Holly Springs Road Widening - Phase II
Virtual Public Meeting
December 3, 2020
Thank you for your interest in the Holly Springs Road – Phase II Project! The presentation will begin shortly
at 5:30, 6:00, and 6:30 p.m. Please note the following instructions on how to ask a question during the Q&A
portion of the public meeting:
• If joining the meeting online, type your question in to the Q&A box. Or, you may also click the “raise
hand” button. Then wait to be called on and unmuted to ask your question.
• If joining the meeting by phone, to ask a question please press *9 to raise your hand. Then wait to
be called on and unmuted to ask your question. Once called upon, please press *6 to unmute.
After the meeting:
• Visit the website: www.hollyspringsnc.gov/1664 for more information.
• Complete the comment form at publicinput.com/hub/77
• You can also contact us with questions via email at [email protected]
or by phone at 919-577-3128
Holly Springs Road Widening – Phase II
December 3, 2020
Project Managers
Tim Athy
Project Manager
Town of Holly Springs
Chad Beck
Project Manager
Project Team
Aaron Levitt Debbie Abbene
Town of Holly Springs Town of Holly Springs
Kendra Parrish Colin Frosch
Town of Holly Springs Kimley-Horn
Sara Emig Tyler White
Town of Holly Springs Kimley-Horn
• Project Extents
• Project Purpose
• Funding
• Proposed Design
• Design Revisions Since March 2020
• Construction Phasing
• Schedule
• Next Steps
• Conclusion
Project Extents
• Flint Point Lane to
Sunset Lake Road
• Approximately 1.5 miles
• Connects to eastern
terminus of Phase I
(NCDOT Project U-6094)
Project Purpose
• Improve vehicular, pedestrian, and bicyclist mobility along the
• Work in conjunction with our nearby projects to improve
transportation network
• Improve the crossing over Middle Creek
• Town of Holly Springs
transportation bond approved in
• Federal Funding ($3.6 Million)
through Capital Area
Metropolitan Planning
Organization in partnership with
NCDOT and Federal Highway
• Estimated construction cost:
$15 Million
Proposed Design
Proposed Design
Proposed Design
Tree clearing and Modify
right-of-way acquisition traffic
Holly Springs Road and
Linksland Drive
Intersection Widen to the
west (left)
Proposed Design
Design Revisions Since March 2020
Added Roundabout at Holly Ridge Elementary School and Cobblepoint Way
• Anticipated to begin summer 2021.
• First Phase: Construction of bridge crossing of Middle Creek and
roadway approaches between Linksland Drive and Sunset Fairways
• Remaining Segments: Constructed in phases to reduce traffic
• East-west traffic to be maintained. Some minor temporary detours on
adjacent streets may be required.
• Temporary pedestrian detours to maintain connectivity.
We Want Your Input!
• Submit comments online at
publicinput.com/hub/77 by December 17th
• Or, pick-up a comment form at Town Hall to
be mailed or emailed by December 17th
• All public input will be compiled, reviewed,
and summarized after the comment period.
The comment summary will be published
on the project website.
Please submit project comments no later than December 17 th
online at publicinput.com/hub/77 or to:
Tim Athy, Town Project Manager
P.O. Box 8, Holly Springs, NC 27540
[email protected]
(919) 577-3128
For project mapping and information, visit the project website,
www.hollyspringsnc.gov/1664, or view at Town Hall until
December 17 th