled island that navy officer Grant Newsham,
China claims as its territory. The Chinese military’s Eastern The Eastern Command also referring to China’s military by its
Beijing has raged at the trip by Command said the exercises were shared a photo it said was of a official name.
Pelosi – the highest-ranking elected Those drills were expected to “focusing on organising joint warship on patrol with Taiwan’s
American official to visit Taiwan draw to a close on Sunday, but anti-submarine and sea assault shoreline visible in the background. “If the battle is confined to the
in decades – ripping up a series neither Beijing nor Taipei confirmed operations”. area right around Taiwan, today’s
of talks and cooperation agreements their conclusion, though Taiwan’s Ballistic missiles were also fired Chinese navy is a dangerous
with Washington, most notably Transport Ministry said it had seen Taiwan has remained defiant over Taiwan’s capital during the opponent.
some evidence suggesting at least a throughout days of drills by Beijing exercises last week, according to
and will hold anti-landing exercises Chinese state media. “If the Americans and Japanese
in its southernmost county of do not intervene for some reason,
Pingtung today and on Thursday. Experts said the drills have things would be difficult for Taiwan.”
revealed an increasingly – AFP
“We will practise counter moves emboldened Chinese military

Hong Kong reduces Covid quarantine for arrivals Attacker injures Japan
sailor in Solomons
HONG KONG: The Asian financial hub cut its Lee, Hong Kong’s ex-security chief turned health code system similar to mainland
hotel quarantine for international arrivals city leader, announced yesterday that the China’s on a government-developed tracking HONIARA: A Solomon Islands man described
from one week to three days from Friday, said quarantine period for arrivals would be app. as “mentally affected” attacked a Japanese
chief executive John Lee, in an easing of Covid shortened to three days in a hotel plus four sailor with scissors during a World War II
restrictions that have severely curbed travel. days of health monitoring at home or in a Under the system, an infected person will memorial ceremony in the Solomon Islands
hotel of their choice. be given a red code that prevents them from yesterday before bystanders, including military
Once a global logistics and transport hub, leaving quarantine. personnel, overpowered him.
Hong Kong has been largely cut off from the “We hope to maintain livelihood activities
world for more than two years due to its and Hong Kong’s competitiveness, and to give Overseas arrivals will be given a yellow Video of the incident showed half a dozen
adherence to China’s strict zero-Covid policy. the society the best development momentum code and will not be allowed in places such as servicemen, including US soldiers, trying to
and economic vitality.” restaurants, bars, gyms and cinemas during control a bearded man in a yellow T-shirt
Under some of the world’s tightest their four days of self-monitoring. struggling on the ground.
pandemic rules, Hong Kong had required He denied the easing signalled any
overseas arrivals to undergo seven days of departure from China’s policy. “The situation may give business visitors One of the servicemen loses his cap, falls
quarantine and repeated testing while some relief but it is still not very attractive to over and rolls a short way down a hill as the
confined to a room in a designated hotel, a “Staying in touch with the outside world tourists,” said Perry Yiu, a lawmaker assailant scrambles away before being trapped
restriction that residents and the business and working to resume quarantine-free travel responsible for Hong Kong’s tourism sector. in a headlock and carried away by local officials.
community complained has deterred them with the mainland are no contradiction.”
from travelling. “I hope we can get rid of mandatory hotel US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman
Alongside the new quarantine quarantine by the fourth quarter this year.” was among those attending the ceremony at
arrangements, Hong Kong will implement a – AFP Bloody Ridge near Honiara to mark the 80th
anniversary of the Battle of Guadalcanal.

The injured man was a 27-year-old media
spokesman on the Japanese destroyer JS
Karasame, which was visiting as part of a
regional training exercise, said an official at the
Japanese embassy who asked not to be named.

The official said the injured sailor was given
first aid by an ambulance at the scene.

The ambulance rushed him to a hotel for
further treatment by US medical staff who were
staying there.

He was then taken back to his ship, where he
was confirmed to have “no problem at all”, the
embassy official said.

Police said the attacker had been receiving
psychiatric treatment but had not taken his
medication for several months.– AFP

Residents of the Chinese city of Qionghai lining up to take Covid tests yesterday amid lockdown measures to curb the coronavirus outbreak in Hainan
province. – REUTERSPIX BANGKOK: Nearly two-thirds of Thais want
Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha to leave
Statue reunited with its feet after Kiwi cop’s icy dip office this month, according to an opinion
poll, amid growing debate about how long
WELLINGTON: A stolen statue of Lord Ernest scene on a bicycle carrying the heavy metallic “Safe to say I enjoyed a nice warm shower the 2014 coup architect should stay in power.
Rutherford, a pioneer of nuclear physics, will statue were caught on CCTV. after that.” The opposition plans to petition the
be reunited with its feet after a quick-thinking constitutional court to decide whether
police officer dived into an icy New Zealand However, when the 35-year-old man The suspected thief was scheduled to Prayuth’s time as prime minister in the junta
river to arrest the suspected thief. suspected of stealing the statue jumped into appear in court this week. counts towards his tenure as premier, which
the flooded Wai-iti River in the middle of is limited to eight years. The survey of 1,312
Rutherford, who won the Nobel Prize in winter to evade police on Sunday night, The statue was recovered in good people by the National Institute of
1908, was born in the town of Brightwater, constable Jamie White plunged into the icy condition from a residential property. Development Administration early this
on New Zealand’s South Island, where a waters to make the arrest. month found 64% wanted Prayuth to leave
statue of him as a child stood until it was It is set to be reunited with its feet at office on Aug 23, exactly eight years after he
stolen on Friday night with only the feet “Despite his best efforts to escape down Rutherford Memorial Grounds on Lord took the post of prime minister in what was
remaining. the Wai-iti River, to his surprise, I swam after Rutherford Road South in Brightwater. then a military government. – Reuters
him and managed to apprehend him,” White
Images of the thief cycling away from the told AFP in a statement. Rutherford was the central figure in the NORTH KOREA TO CONVENE
study of radioactivity and led the exploration PARLIAMENT NEXT MONTH
of nuclear physics. – AFP
PYONGYANG: North Korea’s rubber-stamp
parliament will hold its next session next
month where it is set to discuss new laws and
other organisational issues, said state media
yesterday. The legislative body meets only
once or twice a year, mostly for day-long
sessions to approve budgets or other
decisions deemed necessary by the ruling
Workers’ Party. “The seventh session of the
14th Supreme People’s Assembly will be
convened on Sept 7,”reported Korean Central
News Agency. Such meetings are monitored
by observers for any changes to economic
policy or a reshuffle of senior officials. – AFP


BRIEFS 10 KILLED IN STABBING New rocket strike on
SPREE IN IRAN nuclear plant in Ukraine

TEHRAN: An attacker stabbed 10 oUN chief says any attack on facility is ‘suicidal,’ Ukrainian army overnight “carried out a strike
people to death in Kerman demands international access with a cluster bomb fired from an Uragan
province in southern Iran due to multiple rocket launcher”.
“personal differences”, before being KYIV: Four more ships loaded with grain set off that the MV Sacura and MV Arizona had also
arrested by police, state media from Ukrainian ports on Sunday, as Moscow been cleared to set sail. The projectiles fell “within 400m of a
reported yesterday. On Sunday, “an and Kyiv blamed each other for a new strike at a working reactor” and in a “zone storing used
Afghan national killed 10 people Russian-occupied nuclear plant. It would “transport more than 59,000 tonnes nuclear fuel”, Russia’s state news agency TASS
due to personal differences in of food via the maritime humanitarian corridor”, reported.
Rafsanjan”, acting city governor Odessa regional authorities announced that he said.
Hossein Rezai was quoted as another two grain shipments were due to leave However, Ukrainian state nuclear energy
saying by state news agency IRNA. early today. Moscow and Kyiv traded accusations on company Enerhoatom said the “Russian
He“was arrested by the police as he Sunday over who bombed the Zaporizhzhia occupiers once again fired rockets at the
attempted to leave the province”in Kyiv’s Infrastructure Ministry wrote on nuclear site in southern Ukraine. nuclear power plant (and) its host town,
the evening, said Hossein. Six Telegram on Sunday that a convoy of Ukrainian Enerhodar”.
Afghans and four Iranians were supplies had left, with three ships departing Europe’s largest atomic power complex has
killed in the attack in a rural area. from Chornomorsk and one from Odessa. been under Russian control since the early days One worker there had been hospitalised
One person was also wounded. of the Feb 24 invasion. with shrapnel wounds, it added.
Broadcaster IRIB said the suspect The Mustafa Necati, the Star Helena, the
was reportedly “mentally unstable” Glory and the Riva Wind were carrying “around Recent fighting at the plant has prompted the AFP was not able to confirm the allegations
and addicted to drugs. Iran has 170,000 tonnes of agriculture-related United Nations nuclear watchdog, the from an independent source.
hosted millions of Afghan refugees merchandise”, it said. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to
for decades, but fresh waves have warn of “the very real risk of a nuclear disaster”. Without assigning blame, United Nations
flooded through the border since The spokesman for the Odessa regional Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
the Taliban’s return to power in military administration said yesterday morning Russia’s occupying authorities in the town of condemned the strike in remarks from Tokyo.
Afghanistan last year. – AFP Enerhodar, where the plant is located, said the
“Any attack to a nuclear plant is a suicidal
SPANISH BULLET TRAIN thing. I hope that those attacks will end, and at
SERVICE SUSPENDED the same time I hope that the IAEA will be able
to access the plant.” – AFP
MADRID: Spanish state-owned
railway operator Renfe suspended PATRIOTIC FERVOUR ... Students
the bullet train service between holding a giant Indian national flag during
Madrid and Barcelona yesterday a ‘Tiranga Yatra’ rally, as part of the ongoing
morning after power cables were celebrations commemorating 75 years of
stolen, said the company in a India’s independence, in the city of
statement. Renfe established an Ahmedabad yesterday. – REUTERSPIX
alternative train route bypassing
the high-speed network to take
travellers from the capital to the
country’s second largest city,
Barcelona, said the statement. The
tourism industry’s vigorous post-
pandemic recovery this summer
has stretched Spain’s transport
infrastructure, as it has in other
European countries, leaving it
vulnerable to any kind of
disruption. – Reuters


DOHA: Chad’s military ruler
Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno
yesterday signed a deal with more
than 40 opposition groups to
launch national peace talks later
this month, although the main
rebel outfit refused to take part.
The 38-year-old general and
opposition representatives sealed
the accord at a ceremony in Doha
after five months of mediation by
Qatar. The landmark talks are due
to start in Chad’s capital N’Djamena
on Aug 20. The Front for Change
and Concord in Chad, the main
rebel group, said it would not sign
the deal despite last-minute efforts
by Qatar’s mediators. In a video
message, UN Secretary-General
Antonio Guterres called the
signature “a key moment for the
Chadian people”. – AFP

US Senate adopts sweeping climate and Gaza crossing opens as truce holds
health plan in major victory for Biden between Israel, Islamic Jihad

WASHINGTON: After 18 months of arduous acknowledging that not everyone is happy GAZA: Fuel trucks entered Gaza as an “It was decided to gradually lift the
negotiations and a marathon night of debate, with the final result. Egypt-brokered truce between Israel and restrictions” which have seen Israelis living near
the US Senate on Sunday passed Joe Biden’s Islamic Jihad held yesterday, raising hopes that Gaza remain close to their bomb shelters, said
ambitious climate, tax and health care plan – “It required many compromises. Doing the intense conflict that left dozens of the army.
a significant victory for the president ahead of important things almost always does. The Palestinians dead has ended.
crucial midterm elections. House should pass this as soon as possible US President Joe Biden welcomed the
and I look forward to signing it into law,” said An AFP journalist at the goods crossing to ceasefire and thanked Egyptian President Abdel
Voting as a unified bloc and with the the president in a statement. southern Gaza saw trucks loaded with fuel enter Fattah al-Sisi for his country’s role in brokering
tie-breaking vote cast by Vice-President the enclave, ending a severe shortage which it.
Kamala Harris, Democrats approved the The bill – officially known as the “Inflation had prompted the only power station there to
US$430 billion spending plan, which will go to Reduction Act” – passed the Senate with no shut down on Saturday. Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s office
the House of Representatives next week, Republicans voting in favour. thanked “Egypt for its efforts” as it agreed to the
where it is expected to pass before being The arrival of vital supplies follows the start truce, but said that “if the ceasefire is violated”,
signed into law by Biden. Conservative lawmakers have criticised of a ceasefire late on Sunday to stem the worst Israel “maintains the right to respond strongly”.
the bill as wasteful spending, with top fighting in Gaza since an 11-day war last year
The plan, crafted in sensitive talks with Republican Senator Mitch McConnell devastated the Palestinian coastal territory. Islamic Jihad, an Iran-backed group, also
members on the right wing of his Democratic accusing Democrats of voting to “double accepted the truce but said it too “reserves the
Party, would include the biggest US down on their economic disaster”. Gaza’s Health Ministry said 15 children were right to respond” to any aggression.
investment ever on climate – US$370 billion among 44 people killed in three days of intense
aimed at effecting a 4% drop in greenhouse The bill would provide Americans with a fighting. “A ceasefire was established because the
gas emissions by 2030. tax credit of up to US$7,500 when purchasing Zionists (Israel) only understand the language
an electric car, plus a 30% discount when they Despite a flurry of strikes and rocket attacks of power,” wrote Iranian Foreign Minister
That would give Biden a clear victory on install solar panels on their roofs. in the run-up to the truce, neither side had Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on Instagram.
one of his top agenda items and go some way reported any major violations of the agreement
towards restoring US leadership in meeting The legislation would also provide millions overnight. Starting on Friday, Israel had launched an
the global climate challenge. to help protect and conserve forests – which aerial and artillery bombardment of Islamic Jihad
have been increasingly ravaged in recent The Israeli military said roads would positions in Gaza, leading the group’s fighters to
Biden hailed the passage of the bill, years by wildfires during record heat waves gradually reopen in the border area. fire hundreds of rockets in retaliation. – AFP
highlighting the work that went into it – and that scientists said are linked to global
warming. – AFP


An unimaginable LETTERS [email protected]
loss of lives
Newly crowned Miss Thailand
an inspiration for many

LAST Saturday, a 23-year-old US$1.5 million (RM6.69 million).
woman who was once called “Miss Anna may win the global Miss
WHEN life throws extreme Garbage” because her parents
challenges in the way people fleeing conflict and abuse, were garbage collectors was Universe title for 2022 in
what would a man do? He Malaysia lacks an effective legal crowned Miss Thailand Universe December if she can win over the
could try and cope, but framework to legitimise the position of 2022. judges by speaking English
when everything else fails and he finds refugees in the country and local laws Although Anna Sueangam-iam eloquently with a convincing
no avenue for recourse he would do do not distinguish between refugees, came in sixth with just 3.2% of reply.
the unthinkable. asylum seekers and undocumented public votes on the Miss Thailand
migrants. website, she won the hearts of She already has a head start, as
The man who threw his three judges with her reply when asked the Miss Garbage label will be a
children off the MRR2 and killed There have been calls by various what she would do to empower boon for her and not a bane.
himself must have been on the wrong NGO to allow refugees to work, which people around the world who feel
side of things to have taken such a would – in one go – help resolve hopeless. Everyone loves a rags to riches
drastic step. manpower issues in certain jobs as She responded, “You are not story, more so for a girl that went
well as provide a source of income for the only ones facing despair. I through hardships during her
To kill himself is one thing, but to refugees to live decently and for their used to be in despair too. We learn childhood, blossomed into a fine
kill his three young children not only “It is the survival. from our troubles to adapt and young lady and succeeded in
needs willpower but extreme primary survive. I would call on all of you both her studies and career on her
emotional disturbance. responsibility As of now, there is no such to have confidence in yourselves own accord.
of regulation, hence, refugees are often and rise to fight again. If I can, so
He must have given up on life and governments exploited in unimaginable ways. can you.” Representing her country
the miseries that came with it, which to protect the Anna grew up in poverty and would add another feather in her
were probably too heavy a burden to human rights Refugees are people who have no was bullied by classmates who cap.
shoulder. of all people in choice but to flee their country due to would call her Miss Garbage.
their territory, war and human rights abuses. They She could only play with toys In fully developed countries, all
From the documents found on the including cannot return home safely. her parents found in the trash workers holding full-time jobs in
children and man, it can be assumed refugees, even while they worked for the government or private sectors are
that they could have been refugees. if that country These are people that the UNHCR is Bangkok Metropolitan paid adequately and lead
is not a party mandated to protect. Administration. comfortable lives.
One thing is for sure, if indeed they to the 1951 She said she did not have the
were refugees there might be Refugee Meanwhile, an undocumented chance to play like other children Those in manual labour are not
something wrong with the system that Convention migrant is someone who does not have because her parents normally left looked down by others as they do
manages refugees in the country. and its the authorisation to enter and stay in home at 3am to work and not necessarily lose out on
associated the country. returned home at 7pm to sleep. attitude, skills, knowledge and
We are living in extremely difficult 1967 Protocol. The only time she had a chance intellect.
times, even an ordinary waged person This includes individuals who may to venture out of home was to
can feel the struggle. have been trafficked, someone who take a ride on a garbage truck In Asia, especially Malaysia,
was falsely promised work, or even a with her father. many people wish they were
One can only imagine what kind of student whose visa has expired. She had also grown up living born, or married, into royalty and
turmoil the man and his family must off alms because her late great do not have to work, enjoying all
have gone through. Most of the time, migrants are, or grandmother had been a the accorded privileges,
become, undocumented through no Buddhist nun and fed her from cocooned in the comfort of a
If it was financial difficulty, that fault of their own. the food she received from palatial home and travelling out
would have been the easiest to solve. devotees while taking care of her in style.
All he had to do was reach out. They still enjoy the protection of in place of her hardworking
their governments and their lives or parents, who managed to put her This is a common aspiration of
Except for the brief news on the freedoms will not be at risk if they are through school. those who have been spoiled.
inside pages, there was no other deported. Through hard work and
information about this family and I can determination, she was able to Regardless of whether children
only hope and pray that the child who Our government has a study at Bangkok’s Kasetsart are from rich or poor families, they
survived the fall is out of danger. responsibility to protect refugees. As University where she earned a could be spoiled by their parents
do all of us. Refugee protection is a bachelor’s degree with honours in or guardians, and made worse by
As I pen these words, there could be shared responsibility. hotel and tourism management. various authorities that
many more families whose lives may Since 2018, Anna has unconditionally grant them
be hanging by a thread just trying to It is the primary responsibility of participated in modelling and special rights, entitlements and
make ends meet. governments to protect the human beauty contests. handouts without giving them
rights of all people in their territory, She is now a well-known the chance to grow a backbone.
Occasionally, when detrimental including refugees, even if that country model, actress, media face, social
news is released about the way is not a party to the 1951 Refugee media star and has won several Anna disclosed that her life
refugees are managed, there are often Convention and its associated 1967 beauty pageants, with an was also guided by the religious
hollers from certain quarters who deny Protocol. estimated net worth of around teachings of her great
there is even a problem. grandmother.
In this day and age, no one should
When humans do not help humans, go hungry and if one has to resort to If she had not gone through a
where does humanity start and end? taking his own life due to poverty, we tough but caring childhood, Anna
are all guilty of not sharing and doing would not have been the person
According to the United Nations enough. she now is and may not have won
High Commissioner for Refugees the Miss Thailand Universe 2022
(UNHCR), Malaysia had more than The well-known adage that “poverty title.
182,000 refugees and asylum seekers is the parent of crime and revolution”
as of April this year, with more than should not be taken lightly. YS Chan
136,000 over the age of 18. Kuala Lumpur
Comments: [email protected]
It said despite being host to so many


Comprehensive enforcement plan needed

COMMENT by Jason Loh and Anis Salwana Abdul Malik

THE Cabinet has approved the Tobacco According to a survey by Berita Harian in like to recommend several policy measures to trace measure, an end-to-end system called
and Smoking Control Bill (2022) which 2020, strict enforcement was only done at the improve on the GEG ban policy in Malaysia. Tobacco Track and Trace (TTT) is to be
prohibits those born on and after Jan 1, beginning of the policy implementation but Following New Zealand’s example in nicotine implemented.
2007 from smoking and owning soon slackened post-first quarter. content reduction too
tobacco and vape products. New Zealand has a lower number of smokers Under the TTT system, a security label will
Overall, this seems to suggest – in taking into compared with Malaysia where only 9.4% of be used which will contain multi-level security
Malaysia’s age-limited smoking ban based consideration the time gap between the study adult New Zealanders aged 15 and above are features, with “ultra-thin definition image
on a tapering down strategy (analogous to the and survey respectively – that the positive smokers (pix). enabling three levels of authentication” based
Fed’s quantitative tightening or QT in results of the smoking ban can only be on advanced holographic technologies, that
progressively reducing its purchases of the US ascertained in the longer-run. However, the Apart from the GEG ban, New Zealand also will then be integrated with the pre-existing
Treasury’s long-term bonds) – which parallels bottom line, remains and that is, the aims to drastically reduce nicotine content in digital tax stamps to combat illicit cigarettes.
New Zealand’s – has been dubbed as the government can’t afford to relax or lapse on its tobacco so that it won’t be so addictive as to
“Generational End Game” (GEG). implementation and enforcement efforts. make it difficult to quit. Nonetheless, the TTT system, which enables
access to the complete supply-chain, is
It’s motivated by the fact that smoking is one Towards that end, the government may Moreover, New Zealand plans to set a inadequate enough as it doesn’t seem to
of the leading causes of death nationwide and need a bit more time to come up with a more maximum number of shops allowed to sell actually address the enforcement of the point of
globally. comprehensive plan to ensure that this GEG tobacco in designated zones. sale issue, i.e, in specific relation to the GEG
ban will always be strictly implemented and ban.
In a research paper, “Prevalence and factors enforced. We should emulate New Zealand in this
associated with smoking among adults in regard too, in discouraging existing smokers The authorities can then cross-check on the
Malaysia: Findings from the National Health Hence, it was perhaps apt that the from continuing their filthy habit. regularity and legality of the transactions
and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2015” published government decided to push the year limit to Minimising illegal transactions through the online system by tracking and
by Tobacco Induced Diseases (2018), it is 2007 instead of 2005 as originally intended as For starters, we can include a serial number for tracing the serial numbers.
highlighted that the percentage of those who this will allows more time for the government to every cigarette and vape packet/packaging.
smoked (15 years and above) was at 22.8%. prepare accordingly. We can’t afford not to go This way, every retailer can keep records of the It can’t be stressed strongly enough that
all out and all the way. buyer and the serial numbers, i.e, the implementation of an online system must be
However, as pointed by Code Blue, transactions, through an online system that is conducted via open tender (only).
Malaysia’s 2020 Report to the World Health Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin interfaced with the enforcement authorities’
Organisation (WHO)’s Framework Convention reportedly said that if nothing was done to own database. There are reliable suggestions emerging
on Tobacco Control (FCTC) showed that the overcome the country’s smoking problem, it recently that the proposed TTT system will be
country’s smoking rates have barely declined. will cost the government RM8 billion by 2030 to As such, it should be made compulsory and directly awarded by way of a direct negotiation
treat lung cancer, heart disease, and chronic mandatory for all smokers (purchasers/buyers) basis to either one of the two parties, said to be
The percentage of those that smoked obstructive pulmonary disease and other forms to download an app which would host the Green Packet Bhd or Privasia Technology
dropped from 22.8% in 2015 to only 21.3% in of NCDs. online platform (that’s inter-operable and Berhad.
2019 (among individuals aged 15 years and shared with enforcement authorities) whereby
above). Vested interests in the tobacco industry are the transaction details (e-form) can be At the same time, perennial issues relating to
naturally up in arms. recorded. the protection and privacy of consumer data
The 2020 Report to the WHO’s FCTC is must be seriously addressed.
based on the National Health and Morbidity The Confederation of Malaysian Tobacco The next step will be for the retailer to
Survey (NHMS) 2019, whereby 21.3% is roughly Manufacturers stated that the ban could cause deploy a special radio frequency identification This area of grave concern serves only to
equivalent to about 4.9 million Malaysians aged the government to lose more than RM5 billion scanner to scan the serial number as imprinted reinforce the critical and absolute necessity of
15 years and older. in revenue. like any barcode (found on typical shopping an open tender system.
products that’s checked out at the counter) on
According to WHO, about 22.3% of the On the other hand, according to the Health the cigarette packaging alongside the national We don’t want to see a repeat of the
earth’s population used tobacco products in Minister, the tobacco industry is relatively small registration identity number (NRIC or IC) of imbroglio and shambles associated with the
2020 and over 80% of the world’s tobacco users as it contributes only 0.18% of the gross the buyer (which can subsequently be MySejahtera app’s ownership and
are from low- and middle-income countries. domestic product. substituted by a future national biometric or development and, by extension, the
digital ID). concomitant issues relating to possible data
Now, smoking in eateries have been Its value-added output generated in 2021 breach.
prohibited since Jan 1, 2019, which came under was only RM2.8 billion. The scanning of the IC number – as
the Control of Tobacco Products Regulation captured by the “gold” coloured/”plated” Incidentally, the MySejahtera app also falls
2004 (a ministerial or executive order made And as also highlighted by economist Lee (micro)chip – will enable the online system to under the same purview of the Health Ministry
under the parent legislation) that was amended Heng Guie, employment in the tobacco determine the authenticity of the details as the lead player in the GEG ban policy and
in December 2018 to expand the smoking ban industry accounts for only 1,200 workers or provided by the buyer. legislation.
to extend coverage of the ban from air- 0.05% employment in the wider manufacturing
conditioned eateries to non-air-conditioned sector. Currently, under the proposed track and Jason Loh and Anis Salwana Abdul Malik are
and outdoor outlets such as open-air hawker part of the research team of EMIR Research, an
centres and street stalls. He is quoted as saying that “Malaysia is a net
importer of tobacco products, which represent independent think tank focused on strategic
In a study titled, “Influence of smoking ban about 0.05% of total imports. The share of policy recommendations based on rigorous
in eateries on smoking attitudes among adult exports is even smaller at 0.02% of total exports”. research. Comments: [email protected]
smokers in Klang Valley, Malaysia” published
by the Malaysian Journal of Public Health As it is, tobacco consumption is the leading
Medicine (2020), it was found that the “smoking cause of cancer as it contributes to 22% of
ban in restaurants and eateries was cancer deaths.
significantly associated with intention to quit
smoking. A total of 73.8% of smokers agree that The Health Ministry reported that there’s an
the smoking ban in eateries and restaurants 11% rise in the number of cancer cases.
have reduced their daily smoking frequency
and 58.3% of smokers agreed that the From 2007 to 2011, there were 103,507
nationwide smoking ban at eateries and public cancer cases while from 2012 to 2016, there was
places aspire them to quit smoking”. 115,238 cancer cases.

The researchers concluded that the The ministry has estimated that to treat lung
“smoking ban is beneficial to help reduce cancer alone, it costs about RM132.7 million
prevalence of smoking among smokers that in annually. In a daily it was reported that Dr Lee
turn helps to reduce secondary smoking and Boon Chye, a former deputy health minister,
burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) argued that research had indicated that treating
in the long run”. smoking-related diseases, overall, that is
including lung cancer and heart problems costs
On the other hand, anecdotal evidence and the government and the private sector between
news reports have suggested that the results are RM7 billion and RM8 billion annually.
also rather mixed.
Clearly, the negative consequences of
smoking are far greater than the economic

Towards that end, EMIR Research would

Defensive driving saves a lifetime of misery

LETTERS If we are unsure of the sharpness of a curve road hog breathing down your neck. to a halt.
and driving at a high speed, we tend to apply Another thing to do is to look two cars ahead It’s best to tap the brakes a few times to slow
[email protected] the brakes to slow down.
of you at all times while driving and whenever down and stop so that the driver tailing behind
DEFENSIVE driving takes many different But a higher velocity creates greater possible, not just the immediate car ahead. you knows your intentions and doesn’t come
paths. Having been at the wheel for a good 40- momentum, which will drag the vehicle crashing into your vehicle.
odd years, I can probably share a thing or two forward instead of following the path of the This will provide more precious time to
about safe driving. curve. This usually happens when the road is anticipate and avoid any untoward incidents It’s better to be safe than sorry. A few
only slightly wet. from taking place. minutes spared will save you a lifetime of
Driving is a serious business because lives misery.
are at stake when one is on the road. We will lose control of the car, which could Even at traffic lights, when the light turns
result in a crash occurring. from red to green while a person focuses on the Capping it all, instinct is a vital cog that
Many of the present-day highways have 360° second car ahead, they will know when to start needs to be engaged when one is at the wheel,
loop roads. To prevent this from happening, a driver moving. to override and outmanoeuvre a sticky
should never brake at a sharp turn during high scenario at the spur of the moment.
If we are unfamiliar with an expressway, we speed. On another note, there are many
may not know the acute angle of the loop at instances where we would have experienced Always tread with caution, when you
times. They should brake before approaching the a situation whether to brake or drive when encounter a fellow motorist driving unusually.
turn and engage a lower gear (for manual gear the green traffic light flickers before turning
In physics, we learnt that vehicles) to prevent gathering momentum. red. Keeping a safe distance is the golden rule.
momentum=mass*velocity. Thiagarajan Mathiaparanam
The safest thing to do is not to speed if you At all times, when approaching traffic lights Klang
are unsure of the curve, never mind if there is a in this situation the best thing to do is to come

10 theSUN ON TUESDAY | AUGUST 9, 2022

IPC launch upgraded Recycling sWuasltkainingatbhileittyalk on
and Buy Back Centre
IPC Shopping Centre recently
unveiled its revamped and have transformed our RBBC into a o Acer unveils the new
upgraded Recycling and Buy-Back self-service digitalised recycling Swift 5 and Aspire
Centre (RBBC) with new drop-off wall with brand new laptops and reaffirms
enhancements and features, interior design, to become an its commitment
elevating consumers’ recycling engaging green community centre towards sustainability
journey to a seamless and that integrates with our business.
digitalised experience. IN conjunction with Acer Day The Acer Malaysia team (from left) Seet; Senior Product Manager Jeffrey Lai;
“The upgraded RBBC bridge 2022, Acer officially unveiled the
Located in the same zone in P1 our loyalty programme with new thin and light Acer Swift 5
Carpark, the new IPC RBBC shoppers and tenants, making and the everyday laptop Aspire 3
features a vibrant Scandinavian every gram of their green-making and 5 for the Malaysian market. Marketing Manager Roseanne Ho; General Manager of Products, Sales and
aesthetic that showcases its many effort count. This provides a digital Equipped with 12th Gen Intel Core Marketing, Chan Weng Hong; and Product & Business Development Manager
different waste categories based on user-friendly vending concept processors, new Acer Swift 5 and Edmund Ho with the RE frame filled with PET plastic bottles collected from the
colours of the rainbow with a sleek mechanism to enhance the user Aspire laptops cater to busy on-the- public for recycling.
and clean digital new look. It is also experience in a more sustainable go professionals, students and family
strategically located for easy way. We hope to inspire and grow needs. thin bezels on all four sides allowing of Touch n’ Go eWallet credit.
accessibility for shoppers to drop more green-makers in the “The new Acer Swift 5 has always for a screen-to-body ratio of 92.22%.
off their recyclables when they visit community through the digitalised been sought after for its lightweight The new Acer Swift 5’s backlit Aspire 5 and Aspire 3 – Practical
IPC Shopping Centre. RBBC to keep our environment and elegant design. We are very keyboard features an air inlet, which and Function Driven Laptops
greener and incubate the younger pleased that this stylish workhorse adds to the cooling system of an The practical and function-driven
The centre accepts a wider generation in making waste model is also sporting a very upgraded TwinAir dual-fan system Acer Aspire series received a refresh
variety of recyclables such as drink recycling part of our everyday life.” important focus to Acer – with D6 heat pipes. Together, these with 12th Gen Intel Core processor to
cartons, polystyrene, and textiles. sustainability – through the further increase the airflow and provide the latest technology for
Natasha Aziz, Head of utilisation of ocean-bound thermal efficiency to support its students and families. The 15.6-inch
Moreover, the new RBBC can Customer Experience & Digital of plastic waste in its touchpads,” powerful hardware. Acer Aspire 5 and Aspire 3 come with
also accept non-recyclable waste Ikano Centres, said: “Sustainability said Johnson Seet, Director of The laptop’s a minimum of 8GB of RAM and up to
categories such as light tubes and has always been deep-rooted Consumer Business, Product O c e a n G l a s s 1TB SSD, with additional slots for
bulbs, medicine, glass, battery, within Ikano Centres’ business and Marketing of Acer Malaysia. touchpad is RAM and HDD upgrades.
electronic waste and food waste in approach across our meeting made from The Acer Aspire 5 comes with the
an effort to reduce waste disposal places. With our meeting places
from piling into landfills. being the hearts and hubs of our
communities, we take our role in
Hazardous waste such as glass, advocating sustainable practices
batteries and electronics are seriously and with great passion.
handled professionally and
disposed of safely to prevent “This newly upgraded RBBC at
environmental pollution caused IPC Shopping Centre is a great
by toxins and to ensure the example of our efforts to
recyclable parts are properly strengthen our commitment to
repurposed for future reuse. encourage our communities to
create a greater impact on people
Karyn Lim, General Manager of and the planet.”
IPC Shopping Centre, said: “We

New Acer Swift 5 – Thin and o c e a n - option of NVIDIA GeForce MX550
Light yet Powerful b o u n d discrete graphics that improve and
The new Acer Swift 5 is all about p l a s t i c accelerate graphics performance,
performance and portability in a w a s t e , meeting the needs of users who
sleek and contemporary design. providing occasionally edit photos and videos.
Its exterior offers a classy look a The Aspire 5’s USB-Type C port
courtesy of a unibody CNC- glass-like supports Thunderbolt 4, allowing
machined chassis made of t a c t i l e users to connect up to two 4K
Aerospace Grade Aluminium. displays for multitasking.
Packed into a svelte 1.2kg and Both Aspire 3 and Aspire 5 models
14.95mm tall mist green colour Acer Swift 5 feature the elevating hinge design
body is up to 12th Gen Intel Core provides
i7 and Intel Iris Xe graphics that all the essentials you that lifts the laptop body
while tilting the keyboard
provide for powerful need for productivity and performance. to an angle for
performance. Meanwhile, up to comfortable typing, better sound
16GB dual-channel LPDDR5 feeling while supporting multi- projection and improved ventilation.
memory and up to 1TB PCIe NVMe finger gestures. All models mentioned above are
SSD storage ensure smooth and The new Acer Swift 5 is verified by available at Acer eStore, Acer official
quick computing experience. The Intel Evo to meet key experience store on Shopee and Lazada as well
new Acer Swift 5 also features a built- targets such as instant wake from as authorised Acer resellers.
in fingerprint reader on the power sleep, 10 hours of real-world battery
button. life and a 30-minute charge that For more, visit Acer Malaysia’s
The WQXGA touchscreen display yields over 4 hours of battery. Facebook @AcerMalaysia or call
is made with Antimicrobial Corning Customers who purchase the new Acer’s Product Infoline at 1800-88-
Gorilla Glass to protect touch Acer Swift 5 before Sept 30 will be 1288 (9am – 6pm, Mondays to
Karyn Lim, General Manager of IPC Shopping Centre (left) and Natasha Aziz, surfaces and keep them clean. eligible to redeem a Sleeve Case, Fridays), or email
Head of Customer Experience & Digital of Ikano Centres. Viewing real estate is maximised by Urban Backpack and RM120 worth [email protected].

List of participating schools: Sports Toto reading programme makes a comeback

Perak STM Lottery Sdn. Bhd. (Formerly known as programme aims to inculcate reading as a driving book exchange among the students
Sports Toto Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.) restarts its pastime of choice for the rural students who as they are encouraged to share stories in
0 SJK (C) Kampung Jering, Ayer Tawar Sports Toto Reading My Companion Reading are relatively lacking in terms of recreational class and pen down their post-reading
0 SJK (C) Khuen Hean, Changkat Kruing Programme to donate storybooks to the choices. Beginning Aug 4, a team of staff thoughts in the journals.
students of 11 Chinese primary schools in volunteers will visit the 11 participating
Pahang West Malaysia. schools and hand over storybooks to To encourage keen participation among
students. the students, tokens of commendation have
0 SJK (C) Gambang, Kuantan The 2022 edition of Sports Toto Reading been arranged for two students who show
0 SJK (C) Jerik, Bandar Pusat Jengka My Companion Reading Programme would Apart from giving away storybooks, STM the highest level of participation, in each of
0 SJK (C) Maran, Maran donate storybooks to 11 micro-sized Chinese Lottery would also donate storybooks to the the 11 participating schools.
primary schools in the rural areas of Perak, library of each participating school. A
Negeri Sembilan Pahang, Negri Sembilan, Melaka and Johor, storytelling session would be held at the Initiated by STM Lottery in 2012, the
benefitting a total of 1,586 students. schools to teach the students to enjoy reading programme has so far benefitted
0 SJK (C) Chung Hua Ladang Geddes, reading creatively. over 15,000 students in 143 sub-urban
Jempol “Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we had schools in Selangor, Perak, Negri Sembilan,
to temporarily suspend our reading The schools would play an active role in Melaka, Pahang and Johor.
0 SJK (C) Middleton, Bahau programme. As we are transitioning into the
endemic phase, we are glad to bring back the
Melaka reading programme,“ said Giam Say Khoon,
Senior Communications Manager of STM
0 SJK (C) Chung Kuo, Jalan Tengkera Lottery.
0 SJK (C) Yu Hsien, Jasin
As part of the STM Lottery’s Helping
Johor Hands programme, the reading programme
is in line with the Goal 4 of the United
0 SJK (C) Aik Ming, Muar Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals to
0 SJK (C) Chi Sin, Parit Bakar “ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all”.

The Reading My Companion reading

AUGUST 9, 2022
197201001092 (12738-U)
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Fax: 03-7785 2624/5

A Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad Email: [email protected]
Advertising Tel: 03-7784 8888
8/08/2022 Fax: 03-7784 4424

Participation Bought Sold Net Email: [email protected]

% RM m RM m RM m

50.2 Institutions 646.8 685.7 -35.9

27.9 Retail 389.6 351.3 38.3

21.9 Foreign 290.6 290.0 0.6

100.0 1327.0 1327.0 0 5.52 11.90 156.17 9.91 73.37 15.63 2.30 5.00
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 1,496.03 3,270.98 3,236.93 28,249.24 15,020.41 2,493.10
Source: Bursa Malaysia 20,045.77 7,020.60

KL MARKET SUMMARY Finance Ministry monitoring effects of
August 8, 2022 OPR hike on consumer loan payments

INDICES 10,623.58 CHANGE -35.87
FBMKLCI 1,496.03 -5.52
CONSUMER PRODUCTS 575.30 -2.49 KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry intensifying efforts to explain to goods and services including price control
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 182.63 -1.35 of Finance (MoF) is monitoring the people our actions on selected goods and services, particularly
CONSTRUCTION 159.45 +0.65 the effects of the increase in the (increasing the OPR) in the through the provision of fuel and selected
FINANCIAL SERVICES 16,652.78 +22.46 Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) on media and social media,” he food price subsidies as well as electricity
ENERGY 652.53 -0.50 the amount of consumer loan said during a question and rebates for domestic consumers.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 582.41 -1.17 repayments. answer session at the Dewan
HEALTH CARE 1,707.66 -6.11 Negara sitting yesterday in reply He said the move has helped ensure the
TRANSPORTATION 806.20 -2.55 Deputy Finance Minister 1 to Senator Nuridah Mohd inflation rate in Malaysia for June this year
PROPERTY 642.58 +2.93 Datuk Mohd Shahar Abdullah Salleh’s additional question was at a moderate level compared to other
PLANTATION 7,121.13 -4.14 said Bank Negara Malaysia’s about the increase in OPR and countries. The inflation rate recorded 3.4%
FBMSHA 10,767.09 -63.23 (BNM) decision to increase the how the ministry explained to the in June, driven by the group of food and
FBMACE 4,855.66 -18.37 OPR by 50 basis points to 2.25% from people about the increase. non-alcoholic beverages (6.1%),
TECHNOLOGY 66.66 -0.79 1.75% was made when the economic As per the procedure of the meeting, transportation (5.4%) and restaurants and
indicators were showing positive signs. Senator Nuridah had submitted question hotels (5%).
TURNOVER VALUE five to the Finance Minister regarding the
2.192 BIL RM1.327 BIL “When the economic indicators are expected duration of the country’s economy “This step can further prevent
showing positive signs such as the being in an inflationary situation and to hyperinflation, which is when the inflation
5 MOST ACTIVES unemployment rate decreasing and foreign what extent is it true about the country’s rate remains at a very high level from one
August 8, 2022 direct investment (FDI) increasing, it is economy heading towards ‘hyperinflation.’ month to the next, so much so that it can
timely for BNM to increase the OPR. Mohd Shahar said various measures erode the value of a country’s currency.
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) have been implemented by the government
MTRONIC 22,630,600 6.0 -1.0 “On the amount of this OPR hike to control the increase in prices of basic “In addition, the current fiscal and
ZENTECH 10,020,100 2.0 -1.0 compared to the situation before the monetary policies remain accommodative
SAPNRG 93,833,000 4.0 UNCH pandemic, it is still under control. Thus the in ensuring that the country’s inflation is at
MYEG 83,125,900 78.0 -2.0 Finance Ministry through BNM is a controlled level,” he said. – Bernama
DNEX 79,467,000 89.0 +1.5
Quek said to be mulling
5 TOP GAINERS options for stake in bank
August 8, 2022

STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM o Hong Leong Bank
NESTLE 66,300 136.80 +1.60 chairman looking at
BKAWAN 1,300 23.50 +0.30 potential merger and
DKSH 13,500 4.33 +0.18 possibility of reducing his
THETA 26,568,300 0.94 +0.175 interest in lender
RVIEW 5,700 3.49 +0.16

August 8, 2022

STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM SINGAPORE: Malaysia’s second-richest
MPI 211,000 32.40 -0.48 man Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan is weighing
SAM 623,000 4.23 -0.21 options for his stake in Hong Leong Bank
KESM 5,000 7.32 -0.21 Bhd, including a merger, two sources with
PMBTECH-WA 4,600 2.50 -0.21 knowledge of the matter said, in a move that
BAT 399,900 10.22 -0.20 could trigger wider consolidation in the
Quek, 80, is also exploring the possibility
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy of reducing his stake in the Malaysian A potential merger may herald consolidation in the Malaysian banking sector at a time when a
lender, said the sources who declined to be handful of digital banks are preparing to launch their services here. – BERNAMAPIX
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD named due to the confidential nature of the
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.5240 4.3900 4.3800 matter. Hong Leong’s shares hit a record in June the transfer of a stake.
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.1410 3.0170 3.0010 and have recovered 17% from a five-month Some of the country’s mid-to-large
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.2710 3.1760 3.1680 Conglomerate Hong Leong Financial low hit in November, outpacing gains in the
1 EURO 3.4900 3.3970 3.3850 Group Bhd, controlled by Quek, holds a KL Finance index. banks held merger talks more than five
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.6040 4.4550 4.4350 62% stake in Hong Leong Bank, the years ago, aimed at consolidating the sector,
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.8310 2.7270 country’s fourth-largest lender with a The sources cautioned there was no but difficult negotiations and political
1 STERLING POUND 3.2710 3.1760 2.7110 market value of US$10 billion (RM45 formal proposal underway for Hong Leong considerations stalled the process, bankers
1 SWISS FRANC 5.4610 5.2890 3.1680 billion), according to Refinitiv data. Bank and that Quek has not yet taken any familiar with the matter say.
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.6830 4.5750 5.2690 decision on his next move.
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 124.6100 118.1600 4.5600 Hong Leong Bank and Hong Leong Bankers say potential job losses are
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 4.8560 4.5580 117.9600 Financial did not respond to multiple Any potential sell-down in Hong Leong among the key stumbling blocks for any
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 67.3600 64.5100 4.3580 queries sent by Reuters and there was also Bank by Quek, who was estimated by mergers in the crowded industry.
100 INDIAN RUPEE 58.2500 55.3500 no response from Quek to queries sent Forbes magazine this year to have a net
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.8000 5.4400 N/A through the bank. worth of US$10 billion – making him In 2014 RHB Bank, the country’s fourth-
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0314 0.0285 55.1500 Malaysia’s second-richest man after real largest by assets, and smaller rival AMMB
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 3.3460 3.2410 5.2400 It was not immediately clear if Quek has estate investor Robert Kuok – is expected to Holdings dropped merger plans after failing
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.0500 1.9200 0.0235 shortlisted candidates for a potential be for a minority stake, two of the sources to agree on terms.
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.2800 7.8000 3.2310 merger or has decided how much of the added.
100 SAUDI RIYAL 124.6300 118.3100 1.7200 stake he could sell. Quek bought Hong Leong Bank, which
100 SRI LANKA RUPEE 121.7400 115.5700 7.6000 Banks in Malaysia are required to seek posted a record net profit in the year to June
100THAI BAHT 1.3200 118.1100 A potential merger may herald approval from the country’s central bank 2021, via Hong Leong Financial Group in
13.2100 1.1700 115.3700 consolidation in the Malaysian banking before engaging in formal discussions with 1994. It has branches in Singapore and
11.7200 0.9700 sector at a time when a handful of digital parties for potential transactions involving Hong Kong and fully-owned subsidiaries in
11.3200 banks are preparing to launch their services Vietnam and Cambodia. – Reuters
in the Southeast Asian country.
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama
The sources said the move by Quek
comes as the bank’s shares have risen
sharply this year and he considers
succession issues.

BRIEFS BURSA UP TWOFOLD M’sians tighten their belts
TO RM388M LAST WEEK as inflation eats into income

PETALING JAYA: Foreign investors PETALING JAYA: The steady o Ipsos: Many willing to cut back on socialising, budget for necessities. The study
registered their third consecutive improvement from July 2021 in holidays and are prepared to delay big purchases said this mirrors global sentiment.
week of net buying last week as consumer purchase intent for rather than cutting their budget for necessities
Malaysia saw RM388.2 million of net household or major purchases According to the study, the
foreign inflows – more than a such as house or automobiles has Malaysian’s comfort in making If the new economic situation majority of Malaysians are finding
twofold increase from the week reversed as purchase intent both household and larger makes it necessary, Malaysians it difficult to manage financially, or
prior. MIDF Research said foreign dropped 10 points over the last purchases indicate that they may will cut their spending on feel they are just getting by.
investors were only net sellers on two months, a study by market need to prioritise what they socialising and holidays, and are Compared to most major
Tuesday at RM40 million, but this research company Ipsos Sdn Bhd choose to spend on in the near prepared to delay larger economies in Asia and the West,
was more than offset by the net found. term. purchases, rather than cutting the significantly fewer Malaysians
inflows for the rest of the trading would say they are living
days. They started off the week by It said the squeeze from comfortably these days.
net buying RM49.7 million worth of inflation and rising interest rates is
equities. The buying spree impacting consumers’ willingness Additionally, Malaysians expect
continued on Wednesday at RM75 to spend. A sharp drop in further increases in interest rates,
million, while Thursday saw the and the majority has settled into
strongest net foreign inflow of the idea that they will not see any
RM284.2 million – an amount last increase in disposable income
seen at the end of May-22. over the next year.
Foreigners then net bought RM19.3
million to close off the week. Inflation and poverty have
eclipsed the Covid-19 pandemic
SOUTHERN CABLE as the main things Malaysians
PROPOSES 1-FOR-2 BONUS worry about.
Ipsos Malaysia public affairs
PETALING JAYA: Cable and wire associate director Lars Erik Lie
manufacturer Southern Cable Group said concern about inflation and
Bhd has proposed a bonus issue of the cost of living is now
warrants, on the basis of one warrant widespread, and Malaysians are
for every two existing ordinary feeling the squeeze on their
shares held in Southern Cable. The personal finances.
proposal entails the issuance of 400
million five-year warrants, with an “Widely expected increase in
option for holders to exercise one interest rates is preparing four out
warrant into one new ordinary share of 10 Malaysians for lower
of Southern Cable. At the indicative disposable income in the near
exercise price of 29.42 sen per future, resulting in a fall in their
warrant and assuming full exercise of standard of living,” he said.
the warrants, the group expects to
raise up to RM117.7 million in gross Yinson in deal to provide charging Maybank, Bobcaps
proceeds to be utilised as working solutions, services to GoCar EV users to strengthen
capital requirements. Its share India equity
capital would increase up to PETALING JAYA: Yinson use more than 400 available EV of GoCar’s network and user product offerings
RM335.3 million from RM217.7. Holdings Bhd’s green chargers in the country through base.
technologies division Yinson chargEV’s mobile app. PETALING JAYA: Maybank Investment
KULIM TO HAVE ITS GreenTech, through its joint “Working together, we believe Banking Group subsidiary Maybank
OWN PALM-FIBRE venture company Green EV Users will also be able monitor we can position EV as an Securities Pte Ltd in Singapore and
OIL EXTRACTION PLANT Charge Sdn Bhd has signed a the charging status via the app attractive and sustainable merchant banker BOB Capital Markets
memorandum of understanding plus its customer care services. transport option in Malaysia,” he (Bobcaps) in India have entered into an
PETALING JAYA: Kulim (Malaysia) Bhd (MoU) with GoCar Mobility Sdn added. agreement to strengthen their India
via its plantation unit Mahamurni Bhd to provide charging Yinson executive vice- offering to clients in Asean and the world.
Plantations Sdn Bhd (MPSB) will build infrastructure facilities and president of technology and new GoCar Malaysia CEO Wong
its first palm-fibre oil extraction (PFOE) solutions, along with customer ventures Eirik Barclay said the Hoe Mun said enhancing This tie-up enables Maybank to
plant in Sedenak palm oil mill in Johor. care services to GoCar’s electric partnership marks another step connectivity to chargEV will help enhance its product coverage to global
The PFOE plant extracts oil from vehicles (EV) users. towards its shared goal of improve the user experience of institutional clients while allowing
mesocarp fibre from the processed The companies will roll out accelerating the electrification of EV charging throughout Bobcaps to expand its reach outside
fresh fruit bunches to produce red the commercialisation, operation the marine, mobility and energy Malaysia. India. This relationship further augments
palm oil that can be sold at 85% of the and maintenance of the charging ecosystem in Malaysia in line Maybank’s capabilities in serving clients
crude palm oil price. It would infrastructure of chargEV in with the country’s aim to become “The integration with chargEV in Asean and key global markets while
generate a new income stream for the Malaysia. a carbon neutral nation by 2050. will offer even more accessibility. empowering them with bespoke, on-
group with an estimated RM8 million Through the agreement, Through our GoCar mobile app, ground and in-depth research insights.
annually. MPSB yesterday signed a GoCar’s EV users can locate and Yinson GreenTech senior vice- any EV user, not just GoCar The association will extend across
contract agreement with Eonmetall president electromobility Ruslin members will be able to connect research, corporate access and
Technology Sdn Bhd, a unit of Tamsir believes both companies to both networks for their EV roadshows to elevate interest in India
Eonmetall Group Bhd based in will be able to support the growth charging needs,” he added. equity products.
Penang to build the plant, which is to
be ready by third quarter next year. Wong (left) and Ruslin charging up GoEV’s Nissan Leaf using a chargEV charging station at the MoU signing According to McLagan, India forms
“The project is part of our efforts to ceremony. 10% of the overall foreign client
implement a circular economy commissions of about US$4.5 billion
through harnessing waste oil as (RM20 billion) paid in Asia ex Japan cash
feedstock for biofuels and utilising equities, while Asean is a large
renewable energy for plant contributor of foreign portfolio flows into
operations from sustainable sources,“ India including the secondary equity
said Kulim managing director Mohd market, new listings, bonds, as well as
Faris Adli Shukery. private equity and venture capital
CONCESSION FIRMS Maybank Investment Banking Group
EXECUTED: GAMUDA CEO Datuk Ami Moris said India is now
the world’s fifth largest stock exchange
KUALA LUMPUR: Gamuda Bhd with a total market capitalisation of over
announced that the share sale US$3 trillion.
purchase agreements (SSPA) of four
expressway concession companies “Since the start of the pandemic, the
were successfully executed with Nifty 50 benchmark index has risen 41%,
Amanat Lebuhraya Rakyat (ALR). In and is a consistent outperformer versus
a filing with Bursa Malaysia, the other emerging markets. The investment
company said the SSPAs have met case for India remains sound, and is
all conditions under the conditional supported by strong economic growth.
letters of offer with over 99% We expect to unlock more Asian plus
approval rating at Gamuda and global capital flows into India through
Lingkaran Trans Kota Sdn Bhd’s this combined service,” she said in a
extraordinary general meetings statement yesterday.
held on July 27 and Aug 5. The
company said each of the
concession holding company
namely Kesas Sdn Bhd; Sistem
Penyuraian Trafik KL Barat Sdn Bhd;
Lingkaran Trans Kota Sdn Bhd;
Syarikat Mengurus Air Banjir &
Terowong Sdn Bhd had entered into
the respective finalised SSPA with
ALR for the disposals. – Bernama


Lim Seong Hai Capital wants Scomi Energy
to diversify into construction shareholders
approve sale
o Group intends to be involved in the LSH Capital will continue its of oilfield
upstream supply chain of the industry existing business relating to services division
building materials, lighting
PETALING JAYA: Lim Seong Hai undertaken by LSHBB’s clients with existing construction products products and related PETALING JAYA: Scomi Energy
Capital Bhd (LSH Capital) has a total project value of RM2.7 billion businesses under Lim Seong Hai mechanical and electrical Services Bhd (SESB) shareholders
proposed to diversify into as at June 30, 2022. Lighting Sdn Bhd and Knight Auto products and services, approved the disposal of its oilfield
construction and provision of Sdn Bhd as there will be hardware and tools, and rental services business division for RM21
construction and business-related The proposed diversification and requirements for building materials, of machinery. – LSH CAPITAL million at an EGM yesterday.
services and solutions. the potential contribution from lighting products, mechanical WEBSITE PIX
construction related businesses will electrical products and services and expected to contribute positively to The disposal consists of 100%
“The proposed diversification is strengthen the future earnings base rental for machineries. This will also the earnings of LSH Capital for the equity interest in Scomi Oilfield Ltd
sought as the board anticipates and enhance the future cash flow of provide operating and logistical financial year ending Sept 30, 2022 together with nine of its subsidiaries,
construction-related businesses will the enlarged LSH Capital arising efficiencies and mitigate the and the future financial years, it and 48% equity interest in Scomi
contribute 25% or more of the net from the construction order book. collection risk as compared to said. KMC Sdn Bhd to Cahya Mata Oiltools
profits of LSH Capital Group, which supplying to third parties. Nonetheless, LSH Capital said it Sdn Bhd; and equity interest in
will be one of the major contributors In addition, the construction- will continue its existing business of Scomi KMC Sdn Bhd by Scomi
to LSH Capital group in the future,” it related businesses will support and The proposed diversification is distributing and retailing building Oiltools Sdn Bhd, Scomi Oiltools Gulf
said in a filing with Bursa Malaysia ensure continuous orders for materials, lighting products and WLL, and its property, inventories
yesterday. related mechanical and electrical and equipment in Dataran Prima to
products and services, whole- Oiltools international Sdn Bhd.
The proposed diversification will sale/retail of hardware and tools,
allow the group to be involved in the and rental of machinery. SESB CEO Amirul Baharom said
upstream supply chain of the SESB has been classified as a PN17
construction industry, which is in company by Bursa Malaysia
line with the BEST Framework Securities since Oct 31, 2019 and it is
adopted by LSH Capital. required to submit a regularisation
plan by Nov 30, 2022 to get the status
The company said it has taken lifted.
into consideration the expected
revenue and profit contribution “This disposal of the oilfield
from its subsidiary LSH BEST services business is part of the
Builders Sdn Bhd (LSHBB). As at rehabilitation of SESB,” he said in a
June 30, 2022, LSH Capital, via statement.
LSHBB, has a secured external
construction order book amounting Since triggering PN17 status, SESB
to RM969.4 million in aggregate with has undertaken several initiatives
an outstanding external construction towards rehabilitation of the
order book of RM853.1 million. company including judicial manage-
ment, a corporate recovery
In addition, LSHBB is involved in mechanism accorded to companies
the provision of construction and in financial distress. However, in view
business-related services and of the complexity of its financial
solutions via the BEST Framework liabilities, the company decided to
collaboration for the construction dispose of its assets in the marine
projects secured by LSHBB’s clients and oil and gas industry to revamp
and property development projects the business.

MYCU Retail plans to have 500 CU stores by 2026 On Nov 16, 2021, SESB completed
the disposal of its marine business,
KUALA LUMPUR: MYCU Retail that the convenience store segment goods in small quantities at There are many players in the PT Rig Tenders Indonesia as a
Sdn Bhd, the operator of South is relevant in every economic convenience stores. convenience store market, but they precursor to its PN17 regularisation
Korean CU convenience stores in situation. are targeting different segments, plan and on March 17, 2022
Malaysia, plans to expand the “The consumer market in and this is good as healthy announced the proposed disposal of
number of outlets to 500 by 2026 “Even when the economic Malaysia is growing and the competition will result in each its oilfield services business.
from 100 currently. situation takes a player having to offer better services.
downturn, consumers population is getting At the end, the winner will be the “Rather than face the risk of a
“We have planned to open 50 still choose con- more modernised in consumers, he said. groupwide appointment of receivers
stores in Peninsular Malaysia by end venience stores to its lifestyle. It’s where and managers by its lenders, which
of this year in addition to our purchase goods we came in to offer On expansion to Sabah and would be detrimental to the
presence in the Klang Valley, such as food and choices for all Sarawak, Dang said the company’s company, we made the decision to
Malacca, Perak, Kedah, Negri drinks. Malaysia is a Malaysian whether current focus is on the Peninsular monetise the potential of our marine
Sembilan, Penang and klia2,” maturing country and they are families or Malaysia market. and oilfield services businesses,”
director Dr Blake Dang said at the the retail market here are individuals,” he said. Amirul explained.
opening ceremony of the 100th CU very exciting.” On the high MYCU Retail is a wholly owned
store yesterday. subsidiary of MyNews Holdings The CEO said the disposal will
During an economic downturn, number of competitors in the Bhd, which owns the retail chain result in a lean group structure
He said the company believes Dang said, people will purchase segment, Dang said it is a healthy MyNEWS store. – Bernama without the contingent liabilities and
environment for the market. risks of liquidation and delisting.

“Whichever path is chosen, we
will ensure that the plan is viable,
sustainable and has growth prospects
warranting the continued listing of
SESB. However, it is premature to
speculate on the specifics and we will
announce details as the plan is
finalised,” he said.

Hextar Industries acquires 100% equity in Hextar Fertilizers group for RM480m

KUALA LUMPUR: Hextar Industries proposed acquisition, HFL will the remaining HIB shares not already operations are significantly larger capital base following the issuance of
Bhd (HIB) has entered into a become a wholly owned subsidiary of owned by HHSB upon the SSA than HIB group’s current operations the consideration shares will also be
conditional share sale agreement HIB. becoming unconditional. and will provide us with access to an more reflective of the scale of the
(SSA) to acquire the entire equity established distribution network and combined operations.”
interest in Hextar Fertilizers Ltd The purchase consideration of Subsequently, HHSB will manufacturing facilities within
(HFL) from Hextar Holdings Sdn Bhd RM480.0 million will be wholly undertake an offer for sale to reduce Peninsular Malaysia and Meanwhile, HIB and HHSB major
(HHSB) for RM480 million to satisfied through the issuance of 1.6 its shareholdings to ensure East Malaysia as well as shareholder and director Datuk
increase its production capacity and billion new shares in HIB that HIB shall at all enable us to expand Eddie Ong Choo Meng opined that
to leverage HFL’s local distribution (consideration shares) at an issue times be in deeper into Sarawak, the proposed acquisition will
network to expand its fertiliser price of 30 sen pershare. HHSB has compliance with the which the HIB group eliminate the conflict of interest
business. given a profit guarantee of an public shareholding is currently serving. arising from HHSB’s shareholdings in
aggregate of RM94 million over two spread requirement. “The proposed both HIB group and HFL group.
HHSB is the parent company of years. acquisition also comes with a
both HIB and HFL, with equity Commenting on the profit guarantee of RM94 million over An independent adviser has been
interest of 45.7% and 100% Additionally, the issuance of the proposed acquisition, HIB two financial years. With the appointed to advice non-interested
respectively. Directly under HFL is consideration shares will result in chairman Datuk Chan Choun Sien purchase consideration being directors and non-interested
Hextar Fertilizers Group Sdn Bhd, HHSB’s shareholdings increasing to said the fertiliser business is a satisfied entirely in shares, HIB group shareholders of HIB on the fair and
which comprises Hextar Fert Sdn 77.3%, an increase of more than 2% in competitive industry and it needs will be able to preserve its cash for its reasonableness of the proposed
Bhd, Hextar Solutions Sdn Bhd and the company. As a consequence, scale to be able to compete effectively business operations. The enlarged acquisition to ensure that minority
PK Fertilizers Sdn Bhd. Through this HHSB will be required to extend a in the market. shareholders interest are always
mandatory general offer to acquire protected, he said.
“The HFL group’s fertiliser

14 theSUN ON TUESDAY | AUGUST 9, 2022

Jakarta says Tesla signs deals to buy US$5b worth of nickel materials

JAKARTA: US carmaker Tesla has which has major nickel reserves. Pandjaitan said in an interview comment. However, most nickel investment
signed contracts worth about US$5 President Joko Widodo met with broadcast yesterday. Indonesia is keen to develop so far have gone to production of
billion (RM22.3 billion) to buy Tesla founder Elon Musk earlier this crude metal such as nickel pig iron
materials for their batteries from year to drum up investment. He said Tesla signed a five-year electric vehicles and batteries and ferronickel.
nickel processing companies in contract with nickel processing industries at home and had stopped
Indonesia, a senior Cabinet minister “We are still in constant companies operating out of exports of nickel ore to ensure supply The government plans to impose
told CNBC Indonesia. negotiation with Tesla ... but they Morowali in Sulawesi island. The for investors. The move had export tax on these metals to boost
have started buying two excellent nickel materials will be used in Tesla’s successfully attracted investments revenue while encouraging more
Southeast Asia’s biggest economy products from Indonesia,” lithium batteries. from Chinese steel giants and South domestic production of higher-value
has been trying to get Tesla to set up a Coordinating Minister for Maritime Korean companies like LG and products, a senior official told
production facility in the country, and Investment Affairs Luhut Tesla did not immediately Hyundai. Reuters last week. – Reuters
respond to a Reuters email seeking

Indonesia plans ‘very large’ US companies curb
energy subsidies for 2023 investment as
they await Fed moves
o Government aims to keep some fuel prices and power tariffs unchanged
and control inflation amid soaring costs on global front NEW YORK: Business investment appears to
be an early victim of red-hot US inflation and
JAKARTA: Indonesia will allocate “very large” also ordered for the 2023 budget to be designed She predicted Indonesian crude prices will rising interest rates.
energy subsidies in 2023 to stabilise prices, with a deficit under 3% of gross domestic fall to US$90 (RM401) a barrel next year, while
even as the government predicts windfall product (GDP), Sri Mulyani said, compared coal prices could moderate to US$200 a tonne Non-residential fixed investment, which is
revenues from high commodity prices to with the 2022 deficit outlook of 3.92% of GDP. and palm prices could go down to under how the Commerce Department lumps
decline, its finance minister said yesterday US$1,000 per tonne. together things like spending by businesses
after attending a Cabinet meeting. The 2023 budget will also be designed with on new buildings and renovations of existing
flexibility to respond to international un- Exports from the resource-rich country had ones, slipped 0.1% on an annualised basis in
Southeast Asia’s largest economy this year certainties, she said. risen to record highs in recent months amid an the second quarter. This acted as a drag on
has budgeted 502 trillion rupiah (RM150.6 upcycle in global commodity prices, which gross domestic product (GDP). It also ended
billion) in subsidies and compensations to The main focus on spending will be for was one of the main reasons GDP growth a seven-quarter run of outsized additions to
keep some fuel prices and power tariffs human development programmes, infrastructure accelerated to 5.44% in the second quarter, GDP that on average were more than double
unchanged and control domestic inflation – including the construction of Indonesia’s new beating market expectations. the category’s historic contributions to
amid soaring global energy prices. capital city, and funding for general elections in growth.
2024, she said. Jokowi has also ordered for a stress test for
“Next year’s (subsidies and compensations) the economy against scenarios of worsening The cutbacks hit every industry except
will still be very large,” Finance Minister Sri However, she noted the government may global conditions for this year and in 2023, mining and drilling.
Mulyani Indrawati said, adding that President Joko no longer see a boost in revenues related to which the finance ministry is currently
Widodo will unveil the figure when he presents his commodity exports and such windfall may preparing, she said. Economists are watching closely to see
budget proposal to parliament on Aug 16. decline, Sri Mulyani said, estimating around how inflation hits different parts of the
328 trillion rupiah in tax and customs revenues Between January and July, Indonesia had a economy. Consumer spending has softened
Jokowi, as the president is popularly known, from the commodity sector in 2022. budget surplus of about 0.57% of GDP. – Reuters in the face of higher prices but still added to
growth in the second quarter.

And even as companies curtailed adding
new buildings and other expansions, they
kept hiring. US job growth accelerated in July,
and the US job market has now recovered to
the level it was before the pandemic.

The pullback in business spending “is
more of a pause than a sign of structural
weakness,” said Andrew Hunt, who heads the
Center for Real Estate at Marquette
University in Milwaukee.

“People said, ‘Let’s see if the Fed does what
they said they were going to do – and see how
things stabilise as we move into the fall.’”

The Fed has lifted interest rates at each of
its meetings beginning in March, including
back-to-back outsized increases of three-
quarters of a percentage point at its last two
policy gatherings. – Reuters

earnings have
lurched between MUMBAI: Private lenders IDFC First Bank
record highs and and Yes Bank and state-owned Indian
lows in recent Bank have put their loans to SpiceJet Ltd
years. – AFPPIX in the high-risk category, people with
knowledge of the matter said. The
Japan’s SoftBank reports record quarterly net loss lenders are concerned about SpiceJet’s
cash flows and have held discussions
TOKYO: Japan’s SoftBank Group yesterday and volatile new ventures have made for “I don’t know how long this winter will seeking assurances from the Indian
reported a record quarterly net loss after unpredictable earnings, and it has lurched continue,” he added, referring to the budget carrier as it is behind on
interest rate increases tanked technology between record highs and lows in recent years. challenging global situation for business. payments to some aircraft lessors, the
shares. sources said. SpiceJet’s shares fell as
The portfolio companies that suffered large “It could be three months. It could be three much as 4.8% on the news. SpiceJet said
The telecom firm-turned-investment losses for the quarter included South Korean e- years,” Son said, joking that his “worries are that no bank has put its account on high
behemoth posted a net loss of ¥3.16 trillion commerce giant Coupang and US meal reflected on his hair”. alert. “Loans are being serviced as per the
(RM104.29 billion), nosediving from a net delivery platform DoorDash, SoftBank Group agreed terms,“ a company spokesperson
profit of ¥761.5 billion in the same April-June said. Japanese media outlets including Kyodo told Reuters. The banks did not respond
period the previous year. News said the Q1 result was the largest to Reuters’ requests seeking comment.
Son said he wanted to reflect and learn from quarterly loss the country has ever seen.
“Global stock declines and the rapid the huge losses suffered by SoftBank’s BAIDU CEO SAYS EV ARM’S
depreciation of the yen” contributed to the technology-focused Vision Fund, which In May, SoftBank reported its worst-ever AUTONOMOUS DRIVING TECH
slump, CEO Masayoshi Son told reporters. suffered even worse declines than the tech- full-year net loss – and a then-record quarterly WILL BE AHEAD OF TESLA’S
rich Nasdaq. loss for Q4 – after a bruising 2021-22 that saw
A company statement elaborated, blaming its assets hit by a US tech stocks rout and a BEIJING: Baidu’s electric vehicle (EV) firm
the “global downward trend in share prices “All sorts of things can be used as excuses, regulatory crackdown in China. That came Jidu Auto will be one-generation ahead
due to growing concerns over economic such as the bad market environment, the war after logging Japan’s biggest-ever annual net of Tesla in terms of autonomous driving
recession driven by inflation and rising interest and the pandemic. But if we had been a bit more profit in 2020-21, when people moved their technologies, Baidu chief executive
rates”. selective and made proper investments, we lives online during the pandemic and sent tech Robin Li said in a statement yesterday.
wouldn’t have suffered so much pain,” he said. stocks soaring. – AFP “Our understanding of smart vehicles is
SoftBank’s big stakes in global tech giants that being electric is the semi-final while
being intelligent is the final,” he added.
Jidu aims to be to be able to deliver
800,000 of its “robot” cars in 2028, Jidu
chief executive Joe Xia Yiping said in the
statement. Jidu also plans to deliver its
second model for mass production in
2024, he said. – Reuters

9 AUGUST 2022

It is stated that
their mission is

to eliminate

humans and
technology. –


Claims to be made
by aluminum that is
100% recyclable.
Over 50% of the
plastic components
are derived from
bio-based and
recycled materials,
making it first in the

Nothing as The Ear 1 wireless earbuds was
hyped as the the first product released by the
Nothing Phone

oHere comes the most anticipated Android of functions. For instance,
the year – an intriguing mid-ranger at a fair price the lights can pulse to alert you
of a new message and also flash when
█ BY HAZIQUE ZAIRILL compared to the stainless steel on the 13 Pro phone calls are received. There is also a guarantees three
Max. fascinating charging animation when the years of Android OS major
THE world of technology has just phone is plugged in, and while utilising the rear upgrades and four years of security fixes.
witnessed the emergence of a The rear features a ‘transparent’ design with camera, the Glyph even works as a key light! Gaining Support
groundbreaking new smartphone that a lighted Glyph Interface, which is what makes Despite being slightly above-average for typical
represents a radical reinterpretation of the Nothing Phone (1) interesting. The Glyph is This transparent aesthetic complements the Android smartphones, the Nothing Phone (1)
mobile technology. Dubbed the Nothing Phone a set of LED lights on the back of the phone that only other Nothing product that has been received significant hype during the launch
(1), it is a device that superficially resembles an forms an amazing design. These lights can be introduced to date, the Nothing Ear (1). These event everywhere. The results of the new
iPhone knockoff but at least manages to present truly wireless earphones have a see-through phone’s relationship with Paranoid Android
a few unique features of its own. programmed to execute design and come in the same colours as the could make it more appealing to custom ROM
a number of Phone (1). enthusiasts.
Carl Pei, OnePlus co-founder and current Specifications and Features
CEO of the trendy London-based tech business It has a 6.55-inch Full HD+ OLED screen with a Paranoid Android is known as a popular
company Nothing, remarked early in its refresh rate of 120Hz and is powered by a open-source custom ROM, which is essentially
development that “it’s time to bring the fun Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G plus processor an operating system that enables users to
back into the smartphone industry.” chip. It was reported that the chip was a refined further modify their phones than is generally
version of an earlier seventh-generation possible with Android.
Despite releasing the Ear (1) true wireless Qualcomm chipset. Well, it doesn’t matter as it
earbuds in 2021, Nothing has remained a should be more than enough for everything you Recently, support for Paranoid Android has
mysterious company, with the Phone 1 being require, from split-screen multitasking to semi- expanded among the greatest Android phones.
the company’s only other physical product to be casual gaming with ‘Very High’ graphics and However, there is no specific timeframe for
made available since it began operations. ‘Max’ frame rate settings without difficulties or when those who prefer tinkering with the inner
detectable heat buildup. workings of their phones will be able to use
The wireless earbuds established a defined Paranoid Android on the Nothing Phone (1).
visual aesthetic for both the brand and its Next up is its photography and videography The Verdict
commodities, which has been continued capabilities. The camera possesses two 50MP The entire appearance of the phone is truly
through to Phone (1) and serves as a foundation sensors for wide and ultra-wide pictures and a spectacular, and if it were the only phone they
for the kinds of products that the company 16MP front-facing camera for selfies. As for ever create besides the earbuds, their mission
hopes to produce more of in the near future. video recording, the Phone (1) captures up to would have been accomplished.
1080p / 60fps or 4K / 30fps via the rear sensors.
Design and Glyphs Adaptive 120Hz refresh rate for incredibly After launching in Europe first, the Nothing
For those who haven’t yet seen the Phone (1), responsive interactions while conserving power. According to Techradar: “Even with decent Phone (1) officially went on sale in Malaysia on
there’s no denying that it’s more than a simple OIS and EIS that do a competent job, the the July 18 at midnight via fashion brand
rehashing of other phones on the market, and vibrations made when shooting and walking are Crossover.
feels essentially the same as the most recent still evident in the final footage. It’d just be nice
iPhone and Galaxy S series devices. However, it to be able to move between the ultrawide and With its limited run, all units, including the
has a rear design that’s unlike anything else we main sensor while recording.” original accessories, were sold out.
have ever seen.
This particular mid-range Snapdragon CPU However, it has the potential to be far more
Similar to the iPhone 13 Pro Max, both the mobile phone comes with a choice of 8GB or successful in the future if it receives backing
front and rear glasses of the Phone (1) are made 12GB RAM and 128GB or 256GB storage, which from Paranoid Android and more investors join
using the Gorilla Glass brand. The only thing is by no means laggy but is also not at the top in. Would it be possible for them to make
that separates them on the body is the material end of the spectrum. Android the first choice for users everywhere in
of the frame. the world? And with their streamlined and
Phone (1) lacks IP68 water resistance, but cutting-edge appearance? We will see.
Phone (1) uses aluminium, which is lighter wireless charging and stereo speakers were in
their features. In addition to the phone using a
USB-C cable to charge, the device does not
include a charger inside the box, but Nothing’s

16 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | AUGUST 9, 2022 /theSunMedia

Khloe recently welcomed a new baby via Nottogtoaikneg it out against the recent casting of James
surrogate. – INSTAGRAM o John Leguizamo leads outcry over James Franco’s Franco as Cuban revolutionary, Fidel
‘whitewash’ casting as Fidel Castro Castro in the upcoming Alina of Cuba.
No name chosen for
Khloe’s baby HOLLYWOOD never seems to are given to white actors, and this time the “How is this still going on?” Leguizamo
learn when it comes to industry has come under fire from John asked on his Instagram post.
REALITY star Khloe Kardashian, 38 and her whitewashing, where roles Leguizamo.
ex-boyfriend Tristan Thompson, recently featuring or based on minorities He then called out how the industry
welcomed their second child together, a The actor took to Instagram to speak was excluding and stealing Latino stories,
baby boy born via surrogacy. The exes also and further pointed out that the story of
share daughter True Thompson, four. Leguizamo (right) has levelled harsh criticism against the casting of Franco (left) as Cuban dictator Castro is hard enough to tell without
Castro. – AFP aggrandisement.
Shortly after announcing the arrival of
the new baby, Kardashian revealed that “I don’t [have a problem] with Franco,
they had yet to decide on a name. but he ain’t Latino!” he said, after calling
for a boycott.
A representative for Kardashian said:
“Khloé is on cloud nine. Getting a sibling for This isn’t the first time Leguizamo has
True has been such a journey. She is very spoken on the issue.
excited to be a mom again. She really
wanted a baby boy. Khloe hasn’t shared a In 2020, the actor told People magazine
name yet ... She wants it to be just right.” that Latinos are less than 1% of the stories
told by Hollywood, despite being almost
Kardashian and Thompson’s romance 20% of the population.
was chaotic, with the couple splitting up
and reuniting several times. Kardashian “I just feel like it’s such a damage to
found out that he had a child with Maralee kids not to see themselves reflected back
Nichlos when they were still together. He in positive ways.”
openly confessed and apologised for his
behaviour, before the couple split up for One half of the duo behind 21 Jump
good. However, by the time the news broke, Street films and Spider-Man: Into the
their second child had already been Spiderverse, Phil Lord – a Cuban – was
conceived through surrogacy. alongside Leguizamo in criticising the
Kardashian’s choice to delay naming her
baby is likely due to the fact that sister Kylie Writing on Twitter, Lord said “Fidel
Jenner and beau Travis Scott experienced Castro is not a sex symbol”, alluding to how
their own naming issue when she gave Franco – before his sexual misconduct
birth to a baby boy in February. Jenner allegations – was often referred to by
stated the following month on Instagram entertainment media by that term.
that their baby’s name is no longer Wolf
since they don’t feel like it suits him. The “I suppose the worst thing a work of art
couple has also yet to share the infant’s new can be is dishonest,” he said in a separate
name. – by Thashine Selvakumaran tweet, posted a couple of hours later.
Fans of the
group are now The uproar comes after cancellation of
Fearnots. – the Batgirl film by Warner Bros.’ – now
SOOMPI Warner Bros. Discovery – which would
have seen Leslie Grace, an Afro-Latina,
lead a major superhero film.

These incidents have led to a growing
cry within the Latino community over
what is dubbed “Latino Erasure”.

If the Latino-themed Blue Beetle, which
is based on a DC Comics Mexican
superhero and starring Xolo Maridueña, is
also cancelled by Warner Bros. Discovery,
the “Latino Erasure” outcry will only
become stronger. – by Mark Mathen Victor

Britney fires back at ex’s ‘hurtful’ claims
POP star Britney Spears is firing back at “It concerns me the reason While he has nothing against
her ex-husband Kevin Federline for his is based on my Instagram. It Federline personally, he does not
comments about her relationship with her was LONG before consider Spears’ Instagram activity
two sons. Federline alleged that their sons, Instagram.”
Sean Preston and Jayden James are as the issue. In fact, if anything, it
“choosing not to see her”. Instead, Spears noted would be Federline “who hasn’t
the cause to be the trauma
According to him, it is because of the and insults that came with worked much in over 15
singer’s frequent habit of posing nude on fame and the music business. years as a role
Instagram. “The boys have decided they model.” – by
are not seeing her right now. It’s been a “I’m only human and I’ve John Tan
few months since they’ve seen her. They done my best,” concluded
made the decision not to go to her Spears before pointing out that
wedding,” said the former backup dancer. “other artistes have made much
worse [content] when their
Though he ‘respects’ her choice, he children were extremely young.”
believes it is making it hard for his two
kids. “It’s tough. I can’t imagine how it Sam Asghari, Spears’s
feels to be a teenager having to go to high current husband has also
school.” come to her defence.
“There is no validity to
Spears has since reacted to the his statement
comments on her Instagram. regarding the kids
The Toxic songstress wrote: “It themselves and it is
saddens me to hear that my ex-husband irresponsible to make
has decided to discuss the relationship that statement
between me and my children. As we all publicly,” said the
know, raising teenage boys is never easy fitness model.
for anyone.

LE SSERAFIM reveals official
fandom name

ON Monday, LE SSERAFIM released a supporting the group coming
new logo animation video revealing together and blossoming new
their official fandom name, Fearnot. moments together.

According to Source Music, Fearnot Source Music also thanked fans for
is a play on words, which sounds their continued love and support at
similar to the Korean phrase the end of the statement, perhaps
(pronounced pi-eo-na), which can alluding to fans who have stayed by
mean to bloom, burn, or revive. the newly debuted group’s side
despite the bullying accusations
The name LE SSERAFIM is itself an surrounding now ex-member Kim
anagram for “I’m fearless,” which also Garam in the past couple of months.
carries the same meaning as Fearnot.
Their Fearless music video, which
The English and Korean meanings premiered May 2, currently has over
come together to mean LE SSERAFIM 99 million views and 1.8 million likes
marching forward fearlessly and fans on YouTube. – by Marietta Mu
who aren’t afraid of loving and


17theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | AUGUST 9, 2022

An evening with

THREE-TIMES platinum singer-songwriter Maha stars Hansika Motwani in her 50th film in the lead role. – KOIMOI
Maximillian performed for the first time ever in
front of a Malaysian crowd at The Bee Publika █ BY THASHINE SELVAKUMARAN A disappointing
which drew over 500 local fans. thriller
THE movie begins with Malik o Despite its promise, completely
Hailing from humble beginnings in inner city (Simbhu) and Maha (Hansika) who Maha lacks a storyline unneeded. I
Copenhagen, Maximillian started his journey as are deeply in love with each other. feel the
an artist at 19 and made global waves through his After Malik’s passing, their only job in her role. While it is fair to presume that filmmaker
first debut release Beautiful Scars which was a fan daughter becomes the focus of Maha’s Hansika put a lot of effort into this picture – underutilised
favourite of the night. life.When a psychopath begins persistently because she essentially carries the entire such a
stalking little girls in the city, the film quickly film on her shoulders as a grieving mother – talented actor.
Seeing a sea of yellow daisies which paid becomes dark. the film’s viewpoint and terrible storyline All I will
homage to the singer’s country and his Beautiful proved a boring experience for the viewer. say is he
Scars music video, made the welcome of When Maha’s daughter becomes one of performed
Maximillian’s arrival in Malaysia intimate yet the victims, she engages the help of a police Simbhu’s appearance in the film was Maha is an Indian Tamil- admirably in
exhilarating. officer (Srikanth) to save her. The question language thriller drama. – the role that
of who the killer is and why he is committing 0 Director: ETCETERA ENTERTAINMENT was given to
He said: “The wonderful night brought out so his crimes is central to the plot of this film. UR Jameel him. His line
much love and gratitude as I was finally able to delivery and screen presence must be
meet my Malaysian fans in person. Performing for Child abuse is a popular genre in Indian 0 Cast: praised.
them and hearing them sing along to my songs as cinema, and it usually works well with the Hansika In addition, the supporting actors
they waved their flowers at me gave me such a audience. However, Maha did not fare as Motwani, performed well in the film, with Thambi
euphoric feeling.” well, and the film’s approach to this Srikanth, Ramaiah and Karunakaran giving their all.
narrative creates a sense of bitterness. Simbhu Srikanth’s performance as the officer is
Local rising stars, Meer Nash and Athalia, (Cameo)
opened up for the showcase with their hit singles Maha is Hansika’s 50th film, and it was
Saranghae and We Go Up respectively, along with met with high expectations, but it was E-VALUE
additional songs and covers highlighting to the ultimately underwhelming. 4
Danish artist just how passionate Malaysian fans
are. The movie is geared towards a female- ACTING
centric film, and Hansika did an excellent 5
He explained: “Watching from backstage how
the crowd enthusiastically engaged with both Actor Simbu played an PLOT
Meer Nash and Athalia showed me how extended role lasting 4
supportive Malaysians are to their homegrown nearly 40 minutes. –
talent. Their showmanship plus the energy of the ETCETERA
crowd made my first showcase here in Kuala ENTERTAINMENT
Lumpur a memorable one which I hope will be
the start of more opportunities for me to come decent, although his character should have
back and perform.” been better developed. He appears clueless
almost all of the time.
Having overseen the showcase come together, If I had to pick one positive aspect of
Universal Music Malaysia’s managing director, Kim the film, it would be Ghibran’s music,
Lim, shared that having Maximillian as the first which is the sole clue that we are seeing a
international artist showcase meant a promising thriller.
new beginning for the music industry post- It’s definitely a one-time-watch movie
pandemic. for me; it was so difficult to sit through it
the first time that I doubt I’d ever see it
Lim said: “It’s quite a joyful moment to see that again. Unfortunately, even major names
the industry is back to on-ground activation with like Simbhu and Hansika could not save
having true fans make their way to come and the film.
enjoy the music. Seeing Maximillian perform live
is definitely a unique experience versus listening
to him through a streaming platform. The fans’
happy faces and hearing them sing-along to
Beautiful Scars was heart-warming and motivates
us to bring him back again to Malaysia for more
shows really soon.”
MAXIMILLIAN spent the evening entertaining over
500 enthusiastic fans during his recent showcase. –

Podcast series are riding the K-drama trend
THE K-pop craze has spread beyond
music to take over movies, TV shows 19 pandemic, when the shooting of noreabang session – a Korean version Raisa, Park and Min star in the podcast series Love and Noraebang. – AFP
and fashion. Now podcasts are TV shows ground to a halt in of karaoke.
getting in on the act too. At a time Hollywood, forcing productions to beloved TV formats: the K-drama and Ana and Jaesun’s love story,” he
when fictional series in audio format adapt. But everything changes when the telenovela,” Randall Park told continued.
are multiplying, a new podcast-based Jaesun has to go back to South Korea Variety.
series intends to surf the K-drama This new podcast series, called to do his two-year military service. The Love and Noraebang podcast
trend, all while adding a touch of Love and Noraebang, combines all “It was energising to work on a series comprises 10 episodes and is
telenovela to the mix. And it’s a the ingredients that have sealed the The cast includes Francia Raísa, project with such a diverse and available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts
combination that’s been attracting success of Korean culture in previously seen in the spin-off How I creative team. I can’t wait for and Google Podcast now. – ETX
Hollywood stars. mainstream entertainment, where Met Your Father on Disney+, and audiences to hear the city of L.A. tell Studio
it’s currently riding high in movies, Justin H. Min from The Umbrella
Romantic comedies are no longer series and with K-pop bands like BTS. Academy. The pair step into the
just the realm of movies and show’s lead roles as the cross-cultural
streaming platforms. With the To that, the show adds inspiration couple. Actor Randall Park lends his
success of audio formats, both on from telenovelas, the famous Latin voice to the story as its narrator.
social networks and on platforms like American soap operas, often with
Netflix, the entertainment world is cheesy storylines. In addition to its diverse cast,
also embracing audio. Indeed, more reflecting the storyline, the series will
and more series are being launched The new production will tell of the also feature K-pop and Latin music to
in podcast form. This format notably eventful love story between Jaesun, better immerse the audience in its
found its audience during the Covid- the heir to a Korean chaebol, and characters’ cultures.
Ana, an American-Mexican
entrepreneur. Their romance “I am so excited to be a part of
blossoms in Los Angeles during a Love and Noraebang, a show that
blends two of our world’s most


18 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | AUGUST 9, 2022

I█ BY THASHINE SELVAKUMARAN Slow down! Have less stress and more
S IT feasible to never rush, yet success by breaking the
still do all tasks? It appears o Let go of the habit of rushing.
counterintuitive in today’s obsession with
society, where everything is speed, and instead
hurried, where we strive to squeeze slow down, stop
as much into every minute of the day rushing, and enjoy life
as possible, and where if we are not
busy, we feel useless and lazy. Embrace now
At any one time, there are one or
When we are always hurrying, we more things around us that we like,
are unable to appreciate our life whether it’s the types of flowers or
because we are too preoccupied with individuals we meet. Nonetheless, we
moving on to the next thing. Even are frequently overwhelmed by what
though time is still moving, we do not has happened to us, or what has yet
have to live in constant battle with it. to take place. Identify what you like
right now. Allow the revelation to sink
We will be able to enjoy what’s in for a few seconds after identifying
there in front of us more readily if we
make space for what actually matters.
The key to accomplishing this is to
slow down.
Reduce your commitments
I am certain I am not the only one
who has done this. We overcommit
ourselves to accomplishing too
much, and then we punish ourselves
when we come apart and can’t do
everything. It’s time to offer yourself a
break, you’re not a robot. Reduce
your responsibilities and concentrate
on what is truly important. Minimise
your social engagements. By
cramming more into our lives,
we gradually decrease the
quality of each and every

Track your time
Seeing where it, before moving on. As a result,
your time is the feeling of slowing down to
truly going embrace the ‘now’ begins.
is one of the
finest Slowing down is an
strategies to encouragement to attempt living
have more in the now, because living in the
time. There past is painful, and thinking about
have been the future is frightening. We only
several have now. Engaging with these
applications techniques allows us to be whatever
developed in the last we want to be in a more calm,
few years for time serene, and
monitoring, whether joyous way –
for business or personal in a more

usage. It’s a terrific
method to understand
where your time is truly present,
going, in addition to intention-
helping businesses to driven way. As
keep track of their challenging as it Don’t try to rush things that need time to grow. – ALL PIX VIA 123RF
employees’ time. may be, you will
Tracking your time for all discover that it extends should be is pointless when you how your heart is feeling – is it racing
of your chores will allow the time that we might be working at wherever you or beating fast? Give yourself five
you to understand where frequently believe we do are. This may sound unrealistic and minutes to recharge and then get
you’re wasting time and not have. even a bit naive, but if you actually back into the day.
which tasks take up the Quit worrying attempt to believe in these things,
majority of your day. For I mean this in general, but on this your problems will reduce and your You miss out on the adventure
example, you may discover that specific matter, stop worrying about life will be a lot happier. when you rush through your life as it
you spend a significant portion falling behind. Everything you’ve Be mindful is. You miss out on experiencing life
of your day reading and done up to this point is the best you Mindfulness is based on being more in the now. You lose out on life’s most
responding to messages. In any might have done – you will not be you present with your thoughts, feelings important moments. Yes, you are all
case, you will get insights into how to right now if you hadn’t done it. Every and actions. Set some cues for quite busy in your daily life, with little
better manage your time both at work event has taught you something. yourself throughout the day to time to spare.
and in your spare time and avoid Let go of the obsession There is no way to quantify where you practice being present. Every hour on
rushing. with speed, and should be in your life right now. the hour take a moment to pause, But it’s also necessary to make
instead slow down, There is no pressure for what you take some deep belly breaths and priorities in life and to live in the
stop rushing. should have accomplished. breathe out slowly. Get up and walk moment rather than hurrying
Continue living for the purpose of around the room, bring your through it. You may feel compelled to
experience, attempt things because attention to the sounds and what you do a work immediately quickly, even
you want to, put your aspirations first can see around you, bringing your if it means neglecting your family or
– but comparing them to where you awareness back to the present. Notice other critical responsibilities. But was
it really that important? After all,
important memories, not the amount
of activities completed, define life.

Rushing life is a lack of willingness
to be in the present moment.


19theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | AUGUST 9, 2022


ELAINE WONG, an artist and
co-founder of The Hatchery
Place, an in-home
coworking, coliving and co-
learning space, had reached an
epiphany about human connections
during the pandemic.

“During the two years of the
pandemic, I started to realise that I
needed friends that were not online.
Zoom calls and electronic
communications have taken a toll on
me, and I craved physical
connection, even if it’s just from my
immediate neighbourhood,” Wong

“I also realised that we have
started to take online groups like
WhatsApp group chat for granted, a
feeling like we are ‘somewhat
connected’ but in actual fact, the
connection is not real.”

She wanted to rekindle the rukun
tetangga spirit that has long been lost
in modern neighbourhoods, where
we are now only connected through
online group chats or Facebook.

In simpler times, we used to meet
our neighbours in person, eat
together, do gotong-royong, help
each other, and had a common
purpose to look after each other.

She was lamenting this situation
to a friend from Spain, who then
suggested the concept of timebank.

What is a timebank? People helping peopleElaine Wong wanted to rekindle the“rukun tetangga” spirit that has long been lost in modern neighbourhoods through timebank. – ELAINE WONG
A timebank is a reciprocity-based Wong said: “Edgar Cahn, who
skills sharing model in which hours founded timebanking, wrote in his
are the currency, instead of cash. One book No More Throw-Away People
person gives an hour of service or that he was hoping to foster ‘decency,
shares skills to another and in return, caring, and a passion for justice’ with
receives one time credit. o Covid-19 pandemic inspired one artist in Malaysia to start a timebank, this new form of ‘money.’
allowing people to help each other by sharing their skills “That is a huge umbrella, and
The receiver then uses the time under it, many things fit.”
credit to get a service or lesson from She explained that the most
another teacher. common model of timebanking
focuses on neighbours helping
A person with one skill can also who helped who and how. neighbours to assist the most
exchange it for an equal hour of work Often at the gatherings, she would vulnerable and to build a strong
in another skill, instead of paying or hear members saying wonderful sense of community, but in some
receiving cash for their services. things about the person who helped places, people and organisations are
them the previous week. Members approaching timebanking as an
There are four main kinds of would also share their appreciation opportunity to design targeted uses
timebank exchanges: for each others’ work. Friendships to achieve specific goals.
0 One-to-One, which means one were also formed through the Among the services offered
person giving another, for example, meetups. through timebanking are supporting
giving a ride to a doctor. Among the timebanking skills hospital patients as they return to
0 One-To-Many, which means one shared at The Hatchery Place are When a network or circle of members has agreed that they will give and receive regular life at home, helping public
person sharing skills with many meditation, life coaching, walking credits for services from other members, these networks are called “timebanks. – housing residents save money,
people, like when a yoga teacher dogs, de- THIRDSECTOR helping seniors to remain at home as
earns credits teaching four or five When a network or circle of members has agreed that they will give and receive they age, and bringing art and music
members. credits for services from other members, these networks are called ‘timebanks’. – into the community.
0 Many-to-One, where four or more THIRDSECTOR
people take a job, like doing a garden Timebanking helps people
clean-up for senior members, to earn cluttering, intuitive art, self “Perhaps, I will in the future, but in Sharing her own personal
credit sustainable gardening my bi-monthly Time Bank Meetup experience, Wong said asking a friend
0 Many-to-Many, where a lot of mentoring, IT-related help, sessions, I share the process of how I for a favour is burdensome, but with
people earn credits by organising and professional photography, run it and encourage others to start timebank, she found a community
participating in a community pet- translation services, and the movement in their own area if that she could rely on whenever she
parade. others. they don’t live around us (USJ needed help.
Subang Jaya).” “Timebank as a circular gift
The concept of timebank was Administrating timebank “This is to reduce one’s carbon sharing economy, solves the problem
designed by Edgar Cahn and is Wong explained: “Since I footprint or transportation costs if of guilt and obligation when you ask
popular in the USA and United started the initiative, I am they were to carry out their service to others for help,” she said.
Kingdom and in Asian countries like more of an administrator of another,” she added. Timebank helped her when she
Japan and South Korea. the whole timebank was looking for people to assist her
Timebank Meetup structure for now, but maybe I Timebank, a tool for community when she organised events at The
“I searched online to look for one in will pass the baton on to service Hatchery Place.
Malaysia, but could not find any. someone else if it gets too much She elaborated about how timebanks “The community surprised me by
Hence, I started it myself,” for me. are practised in overseas volunteering to help without minding
explained Wong. “I help to create forms, keep track of communities. their time bank hours, due to the
time credits in a shared online She said communities generally friendship we have built over time. I
Wong then organised her spreadsheet, organise get-togethers use timebanks as a tool to forge found the perfect animal lover in the
first timebank meet-up at The with my team members, and stronger intra-community community to help take care of my
Hatchery Place last encourage new friends to join us.” connections, a process known as cat when I was away on vacation.
December. Timebank was designed by Edgar Infact, one of her friend suggested building social capital. Giving and “I realised that unexpected
Cahn and is popular in the USA and receiving are valued as contributing
She realised that United Kingdom and in Asian she spread the initiative to other to the purpose of building stronger friendships and genuine help occur
communities work best communities by being a consultant within the timebank community.
when they gather regularly. countries like Japan and South Korea. – or training the community leaders to ties in the community, unlike in the Sometimes people just give without
Gatherings, she said, are a PINTEREST run it. money economy. calculating time,” she said.
key component when it
comes to community
building because people get
to know each other and
become familiar with others.
“We get to know what
somebody’s passion is, expertise,
skills, drive and motivation,” she

At The Hatchery Place, the
TimeBank Meetup is held every two
months. From the social gatherings,
people can discover who’s
exchanging what in the timebank.
These gatherings are also a place to
celebrate and share. Otherwise, the
community would not know about

EDUCATION entrepreneurship embedded in
ecosystems, research, innovation,
20 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | AUGUST 9, 2022 and technology within the high-
performance culture within the
ORGANIZED by MSU’s university.
School of Hospitality and MSU currently ranks in the Top
Creative Arts (SHCA), MSU 100 among the world’s top young
Fashion Week 2022 also universities, Top 150 among Asia’s
celebrated five years of partnership best universities, Top 30 among
between Management and Science Southeast Asia’s best universities and
University and UEDA College of Top 301+ for Graduate Employability
Fashion, Osaka, Japan. Ranking. Ranked by both QS and
Times Higher Education (THE),
In attendance were the Embassy MSU’s world rankings place it in the
of Japan First Secretary and Director Top 601+ of the world’s best
of Japan Information Service Nagai universities in the QS World
Tomoko, UEDA President Hitoshi University Rankings (WUR) 2023 and
Tajima, Hiroko Tajima, and an Top 401+ in THE University Impact
Embassy of Japan Public Relations Rankings 2022.
Specialist. They were received by In QS WUR by Subject 2022, MSU
MSU President Professor Tan Sri MSU President Professor Tan Sri Dr Dr Mohd Shukri, the Embassy of Japan First Secretary and Director of Japan Information has emerged as Malaysia’s #1 in for
Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid Service Nagai Tomoko and UEDA President Hitoshi Tajima with MSU’s young designer. Subject’s Art and Design category, at
and MSU Vice-Chancellor Professor World Top 151-200 list as well as
Datuk Dr Junainah Abd Hamid. cMeSlUebFraasthiniogndWiveeerksi2t0y22 places at World Top 101-150 and Top 5
among Malaysia’s institutions of
UEDA President Tajima said: higher education offering Hospitality
“Cross-cultural education tends to and Leisure Management
begin with a comparison against programmes.
one’s own culture and ends up with Blending technical vocational
discovering differences. This spirited, education and training (TVET) with
courageous, intelligent action of traditional academic curricula, MSU
embracing other cultures and enhances competencies with industry
customs, reflected in a combo of cool internship, community and creative
smiles and sparkling eyes of its entrepreneurship, as well as global
students, open and friendly, is the Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid exposure; empowering MSU
crown jewel of MSU.” o Management and Science University described the longstanding graduates with the well-roundedness
(MSU) presents its fifth annual Fashion Week collaboration between MSU and desired and sought after by employers.
The UEDA College of Fashion UEDA as a contribution to the MSU prioritises student
president comes to lecture at MSU country’s fashion industry; whilst development to enhance graduate
every now and then as a Visiting raising the presence of both schools employability.
Professor. The teaching methods may as top educational institutions in
differ and cause confusion, he said, Asia, it also further enhances the
but such confusion is the first step to development of fashion education in
success. the region.

“Through classes and lectures Sixty-eight garments from forty
held here and as a learning collections by students of Bachelor in
Fashion Design with Marketing
MSU achievement, MSU students (Hons) and Diploma in Fashion With 98.7% of its graduates
Fashion participate in the UEDA Collection Design sashayed down the runway at successfully securing employment
Week 2022 mainly organised by UEDAs’s MSU Chancellor Hall in Shah Alam within six months of their graduation,
was graduate students every year; we Section 13. leading to MSU’s ranking by the
organised have them take part in the runway Ministry of Higher Education
by MSU’s show and exhibit in the hall together.” As among of top universities in (MOHE) as Malaysia’s #1 for graduate
School of Malaysia and the region, the employability.
Hospitality Exchange students from both University promotes excellence and In all, as an applied, enterprise,
and sides will be able to learn about the advances quality education, with a holistic and international university,
Creative other’s cultures and customs at one culture of industry and MSU offers foundation,
Arts (SHCA). another’s grounds, he continued; to undergraduate, postgraduate and
feel the local fashion climate flexible programmes through an
firsthand, and further refine their entry system that facilitates
own designs. The results will be admission of students from all walks
presented in the UEDA Collection, of life, where it aims to TRANSFORM
and re-expressed at MSU. LIVES and ENRICH FUTURES.

MSU President Professor Tan Sri

21theSUN ON TUESDAY | AUGUST 9, 2022


168 Houses for Sale 322 Notices █ PHIL CASEY ‘It’s life-changing’
Buhai savours dramatic Women’s Open victory
To anyone who SOUTH AFRICA’S Ashleigh Buhai
knows or finds savoured a “life-changing” achievement
someone named after defeating three-time major winner
ARMUGAM A/L Chun In-Gee in a playoff to win
KUINDASAMY the AIG Women’s Open.
aged around With the light fading fast at
93 years old, Muirfield, Buhai tapped in for par
please contact on the fourth extra hole to seal a McCarthy earlier this was tested by the disastrous 15th but she came
Sumathy A/P nerve-wracking victory, having year. back with three pars to set up the playoff.
'28%/( 6725(< Armugam at twice surrendered seemingly “If you told me in “I didn’t panic, which I thought was huge,
7(55$&( +286( ,1 011-61654365 commanding leads with a February that I would be and just tried to make a good swing on the next
.27$ '$0$16$5$ closing 75. sitting here, I would never and just try to make good swings coming in to
“I am so proud of myself, have believed you with the give myself a chance,” she added.
)25 how I dug deep to get into the mental state I was in, to be Chun was magnanimous in defeat.
,00(',$7( 6$/( play-off,” said Buhai, who joins honest,” Buhai told The winner of three majors, including this
compatriots Gary Player reporters. year’s Women’s PGA Championship, said: “I
12 -/1 &(&$:, (1959) and Ernie Els Buhai’s mental never gave up, and gave it may all.”
3 % 6* %8/2+ (2002) in winning a resolve The 27-year-old Korean added: “Ashleigh
31 /27 major title at Muirfield. played a brilliant bunker shot and she

(1 68/$,0$1

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR VOLUNTARY WINDING “It’s so difficult to put deserved it. I am very happy for her.”
UP OF LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP into words right now. It Former champion Hinako Shibuno
(Section 50(4)(a) of the Limited Liability might only hit me in a few finished a shot outside the playoff after a
Partnerships Act 2012) days but obviously I’m very final round of 71, with Ireland’s Leona
proud. Maguire two strokes further back in a tie
Notice is hereby given that Esecure Global Resources “We’re a very small for fourth alongside Madelene Sagstrom
PLT (LLP No. LLP0006352-LGN) will be making country so to be able to and Minjee Lee.
an application to the Registrar of Limited Liability produce quite a few major Maguire, who secured her best finish to
Partnerships for a declaration of dissolution pursuant champions it’s quite date in a major thanks to an eagle and three
to section 50(2) of the Limited Liability Partnerships something, and now for me to birdies in a flawless closing 66, said: “(I’m)
Act 2012 within seven (7) days after the publication of be a female South African really pleased.
this notice. Any partner or creditor of the LLP desiring major winner I’ve got no words “I don’t think I could have played much
to object to the application may do so in writing to the – it’s life-changing.” South Africa’s Ashleigh Buhai watches her better today. Had a few chances coming in,
Companies Commission of Malaysia within thirty (30) drive from the 5th tee during her final would have been nice to hole a couple more
days from the date of this notice. Buhai said she had been putts, but it was tough out there and definitely
unsure if she would ever realise round of the 2022 Women’s British Open my best golf of the week so far.” – The
her potential before seeking the Golf Championship yesterday. – AFPPIX

DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET DI IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT services of British mental coach Duncan Independent/Reuters/AFP
INSIDE EDGE SOUTH KOREAN Kim Joo- Kim secures PGA playoff
DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL IN THE STATE OF SELANGOR DARUL India sweep series hyung fired a stunning 9- berth with Wyndham win
EHSAN, MALAYSIA EHSAN, MALAYSIA under 61 yesterday to win
RAMPANT India toyed with an the Wyndham Korean Im Sung-jae and by the nickname Tom in a
WRIT NO.: BA-A72NCvC-741-06/2022 COMPANIES WINDING-UP outclassed and deflated West Championship, his first US American John Huh. nod to his childhood love of
ANTARA NO: BA-28NCC-428-07/2022 Indies in completing an 88-run PGA Tour title, and secure his Thomas the Tank Engine.
In the Matter of Section 465(1)(e) & 466(1) victory in the final T20 spot in the season-ending “I can’t believe it – I’m
1. HANISAH BINTI ADAM (a) of the Companies Act 2016 International of a five-match series playoffs. speechless right now,” Kim “I can’t believe I won with
(NO. K/P.: 680330-01-6366) at the Broward County Stadium in said, his emotions finally a quadruple bogey on the
And Florida yesterday. Shreyas Iyer’s 64 Kim’s outstanding effort at showing after a round in first hole,” he said with a
2. MOHD RIDZWAN BIN ADA In the Matter of SUSTAIN GEOTECHNICS at the top of the order in a rejigged Sedgefield Country Club, which he looked in supreme laugh. “Hopefully that doesn’t
(NO. K/P.: 660809-05-5035) SDN BHD [Company No.: 200101022991 Indian batting order led his team’s where the 20-year-old played control. happen again.”
…PLAINTIF-PLAINTIF (558749-A)] charge to a total of 188 for seven the first nine holes of the
DAN batting first. The Caribbean players’ final round in 8-under, “I’ve worked really had to Kim had started the final
BETWEEN noted vulnerability to spin was capped a remarkable week get to this point,” he said, his round two shots behind
MOHD SAIFUL NIZAM BIN MOHD NOOR HI-TECH MIX SDN BHD then exposed by the trio of Ravi that opened with his voice cracking. “Just walking leader Im Sung-jae after the
(NO. K/P: 861229-33-5429) [COMPANY NO: 200101002889 Bishnoi, Kuldeep Yadav and Axar quadruple bogey eight at the off that 18th green, just weather-disrupted third
yang berniaga di bawah nama dan gaya (538645-D)] Patel as they crashed to 100 all out first hole on Thursday. thinking about the behind round concluded on Sunday
QTECH STYLE BUILDERS off 15.4 overs to surrender the the scenes work. morning.
[NO. PENDAFTARAN: 202003118404 … PETITIONER series 4-1. Bishnoi led the rout with “It’s definitely a week I’ll
(003114306-X)] AND four for 16 while Yadav and Patel remember forever,” Kim said “It was a hard day. I didn’t Im carded a final-round 68
SUSTAIN GEOTECHNICS SDN BHD claimed three wickets each. It after his 20-under total of know golf was this stressful,” and Huh posted a 67 to share
…DEFENDAN [COMPANY NO.: 200101022991 marks the first occasion in T20 260 gave him a five-stroke added the player who goes second on 265. – AFP
NOTIS PENYAMPAIAN GANTI WRIT (558749-A)] Internationals, since the first was victory over fellow South
SAMAN BERTARIKH 2.6.2022 DAN played in 2005, that all 10 wickets
… RESPONDENT in an innings were taken by Hamilton pleads
PERNYATAAN ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION spinners. “We just weren’t good for more power
TUNTUTAN BERTARIKH 2.6.2022 NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition enough,” said West Indies captain
Kepada:- for the Winding-up of the abovenamed Nicholas Pooran. “India came out
MOHD SAIFUL NIZAM BIN MOHD NOOR Company by the High Court Malaya aggressively but as batters we
57-1, Jalan Seri Putra ¼, Bandar Seri Putra at Shah Alam was on the 27th July didn’t learn. As a batting and
43000, Kajang, Selangor. 2022 presented to the said Court by bowling team we have a lot to do.”
A-6-22, Pangsapuri Sri Tanjung USJ 16/7 200101002889 (538645-D)], a company Raza stars for Zimbabwe
Bandar Sunway, 47500, Subang Jaya, incorporated in Malaysia under the
Selangor. Companies Act 2016 and having its SIKANDAR RAZA scored an LEWIS HAMILTON has said Mercedes “can’t and then we got to the first test and we were like
AMBIL PERHATIAN bahawa suatu address for service at Lot 1560, Kampung unbeaten 117 as Zimbabwe staged forever rely” on hardiness being their biggest ‘woah’.
Writ Saman bertarikh 2.6.2022 dan Stesen, Sungai Choh, 48000 Rawang, a great run chase for the second strength as part of a plea to improve
Pernyataan Tuntutan bertarikh 2.6.2022 Selangor Darul Ehsan and that the said time in three days to beat performance. “As a team we’ve gone through a similar
(selepas ini akan dirujuk secara kolektif Petition is directed to be heard before Bangladesh by five wickets process of trying to strip away some things,
sebagai “Dokumen-Dokumen tersebut”) the Court sitting at Shah Alam on the yesterday and take a winning 2-0 The Silver Arrows are not quite in Formula 1’s rebuild, regroup and manoeuvre this car into a
telah difailkan terhadap kamu dalam 18th October 2022 at 9.00 a.m. in the lead in a three-match one-day title fight this season, but they’ve been consistent better place and we’ve had some really nice
Mahkamah ini oleh Plaintif-Plaintif yang morning and any Creditor or Contributory international series. The Pakistan- in finishing races and recorded just one consistency in these last few races which has
dinamakan di atas. Mahkamah ini telah of the said Company desirous to support born batsman hit four sixes and retirement from 26 combined race starts thus far. been great.
memerintahkan bahawa Dokumen- or oppose the making of an Order on the eight fours off 127 deliveries and
Dokumen tersebut disampaikan kepada said Petition may appear at the time of his 201-run fifth-wicket partnership George Russell was involved in an early crash “We’re still lacking performance which is the
kamu secara penyampaian ganti iaitu hearing by himself or his Counsel for the with captain Regis Chakabva at the British Grand Prix, while teammate difficult thing because I think there’s potential in
dengan mengiklankan sekali suatu notis purpose and a copy of the Petition will be turned the tide after Bangladesh Hamilton has finished all 13 races on the calendar this car but we’ve had to depower it to stop it
perintah di dalam akhbar harian tempatan furnished to any Creditor or Contributory posted 290-9 in Harare. Chakabva to date. from bouncing but we’ve had really good
“The Sun”, menampalkan sesalinan of the said Company requiring the same played a wonderful supporting role reliability.
Dokumen-Dokumen tersebut di papan notis by the undersigned on payment of the to Raza, who has been consistently That being said, results have been sub-par
Mahkamah Shah Alam dan menampalkan regulated charge for the same. outstanding for his adopted after Mercedes experienced setbacks adjusting to “We can’t forever rely on reliability being the
Dokumen-Dokumen tersebut di premis The Petitioner’s address is at Lot 1560, country, smashing 102 runs off 75 the new F1 regulations. thing that keeps us on the podium so we really
alamat terakhir yang diketahui iaitu di 57- Kampung Stesen, Sungai Choh, 48000 balls, including two sixes and 10 need performance.”
1, Jalan Seri Putra ¼, Bandar Seri Putra Rawang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. fours. Zimbabwe reached 291-5 Almost all manufacturers have endured
, 43000, Kajang, Selangor dan A-6-22, The Petitioner’s Solicitors are Messrs with 15 balls to spare after the early difficulties with ground effect and “porpoising” It’s perhaps too late to revive a title fight given
Pangsapuri Sri Tanjung USJ 16/7, Bandar Aaron KC Ng & Partners, A-3-02, Kelana loss of wickets and a slow scoring this season, but Mercedes’ struggles have been fourth-placed Russell is already 100 points off
Sunway, 47500, Subang Jaya, Selangor Square, No. 17, Jalan SS7/26, Kelana rate suggested they had little among the worst. leader Max Verstappen. Hamilton, meanwhile, is
dan bahawa cara penyampaian secara Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor chance of success at Harare Sports another 12 points off the leading pace in sixth.
penampalan dan pengiklanan seperti Darul Ehsan. Club. “We put up a decent total but Red Bull and Ferrari have looked streaks ahead
yang dinyatakan di atas dianggap sebagai Dated the 1st day of August 2022 we did not execute our bowling of their other “Big Three” rival at times, leading But the Silver Arrows are enjoying a purple
penyampaian yang sah dan sempurna well,” said Bangladesh skipper Hamilton to suggest it’s the engineers’ jobs to patch at present, with Hamilton in particular
bagi Dokumen-Dokumen tersebut terhadap ...............t.t............... Tamim Iqbal said. “All credit must turn the tide. improving after five straight podium finishes.
kamu dalam tempoh penamatan Tujuh Solicitors for the Petitioner go to Zimbabwe. They were the
(7) hari dari tarikh penampalan atau Note - any person who intends to appear better team in this series.” “It’s been a really challenging year,“ the 37- The seven-time world champion grew so
pengiklanan tersebut. on the hearing of the said Petition year-old told ViaPlay. accustomed to Mercedes leading the pack
Selanjutnya ambil perhatian bahawa Writ must serve on or send by post to the performance-wise, but F1’s current structure
Saman bertarikh 2.6.2022 dan Pernyataan abovenamed Messrs Aaron KC Ng & “I would say similar to the year we had in 2009 firmly favours their opponents for the time being.
Tuntutan bertarikh 2.6.2022 akan didengar Partners, notice in writing of his intention with the car that we arrived in the factory in – Express Newspapers
di Mahkamah Majistret Sivil 4 di Shah Alam, to do so. The notice must state the name February and they said the car was looking good
Kompleks Mahkamah SSAAS, Persiaran and address of the person, or, in a firm,
Pegawai, Seksyen 5, 40000, Shah Alam, the name and address of the firm and
Selangor pada 16.8.2022 pada pukul 9.00 must be signed by the person or firm
pagi melalui e-Review dihadapan Puan of his or their solicitor (if any) and must
Majistret, Puan Fatina Amyra binti Abdul be served or if posted, must be sent
Jalil di mana kamu atau wakil kamu mesti by post in sufficient time to reach the
hadir, dan jika kamu telah gagal untuk hadir, abovenamed not later that 12.00 o’clock
maka Mahkamah boleh memberikan suatu in the forenoon of the 17th October 2022.
Penghakiman Ingkar terhadap kamu. This Advertisement of Petition is filed by
Messrs Aaron KC Ng & Partners, Solicitors
Bertarikh pada 9 Ogos 2022 for the Petitioner herein and whose
t.t. address for service is A-3-02, Kelana
Square, No. 17, Jalan SS7/26, Kelana
…………………………………… Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Mohd Erman bin Che Mat Darul Ehsan.
Penolong Pendaftar No. Tel: 03-7880 2388/ 7880 2389/
Mahkamah Rendah 7625 2388
Di Shah Alam. No. Faks: 03-7625 5388
[Ref: AKC/HT-SGSB/10745/2020(AL)]
NOTIS ini disediakan oleh Tetuan Fawwaz
& Co, Peguamcara Plaintif-Plaintif yang
beralamat untuk penyampaian di E-B3-05,
Block E, Neo Damansara, Jalan PJU 8/1,
Damansara Perdana, 47820 Petaling Jaya,
E-mel : [email protected]
[Ruj Kami.: FWZ/CVL/Ridzwan/137/02/2022/



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THE NEW 2022/23 Premier League season
kicked off on Saturday morning and now Tale of two Manchesters
every club has faced that first hurdle, with Haaland shines, Ronaldo distraction top highlights of opening EPL week
some sides faring rather better than others
over the weekend. prospect City hoped he would be. Midfield questions at Liverpool things to come, but Antonio Conte’s Tottenham
were impressive in beating them 4-1 on Saturday.
Manchester United again suffered defeat to Ronaldo issue remains a distraction Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp has been
Brighton in what was Erik ten Hag’s first game in adamant he does not need any further midfield Their movement looked good and the new
charge, while Liverpool surprisingly dropped New manager Erik ten Hag knew he had work recruits but Saturday’s draw at Fulham may signings that played fitted in well. With goals from
points at newly promoted Fulham. to do to lift Manchester United after their sorry have given him cause to rethink. Harry Kane not even needed on this occasion,
2021-22 season, and their problems were Spurs fans can feel happy.
But for reigning champions Manchester City it underlined starkly as they were beaten by The loss of Thiago Alcantara to injury was
was straight back to business with a brace from Brighton in their opener. Players under- undoubtedly a blow to the Reds. Curtis Jones Newcastle have reason for optimism
new signing Erling Haaland. performed and the system deployed by Ten Hag and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain are already
looked unfamiliar to them. sidelined and, although Naby Keita should It has been a long time since Newcastle
Here’s a look at some things we learned from soon return from illness, options would be supporters have been able to look forward to a
the opening weekend of the Premier League The Dutchman’s rebuilding job is clearly going limited. season with genuine optimism, but there is every
season. to take time and, as he himself admitted, there reason to this term.
could be little of that. On top of that, Jordan Henderson and
Haaland did not need time after all Fabinho were below par, leading to suggestions They will obviously face far tougher sides than
With that in mind, he really needs the a fresh injection of energy might be needed. promoted Nottingham Forest but there was
While few doubted that Erling Haaland would uncertainty over Cristiano Ronaldo’s position to enough liveliness and creativity in their victory on
score plenty of goals for Manchester City, there be resolved. Recurring speculation throughout the Spurs hype seems justified Saturday to suggest long, painful seasons in the
was a feeling after the Community Shield – when remaining weeks of the summer transfer window bottom half could be a thing of the past.
he failed to find the net and missed a gilt-edged would be unsettling at a time he needs to establish One convincing victory over a ragged
chance – he could take time to settle. stability. Southampton may hardly be an indicator of great The Independent

All that now seems to have been emphatically
swept away after his double in City’s 2-0 win at
West Ham.

He confidently struck the opener from the
penalty spot and clinically tucked home his
second. He looked every inch the fearsome

TRAMLINES Malaysia’s Ng Tze Yong Silver lining for
makes a returns against peddlers Javen
Kyrgios wins first title India’s Lakshya Sen and Karen
in three years (unseen) in their men’s
singles gold medal NATIONAL table tennis mixed doubles pair Javen
WIMBLEDON runner-up Nick Kyrgios match on Day 11 of the Choong-Karen Lyne’s hopes of winning the gold
won his seventh ATP title and first in Commonwealth medal were dashed when they fell at the final
three years by defeating Japan’s Games at the NEC hurdle of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth
Yoshihito Nishioka in yesterday’s men’s Arena in Birmingham. – Games yesterday.
final at the ATP and WTA Washington AFPPIX
Open. The 27-year-old Australian The Malaysian lost 3-1 to India’s Sharath Kamal
downed 96th-ranked left-hander Tze Yong goes Achanta-Sreeja Akula at the National Exhibition
Nishioka 6-4, 6-3 for his first ATP title down fighting Centre. Javen-Karen went down 4-11, 11-9, 5-11,
since capturing the 2019 Washington 6-11.
crown. “It’s just very emotional for me NATIONAL singles ace Games mixed team event last Despite the loss, the
to see where I was at last year to now. shuttler, Ng Tze Yong missed week, Tze Yong had beaten debutant Tze Yong, who was Although they have to be contented with silver,
It’s just an incredible transformation,” out on an opportunity to Sen’s teammate Srikanth roped in at the eleventh hour the national mixed doubles pair can still stand tall
Kyrgios said. “I’ve been in some really defend Malaysia’s gold medal Kidambi 21-19, 8-21, 21-16 in to replace Lee Zii Jia following because Malaysian paddlers have never won any
dark places.”World No. 63 Kyrgios fired in the Birmingham 2022 rubber sets to put Malaysia on the latter’s withdrawal from medals in mixed doubles at the Commonwealth
12 aces and 32 winners against four Commonwealth Games, after the path to winning the gold the Games, deserved a pat on Games.
double faults and 20 unforced errors he succumbed to India’s No. 1 medal. his back following his sizzling
while taking 22 of 25 first-serve points Lakhsya Sen, yesterday in a As Tze Yong trailed 14-19, performance in England. – Singapore’s Clarence Chew Zhe Yu-Zeng Jian
to defeat Nishioka in 81 minutes. “I match that went the distance. the game was delayed for Bernama took bronze after defeating Australia’s Nicholas
came out with great energy,” Kyrgios about a minute when Lum-Jee Minhyung 11-8, 11-6, 7-11, 14-12.
added. “I knew I had experience on my Tze Yong got off to a flying the Malaysian suffered a
side. I’m really happy with myself.” start, by producing a near- slight injury on his knee MEDAL TALLY (DAY 11) The unseeded Malaysian pair had earlier caused
perfect performance in the a sensation en route to qualifying for the final.
… as Samsonova captures opening game, courtesy of a and was forced to seek Birmingham 2022
WTA Washington solid defence and quick medical help outside the They first stunned top seeds Sathiyan
offensive display, to edge court. Commonwealth Games Gnanasekaran-Manika Batra of India in the
LIUDMILA SAMSONOVA won her Lakhsya, 21-19. A highly spirited Tze quarterfinals before ousting third seeds Clarence-
second career WTA title yesterday, Yong tried to recover but Zeng Jian in yesterday’s semifinals.
beating Estonia’s Kaia Kanepi 4-6, 6-3, However, a series of he only managed to pick Gold Silver Bronze
6-3 in yesterday’s women’s final at the unforced errors by Tze Yong up two points after the Karen told reporters that she did not expect to
ATP and WTA Washington Open. World proved costly as Lakhsya game resumed while Australia 66 57 54 bag two silver medals at Birmingham 2022, having
No. 60 Samsonova fired 10 aces and clearly dominated the second Lakhsya held his nerve to England 56 61 53 won her first in the women’s team event.
connected on 81.4% of her first-serve game, winning 21-9, to force win 21-16 and wrest the Canada 26 32 34
points to capture the crown after the match into a decider. India 20 15 22 “My achievement in winning two silver medals
taking her only prior tour trophy at last (here) is like a dream. We had a tough time
year’s German Open on Berlin grass. With the tie now 1-1 and gold medal from Malaysia. New Zealand 19 12 17 preparing for the Games but our success here
The 23-year-o3ld Russian had a six- the stage all set for Tze Yong Datuk Lee Chong Wei Scotland 13 11 27 proves that it’s all been worthwhile,” she said.
week layoff before Washington after to prove why he is known as a had clinched the gold at
being among Russian and Belarus “rubber set king” in the the 2018 Gold Coast Nigeria 12 9 14 Javen, meanwhile, said the national table tennis
players not allowed to play at Games, Tze Yong failed to rise edition hosted by Australia Wales 8 6 14 team’s achievement at Birmingham 2022 would
Wimbledon due to the invasion of to the occasion in the while India’s Parupalli S. Africa 7 9 11 open the eyes of various parties to the fact that the
Ukraine. Kanepi, 37, was foiled in her deciding game. Kashyap had won in N. Ireland 7 7 4 sport has the capability to go even further on the
bid to end a nine-year WTA title international stage.
drought. She had not won a tour In the Commonwealth Glasgow 2014. MALAYSIA 6 8 8
crown since the 2013 Brussels Open. “Previously, no one gave table tennis a second
Samsonova dispatched three of the look because we did not achieve much but now,
top six seeds, ousting reigning US with our latest achievement, more parties will want
Open champion Emma Raducanu and to support the sport,” he said.
fifth seed Elise Mertens before
eliminating sixth seed Kanepi. Meanwhile in badminton, top national men’s
doubles shuttlers Aaron Chia-Soh Wooi Yik made
... and Kasatkina beats amends for their semifinal exit by making sure
Rogers in San Jose they clinched the bronze medal with a 21-19, 11-
21, 21-11 win over compatriots Chan Peng Soon-
DARIA KASATKINA rallied to beat Tan Kian Meng.
Shelby Rogers in three sets yesterday,
capturing her fifth WTA title at the It wasn’t all smooth sailing for Aaron-Wooi Yik,
hardcourt tournament in San Jose, who lost to England’s Ben Lane-Sean Vendy 21-
California. Kasatkina, ranked 12th in 18, 17-21, 4-21 in the semifinals, in the bronze
the world and seeded seventh, medal match against Peng Soon-Kian Meng.
triumphed 6-7 (2-7), 6-1, 6-2 as she
went one better than her runner-up Aaron-Wooi Yik won a tight first game 21-19
finish to Danielle Collins in San Jose but their game fell apart and they lost the second
last year, lifting her first WTA trophy game 11-21 to Peng Soon-Kian Meng.
since St. Petersburg last year. The
victory will move the 25-year-old back World No. 6 Aaron-Wooi Yik, however, regained
into the top 10 in the tennis world their composure in the decider to earn their first
rankings. individual medal in the Commonwealth Games
with a 21-11 win, after helping Malaysia bag the
mixed team gold by beating India 3-1 on Tuesday.

Despite the defeat, Kian Meng at least has the
consolation of having won bronze in mixed
doubles earlier when he combined with Lai Pei
Jing to defeat Scotland’s Adam Hall-Julie
Macpherson 21-15, 21-17. – Bernama

ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE: Leicester 2 (Castagne
33, Dewsbury-Hall 46) Brentford 2 (Toney 62, Dasilva ‘We need to score goals’
86), Manchester United 1 (Mac Allister 68-og) Azpilicueta identifies key problem Chelsea must overcome
Brighton 2 (Gross 30, 39), West Ham 0 Manchester
City 2 (Haaland 36-pen, 65). █ CARL MARKHAM It is not a long-term solution for not to concede anything. Lately, Goodison Park was far from a
BUNDESLIGA: VfB Stuttgart 1 RB Leipzig 1, FC manager Thomas Tuchel and they the last couple of games in the flowing, confident performance
Cologne 3 Schalke 04 1. CHELSEA captain Cesar were indebted to Jorginho’s late Premier League, we didn’t score but after a summer of changes on
French Ligue 1: Toulouse 1 Nice 1, Lens 3 Brest 2, Azpilicueta admits they first-half penalty for the victory. enough and with a half-chance we and off the field – a new ownership
Angers 0 Nantes 0, Montpellier 3 Troyes 2, Lille 4 have to address their concede. taking over, significant moves in
Auxerre 1, Rennes 0 Lorient 1, Marseille 4 Reims 1. goalscoring issues or face “You know, every team wants and out of the squad and a
another season of frustration. to score a lot of goals and not “So that’s our problem, and disjointed pre-season – Chilwell
SIDENETTING concede. It’s true that maybe at the that’s why we finished third with accepts it will take some time for
Lewa on target for Barca The return of Romelu Lukaku top it is obvious for the last few 20 or more points behind things to gel.
to Inter Milan on loan after a years we were a bit far,” said Manchester City.”
BARCELONA’S Poland striker Robert Lewandowski disappointing campaign leading Azpilicueta. “We’ve got a lot to work on and
scored his first goal for the club in a friendly debut the line and the inconsistent form Defender Ben Chilwell admits improve on but the main thing was
at the Nou Camp, helping the La Liga side thrash of Timo Werner meant new “You know it is five seasons the team remains a work in the three points and we got them,
Mexico’s Pumas UNAM 6-0 in the final of their signing Raheem Sterling started as since the last time we won the progress but opening up with a so we’re happy,” he told
annual pre-season tournament yesterday. centre-forward in the 1-0 win at Premier League. We need to score win was all that was required from
Lewandowski, who had failed to score in any of Everton. goals if we want to win anything. their first match of the new season.
Barca’s friendlies on their US tour, opened the “We’re a team in transition and
scoring in the third minute of the Joan Gamper “We need to score goals and Their first victory in five visits to we’re still trying to work together.
Trophy match after he converted Pedri’s pass with Everton’s Anthony We’ve got new players that have
a brilliant finish from a tight angle. Barca’s new Gordon (right) in been integrated in and a new
signing then returned the favour as he set up the action with ownership, so we’re still working
19-year-old midfielder to score two minutes later. Chelsea’s Cesar hard and basically we’re just
Lewandowski handed Pedri another assist for the Azpilicueta during taking every game as it comes.”
Spain international to make it 4-0 in the 19th the English
minute after forward Ousmane Dembele scored Premier League Chilwell’s start at Goodison
their third of the night. Striker Pierre-Emerick match on Sunday. Park was his first significant
Aubameyang and midfielder Frenkie de Jong got –REUTERPIX appearance – aside from a brief
on the scoresheet in the second half. “I am happy cameo on the final day of the
to (have) played the first game at Nou Camp and season – since late November after
… to win the trophy,” Lewandowski said in a video a serious knee injury and he won
on Barca’s social media account, holding his Man of the spot-kick which produced the
the Match award. winning goal.

‘De Jong hopes to stay at Barca’ He played just over an hour
before being replaced, while new
BARCELONA midfielder Frenkie de Jong sees his big-money signing Marc Cucurella
future at the La Liga side despite exit reports and came off the bench for the final 15
the club want him to remain at the Nou Camp, minutes to remind Chilwell he will
president Joan Laporta said yesterday. The Dutch have competition for his place.
international has been linked with a Premier
League move in the current transfer window, with “We’re at Chelsea so there’s
British media reporting that Manchester United going to be a lot of good players,”
were willing to pay €70m (RM378m) for the 25- he added.
year-old. “He is a Barca player of great quality and
we want him to stay,” Laporta told reporters. “With “Competition for places is
him and his team mates, we have a very strong going to be fierce and obviously
midfield. He has offers but we want him to stay we’re going to push each other the
and he wants to stay too.” Laporta said he expected same as everyone else in the team.
more transfers in and out of the club before the
market closes on Aug. 31, with Chelsea defender “I’m feeling good and ready.
Marcos Alonso strongly linked to the 26-time Obviously it’s my first game in the
Spanish champions. Premier League for a long time so
I’m very happy to be back, it’s the
Marseille win season opener best feeling in the world.

MARSEILLE started their Ligue 1 campaign “I’ve been out for a long time,
yesterday by defeating Reims 4-1 in Igor Tudor’s so to come back into the Premier
first match as coach. After a troubled summer League and have an impact
during which Jorge Sampaoli walked out over his winning a penalty for the team to
unhappiness at the club’s transfer approach, it was get the win was a really nice
a welcome win for Tudor following a turbulent pre- feeling.” – The Independent
season. “I’m clearly very happy, it’s a clear and
deserved victory,” said Tudor. The former Croatia Thomas gets Frank about Dasilva’s equaliser
international was jeered by home fans ahead of
kickoff, but an own goal by Wout Faes and debut █ MARK WALKER because every point in the Premier League Kiernan Dewsbury-Hall.
goals for Nuno Tavares and Luis Suarez lifted spirits BRENTFORD boss Thomas Frank admitted you have to fight so hard for. Ivan Toney sparked Brentford’s unlikely
at the Velodrome. Folarin Balogun, like Tavares an his emotions ran high after Josh Dasilva’s late
Arsenal loanee, replied late on for Reims before equaliser clinched his side a 2-2 draw in their “But after the game in the dressing room I fightback by reducing the deficit in the 62nd
Suarez grabbed his second of the evening. “The Premier League opener at Leicester. thought about Josh and I wanted to say minute before Dasilva’s stunning 86th-
whistles towards me? I was inside, I didn’t hear some nice words to him. minute thunderbolt.
them,” said Tudor. “The supporters are always right. Dasilva stepped off the bench to rifle a
We play for them and they do what they want. spectacular finish into the top corner and “It was emotional because he’s been out Frank added: “Such a big credit to the
Football doesn’t exist without them.” complete Brentford’s fightback after they had for 18 months, he’s a player and a person I’ve players’ mentality. This group of players, just
trailed 2-0. worked with for four years. He’s a fantastic wow!
Leipzig slip up in Bundesliga person.
Frank said it was a landmark moment for “A lot of teams would have broken down
RB LEIPZIG dropped points at the start of their the Bees midfielder, who returned to action “Seeing him coming back to the level we and not got back into the game, but we were
Bundesliga season, drawing 1-1 at VfB Stuttgart in February having been sidelined for 18 know, producing that top moment which running so hard.
yesterday despite taking the lead and missing a months due to a career-threatening hip also gave us a point, was very emotional and
bagful of chances in the second half. Leipzig, who problem followed by a hamstring injury. I’m very pleased for him.” “I think we looked fit. We were on top at
last week lost 5-3 to Bayern Munich in the German the end of the game and then of course
Super Cup, got off to a flying start with 2021/22 Frank said: “When he first scored I’m just The Foxes largely dominated at the King there’s a fairytale story for Josh Dasilva, being
Bundesliga player of the season Christopher very happy of course for the equaliser Power Stadium and were cruising at 2-0 with out for 18 months.
Nkunku slotting home to give them the lead in the less than half an hour left thanks to goals in
eighth minute. They gradually eased off and either half from Thomas Castagne and “So pleased with a lot of things, but a lot
Stuttgart found space to attack, with Naouirou of things to work on.” – The Independent
Ahamada’s strike from the edge of the box
levelling the scores in the 31st minute with the Rodgers stays cool after late Bees’ sting
France youth international’s first career goal.
Leipzig, who finished fourth last season and won LEICESTER CITY manager Brendan Rodgers “Huge credit to the players because we’ve think you saw that for large parts of the
the German Cup, pushed forward after the break was in a philosophical mood after seeing his worked on something for five weeks in pre- game.”
but were left wondering how they failed to score in side throw away a two-goal lead to draw season, then in the last (pre-season) game
a one-sided second half. with Brentford at the King Power Stadium. with injuries, we had to change the structure, Rodgers, without injured pair Harvey
and we played it really well.” Barnes and Ricardo Pereira – was
Youri Tielemans struck a post with a disappointed with how his team conceded
swerving first-half effort and Wesley Fofana The way Leicester gave up the 2-0 lead both goals.
also hit the woodwork in the second period. will only increase calls for Rodgers, who has
been linked with a loan move for Chelsea “The first just comes from a lack of
Rodgers is the only Premier League boss winger Callum Hudson-Odoi, to strengthen concentration in our organisation from a
who has not strengthened his squad this his squad before the Sept. 1 deadline. throw-in and they scored from a space that
summer, but was delighted with his side’s hadn’t been there before.
performance. “Obviously you want to strengthen the
squad and add depth and quality,” Rodgers “At 2-1, it changes the momentum and
“For 60-65 minutes we were excellent in told BBC Sport afterwards. they can throw everything at it. We need to
the game, in total control of it, played really be better with the ball in that moment and
well, our pressing was good, our football was “But on the other side of that you can still control the game much better than we did.” –
terrific,” Rodgers said. have cohesion within your performance and I The Independent/Agencies


You know, every team wants to score a
lot of goals and not concede. It’s true
that maybe at the top it is obvious for the last few
years we were a bit far. You know it is five seasons
since the last time we won the Premier League. We
need to score goals if we want to win anything.”

Chelsea captain Cesar Azpilicueta

Ten Hag slams Devils after toothless display against Seagulls

MANCHESTER UNITED’S new era begins Brighton’s Solly March easy. We gave two easy balls away and it
much like the last ended. (left) fights for the ball was not good in the organisation.
with Manchester
Erik ten Hag’s first competitive game in United’s Fred during the “It is clear to see the second half we were
charge will be recorded as a defeat to English Premier League better in midfield with Eriksen down and
Brighton and Hove Albion and will be match at Old Trafford on Ronaldo up. We created and Rashford had
remembered as even more deflating than Sunday. – AFPPIX two good chances, it is a shame we did not
the 4-0 reverse at the Amex in the score.
penultimate game of last season: not just
because this time it came at Old Trafford but “I am not satisfied, totally not. We lost
because it punctures any sense of early and it was not necessary. We should do
optimism built by this latest cultural reset. better.

United’s aspirations of a top-four finish “We made mistakes on the ball and
and a swift return to the Champions League organisation mistakes in defending. We
under their new manager were made to have to take the lessons and learn quickly
look remote by Pascal Gross’s first-half from it.
double, which earned Brighton’s first-ever
win at this ground. It was deserved. “Brighton are a decent team, all the
compliments, but I look to my team and we
Bar a spell of pressure leading up to should not give two easy goals away.”
Alexis Mac Allister’s own goal, United offered
precious little evidence of having made When quizzed on the club potentially
progress over the summer. needing more signings, he added: “We
could do better with the players we had.”
Like the last Dutchman to take the reins
during the post-Sir Alex Ferguson era, Ten United skipper Harry Maguire also
Hag begins with a 2-1 home defeat. And just addressed the defeat, and insisting the Red
like Louis van Gaal, he will do things his way, Devils must stop conceding first in order to
according to his philosophy. improve.

Here, that involved naming wantaway “We went into to the game positive but
Cristiano Ronaldo on the substitutes bench it’s the worst possible start, a bad start,” he
after his lack of minutes in pre-season, said.
despite a dearth of options up front.
“The first goal knocked us back very
For all the issues he may cause, United badly and stopped playing. We have to be
looked no better without him in an better on the ball and 2-0 down at halftime
experimental starting line-up. was a nightmare start.

Christian Eriksen debuted in the false “We didn’t create enough to get the
nine role but was ineffective. Lisandro equaliser and have to improve on that. It is
Martinez, his fellow new arrival, did not something we need to address (conceding
disgrace himself, nor did he markedly first). We have to learn from that.
improve a defence that was at sixes and
sevens on both of Gross’s goals. “Me and Licha (Lisandro Martinez) have
not played much together and were not on
United gave the impression of a team the same wavelength at times. I am sure we
that needs a lot more time on the training will get better and keep clean sheets.”
ground, adapting to their manager’s ideas.
United legend Roy Keane was critical
Patience is needed but there are rarely after the game, ripping into both Scott
huge reserves of it at Old Trafford, who McTominay and Fred for their performances.
booed the players off at full time.
“The decision-making and the football
“Of course definitely a setback and real intelligence, in particular from Fred – and
disappointment, Ten Hag said after the I’ve said it for a long time – Fred and
defeat. McTominay not good enough,” he said.

“I knew from the start it would not be “They won’t get Man United back
competing at the top.” – The
Independent/Express Newspapers

‘It’s life-changing’ -p21 Tale of two Manchesters -p22 ‘We need to score goals’ -p23

Garland for Haaland
Pep says City’s latest acquisition has silenced doubters after debut double

MANCHESTER CITY boss Pep when he was gifted the chance to get off the debut hattrick, having managed that feat twice “Today, the two goals, they were balls in front
Guardiola believes Erling Haaland mark. before, but Guardiola took him off with 15 of the centre of defence and we had the feeling
has already silenced the doubters minutes remaining. we could find him more.
after his debut double sank West Alphonse Areola had only been in the West
Ham 2-0. Ham goal for a couple of minutes after coming “I was fortunate as a manager to be with “In the past we didn’t have a reference like
on as a substitute for the injured Lukasz Lionel Messi and if he scored two, he wanted him and now have to do it again but at the same
Haaland had faced some criticism for his Fabianski when he brought the Norway three, if he scored three he wanted four and if he time, the guys have to put the ball there,
underwhelming performance in the international down. got four he wanted five,” said Guardiola. especially in transitions.”
Community Shield defeat by Liverpool last
weekend. There was only one player who was going to “The top goalscorers, the strikers, they are West Ham did look there for the taking.
take the penalty, and Haaland expertly sent never satisfied. They are always hungry, starving, Despite a summer of rebuilding they somehow
But the £51 million (RM275m) striker Areola the wrong way with a low spot-kick which they always want more and more. contrived to start the season with only one
announced his arrival in the Premier League in clipped a post on its way in. centre-half available.
style with a goal in each half, a penalty followed “But at the same time, I have to involve the
by a neat finish, to open his City account. “The way he took the ball to take the penalty, new players and make sure everyone gets the “It was really difficult,” said manager David
I said, ‘oh, I like it,’” added Guardiola. minutes.” Moyes, who revealed that defender Issa Diop
“One week ago he could not adapt to the had not made himself available to play.
Premier League. Now he’s alongside Thierry “I think if someone were to take this ball, he Many believe the defending champions have
Henry, Alan Shearer and Cristiano Ronaldo,” would have punched his teammates in the face. strengthened even further by acquiring the “They played really well. We found it very
said a smiling Guardiola. I’m pretty sure of that, and that is a good sign. impressive No. 9, but Guardiola acknowledged hard today. It was really difficult tactically to deal
Haaland will not be the answer on all occasions. with. We couldn’t get near them today.
“He’s a guy with incredible talent, a scorer of “You’ve got to be self-confident, ambitious
goals. I’ve known him for a month. I know how and have a ruthless mentality. And of course, he “Erling scoring the two goals, it’s important “From our point of view we were resilient, we
he handled criticism this week and he was calm, scored it.” for him and the team and for us, and it’s another hung in there and stuck at it.
he trained really well. We will see when he is weapon we have now,” he said.
complimented how he reacts.” Haaland put the game to bed with 25 minutes “But today the talk should be about
remaining when he raced on to Kevin De “But at the same time, he’s not going to solve Manchester City. They played very well.
Haaland had already glanced a header wide Bruyne’s through-ball and slotted it past Areola. all our problems, he’s going to add something to Hopefully we can do better in the weeks and
us as a team. That’s what we are looking for. months to come.” – The Independent/Agencies
The 22-year-old probably fancied another

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