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Published by American Spaniel Club, 2024-01-22 21:43:54

December 2023 Bulletin

December 2023 ASC Bulletin

ASC BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 | 3 | In This Issue: AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BOARD MEMBERS, 2020-2023 Copyright 2023, American Spaniel Club, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission President Diane Kepley [email protected] First Vice-President Dee Torgerson Rismyhr [email protected] Second Vice-President Douglas McFarlane [email protected] Corresponding Secretary David Roberts 103 Lyndenbury Dr Apex, NC 27502 919-637-1003 V 866-243-1068 F [email protected] Recording Secretary TBD Treasurer Beth Williams [email protected] Assistant Treasurer Kevin Carter [email protected] Director, Class of 2025 Julie Virosteck [email protected] Director, Class of 2025 Linda Pitts [email protected] Director, Class of 2025 Vivian Hudson [email protected] Director, Class of 2023 Linda Bennett [email protected] Director, Class of 2023 Laurie Foley [email protected] Director, Class of 2023 Lisa Arnett [email protected] Director, Zone I Per Rismyhr [email protected] Alternate Director, Zone I Heidi Armour [email protected] Director, Zone II Dale Ward [email protected] Alternate Director, Zone II Kathleen Patterson [email protected] Director, Zone III Laura Heidrich [email protected] Alternate Director, Zone III Linda Wright [email protected] Director, Zone IV Stephanie Kaul [email protected] Alternate Director, Zone IV Mariecel Torres-Young [email protected] Director, Zone V Deann Jepson [email protected] Alternate Director, Zone V Lisa Barras [email protected] Effective January 2023 Annual Meeting Agenda.................... p.10 January 2023 Show Information........ p.14 Ballot for July 2025 Judges................ p.24 Choosing a Stud Dog ........................ p.32 2024 National Preview...................... p.69

| 4 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 President’s Message I’m not the kind of person who makes New Year’s resolutions, but this year I’m suggesting a few. It’s ever so easy to find fault with an organization, or competitive event, or other situations, but looking for the solutions to issues is often more difficult. I’m resolved to be a problem solver. One of the ways that can be achieved is to find ways to build on what is good about that organization or event. Regarding the ASC, we are fortunate to have an excellent core of volunteers, and I am grateful to have been associated with them all. Volunteers bring to the table a wide range of talents, insights, and abilities and through them we find the means to grow as an organization. I am grateful for the hard work of the members of the ASC Board of Directors who give multiple hours of their personal time to ensure the financial stability of the club and who consider multiple ideas for improving the club experience for all our members. Committee chairs are among those who work tirelessly to advance the causes that promote our breed in a variety of ways. The most visible may be the show chairs who organize and manage the complicated issues connected with the ASC’s two major conformation shows (the Cocker Spaniel National and the Flushing Spaniel Show), and our agility trials. They and their committees deserve our gratitude for meeting the challenges presented to them each year. The Flushing Spaniel Show is right about the corner, and new show chair Julie Virosteck and her committee have done an admirable job coordinating with the other breed clubs to make the 2024 show a memorable one. A reminder—if you cannot be there in person, you can purchase a show ‘ticket’ from Show Dog Video Pros to watch the competition on your computer at home. The 2024 National will be a Rocky Mountain High experience! Show chair Stephanie Kaul and her committee will be ready to welcome you all to Colorado Springs in July 2024 for our National Specialty and all the associated events. Dog sports in general are of interest to many, but the number of breeders and breed fanciers who are dedicated to preserving the best qualities of the breed are declining. I hope many of you will join me in resolving to find more ways to attract newcomers to our breed and our dog sports. I am a believer in mentoring. It is so valuable to find someone who is willing to share knowledge about a breed. Our breeder education forums at the National are well-attended, and our outreach to members of the public at Meet the Breed events are also well-received. If you can attend, consider bringing a newcomer along to learn about the breed. The health of Cocker Spaniels is a concern for all of us. Whatever genetic issues are facing the breed now or in the future, I’d like to see all of us resolve to support efforts to find scientifically based solutions to tracking those issues. The ASC-Foundation reviews research to help keep us all current on the latest potential solutions. Finally—I’d like to thank all ASC members for being part of the club and participating in any way possible. May 2024 be a good year for you, your dogs, and all those you care about. And above all—be merry! By DIANE KEPLEY, ASC President IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE—BUT ANOTHER YEAR IS COMING TO A CLOSE. Jackie Makoujy AKC Breeder of Merit [email protected] 201-410-4034

| 8 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 Treasurer’s Report Submitted by BETH WILLIAMS, ASC TREASURER OCTOBER 2023 Below I have summarized our current finances. Be reminded that ‘Restricted Funds’ are those invested in Fidelity accounts, the interest on which pays for Perpetual Memorial Trophies (for which we are taxed). Our ‘Unrestricted Funds’ include our checking accounts with Regions Bank and a surplus cash investment account with Fidelity. As always, if you have any questions, please e-mail me at: [email protected]. Unrestricted Funds Regions Bank $167,592.14 Fidelity ‘Cash Surplus’ Account $28,779.55 Total Unrestricted Funds $196,371.69 Restricted Funds $113,101.58 (PMT Investment Accounts)

| 10 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. founded 1881 American Kennel Club Member since September 19, 1889 NOTICE 141st Annual Meeting on Saturday, January 13, 2024 Marriott Ballroom, Knoxville, TN TO ALL MEMBERS: Please note that the Board of Directors of the Club has designated Saturday, JANUARY 13, 2024, (after judging) for the Annual Meeting of the Club for the transaction of business. (Location: Marriott Function Room; time will be posted and announced.) **************************************************************************** 1. Call to Order. The President, Diane Kepley, Presiding. 2. Count of members and authorized representatives for member Specialty clubs. 3. Reading of the minutes of the 2023 Annual Meeting. 4. Corrections if any to Minutes and Motion for approval. 5. Report of the President, Ms. Kepley. 6. Report of the Corresponding Secretary, Mr. Roberts. 7. Report of the Treasurer, Ms. Williams. 8. Zone Director Reports covering the year 2023: Zone I: Mr. Rismyhr Zone II: Mrs. Ward Zone III: Mrs. Heidrich Zone IV: Mrs. Kaul Zone V: Mrs. Rogers 9. Standing Committee Chairs Reports covering the year 2022: AKC Delegate Mr. Van Deman AKC Gazette Columnist Ms. Tukua, Esq. ASC Archivist/ASC Curator Vacant ASC Health Registry Mrs. Shanks Cocker Spaniel Breeder Referral Mr. Dowell Cocker Spaniel Standard Mr. Ennis Companion Events Ms. Sazma Agility Events Ms. Hudson Education-Judges Education Mrs. Gallant Field Events Ms. Dahlk Finance Mrs. Torgerson-Rismyhr Foreign Liaison Mrs. Linde Klerholm Insurance Mrs. Torgerson-Rismyhr Legislative Affairs Vacant January 2024 Show Chair Ms. Virosteck January 2024 Futurity Chair Mrs. Stallard July 2024 Show Chair Mrs. Kaul July 2024 Futurity Char Mrs. Stallard Legal/Strategic Plan Ms. Moore Therapy Dog Program Mrs. McIntyre Top Dog Dr. Grim Versatility Award Plaques Dr. Grim 10. Unfinished Business. 11. New Business. A) Presentation Awards. B) Recognition of New Life Members. 12. Adjournment. Rules of Procedure for the Annual Meeting 1. Reports are to be made from the podium of the Presiding Officer, and reporting member facing the audience. 2. Members seeking and gaining recognition from the Chair, will state their name, advance to the podium and face the audience. 3. Debaters must address the Chair. 4. Questions must be asked through the Chair and not put directly to debating members. **************************************************************************** Included in the December 2023 Bulletin • David Roberts, Corresponding Secretary, [email protected]

| 14 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 UPDATE ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting and Reception will be held Saturday evening in the Marriott function room area. Details will be printed in the Judging Program. Each attendee will receive a ticket for a complimentary drink—wine, beer, soft drink, or water. Hard liquor and cocktails will be available for cash purchase. ASC BOARD MEETING The American Spaniel Club will hold its board meeting on Thursday, January 11, 2024, and it is open to all members. The location will be printed in the judging program. BATHING The American Spaniel Club provides three bathtubs with warm water for use between 5:00 am and 9:00 pm in the tack room. CATALOG ADVERTISING Consider putting an announcement of upcoming specialty shows, advertisement of dog related products, or featured wins in the show catalog. The first deadline is December 16, 2023; after that there is a $10 late fee. No ads accepted after December 23, 2023. The form is posted on the ASC website ( wp-content/uploads/2023/09/ASC-Jan-2024-Ad-Form. pdf). For additional information or questions, contact Kelly Ladouceur at [email protected]. CATALOG SALES Catalogs will be sold at the catalog table by Ring 1. Catalogs are $20 each (exact cash is appreciated). EARLY MORNING COFFEE/TEA The American Spaniel Club will offer complimentary coffee and hot tea for early risers beginning at 6:30 am. We will also have a complimentary water station near the announcer’s table. FOOD AND BEVERAGES The concession stand will be open for seven hours during the show. The menu will include snacks, drinks, sandwiches, salads, and hot soup. To reduce exchange of money to a minimum, be prepared to bring small bills and change with you. Please note outside food and beverages are not to be brought into the show site, and there is a strict no alcohol policy for the facility. FUTURITY Not only will cocker spaniels have a Futurity on Saturday judged by John Zolezzi, there will also be an ASC Regional Specialty show on Friday. Cindy Lane, Patty Keenan and Calvin Ward will judge cockers at the specialty and Flushing Show. HOURS OF USE The facility will be unlocked at 5:00 am on Friday–Monday and will be locked at 11:00 pm Thursday–Sunday nights. All dogs and equipment are to be removed by 10:00 am on Monday, January 15, 2024. HOTELS There is a room block at the Marriott Knoxville Downtown (formerly the Holiday Inn World’s Fair) upstairs from the show site. The rooms have floor to ceiling windows and all beds are king-size. There is now an elevator that goes from all guest room floors down to the same level as By JULIE VIROSTECK, Flushing Spaniel Show Chair WORLD’S FAIR EXHIBITION HALL IN KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 2024 THE SHOW WILL INCLUDE A COCKER SPANIEL REGIONAL SPECIALTY, ADDITIONAL FLUSHING BREED SPECIALTIES, AND SWEEPSTAKES BEGINNING FRIDAY, JANUARY 12TH. FOR UPDATED INFORMATION CHECK THE ASC WEBSITE OFTEN: 105th F L U S H I N G SPA NIEL SHOW

AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 | 15 | the show site. There is a coffee shop off the lobby and there is also a game room with pool table, televisions, and more. JUDGES EDUCATION SEMINAR The Judges Education Seminars are offered at the ASC Flushing Show on Friday, January 12, 2024 at the Marriott Downtown Knoxville (room details to be posted onsite): • 9:00 am – Comparison of Welsh Springer Spaniels and English Springer Spaniels presented by Meghen Riese Bassel; • 11:00 am – English Cocker Spaniels presented by Bonnie Threlfall and Shannon Steiner; • 1:00 pm – Clumbers presented by Douglas Johnson. There will also be mentoring on all days for all spaniel breeds. For additional information or to sign up to attend, please contact Nancy Gallant at [email protected]. PARKING Parking is available at the host hotel. Self-parking is available for hotel guests at $14/day and valet parking is available for $28/day. Also, individuals attending the Flushing Spaniel Show may park in the hotel parking lot/ garage for a fee of $16/day. PREMIUM LIST Rau Dog Shows is the show superintendent. The premium list will be published on the ASC website and Rau Dog Show’s website at upcoming-shows/. RAFFLE ASC will have a limited Silent Auction in addition to a raffle and other fundraising opportunities. RINGSIDE SEATING All ringside seats must be reserved. The reservation form will be posted on the website, but the reservation form cannot be postmarked prior to December 11, 2023. SHOW STREAMING Dog Show Video Pros will video BOTH rings and will offer subscriptions for live streaming. More information will be posted on the website. Individuals are prohibited from streaming during the show. SMOKING The entire facility is a No Smoking area. TACK ROOM Upon arrival, check-in with Marlene Ness, Tack Room Chair; exhibitors may begin moving in Thursday at 7:30 am. Bring plastic sheeting and shavings to put under your ex-pens. There may be a few 5' X 10' spaces allocated for exhibitors with 1 or 2 dogs. There will be an area for day crating but there will be no electricity available. The grooming space reservation form will be posted on the website and printed in the premium list. UNLOADING There is a small area for unloading at the far end of the building. Please unload your vehicle as quickly as possible and then move to a parking area before setting up. Marshalls will be on duty to keep traffic moving. Do not park in front of the building to unload. This is a driveway that can quickly get congested and city police do patrol the area and issue citations. QUESTIONS If you have questions, please contact Julie Virosteck, the Flushing Spaniel Show Chair at [email protected]. events-results/2024-asc-flushing-spaniel-show/ With a spirit of sportsmanship and the cooperation of everyone, the 105th Flushing Spaniel Show will continue to focus on all flushing spaniels, their breeders, owners, handlers, and fanciers. Best wishes to all! > FLUSHING SHOW UPDATE Regina [email protected] 548 Justabout Rd.Ph. 724-941-3898 Venetia, PA 15367Cell 724-255-0980


| 18 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 From the Secretary By DAVID ROBERTS, ASC Corresponding Secretary Judging Panels and Ballot Results Judge Panel* – January 2025 Flushing Spaniel Show Parti Cocker Spaniels – David Roberts Black Cocker Spaniels – Jamie Hubbard ASCOB Cocker Spaniels – Dale Martensen Futurity – Ellen Roberts *Pending AKC Approval Report of the Nominating Committees – 2023 The National Nominating Committee (Diane Kepley, chair; April Stich (Zone 1); Diane Kepley (Zone 2); Tony Stallard (Zone 3); Stephanie Kaul (Zone 4) and Diane Hill (Zone 5) present the following nominees: President: . . . . . . . . Linda Moore, Texas 1st Vice President: Dee Torgerson-Rismyhr, Connecticut 2nd Vice President: . James Davis, Massachusetts All Directors at Large are in the middle of their terms, no candidates for those positions were necessary. The Zone I Nominating Committee (Bonnie Pike, chair; Carol Pinto and Debbie Knight) present the following nominees: Director: . . . . . . . . . Per Rismyhr, Connecticut Alternate Director: . . Heidi Armour, Pennsylvania The Zone II Nominating Committee (Dale Ward, chair; Tonya Higdon and Diane Gilbert) present the following nominees: Director: . . . . . . . . . Beth Williams, Alabama Alternate Director: . . Kathleen Patterson, Kentucky The Zone III Nominating Committee (Nancy Gallant, chair; Genea Jones and Diane Nelson) present the following nominees: Director: . . . . . . . . . Laura Heidrich, Illinois Alternate Director: . . Linda Wright, Indiana The Zone IV Nominating Committee (Colleen Keough, chair; Lane Tarantino and Andrea Floyd) present the following nominees: Director: . . . . . . . . . Kathleen Brock, Washington Alternate Director: . . Andrea Floyd, Colorado The Zone V Nominating Committee (Mary Napper, chair; Barbara Shaw and Clyde Shaw) present the following nominees: Director: . . . . . . . . . Deann Rogers, Missouri Alternate Director: . . Lisa Barras, Texas Additional Nominations: The bylaws, Article IV Section 2 provide that additional nominations may be made by written petition addressed to the Secretary and received at the Club’s regular address 103 Lyndenbury Dr, Apex, NC 27502) on or before November 15th. Details as to petition requirements and accompanying documentation requirements can be found on page 23 of the 125th Annual Report or on the ASC web site at

| 20 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 With scent work coming to next year’s ASC National Specialty, I felt it would be a good time to review some of the rules, so that you can keep them in mind while training. With the number of scent work organizations offering competitions and titles, it can be very easy to get the rules wrong, as there is no single set of rules to cover them all. So a quick review will help you plan your training sessions between now and July 2024. The Regulations for AKC Scent Work are available on the AKC website ( as either a PDF download (free) or a printed booklet (nominal charge). First of all, the odors that the AKC uses in their competitions are Birch (Betula lenta), Anise (Pimpinella anisum), Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) and Cypress (Cupressus sempevirens). The Novice class uses Birch, the Advanced class uses Birch and/or Anise, and the Excellent class uses Birch and/or Anise and/or Clove. Cypress is used in the Master classes, but the ASC trial will only be offering Novice, Advanced and Excellent components. The AKC requires judges to prepare their swabs using two drops of essential oil on the head of a cotton swab. In comparison to the cooking method of preparing swabs used by NACSW and some other organizations, this is quite a bit of odor. If your dog hasn’t practiced or competed on cotton swabs with direct drops of oil, I highly recommend you get them accustomed to it before traveling to Colorado. Talk to your instructor or training buddies to figure out a way to get the dogs introduced to the difference in amount of odor. Something that can catch competitors unaware is the rule regarding permissible collars, leashes and harnesses. Organizations can differ slightly in this regard, so it’s important to know what the AKC’s position is on these items. The AKC policy is pretty straightforward with regards to equipment. Dogs must wear a properly fitted collar or harness approved by the judge. No special training tools, such as electronic collars or no-pull harnesses, may be used during the search. Martingale collars are permitted. Handlers may attach a wearable camera (such as a Go Pro) to the dog’s harness. Dogs must enter and exit the search area with the leash attached to the collar or harness, including when waiting in the search area before and after their search. Any length of leash, including retractable leashes, are acceptable. Dogs may also wear accessories such as boots, jackets and/or sweaters and hair ties or bows. Something I found interesting was the requirement of a “Finish” call for any searches with multiple hides. That is different than the organizations that I trial with (CKC, UKC and SDDA), and is something that I would need to work on with my guys. I admit that I typically only call “Finish” when doing a search with unknown number of hides. I’ll be in Novice in July 2024, so no “Finish” call required at that level, but it’s good to know for the future, and something easy to add to practice sessions. Scent detection Know The Rules By KELLY LADOUCEUR, July 2024 ASC Scent Work Chair, KLAD Cockers » [email protected] SNIFF N GO AND MORE COMING SOON TO A BELOVED EVENT.

AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 | 21 | So what does AKC Scent Work actually look like? Well, there are four regular levels of competition— Novice, Advanced, Excellent and Master, as well as a special level called Detective that teams cannot enter until they have at least one Master component title. Each level is comprised of four components—Container, Interior, Exterior and Buried. There is also a second stream called Handler Discrimination, where the dog searches for items scented by the handler, rather than searching for essential oils. In order to earn a component title, the team must pass that component three times, under any number of judges. So a dog would earn a Scent Work Container Novice (SCN) title by qualifying in three Novice Container searches, and the same holds true for the other components as well. A dog earns a level title by completing all four component titles at that level. In order to earn a Scent Work Novice title, a dog must earn an SCN, SIN (Interior), SEN (Exterior) and SBN (Buried). At the ASC trial, we are offering Novice, Advanced and Excellent levels, with all four components being offered. Those are the basic rules that you need to know before entering the trial. All of the particulars are available in the AKC Regulations for Scent Work, as mentioned previously. For those that aren’t competing in scent work, AKC Scent Work is spectator-friendly whenever possible, so you are welcome to come and watch some searches, just don’t bring your dogs along. Photos and videos are encouraged, especially if you’re watching friends compete, but they may not be shared with any other competitors running the same level and component until after that class is finished. I would be foolish not to take this opportunity to ask all of you to consider volunteering for the inaugural ASC Scent Work trial. We will need a number of volunteers to help the trial run smoothly, especially timers, sheet runners and gate stewards. Volunteering gives you a great change to experience scent work up close and personal, and every person that has ever volunteered at a nosework trial where I was either competing or officiating has commented on how beneficial it was to their own nosework journey and about how much they learned from watching other teams. We can split the jobs into bite-sized shifts so that people aren’t spending their entire day at the National without seeing everything it has to offer. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact me at [email protected] so I can maintain a list of people to call on as we approach the trial. The other thing that I’d like to ask of you is to consider sponsoring our prizes/rosettes. Our big prizes this year will be beautiful boxed rosettes, in keeping with what is being offered across all of the venues at the National. We will also have rosettes for class placements and for new titles. If you are interested in sponsoring a > SCENT DETECTION class in honour of or in memory of a special dog, please contact me at the email address above and I will coordinate that with you. Last but not least, we will be offering a Sniff ‘n’ Go on that Thursday, giving folks an opportunity to get warmed up and ready for the trial. Entry forms for the event will be available in early 2024. I will be placing the hides, and I will be looking for volunteers to help keep things moving for that event as well. I hope all of you are as excited about the inaugural ASC Scent Work trial, and I hope to see many of my sniffy friends there. Kelly Ladouceur has been breeding and competing under the KLAD prefix for almost 20 years. She is involved in conformation, obedience, rally obedience, scent hurdle, nosework, and therapy work.

| 24 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 VOTE FOR JULY 2025 COCKER SPANIEL JUDGES * * * DUE JANUARY 31, 2024 * * * Use this ballot or a copy Individual Full Members and Member Clubs each may send one ballot; second ballot list included for Full Household Members. You may vote for up to 2 regular class judges and 1 Futurity judge for JULY 2025 JULY 2025 Judges JULY 2025 Judges Regular Classes Regular Classes ______ Greg Anderson ______ Greg Anderson ______ Rick Bowling ______ Rick Bowling ______ Olga Evelyn ______ Olga Evelyn ______ Doug Johnson ______ Doug Johnson ______ Barbara Shaw ______ Barbara Shaw Futurity Futurity ______ Sharon Gerling ______ Sharon Gerling ______ Kim Vavolo ______ Kim Vavolo Your Name _________________________ Your Name _________________________ Address ____________________________ Address ____________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________ Signature ___________________________ Signature___________________________ MAIL to Teller Chair: Mr James Davis, 16 Corn Mill Way, Rockland, MA 02370-1200. Your name and address must be on the envelope. No signature is required.* EMAIL PDF Attachment to [email protected]. Your name and address must be on the PDF. This is the ONLY email address authorized for the receipt of ballots! *Envelopes or Ballots unable to be checked against the ASC Membership list will not be counted. Specialty club ballots or envelopes must contain the club's name and the name and address of the secretary of record.

AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 | 25 | O NTHEBALLOT? GET TO KNOW THE NOMINEES FOR JULY 2025 COCKER SPANIEL JUDGES. Who is REGULAR CLASSES Greg Anderson I started showing Cockers in Junior Showmanship when I was 12. I grew up in California and was exposed to dedicated breeders and great dogs, all of which influenced my life decision to become a handler. To further my education in dogs, learn about other breeds, and improve grooming techniques, I worked for Peter Green, and Clay and Bergit Coady. From 1979 to 1995, I maintained a business as a professional handler. Recognized by breeders across the United States for professionalism; quality Cockers (all varieties) groomed to perfection and shown with style. I specialized in handling Cocker Spaniels and was lucky to present beautiful dogs for great breeders like Laura Henson, Marilyn Spacht, and Beth Beal. These dogs allowed me to accompany them to the winners’ circle at the ASC National Specialty as well as to multiple Bests in Specialty Show, group wins and Bests in Show. In addition to Cocker Spaniels, I successfully showed English Cockers, Vizslas, Salukis and West Highland White Terriers. Once I retired from handling, I applied to judge, licensed initially in 1995 for 9 spaniel breeds and junior showmanship. Now, years later, I’m approved to judge all Sporting breeds, the Sporting Group and Best in Show. As part of this journey I’ve had the good fortune to judge in Japan, New Zealand, england, the Philippines, Sweden, Norway and Canada but the assignment that meant the most to me was returning to the ASC National Specialty as a judge. I would be honored to judge cocker spaniels at an ASC show again. Thank you for the nomination. Rick Bowling First and foremost, I would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to the membership for the nomination to judge at the ASC National Specialty for 2025. It would be the highest honor to be afforded the opportunity to judge our breed at this level again. I have been involved in the sport of dogs for most of my life. The Irish Setter was my first love and throughout my childhood and teen years I spent most of my free time training and working with my dogs in obedience. After I graduated from college, I moved to Florida to pursue a career and to complete my post graduate work. I was “dogless” for almost two years and life just didn’t seem right. I wanted a smaller dog than an Irish as space and the heat in Florida was not conducive to having a large breed. Of course, I wanted a sporting dog and the Cocker Spaniel seemed to be the perfect choice. I as many dog people, started out with a pet quality black bitch, aka Kaila, and from there the journey began. I was “bit” by the dog show bug and it’s now been over 30 years since I began my fascination and love of our beautiful breed. In limited breeding, I’ve shown and finished many of my own dogs under the RIBO prefix and also have had the pleasure of finishing many more for others. In 2005, I retired from active showing to begin a new journey; that of judging. I have thoroughly enjoyed this aspect of our sport and take very seriously my decisions when evaluating the future breeding stock of our breed. I have been an ASC member since the early 90’s and have served as assistant show chairman for the ASC nationals held in Orlando FL. I have held numerous positions including, President, Show Secretary and Show Chairman for the Suncoast Cocker Spaniel Club. Professionally, I’m a regional controller for a world-wide electronics manufacturing services company. When I’m not working or participating in dog related activities, I also enjoy training and working with our horses and continued >

| 26 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 maintain a small herd of purebred registered Nubian dairy show goats. I am humbled by the nomination to be on the ballot. As a breeder/owner/handler it is the true honor to judge our wonderful breed and look forward with anticipation to the opportunity. Thank you for your consideration. Olga K. Evelyn I have been a member of ASC since 1992; serving as Trophy, Futurity, Advertising, Agility and Performance chair over the years. My breeding program started in 1987 and ended in 2015 with the loss of Ch. Amunique’s Rhythm Nation, known to many as Janet. Over those years, my Black and Ascob champions numbered 27 in limited breeding under the registered kennel name, AMUNIQUE. My Cockers have garnered for Best in Specialty Show, Westminster Kennel Club, Eukanuba Invitational Top 25, and ASC class winners. Of the many wins, the most meaningful have been placements in ASC Futurity and Regular classes and finishing my Cockers from the bred by class. Working closely with my mentor, the late Barbara Steuert (Kimbar), I developed a sound, healthy breeding program, while keeping in mind her words, “Breed quality not quantity.” My dogs were not perfect, but they represented what I wanted in the ring and my interpretationof the standard. Since the end of my breeding program, and this year, being named a Lifetime Member of ASC, I am a firm believer that the Torch of Guardianship of the breed is now in the hands of my generation. It is my duty to share what I have learned for the Betterment of the Breed. Coupled with that passion has been The Cocker College on Facebook. I believe the Cocker College is helping me to serve that sharing purpose and continually being an eternal Student Of The Breed. Along with the Cocker College, I am dedicated to the Cocker Spaniel DNA Cataract Research project. As a breeder/owner/handler/judge I have the same expectations from this sport as in my former competitive arenas. The most important expectation is to have fun. I love judging, and I try to make it fun for the exhibitors while enjoying the challenge of finding that beautiful specimen. Thank you so much for your nomination. Douglas Johnson Douglas Johnson of Bloomington, In., has had a life- time of dedication to the sport of purebred dogs. Breeding under the world-famous Clussexx prefix, he has produced more than 250 AKC Champion Clumber Spaniels, Sussex Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels, English Toy Spaniels and Nederlandse Kooikerhondje. He has a passion for breeding dogs and continues to run a top breeding program today. He has judged nearly all of the flushing spaniel breeds for ASC and knows the value of winning there. He has handled a dog to Best in Show at ASC and bred a dog to win Best in Show at ASC and considers this show to be one of the most historically significant for any spaniel breeder. He respects the time-honored traditions of the show and the history of the breeds. As most of you already know, Mr. Johnson takes his time in the ring very seriously, he is committed to doing his best and will always adjudicate fairly and to his own beliefs. Not shy of opinions, Mr. Johnson has a true vision of these breeds and stays consistent in his desire to reward top quality. Mr. Johnson’s breeder focused judging has made him a popular judge for all breed and specialty shows. Thank you to the membership for their consideration. Barbara Shaw Thank you for considering me as a candidate to judge the July 2025 National Specialty! This is such an honor! As for my history: My husband and I began our odyssey in pure-bred dogs in 1977 with our first Cocker Spaniel, Spanky, followed by Darla. Two endearing pet cockers we found in a newspaper and on the wall at the vet’s office. A trip to a boarding kennel introduced us to Marion Hunt of Pat-Mar Cockers. She had a litter of black puppies only 3-4 weeks of age. I looked into that box and noticed how different they were from Spanky and Darla. Without hesitating, I asked Marion, “How did you do that?” With that simple question, Our Gang cockers and kennel became a reality. We have titled Cockers in all 3 varieties, enjoy looking ahead two or three generations with breeding considerations, and loving the fun we have with all of it! I became a judge; and, with that privilege, traveled around this country and the world interacting with people who share the same passion we all have for our dogs. 3 years ago we bred to our black dog, Ch. Our Gang’s Harlem On My Mind, Winner’s Dog 1989! Armand, the son and black male as well, shares our home with a small menagerie. We brought home, Sammie (an Our Gang boy) and his friend, Allie, a buff rescue from a dear college friend who passed. Jack, the wonder Sussex, and Peg, a bulldog who has the best stink eye ever as well as Topper and Mae, our 2 Dobes that are as silly as the others. We can talk about the chickens and donkeys later. Menagerie! I am passionate about our wonderful Cockers, having seen them in most arenas of activities. They are great at everything we ask of them. I am passionate about our > WHO IS ON THE BALLOT? continued >

| 28 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 standard that gives us insight for preserving the natural instincts to work as well as play. Lastly, it never occurred to me in the beginning that our passion for Cocker Spaniels would send us on this life-long journey. I am profoundly grateful for all that passion has given to us—friends both here and around the world. Everyone everywhere loves sharing stories about their dogs! I am glad to be a part. Thank you so much for the opportunity! FUTURITY Sharon Gerling My interest in cocker spaniels started after I attended a Richland Kennel Club show when I was just seven years old. That day someone handed me a black Cocker to show in Junior Showmanship, and I went Best Junior Handler. From then on, I have been enchanted with the breed and worked to illustrate the breed standard in the conformation ring with our My-Ida-Ho cockers. Each year My-Ida-Ho parti-colors are ranked in the national standings and have won many Top Five awards from the American Spaniel Club. There have been several multiple Best In Show dogs at My-Ida-Ho and numerous Group and Best Of Breed winners, many Top Producing Sires with eleven or more champion offspring, the most famous multiple BISS Ch. My-Ida-Ho Look N’ Good with over sixty five. There are over 20 Top Producing Dams with four or more champion offspring. To date there are over two hundred My-Ida-Ho champions. In 2008, I had the honor of judging the American Spaniel Club Futurity and my choice for Black Futurity winner and ASCOB variety winner were littermates that went on to win black WB, BW and ASCOB WB, BW and BOV in their regular classes. I am a Life Member of the Washington State Cocker Spaniel Club and the American Spaniel Club. I am honored to be nominated to judge the July 2025 ASC National Specialty Futurity. Thank you for your consideration. Kim Vavolo Let me start by thanking my peers for voting me onto the ballot to judge the 2025 Futurity at our National Specialty. It’s an honor to be considered. I have been in Cocker Spaniels since 1993 when I walked into P’Gell’s Kennel looking for a job. Up to that point, I had been a thoroughbred trainer. I always wanted to show dogs but had no idea how to get started. I was mentored by some of the best in the breed. Besides Tom and Betty Campbell, I was mentored by Annette Davies, Harriet Kamps, and Tom and Rae Mason (Tomara Cockers) gave me my foundation bitch. After a few litters under my kennel name of Longshot, I started co-breeding with Debbie Gunkle as VC Cockers. I have also co-bred with Carolyn Kelley. In those 30 years, I have bred allbreed Best in Show, National Specialty Best of Variety and two-time Westminster Best of Variety winners, breeder-owner-handled. I have bred 50+ champions as well as many performance titled dogs. Thank you again for this honor. > WHO IS ON THE BALLOT? Dakota Cockers | Kent Gudger 635 Peacehaven Rd, Kannapolis, NC 28083-6971 (704) 905-1084 Fx (704) 932-8265 email: [email protected] website:

| 32 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 You have already made the decision that your bitch is of breeding quality, with an ideal temperament and is free of health concerns known to the breed. So, in order to properly select the best stud for her, the first thing you should do is take stock of the information you have gathered over the years about your bitch. Carefully analyze her strengths and weaknesses. Evaluate her conformation as objectively as possible. Does she have a weak top line but a nice front? How is her rear angulation? What about her coat texture? If you do not know what is wrong with your bitch, you will not know what you need to fix for future generations. After all, that is really what you are trying to do— improve the breed by improving on your bitch. Breeders should always be striving to make the next generation better than the previous one. You will want to focus on one, maybe two, genetic traits that you would like to see improved in future generations and look for a stud dog that is strong in those areas. It is a delicate balancing act with no guarantee of success. Next, you must research her pedigree—not just her sire and dam, but every dog that appears in at least the first three generations. The study of a pedigree in and of itself yields nothing, unless you study the individuals that make up that pedigree. Look for trends of head type, expression and eyes, balance and body and construction. This review will reveal where the strong trait in your bitch come from. Do you notice a dog that is in the pedigree that is consistently producing the same traits? Use the pedigree to discover why and where you bitch’s attributes come from both positive and the negative. You will want to capitalize on these positive links and try to avoid those less desirable characteristics (that you are planning to breed away from). An educated review of pedigrees often becomes a study of faults so be cautious. Remember, it should also be a study of virtues. Breeding dogs is a blend of art and science so you often have to compromise to get what you want. Start now focusing on the positive and look for ways to minimize the negatives in the pedigree. Your goal should be to line breed on a dog that will give you more of what you like in the bitch you are trying to breed. The answer to stud dog selection is within the pedigree almost every time. Staying within a family of dogs will allow you to set a type and move your line forward. This is also the perfect time to reach out to someone who has been in the breed longer than you to get some expert advice. If at all possible, you should consult with your bitch’s breeder and ask them to spend some time with you going over various options so that you understand why one dog would be better for your bitch than another. They will know what their blood line can produce. In Cockers, you should reach out to a professional handler as these individuals helped develop this breed from the start. They have worked with all of the bloodlines and touched so many different dogs. Many of them have run breeding programs for larger kennels. They are a wonderful resource for you in the decision making process. For your own knowledge, one of the best ways to gather information on dogs and bloodlines is by putting your hands on the dogs themselves. For most of us, this is best accomplished at specialties like American Spaniel Club. It is at specialties that pedigrees come to life! Don’t be afraid to ask handlers or owners to see a dog you are interested in. People will be happy to have you go over them. You need to feel the dog you want to use especially in a heavily coated breed like American Cockers. For me, my best bet is always to line breed on the dog in her pedigree that I like the most—whether it be a dog or a bitch. Yes, you’ll double up on the faults produced in that line, but you will also double up on the virtues - and that’s the name of the game. We have all heard the CHOOSING A STUD DOG By DOUG JOHNSON, Clussexx Spaniels Reprinted from the December 2012 ASC Bulletin CHOOSING A STUD DOG FOR YOUR BITCH IS AS IMPORTANT A DECISION AS CHOOSING YOUR BITCH WAS ORIGINALLY.

AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 | 33 | expression, “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” The best success I have had has come from tight line breedings. Every breed is different and they all bring different challenges. It is one of your missions to know how far you can push the inbreeding coefficient. Sussex breeders are not afraid of father/daughter breedings to set type and have been successfully doing so for many years and generations. They stick VERY close to a pedigree. In Clumbers, we have never gotten that close, but we do grandfather/granddaughter breedings often. This is a common rule of thumb in breeding. Staying within a line and breeding to dogs with similar parentage is a good idea. It works to set a type, solidify a gene pool and retain quality. If we go out to a different family of dogs to open up our gene pool you can send the genetics into a free fall. You are going to lose consistency in the offspring but you should be able to use those dogs with the traits you like in your next generation. It is hard to predict what you will get in the offspring from these outcrosses, but they are necessary to keep your kennel moving forward. The progeny of that outcross breeding allows you to once again breed back to familiar parentage. Thus, opening up the pedigree just enough to continue comfortably line breeding. If and when I go out to “new” blood, I look for a strong family. An established kennel that has been producing quality for many generation over many different kennels. Meaning their dogs mix well with others. This is a clue that tells me that I have a chance of top quality puppies if I use a dog from their kennel even if the type or look will be slightly different in the puppies. You then work to blend in those quality puppies to your breeding program in future generations. This outcross allows you to come back in again too. So, in the end it can be a winwin situation. Here are some basic tips: 1. Know your bitch’s positive and negative traits and prioritize which are most important to this breeding. Your chances of finding a stud that complements all of your bitch’s weak areas is low, but it makes sense to focus on dogs that don’t share her faults. Your best bet search for a dog that will correct your bitch’s faults when bred to other bitches with similar faults. 2. Learn as much as you can about the genetics of the traits you are trying to eliminate. If your bitch is weak in topline and comes from a long line of dogs with poor toplines, you must find dogs with strong toplines to compensate for where she is weak. This is simple in theory but after several generations of the same fault you might be fighting an uphill battle. It can take several generations to reverse a trait. 3. Open your mind . . . take the blinders off! Big winners are just that...big winners, not always great sires. So, while they may be the best in the ring today, they might not come from a pedigree that is useful or they might not produce the traits you need for your bitch. You want to use the BEST dog you can, not the one that has done the most winning. Finally, picking a stud dog is really about evaluating your needs in your own bitch. Know what traits he brings to the table that complement your bitch and move your line in a positive direction. Go into the breeding knowing that the results of this mating may take a generation or two before you see the desired results. If you choose wisely, you will eventually see the results winning in the show ring. The ideal stud in many cases is a dog that brings few faults to a pairing and lots of strengths. This dog gives strength to a pedigree and is a well-known producer of quality animals. He is generally a stallion of the breed with some exaggerations of type. He will cover your bitch’s faults and enhance her virtues. The best stud dog you can find will fill your eye with the picture of the breed. He will be a dog who has balance and substance and an air of quality. He will be a dog that is strong with traits that define the breed. He will be a dog you would be proud to own and one that wish you had bred yourself. > CHOOSING A STUD DOG riannon SAM & WILMA PARKER 8173 Red Mill Dr. West Chester, OH 45069-1718 Phone 513-759-0329 Elena Sicurello 610.333.2231 [email protected]

| 36 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 BLACKStud Dogs CH Encores Draft Dodger CH Lauribel’s Rainbow In Snow CH Lauribel’s Topaz Tassette CH VC’s My Little Man CGC CH Glenwild’s Rags To Riches CH Longshot’s Bewitched CH Tomara’s Be Naughtys First CANCH GCHB KISIAN’S FEELIN’ GROOVY CH Ashwood’s Cheap Trick CH Cinterra’s Nice N Gentle Hope CH Silhouette Smoke And Mirrors KORCH GCHG Korean Crystal Palace The Apple Of My Eyes CGC CH Lamar’s Barrister KORCH Legal Liz Of Korean Crystal Palace Kim’s Brown Elizabeth Simon is short backed up on leg with a pretty head and great rear. Good bite. Finished easy from the Puppy Classes with 3 majors. Group placer. Old clear lines should produce black, black/ tan, and buff. OFA Good, PRA Normal/Clear, PERM Eye Clear as of 6/22. Whelped 2/2/14. Ship Philadelphia Airport. BREEDER/OWNER: Judith Sarkisian, Kisian Cockers; Contact Kim Vavolo, 856-220-3826; [email protected] SIMON CH CANCH INT Bleumoon's Just One Time CH CANCH Bleumoon’s Master Of Illusions ROMX-HT CH Bleumoon's Promises To Keep CH CANCH Saratoga-N-Bleumoon’s Footnote ROMX-HT VP-HT CD BN RN CGC CH Bailey's Ninety Eight Degrees Bleumoon’s Just Dreamin’ CH Bleumoon's Time To Dream CH LAURENT’S FLYING SOLO CH Cin-Dee's Laurents' Grand Slam CH CANCH Laurent’s Grand Opening Laurent's Wild One CH Laurent’s Run For The Roses CH Laurent's Family Man CH Ashwood’s Days Of Wine 'Nroses CH Ashwood's Golden Days Solo is the only puppy out of great producing, great moving, permanently clear parents. Produces puppies with correct fronts, toplines, tailsets, and tail carriage. Solo has a wonderful, sweet temperament, and beautiful coat and coat texture. OFA Good, PRA Normal, CERF Clear 9/22 at 8 years old. Whelped 9/10/14. OWNER: Laura Heidrich; 13730 W Barr Rd, Manhattan IL 60442; 815-953-5692; [email protected] SOLO

| 38 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 CH Lydgate Rise N’ Shine GCHG Nickleby’s Hero On The Hudson LOM-HT CH Nitaby’s Candy Express CH Samamari’s Hero Worship CH CANCH The Villa’s Monkey Business CH Bayserenade N Samamari’s That Girl ROM LOM-HT CH Bayserenade Stellaby-Starlight LOM-HT CH POINTBREAK SPIRIT OF THE SERENADE CH Overoak Rising Son LOMX-HT CH Alamara’s Gold Card CH Alamara’s Golden Jazz Pointbreak I Gotta Feeling Caci’s Catch The Spirit Pointbreak She’s Got Her Ticket SUCH DKUCH Caci’s C Me Again And Again Novak – Available by private treaty. Stud Fee on request. Sully/Marlo grandson imported from Denmark. Short-backed, heavy-boned dog with big front and rear, clean croup and tailset, gorgeous head with large, dark eyes and soft expression, scissor bite, exceptional temperament. OFA Hips Good, PERM Eye Clear 9/23, PRA Normal, OFA Heart Normal, Patellas Normal. Whelped 6/19/15. Ship SJC or SFO. OWNER: Stephanie Kaul, Samamari; 408-242-7990; [email protected] NOVAK CH My-Ida-Ho Look N' Gorgeous CH B-Mac's Quick Draw McGraw CH My-Ida-Ho Look N' Cute CH B-Mac's Sundance Kid CH Lacie's Basic Black CH Peri's Karman Electra Buckinghamhill Dainty Dish BISS GCH PBJ’S BLACK SUPERLATIVE CH Dreamweavers Night Rider CH Island-N-Sh-Bar's Ace In The Hole CH St'james Endless Summer CH Pbj's Black Velvet Seduction CH Eighty Eights Black Jag B-Mac's Black Lady Bug Cherub's Infinity Michael – ASC WD, BOW, BOV Futurity. Sire of January 2022 ASC BOV, January 2021 ASC Futurity BOV and ASC WD. OFA Good, Patella Normal, CAER Normal/Clear, PRA Normal through parentage. BREEDER/OWNERS: Bea and Megan Pruitt; [email protected] MICHAEL CH CANCH Larmaro's Handsome Dancer CH Foley's Hold Your Heart ROM-HT LOM-HT CH Fanny Hill's Mimosa GCHP Trinity's Tucked Under His Wing CH Overoak Rising Son LOMX-HT CH Trinity's Sunshine Rose CH Trinity's Shine Your Light ROM CH LEHI N AMIK CREEK'S BY DESIGN RI DCAT CGC TKN CH K-Line's Shadow-Of-A-Doubt LOM-HT GCH CANCH K-Line N Cutts Beyond-A-Doubt LOMX-HT CH K-Line's Melody Of Love CH Lehi N Amik-Creek's Fortune Cookie CH Lehi's Million Dollar Man GCH Lehi's Crystal Ball At Bluriver CH Lehi's Tarot Card Calvin finished as a young dog in very few shows. Very up on leg with lots of bone and substance. Great personality, pretty head with a correct scissors bite, smooth shoulders, and a nice big front. BOS to BOV in Futurity Jan 2020 (to his sister Paisley who was BIF). First babies almost finished at 6½ months shown at specialties only. OFA Good. Eye Clear. PRA normal by parentage. No slips. Whelped 2/2/19. Owned & loved by Judy McManus & Heidi Armour, Lehi Cockers; Bred by Heidi Armour & Ann Morgante; [email protected] CALVIN

AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 | 39 | CH Crazy Q’s Cause A Riot CH Crazy Q’s Cause For Applause LOM-HT Carousel’s Brass Ring GCH Lehi N Sunhaven’s East Coast Connection CH Lehi’s Million Dollar Man GCH Lehi’s Crystal Ball At Bluriver CH Lehi’s Tarot Card GCH SAMAMARI N OHANA’S FINALS MVP CH Lydgate Rise N’ Shine GCHG Nickleby’s Hero On The Hudson LOM-HT CH Nitaby’s Candy Express CH Samamari’s Sparkle On ROM CH CANCH The Villa’s Monkey Business CH Bayserenade N Samamari’s That Girl ROM LOM-HT CH Bayseranade Stellaby-Starlight LOM-HT KD – Stud Fee on request. Sully/Marlo grandson with infusion of outcrossed old, beautiful lines. Exceptional mover. Tall, substantial dog with huge front and rear, clean croup and tailset, gorgeous head, scissor bite, all draped in abundant, easy care hair. First litter (7) produced two multi BISweeps winners, 4 new CHs (all finished under 9 mos old), with two others major pointed and one just starting their show career with a specialty reserve to the major. OFA Excellent, OFA Eye Clear, OFA Heart Normal, Patellas Normal, PRA Normal. Whelped 3/30/18. Ship SJC or SFO. OWNER: Stephanie Kaul, Samamari; 408-242-7990; [email protected] KD CH Silverhall Santana GCHP Beachstone's Blacklist CH Still-Pines Holiday Cheer GCH C-Ray's I Have A Dream CH Dakota's Chairman Of The Board CH C-Ray's Rainy Nite In Georgia C-Ray's One Fine Day GCH SHANAJEN’S WALK OF FAME CH Julre's Pride Of Am-Erica GCH Am-Erica's Proud Tradition At Shanajens Am-Erica's Sugar Spice N' Everything Nice GCH Shanajen's Listen To Your Heart CH My-Ida-Ho Ubetcha Am-Erica's Ubetcha I'm Cute ! Am-Erica's Never Been Nothin' Cuter Hollywood can be helpful to any Variety and could potentially produce Brown. He has his Grandsire’s assists in movement, hard top-line, and the sweetest disposition. He has a very correct head and face and tail set right off the back. He has won BIS Sweepstakes, Multiple Best in Show Specialities and is currently being campaigned in the OH ring, winning many sporting groups and a Reserve Best In Show. OFA Good. CAER Clear. Patellas Normal. Whelped 8/19/19. HOLLYWOOD OWNERS: Judith Webb, Bethany Keene and Charlene Erbe; For stud inquiries, contact Judith Webb at [email protected] CH CANCH Grand Cru Darkehaven Shiraz CH Darkehaven's Apple Of My Eye LOMX-HT CH Beaujolais' Minneapple CH Darkehaven's Feast Your Eyes ROM-HT CH Romero's Diamond Joker CH La Baron's She's A Tease CH La Baron's Sierra Mist CH SILHOUETTE NIGHT LIGHT CH Jawat's Latin Lover CH Sweethearts Space Jam CGC CH Sweetheart's Pretty Women CH Silhouette Heirloom CH Coldry's Sweet Seduction CH Somerset's Sweeten The Pot CH Somerset's High D' Ho Oscar – Stunning black dog combining two extraordinary pedigrees. Up on leg, great topline and tailset, beautiful type; all draped in silky, correct coat. He has several major winning puppies on the ground from his first litters with more on the way. Produces black and buff. OFA Good. CAER Clear. PRA Normal. Whelped 3/23/2019. BREEDER/OWNER: Linda Pitts; [email protected] OSCAR

| 40 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 CH Kenwood's The Apprentice CH Silver Pine Beyond Obsession Silver Pine Midnight Angel INT PAN BRAZGCH Silver Pine Black Is Beautiful CH Coldry's Sweet Seduction CH Silverhall Shinola CH Silverhall Sonique GCHS SILVER PINE JUST IN TIME FOR STICH GCHG Nickleby's Hero On The Hudson CH Samamari's Superhero LOM-HT CH Bayserenade N Samamari's That Girl CH April's Justice League ROM GCH Carbert Arikara Magic Touch CH April's Covert Affair CH Foley N Ashwood's Heart Strings Trooper – 2021 National Specialty Best of Breed Winner, 2021 ASC Best Cocker in Show. Trooper is producing multiple ASC and specialty winners that share his extraordinary type, sporting movement, and balanced, beautiful construction. OFA Good. CAER Clear. OWNER: April Stich; 860-841-5830; [email protected] TROOPER CH Kenwood's The Apprentice CH Silver Pine Beyond Obsession Silver Pine Midnight Angel INT PAN BRAZGCH Silver Pine Black Is Beautiful CH Coldry's Sweet Seduction CH Silverhall Shinola CH Silverhall Sonique MBIS MBISS CH SILVER PINE I’LL FLY AWAY GCHG Nickleby's Hero On The Hudson CH Samamari's Superhero LOM-HT CH Bayserenade N Samamari's That Girl ROM CH April's Justice League GCH Carbert Arikara Magic Touch CH April's Covert Affair CH Foley N Ashwood's Heart Strings JJ – After a splendid career gathering championships throughout Europe and UK—where he was CC at Crufts and TOP American Cocker in 2022, and also World Winner 2020 in Madrid—JJ has finally come home to Italy. JJ has beautiful champion puppies (black and Ascob) in UK and Russia and more starting their show career, all sharing his exceptional headpiece, well balanced construction, and real sporting movement. PRA normal, current on all health clearances. Whelped 1/22/18. Frozen semen available, shipping from Milan. JJ FROZEN AVAIL. OWNER: Leonardo Gussoni; 0039-346-2199217; [email protected] CH Toybox I Spy GCH Toybox Double Dutch CH Toybox Ashes Two Ashes CH Toybox Double Down CH Toybox Ruff Ryder CH Toybox Holly Hobbie CH Toybox Hedwig CH TOYBOX DOUBLE OH SEVEN CH CANCH Saratoga-N-Bleumoon's GCHP Silverhall Strike Force Footnote ROMX-HT VP-HT CD BN RN CG CH Silverhall Maybe Im Amazed CH Toybox Strike A Match At Normandy CH Silverhall Santana CH Silverhall Superdeluxe CH Silverhall Supernatural Bond – Double Oh Seven finished while I was hospitalized and is only just now starting on the road to his Grandchampionship. His OFA testing is all done now and on the OFA website. His first puppies are expected by Thanksgiving! I believe he should be dominate for black and b/t. He has perfect coat and lots of breed type. Whelped 12/16/20. BREEDER/OWNER: Lindy Bennett; Jacksonville, FL; [email protected] BOND

| 42 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 CH Toybox Leap Frog CH Toybox I Spy CH Toybox Hedwig GCH Toybox Double Dutch CH Lydgate Rise N’ Shine CH Toybox Ashes Two Ashes CH Toybox Ring-Around-The-Rosie ROM CH TOYBOX DOUBLE TROUBLE GCH CANCH K-Line N Cutts Beyond-A- CH Silverhall Santana Doubt LOMX-HT CH Amunique’s Rhythm Nation CH Sliverhall Superdeluxe CH Silverhall Salutation CH Silverhall Supernatural CH Silverhall Superlative OWNER: Lindy Bennett, Toybox Cockers; 4114 Clearwater Ln., Jacksonville, FL 32223; 904-268-1926; [email protected] TROUBLE Trouble has turned out to be quite a producer! Trouble is up to 21 champions with his latest puppies taking specialty majors and winning both the Futurity and Winner’s at ASC in July! Trouble produces lovely black and tans, blacks, buffs, and brown! Great coat, disposition, and movement. He finished at ASC as a puppy and won First Award of Merit six months later. My favorite dog in the kennel! All testing results on OFA website. Whelped 9/19/16.

AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 | 43 | ASCOB Stud Dogs CH Beauolais' Has Stardust CH Ging's Ronnie's Beau CH Ging's Ruby Tuesday Of Cy's CH CANCH Buttonwood's Crown Royal LOM-HT RN CGC CH Pett's Need Squaw Have Tepee CH Buttonwood's Frost Fire LOM-HT CH Buttomwood's Dash Of Fire CH BUTTONWOOD'S PROMISE TO THE CROWN Gina's It's My Guy GCH Gina N Forman's Call Me Dickens Gina's Call Me Alison CH Buttonwood's Noble Promise ROM-HT CH Petts Almost Australian CH Buttonwood's Tasmanian Gypsy AX MXJ CGC CH Buttonwood's Gypsy Flame LOM-HT Louis is the long awaited progeny of his Top Winning sire’s 14 year-old frozen semen! He finished with 4 Majors (including Specialty Majors) from the BBE class. Excels in beautiful breed type, lovely headpiece, flowing efficient movement, short hard back; happy, silly, sweet temperament draped in gorgeous, correct, silky coat—just like his sire, Willie!! The wait was well worth it as Louis carries on the Buttonwood legacy!! Proven. OFA Good, PRA DNA Normal, SLT/PRA Clear. Whelped May 2020. Shipping to Philadelphia International Airport. OWNER: Catherine Carey, Buttonwood Cockers; Spring City, PA; [email protected] LOUIS CH Lauribel’s Ranbow In Snow CH Vc N P’Gell’s Himself CH Longshot’s Bewitched GCH P’Gell N Bit Bonus Bucks CGC CH April’s Tie Breaker CH Gina’s Thanks For The Memory Gina’s Miss Sabrina GCHS BISS BUTTONWOOD’S TO THE MANOR BORN CH Ging’s Ronnie’s Beau CH CANCH Buttonwood’s Crown Royal LOM-HT RN CGC CH Buttonwood’s Frost Fire LOM-HT CH Buttonwood’s Royal Fascinator ROM-HT CH Petts Almost Australian CH Buttonwood’s Tasmanian Gypsy AX MXJ MJB MJP2 CGC BIF CH Buttonwood’s Gypsy Flame ROM-HT George – Champion Offspring winning Multiple Specialty Majors—including siring the 2019 ASC Summer Nationals Winners Bitch. PRA DNA Normal, SLT/PRA Clear, OFA Good. Whelped 7/19/15. Buttonwood Cockers has over 50 years dedication to the breed; 30+ years of continuous breeding and showing. Beautiful breed type and structure; exceptional temperament and showmanship; health tested. OWNER: Catherine L. Carey, Buttonwood Cockers; Spring City, PA; [email protected] GEORGE

| 44 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 CH Bracon’s Breaking Ground CH Vatican Epical Romance Vatican Bedazzeled CH Cameo Siloet’s Memories Of Romance Cameo Siloet’s Four Wheelin’ RN Cameo Siloet’s Elegance Of Memories Gold Coast Cameo Siloet’s GCHG CAMEO SILOET’S GOLD COAST LEGACY CH CANCH Hitop’s Flash Dancer CH Kimbar’s Kwik As A Flash CH Kimbar’s Final Performance Gold Coast Cameo Siloet’s CH Kim-Mar’s Gold Standard CH Gold Coast All That Sparkles CH Gold Coast Blaze Of Glory Jagster has been top-ranked 4 years in a row—currently #3* Breed & All-Breed for 2022. He is owner handled with limited showing. Reserve Best in Show Winning, Multiple Group Winning, Best of Variety Specialty Winner, Select Dog at Westminster, Multiple Owner Handled Best in Show. PRA Clear, CERF and OFA tests on OFA website. Whelped 12/14/13. He is a great dog with excellent temperament. OWNER: Lisa Brown, Nefer Cockers; 423-322-6844; [email protected] JAGSTER CH Overoak Rising Son LOMX-HT CH Lydgate Rise N' Shine CH Lydgate Looks So Fine GCHG Nickleby's Hero On The Hudson LOM-HT CH Labaron's Sugarfoot CH Nitaby's Candy Express CH Labaron's Candy Apple BIS MBISS GCHG DREAMFLIGHT SAMAMARI HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO GCHG Nickleby's Hero On The Hudson CH Samamari's Hero Worship LOM-HT CH Bayserenade N Samamari's That Girl ROM GCH Pointbreak I Know Him By Heart GCH Gina N Forman's Call Me Dickens Pointbreak And So What INTCH Serene Dance Til Sunrise Tyler – #1 Ascob, Breed and All-Breed 2021 & 2022. Tyler is a flashy, stylish dog with extraordinary type and true sporting movement. Beautiful to go over, big front and rear, long upper arm, beautiful quality hair, scissor bite, and a picture-perfect face. Multiple ASC winners from his first litter. Tyler produces darling temperaments, stunning type, and incredible movement. PRA Normal. OFA Good, CAER Normal/Clear. Stud Fee on request. Ship SJC or SFO. OWNERS: Terri Ann Flores and Stephanie Kaul; For stud inquiries, contact Stephanie: 408-242-7990; [email protected] TYLER FROZEN AVAIL. CH Darkehaven's Eye Spy LOM-HT CH CANCH Grand Cru Darkehaven Shiraz CH Wysiwyg's Paysoff Creekridge CH Darkehaven's Apple Of My Eye LOMX-HT CH BRAZCH Silver Pine California Dream Beaujolais' Minneapple CH Beaujolais' Bust My Bustle CH DARKEHAVEN’S FEAST YOUR EYES ROM-HT CH MEXCH Jo-Bea's Diamond Cutter CH Romero's Diamond Joker Cj's Comic Relief CH La Baron's She's A Tease CH Piper Hill's Go Man Go CH La Baron's Sierra Mist Creekridge Sweet Dreams Billy – one of the top winning ASCOBS in the history of the breed. His pedigree represents a blend of top producing ASCOB lines that are foundational. Billy was a 4th generation ASC winner and has produced two more generations. Perm Clear/OFA good. Limited frozen semen is available to proven bitches. BREEDER/OWNER: Patricia Darke; 612-743-7998; [email protected] BILLY FROZEN AVAIL.

AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 | 45 | CH CANCH Larmaro’s Handsome Dancer CH Foley’s Hold Your Heart ROM-HT LOM-HT CH Fanny Hill’s Mimosa GCH Trinity’s Tucked Under His Wing CH Overoak Rising Son LOMX-HT CH Trinity’s Sunshine Rose CH Trinity’s Shine Your Light ROM MBIS MBISS GCHS FOLEY’S FRAT PARTY CGC CH CANCH Larmaro’s Handsome Dancer CH Foley’s Hold Your Heart ROM-HT LOM-HT CH Fanny Hill’s Mimosa Foley’s Rum Swizzle CH CANCH Laurent’s Grand Opening Ashwood’s Opening Day CH Ashwood’s Day At The Beach Charlie – America’s #1 Sporting Dog and #1 Cocker Spaniel in 2020. Proven pedigree and sire of 16 Champions to date. 2020 ASC BIS and Westminster Kennel Club Sporting Group 3rd; 2019 AKC Natl. Championship Sporting Group 3rd. 31 Best In Specialty Show wins. Epitomy of breed type—head, ear set, lots of front, correct coat, short back, balanced, efficient movement. Best feature of all is his outgoing temperament! OFA/CAER Eye Clear 7/23. OFA Results on Website. DNA Tested. Produces tan factor. Avail. to approved bitches by Private Treaty. Frozen available. BREEDER/OWNER: Nancy Foley; [email protected]; CO-OWNERS: Susan M. Carter and Elena Duggan; AGENT: Lisa Arnett. CHARLIE FROZEN AVAIL. CH CANCH Sherwood’s One For The Money GCH Sunhaven’s Premier Package CH CANCH Buttonwood Royal Image ROM CH Sunhaven’s Talk Of The Town CH Buttonwood’s Take A Chance On Me Sunhaven’s Winning Ticket CH Winelight’s Private Reserve CH CANCH JUSTICE TRIPLE A WITH A GUN CH MEXCH Jo-Bea’s Diamond Trader LOMX CH Mountview’s Trading Spaces CH K-Line N Roadshow’s West Wind CH Justice In Sherwood Forest CH Ms’s The Upper Hand CH CANCH Oz N Justice’s U Lite Up MyLife CH Oz’s Joyous News Trooper has beautiful movement. Great front and rear. OFA Good and Eyes Clear. Whelped 9/2/16. Now Proven. Stud fee upon request. BREEDER/OWNERS: Debra and Mike Allen; 253-225-9988 cell; TROOPER CH Overoak Rising Son LOMX-HT CH Lydgate Rise N' Shine CH Lydgate Looks So Fine GCHG Nickleby's Hero On The Hudson LOM-HT CH Labaron's Sugarfoot CH Nitaby's Candy Express CH Labaron's Candy Apple BISS CH CANGCH KLAD SAMAMARI SHUT UP AND DRIVE CGN SDIE ETD TKA PKD-T GCH Carbert Arikara Magic Touch Countrystars N Canrick's Rush Canrick's Undercover Angel CH CANCH Klad Samamari Fire And Rain RN SDIN TKP TEAM1 CW-SP EDT GCHG Nickleby's Hero On The Hudson CH Samamari N Nickleby's It Girl LOM-HT CH Bayserenade N Samamari's That Girl ROM Bowie – Bowie is an outstanding young dog that is available at limited stud to select, approved bitches by private treaty only. Bowie is a compact dog with substance and style. He is a smart, happy, BISS winning dog that lives life to the fullest. OFA Hips Good, CAER clear. PRA DNA Normal. Whelped 10/9/19. Located in Alberta, Canada. BREEDERS/OWNERS: Kelly Ladouceur ([email protected]) and Stephanie Kaul ([email protected]) BOWIE

| 46 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 CH April’s Beyond Reasonable Doubt GCH Carbert Arikara Magic Touch CH CANCH Carbert Arikara Vanilla Magic CANCH Countrystars N Canrick’s Rush CANCH Countrystars Thunder Alley CANCH Canrick’s Undercover Angel CANCH Lurian’s Here Comes Trouble CH CANGCH KLAD SAMAMARI SWEET BABY JAMES SDN CW-SD CW-SCR1 SD-S (SP) CH Lydgate Rise N’ Shine GCHG Nickleby’s Hero On The Hudson CH Nitaby’s Candy Express CH CANCH Samamari N Nickleby’s It Girl CH CANCH The Villa’s Monkey Business CH Bayserenade N Samamari’s That Girl CH Bayserenade StellaBy-Starlight JT is a handsome dog that is at stud to approved bitches only. Stud fee on request. He is up on leg with good substance and he is balanced front and rear. He has a beautiful head, a scissors bite, and dark pigment. He has easy care coat, an outgoing temperament, and drive to work. OFA Excellent, CAER clear. PRA DNA Clear/Non-Carrier. Whelped 7/6/16. OWNER: Kelly Ladouceur, KLAD Cockers; [email protected] JT CH Overoak Rising Son LOMX-HT CH Lydgate Rise N' Shine CH Lydgate Looks So Fine GCHG Nickleby's Hero On The Hudson LOM-HT CH Labaron's Sugarfoot CH Nitaby's Candy Express CH Labaron's Candy Apple BISS CH CANGCH KLAD SAMAMARI SHUT UP AND DRIVE CGN SDIE ETD TKA PKD-T GCH Carbert Arikara Magic Touch Countrystars N Canrick's Rush Canrick's Undercover Angel CH CANCH Klad Samamari Fire And Rain RN SDIN TKP TEAM1 CW-SP EDT GCHG Nickleby's Hero On The Hudson CH Samamari N Nickleby's It Girl LOM-HT CH Bayserenade N Samamari's That Girl ROM FINISHED IN 4 DAYS UNDEFEATED BISS WINNER FROM THE CLASSES MULTI ASC AWARD OF MERIT WINNER Beauty and brains! Hips Good, CAER clear. PRA DNA Normal. Whelped 10/9/19. Located in Alberta, Canada. BREEDERS/OWNERS: Kelly Ladouceur ([email protected]) and Stephanie Kaul ([email protected]) BOWIE CH Coleman's Gentleman Jack CH Star Quest Jumping Jack Flash CH A To Z's Spellbinder CH Starquest Street Fighting Man CH Ashwood Laurent Fame N Fortune CH Ashwoods Pretty Starquest CH Twin Pines Jubilee Jumbles GCH LAURENT ASHWOOD STARQUEST PUNCHLINE GCH Twin Pines Handsome Kenwood ROM-HT CH Laurent's Walk The Line CH Laurent's Cake Walk CH Laurent Ashwood Front Of The Line CH CANCH Laurent's Grand Opening CH Laurent's Run For The Roses CH Ashwood's Days Of Wine 'Nroses Farley finished in 1 specialty weekend with three 5-point majors at 6 months of age. BOS to BIFuturity and Select Dog at Spaniel Club as a 10 month old puppy. Beautiful front, shoulders, topline, tailset, strong rear. Parents are perm clear. All OFA Good. Eyes clear 5/22, PRA Normal. Whelped 3/20/19. OWNERS: Laura Heidrich and Betty Ann Cornish; 13730 W Barr Rd, Manhattan IL 60442; 815-953-5692; [email protected] FARLEY

AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 | 47 | CH Fanny Hill's Darling La Bamba CH Laurent's Letterperfect Laurent Just Peachy Keen CH Laurent's Perfect Gentleman CH Glen Arden's Real McCoy Carma's Impeccable Reality Lipton's Cute As A Button CH LAURENT'S BEST MAN GCH Casablanca's Thrilling Seduction GCHP Ashdown's Time To Thrill CH Ashwood's Days Of Wine 'Nroses CH Laurent Ashwood Best Kept Secret CH CANCH Laurent's Grand Opening GCH Laurent Foxhill Secret Liaison CH Foxhill Our Little Secret Kris – Son of CH Laurent's Perfect Gentleman, GQ, from frozen semen. His first litters are exceptional. Produces beautiful type, exemplary front construction and shoulder layback. His get include GCH Laurent's Something Blue, ASC 2022 Select Bitch; CH Laurent's Princess Bride, ASC 2022 RWB; Laurent's Wedding Belle, ASC 2022 WB/BOW; and GCH Laurent & Tru-Luv's Final Edition. OFA Good, Eyes Clear 5/22, PRA Normal. Whelped 4/28/20. OWNER: Laura Heidrich, Laurent Cockers; 13730 W. Barr Rd., Manhattan, IL 60442; 815-953-5692; [email protected] KRIS CH Cin-Dee's Laurents' Grand Slam CH CANCH Laurent's Grand Opening Laurent's Wild One Laurent's Opening Act CH L.A.-Law's Just Beat It CH Laurent's What Are The Chances CH Laurent's Chances Are CH LAURENT HEYYOU HARD ACT TO FOLLOW GCH Twin Pines Handsome Kenwood CH Laurent's Walk The Line ROM-HT CH Laurent's Cake Walk CH Laurent Ashwood Front Of The Line CH CANCH Laurent's Grand Opening CH Laurent's Run For The Roses CH Ashwood's Days Of Wine 'Nroses Boomer – Best Bred By Cocker and Reserve Winners Dog, ASC Flushing Show 2017. He’s producing his beautiful front and rear, lovely type and proper movement. Eye Clear. Hips OFA Good. Whelped 7/5/16. OWNER: Laura Heidrich, Laurent Cockers; 13730 W. Barr Rd., Manhattan, IL 60442; 815-953-5692; [email protected] BOOMER CH Razzmatazz Ringleader CH Cin-Dee’s Laurent’s Grand Slam CH Cin-Dee’s Mona Lisa CH CANCH Laurent’s Grand Opening CH Laurent’s Perfect Gentleman Laurent’s Wild One CH Ashwood’s Fools Gold LAURENT’S OPENING ACT CH Gallant The Beat Goes On CH L.A.-Law’s Just Beat It CH L.A.-Law’s Trumped Up Charges CH Laurent’s What Are The Chances CH Laurent’s Perfect Opportunity CH Laurent’s Chances Are CH Laurent’s Icecapades Bradley – whelped 2/2/14. My only buff Opie son X the fabulous Goodie. Sound, happy (too happy, naughty in the ring!), nice size and bone produces shorter blacks, good leg, pretty heads. Multiple champion get from the puppy classes in limited breeding. OFA Fair, Eyes Perm Clear 7/22 at 8-1/2 years old, PRA Normal. OWNER: Laura Heidrich, Laurent Cockers; 13730 W. Barr Rd., Manhattan, IL 60442; 815-953-5692; [email protected] BRADLEY

| 48 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 CH Silverhall Sorcery CH Lydgate Latin Lover CH Lydgate Leatherstockings GCHG Showstar's Spectacular Spirit CH Ribo's Masked Man CH Che-Lee's Licorice Drop CH Javalin's Let Me Be Che-Lee CH PER'S POWER POINT Khafka's Call-Me-Blond CH Atomic Toys Manhattan Tumen' Hills Prosto Prelest CH Peri's Pepper Glenmurray's The Lone Ranger CH Peri's Pole Katz CH Hartlines Spring Bean Philip – Beautiful head, neck, and shoulders; great topline and tailset. Producing multiple specialty winning puppies. Produces brown, brown/tan, buff, black, and black/tan. OFA Hips Good, Elbow Normal. CAER Clear. Whelped 12/1/17. BREEDER/OWNER: Per Rismyhr; 860-392-9785; [email protected] PHILIP CH Overoak Rising Son LOMX-HT CH Lydgate Rise N' Shine CH Lydgate Looks So Fine GCHG Nickleby's Hero On The Hudson LOM-HT CH Labaron's Sugarfoot CH Nitaby's Candy Express CH Labaron's Candy Apple CH SAMAMARI N DREAMFLIGHT'S HEART OF A HERO GCHG Nickleby's Hero On The Hudson CH Samamari's Hero Worship LOM-HT CH Bayserenade N Samamari's That Girl ROM GCH Pointbreak I Know Him By Heart GCH Gina N Forman's Call Me Dickens Pointbreak And So What INTCH Serene Dance Til Sunrise Carter is a tall, short-backed silver dog with great bone and substance and a huge side gait. This lovely dog finished from the puppy classes with 4 majors. He has abundant, beautiful quality hair, scissor bite and a beautiful face with big dark eyes, heavy mascara’ing and plush lips. As a double-up on Sully, I expect Carter to produce stylistic dogs with extraordinary type and incredible movement. PRA Normal, CAER Clear, OFA Hips Fair. Stud Fee on request. OWNERS: Stephanie Kaul, Terri Ann Flores, Ronnie & Mike DeClerck; For stud inquiries, contact Stephanie: 408-242-7990; [email protected] CARTER FROZEN AVAIL. CH Pbj's N Janfred's Parti Rock GCH Pbj's Parti In Platinum CH Pbj's Lil Sure Shot CH Pbj's Classic Rock CH Juoule's Jem's Robert Redford GCHB Pbj's Enchantress CH Pbj's Passionate Kisses GCH POINTBREAK PARTI TILL SUNRISE GCHG Nickleby's Hero On The Hudson CH Samamari's Hero Worship LOM-HT CH Bayserenade N Samamari's That Girl ROM CH Pointbreak Only When I Sleep GCH Gina N Forman's Call Me Dickens DK SE CH Pointbreak Next Plane Out CZCH SKCH POLCH DKCH Serene Dance Til Sunrise Orlando – ASC Winners Dog, 2023 Regional Specialty. Gorgeous red dog with a stunning, soft face, perfect scissor bite, short/hard back and balanced with true sporting movement. First puppies are absolutely beautiful, up on leg with rock hard toplines and extraordinary type. CAER Clear 7/23, Hips Rated B (Denmark). Whelped 5/26/20. Frozen semen available. OWNERS: Stephanie Kaul and Lone Wandel; For stud inquiries in the US (via frozen semen), contact Stephanie; [email protected]; For stud inquiries in Europe (via live cover), contact Lone; [email protected] ORLANDO FROZEN AVAIL.

AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 | 49 | CH Bleumoon’s Just One Time CH Bleumoon’s Master Of Illusion ROMX-HT CH Bleumoon’s Promises To Keep CH Saratoga-N-Bleumoon’s Footnote CD BN RN CGC CH Bailey’s Ninety Eight Degrees Bleumoon’s Just Dreamin’ ROM-HT CD RAE NA NAJ CH Bleumoon’s Time to Dream GCHP SILVERHALL STRIKE FORCE CH Eighty Eights Black Jag CH Coldry’s Sweet Seduction CH Our Gang’s Dark Victory CH Silverhall Maybe I’m Amazed CH Kaplar’s Lord Of The Dance CH Juniper’s Jaybird CH Juniper’s J-Lo Striker – The number One ASCOB in the history of our breed. Eyes Perm Clear, Thyroid TGaa Negative, OFA Good. DNA/PRA Normal. Whelped 1/14/2012. Stud Fee on request. Producing Beautiful Breed Type and he is the sire of Multiple CH/Grand Champion offspring. See Ad on Pages 6-7 – A Picture IS Worth A Thousand Words!! OWNERS: Regina M. Beinhauer and Carolee Douglas At Stud with Mike and Linda Pitts; 865-207-3020 or 724-255-0980 STRIKER CH Brickettncarte' Best Cut Diamond CH Soundview's Master At Arms CH Soundview's My Fair Lady GCHG Soundview's Master Of The North CH Gemstonz Trade Secret CH Gemstonz Red Delicious At Ivorilace Gemstonz Firebird GCHB SOUNDVIEW’S RING MASTER CGC CH Foley's Hold Your Heart ROM-HT GCHP Trinity's Tucked Under His Wing CH Trinity's Sunshine Rose CH Carney Hollow Dances With Soundview CH Denali's Mor Cruise Power CH Hadacall Ginger Shall We Dance Glen Royal's Light Fantastic Barnum finished very young and then went on to win Group placements, OH Sporting Groups and BOV at the NOHS invitational. He has been proven and produced two litters, the young pups will be entering the ring early 2024. Barnum has a sweet calm and pleasant disposition. He has produced puppies with the same disposition, soft eye expression, hard backs, correct tail set, and beautiful hair. OFA Good. CAER Clear. Whelped 11/28/19. OWNERS: Bethany Keene, Judith Webb, and Eric Webb; For stud inquiries, contact Judith Webb; [email protected] BARNUM CH CANCH Larmaro’s Handsome Dancer CH Brickettncarte’ Best Cut Diamond LOM-HT CH Brickett’s Dressed To Kill CH Soundview’s Master At Arms CH Lydgate Latin Lover CH Soundview’s My Fair Lady CH Ka-Rons Angel-N-A Centerfold GCHG SOUNDVIEW’S MASTER OF THE NORTH CH MEXCH Jo-Bea’s Diamond Trader LOMX CH Gemstonz Trade Secret Gemstonz Diamonds In The Sky CH Gemstonz Red Delicious At Ivorilace CH CANCH Denali’s Christopher Robin Gemstonz Firebird Gemstonz Princess Cut Jon is a dog with so much to offer. Bone, substance, abundant but good hair, a very pleasant headpiece and an exceptional temperament. He stands 15.5" tall at the withers. He has produced Black and Buff. Many of Jon's puppies have gone on to win at specialities, ASC National and achieved GCH and championship performance titles. OFA Fair, Eyes Clear, PRA Normal. Whelped 2/22/16. OWNERS: Judith and Eric Webb; Soundview Cockers; [email protected] JON

| 50 | AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB, INC. BULLETIN | DECEMBER 2023 CH Telme 'N Mifox Restless Heart GCH Kaplar's Heartsong Kaplar's Spirit Of The Wind CH Vista's Heartbreaker CH Gaelic N Cutts What Women Want CH Vista's Blythe Spirit Vista's Joyful Spirit GCHB SUNNYLAND'S LET'S DO THE JITTERBUG CH Never Blue's Troubadour Sun GCHB Loch Lomond N Kaplar's D'Artagnan CH Kaplar 'N Must-Do's Torch Song Sunnyland's Dancing Queen CH Kaplar's Heartthrob Sunnyland's Dancin' In My Heart Sunnyland's I Hope You Dance Jitterbug – Multiple BOV, BISS, Group placer and ASC 2023 AOM. A compact cocker with type, bone and substance. His beautiful front and rear assembly allow him to move with effortless ease. He is true coming and going, carrying a hard correct topline. The icing on the cake is his wonderful temperament and lovely hard coat. In a word, he is correct. Eyes Clear 6/23, OFA Excellent. At stud to approved bitches. Whelped 5/24/20. BREEDER/OWNERS: Dennis and Donna Williams, Sunnyland Cockers; 804-785-4120 Stud inquiries to Tom Dowell, Agent; 804-598-9298 JITTERBUG PARTI Stud Dogs CH Clovercreek's Never Say Never CH Pbj's N Janfred's Parti Rock CH Janfred's Bodacious Babe GCH Pbj's Parti In Platinum CH Artistry In Platinum CH Pbj's Lil Sure Shot B-Mac N Pbj Material Girl BIF BISS CH CZCH PBJ'S CLASSIC ROCK CH Pbj's Cajun Bonne Chance CH Juoule's Jem's Robert Redford CH Somerset's She's A Ticket GCHB Pbj's Enchantress CH San Jo's Born To Win CH Pbj's Passionate Kisses CH Acadia's La Dolce Vita At Pbj's Alex – Best in Futurity Winner July '19, BOB World Dog Show '21, and BOB and BIS of the European Spaniel Specialty '21. Sire of Group, BISS, and BIS Winners.Available via Private Treaty to Approved Bitches/Pedigree with current health testing including OFA Hip, OFA Patella, Current CAER, PRA DNA testing. Alex is OFA Good (Hips), OFA Patella Normal, CAER Normal 10/23, PRA-DNA Normal. OWNER: Carol Kuhlman, Windstar Cockers; CO-OWNER: Bea Pruitt Contact Carol Kuhlman, [email protected] ALEX

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