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Published by info, 2016-02-22 23:03:46

Siyimbali annual E-edition - Click Here

Swaziland E 12,- 2015
South Africa R 14,-

Fashion : Culture :

What’s Kingship
First Fruit.Ceremony

this Summer

Future: Recipe:

Vision 2022 Make it
A look at Yourself
A Honey
what the Future Face Wash

Cover pic - Nadia Nanscimento dressed by Regiani


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Content Editorial

Editorial – 3 The world has totally changed after the 20th century
Paris 2015 on Climate change - 4 Information Technology revolution. Payment meth-
January to March is Maganu Time - 5 ods have also changed dramatically. Now you don’t
need to go to any shopping mall or stand in long
The Incwala – 6 Queue to make your bill or tax payments.
Encouraging Ubuntu – 10 Most countries have launched “E-Government” sys-
What’s in this summer - 14 tems that keep the citizens updated and facilitate
Break the cycle of Abuse - 16 them in everyday life? E-Government system has re-
Jealousy is a Warning Bell - 17 duced the work load on humans and even helps to
The Ball is in your Court – 18 save fuel imports.
Swaziland is in the process of introducing e-govern-
Humanity’s Seeds – 20 ance. While the Kingdom is moving on the path to
Marula Jelly Recipe to make at home – 21 achieving Vision 2022 it is careful not to lose what
A look into the Future Vision 2022 - 22 makes it unique, we still hold onto our cultural values
taking them with us into a brighter future.
Published by: Lebgro (Pty) Ltd We wish you all a pleasant Christmas a inspiring In-
P.O.Box 2494 cwala and a prosperous new year may it be a joyous
Hub Manzini on filled with blessings.
Have a good read
Kingdom of Swaziland
Tel: +268 786 616 27
email [email protected]

Paris 2015 on Climate change WORLD
ment. And it made it clear that there’s a lot of
money to be made in the clean energy sector?

While analysts are working to digest the full im- If you’re an investor, you’re going to take note.

plications of the agreement, a few points stand 2. The Agreement Wasn’t the Only Game in
out. The incredible success we saw in Paris was Town
only possible because ordinary people stood

up and spoke up in unprecedented numbers all An agreement with the scope and reach of the

around the world.. one reached at COP21 is critical if we’re going

to get emissions down quickly enough to get

close to the 1.5 or even 2 degree target. While

national-level action is essential, it’s also not

enough on its own.

This makes the initiatives announced in Paris to

give cities, companies and private citizens a big-

ger role in speeding up the transition to a clean

energy economy very exciting. For starters,

there was the announcement that nearly 400

cities have signed up to the Compact of May-

ors coalition to measure and reduce emissions.

When you consider these cities could together

avoid 740 million tons of emissions annually in

2030, that’s a major step forward.

1. It was a success with big question marks 20 countries including the U.S.A and most in-
dustrialised countries pledged to double their

Negotiators from 195 countries with very differ- investment in clean energy research and devel-
ent agendas and interests were involved, trying opment. Already, we’ve seen the price of solar,

to halt climate change and possibly find ways of 3. Reviews to keep the Process Going For-
reversing. We all know energy production is the ward
major cause of “Global

warming” that leads We knew this agreement
to climate change and wouldn’t be perfect and it’s not.
we all knew a perfect Divisions remain on the concept
agreement that ushered of differentiation, i.e. which coun-
in a 100 % clean ener- tries should take more action on
gy economy on Jan. 1 mitigation and financing resil-
2016 was never a pos- iency and action in developing
sibility. What we needed and less-developed countries.
was an agreement that But negotiators have carved out
sends a signal, and a workable solution for the time
makes a point that the being. Governments have a great deal of work
future of energy is in renewable like wind hydro to do over the next few years to ensure that this
and solar energy. agreement is implemented in a truly equitable
The Paris agreement did that test. But in many manner. Most industrialised countries refuse to
ways did not go far enough, the commitments take the blame for the damage already Made
made are unlikely to keep us below the 2 degree to the climate by their industrialisation, even
Celsius temperature rise agreed upon, and the 2 though there can be no argument who is at fault.
degrees are most certainly not enough to keep

climate change at bay. It is still too high to avoid It’s one thing to set a common goal. It’s another
serious climate impacts and many countries to make sure everyone works together to get
fought for a lower goal. There is real work still to there. Let’s see if commitments made are meet.
be done ahead to save this planet we call home.

The important thing is that we have an agree-


January to March is Maganu Time
The skin of the fruit can be processed into glue, soap, oint-
(By Renata Reck) ment, atchar or chutney and vinegar. Cattle and wildlife
eat the fruit and the leaves on the trees as well as on the
In Sawziland, marula is called manganu, bu ganu, or ground, elephants being particularly partial to the ripe fruit
emanganu. The Annual Marula Festival is celebrated at and have been seen to be walking backwards from inebria-
the Royal Residence of the King at Ebuhleni in the Hhohho tion. The leaves are nutritious and will add to a healthy diet
Region of Swaziland between February and March. Both for livestock. When there is no grass in extended drought
the King and the Queen Mother are presented with marula periods, the marula leaves serve as a fodder bank for live-
beer from each household, and only afterward the presen- stock. The wood is used to make furniture and, to a lesser
tation can Swazis officially drink the beer. extent, panelling. It is also a popular wood for carvings and
In South Africa the overripe fruit of Marula is used to brew household articles. The bark can also be used to make a
a potent alcoholic beverage known as "Mampoer". It is a light-brown dye. The marula tree gives a particularly admi-
local fire water that makes grown men cry. Mampoer was rable shade in garden parks and streets and the blossoms
named after chief Mampuru of the ancient Sekukuniland, are a favourite for bees. Last but not least, the pitted shells
who favoured this drink. In the commercial sector Amarula
of the nut make excellent charcoal.

Cream is liquor similar to Irish Cream, it is distilled from Marula pulp is three or four times richer than or-
the marula fruit in the Limpopo region and is well known anges in vitamin C. The meal milled from defat-
internationally. ted kernels compares very favourably with soya-
bean meal as a good protein source. It has good
The Marula or Sclerocarya birrea tree is indigenous to the amino acids, which are the building blocks of all
miombo woodlands of Southern Africa, the Sudano-Sahe- living cells. The oil extracted from the kernels is
lian range of West Africa, Central Africa and Madagascar. polyunsaturated and very stable — four times
It is also grown in parts of Asia, Europe and America and as stable as olive oil. This means that it does not
has now been introduced into Australia. The oil is said to break down into harmful compounds on being
be comparable to amla oil as a hair mask or superior oil heated.
comparable to various commercial ‘tissue oils’ as a skin Rural homesteads should be encouraged to cre-
regenerator. Analyses show the marula kernel has up to ate their own commercial orchards of marulas.
3,100 kJ per 100gm, with a high protein and fat content - It is said the tree will not easily grow from seed,
indeed, the king of foods. but it just needs some soaking and maybe a
small crack to coax it on. Small hand churned
Fresh, ripe fruit is addible and is used to make traditional mills cold press the nuts and both oil and the remaining
beer in many parts of Africa. Marula has a truly delightful paste can be used by the whole community. Small home
nut which can be eaten roasted or raw. The good-tasting oil industries can also make jams for home preserves or to
is used for cooking and for products such as preservatives. share and sell to a wider market.
Jelly, juice, salad dressing and jam can be made from the
fruit. Editor:
Renata Reck
Graphic Editor layout and design:
Sanele Jele
Temhlanga Sikhondze
Joseph Malaza,
Ritha Angela Ncongwane,
Valentine Martin,
MyStart Biz Malysia
Printing Distribution and Marketing:
Progressive Marketing (Pty) Ltd



The Incwala (By Valentine Martin) yet another year. If for any reason anything does
not go according to the expectations and dictates
Undoubtedly the most important of Swazi cus- of this ritual rite, he will not survive the sacred
tomary celebrations, this cultural event is held in ceremony (ayibuyi inkhosi eNcwaleni).
December or January it signifies the end of the
old year and the beginning of a new. The Ceremony starts
Once the time has
This Swazi sacred Ceremony as it come as dictated
is celebrated today can be traced by traditional as-
back to the times of LaZwide tronomers, the
(Queen Tsandzile) who was a King goes into
Ndwandwe. The Ndwandwe at seclusion and the
the time were under the leader- Incwala sacred
ship of that famous Chief Zwide. Ceremony com-
The Ndwandwe link is evident mences. At this
from some of the sacred songs time the country’s
still being sa ng in Ndwandwe di- activities slow
alect. Historians believe that ele- down, as most of
ments of the ceremony are very the activities are
old rituals that were practiced grounded as the
even before the Swazi made it nation fast. The
their own and firmly embraced King cannot this
as a value system during the pe- time and does not
riod of LaZwide. listen or entertain
Anthropologist Hilder Kuper any matter where
sees it as a “… dramatic rationali- his blessings or
zation of Swazi Kingship in all its intervention are
complexity-economic, military, sought, even the
ritual…” The Swazi hold the be- Chiefs from all
lief that Incwala is an affirma- chiefdoms are not
tion of the King’s rule and its endorsement by
the Supreme Being (Mvelinchanti and emadloti), allowed to call meetings during this time. It is a
if the King is of good standing he will passes all time for reflection and soul searching, hence the
the tests and come out of this sacred and ritualis- commonly held view that it is a time for national
tic encounter successfully to lead the nation into prayer. Every Swazi is aware of the sacredness of
the event; it is a central part of the cultural herit-

age of the nation.

Bemanti – The Water
Party People go out
The Water party is sent
out to fetch water for
ritualistic cleansing pur-
poses from the Indian
Ocean. They go out in two
groups, both sent to fetch
water from the sea. Re-
sponsible for this task are
the The Mkhatshwa ( Ben-
guni waseLwandle) and
the Mngomezulu and My-
eni. Historically the Swa-
zi (more especially the
Dlamini) came from the



“east” where the sun is rising, into present day The second group of the Bemanti consists of
Swaziland. The trip to fetch the water is thus also another important group of people that plays a
symbolic to Swazis. Going to the “east”’ is a sign pivotal role during the Incwala ceremony; the
of seeking for good life and health of the King Mngomezulu and the Myeni of Ngwavuma (BeN-
that is characterized by wisdom and prosperity. guni Beningizimu), who presently are residing
The Sending of the Bemanti is a ceremony that at eNdzevane and eLubulwini respectively but
the King and Queen Mother conduct at the Ind- were originally from the Ngwavuma valley north
lunkhulu or shrine hut. They sit outside with the east of present day KwaZulu-Natal just below the
leaders of the groups and some senior council- Mozambique southern boundary. An uprising
lors, between the doorway and the windbreak.
erupted in the late seventies and
early eighties where Inkatha fol-
lowers declared war on them
disputing their claims that the
Ngwavuma area historically be-
longs to the Swazi nation. At the
height of these uprisings, they
left Ngwavuma and sought asy-
lum and settled at Lubulwini
area, where they have been ever

From here the ceremony moves to the sibaya Benguni Beningizimu are des-
where the King instructs and warns Bemanti to patched to take the southern
behave themselves well along the route and not trip to the Delagoa Bay to do as
to molest or embarrass the public.” Both the Be- the eLwandle people are sent to
manti Groups carry with them a calabash (called do with an important addition;
Sigujana or Inkhosatane). they must bring back ‘Luselwa’
a wild fruit shaped like a calabash which is col-
A Sacred Journey lected in the Ngwavuma area and is to be eaten
Going to and from the east is a sacred journey by the King as part of tasting the “first fruits”,
filled with its own quite mysterious episodes. the praises “Indlaluselwa” given to the King stem
Traditionally it is believed that when the group from this ritual
finally arrives at the seashore of the Indian Ocean
at the Island of ka-Tembe (the northern group), The Incwala sacred Ceremony and this is an exer-
the calabash will be thrown into the sea to be cise which involves everyone (ayibukelwa). The
accepted by the beast (Silo) who will then take trip lasts for a week or so as the groups walk in a
it away into the deepest part of the sea. Hence pilgrimage a distance of over 200km to the Indian
in the praises you will often here “Okandaba uy- Ocean and back on foot. Along the way they sing
iSilo” (the King is equated to the mighty beast war songs, their pilgrimage is a symbolic battle
of the sea). After a couple of days the calabash on behalf of the Kingdom. The Bemanti also col-
will then almost miraculously re-emerge from lect personal items and money from persons and
the sea floating towards the Water party full of homesteads around the country as they pass, it is
water, this water is believed to be endowed with expected that they will be assisted by chiefs with
majesty and power that will eventually be con- provision and anything that they might need for
ferred to the reigning King at the height of the their journey. It is expected that at the time that
ritualistic performances of Incwala. the Bemanti are traveling on royal duty certain
things are not done, if found doing such you will
be fined. The fine is anything from a button, a
piece of cloth or coins you may have. All the items
collected from the different homesteads will be
used in the Incwala ritual to strengthen the bond
between the nation and the King to enhance the


wisdom and power of the king over all his sub- gral part of the Incwala rite. Young boys who have

jects. not engaged in any sexual relations with women

The return of Bemanti are summoned by the Indvuna (traditional Prime

As the Bemanti make their way back to the tradi- Minister) to the Queen mother’s residence. Their

tional capital (Indlunkhulu), which is a ceremo- duties are to gather the thorny Lusekwane shrub

nial and spiritual capital, their arrival will be wel- that is used in building the ‘Inhlambelo’ (a sacred

comed in song and celebration. Their successful enclosure). Tradition has it that the shrub cut by

young men who are not sexually active

will retain its freshness even though

the branches have been cut from its

mother tree. This Inhlambelo is built

inside the big royal sibaya (kraal) and

it is where most sacred and secret

cleansing rituals are to be undertaken

during the height of the Incwala. By

partaking in the cutting of the Lusek-

wane, the young regiments will show

their respect and allegiance to the

Monarchy. During the times of King

Sobhuza II, the Gcina and iNkhany-

eti regiments were active, in Mswati

III’s reign the Inyatsi regiments are

accorded that honour. As is the norm

in Swazi customs during the march to

expedition will be reported to the emadloti (ba- the main region where the shrubs grows (esikha-

bike indlela neluhambo lwabo). This marks the leni selusekwane) the boys are instructed in cul-

commencement of the little Incwala Ceremony tural heritage and adherence to the traditions

(Incwala lencane). The little Incwala is celebrate of the nation that is cemented on the ideals and

in the Royal Kraals around the kingdom. The re- principles of according respect to the elders.
turn of the calabash (sgujana or inkhosatane) is The king’s influence is affirmed during such op-

so important that every person has reason to cel- portunities as the young men will then join the
ebrate as it carries the very important significant traditional regiments (bagane inkhosi – babut-

water for the cleansing part of the Incwala itself. seke), once they take such an oath, by so doing
The fetching of the water is a symbolic of battle they have fulfilled a national duty of paying alle-
and the successful return is likened to a conquest
giance to the monarchy. All the Nguni tribes be-

of their foes. lieve very strongly in grooming boys. During the
Now that the Bemanti returned, the Incwala Cer- Lusekwane cutting ceremony and subsequent
emony commences in full swing. On that day the weeding of Infabantfu (King’s fields) elderly men

moon is said to die before the new one appears resume their advisory role of passing down the

and the following evening the Bemanti carrying values and norms to younger regiments as part

the two emakhosatana full of sacred sea water of grooming them to entering into manhood.

together with some traditional ritual medicines,

enter the royal sibaya by the main entrance Key role players of the Incwala Ceremony

through which they left; which is facing the east. Incwala sacred ceremony has its own songs

The leaders sing the praises of the Kings. The that are only to be sang during this sacred cer-

King as the maker of enemies (Mbangazitha) emony. They cannot be repeated or sang in any
considers this a blessing because it would affirm other event once this sacred festival is over, the
that he has conquered even his enemies as the moment the King throws luselwa lwe-Embo on

water party people returns. the main day. There are also special traditional

regalia (imvunulo) that is to be used during this

Lusekwanne Ceremony (Part of a pre-Incwala time. Inyoni, sigeja umdada and ingwe are some

event) of the regalia that the warriors put on (it is not

This is a very important ceremony and is an inte- every commoner who can wear such regalia), it


depends on the status and seniority of the per- regiment boys will have to kill it with their bare
son concerned. fists. As it believed to carry the bad intentions
and curses that were directed to the King. As it
Setting the Stage comes out of the enclosure it is as if intoxicated
The stage will now be set for the rituals of the and passed by all evil Spirits. Once it is killed it is
Incwala. This is not done publicly and not by the skinned and roasted will be eaten there and then.
ruling Dlamini Clan, it is reserved for those clans The King is now set free from any bad luck or
and entrusted people, who carry such a heavy omen and is now ready to face the challenges of
responsibility of ensuring the continued reign the coming year and can lead the nation to pros-
of the ruling monarchy to his ultimate end. The perity, peace and stability.
king’s life is now handed over to the kingship’s
makers to perform and carry out the rituals. Kujikwa Kweluselwa - Throwing of the Gourd–
A dramatic enactment of Rebellion:
The Kingship makers There is an important occasion when the King
Ideally during the height of this festival the King who is seen as the head of the Dlamini, the warri-
is to undergo a ritual cleansing as stated earlier. ors rebel and surge after the blood royals. Even-
As part of that intricate process, this is a highly tually the Ngwenyama disappears into the sacred
secret affair and not open to public scrutiny. enclosure where he dresses in a more historic
and ritual costume… Then a shout is heard: “Awa-
Masilela and Mavuso – (Some of the Muti peo- phume ematfonga” (Let the Tfongas i.e. Dlamini
ple) leave the byre). It is significant to note that the
As already indicated the role of muti people is rebellion enacted stems from the Royal Dlamini,
reserved for trusted servants of the King and at this time songs and chants are heard that are
they are viewed as trustworthy custodians of the not complimentary of the King .. Soon thereafter
crown and loyal servants. The Masilela and Ma- the Ngwenyama throws the ritual gourd known
vuso clans are some of the well-known clans who as luselwa lwe-Embobut. The chasing away of
are entrusted with such tasks, especially during the Dlamini from near the King concludes this
the Incwala Sacred ceremony. While the King is activity.
at liberty to consult other muti people during the
year, at this time of the year his life is in the hands
of the Masilela and Mavuso clans. Of course as to
how they are chosen remains a mystery, but oth-
er traditional authorities claim that it is a heredi-
tary procedure, whereby a man was administer-
ing the same muti, then one of his sons or even
closer relative would then be earmarked to take
over this role if he had passed away.

Killing the Black Bull - Kubulal’inkhunzi
After cutting the Lusekwane shrub to prove their
strength and powers the boys have to kill a black
bull with their hands. This Black bull will first
form part of the process of cleansing; the King is
inside the enclosure, painted all black with a spe-
cial prepared lotion whose ingredients are only
known to the most trusted muti men; he is naked
on a lions skin and performs secret and sacred
rituals which will wash away all bad omens, evil
intentions of all forms, and plans against him by
his enemies. All this happens over this ceremoni-
al black bull inside the inhlambelo. The bull that
was tied up while the rituals were taking place
in the sacred enclosure will then be set loose



Encouraging Ubuntu EYoFOYnoUElyrRS

King Sobhuza II stimulated it, Mandela spoke of it, CARE
Desmond Tutu elaborated on it and many more have
since written about it and even chosen the name for OPTOMETRISTS
their children, clubs, foundations and incidentally
their yachts. In SiSwati, the language of Swaziland, The trusted name in eyecare
we say ‘Buntfu’. Various tribes of Africa have their
own dialect or variation of the word. Ubuntu has 20/20
found itself creeping into Southern African English
and it is making its way into global English and other Quality Designer Prescription Eyewear
languages through South Africa’s own Mark Shuttle- Carl Zeiss Lenses, Contact Lenses
worth’s computer operating system called Ubuntu, Designer Sunglasses
and now it spreads even more through the worldwide Binoculars & Telescopes
movement known as Ubuntu. On Facebook there are Unparaleled Service
many groups called ‘Ubuntu’ where one can post ob-
servations related to such. On the quest towards one’s Mbabane Pick n Pay Mall-+268 2404 6933 - Fax 2404 5105
Inner Being, Ubuntu can be an encouragement to all. Manzini The Hub Pick N Pay +268 2505 2496
Most people are not content and joyous beings, for The Gables Galleria +268 2416 3414
they are not doing that which brings them satisfac-
tion and joy. Intending, allowing, and then receiving, how your positive thoughts create positive things.
that is how one finds contentment and joy. Intend to
have or be something or someone, give yourself the The concept of Ubuntu reminds us that we go beyond
permission without looking at anyone else who has bodily birth and death. We have an energy within us
already received similar or better, worse or less. Know that does not need this vessel called a body. Our Inner
now, that there is always enough on this planet for Being is aware of all of the experiences that we have
you. What you want is already yours, just open your- taken part in, both physical and nonphysical. It can
self to receive. be said that words truly do not teach. One can only be
Most of us have withdrawn from the position of mak- encouraged to go towards this knowing that is held by
ing decisions about our personal wants. Many simply our Inner Being. Mostly, our knowing comes through
wait to be told what is best for them by institutions, our personal life experience. A life-coach can cheer
family members or even individuals. Many continue others on and also joyfully remind their own self to
to create by default; meaning actively creating in the be aware of these inner feelings. You can make con-
direction of that which you are intentionally thinking tact with your Inner Being. Be still and listen to your
about, which is mostly just what you can see in the deep breathing. From your inner strength it is pos-
present moment. Often it stems from fear, jealousy,
or aiming to please others wishes of what they expect
from you. Think positively about yourself and watch


sible to purposefully create that which you choose way we expect them to allow ourselves to be as we are.
within this physical life. Decide to be happy. Ubuntu, umuntu
ngumuntu ngabanye
Is a saying in isiZulu.
In SiSwati one would
Buntfu, umntfu ngu-
muntfu ngabanye
Meaning, ‘Ubuntu,
A human is Human
Being amongst oth-

What is it that you really want? Has it changed from It is with accepting
yesterday? Trust yourself to know that your dreams others that we can
grow and change. Some wants may even no longer truly be ourselves.
be important as yesterday, for new ones come to you As more of us are
every day. Envision the life experience that you ex- reach that state,
pect. Begin creating your future, now, through the then, upon our Plan-
power of your creative thought. As you accomplish et Earth, there will
the blending of your Inner Being and your mindful be total harmony and peace and satisfaction and con-
physical being, you will CONSCIOUSLY begin seek- tentment and joy. Ubuntu.
ing experiences that will bring growth, for in those
growth experiences will come wonderful joy and The higest quality
much satisfaction. 100%

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There are some major changes taking place upon our
planet. If we are seeking the comfort of sameness,
then great dissatisfaction and unpleasantness keeps
coming. If we are viewing the happenings that are
coming from the viewpoint of one who seeks growth,
and understand that growth comes from new experi-
ence, then we will be filled with excited eagerness, for
we all know that within the new experience comes
progress and joy.

Humanity’s primary intentions are harmony and Tel: +268 76477997 or +268 7836 7389
growth. We are all born with Ubuntu and the pri- 11
mary intentions of those who surround you are the
same. Through Ubuntu we can recognize that even in
each of our differences, we are all intending to have
life experiences that will bring us to knowing. As we
all learn to allow others to be as they are, in the same


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What’s in this Summer 3) Africa Inspired drop pennants:

(By Temhlanga Sikhondze)

Don’t go out looking like yesterday, dress to im- This jewellery pennant has many variations with
press and be IN. Here are a few tips on what almost endless style and price variations includ-
is in and what you can get to be in style this ing the evergreen Swazi Gcebesha in its new
summer to help you get it we have a few recom- stylish variations.
mendations as to where you may find the article
in Swaziland. :

1 ) Gladiator Sandals:

Ever popular and always
looking great they are in
this summer in all styles

Get yours at a good shoe

2 )Bucket Bag:

Not just a very handy type of bag but also a very Don’t leave home without one this summer you
stylish type is back many styles some with little might look undressed.
extra tassels to accentuate the look. And many
in bright patterns and colours.

Get it at: Shanks Mbabane and Ga-

Hair Dressers
The Mall Mbabane
Tel 2404 7089
Opening hours
Mon - Friday 08:00 - 17:00, Sat - 09:00 - 15:00
Sun - First and last Sunday of the Month 10:00-14:00



4 ) Knotted Crop top: Make yourself a honey face wash

This is another of the ever IN items that you can We have found a way for you to create a very inex-
simply create. The knotted variation is set to be pensive and natural cleanser that will replace your
the most popular this season =, just convert one bar soap in your house while making your skin clean
of your favourite T-shirts into your favourite Crop and moisturized at the same time. When you create a
top by adding a well-placed knot. cleaner that is gentle and gives you a moisture boost,
then it’s a win-win beauty situation. You may feel free
to do this at home, you won’t regret and don’t forget
that this must be refrigerated after use. Once you have
filled it in your container and before using it remem-
ber to label it lest you Before you put it in the fridge
the first time, let you or someone else mistake it for a
yummy ice-cream topping.


5 ) Print pattern Skirts: 1 cup raw honey (you may use
the Bulembu Honey brand)
Especially bold African 1 tablespoon of liquid soap
print patterns, get one 1 cup glycerine
from a local designers 1 sticker and a clean plastic bot-
They come in different Method
designs and patters a Mix the honey, soap, and glycerin in a small bowl.
skirt for every occasion Take the mixture and pour it into the plastic bottle.
Here’s the twist: This must be refrigerated between
6 ) Flat shoes and all kind of Sneakers: uses, and we don’t want your hubby pouring soapy
honey on his toast in the morning and saying, “Hon-
They never seem to get quite out of fashion any ey, I love this...can you make me more of this tasty
sport shop or good boutique at your favourite treat...but wait, my stomach is doing cartwheels.”
mall will have a good selection.

Dunk a washcloth in warm water and pour a large
dollop of this mixture onto the cloth. Wash your face
with the wet washcloth and then gently dry it. Your
face will feel clean from the soap, and soft and mois-
turized from the honey, which is extremely good for
you because it contains several antioxidants and also
has an antiseptic quality.

Even though its not really poison you must put a
sticker on your bottle.

You may write something like:




Break the cycle of Abuse (By Rithah Angela Ncongwane)

The year 2015 is almost over and as a nation we are counting down to the year 2022 the year old
the Kings Vision. As this is our vision as well we as a nation have to pay attention to a few things
that potentially hinder the progress to achieving the envisioned first world status. One issue that I
am particular concerned about is abuse of girls in the Kingdom of Swaziland.

These days I am no newspaper lover because of the appalling news particular about Girls abuse,
Girls abuse is so rife in our country and somehow the
law seems to be turning a cold shoulder to it. These
young woman are getting raped or assaulted by their
so called lovers to the extent that some are even bru-
tally killed in the process. It pains me to know that
some innocent daughters of mother Africa have to go
through hardship like that. I wonder are these that call
themselves men; (I don’t think they deserve the title of
Men,) at all sane.

One famous rape case that shook the nation was the infamous Scar Face, this guy abducted young
Girls and raped them in the forest. The brute was sought out by a massive manhunt staged by the
Law-enforcement officers and killed in the process. A relief to most but it did not stop the cases of
rape being reported, obviously the problem is deeper than the actions of a single person. Not many
reports of suspects were forthcoming but many cases of rape and abuse and warnings to Girls ad-
vising them to stay indoors which made me wonder did we not receive our freedom in 1968 or was
this freedom for men only? We as girls should be able to freely and safely walk the country at all

It is high time the law intervenes with all its might
to safeguard the Girls of this country. Each and
every single reported case should be investigat-
ed as deep as possible and any suspect brought
to book. And every girl woman or child subjected
to abuse must be in a position to safely speak
up and out about any form of abuse regard-
less of how small it seems to be. I say to all of
them “Speak out and make it stop avoid blaming
yourself lest you imprison yourself in your own
thoughts. Cases of abuse can be reduced to a
minimum can together as a nation we just have
to say no to abuse.


Jealousy is a Warning Bell (By Renata Reck)

Once you have made a sensible statement about what you want; that which is proper will be attracted to you. When you
find yourself in a feeling of jealousy, in seeing someone's body, someone's relationship, their home or their lifestyle, realise
that it is your “Inner Being” telling you that you want this, but right now, you are only giving thoughts to the lack of it. Any
negative emotion that you are feeling, such as fear or doubt, anger, hatred, jealousy, stress, guilt, anxiety... is a commu-
nication from your “Inner Being” telling you that in that moment, that which you are focused upon is not in harmony with
what you are wanting.

While you are feeling positive emotion, such as Ubuntu, love, peace, happi-
ness, joy, excitement, is your inner being communicating to
you in that moment that which you are feeling, the emotion and your thoughts
are all in harmony with that which you are wanting. As you are moving through
your day, participating in the wide variety of activities which make up your
physical experience, be sensitive to the way that you are feeling. As long as
you are feeling positive emotions, know that what you are creating is moving
you towards those things that you are wanting.

When you feel negative emotion, hate, fear, doubt, anxiety, stress, anger, guilt, loneliness,
Jealousy...stop, immediately, in the moment that you recognize that you are feeling the emotion, ask yourself what thought
or word or action brought forth that emotion. Once you respond in the moment that you are feeling that emotion, you will
very quickly be able to identify what thought, word or action has brought it forth, for as you recall it, the negative emotion
will be intensified. As soon as you identify what thought, word or action that has brought forth your negative emotion, ask
yourself, "What is it that I want?" Pivot yourself back into positive thoughts.

Make strong positive statements to lead you from your current state of negative thoughts and emotions to your desired
state of positive thought. Recognize that the negative thoughts and emotions are all negative warning bells. They are there
to help you understand what the warning bell is trying to tell you. In most cases, the feeling of guilt comes forward not
because you are doing something wrong,", but because your freedom is being suppressed. The warning bell is ringing,
not to get you to stop the action you are involved in, not to get you to stop not going to church but to let you know that the
thought you are involved in is not in harmony with who you are.

It is good to have various beliefs to use to temper new ideas. That way one can decide, in every day, and every segment
of every day, what it is you most want. It is good to make more and more decisions, more decisions, more decisions. A
decision unlocks all that energy to get you going there. Decide what you are going to have for lunch, early in the morning,
and let the Universe arrange
the circumstances and events
so that it will satisfy you. If you
have an appointment at three
o'clock in the afternoon, and
you know about it two weeks
ahead, launch some thought
out there in advance, and let it
get going on it. Use the power
of your thought and the power
of your expectation to prepare
in advance for the event -so
that it does not take so much
action to perform. Expect hap-
piness. Be good to yourself.
Move away from jealousy,
focus on what you want. Be


The Ball is in your Court orange. Since this river flows next to a citrus growing
company some oranges, for one reason or the other,
(By Joseph Malaza) found their way to the river. They still do even today.

Just think of it! You are a young, vi- Unavoidably if this orange was spotted by us a stam-
brant and energetic child who has all pede ensued despite the depth of the river or the im-
the strength and vigour to run all over pending peril. Such haste created a temporal precau-
the place. However you are impeded by tion lapse in our minds as we scrambled towards the
a series of prescriptions and proscriptions imposed floating orange. Sad enough it was not uncommon to
on you by your parents or guardians. You just feel scramble for an orange peel or a half eaten orange.
like you are living under constant surveillance with What a disappointment!
a metaphorical chain around your neck. You are defi- Just after picking the orange or its peel reality would
nitely frustrated by these things and you feel like it is strike home. One would realise that he is real in immi-
just too much. I say these things because I together nent danger and in a desperate move he or she would
with my contemporaries went through them. start swimming hastily towards the shore. Luck fa-
I spent my formative years at home, which is next to the voured us because none amongst my friends and foes
Mlumati River in the Hhohho region. I spent most of was ever attacked by the known aquatic creatures.
my time swimming and playing at the river with both Nonetheless I saw a number of them getting cut by
friends and strange objects found buried in the depth of the river.

foes. How-
ever it was
not easy for
us to reach
the river’s
bank willy-
nilly. We
have had to
dodge our
parents in
order to go
Our par-
ents then
and my
raries now
worry a lot
about their children playing at the river. Their worry Now juxtapose the above story with the real life situ-
is informed by the fact that such big rivers are habi- ation of an innocent, ambitious and promising young
tats to dangerous creatures such as crocodiles, hippos child who is tempted to jump into murky waters just
and crabs. to pick a floating orange if not its peel. Parents and
Due to the stated reasons it was not easy for our par- guardians try to warn of all the things that imperil
ents to allow us to make the river our play ground. children in their formative years and most times they
This frustrated us so much because we wanted to ex- (children) take heed.
plore the river at all levels. Much as we were restricted However there are times when a child will see a float-
and restrained from venturing into dangerous spots ing orrange that only needs him or her to jump into
within the river we were allowed to swim in some the river and pick it, simply as that. But is he aware of
places that were perceived to be safe and we took the impending and associated dangers involved.
heed. In real life there are many orranges floating in murky
Notwithstanding the dangers involved and the well waters. Deep down these murky waters there are nu-
intended precautions by us, there were always times merous dangerous creatures that are ready to devour
when there would be lapses in the level of caution on and destroy whosoever is tempted to jump in. Unlike
our part. This was usually caused by a mere floating a real river with either rapids or still pools, most real


life murky waters are cool, innocent looking, and un-
derstanding persons. You will not retreat backward if proudly supports our cultural heritage
they approach you. These may include a strange guy
offering you a drink, a classmate inviting you to a par- LOGICO is primarily a Fast Moving Consumer Goods
ty, a senior citizen offering to drop you at school or (FMCG) Sales & Distribution Business o ering various
a person showering you with unwarranted gifts and solutions to its clients for the most e ective solution
goodies. All these are good acts by seemingly good for the Swaziland Market.
Behind all these kind gestures is a likelihood of veiled Our services include: • Debtors
intentions, most of which are not good ones. Your • Sales • Warehousing
parents might have warned you about certain actions • Sales Reporting • Primary Distribution
which may destroy your future and mostly they do. • Key Accounting • Secondary Distribution
Now if a person is bombarding you with some good- • Merchandising • 48 Hours – Corridor
ies that make your life seems to be sophisticated or • Trade Surveys & Intelligence • 72 Hours – Country
otherwise, you may be tempted to buy their story and • Trade Promotions & Activation • Reverse Logistics
fall for the trap.
Many a child has admitted to have fallen on the Plot 764, King Mswati III Avenue, Matsapha, Swaziland
wrong and against parental guidance because of ma- Phone: (+268) 2517 8000
terial enticement. There is a common phenomenon Email: [email protected]
among smokers to inundate new initiates with free
cigarette until they start craving for it. That is when
they tell him the price of this habit forming stuff, can be made by utilising the opportunity availed to
meaning they should start buying also. you by His Majesty to access free primary education.
Effectively, through material enticement or other- The ancient espousal of inequality education policy
wise, many children have fallen into human murky had long been discarded and now there is an aggres-
waters only to be destroyed by the lethal vices found sive advocacy for the girl child to have equal oppor-
therein. A lot of children have fallen into drugs, pros- tunity in all spheres of human existence, education
titution, thuggery, to name just a few, not out of spite being the first priority.
of parental guidance. They were enticed to jump into I end by borrowing a quote from one Muhamad Ali
the murky water despite the lurking dangers. who once said, “suffer now and live the rest of your
Admittedly no one wants to live a life of destitu- life as a champion”.
tion and dearth. However that does not absolve one The ball is in your court now!!!!
from the responsibility to make good choices. Good
choices will mostly be made through parental guid-
ance and the sine-qua-non for effective guidance is
respect. I use the word parental guidance in its deeper
sense considering that many children in this era are
As a young, energetic and ambitious child, especially
the girl child, you should not abdicate your respon-
sibility to make a stable foundation of your life. This

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Humanity’s Seeds (By Renata Reck) generation to generation. Seeds are a common prop-
erty resource to be shared for the wellbeing of future
Today, on the occasion of the 21st Session of the generations and cannot be owned or patented. Seed
United Framework Convention on Climate Changes, sharing and saving cannot be interfered with by na-
there is no greater discussion than the survival of tional or international laws that make it a crime to
the seeds of the world. The diversity of the future of do so.
seeds is under threat, of the 80 000 edible plants used 1. Freedom of farmers to save seeds
for food only about 150 are being cultivated and just 2. Freedom of farmers to breed new varieties
eight are traded globally. The freedom of seed and the 3. Freedom from privatisation and bio-piracy
freedom of farmers are threatened by new property 4. Freedom of farmers to exchange or trade seeds
rights and new technologies. These are changing seed 5. Freedom to have access to “Open Source” seeds
from a commons shared by farmers to a commodity 6. Freedom from genetic contamination an GMO’s
controlled a central monopoly of corporations. 7. Freedom of seed to reproduce

Short term managerial drives and profit margins sac- Seeds of the world embody the past and the future.
rifice the consideration of public good. Industrial The following lists ways in which seeds can be tai-
production strategies and exclusion of communities lored to meet the challenges ahead.
have reduced seed diversity more than ever before. Seeds for the Future
Knowledge about the use of cultivated and wild plant 1. Community based seed conservation and develop-
varieties has become scarce and inaccessible. The dis- ment
appearance of local seeds has gone hand in hand with 2. Embedding agricultural eco-systems
the disappearance of small farmers and local food va- 3. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
rieties. 4. Eliminate and phase out toxic inputs
The mono culture paradigm must give way to a flour- 5. Diversity within varieties
ishing diversity paradigm. Irrational unhealthy sys- 6. Breeding for food quality
tems of processing, storage, transport and consump- 7. Women are the protagonists of biodiversity
tion with the alarming input of toxic substances The future of evolution of humanity goes hand in hand
into our eco systems dramatically intensifies climate with the future and free evolution of seeds. What has
change impacts. Here are the core listed principals of been practiced in peasant cultures from time imme-
the law of seed. morial needs utmost support from the public and pri-
Law of Seed vate sector if our right to choose and to live healthy
Diversity safe and culturally diverse lives is to prevail.
Diversity is our highest security. It increases the The future of seeds carries within it the future of hu-
choice of options and our chances of adapting to en- manity. Ubuntu.
vironmental conditions and human needs.
1. Diversity of Seed
2. Diversity of agricultural systems -traditional agri-
cultural systems where seed mixtures help to fulfil the
farmers needs -ecological agricultural systems where
crop rotation and biodiversity is required
3. Diversity of producer consumer relationships
4. Diversity of Cultures
5. Diversity of Innovation

Freedom of Seed
Seeds are a gift of nature not a corporate invention.
It is a human duty to pass on this ancient gift from,,,,,


then pour over enough cold water so that it covers
Marula Jelly Recipe to make at home. the fruit by 5cm. Bring to a rapid boil and continue
boiling until the liquid has reduced to 1/3 its origi-
This is a traditional recipe for a classic preserve made nal volume. Take off the heat and pour the mixture
by boiling marula fruit in water, straining the pulp into a jelly bag. Set aside to drain naturally over night
and boiling with sugar until it reaches the setting (do not press down on the fruit pulp or the jelly will
point. become cloudy). The following day, measure the vol-

ume of the fruit pulp. Pour this into a
pan and for every 100ml add 150g or
sugar. Stir the fruit pulp and sugar to-
gether then bring to a boil and boil rap-
idly for 15 minutes.

At this point, test for setting. Take a
saucer that has been chilled in the re-
frigerator and add a teaspoonful of the
jam mixture. Leave for three minutes
then gently touch the surface of the jam.
If the surface wrinkles then the jam is
ready. If not, continue cooking for 15
minutes more then test again.

The marula is a fruit, produced by the Sclerocarya When the jam is ready, ladle or spoon
birrea tree, The fruit is greenish yellow when unripe into newly-sterilized jars and secure the
and ripens to golden yellow. lids on top. Set aside to cool before labelling and stor-
The best way to pot is to clean your jars scrupulously ing. It is best to store for at least 2 weeks before open-
and then to sterilize them well. When you are about to ing to allow the banana mixture to mature.
make the jam, bring a large pan of water to a boil then If you are using a number of small jars, you will not
reduce to a simmer and keep simmering. A few min- be able to sterilize them all at the same time. Just add
utes before you are ready to pot, immerse the jars and another batch of jars to the hot water pot when the
their lids in the simmering water. Leave them there first lot of jars have been filled.
for 2 minutes then take
out with tongs. Drain
and fill with the jam then
seal with the sterilized
lids and set aside to cool.

Ingredients: HIGH TAKE INVESTMENTS (PTY) Ltd De0po%sit
1kg ripe marula fruit
150g sugar per 100ml The best wheels at affordable prices
fruit pulp
(Typically about1.75kg)

Marula Jelly Preparation: Lot 95 1st Avenue Matsapha
Method: Wash and dry Tel (+268) 2518 7853
the fruit then take a Cell: (+268) 7633 1313
sharp knife and make an Email: [email protected]
incision around the cen-
tre of each one.
Place in a cooking pot



A look into the future - Vision 2022

Leaving 2015 behind and entering 2016, we prepare to pave the way for Vision 2022, the vision of HM King Mswati III. It
is time to pause a minute to reflect on how different life was 6 years ago and how it will be in January 2022. In 2010 we
were just getting used to the Idea of Smart phones with internet access, Facebook was beginning to become popular in
Swaziland, while we listened to Shakiras Waka Waka during 2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa. Little did we know
that soon people would be injecting botulism into their faces, revealing their photo collections on Facebook and chatting
and forming groups on Whatsapp which was released in January of that year. Fast-forward to January 2022, will our world
sound practically prehistoric what changes should we expect of this Magic year? Our team came up with some possible

We will have a unemployment figure that is well below what we are facing now, a lot of jobs having been created around
the King Mswati III Airport with the national carrier operating regular scheduled flights to all our regional trading partners
as well as Abu Dhabi. These flights will not only bring tourist to the country but also much valued and needed income
from trade at the free trade zone around the Airport, transit trade. The PM of the country quite possibly HRH Princess
Sikhanyiso will introduce a Green economy concept to Swaziland and initiate an aggressive marketing drive for progress
and development. We see the establishment of solar power plants in the lowveld, wind generation plants on the Lebombo
plateau, and in selected locations in the Highveld. A new coal fired power plant at Mpaka using local coal and smaller
biofuel power plant in Matata using local sugarcane and other feed stock. Swaziland will turn from being an importer of
power to a net exporter of power. South Africa will be in a state of civil unrest and instability causing many South African
companies to resettle and seek a new home for themselves in the Kingdom.

After successfully launching and completing the drive for free universal primary education. Swaziland will endeavour to
get high school and tertiary enrolment figures up enhancing the already well educated population. Swaziland will see itself
established as an education Hub of Southern Africa hosting foreign students from all over the world with the establishment
of a high end research and development University at Sikuphe City. This university will be at the forefront of developing
new innovative products from local plants and materials. As well as developing new production ready high tech products

Augmented Reality Glasses: Boy meets girl is as old as time, will see
serious changes in the way we hook up in 2022. We will look at our
world through high tech glasses and view our surroundings as “Aug-
mented reality using a revolutionary technology which merges the
physical “real-world” environment with virtual computer-generated re-
ality. You will be able to change what the street looks like As you walk
around town, a touch of a button will reveal the restaurants, hotels and
bars in the nearby area in 3D vision and if you are you are in a relationship not looking to hook up , all men will simply
appear as objects for you to avoid bumping into, but if you are single you’ll be alerted to all the available men. Better still,
awkward ice breakers will become a thing of the past. Both your ‘Selfi Badges’ will broadcast Facebook information into
the air, and the computer chips will work out if you are compatible. He notices you, you notice him, your data been checked
and as you are both free you will instantly have a date for Friday evening.”

Cashless payments;
More and more payments will be made from home via smartphones or similar internet enabled devises. This can be pay-
ment gate ways like Quickfire pay at which was recently launched in Swaziland. And the use of Bitcoins
will be increased with more and more online trade being done and more and more direct import using bitcoin.

Health and fitness monitors
We’ll use mobile lifestyle devices to monitor our health, fitness level, consumption patterns and dental needs. Your smart
phone will be able to give you a read out of your stress and nutrient level. These can be worn as either a wristband, neck-
lace or hidden on the waistband.


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