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Published by huzaifa.pakitwala, 2022-03-26 00:31:36


Me nto ring the Futur e - Skil ls

Skill and Confidence are an
S k i l l a n d C o n f i d e n c e a r e a n
Unconquered Army!!!
U n c o n q u e r e d A r m y ! ! !


The Journey So Far & Way Ahead »

Expansion of Vocational Education

Integration of Vocational

Education with General

Education at the Secondary

Vocational Subjects are offered

as an additional subject for
Class VI to X

Vocational Subjects are offered

as Elective Subject for Class XI &


PaRag Tech Mentors institute provides Skill Based
Learning and has unique courses with 70% practical
exposure and 30% theory. All our courses are
Government recognized courses and have internship built
as part of their curriculum/syllabus to help strengthen
subject knowledge.

At, PaRag Tech Mentors we strive to provide vocational
education to students that help in honing their latent skills.
Our courses are affiliated to various National and
International Boards and Universities, enabling the student
to acquire accredited credentials while developing their

career path. We are an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO
29993:2017 certified institute that aims to provide quality
practical education to students.

PaRag Tech Mentors - Institute of Technical and
Vocational Training (PTM - ITVT) occupies a unique
position in the world of vocational education in our
country. It is an outstanding place for learning by doing /
skilling. The institute has a well-equipped with all modern
amenities like Library, Computer lab, Fashion Designing
lab, Interior Designing lab, and Hospitality lab, which
adequately refines the student’s abilities to learn and grow.

#Employabilit y S kills

• Sta nda rd V III ( Lev el 1-B as ic)
 Communication Skills
 Self - Management Skills
 Entrepreneurship Skills
 Green Skills

• Sta nda rd IX ( Level 2-In term eida te)

 Communication Skills
 Self - Management Skills
 Entrepreneurship Skills
 Green Skills

• Sta nda rd X (Level 3-A dvan ced)
 Communication Skills
 Self - Management Skills
 Entrepreneurship Skills

 Green Skills
#Ju nior MBA ( 15 Hrs)

Age Group - 1 3 to 18 yea rs




Education is about creating Leaders for tomorrow

#21st Cent u ry Skills

D u r ati o n : 4 Ho u rs 3 0 M i n u tes

• Meaning of 21st Century Skills

• Components of 21st Century Skills 3Ls : 4Cs, IMT, FLIPS

• Why do we need 21st Century Skills?
• 21st Century Themes

 Global Awareness

 Financial, Economic, Business and
Entrepreneurial Literacy

 Civic Literacy

 Health & Environmental Literacy
• Skills - Learning & Outcome

 Critical Thinking

 Creativity And Innovation

 Communication

 Information , Media & Technology Literacy
 Flexibility And Adaptability

 Leadership And Responsibility

 Initiative And Self-Direction

 Productivity and Accountability

 Social And Cross-Cultural Interaction

E du cati o n c h an g es yo u r ter r i bl e
To day i n to g r eat To m o r row

#S kill Pro grams

V III, IX , X (Sel ec t On e P ro g r am )

A ppar el A rti f i ci al
(Sti tch i n g ) In t el l i g en c e

Bas i cs of
Au tom oti ve
(Sal e s E x ec u ti ve Gar den i n g ,
Nu rs ery &
D eal er )
Ag r i cu ltu r e

B eau ty
B u s i n es s
& A dm i n i str at i o n

Wel l n es s

Car pen try Data Sci en c e

#S kill Pro grams

V III, IX , X (Sel ec t On e P ro g r am )

D i g i tal El ectr i cal
M ar k eti n g Tech n o lo gy

Fo o d Nu tr i t i o n Fo o d P ro c e s s i n g
& D i e te ti cs Tech n i q u es

G eos pati al G r aph i c
Tech n o lo gy D es i g n i n g

Health C ar e
Han d

E m bro i de ry (G e n er al D u ty
A s s i stan t)

#S kill Pro grams

V III, IX , X (Sel ec t On e P ro g r am )

In fo r m ati o n
Tech n o lo gy
Hydrop on i c s
(Data E n try
Oper ator )

In t er i or In tro du c ti o n to
D es i g n i n g To u r i s m

Li br ary
Im i tati on
Jewel l ery &

M ak i n g In fo r m ati o n
Sci en ce

M ak i n g o f S oap s , M ar k eti n g
Hai r Oi l s & &

P er f u m es Sal es

#S kill Pro grams

V III, IX , X (Sel ec t On e P ro g r am )

M u lti M edi a
M as s
M edi a (Tex tu r i n g
A rtist)

P i pi n g,
P lu m bi n g , Wate r
P h otogr aph y
Su pply &

San i tati o n

Retai l
(Sto r e Ope r ato r We b A ppl i c ati o n

A s s i stan t)

Wor k s h o p &
E n gi n eer i n g Yo g a

Tech n i q u es

#Course Du ratio n

Duration for Complete Program (24Hrs)

• Employability Skills # - 8Hours

• One Selected Skill Program # - 14Hours

• Test & Viva - 2Hours

# L ea rn En gl i s h the

B r i t i s h way

✓ Receive UK Award & Certification
✓ Study Courses Developed By British Native Experts
General & ✓ Learner Representations From 25 + Countries
Academic ✓ Face To Face Learning Using Interactive Learning Apps
✓ Meet English Language Requirement For Higher Education
✓ Enhance Employment Opportunities

B egin your Engl i sh
l angu ag e le arni ng
journ ey with our
compr ehen siv e, INTERMEDIATE
i nnovat ive and
t echnolo gic all y dri ven
E ngli sh Cour se s!


English Is The Future

# E n gl is h C ha mp


Learn Spoken English with a Professional


* Listening * Pronunciation * Listening & Comprehension *

* Reading Skills * Vocabulary & Word Formation * Basic Grammar *

* Practical Exercise * Words & Phrases used for Conversation *

Cou rs e Dur at ion : 3 0H o u rs

B et te r to be few M inu te s ea rly,

t h an b e a m in ut e too late

Time Management

(Optimal Productivity)

1 ) L ev erag e

2 ) U rg en t / I m porta nt Pr in ci ple

3 ) Pr i or it i zat io n

4 ) I m prov e yo ur Co nc en trat ion

5 ) Tr eas ur e Ma ppi n g

6 ) H ow d o I Sto p Proc rastinat in g ?

7 ) I m porta nc e o f Pu nc tua li t y in

St u de nts L i fe

8 ) Why You S ho uld S c he du le Fr e e Ti me

( A n d What To Do Wi t h I t )

D u r ati o n : 3 H o u rs

Th e k ey i s i n n ot s pen d i n g ti m e,

bu t i n i n vesti n g i t

(Specialized Training Program for Teachers & Management Teams)

 B e P r oa c t i v e
 W h a t d o e s i t m e a n ? W h y i s i t i m p o r t a n t ?
 B e g i n w i t h th e E n d i n M i n d
 L e ad e rs h i p
 Ethical Leadership – Doing the Right thing
 Leadership Styles – Choosing the Right Approach for the Situation
 Emotional Intelligence in Leadership – Learning How to be More Aware
 A c t i v e L i st e n i n g
 Seek First to Understand then to be Understood
 Hear What People Are Really Saying
 T i m e M a na g e m e n t
 Leverage
 Prioritization – Making Best Use of Your Time and Resources
 How to Stop Procrastinating – Overcoming the Habit of Delaying
Important Task
 De l e g a t i o n
 What is Delegation of Tasks?
 4 Steps to Using Delegation Skills to Get Results
 Learn to Delegate Effectively with 4 Delegation Models
 T e a m W or k
 T ea m M a n a g em en t S k i l ls – T h e C o r e S k i l l s N ee d e d t o
M a n a g e Y o u r T ea m
 A v o i d i n g M i c r o m a n ag em en t – H el p i n g T e a m M e m b er s
E x c el – O n T h ei r O w n
 T h e J oha r i W i nd ow
 What is the Johari Window? Using Johari Window
 S M A RT G o al s
 Mission and Vision Statements – Unleashing the Power of Purpose
 Treasure Mapping – Visualizing and Achieving Your Goals
 Overcoming Fear of Failure – Facing Your Fear of Moving Forward
 A s s ess m e n t & R e p or t i n g
 Follow-Up: Monitoring and Reporting Performance
 Giving Feedback – Boosting People’s Confidence and Ability

Duration: 1 Day Workshop (10am to 4pm) - Break 30 minutes

#Ev ent Management

• Introduction
• Understanding Your Audience

 What makes a successful event?
• Creating and Managing an Events Budget
 How much should all of this cost?
 Negotiating budget
• Selecting a Venue
 In-house resources for easy planning
• Food and Beverage

 Planning a menu
• Technology
 Power and internet / Lighting and sound
 On-site support / Avoid a technology meltdown
• Gifts

 Personalize with a great gift
• Transportation
 Ground transportation
• Timelines
 Two-week countdown
• The Day of the Event

 The production schedule
 Event planner's challenge & solution
• Post-event
 Essential follow up
• Conclusion

 Wrapping up

Cou rse Du ratio n: 7 Hou rs 30 Mi nu t e s

#S cho o l Asse ssment &

Teach er’s 3 6 0 D eve lopme nt
Pro gram

Get Your B est P r ac ti ces C erti f i cate

Now for
Individua l Teach ers / P rofe ssors
S c hool/ Col leges /Insti tutes

The Next Generation of Education Process Compliance and Certificate for
Best Practices

Ob j e ct ive

 Evaluating the process as per standardized procedure which is
completely tech-based

 Providing Solutions for Filling the Gaps - this improves efficiency thus
improving various prospects
 Issuance of Best Practices Certificate that will increase the value and
trust in the market.

I S O 9 0 0 1 : 2 0 1 5 & I A F C E R T I F I E D

K e y D if f e r e n t ia t io n Fa ct o r s

• Consultation with key Industry Experts
• Tech based assessments using a software- leaving no space for human
• Gap Analysis and reports will be generated. All problem areas are
identified instantly and shown using pie charts and % values
• Certificate of Best Practices followed, leading to your Institution being
C e rt if ie d

Cal l us o n 9370 544494 f o r mo r e d et ai l s ...

#Employ ee to Ent re preneu r

Learn how you can make the transition from an employee to an
entrepreneur. Discover how to understand and get past any fears
you may have regarding the move from working for a company to
working for yourself. Discover why going after the "big idea" isn’t
always the best plan and understand how to put your most
marketable skills to use. How to create a network that works for
you. Finally, learn how to start small, grow and scale, find your
unfair advantage, market yourself, and make the jump from
employee to entrepreneur.

 I n t r o d uct i on

 T h e Go l den H a n dc uf f s

 T h e Bi g I dea M yt h

 N et wo rk i n g

 B us i n es s P la n n i n g

 F i n d Yo u r S up erp o w er

 M a r k et i n g

 S ca li n g

 E xe cut i on
 T a k e A ct i on

 C on c lus i on

D u ratio n: 4 H ou rs

W i n n e r s n e v e r Q u i t a n d
Q u i t t e r s n e v e r W i n

#Pr ivat e 1 0t h

Nort hwest Accredita tion
Co mmiss ion ( NWAC)


The prescribed curriculum for Grade X includes the following comprehensive list
of Subjects:





5 SC1005 SCIENCE ( PSC1005)



Eligibility for Admission

 Last Class Attended / Dropped Marksheet
 School Leaving Certificate
 Student Aadhar Card
 Parents/Guardian Aadhar Card
 Birth Certificate - Age Proof (14Yrs)

Examination Fees: `45,250/-

Coaching / Classes fees will be additionally charged

#Pr ivat e 1 2t h

Nort hwest Accredita tion
Co mmiss ion ( NWAC)

Our prescribed curriculum has 1 compulsory subject, namely English.


Our prescribed curriculum has 4 compulsory subjects, namely Accountancy,
Business Studies, Economics and English.

Our prescribed curriculum has 3 compulsory subjects, namely English, Physics
and Chemistry.

The remaining subjects are chosen by the student in accordance with his pre-
ferred stream of study during the school and in subsequent years.

Eligibility for Admission
 10th Marksheet & Certificate

 School Leaving Certificate
 Student Aadhar Card

 Parents/Guardian Aadhar Card

 Birth Certificate - Age Proof (16Yrs)

Examination Fees: `48,800/-

Coaching / Classes fees will be additionally charged

# D i p l o m a C o u r s e s

A f t e r 1 0 t h & 1 2 t h



(Hotel Operations)







#Jain Univ ersity Pro grams

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com.)

Master of Arts (MA)

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master in Computer Application (MCA)

Master of Commerce (M. Com.)

#Jain S kills Pro grams

Bachelor / Master of Vocation

(B. Voc.) & (M. Voc.)

 Accounting & Business  Fashion Designing

 Financial Market and  Interior Designing

 Multimedia  Logistics Management

 Tourism and Hospitality
 Information Technology
 E-Commerce and Digital
Marketing  Retail Management
 Catering Technology and  Airport and Aviation
Hotel Management Management
 HealthCare (Optometry /  Banking and Financial
Vision Technology) Services and Insurance

 HealthCare (Dialysis Technology)

# Dae ratul Aq eeq

 Technology Tools  Home Industry

 12 Umoor Seamstress
(Management Skills) 

 Creative and
 Soft Skills
Artistic Skills

 Home Chefs  Home Bakers

#S killopreneur

Construction Management F aci l i t i e s
M an age me n t
 Estimating and Tendering

 Certificate in  Property Asset
Measurement Management

 Construction Technology  Certificate in Managing
Equipment and Facilities
 Construction Cost
Control  Certificate in Facilities

 Contracts and So ci al M e d i a
Procurement  Build Facebook Profit
 Site Planning and Machine
Management T e chn o l o g y

 Workplace Safety and  Cyber Security

ON LI NE CO U RSE S (United Kingdom)

W ha t e v e r t he e n d go a l, we ha ve a c o ur se t ha t wi ll
h e lp yo u re a c h i t . W i t h fle xi b le s t u d y op t i o n s a n d
c o ur se s a va i la b le t h ro u gh out t he ye a r, we c a n
h e lp y ou n g p e op le f ro m a c ro ss t he w o rl d a c hi e ve

t he i r o wn ve rsi on o f s uc ce s s.

Behavioural Profiling

Creative Problem Solving

Critical Thinking


Improve Your Business

Managing Events

Public Speaking

Research Skills

Verbal Communication

Writing Skills

#Test imonia ls

Thank you doesn't adequately express my gratitude for the experience our VIII, IX & X
standard students had in the entire 10Hours Workshop. Our students are more
informed & confident in their dreams now. I'm looking forward for more and more
activities for our students and staff which will bring them closer towards a bright
Snehal Yebaji Lagad- Co-ordinator
Parivartan Shikshan Sanstha’s, S. R. Victory School - Pune

My daughter's overall experience has been amazing, and the institute is having an
amazing infrastructure. The institute has provided her opportunities to grow and
explore her skills. Interior Designer course is practical & informative.

Mrs. Rashida Shabbir Deen - Parent (Amatullah Deen)
Parent of Student - Interior Designing

Facilities are good, Nice place to work, learn and develop one's self.
Management is Qualified and supportive.

Ms. Asma Shaikh (Asma Mushir Patel)
Maharashtra State Commission for Protection of Child Right Member
Government of Maharashtra

This program was an eye opener for the students. I am sure it must have been
beneficial for them. My special thanks to Team Tech Mentors. You guys have invested
your time and efforts for community future.

Head of Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat
Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat (Anjuman-E-Vajihi) - Kasarwadi, Pune

Tech Mentors an excellent institute that focuses more on Skill Based Learning. My
daughter is very happy and progressing very well.

Mrs. Zainab Vajihi - Parent (Ummekulsum Vajihi)
Parent of Student - Computer Science

The tools and techniques shared by the Tech Mentors team will definitely benefit us
all in our khidmat , professional life and personal lives as well. Looking forward to
participate in such future programs.


#Photo Gallery

#Photo Gallery

Tha ne Municipa l S choo l (TMC )

Cou nse lling Se ssio ns ( Ma rch 8-11, 2022)
I n A ss ociation wit h - Rustomjee Aca demy

MS B Edu cat io na l Inst itu t e

Nagpu r (M arch 1 4, 2 02 2 )

Ti me M anag eme nt S ess i on

#Apt it ude Test

a nd

#One -2- One Co u nselling

P syc hom e tr ic S c ie n t if i c M e t ho d to
M easu r e Me nta l & B e hav io u r al S t yl e s

 Ve r ba l A bi l i t y

 N um e r i c a l A b i l i t y

 S pat i a l A bi l i t y

 Clo s ur e A bi l i t y
 Cl e r ic a l A b i l i t y

 R eas o n i n g A b i l i t y
 M e c ha ni cal A bil it y


We help to PICK the RIGHT CAREER for you

#Reco gni t i o n/ A ffiliat io ns


MOBILE: +91 93705 44494 / 98332 79136

EMAIL: [email protected]

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