[email protected] TRUEANALYTICS.AI ACQUIRE NEW CUSTOMERS AND ACTIVATE EXISTING THROUGH OUR DATA We drive business results with data-driven campaigns covering lead generation and goal optimization. Target the right audiences to acquire new customers and effectively advertise to both new and existing customers. AADDTTEECCHH MANAGE YOUR RISK ASSESSMENT EFFECTIVELY Our tailored credit risk solutions leverage micro-segmentation labels and telecom payment information to accurately model clients' creditworthiness. Access alternative risk assessments for enhanced decision-making. FFRRAAUUDD AANNDD RRIISSKK BOOSTING BUSINESS SUCCESS We enable advanced business insights to drive actionable decisions for your business through privacy-compliant technologies. Gain a better understanding of existing customer behaviors and reach the right new customers through analysis. IINNSSIIGGHHTT AASS AA SSEERRVVIICCEESS As the digital arm of Thailand’s leading telecom-tech company, True Analytics enables an Intelligent Data Platform that seamlessly integrates data from multiple sources, providing access to data from True Corporation and True Digital Group. Furthermore, our flexible data management feature enables easy integration of your company's or your partner's data with ours. This approach empowers us to offer solutions for AdTech, Fraud and Risk, as well as Insights as a Service, delivering exceptional business outcomes while prioritizing privacy protection. TRUE DIGITAL DATA PLATFORM EMPOWERING BUSINESSES TO STREAMLINE OPERATIONS, ENHANCE EFFICIENCY, MAKE CONFIDENT DATA-DRIVEN DECISIONS, AND GAIN A COMPETITIVE EDGE. DDAATTAA AANNAALLYYTTIICCSS AANNDD DDAATTAA--DDRRIIVVEENN PPLLAATTFFOORRMM ELEVATE YOUR BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION WITH DATA-DRIVEN OUTCOMES THROUGH OUR INTELLIGENT PLATFORM. We deliver powerful insights and advanced analytics through our data-driven platform, empowering businesses to seize new opportunities. Talk to us!
[email protected] TRUEANALYTICS.AI SSMMAARRTT SSUUSSTTAAIINNAABBLLEE GGRROOWWTTHH Collaborate with us to explore and implement new use cases, driving innovation through the integration of datadriven strategies for sustainable business growth. EENNHHAANNCCEE RREEVVEENNUUEE Leverage the power of our data insights to refine your business strategies, enhance revenue and optimizing ROI, ensuring every investment delivers tangible results. DDRRIIVVEE CCOOSSTT EEFFFFIICCIIEENNCCYY Utilize data-driven insights to streamline operations, allocate resources effectively, and boosting profitability while controlling and managing costs. Secure data sharing: Utilize our data clean room for safe and compliant sharing. Flexible data ingestion: Easily incorporate your own or partner data into our platform. Comprehensive data access: Access our Customer Data Platform, including proprietary and third-party data source. Simplified user experience: Easily gain insights and visualize data. Easily set up workspace: Ready to use in 2-5 days. Real-time operational features: Enhance performance and responsiveness with real-time capabilities. WHY TRUE DIGITAL DATA PLATFORM SOLUTIONS? FFLLEEXXIIBBLLEE VVAASSTT DDAATTAA SSOOUURRCCEE MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT AADDVVAANNCCEEDD CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTIIEESS We deliver powerful insights and advanced analytics through our data-driven platform, empowering businesses to seize new opportunities. Talk to us! UUSSEERR FFRRIIEENNDDLLYY IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, PPLLUUGG AANNDD PPLLAAYY Automated processing: Ensure efficient speed and easy deployment. Advanced data models: Gain comprehensive insights and make informed decisions. Quick decision-making: Empower your team by leveraging fast access to actionable insights. PPRROOPPEELL YYOOUURR BBUUSSIINNEESSSS TTRRAANNSSFFOORRMMAATTIIOONNWWIITTHH OOUURR IINNNNOOVVAATTIIVVEE,, DDAATTAA--DDRRIIVVEENN PPLLAATTFFOORRMM,, CCRRAAFFTTEEDD FFOORR SSIIMMPPLLIICCIITTYY TTOO EENNHHAANNCCEE OOPPEERRAATTIIOONNAALL EEFFFFIICCIIEENNCCYY AANNDD DDRRIIVVEE GGRROOWWTTHH.. PPRREECCIISSIIOONN TTAARRGGEETTIINNGG Utilize our vast insightful data and True Customer Data Platform to precisely target and acquire the right customers for your business needs. Reach out to 30 million users across over 400 advanced analytic segments.