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Penang Free School magazine 2018

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Published by The Old Frees' Association, 2023-09-29 03:49:15

Magazine 2018

Penang Free School magazine 2018

Keywords: PFS,OFA


the school blazonry The school motto is “fortis atque fidelis” (pronounced for’tiz ud’kway fi’deliz) which means strong and faithful. The school colour is sky blue (azure) and the armorial bearings consisting of a white tower, a palm tree, and a lion are set on azure in the school blazon. A description of the arms of the Free School; azure, in the middle, a white tower (middle chief) between the gold numerals eighteen (dexter chief) and sixteen (sinister chief); in sinister base a gold lion rampant supporting a flag; in dexter base a palm tree proper. The white tower signifies qualities of strength and truthfulness; 1816 is the year Free School was founded; the lion signifies the preservation of the tradition and high ideals of the school; and the palm tree represents the state of Penang as well as the fertility of the mind. the blazonry of theflag Per pale embattled, sinister azure; in dexter argent a lion rampant with numerals 18 and 16 on either side. The lion and the numerals are in azure. Towards the end of the last decade, a variation of the School Flag appeared with only the areas in argent (silver or white) replaced with navy blue. NOTE: All the symbols used are the armorial bearings of the arms of the Penang Free School. THE MAGAZINE OF THE PENANG FREE SCHOOL 2018 VOLUME 14 NO. 1 IS PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE PRINCIPAL, MR. OMAR BIN ABD. RASHID PENANG FREE SCHOOL, JALAN MASJID NEGERI, 11600 PENANG TEL: 04-2815814 FAX: 04-2817737

1 PENANG FREE SCHOOL 2018 VOL. XIV NO. I the magazine of The


3 EDITOR’S NOTE Dear Reader, This year, 2018 marks the 109th anniversary of the production of the Magazine of Penang Free School. Initially conceived in March 1909, the magazine was a brainchild of Sir Cheeseman as a concomitant of his convictions regarding the importance of documenting the annals of the school. The school magazine was the first of its kind in Malaya and has lived up to the name of a magazine that is written and edited by the pupils themselves under the guidance of teachers as advisors. With the school’s great age comes great responsibility and I humbly admit it has been an uphill battle this year for my committee members and yours truly. Nevertheless, our assiduousness proved to be fruitful as what had merely existed as a figment of our imagination had been conjured into the craft that you are holding today. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our “indefatigable” chief advisor, Mr.Goh for steering us through the path of this bumpy roller coaster ride. Over the years in Penang Free School, the Grand Old Lady has moulded me to become who I am today. I am indeed thankful and indebted to the school for giving me this opportunity to pursue my passion. Having had the opportunity to inscribe the illustrious history of the Grand Old Lady and being a part of the long line of guardians and preservers of the heritage, history and traditions of the school is indeed a great honour. The experiences that I had gained and the challenges that I had overcome is truly an eyeopener for me. Indeed, this knowledge and turning point, I know, will last a lifetime. It is my utmost desire that the present Frees will take delight and reflect with pride as they journey with me through these pages and discover how privileged we all are to be educated in an institution that has a rich heritage. And now, with great pleasure and honour, I present to you, the popular, scintillating with school-boyish wit and much awaited magazine of Penang Free School , Volume 14, Number 1. Fortis Atque Fidelis. Gautham. S Editor-in-chief

4 EDITORIAL (L-R): Desmond Lim Yang Zhang, Harish Ramachandra, Farhan Ali, Luvinassh s/o Sundra Sekaran, Lenges Chandran, Raul Ram Devan, Innesh Singh Dhillon, Noah Chan Borg, Muhammad Hasef b. Ameer Sajahan, Gautham s/o Suthakar, Benedict Stephen, Lekharaaj anak R Gaijandren, Ooi Kok Liang, Lim Cal Vin, Soo Anne, Jonathan Joseph, Pradeep Jain, Ewe Dylan, Nicolas Cheah Kye Jun Absentees: Avineszh s/o Vishwa Naidu, Krisada Ooi Shen Yang, Sharran Raaj s/o Ganesan, Wong Wei Liang EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Gautham A/L Suthakar Editor Muhammad Hasef Bin Ameer Sajahan Design Chief Noah Borg Bin Hasnan Chan Business Manager Benedict Stephen Secretary

5 BOARD TEACHER ADVISORS Pn. Suriya Kumari En. Ong Beng Soon En. Zulfakhry bin Zulkifli En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, BCN Pengetua Cik Chong Soo Kein Pn. V. Retnamala Pn. Saadiah binti Jaafar En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail PK. Ko En. Ooi Hooi Seng Pn. Lim Poey Heang Pn. Ruby Mangalam Janet En. Goh Seng Kar Chief Advisor En. Leonard Selva En. Tan Swee Guan Pn. Saw Eng Wah Pn. Mani Mahgali En. Yap Gark Soo En. Lim Weng Seong

6 MESSAGES Menteri Pendidikan Malaysia Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Selamat Sejahtera. Sekalung tahniah saya hadiahkan buat Sidang Redaksi Majalah atas kejayaan menerbitkan majalah sekolah bagi tahun 2018. Bagi pihak Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, segala jerit payah dan sumbangan dalam penerbitan majalah merupakan usaha yang dihargai kerana ia satu usaha murni dalam merakamkan sejarah bangsa dari segenap sudut. Pihak Kementerian mengambil pelbagai inisiatif ke arah melahirkan generasi yang cemerlang dan terdidik bagi menjana rakyat dan masyarakat yang memiliki minda kelas pertsma. Sebarang usaha penambahbaikan secara konsisiten dan istiqamah diperlukan bagi memastikan mutu pendidikan negara kita setanding dengan pendidikan di negara-negara maju. Penerapan nilai dan akhlak merupakan tunjang kepada kemenjadian pembentukan diri seseorang murid secara holistik selaras Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan. Pelajar seharusnya dilengkapi ilmu dan akhlak untuk menjadi warga yang dapat memberikan sumbangan yang bermakna kepada agama, bangsa dan tanah air. Ilmu semata-mata tanpa di hiasi dengan akhlak mulia dan karakter yang dinamik tidak cukup untuk menjadikan seseorang itu berjaya dan berguna kepada masyarakat. Perpaduan adalah teras kepada pembentukan negara dan telah menjadi agenda pendidikan sejak Penyata Razak 1956 lagi. la bertujuan untuk merapatkan jurang antara kaum demi memupuk perpaduan nasional melalui penggunaan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan, bahasa perpaduan, dan bahasa pengantar di sekolah. Walau bagaimanapun, penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris tidak kurang juga pentingnya kerana ia memperlihatkan kematangan pemikiran pelajar dalam menerima ilmu sekali gus menempatkan warga Malaysia mampu bersaing di peringkat global. Dalam pelaksanaan pelbagai aktiviti integrasi melalui program penerbitan majalah sekolah ini, Kementerian berharap usaha ini telah dapat mencapai matlamatnya iaitu untuk melahirkan generasi Malaysia yang mempunyai identiti nasional yang kukuh serta dapat menerima, menghormati dan menghayati keunikan kepelbagaian kaum negara ini. Saya berharap agar suasana pembelajaran dan pengajaran di sekolah akan dipenuhi dengan budaya kasih sayang, kegembiraan dan saling hormat menghormati. Akhir kata, tahniah dan syabas diucapkan kepada Sidang Redaksi serta semua pihak yang telah berusaha gigih bagi merealisasikan penerbitan majalah sekolah ini. Selamat Maju Jaya. “PENDIDIKAN ADALAH KEGEMBIRAAN, KASIH SAYANG DAN SALING HORMAT-MENGHORMATI” DR. MASZLEE BIN MALIK Menteri Pendidikan Malaysia

7 MESSAGES Ketua Pengarah Pendidikan Malaysia Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera dan Salam Negaraku Malaysia. Ucapan terima kasih kepada warga sekolah kerana sudi memberi ruang kepada saya untuk menyampaikan sepatah dua kata dalam majalah sekolah bagi tahun 2018. Ucapan tahniah dan syabas buat warga sekolah khususnya sidang redaksi majalah yang telah berjaya menerbitkan majalah sekolah 2018. Juga ucapan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung dan tidak langsung bagi menyempurnakan penerbitan majalah sekolah ini. Saya yakin majalah sekolah ini dapat memperlihatkan solidarity komitmen, usaha, dan kegigihan dalam meneruskan legasi kegemilangan sekolah. Semoga majalah sekolah ini dijadikan sebagai panduan bagi meningkatkan semangat cinta terhadap sekolah serta meneruskan budaya penyayang dalam kalangan warga sekolah. Akhir kata, saya menyeru kepada semua warga sekolah untuk sama-sama menggembeling tenaga dengan penuh iltizam ke arah mempertingkatkan penguasaan ilmu demi kejayaan dan kegemilangan agama, bangsa dan negara. Saya berharap usaha mumi ini dapat memenuhi visi pendidikan dan aspirasi murid untuk keperluan negara pada masa hadapan. Selamat Maju Jaya. DATUK DR. AMIN BIN SENIN Ketua Pengarah Pendidikan Malaysia

8 MESSAGES Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera. Saya ingin merakamkan ucapan tahniah kepada Sidang Redaksi Penang Free School kerana sekali lagi telah berjaya menghasilkan majalah sekolah yang sememangnya sudah menjadi sebahagian daripada tradisi dan sejarah agung Penang Free School. Berikutan perkembangan era globalisasi yang semakin kompetitif, negara kita harus melahirkan generasi pelajar yang berupaya menangkis segala cabaran yang bakal dihadapi. Setiap pelajar haruslah dibekalkan dengan pelbagai ilmu dan kemahiran yang akan meningkatkan potensinya serta membimbingnya ke arah kejayaan. Bagi menyokong usaha yang murni ini, pihak Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia akan terus berusaha untuk mewujudkan suasana pendidikan yang kondusif dan positif, sama ada dalam bidang kurikulum mahupun kokurikulum untuk para pelajar. Perkara ini membolehkan fikiran dan pandangan pelajarpelajar berkembang, dan seterusnya akan menyumbang kepada pemanifestasian insan-insan kamil yang kreatif, inovatif dan progresif. Para pelajar sendiri juga perlu menyedari arus perubahan yang sedang melanda dunia pada zaman ledakan maklumat ini lalu melengkapkan diri dengan pengetahuan dan kemahiran baru. Saya sentiasa menggalakkan pelajar-pelajar untuk menceburi bidang-bidang seperti bidang robotik, komputer, muzik dan kesenian melalui kegiatan kokurikulum di sekolah. Akhir kata, saya menyeru kepada seluruh warga Malaysia agar menyokong usaha kerajaan unutk melahirkan rakyat Malaysia yang berilmu pengetahuan, berketerampilan, berakhlak mulia, bertanggungjawab dan berkeupayaan mencapai kesejahteraan diri serta memberi sumbangan terhadap keharmonian dan kemakmuran keluarga, masyarakat dan negara. Selamat Maju Jaya. Pengarah Bahagian Pengurusan Sekolah Berasrama Penuh & Sekolah Kecemerlangan AIDIE BIN JANTAN Pengarah Bahagian Pengurusan SBP dan Sekolah Kecemerlangan

9 MESSAGES Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera. Sekalung tahniah dan terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua warga sekolah dan sidang redaksi majalah sekolah atas usaha dan komitmen yang diberikan dalam penghasilan majalah sekolah Penang Free School 2018. Majalah sekolah ialah naskhah yang memaparkan kegiatan pendidikan dan pencapaian pembelajaran yang terkini. Bagi warga sekolah, butiran dan gambar yang dimuatkan bakal menjadi kenangan indah zaman persekolahan. Memang benar bahawa media sosial maya mengakibatkan naskhah bercetak semakin terpinggir, tetapi sebagai dokumentasi yang bersifat rasmi, majalah sekolah akan terus relevan sampai bila-bila. Menelusuri era globalisasi yang serba kompetitif ini banyak kemahiran yang perlu dikuasai oleh warga pendidik. Setiap warga pendidik seharusnya komited meneruskan legasi Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) untuk menjadikan pendidikan Negeri Pulau Pinang bertaraf dunia. Transformasi pendidikan ini bermatlamat melengkapkan setiap murid di negara kita dengan segala kemahiran yang diperlukan oleh mereka untuk menangani cabaran abad ke-21. Kebolehan serta dedikasi barisan pentadbir dan para pendidik menterjemah agenda pendidikan negara menerusi proses pengajaran-pembelajaran dalam bilik darjah dan penglibatan warga sekolah dalam pelbagai aktiviti luar bilik darjah adalah faktor penting untuk menentukan kejayaan pencapaian agenda pendidikan tersebut. Walaupun usaha murni ini bukanlah sesuatu perkara yang mudah, saya percaya dengan kerjasama semua warga sekolah, ibu bapa, dan komuniti sekitar, kita akan mampu mengharungi segala cabaran yang sedia menanti dengan tabah dan penuh bersemangat. Sesungguhnya perjuangan yang dibina atas kejituan semangat dan keazaman yang tinggi akan memastikan pencapaian misi dan visi kita. Akhir kata, saya ingin mengajak semua warga sekolah ini untuk sama-sama berganding bahu dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan. Semoga segala usaha dan perit jerih kita semua pada hari ini akan membuahkan hasil yang akan melakarkan landskap dunia pendidikan yang lebih gemilang. Sekian, terima kasih. Pengarah Pendidikan Pulau Pinang TN. MOHD JAMIL BIN MOHAMED Pengarah Pendidikan Pulau Pinang

10 MESSAGES Sebelum meneruskan bicara, ingin saya mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada semua yang terlibat dalam menjayakan dan menerbitkan majalah sekolah pada kali ini. Terima kasih juga kerana memberikan kesempatan untuk saya melakarkan kata alu-aluan. Tahniah diucapkan kepada semua ahli sidang redaksi majalah sekolah Penang Free School 2018. Kejayaan ini merupakan kesinambungan tradisi yang berlangsung selama ini dan memberikan pengertian yang besar kerana menerusi majalah ini, kita dapat merakamkan peristiwa suka duka dan pahit manis yang mewarnai pengalaman kita. Dalam menghadapi era globalisasi yang mencabar ini, murid-murid perlu berusaha lebih gigih untuk melengkapkan diri dengan pelbagai ilmu pengetahuan. Oleh itu, saya menyeru agar para pelajar sentiasa berusaha memperbaik pencapaian diri dan berpegang teguh pada perjanjian yang ditandatangani. Kegigihan serta ketabahan pelajar mampu membentuk modal insan yang mempunyai minda kelas pertama. Selain itu, permuafakatan antara ibu bapa dan guru merupakan tunjang penting bagi melahirkan kejayaan anak-anak.Kejayaan dan komitmen yang jitu ini akan mampu membuahkan hasil yang optimum dalam pembentukan kejayaan anak-anak sama ada dalam kurikulum mahupun kokurikulum. Akhir kata, saya berharap agar semua warga Penang Free School terus melipatgandakan usaha untuk meraih kejayaan dalam semua bidang. Saya merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada semua yang terlibat secara langsung bagi menjayakan penerbitan majalah sekolah Penang Free School 2018. Sekian, terima kasih. “Selamat maju jaya” PIBG Chairman LIM CHONG HUAT Yang DiPertua PIBG Penang Free School

11 MESSAGES Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dan salam sejahtera. Terlebih dahulu tahniah diucapkan kepada sidang redaksi majalah Penang Free School atas kejayaan menerbitkan majalah sekolah tahun 2018 ini. Terima kasih kerana memberi kesempatan untuk saya mencoretkan sepatah dua kata dalam majalah ini. Sesungguhnya majalah sekolah merupakan satu dokumentasi dan rekod perjalanan aktiviti-aktiviti sekolah sepanjang tahun dalam semua bidang sama ada kurikulum atau kokurikulum. Selain itu, majalah sekolah juga merupakan salah satu lapangan atau landasan untuk para pelajar memaparkan idea-idea yang bernas dan menarik. Melalui majalah sekolah ini, perkembangan serta kecemerlangan sekolah dapat dipaparkan dari semasa ke semasa dan kejayaan menerbitkan majalah sekolah adalah manifesto kepada usaha gigih dan kerjasama berpasukan yang mantap. Kecemerlangan yang telah dicapai oleh Penang Free School dalam semua aspek perlu diteruskan dan ditingkatkan agar visi yang dijana oleh pihak sekolah direalisasikan. Visi ini akan terlaksana apabila adanya usaha yang gigih dalam kalangan warga sekolah. Saya melahirkan rasa bangga dengan pencapaian sekolah setakat ini dan berharap agar sekolah ini akan terus cemerlang pada masa akan datang. Akhir kata, saya berharap warga Penang Free School akan terus berjuang bersungguhsungguh untuk melahirkan pelajar yang berpendidikan, kukuh jati diri, berakhlak tinggi dan bersemangat kental demi memastikan Penang Free School sentiasa berada di hadapan dan pada tahap yang cemerlang selaras dengan slogan sekolah: “a school for Scholars, Sportsmen and Gentlemen”. “Fortis Atque Fidelis” Headmaster’s Message OMAR BIN ABD. RASHID, BCN Pengetua Penang Free School

12 ADVERTISEMENT No. 41, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah 10050 Pulau Pinang Malaysia The Old Frees' Association With Best Compliments From Tel: 604-2269290 Fax: 604-2277952 Email: [email protected] Website:


14 ADMINISTRATION Board of Governors | 2018 Dato’ Haji Abdul Rafique B. Abdul Karim Chairman Encik Omar B. Abd. Rashid, BCN Secretary Dato’ Kamil Noor Ariff B. Kamil Mushir Ariff Dato’ Kamil Khalid Ariff B. Kamil Mushir Ariff Dato’ Anwarrudin B. Ahamad Osman Dato’ Syed Mohd Aidid B. Syed Murtaza Tan Sri Dato Sri (Dr) Haji Mohd Khamil B. Jamil Dato’ Mohd Mahyidin Mustakim Dato’ Dr. Zahari B. Noor Encik Lim Chong Huat ADMINISTRATION


16 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT Seated (L-R): Pn. Saw Eng Wah, Pn. Ratnavalli a/p Sanmugam, Cik Noor Aini bt Ahmad, Pn. Noor Ashikin binti Abd Nasir, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Rahamatullah bin Sulaiman, Pn. Ruby Mangalam Janet a/p David Solomon, En. Ooi Eng Lye, En. Muhammad Hanif Abdul Majid Standing, 1st Row (L-R): Pn. Kanmani a/p Silvaraja, Pn. Suriya Kumari a/p S. Perabala Chandradass, Pn. Norazmila binti Kordi, Pn. Nor Diyana binti Hussain, Pn. Siti Arfah binti Haron, Pn. Suriati binti Abdullah, Cik Low Kheow Yu, Cik Cheong Lai Fong, Pn. Syukriyah binti Md Noor, Pn. Wahidha Rani bt Jamiyathulla Khan, Pn. Wan Norashikin binti Wan Hussin, Pn. Retnamala a/p Venugopal, Pn. Noorafiza binti Abdul Rahim, Pn. Syakirah binti Mat Zaki, Cik Mariani binti Ismail Standing, 2nd Row (L-R): En. Ong Beng Soon, En. Goh Seng Kar, En. Mohd Khushairi bin Zainuddin, En. Tan Swee Guan, En. Cheng Chee Choong, En. Zairul Nizam bin Chik, En. Mohd Hazman bin Ghazali, En. Mohd Nuhairi bin Abd Rahman (L-R): En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Rahamatullah bin Sulaiman EXECUTIVE COUNCIL

17 ADMINISTRATION Seated (L-R): Pn. Mani Mahgali a/p Narayanasamy, Pn. Lim Poey Heang, En. Lim Weng Seong, En. Rahamatullah bin Sulaiman, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, Cik Vijaya a/p Arjunan, En. Syahrul bin Ghazali, En. Ch’ng Yeang Soon, En. Aminuddin bin Mohd Noor Standing, 1st Row (L-R): Pn. Siti Noorsha binti A.Naina Mohamed, Pn. Ruzaina binti Abdull Jabbar, Pn. Siti Shakila binti Suhaimi, Pn. Lim Li Yeong, Pn. Nor’ain binti Musa, Cik Ling Jia Yi, Cik Chong Soo Kein, Cik Nur Aniza binti Abdul Horim Standing, 2nd Row (L-R): En. Izwanuddin bin Yahaya, En. Mohd Fairosnizam bin Abdul Halim, En. Mohamad Zaidi bin Abd Rahim, En. Nasaruddin B Ishak, En. Muhammad Hasbullah bin Daud, En. Mohd Nuhairi bin Abd Rahman, En. Abdul Salam bin Abdul Rahim, En. Aminuddin bin Mohd Noor, En. Ahmad Zambri bin Said TECHNICAL AND VOCational DEPARTMENT Seated (L-R): En. Teoh Song Koon, Pn. Poomani a/p Kalamagham, Pn. Linda Toh, Cik Lee Lay Fen, En. Rahamatullah bin Sulaiman, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, Pn. Juma’iyah binti Salleh, Cik Ranjitham a/p Jayakumar, Pn. Melati binti Ahmad, Pn. Norrizawati bt Ramli Standing, 1st Row (L-R): En. Kamar Zaman bin Idris, Cik Siti Rahimah binti Jusop, Pn. Nafaifzai binti Mohamed Hashim, Pn. Nurul Farhana binti Ab Aziz, Pn. Wan Hanun Akmal binti Wan Abdul Aziz, Pn. Soon Suat Duan, Cik Kamaria binti Kasim, Cik Nur Aniza binti Abdul Horim, En. Mohd Fairosnizam bin Abdul Halim Standing, 2nd Row (L-R): En. Abdul Salam bin Abdul Rahim, En. Lim Weng Seong, En. Nasaruddin B Ishak, En. Lim Ah Seng, En. Nasrullah bin Rosdi, En. Mohd Rizdwan bin Mohd Noor, En. Mohamed Khalid B Shahul Hameed SCIENCE ANd mathematics DEPARTMENT

18 ADMINISTRATION HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT GURU TINGKATAN 6 Seated (L-R): En. Lim Weng Seong, Pn. Poomani a/p Kalamagham, Pn. Saadiah bt Jaafar, Pn. Ruby Mangalam Janet a/p David Solomon, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Rahamatullah bin Sulaiman, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, Pn. Lim Poey Heang, Pn. Norazmila binti Kordi, Pn. Saw Eng Wah, En. Ooi Eng Lye, En. Teoh Song Koon Standing, 1st Row (L-R): Pn. Noorafiza binti Abdul Rahim, Cik Chong Soo Kein, Pn. Kanmani a/p Silvaraja, Pn. Suriya Kumari a/p S. Perabala Chandradass, Pn. Mani Mahgali a/p Narayanasamy, Pn. Nor’ain binti Musa, Pn. Lim Li Yeong, Pn. Soon Suat Duan, Pn. Retnamala a/p Venugopal, Pn. Nafaifzai binti Mohamed Hashim Standing, 2nd Row (L-R): En. Ooi Hooi Seng, En. Ong Beng Soon, En. Goh Seng Kar, En. Tan Swee Guan, En. Abdul Salam bin Abdul Rahim, En. Muhammad Hanif Abdul Majid Seated (L-R): En. Md Nazwan bin Musa, En. Husni Zaim bin Md Isa, En. Leonard Selva a/l Gurunathan, Pn. Hasniyah binti Abu Bakar, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Rahamatullah bin Sulaiman, Pn. Wahieda binti Mat, Cik Ng Jick Lim, En. Ooi Eng Lye, En. Khairul Amali bin Zakaria Standing, 1st Row (L-R): Pn. Wan Norashikin binti Wan Hussin, Pn. Saadiah bt Jaafar, Pn. Syukriyah binti Md Noor, Pn. Afifah binti Deres, Pn. Ruby Mangalam Janet a/p David Solomon, Cik Thoh Hui Chin, Pn. Rasyidah binti Khazali, Pn. Syakirah binti Mat Zaki, Pn. Sharmiza binti Said Standing, 2nd Row (L-R): En. Mohd Hermy bin Abd Rahman, En. Mohd Fikri bin Yusof, En. Muhammad Azmi Hamdan bin Muhamad Nor, En. Azizi bin Shaari, En. Azhar bin Abdul Rahman, En. Zairul Nizam bin Chik, En. Mohd Rizdwan bin Mohd Noor, En. Ammar Hazim bin Abdul Halim, En. R.Sivajothi a/l V.Ramasamy

19 ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL OF CLUBS AND SOCIETIES COUNCIL OF SPORTS AND GAMES Seated (L-R): Pn. Kanmani a/p Silvaraja, En. Nasrullah bin Rosdi, En. R.Sivajothi a/l V.Ramasamy, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Rahamatullah bin Sulaiman, En. Nasaruddin B Ishak, En. Ooi Eng Lye Standing, 1st Row (L-R): En. Lim Weng Seong, En. Mohd Hazman bin Ghazali, En. Azhar bin Abdul Rahman, Pn. Ratnavalli a/p Sanmugam, Pn. Saw Eng Wah, Cik Chong Soo Kein, Pn. Nafaifzai binti Mohamed Hashim, Cik Nur Aniza binti Abdul Horim, En. Cheng Chee Choong, En. Zairul Nizam bin Chik, En. Md Nazwan bin Musa, En. Mohd Fairosnizam bin Abdul Halim Standing, 2nd Row (L-R): En. Mohd Hermy bin Abd Rahman, En. Teoh Song Koon, En. Azizi bin Shaari, En. Mohd Rizdwan bin Mohd Noor, En. Izwanuddin bin Yahaya Seated (L-R): Pn. Sharmiza binti Said, Pn. Saadiah bt Jaafar, Cik Cheong Lai Fong, En. Lim Weng Seong, En. Tan Swee Guan, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Rahamatullah bin Sulaiman, En. Muhammad Hanif Abdul Majid, Pn. Poomani a/p Kalamagham, Pn. Lim Poey Heang, Pn. Mani Mahgali a/p Narayanasamy Standing, 1st Row (L-R): Cik Siti Rahimah binti Jusop, Cik Ng Jick Lim, Pn. Linda Toh, Cik Noor Aini bt Ahmad, Pn. Suriya Kumari a/p S. Perabala Chandradass, Pn. Nor Diyana binti Hussain, Pn. Suriati binti Abdullah, Cik Chong Soo Kein, Cik Low Kheow Yu, Cik Ling Jia Yi, Pn. Hasniyah binti Abu Bakar, Pn. Wan Hanun Akmal binti Wan Abdul Aziz, Pn. Nor’ain binti Musa, Pn. Ruzaina binti Abdull Jabbar, Pn. Lim Li Yeong, Cik Ranjitham a/p Jayakumar, Pn. Siti Arfah binti Haron, Pn. Nafaifzai binti Mohamed Hashim, Pn. Noorafiza binti Abdul Rahim Standing, 2nd Row (L-R): En. Ooi Hooi Seng, En. Ahmad Izzat bin Mohamad Nazif, En. Muhammad Hasbullah bin Daud, En. Ammar Hazim bin Abdul Halim, En. Zul Fakhry bin Zulkifli

20 ADMINISTRATION Seated (L-R): En. Hasrizal bin Hashim, En. Mohd Khairul Nadzmi B. Md Khairuddin, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Rahamatullah bin Sulaiman, Pn. Sarifatul Aini binti Zainuddin, Pn. Syarum Bariah binti Musa Standing (L-R): En. Muhammad Asyraf Atif bin Mohd Ariff, Pn. Safura binti Salim, Cik Nur Syifaa Hanis binti Ghazali, Cik/Pn. Nur Hazwani binti Rosli, En. Mohamad Alif Abdah bin Ibrahim Seated (L-R): En. Leonard Selva a/l Gurunathan, En. Lim Ah Seng, En. Lim Weng Seong, En. Ong Beng Soon, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Rahamatullah bin Sulaiman, Pn. Ruby Mangalam Janet a/p David Solomon, En. Ooi Eng Lye, En. Mohd Khushairi bin Zainuddin Standing (L-R): En. Husni Zaim bin Md Isa, En. Ammar Hazim bin Abdul Halim, En. Mohd Fikri bin Yusof, Pn. Siti Noorsha binti A.Naina Mohamed, Pn. Soon Suat Duan, Pn. Wan Hanun Akmal binti Wan Abdul Aziz, Cik Lee Lay Fen, Pn. Kanmani a/p Silvaraja, Pn. Wahieda binti Mat, En. Aminuddin bin Mohd Noor, En. Muhammad Hasbullah bin Daud, En. Ooi Hooi Seng, NON-ACADEMIC STAFF COUNCIL OF UNIFORMED BODIES

21 ADMINISTRATION Seated (L-R): En. Ahmad Izzat bin Mohamad Nazif, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Ho Nean Chan, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Zul Fakhry bin Zulkifli, Seated (L-R): En. Zul Fakhry bin Zulkifli, En. R.Sivajothi a/l V.Ramasamy, En. Mohamed Khalid B Shahul Hameed, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Rahamatullah bin Sulaiman, Pn. Kanmani a/p Silvaraja, En. Muhammad Hanif Abdul Majid Standing (L-R): Pn. Wan Hanun Akmal binti Wan Abdul Aziz, En. Azizi bin Shaari, En. Azhar bin Abdul Rahman, En. Mohd Hazman bin Ghazali, En. Ahmad Izzat bin Mohamad Nazif, Cik Mariani binti Ismail UNIT BIMBINGAN DAN KAUNSELING DISCIPLINARY BOARD

22 ADMINISTRATION Seated (L-R): Dhirren a/l Rajarathinam, Satish a/l Prakasham, Krishan a/l Renganathan, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Mohamed Khalid B Shahul Hameed, Rowhanraj a/l Rajendran, Tang Yong Jun, Derric Kuan Zhen Jie Standing, 1st Row (L-R): Devandran Thavaselvam, Tay Wei Hanh, Mahendran Thilagamany, Douglas Chee Jenn Yang, Teh Wei Yao, Sivaguru Ruttira Kumaran, Wong Wei Liang, John Kavinraj Philip, Arvinth Kumareson, Lim Hui Zern, Ooi Kai Yang Standing, 2nd Row (L-R): Ganesvaran Kaneasan, Suriyavarman Vijayarajah, Ranjev Pillai, Karthiggeyen Gunashelan Absentees: Muhd Umar bin Abdul Rahman (HAP) BOARD OF ASSISTANT PREFECTS Seated (L-R): Sukerit Kaur a/p Sukhindarpal Singh, Inesh Singh Dhillon, Krishan a/l Renganathan, En. Syed Sultan bin Shaik Oothuman, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Mohamed Khalid B Shahul Hameed, Rowhanraj a/l Rajendran, Yoveenraj a/l Ravichandran, Mythili a/p Ravi Chandran Standing (L-R): James Lim Wei Ming, Sarween a/l Alages, Salendren Visvanathan, Satish a/l Prakasham, Jonathan Joseph, Sanjhiiv a/l Kirubanandan, Muvintdra a/l Parthiban BOARD OF PREFECTS

23 ADMINISTRATION Seated (L-R): Pn. Wan Norashikin binti Wan Hussin, Pn. Siti Shakila binti Suhaimi, Cik Cheong Lai Fong, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, En. Lim Chong Huat, Dr. Sreedharan a/l Muniandy, Pn. Azura bt. Razali, Pn. Norazilah bt. Zakaria Standing (L-R): Cik Mariani binti Ismail, En. Lau Tat Seng, En. Ahmad Azhari b. Hamzah, En. Ng Chin Kean, Cik Low Kheow Yu PIBG Seated (L-R): Samini Retnam, Nur Rapheqah Radzwin, Qurrat-Ul-Ain, En. Abdul Samad bin Ismail, En. Omar bin Abd. Rashid, Pn. Norazmila binti Kordi, Loo Fien Nee, Muhd Syazwan, Mohd Nufail Altaf Standing (L-R): Siti Zulaika, Muhd Ammar, Muhd Hanif, Venissa Marie BOARD OF CO-CURRICULAR PREFECTS


25 SCHOOL LOG SEMESTER 2 - (2017) 9 Sept - Hari Ko-Kurikulum 3 Oct - The Grand-Old Lady celebrates its 201st Anniversary 16 - 20 Oct - Happy Deepavali 25 Oct - 3 Nov - All the best to all F1, F2 and F3 in your End-Year Examinations 25 Nov - The year-end holidays have finally arrived. Happy Holidays! 25 Dec - Merry Christmas, Ho! Ho! Ho! 30 Dec - Welcome F1’s to your new school What? They want me to have a counter in every Hi! ... staffroom! STPM? Lambat lagi! Let me you show how it's done. I can't see you, you can't see me. Friendly and sturdy. Security is my priority.

26 SCHOOL LOG SEMESTER 1 - 2018 1 Jan - Happy New Year fellow Frees! 2 Jan - School reopens...Time to work hard again! 13 Jan - Roadshow and Recruitment Drive was held for the Form 1 students to choose their co-curricular activities 31 Jan - First National Holiday and also an auspicious day to all my Indian friends HAPPY THAIPUSAM 15 - 19 Feb - Gong Xi Fai Chai, Ang Pow Lai Lai! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR and HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2 Mac - Sore legs, tired bodies. It means that the Cross-Country Run has just finished 7 - 8 Mac - Sukantara 10 Mac - All the best to the MUET March session candidates 17 - 25 Mac - Semester break. Time to sit back and relax 14 Apr - Time to show who the Champion is because it's the PFS Annual Sports Day 18 May - 4 Jun - It's D-Day for some because it's the Mid-Year Examination 9 - 24 June - Time to rest after weeks of examinations and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my Muslim friends

27 SCHOOL LOG They see me rollin'... See the tractor there? That's the perfect girl for me. Stressing over all these marks Look at this chick. It's finger clicking good. Me listening to Bob Marley... GUCCI gang Precision is everything. When the teacher says, "Be quiet!"

28 SCHOOL LOG SEMESTER 2 - 2018 29 - 30 June - PFS Bi-annual play hosted by th MAD entitled “Your Midsummer Nights Dreams” When you think of curry... Ho is life! Hah! I saw what you did there. If you have everything under control, you're not going fast enough. Love without borders. That's how we do it here. That's what she said.


30 OLD FREES OLD FREES’ ASSOCIATION When The Old Frees’ Association was founded in 1923, one of the very first events organised was a football match between the OFA and PFS (which incidentally, ended in a 2-2 draw). It is a testament to our enduring ties that the annual football match continues to this day, along with a host of other games such as hockey, cricket, tennis, table tennis and badminton played at the Annual OFA-PFS Games. The Annual Games fulfil the primary objective of the OFA, which is to keep Old Frees in touch with the school and promote educational, sporting and other activities between former and present pupils. There would be no OFA without the Grand Old Lady, and we Old Frees are eternally grateful to our beloved alma mater for having moulded us into who we are today. The OFA encourages pupils of Penang Free School to join as junior members and acquaint themselves with our older members. There is a wealth of experience, collective wisdom and interesting stories that we Old Frees look forward to sharing with the current generation. The opportunity to interact with prominent Old Frees is just one of the advantages of being an OFA member. When you step into any of our two clubhouses at Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah or Bay Avenue, a host of activities await you: from catching the latest Netflix show in the home theatre; bending it like Beckham on the PS4, serving like Serena on our tennis courts, or singing like Shakira at the karaoke lounge. We also have two well-equipped gyms where athletes and sportsmen may engage in strength training to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. A great school never rests on its laurels. The Penang Free School has always taken pride in churning out students with character through an all-rounded and inclusive education. It is heartening to see not only improvements in the academic performances, but also in the school’s forging of new ground when it emerged as the national schools champion in the new sport of floorball, in the arts with the successful staging of then centenary play, “Your Midsummer Night’s Dream”, and in STEM with the setting up of a Maker Lab for budding young creators and inventors. It is the wish of every Old Free that the school continues this striving for excellence while upholding its proud traditions. Lastly, on behalf of the members of The Old Frees’ Association, I offer my heartiest congratulations to the Editorial Board for yet another outstanding school magazine. Fortis Atque Fidelis. Lee Eu Beng President 2018/19 The Old Frees’ Association President’s Message The Old Frees’ Association

31 OLD FREES OLD FREES’ ASSOCIATION Seated (L-R): Mr. Andrew Lim Chong Huat, Mr. Lee Eu Beng, Mr. Alex Tan Hee Aik Standing (L-R): Mr. Loh Kok Chung, Mr. James Liaw Keng Siong, Mr. Enrique Tan Kim Hock, Mr. Raman a/l R.M. Athappan, Mr. Henry Ooi Wah Teng, Mr. David Wong Eng Boo, Mr. Ezuan bin Ghazali, Mr. Hasnaidi bin Hamidon, Mr. Logan Lee Chong Yew President: Mr. Lee Eu Beng Vice President (House M. Ahmad Shah): Mr. Andrew Lim Chong Huat Vice President (House M. Bay Avenue): Mr. Alex Tan Hee Aik Honorary Secretary: Mr. Henry Ooi Wah Teng Honorary Treasurer: Mr. Raman a/l R.M. Athappan Indoor Games Chairman: Mr. Hasnaidi bin Hamidon Sports Chairman: Mr. Logan Lee Chong Yew Communications Chairman: Mr. Loh Kok Chung Social Activities Chairman: Mr. James Liaw Keng Siong Lib, Archives & Ses-Q Edu Fund Chairman: Mr. Ezuan bin Ghazali Membership, HR Dev, S&S Chairman: Mr. Enrique Tan Kim Hock Honorary Auditor: Mr. David Wong Eng Boo The OFA Management Committee 2018/2019

32 OLD FREES Good evening fellow members and welcome to the 2018 AGM. During the course of 2017/2018, your Committee has worked on several activities as follows: A. SPORTING ACTIVITIES (SHARNAZ SHUKOR) The sports activities over the past 12 months revolve around golf and darts. GOLF i. Putra Golf 2018 was successfully held at Amverton Cove Golf & Resort, Carey Island on 21st April 2018. Our Organizing Chairman, Tn. Haji. Ir. Mohamed Ghous Ahmad managed to find sponsors of a total 25 flights. ii. This year’s Inter Alumni Golf Tournament was hosted by Old Putra Association (OPA). It was indeed a ceremonious event where we had 3 Past Presidents participating on behalf of OFA. Namely, Tan Sri Sheriff Kassim, Dato Anwarrudin and Datuk Abu Huraira. It was a great showdown between OFA, OPA, MCOBA and VIOBA in which OFA grabbed the runners up position, just behind OPA, the eventual winner. DARTS The Annual Dart Challenge was held on the 20th May 2017 at the Royal Lake Club KL. There were 8 participants at this event. The winners were: Champion - Jai Belani Runner Up - Sharnaz Shukor B. MONTHLY LUNCHEONS (RODNEY KHOR) We have had a fairly consistent year for monthly luncheons with the exceptions for the usual holidays and lack of host. We should be proud of this tradition which other school associations talk about. Special appreciation goes out to fellow Old Frees who have hosted the luncheons. These monthly luncheons have proven to be an excellent platform for bringing Old Frees together for fellowship as well as business networking. We would also appreciate if more members will step forward and host future luncheons. The following are the monthly luncheons held in 2017/2018: • July 2017: Hosted by OFA Kuala Lumpur & Selangor to celebrate Hari Raya • August 2017: Hosted by Dato' Ahmad Ibnihajar of KUB Malaysia Berhad • January 2018: Hosted by Datuk Azman Ismail of PLUS Malaysia Berhad • March 2018: Hosted by En. Ibrahim of Hameediyah Restaurant • April 2018: Hosted by En. Rizal Rabu of HYPE Motorsports Hotel OFA Kuala Lumpur & Selangor (OFAKLS) Committee Report – 2017/2018 OFA KUALA LUMPUR & SELANGOR

33 OLD FREES C. MEMBERSHIP (TAN CHONG YEW) Over the past year, the membership database has been consolidated, vetted through and cleaned up. As of 30th April 2018, the Association has a total of 585 members. This include new members joining after 16th May 2017, for a total of 12 new approved members, excluding 3 provisionally approved ones pending payment of membership fee. Updating of members' details are in progress. Between 16th May 2017 - 30th April 2018, only 46 members have updated their particulars. The Committee hopes that more members will come forth to update their particulars in order to get up to date news on the Association's activities. Due to the shortage of funds in 2017, a plan for developing and using a mobile app for the Association to disseminate news, events, activities, as well as a platform to identify members for registration during events and activities did not materialise. However this plan will be revisited in the near future. A new membership certificate design has also been commissioned for printing as funds are now available after Putra Golf 2018. New OFAKLS official polo shirt has been made available since August 2017 for sale to members at RM70.00 per piece. Response has been lukewarm. D. OFA KL/SELANGOR SCHOLARSHIP FUND (IVAN OOI) The scholarship fund has entered its 8th year of fund disbursement in year 2018. Under the chairmanship of Yg Bhg Dato Kamil Khalid Ariff, together with his subcommittee members, namely Datuk Andrew Lim, Dato Mokhzani, Dato Rodzi and Mr Albert Quah, they have worked tirelessly to reach out to various organizations and individuals to raise funds for the scholarship. For year 2017, a total of 12 students were given a one-time off Cost of Living Allowance of RM5,000 to help these students to cope with the rising cost of living as well as living expenses. This fund is meant for sixth form students in Penang Free School who excelled in their STPM examination. The fund is eligible if they have been offered a place in the local higher learning institution. A maximum of 5 scholarships are offered each year and students shall be reimbursed based on their annual academic results of CGPA 3.30 and above. To date, a total of 12 students have graduated and remaining 12 are still under the program. The OFAKLS Main Committee has also agreed to an increase of disbursement of scholarship fund to RM5,000/year. OFAKLS Main Committee & OFAKLS Scholarship Fund Committee hope that more Old Frees and organizations will come forward to contribute and support our activities throughout the year. E. WEBSITE (ADI SATRIA) The OFAKLS website continue to disseminate information about the activities of the Association. This was complemented by other social media networking tools like Facebook and WhatsApp which was more effective. More targeted messages to members are relayed via e-mails and updating of the e-mail addresses are being done on a regular basis. Information include monthly luncheons, sports and other activities. Website address: Facebook:

34 OLD FREES F. OFA KL SELANGOR ANNIVERSARY DINNER 2017 - 200+1: THE NEXT MILESTONE (DATUK NASIR ALI) The dinner to celebrate our 201st anniversary was held on 21st October 2017 at Sime Darby Convention Centre, Bukit Kiara. Once again, the anniversary dinner was graced by our Royal Patron, DYMM Tuanku Raja Perlis. The general theme as per the past years continued to be "201 Years of Glory & Gratitude". The support given was commendable with 39 tables being taken up for the dinner. The Association's sports winners were given their awards during the dinner and entertainment for the night was performed by very own Dato' Kamil Khalid Ariff, RTM Combo and Hawaiian hula dance and fire eating. Overall it was an enjoyable evening and an opportunity for members to meet and catch up once again. Special thanks to the sponsors and also Melvyn, Johari and John for helping out the Committee in organizing the event. G. COMMITTEE MEETINGS (GEOFFREY ONG) Over the past 12 months in office, the committee met 9 times. The attendance of committee members are as follows: Dato’ Mohd Mahyidin Mustakim : President 09/09 Datuk Mohamed Nasir Ali : Vice President 07/09 Mr Ivan Ooi Jieun Vei : Vice President 04/09 Mr Geoffrey Ong Khang Nian : Honorary Secretary 08/09 Mr Adi Satria Ahmad : Committee member 09/09 Mr Mohamed Ghous Ahmad : Committee member 08/09 Mr Sharnaz bin Abdul Shukor : Committee member 06/09 Mr Loo Chee How : Honorary Treasurer 06/09 Mr Syed Azhar bin Syed Azizuddin : Committee member 04/09 Mr Armiy Rais : Committee member 03/09 Mr Rodney Khor : Committee member 03/09 Mr Tan Chong Yew : Committee member 03/09 Many thanks to my fellow committee members and other members who have given their time and resources to carry out the above activities. Special thanks to Geoffrey Ong, our Honorary Secretary, who have done an excellent job of administering the Association. Thank you DATO’ MOHD MAHYIDIN MUSTAKIM PRESIDENT

35 OLD FREES President: Dato’ Mohd Mahyidin Mustakim Vice President I: Mr. Ivan Ooi Jieun Vei Vice President II: Mr. Mohamed Ghous Ahmad Honorary Secretary: Mr. Geoffrey Ong Khang Nian Honorary Treasurer: Mr. Loo Chee How Committee Members: Mr. Adi Satria Ahmad (Social Welfare & Activities) Mr. Johari bin Jalaludin (Office Building & Archives) Mr. Melvyn Lee Chee Meng (Membership & Human Capital Development) Mr. Mohamed Sufian bin Said (School Liaison & PR) Mr. Rodney Khor Say Aun (Monthly Luncheons, Talks & Forum) Mr. Sharnaz bin Abdul Shukor (Sports) Ms. Valerie Thomas (Communications & Public Relations) The OFA KL/Selangor Office Bearers 2018/2020 Seated (L-R): Mr. Ivan Ooi Jieun Vei, Dato’ Mohd Mahyidin Mustakim, Mr. Mohamed Ghous Ahmad Standing (L-R): Mr. Melvyn Lee Chee Meng, Mr. Geoffrey Ong Khang Nian, Mr. Sharnaz bin Abdul Shukor, Ms. Valerie Thomas, Mr. Adi Satria Ahmad, Mr. Johari bin Jalaludin, Mr. Mohamed Sufian bin Said Absentees: Mr. Loo Chee How, Mr. Rodney Khor Say Aun OFA KUALA LUMPUR & SELANGOR

36 OLD FREES The Foundation continues to make progress since its formation in 1996. Our efforts to help the school in its pursuit of Excellence in the field of academic and co-curriculum will always remain our paramount objective. However the focus for 2017 was on finalizing the accounts of the Bicentenary and the Upgrading of the school accounts and related issues. Other activities: 1. 21st Annual General Meeting The 21st Annual General Meeting was held on 29th July 2017 at the Old Frees’ Association Building at Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Penang. 19 members attended the meeting which lasted for three hours. The Foundation recorded its thanks to the Old Frees’ Association of Penang for the usage of the OFA hall. The AGM started with the President’s address followed by confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM. The Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016 and Annual Budget Estimates for 2016 were later passed and adopted. 2. Allocation For The School The Foundation has allocated a sum of RM29,658 to the school for the year 2017. The school has to use the allocated sum according to the annual budget estimates approved by the AGM. For 2017 Yayasan spent are as follows: Academic Excellence 4.39% 1,300 Sporting Excellence 18.04% 5,350 Youth Development - Clubs, Societies & Uniformed Group 2.69% 800 School Occasions & Tradition 74.88% 22,208 Total : 100.00% 29,658 As at 31 December 2017 our total fund stood at RM1,306,188 compared to RM1,139,148 in 2016. 3. School Achievements The school’s achievements will be reported under the Secretary’s Report. 4. Membership The Foundation has a total 83 life members with a total fund of RM1,306,188 as at 31 December 2017. The Foundation is indeed happy that it has reached the million ringgit milestone but still far from its objectives of RM 5 million and it is hoped that more Old Frees would come forward to support the Foundation by joining as Life members or by donating to the Foundation. President’s Report for The Year – 2017/2018 yayasan penang free school

37 OLD FREES 5. PUTRA Lecture The Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Lecture 2017 was held on Saturday, 13th May 2017 @ 11.00 a.m. at the Penang Free School Hall, Jalan Masjid Negeri, 11600, Penang. The Lecture Titles were Education & Excellence and The Challenge of Integrity in the Modern World. The Speaker was an Old Free, YBhg Datuk Dr. Anis Yusal Yusoff President & Chief Executive Officer of The Malaysian Institute of Integrity (INTEGRITI) For 2018, the Putra Lecture was planned for early May. However in view of the General Elections, this was deferred to June 30th 2018 with the following speaker : Prof Emeritus Mohamed Ghouse of University Sains Malaysia with the topic - Education & Excellence: Challenges & Opportunities in the Modern World. 6. Appreciation I would like to place my deepest appreciation and thanks to all committee members, Old Frees and the School HM and staff for their support towards the Foundation and also to PG Corporate Services for managing the Foundation’s secretarial and accounting duties during the year. Moving forward, I look forward to work with you on fund raising programs to build up our funds and to provide more support to the School’s activities. “Fortis Atque Fidelis” Dato’ Mohd Mahyidin Mohd Mustakim President Yayasan Penang Free School

38 OLD FREES Dear Editor, Thank you again for your invitation to the Old Frees of Sydney to write to the school magazine. As per the usual practice, all the Old Frees in Sydney have been invited to write. The Old Frees in Sydney continue to show strong interest to meet several times a year, particularly near the 21st of October. The initiatives to meet could come from any Old Free with proposals for lunch, dinner, walk in the forest or beach or a picnic by the river. It is heartening that the initiative is not left to a single person. There was a spontaneous post election lunch on the 12th of May during which there were animated discussions of the results. Many of us make our annual “pilgrimage” to Penang in October to attend the Old Frees Annual Dinner, as well as secondary gatherings with one’s year mates or special interest groups, such as the Sea Scouts. Of course at such gatherings, our thoughts flash-back to the days in school. We share our experiences and acknowledge traditions of the school, whether in sports, in academia or in the extra-curricular activities. During the year, we greeted Mr. Goh Hong Guan, a visitor to Sydney. He was the Head Prefect in 1968. Whilst chatting, our talk turned to the conduct and behaviour of the students in our school days of the sixties. Mostly, we were well behaved and disciplined. I do not recall anyone being caned or expelled. There was no physical bullying or fights. The chat turned to the Prefects’ Board which was of one of the institutions in maintaining discipline. The Prefects were accorded the authority by the School but the respect had to be earned. It derived from the selection process. It was democratic. Each prefect could nominate any number of names at the end of the year. There could be 30 to 40 initial names, which over many after-school discussions, would be whittled down to the required number for the following year. By tradition, as well, there would be one prefect selected from Form 4 Arts and Form 4 Science going on to Form 5. They were the future Head and Deputy Head Prefects (in any order) in three years (Upper Six). Those selected from Form 5 were expected to have no difficulty entering Form 6. The only Girl Prefect came from Upper Six. The out-going Girl Prefect would tender 2-3 names for the selection. Again the selection criteria were similar to the male prefects. Academically, the Prefects had to be sound because their extra responsibilities posed a burden on their class attendance i.e. they could miss out on lessons. As well, they had to be well recognised and to stand out in some endeavour or activities such as sports, games, scouting, debate, societies etc. It worked well in those days. Besides handing out “lines” to recalcitrant late-comers, litter bugs and profanity, there were Saturday detention classes for more serious offences. This punishment was usually handed out by teachers, frequently for insolence. The punishment was to clean the school. A prefect would be appointed to supervise. During the morning canteen break, two prefects were on duty. The behaviour was always orderly and queuing was mandatory. As well, the large field was also patrolled. An uncommon misbehaviour was smoking behind the tall rifle range wall where the present library stands. In the morning by 7.45am, the gate on Free School road was closed leaving only the Green Lane ( Jalan Masjid) gate open . Late comers were recorded and after the third offence incurred “lines.” The majority cycled to school. In my years in the lower Forms, I wondered about the method of selection. Naively, I thought that the teachers did the selection. The prefects were my role models. To this day, I can recall their names and the activities in which they excelled. The selection system was one of the strong traditions of the school. Fortis Atque Fidelis. Dr. Yeoh Oon Hock President’s Message ofa sydney


40 FEATURES FEATURE INTERVIEW WITH DATO’ EMERITUS PROF. MOHAMED GHOUSE NASURUDDIN As a student in PFS, which subject did Dato’ enjoy the most? Why? At that time, there was no preference because the teachers were very dedicated. Each had his own strength. Generally, the whole spectrum was that you have to be interested in every subject. However, one course that stood out for me was the Art course where Mr. Ruther taught us calligraphy. Till now, I am still practising calligraphy. That is one course that has impacted me the most and I use it to my benefit. What was the most memorable event for Dato’ as a student in PFS? I think it was in 6th Form, in Lower Six, when we had performances. We usually had the performances – dance and music performances – in the main hall. Dancing and music were part of the curriculum. Another memorable occasion was when I got into Senior Cambridge. At that time, the successful candidate would get his name published in the Straits Echo. I was one of the two Malay boys who got Grade One at that time, so it was a very memorable occasion for me. During Dato’s time in this school, did Dato participate in drama? In Sixth Form, we had dance, music and drama. We also had classical ballet. At that time, the Arts played a significant part in the school education system. Unlike now you just concentrate on one stream. Everything is based on Science and the Arts is neglected. At that time, it was a holistic perspective. So I was involved very much in the music and drama society. One’s ambitions during childhood usually differ from his present profession. What was Dato’s initial ambition then? I came from a very poor family. I just wanted to get a qualification to seek out a living. It's not like now where you have parents who are able to send you everywhere. We depended on scholarships and we couldn’t see beyond what we wanted to do. To be honest, after Form Five, my initial ambition was to be in the Civil Service, so I applied for a post in the Air Force. I wanted to be a pilot then. I think I flew the

41 FEATURES the plane for two weeks in my training at Sungai Besi. At that time, I was also very close to my mother. My father had passed away. So when I got through the entrance exam, my mother wanted me to go to university instead of going to New Zealand to be trained as a fighter pilot. At that time, the Malay mentality was that if you fly a plane you are going to die. We came from a very traditional family, so I declined the scholarship to New Zealand and took up the offer in University of Malaya (UM). But I still had love for the Service and its discipline. So after I had graduated and began teaching, I joined the Reserve Naval Officer. I had my training at Woodlands and I didn’t know how I ended up in dance and music later. At that time, the Malaysian Government didn’t recognize us but the American Government would so I was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to do my Masters and then of course foundation to do my PhD, and ended up teaching at various places. In short, I didn’t have any particular ambition. I just wanted to be a student at a university. What was Dato’s passion? In PFS, I was involved in Silat and also in dancing. I carried on dancing in UM, came back to Penang, and I studied Bharatanatyam. I performed Bharatanatyam in Greece, Europe, in New York, US, and at various universities where I was teaching. Dance is life, passion, and movement. So my passion is dance and movement, but there is one passion which is different. It is to climb a mountain. I like the outdoor, the jungle. I have climbed Mount Kinabalu many times. What would Dato consider as the greatest achievement in Dato’s life? Everything that I have achieved. My greatest achievement is that I have been given the opportunity to view my physical and spiritual surrounding, and to appreciate it; to find blessing, and to thank God for giving me the opportunity to perceive a few things within the human capabilities. Generally, achievement to me is be at peace with oneself, accepting myself, and counting my blessings. I don’t have much achievement. Achievement, for some people, is to have a lot of money. I don’t have much money but I have enough. We are rich in a sense that we have a lot of friends; rich in a sense that we are able to share what we have financially, morally, and achievement in the sense that we are able to be happy. Achievement to me is that I have been given the opportunity to develop and work with the physically challenged children; children with cerebral palsy and autistic children. We have developed a program with USM which gives me the most rewarding experience to be able to work with marginalized children whom society is uncomfortable with. What is Dato’s principle in life? Does Dato subscribe to a certain life philosophy? Don’t hold grudges against others. Count your blessings. Don’t be angry at people. Life on Earth is too short for it to be wasted on developing animosity. If you can make a friend and turn an enemy into a friend, you are already there. Always be humble. Never look down on people even if they are your workers. Do not kowtow to those people that have a string of titles. You know who you are. Be who you are. Do what you want to do, not what others want you to do. Sometimes we tend to live up to others’ expectations. They want to create you in their own image. Forget about that. Do what you want to do and don’t be apologetic. Another thing is to make mistakes. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes will help to guide you along the way to achieve your life goals. What are Dato’s words of wisdom for the present Frees? Pay homage to your mother who is the most important person in your life. Spend time talking and listening to your parents. Never raise your voice to your parents and you will get the blessing throughout your life.

42 FEATURES Norman and I started our incredible journey that eventually brought us to the biggest pre-college science competition in the world starting with the State science fair competition that was held in August of 2017. With our project, “ The Cytotoxic Effect of Rambutan ( Nephelium lappacuem )Fruit Skins Extracts on Jurkat Leukemia Cancer Cells “, we managed to achieve 3rd place as well as a gold award. However, we were not pleased with our results and so drove ourselves harder than ever before. In the months facing up to the National Level Science Fair held at KLESF in Kuala Lumpur, we stayed back almost every day and was accompanied by our teacher, Cikgu Siti Rahimah. Eventually we made huge strides in our research at Universiti Putra Malaysia and managed to win the National level competition. We spent much of our time preparing for judging day but still manged to enjoy the sights and attraction Pittsburgh had to offer. The events that were held were truly phenomenal and loads of fun. In fact, these events were what made the whole trip a trip that I would remember my whole life. Moving on from the fun and games, we in fact had to prepare ourselves for judging day by doing practice sessions that could take the whole day. It was truly gruelling but it was something that everybody else had to go through. Eventually judging day came and that day flew by in a blink of an eye. We spent the whole day entertaining various judges and it was nerve wrecking to be interrogated by these professionals. Eventually the day ended and all we had to do was wait. On the final day of the trip, everybody was gathered in the main hall for the awards ceremony. Unfortunately, we were unable to win a prize and were disappointed. However, we didn’t go home empty handed as we took a flight back to Malaysia with the experience of a life time that we will remember for the rest of our lives. Norman Sim and I, Loo Kee Khien would like to thank the school, our teachers, friends and our families for the help and support they have provided us throughout our journey. We would also like to thank Cikgu Siti Rahimah, Cikgu Linda Toh and Cikgu Jumaiyah who both sacrificed much of their time to help us. Without their guidance we would not have made it this far. Thank You, FORTIS ATQUE FIDELIS INTEL ISEF 2018 REPORT We then waited anxiously for nearly 2 months before we received confirmation that we had been selected to represent Malaysia at INTEL ISEF 2018 held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA. Without wasting much time we continued our research and in no time at all we were on a plane to Pittsburgh. It was an honour to be able to represent Malaysia at the world stage in this prestigious event. We met people from different walks of life and made friends with people from different backgrounds. It was really a dream come true to be able to see all sorts of science projects that were the best their country could offer. In fact, the projects were so complicated that even university students would have trouble understanding.



45 ACADEMICS Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3: Result Analysis 2017 SUBJEK BIL CALON GRED A % B % C % D % E % F % BM (BERTULIS) 169 42 24.9 44 26.0 51 30.2 25 14.8 7 4.1 0 0.0 BM (LISAN) 169 133 78.7 33 19.5 3 1.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 BI (BERTULIS) 169 35 20.7 40 23.7 43 25.4 28 16.6 19 11.2 4 2.4 BI (LISAN) 169 121 71.6 28 16.6 16 9.5 4 2.4 0 0.0 0 0.0 SEJARAH 169 77 45.6 20 11.8 35 20.7 20 11.8 17 10.1 0 0.0 GEOGRAFI 169 139 82.2 25 14.8 5 3.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 MATEMATIK 169 14 8.3 26 15.4 21 12.4 25 14.8 34 20.1 49 29.0 SAINS 169 3 1.8 14 8.3 35 20.7 41 24.3 51 30.2 25 14.8 PENDIDIKAN ISLAM 106 62 58.5 28 26.4 14 13.2 2 1.9 0 0.0 0 0.0 KH TEKNIKAL 87 10 11.5 28 32.2 45 51.7 4 4.6 0 0.0 0 0.0 KH PERDAGANGAN 82 1 1.2 26 31.7 50 61.0 5 6.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 BAHASA TAMIL 9 8 88.9 0 0.0 1 11.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3: Top Achievers 2017 BIL. NAMA KEPUTUSAN 1. EWE DYLAN 8A 1B 2. AARON A/L SANTHANASAMY 8A 1B 1C 3. KHOR JUN BIN 8A 1C 4. WONG KAM THOR 8A 1C 5. MOHAMED AFAN SYAFI BIN AFENDI 7A 3B BIL. NAMA KEPUTUSAN 6. ARYAN BHUBHINDAR SINGH 7A 2B 7. DHILLON JOSHUA A/L KUMARASAMY 7A 2B 8. GANAPATHI A/L MURUGAPPAN 7A 1B 2C 9. HARISH JEYARISHI 7A 1B 1C 10. HEAVENDRAN A/L THAMIL SELVAN 7A 1B 1C

46 ACADEMICS Bil Mata Pelajaran Tahun A+ % A % A- % B+ % B % C+ % C % D % E % G % % Lulus GPMP GPMP (+/-) 1 Bahasa Melayu 2017 10 5.9% 18 11% 49 29.0% 54 32.0% 25 14.8% 6 3.6% 4 2.4% 3 1.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 100.00 2.68 0.93 2016 2 1.3% 15 10.0% 24 16.0% 32 21.3% 34 22.7% 22 14.7% 13 8.7% 6 4.0% 2 1.3% 0 0.0% 100.00 3.61 2 Bahasa Inggeris 2017 8 4.7% 48 28.4% 32 18.9% 32 18.9% 16 9.5% 11 6.5% 8 4.7% 10 5.9% 4 2.4% 0 0.0% 100.00 2.82 -0.08 2016 13 8.7% 46 30.7% 17 11.3% 27 18.0% 20 13.3% 8 5.3% 6 4.0% 10 6.7% 3 2.0% 0 0.0% 100.00 2.74 3 Pendidikan Islam 2017 3 3.4% 12 13.8% 19 21.8% 23 26.4% 19 21.8% 7 8.0% 3 3.4% 1 1.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 100.00 2.93 1.40 2016 1 1.0% 4 4.1% 4 4.1% 25 25.8% 26 26.8% 16 16.5% 10 10.3% 4 4.1% 2 2.1% 5 5.2% 94.85 4.33 4 Pendidikan Moral 2017 4 4.9% 17 20.7% 30 36.6% 18 22.0% 6 7.3% 3 3.7% 2 2.4% 1 1.2% 1 1.2% 0 0.0% 100.00 2.40 0.82 2016 1 1.9% 5 9.4% 11 20.8% 15 28.3% 12 22.6% 4 7.5% 4 7.5% 1 1.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 100.00 3.23 5 Sejarah 2017 11 6.5% 23 13.6% 22 13.0% 25 14.8% 33 19.5% 18 10.7% 15 8.9% 13 7.7% 6 3.6% 3 1.8% 98.22 3.67 0.15 2016 7 4.7% 22 14.7% 13 8.7% 27 18.0% 28 18.7% 14 9.3% 15 10.0% 21 14.0% 2 1.3% 1 0.7% 99.33 3.82 6 Matematik 2017 33 19.5% 57 33.7% 24 14.2% 13 7.7% 10 5.9% 10 5.9% 8 4.7% 5 3.0% 6 3.6% 3 1.8% 98.22 2.32 1.40 2016 7 4.7% 50 33.3% 12 8.0% 12 8.0% 11 7.3% 11 7.3% 10 6.7% 17 11.3% 10 6.7% 10 6.7% 93.33 3.72 7 Sains 2017 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 20.0% 2 10.0% 7 35.0% 3 15.0% 4 20.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 100.00 4.05 0.38 2016 0 0.0% 2 8.7% 2 8.7% 3 13.0% 6 26.1% 2 8.7% 4 17.4% 3 13.0% 1 4.3% 0 0.0% 100.00 4.43 8 Pendidikan Seni Visual 2017 0 0.0% 1 5.0% 5 25.0% 9 45.0% 5 25.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 100.00 2.90 -0.06 2016 1 4.0% 2 8.0% 10 40.0% 4 16.0% 4 16.0% 3 12.0% 1 4.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 100.00 2.84 9 Matematik Tambahan 2017 14 9.7% 11 7.6% 7 4.8% 10 6.9% 12 8.3% 13 9.0% 13 9.0% 14 9.7% 19 13.1% 32 22.1% 77.93 5.41 0.77 2016 1 0.8% 7 5.5% 8 6.3% 16 12.6% 6 4.7% 7 5.5% 13 10.2% 15 11.8% 15 11.8% 39 30.7% 69.29 6.17 10 Perdagangan 2017 0 0.0% 1 5.6% 2 11.1% 0 0.0% 3 16.7% 3 16.7% 7 38.9% 1 5.6% 1 5.6% 0 0.0% 100.00 4.94 2.19 2016 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 4.3% 1 4.3% 2 8.7% 2 8.7% 6 26.1% 6 26.1% 5 21.7% 78.26 7.13 11 Prinsip Perakaunan 2017 10 28.6% 12 34.3% 4 11.4% 3 8.6% 0 0.0% 1 2.9% 2 5.7% 2 5.7% 1 2.9% 0 0.0% 100.00 1.94 0.25 2016 9 25.0% 13 36.1% 2 5.6% 3 8.3% 2 5.6% 1 2.8% 3 8.3% 2 5.6% 1 2.8% 0 0.0% 100.00 2.19 12 Lukisan Kejuruteraan 2017 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 4.8% 0 0.0% 1 4.8% 1 4.8% 3 14.3% 3 14.3% 2 9.5% 10 47.6% 52.38 7.43 -0.93 2016 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 5.6% 2 11.1% 1 5.6% 6 33.3% 3 16.7% 1 5.6% 4 22.2% 77.78 6.50 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia: Result Analysis 2017

47 ACADEMICS Bil Mata Pelajaran Tahun A+ % A % A- % B+ % B % C+ % C % D % E % G % % Lulus GPMP GPMP (+/-) 13 Fizik 2017 19 13.0% 1 0.7% 15 10.3% 14 9.6% 26 17.8% 19 13.0% 18 12.3% 19 13.0% 13 8.9% 2 1.4% 98.63 4.35 0.61 2016 6 4.7% 2 1.6% 10 7.9% 26 20.5% 13 10.2% 11 8.7% 16 12.6% 21 16.5% 18 14.2% 4 3.1% 96.85 4.96 14 Kimia 2017 10 6.8% 5 3.4% 11 7.4% 8 5.4% 12 8.1% 17 11.5% 11 7.4% 30 20.3% 31 20.9% 13 8.8% 91.22 5.57 0.35 2016 5 3.9% 9 7.1% 5 3.9% 8 6.3% 11 8.7% 10 7.9% 7 5.5% 22 17.3% 31 24.4% 19 15.0% 85.04 5.92 15 Biologi 2017 6 4.9% 14 11.4% 8 6.5% 20 16.3% 15 12.2% 16 13.0% 13 10.6% 19 15.4% 10 8.1% 2 1.6% 98.37 4.38 0.36 2016 3 2.9% 9 8.7% 10 9.6% 16 15.4% 7 6.7% 11 10.6% 18 17.3% 16 15.4% 13 12.5% 1 1.0% 99.04 4.74 16 Pengetahuan Sains Sukan 2017 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 4.8% 5 23.8% 2 9.5% 4 19.0% 2 9.5% 5 23.8% 1 4.8% 1 4.8% 95.24 5.19 -0.02 2016 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 17.4% 2 8.7% 4 17.4% 2 8.7% 3 13.0% 4 17.4% 3 13.0% 1 4.3% 95.65 5.17 17 Bahasa Tamil 2017 0 0.0% 1 10.0% 4 40.0% 3 30.0% 2 20.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 100.00 2.60 16 Kesusteraan Tamil 2017 0 0.0% 2 28.6% 0 0.0% 1 14.3% 3 42.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 14.3% 0 0.0% 100.00 3.57 18 Bible Knowledge 2017 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 50.0% 0 0.0% 1 50.0% 50.00 8.00 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia: Top Achievers 2017 No. Name No. of Subject Results 1 Ian Khoo Jia Ern 10 10A+ 2 Sarjit Singh Bedi 9 8A+, 1A 3 Boey Tian Lai 10 9A+, 1A- 4 Muhammad Firdaus bin Mohd Faizal 9 7A+, 2A 5 Muhammad Azhar bin Muhamed Ali 9 6A+, 3A 6 Yeoh Keng Boon 9 6A+, 3A 7 Leong Chun Sheng 9 5A+, 4A No. Name No. of Subject Results 8 Benjamin Yeung Jo Yee 9 5A+, 3A, 1A9 David Teoh Xing Qiang 10 5A+, 4A, 1A10 Ooi Ming Yeung 10 5A+, 4A, 1A11 Ooi Jun Ming 10 5A+, 3A, 2A12 Manoj Ponnusamy Pillai 10 4A+, 3A, 3A13 Matthew Arwinraj Jaya Paul 9 2A+, 5A, 2A14 Stephen Ooi Chun Hern 9 1A+, 3A, 5A-

48 ACADEMICS SPM 2017: An Interview With The Top Achievers For the year 2017, Penang Free School is proud to have one student scoring an outstanding 10 straight A+’s, five students scoring 10 A’s and eight scoring 9 A’s. The Penang Free School Editorial Board was there to witness the joy and sadness as the 2017 Form 5 students received their much anticipated results. We got the opportunity to get up close and personal with 5 out of the 14 2017 SPM top scorers. They shared with us their experiences and the sacrifices that they had to make during their preparation for the SPM examination. 1. Did you expect yourself to be one of the top scorers in Penang Free School? Ian: Not in my lifetime Ooi Jun Ming: To be honest, yes I did David: Hoping for it Matthew: Well, I prayed for 9 A’s Boey Tian Lai: Not really 2. Who would you like to credit for your success? Ian: God, my family and all the teachers Ooi Jun Ming: My parents cause they gave me motivation. David: God, my family, the teachers and my friends Matthew: God and my parents Boey Tian Lai: Mom, all the teachers 3. So, are there any secrets to your achievement? Ian: Study hard, focus on what you want Ooi Jun Ming: Don’t study too hard, play hard David: Sleep well, pay attention in class Matthew: Have all the fun you can, but study hard Boey Tian Lai: Put in effort 4. What are your future plans? Ian: Continue my studies in college Ooi Jun Ming: I would like to study overseas David: Going for a degree Matthew: Design Engineering Boey Tian Lai: Still deciding 5. Do you have a personal motto or advice you would like to share with fellow Frees? Ian: Study hard, don’t play around Ooi Jun Ming: Don’t do last minute study David: Sleep well, pray before the exams and love your family Matthew: Put your trust in God cause only God can save you Boey Tian Lai: Don’t go for tuition, study by yourselves

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