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Published by Temple Solel, 2023-10-04 15:51:00

October 2023

October 2023

Rabbi Stiel and I are excited to share with you two adult education series that we will be teaching this year. Rabbi Stiel will be teaching a series entitled: Exploring Jewish Soul Traits (Middot). The teaching of these soul traits has been an area of interest for Rabbi Stiel for over a decade. She’s a master teacher, and every participant will be deeply enriched (more information below). I will be teaching a series called American Scripture Project. Temple Solel has been invited to participate in a small cohort of 14 congregations nationally (across the Jewish denominations) to pilot this program. Temple Solel member Jay Adelman will serve in the role of a “peer mentor,” helping to provide feedback after each session. You’ll get a taste of this series below. -Rabbi John Linder Exploring Jewish Soul Traits (Middot) - Middot practice is an ancient form of Jewish spirituality which focuses on the development of our virtues or ethical soul traits (middot – plural/ middah- singular) to attain personal improvement. Examples of some of the middot include: patience, humility, order, trust in God, and joy. In this monthly class, Rabbi Stiel will set the foundation by first delving into some of the history and foundational principles behind this practice. We will then focus each month on studying one middah at a time (learning how that soul trait is understood within Jewish tradition) and working on finetuning that middah in our lives, as we deem appropriate. Through this work, we will cultivate qualities we want to enhance within ourselves. To participate, please purchase the book, The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions, by Greg Marcus. The class will meet in-person at Temple Solel. Monthly on Thursdays at Solel 11:45am-12:45pm, Bring Your Lunch Dates: 10/26, 11/2, 11/16, 12/14, 1/18, 2/15, 3/21 4/18, 5/16 Class is Free to Members, Registration Required, Link in eNUZ The American Scripture Project, a program that will bring the Temple Solel community together to grapple with our country’s historic writing, confront the tensions present in our historical foundations and contemporary context, and deepen a conversation around what it means to be an American -- and to be Jewish -- in the 21st century. This program, a series of 6 sessions each focused on a seminal American text, turns to what we can agree upon: America is built upon transformative ideas, beautiful pieces of writing, and passionate voices from all perspectives. Combining the Jewish habits of Torah study with the rich treasury of American texts will inspire and reteach how complex narratives can unify us as a community of Americans. Through this program, communities and participants will: Leverage the sacred space to build better habits of citizenship Unpack the myths deeply embedded in our nation’s psyche and reflect on the varied perspectives and feelings these might evoke Build skill in analyzing historical text through a spiritual lens, practicing inquiry, and engaging in dialogue across difference Deepen commitment to strengthen our democracy alongside the values embedded in Judaism October 24, November 28, December 19, January 16, February 20, March 26. All classes in person at Temple Solel, 7:00-9:00 PM, members only. Registration link in eNUZ

2 O c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 / T i s h re i - C h e s hv a n 5 7 8 4 Service Schedule Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023 Sukkot Pizza in the Hut 6:00 pm Join us for fun activities, a beautiful Sukkah, & delicious pizza from Il Bosco! Friday, Oct. 6, 2023 Erev Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Oneg preceding service. October anniversary blessings will be offered. Simchat Torah Join us in the Social hall after services for wine, nosh, and a celebration unrolling the entire Torah! Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023 Torah Study 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am Mateo Piccione will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Friday, Oct. 13, 2023 Family Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Oneg preceding service. October birthday blessings will be offered. Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023 Torah Study 9:00 am Friday, Oct. 20, 2023 Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Oneg preceding service Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023 Torah Study 9:00 am Friday, Oct. 27, 2023 Shabbat Service 6:15 pm Oneg preceding service Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023 Torah Study 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am Madalyn Gressel will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. Further details available at Mateo Elias Piccione, son of Wendy Lieberman, will become a bar mitzvah on Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 10:30 am. Mateo attends New Way Academy and enjoys playing baseball and flag football. For his mitzvah project Mateo is volunteering with Remember Us, a Holocaust memorial group, as well as a food drive for the Arizona Diamondbacks with Arizona Hunger Awareness Day! Madalyn Gressel, daughter of Amanda and Jaron Gressel, will become a bat mitzvah on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 10:30 am. Madalyn attends Pardes Jewish Day School and enjoys playing soccer, volleyball, reading, and being a school ambassador. For her mitzvah project, Madalyn is writing letters to the lone soldiers of Israel. (Registration link in eNUZ)

O c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 / T i s h re i - C h e s hv a n 5 7 8 4 3 OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES Jonathan & Ashley Levine ...........................2 Paul & Julie Bakerman.................................7 Jessica & James Sirota .................................9 Tory & Shelly Levi ......................................10 David & Libby Cohen .................................11 Tetje & Steven Sapot.................................11 Benjamin & Jennifer Sabraw .....................14 Scott & Laura Bernstein.............................15 Bronwyn & Lonny Sternberg .....................16 Dan & Melissa Costello..............................17 Lindsay & Michael Morris..........................17 Ronald & Anita Cohen ...............................18 Julie Davis Best & Cory Best ......................19 Adam & Rebecca Goldberg .......................20 Robin & Peter Kraut ..................................20 Stuart & Sheila Schwalb............................ 20 Tim & Keri Eckstein................................... 21 Bradley & Kristin Hass............................... 21 Reva Steinberg & Charles Stern ................ 22 Matthew & Mara Gerst............................. 26 Jeff & Cheryl Padden................................. 34 David Demaine & Linda Ribnik.................. 36 Jon & Martha Siegel.................................. 36 Tom & Jane Frenkel .................................. 38 Stuart & Jill Kozinn.................................... 38 Jonathan & Sandra Schwartz.................... 40 Philip & Marilyn Hawkes........................... 46 Barrie & Bellarri Adleman......................... 54 Allan & Barbara Friedman ........................ 54 Michael & Barbara Davis .......................... 68 “Faith is more like music than like science. Science analyzes; music integrates. And, as music connects note to note, so faith connects episode to episode, life to life, age to age in a timeless melody that breaks into time. G-d is the composer and librettist. We are each called on to be voices in the choir, singers of G-d’s song. Faith teaches us to hear the music beneath the noise.” — Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Dear Solel Family, As we move outward from the grandeur and beauty of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we approach the holiday of Simchat Torah. We are told that on this holiday, we celebrate receiving the Torah at Sinai. We unroll the scroll of the Torah, and we read the final verses of Deuteronomy. We witness Moses as he takes his last breath and is laid to rest by God. Before he dies, he sings a final song that we call ‘The Song of Moses.’ In it, he ties up the loose ends of his journey with the Israelites and passes on the yoke of leadership to Joshua. We feel the sadness of completion of a life and of another cycle in our lives. And then we begin again. We read the opening passages from B’reishit (Genesis) and we experience the creation of the world. We feel the hope and possibility of a new start. Everything is wide open. The universe takes shape and we feel joy in our hearts. One of the main features of the celebration is a huge ‘hakafah’ where the congregation circles seven times around the hall with the Torah. During the hakafah, many different songs of celebration are shared, along with dancing and rejoicing. Singing is a part of all of the celebrations of the Torah. After crossing the Sea of Reeds, the Israelites sang out to God. The psalms, attributed to King David, are filled with song. When we read the Torah, we chant the words to melodies. The priests in the original Temple performed their ritual obligations to the accompaniment of music. Music opens our hearts and lifts our spirits. As we complete this year’s reading of Torah on Friday night, October 6, we hope you will join us at our Shabbat services at 6:15pm. We will celebrate the holiday of Simchat Torah with singing, dancing, and celebrating in community. May we all find the music beneath the noise and become singers of God’s song, Todd V. Herzog Cantorial Soloist Music of the Torah Please join us Friday, October 6th for October anniversary blessings at Shabbat services!

4 O c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 / T i s h re i - C h e s hv a n 5 7 8 4 The Solel Preschool community had a wonderful High Holy Day Season. PlayDates By Design helped make and bake challah with our little ones.They had so much fun! And the whole family was able to share in the celebration of Rosh Hashanah and the observance of Yom Kippur as they attended our children’s services. Our October calendar is also filled with exciting events. The Fall Festival of Sukkot is always a favorite with our preschoolers. They love watching as the Sukkah is built and the classes really enjoy decorating it and taking turns having snack time inside. Another favorite of our preschool families, the Scholastic Book Fair will be here at the beginning of October with lots of opportunities for our friends to take home some wonderful new books. Perfect timing as our students learn about and celebrate Simchat Torah. A whole holiday dedicated to the favorite book of the Jewish people… the Torah. October will also see the start of the renovation of our splash pad. We are all very excited about the new improvements to the splash pad! On October 16th we will welcome our animal friends to school. Carter’s Farm will bring their petting zoo to our courtyard. This is always a favorite activity of the children and our staff. Upcoming dates to Remember: October 2-6: Scholastic Book Fair October 16: Petting Zoo Linda Irish, Solel Preschool Director Derech Horim – A New Opportunity for Parents at Raker Derech Horim (Parent’s Journeys) is a new monthly opportunity for solel parents and guardians to get to know each other better and to study with the clergy and guest teachers. This year, we will be anchoring our discussions in the book Jewish Spiritual Parenting. The book is a gift from us, and it will be given out at the first few Derech Horim gatherings. We hope you will stop by the Bistro, grab your bagel and coffee, and then join us from 9:45-10:30am in Social Hall Room A on the following Sundays this fall: October 29, November 19, December 10. Thank you to AJ’s Fine Foods for donating bags for us to fill with food donations for the High Holy Days!

O c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 / T i s h re i - C h e s hv a n 5 7 8 4 5 Youth engagement plays a pivotal role in the vitality and continuity of the Jewish community. Firstly, involving young people in Jewish activities and organizations helps preserve and transmit cultural traditions, values, and religious practices to the next generation. Through active participation in youth groups, educational programs, and community events, Jewish teens have the opportunity to deepen their connection to their heritage. This engagement fosters a sense of identity and belonging, reinforcing a strong Jewish identity that they can carry with them into adulthood and pass on to future generations. Secondly, youth engagement strengthens the future leadership and sustainability of the Jewish community. Encouraging Jewish teens to take on leadership roles within synagogues, community organizations, and advocacy groups empowers them to shape the direction of the community and address contemporary challenges. Their fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and energy contribute to the dynamic growth and adaptation of Jewish institutions, ensuring they remain relevant and responsive to changing times. In this way, youth engagement not only preserves the rich tapestry of Jewish culture but also strengthens the community's ability to navigate the complexities of the modern world. RTC, or the Reform Teen Coalition, is a collaborative organization consisting of four synagogues dedicated to fostering a vibrant and engaging environment for Jewish youth in grades 7 through 12. Meeting once a month, RTC hosts a diverse range of activities that cater to the interests of young participants. Past events have included creative endeavors like painting, lively game nights, cinematic experiences with movie nights, festive celebrations such as Hanukkah parties, and much more. However, what sets this year apart is RTC's innovative approach to empower teens by giving them the reins. In a departure from the past, the events will now be planned and executed by the teens themselves, offering them a unique opportunity to take ownership of their Jewish community involvement. With events alternating between each synagogue and offsite locations, RTC promises an exciting and dynamic journey of self-discovery and community building for Jewish teens in the region. The next Temple Solel youth activity dates will be posted below in addition to the RTC dates for the year: October 18, 2023 - RTC event at Temple Kol Ami from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm November 15, 2023 - RTC event at Temple Solel from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm December 13, 2023 -RTC event at Temple Chai from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm January 31, 2024 - Congregation Beth Israel RTC event from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm (location to be determined) February 28, 2024 - Temple Solel RTC event from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm (location to be determined) March 27, 2024 - Temple Kol Ami RTC event from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm (location to be determined) April 17, 2024 - Temple Chai RTC event from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm (location to be determined) Hannah Novick, Youth Advisor “Through the humility of putting oneself where one belongs, a person learns to appreciate life’s gifts — the blessings that exist…” Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

6 O c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 / T i s h re i - C h e s hv a n 5 7 8 4 Temple Solel Book Club Greetings, Fellow Book Lovers. Welcome back for the year to Temple Solel!! On October 17 at 6:00 p.m. we resume our in-person meetings with a dairy/ pareve potluck dinner. You will want to be there. There will be a second-best experience by Zoom for our book conversation from 6:30-7:30. Thank you to Pam Hait, who will lead the discussion of The Oppermanns by Lion Feuchtwanger. Originally published in 1933, it chronicles "a world sick with foreboding, incredulity, creeping fear, and—this may feel most familiar to us today—the impossibility of gauging whether a society is really at the breaking point." -- Gal Beckerman, The Atlantic. We will meet in-person now until May 2024. On November 21, we have a bit lighter book, The Mathematician's Shiva by Stuart Rojstaczer. This National Jewish Book Award-winning novel features Sasha and his family, who would like to quietly mourn the passing of his mother Rachela, a great mathematician. Rachela is rumored to have solved the million-dollar Navier-Stokes Millennium Prize problem. Rumor also has it that she took the solution to her grave. A ragtag group of socially challenged mathematicians arrives to crash the shiva, hoping to dig up the solution. According to the San Jose Mercury-News, it's a “delight…. [Rojstaczer] delivers a smart, funny debut novel about family dynamics, the immigrant experience and the elegance of mathematics.” We'll skip December but on January 16, 2024 resume with a longer book (you may want to start during the hiatus): Gospel: A Novel by Wilton Barnhardt. Steve Slogoff has enthusiastically recommended it as "a thinking person's provocative and enjoyable read." Amazon describes it as "[a]n intellectual detective story with the erudition of Umberto Eco and the grand swirling entertainment of a nineteenth-century novel, ... exciting, profound, revent, and terrifically funny." And yes, a rabbi is in it. Upcoming 2024 meetings: February 20, March 19, April 16, May 21, August 20 Happy reading, Judy Schaffert [email protected] Caring Community News As this new year begins, the Caring Community members have been busy delivering round challahs and honey to our newest congregannts. Thanks to Susan Wine for taking the lead on this project. Thanks also to our delivery team: Jeanne Winograd, Joanie Matlock, Erica Bonime, Robin Balon, Helene Weitzenkorn, Barbara Wasserman, Al and Sandy Barkov, Allison Collins, Susan and Bob Ransom, Dottie and Bob Cohen, and Jeff and Patsy Parker. Our visitation team has begun to visit folks in need of some TLC. We are happy to visit congregants. Our goal is to bring community to those unable to get to services. We continue to prepare meals and soup for congregants who are experiencing health challenges. This past month we delivered 12 quarts of soup and 10 meals. Should you need assistance from the Caring Community. Please call the Temple office. On behalf of all of us in the Caring Community, May you all have a happy and healthy new year. Dottie Braun-Cohen More info in weekly eNUZ, or email [email protected]

O c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 / T i s h re i - C h e s hv a n 5 7 8 4 7 “Bioluminescence” at Torah Study I am happy to report that a new season of Torah Study begins on Saturday, October 7. It is a great time to join Torah Study since we’ll be starting to read the Torah all over again from the very beginning. Join us on October 7 for Simchat Torah celebration, and also on October 14 for a discussion of Beresheit, the story of Creation. Come and hear the immortal words: “And God said, Let there be light.” I always enjoy hearing those words because they remind me of bioluminescence – a scientific field that says the human body emits light, specifically electromagnetic radiation. Scientists say that we glow with infrared waves. In addition, our bodies emit small amounts of photons, or visible light, making us “bioluminescent.” We are light beings, according to modern science. Of course, Jewish mystics love this concept. In “Torah, Light & Healing” (1993), Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson writes that each person contains two bodies – a physical body and also a spiritual body composed entirely of light. This second body is called הילה) hilah). It is made of pure energy, the light from the first day of Creation. This is the body that we cleanse on the High Holy Days. It is also the body that we take with us when we “die” and depart the earthly realm. At Temple Solel, Torah Study is a great experience because everyone arrives with their bodies and souls aglow. You can see God’s light shining through them. You can see it in their smiles and hear it in the personal and creative ideas they share with the group. I invite everyone to come and join this amazing class! Torah Study meets In-Person in the temple library and also on Zoom every Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. See ENUZ for Zoom link. Please come! Matthew Kozinets Rosh Chodesh Sukkot Event Festive Sukkot Potluck Dinner October 3, 2023! 6pm at the home of Helene Weitzenkorn We hope new and old friends will join us. This event is open to all female and non-binary Temple members. Register in eNUZ to receive the address and more details. October Zoom Events Jewish Meditation Tuesday October 10, 2023 October 24, 2023 10:00-10:30 am Lunch and Learn Wednesday October 4, 2023 October 18, 2023 12:00-1:00 pm See eNUZ for links to all events listed.

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10 O c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 / T i s h re i - C h e s hv a n 5 7 8 4 Temple Solel Endowment Foundation Securing Our Future | October 2023 The start of a new year brings with it the challenge of new opportunities. So it is with the Temple Solel Endowment Foundation. For some time, the Endowment Foundation Board has considered ways it can increase its goal of reaching 10 million dollars. Asking for contributions is not an easy task for many people. About 6 months ago, the Foundation Board decided to seek outside help in assisting its members to feel more comfortable in this awesome task. In partnership with the Temple Solel Board of Trustees, who understood the challenge as well, they jointly retained Synergy Philanthropy, a local firm with over 60 years’ experience between its two principals. Synergy Philanthropy offers a unique, diverse, well-rounded and highly experienced team who will develop and help implement strategic organizational and fund raising practices which will benefit Temple Solel in both the short and the long term. Helping to guide the project is a steering committee consisting of Eve Danoff and Perry Simons representing the Temple Solel Board and Robert Siamon and Richard Lamden representing the Foundation Board, together with Peter Pishko, Executive Director. The steering committee meets weekly with the consultants. While early in the process, a first meeting of the two boards was held, allowing the consultants to present an overview of their responsibilities. Stay tuned as the project progresses. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact any member of the steering committee. Richard Lamden, Member Temple Solel Endowment Foundation Wise Aging Mini Series October 4th and 18th , November 1st and 15th 10:00am-11:15am at Temple Solel $68 for all sessions Back by popular demand, our Wise Aging Group is continuing this Fall! Linda Levin, M.A., former Director of the Wise Aging Program at the Bureau of Jewish Education, will lead this 4-Session group on Wise Aging at Temple Solel. Linda is an author and child family therapist with over 4 decades of experience. This mini-series is $68.00 for the 4 sessions. The group is limited to the first 15 people who register. This group is meant for those 55 or older and will cover the following topics: • How to be optimistic about aging? • How to cope and grieve when we lose a family member, friend or pet? • How do we avoid loneliness and social isolation as we age? • How to reinvent yourself as you age? To sign up, look for the link in your eNUZ or send an email to Tara Marcussen at [email protected] .

O c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 / T i s h re i - C h e s hv a n 5 7 8 4 11 Natalie Neer Hart Dan Hart Elan Hart Ari Hart April Goodman Eduard Goodman Livia Goodman Marielle Goodman Kirsten Markson Alex Romanelli Matilda Romanelli Kaia Romanelli Michael Johnson Jacqueline Johnson Lisa Banen Samuel Banen Sabrina Hirshorn Jessica Hirshorn Jim Farrell David Weissman Lynn Weissman Sandra Secunda Judy Schaffert Erica Bonime Reva Steinberg Linda Ribnik Lynn Leinwohl Michelle Rosenbloom Dottie Braun-Cohen Bob Cohen Joyce Lipner Lois Bell Robin Balon Phyl Bolno Sandy Barkov Al Barkov Tobee Waxenberg Joan Davis Jacqui Rick Michael Yudell Sophia Yudell Charlie Yudell Spencer Goldberg Ellie Charles Larry Charles Estelle Charles Mya Abraham Shari Horowitz Gary Horowitz Alexa Horowitz Sophie Linn Erica Linn Helene Weitzenkorn Joan Matlock Barbara Wasserman Jill Edwards Liam Resnick Alex Appel Lauren Garner Mandy Zerbib Lauren Schollenberger Jane Marks Wendy Chovnick Miles Chovnick Max Chovnick Osagie Enhabor Kerry Taylor Todd Herzog Sander Herzog Lauren Brown Craig Brown Julian Brown Gabriel Brown Isabel Brown Adam Metzendorf Allison Collins Gilah Nemiroff Michal Mohol Rabbi Linder Jeff Stern Lindsey Stern Bob Ransom Susan Wine A huge thank you to Susan Wine & Bob Ransom, and the 81 volunteers who hosted families in need with Family Promise at Temple Solel May 7-14!! Are you planning to celebrate a Simcha with your family? Organizing a birthday party for your child? Looking to entertain a large group of friends outside your home? Don’t overlook the benefits of renting a room at Solel. The cost is economical compared to other facilities. The convenient location, close to home, is another plus. And of course, your rental helps to support Temple Solel. For more information, call the Temple Solel office 480-991-7414.

12 O c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 / T i s h re i - C h e s hv a n 5 7 8 4 2023-24 CANTORIAL SOLOIST DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Gert Bauer, Our beloved mother from Bonnie Miller and Family Helen Epstein from Ira & Susan Thomas 2023-24 CAPITAL FUND In memory of Jeanette Kardon from Phylis & Gary Bolno 2023-24 CARING COMMUNITY FUND In memory of Rose Cohen from Erica Bonime Helen Epstein from Frank & Rebecca Weinberg Dorothy Wacker from Robert Cohen & Dorothy Braun-Cohen Elliot Cohen from Robert Cohen & Dorothy Braun-Cohen 2023-24 DR GERALD BECKER ADULT ED. FUND In memory of Fran Ducoffe. With love from Rebecca, Caren, and Hugh Robinson 2023-24 EDWARD AND CELIA LINDER INTERFAITH In memory of Linda Berey Hurst from Wendy Blum & Bruce Berey 2023-24 ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of Michael Danoff from Robert & Eve Danoff 2023-24 GENERAL FUND In honor of Max Greenblatt's becoming a Bar Mitzvah from Elizabeth Mark Meyerson Rabbi Linder and Todd Herzog's 15 years with Temple Solel from Frank & Rebecca Weinberg 2023-24 JIM WAXENBERG YOUTH FUND In memory of Irvin McGraw from Marney Field Samuel Bolno from Phylis & Gary Bolno Mona M. Ornstein ~ May her memory be for a blessing from Rhea & Michael Kowitz 2023-24 ONEG FUND In honor of Romi Aaron baby naming from the Brierley-Aaron family the baby naming of our two grandchildren from Daniel & Rebekah Lieberman In memory of Jeremy from Steven & Susan Charney 2023-24 RABBI LINDER'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In appreciation of Rabbi Linder from Karen & Stephen Owens In memory of Lillian Malley from Andrea, Dan, Benjamin, and Matthew Kravets Ginger Wlody from Karen & Marv L Leff Bessie Fishman from Paul & Marnee Solon Helen Epstein from Rita Goone Ginger Wlody from Sanford Wlody Helen Epstein from Sinai Mortuary 2023-24 RABBI STIEL DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of Your 30th Anniversary from Karen & Marv L Leff In memory of Helen Epstein from Marilyn Carson & Sandra Leavitt In memory of Rochelle Alpert from Arnold & Cindy Alpert Robert L Spencer from Barbara Spencer & Patricia Hubbard Benjamin Weinberg from Frank & Rebecca Weinberg Paula Myers from Howard & Judith Rosen Helen Epstein from Joel & June Levin Herbert Gold from Judith Gold and Taylor Barron Larry Katzman from Judy & Marc Isaacs Elsa Dragon from Judy Isaac Willard Wetterland from Laura Hartgroves & Matt Benson Lillian Dines from Marcia Feinstein Sara Kanefsky from Mark & Karen Kanefsky David Henig from Maxine Henig Shepard Powell from Peter & Dana Powell Addie McClaflin from Peter & Mary Ann Bloom Arthur S Cowen from Philip & Gloria Cowen Milton B Spiegel, MD from Richard & Judith Spiegel Helen Epstein from Richard & Sharon Keller Anne Cohen from Robert Cohen & Dorothy Braun-Cohen Fred Zechman from Ruth LeGrand Helen Epstein from Samuel & Joan Weissman Janie Shumaker from Samuel & Joan Weissman Rosalie Fox and Esther Clement from Sandra Mozenter Susan Klein from Stuart Phillips Judith Giller-Leinwohl from The Banens Stefanie Steinberg from The Shell Family Raymond Silverman from Tom Silverman My beloved father, Yefim Brigadier from Yuri Sayapin & Ludmila Brigadier Contributions We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Solel by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.

O c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 / T i s h re i - C h e s hv a n 5 7 8 4 13 2023-24 SOCIAL ACTION FAMILY PROMISE FUND In memory of Donald Litz from Lesley Lustgarten Irwin Gilbert, father of Shari Levitan, from Shari and Bob Levitan A Donation was made by Family Promise from Stephen & Jeanne Winograd 2023-24 SOLEL PRESCHOOL FUND A donation was made by from Wendy Lieberman In memory of Ginger Wlody from Avery Crossman Ginger Wlody from Barbara & Stan Schwartz Ginger Wlody from Howard & Judith Rosen Ginger Wlody, who could light up a room by entering it from Judy and Mike Schaffert Regina "Ginger" Wlody from Lauraine Dwyer Ginger Wlody, loving wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother from Linda Jaffe 2023-24 SPONSOR A STREAM TEMPLE EVENTS In honor of our 63rd Anniversary from Leonard & Eleanor Harris of our July wedding anniversary from Samuel & Joan Weissman 2023-24 TEMPLE SOLEL HARDSHIP RELIEF FUND In memory of Helen Epstein from Stewart & Sharon Levine 2023-24 THE SOLEL PRESCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Our condolences to the entire Wlody Family on the loss of Ginger Wlody. May she rest in peace. I will always have fond memories of our interactions over the years and send condolences in particular to Sandy, as well as, your son, Randy from Randall Udelman Donations received after August 20, 2023 will be printed in the next issue of the Pathfinder. Contributions (Cont’d) The “Go To” List at Temple Solel Call Temple Solel at 480.991.7414 and refer to extensions below. Birthdays/Anniversary Information ...........Joan Giannini ................... [email protected]............... ext. 127 Building Rental/Facilities............................ Peter Pishko..................... [email protected]................ ext. 124 K’hilot.........................................................Mason Marks................... [email protected]................ ext. 121 Committee Participation............................Mason Marks................... [email protected]................ ext. 121 Donations...................................................Joan Giannini ................... [email protected]............... ext. 127 Dues Adjustments...................................... Peter Pishko..................... [email protected]................ ext. 124 Dues Payments/ Billing Issues....................Joan Giannini ................... [email protected]............... ext. 127 Illness/Caring Community..........................Mason Marks................... [email protected]................ ext. 121 Meeting Scheduling/Calendar ................... Peter Pishko..................... [email protected]................ ext. 124 Membership............................................... Peter Pishko..................... [email protected]................ ext. 124 Pathfinder Questions.................................Mason Marks................... [email protected]................ ext. 121 The Solel Preschool.................................... Linda Irish ........................ [email protected]..................... ext. 163 Rabbinic Scheduling ................................... Tara Marcussen ............... [email protected].......... ext. 126 Raker Religious School ............................... Tobee Waxenberg ........... [email protected] ......... ext. 123 Volunteers..................................................Mason Marks................... [email protected]................ ext. 121 Yahrzeit Information..................................Joan Giannini ................... [email protected]............... ext. 127 Deaths Ginger Wlody, wife of Sandford (Sandy)Wlody New Members Andrea Lazar Aaron and Sarah Blankenheimer and daughter Evelyn Alexia Melville and Joshua Jones and son Levi Maryn Herberg and daughter Lydia Andrew and Jennifer Wells and children Eric and Jackson Jay Riseman Martin Coppe Aviva and Paulina Schwietzer and children Rain and Liv Daniel and Stephanie Hoffman Alex and Romit Cohen If you have a simcha, new birth, or achievement to share in our Mazel Tov section, please send it to [email protected] Our Temple Family

14 O c t o b e r 2 0 2 3 / T i s h re i - C h e s hv a n 5 7 8 4 Yahrzeits Kaddish will be recited on Erev Shabbat on the following dates: Allen Stone Stanley Bonime Stuart Segal Moises Dragon Bert Weinberg Judith Shumaker Anna Gelman Paula R Sigona Sheila Engel Robert Brody Louis Gubin Leon Frieden October 6, 2022 Jeffrey Fox Mabel Helvey Phyllis Bauling Brian Knuerr Reba Ginsburg Bernice Evans Coppersmith Dorothy Stopsky Micki Zatulove Dorothy Stopsky Michael Turner Marilyn Targove Dr. Earl Lustgarten Gladys Goldstein Frieda Hacker Mildred Spierer Sonny Gross Kaye Butnik Myn Silverman Becker Jack Block Lewis Kirchler Orvel Milder Emanuel Kraus Beatrice Berkowitz Goldie Tucker Wedgle Philip Alpert Irene Schwartz Morris Lasik Louisa E. Schnurer Ruth Ann Wilf Alice Ball Walt Adams October 13, 2022 Eva Micflikier Bernard J Mizock, MD Elsa Aptroot Michael Marton Eva McFliker Ben Somer Gertrude Saft Minnie Matz Rebecca Friedman Lillian Breen Fran Blechman Jerome Cutler Albert Reinherz Micki Baker Sheldon Manson Mary Weinberg Bernstein Stephen Needle Hilda Miles Hermann Glahs Robert Joseph Albert Iskovitz Jeanette Benson Irving Ozer Shirley Kulakofsky Annette Katz Linda Harden Hilde Chodowski Armando Martin Esther Dry Harry Glaser Shirley Perelgut Marie Theresa Seifferlein Harry Glaser October 20, 2022 Brian Baum Maynard Babby Leopold Breen Libbian Feldman Gertrude Lewis Eda Herszkorn Harold Driss Dale Weber Samuel Silverzweig Gerald Breit Hilda Gazer Marvin Rothstein Vera Schwartz Rachel Frank Burton Speuer Aronita Engel Malcom Zucker Aronita Engel Charles Brillman Maurice Miller Beatrice Slans Murray Sirkis Henry Leavitt Jackie KranzbergLugo Lewis Stone Cuba Helvey Deborah Schulman Josephine Liebhaber Gail Seeskin Weiner Anna Bolno Jeanette Wolfe David Zisook Etti Lacks Andrew Uhrman October 27, 2022 Kaufman John Ball Richard Slaton Morris Epstein Joe Herszkorn Yetta Hammerman Ann Sparberg Marilyn Murphy Milton Waldbaum Jack Nussbaum June Goodbinder Dorothy Kantin Michael Jonathan Bell Leah Cohen

Current Resident or Non Profit Organization US Postage Paid Scottsdale AZ Permit No. 24 Issued monthly Volume 23 - Issue 2 Visit our website - Dated Material - via this QR Code Torah Portions October 6 Simchat Torah October 13 B’reishit October 20 Noach October 27 Lech L’cha Return Policy The temple will cheerfully accept any returns for store credit only. Come check out our gift shop anytime during regular office hours, 9AM—5PM Monday through Thursday, 9AM—4PM Friday. We have Kiddush cups, Passover seder plates, memorial candles, artwork, and more! Rabbi John A. Linder [email protected] x.122 Rabbi Rabbi Debbie Stiel [email protected] x.131 Rabbi Todd Herzog [email protected] x.136 Cantorial Soloist Rabbi Maynard W. Bell Rabbi Emeritus Administrative Staff Peter Pishko [email protected] x.124 Executive Director Tobee Waxenberg [email protected] x.123 Director of Raker Rel. School Noni Clark [email protected] x.125 Controller Joan Giannini [email protected] x.127 Office Manager Linda Irish [email protected] x.163 Preschool Director Jackie Siamon [email protected] x.135 Preschool Assistamt Director Sonya Placencia [email protected] x.135 Preschool Billing & Office Asst. Alberto Mena [email protected] x.129 Facility Manager Mason Marks [email protected] x.121 Engagement Specialist Jesse Edwards [email protected] x.120 Religious School Coordinator Tara Marcussen [email protected] x.126 Clergy Assistant The Temple Solel Endowment Foundation (Foundation) The Foundation is separate and distinct 501(c)(3) from Temple Solel that has been formed and organized to raise, invest, and manage funds through endowments and gifts for the sole purpose of financially supporting the activities, programs, practices, and growth of Temple Solel. If you are interested in the work of the Foundation, please contact Foundation Board President Robert Siamon at [email protected]. Executive Committee & Trustees Eve Danoff..............................................................................................................President Jennet Kirkpatrick......................................................................... Executive Vice President Phil Hawkes........................................................................................................... Treasurer Laura Miller........................................................................................................... Secretary Blake Lewkowitz........................................................................Vice President - Education Leon Gavartin..........................................................Vice President - Facilities and Security Perry Simons .........................................................................Vice President - Development Phyl Bolno..............................................................................Vice President - Membership Dottie Braun-Cohen…………………………………………….. Caring Community Chair Stephanie Cherny................................................................................ Personnel Committee Laura Miller.................................................................................... Ritual Committee Chair Gary Horowitz .....................................................................Education Committee Co-chair Michael Yudell ......................................................................................Social Action Chair Madelaine Berg..........................................................................................Member at Large David Greenbaum......................................................................................Member at Large Neil Motzkin..............................................................................................Member at Large Paul Bakerman...........................................................................................Member at Large Andy Greenfield ........................................................................................Member at Large Mandana Zerbib.........................................................................................Member at Large Rachel Stratton Mills.................................................................................Member at Large Temple Solel Gift Shop News

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