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Published by ibendarkawi1, 2019-04-09 10:33:31

Negotiating Tactics

Negotiating Tactics

12/7/2018 CareerBeam | Interview
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Negotiation Tactics

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Employers often expect to negotiate an offer. In fact, if you accept too quickly, they may speculate that Negotiating Tactics
they offered too much and wonder if you are really as valuable as they were led to believe. Other Resources

Negotiating in and of itself does not get relationships off to a bad start, but a poorly managed negotiation Interview Questions
can cause unnecessary conflict. There is a protocol for negotiating that needs to be adhered to during the 1. Tell me about yourself.
process. 2. What do you expect from the
company that hires you?
Here are the guidelines to follow: 3. What did your last performance
evaluation say about you?
Do not negotiate over the phone if at all possible. It is more difficult to judge the other
party's response to your negotiating tactics over the phone. Being able to read and react to Go to the Interview Question Library ...
non-verbal language is very beneficial in negotiation. When you call to schedule a
negotiation meeting, say that you are pleased to have received the offer and reiterate your Glassdoor
confidence in being able to make a significant impact on the organization. State that you Glassdoor gives you an inside look at
have several items you would like to discuss in person. company reviews and interview
Do not position your negotiation strategy on past compensation if your salary history is not questions you might be asked at a
reflective of the new salary you are trying to obtain. Instead, position your negotiation to particular company or when
address the value of what you can do for the employer and the value you place on your interviewing for a specific job.
abilities. If your past salary has been confined to standard incremental raises that are not
reflective of your actual performance, discuss your salary requirements as they relate to Check Out Glassdoor Interview Questions ...
your ability to outperform and exceed expectations. Request a slightly higher salary than
the one offered (typically 10-15% higher) and offer justification for this adjustment. Video Interview Examples
Do not negotiate more than once. If an employer meets your stated salary requirements, it The First Impression
is considered inappropriate to push for more. If the employer is unable to meet your stated Probing for Weaknesses
salary requirements, inquire about possible adjustments that may be affordable in other Talking About Strengths
areas of compensation. For example, if salary is non-negotiable, can they be flexible See All ...
regarding vacation, continued training, benefits or perks? Another way to reposition the
negotiation process if your salary requests are not met is to request increased
responsibilities to justify a higher salary or for a performance review within six months
instead of waiting a full year.

There are certainly exceptions to the above guidelines. Some employers do not negotiate offers at all. Video Practice Interview
When this is the case, employers will typically state this up front. They will also be forthright with the
budgeted salary parameters. Some employers adhere to hiring procedures that prohibit negotiation for You do not currently have any practice
equal employment reasons. When you receive an offer from one of these employers, it is considered video interviews stored. Click the link
inappropriate to engage in negotiation strategies. The good news is that these employers will almost below to select the types of questions
always make their policies known up front. you would like to practice responding
to in your practice interview.
More Negotiating Tips & Suggestions
Create Your Own ...
Negotiation begins the minute one side wants something the other side is not ready to grant. You
really begin negotiating when you present your credentials in a way meant to convince the employer to
make the offer. They've got the position. You want the position. Once they've made the offer, they want
the acceptance. You've got the final answer. They want the final answer.

You are not adversaries. You are collaborators. Your mutual goal is a win-win solution. Stephen
Covey's chapter on win-win relationships develops this work principle beautifully. Your goal is to work
together with the employer to find terms that both parties feel good about. It can even work very well for
you to voice this intention. 1/3

12/7/2018 CareerBeam | Interview

You do not need to close the deal in one conversation. Instead seek to expand the conversation
to explore possibilities. Again, because the offer is often seen as the end of the process and not the
beginning, there is a strong tendency to want to get it over with. Resist this temptation. A few more days
of patient, focused work will bring rewards beyond dollars.

Negotiation Tactics 2/3

Examine your intentions and develop content in line with those.

There is a great job search myth that negotiation is a game of hard ball; that the employer is out to low
ball you and you must protect yourself OR equally damaging, that if you play hard to get, make up
competing offers, or in some way bully your way into an improved offer, you'll win. Stay calm. What is it
you want? Is it reasonable? Then just say so.

What to do:

Clarify your value in the market.
Analyze the offer meticulously and be clear about how it compares.
Evaluate the value of each package component and prepare to comment.
Determine what it will take to make an unacceptable offer acceptable, and what items are

Monetary Items
Promised increases
Yearly bonuses
Signing bonuses
Profit sharing
Stock options/ESOPs

Near-Monetary Items
Overtime/Comp time
Company car
Travel awards
Relocation assistance
Expense coverage

Non-Monetary Items
Work & Life Balance
Access to technology
Promised review dates
Travel assignments
Home equipment usage

How to Say It

"I'd like to begin by thanking you for inviting me to join your company. I have carefully reviewed your
proposal. May I share my comments and ask some clarifying questions?"

"I am delighted that you feel I am the best fit for the work you need done."

"I understand that my benefits will include...I am very impressed with your 401K matching policy and can
see good value in your plan..."

"I am very excited to be at this stage in the process and my mindset is enthusiastic. Right now, I also
need to operate from a mindset of financial responsibility. The base salary that I accept now will anchor
my salary progression and may have an exponential impact on future earnings. I want to be responsible
about establishing the correct base salary to start."

"I've considered several salary surveys and reviewed survey information on recent Babson graduates in
this industry and function. It appears that the competitive market for the role we've been discussing is in

12/7/2018 CareerBeam | Interview

the $X-$X range. I understand that you are suggesting a salary of $X as a starting base salary. May we
discuss together the possibility of improving this piece of the package?"

"Would you be willing to advocate for my interest in achieving a higher base salary that would put me at
the high end of this range?"

"If salary is non-negotiable, are there other aspects of the employment package that are negotiable (i.e.
transportation, relocation expenses, vacation, other benefits, start date, accelerated performance


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