8 NATIONAL 53.6%
25,000+ TOTAL
2 2015 Annual Report
Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internationally.
As I look back on 2015, I reflect from a new perspective. This is my first opportunity to report on the organization
from the role of Executive Director. I was appointed in August 2015 after having served in various positions at
USA Field Hockey since 2008.
The focus of USA Field Hockey, as the National Governing Body for the sport of field hockey in the United States is to
Serve Members, Grow the Game and Succeed Internationally. This is a simple statement that captures our
purpose, and what we exist to do. We serve members by putting on valued programs, that generate a surplus income,
which we invest in developmental activities to grow the game and in our national teams to help them succeed
internationally. First and foremost, we are a service organization, serving our members. As we continue to improve our
programs and services we will have more resources available to us as a sport to invest in the other two strands of our
mission. Our development activities include coach education, umpire training and grassroots participation programs.
Supporting our national teams includes ensuring that all the systems are in place that are required to compete on the
international stage, from the world’s best coaches, to top venues, international travel and more.
USA Field Hockey has 12 staff members in the main office, plus seven national team staff, with another six remote staff
dedicated to development. That is a total of 25 people serving more than 25,000 members. We coordinate a lot of
programming including junior national team and senior national team training, umpire and coach clinics, various youth
events and trainings and much more. In late 2015, we added additional staff in membership and events to make sure we
do an even better job in achieving our purpose of Serving Members, and I would like to give a shout out to all our staff
team who have worked so hard throughout 2015. More than a thousand volunteers and contracted workers support the
staff team. These individuals around the country strive to inspire athletes. USA Field Hockey is truly a people business
and I am hugely appreciative of all those who come together in hockey.
At the pinnacle of our sport is international play. In July our U.S. Women’s National Team took gold at the Pan American
Games and qualified for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. This is some achievement and a testament to many hours of
hard work by the athletes and coaches, as well as a wonderful endorsement of the pipeline and youth infrastructure of
the sport. It is so important to share our Team USA athletes with all of America and we made positive strides through
the year in putting on three international series at Spooky Nook Sports. Argentina visited in March, Ireland in May and
Japan in November and our team went undefeated and played in front of sold-out crowds. Further, we broadcasted and
streamed every game to broaden the exposure of our sport. We are thankful to our broadcast partners at Blue Ridge
Cable, Fox Sports, Comcast Sportsnet, Universal Sports and the United States Olympic Committee.
Some other highlights of 2015 include reaching a new high
in membership of 25,975, a record number of commercial
partners, with 37 corporations associated with our sport and
record digital traffic of 607,475 unique users visiting our
website. We also have 48,773 Facebook fans, 30,817
Twitter followers and 25,840 on Instagram. Good trends
to build upon as we focus on growing the sport.
SIMON HOSKINS Based off of the numbers, programs and participation we
USA Field Hockey saw last year, we’re pleased with the progress our sport has
Executive Director made. If 2015 is a foreshadowing of how 2016 will play out, I
think we’re in a tremendous spot for even more growth and
fun within field hockey in the United States.
4 2015 Annual Report
Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internationally.
MARK VITTESE As of August 31, 2015
The U.S. Men’s National Team (USMNT) continued to develop throughout 2015 with an increase of competition in selection and le
Training Center in Chula Vista, Calif. with more services earned by the athletes and provided by the United States Olympic Comm
grown the program within the United States and International Hockey Federation (FIH).
Performance over the course of the year allowed a number of USMNT athletes to gain further international experience culminating
World League Round 2 in Chula Vista, Calif., where a narrow loss to Austria in the Quarterfinal meant Team USA fell just short of
place. Following World League Round 2, the USMNT went on a European Tour which was generated to allow for further internatio
India. The opportunity to play against these teams and in the European hockey culture was invaluable. This aided Team USA grea
training camp in Chula Vista, Calif. and a two-match test series against Argentina in Boston. This was all in preparation before the
The U.S. Men’s National Team is a long-term project that is continually developing over time and with the respect of the High Perfo
GOALS SCORED IN 2015 2nd in Pool Play
FFeIHbruHaoryc2k8e-yMWarocrhld8 L| CehauglaueViRstoa,uCnadlif2. JUuSlyA4v-s8. |ABrogsetonnt,iMnaasTs.est Series
The first major event for the U.S. Men’s National Team As final preparation before the Pan American Games,
since late 2013 and without preparation matches the opportunity to fine tune play against the best team
due to opposition cancelling made the tournament in the Americas gave the U.S. Men’s National Team
difficult. However, Team USA showed great promise further opportunity to develop. The games were
considering the circumstances and a monumental pleasing as the ability to compete against Argentina
cliffhanger match was the one against Austria. showed that developments were being made.
European Tour Pan American Games M
June 3 - 18 | Den Hague, The Netherlands July 10 - 26 | Toronto, Canada 50T
Antwerp, Belgium The Pan American Games was an event where
the U.S. Men’s National Team and program were
The purpose of this tour was to gain experience aiming to make a stand in the Americas. Finishing
playing in the European Hockey Culture and develop second after pool play for the first time in 20 years, set
skills playing against high-class European opponents Team USA up for a crossover against Brazil. Without
and those playing in FIH World League Round 3. This taking the multiple goal scoring opportunities during
level of competition is critical to extend the regulation the game went to shootouts were the
U.S. Men’s National team program and develop USMNT again didn’t capitalize on chances. With a
the necessary skills to perform at the next level. young team going into the tournament, many lessons
An extended squad was taken to give as many were learned and the team rebounded from
athletes as possible the opportunity to benefit from disappointment and finished in 5th place, determined
the experience and grow in the long term. to make higher honors in the future.
6 2015 Annual Report PAT
Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internationally. 100TH INTERNATIO
evel of play. The Centralized Training Program continued to develop at the Olympic
mittee. The long-term pragmatic approach to heighten performance over time has
g in the Pan American Games. The year began with hosting the FIH Hockey
advancing to the FIH Hockey World League Round 3 and finished in 7th
onal exposure playing against Dutch Club teams as well as China and
atly as it was the first tour in almost 2 years and was followed by a
e USMNT headed to the Pan American Games in Toronto, Canada.
ormance Programs that help track the future of the program.
For the U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT), 2015 was a busy, competitive and fun year filled with a lot of hard work. The yea
miles traveled and one gold medal that secured the USWNT a spot in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Competition began when Team USA hosted Argentina in Lancaster, Pa. in February for a sold-out four-game test series. The team
April for the 8 Nations Tournament. In May, Team USA hosted and swept Ireland in a three-match test series in Lancaster, Pa. be
in June. The USWNT finished 5th narrowly missing their qualification to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. With a short turnaround, Te
an Olympic qualification tournament and the last opportunity Team USA had to qualify. The USWNT defended their 2011 title and
USWNT traveled to London, England in October to take on a highly respected Great Britain team before hosting Japan in Lancast
February 13 - 18 | Lancaster, Pa.
To start off the year, the U.S. Women’s National Team
hosted Argentina at Spooky Nook Sports. Tying As of March 2015
the first three games of the four match sold-out series,
Team USA battled to win the fourth game 2-0 securing
a series victory.
8 Nations Tournament Pan American Games ST
April 11 - 19 | Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand July 10 - 26 | Toronto, Canada
The U.S. Women’s National Team took their first Held once every 4 years, the Pan American Games is
international trip of the year to compete in the an Olympic qualification tournament. Having won gold
8 Nations Tournament which included Australia, in 2011, the U.S. Women’s National Team was able to
China, India, Argentina, New Zealand, Korea, Japan defend their title in 2015 and qualify for the
and USA. Despite tough competition, Team USA Rio 2016 Olympic Games. An impressive
came away with three wins, one tie and two losses to performance by the USWNT had them scoring 39
secure a 5th place finish. goals while only conceding 1.
USA vs. Ireland Test Series USA vs. Great Britain Test Series
May 18 - 21 | Lancaster, Pa. October 19 - 29 | London, England
For the first ever outside series at Spooky Nook The U.S. Women’s National Team took on a strong
Sports, the U.S. Women’s National Team hosted Great Britain team in England in four unofficial games.
Ireland. Team USA won all three games while The tour provided valuable and excellent learning
accumulating ten goals and only giving up one. experience for the team on and off the field against a
Tellus360, a local Irish restaurant, presented the series highly ranked and respected opponent.
winner with a trophy.
FIH Hockey World League Round 3 USA vs. Japan Test Series KAT
June 8 - 26 | Valencia, Spain November 29 - December 3 | Lancaster, Pa. FALGO
200TH I
The U.S. Women’s National Team competed in the To end the year, the U.S. Women’s National Team
FIH Hockey World League Round 3 in Spain, hosted Japan in a four-match series at Spooky Nook
an Olympic qualification tournament. Finishing the Sports. Team USA finished with three wins and one tie
tournament with four wins, one tie and two losses, while scoring eight goals and allowing zero.
Team USA earned 5th place missing out on the
automatic bid. Despite the results, the team took away LAUREN
positive learning outcomes to apply moving forward. CRANDALL
8 2015 Annual Report
Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internationally.
r consisted of seven events in four different countries, covering more than 33,000
m took their first international trip of the year to Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand in
efore heading to the FIH Hockey World League Round 3 in Valencia, Spain
eam USA headed to Toronto, Canada in July for the Pan American Games,
d punched their ticket to the Olympic Games. To finish out the year, the
er, Pa. at the end of the November.
USA Field Hockey experienced growth once again in Membership. One of the most exciting
developments was an increase of more than 8 percent in the U-12 division, showing that we have
more youth picking up field hockey at a younger age. As we continue to dedicate ourselves to
increasing the amount of diversity in the sport of field hockey, this is a sign that initiatives such as
FUNdamental Field Hockey and our greater focus on providing hockey opportunities to younger
athletes are taking hold. In addition, the organization was happy to see that the Coach, Umpire and
Lifetime memberships grew in 2015, meaning players are finding ways to continue to be engaged
with the sport. On top of the upward swing in annual memberships, USA Field Hockey was
encouraged by the increase in those taking advantage of our Temporary Membership. In large
part, this is a result of premier sanctioned events like the Big Apple Tournament, California Cup,
Harrow Cup, Junior Premier Indoor and Outdoor Leagues, and the New England Field Hockey
Classic. Looking forward to 2016, it is our goal to create new membership categories, increase
member benefits and ensure that our members are receiving the best customer service possible.
Members by Type Members by Region
TYPE JAN. 1, 2015 - % CHANGE JAN. 1, 2014 - REGION JAN. 1, 2015 - % CH
DEC. 31, 2015 CURR./PRIOR DEC. 31, 2014 DEC. 31, 2015 CURR.
U-12 Membership 3,689 8% 3,444 Northeast Region 3,122 -6
U-19 Membership 16,607 - 1% 16,751 Region 4 - New York 2,785 3
Adult Membership 1,291 - 8% 1,403
Coach Membership 1,922 4% 1,851 Region 5 - Pennsylvania 5,053 7
Umpire Membership 4%
Lifetime Membership 765 3% 736 Region 6 - New Jersey 2,388 0
Friends of Field Hockey 578 564
- 11% Region 7 - Chesapeake 3,281 3
Membership 106 118
Temporary Membership 1% Region 8 - South 2,414 -9
1,016 .10% 1,011
TOTALS 25,975 25,878 Region 9 - Great Lakes 1,769 -3
Region 10 - Central 1,688 2
8%U-12 MINECMRBEEARSSEHIINP Region 11 - West 2,087 3
None Specified 1,498 8
TOTALS 25,975 .4
10 2015 Annual Report
Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internationally.
HANGE JAN. 1, 2014 -
./PRIOR DEC. 31, 2014
6% 3,328
3% 2,688
7% 4,734
0% 2,388
3% 3,183
9% 2,661
3% 1,829
2% 1,656
3% 2,025
8% 1,386
4% 25,878
The Futures Program is dedicated to developing the top athletes in each region, identifying
the most talented athletes in the nation and cultivating the Olympic athletes of tomorrow.
Since its establishment in 1990, the Futures Program has been the start of many athletes’
Olympic journey. In 2015, 5,358 top high school and middle school athletes who aspire
to play at an elite level participated in the Futures Program..
In 2015, USA Field Hockey’s Futures Program was an elite training experience for Futures Elite
middle school and high school athletes that consisted of 27 hours of training with
some of the top coaches in the country. The Futures Program is the start of the June 30 - July 3 |
Olympic Development Pipeline and nearly all U.S. Women’s National Team
members participated in the program. The Futures Program has also become In its fourth and final ye
one of the premier collegiate recruiting opportunities in the United States. encompassed 162 of t
Spanning across the U
5,358 athletes within their reg
compete at the Future
FUTURES PARTICIPANTS IN 2015 Nook Sports in Lancas
680 ASTOTEHLNELFCECTTEESD In a comprehensive re
Championship will no
will be re-established in
the Junior High Perform
Young Women’s National Championship
June 22 - 26 | Lancaster, Pa.
The Young Women’s National Championship (YWNC) was held June 22-26 in Lancaster, Pa.
and served as a high-level, international structured competition and the selection venue for
U-21 Junior National Camp, as well as an additional platform for consideration for
U.S. Women’s National Team tryout opportunities. The YWNC included 136 athletes that
were selected from their regional high performance centers across the United States.
12 2015 Annual Report
Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internationally.
National Futures Championship
June 23 - July 2 | Lancaster, Pa.
Futures Program participants competed across nine regions at Regional Futures Tournaments
for the opportunity to be selected to the 2015 National Futures Championship (NFC),
presented by Harrow Sports. A total of 670 athletes, approximately 11 percent of the total
number of Futures Program participants competed in the NFC held at the Home of
Hockey at Spooky Nook Sports in Lancaster, Pa. The NFC provided athletes with
the opportunity to be selected to other various programs and camps in the
Olympic Development Pipeline.
Lancaster, Pa.
ear, the Future Elite Academies and Futures Elite Championship (FEC)
the top high school and middle school players in the country.
U-14, U-16 and U-19 divisions, Futures Elite Academies trained
gion in hopes of being selected as one of the top 72 athletes to
es Elite Championship held at the Home of Hockey at Spooky
ster, Pa.
eview of the Futures Program, the Futures Elite
longer exist in the same format in 2016. The tournament
in a different format with a focus more conducive to
rmance selection opportunities.
Disney Field Hockey Showcase
February 5 - 8 | Orlando, Fla. J
Held at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in N
Orlando, Fla., the Disney Field Hockey Showcase has H
expanded to accompany 96 U-16 teams and C
96 U-19 teams who showcase their skills in front T
of recruiting college coaches. In
National Indoor Tournament Qualifiers National Clu
December - February | Various Locations July 9 - 17 | Lan
National Indoor Tournament Qualifiers (NITQ) have grown to be one of Held at Spooky Nook
the largest attended events by club teams in the nation. 624 teams club teams of the U-14
competed for a chance to qualify for the respected 2015 National for the 2015 National C
Indoor Tournament, an increase of 89 more teams than 2014. by Harrow Sports. The
prestigious Harrow go
NITQ Locations: Collegeville, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Feasterville, Pa., claimed gold in all thre
Laurel, Md., Libertyville, Ill., Lock Haven, Pa., Loudonville, N.Y.,
Summer Bash at the B
National Indoor Tournament
July 24 - 26 | Virginia Beach, V
February 20 - March 8 | RLaicnhcmasotnedr,, PVaa.&
In its inaugural year, the Summer Bash at
During three weekends, more than 400 teams competed in presented by 4U Sports, was held at the V
the National Indoor Tournament, presented by YOLO Training Center on the newly laid water ba
Sportswear. Playing in each division were four Boys Turf. It saw 21 U-12 Co-Ed and U-14 club
teams, 12 U-10 teams, 50 U-12 teams, 120 U-14 take the field in 7v7 play. Team Chesapea
teams,120 U-16 teams and 120 U-19 teams. This won the U-12 division and Pinnacle Blue c
came to a total of 13 more teams from 2014 to 2015. the U-14 title.
Regional Club Championships National Hockey Festival
March - June | Various Locations November 26 - 29 | Palm Springs, Calif.
Regional Club Championships (RCCs), presented USA Field Hockey returned to the Empire Polo Club in Palm
by Harrow Sports, has seen an increase since Springs, Calif. for the 2015 National Hockey Festival. The
it’s inception in 2011. Eighteen RCCs were largest event in the world of its kind, it brought a total of
hosted by seven regions to see which of the 144 teams together for the annual holiday weekend
top 16 club teams in U-14, U-16 and U-19 tournament that allowed more than 100 college
divisions would advance to the coaches to recruit the best talent.
National Club Championship.
RCCs Locations: Bedford, Mass.,
Columbia, Md., Epping, N.H., Fenton, Mo,.
Manheim, Pa., Matthews, N.C., Pitman, N.J.,
Spring City, Pa., Virginia Beach, Va., Washington, D.C.
14 2015 Annual Report
Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internationally.
National Club Challenge
July 9 - 14 | Virginia Beach, Va.
New to 2015, the National Club Challenge, presented by
Harrow Sports, was held at the Virginia Beach Training
Center and saw 24 teams across all three divisions.
Teams qualified from RCCs.
naugural Champions: U-14: High Styx
U-16: AIM
U-19: Mystx
ub Championship
ncaster, Pa.
Sports in Lancaster, Pa., the top 48
4, U-16 and U-19 divisions gathered
Club Championship, presented
e top club teams battled for the
olden stick. WC Eagles
ee divisions.
the Beach,
Virginia Beach
ased Astro
b teams
The Coaching Education Program (CEP) focused on developing the blueprint for
USA Field Hockey’s Athlete Development Model and Coaching Education Plan. Our
mission is to provide coaches across the nation with education, tools and resources
for professional development so coaches of all levels can be equipped with current,
effective and engaging ways to teach their athletes. In the long-term, CEP will include
both online courses and resources as well as workshops, accreditation clinics and a
mentorship network to promote coaching as a profession and to provide a clear
pathway for professional coaching opportunities.
National Coaches Forum 1,
December 11 - 12 | Lancaster, Pa. Positive Coaching Allian
The 2015 National Coaches Forum, organized by Senior Manager of Coaching In 2015, USA Field Hockey formed a partnersh
Education Liz Tchou, was held at the Home of Hockey at Spooky Nook Sports 1998 launch, PCA has impacted more than 5 m
in Lancaster, Pa. In its third year, the Forum was offered to Level 2 and Level 3 school sport leaders, coaches, athletes, parents
Accredited Coaches and ran for two consecutive days. A total of 93 coaches youth sport organizations nationwide that are co
participated in the Forum and had the opportunity to watch and analyze the tips and tools.
U.S. Women’s National Team practice and preparation for the Rio 2016
Olympic Games. USA Field Hockey’s aim is to provide our memb
The Forum included presentations by USWNT Head Coach Craig SPARK
Parnham, USWNT Assistant Coach Janneke Schopman, Sports
Performance Director Dave Hamilton, USWNT Psychologist USA Field Hockey formed a partnership with SPARK, a resear
Joel Fish, USMNT Head Coach Chris Clements and two-time that promotes lifelong wellness, in 2015. As a collection of rese
Olympian goalkeeper Amy Swenson. education/activity, after school, early childhood and coordinated
programs for educators serving pre-K through 12th grade stud
93 CATTHOTEAECFNOHDERESUDM researched and field-tested physical education programs. The
physical activity opportunities and the love of the sport to physic
In 2015, USA Field Hockey revamped the
Coaching Accreditation Structure into four
levels and added new pathways to include
both High Performance and Development
in order to ensure we are working toward
a sound Athlete Development and
High Performance model.
16 Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internation-
2015 Annual Report
Team USA Mobile Coach Application
USA Field Hockey worked with the United States Olympic Committee
(USOC) in 2015 to introduce and release the Team USA Mobile Coach 231,209 PEOPLE REACHED
Application (MCA), which gives all members free access to field hockey
specific drills, videos and practice plans. The MCA also includes resources
provided by the USOC that are applicable to all sports including topics
such as nutrition, strength and conditioning, and general coaching advice.
Working with the Communications Department, USA Field Hockey’s
MCA had the most registrants and users of all participating National
Governing Bodies.
USA Field Hockey strategically posted relevant videos just prior to the start
of the high school and college pre-seasons to get maximum outreach
and interest. The MCA enables USA Field Hockey to disseminate the
most current program curriculum to coaches and umpires, including Futures
Program trainings, annual rules briefings, updated U.S. Men’s and Women’s
National Team schedules, and other resources for our members.
,922 COACH
hip with Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA). Since its
million youth athletes. PCA reaches youth and high
s and officials through partnerships with schools and
omprised of live workshops, online courses and free
bers with access to these and other resources through the partnership.
arch-based program
earch-based physical
d school health
dents, SPARK is the provider of the world’s most-
e lessons that were developed will bring additional
cal education classes.
Umpire Training has been ongoing throughout the year. Many regions have focused on
targeting the younger umpires who are of high school and college age. Quite a number
of training clinics have also been held that were associated with local high school
umpiring boards and some college umpiring groups. A number of regions have
expanded the scope of opportunities to some local club events, adult play
tournaments, Regional Club Championships and within the Futures Program.
In May 2015, USA Field Hockey introduced the ‘Train the Trainer’ program to Events
50 experienced umpires at the Home of Hockey at Spooky Nook Sports in
Lancaster, Pa. The program consisted of a curriculum that was designed As a key comp
for those who completed the course to be able to go out and teach events. With m
umpiring the way that USA Field Hockey wants it to be taught. The at the events a
program includes 12 sections that can be broken into 45 minute to and trying to ad
one hour programs for local umpiring trainings. umpires enhan
For the larger e
Recruiting of teams. This
Regional Umpire Coordinators have worked diligently looking
for potential new umpires. A number of high school aged club 944 TU
players have begun getting involving in umpiring and mainly
the larger clubs are the ones who have these players International
taking on the role. A number of former and current
college players have also taken up umpiring. 2015 was an important year for USA Field Hock
stage. There was representation at many major
There was an influx of middle age to upper aged events. There were umpires at every round of th
umpires who came forward this year. As some at the 2016 Men’s and Women’s FIH Hock
USA Field Hockey looks to recruit any individual Many technical officers and judges have been a
who is interested in umpiring, the focus is on as the Pan American Games, Canada American
those who are established in their lives to of Hockey at Spooky Nook Sports in Lancaster,
commit to attending our events.
There are currently five men and six women US
There are also two FIH level technical directors
are currently on the international tract.
18 2015 Annual Report
Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internationally.
There are Regional Umpire Coordinators for each region associated within USA Field Hockey. This group of
individuals are responsible for coordinating a minimum of two umpire academies each year, recruitment in
their region, keeping records of all umpire members in their region, attending both the Regional Futures
Tournaments and all Regional Club Championships associated in their region as an umpire manager/
ponent of any event, many umpires travel far and wide to attend USA Field Hockey’s national
many experienced or Level 3 Umpires tied to other sports or college umpiring, representing
are typically Level 1 or Level 2 Umpires. These levels have umpires who are still learning
dvance in the rating system. There is a process of evaluation at every event to help
nce their game.
events, the optimum number of umpires is 66 percent to 75 percent of the number
allows umpires to officiate one more game than the teams play, not double the
key umpires and technical directors on the international
International Hockey Federation (FIH) and Pan American
he FIH Hockey World League and there will be
key World League Finals.
active at the FIH Hockey World League rounds as well
n Indoor Series and all test series held at the Home
SA Field Hockey umpires who are international.
and four developing technical officers who
FUNdamental Field Hockey
In 2015, USA Field Hockey’s Sport Development Team continued their initiative to grow the game of field hockey in the United Sta
through its first-exposure FUNdamental Field Hockey (FFH) equipment grant program, sponsored by Harrow Sports, and made po
by a generous donation from P&G. This year, USA Field Hockey fulfilled 136 FFH grants. Each grant includes 24 sticks, 24 balls, 1
cones, a carrying bag and a 10-session curriculum guide formatted for physical education classes or after-school programming.
FFH targets boys and girls ages 7-11 and has provided schools, club teams and multi-sport organizations with equipment, free of
More than 760 grants have been distributed in four years, ultimately allowing approximately 40,000 young athletes to be exposed
SPTRAROTGERRAPMASCGKIAVGEENS The direct impact of FFH can be measured through the growth of the USA Field Hock
From 2014 to 2015, this category grew from 3,444 members to 3,689 members, an 8
To generate awareness around FFH, USA Field Hockey started the #FUNFriday cam
initiative sharing photos from host club teams as well as a motivational quote. These
extremely popular and have generated significant interest.
RISE Instructional Clinics 5 RCINILSSINETRICUS
USA Field Hockey hosted five RISE Instructional Clinics in 2015 to follow up on FFH programs. RISE
stands for Responsibility, Impactful, Sustainable and Empowering, and the goal of the clinics was to
continue to invigorate the love of the game in the beginning player focusing on ensuring quality coaching at the
youngest player base. Clinics were awarded to enthusiastic and emerging areas that applied. A tot
222 registrants attended the clinics.
The RISE program is a two-year award with the player instructional clinic happening in year one an
Coach Education Program Level 1 Instructional Clinic in year two. More clinics are scheduled for 20
Red, White, Blue & YOU Clinics
Leading into the 2016 Olympic Games year, USA Field Hockey hosted Red, White, Blue & YOU Clinics
(RWB&Y) featuring members of the U.S. Women National Team. These clinics were developed to
encourage and inspire young players to continue their dream to play at the next level. Each of the clinics
were well-received by players and parents.
The RWB&Y Clinics included three hours of skills and instructions from the USWNT and concluded with a demonstration of
skills and autographs. USA Field Hockey hopes these skills clinics motivate the advanced player to become proficient in some
of the more difficult technical aspects of the game.
USA Field Hockey plans to expand RWB&Y Clinics in 2016 post-Rio to continue to promote field hockey and help the top
players grow and celebrate the sport.
2015 Annual Report
Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internationally.
charge, since its inception in 2012.
to field hockey.
key U-12 Membership category.
8 percent increase.
mpaign, a social media
e posts have been
tal of
nd a
Website 607,475
The USA Field Hockey website had a significant jump from TOTAL WEBSITE USERS IN 2015
2013 to 2014 in total website users with a 50.7 percent
increase. This continued into 2015 as more than 600,000 users
viewed the website.
Each of USA Field Hockey’s webpages were viewed on
average 3,630,770 times in 2015. An overall average of
302,564 pageviews were recorded per month.
630 416 Social Media
TOP TWEET OF 2015: USA Field Hockey’s social media presence has increased
substantially in 2015. Facebook followers increased by 22.4
138,550 IMPRESSIONS percent with a total of 48,773 recorded at the end of the year.
(NUMBER OF TIMES TWEET WAS SEEN) Twitter followers doubled in size with a 53.6 percent increase
since 2014.
Instagram saw a 51.4 percent growth since 2014 adding
13,278 more followers.
48,773 30,817 25,840
As of December 31, 2015
As of December 31, 2015
The official USA Field Hockey App was launched on November
18, 2015. As one of three national governing bodies to have
sport specific App in 2015, USA Field Hockey was at the top of
app installs with a total of 818 downloads.
Monthly Newsletter
USA Field Hockey introduced the Monthly Newsletter in August 2015. This publication took the place of the Weekly
Report and brought a more visually appealing approach of getting information across to our membership. Pushed out at
the end of each month, the Monthly Newsletter includes all the month’s happenings from Senior and Junior National
Team coverage, showcases events, club information, umpire acknowledgements and more.
22 2015 Annual Report
Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internationally.
2015 was another outstanding year for USA Field Hockey in terms of annual corporate partnerships with a commercial
revenue of $1,170,000. With 37 sponsorship agreements in place, we continue to grow our partnerships and form
business relationships with more companies each year. 7NECWOSNPTORNASCOTERDS
At the end of 2015, USA Field Hockey signed a new Premier Partner, Citi.
As an iconic global banking and investment company, we are proud to have
the support of Citi and work closely with them for years to come. Starting in 2016, Citi will be the title sponsor of
many programs including the Futures Program, FUNdamental Field Hockey, Red, White, Blue & YOU Clinics and a
U.S. Women’s National Team test series. The Citi logo will also be proudly put on the front of the USWNT’s jersey.
With the addition of seven new partners, they join many longtime partners of USA Field Hockey who have supported not
only our organization but our sports for many years. A number of our sponsors, such as CranBarry, YOLO Sportswear
and our housing partner, Global JBS, have been with the organization for more than 17 years. We take great pride in
each relationship we have built with our partners, sponsors and suppliers and hope to continue them for many more
years. Thank you to all sponsors for their unwavering support of our organization in 2015.
Year after year, USA Field Hockey is continually overwhelmed with the amount of support shown to the organization. As part of ou
organizations who continually return the support to help fund the program. Thank you to all who have made an investment and com
Applebee Society ($2,500+) Olympic Club ($1,000-$2,499) President’s Club ($500-$999)
Sylvia Davenport
Beverly Johnson Anonymous
Jim Johnson Joan
Aki Kaeppeler Bridget Condie
Chris Rea Alexander Grassi
Grace Robertson Ryan Iwanaga
Sandra Vanderstoep Sandra Martinez
Alex Matkowski
Susan & George Nottingham
Ryan & Sherry Royer – Koenig
Pretempco Inc.
Sharon Taylor
Gregory & Catherine Varacchi
Rene Zelkin
All Donors Melissa Bingaman Julia Christian Bruce Dunbar Kelsey Gill Erica Jenkins-Chavez
Elizabeth Bistrian Beth Churchill Gwendolyn Duran Rosalia Gioia Clarence Jennelle
Sasha Adams Amy Blanchetti Cassidy Clark J. Earley Marlee Gladstein Susan Jensen
Nancy Albright Hector Blasco Jamie Clark Anne Edwards Yvonne Glusica Marla Johnson
Fred Altimont Caroline Blaum Club Lewey Peter Edwards Alison Goggins Thomas Johnson
Sara Amil Kailyn Bloch Sydney Clynes Yasser Elsabbah Greg Goin Harvey Jones
Alexandra Anderson Lily Bloomingdale Chuck Cohen Theresa Elwell David Goldberg Joyce Family
Stacie Anderson Elizabeth N. Blossom Michael Coleman Hanna Engelhart Carly Golden Meredith Kane
Ann Andrews Bonniwell Family Patricia Cook Ellen Enoch Mirei Golding-Powers Nancy Keegan
J. Alexis Angelini Charlie Boone Maria Cooney Sofia Escalona Robert Goldmuntz Molly Keen
Anonymous Teri Bormet Grace Copeland Douglas Evans Pat Gordon Nancy Kellner
Karen E. Abate Ted Borzymowski Cathleen Cuciniello Jillian Evans Julie Gouveia David Kelly
Eric Aft Silvia Bouchard Jill White-Cullen Melanie Everett Jaylin Grabau Megan Kelly
Cara Ahola Andrea Bourgan Kay Crumling Christina Fakharzadeh Cindy Gray Rhanna Kidwell
Dana Allen Alexis Boyce Caroline D’Amore Gwen Farley Anne Graybill Eileen King
Emily Altimont Boys Field Hockey Hub Barbara Damon Heather Farlow Valeria Grim Thomas Kirkwood
Mary Jane Alves Chase Bradley Karen Daniels Nancy Fay Katie Grob Kelly Kliman
Emily Antunes Edith Brazil Lilly Danyo Kelly Fennessy Christy Myers Gudaitis Sarah Kocmond
Kate Arnold Emily Breedis Lisa DeFoggia Michelle Finegan Madeleine Gwyther Caroline & Christine Kolk
Deborah Atkins Susan Brice Laurent de Janvry Brian Flatow Richard Haller Madelyn Komins
Carter Ayers Amy Briggs Erin Deer Kimmery Fleischli Sylvia Hamerman-Brown Sandra Konerth
Madeleine Bacskai Nina Bruno Lindsay DerLuft Tracy Flores Jane Hansen Lindsay Ladas
Katherine Babitts Bruton Family Richard Deschaine Christine Flynn Sabine Hartenstine Ruth Lajoie
Christine Bailey Rachel Brynien Karen Desmond Paige Foley Ron Hawley Elsa Landy
Gabrielle Bain Burke Family Jacque Devlin Sherry Fonseca Hennessy Family Ryan Langford
Christine Bant Marianne Burke Michael Devost Tara Forrest Hailey Hirata William Larkins
Olivia Batal Angela Butler Lindsay Dickinson Kristyn Forrester Julia Hollenbeck Jacob Larson
Sage Barnhart Juliet Capodilupo Christina Distasi Lauren Fotheringham Sharon Holt James Laskarzewski
Brie Barraco Teresa Carawan Emma Dixon Anne Fowler Hilary Hoover Jeff Laufenberg
Jennifer Barrett Lilly Carson Anderson Dodge Joyce Fraiman Simon Hoskins Lisa Lawrence
Leigh-Ann Barrett Julie Carter Jessica Dolan Elizabeth Friedberg Ashlyn Hudson Lynda Leary
Courtney Barry Holly Caruso Jean Dolat Olivia Freidberg Leah Hughes Maran Lee
Francie Baxter Afrodicio Catedral Jr. Caroline Doll Foger Froehlich Dalraj Hundal Mary Leeker
Kimberly Bellinghieri Roman Centeno Mary Donahue Kelsey Fulton Leah Hurwitz Mary Lent
Kaitlyn Benton Nancy Chapman Danielle Donner Natalie Fyock Stacey Jaehnig Lisa R. Lewis
Jessica Bergen Kathy Chenault Spencer Donley Dahlia Galante Kathy James-Nutter Lorraine Lewis
Michael Berry Elisabeth Chipman Mikaela Dougherty Camille Gandhi Janet Janas William Levey
Sanya Bery Patrick Cho Evelyn Doyle Mackenzie Gemmell Molly Jannell Emelia Little
Maria Bickakjian Anisha Chowdhry Taylor Duffany Richard Geye Jason Jean Steve Locke
24 2015 Annual Report
Serve Members. Grow the Game. Succeed Internationally.
ur mission states to ‘serve members,’ we are extremely thankful for the willingness of many members, individuals and
mmitment to the sport and our athletes.
Audrey Long Grace Nockolds Deb Saab Tornetta Family Frank & Aimee Weise Allan S. Woods
Greer Long Megan Novak Alejandra Sackett Abbey Torres Georgia Weise Cathy Wreski
Kimberly Loomis Sean O’Connor Penny Sallinger Kierstyn Toth Jania Wetzel Gary Yacura
Marie Lowe Keely O’Keefe Amy Sample Gretchen Townsend Gina Whalen Lauren Yager
Dianna Loyd Luanne O’Loughlin Maryann Santulli Xanthe Travlos Robert Ryan Wilkins Tao Yang
Kendra Lucking Patricia O’Neil Victoria Santulli Brooke Tunnicliffe David Williams Danielle Yau
Andrea Lynch Lynlee Old Chloe Sapp Natalie Bocock Turnage Emily Williams Helen Yeager
Lucy Lytle Karen Orf Mackenzie Sapp Scott Tyson Deborah Windett Barbara Yoshida
Terry Malavae Debbie R. Ortega Brian Schermerhorn Olivia Valenti Alexia Winebrenner Cassandra Zaino
Jennifer Mandato Genya Pantuso Lisa Schieffelin Caitlin Van Sickle Libby Winters Rene Zelkin
Maureen Mankowich John Pardew Gretchen Seward Julia Vardiman Tijs Wolters Caden Zimmerman
Nicole Maziano Leslie Pardo Jennifer Showers Bianca Velez Nancy Wood Lauren Zimmerman
Laura Mapp Sarah Parks Charles Smith Karen Venable-Croft
Susan Marcelino Asif Pasha Debra Smith Lynn Vera
Ava Mariani Michael Patterson Sophia Smith Suma Vinod
Tom & Claire Martell Sierra Patton Sonya Smyth John Vogel
Sandy Martinez Jill Peakes Sabrina Solomen Jannelle Volk
Jenifer Marx Kristine Pennington Reece Spann Stella Volpe
Kristin Matula Adam Perel SPark FHC Tim Waite
Colette May Mark Peters Lindsey Spatola Jennifer Walker-Van
Kathleen McCabe Miranda Petrillo Geoffrey Speight Doren
Debra McCollum Erin Pforr Stephen Speirs Crissy Wall
JoAnn McCormack Shawn Pickul Susan K. Spilecki John Wanamaker
Maya McDaniel Michael Pierce Joelle Sprunger Wargins Family
Erin McGinley Richard T. Piester Matthew A. Stanley Susan Warner
Jordan McGinley Madison Plourde Katherine Stearns Claire Weaver
Megahn McGinley Missy Plyler Lanie Stem
Edward McGuinness Julie Post James Stevenson
Kate McLaughlin Carolyn Pratt Grace Stifflemire
Liz McManus Mina Pratt Samuel Stiller
Megan McPartian Colleen Price Shyanne Stilson
Alaina McVeigh Hannah Prince Melissa Sullivan
Memory of Ida Gover Anna Prising Alex Sumas
Memory of John H. William Pullin Kathryn Sweeney
Jerschefske Jenny Pyle Jane Swift
Memory of Martin Neff Paula Quinn Jennifer Szukics
Memory of Frieda Sawyer Kathryn Quirk Jennifer Tashjian
Memory of Bea Toner Abigail Raymond TCOYO Hockey
Memory of Jean Vicks Region 8 Umpires Theresa Testa
Memory of Allan S. Christine Reinprecht The Pressure Positive
Woods Meaghan Reyes Co.
Erin Merydith Callie Riabov Bryan Thomas
Melinda Metzger Haley Riabov Cheryl Tivnan
Katelyn Meuse Shelby Riney rick Tobin
Nicole Miller Isabella Riordan Bea Toner
William Miller Victoria Ritson-Parson
Sabrina Milone Ann Robertson
Kara M. Mings Martin Romeril
Gianna Monaco Abril Romero
Nicole Moran Blair Rosenthal
Charlene Morett Corinna Rossi
Alyssa Morgen Steven Rothwell
Olivia Morris Ryan & Sherry Royer –
Kristy Hartman Mumma Koenig Pretempco Inc.
Matthew Murphy Jodi Rubin
Tara Murphy Patricia Rudy
Erin Murray Eric Rusak
Cecil Nazareth Julia Rushton
Elizabeth Nicols Paul Russo