CRC bulletin 04
Research that matters to patients
Ivermectin i-tech Editorial Committee
Clinical trials CRC HRPB Ipoh
Dr. Philip Rajan
Ipoh: an Age-friendly Dr. Lim Xin Jie
city Gregory Domnic
Suria Junus
TYPES 1 & 2 ERROR Hasni Adha Ibrahim
NMRR 2.0 CRC Hospital Taiping
USER MANUAL Dr. Cheah Wee Kooi
Prema Muninathan
e-ISSN 2682-7867 · FEATURED ·
CRC Hospital Seri Manjung
Dr. Nga Shih Hang
Chiew Shoen Chuen
Perak State Health Director
Dr. Ding Lay Ming
Hospital Raja Permaisuri
Bainun, Ipoh Director
Dr. Abdul Malek bin Osman
Hospital Taiping Director
Dr. Hjh Narimah Yusof
HospitaDliSreecritoMr anjung
Dr. Nordin bin Nasir
From the HOD’s Desk 2
⸎ Ivermectin I-TECH 2021 8
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a huge change in
⸎ IMBCAMS Vaccine Trial 9 clinical practice with much resources and manpower diverted
9 or allocated towards the diagnosis, management and
⸎ Age-Friendly City 10 prevention of COVID-19. The care of non COVID-19 illnesses
were often sidelined or received scant attention except for
⸎ Recombinant Covid 10 emergencies or malignancies. Similarly research, where
Fusion Protein Vaccine conducted was often COVID-19 focused.
⸎ Moral Distress Study
⸎ BID Mortality Profile
⸎ Patterns & Survival
Analysis of Pulmonary
⸎ Acceptance of COVID-19
Research Priority 12
Research Performance 20
Research Scope 28
2021– It’s a Wrap 41
2022– Looking Ahead 43
Covid-19 Deaths by date of death from A summary of all cause mortality in the State of Perak
17 March 2020 until December 2021 Table 1
Chart 1
As can be seen Non COVID-19 mortality surpasses that of COVID-19. Understandably research has been
focused on this new disease entity as information is much needed to help us better understand and
combat this condition. Nevertheless research and advancement in the management of non COVID-19
diseases must resume and continue with earnest.
Dr. Philip Rajan Devesahayam
Head of Clinical Research Centre, Perak
Meeting with the Ipoh Mayor on dissemination of study findings
(Ipoh City is a member of WHO Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities)
IN FOCUS CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh
By Dr Song Li Herng
A I-TECH 2021 — Ivermectin: The need for good science even amid a pandemic!
Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic medication commonly used in Clearly there was a need for robust evidence to ascertain the
humans and veterinary sectors. In Malaysia, only animal efficacy of ivermectin in COVID-19. Thus, the Institute of
grade ivermectin is approved for use by NPRA. In an in vitro Clinical Research (ICR) and a group of frontline clinicians led
study by Caly, et al. 2020), ivermectin has shown to cause by Dr Steven Lim Chee Loon (Infectious disease specialist,
~5000-fold reduction of SARS-CoV-2 virus within 48 hours. Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun), had initiated a clinical trial
This had led to multiple early studies on the use of named I-TECH study (Ivermectin Treatment Efficacy in
ivermectin in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. COVID-19 High Risk Patients). The clinical trial proposal was
reviewed and approved by Medical Research and Ethics
Due to the influence of misinformation in the social media, Committee (NMRR 21-155-58433) and registered under
many lay people resorted to self-medication with ivermectin, Clinicaltrials.gov (NCT04920942). The use of Ivermectin for
leading to reported cases of hospitalization due to severe this trial received a non-objection approval by National
adverse event, as well as late presentation to health facility Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) for the clinical
due to false assurance of ivermectin being a “miracle drug”
for COVID-19.
► Assess the effectiveness of ivermectin in preventing progression of COVID-19 to severe disease among high risk
COVID-19 patients.
► Assess the efficacy of ivermectin in reducing mortality rate among high risk COVID-19 patients, and to compare difference
in resolution of symptoms, chest x-ray, laboratory investigations, ICU admission, mechanical ventilation and length of
hospital stay.
I-TECH Recruitment
Poster V 1.0
4 ► Cont’d
CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh IN FOCUS
Multi-center open labelled Study investigator
Randomized trial (Phase III) members
PI: Dr Steven Lim Chee Loon Study Sites: Subjects
Infectious disease specialist, Tertiary, District sample size
HRPB Hospitals & PKRC’s
Subjects under randomization arm will be receiving single The main challenge faced by the investigators team was the
dose of 0.4mg/kg/day tablet Ivermectin for total 5 days slow recruitment process at the period of time where more
within facility monitoring; subjects under control arm will be severe cases were hospitalized in main tertiary facilities;
receiving a stand of care as per Malaysia guideline on those mild to moderate high risk patients which fulfil the
management of COVID-19. Both groups will be monitored inclusion criteria were relocated to low risk quarantine
for any adverse events or deterioration from COVID-19 centers and district cluster hospitals. The investigators
infection, with a day 5 follow up is schedule with clinical teams managed to overcome the recruitment issue by
finding recorded down, baseline blood test and chest X-ray expanding recruitment sites to cluster hospitals and low
ordered. Subjects will be allowed home based on discharge risk quarantine centers (eg. MAEPS Serdang) and manage
criteria set by Malaysia management guideline for COVID- the trial process and clinical data with integrity. The last
19, prior to discharge a follow up review will be carried out subject was recruited on 9th October 2021. I-TECH study
by investigator team. Subject will be discharged from study also found that there were slight increase adverse events
from day 28 if still need to be in hospital. reported among treatment group specifically to diarrhea.
Hence with conclusion from the I-TECH study, MOH does not support the prescription of ivermectin in treatment on COVID-19
infection and discourage the publics to self-medication at home due to its adverse effect without close monitoring, and
potential late presentation of patients to health facility at late severe COVID-19 cases. The data will be incorporated into the
global clinical trials on ivermectin, while more data on ivermectin are on the way (Oxford Principle, ACTIV-6) to provide better
understanding on the use of ivermectin on COVID-19. Another clinical trial on prophylaxis of disease from post close contact
exposure of COVID-19 in Malaysia is in the planning phase and will be carried out in the near term future.
Acknowledgement: We thank Dr Steven Lim Chee Loon for his agreement and cooperation in publishing this article.
IN FOCUS CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh
B IMBCAMS Covid-19 Vaccine Trial By Dr Leong E Li
In late 2020, Institute of Medical Biology Chinese Academy The volunteers were required to attend five physical
of Medical Sciences (IMBCAMS) approached Malaysia to be follow-ups at the site and subsequently followed by virtual
one of the countries to run the phase III COVID-19 vaccine follow-ups every fortnight for one year. The five physical
trial. In Perak, Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun (HRPB), Ipoh follow-ups aimed to monitor volunteers’ wellbeing after
and Hospital Taiping were invited to participate in this trial receiving the study vaccine or placebo. During the
along with other seven hospitals in Malaysia. In Ipoh, this two-weekly follow-up, the volunteers were monitored for
trial was led by Dr. Philip Rajan, Head of Otorhinolaryngolo- any COVID-19 symptoms or any serious adverse reactions.
gy Department and Clinical Research Centre. Meanwhile, in If the volunteers were suspected of COVID-19 infection as
Taiping was led by Dr. Cheah Wee Kooi, Head of Department stated in the protocol, the study team would arrange for a
of Medicine and Clinical Research Centre. The trial was COVID-19 swab test for the subject.
started in February 2021. The trial received a good response
from the public, especially adults aged less than 60 years
old. Due to the trial protocol requirement, there was a need
to recruit volunteers aged 60 and above. There was less
response from the public aged 60 and above initially, but
with word of mouth from the existing volunteers, the team
managed to recruit the number of volunteers that were
required by the site.
As time went by, the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia caused uneasiness among the volunteers, study
team, ethics committee and IMBCAMS. This is because some of the volunteers are not protected by any vaccination as they
are in the placebo group. Given the worsening pandemic situation in Malaysia, an early analysis was conducted and showed
that the study vaccine was favorable and suggestive of having a certain level of protection. Hence, IMBCAMS amended the
study protocol to cross-over study design and added a booster in one of the groups (Figure 1). On top of that, IMBCAMS
incorporated an immunogenicity subgroup where volunteers were required to have additional six episodes of blood taking
for neutralizing antibody and IgG antibody testing.
Figure 1: Extended cross-over and booster trial
6 ► Cont’d
CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh IN FOCUS
What was the design of the extended cross- What was the major setback faced during this
over and booster trial? trial?
The extended cross-over and booster trial was initiated During end of the year 2021, the Ministry of Health
in September 2021. The study team contacted every mandated that anyone who received CoronaVac as a
subject who was still in the trial to explain the protocol primary series vaccine to take a booster shot by
amendment. Volunteers were given the option to contin- February 2022 in order to preserve their fully
ue with the amended protocol or withdraw from the trial vaccinated status in MySejahtera. Since the research
without any penalty. Those who were keen to join the vaccination is an inactivated vaccine, the volunteers’
extended cross-over and booster trial were given an MySejahtera status may be affected. Furthermore, the
appointment to visit the site for screening and informed study team is concerned about the safety of volunteers
consent process. Volunteers for the immunogenicity owing to the worsening global pandemic crisis caused
group were chosen on a volunteer basis until the site's by Omicron. Given the circumstances, IMBCAMS decided
quota was filled. Volunteers were required to attend five for early closure for all the sites in Malaysia and
physical follow-ups for both efficacy and immunogenicity proceeded for unblinding so that the volunteers could
subgroup, to monitor volunteers’ wellbeing after the get the COVID-19 booster vaccine as part of the
study vaccine or placebo. Volunteers in the immunogen- National COVID-19 Immunization Program (PICK).
icity group were required to have added three visits for
blood taking. Regardless of efficacy or immunogenicity
group, volunteers would be followed-up via virtual
follow up to monitor for any COVID-19 symptoms. The
trial is aimed to complete in November 2022.
How did the Malaysian government conform to Source: Channel News Asia (05 June 2021)
the changes of the study design?
The utmost priorities in any clinical trial are volunteers’
As the Malaysia government was enforcing the safety and scientific integrity of the trial. The study
requirement of vaccination status for normal social protocol has been revised several times to adapt to the
activities, the Special Committee on Covid-19 Vaccine dynamic pandemic environment. The challenging
Supply (JKJAV) was aware that this would affect the trial environment has resulted in the final decision from
volunteers as well. Taking into consideration the result IMBCAMS for early closure for all the sites in Malaysia.
from early statistical analysis and protocol amendment, The global trial is still underway in various countries, and
JKJAV approved to provide digital certificates for all we are hopeful for a positive outcome.
volunteers who underwent the extended cross-over and
booster trial, and completed all four injections. Currently,
all the volunteers who have completed all four injections,
have received the digital certificate in MySejahtera.
IN FOCUS CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh
By Mr Chang Chee Tao
C Age-friendly City Study— Is Ipoh an Age-friendly City?
The World Health Organisation has projected that the We identified several perceived gaps of age-friendliness in
proportion of older population globally will double from the eight domains. We presented the study findings to the
11% in 2006 to 22% by 2050. Malaysia is not alone in Mayor of Ipoh City in October 2021, where several
acing population ageing, where the population aged 60 important gaps have been discussed and acknowledged.
years and above is accounted for 10.3% in year 2019. The A town hall meeting will be arranged with relevant
World Health Organisation introduced the “Age-friendly city” stakeholders in the Ipoh City Council to refine strategic
and the Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and planning, by incorporating age-friendly element in the
Communities (GNAFCC) to support older people in
communities, making cities more accessible for the aging 10-year city development plan.
population. The 8 domains of age friendly city conceptual-
ized in the GNAFCC encompass aspects of (i) outdoor spaces
and buildings, (ii) transportation, (iii) housing, (iv) social
participation, (v) respect and social inclusion, (vi) civic
participation and employment, (vii) communication and
information, and (viii) community and health services.
Ipoh is ranked one of the nine best places to retire in the Based on the quantitative findings, in November 2021,
world, in which 16.7% out of 739,700 people are more than we conducted in-depth qualitative interviews to further
60 years of age. Riding on the bandwagon, we embarked on explain and interpret the quantitative findings. Given the
a mixed-method study, consisting of both quantitative and nature of pandemic that require physical distancing and
qualitative phase to evaluate the baseline perception of wearing a face mask, we conducted virtual interview
elderly on the city’s age-friendliness in 2020. A quantitative based on the participants’ preference and convenience.
study was first conducted to determine the current The study population consist of older adults, caregivers
availability of various elements outlined under each GNAFCC and key informants. Interviews were transcribed verbatim
domain. We adapted the English version of the American and analysed through thematic analysis. The qualitative
Association of Retired Persons Livable Communities – Great phase of the study is expected to complete in the first
Places for All Ages Survey Questionnaire. Participants were quarter of year of 2022.
conveniently sampled at public hospitals, health clinics, rec-
reational parks, and other public locations in the Ipoh City. We believed that this study can provide the essential
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the data collection was information for gerontology experts and decision-makers
resumed in the middle of 2021, and completed in October in developing interventions and policies. As aged
of the same year. population is on the rise, research on age-friendly cities is
gaining a foothold, closely related with older people’s
health, their physical, cognitive and emotional function,
and wellbeing. It is a noble goal to work on an age-
friendly city which is inclusive, safe, resilient and
sustainable, not only for the older people, but for
CRC Hospital Seri Manjung IN FOCUS
LIVZON Mabpharm COVID-19 vaccine booster trial A
Hospital Seri Manjung has been selected to conduct a COVID-19 vaccine booster trial, namely: A Global, Multi-Center,
Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase III Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and
Immunogenicity of Sequential Immunization of Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Fusion Protein Vaccine (V-01) Against Covid-
19 in Healthy Adults aged 18 years and Older after the Vaccination of 2 Doses of Inactivated Vaccines, sponsored by
LIVZON Mabpharm Inc. The team of Hospital Seri Manjung was led by Dr. Lee Li Yuan as principal investigator.
► To evaluate the relative efficacy of ► Adults aged 18 years and above
recombinant SARS-CoV-2 fusion protein
► Received second dose of 2-dose
vaccine (V-01) as a booster to prevent regimen of inactivated vaccine i.e.
symptomatic infection and RT-PCR CoronaVac (Sinovac) or BBIBP-CorV
positive COVID-19 compared with the (Sinopharm), 3 to 6 months prior.
placebo control group.
► Volunteers are required to attend 2 study ► History of previous COVID-19 infection
and any human coronavirus infection.
visits, one week apart, followed by weekly
► RT-PCR confirmed COVID-19 infection
follow up contact for 1 year. during screening period.
► During the first study visit, volunteers will
be randomly assigned to receive 1 dose
of either V-01 or placebo, upon comple-
tion of screening procedures.
Hospital Seri Manjung team is actively looking for potential subjects with new recruitment strategy. The major
challenges faced during subject recruitment include: (i) free vaccination programme for COVID-19 vaccine booster has
been rolled out by government for all age groups, (ii) subjects booster dose vaccination status will not be updated in
MySejahtera, (iii) concern of being unprotected for 1 year period if being assigned to the placebo arm, (iv) individual
preference of certain COVID-19 brand, as well as (v) being unfamiliar with clinical trial.
Moral Distress among Healthcare Professionals B
► To evaluate the moral distress (MD) ► Multi-center cross-sectional study
among healthcare professionals (HCPs)
in Malaysia during the COVID-19 involving doctors and nurses working in
Medical wards, Pediatric wards or
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of 10 Ministry
of Health hospitals.
► Self-administered online questionnaire was used as the study tool to capture demographic data and
moral distress among the doctors and nurses. A total of 492 subjects (141 doctors and 351 nurses)
answered the online questionnaire from January until July 2021.
Overall, doctor had higher level of moral distress as compared to nurses, as well as in each of the following
departments, i.e. Medical Department, Pediatric Department and Intensive Care Unit amidst COVID-19 pandemic in
Malaysia. Doctor and nurses in Medical Department had higher level of MD as compared to their counterpart in
Pediatric Department and Intensive Care Unit. System-level root causes were ranked as the main root causes of moral
distress, for both doctors and nurses. Ensuring personal well-being or “self-care” were the most common solutions
given by the participants for dealing with moral distress during COVID-19 pandemic.
IN FOCUS CRC Hospital Seri Manjung
C Mortality Profile of Brought-in-dead (BID) cases due to COVID-19:
A Descriptive Study
This study aims to describe the mortality profile for BID cases
due to COVID-19 in Perak. This is a retrospective record review
study in which we retrospectively review all the mortality
reports of BID cases with laboratory confirmed Covid-19
infection between 1st January 2021 and 30th September
2021. The data on socio-demographic and clinical; as well as
status of vaccination, home surveillance order (HSO) and
COVID-19 assessment center (CAC) is currently being extracted
and transcribed into the study case report form (CRF).
Source: MalayMail (03 July, 2021)
D Clinical and Computed Tomographical Patterns of Pulmonary Thromboembolic
Disease associated with COVID-19 Infection: A Tertiary Hospital Analysis
Source: Pulmonary Advisor This study aims to study the clinical characteristics, computed
(31 July, 2018) tomographical features of pulmonary thromboembolic disease
associated with COVID-19 infection. This is a retrospective
cohort study in which we retrospectively review all hospitalized
COVID-19 cases with suspected acute pulmonary
thromboembolic disease who had underwent CTPA
examinations between 1st April 2021 and 31st May 2021. The
clinical, laboratory and radiological data is currently being
collected by using electronic case report form (eCRF).
E Survival Analysis of Pulmonary Thromboembolic Disease associated with COVID-19
Infection: A Comparison between Geriatric and Non-geriatric Populations
This study aims to explore the survival patterns among Source: American College of Cardiology
hospitalized COVID-19 cases complicated with pulmonary (22 April, 2020)
thromboembolic disease. This is a retrospective cohort study in
which we retrospectively review all hospitalized Covid-19 cases
complicated with pulmonary thromboembolic disease admitted
to HTAR between 1st April 2021 and 31st May 2021. The
clinical, laboratory and radiological data is currently being col-
lected by using electronic case report form (eCRF).
CRC Hospital Seri Manjung IN FOCUS
Factors Influencing the Potential Acceptance of a COVID-19 Vaccine F
among Healthcare Workers in a District Hospital in Manjung, Perak
This study aimed to evaluate the potential acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine among HCWs in a district hospital in
Manjung, Perak. This was a single-centre cross-sectional study involving healthcare workers (HCWs) working in
the aforementioned hospital.
Online questionnaire
A self-administered online questionnaire was used as the Socio-demographic Willingness to self-
study tool to capture the socio-demographic characteristics fund the vaccine
characteristics, acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine, its
associated factors and willingness to self-fund the Acceptance of Associated factors
vaccine. A total of 901 subjects answered the online COVID-19 vaccine of acceptance
questionnaire during a 2-week period from end of
December 2020 till early January 2021.
Among 901 subjects recruited, 74.8% self-considered
moderate to high risk of contracting COVID-19 infection.
Although 65.8% thought that COVID-19 vaccination
was important for self-protection but only 50.7% would
accept it.
Those not worried about fever post-vaccination, neutral towards unknown long-term side effect, neutral and not
worried about effectiveness of vaccine were more likely to accept COVID-19 vaccine. Subjects who would reject
vaccination despite declaration of bovine-free, reject India-manufactured vaccine, reject vaccination despite
recommendation by government or trusted healthcare professionals were associated with lower overall COVID-19
vaccine acceptance. Indifference towards vaccination despite declaration of porcine-free, duration of vaccine
effectiveness or escalation of cases were also associated with lower overall COVID-19 vaccine acceptance.
Source: Bernama/File pic (18 Sep, 2020)
Healthcare Priorities Highlighted in the Twelfth Malaysian Plan (RMK-12)
The Twelfth Malaysia Plan, 2021-2025, is transformational and injects
fundamental reforms that will truly strengthen the development trajectory
in the next five years to achieve the objective of a Prosperous, Inclusive,
Sustainable Malaysia based on the spirit of Keluarga Malaysia.
One of the 3 key themes of the Twelfth Plan is the “Strengthening of
security, wellbeing and inclusivity. In terms of wellbeing, this theme
focuses on efforts to improve healthcare in the country.
Healthcare service delivery will continue to be a focus in increasing the
health status of the rakyat. Endeavors to improve preparedness in battling
various diseases and the expansion of healthcare coverage will be
continued. One the game changers outlined in this theme includes:
Revitalizing healthcare system in ensuring
a healthy and productive nation
The COVID-19 pandemic has tested the strength and response of healthcare delivery systems across the
world. Thus, revitalizing healthcare system is critical in order to ensure the rakyat have equal access to
healthcare services as well as be well-prepared in meeting future health crises.
On the social front, increasing health risks and demographic shifts pose
several challenges. The increase in the incidence of non-communicable
diseases (NCDs) and the need to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, including
the rollout of the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme, has placed
intense pressure on the healthcare system. Malaysia has to prepare itself
holistically to meet the challenges posed by an aged society by 2030.
12 ► Cont’d
Revitalizing healthcare
system in ensuring
a healthy and
productive nation
Game Changer V in the Twelfth Malaysian Plan
( RMK-12 )
The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that it is critical to
have a robust healthcare sector and the need to embrace
the whole of nation approach in ensuring better
management of future outbreaks and health crises.
⸎ Lessons learnt from managing the pandemic will be
leveraged to revitalise and redesign the healthcare
⸎ Resources and responsibilities will be consolidated and
healthcare services will be redesigned through
collaboration between public and private sectors as well
as CSOs.
⸎ In addition, a more sustainable health financing model
will be introduced and healthcare services will be
digitalised to accelerate delivery.
► Cont’d 13
Indicative areas for priority research in the health sector
during the process of development of the 12th Malaysia Plan
14 ► Cont’d
Indicative areas for priority research in the health sector during the process of development of the 12th Malaysia Plan
► Cont’d 15
Indicative areas for priority research in the health sector during the process of development of the 12th Malaysia Plan
16 ► Cont’d
Indicative areas for priority research in the health sector during the process of development of the 12th Malaysia Plan
► Cont’d 17
Indicative areas for priority research in the health sector during the process of development of the 12th Malaysia Plan
18 ► Cont’d
Indicative areas for priority research in the health sector during the process of development of the 12th Malaysia Plan
Summary Report — Clinical Research Centre, Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun Ipoh
A. Research services provided by CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun
NMRR registration* Type of Research Service 2019 2020 2021
No. of research/Case studies/Clinical audit registered 135 228 108
No. of research/Case studies/Clinical audit projects with ethical approval 112 142 56
Research consultation No. of consultations (episodes) provided 627 638 352
No. of proposals reviewed by Hospital Research Review Committee
Proposal review (HRRC) 130 106 32
No. of application of publication in local/ international journals
Publication & presentation No. of application of oral/poster presentation 11 26 24
submitted to CRC Ipoh No. of patient registries supported 39 5 5
Registry No. of training workshops organised 14 14 14
25 18 7
Training / Conference No. of Ministry of Health staff trained 1590 719 449
No. of state conferences organised 1 1 1
Clinical Trial Involvement No. of clinical trials supported by CRC staff 13 11 16
(ISR/ IIR Hybrid)
*Data available only from Jan to Oct 2021.
B. Investigator Initiated Research (IIR) in CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun
IIR projects Research Projects and Output 2019 2020 2021
Publications No. of research projects initiated by CRC and/ or in collaboration 30 39 38
Research reports with other institutions
Research presentation No. of published articles in local/ international journals 12 16 21
Research awards 7 9 15
No. of manuscripts pending publication 5 8 17
No. of research reports completed 13 1 3
No. of oral presentations 14 8 7
8 5 5
No. of poster presentations
No. of awards/ achievement received
C. Industry Sponsored Research (ISR) in CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun
Industry Sponsored Research (ISR) in CRM/CRC HRPB, Ipoh 2019 2020 2021
Feasibility and Clinical Trials
70 59 65
Feasibility No. of feasibility studies conducted 30 36 28
Clinical trials No. of on-going clinical trials 8 8 7
No. of upcoming clinical trials
20 ► Cont’d
CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh RESEARCH PERFORMANCE
No. Details
Yong, Wai-Yin, Chee-Tao Chang, Chii-Chii Chew, & Tatt-Ee Khoo. 2021. Interactive Virtual Medication Counselling in Outpatient
1 Pharmacy: An Accessible and Safe Patient Counselling Method during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Research in Social and Administrative
Pharmacy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sapharm.2021.07.002
2 Ng Chew Beng, Chang Chee Tao, Ong Su Yin, Maslinatasha Mahmud, Lee Lay Chin, Chew Wei Yee, Normi Hamdan, Ros Sakinah
Kamaludin, Thong Kah Shuen & Choo Shea Jiun. 2021. Awareness, expectation and satisfaction towards ward pharmacy services among
patients in medical wards: A multi-centre study in Perak, Malaysia. BMC Health Services Research.
3 Chii-Chii Chew, Huan-Keat Chan, Chee-Tao Chang, Amar-Singh HSS & Mohamed azmi Hassali. 2021. Medication-related knowledge,
administration practice and adherence among caregivers of chronically ill children in Malaysia. BMC Pediatric 21, 216.
4 Chew Lan Sim, Yeo Yee Ling, Chang Chee Tao, Chew Chii Chii, Doris George & Philip Rajan. 2021. Satisfaction among Patients and
Caregivers Receiving Value-Added Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak in a Tertiary Hospital in the Perak State of Malaysia.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. https://doi.org/10.1093/jphsr/rmab057
5 Thong, KS, Selvaratanam M, Tan CP, Cheah MF, Oh HL, Lee PM, Chew CC, Chang CT & Lee JCY. 2021. Pharmacy preparedness in handling
COVID-19 pandemic: a sharing experience from a Malaysian tertiary hospital. Journal of Pharmacy Policy and Practice 14, 61.
6 Rou Wei Tan, Kah Shuen Thong, Chee Tao Chang, Joo Thye Cheng, Huan Keat Chan & Meng Fei Cheah. 2021. Effectiveness of
Pharmacist-Led Audit-and-Feedback Intervention in Promoting Appropriate Third-Generation Cephalosporin Use at a Tertiary Public
Hospital in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy (MJP) Vol 7 issue 2. doi: 10.52494/MYWO5828
7 Thong, K.S., Chang, C.T., Lee, M. et al. 2021. Impact of targeted educational intervention towards public knowledge and perception of
antibiotic use and resistance in the state of Perak, Malaysia. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 10, 29.
8 Junus Suria, Chii-Chii Chew, Sugunan P, Meor-Aziz N-F, Zainal Na, Hassan HM, et al. 2021. Parental health risk perceptions and
preventive measures related to Children’s second-hand cigarette smoke exposure in Malaysia. BMC Public Health 21(1):1860.
9 Chee Tao Chang, Ming Lee, Jason Choong Yin Lee, Nicholas Chor Teng Lee, Tsu Yin Ng, Asrul Akmal Shafie & Kah Shuen Thong. 2021.
Public knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards COVID-19 and antibiotics during pandemic: A cross-sectional nationwide study in
Malaysia. MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol 18 Issue 8.
10 Chii-Chii Chew, Xin-Jie Lim, Chee-Tao Chang, Philip Rajan, Nordin Nasir & Wah-Yun Low. 2021. Experiences of Social Stigma among
Patients Tested Positive for COVID-19 and Their Family Members: A Qualitative Study. BMC Public Health 21 (1): 1623.
11 Chii-Chii Chew & Philip Rajan. 2021. Controversies on the use of ultraviolet rays for disinfection during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences; 28(1):117–119. https://doi.org/10.21315/mjms2021.28.1.15
12 Chii-Chii Chew, Chee-Tao Chang, Xin-Jie Lim, Hasni-Adha Ibrahim, Hamiazwa Azmi, Nur-Ilyana Wahabi, Nur-Shuhaida Hamdan,
Nurul-Atiqah Nazan, Nur-Haliana Karim, Nurfarahdila-Ahmad Malawi, Ying-Ling Oon, Norshazila-Julia M.S & Amar-Singh HSS. 2021. The
quality of escalator signage for public safety in Malaysia: an observational study. Global Health Journal; ISSN 2414-6447.
13 Philip Rajan, Editorial. 2021. Challenges faced by Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) services, Malaysia, in the current pandemic. Medical Journal
of Malaysia; Aug; 76 (Supplement):1-2.
14 Purushotman Ramasamy, Vigneswaran Kumarasamy & Philip Rajan. 2021. Strategies in confronting the COVID-19 pandemic at a tertiary
public hospital for Otorhinolaryngology services. Medical Journal of Malaysia; Aug; 76 (Supplement): 35-8.
15 Gagandeep Singh Mann, Philip Rajan & Halimuddin Sawali. 2021. Otorhinolaryngology services at a district hospital in Sabah, Malaysia
during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Medical Journal of Malaysia; Aug; 76 (Supplement): 39-41.
16 Khairunnisak Misron, Tengku Mohamed Izam Tengku Kamalden, Lukmanul Hakim Misron, Philip Rajan & Siti Nor Fadhlina Misron. 2021.
Long-term maintenance costs incurred by the families of pediatric cochlear implant recipients in Malaysia. Cochlear
Implants International, doi: 10.1080/14670100.2021.1905975
► Cont’d 21
RESEARCH PERFORMANCE CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh
No. Details
Lee, S., Yeoh, Z.X., Sachlin, I.S., Gazali, N., Soelar, S.A., Foo, C.Y., Low, L.L., Alwi, S.S., Kamalden, T.F., Shanmuganathan, J., Zaid, M.,
Wong, C.Y., Chua, H.H., Yusuf, S., Muhamad, D., Devesahayam, P.R., Ker, H.B., Salahuddin, Z., Mustafa, M., Sawali, H., Lee, H.G., Din, S.,
17 Misnan, N.A., Amran, A.B., Ismail, M.N., Periasamy, C., Chow, T.S., Krishnan, E., Leong, C.L., Lim, L.P., Zaidan, N., Ibrahim, Z., Wahab, S.A.,
& Hashim, S.S. 2021. Self-Reported Symptom Study of COVID-19 Chemosensory Dysfunction in Malaysia. Scientific Reports.
doi :10.21203/rs.3.rs-696505/v1
18 Chee Tao Chang, Ju Ying Ang, Md Asiful Islam, Huan Keat Chan, Wee Kooi Cheah, Siew Hua Gan et al. 2021. Prevalence of Drug-Related
Problems and Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Malaysia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 37,249 Older
Adults. MDPI Pharmaceuticals 14 (3), 187. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/ph14030187.
19 Tan Pei Pei, Chee Tao Chang, Jernih Abdul Rahman & Sabariah Mohd Noor. 2021. Development and validation of a Malaysian blood
donor’s satisfaction (M-BDS) questionnaire. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences; 28 (3). 86-96.
20 Chang Chee Tao, Philip Rajan & Victor Hoe Chee Wai. 2021. Filtering Facepiece Respirators for Healthcare Workers Protection in the
Time of Covid-19 Pandemic. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences; 28 (3), 151-154.
21 Chee-tao Chang, Chii-chii Chew, Netia Jeganathan, Wai-keat Chung, Zuzainee Baharudin, Habsah Saad, Xiu-xing Kum, Siti Noor Ibrahim,
Sharifah Khalilah Ismail, Haema Shunmugurajoo, Sridalila Mohd Noor, & Amar-Singh HSS. 2021. The Ability of Nurses to Interpret
Neonatal Radiography at a Tertiary Hospital : An Interventional Study. Perak Medical Journal.
Award/ Event Details Study Title Photo
No. Name achievement
Selamat Pagi Experiences of social stigma among
details Malaysia patients tested positive for COVID-19 and
their family members: A qualitative study
29 April 2021
1 Chew Televised “Apa Reaksi Rakyat
Chii Chii Interview
22 ► Cont’d
CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh RESEARCH PERFORMANCE
No. Name Award/ Event Details Study Title Photo
Annual Scientific The Needs And Experiences Of
details Meeting on Intensive Critically Ill Patients And Their Family
Members In Intensive Care Unit,
Best Poster Care (ASMIC) by Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun,
Winner Malaysian Society of Ipoh: A Qualitative Study
Intensive Care, 05 Sep
2 Leong
E Li 2021
3 Lina Anugerah Anugerah Khidmat Sokongan Cemerlang dalam
Hashim Khidmat Penyelidikan Institut kategori Insitut Penyelidikan Klinikal
Sokongan Kesihatan Negara
Cemerlang (NIH) at NIH Setia
Alam, 26 Nov 2021
Escalator Program Dewan Bahasa dan Gambar Infografik Tentang Tingkah
4 info- Penerbitan Pustaka (DBP), Laku Berbahaya Ketika Menggunakan
Buku Teks Kementerian Eskalator Dalam Buku Teks Bahasa
graphic Kurikulum Melayu Tahun 6 SJK Untuk Kegunaan
Standard Pendidikan Malaysia Tahun 2022
(KSSR) 2022
The Medical Journal of Malaysia,
Aug 2021 Vol 176 Supp 4
5 Dr.Philip Contribution The Medical Journal of (16 articles comprising of narrative
Rajan as a journal Malaysia reviews, original articles,
commentaries and case reports in the
field of ORL services during COVID-19
Summary Report — Clinical Research Centre, Hospital Seri Manjung
A. Research services provided by CRC Hospital Seri Manjung
NMRR registration* Type of Research Service 2019 2020 2021
Research consultation No. of research/Case studies/Clinical audit registered 9 9 9
Proposal review No. of research/Case studies/Clinical audit projects with ethical approval 10 11 9
Publication & No. of consultations (episodes) provided 379 432 499
presentation submitted No. of proposals reviewed by Hospital Research Review Committee
to CRC Ipoh (HRRC) 12 6 16
Registry No. of application of publication in local/ international journals
3 8 8
Training / Conference No. of application of oral/poster presentation 19 0 2
1 1 1
No. of patient registries supported 9 2 4
No. of training workshops organised 478 103 133
No. of Ministry of Health staff trained 1 0 1
No. of state conferences organised
B. Investigator Initiated Research (IIR) in CRC Hospital Seri Manjung
IIR projects Research Projects and Output 2019 2020 2021
Publications No. of research projects initiated by CRC and/ or in collaboration 13 19 21
Research reports with other institutions
Research presentation No. of published articles in local/ international journals 0 3 4
Research awards No. of manuscripts pending publication 3 3 1
4 4 2
No. of research reports completed 4 0 3
2 4 4
No. of oral presentations 2 1 1
No. of poster presentations
No. of awards/ achievement received
C. Industry Sponsored Research (ISR) in CRC Hospital Seri Manjung
Feasibility Feasibility and Clinical Trials 2019 2020 2021
Clinical trials
No. of feasibility studies conducted 6 10 9
No. of on-going clinical trials 8 9 10
No. of upcoming clinical trials 1 2 3
24 ► Cont’d
No. Article Details
Singh RK, Chiew SC, Junus S, Krishnan SG, Wahid MA & Ng WH. 2021. Are Siblings of Children with Autism More Prone to
1 Behavioural and Psychological Problems as Compared to the General Population? Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry.
Nov 20 2020; 30(1).
2 Kamarozaman DM, Chiew SC, Low Qian Wen J, Pang YR, Bujang MA & Shafiei RM. 2021 Situation Analysis Of Fake Braces
Among Teenagers In Manjung District, Perak. Malaysian Dental Journal;1.
3 Tan TL, Chiew SC, Umabalan MB, Huey S, Khor B & Lee LY. 2021. Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteraemia: A five-year analysis
of epidemiology, clinical profiles, and outcome in a Malaysian district hospital. Medical Journal of Malaysia. Sep 1;76(5):630
4 Tan TL, Tan-Loh J, Chiew SC, Lim KH, Ng WW, Akmal M, Khor SH & Lee LY. 2021. Risk factors and outcome of community
onset Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteraemia in two Malaysian district specialist hospitals. Medical Journal of Malaysia.
2021 Nov; 76(6):820-827.
No. Name Award/ achievement Event Details Study Title
Dr Ngo Perak Annual Medical Factors related to prehospital delay in the
Ping Wen
1 (Co-author: 2nd runner up Research Conference 2021, presentation of acute stroke and level of
Dr. Ting (Oral Presentation) 9th Nov 2021 awareness among stroke patients in a district
Siew Ying)
Summary Report — Clinical Research Centre, Hospital Taiping
A. Research services provided by CRC Hospital Taiping
NMRR registration* Type of Research Service 2019 2020 2021
Research consultation No. of research/Case studies/Clinical audit registered 29 16 22
Proposal review No. of research/Case studies/Clinical audit projects with ethical approval 29 16 21
Publication & No. of consultations (episodes) provided 46 57 58
presentation submitted No. of proposals reviewed by Hospital Research Review Committee
to CRC Ipoh (HRRC) 29 17 9
Registry No. of application of publication in local/ international journals
5 9 6
Training / Conference No. of application of oral/poster presentation 6 3 3
- - -
No. of patient registries supported 16 11 3
No. of training workshops organised 296 241 32
No. of Ministry of Health staff trained - - 1
No. of state conferences organised
B. Investigator Initiated Research (IIR) in CRC Hospital Taiping
IIR projects Research Projects and Output 2019 2020 2021
Publications No. of research projects initiated by CRC and/ or in collaboration 13 19 21
Research reports with other institutions
Research presentation No. of published articles in local/ international journals 0 3 4
Research awards No. of manuscripts pending publication 3 3 1
No. of research reports completed 4 4 2
No. of oral presentations 4 0 3
No. of poster presentations 2 4 4
2 1 1
No. of awards/ achievement received
C. Industry Sponsored Research (ISR) in CRC Hospital Taiping
Feasibility Feasibility and Clinical Trials 2019 2020 2021
Clinical trials
No. of feasibility studies conducted 18 38 32
No. of on-going clinical trials 12
No. of upcoming clinical trials 5 10 14
1 1
26 ► Cont’d
No. Article Details
Lim JL, Ng EY, Lim SY, Tan AH, Abdul-Aziz Z, Ibrahim KA, Gopalai AA, Tay YW, Vijayanathan Y, Toh TS, Lim SK, Bee
PC, Puvanarajah SD, Viswanathan S, Looi I, Lim TT, Eow GB, Cheah WK, Tan EK & Ahmad-Annuar A. 2021.
1 Association study of MCCC1/LAMP3 and DGKQ variants with Parkinson's disease in patients of Malay ancestry.
Neurological Sciences. 42, 4203–4207. doi: 10.1007/s10072-021-05056-x.
2 Shu CC, Lim JW, Nor Ismaliza MI, Irene L & Cheah WK. 2021. SLC17A3 rs9379800 and Ischemic Stroke
Susceptibility at the Northern Region of Malaysia. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2021 Aug
10;105908. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.105908
K.W.Chua, S. Muthuvadivelu, R.A. Rani, S.C. Ong , N. Hussin & W. K. Cheah. 2021. Evaluation of the tolerability
3 and effectiveness of Tenecteplase in patients with ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction in a Secondary
Hospital in Malaysia: A Retrospective Case Series. Current Therapeutic Research, Clinical and Experimental. 2021
Aug 21;95:100641. doi: 10.1016/j.curtheres.2021.100641
Chin M.L., Chan C.W.S. , Chong H.E. & Cheah W.K. 2021. Association of anemia with rehabilitation outcomes for
4 subacute geriatric rehabilitation patients in a secondary hospital in Malaysia. Aging Pathobiology and
Therapeutics 2021; 3(4). doi: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-384546/v1.
Occurs when the effect of an intervention is deemed Occurs when the effect of an intervention is deemed
significant when in fact there is no real difference or insignificant when in fact the intervention is effective
effect due to the intervention In statistical terms, this occurs when the null hypothesis is
incorrectly accepted and this causes a false-negative result
Caused by uncontrolled confounding influences,
and random variation Occurs when sample sizes are too small,
the true difference or effect is small and variability is large
Probability of occurrence can be pre-defined and is
denoted as α or the significance level. The probability of a type II error occurring can be calculated
or pre-defined and is denoted as β
Conventional arbitrary value of P<0.05 is commonly used
If the null hypothesis is rejected, there should be a 5% chance
of a type I error.
As sample size of a study increases, the P-value will decrease
1.1 – Login & Edit Details CONTENT 23
(Basic Information, User Information, Institution Information) 24
1.1 - Login & Edit Details 30
& Set New Password
1.2 - New Research Submission
1. Go to the URL: https://nmrr.gov.my 1.3 - Edit Pending Submission/
2. Click Login and insert email & password
Incomplete Submission/
Revision Required
3. Click user profile located at top right of the landing page
4. Insert basic user information, institution information and upload necessary documents.
Save the information by clicking the save button in every section provided.
► Cont’d 29
1.1 – Login & Edit Details (Cont’d)
5. Insert current and new password to change the password (The password must contain one upper case and
one number).
Click the save button to confirm the new password.
1.2 – New Research Submission
1. Click on “create new submission” on the left side.
2. Insert information on the “New Submission Registration”. Basic information required are as follows:
Submission type
Research title
Public title
Research title abbreviation
Protocol ID
Research Scope
30 ► Cont’d
1.2 – New Research Submission (Cont’d)
3. Once basic information is inserted, select one “Research Type”. it can be either:
⸎ Interventional
⸎ Observational
⸎ Qualitative Research
⸎ Mixed Method Research
⸎ Proof of Concept/
Theoretical Research
⸎ Applied Research
⸎ Registry/Biobanking/Clinical Database
⸎ Clinical Audit/Quality Assurance/
Quality Control
⸎ Systematic Review/Scoping Review/
Rapid Review/Meta-Analysis/ Metasynthesis
⸎ Special Write Up
4. Once Research Type is selected, click “Create New Submission”.
5. The General Information page will appear with a list of sections to be completed by the user.
Status of submission will appear as “Pending Submission” at the top part of the page.
To continue the submission, click on the edit button.
► Cont’d 31
1.2 – New Research Submission (Cont’d)
6. User is required to fill up all the necessary information required for the submission. Compulsory information is
being tagged with an asterisk *. Click on the section heading list on the right side of the pages to access
each section for the submission.
7. In each section, the user will need to fill up information according to each subsection available
(Note: Different “Research Type” would have different subsections to be filled) in the “Study Information”
section. Once information is inserted, click the save button located at the end of each subsection.
8. Each successful updates will have a notification at the bottom of each subsection. ► Cont’d
1.2 – New Research Submission (Cont’d)
9. If there any information missing, user will have a command ask for the required information on every attempt
to save the subsection, for example,
10. When all subsection required has been filled up, user is required to refresh the pages. So that the icon
of the section listing will appear. Failure of the icon to appear indicates that there is some
information missing or unable to be saved.
11. In the “Purpose of Submission” section, to select the purpose of submission required for the submission.
Click the “save” button to capture the intended purposes. Purposes can be either:
Scientific Review &
Ethical Approval Submission
Grant (MRG) Submission
Publication & Presentation
Approval Submission
Notification of Research
to Other Authority
► Cont’d 33
1.2 – New Research Submission (Cont’d)
12. Once the subsection of Purpose of Submission
is saved, section required to upload documents
will be opened (depending on the purpose
selected); for example, if “Scientific Review
& Ethical Approval Submission” and “Grant
(MRG) Submission” has been selected & saved,
both submissions purpose section will appear in
the section list on the top right of the page.
13. User will be able to upload necessary documents required for the submission by dragging the document
into the box or selecting the required file. Insert the version and version date of the documents (required by
the system).
14. Once the document has been uploaded, click save at the bottom of each subsection to finalise the document.
34 ► Cont’d
1.2 – New Research Submission (Cont’d)
15. Once all required documents have been uploaded and input has been added, click at the end of the
section list “Confirmation of Submission”. User is required to tick the acknowledgement of confirmation and
then click the “submit” button to send the submission.
16. Once submission is successful, user will be brought to “My Submission” page and Status of the submission
will be shown as “Processing Submission by NMRR Secretariat”.
► Cont’d 35
1.3 – Edit Pending Submissi on/I ncomplete Submissi on/ Revisi on Required
A) For Pending Submission
1. Click My Submission at the left side of the
2. List of all the submission will be displayed. To edit a “Pending Submission” status, click on the edit (pencil
icon) under the action column of the particular submission or Research ID. User can delete the unwanted
submission by clicking on the delete (bin icon) – this will only be applicable for study with a “Pending
Submission” status.
3. Users will be brought to the “General ► Cont’d
Information” pages. If there are no additional
changes on the General Information section, us-
ers can continue to edit the rest of the information
and upload the necessary documents following
the Main section list at the top right side of the
1.3 – Edit Pending Submissi on/I ncomplete Submissi on/ Revisi on Required
A) For Pending Submission (cont’d)
4. User is required to tick the acknowledgement of confirmation at the “Confirmation of Submission” section
and then click the “submit” button to send the submission.
B) For Incomplete Submission/ Revision Required
1. Click My Submission at the left side of the page.
2. List of all the submissions will be displayed. Submissions requiring revision by any secretariat will have the
status either as “incomplete submission / revision required” or “revision required” displayed on the status
► Cont’d 37
1.3 – Edit Pending Submissi on/I ncomplete Submissi on/ Revisi on Required
B) For Incomplete Submission/ Revision Required (Cont’d)
3. Firstly, click on the “Comment & Review” part (chat icon) to see all the query/ comments made by the
secretariat or reviewers.
4. List of comments made by the secretariat or
reviewer will be displayed in the listing. It is
advisable for users to update the response in
after all the revision has been made in the data
submission & the document has been uploaded
(user can come back to the “Comment &
Review” later after the revision is made).
5. Click on the edit (pencil icon) under the action column of the particular submission or Research ID to edit
the data submission and to upload the revised document.
38 ► Cont’d
1.3 – Edit Pending Submissi on/I ncomplete Submissi on/ Revisi on Required
B) For Incomplete Submission/ Revision Required (Cont’d)
6. Users will be brought to the “General
Information” pages. If there are no additional
changes on the General Information section,
users can continue to edit the rest of the infor-
mation and upload the necessary documents
following the main section listing at the top right
side of the page. If revision involves the general
information, click update at the bottom of the
pages before proceeding to the rest of the
section (the same steps as per new submission.)
7. User is advised to do the revision in reference to
the “Comment & Review”. Once user has edited
all the necessary revisions and uploaded all
revised documents (please make sure all the
updated information and documents is saved),
user is required to go back at the “Comment &
Review” page to insert the responses comment.
► Cont’d 39
1.3 – Edit Pending Submissi on/I ncomplete Submissi on/ Revisi on Required
B) For Incomplete Submission/ Revision Required (Cont’d)
8. This should be followed by acknowledgement of confirmation. At this stage, please make sure that all
comments/queries in the “Comment & Review” has been answered first before clicking the “Submit” button.
Once this is done, user is unable to make any more changes to the information , document uploaded in the
data submission and the responses in the “Comment & Review”.
2021- IT’S A WRAP!
2021- IT’S A WRAP!
16 March 2021 05-06 April 2021
Proposal Writing Introduction to
Workshop Clinical Research
27 April 2021 09 November 2021
National Medical Research Perak Research
Register (NMRR) Workshop Conference 2021
FEB Proposal Writing Workshop MAR
Basic Statistics Workshop
21 07
MAR Introduction to Clinical Research Workshop
28-30 NMRR Registration Workshop APR
MAY 25
23-25 Good Clinical Practice Workshop
JUL Nursing Research Workshop JUN
18-19 10
Scientific Writing Workshop
Pubmed Search Workshop AUG
20th Jan 15th - 16th Feb 2nd Mac 21st Apr
Introduction to Clinical
CRC - CME 1/2022 Research (ICR) 1/2022 Introduction to ISR CRC - CME 2/2022
NMRR V2 Training 24th Feb 15th – 17th Mar
for Trainers Pubmed
Workshop Proposal Writing
17th - 18th May 16th Jun 12th - 13th Jul
NMRR Registration Introduction to Clinical
Google Form Research (ICR) 2/2022
Workshop Workshop
21st Jul
19th May Intermediate SPSS CRC - CME 4/2022
CRC - CME 3/2022 Workshop
24th - 25th May Taiping Research Day
GCP Workshop 2022
Mini Roadshow to
25th Aug 15th Sep 13th Oct 17th Nov
Excel Analysis CRC - CME 5/2022 Endnote Application CRC - CME 6/2022
Mini Roadshow to 20th - 21st Sep 18th - 19th Oct
PKD Hulu Perak Data Entry Workshop Basic SPSS Workshop
Research that matters to patients
CRC Hospital Seri Manjung CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun CRC Hospital Taiping
List of available staff List of available staff List of available staff
Dr. Nga Shih Hang (HOD) Dr. Philip Rajan a/l Devesahayam (HOD) Dr Cheah Wee Kooi (HOD)
Dr. Chang Meng Lee (Deputy) Dr. Sharon Linus Lojikip Dr Narwani Hussin
Dr. Ting Siew Ying (MO) Dr. Lim Xin Jie Dr Rosilawati Abdul Rani
Chiew Shoen Chuen (Pharmacist) Dr. Leong E Li Chan Wai Seong Christopher
Norsarlizna Mat Sari Dr. Billy Song Li Herng Chua Kin Wei
(Administrative Manager) Dr. Nur Sabrina Abdul Rahim Prema Muninathan
Dr. Muhammad Nuh Idy Razlan Sreevali Muthuvadivelu
CRM Dr. Pandora Chow Lai Yeng
Dr. Devin Kumar Asoka Kumar CRM
Azirah Osman Chew Chii Chii
Lailye Zuraida Abu Bakar Chang Chee Tao Venoo Kuppusamy
Premaa A/P Supramaniam Nur Fatin Raihanah
Lina Hashim Siti Zubaidah Aripin
Hasni Adha Ibrahim Siti Suraya Rozaidi
Personal MySTEP
Noorsyamimi Binti Mhd Akhir
Aisyah Ahmad Shadzili
Chin Ei Wei
Norhazlina Binti Ramlee
Gregory Domnic
Thian Zu Juin
Suniljeet Singh A/L Sukhdev Singh
Suria Junus
Choong Jing Wei
Ooi Siew Har
Revathe A/P Rajendran
Swarnaletchumi A/P Kanapathy
Nur Amirah Ramli
Ruth Merry A/P Paranjothi Yanok
Wan Ainor Syahdah Wan Hassan
Noorharjiana Surianti Mohd Saad
CRC Hospital Seri Manjung CRC Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun CRC Hospital Taiping
Hospital Seri Manjung Level 4, Ambulatory Care Centre (ACC), 1st Floor, CME Building,
32040 Seri Manjung, Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Hospital Taiping, Jalan Stesen,
Perak Darul Ridzuan. Jalan Raja Ashman Shah, 34000 Taiping,
30450 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan. Perak Darul Ridzuan.
T: 05-6896639 / 6882245
F: 05-6884013 / 6882245 T: 05-208 5146 T: 05-8204029
E: [email protected] F: 05-8074517 / 05-8065187
© 2022 Clinical Research Centre Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun. All Rights Reserved.