Annual Report
of the
May 26, 2022
Temple Solel
2022 Annual Meeting
Thursday, May 26, 2022 6:00 pm
1. Opening Song–Todd Herzog
2. Welcome and Call to Order–Rae Rader
3. D’var Torah–Rabbi Linder
4. Education Report -Lauren Brown
5. Approval of 2021 Minutes - Eve Danoff
6. Approval of Board Slate - Eve Danoff
7. President’s Remarks- Rae Rader
8. Executive Director’s Remarks–Peter Pishko
9. Budget–Phil Hawkes, Treasurer
10. Call for a Vote–Eve Danoff
11. Endowment Foundation–Robert Siamon
12. Closing Benediction–Rabbi Stiel
13. Closing Song–Todd Herzog
Please join us on Friday night, May 27, 2022 at 6:15 pm ser-
vices for Temple Solel Board Installation.
Temple Solel
President’s Message
As we come to the end of my first year as Board President I want to look back on
some of the highlights of our year in transition from full on pandemic to cautious return
to in-person events. Through this uncharted time, none of this would have been
possible without our professional clergy team and senior staff and the generous
support and hard work of the members of the Board of Trustees, who volunteer their
time to make Solel the best it can be. All during the pandemic work continued behind
the scenes with worship services, B’nai Mitzvot, Solel Preschool, Raker Religious
School, adult education, on-line courses and many, many group meetings overseen
by our Executive Director Peter Pishko and his incredible team.
This past year has included the return of the Women’s Seder and Community Seder,
and the recent concert Solel Through the Decades, Social Action partnerships among
many other events, courses, and group meetings as we have become more proficient
in on-line and hybrid meetings and begin to return to in-person events.
A primary goal for the Board this year was leadership development and improved
governance strategies. As part of this initiative the Board, Clergy, and Senior Staff
performed a SWOT Analysis looking at the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities
and threats impacting Temple Solel. The primary findings were developed into goals
and objectives and include increased engagement among congregants, leadership
development strategies, increase volunteer involvement in committees especially
Development and Membership Committees, create new committees and task forces
as needed, and ensure full staffing levels. These goals and objectives will continue as
the new Board begins work.
As we look ahead we will be encouraging Solel members to become engaged in
events, activities, committees and task forces. To highlight this engagement drive we
will be announcing Coming Back Together activities for the fall when we can enjoy
being together and supporting Solel as a community.
I want to thank the outgoing Board of Trustees members Lauren Brown, Howard
Rosen, Larry Cohen, Robert Lipson, and Eric Mininberg for their service and welcome
prospective new members Neil Motzkin, Perry Simons, Gary Horowitz, Leon Gavartin,
and Blake Lewkowitz.
Rae Rader
Temple President
Temple Solel Board of Trustees 2022-23 Slate of Candidates
(For temple use only)
Nominated candidates to begin a two-year term:
Nominations Slate for Board Officers and Members 2022-2023
Gary Horowitz
Blake Lewkowitz
Neil Motzkin
Perry Simons
Executive Committee
President - Rae Rader
Executive Vice President- Eve Danoff
Immediate Past President- Doreen Feldberg
Secretary- Risa Jacobson
Treasurer- Phil Hawkes
Development Vice President
Education Vice President- Becky Lieberman
Facilities and Security Vice President-Leon Gavartin
Membership Vice President- Madelaine Berg
Returning to the Board
Phylis Bolno
Dottie Braun-Cohen
Stephanie Cherny
Jennet Kirkpatrick
Laura Miller
Retiring from the board:
Larry Cohen
Lauren Brown
Howard Rosen
Robert Lipson
Eric Minnenberg
Thank you for your service!
Temple Solel
2021 Annual Meeting Minutes
Temple Solel
2021 Annual Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 20, 2021
5:30 p.m. via Zoom
Opening Song – Cantorial Soloist, Todd Herzog
Welcome and Call to Order - Doreen Feldberg, President
Doreen Feldberg welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at
5:40 p.m. via Zoom.
Quorum: Bobbi Moss, Secretary, confirmed a quorum and that the 2021
Temple Solel Annual Meeting was declared officially open to conduct business.
D’var Torah – Rabbi John Linder
Approval of Minutes
Jim Moss made a motion to approve the 2020 Temple Solel Annual Meeting
Minutes. Steve Slogoff seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Temple Solel Board of Trustees 2021-2022 Slate of Candidates
Phylis Bolno
Dottie Braun-Cohen
Stephanie Cherny
Risa Jacobson
Jennet Kirkpatrick
Becky Lieberman
Robert Lipson
Laura Miller
Eric Mininberg
Retiring from the Board of Trustees:
Bettina Chow
Larry Fink
Lisa Lerner
Judy Gold
Bobbi Moss
Steve Slogoff
Executive Committee:
President: Rae Rader
Immediate Past President: Doreen Feldberg
Executive Vice President: Open
Vice President-Accounts: Open
Vice President-Development: Howard Rosen
Vice President – Education: Lauren Brown
Vice President-Facilities and Security: Larry Cohen
Vice President- Legal and Contracts: Brian Weinberger
Vice President- Membership: Madelaine Berg
Secretary: Eve Danoff
Treasurer: Phil Hawkes
Temple Solel
2021 Annual Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Michael Brace and seconded by Steve Slogoff to approve
the slate of the Temple Solel Board of Trustees and Officers. The motion was
approved by acclamation.
President’s Remarks – Doreen Feldberg
Doreen provided an overview of the past year as outlined in the President’s
Message attached to these minutes.
Executive Director’s Remarks – Peter Pishko
Peter Pishko provided an overview as outlined in comments attached to these
minutes. Peter reported that the Humanitarian Award has been renamed “The
Harlan Crossman Service Award.” The recipient for this past year were the first
responders and health care workers who gave so much during the pandemic.
Approval of the 2021-2022 Budget – Phil Hawkes
Phil reviewed the budget process and presented the budget.
A motion was made by Frank Raeder and seconded by Howard Rosen to
approve the budget as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Endowment Foundation – Robert Siamon
Robert provided an update from the Endowment Foundation as outlined in his
remarks attached to these minutes. He reported the value at Morgan Stanley
was $1.6 Million. On behalf of the Endowment Foundation, Robert Siamon
presented a check to Temple Solel in the amount of $30,000.
A motion was made by Jim Moss and seconded by Judy Rosen to conclude the
Temple Solel 2021 Annual Meeting. The motion carried.
Closing Song – Cantorial Soloist, Todd Herzog
Closing Benediction: Rabbi Debbie Stiel
Minutes Prepared by:
Bobbi Moss
Board Secretary
May 21, 2021
Raker Religious School Staff Roster 2021-22
Raker teachers
Susie Miller
Alla Shnitman
Natalie Waxenberg
Allison Collins
Ariella Feld
April Goodman
Jay Levinsohn
Andrea Eisen
Rabbi Linder and Rabbi
Hebrew teachers
Natalie Waxenberg
Andrea Eisen
Allison Collins
Robyn Ginis
Ayelet Blit
Moshe Blenkitni
Gilah Nemiroff
Cherie The Solel Preschool Staff Roster 2021-22
Cherie Adelman
Columba Alcantar
Corey Allor
Marla Bailey
Christine Beckner
Mary Ann Bloom
Candee Brierley
Nikki Brookstein
Tali Cohen
Marilyn Einhorn
Sarah Engels
Patti Feld
Caryn Frank
Betsy Franklin
Robyn Ginis
Edith Grensky
Linda Irish
Judy Isaac
Lauren Kaiser
Jerri Kelly
Marice Levy
Camila Luna-Mena
Hollie Margarella
Hannah Miller
Jill Miller
Susie Miller
Katie Ordaz
Roisin Owens
Junior Placencia
Sonya Placencia
Michelle Rosenbloom
Erin Rubin
Alla Shnitman
Robin Shugar (Aronoff)
Jackie Siamon
Sherri Silver
Barbara Smith
Marissa Wheeler
Elie Wichansky
Abby Wilson
Hanna Wood
Lindsay Shugar
Confirmation Class of 2022
Sammy Brodsky Livia Goodman
Emerson Ornstein Eli Resnick
Owen Eckstein Benjamin Kravets
Ryan Raskin Isaac Speyer
Stella Kowitz
Livia Goodman
Welcome to our New Members
George Ash, Jane Libhart, Gabriel & Allison
Bielenberg, David & Bree Lipner, Joyce
Bloom, Dania & Daniel
Lipsman, Jeff & Jackson, Barbara
Breslow, Laura Malkovich, Lyndsey
Brooks, Susan & Barry May, Brad & Andrea
Brownstein, Michael & Denise Megdal, Jessica
Buxer, Deborah Mellen, Jonathan & Grace
Cohen, Jed & Lisa Metzendorf, Adam
Draizin, Adam & Quiroga, Gia
Eckstein, Tim & Keri Miller, Doran & Danny
Newman, Marcy & Randy
Friedman, Toby OConnor, Rachel & Kevin
Gerstman, Ruth & Jacob Razon, Nadov & Yosef Razon, Shira
Ginis, Robyn & Mychael Rick, Jacqui & Yudell, Michael
Goldberg, Gerald & Lois Ruben, Howard & Lynn
Goldberg, Kelly & Michael Selzer, Sarah & Hinshaw, Art
Greenbaum, David & Laureine Sidman, Lindsey & Eric
Greenblatt, Denise & Alan Siegel Gallegos, Jessica
Greenfield, Jen & Andy Sonder, Anais & Ponce, Phillip
Spiwak, Herbert & Schmall, Ethel
Gross, Lee Steinberg, Reva & Stern, Charles
Grossman, Alan & Anita Strahl, Stephen & Marilyn
Hilton-Spiegel, Benee & Spiegel, Jay
Horowitz, Michael & Kristina Sukta, Sarah
Taylor, Kerry
Jaffe, Lisa & William Waters, Victor & Yanez, JoAnn
Ketchel, Aron & Kristy Wichansky, Marc & Adiba
Widland, James & Gallego, Katharine
Knuerr, Julie Winograd, Stephen & Jeanne
Kramer, Rebecca & Adam
Levine, Jonathan & Ashley
Levine, Pnina & Gold, Alan
Temple Solel Endowment Foundation
A very old man is planting a fruit tree. A passer-by wonders why he would bother to plant a
tree that won’t bear fruit until decades after he is dead. The old man responds, “As my father
planted before me, so do I plant for my children.” This story from the Talmud models tikkun
olam, a Hebrew phrase that means loosely, “repair the world.” A long held traditional Jewish
belief is that the obligation for each generation is to leave the world better for the next
generation. Giving to sustain and improve the community for the next generation is a choice
that I feel those who have donated to the Solel Endowment Foundation understand well.
As a congregation we have many opportunities to support our wonderful Temple Solel
community. Just a look through the pages of this Pathfinder shows the many areas where
members can, and do, donate to our congregation helping with the daily operations and
programs that benefit all of us. A donation to the Temple Solel Endowment Foundation is
different, like that tree in the Talmudic tale, the hope is that the planting done now will
benefit future generations and allow Solel to flourish in the future.
The role of the Directors of the Temple Solel Endowment Foundation is to nurture the growth
of that sapling. While all directors are also donors their most important task is ensuring that
funds are protected and invested properly to yield the greatest benefits for the future. This is
done with regular reviews and recommendations by our money manager and directors all
focusing on a healthy future for the investment and in turn the future of our congregation.
It is my privilege as President of the Temple Solel Endowment Foundation to continue to
attend to the needs of our beloved congregation by planting the seeds whose growth will
blossom and enhance the future of Solel. I hope you can join me in this effort by considering
a donation to the Foundation.
If you have any questions about how you may help the Temple Solel Endowment Foundation,
please contact Robert Siamon at [email protected]
Robert Siamon
Temple Solel Endowment Foundation
The Solel Preschool
Temple Solel 2021-22 Highlights
Solel Through the Decades Concert
Solel Preschool Pre-K Graduation
Temple Sole Adult B’nai Mitzvah
Second Night Passover Seder
Temple Solel Women's Seder
Temple Solel Caring Community
High Holy Day Services
Adult Education
Lunch and Learn
Torah Study
Rosh Chodesh
Men of Solel Happy Hour
Shabbat Shira with Cantorial Soloist Todd Herzog and the band
Chic Boutique
Tot Shabbat
Book Club, Movie Club, Knitting Club, MahJong
Temple Solel
6805 East McDonald Drive
Paradise Valley, Arizona 85253
temple solel of paradise valley @templesolelaz