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Published by Temple Solel, 2024-04-30 13:32:44

May 2024

May 2024

Today, I had the opportunity to interview Tobee Waxenberg. Most of you may know her as the Director of Raker Religious School, but her impact extends far beyond the walls of Temple Solel. Tobee is a trailblazer in the world of Jewish educaton. In 1980, she began teaching at the religious school here at Solel. Additonally, she taught one year of pre-K at The Solel Preschool and taught teens at Hebrew High. Then in 1994 she went over to Pardes Jewish Day School and taught kindergarten for 7 years before working with Rabbi Bonnie Scharfman to open the middle school at PJDS in 2001. Her esteemed career at Pardes lasted for more than 25 years where she progressed through many roles: Director of the Middle School to Assistant Head of School to Dean of Students. This past January, Tobee was recognized by the Associaton for Reform Jewish Educators for her dedicaton to her students, commitment to excellence, and her intellectual mastery during her 55-year tenure as a Jewish educator. Now you will get the privilege of a sneak peak of how she did it. Enjoy. -Jesse Edwards What do we need to know about your earliest context to understand where you are today? So when I was probably 16 and I was working as a park and recreaton director, I realized then that I really enjoyed working with kids. So I went of to college, not knowing that I wanted to be a teacher, I very quickly decided that, yes, educaton is what I wanted to do. My teacher training semester in Oklahoma City defnitely told me that this is where I belong. It was with middle school kids. I love middle school kids! I have taught from 3 years old up to 18, but middle school is where my love is because these kids have such challenges and they are so happy when their challenges are met and they can go down and they can come right back up. And that is my favorite part of working with kids no mater what age. I like to tell them that, yes, today might look a litle dreary, but tomorrow could look fantastc. Were there other people in either your household or immediately around you that were already in educaton that infuenced your decision? Well, not necessarily as teachers, although I did have one social studies teacher in 7th grade who absolutely just was the best of all-tme, all-around teacher. And if she made me feel like I was learning, like I was seen, like I was accepted, and I could do this, then I thought “hmm I like that feeling that she was giving me. I would like to have that given to other kids.” My parents were always learning. Always in Torah study groups, other study groups, just whatever they could do to learn. So learning is very natural to me. And as I went through the many years of teaching and running programs, I also made sure that I kept my own knowledge and informaton fresh, jumping in and learning more about whatever subject that I was involved with. So was Judaism a big part of your family growing up? Very much! We were the family that had all the holidays. When we moved to Texas when I was 10 years old, there was an Air Force base there - Sheppard Air Force Base. So my parents, along with about 4 or 5 other families, were the ones that would invite all the Jewish airmen and families [over for the holidays]. So every holiday was a big celebraton. My parents, as I said, always were involved in study groups, and so that was a discussion that we always had. (Contnued on page 13) “I would connect with the synagogue through teaching” - A Renowned Educator’s Journey to Student Mentorship and Spiritual Connection

2 M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 Temple Schedule Friday, May 3 2024 Oneg 5:30 pm. Shabbat Services 6:15 pm High school senior send-of will take place during service. We will also honor our Raker Religious School Director Tobee Waxenberg and ofer anniversary blessings. Saturday, May 4 2024 IN-PERSON Torah Study 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am During the service Eliot Taylor will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Friday, May 10, 2024 Oneg 5:30 pm. Shabbat Services 6:15 pm The Confrmaton of our 10th graders will take place during service. We will also honor our Temple Solel volunteers. Saturday, May 11, 2024 Torah Study 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am During the service Sander Herzog will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah 4:00 pm Dandara Block will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah Friday, May 17, 2024 Oneg 5:30 pm. Shabbat Services 6:15 pm Saturday, May 18, 2024 Torah Study 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am During the service Evie Abrahams will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah 4:00 pm Ari Ambroson will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah Friday, May 24, 2024 Oneg 5:30 pm. Shabbat Services 6:15 pm Saturday, May 25, 2024 Torah Study 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am During the service Claire Liebhaber will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah Friday, May 31, 2024 Oneg 5:30 pm. Shabbat Services 6:15 pm View Shabbat and B’nai Mitzvah Services by visiting and selecting the “Click here to watch our Streaming services” link at the beginning of each service. We encourage everyone to come celebrate with the community for each of the dates mentioned above! Eliot Fredrick Taylor son of Kerry & Todd Herzog and Tim Taylor, will become a bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 10:30 am. Eliot attends Rancho Solano and enjoys playing golf, cooking, spending time outside & with friends, movies, and videogames. For his Bar Mitzvah project, Eliot is working with Hearts over Hate - in memory of Benjamin Harouni. Sander Herzog, son of Kerry and Todd Herzog and Karen Herzog, will become a bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 10:30 am. Sander attends Pardes Jewish Day School and enjoys riding horses, fishing, and going to the lake. For his Bar Mitzvah project Sander is saving horses from the slaughter house. Evie Parker Abrahams daughter of Shana & Tyler Abrahams, will become a bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 10:30 am. Evie attends Cocopah Middle School and enjoys playing volleyball and hanging out with friends. For her Bat Mitzvah project, Evie is volunteering and collecting donations for Desert Tails Animal Shelter. Ari Paz Ambroson, son of Josh Ambroson and Teresa Wilson, will become a bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 4:00 pm. Ari attends Phoenix Country Day School and enjoys scuba diving, videogames, and tennis. For his Bar Mitzvah project Ari is working with Phoenix Children’s Project. Claire Evelyn Liebhaber daughter of Jennifer & Ben Liebhaber, will become a bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 10:30 am. Claire attends Cocopah Middle School and loves cats, dancing, and music. For her Bat Mitzvah project, Claire is collecting pet items and creating foster kits for the local pet shelter Home Fur Good. Dandara Leah Block, daughter of Eric and Barbara Block, will become a bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 4:00 pm. Dandara attends Veritas Preparatory Academy. She is an avid reader and a competitive soccer player. She also loves to make bracelets, draw, and do building projects! For her Bat Mitzvah project Dandara is volunteering at Arsenal Soccer Buddies, an organization that teaches special needs children how to play soccer.

M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 3 MAY ANNIVERSARIES Leon Gavartn & Amy Cooperstein ..............1 Diana & Tristan Charlesworth .....................1 Gregory & Talia Hofman.............................6 Lisa & Lee Glickstein....................................8 Andrew & Jennifer Wells.............................8 Tamara & Philip Handler ...........................14 Mat & Robyn Komen................................14 Mark & Tamara Lieberman........................15 Natalie Neer Hart & Dan Hart....................17 Herbert Spiwak & Ethel Schmall................17 David & Bree Bielenberg ...........................17 Randy & Stephanie Weinshel ....................19 Max & Jennifer Gefer...............................20 Glenn Zellman & Doris Hektor...................20 Jonathan Koppell & Jennifer Steen............23 Gary & Julie Linhart ...................................24 Mike & Lauren Meyer................................27 Scot & Susan Spier....................................28 Norman & Susan Zitomer......................... 37 Joel Nomkin & Betsy Grey ........................ 37 Adam Nach & Beth Jo Zeitzer ................... 37 Thierry & Robin Zerbib ............................. 39 John & Nancy Linder................................. 39 Richard & Michelle Fillman....................... 40 Cliford & Robin Cutler.............................. 41 Andrew & Ann Abraham........................... 41 Herman & Catherine Lewkowitz............... 43 Scot & Joni Wald...................................... 44 Charles & Jane Vogel ................................ 45 William & Mindy Brandt........................... 46 Miriam & James Weisman........................ 46 Steven & Shari Cohen ............................... 48 Michael & Patrice Sposeep....................... 52 Allan & Suzanne Aronofsky....................... 52 Judith & Alan Max .................................... 57 James & Norma Rubin .............................. 59 “The one who understands my music can never know unhappiness again.” ― Beethoven Dear Solel Family, This month we celebrate the countng of the Omer. The Omer is that tme that begins on the second day of Passover and contnues untl the holiday of Shavuot. During this tme, we are meant to be in a period of mourning (over the destructon of the 2nd temple and a plague during the tme of Rabbi Akiva), and as such, there are prohibitons during this tme on getng married, cutng your hair, and listening to live music. However, there are exceptons that are given to this last rule: Rav Yakov Breisch (Responsa Chelkat Ya’akov 1:62), Rav Shmuel Wosner (Responsa Shevet Halevi 6:69; 8:127) and Rav Menashe Klein (Responsa Mishnah Halachot (6:106) all suggest that considering the fact that we live in difcult and sad tmes, and depression is fairly common in our community, one may listen to music to help raise his spirits and overcome feelings of depression. 2. Rav Wosner (ibid.) points out that songs that bring people closer to God are not included in the prohibiton to listen to music. He therefore suggests that we may listen to songs that raise our spiritual sensitvites and connect us to God. I am grateful for these exceptons this month especially, since my family will be celebratng the b’nai mitzvahs of Eliot (May 4) and Sander (May 11). Music is always a big part of these celebratons, both during the service, as we lif our voices in praise, and afer the service as we mark these joyous moments in our family’s life. During this tme of growth and introspecton, may we all use music to bring out our inner joy and bring us closer to God. In song, Todd Herzog Cantorial Soloist Bringing Joy Through Music

4 M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 May is Celebraton Month for our Preschoolers! Teacher Appreciaton and Mother’s Day are both celebrated in May. Both these celebratons honor special people in the lives of a preschooler. Here are some ideas that will help teachers and Moms feel special, loved and recognized on their special days. Bring a special treat Write a note and/or draw a picture Give fowers Make a craf project Make a gif basket with their favorite things, snacks, lotons, perfumes, music CD Make a happy memories box—decorate a box or a tn and fll it with favorite memory pictures or writen notes Make a donaton to a favorite charity or organizaton Make a video telling your teacher or your Mom about a fun memory or something special that happened during the past year These are just a few suggestons. I am sure children will have many other fun and crazy ideas to share. Fun and love are the important factors in children making the special people in their lives feel important. Celebratng Prekindergarten graduaton with a ceremony is a great opportunity to acknowledge learning and to recognize milestones and educatonal achievements. It helps give children a sense of accomplishment and pride. Teaching about graduaton also helps children transiton into kindergarten. Easing children into the transiton to school is a huge beneft in their future learning experiences. Graduaton is such a special milestone in a child’s life. Let’s also celebrate successfully making it through another wonderful school year. Have a great summer! Linda Irish Director of Early Childhood Educaton

M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 5 MAZAL TOV TO OUR AMAZING YOUTH! We would like to congratulate Sophia Yudell and William Steen-Koppell on the Fellowships they have received! Sophia from RAC (Religious Action Center) Teen Justice Fellowship, and Will from The Bronfman Fellowship. Sophia will be focusing on getting out the vote, voting rights, and organizational skills. With The Bronfman Fellowship, Will has the opportunity to go to Israel with the other fellows and study pluralistic Judaism with Israeli teens. It is an opportunity to "see the world through a lens broader than your own." Often, Jesse and I nominate our teens to become part of national teen programs; it is up to the teens to follow through and apply. We are very proud of Sophia and Will and wish them both a great experience. Tobee Waxenberg Director of Raker Religious School May 3rd at 6:15PM Please join the Temple Solel community on May 3, 6:15 PM, for a special Shabbat service honoring Tobee Waxenberg! Tobee is departing from her role as Director of our Raker Religious School, leaving a legacy of kindness and joy; infusing a love of Judaism and Israel. Tobee's decades-old contribution to Jewish education in the Valley of the Sun is part of the fabric of the Jewish community and a point of pride for Temple Solel. Together, let's express our gratitude and offer Tobee a blessing on May 3rd. We will also bless our graduating high school seniors going to college, technical school, or gap year!

6 M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 Rosh Chodesh Gathering Wednesday, May 8, 2024 6:30-7:45pm – Dinner at Keegan’s Grill & Blessing the New Month Dear Rosh Chodesh Sisters (which is all Solel women*!) – This month, we will finish off our wonderful 2023-2024 year of learning, laughter, sharing, activities, and holiday celebrations with a no-host dinner at Keegan’s Grill. We have reserved the private room. Please RSVP through the link in eNUZ so we know how many people to expect. The restaurant’s address will be in eNUZ, too. If you have never joined us for Rosh Chodesh, this will be a great time to start! *We use an inclusive definition of “woman” and “female” and welcome trans women, genderqueer women and non-binary people. Temple Solel Jewish Heritage Journey Along the Civil Rights Trail Led by Rabbi Debbie Stiel -- March 27 - 30, 2025 This is a once in a lifetme opportunity to walk with your fellow Solel congregants in the footsteps of giants. We need at least 22 partcipants to make this 4-day trip to the South become a reality! The fght for American civil rights spanned decades, cites and states. Walk with us through Birmingham, Montgomery, Selma and Atlanta. See frsthand the struggle for equality. If you choose to join us, you will have the opportunity to meet with actvists who worked and strategized with Dr. King, as well as, people who partcipated in the march from Selma to Montgomery. You will visit several civil rights museums and sites, the Equal Justce Initatve, and atend a service at the Ebenezer Baptst Church. You will learn about the Jewish involvement in the Movement and how our Passover story correlates so strongly with the Civil Rights story. Civil Rights is not an issue that only impacted a specifc people in the 1950’s and 60’s. It is an ongoing issue today, being fought for by a variety of groups that have not felt they had a voice in the world. Become empowered and inspired to make a diference! Email [email protected] if you are interested!

M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 7 Volunteer Recogniton Volunteers are an essental part of Temple Solel. We would like to thank the following volunteers for their tme and eforts: Birthday Calls Erica Bonime Knitng for a Purpose Lois Bell Carol Brillman Jill Loebel Beverly Nathan Margie Rahilly Linda Ribnik Judy Schafert Beth Sennet Lisa Trota Reva Steinberg Nancy Weinstein Gail Zucker Yahrzeit Notces Cynthia Marcus Family Promise Susan Wine Bob Ransom Natalie Neer Hart Dote Braun Cohen Dean Scheinert Mary Ann Bloom Helene Weitzenkorn Lauren Brown Jacqui Rick Lisa Banen Would you like to volunteer at some point in the future? We’d love to have you! Email [email protected], and we’ll add you to our volunteer email list for upcoming opportunites. Thank You! The Confirmation Class of 2024 cordially invites the Congregation to celebrate with them on the occasion of their Confirmation. Friday, May 11, 2024 at 6:15 pm Sasha Ambroson Ben Cherny Miles Chovnick Olivia Goldenberg Stanley Kowitz Kyla Tucker “Grit” at Torah Study I once heard a quip that summarized Jewish holidays as follows: “They tried to kill us, we survived, now let’s eat.” Amusing? Yes. Accurate? Not really. In studying Jewish history, I’ve found that our ancestors didn’t just survive calamity. Rather, they fought hard and ofen won. A beter quip might say: “They tried to kill us, we kicked but, now let’s eat.” On Purim, for example, we celebrate the success of ancient Persian Jews in resistng ant-Semitc atacks. We read: “The King of Persia gave permission to the Jews of every city to organize and defend themselves, to destroy every armed force that threatened them… The Jews sent forth their hand against those who sought their hurt, and no one could stand before them” (Esther 8:11-9:2). Likewise, on Passover we honor the victory of the Israelites over Pharaoh. On Hanukkah we honor the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrians. And on May 6, we observe Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, a special day of Jewish pride. In 1933, Hitler declared war on the Jews. Twelve years later, Hitler was dead, his country was ruined, and the Jews were close to their greatest triumph in modern history – the creaton of the State of Israel – thanks to the courage and resilience of Jewish refugees and fghters. Yom HaShoah honors not six million victms, but SIX MILLION HEROES. We are a strong people. STRONG. Our enemies tried to kill us. We kicked their buts. Now let’s eat. On Yom HaShoah and every Jewish holiday, we celebrate something we should never forget – Jewish grit. A special IN-PERSON Torah Study will be held in the temple library with a bagel recepton on Saturday, May 4 at 9:00 a.m. On all other Saturdays in May, we will meet on ZOOM. See eNUZ for Zoom link. Please join us! Mathew Kozinets

8 M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 Above: The Women of Solel celebrated Rosh Chodesh Nissan by making Miriam’s cups for Pesach! Above: The Solel Speaker Series closes with Dr. Brad Posch Below: Raker kids make their own Elijah/ Miriam Cups Above: Another great t’fillah at Raker Religious School! Below: Rabbi Linder braves the dunk tank at our Purim Party!

M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 9 Above: The dedication of our Solel Preschool Library to the cherished memory of Cary Jay Zucker Right/ Below: The Solel Preschool sings the National Anthem at the Arizona Diamonbacks game! Above: The Solel Preschool celebrates Passover with an amazing Seder!

10 M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 s May Zoom Events Jewish Meditaton Tuesday May 7, 2024 May 21, 2024 10:00-10:30 am Lunch & Learn Wednesday May 1, 2024 May 15, 2024 12:00-1:00 pm To our Temple Solel member Chi Isiogu!

M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 11 Temple Solel Endowment Foundation Securing Our Future | May 2024 The mission of the Temple Solel Endowment Foundaton is to secure and grow the temple community and it’s vital programs in perpetuity through contributons from our congregants. We also grow The Foundaton by conservatvely investng your donatons with input and guidance by The Center for Jewish Philanthropy and Morgan Stanley. Through these actvites, we are able to ofer our members the opportunity to make a long-term impact on our Solel family. Current Foundaton assets exceed $1.7M. Our investment commitee, headed by Jim Moss, reviews changes in our portolio. The commitee, guided by our investment policy brings all change and to the board of directors for fnal approval. You may ask, it’s great that The Foundaton is looking for donatons, but what are its goals? Our ultmate goal is to grow the corpus to $10M thru contributons and steady investment tactcs, which will allow our beloved congregaton to achieve signifcant fnancial security and ensure the quantty and quality of ongoing temple programs. Please reach out and thank the congregants who have taken on the responsibility to guide The Foundaton toward its ultmate goal. You may recognize many of them: Robert Siamon—President, Scot Cohen—VP Jim Moss—Treasurer, Gail Zucker—Secretary Our Directors Arnie Alpert, Maryann Bloom, Avery Crossman, Robert Danof, Dick Lamden, Ken Love, Dean Scheinert, and two directors who serve on the boards of The Foundaton and Temple Solel: Madelaine Berg & Perry Simons Just this last year, one of the programs supported by the funds held in the Foundaton supported Temple Solel and its 500+ families with the cost of increased security when the war with Israel started. How can you help in our quest for a solid Temple Solel future? Invest for a specifc Solel Program, name a fund for a special person, or just invest in The Foundaton’s general fund for Solel’s future. If you have any questons, please contact me: Robert Siamon, President, [email protected] call me at 602-628-8705, I would love to talk with you. Paradise Valley, AZ – April 1, 2024 – Temple Solel is proud to announce the elevaton of Mason Marks to the positon of Director of Programming. With this promoton, Marks brings his innovatve spirit and unwavering dedicaton to the forefront of the temple's community engagement initatves. Originally hailing from New Mexico, Mason Marks joined Temple Solel in May 2022 as the Communicatons Engagement Specialist. Over the past months, Marks has lef an indelible mark on the community by introducing them to his alter ego, Cartoon Mason, revitalizing the chavurah program, and injectng new energy into various clubs and commitees. Marks, who also serves as an instructor in the Religious School on Sunday mornings, recently completed his master's program in Jewish Educaton from Hebrew University, Jerusalem. His multfaceted role includes managing social media channels, overseeing the producton of the weekly eNUZ and monthly Pathfnder publicatons, and collaboratng closely with senior staf on event programming. In his new capacity as Director of Programming, Mason Marks will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Temple Solel's community engagement and congregatonal programming eforts. He will work trelessly to curate meaningful programming experiences for members and facilitate dynamic interactons within the temple community. We are thrilled to congratulate Mason Marks on his well-deserved promoton. His passion for innovaton and commitment to fostering connectons have already made a profound impact on our community, and we look forward to witnessing his contnued success in this new role. For inquiries or further informaton, Mason Marks can be reached at mmarks(@) or by phone at 480-991-7414 Ext 121. Peter Pishko Executve Director Kol HaKavod: Mason Marks Promoted to Director of Programming at Temple Solel

12 M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 Donatons received afer March 31, 2024 will be printed in the next issue of the Pathfnder. 2023-24 ADULT EDUCATION In memory of Boaz Lerer from Joanne Lerer & Family 2023-24 CANTORIAL SOLOIST DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Elizabeth Goldfnger from Wendy Lieberman 2023-24 CARING COMMUNITY FUND In memory of Melvin Kirchler from Joyce Lipner Max Lipner from Joyce Lipner 2023-24 ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of Sylvia Forstadt and Barbara Altshuler from Richard & Frances Lamden Leo Lamden from Richard & Frances Lamden 2023-24 GENERAL FUND In appreciaton of Rabbi Stel; your beautful energies, like your Czech Sefer Torah scroll, have touched countless lives from Andrea Poisner-Corchine Rabbi Linder from Arnold & Cindy Alpert In memory of Norman Aronofsky from Allan & Suzanne Aronofsky Sol Rosenbloom from Arthur Rosenbloom & Jane Dara Freda Rosenbloom from Arthur Rosenbloom & Jane Dara Robert Shellow from Francine Garner Jay Holtzman from Gloria Holtzman Lawrence Jefrey Marks from Jane Marks Eddie Klugman from Sinai Mortuary Cortland Brovitz from The Brovitz Family In support of the Jewish community of Liberec, Czech Republic from Marcia Feinstein Thank you for invitng us to light the candles and bless the wine from Sandra & Bruce Robbins To Rabbi Linder for the services for Andrei from Yuri Sayapin & Ludmila Brigadier 2023-24 RABBI STIEL DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Fannie Binn from Eleanor Krumholz Barry Fuller from Stewart & Sharon Levine 2023-24 SOLEL PRESCHOOL FUND In memory of Larry and Evie Lieberman from Frank & Rebecca Weinberg 2023-24 SOLELEBRATION In honor of Julie Bakerman. Congratulatons on a successful Solelebraton from Norman & Susan Zitomer Barbara Jackson Lipsman and Milton Lipsman from Jef Lipsman Anna Margaret Weber from Jefrey & Nancy Weber Jules Mink from Judith Gold Marvin Grossman, Janice Furstman and Shirley Bloom from Lauren Gorman Charlote Chassin from Marvin & Barbara Chassin Cheryl Lernor from Mathew & Patricia Lernor Kenneth Lambek from Maxine Henig David Schafert from Michael & Judy Schafert Rose Legrand and Harold Silvestri from Ruth LeGrand Hope Silvestri from Ruth LeGrand Janice Furstman, Shirley Bloom and Marvin Grossman from Saramae Teich Ann Hyman from Sol Epstein A tribute to unscathed daughter, Shari - car not so much from Irwin Gilbert Happy Birthday to Esta and Bob Mitchell from Ruth LeGrand Thank you to Mason Marks for the movie group nights from Ruth LeGrand 2023-24 RABBI LINDER'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of Ivy Superfon's Bat Mitzvah from Joel & Sarah Superfon In memory of Estelle Sokolof from Iris Cashdan Fishman Nelson Alan Lerner and with grattude to Rabbi Linder for his support and guidance from Lisa Lerner Contributons We appreciate the thoughtulness of those who support Temple Solel by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributons.

M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 13 When did you move from secular educaton to Jewish educaton? So when I got married, we moved to Houston, and we joined a Reform temple there in Houston where most of my college friends who were also married had joined. It was huge! So I went in and started teaching the high school kids and was involved with retreats. So I would teach on Saturday morning and Sunday morning because it was prety much a classical Reform synagogue. And I liked doing that! So with Jim being in retail, we moved ofen. So every tme we moved, I would connect with the synagogue through teaching. So afer we had children, I prety much stopped teaching in the public schools and always was able to teach in a temple or synagogue or Hebrew High. When we moved to Phoenix, I started teaching here at Temple Solel back in the 80s. I taught at Hebrew High untl Pardes Jewish Day School was opened and then I never went back into the classroom per se. Why do you think Jewish educaton is important? I think it’s important that you are comfortable with who you are and whatever religion you are is part of who you are. So the way you celebrate, the way you look at the world, the way you interact with other people…a lot of it comes from not only your family but from your religious beliefs. So I think it’s very important, and I say this all the tme to the students, that the more you understand about being Jewish, the more knowledge you have about being Jewish, then you can make those choices about how you want to live as a Jew. And it’s your choice about how you want to live as a Jew. I’ve always been fascinated to hear about other people’s take on living as a Jew and I respect the way other people want to live as a Jew and through knowledge I’ve made my own choices. You’ve said that failure is not a bad thing, what would you say your relatonship to failure is? Has it evolved over the years? Well I was very, very lucky when I started out as a debate coach, I had never debated before. So here I had all these students around me who were very, very bright young women and men and I accepted very early that I was not on their level. There were things that I could work with them on, delivery, content, but actually doing the debatng, I never had that part of teaching given to me. So failure - I have failed, I haven’t lived up to some expectatons, but I look at it and I move on because failure isn’t the end of the world. And that’s what I really try to tell so many of my students - you’re going to have days when things don’t go well and you’re going to have positons where they don’t work out. But it’s not a failure, it’s a chance to kind of look at what was going on, look at what you did, what you could do beter, and move on or maybe fnd another way to move on. That sense of failure, to me , is always a chance to do beter. For young Jewish people and Jewish families trying to grapple with their own Jewish identtes, or trying to raise their kids but maybe they’re not as traditonal as Reform Judaism from years ago – do you have a perspectve on how they can stay connected to their Judaism and their identty or explore it deeper? There are so many optons today as opposed to when I was growing up. Because I was in a Jewish youth group and because I chose to go into a Jewish sorority (or at that tme that was my only opton), and then married somebody Jewish and he brought people into our lives, I brought people into our lives. I don’t think I focused, it just happened that because I had all those opportunites to be part of something Jewish, it felt very natural to me. I never really had to work hard to be Jewish. I would say to young families it’s much harder now because your kids are so involved in doing other things, but any tme [you can integrate Judaism into your lives]. I once had a good friend of mine, who is now a rabbi, say that Shabbat can be lightng the candles, saying the prayers, and having a good pizza. It doesn’t have to be white tablecloths, roasted chicken, blah blah blahhh. But make it family tme, make it a Jewish connecton and just keep doing it, and hopefully [your family will feel more connected to their Jewish identty]. (Front Page Article Continued)

14 M ay 2 0 2 4 / N i s s a n — I ya r 5 7 8 4 Yahrzeits Kaddish will be recited on Erev Shabbat on the following dates: Abraham Berk Allan Levie Ann Schulman Anna Wlody Audrey Horne Barney Shanks Barry Pinciss Beatrice Steinberg Ben Miller Berthold Schnurer Betty Ann Foster Celia Kirchler Charles Kranzberg David Shefrin Dorothy Birnbaum May 3, 2024 Murray S. Levine Reuben Pliskin Richard Gash Robert Wilf Rossya Kaufman Sarah Lee Riseman Sidney Siegel Simon L. Goldstein Stephen Alan Cohen Stuart Jenkins Victor Butnik Vizma Shaw Waldemar (Zeev) Podkameni Dorothy Schlemmer Ella Weinberg Fran Goldstein Frieda Jozoff Gladys Nomkin Hankah Berkovics Helen Friedman Jack Linhart JM Perry Lewis Avren Michel GuillaisAuray Mildred Blask Minna Dickman Mr. Donald Hurwitz We Need to Know… Please inform the Temple Solel ofce when a family member or friend is in the hospital. Too ofen we fnd out about illnesses, crises and hospitalizatons long afer they occur. This is a missed opportunity for visits from the rabbi and calls from the Caring Community as well as other assistance ofered by the temple. We need your help in order to ofer ours. If you’d like to let us know about a member that is ill, has a surgery date coming up, or is experiencing any other health-related issue that the rabbis should know about, please call the temple ofce at 480.991.7414, ext. 126 or email Tara at [email protected]. New Members Michael and Courtney Beller Paige and Art Mollen If you have a simcha, new birth, or achievement to share in our Mazel Tov section, please send it to [email protected] Our Temple Family Blake Berg Shapiro Charles Kaplan Edith Levitt Cohen Gary Mozenter George Rudinger Gertrude Krupnick Cannining Harvey Flader Hyman Danoff May 10, 2024 Max Gazer Michael Barnett Mildred Alexander Paul Sayrs Philip Padden Samuel Bolno Samuel Schafer Sarah Denmark William R. Dees Irving Lober Iza Gavartin Jessica Stone Baker Lenore Silverman Leonard Levine Libby Koplin Lillian Razansky Lilly Pollack Marcus Schiller Allan Richard Cashdan Andrew Harrison Schwartz Anne Rosenbaum Bertha Krumholz Bessie Clemons Dale Abraham David Erlich Donald Raskin Donna Udelman Edith Jacobson Elbert Bollyn May 17, 2024 Lloyd Herberg Milton Arthur Graff Min Waber Reva Balanoff Rishard Rosenbloom Ruth Stone Sally Libman Sarah Zitomer Sidney Friedlander Solomon Turk William J. Suckle Esther Gurovitsch Frank Budd George Achtman Gerty Taussig Meltzer Henry Aptroot Howard Waxenberg Janet Strauss Jeanne Sarlat Judith Leinwohl Kathryn Rubin Leanne Levine Rabin Alan Gleicher Alex Stern Carl Dry Claire Shindel Clifford Leopold Craig Fink Dr. Theodore J. Prowda, MD Erna Oppenheimer Brill Florence Covinsky Fred Ligerman Geraldine Lipsman May 24, 2024 Meltzer Richard Pratt Rina Fox Rivah H. Meyers Robert Baruch Posner Robert Fillman Rose Hirshfield Russell Millman Sarah Smulyan Tamara Strasser Henry Slater Hessie Lazar Jacob Reibel Jacqueline Fierstein Janice Loebel Jean Boland Jose Placencia Sr Judy Frank Larry Schwartz Laura Rothschild Marion Kaufman Melvin Segal Milton Lawrence

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Current Resident or Non Profit Organization US Postage Paid Scottsdale AZ Permit No. 24 Issued monthly Volume 23 - Issue 9 Visit our website - Dated Material - via this QR Code Torah Portons/Candle Lightng Times May 3 / Acharei Mot / 6:55 pm May 10 / K’doshim / 7:00 pm May 17 / Emor / 7:06 pm May 24 / B’har / 7:10 pm May 31 / B’chukotai / 7:15 pm Rabbi John A. Linder [email protected] x.122 Rabbi Rabbi Debbie Stiel [email protected] x.131 Rabbi Todd Herzog [email protected] x.136 Cantorial Soloist Rabbi Maynard W. Bell Rabbi Emeritus Administrative Staff Peter Pishko [email protected] x.124 Executive Director Tobee Waxenberg [email protected] x.123 Director of Raker Rel. School Noni Clark [email protected] x.125 Controller Joan Giannini [email protected] x.127 Office Manager Linda Irish [email protected] x.163 Preschool Director Jackie Siamon [email protected] x.135 Preschool Assistant Director Sonya Placencia [email protected] x.135 Preschool Billing & Office Asst. Alberto Mena [email protected] x.129 Facility Manager Mason Marks [email protected] x.121 Director of Programs Jesse Edwards [email protected] x.120 Religious School Coordinator Tara Marcussen [email protected] x.126 Clergy Assistant The Temple Solel Endowment Foundation (Foundation) The Foundation is separate and distinct 501(c)(3) from Temple Solel that has been formed and organized to raise, invest, and manage funds through endowments and gifts for the sole purpose of financially supporting the activities, programs, practices, and growth of Temple Solel. If you are interested in the work of the Foundation, please contact Foundation Board President Robert Siamon at [email protected]. Executive Committee & Trustees as of end of April 2024 Eve Danoff .............................................................................................................President Jennet Kirkpatrick .........................................................................Executive Vice President Phil Hawkes........................................................................................................... Treasurer Laura Miller............................................................................................................Secretary Blake Lewkowitz........................................................................Vice President - Education Leon Gavartin..........................................................Vice President - Facilities and Security Perry Simons .........................................................................Vice President - Development Phyl Bolno.............................................................................. Vice President - Membership Dottie Braun-Cohen…………………………………………….. Caring Community Chair Stephanie Cherny................................................................................ Personnel Committee Laura Miller.....................................................................................Ritual Committee Chair Gary Horowitz..................................................................... Education Committee Co-chair Michael Yudell...................................................................................... Social Action Chair Madelaine Berg .........................................................................................Member at Large David Greenbaum......................................................................................Member at Large Neil Motzkin..............................................................................................Member at Large Paul Bakerman ..........................................................................................Member at Large Andy Greenfield ........................................................................................Member at Large Mandana Zerbib ........................................................................................Member at Large Risa Jacobson ............................................................................................Member at Large Return Policy The temple will cheerfully accept any returns for store credit only. Come check out our gif shop anytme during regular ofce hours, 9AM—5PM Monday through Thursday, 9AM—4PM Friday. We have Kiddush cups, Passover seder plates, memorial candles, artwork, and more! Temple Solel Gift Shop News

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