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September 2021 Pathfinder newsletter

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Published by Temple Solel, 2021-08-26 17:20:07

September 2021

September 2021 Pathfinder newsletter

Welcoming the High Holy Days
If ever there was a year when we needed
Our souls and spirits are in need of a recharge—this year

the uplift of the High Holy Days, this is it! more than ever. That’s always been the essence of these

After a year and a half of COVID-19, many of Days of Awe, to care for our souls and rejoice together in
the gift of life! We will be nourished by reading the
us are feeling so drained and emotionally
beautiful and meaningful liturgy and inspired by exalted,
holy music. Our souls are so in need of having some time
Let’s enter into the High Holy Days together, mindfully and that is devoted to spiritual and mental wellbeing.
gratefully embracing this special time. They are salve for
Hope—In the midst of this challenging pandemic, the High
the soul. Here are some of the ways they can bless our
Holy Days remind us of many aspects of our lives that we
can be improving. Judaism teaches this radical, but so
Community—Whether you will be attending services in- powerful, belief that each year we can add holiness and
person or virtually from your home, we come together as goodness to our lives and our world. These days of
one Temple Solel community, joined with Jews around the introspection help us to bring change, growth, and
world. It has been wonderful to see so many members of perspective into the forefront of our minds and from

the congregation begin to return for Shabbat services since there, into our actions. Our faith helps us strive for
the end of May. We hope to see many more of you over transformation and step by step improvement. How
the High Holy Days. We recognize, as well, that we are not incredibly hopeful and encouraging!
out of the pandemic woods, and plan to bring a high
Each fall we hear the ancient and ever-new call of our
quality, virtual experience into your homes, for those who
tradition which tells us to disconnect from the world for a
want to stream. Your clergy team feels your presence!
few days so that we might be recharged and inspired. May
Most importantly, as Jews have done for thousands of
it be so for all of us this year. L’Shanah Tovah–Wishing you
years, we will be in community to welcome the New Year.
all a happy and healthy New Year!
Spiritual and Psychological Wellspring—We have spent a
Rabbi Debbie S. Stiel
LOT of time this past year talking about our physical health

and taking measures to keep our community safe. We

recognize, too, that we are far more than physical beings.

Shanah Tovah Umtukah–A Sweet & Happy New Year 5782
from all of us here at Temple Solel



2 September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782

Leo Augustine Piccione, son of Wendy Lieberman and Maximo Piccione, of blessed memory,

will become a bar mitzvah on Saturday, September 4, 2021 at 10:30 am. Leo attends Pardes Jewish Day
School and enjoys playing basketball and golf, and also enjoys playing the guitar and bass. For his
mitzvah project, Leo honored his father’s memory by raising money for Phoenix Cancer Support
Network, by selling t-shirts that read “Someone who hates cancer bought this t-shirt.”

Madeline Elizabeth Weber, daughter of Joy and Adam Weber, will become a bat mitzvah on Saturday,

September 25, 2021 at 10:30 am. Madeline attends Desert Canyon Middle School and loves Camp Stein and looks
forward to going back next summer. She enjoys track and field as well as volleyball and is passionate about healing
the earth. For her mitzvah project, Madeline made and sold jewelry with proceeds donated to,
a charity focused on cleaning plastic from the ocean.

View Shabbat and B’nai Mitzvah Services by visiting and selecting
the “Click here to watch our Streaming services” link at the beginning of each service.

Upcoming Events!

All events are subject to change. Please check eNUZ for up-to-date info.

September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782 3

Seeing With New Eyes
I recently moved from my apartment into a
not serving us. We can take a new picture of ourselves and

new home. I packed up all of my things and our lives.


The beauty of the High Holy Days is that we get a chance of what we no longer need.

to do this process every year. We begin again with a clean May the High Holy Days this year give us the time and
slate. We have the opportunity to look at our lives, to see space we need to decide who we want to be. And may we
what is working and what needs to be refreshed or take the first few steps toward becoming that vision that
removed. This is the process of cheshbon hanefesh—the we hold for ourselves.
taking stock and cleaning out of our souls. We don’t have
In Return,
to ‘stay true’ to a certain path if it does not feel authentic Todd Herzog
to us. We can choose to change or leave a situation that is
Cantorial Soloist

Reminder: September Closures:

Anniversary Shabbat—1st Friday each month Labor Day—September 6
Rosh Hashanah—September 7 & 8
featuring an anniversary blessing Kol Nidre—September 15, 1pm closure

Family Shabbat—2nd Friday each month Yom Kippur—September 16
Sukkot—September 21
featuring a birthday blessing and story
Simchat Torah—September 28


 Gerald and Lois Goldberg Howard Abrams and Jodie Labowitz ... 21 yrs Larry and Evie Lieberman ....................60 yrs
 Dorah and Danny Miller Jeff and Laura Beraznik........................ 24 yrs Paul and Deborah Miller ......................50 yrs
 Adam Metzendorf Josh and Suzy Berkowitz...................... 20 yrs Danny and Erica Openden ...................15 yrs
 Anais Sonder, Phillip Ponce, and children Jay and Lois Berman ............................ 60 yrs Frank and Rae Rader............................40 yrs
Bruce Berey and Wendy Blum............... 9 yrs Freeman and Shirley Rosenblum .........62 yrs
Joshua and Zachary Neal and Jennifer Bookspan ................ 18 yrs Mark and Mary Schubert .....................36 yrs
 Eric and Lindsey Sidman and children Joel and Linda Bramoweth .................. 38 yrs Joe and Rana Schwartz ........................67 yrs
Bob Cohen and Dottie Braun-Cohen ..... 7 yrs Rob and Lisa Speck...............................27 yrs
Asher and Mila Jake and Lisa Cohen .............................. 4 yrs Mark and Barbara Stern ......................37 yrs
 Marc and Adiba Wichansky Erik and Mia Goldenson ...................... 23 yrs Richard and Suzanne Swift...................43 yrs
 Sara Sukta and Benjamin Keith and Judy Josephson ................... 40 yrs Aaron and Diana Turk ..........................58 yrs
 Julie Knuerr, Stella and Hudson Mal and Jane Jozoff ............................. 27 yrs Randy and Terri Udelman ....................19 yrs
 Brad and Andrea May Rick and Kathy Klein ............................ 40 yrs Jim and Vivian Ullman..........................51 yrs
 Jake, Lisa, and Finley Cohen Adam and Rebecca Kramer ................. 12 yrs Chuck and Shari Warshaver .................35 yrs
 Rebecca, Adam, Jordyn, and Zach Kramer Barry Krumholz and Carolyn Pettit ...... 26 yrs Erwin and Barbara Weinstein ..............59 yrs
 Steven and Jeanne Winograd Matt and Patty Lernor ......................... 37 yrs Brett and Cheri White ..........................15 yrs
 Howard and Lynn Ruben
 Kerry Taylor and Eliot

4 September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782

The Solel Preschool is Back!

We are excited to have the children back  Teachers nurture a child’s curiosity. To help children
progress from solitary play, to one-on-one play and
at school. They really missed seeing each complicated group play, the imaginary play area has
other this summer. The school now has costumes, “props” and household items such as sinks,
Havdalah, Book Bubbe, Mr. Todd and Shabbat cupboards and stoves.
in person instead of zoom. The children
mentioned how happy they were to be see the real Mr.  Preschool promotes language and cognitive skills. A
Todd. child’s vocabulary grows from 900 to 2500 words and
their sentences become longer and more complex
Preschool is designed to set up young people for social, between the ages of 3 and 5. Teacher ask thought-
emotional and future academic success. Here are some provoking questions and introduce new vocabulary
reasons why. during hands on activities during art, science and other
 Children get to make choices. Teachers offer many
activities and encourage a child to choose one that  Preschool helps with motor skills. Fine motor skills
might be of interest. develop when cutting with scissors or threading beads.
Large motor skills develop when children run, climb
 Children learn to take care of themselves and others. and play active games.
Children are asked to help out in the classroom by
putting toys away, helping a friend learn a new skill, The most important reason to attend The Solel Preschool is:
showing someone where toys are kept or feeding the
class pet. Children learn to focus their attention on the WE HAVE FUN!!!
teacher, listen and wait their turn to talk during group
activities. Mary Ann Bloom

 Preschool activities boost pre-math and literacy skills. Director of Early Childhood Education
Learning rhymes and chants help children notice
distinct sounds, playing matching games, board games,
sorting games all help with pre-math and literacy skills.

The “Go To” List at Temple Solel

Call Temple Solel at 480.991.7414 and refer to extensions below.

Birthdays/Anniversary Information ........... Joan Giannini [email protected]............... ext. 127
Building Rental/Facilities ........................... Peter [email protected]................ ext. 124
K’hilot......................................................... Peter [email protected]................ ext. 124
Committee Participation............................ Peter [email protected]................ ext. 124
Donations................................................... Joan Giannini [email protected]............... ext. 127
Dues Adjustments...................................... Peter [email protected]................ ext. 124
Dues Payments/ Billing Issues.................... Joan Giannini [email protected]............... ext. 127
Illness/Caring Community.......................... Jelena [email protected].............. ext. 126
Meeting Scheduling/Calendar ................... Peter [email protected]................ ext. 124
Membership............................................... Peter [email protected]................ ext. 124
Pathfinder Questions ................................. Peter [email protected]................ ext. 124
The Solel Preschool.................................... Mary Ann [email protected] ............. ext. 163
Rabbinic Scheduling ................................... Jelena [email protected].............. ext. 126
Raker Religious School ............................... Tobee Waxenberg [email protected] ......... ext. 123
Volunteers.................................................. Jelena [email protected].............. ext. 126
Yahrzeit Information.................................. Jelena [email protected].............. ext. 126

September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782 5

Raker Religious School

T his last Sunday, I put myself back in the them to define themselves as Jews. I want them to know
more about Judaism, Reform Judaism, Minhag and
classroom, teaching Life Cycles to our 6th Halacha.
graders! I had the best time! Everyone’s frame
of reference was different, everyone’s Jewish So Raker families, you have homework! Have a
experience was different and that makes for conversation with your student. Ask them to define
some good discussions. Judaism, ask them to talk about a custom or tradition
within your family, ask them about a law that is part of the
Early into the class, I asked them what is Judaism? I also family or your community, and ask them about Reform
asked them to define “Minhag” and “Halacha.” I asked Judaism. I would love to hear some of the responses!
them to what kind of Judaism does Temple Solel belong? I Please share!
don’t care for labels of what kind of Jews we are, but for
right now, that was my starting point. I wanted them to Opening day of religious school went very well. Thank you
know that with knowledge comes choice and with choice for your patience with drop off and pickup. Please make
comes the building of the path of what they will do as a sure you have our Raker calendar on display in your home.
Jew, what they believe and what traditions and rituals will If you need a copy go to the Temple Solel website and
become part of their Jewish life. download it.

I went on to discuss Minhag (custom or tradition) and Have a happy and healthy New Year.
Halacha (Jewish law) with the class asking if they could
define a tradition within their family and a law within their May you always experience Shalom bayit.
family. I again went back to listening to their thoughts
about Judaism and that is where I stopped. I have decided L’Shalom
to spend some extra time with the sixth graders helping Tobee Waxenberg

Director of Raker Religious School

Upcoming Union for Reform Judaism Classes

1. The Union for Reform Judaism will be offering an Introduction to Judaism Class in Phoenix
starting in October (through February). It will be hosted this fall by Temple Kol Ami, and
Rabbi Linder and Rabbi Stiel will be two of the instructors. The class is on Tuesday nights
from 7-9pm and is appropriate for those considering conversion and Jews and non-Jews
who just want to learn more about Judaism. The cost is $280 for those who are not
affiliated with a URJ congregation and $200 for those who are affiliated. To find our more
or to register go to:
judaism (and type in Phoenix for the city).

2. Learn to Read Hebrew for Adults (Online)—This is a 10 week class taught by an
experienced instructor. A new class will be starting October 3.Tuition is $180. Register

6 September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782

Temple Solel Book Club Jordan Mishlove

Greetings, Fellow Book Lovers! Jordan Mishlove, born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona with his
siblings Jared and Jessica, thinks of “belonging and
On September 21 at 6:00 pm we will meet on Zoom to community” when he thinks of Temple Solel. His parents
discuss In This Place Together: A Palestinian’s Journey to Lauren and Steven Mishlove joined in 1989. “I have been a
member for as long as I can remember and no matter who
Collective Liberation by Penina Eilberg- the Rabbi is or how old I am, I’ve always felt the sense that I
Schwartz and Suleiman Khatib. This non- belong at Temple Solel and that I have a place at Temple Solel
fiction book traces the evolution of a and I can contribute that to the Temple Solel community. It’s
Palestinian man from an attacker of Israeli always been open, vibrant, refreshing and I’ve made lifelong
forces in the West Bank to prisoner to Israel- friends at Temple Solel,”
Palestinian relations activist. Kirkus Review
called the book “moving” and “[a]n engaging, He says. “Rabbi Linder is a big
hopeful lesson in how changing the reason why I continue being a
conversation can actually change history.” So fitting for member at Temple Solel, as well as,
this month of Tishri, one of Teshuva, renewal, and the congregants and the
repentance. It is available in ebook or hardcover for opportunities that exist within the
purchase on Amazon and elsewhere, and the Phoenix and synagogue.”
Scottsdale Public Libraries have two copies each.
“I know that Rabbi Linder has done
On October 19 we will travel by reading magic such an incredible job with creating
to the far side of the globe and Australia. We an environment at Temple Solel that
will discuss The Covered Wife by Lisa Emanuel, allows us to be seen in the
a novel about a young secular Jewish woman community as a synagogue that is
who becomes Orthodox to marry. Her world open to many different perspectives
changes in ways she had not expected, some and identities. This is something
of them sinister. Published in Australia, the that I really appreciate as a Reform
book’s purchase prices are a little higher than Jew and not only is it Rabbi Linder,
usual. Available from Amazon, Wal-Mart, eBay, and but it’s also the board and fellow in paperback format, plus Kindle or Nook congregants that have created this identity of openness and
ebook for under $10.00. The local libraries do not list any welcoming,” he says.
copies to borrow.
He is involved in the Young Adults of Solel (YAS!) group.
On November 16 we will talk about The “Because of what has been created at Temple Solel, there’s
Tunnel, a novel by A.B. Yehoshua. As Barnes already an established young professionals network which is
and Noble says, “From the award-winning, something that I greatly appreciate.”
internationally acclaimed Israeli author, a
suspenseful and poignant story of a family Jordan is proud to be a member of Temple Solel. “It’s been
coping with the sudden mental decline of their my second home since I was a young child and I had my Bar
beloved husband and father—an engineer Mitzvah at Temple Solel, and attended multiple Purim
who they discover is involved in an ominous Carnivals, and have really created a strong relationship with
secret military project.” The local libraries have copies and the clergy,” he says.
it is affordable from various booksellers, including
Changing Hands Books. A favorite Temple Solel memory of Jordan’s is “the Purim
Carnivals that took place, where the Rabbi would get dunked
You can spread your wings by leading the book club in a dunk tank would always be quite a show,” he says, “along
discussion for any of these meetings. It’s a friendly and with going up to Prescott for the Religious School retreat and
supportive group, and we are happy to provide pointers or really connecting to Judaism while being in the outdoors is
support if asked. To volunteer, to receive the Zoom something that I appreciate still today.”
meeting links for our virtual meetings, or to be removed
from our mailing list, email [email protected]. Something Temple Solel members might not know about
Jordan is that he rode his bike from Seattle to San Diego and
Happy reading! met some incredible people along the way to raise money for
Outdoor Outreach.
Judy Schaffert

September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782 7

Thank You! “Bethel” at Torah Study

Volunteer Recognition

Volunteers are an essential part of Temple Solel. We would like
to thank the following volunteers for their time and efforts:

Birthday Calls Margie Rahilly
Arlene Bonime Linda Ribnik
Beth Sennett
Knitting for a Purpose Lisa Trotta
Arlene Bonime Nancy Weinstein
Carol Brillman Gail Zucker
Jill Loebel
Beverly Nathan Yahrzeit Notices
Alli Nilsson Cynthia Marcus

Would you like to volunteer at some point in the future? Last month, we began a virtual tour of sacred sites in
We’d love to have you! Email [email protected], and we’ll Israel. We visited Hebron, where Abraham purchased
add you to our volunteer email list for upcoming opportunities. the first plot of land for the Jewish people. Now let’s
go to Bethel, located north of Jerusalem atop a hill in
Mark Your Calendar! the West Bank.

Family Shabbat Service Bethel is famous in the Torah. It is the site where Jacob
dreams of a ladder reaching to heaven, with angels
Friday, September 10 at 6:15 pm moving up and down its rungs, and God appearing at
the top, saying: “I am with you and I will protect you.”
This Family Shabbat Service will feature September With joy, Jacob anoints the site as a shrine. He says:
birthday blessings—bring the family! We will celebrate “How awesome is this place! It is none other than Beit
Shabbat Shuva/the Sabbath of Return, which has special El—the House of God and a gateway to
Shabbat liturgical additions during the High Holy Days. heaven!” (Genesis 28:10-22).
We will also mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11 with a
special commemoration. Today, Bethel is home to a thriving Jewish community
named Beit El. Like other Israeli settlements in the
Please Note… West Bank, Beit El is located near archeological ruins
showing evidence of biblical times. The goal of the
Lunch & Learn settlers is to renew the Jewish spirit of the land. Beit El
and features homes, schools, shops, a winery, a furniture
factory, a public swimming pool, and a renowned
Jewish Meditation yeshiva.
will not be offered in September.
Sessions will resume in October. In addition, Beit El is adjacent to an Arab-Palestinian
Look for details in the October village named Beitin. Fortunately, a growing number of
Arabs and Jews acknowledge the diverse population of
Pathfinder and weekly eNUZ. the area and the need to honor each group’s story.
American Jews can uplift this effort by learning more
about our own story. We can read books on Israel,
watch videos, and visit the country. We can also study
the Torah. Our text offers a roadmap of sacred sites
that are alive today. Like a ladder reaching to heaven,
the Jewish spirit of the land rises up every day.

Next month, we’ll explore Beersheba. Torah Study
meets virtually every Saturday morning at 9:00 am.
See eNUZ for Zoom link and info. Please join us!

Matthew Kozinets

8 September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782

September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782 9

Learning is Fun at The Solel Preschool!

The energy was up at Raker Religious School’s first day of school
Sisters of Solel enjoy some game time at their event in August

10 September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782

Temple Solel Endowment Foundation

Securing Our Future | September 2021

Estate Planning; Do Not Forget Your Pets!

The following article came from Pet Partners, a non- 3). A pet protection plan or pet care plan is a document
profit organization that certifies pet therapy animals. that lets you decide who will take care of your pets and
Over the years, my wife Lisa and I have gone through how they will be cared for. Most importantly, these
this process with four canines. agreements allow you to name a Pet Guardian, the person
who will be responsible for taking care of your pet(s) in
“Estate Planning; Do not forget your pets! case something happens to you.

You’ve been diligent. You have an estate plan that is in These plans are not only effective if you pass away—they
place. It has been reviewed and updated on a regular are also effective if you are in an accident or become
basis and you are confident that all the beneficiaries you unable to care for you pets. It is a private agreement
want to support, including family, close friends and between the pet owner and the pet guardian. You can
charitable intents have been taken care of. Good job! leave money to care for your pets through this
arrangement. Like a pet trust, these agreements do not
Did you remember your pet in your estate plan? Our need to go through probate court, which can take months.
animals are very important to us. If you have not made You can locate this information online for opportunities to
plans for your furry or feathered friends, probate of an learn more.
estate can take months, or longer. And even the most
well-meaning family members may not be able to follow 4). If no friend or relative can be found to take care of your
through in caring properly for a surviving pet. Allergies, pet, you should seek a charitable organization whose
work schedules, conflicts with other pets and apartment function is to care or place animals in suitable homes. A
restrictions, the commitment made by your friends and suggested place to begin would be to contact your local
family to care for your pets can fail. Therefore, the judge humane society for guidance.
or the executor of your estate must often make the
critical decision as to who will take care of your pets. 5). Just like you would have instructions for someone to
And this can be a long process. care for a child, the same should be readily accessible for
your pet. Information about food, medications,
Fortunately, there are steps you can take that will prescriptions, contact information for the vet and daily
ensure your animal will be cared for upon your passing. care instructions should be handy.

1). An animal cannot be named as a beneficiary in a will; This information is not intended to be legal advice. Check
they are treated as property for state laws. However, in with your attorney for appropriate steps to ensure the
your will, you can name someone you trust to look after future care of your animal.
your animal. Be certain to confirm that the person will
be able to accommodate and care for your animal prior Nelson Lerner
to including this in your will. It is recommended to
include assets for food and veterinary services for the Board Member, Temple Solel Endowment Foundation
person caring for your animal. How well you know the
caretaker that you have chosen is important since this is
the only assurance that the care for your animal will

2). For a more complex way to provide for a pet, ask
your attorney or check with your local bar association to
ask for names of local attorneys who are familiar with
Pet Trusts. In most states, an animal can be the
beneficiary of a trust created to care for an animal. Like
a trust that may be established for a minor child, the
trustee is legally obligated to act in the animal’s best
interest and ensure that the pet’s future care is met, for
example food and veterinary visits. A monetary gift for
the caretaker is created within the trust with the caveat
that the caretaker is responsible for the care of the

September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782 11

12 September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782

Contributions We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Solel by
remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous

Annual Campaign  In memory of Louis Heavenrich  In honor of the upcoming nuptials
Barbara Neuman between John Owens and
 In honor of Molly Elizabeth Haleigh Williams
Wasserman’s Hebrew naming  In memory of Alice Fishman Steve and Karen Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Chapman Bob and Jeff Fishman
 In memory of Eleanor Jean Lerner
Art @ Solel Fund  In memory of Jerome Lipman Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lerner
Bonnie Levitt
 In honor of our July Anniversary  In memory of Herb Gold
Frank and Becky Weinberg  In memory of my husband, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lerner
Edward Marcus
 In memory of Herbert Gold Cynthia Marcus Rabbi Stiel’s Discretionary Fund
Josh and Pam Ornstein
 In memory of Tulla Rosenhirsch  In memory of Deborah Hertzenberg
Cantorial Soloist Todd Herzog’s Ken and Harri Dry Dick Harte

Discretionary Fund  In memory of Pearl Lieberman  In memory of Martha Reiser
Larry Lieberman& Nina Darnten Ernie Riffer and Jody Reiser
 You are such a good voice on Shabbat!
Marcia Feinstein  In memory of Debbie Carter Social Action Family Promise Fund
Leah Valadez
 In memory of Andy Seplow  A donation was made by
Judy Seplow  In memory of Bronia Rimer Charles and Jane Vogel
Leah Valadez
Caring Community Fund Social Action Fund
 In memory of Robert Schlemmer and
 In honor of Temple Solel Caring Martin Jozoff  In honor of Julian Greenenbaum
Community Mal and Jane Jozoff Judy Seplow
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lerner
 In memory of Mrs. Sandra Goodman Solel Preschool Fund
 In memory of Rose Seer Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Sy Achtman
Arlene Bonime  In memory of our brother, Gerald Wlody
 In memory of Herb Gold Sandy and Ginger Wlody
 In memory of Samuel Levey Patti Katz
Leonard and Robin Balon Sponsor a Stream Temple Events
 In memory of Frederick Schwartz
 In memory of Herb Gold Peter and Dana Powell  In honor of our 22nd wedding
Carol Brillman anniversary
 In memory of Marcus Sachs Daniel and Andrea Kravets
Dr. Gerald Becker Adult Ed. Fund Ray Sachs
 In honor of our 51st wedding
 In memory of Sandra Goodman  In memory of Zorack Rabin anniversary
Ken and Barbara Love Roberta and Al Stoller Stewart and Sharon Levine

Endowment Fund  In memory of Charles Fuchs  In honor of our August anniversary
Sandra Mozenter Marvin and Barbara Chassin
 A donation was made by
Jeff and Elaine Chapman  In memory of Herb Gold Temple Solel Hardship Relief Fund
The Alliger Famiy
 In memory of Sydney Crossman  In honor of Ruby’s, Bat Mitzvah
Avery Crossman  A donation was made by Laura Kuster Stewart and Sharon Levine
 In memory of Sandra Goodman
General Fund  In honor of Steve and Toby Gerst’s 55th
Ellen Waxman wedding anniversary.
 A donation was made by  In memory of my father, Yefim Brigadier The Trachtenberg Family
Gail Zucker
Laura Kuster Ludmila Brigadier Tzedakah Fund
 In memory of Morris Dickman
 Pray for the health, healing, and  Special prayer healing for Liebe Brocha
recovery of my son, Andrei Sayapin Marvin and Barbara Chassin bat Tova Muse for Les and Hazel Davis
Ludmila Brigadier  In memory of Donald Lernor family
Neil and Peggy Trachtenberg
 A donation was made by Matt and Patty Lernor
Todd and Mindy Weiss Donations received after
Jim Waxenberg Youth Fund July 31, 2021 will be printed in the
 In honor of our wedding anniversary
Shelby and Sybil Yastrow  In memory of Irvin McGrew next issue of the Pathfinder.
Marney Field
 In memory of Cathy Adams
Andrea, Dan, Benjamin & Rabbi Linder's Discretionary Fund
Matthew Kravets
 A donation was made by
 In memory of Sam Rabinowitz Mark Stern
Arnold Rabin
 Thank you for your partnership and
Shmuly Yanklowitz

September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782 13

14 September 2021 / Elul 5781 - Tishri 5782


Kaddish will be recited on Erev Shabbat on the following dates:

September 3, 2021 September 17, 2021

Tilly Benson Louis Hyman Harry F. Salomon Saul Barkov Harold Jacobs Lorin Rosenberg
Harold Blechman Larry Katzman Milton Seligman Elmer Becker Tara Katz Charles Rosenthal
Yehuda Breslow William Kessler Elizabeth Shapiro Maurice Cohen Rita Lee Josh Schacter
Al Cohen Glen Kirsch Diane Shatz Armida Danoff Celia Linder Walter Seligman

Frederic Dolgonos Libby Lanson Claire Silk Evelyn Friedman Harold Morris Greta Sharp
Harry Epstein Marjorie Lavine Kathleen Solon J. Allan Garner Frances Nadler Bernyce Sherman
Clem Farber Kelvin Levitt Robert Speisman Esther Givant Ida Odell Maury Shykind
Arnold Fine Mary Anne Edith Strickstein Stanley Grant Bonnie Olson Janice Speck
Jeanette Galst Louchheim Geraldine Warren Samuel Greenbaum Yetta Perlmutter Gertrude Steinfeld
Ruth Grey Phillip Miller Benjamin Weinberg Harry Greenberg Laura Anne Phillips Annette Strauss
Alex Hamburg Sophia Mishkin Harriet Widland Barbara Guggenheimmer Rosalie Polakof Alan Webber

Arie Hanin Victor Nufeld Henry Winkelman Max Hammerman Daniel Razansky Gertrude Zweig
Louis Hartstein Irving Petshaft Max Wlody
Sidney Hausman Joan Reif Michael Wolfe
Phillip Hollander Arlene Rosenson Hyman Zitomer

September 10, 2021 September 24, 2021

Herbert Berman Anne Keller Marvin Rosenberg Harold Banen Klara Glaser Harold Rutchick
Ada Bistrow Yetta Klein Rebecca Rudin Abraham Baum Sarah Goldstein Irving Schulman
Irvin Bolno Pauline Levine Sadye Schimberg Ed Benson Jennie Goldstein Philip Shelton
Ezabella Brigadir Rona Malofsky Sarah Schwimmer Stanley Bonime Milton Green Judith Shumaker

Alfred Cohen Larry Marton Grace Spencer Robert Brody Lee Harris Bernard Siegelman
Sidney Edwards Gordon May Ida Towbin Abraham Brust Louis Klein Jerome Starr
Hilda Gershman Bella Miller Ellen Tucker Ester Brust Maurice Klugman Rose Starr
Lucille Goldin Flora Milstein Louis Weistrich Arnold Brustin Edith Kuschner William Warren
Clara Hanover Elizabeth Moretsky Janet Wemple Lawrence Buchman Frank Levine James Waxenberg
Miriam Hass Joseph Nussbaum William Wetterland Lena Budd Marie Mendel Frank G. Weinberg
Hilda Henig Sadie Petshaft Myron Widland Pearl Chozen Beatrice Perlo Martin Weiner

Joseph Hollander Edna Pindler Dolores Wilkins Eula Fister Jeffrey Propper Martin Weiss
Morris Freedland Isadore Rader Gertrude Weissman
Rita Friefield Dorie Rifkin

In Loving Memory

 Pearl Simons
From Perry Simons and Melanie Rich


We Mourn the Loss of:
 Herbert Gold, husband of Judith Gold
 Sandra Goodman

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Volume 21 - Issue 2

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Temple Solel
Gift Shop News

Our Gift Shop is one of the best-kept Published by and for the members of Temple Solel
September 2021
secrets in the valley. Come and see what
we have toPolefafesre—niotetemtshcahtadnugee with the Rabbi John A. Linder [email protected] x.122 Rabbi
Jewish holitdoaCysovaindd-1s9e,atshoensG.ift Rabbi Debbie Stiel [email protected] x.131 Rabbi
Todd Herzog [email protected] x.136 Cantorial Soloist
We have BaSrhaonpdisBcaltoMseidtz.vSathaypresents, Rabbi Maynard W. Bell Rabbi Emeritus

amazing taltluitnoet dfrotomeINsrUaZelaantddifferent Executive Committee & Trustees
price points, anodurmwuechbsmitoe,re.
Rae Rader .............................................................................................................. President
Don’t forgwetwbwab.tyemgifptlse,swoeledld.oinrg presents Doreen Feldberg.......................................................................... Immediate Past President
Eve Danoff ............................................................................................................. Secretary
and even afboeraduettifauillsmoenzwzuhzeanh. We also Phil Hawkes ........................................................................................................... Treasurer
have jaenwdelloryvtehtoleymGhoiefstettSehysoos upgriwfetsivl.lery want and Lauren Brown ..............................................................................Vice President - Education
need Larry Cohen .............................................................. Vice President - Facilities and Security
reopen for business. Howard Rosen ....................................................................... Vice President - Development
The Gift Shop is open several times during Madelaine Berg ...................................................................... Vice President - Membership

the week. PleaseTchaallntkhse! temple office at Trustees
Phylis Bolno
480.991.7414 before you stop in so that Dottie Braun-Cohen Risa Jacobson Robert Lipson
Stephanie Cherny Jennet Kirkpatrick Laura Miller
we may be able to assist you. Becky Lieberman Eric Mininberg

Return Policy Administrative Staff

The temple will cheerfully accept any Peter Pishko [email protected] x.124 Executive Director
returns for store credit only. Tobee Waxenberg [email protected] x.123 Director of Raker Rel. School
Thank You! Elis Legler [email protected] x.121 Raker Religious School Coord.
Noni Clark [email protected] x.125
Torah Portions/Candle Lighting Times Joan Giannini [email protected] x.127 Controller
Jelena Santiago [email protected] x.126 Office Manager
Sept. 3 / Nitzavim / Deut. 29:9-30:20 / 6:32pm Mary Ann Bloom [email protected] x.162 Executive Assistant
Sept. 10 / Vayeilech / Deut. 31:1-30 / 6:23pm Linda Irish [email protected] x.163 Director of Early Childhood Ed.
Sept. 17 / Haazinu / Deut. 32:1-52 / 6:13pm Sonya Placencia [email protected] x.135 Assistant Preschool Director
Sept. 24 / Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot / Ex. 33:12-34:26 / 6:04pm Alberto Mena [email protected] x.129 Preschool Billing & Office Asst.
Vojo Stanisic [email protected] x.129 Facility Manager


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