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Ryan Vet, MBA takes a majority ownership stake in the Speaking Consulting Network, a leading organization for thought leaders, influencers, speakers, writers, and consultants in dentistry.

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Published by francis, 2022-03-31 09:00:57

Speaking Consulting Network brings on new owner, Ryan Vet, to partner with Lois Banta

Ryan Vet, MBA takes a majority ownership stake in the Speaking Consulting Network, a leading organization for thought leaders, influencers, speakers, writers, and consultants in dentistry.

Keywords: Speaking Consulting Network brings on new owner, Ryan Vet, to partner with Lois Banta

Ryan Vet takes a majority
ownership stake in
Speaking Consulting
Network, partne

For more than 25 years, the Speaking Consulting Network has been the
authority in training and equipping dental speakers and consultants to

lead with integrity in educating and furthering the dental industry.

In 2010, Lois Banta acquired the
Speaking Consulting Network

from Linda Miles and has led the
organization for the past 12

The organization is known for its membership having some of the most
influential speakers and consultants in dentistry for nearly the past two

and a half decades.

Founding member, Katherine Eitel Belt,
CSP, founder and CEO of LionSpeak
Communications Coaching , reflects on her
journey and the future of SCN, "As a
founding member of SCN, I've known this

group was special from Day One.

If you're looking for guidance, tools, and most of all loving
support for your consulting, speaking, or writing career in

dentistry, join SCN.

It's like a rocketship to your dreams!"
SCN's influence is affirmed by having

more speakers present at major
national meetings than any other
speaking and consulting group.

In each, these numbers represent more speakers than from
any other group or organization.

The members of Speaking Consulting
Network directly reach no less than

15,000 unique practices each year and
its members are frequently featured in

national journals, publications, and

Judy Kay Mausolf , one of dentistry's most prolific influencers, speakers, and authors,
confirms "SCN is a cornerstone dental organization and has been instrumental in helping
hundreds of dental speakers, coaches, and writers flourish for over 25 years! It was truly the

launching pad for my career.

The future of SCN is very bright and exciting with
Ryan Vet joining the helm to lead us into a very
fruitful future!" On January 6, 2022, dental industry
veteran and dental speaker, Ryan Vet , MBA,
partnered with Lois Banta by acquiring a majority

ownership stake in the Speaking Consulting

Vet will primarily be working on strategic initiatives to continually reinforce the
legacy of integrity and excellence in the dental speaking and consulting industry

that has set SCN apart for now three generations.

The duo is excited to continually add
value to its existing members as well as
helping to bring new talent to the dental

industry by developing high quality
speakers, writers, and consultants.

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