Tech TimesOctober
MYOB 2015 Health and MYOB EXO Payroll Christmas Leave Intel Compute Stick.. Server 2003 Extended sup- Windows 10 Upgrade P. 1
Safety Reform Series Webinar port ended in July 2015. Identity theft P. 2
Transform any HDMI monitor or Some clients are still using
Annually in New Zealand 75 people Course content TV into a computer with the 2003 servers to run outdat- Exo Business 2015.3 P. 1
are killed while at work and 1 in every Intel® Compute Stick complete ed services and software . Trends & New Software P. 2
10 is harmed. This costs NZ $3.5 billion This webinar will cover many aspects of with a quad-core Intel® Atom™ We no longer can get Virus-
per year and it doesn’t include the holiday processing, on completion of this processor, Intel® HD Graphics, can and backup software to Microsoft is offering Windows 10 as a free upgrade Don’ts Some of the older peripherals do not have drivers
social and psychological costs on webinar you can: integrated Wi-Fi* and Blue- work on these servers so the for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users for 12 months written for windows 10 . An example is a USB Floppy drives
friends, family, loved ones and co- tooth* technologies, 32 GB stor- recommendation is to priori- from July 29th 2015. are no longer supplied. There are also reported issues with
workers. Understand correct annual leave age, 2 GB memory, a USB 2.0 tizing to upgrade these serv- older hardware and drivers not being available so care has to
New Zealand is serious about reducing port, and a Micro SD card reader. ers. Jessie will be in contact Windows 10 undoes the design errors done by Win- be taken.
the number of deaths and injuries, this valuation and accruals for different Intel Inside®―endless possibili- to discuss . dows 8, an operating system that was built more for
is why they have introduced the new methods ties outside. touch devices than for traditional PCs. In fact, two of Upgrading business computers causes the computers to be
Health and Safety reform. You need to Touch Screen Concept Windows 10's big improvements over Windows 8 are removed from the domain, so upgrade needs to be planned.
understand the new reform to provide Troubleshoot if incorrect values come Contact Vince for a special deal the addition of a Windows 7-style Start menu and
a duty or care to your employees and One of the latest concepts in the ability to work entirely on the desktop and ignore Do’s There have been 5 million testers of Windows 10 and
remain compliant. up touch screens is the Cicret the touch-focused Start screen. the stability may mean my standard rule of waiting for the
If health and safety is not already a Bracelet which turns your first pack does necessarily apply.
focus it now needs to be! The new Identify relevant daily pay – what it skin into a touch screen. Microsoft is ending mainstream support for Win-
reform includes tougher enforcement This allows you read your dows 7 in January 2016 but they have learnt from The advantages are
tools, compliance mechanisms, fines pay's and understanding other op- emails, play your favorite previous issues with Windows XP and they will keep
and even jail terms for non- tions available in EXO Payroll games, and check the the service packs going until 2020. 1. Simpler secure sign on and improved security
compliance weather on your arm. 2. Gets more out of the latest cpu’s and hardware. Im-
Seminars to 8th October Process either single or multiple pays Easier to read than a small Windows 7 Service pack 1 release was 22nd October
watch . More info available 2009. Technology since then in CPU Memory and proves staff performance.
381 Ellerslie-Panmure Highway over Christmas at Hard drive access has changed immensely keeping 3. Improved mobile device management allowing multiple
Mt Welling ton, Auckland, NZ with this WIN 7 is now seriously limiting the Hard-
09 5799399 ph. Pay new employees either advanced ware performance of new machines. The other issue users who share a single device to have full control over ,
09 5799 398 fax is that most of the Servers have software with new- VPN and enterprise data protection policies. It also al- leave or 8% Holiday Pay er features and the way they perform is affected by lows you separate personal and company data.
Tech Times October 2015 the older Win 7 authentication processes. SO up- 4. Greater control over updates
Track unpaid leave and understand grading your site to Win 10 needs serious considera- 5. Improved Internet explorer security
tion. If interested in upgrade call Jessie to discuss.
the effects on leave entitlements
Understand how to process public
holidays worked and not worked and
alternative leave accrued and taken
Cash up annual leave at end of year
Pay out Christmas bonuses
Understand requirements for em-
ployee termination over Christmas
Understand how to format a report
and setup a report run
Understand all the steps involved in pro-
cessing a leave reversal
Contact the office to organize a booking.
Mobile Timesheets
If your staff are on the road and
need to fill out timesheets so
that their time can be charged
to a job.
With the law requiring phones to There are a number of apps
be used in cars on Hands free sys- available to streamline and
tems Bluetooth is turned on per- simplify processing .
Exo Business , Business Alerts CRM From the simple job number
Arrival time and finish time
You can set up custom busi- • Debtor Invoice Why use a CRM system processing
ness rules and notifications Stock Movement
The issue is that if you do not im- for various events in the EXO 1) Gives better visibility of your cli- To the more complex systems
plement some specific security then Business system. Rules using • Opportunity Quote ent base. that meet Health and Safety
any body walking passed or sitting custom conditions can be • Job Quote
at the back of the bus can connect. attached to a defined list of • Job Transaction 2) It assists you sales staff to man- requirements validating the use
system events; when a rule’s • Direct Material Entry age your customers. It puts all of correct PE gear and the site
They can listen into your conversa- conditions are met, an alert Direct Time Entry the information into one place. safe issues. To being able to
tions, Block phone calls coming, message can be displayed to report back to customers auto-
drain batteries, read email and the user and additional ac- Common uses are checking
even copy programs on to you tions can be performed, such total discounts. Validating that 3) Enables continuity of relationship matically of the work been
device and track you. as sending a notification prices are correct .
email to a third party. Cus- when one sales person leaves done that day.
So what can you do… tom rules are triggered when Notifying management when
one of the following transac- GP is below a certain value. and another starts all the cus-
1) Don’t use old version Blue- tions is saved:
tooth devices . Versions 1.x We need to warn everyone, that :- Scam 2: Business Info Scam 7: Watch for shareholding If you have a check you would tomer history is there so there is
and 2.0 are especially unse- changes on the Companies Register • Sales Order like the system to do then email
cure. 1) You never give credit card num- Ringing and confirming staff data then going and get cars etc. on credit • Purchase Order Liz at the helpdesk and she will no lag while the salesperson gets
bers over the phone. Not even for such as phone numbers, email ad- stating they are the new owners and • Creditor Invoice answer your queries.
donations. Get them to email you dresses. Bank information, compa- have no trading history to back. But up to speed.
the information and pay it directly nies dealing with etc. giving false PG’s instead using the
into their bank. true Shareholders Properties. 4) The ability to see what the market
Scam 3: Illegal Downloading is interested across the board and
what the feedback is to your
2) Change your PIN Code so that 2) That no one from responsible IT products.
other people cannot connect. companies will ever want to access
That they have been notified that What to do if you think you have
3) On the latest devices set to be your computers, or routers, they the contacts IP address has had the been scammed… Q: How do I make Battery last long- Why Mobile
only discoverable when au- will always ask you to get your IT second strike warning for illegal er.
thorised. Usually this means person look at the issue, or to con- downloading and if they do not stop 1) Call the Bank immediately if you By giving your sales people a mobile
you need to be in the Blue- tact them. it the owner of the house is responsi- have given out and credit card A: Don’t put the laptop on your lap solution it means they have all the
ble for 5 years in jail or a $15,000 or bank info. Cancel the cards or thermal insulating product. data at their finger tips. It is as up to
tooth set up screen. fine. and get new ones issued. date as the last sync, with Head office.
Try to avoid charging the battery
3) That Drivers License numbers 2) If you given license info. Go to while you are working with the
the police and get them to re- laptop. Charging the battery in-
4) If you are not using Bluetooth and passports must be treated the Scam 4: Vehicles/Services/Staff place your license with a new creases the battery temperature .
version So if you are working on the laptop
devices say on laptops turn the same as credit cards and bank Seeing ad’s on Websites ringing up the CPU etc will also increase the Sales staff do not need to carry files of
and saying that they have that vehi- If given out Passport report it to temperature of the unit. This
feature off. account number identity theft is on cle/services/staff available but they the police and then pass this temperature increase affect the confidential paper with them . They
need a credit card to hold it . report on to DIA so they can battery.
the rise. cancel the passport and reissue. have at their finger tips. Do your staff need to
Make sure that at all time the
Android phones are targeted more 3) Take the pc or the pad to a rep- laptops air flow Is not restricted The Clients Current balance . track down job num-
utable Computer company and and do not put paper on top of the
that other operating systems but 4) That companies are making get them to check it out for keyboard as a lot of laptops put What the last 4 months invoices bers to give to suppli-
hidden Trojan s and backdoor air through these as well. Don’t
that is only because there is more money out of collecting email ad- Scam 5: Bank Confirming Details accesses. Strip the PC if you can. Q: Is there an easy way to clean up leave the laptop in the car as the were. ers and all they have is a smart
my email box. I have duplicate heat will also damage the unit.
of them in the market. dresses and selling them on. Get a credit watch alert activat- emails going backwards and for- What the client has purchased phone.
ed. Especially for businesses. wards on the same subject. I just
It has been reported by Symantec The scammers are getting more The person on these call will usually 4) These can be done for 3 months need the last email. and at what price. Do they need to get a purchase
have some valid information from 5) or if there is proof of serious If the client is on stop credit.
that most people do not know their and more clever. From saying the Government rolls, Business directo- issues then get it done for 7 A: In Outlook 2010 and Outlook If they have orders waiting to be order for materials and charge
ries or The local Council rates. It years. That way you will be noti- 2013 there is a feature called
phones have been hacked until it are from Spark Technology , to seems all above board a they know fied every time anybody tries to “Clean up” Just click on the button. supplied. it to a job,
so much at the start of the conversa-
is too late. Microsoft or your ISP. Not actually tion. So people relax.
naming it. Scam 6: Published info What are the current stock levels. Then ask about the PS_Job_PO
Be aware of using open WIFI con- They can take orders email con- App. This utility will run on any
nections and as there is no isola- Scam 1 Internet Access Suspend- firmations. phone and allow staff to see
tion and while you are connected to ed Set up follow ups or call backs their jobs . And add a pur-
these WIFI’s you are open to every Telling the Business\customer that The callers states they have just been Take signatures and even invoice chase order for goods to a job.
notified that the Company\Individual for goods taken from the car
one else on the network. if the problem is not fixed immedi- has just won a Contract\Award (in
and they need to confirm the details stock.
If you logon back to work put in a ately that they will be suspending so they can send additional infor-
VPN firewall that has Mobile Device all access to the internet .