Molecule of Life
Cell Structures and functions
Name: Nazreen Bin Tajuddin
Practicum: H7T01A
Matric Number: MS2113172701
State the main type of
molecules of life
Nucleic acid
With the aid of
a labeled
describe the
structure of
water molecule
Body temperature may rise during hot days. How can sweating help to give
cooling effect for our body? What about animals that do not sweat such as
elephants? Give explanation by applying the concept related to the
properties of water
water has high latent heat of vapourisation. High amount of heat
energy (580 calories of heat) is required or absorbed to turn 1g of
water from liquid state into water vapour.This is to break
hydrogen bonds to separate the water molecule. Animals that do
not sweat will bathe or wet themselves with water. High amount of
heat energy is also used when water droplets on their skin
Water molecules move osmosis is the movement of water
into or out of cells molecules from higher water
through osmosis. Explain potential region to a lower water
on potential region across a selectively
osmosis and compare it permeable membrane until
with the other types of equilibrium is reached
passive transport
osmosis is similar to simple
diffusion and facilitated diffusion
since all are types of passive
transport and no energy required.
In which molecules move down
their concentation gradient
Osmosis is for water molecules only while simple diffusion
may involve small, non-charged,lipid-soluble and
hydrophobic molecules and facilitated diffusion may involve
larger, charged, polar or hydrophilic molecules. osmosis
may involve movement through phospholipid bilayer or
protein channel aquaporins while simple diffusion involves
movement through phospolipid bilayer only and facilitated
diffusion involves movement through channel protein or
carrier proteins