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Published by Temple Solel, 2024-04-03 13:18:15

April 2024

April 2024

APRIL 2024 / ADAR II — NISSAN 5784

2 APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 Service Schedule Friday, April 5, 2024 Shabbat Services 6:15 pm An oneg will precede the service at 5:30 pm. A blessing for April anniversaries will be offered. Saturday, April 6, 2024 In-Person Torah Study 9:00 am Friday, April 12, 2024 Family Shabbat Services 6:15 pm 5th graders from Raker Religious School will participate, an oneg will precede the service at 5:30 pm. We will celebrate March birthdays. Saturday, April 13 2024 Torah Study ZOOM only 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am Zoe Lieberman will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. Friday, April 19, 2024 Shabbat Services 6:15 pm An oneg will precede the service at 5:30 pm. Saturday, April 20, 2024 Torah Study ZOOM only 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am Lola Hampton will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. Friday, April 26, 2024 Shabbat Services 6:15 pm An oneg will precede the service at 5:30 pm. Saturday, April 27, 2024 Torah Study ZOOM only 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am Anabelle Pasternak will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. View Shabbat and B’nai Mitzvah Services by visiting and selecting the “Click here to watch our Streaming services” link at the beginning of each service. We encourage everyone to come celebrate with the community for each of the dates mentioned above! Lola Hampton, daughter of Jessica and Johnny Hampton, will become a bat mitzvah on Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 10:30 am. Lola attends Ingleside Middle School and enjoys gymnastics, snowboarding, traveling, and spending time with friends. For her Bat Mitzvah project, Lola is volunteering at #LOVEPUP dog shelter and collecting donations. Anabelle Dove Pasternak, daughter of Tamar Hirsch and Brad Pasternak, will become a bat mitzvah on Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 10:30 am. Anabelle attends Madison Traditional Academy and enjoys playing volleyball. For her Bat Mitzvah project Anabelle is doing a book drive for the Rancho Feliz community! APRIL CLOSURES: April 22—Close at Noon April 23—Passover Closure April 29—Passover Closure Zoe Rivka Lieberman, daughter of Dr. Tamara and Mark Lieberman, will become a bat mitzvah on Saturday, April 13 2024 at 10:30 am. Zoe attends Cocopah Middle School and is an animal lover who enjoys playing volleyball, piano, & upright bass. For her mitzvah project, Zoe is working with the St. Vincent de Paul Urban Farms Project and packing meals for Feed My Starving Children. חג פסח שמח! For Claire Liebhaber’s Bat Mitzvah Saturday, May 25th!

3 Dear Solel Family, “On the morning before the night of the festival there is a ceremony Jews observe. It is called biur chametz, “burning the leaven” none of which may remain on the festival itself. It’s a symbolic act of letting go before departure; saying farewell to slavery before the journey to freedom.” ~ Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks The Jewish calendar is unique in that it gives us many opportunities to clean the slate and to start over fresh. You probably know that we have four different new years: Rosh Hashanah, the first of Elul, Tu B’Shevat (New Year of the Trees) and the first of Nisan, which is coming up and is the month when we celebrate Passover. There is a tradition that prior to Passover, we clean out our pantries of all the leavened goods that we are not allowed to eat during the holiday. Just a little historical background… Passover, like many of our holidays, began as a harvest holiday. Actually, it began as two separate holidays with different purposes: Pesach and Chag Hamatzot. The holiday of Pesach was started by the nomadic portion of the Israelites, who sacrificed one of their new lambs as an apotropaic offering, meant to ward off evil as they transitioned their flocks from the spring to the summer pastures. Chag Hamatzot was APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 Zachary & Anna Roth 5 David & Joanna Goldenberg 6 Dannah Raz & Erez Kanaan 8 Irina & Walter Noll 11 Jay & Breeann Adleman 13 Mark & Sara Hass 13 Tyler & Shana Abrahams 15 Marina & Joshua Rudin 15 Martin & Cynthia Applebaum 18 Stephanie & Andrei Cherny 18 Samuel & Jeanette Martin 18 Ben & Jennifer Liebhaber 19 Ryan & Joanna Garrison 21 Lawrence & Cynthia Cohen 23 Brad & Susan Sorosky 23 Brian & Laura Shniderman 24 Brian & Kathleen Tucker 24 Richard Epstein & Judy Ackerman 26 Lawrence & Catherine Kasper 29 Mark & Karen Kanefsky 32 Bob & Sara Silver 36 Richard & Frances Lamden 40 Paula & Howard Donsky 42 Stephen & Helen Gubin 45 Allen & Eleanor Farkas 59 April Anniversaries Join us at Shabbat Services on the first Friday of every month for a special anniversary blessing from our bimah. more of a farming holiday, where spring represented the beginning of the harvest, and a transition from eating the stores from last year’s harvest (which often had run out by this point) to eating barley bread. Barley bread does not rise a lot, and the yeast that they used was derived from last year’s crop, which was gone at this point… thus you had matzah, the flat bread we’ve come to love (and hate). Eventually, these two different holidays merged together, and the story of the Exodus and the release from slavery were overlaid onto these alreadyexisting traditions. Nowadays, we can choose to look at the chametz (leavened bread) with different spiritual eyes. The quality of the chametz is puffy, perhaps excessive. It tastes good, but is it essential? When we weed out these items from our pantry, we give ourselves the choice about whether or not we want to re-incorporate these things after Passover. Maybe we can take this opportunity to also look at habits we have cultivated in ourselves over the year. Is this who we truly want to be? Or is it simply that we’ve gone unconscious? Can we strip away the excess parts of our souls so that we can become more present and aware of how we want to live our lives? Much like the cheshbon hanefesh (inventory of the soul) that we do during the month of Elul, we can refresh our own perspectives by removing that which no longer serves us. In that way, we enter (one of) the New Year(s) in a new way. In matzah, Cantorial Soloist Todd V. Herzog Spring Cleaning for the Soul

4 APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 “Frogs here, frogs there…frogs were jumping everywhere” It’s Passover time and there is music in the air at The Solel Preschool. Our favorite Passover tunes tell the story of slavery to freedom in a way that help engage even our youngest students. Oh Listen, King Pharaoh, Bang Your Hammer and fan favorite the Frog Song are not only catchy tunes but also do a great job retelling the Passover story. The Exodus story and all of its characters actually makes a relatable tale for preschoolers. It has a hero (Moses), a bad guy (Pharaoh), a princess and let’s not forget about the frogs. The story which teaches about courage, bravery and hope is not only a part of home seders all over the world during Passover time but our classrooms as well. The Ten plagues can be used in simple counting lessons or deeper discussions of consequences for your actions. We will start our Passover celebration with a retelling of the Exodus story performed by some of our talented Preschool teachers for our entire school. The two’s classes will conduct their own mini seders in their classrooms and the 3’s & 4’s will participate together in a child friendly seder. Other highlights of the holiday will include a chametz burning led by Ms. Robyn, all sorts of Passover art projects and of course lots and lots of matzah. Catch The Solel Preschool singing the National Anthem at the Diamondbacks Game Sunday, April 14th! For more information contact the Preschool Office. -Jackie Siamon The Solel Preschool Assistant Director May 4th from 4PM to 8PM! Contact the Solel Preschool office for more information!

APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 5 One of my favorite things to do as an educator is to have discussions with students about GOD! I ask the same questions of 4 year olds as I do with high school kids. Their answers are real; because on that day of the question, they are not asked to discuss, explain, rationalize or debate, they speak the truth on that day and time. As we all know, our concept of GOD changes as we change. As we go through life's challenges and victories, our talks with GOD or thoughts about GOD change. Things I was told about GOD when I was a teen are no longer in my thought process. I now have a calmness about GOD; GOD is a great listener! The God Thing, one chapter in a book written by Michael Levin, New York Times Bestselling Author, titled Happily Jewish, asks, "What is the Jewish Concept of God?" "God is not a person, does not have a beard, does not have a physical body, never did, and has no needs like human beings or Greek gods. God is not competing with other gods because in the Jewish concept of things, there are no others." Some traditional Jews believe that God pre-existed the universe and spoke it into being. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote about God needing people in order to have the world God wanted! Interesting points! Where does good and evil fit in? As humans, we have free choice. Do we perform acts of good and kindness or do we choose to do otherwise? How do we refer to God? God he, God King, God his, God, father. There are some Jews who refer to God in the female version! To me, no pronouns or titles need to be used! That is a hard concept to overcome! Think about how many conversations you have about God and use a male reference! There are so many questions about God, and why shouldn't there be? Does it make sense to believe in God or not believe in God? "Either God is or God isn't" According to our young students, definitely God IS! According to our older students, life has thrown them some curveballs and perhaps God is a ? Keep questioning! April 14 will be Israel Day at Raker. Every class will be presenting something about Israel. From food to the archeologist dig, comparing the National Anthem to Hatikvah, learning about the different synagogues found in Israel, listening to Israeli music sung by our students, visiting a Shuk and learning about Israeli money, taking a trip through Israel using a giant map and playing Israeli games! A very special day for our Raker students and you are invited! April 21 will be an all school traditional and chocolate Seder April 26-28, Jacob " Spike" Kraus will be our Artist In Residence. More information to follow. Tobee Waxenberg, Raker Religious School Director

6 APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 April Zoom Events Jewish Meditation Tuesday April 9, 2024 April 23, 2024 (CANCELLED) 10:00-10:30 am Lunch & Learn Wednesday April 3, 2024 April 17, 2024 12:00-1:00 pm Temple Solel Book Club Greetings Book Lovers, I apologize for the March 2024 Pathfinder book club article, which was written for March 2023. Things happen. Thanks go to Fred Schwartz for leading our discussion in February and to Betsy Gometz and Bobbie Slogoff for leading our March conversation about From Africa to Zion: The Shepherd Boy Who Became Israel’s First Ethiopi­an-Born Journalist by Danny Abebe. Most of us had no idea. On April 16 we will again meet in person for a delicious potluck pareve/dairy dinner at 6:00 at the temple. We can really cook--and buy--well! At 6:30 we will open the Zoom call to explore a memoir by Solel member Adena Bernstein Astrowsky, who will be at the meeting. The book, Living Among the Dead: My Grandmother's Holocaust Survival Story of Love and Strength, recalls Adena's Bubbie's surviving Nazi occupation and forced labor in a Ukrainian town. Amazon reader DM wrote, "Amazing story, beautifully told. I enjoyed reading the personal account from the survivor, Mania, intermixed with the overall context of events from her granddaughter, the author, Adena. This blend of personal words and context, creates a compelling, impactful read. It’s still so hard to fathom how living in your hometown can over time turn into something so evil. I am horrified by the acts of the murderers, but amazed by the perseverance and strength of the survivors as described in this book. It’s the story of survival that makes this book a compelling read." Summer break: we will not meet in May, June, and July. Enjoy reading anything and everything you like!! We will resume meeting on Zoom on August 20 at 6:00 p.m. to read a novel, The Silverberg Business by Robert Freeman Wexler. It tells the tale of a Jewish private eye named Shannon who is on the trail of one Silverberg. Mr. Silverberg disappeared with money that was intended to create a haven for displaced Romanian Jews in the Texas of the late 1880s. The book busts genres by combining hard-boiled detective tale, Western, and magical realism. It sounds like we could have a lot of fun with it. Pam Hait, thank you for volunteering to lead this discussion. Upcoming meetings: September 17, November 19 Happy reading, Judy Schaffert

APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 7 Volunteer Recognition Volunteers are an essential part of Temple Solel. We would like to thank the following volunteers for their time and efforts: Birthday Calls Erica Bonime Knitting for a Purpose Lois Bell Carol Brillman Jill Loebel Beverly Nathan Margie Rahilly Linda Ribnik Judy Schaffert Beth Sennett Lisa Trotta Reva Steinberg Nancy Weinstein Gail Zucker Yahrzeit Notices Cynthia Marcus Family Promise Susan Wine Bob Ransom Natalie Neer Hart Dottie Braun Cohen Dean Scheinert Mary Ann Bloom Helene Weitzenkorn Lauren Brown Jacqui Rick Lisa Banen Would you like to volunteer at some point in the future? We’d love to have you! Email [email protected], and we’ll add you to our volunteer email list for upcoming opportunities. “Seder” at Torah Study When I was a kid, I loved celebrating Passover seder. It was the one night of the year when my family got together to enjoy the fun of Jewish tradition. My sister, Ida, and I sang the Four Questions and ate all the pickles. My aunts told jokes over matzah ball soup. And my Bubbie and Zaidie served wine to everyone! Later, I learned that seder is truly an important event. It is the anniversary of the actual night when Israel fled slavery in Egypt. On the evening of the 14th of Nissan, says the Torah, the Israelites ate “roasted lamb, matzah, and bitter herbs” (Exodus 12:8). Then, “in the middle of the night,” they escaped the danger and loneliness of slavery. “It was, for the Eternal, a Night of Vigil to bring them out of Egypt” (Exodus 12:42). Ever since then, Jews have reenacted this night on the 14th of Nissan. At our seders, we eat the same food that the Israelites ate. We stay awake into the dark hours like they did. And just as God rescued the Israelites from the perils of slavery, God rescues us from any danger or loneliness we may suffer in our own personal lives. After leaving Egypt, the Israelites headed to “Makom,” the place of God’s presence, the place of loving energy (Exodus 33:21). This is where they felt safe. Likewise, today, a seder table featuring family and friends becomes a Makom for us, a place of smiles and support. This is the gift of celebrating seder. We feel safe when we feel loved. A special IN-PERSON Torah Study will be held in the temple library with a bagel reception on Saturday, April 6 at 9:00 a.m. On all other Saturdays in April, we will meet on ZOOM. See eNUZ for Zoom link. Please join us! Matthew Kozinets Temple Solel Jewish Heritage Journey Along the Civil Rights Trail Led by Rabbi Debbie Stiel -- Winter of 2025 This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to walk with your fellow Solel congregants in the footsteps of giants. We need at least 22 participants to make this 4-day trip to the South become a reality. The fight for American civil rights spanned decades, cities and states. Walk with us through Birmingham, Montgomery, Selma and Atlanta. See firsthand the struggle for equality. If you choose to join us, you will have the opportunity to meet with activists who worked and strategized with Dr. King, as well as, people who participated in the march from Selma to Montgomery. You will visit several civil rights museums and sites, the Equal Justice Initiative, and attend a service at the Ebenezer Baptist Church. You will learn about the Jewish involvement in the Movement and how our Passover story correlates so strongly with the Civil Rights story. Civil Rights is not an issue that only impacted a specific people in the 1950’s and 60’s. It is an ongoing issue today, being fought for by a variety of groups that have not felt they had a voice in the world. Become empowered and inspired to make a difference. Email [email protected] if you are interested, more details to come!

8 APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 Above: Rabbi Sharon Brous speaks about her new book The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Mend our Broken Hearts and World in the Temple Solel Sanctuary Left: Temple Solel member Judy Schaffert receives the Justice Champion Award for Excellence in Service & Character from Eddie Chavez-Calderon and Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz with Valley Beit Midrash! Thank you to everybody who made Solelebration 2024 such a great event—sponsors, attendees, and teachers!!

APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 9 Fun at the Solel Preschool!

10 APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 Caring Community News Our Bereavement team has a new team leader. Joan Matlock has passed the baton to Russell Persinger. A huge thank you to Joan for her many years of dedication to the bereaved in our community. Russ joined Solel about a year ago following his conversion. He is no stranger to helping bereaved families as he is currently employed by Sinai Mortuary. Russ will be assisting families in planning Shiva for their loved ones and contacting team members to help with serving and cleaning up afterwards. Thank you to the following folks for providing a minion to say Kaddish with a bereaved congregant: Alan and Beverly Nathan, Susan Wine, Lois Bell, Mary Ann Bloom, Erica Bonime, Joan Matlock, Russ Persinger and Marian Fisher. During the past several months, the Caring Community has provided support to six families. A special thank you to our chefs: Susan Wine, Helene Weitzenkorn, Jeanne Winograd, Shirley Rosenblum, Jane Vogel, Beverly Nathan, Carol Brillman, Lynn Leinwahl, Robin Balon, Patsy and Jeff Parker, Al and Sandy Barkov, Barbara Wasserman, Arleen Schwartz, Milly Kaplan, Allison Collins, Linda Ribnik, Lois Bell, Erica Bonime and Dottie Braun Cohen. Our Correspondence team continues to send condolence cards and get well wishes to congregants, thank you to Joyce Lipner, Milly Kaplan and Robin Balon. As always the Caring Community stands ready to serve our congregants in need of assistance as a result of illness and loss. The Caring Community can be reached through the Temple office. Dottie Braun Cohen Caring Community Chair See eNUZ

APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 11 In a world where discouraging news surrounds us, dreaming and envisioning a better future can be both exhilarating and encouraging. But it’s not enough to merely dream; it’s our responsibility to turn those dreams into reality. Imagine if our Temple Solel community could offer the following: 1. Exciting Experiential Learning Opportunities: Enriching the lives of all generations within our community through meaningful experiences. 2. Engaging Outreach Programs for Interfaith Families: Creating deep connections and fostering understanding among diverse families. 3. Youth Camp Scholarships and Israel Trips: Empowering our youth by providing educational opportunities and connecting them to their Jewish heritage. 4. Dedicated Temple Solel Professionals: Strengthen our community by investing in additional skilled and passionate leaders who can address unmet needs. 5. Enhanced Physical Facilities: Adapting our physical spaces better to serve the needs of our community in the future. Join me in dreaming and committing to ways we can further create a vibrant Temple Solel community that will thrive for generations to come. We can transform these dreams into reality by supporting the Temple Solel Endowment Foundation. Together, we can make a lasting impact! For information about the Temple Solel Endowment Foundation, contact [email protected]. Robert Danoff Temple Solel Endowment Foundation Board Member Someone Like You Can Make Dreams Possible!

12 APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 Donations received after February 2024 will be printed in the next issue We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Solel by remembering and Contributions honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions. 2023-24 CANTORIAL SOLOIST DISCRETIONARY FUND In appreciation of Todd Herzog from Frederic & Arleen Schwartz In honor of Joni Thompson from Louis Wolfson In memory of Harriet Miller, beloved Mother and Grandmother from Bonnie Miller and Family Bobby Barr from Stewart & Sharon Levine 2023-24 ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of Evie and Larry Lieberman from Avery Crossman Naomi Weiner from Gerald Weiner, Barbara Love & Ken Love 2023-24 GENERAL FUND In honor of Judy Schaffert's service recognition! from Jerry Weiner, Ken and Barbara Love Andrei Sayapin from Yuri Sayapin & Ludmila Brigadier In memory of our parents, Helen Isay Smith and David Zisook from A. Bruce & Barbara Schimberg Fannie Ostrov from Arnold & Judith Hoffman Jordana Ivy Rosenbloom from Arthur Rosenbloom & Jane Dara Mortimer Edelstein from Arthur Rosenbloom & Jane Dara Jerry Ross from Barbara & Dan Ross Abraham Macey from Cynthia Marcus Miriam Merritt Kaplan and Rosa Becker Colb from David & Lynn Weissman Nettie Kaner from Dean & Donna Kaner Ronald Shellow from Francine Garner Andrew Schauer from Francine Schauer Nathan Wechter from Ira & Myrna Wechter Phyllis N Robbins from Lawrence & Simma Robbins Rabbi Yitzchak Nadler from Lawrence & Simma Robbins David Schwartz from Leonard & Phyllis Miller Mildred Gorman from Louis Gorman & Margaret Kile Eric Sachs from Mark & Karen Kanefsky Dean and Shari Lewis from Martin & Cynthia Applebaum Arnold Rabin from Michael & Judy Schaffert Joan Leopold Glazier from Michael Glazier & Jody Brown Carolyn Becker and Marvin Hatfield from Peter & Mary Ann Bloom Eli Perlo from Philip & Gloria Cowen Leon Kauftheil from Rosalie Avery Morris Burns from Stephen & Toby Gerst Jacob Arthur Karrar, Jr. May his memory be for a blessing from The Ornstein Family Carole Silverman from Tom Silverman 2023-24 HIGH SCHOOL FUND In honor of Jerry Friedman - Solelebration from Avi Friedman 2023-24 JIM WAXENBERG YOUTH FUND In honor of My mom, Tobee Waxenberg, and her 50+ years in Jewish education. Mazal tov! from Natalie Waxenberg 2023-24 MEN OF SOLEL FUND In memory of Morris, Betty, Bruce & Sandra Salzberg, Nina Wayne Klein, Jeffrey Forward and Stephen Turner from Jerry Salzberg 2023-24 ONEG FUND In appreciation of Ellen and Andrew Meltzer - our 17th anniversary on March 31. We appreciate the opportunity to celebrate with Temple Solel from Ellen and Andrew 2023-24 RABBI LINDER'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Evie and Larry Lieberman from Becky and Dan Lieberman Rabbi Plotkin from Jay Levinsohn Nelson A. Lerner from Lisa G Lerner A donation was made by Robert and Debbie Roos 2023-24 RABBI STIEL DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Edward Stiel from Alan & Beverly Nathan Andrea Braver from Lisa A donation was made by Frederic & Arleen Schwartz 2023-24 SOCIAL ACTION FAMILY PROMISE FUND In memory of Jeanette Lustgarten from Marshall & Lesley Lustgarten SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY FUND In memory of Evie and Larry Lieberman from Phyl and Gary Bolno Deaths Andrei Sayapin, Son to Ludmila Brigadier and Yuri Sayapin Eddie Klugman, Husband of Elaine Klugman and father of Valerie, Sherie, Stuart, & Scott Our Temple Family

APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 13 6:00 pm 6:00 pm

14 APRIL 2024 / ADAR II—NISSAN 5784 Yahrzeits Kaddish will be recited on Erev Shabbat on the following dates: We Need to Know… Please inform the Temple Solel office when a family member or friend is in the hospital. Too often we find out about illnesses, crises and hospitalizations long after they occur. This is a missed opportunity for visits from the rabbi and calls from the Caring Community as well as other assistance offered by the temple. We need your help in order to offer ours. If you’d like to let us know about a member that is ill, has a surgery date coming up, or is experiencing any other health-related issue that the rabbis should know about, please call the temple office at 480.991.7414, ext. 126 or email Tara at [email protected]. April 5, 2024 Albert Starr Albert Wallack Beatrice Posner Benny Frank Bernard R. Barney Cohen Bette Mae Coppe Beverly Berey Edie Singer Edwin Dickman Elaine Warshaver Estelle Sokoloff Florence Brandwein Rose Weiss Rossya Kaufman Ruth Burg Saul David Sobel Sidney Kaufman Wilfred Brandwein Gerda Klein Gloria Bomash Cutler Hanna Greenbaum Jay Holtzman Katie Katzenstein Louis Waber Matthew Forstadt Muriel Superfon Nathan Sachs Nettie Stern Ronald Rosenson April 12, 2024 Andrew Dickman Alfred Reinstein Ann Kaminsky Barbara Riffer Carolyn Nathan Doris Hoffman Dorris Berkowitz Esther Driss Etta Salman Fannie Zimmer George Hajnal Helen Weiss Marton Howard Love Ruth Cohen Ruth Klein Selma Goldfried Sonia Siegel Stanley Brush Steven Daryl Dachinger Tony Duffy Irving Bauling Jean Susman Konrad P. Meyer Lillian Sachs Louis Kirschblum Louis L. Fessinger Marion Weisberg Mathilda G. Scheuer Minna Slater Molly Cutter Morris Hertz Norman Burg Reva Kort April 19, 2024 Abe Lieberman Abraham Schneider Adelyn Posner Albert Greenbaum Barry Horowitz David Sam Meyer Edith Reshin Galpern Edith Usem Eli Shapiro Gertrude Hollander Gertrude Marcus Harold Levitan Mary Zamler Mazo Mr. Richard Segal Norman Chassin Peter Underdahl Phillip Epstein Ruth Marks Rosen Saul Friefield Simon Lazar Stanley Canter Walter Bernard Boninger William Bruce Silverman Harold Silvestri Harry Lasky Harvey Sapot Helene Miller Herta Feher Hildegarde Reinstein Hugo Farkas Juanita Hatfield Julian Lieberman Julie KnollerSchwartz Kurt Klein Larry Miller Leonard Berey April 26, 2024 Ann Sherman Bernard Friedman Carl Silverman Catherine Wahlberg Cathy Adams Charles Koplin David Feldman Delphine Michaels Dr. Martin Bell Edith Gendler Edith Levitan Elois Bernheim Michael Jeremy Ornstein Morris Kristal Natalie Smith Peter Foster Rose LeGrand Sarah Cohen Sherry Bekowitz Shirley Schwartz Sidney J. Kaufman Sylvia Singer Max Tickie Levin Tillie Miller Vickie C. Robens Wendy Padden Sayrs Frank Sherman Harvey Berman Harvey Malofsky Howard Cohen Jacob Kantor Leon Wall Leonard Schrift Lester Louis Solomon Lorraine Berg Louis Belfer Louis Shumaker Lt. Jack Cohen Michael Forstadt

Current Resident or Non Profit Organization US Postage Paid Scottsdale AZ Permit No. 24 Issued monthly Volume 23 - Issue 8 Visit our website - Dated Material - via this QR Code Torah Portions/Candle Lighting Times April 5 / Sh’mini / 6:34 pm April 12 / Tazria / 6:39 pm April 19 / M’tzora / 6:44 pm April 26 / Chol HaMo-eid Pesach / 6:50 pm Rabbi John A. Linder [email protected] x.122 Rabbi Rabbi Debbie Stiel [email protected] x.131 Rabbi Todd Herzog [email protected] x.136 Cantorial Soloist Rabbi Maynard W. Bell Rabbi Emeritus Administrative Staff Peter Pishko [email protected] x.124 Executive Director Tobee Waxenberg [email protected] x.123 Director of Raker Rel. School Noni Clark [email protected] x.125 Controller Joan Giannini [email protected] x.127 Office Manager Linda Irish [email protected] x.163 Preschool Director Jackie Siamon [email protected] x.135 Preschool Assistant Director Sonya Placencia [email protected] x.135 Preschool Billing & Office Asst. Alberto Mena [email protected] x.129 Facility Manager Mason Marks [email protected] x.121 Engagement Specialist Jesse Edwards [email protected] x.120 Religious School Coordinator Tara Marcussen [email protected] x.126 Clergy Assistant The Temple Solel Endowment Foundation (Foundation) The Foundation is separate and distinct 501(c)(3) from Temple Solel that has been formed and organized to raise, invest, and manage funds through endowments and gifts for the sole purpose of financially supporting the activities, programs, practices, and growth of Temple Solel. If you are interested in the work of the Foundation, please contact Foundation Board President Robert Siamon at [email protected]. Executive Committee & Trustees Eve Danoff............................................................................................................. President Jennet Kirkpatrick.........................................................................Executive Vice President Phil Hawkes...........................................................................................................Treasurer Laura Miller........................................................................................................... Secretary Blake Lewkowitz ........................................................................Vice President - Education Leon Gavartin ......................................................... Vice President - Facilities and Security Perry Simons......................................................................... Vice President - Development Phyl Bolno ..............................................................................Vice President - Membership Dottie Braun-Cohen…………………………………………….. Caring Community Chair Stephanie Cherny................................................................................Personnel Committee Laura Miller....................................................................................Ritual Committee Chair Gary Horowitz .....................................................................Education Committee Co-chair Michael Yudell ......................................................................................Social Action Chair Madelaine Berg..........................................................................................Member at Large David Greenbaum......................................................................................Member at Large Neil Motzkin..............................................................................................Member at Large Paul Bakerman...........................................................................................Member at Large Andy Greenfield.........................................................................................Member at Large Mandana Zerbib.........................................................................................Member at Large Risa Jacobson.............................................................................................Member at Large Return Policy The temple will cheerfully accept any returns for store credit only. Come check out our gift shop anytime during regular office hours, 9AM—5PM Monday through Thursday, 9AM—4PM Friday. We have Kiddush cups, Passover seder plates, memorial candles, artwork, and more! Temple Solel Gift Shop News

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